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Semester 1 2013-2014 8th Grade

Instructor: Ms. Charlie Linnik


Class Overview
This semester in 8th Grade Visual Arts students will apply problem-solving skills to take on artistic challenges. Critical and creative thinking will be applied to understanding and creating works of art based on creative concepts and self-expression. We will see how the arts connect to the world and to the self, and how the skills and techniques used in art can enhance conceptual ideas and theories. Students will practice several different media, and learn techniques that will enable them take an idea and create it into a product. Students will develop personal styles and use art as a means of communication and expression.

Learning Objectives & Goals for Students

Students will be able to: 1. Understand and use vocabulary based from the formal arts world 2. Be able to take what they think and feel in order to create art with meaning and purpose/ To use art as a means of communication and expression 3. Effectively apply aesthetic criticism and use it for their own work and others 4. Create and present outstanding work where they are confident and proud 5. Connect artistic concepts and knowledge with other subjects/disciplines 6. Understand how art illustrates world events and world cultures / See the significance of art and how it connects to the real world 7. Develop a better understanding of why art and the creative process is necessary 8. Understand how to develop an idea, launch and create a project, and present their work

Students are responsible to collect the information, and the work they missed when they were absent. All students are required to make-up missing work before and/or after school.

Rules & Expectations

The 4 Rs Respect Others Respect Materials Respect Yourself Respect the Art Room

Be open-minded, be brave & put forth the effort and work to accomplish amazing things!

Each assignment and project will be given points, which will accumulate to the final grade. The following assignments and activities will be part of the final grade: 1. Participation in class discussion, group work, critiques and clean-up. 2. EFFORT in personal work, projects and activities 3. Weekly assignments (journal responses, practicing art techniques, reading, etc) 4. Projects

* All projects and activities are subject to change * Project sheets with due dates and timelines will be passed out

Semester 1 August 26th to December 20th DATES

August 26th August 30th (1 week) Preparing the Artists Mind Week 1: Having a Growth Mindset believing you are cable of learning and doing anything so long as you practice and put forth effort. What makes a great Art Student, Art Teacher, and a great Art Studio? Encouraging creative thinking and exploring Dialogue Journals: All voices are heard, all artists are supported September 3rd October 10th (7 weeks) Art & Technology- Art Bots Week 1-4: Pre-Thinking: How can technology in art enhance the artists and views experience? What are ways in which technology can be used in art? Drawing Basics (reviews and skills) Introduction to Electronics (circuitry, using micro-servos, soldering, etc.) Experiments: Lighting LEDs, Making Batteries, Creating Circuits Kinetic Art: Art with Movement Preliminary sketches for art piece, Critiques and Celebrations of Ideas


Week 5-7: Experimenting with micro-servos Soldering skills Building final drafts for art piece Connecting electrical components through circuitry, the final path Building final art piece! Exhibition! Celebrations! October 22nd November 23rd (4 weeks) Art, Humanities & Math- Graph It! * An integrated project including Art, Humanities & Math (Art Component) Week 1-2: Perspective Drawing: 1 point, 2 point, 3 point perspective Illusion of Depth in art Colors: Understanding how colors influence tone, meaning and theme Examining the relationships of mathematics in art Developing illustrations from Humanities topics (History Units) Preliminary Drafts and critiques Week 3-4: Graphing Illustrations, final edits Building Projects Exhibition and final display December 2nd December 20th Graphic Novels A Visual Story- Anthology *Integrated project with 6th grade Multi-Media students and teachers Week 1: Using images and art to represent text How to illustrate text into visual stories Writing out and drawing storyboards Week 2: Preliminary drawings and stories Project Workshop Time Week 3: Project Workshop Time Final projects refined and completed

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