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Lord of Lords said,
Long, long, long ago this divine Gita,
Taught I to Sun God Vivaswana,
He taught it to his son Manu,
Who in turn to his son Iksvaku,

Thus flowed this divine knowledge,

By succession age after age,
But in the whirlpool of space and time
Got distorted and lost it’s rhyme.

Once again here I recite thee,

O My loving friend and devotee,

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This divine song again here,

And rid thee from ignorance, O dear.

Arjuna asked
Some million years older to you is Sun God.
How could You then teach him Gita, O my Lord?

Lord Krsna said,

Many, many births you and I got,
I remember them all, but you forgot.

Unborn, imperishable, Lord of all I am,

Yet divine form I take once a millennium.

Whenever and wherever religion is maligned,

By wild display of irreligiously aligned,
Again and again I incarnate on the earth,
Like a living entity I take birth.

Seers and saints and pious I liberate.

Vicious, wicked and demons I annihilate.
I then the religious norms re-establish.
And livelihood to poor and helpless furnish.
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Those that accept Me as God incarnate,

Seeing Me and My mysticism fascinate,
Know Me only, as The Ultimate,
Attain perfection and do liberate

Arjuna, know Me and self fully well,

This world is maya, a materialistic hell.
Detach thyself from maya and love Me,
From bondages, anger and fear be free.

As one loves and surrenders unto Me,

Likewise, O Partha, is rewarded he,
And will surely rise as much above.
As does follow My path with love,


People riding sense enjoyment,

Are deluded by fruits not permanent;
Worship they demigods for quick results,
Poisoning self, the poor ignorants.

Man’s aptitude, attitude and nature,

Decide what be his present and future.
Four divisions of men accordingly I made,
Brahman, Ksatriya, Vaisya, sudra are said.
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Though the creator, aloof I stand,

Require I nothing, try and understand.
As sun doeth lit up every one,
Yet expect nothing in return.
One who knows this truth about Me,
Is free and is unattached devotee.

Remember them, who were freed thus.

Get up now and fight and don’t make fuss.

Action, forbidden action and inaction,

Listen from Me their secret, O son.
Even jnanis are confused here,
Know them carefully, O My dear.

Action or inaction or forbidden action,

If done for Me have no reaction.
Even a good action is forbidden action,
If it doesn’t have My sanction.
And inaction becomes action,
Which has My permission.

Action in inaction and inaction in action,

See only an intelligent yogi in devotion,
Who, any kind of activity, can perform,
Yet is free from reaction and it’s harm. \\18\\
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Devoid of delusion, lust and desire

An endeavor free of motive exterior,
In full knowledge of Me and My wish,
Liberates from the net an active fish.

Ever satisfied and ever happy,

Does duty to the best of his ability,
Rest every thing leaves he to Me,
Cares not fruits and results any.

Perfectly poised in mind and brain

All activities, to Me, does ascertain,
And renounce all his worldly possessions,
Never is affected by good or bad actions.

Always happy, with whatever he gains,

Success or failure, equality maintains.
Without attachment sacrifices his karma,
Jnani performs his true dharma.

With mind and body fixed in Me,

In a state of trance or samadhi,
If one performs spiritual yajna for Me,
Attains he and his actions to siddhi.
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Karma and doer, knowledge and knower

Know is only one pure Brahma everywhere.

Many worship demigods for benefits easy,

But a true devotee in bhakti is ever busy,
Sacrificing his possessions unto Me,
Know him, Arjuna, a true yogi.

Some wipe out senses by self control,

As does the tortoise limbs in the shell.
Some regulate speech and hearing
Some others seeing and indulging

Some control mind and senses

Some sacrifice their possessions
Some severe austerities perform
Some practice eight fold yogic charm

Some meditate deep in trance

Some curtail eating and romance
Some are engrossed in Vedas fully
Few ways to realize self and Me totally
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All such yajnas cleanse one’s sins,

Doer of them, over Me, truly wins.
None can ever be happy without sacrifice.
Perform thy duty, O Partha, and arise.

Yajna must be done in true knowledge,

Else know it as such only verbiage.
O Partha, Jnanayoga is far superior.
That will bring you to Me, nearer

Submit thyself to self realized,

One that has truth visualized,
And know all are part of mine,
And be liberated like sunshine.

May one be sinner of sinners,

But if rowing in a boat of swimmers,
Surely crosses the ocean of miseries,
And reaches the shore of heavenly treasuries.

As flaring fire to ashes wood burns,

So the fire of knowledge sins turns.

One with pure, sublime, divine knowledge,

Know, is situated happily in Me always.
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He gets sweet fruits of penance,

That’s result of union of yajnas.

Faith and devotion is the truth ultimate.

Without them, what will be one’s fate?
Self-realized attains to peace and Me.
Faithless falls down so easily.

Thus one who acts in true devotion,

And renounces fruits of his action,
Without fear and doubt, in full knowledge,
Is ever happy and free from bondage.

O Arjuna, meditate on this divine knowledge,

You are My devotee with rich heritage.
Now, get up and fight against irreligion,
And see the liberation glitter on the horizon.


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