Field Nature Enjoyer: Chapter Thirteen

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Arjuna said
O Supreme, O Infallible, O Prime Mover,
What is field, knower, nature and enjoyer?
To know, I am so curious and eager,
Explain me them, O my dear!

Lord Krsna said

This body, O Partha, is the field of activity.
The knower of the field is owner of this city.

I, knower of knowers, the supreme knower,

Know all fields and reside every where.
Knower is not different from Me,
We belong to one race and family. \\3\\

13/2 Gita My Mother Ch-13

Now hear about this field of activity,

Whence, how, it comes and goes, with clarity,
Also knower and super knower, from Me,
The super soul, soul of souls, O son of Kunti.

Many sages and scriptures talked on this,

As what, the relation between them all, is?
Listen from me now its glimpse,
Always meditate on these hymns.

Five great elements, the unmanifest and passions,

Senses, eyes, nose, tongue, skin and ears
Voice, hands, legs, genitals and arms
Smell, taste, sound, touch and forms
Ego, mind, intelligence and matter
Broadly constitute the field, O fighter

The true knowledge, O Pandava, listen from Me,

Cleanliness, nonviolence, tolerance and simplicity,
Steadiness, self-control, respect for guru and serenity,
Renouncing desires, ego, household and beauty,
Oneness in happiness, sorrow and honor, dishonor,
Freedom from greed, anger and bad behavior,
Staying away from masses, always in solitude,
Searching Me and self, with faith and positude, \\8\9\\

Ch-13 Field Nature Enjoyer 13/3

Happiness in bliss of My beauty,

Without any desire performing duty,
Faith devotion and heart’s purity,
Honesty, resolve, and mind’s sincerity,
Detachment, equanimity and courage
Fearlessness of disease and old age
All this, I declare true knowledge.
Rest is ignorance and verbiage.

O Partha, drink now the nectar, the knowable,

Eternal, the absolute knowledge that’s lovable.
The spirit soul, beyond cause and effect,
With no beginning and end, is My subset.

I am the eternal knower of all knowers,

Passing thru fixed and moving as a thread,
With many heads, legs, eyes, hands and ears,
Everywhere in the universe out spread.

I am the super soul, mentor of all beings,

Detached yet from all material things.
I am beyond material modes of nature,
Though I am their master and creator.

Subtlest yet largest, farthest yet nearest,

Only be seen by dearest and purest.

13/4 Gita My Mother Ch-13

Outside, inside occupy I everything,

Here or there, without Me is nothing.

Although everywhere and in every thing,

Yet unbroken I am only one string.
I am creator, maintainer and destroyer.
I am supreme enjoyer and saviour.

I am the light of moon, stars and sun,

Knower, knowable, knowledge and unknown.
I am darkness within darkness and beyond,
Of all living and nonliving a strong bond.

Field, knowledge, knowable and knower,

Now to thee, explained I here.
Only My devotees know Me perfectly,
And to My nature attain definitely.

Both material nature and entities living,

Are eternal, unborn and without beginning,
That existed even before cosmic creation,
And come in to being as My manifestation.
Nature and body know is field, O Arjuna,
I am supreme Purusha and knower only one

Ch-13 Field Nature Enjoyer 13/5

One’s past decides the body one gets,

Law of karma thus, this stage sets.
Every form owes to one’s own nature,
Yet, I do ever accompany every creature.

Living beings enjoy three mode nature,

That dictate their form and future.
Either they are upgraded or degraded,
And upon transcending liberated.

I am the lord and the proprietor.

I only am the supreme enjoyer.
I am super soul, knowable and knower.
I am guru guide and philosopher,
Spirit soul in all beings,
Regulate I nature’s all wings

Those that understand this philosophy well,

Partha, will be liberated and unto Me dwell.

Some perceive Me by meditation, Dhyanyoga,

Some by knowledge of soul and Me, Jnanayoga,
Some others by non-fruitive work, Karmayoga,
Some others yet by pure devotion, Bhaktioga.

13/6 Gita My Mother Ch-13

May be one not conversant in verses!

But a soul blessed by guru traverses,
And then turns as My true devotee,
And from birth and death is free.

O Partha, moving n fixed that you see,

Are fusion of My low and high energy.
I am the master of matter and spirit,
And create the cosmos and maintain it.

Super soul and soul, stay together,

Field may vanish, but they do never,
All activities owe to field and nature,
Self soul but is detached from matter,
One who sees this degrades never,
Such a soul attains to Me forever.

Unity in diversity and diversity in unity,

This is true nature of My beauty.
Soul, though one, gets many forms,
Wise that knows, has divine norms.

Infinity to zero, zero to infinity,

The soul know, Arjuna, is such an entity.
Elephant, man, hog, cow or monkey,
One that thinks one, comes to Me. \\32\\

Ch-13 Field Nature Enjoyer 13/7

As all pervading sky touches nothing,

Soul too, is free from every thing.
Sun enlightens all particles in cosmos,
Soul likewise enlivens all forms.

Thus, those who know subtleties of soul,

And super soul, field and knower well,
Are perfected, liberated, knowledgeable,
Free of material bonds, become eligible. \\35\\


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