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The LowelL Advertising Contract

San Francisco Unified School District 1101 Eucalyptus Drive, San Francisco, CA 94132 Tel: (415) 759-2730 x 3418; Fax: (415) 759-2742; Email:


Date ___________________

Name of Store, Firm, or Business ______________________________________________________________________________ Street Address ______________________________________________________________________________________________ City, State, ZIP _______________________________________________ Telephone _____________________________________ Name of Advertisers __________________________________________ Email ________________________________________

The above firm or individual agrees to advertise in The Lowell, the student newspaper of Lowell High School, at the size and price indicated below.

$3.75 per square inch for ads less than 32 square inches.
(Smaller than 8 inches x 4 inches - see back of contract)

B&W Copy
Advertisements must be submitted as a black and white image ten days before the publication date. Color ad copies must be reserved at least six weeks in advance. We offer full page and half page color ads.

Minimum size and cost accepted: 2 inches x 3 inches ($25) If your ad copy does not fit the ad size on your contract we reserve the right to charge an additional 10% type- setting fee.

$4.50 per square inch for ads 32 square inches or larger.

(8 inches x 4 inches or smaller - see back of contract)

10% discount is available for four consecutive ads. 10% typesetting fee is applied if the ad staff designs the ad. We do not accept ads 5-inches or 7-inches in length.

A tear sheet and an invoice will be mailed to the advertiser following publication. For multiple insertions, advertisers will be billed after each publication. Payment is due within 10 days. A 2% penalty will be added onto delinquent accounts.

[ ] Check here if you wish to make a donation to The Lowell without a published ad.

Size of Advertisement
___ inches wide by ___ inches deep (no fractions of inches)

Date(s) of Issues (check all appropriate)

2013: __ Sept. 27 __ Oct. 25 __ Nov. 22 Spring semester dates to be announced. The advertiser acknowledges that The Lowell reserves the right to refuse and/or amend advertisements deemed inappropriate by advertising staff.

Cost per insertions Number of insertions Subtotal

10% discount for 4 insertions

________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________

Signature of Advertiser

Subtotal with discount

10% typesetting fee (one time fee)

Printed Name of Advertiser

Name of The Lowell Salesperson


Salesperson: Leave one copy of the advertising contract with the advertiser and hand one copy into the advertising mailbox with a copy of the ad. 8/2013

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