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maps volume xvii

number 3 winter 2oo67

My Personal Experience with Cancer, Psychedelics, and Medical Marijuana

By Liana Liana can be contacted at


a 52-year-old neuropsychologist, wife, mother, and grandmother who was diagnosed with ovarian cancer in 2002. Fortunately, it was discovered early and did not appear to have spread beyond one ovary. After surgery and chemotherapy, my doctors thought there was a very good chance that the cancer would not recur. There was no sign of recurrence until January 2005, when the score on my CA125 (cancer marker blood test) started to rise, suggesting that the cancer was back.
When I was first diagnosed in 2002, I was certain Id be fine. Now that it looked as though I was having a recurrence, however, for the first time it seemed possible that this just might kill me. Thanks to prior psychedelic and other life experiences, I didnt consider myself to be particularly afraid of death, but the thought of the suffering and pain associated with death from cancer was quite frightening to me. I also still had too many things I wanted to do, particularly helping to raise my granddaughter. I was quite distraught about the possibility of dying within the next few years. Although I managed to get to work and functioned okay there, when my mind wasnt occupied with work it was hard to think about anything but my uncertain future. I remembered an article I had read years ago in the MAPS Bulletin (Ayahuasca and Cancer: One Mans Experience, 1998, Volume VIII, No. 3, p. 22-27) by Dr. Donald Topping. He seemed to have been able to cure a recurrence of liver cancer during an ayahuasca session. (He unexpectedly lived for several more good years, although he did eventually succumb to cancer.) Having believed for many years in the therapeutic use of psychedelics, I decided it was time to put my money where my mouth was. Fortunately, I was able to arrange an ayahuasca session. My guide arrived early in the morning carrying a black bag and what looked like a keg of moonshine. We took a lot of time choosing a space in my home for the trip and finally settled on the living room, with me on the couch. We drew the shades, turned off the lights, lit lots of candles, and moved my favorite piece of art and source of inspiration, a Tibetan thangka depicting Avalokiteshvara, into the living room. My guide did smoke offerings, dedicating the trip, and put music on. I took the medicine and donned eyeshades. When the trip was well under way, my guide had me ask the spirit of ayahuasca if I still had cancer. I seemed to feel the plant spirit scanning my body like a CT scan, from left to right, looking for cancer cells. The spirit did not seem to find anything. My guide asked if I could see the plant spirit. I could not see it, but I could feel it physically. He suggested the spirit not only scan, but also clean out any cancer cells and chemotherapy residues. He had me imagine a purification fire, with flames burning me clean. I was not having any visual hallucinations, so my guide offered a booster dose. When that took effect, I went to a whole new level, with beautiful colors and

Having believed for many years in the therapeutic use of psychedelics, I decided it was time to put my money where my mouth was.

maps volume xvii

number 3 winter 2oo67


patterns. With eye shades on and eyes closed, I saw the had been thinking a lot about my own death. It happens Plant Spirit in the right side of my field of vision. I was that at that time I was reading Christopher Baches book expecting jaguars and snakes, having read the literature, Dark Night, Early Dawn in which he describes some but he showed himself to me as The Hunter, holding a extremely dark LSD experiences in great detail. Given this bow and arrow and other symbolic items that I couldnt fuel for my imagination, on the morning of the trip I quite make out. I expressed thanks to him and asked if he found myself feeling terrified. My friend/guide arrived would now be one of my guides. He accepted and our and we talked about my plans for this trip. He did a energies merged. I experienced an incredible feeling of wonderful blessing, which was quite comforting. He gave thankfulness and grace. The Plant Spirit and I whirled me a blue crystal to hold for a while. It reminded me of the around in a cosmic dance for a while, then that stopped sky and helped change my state of mind to spaciousness and I felt all sorts of unusual but pleasant physical sensaand openness rather than fear. Then I ate the mushrooms. tions. I heard a mixture of sounds including human voices, As soon as they began to work it was clear that this wasnt digestive sounds, bits of cartoon going to be a horror trip. I should have soundtracks, etc., the same as those Ive known to trust the medicine. heard on LSD. As always, no specific Once I was feeling the full effects, words were decipherable. my friend instructed me to close my In the meantime, My guide and I did other exploraeyes and scan my body. I was able to do tions regarding relationships with so to a point, but I kept becoming rather than family members, etc. Once in a while, afraid and opening my eyes again when we were discussing some difficult when it started feeling very dense and wasting time aspect of my life, I vomited into a heavy. We talked about my fears, of bucket that had been placed next to me. mutilation from additional surgeries, of anticipating As others had told me, the vomiting a long and painful death. My friend, seemed to be a way of purging toxins who has had experience with other the worst, from the body and was not terribly cancer patients, was very comforting. I unpleasant. In general, I felt quite good tried going deeper, but was unable to I shouldnt and not nauseated. find anything bad in my body that After a number of hours, my guide needed to be expelled. After the let the cancer left and I settled into bed. There was a ayahuasca experience I was somehow period of time during which I got dizzy expecting to purge, but that did not stop me from every time I moved until I was able to happen. interpret that as follows: Everything is I kept trying to look into my body, enjoying life. actually always spinning out of control. as closely as I could tolerate. Rather I have to relax and let it happen, let it than seeing illness or decay, I felt very spin, not try to control it, just go with it. alive, healthy, and vibrant. Although I When the effects of the ayahuasca got the sense the cancer was back, I wore off, which took about 24 hours, I was left with a couldnt identify any invading cells. The message I got was marvelous feeling of relief. I was completely certain that I that I could not rid my body of cancer. For reasons unwas not having a recurrence and I stopped worrying about known to me, some of my cells had mutated into cancer it. After additional blood tests, CT scans, and an MRI, it cells, but they were still my own cells rather than foreign looked as though it was true. My doctors didnt know why bodies (e.g., virus, bacteria). I was not going to be able to I had had those scary lab test results, but my labs returned sweep them into a nice, neat pile and purge them from my to the normal range and I seemed to be fine. I felt that body. My task now was to learn to live (or die) with them. ayahuasca had allowed me to look into my body and know The upcoming six-month period, during which I would what was happening before my doctors could figure it out. undergo another round of chemotherapy, was reframed as Rather than being worried and stressed during those a six-month retreat. I was to use that time for healing and months of tests, I had peace of mind. spiritual practice. I am a Buddhist practitioner and already Things were not as they seemed, however. One very had been taught some healing practices during my full and happy year after my ayahuasca experience, my previous round of chemo. Now I would have the opportuCA125 score began to rise again, this time with frightennity to devote more time to those. There would also be ing speed. I had little time to search out another ayahuasca time to work on psychological issues, and so I decided to session and chose instead to try psilocybin cubensis with a find a good therapist to help me through this time of crisis close friend who is an experienced guide. Although it was and self-healing. I got the sense that I would have some not 100% certain that the cancer was back, it was exdegree of control over what happened to my body on a tremely likely. Thus I approached this trip with a very cellular level. If I took care of myself, deepened my different mindset than any trip I had ever taken before. I spiritual practice, and tried to make my work a part of my


maps volume xvii

number 3 winter 2oo67

spiritual practice, I felt confident that I could hold the all I needed to legally possess, use, and even grow maricancer cells at bay for at least a while, hopefully long juana for my personal use. enough for my granddaughter to reach her teens. In the Marinol worked quite well, eliminating the nausea meantime, rather than wasting time anticipating the completely, but it sometimes made me so stoned that it worst, I shouldnt let the cancer stop me from enjoying was unpleasant. Twice I had anxiety attacks from it, life. It was such a blessing to be able to get this perspective during which I was unable to control obsessive, worried when coping with my illness. This would help me to learn thoughts. In addition, I developed a tolerance to the antifrom it, rather than spending the rest of my days in a state nausea effect after a day or two. I went to a local Pot Club of panic or denial. and purchased a potpourri (no pun intended) of products, The trip ended and life went on. At first, there was including pot, chocolate truffles, a candy bar, and somenothing on CT scan, but then a month later another scan thing called tincture which, the salesperson assured me, showed several tiny tumors and I immediately began would not get me stoned. The edible goodies worked and another round of chemotherapy. did not give me anxiety attacks, but Obviously, the all clear message I after 3 or 4 days I became bored with thought I had gotten during my being stoned, unable to do anything but ayahuasca trip in 2005 had not been lie around and listen to music. With Interestingly, correct. I do believe, however, that it some skepticism, I switched to the gave me peace of mind and possibly tincture and, amazingly, it worked like even here staved off the cancer for an additional a charm without getting me stoned. year, and for that I am extremely All the edible pot products, includin liberal grateful. ing Marinol and the tincture, took up to Now it has been almost four an hour to work. With a little experiCalifornia, months since I left work to undergo mentation, I learned that I could smoke this second course of chemotherapy. I a little pot first, which worked immediI had to have explored Buddhist thought ately, and that way I would feel okay regarding the process of death and while waiting for the edibles to kick in. specifically ask rebirth and have done a lot of spiritual I used very mild pot so I could still practice. I have a wonderful therapist function to a degree after I smoked it. my doctor who has helped me cope with the stress I want everyone who is going of being severely ill. With my therapist through chemotherapy to know that for these I have focused on the dynamics of my this line of treatment is amazingly relationships with my husband, family, helpful. Interestingly, even here in products. and friends that have been making this liberal California, I had to specifically process both easier (via incredible ask my doctor for these products. One emotional support) and more difficult MD friend who recently attended a (via old maladaptive patterns of Continuing Medical Education course interaction). I am much less stressed out and fearful than I on end of life issues, pain management, and palliative care was when the chemotherapy began. Im confident that Ill told me that medical marijuana was never even menhave a good period of remission during which I can spend tioned. Why is that? more quality time with my family, go back to my work as a Obviously, there is a stigma attached to marijuana neuropsychologist and psychologist, and accomplish some and psychedelics, and as a result many people who could of those things outside of work that I had been putting off benefit from them are denied safe, legal access. Rather until later. than being seen as part of the War on Drugs, their I would like to end this article by briefly discussing therapeutic and medicinal potentials should be fully my experiences with medical marijuana and the prescripinvestigated and made readily available to everyone tion drug, Marinol. The first of my six chemotherapy who could potentially benefit from them. treatments was worse than I remembered it having ever been during my previous round of therapy, and I despaired at having to go through that five more times. The anti-nausea medications my doctor had prescribed didnt work that well and had unpleasant side effects. Although my doctor had never mentioned Marinol or marijuana as alternative treatments, once I asked about them he immediately wrote me a prescription for Marinol. He also wrote me a letter stating that I was a candidate for medical marijuana. Since I live in California, the letter was

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