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Krsna said, Listen carefully now, My friend,
My divine opulence never have an end.
Much superior knowledge, now I reveal,
Knowing, surely be benefited you will.

Great sages and yogis know My origin,

Though the creator of all I am virgin.
With limited senses none can see Me,
I am the matter, spirit and energy.

Unborn, without beginning and end,

Lord of all worlds, I am thy friend.
I am transcendental and unchangeable,
Those that know this are free and able. \\3\\
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Senses, mind, intellect and knowledge,

Birth, death, fear and courage,
Good, bad, truth and purity,
Nonviolence, equanimity, simplicity, charity!
Happiness, distress, forgiveness, satisfaction,
Fame, insult, action and inaction,
All are due to Me only, O Pratha’s son

Brahma, Vishnu, Maheshvara,

The creator, the maintainer, the destroyer,
Great sages, Manus, demigod’s and saptrishis,
All are only My expansions and energies!

Those firmly convinced of My power,

Know, of all forefathers I am the father.
I am supreme mystic power and knower,
Must all engage in My service forever.

Everything in nature emanates from Me,

I am never ending source of all energy.
Spiritual and material worlds I control,
My true devotees ever enjoy My role

Devotees worship Me with emotion,

Chant and dance with full devotion.
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Busy in My service, always meditate,

With pure mind, fully they dedicate. \\9\\

Those in bhakti, deeply love Me,

Ever enjoy My bliss and mercy,
Never think or desire anything,
Other than Me want they nothing.

Arjuna said
As The Supreme, Purest, Strongest, Richest,
Great sages Narada, Asit and Vyasa, did accept
Thee and worship in praise and love faithfully,
That now You Yourself ascertained totally.

Demons or Gods! None know thee truly,

Accept I thee as You declared fully.
Indeed, You only know thee fully well,
O all pervading, everywhere You dwell.

O Krsna! Kindly reveal Thy opulence now,

O Master mystic, to know thee well, think how?
Reveal Thy various forms to be remembered,
Ignorant I am, unto thee fully rendered.
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O Krsna! More I hear more I wish,

Want to drink the nectar like a fish.

Lord Krsna said

Arjuna, limitless are My opulances,
Prominent ones, tell I in these verses.

Seated in every heart, I am the Supersoul,

Beginning, middle and end, the final goal.

Lord Vishnu I am among Adityas,

Glow of the sun, creator of the Vedas,
Twinkle of stars, cool of the moon,
Wind God Marichi, rain God Varun.

Samaveda among all the vedas

Indra, king of heaven, among devas,
Living force, of every living being,
Without Me can exist nothing.

Among Rudras I am Shiva

Among Yaksas I am kubera
I am fire and mountain Meru,
Warrior of warriors, O pious Kuru!
Ch.10 Opulence Of the Absolute 10/5

Great Mountain The Himalaya,

Great General The Kartikeya,
Great sages Bhrugu and Brahaspati,
Divine sound OM, O son of Kunti.
Laxmi, Saraswati, Parvati,
Durga, Amba, Savitri, Sati
I am saptarangas and saptasuras
Wih pure devotees play I krida ras
Banyan tree and Gandharva chitraratha,
Muni Narada and Kapila, O Partha.

Divine horse Uccaihsrava,

Divine elephant Airavata,
Know Me king of kings,
Looking after all living beings.

Lord of death, I am Yama,

Of departed souls Aryama,
Many-hooded snake Ananta,
That ever serves Me, O Partha.

Pralhad and Dhruva in daityas

Writer of The Gita, Ved Vyasa,
I am the lion, King of jungle,
The Giant Garuda, Vishnu’s vehicle.
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I am Ganga, the holiest river,

I am Surabhi, the life giver,
I am Lord Rama killer of Ravana,
Biggest fish I am in the ocean.

Beginning, middle and end,

Prana Vayu, I only send,
Logistics and its logic,
The magician and magic.

I am, Eternal time and its mover,

Punishment and its waver,
Brahma and His creator,
And the ‘A’ very first letter,

I am, Deliverance, death and liberation,

Beauty and intelligence of woman,
Her modesty, patience, faith, and fame,
Soft voice, pious nature, and name.

Greatest poem: Gayatri and Gita

Highest purity: Ganga and Sita
Melodious vedic hymn: Brhatsam
Flowering season: Spring I am.
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Gambit of gambler, victor’s victory,

Splendor of splendid, Rich one’s glory.

Vasudeva, Balaram, Rama, Hanumana,

Dharma, Arjuna, Bhim, Laxmana,
Kansa, Ravana, Kumbhakarna, Vibhisan,
Know them My three mode energies, son.

Seed giving father I am of all,

But for Me, everything will fall.
Of good and bad I am discriminator,
Poet’s Usna I am power of an orator.

Silence in suspense,
Sensibility in sense,
Wisdom of wise,
Sun that doth rise.

O Arjuna, Infinite is My opulence,

Revealed here I only a glimpse.

Anything stunning, grand and glorious,

Radiating purity know Me as obvious.
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Arjuna, of what avail is this all to thee?
Ant, elephant, mountain, planet or galaxy,
Every thing I manifest with My energy.
Now, get up and fight with thy mind free.


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