#HPM Transcript 08.14.13

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#hpm - Healthcare Social Media Transcript

#hpm transcript
Healthcare Social Media Transcript
From: To: Wed Aug 14 18:00:00 PDT 2013 Wed Aug 14 19:15:00 PDT 2013 change time period

What is #hpm? Who were the influencers during this time period? #hpm analytics Healthcare Conference - Healthcare Tweet Chats - Healthcare Analytics


Hello world. Top of the hour and time to start the #hospice and #palliative care/medicine tweetchat. Come in and introduce yourself! #hpm
Wed Aug 14 18:00:06 PDT 2013


I will be your excellent host tonight and leading you through topics thoughtful and fun covering research and movies, adults and kids! #hpm
Wed Aug 14 18:00:54 PDT 2013


Kathy Brandt, the kb group. Hi everyone! #hpm

Wed Aug 14 18:01:24 PDT 2013


Hello everyone Im in Columbia Mo a pall care hospice researcher with University of Mo #hpm
Wed Aug 14 18:01:35 PDT 2013


RT @hollyby: FYI: Nice article on Top 10 things #palliative care clinicians wished everyone knew http://t.co/IfAU6LHWZB #hpm Please RT
Wed Aug 14 18:01:40 PDT 2013


Intro; Christian Sinclair, board certified hospice/palliative care doc, home= Kansas City, tweeting from Atlanta, GA. Freq Flyer. #hpm
Wed Aug 14 18:01:53 PDT 2013


@oliverdr @Kathy_brandt Hey you two! Great to see you here. Debbie, I will be in Columbia in a few days! #hpm
Wed Aug 14 18:02:24 PDT 2013


For those who miss http://t.co/pn4GUm30K0 try tchat.io Tried it recently with pretty



#hpm - Healthcare Social Media Transcript

good success. RIP http://t.co/KnWQBqotiS website #hpm

Wed Aug 14 18:03:07 PDT 2013


@ctsinclair hoping we can have dinner Friday @doctatum got a reservation #hpm
Wed Aug 14 18:03:09 PDT 2013


Bruce Scott from Dayton(ish) OH. Academic Palligeriatrician. #hpm

Wed Aug 14 18:03:12 PDT 2013


@ctsinclair Been looking forward to #hpm chat! Kim CHPN from SEK.
Wed Aug 14 18:03:13 PDT 2013


Made it to a chat! Pediatric resident here, watching @maddow in the background... #hpm
Wed Aug 14 18:03:38 PDT 2013


RT @KGoffRN: @ctsinclair Been looking forward to #hpm chat! Kim CHPN from SEK. "aka South East Kansas?" #hpm
Wed Aug 14 18:03:43 PDT 2013


Have a great chat! RT @ctsinclair: Hello world. Top of the hour and time to start the #hospice and #palliative care/medicine tweetchat #hpm
Wed Aug 14 18:03:53 PDT 2013


@skipbidder great specialty palligeriatrician #hpm

Wed Aug 14 18:04:01 PDT 2013


Using #hpm tweetchat as a self-care technique, while I listen to my Brewers losing, and I enjoy a Bigfoot Barleywine.
Wed Aug 14 18:04:03 PDT 2013


RT @TexasKidDoc: Made it to a chat! Pediatric resident here, watching @maddow in the background "ha me too!" #hpm
Wed Aug 14 18:04:06 PDT 2013


Good tip RT @ctsinclair: For those who miss http://t.co/ojVRbH1aKj try tchat.io Tried it recently with success #hpm
Wed Aug 14 18:05:18 PDT 2013


@drmikesevilla Thanks Mike! Let me know when you are in KC next. I want you to check out my podcasting setup! #hpm
Wed Aug 14 18:05:32 PDT 2013


@TexasKidDoc have to mute it right now. War/violence on the news is hard to have on in the background #hpm
Wed Aug 14 18:06:05 PDT 2013


RT @JenMarsh2: Young Doctors Pave Way for End-of-Life Conversations http://t.co/hgdsqJWG6P via @abc #eol #hpm
Wed Aug 14 18:06:19 PDT 2013




#hpm - Healthcare Social Media Transcript


@ctsinclair SEK = Southeast Kansas. Yes! Part of a new hospice program down here. #hpm
Wed Aug 14 18:06:23 PDT 2013


We have the makings of an epic crowd for chat tonight. #AlwaysPandertotheAudience #hpm
Wed Aug 14 18:06:40 PDT 2013


@ctsinclair but @RichardEngel is so good #hpm

Wed Aug 14 18:06:46 PDT 2013


joining in for a short time. glad to me here! #hpm

Wed Aug 14 18:06:56 PDT 2013


@TexasKidDoc I know but my empathic hpm heart just cant take it. #hpm
Wed Aug 14 18:07:08 PDT 2013


RT @equijada: joining in for a short time. glad to me here! #hpm "Hooray Earl!!" #hpm
Wed Aug 14 18:07:39 PDT 2013


err "be" #hpm

Wed Aug 14 18:07:51 PDT 2013


Getting started with the first topic here in just a bit... #hpm
Wed Aug 14 18:07:53 PDT 2013


@ctsinclair yes, if airport stress is hard, i can only imagine how gunfire might impact you #hpm
Wed Aug 14 18:07:55 PDT 2013


Tweets for the next hour from #hospice and #palliative medicine tweetchat. Join us! #hpm
Wed Aug 14 18:08:48 PDT 2013


First topic is research based but many will have input just from the abstract #hpm
Wed Aug 14 18:09:05 PDT 2013


Hi there! Holly Yang, #hpm doc from San Diego. All tweets are my own. Thanks for hosting Christian!
Wed Aug 14 18:09:19 PDT 2013


Topic 1: Family caregivers sometimes block access to opioids http://t.co/Yz7uOcCnXf via @EduBru - What are the causes/solutions? #hpm
Wed Aug 14 18:09:29 PDT 2013


Hi @ctsinclair Jim Cleary @uwhealth #palliativecare med, Dir PPSG (@painpolicy) @UWCarbone joining #Hpm chat for next hour
Wed Aug 14 18:09:46 PDT 2013




#hpm - Healthcare Social Media Transcript


All my tweets are my own too. Unless you don't like them. Then they are Christian's. #hpm
Wed Aug 14 18:10:12 PDT 2013


T1: Sadly the article is behind a paywall, but the abstract gives you enough to start us off tonight. #hpm
Wed Aug 14 18:10:26 PDT 2013


RT @skipbidder: All my tweets are my own too. Unless you don't like them. Then they are Christian's. "Every single one!" #hpm
Wed Aug 14 18:10:43 PDT 2013


#hpm T1 - so true and always a challenge. Education, Education, Education! To both patient and family.
Wed Aug 14 18:11:10 PDT 2013


I could walk over to MD Anderson and tell them to give me a copy... #hpm
Wed Aug 14 18:11:28 PDT 2013


T1 if you believed you would kill your loved one wouldn't you not give the meds? I have found many CG believe they killed loved one #hpm
Wed Aug 14 18:11:30 PDT 2013


RT @ctsinclair: RT @skipbidder: All my tweets are my own too. Unless you don't like them. Then they are Christian's. "Every single one!" #h
Wed Aug 14 18:11:33 PDT 2013


Ha! RT @skipbidder: All my tweets are my own too. Unless you don't like them. Then they are Christian's. #hpm
Wed Aug 14 18:11:44 PDT 2013


RT @oliverdr: T1 if you believed you would kill your loved one wouldn't you not give the meds? I have found many CG believe they killed lov
Wed Aug 14 18:11:56 PDT 2013


T1: re: families blocking pts from receiving opioids. Often people believe the myth of hastened death. Also concerned about addiction #hpm
Wed Aug 14 18:12:35 PDT 2013


T1: Important to recognize that families often refuse more comfort meds than just opioids. Anti-nausea, anti-anxiety, steroids, etc #hpm
Wed Aug 14 18:12:49 PDT 2013


even had some CG who just knew the hospice nurse accidently killed their loved one! They were not angry but sure felt guilty #hpm
Wed Aug 14 18:12:49 PDT 2013


#hpm T1 - explain the difference between dependence, addiction, pseudoaddiction.




#hpm - Healthcare Social Media Transcript

Wed Aug 14 18:13:25 PDT 2013


T1: I do get frustrated when HC Professionals state "Family refuses to give meds" but then have never really explored the reason why #hpm
Wed Aug 14 18:13:36 PDT 2013


RT @KGoffRN: #hpm T1 - explain the difference between dependence, addiction, pseudoaddiction. "In 140 char? that is a challenge!" #hpm
Wed Aug 14 18:14:01 PDT 2013


#hpm T1: I've had SOME success with education efforts, but not always. These are very stressful for me. I feel like I've failed...
Wed Aug 14 18:14:03 PDT 2013


RT @ctsinclair: T1: I do get frustrated when HC Professionals state "Family refuses to give meds" but then have never really explored the r
Wed Aug 14 18:14:04 PDT 2013


@ctsinclair Agree trying to understand is most impt! #Hpm

Wed Aug 14 18:14:08 PDT 2013


RT @KGoffRN: #hpm T1 - explain the difference between dependence, addiction, pseudoaddiction. "oh you mean explain it to the family!" #hpm
Wed Aug 14 18:14:18 PDT 2013


people also unaware sometimes what bad pain looks like, if patient isn't screaming or moaning think it's not too bad #hpm
Wed Aug 14 18:14:28 PDT 2013


@KGoffRN I thought you were asking us to do that! #hpm

Wed Aug 14 18:14:34 PDT 2013


@oliverdr #hpm Have been that nurse. So very sad. Family fine at TOD but in their grief changed perspective during bereavement.
Wed Aug 14 18:14:37 PDT 2013


RT @TexasKidDoc: people also unaware sometimes what bad pain looks like, if patient isn't screaming or moaning think it's not too bad #hpm
Wed Aug 14 18:14:40 PDT 2013


@ctsinclair indeed Im afraid some hospice staff dont get at cause and dont bother to educate leaving myths and calling it noncompliance #hpm
Wed Aug 14 18:14:40 PDT 2013


@ctsinclair absolutely, they sometimes see this as increased pill burden, or don't understand the need. #hpm
Wed Aug 14 18:14:40 PDT 2013


I always think it is interesting that people often blame the medications when in fact their loved one is dying of a terminal disease. #hpm



#hpm - Healthcare Social Media Transcript

Wed Aug 14 18:14:48 PDT 2013


#hpm T1: ...I blame myself for not finding the right words to use.
Wed Aug 14 18:14:49 PDT 2013


RT @TexasKidDoc: people also unaware sometimes what bad pain looks like "critical to compare what family observes & what you observe" #hpm
Wed Aug 14 18:15:14 PDT 2013


T1: Fear of "addiction" fear of needing it later in the illness, stigma, there are multiple reasons for family not to give opioids #hpm
Wed Aug 14 18:15:19 PDT 2013


RT @jfclearywisc: T1: Fear of "addiction" fear of needing it later in the illness, stigma, there are multiple reasons for family not to giv
Wed Aug 14 18:15:28 PDT 2013


RT @skipbidder: #hpm T1: ...I blame myself for not finding the right words to use.
Wed Aug 14 18:15:29 PDT 2013


increase pill burden is huge and in times of stress managing 30 pills a day is overwhelming to anyone #hpm
Wed Aug 14 18:15:32 PDT 2013


#hpm I'm no clinician. Based on family experience I'd say ask questions-fears, concerns, goals, etc. What scares you? What worries you?
Wed Aug 14 18:15:39 PDT 2013


RT @jfclearywisc: T1: Fear of "addiction" fear of needing it later in the illness, stigma, there are multiple reasons for family not to giv
Wed Aug 14 18:16:01 PDT 2013


TI; Very interesting that the reasons are generally consistent across cultures. Sometime religion creeps in. "A bit of suffering is OK" #hpm
Wed Aug 14 18:16:30 PDT 2013


I also had a CG and pt once believe that if there was no suffering then they could not get to heaven- God required it as penance #hpm
Wed Aug 14 18:16:30 PDT 2013


Agreed! NF too! RT @texaskiddoc: people also unaware sometimes what bad pain looks like,if not screaming or moaning think not too bad #hpm
Wed Aug 14 18:16:39 PDT 2013


RT @oliverdr: I also had a CG and pt once believe that if there was no suffering then they could not get to heaven- God required it as pena
Wed Aug 14 18:16:47 PDT 2013


RT @oliverdr: I also had a CG and pt once believe that if there was no suffering then they could not get to heaven- God required it as pena



#hpm - Healthcare Social Media Transcript

Wed Aug 14 18:16:48 PDT 2013


@oliverdr yes the non-compliance/non-adherence stigma is strongly present even in hospice. Hard to change ingrained health care culture #hpm
Wed Aug 14 18:16:58 PDT 2013


T1: Some people think that taking opioids or other symptom relieving meds is a sign they are getting sicker-> makes it more real. #hpm
Wed Aug 14 18:17:05 PDT 2013


RT @KGoffRN: @oliverdr #hpm Have been that nurse. So very sad. Family fine at TOD but in their grief changed perspective during bereaveme
Wed Aug 14 18:17:34 PDT 2013


T1 Inability to assess pain when someone not verbal was a major concern of CG in my study- we must educate CG on assessment also #hpm
Wed Aug 14 18:17:37 PDT 2013


#hpm T1 - good written handouts available on hpna website too, keeps it simple but makes the point
Wed Aug 14 18:18:12 PDT 2013


T1: I hear the spiritual need for suffering in education on hpm more than I have observed in patients/families #hpm
Wed Aug 14 18:18:27 PDT 2013


RT @ctsinclair: @oliverdr yes the non-compliance/non-adherence stigma is strongly present even in hospice. Hard to change ingrained health
Wed Aug 14 18:18:30 PDT 2013


T1: Thanks for reminding me that JPM is not one that my University provides access to. :) #hpm
Wed Aug 14 18:18:43 PDT 2013


T1: Totally agree that the best thing to do is ask why families are refusing to give meds. Ask abt concerns, side effects, meaning... #hpm
Wed Aug 14 18:18:45 PDT 2013


Watching Doc McStuffins w/kids age 4&6. Doc said 'I've never lost a patient' How can we teach DisneyJr's audience about #hpm & end of life?
Wed Aug 14 18:18:48 PDT 2013


RT @oliverdr: I also had a CG and pt once believe that if there was no suffering then they could not get to heaven- God required it as pena
Wed Aug 14 18:18:59 PDT 2013


We have LOTS of validated tools for that in peds! MT @oliverdr: Inability to assess pain when someone not verbal was a major concern #hpm
Wed Aug 14 18:19:23 PDT 2013




#hpm - Healthcare Social Media Transcript


RT @nathangradisher: Doc McStuffins: Doc said 'I've never lost a patient' "Find the episode - I need that clip!" #hpm
Wed Aug 14 18:19:27 PDT 2013


T1 I think assessment of beliefs and values on pain specifically should be standard but no great tools. We have new proposal to build #hpm
Wed Aug 14 18:19:32 PDT 2013


RT @nathangradisher: Watching Doc McStuffins w/kids age 4&6. Doc said 'I've never lost a patient' How can we teach DisneyJr's audience abou
Wed Aug 14 18:19:38 PDT 2013


@oliverdr #hpm pain as part of a positive religious dying experience...so hard to watch.
Wed Aug 14 18:19:49 PDT 2013


t1 There is a perceived hospice culture of "over medication" Perhaps patient/families are fearful of "hastening" Listen and educate #hpm
Wed Aug 14 18:19:53 PDT 2013


RT @nathangradisher: Watching Doc McStuffins w/kids age 4&6. Doc said 'I've never lost a patient' How can we teach DisneyJr's audience abou
Wed Aug 14 18:19:56 PDT 2013


RT @hollyby: T1: Totally agree that the best thing to do is ask why families are refusing to give meds. Ask abt concerns, side effects, mea
Wed Aug 14 18:20:02 PDT 2013


@hollyby T1: They also misunderstand the necessary increased doses as a sign of hastening the dying process. #hpm
Wed Aug 14 18:20:03 PDT 2013


Sesame Street has done special topics on grief and loss: http://t.co/jRTWGJXVkh cc @nathangradisher #hpm
Wed Aug 14 18:20:38 PDT 2013


@KGoffRN @WHO triangle 4 improving #palliativecare & opioids. Laws, availability & educate. Not just clinicians but public! #hpm #Hpmglobal
Wed Aug 14 18:20:50 PDT 2013


T1 how can we expect CG to accept medicine when we have health care professionals that still dont get it- no wonder #hpm
Wed Aug 14 18:20:54 PDT 2013


Being sick is suffering enough MT @ctsinclair: T1: I hear the spiritual need for suffering in education... more than I have observed... #hpm
Wed Aug 14 18:21:13 PDT 2013


RT @oliverdr: T1 how can we expect CG to accept medicine when we have health care professionals that still dont get it- no wonder #hpm
Wed Aug 14 18:21:33 PDT 2013




#hpm - Healthcare Social Media Transcript


@tajayiMD Yay! A pediatrician! ;) #hpm

Wed Aug 14 18:21:34 PDT 2013


RT @equijada: t1 There is a perceived hospice culture of "over medication" Perhaps patient/families are fearful of "hastening" Listen and
Wed Aug 14 18:21:43 PDT 2013


@hollyby Hastened is true if not used properly e.g. incorrect labels instructions. But when used properly, not common at all. #hpm
Wed Aug 14 18:21:47 PDT 2013


@oliverdr @texaskiddoc Personally like FLACC when used correctly to assess pain in nonverbal/dementia pts. #hpm
Wed Aug 14 18:22:06 PDT 2013


One fairly unpleasant anti-hospice internet crusader (with an organization that sounds like it is FOR hospice patients) ... #hpm
Wed Aug 14 18:22:32 PDT 2013


@texaskiddoc :) I jumped in a little late. #hpm

Wed Aug 14 18:22:34 PDT 2013


RT @jfclearywisc: @hollyby Hastened is true if not used properly e.g. incorrect labels instructions. But when used properly, not common at
Wed Aug 14 18:22:38 PDT 2013


Getting to move on to topic 2 soon. Involving pediatrics palliative care #PedPC and pop culture. Gonna be all over the map tonight! #hpm
Wed Aug 14 18:22:49 PDT 2013


RT @jfclearywisc: @hollyby Hastened is true if not used properly e.g. incorrect labels instructions. But when used properly, not common at
Wed Aug 14 18:22:52 PDT 2013


@jfclearywisc @KGoffRN harder & harder in the US given negative health "reporting" on opioids of late! #hpm
Wed Aug 14 18:22:58 PDT 2013


...spreads lies about #hpm . I've had a couple of families bring in this stuff to say why they weren't allowing use of opioids.
Wed Aug 14 18:23:14 PDT 2013


RT @oliverdr: T1 how can we expect CG to accept medicine when we have health care professionals that still dont get it- no wonder #hpm
Wed Aug 14 18:23:16 PDT 2013


T1 really believe hospices need to be better at educating CG on all aspects of pain- should be SOP #hpm
Wed Aug 14 18:23:17 PDT 2013




#hpm - Healthcare Social Media Transcript


RT @kpedmonds: @jfclearywisc @KGoffRN harder & harder in the US given negative health "reporting" on opioids of late! #hpm
Wed Aug 14 18:23:21 PDT 2013


RT @jfclearywisc: @KGoffRN @WHO triangle 4 improving #palliativecare & opioids. Laws, availability & educate. Not just clinicians but publi
Wed Aug 14 18:23:24 PDT 2013


RT @oliverdr: T1 how can we expect CG to accept medicine when we have health care professionals that still dont get it- no wonder #hpm
Wed Aug 14 18:23:29 PDT 2013


Disease gets worse-> symptoms do too. MT @tajayiMD: They misunderstand necessary increased doses as sign of hastening dying process #hpm
Wed Aug 14 18:23:33 PDT 2013


@skipbidder I've seen it to. Of course you are speaking of he who shall not be named? ;-) #hpm
Wed Aug 14 18:24:15 PDT 2013


@kgoffrn @oliverdr @texaskiddoc the key is when FLACC or faces is used correctly. Often time, we forget to go back and reassess. #hpm
Wed Aug 14 18:24:30 PDT 2013


Last thoughts on Topic 1, because here comes topic 2....get your YouTube ready #hpm
Wed Aug 14 18:24:37 PDT 2013


@kpedmonds Yes. And the mind-numbingly hypocritical difference in reporting views of PROP vs American Pain Society #hpm
Wed Aug 14 18:24:41 PDT 2013


T1 even though its hard we do need to honor pts who choose to have pain as long as they are making educated decisions #hpm
Wed Aug 14 18:24:44 PDT 2013


RT @tajayiMD: @kgoffrn @oliverdr @texaskiddoc the key is when FLACC or faces is used correctly. Often time, we forget to go back and reasse
Wed Aug 14 18:24:50 PDT 2013


RT @hollyby: Disease gets worse-> symptoms do too. MT @tajayiMD: They misunderstand necessary increased doses as sign of hastening dying pr
Wed Aug 14 18:24:52 PDT 2013


RT @oliverdr: T1 even though its hard we do need to honor pts who choose to have pain as long as they are making educated decisions #hpm
Wed Aug 14 18:25:08 PDT 2013


Topic 2: Forget dying, lets all watch a movie trailer Ways to Live Forever http://t.co/dbdXkHebKB Watch and tweet you thoughts #hpm
Wed Aug 14 18:25:44 PDT 2013




#hpm - Healthcare Social Media Transcript


@ctsinclair My guy has the initials RP. I'm not linking based out of respect for the blood pressure of our #hpm participants.
Wed Aug 14 18:25:49 PDT 2013


+1 RT @oliverdr: T1 even though its hard we do need to honor pts who choose to have pain as long as they are making educated decisions #hpm
Wed Aug 14 18:25:51 PDT 2013


*your #hpm
Wed Aug 14 18:25:54 PDT 2013


RT @oliverdr: T1 even though its hard we do need to honor pts who choose to have pain as long as they are making educated decisions #hpm
Wed Aug 14 18:26:09 PDT 2013


@skipbidder Yup. I know. ;-) #hpm

Wed Aug 14 18:26:32 PDT 2013


RT @ctsinclair: Topic 2: Forget dying, lets all watch a movie trailer Ways to Live Forever http://t.co/dbdXkHebKB Watch and tweet you th
Wed Aug 14 18:26:42 PDT 2013


Have heard book is awesome MT @ctsinclair: Forget dying, lets all watch a movie trailer Ways to Live Forever http://t.co/LCRAX02zPr #hpm
Wed Aug 14 18:27:05 PDT 2013


@jfclearywisc So true! MT triangle 4 improving #hpm & opioids - laws, availability & education. Public education so important!
Wed Aug 14 18:27:13 PDT 2013


T2: Presumed Teacher/mother: "The question has gnawed at humanity for centuries...how to die? Think of ways to live forever." #hpm
Wed Aug 14 18:28:05 PDT 2013


@kpedmonds: I actually think there is increase in reporters getting to bottom of it. e.g. LATimes http://t.co/SYAb5YxpFO #hpm
Wed Aug 14 18:28:12 PDT 2013


@TexasKidDoc me too. Maybe we should have a tweetchat book club? Or start with a movie night first? Less commitment. #hpm
Wed Aug 14 18:28:36 PDT 2013


RT @ctsinclair: Topic 2: Ways to Live Forever http://t.co/VxvJLZgSO2 Watch and tweet you thoughts #hpm
Wed Aug 14 18:28:38 PDT 2013


Great video got to see movie! Davids most recent video on doing a bucket list http://t.co/WQIQoJb7dm #hpm
Wed Aug 14 18:28:47 PDT 2013




#hpm - Healthcare Social Media Transcript


T2: Mother/teacher: "Something eternal we can leave behind" and so the kid decides to write a book. - Fantastic #hpm
Wed Aug 14 18:29:39 PDT 2013


@jfclearywisc agree. I'd just like to see it get wider play. #hpm
Wed Aug 14 18:30:03 PDT 2013


T2: It looks awesome! I also like running up down escalators, but they frown on that when you are purportedly an adult. Sigh! #hpm
Wed Aug 14 18:30:09 PDT 2013


@ctsinclair if we are doing a #pedpc book club "The Fault in Our Stars" must be included #hpm
Wed Aug 14 18:30:11 PDT 2013


Great line from @StephenAtHome last night. "if the world is not safe, how can I live forever" #hpm
Wed Aug 14 18:30:55 PDT 2013


@ctsinclair T2: What a great way to leave behind a legacy. Can't wait to see how kids respond. #hpm
Wed Aug 14 18:30:55 PDT 2013


T2 these are the things that pall care really needs to encourage bucket lists incredible meaning. Books legacy letters photos videos #hpm
Wed Aug 14 18:31:05 PDT 2013


T2: this film is based off a book and has been translated in many languages. Title translations are interesting. #hpm
Wed Aug 14 18:31:07 PDT 2013


"I don't want anyone to be sad either... I mean, I have hair!" - Love that. #hpm
Wed Aug 14 18:31:29 PDT 2013


T2: Eating worms seems like a yucky way to accomplish a bucket list item! #hpm
Wed Aug 14 18:31:38 PDT 2013


Ha! I agree. It's def not on my list. RT @_lizzy_: T2: Eating worms seems like a yucky way to accomplish a bucket list item! #hpm
Wed Aug 14 18:32:06 PDT 2013


Ways to live forever; When you read this I'll be dead, The boy who dreamed of reaching the moon, How to become immortal, After I'm Gone #hpm
Wed Aug 14 18:32:12 PDT 2013


T2 - I dont think this movie is likely to have much of a wide release, just hope it is available streaming at some point. #hpm
Wed Aug 14 18:32:29 PDT 2013


RT @_lizzy_: T2: Eating worms seems like a yucky way to accomplish a bucket



#hpm - Healthcare Social Media Transcript

list item! #hpm

Wed Aug 14 18:32:32 PDT 2013


reaching the moon awesome visual! #hpm

Wed Aug 14 18:32:38 PDT 2013


RT @oliverdr: T2 these are the things that pall care really needs to encourage bucket lists incredible meaning. Books legacy letters photo
Wed Aug 14 18:32:43 PDT 2013


@hollyby @_lizzy_ Meh; eating worms...its not so bad! :) #hpm

Wed Aug 14 18:33:12 PDT 2013


@TexasKidDoc Yeah I keep checking if it is coming to some of the indie theaters in KC, but nada. Will have to wait for streaming. #hpm
Wed Aug 14 18:33:15 PDT 2013


RT @tajayiMD: @hollyby @_lizzy_ Meh; eating worms...its not so bad! :) "please do go on..." #hpm
Wed Aug 14 18:33:31 PDT 2013


T2 Where can we see this movie? Looks like it would be fabulous! https://t.co/iozBVnMM8K #hpm
Wed Aug 14 18:33:38 PDT 2013


T2- #HPM - seems like a good opportunity to talk to teachers, parents, healthcare workers, etc about these issues.
Wed Aug 14 18:33:39 PDT 2013


RT @jfclearywisc: Great line from @StephenAtHome last night. "if the world is not safe, how can I live forever" #hpm
Wed Aug 14 18:33:50 PDT 2013


frustrating when great movies like this dont get ink! #hpm
Wed Aug 14 18:33:56 PDT 2013


t2 I like the idea of tapping the imagination...it's more like supply side economics rather than demand side. Comes from core. #hpm
Wed Aug 14 18:34:08 PDT 2013


RT @ctsinclair: RT @tajayiMD: @hollyby @_lizzy_ Meh; eating worms...its not so bad! :) "please do go on..." #hpm
Wed Aug 14 18:34:19 PDT 2013


RT @equijada: t2 I like the idea of tapping the imagination...it's more like supply side economics rather than demand side. Comes from core
Wed Aug 14 18:34:20 PDT 2013


@jfclearywisc that is a fantastic line! Take the selfish thought and turn it into something selfless. #hpm
Wed Aug 14 18:34:34 PDT 2013




#hpm - Healthcare Social Media Transcript


#hpm T2 - we do a "life journal" or legacy story. meet some of the most amazing people doing this work if have the time to get to know them
Wed Aug 14 18:34:43 PDT 2013


RT @oliverdr: frustrating when great movies like this dont get ink! "I know. Seriously." #hpm
Wed Aug 14 18:35:02 PDT 2013


@ctsinclair T2 "Things I want to do before I die" has a website/pinterest http://t.co/RpiiDsC4Gk Great taboo breaker. Post ur thing now #hpm
Wed Aug 14 18:35:03 PDT 2013


@oliverdr well then it is up to us to get this movie some attention. #hpm

Wed Aug 14 18:35:11 PDT 2013


RT @_lizzy_: @oliverdr well then it is up to us to get this movie some attention. "That's the ticket!" #hpm
Wed Aug 14 18:35:48 PDT 2013


RT @TexasKidDoc: T2 - I dont think this movie is likely to have much of a wide release, just hope it is available streaming at some point.
Wed Aug 14 18:35:52 PDT 2013


This one got a bit of ink when they opened in NYC: http://t.co/S5S3005wkf #hpm
Wed Aug 14 18:35:59 PDT 2013


RT @Kathy_Brandt: RT @ctsinclair: Topic 2: Ways to Live Forever http://t.co/VxvJLZgSO2 Watch and tweet you thoughts #hpm
Wed Aug 14 18:36:11 PDT 2013


Our Center on Aging hosts a couple movies a year I must suggest this one! #hpm
Wed Aug 14 18:36:23 PDT 2013


RT @TexasKidDoc: This one got a bit of ink when they opened in NYC: http://t.co/pfl2NSa9bq "but no reader reviews. We can change that" #hpm
Wed Aug 14 18:37:02 PDT 2013


Says was released in Oct 2012. You'd think one of my friends would have told me. Hadn't heard of it. How'd you hear, @ctsinclair ? #hpm
Wed Aug 14 18:37:15 PDT 2013


RT @TexasKidDoc: Have heard book is awesome MT @ctsinclair: Forget dying, lets all watch a movie trailer Ways to Live Forever http://t.c
Wed Aug 14 18:37:32 PDT 2013


OK getting towards the end of Topic 2. Wrap up your thoughts. Getting ready for topic 3. This time, it's personal. #hpm
Wed Aug 14 18:37:43 PDT 2013




#hpm - Healthcare Social Media Transcript


Wed Aug 14 18:38:05 PDT 2013


RT @skipbidder: Says was released in Oct 2012. You'd think one of my friends would have told me. Hadn't heard of it. How'd you hear, @ctsin
Wed Aug 14 18:38:06 PDT 2013


@skipbidder Started on the film festival circuit in 2012... just getting to theaters now #hpm
Wed Aug 14 18:38:08 PDT 2013


Uh-oh RT @ctsinclair: OK getting towards the end of Topic 2. Wrap up your thoughts. Getting ready for topic 3. This time, it's personal #hpm
Wed Aug 14 18:38:27 PDT 2013


@skipbidder I habitually watch every single trailer on Apple iTunes. Every. Single. One. There are a lot of bad movies out there. #hpm
Wed Aug 14 18:38:35 PDT 2013


@ctsinclair Is this penance for something? #hpm

Wed Aug 14 18:39:21 PDT 2013


@ctsinclair @skipbidder you are kidding right? #hpm

Wed Aug 14 18:39:41 PDT 2013


We all need hobbies. RT @tajayiMD: @ctsinclair @skipbidder you are kidding right? #hpm
Wed Aug 14 18:40:12 PDT 2013


t3: Please let it be related to Orange is the New Black #hpm

Wed Aug 14 18:40:18 PDT 2013


@tajayiMD he put too many periods in that statement for emphasis for him to be kidding. #hpm
Wed Aug 14 18:40:30 PDT 2013


@tajayiMD @skipbidder I am a trailer junkie. I even make my own trailers to movies sometimes. It is truly an art form. #hpm
Wed Aug 14 18:40:38 PDT 2013


LOL! RT @skipbidder: We all need hobbies. RT @tajayiMD: @ctsinclair @skipbidder you are kidding right? #hpm
Wed Aug 14 18:40:47 PDT 2013


Topic 3: Last week my grandfather died somewhat unexpectedly after a slow decline. I took my 7 year old twins to the funeral... #hpm
Wed Aug 14 18:40:55 PDT 2013


RT @tajayimd: @ctsinclair @skipbidder you are kidding right? #hpm someone travels to much i do think



#hpm - Healthcare Social Media Transcript

Wed Aug 14 18:41:07 PDT 2013


@jaweedkaleem All of us at #hpm tweetchat want to see this movie. We have just seen the trailer & want more! https://t.co/iozBVnMM8K
Wed Aug 14 18:41:43 PDT 2013


Topic 3: My wife was relatively uncertain about that decision, but it turned out very well. Why should kids be at every funeral? #hpm
Wed Aug 14 18:41:48 PDT 2013


t3: Part of being a family #hpm

Wed Aug 14 18:42:17 PDT 2013


Topic 3: Or also why shouldn't kids be at a funeral? Both are equally valid discussion points #hpm
Wed Aug 14 18:42:31 PDT 2013


#hpm Kids need to know death is a part of life.

Wed Aug 14 18:42:46 PDT 2013


Why shouldn't kids be at funerals I would ask. They are a part of the family they see new babes and so why not as death is normal #hpm
Wed Aug 14 18:42:52 PDT 2013


t3: Love in the face of unexpected sadness is truly remarkable #hpm

Wed Aug 14 18:42:53 PDT 2013


T3: Because death is part of life. Because I don't want you to have to explain why they were excluded when they ask in 10 years. #hpm
Wed Aug 14 18:42:55 PDT 2013


T3: we hide death away behind walls too often in our culture. Begins to break those walls down. #hpm
Wed Aug 14 18:43:31 PDT 2013


Death is a part of life. Even kids need to learn that ... age appropriately of course #hpm
Wed Aug 14 18:43:33 PDT 2013


T3 Just like it's an adult's choice to go, It should be a child's choice too. Explain/prepare and if they say No, then it's No for now. #hpm
Wed Aug 14 18:43:40 PDT 2013


T3: Because this is part of what families do, and they are part of the family. #hpm
Wed Aug 14 18:43:41 PDT 2013


@ctsinclair Sorry for your loss. T3:I brought son to funerals @ young age. You can't shield kids from loss, just from seeing you grieve #hpm
Wed Aug 14 18:43:46 PDT 2013




#hpm - Healthcare Social Media Transcript


RT @skipbidder: T3: Because death is part of life. Because I don't want you to have to explain why they were excluded when they ask in 10 y
Wed Aug 14 18:43:47 PDT 2013


Funerals are great opportunities for us to teach kids about love and celebration of living and dying great conversations #hpm
Wed Aug 14 18:43:53 PDT 2013


T3 #hpm - normalizes death, makes it a part of being in a family

Wed Aug 14 18:44:09 PDT 2013


Depriving death of its strangeness! #hpm

Wed Aug 14 18:44:12 PDT 2013


Earlier today... My barbershop got the movie theater seats

Wed Aug 14 18:44:17 PDT 2013


T3 But situations alter cases. I wouldn't pressure any kid to go. #hpm
Wed Aug 14 18:44:17 PDT 2013


Plus we had a 8hr drive back from Chicago to talk. Didn't press them to talk, but gave them safe open space to ask questions #hpm
Wed Aug 14 18:44:37 PDT 2013


@ctsinclair Children ask about death a heaven like sexuality. Exploring boundaries. Shouldn't be denied, tho age-appropriate info. #hpm
Wed Aug 14 18:44:38 PDT 2013


T3: Death is a part of life. I attended my first funeral at the age of 4. #hpm
Wed Aug 14 18:44:38 PDT 2013


RT @TexasKidDoc: T3 Just like it's an adult's choice to go, It should be a child's choice too. Explain/prepare and if they say No, then it'
Wed Aug 14 18:44:40 PDT 2013


t3: #hpm Kids need to see us cry, be sad, grieve & comfort. Kids who don't, think it's shameful to express loss.
Wed Aug 14 18:44:43 PDT 2013


RT @eFuneral: Death is a part of life. Even kids need to learn that ... age appropriately of course #hpm
Wed Aug 14 18:44:48 PDT 2013


T3; It depends on how old the child is; and what they are able to understand. #hpm
Wed Aug 14 18:44:50 PDT 2013


RT @Kathy_Brandt: t3: #hpm Kids need to see us cry, be sad, grieve & comfort. Kids who don't, think it's shameful to express loss.



#hpm - Healthcare Social Media Transcript

Wed Aug 14 18:45:00 PDT 2013


RT @tajayiMD: T3; It depends on how old the child is; and what they are able to understand. #hpm
Wed Aug 14 18:45:00 PDT 2013


RT @Kathy_Brandt: t3: #hpm Kids need to see us cry, be sad, grieve & comfort. Kids who don't, think it's shameful to express loss.
Wed Aug 14 18:45:20 PDT 2013


T3: Hugs to you, Christian! I'm glad you took them. Important time for them to say goodbye & to be part of the family experience. #hpm
Wed Aug 14 18:45:20 PDT 2013


RT @hollyby: T3: Hugs to you, Christian! I'm glad you took them. Important time for them to say goodbye & to be part of the family experien
Wed Aug 14 18:45:27 PDT 2013


RT @TexasKidDoc: T3 Just like it's an adult's choice to go, It should be a child's choice too. Explain/prepare and if they say No, then it'
Wed Aug 14 18:45:46 PDT 2013


RT @A_THEINCREDIBLE: Earlier today... My barbershop got the movie theater seats #HPM http://t.co/O8w03cswwc "Sweet!" #hpm
Wed Aug 14 18:45:50 PDT 2013


RT @Kathy_Brandt: t3: #hpm Kids need to see us cry, be sad, grieve & comfort. Kids who don't, think it's shameful to express loss.
Wed Aug 14 18:45:51 PDT 2013


Kids are smarter than often given credit for. They know when bad things happen + it's parents' job to ease the pain + help them cope #hpm
Wed Aug 14 18:45:52 PDT 2013


@tajayiMD do we always require kids to totally understand something before they experience-they attend church without understanding why #hpm
Wed Aug 14 18:45:53 PDT 2013


@Kathy_Brandt Yes. It's like hiding your diagnosis from them. Only conjures up shame, negative false thoughts. #hpm
Wed Aug 14 18:46:05 PDT 2013


RT @dlschermd: @ctsinclair Children ask about death a heaven like sexuality. Exploring boundaries. Shouldn't be denied, tho age-appropriate
Wed Aug 14 18:46:07 PDT 2013


T3: #hpm My Aunt's funeral my son cried, hard. I cried. My brother said I was just verklempt - that so minimized my feelings. I was grieving
Wed Aug 14 18:46:15 PDT 2013


RT @Kathy_Brandt: t3: #hpm Kids need to see us cry, be sad, grieve & comfort.



#hpm - Healthcare Social Media Transcript

Kids who don't, think it's shameful to express loss.

Wed Aug 14 18:46:25 PDT 2013


RT @hollyby: T3: Hugs to you, Christian! I'm glad you took them. Important time for them to say goodbye & to be part of the family experien
Wed Aug 14 18:46:40 PDT 2013


RT @Kathy_Brandt: t3: #hpm Kids need to see us cry, be sad, grieve & comfort. Kids who don't, think it's shameful to express loss.
Wed Aug 14 18:46:50 PDT 2013


The kids were very curious about the open casket. Took them about 10-15 minutes to even think about approaching it. But eventually OK #hpm
Wed Aug 14 18:46:58 PDT 2013


Important to remember that every kid is different - from each other and even from themselves at different ages, personalize decisions #hpm
Wed Aug 14 18:47:26 PDT 2013


@ctsinclair what questions did they ask? #hpm

Wed Aug 14 18:47:36 PDT 2013


Wed Aug 14 18:47:38 PDT 2013


@ctsinclair Well done. We took 7 & 3 yr olds to visit neighbor who had died at home. 5 year old didn't want to come. Demystified death #hpm
Wed Aug 14 18:47:43 PDT 2013


They had lots of questions about burial, casket, cremation, and even the good challenging questions about life after death #hpm
Wed Aug 14 18:47:50 PDT 2013


RT @oliverdr: Depriving death of its strangeness! #hpm

Wed Aug 14 18:47:52 PDT 2013


Halloween ghost stories mystify death and we dont shield kids show them the reality and the joy of celebration in the midst of grief #hpm
Wed Aug 14 18:48:26 PDT 2013


@oliverdr, no but without understanding of permanence; death and funerals can be unnecessarily confusing #hpm
Wed Aug 14 18:48:26 PDT 2013


@ctsinclair #hpm if only adults could approach these subjects so openly!

Wed Aug 14 18:48:50 PDT 2013


RT @TexasKidDoc: Important to remember that every kid is different - from each other and even from themselves at different ages, personaliz
Wed Aug 14 18:48:52 PDT 2013




#hpm - Healthcare Social Media Transcript


RT @TexasKidDoc: Important to remember that every kid is different - from each other and even from themselves at different ages, personaliz
Wed Aug 14 18:48:53 PDT 2013


Kids learn by watching their parents. When it comes to death, they need to see how you respond to loss #hpm
Wed Aug 14 18:48:54 PDT 2013


My favorite Q: my son asked about difference between a casket and a coffin. I didn't know, now I do. Do you know the difference? #hpm
Wed Aug 14 18:48:57 PDT 2013


RT @jfclearywisc: @ctsinclair Well done. We took 7 & 3 yr olds to visit neighbor who had died at home. 5 year old didn't want to come. Dem
Wed Aug 14 18:49:05 PDT 2013


No answering that question @efuneral! #hpm

Wed Aug 14 18:49:08 PDT 2013


@ctsinclair Did you answer the questions? What did you say about life after death? I believe kids are more connected than adults #hpm
Wed Aug 14 18:49:17 PDT 2013


@ctsinclair #hpm perhaps a casket half opens and a coffin full opens?
Wed Aug 14 18:49:56 PDT 2013


The best thing abt my kids being there (w/ other cousins) is they brought a levity and vitality to the whole occasion. Was appreciated #hpm
Wed Aug 14 18:50:08 PDT 2013


T3; to have the exposure generate questions, and open communication, we must meet the child were they are. #hpm
Wed Aug 14 18:50:11 PDT 2013


@ctsinclair No, but I bet Doctor Google does. Yep. Now I've learned something too. I'll let others google on their own. :) #hpm
Wed Aug 14 18:50:17 PDT 2013


@tajayiMD @oliverdr Don't need all concrete answers. Children will form ageappropriate conclusions or ideas. But shouldn't be denied. #hpm
Wed Aug 14 18:50:20 PDT 2013


Agreed RT @tajayiMD: @oliverdr, no but without understanding of permanence; death and funerals can be unnecessarily confusing #hpm #hpm
Wed Aug 14 18:50:20 PDT 2013


I would come back and haunt anyone who kept my great grandkids away from my funeral at any age lol #hpm
Wed Aug 14 18:50:22 PDT 2013




#hpm - Healthcare Social Media Transcript


@_lizzy_ We asked them about their own thoughts on life after death and went from there. Got into religion and different beliefs too #hpm
Wed Aug 14 18:50:59 PDT 2013


RT @oliverdr: I would come back and haunt anyone who kept my great grandkids away from my funeral at any age lol #hpm
Wed Aug 14 18:51:07 PDT 2013


@ctsinclair Pronounced death of a woman last week. 7 year old Grandson was present w his parents. Took time to answer his questions! #Hpm
Wed Aug 14 18:51:11 PDT 2013


Sorry to leave early. Thanks for hosting Christian!!! #hpm

Wed Aug 14 18:51:12 PDT 2013


My wife did come to realize it was a good thing they were there too. #hpm
Wed Aug 14 18:51:22 PDT 2013


I had a #hospice client who said "wouldn't it be funny if I came back at my funeral to scare everyone?" I was out of town that d6 #hpm
Wed Aug 14 18:51:34 PDT 2013


RT @jfclearywisc: @ctsinclair Pronounced death of a woman last week. 7 year old Grandson was present w his parents. Took time to answer his
Wed Aug 14 18:51:41 PDT 2013


RT @oliverdr: I would come back and haunt anyone who kept my great grandkids away from my funeral at any age lol #hpm
Wed Aug 14 18:52:00 PDT 2013


T2 #hpm https://t.co/Ajh6SHssUI moving to other theaters later in the summer

Wed Aug 14 18:52:09 PDT 2013


RT @KGoffRN: T2 #hpm https://t.co/Ajh6SHssUI moving to other theaters later in the summer

Wed Aug 14 18:52:23 PDT 2013


In children's hosp we have entire sessions w/ Child Life Therapists before we bring sibs into ICUs, sometimes takes experts to explain #hpm
Wed Aug 14 18:52:36 PDT 2013


@ctsinclair did your kids say goodbye? #hpm

Wed Aug 14 18:52:38 PDT 2013


@ctsinclair Sounds like you were "working" the whole time. Hope you got a chance to do some of your own grieving. #hpm
Wed Aug 14 18:52:47 PDT 2013


@ctsinclair #hpm My kids were present when both my parents died. They were 5/6 and then 8/9. Have never regretted. They saw peaceful death.



#hpm - Healthcare Social Media Transcript

Wed Aug 14 18:53:16 PDT 2013


@dlschermd @oliverdr age appropriate & ideas may be wrong and scary. They used be exposed,agree, but ability to process is key. #hpm
Wed Aug 14 18:53:33 PDT 2013


Day after client died, was visiting & client's grandson said "I thought you said he was dead? Why is he standing in the corner then?" #hpm
Wed Aug 14 18:53:47 PDT 2013


RT @eFuneral: Did your kids say goodbye? "They were not close to him. We let them know they could. They chose to observe silently" #hpm
Wed Aug 14 18:53:51 PDT 2013


@_lizzy_ I have had someone share a similar experience! #hpm

Wed Aug 14 18:54:16 PDT 2013


@tajayiMD its our responsibility as parents to help process fore sure! #hpm
Wed Aug 14 18:54:20 PDT 2013


RT @owlblazek: @ctsinclair #hpm My kids were present when both my parents died. They were 5/6 and then 8/9. Have never regretted. They saw
Wed Aug 14 18:54:26 PDT 2013


@ctsinclair #hpm Kids are awesome and resilient. They need to know about the circle of life.
Wed Aug 14 18:54:27 PDT 2013


RT @owlblazek: @ctsinclair #hpm Kids are awesome and resilient. They need to know about the circle of life.
Wed Aug 14 18:54:44 PDT 2013


Last bottle with meds! Only thing left is multivitamin! Wohoo! #hpm #micropreemie #10mactual6madjusted
Wed Aug 14 18:54:48 PDT 2013


RT @owlblazek: @ctsinclair #hpm Kids are awesome and resilient. They need to know about the circle of life.
Wed Aug 14 18:55:04 PDT 2013


Absolutely! RT @owlblazek: @ctsinclair #hpm Kids are awesome and resilient. They need to know about the circle of life.
Wed Aug 14 18:55:10 PDT 2013


@skipbidder I did my grieving at other times. Was glad to support and observe. That made it special to me. #hpm
Wed Aug 14 18:55:11 PDT 2013


RT @oliverdr: I would come back and haunt anyone who kept my great grandkids away from my funeral at any age lol #hpm
Wed Aug 14 18:55:16 PDT 2013




#hpm - Healthcare Social Media Transcript


RT @owlblazek: @ctsinclair #hpm Kids are awesome and resilient. They need to know about the circle of life.
Wed Aug 14 18:55:34 PDT 2013


@owlblazek Wonderful to hear Allison. I always recall Sherwin Neuland talking about his experiences of death as a child. V common! #Hpm
Wed Aug 14 18:55:45 PDT 2013


@ctsinclair ahhh the good ole answer a question with a question. That is in the SW bag of tricks. #hpm
Wed Aug 14 18:55:56 PDT 2013


#hpm T3 - such a gift to show our children its okay to cry and grieve a loss
Wed Aug 14 18:55:58 PDT 2013


RT @handpikdmiracle: Last bottle with meds! Only thing left is multivitamin! Wohoo! #hpm #micropreemie "That is awesome!" #hpm
Wed Aug 14 18:56:08 PDT 2013


Good. Didn't mean to sound snarky MT @ctsinclair: I did my grieving... Was glad to support and observe. That made it special to me. #hpm
Wed Aug 14 18:56:17 PDT 2013


RT @_lizzy_: @ctsinclair ahhh the good ole answer a question w/ a question. That is in the SW bag of tricks. "I learn from the best!" #hpm
Wed Aug 14 18:56:33 PDT 2013


RT @KGoffRN: #hpm T3 - such a gift to show our children its okay to cry and grieve a loss
Wed Aug 14 18:56:43 PDT 2013


@tajayiMD @oliverdr Agree. Needs to be individualized, and prepped. #hpm

Wed Aug 14 18:56:49 PDT 2013


@skipbidder oh no, I always presume a heavy dose of snarky with you, so it sounded just fine to me! ;-) #hpm
Wed Aug 14 18:57:08 PDT 2013


@ctsinclair think that #hpm stood for something else, but as a future neonatologist I still approve of the RT :) #hpm
Wed Aug 14 18:57:13 PDT 2013


What an opportunity for parents RT @dlschermd: @tajayiMD @oliverdr Agree. Needs to be individualized, and prepped. #hpm #hpm
Wed Aug 14 18:57:30 PDT 2013


@TexasKidDoc picked up on that as well. As a parent to premature infants, I could not let it pass! #hpm
Wed Aug 14 18:58:04 PDT 2013




#hpm - Healthcare Social Media Transcript


@TexasKidDoc Heck, I even thought the barber shop movie theater chairs were cool. Always nice to send random tweets of kindness! #hpm
Wed Aug 14 18:58:46 PDT 2013


RT @ctsinclair: @TexasKidDoc Heck, I even thought the barber shop movie theater chairs were cool. Always nice to send random tweets of kin
Wed Aug 14 18:59:06 PDT 2013


Coming to the end of the hour so please leave us with something inspiring, thoughtful, or reflective. #hpm
Wed Aug 14 18:59:10 PDT 2013


And hey. Thanks for coming. You made my night! #hpm

Wed Aug 14 18:59:25 PDT 2013


(Sorry if I didn't get to all the replies to me tonight. It was a busy room!) #hpm
Wed Aug 14 19:00:03 PDT 2013


Yes! RT @oliverdr: What an opportunity for parents RT @dlschermd: @tajayiMD @oliverdr Agree. Needs to be individualized, and prepped. #hpm
Wed Aug 14 19:00:03 PDT 2013


to hope under most extreme circumstances is an act of defiance that allows a person to live on their own terms #hpm
Wed Aug 14 19:00:20 PDT 2013


@ctsinclair #hpm It's not if we die, or necessarily when we die. It's how we die and if we choose.
Wed Aug 14 19:00:22 PDT 2013


Not really an #hpm closing, but Oregon legislature with a rickroll that you might like (couple years ago) : http://t.co/mMxqygCZvr
Wed Aug 14 19:00:27 PDT 2013


#hpm Death and dying should be taught in health classes at school. Would see less nursing homes in future. #hpm
Wed Aug 14 19:00:29 PDT 2013


T3 @ctsinclair would you take kids to a funeral again? Would you do anything differently? #hpm
Wed Aug 14 19:00:30 PDT 2013


RT @ctsinclair: Coming to the end of the hour so please leave us with something inspiring, thoughtful, or reflective. #hpm
Wed Aug 14 19:00:40 PDT 2013


RT @dlschermd:Death and dying should be taught in health classes at school. Would see less nursing homes in future. cc @rfberry #hpm
Wed Aug 14 19:00:55 PDT 2013




#hpm - Healthcare Social Media Transcript


Thanks for hosting, @ctsinclair #hpm

Wed Aug 14 19:01:00 PDT 2013


RT @dlschermd: #hpm Death and dying should be taught in health classes at school. Would see less nursing homes in future. #hpm
Wed Aug 14 19:01:05 PDT 2013


RT @ctsinclair: RT @dlschermd:Death and dying should be taught in health classes at school. Would see less nursing homes in future. cc @rfb
Wed Aug 14 19:01:06 PDT 2013


RT @ctsinclair: RT @dlschermd:Death and dying should be taught in health classes at school. Would see less nursing homes in future. cc @rfb
Wed Aug 14 19:01:11 PDT 2013


@ctsinclair great topics! Children can handle most anything we give them, as long we are there to guide them. #hpm
Wed Aug 14 19:01:28 PDT 2013


@_lizzy_ Yeah, I would. I bet the questions would get more complex. Not sure I would prep any differently. #hpm
Wed Aug 14 19:01:34 PDT 2013


Thanks @ctsinclair see you in a couple days #hpm

Wed Aug 14 19:01:37 PDT 2013


RT @dlschermd: #hpm Death and dying should be taught in health classes at school. Would see less nursing homes in future. #hpm
Wed Aug 14 19:01:39 PDT 2013


@dlschermd @GroundSwellAus project is doing some very cool education on death & dying in Sydney Australia #hpm
Wed Aug 14 19:01:56 PDT 2013


Since we watched a trailer for movie about a kid's bucket list... What a bucket list for a 4 year old looks like http://t.co/LFyM646Xqu #hpm
Wed Aug 14 19:02:11 PDT 2013


#hpm Thanks for hosting Christian! To be a human being and have a spiritual experience or a spiritual being and have a human experience?
Wed Aug 14 19:02:18 PDT 2013


tchat.io is almost as user friendly as tweetchat was #hpm

Wed Aug 14 19:02:19 PDT 2013


@ctsinclair Thx Christian. Great three topics!!! Should be in Kansas Oct 16th #hpm
Wed Aug 14 19:02:49 PDT 2013


great topics @ctsinclair! #hpm

Wed Aug 14 19:03:00 PDT 2013




#hpm - Healthcare Social Media Transcript


RT @dlschermd: #hpm Death and dying should be taught in health classes at school. Would see less nursing homes in future. #hpm
Wed Aug 14 19:03:03 PDT 2013


@oliverdr I agree. Glad @christian #hpm

Wed Aug 14 19:03:11 PDT 2013


RT @tajayiMD: Yes! RT @oliverdr: What an opportunity for parents RT @dlschermd: @tajayiMD @oliverdr Agree. Needs to be individualized, and
Wed Aug 14 19:03:13 PDT 2013


RT @oliverdr: to hope under most extreme circumstances is an act of defiance that allows a person to live on their own terms #hpm
Wed Aug 14 19:03:22 PDT 2013


There's power in words. Talking about death is empowering + enlightening even if at first unsettling. #hpm
Wed Aug 14 19:04:00 PDT 2013


@oliverdr lol agreed except I have accidentally hit send multiple times before finishing. That part will take some getting used to! #hpm
Wed Aug 14 19:05:20 PDT 2013


RT @eFuneral: There's power in words. Talking about death is empowering + enlightening even if at first unsettling. #hpm
Wed Aug 14 19:05:34 PDT 2013


@oliverdr say hi to Megan for me! #hpm

Wed Aug 14 19:06:08 PDT 2013


RT @jfclearywisc: @ctsinclair Thx Christian. Great three topics!!! Should be in Kansas Oct 16th "Let's get together! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!" #hpm
Wed Aug 14 19:06:18 PDT 2013


RT @oliverdr: to hope under most extreme circumstances is an act of defiance that allows a person to live on their own terms #hpm
Wed Aug 14 19:06:33 PDT 2013


Goodnight all! #hpm

Wed Aug 14 19:06:46 PDT 2013


RT @oliverdr: to hope under most extreme circumstances is an act of defiance that allows a person to live on their own terms #hpm
Wed Aug 14 19:07:02 PDT 2013


@bellasweet Sends wrong message. Denying death is to denigrate the elderly. Widens generation gaps. Wrong. #hpm, #eolchat
Wed Aug 14 19:07:10 PDT 2013




#hpm - Healthcare Social Media Transcript


Argh! missed it! looked like a brilliant chat - thanks for pinging me just then @jfclearywisc #hpm
Wed Aug 14 19:08:55 PDT 2013


AWESOME! Aug 14 2013 #hpm tweetchat stats vis @symplur: 27 chatters, 339 tweets, 743k impressions: http://t.co/6bMxLLA1Ce
Wed Aug 14 19:11:15 PDT 2013


@ctsinclair @TexasKidDoc Usually just follow #hpm chat, but wanted to reply that I'd be interested in a movie/book night re: #med. Thanks
Wed Aug 14 19:11:43 PDT 2013


Here is the Aug 14 2013 #hpm chat on "Ways to Live Forever", #PedPC, Opioids and family refusal, and kids @ funerals http://t.co/zPJkGoaEk6
Wed Aug 14 19:12:32 PDT 2013


@GroundSwellAus Projects with Young people #hpm http://t.co/3e4kwqMLKq

Wed Aug 14 19:13:13 PDT 2013


#Digitalhealth technology will help children discover health and medicine including death and dying. There will be Ed apps. #hpm
Wed Aug 14 19:13:13 PDT 2013


RT @ctsinclair: AWESOME! Aug 14 2013 #hpm tweetchat stats vis @symplur: 27 chatters, 339 tweets, 743k impressions: http://t.co/6bMxLLA1Ce
Wed Aug 14 19:13:47 PDT 2013


RT @ctsinclair: Here is the Aug 14 2013 #hpm chat on "Ways to Live Forever", #PedPC, Opioids and family refusal, and kids @ funerals http:/
Wed Aug 14 19:13:52 PDT 2013


@ctsinclair thanks! Btw what's hpm tweetchat?

Wed Aug 14 19:14:53 PDT 2013



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