FR Training Cert Worksheets 080412 2

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Worksheet 1: Basics of Kinesiology Resource: Chapter 1 of Baseline Training Certification Text

1. Label the following planes

2. Label the following exercises with their primary plane of movement. (e.g. walking occurs primarily in the sagittal plane, shoulder abd/add occurs in the frontal plane, and neck lateral rotation occurs in the transverse plane) Exercise Squat Lateral Lunge Deadlift Shoulder External Rotation Hip Abduction Cable Seated Row Shoulder flexion Hip extension Supinated grip lat pulldown Side Shuffle Primary Plane of Movement

3. Label the following muscles as anteriorly or posteriorly located on the body Muscle Pectoralis major Biceps brachii Anterior or Posterior

Trapezius Rectus abdominis Latissimus dorsi Quadriceps External Obliques Infraspinatus Gluteus Maximus Gastrocnemius and Soleus

4. Describe the primary movement (flexion, abduction, supination, plantarflexion, protraction, etc.) at the listed joint during the following phases of exercise Joint Hip Shoulder Hip Forearm (Proximal radio-ulnar joint- elbow joint that rotates the forearm) Knee of lead leg Hip of trailing leg Shoulder Ankle Scapula (scapulothoracic joint) Ankle of lead leg Shoulder Shoulder Phase of Exercise Concentric Phase of Deadlift Eccentric Phase of Supinated Grip Pullup Eccentric Phase of Squat From reference position, turning the palm to face backward Concentric Phase of Forward Lunge Eccentric Phase of Lateral Lunge Second Jump of Jumping Jack Concentric Phase of Jump Concentric Phase of Bent-Over Row Eccentric Phase of Forward Lunge Concentric Phase of Dumbbell Fly Touching your abdomen with elbow kept at your side Movement

5. List the prime mover(s) or agonist(s) for the following exercises Exercise Squat Pushup Band resisted side shuffle Cable resisted shoulder external rotation Barbell Shoulder Press Supinated Grip Pullup Prime Movers

Worksheet 2: Exercise Basics Resource: Chapter 2 of Baseline Training Certification Text

A client has been training the following movements and has the following 10 RMs (rep maximums): Exercise Back Squat Barbell Bench Press Dumbbell Shoulder Press Bulgarian split squat with kettlebells Wide Grip Lat Pulldown Low-Pulley Seated Row (Cable) 10 RM (pounds) 185 165 40 per arm 40 per arm 135 105

Answer the following questions about the scenario: 1. If he wanted to start training to improve maximal strength, should he be lifting greater, less than, or approximately equal to his 10 RM loads? 2. When training for muscular hypertrophy, which of those exercises (if any) should he perform with a weight belt? 3. Which of those exercises (if any) should he perform in a power rack? 4. For which of those exercises (if any) would it be feasible for him to use a neutral grip? 5. For which of those exercises (if any) would you highly recommend he use the Valsalva maneuver if training for muscular endurance? 6. Which (if any) of those exercises are multi-joint exercises? 7. Is it possible to put those exercises into an exercise complex? 8. If he wanted to increase his power production for these exercises, what types of things can he focus on? (Open Ended Question)

Worksheet 3: Art and Science of Coaching Fitness Resource: Chapter 3 of Baseline Training Certification Text 1. What are the three components of the skill setting process?

2. Create and write out an example skill set for a lateral lunge

3. One potential skill set for the reverse lunge exercise is 1. Step Back; 2. Parallel feet; 3. Stay tall; 4. Drive through the heel. When teaching using this skill set, list 4 questions you might ask your client(s) to reinforce this skill set?

4. One potential skill set for the hip hinge is 1. Set your feet; 2. Unlock the knees; 3. Butt to wall; 4. Stand and squeeze. What are some things you might say when explaining or describing each of these steps to a client?

5. What makes for a good coaching cue? What makes a poor coaching cue?

6. List out the four types of personalities described in the text, and next to each of them, write out how you would 1. Compliment a person with that personality; 2. Correct a person with that personality when not performing an exercise properly.

Worksheet 4: Movement Patterns Resource: Chapter 4 and Appendix A of Baseline Training Certification Text 1. What potential verbal and physical coaching cues would you give in each of A, B, and C?

A. B. C.

2. What potential cues would you give this person performing a supinated lat pulldown?

Verbal: Physical:

3. What potential cues would you give this person performing a pushup?

Verbal: Physical: 4. If cueing does not fix the problems with the pushup, what are your other options? (Open ended)

5. What potential cues would you give this person initiating a deadlift?

Verbal: Physical:

6. If cueing does not fix the problems with the deadlift, what are your other options? (Open ended)

Worksheet 5: Safety Resource: Chapter 5 of Baseline Training Certification Text 1. One of your clients complains of chest pain. What steps should you take?

2. One of your clients is hit in the head with medicine ball and falls to the floor. What steps should you take?

3. One of your clients is complaining of pain in his quadriceps when performing squats. What might the problem be, and what types of questions should you ask?

4. It is hot in your gym, and you see someone out of the corner of your eye fall to the ground? What might the problem be, and what steps should you take?

Worksheet 6: Nutrition Resource: Chapter 6 of Baseline Training Certification Text 1. In your own words, describe how good nutrition practices will help lead to optimal performance during exercise or sport.

2. Write out the 9 principles of successful everyday nutrition for clients 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 3. What is the role of carbohydrates during exercise, and how will low carbohydrate diets typically affect general fitness clients during training.

4. In terms of nutrition, what would you recommend for a general fitness client with no food allergies following a vigorous workout? Give your recommendation in terms of timing, numbers, and examples of specific foods/supplements.

5. What types of fats should be approximately in balance in a diet? Give an example food source of each. Which types of fats and oils should be avoided?

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