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August 2013
Exploration may result in new ndings or the conrmation of old ndings.



Hello QUEST Families, I am thrilled to be teaching 7th grade QUEST this year. Having always been a hands-on teacher, the problem-based learning format is right up my alley. While I wish I could see them all day, every day, the schedule weve worked out is as follows. On Thursdays the children will be pulled out of 1st and 2nd periods (religion and math). Fridays, they will attend QUEST 5th period (language arts).

Lets Explore!
QUEST students are NOT required to make-up classwork that they miss when pulled-out. They will receive an E for excused in the grade book. Students ARE responsible for any homework assigned that night. I am working closely with the math, religion, and language arts teachers to make sure that while in QUEST, the children are not missing important content. If it is necessary for one or all of the children to remain in class instead of attending QUEST, they can just pick up where they left off when they return.

7th Grade Schedule Thursday 8:00-9:35 Friday 11:20-12:05



Problem-based learning (PBL) is a method of teaching in which teachers use real-world problems as the starting point for the acquisition of new knowledge (Lambros, 2). Upon encountering the problem scenario, students create a list of facts (what they already know). Based on this list, the students then determine what they need to Xind out (learning issues) in order to generate a list of possible solutions. This cycle continues as students research and reassess their learning needs as they come closer and closer to a defendable solution. Through the PBL process students use critical thinking, problem-solving, research, and cooperative learning skills.

The seventh grade yearlong theme of EXPLORATION was chosen for the enduring understandings and generalizations: 1. Self-reXlection allows us to recognize our purpose and respond to it. 2. Exploration confronts the unknown. 3. Exploration may result in new Xindings or the conXirmation of old Xindings.

Ann Gohsman, M.Ed. 6th & 7th Quest Teacher agohsman@popplano.org (972) 380-5505 x209 (school) (214) 207-9024 (cell)


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