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SCHOOL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING Department of Materials Science and Engineering Research positions available
in the context of the EU FP7 ICT project

Computational Lithography for Directed Self-Assembly: Materials, Models, and Processes (CoLiSA-MMP)
Directed self-assembly (DSA) of block copolymers (BCPs) is one of the most promising techniques to enable the continued miniaturization of Integrated Circuits. It combines top-down photolithography for creation of guiding patterns with engineered new materials and processes to facilitate cost-effective bottomup techniques for pattern density multiplication and defect rectification. The CoLiSA.MMP project combines European expertise in soft matter physics, block copolymer chemistry, lithographic process and computational lithography to develop new material and process models and a computational lithography framework for DSA. Existing and new, specially designed atomistic and coarse-grained models will be combined with experimental data to develop and calibrate efficient predictive reduced models, seamlessly integrated in lithographic process simulation. The new modelling capabilities will be used to establish new design flows, including the lithographic generation of guiding patterns and the resulting patterns after DSA.

One post-doctoral associate and one Ph.D. student are sought to work together at the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA) in the context of the CoLiSA-MMP project. Both positions are for 3 years starting on November 1, 2013. 1 Post-doctoral position: Objectives will include contributing to the formulation of a strategy for modelling BCP materials and substrates at atomistic, coarse-grained, and reduced levels; conducting atomistic simulations to derive parameters needed for modelling at the coarse-grained and reduced levels; applying the computational strategy to predict DSA and propose ways to prevent or rectify defect formation for specific BCP materials and processing conditions; identifying BCP chemical constitutions that would be most promising for synthesis and DSA applications; and optimizing these constitutions based on insight gained from multiscale molecular simulations and from experiment. Compensation will be around 50 k/year, depending on experience and qualifications. 1 Ph.D. position: Objectives will include conducting atomistic simulations of BCP materials and substrates to estimate structural, energetic, thermodynamic, and dynamical properties important for the DSA process; coupling atomistic simulations to mesoscopic and reduced models; reversemapping structures obtained via mesoscopic models back to the atomistic level to estimate local properties; and contributing to the development of optimised BCP materials for DSA applications through modelling. Compensation will be approximately 23 k/year, depending on experience and qualifications. Applications, including a detailed curriculum vitae with list of publications and contact information of two references familiar with the candidates work, should be sent by e-mail to Professor Doros N. Theodorou,, +30 210 772 3157.

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