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Europe, a global
village: life in new and
old states of the EU.

Europe, a global village SPORT • Alberite’s

• Thanks
• AZAD- From a
refugee to a rap-
Germany: • A bronze medal for
Weingarten Schule, Kriftel Kriftel, • Frankfurt Airport star
the biggest hub in • Serrat, out
Lithuania: • D. Songalia,
Marijampole "Ryto" Secondary School Europa favoutite guest
• Today: Pascal Hens,
Bulgaria: • The First Racket • My trip • Pop music
St Kyril and Metodi, Satovcha • A week in Germany • Composition for the
Spain: POLITICS • Germany Comenius Project
IES La Laboral, Lardero • Roland Koch • What I think about
SCENERY ART travelling
• 11th September
• The past, the • Johann Wolfgang
present and the Goethe - a man who
future of wrote history
Marijampolè [1]
Europe, a global village
Weingarten Schule, Kriftel
Marijampole "Ryto" Secondary
School (Lithuania)
St Kyril and Metodi, Satovcha
IES La Laboral, Lardero (Spain)

Christian Reitz in
action – at the
Olympics in Beijing


Reitz began shooting 11 years earlier ambitiously with a certificate of exemption, at that time still in Löbau in
Saxony which belongs to the former GDR.

Another person surely worth In 2008 he got two first and two
mentioning is 21-year old Christian Reitz, second places in the world cup and
who has won a bronze medal in 25 metre during this opportunity established the
rapid fire pistol shooting at the Olympic current world record in Milan with 794
Games in Beijing and is holding the world rings, three rings more than the old one.
record in the same discipline, and all this With this achievement Reitz qualified
in his first year to shoot in adult class. for the Olympic Games and was given
Reitz began shooting 11 years earlier good chances to even win the gold
ambitiously with a certificate of medal. However, in Beijing no one came
exemption, at that time still in Löbau in up to the expectations and therefore Reitz
Saxony which belongs to the former was very happy with his bronze medal.
GDR. He moved to Kriftel to be nearer at Back in Kriftel the quite modest champion
The Olympic Games
the Police Academy in Wiesbaden, where was celebrated and honoured by the
With this achievement Reitz
he is training to become a commissioner. major Christian Seitz and now qualified for the Olympic Games
and was given good chances to
In Kriftel he also visited the shooting club expectations are high for the next even win the gold medal. However,
and joined. Here he belongs to the air Olympic Games. Let’s wish him luck in Beijing no one came up to the
expectations and therefore Reitz
pistol team, which shoots in the National Christian Reitz in action – at the was very happy with his bronze
medal. Back in Kriftel the quite
League. One of Reitz strengths are his Olympics in Beijing 2008 modest champion was celebrated
strong nerves in important situations such and honoured by the major
Christian Seitz and now
as the final of a competition. By Matthias M expectations are high for the
next Olympic Games. Let’s wish
him luck

time. Don‘t you think of coming back to live in
What worldwide famous

your hometown?
basketballer thinks about his
I come to Lithuania every year to visit my
school, town and country family and friends, but I’m not planning to live
Basketball is probably the most popular there constantly.
sport in Lithuania: hundreds of people go to - You say you come to Marijampolė every
watch the games, everyone has their favorite year. Have you noticed any changes in your
team and always supports it, and lots of school, in town?
people enjoy playing basketball themselves. I visited my school a couple of years ago,
Apparently, Lithuanians consider basketball to and I can say that it looks almost the same as
be their second religion. Our town, 15 years ago.
Marijampolė is not an exception, people love However Marijampole looks much more
basketball and famous basketball players were modern now. Lots of new buildings and big
born and raised here. One of them is Darius supermarkets have been built, which changed
Songaila, who was a student of ,,Ryto” Marijampole a lot.
secondary school. I would like to ask him - And what can you say about the
some questions about his childhood, school country?
days, what he is doing now and what he thinks I think, that after joining the EU,
about his native town nowadays. Lithuania‘s economy must have improved.
- Your career lasts for more than one Now much more foreign investors can come to
decade. Could you name your biggest Lithuania, farmers get various financial
achievements in sport and tell what you are support, people have better possibilities to set
doing now? up their own businesses. Lithuania also gets
I‘m a champion of Russian Basketball vast sums of money from the EU, which helps
League in 2002-03, winner of a bronze medal to improve country‘s culture, communication,
in Sidney Olympics and Eurobasket 2007 in renew various historical objects like Kings
Spain, and my greatest victory - gold medal in Palace, which will attract a lot of tourists in the
Eurobasket 2003 in Sweden with the future.
Lithuanian national basketball team. Currently - And finally, what would you wish for your
I’m a member of NBA team Wizards, school and maybe for Lithuania?
- It seems that you have found the right For the school – to raise young people,
way of your life and you enjoy it. Would you who would make the school, the town and the
agree that school helped to do this? country famous. The welfare of our country,
Yes, indeed. School played a big role in town or school in the future depends on the
my childhood and further life, because it was young.
the place, where I discovered basketball. There For the country – not to stop developing
I found a lot of friends and our relations are still and not to ignore the young growing
very good and strong. It was the time, when I generation, cause it‘s the future of Lithuania.
played truant and got twos for not doing my Let them discover, take up the things they are
homework. Nevertheless, I was motivated interested in. Let it be sports, art, technology,
enough and never let myself relax too much politics or economy.
and succeeded in exams. Lots of things Prepared by Rūta Čukauskaitė, Vytas
happened for the first time in my life at school, Sidaravičius.
and that’s why it‘s important for me.
- It was a long time since you finished
school and you live abroad for most of the

general he plays at the left back and throws with his
Today: Pascal Hens
right arm.

Pascal Hens, also known as “Pommes” (French
At the moment there are the world
fries), was born on 26th March 1980 in Daun.
championships in Croatia, where Germany is fighting
He is one of the most famous German handball
for the semi final. Unfortunately Pascal Hens was hurt
players. At the moment he is playing for HSV
in the last match just as the German key player
Hamburg in the national league.
Michael Kraus.
He grew up in Mainz-Kastel. His first game in the
Handball has always been the most popular
national league was in 1999 for his old club Wallau-
team sport activity besides football in Germany. In the
Massenheim (near Kriftel), but due to a mistake of his
new generations more young people start to play
club he hadn’t been allowed to play. In the following
handball. It might depend on the modern style as
year he signed his first national league contract. In
handball gets faster and faster. The DHB holds with
2001 he was asked to join the national team.
developing children’s skills. This is also in line with the
Three years later he became European
German government who wants young people to do
champion, but his biggest success was becoming
more sports.
world champion in Germany 2007.
At our school we also have a successful team,
Another great success was when he was voted
Star series – Our world which came third in the Hessen school
sportsman of the year in Hamburg in February 2008.
champions Pascal Hens originally trained to be an office
championships. The coach of the team is Dr. Richter,
who plays handball himself. Before we play matches
clerk and in his free time he likes to surf the internet
we always meet for training camps and friendly
and he plays golf. He is 2m and 3cm tall and weighs
games to strengthen the community, which changes
every year because some of the best players leave
His trademark is his haircut, he has been
wearing a blond Mohawk for some years. As a rule he
Hopefully famous players as Pascal Hens can
gets a new pattern at every big competition with the
encourage children to get interested in playing
national team.
The 28-year-old scorer is the number 23 in
Hamburg and number 2 in the national team. In
By Maren, Sarah and Anna J.

Pascal Hens

up with taking class mates by ditional some
Hope to be First Racket
Marijampolės „Ryto“ Secondary School is
famous not only for its basketball players: D.
extra lessons."
The young boy, asked about his plans for
the future, said: "I think, that I will be the first
Songaila, A. Giedraitis, L. Krulikaitė and A.
racket in the world." Let us hope of the gifted
Kieža. Major achievements in sport has a
player will reach his goal.
young tennis player, a 13 year old , sixth-
former Almantas Oželis. He is the 3rd place
winner of the international competition “Tennis
Europe” in Turkey, the 1st place winner of
Baltic states team match.
Almantas wasin’t the only one interested
in this sport. His dad is a devoted tennis fan,
so already a six year old son was in the tennis
coaching course.In good weather, Almantas
trains in Mokolai,where there are tennis
courts.In bad weather, in winter, the young
tennis player spends his freetime practising at
„Šaltinis“ secondary school.
By the way, Almantas sad, that he hasn’t
free time , because he spends every minute
practising. He trains every day, and on
weekends, in various matches. He has
participated in various championships, and
even outside of Lithuania: Latvia, Estonia,
Russia, America, Finland, Turkey, Germany and
Sweden. One of the most important
championships was held in Turkey, where 128
athletes started in selective competitions
Almantas passed stage after stage, only at the
semi-finals he was defeated by the first racket
of that country.Having returned from Turkey, he
immediately attended the tennis championship
in Kaunas, and won the first place. Almantas
has a lot of awards. Over many years,the
talented tennis player has won 16 cups and 20
medals.In tennis player said that the most Male suada
memorable was the first Cup, won in Šiauliai, Quis  Dolor
where he took the second place. Set Ipsum
Almantas coach, Tom Seliukas says that
in Lithuania among his peers there are no
equal rivals, he fights with the older, players
participating in international tournaments.
Now, the young athlete is supported by his
daddy, who finances all the trips.
Besides, one of the most famous world
tennis equipment manufacturing companies
"Head" is interested in a young talent from
Marijampolė. He signed the agreement under
which A.Oželis represents this company,
providing free tennis rackets, catguts and
balls. Foreign experts wonder how the young
man, who trains "on a wooden floor“ plays so
well. Asked whether the frequent trips do not
interfere with his the studus, Almantas
corfirmed it does he, but also added: "I catch

Year 2009
Europe, a global village
Weingarten Schule, Kriftel
Marijampole "Ryto" Secondary School
St Kyril and Metodi, Satovcha
IES La Laboral, Lardero

Roland Koch, the

current Minister-
President of Hessen

Roland Koch, the current Minister-President of Hessen

Roland Koch, the current Minister- Minister-President of Hessen in 1999. He was

President of Hessen is one of the most re-elected in 2008 \2009.
successful and controversial politicians of His political aims:
Germany. In spite of his provocative way of PRO:
handling conflicts, he is considered to be a • He wants to save jobs and create new
reliable political leader. ones,
Roland Koch was born on March 24th • e.g. by enlarging Frankfurt’s airport,
1958 in Frankfurt/Main. After finishing school in • continued use of nuclear power,
1977 he did his military service and started • harder punishments for young criminals,
college thereafter. In 1979 Koch became the • harder laws on immigration,
youngest person to hold the office of chairman • G8 (pupils leave school after 12 instead
of the CDU in Main-Taunus district. He joined of 13 years),
the CDU when he was 14 CON:
After finishing school in 1977 he did his • communism,
Roland Koch
military service and started college thereafter. • socialism,
THE CDU is a conservative party
Until 1985 he studied and began to work as a • minimum wage (at least 7, 50 Euro per which you can compare with the
lawyer. Living in his hometown, Eschborn, he hour), Republicans in the USA. Angela
worked there as a city council member until THE CDU is a conservative party which Merkel is the chancellor of
1993. you can compare with the Republicans in the Germany and a member of the
CDU. Other famous CDU
He was accused of having financed his USA. Angela Merkel is the chancellor of
politicians were for example
election campaign by using “unofficial” Germany and a member of the CDU. Other
Konrad Adenauer and Helmut
donations to his party, the CDU. But even famous CDU politicians were for example Kohl.
though the affair was investigated he became Konrad Adenauer and Helmut Kohl.
By Lukas, Matthias B. and Alexander B.

Enero 2009
Europe, a global village
Weingarten Schule, Kriftel
Marijampole "Ryto" Secondary School
St Kyril and Metodi, Satovcha
IES La Laboral, Lardero

Mr.Gediminas Kuncaitis


Marijampolė, the seventh largest town in its name was changed to Starapolė. The Soviets made a great starting-step to the
Lithuania, is situated in the southern part of the Unfortunately, after that the town was town development at present.
country. It covers an area of more than 200 destroyed by our enormous fire. Later, rich - Could you mention some of these
square kilometers and has about 50 000 Marian monks came to the area, built a objects?
inhabitants. Marijampolė is an industrial, monastery, founded a new town and, Yes, of course. For more than ten years
educational and cultural center of the region. according to their name, it was called there was a huge, empty and unattractive
The town has its own colourful history and lots Marijampolė. Also there was a period of Soviet building right in the center of the town. It was
of important events, which changed it. So we occupation, when the name of the town was renovated about 5 years ago, and now our
are asking Mr. Gediminas Kuncaitis, who is changed to Kapsukas, but the old name of town has a beautiful and attractive House of
responsible for heritage, ancient and national Marijampolė was restored after Lithuania Culture, which organizes and offers lots of
monuments of the region, to tell us more about regained independence. events and festivals for everyone. Another
Marijampole history, present days and future - You have mentioned the period of Soviet example is on the other side of the street – an
perspectives. occupation. Do you think – it slowed or old, poor-looking building was turned to a
- The first thing we would like to know is quickened the development of the city? shining, world standard 5 star hotel.
how the name of the city was founded? Where Neither slowed, nor quickened, I think. Of - It seems that Marijampolė is quite a
are the roots of the town? course, the Soviets built lots of factories to modern town already. But do you know if
The town was originally founded as a improve the town industry and economics, and something more is going to be done in the
village called Pašešupio, after the name of the created workingplaces for every citizen. future, in order to improve the view of the
nearby river Šešupė. In However, after the fall of the Soviet Union, town?
18th century the many unfinished, empty buildings were left in In the nearest future the heart of
village, at that Marijampolė. Marijampolė – Basanavičius square will be
time belonging - And what has been done with them? renovated. The paving will be changed and a
to the Catholic Almost all of them are being used nowadays. huge monument, marking the millenium of
church, grew to Grey spots of the towns past are now wisely Lithuania, will be built in the centre of the
become a turned into shining objects which make square. I am sure it will make Marijampolė look
market town and Marijampolė look much more modern now. much more impressive and picturesque.
Prepared by Rūta Čukauskaitė, Vytas


Two years ago,

school was very
thank you Manuela, thank you, Silvia, David,
Spain old and small. THANKS
Due to etc.
My story starts when I decided to go to
immigration and In the end, but not less important, they’re
Bulgaria in 2008. First, I thought that it was
the increase of the most important, my new friends. Boys and
population (so going to be a little boring experience: only
girls that showed me the best part of the
increase of children) the three pupils with two teachers going to an
journey: friendship. Laughing in the hotel,
city council decided to unknown country, wow!
build a new school. playing and meeting a new family in my host’s
But in the end, I realized that it was the
When I knew about it. I house, meeting new people in Satovscha's
best experience in my life.
was a little sad because I high school etc. They were the best with us,
was keen on the school but Because of that, I’d like to explain why I
they were warm and sweet, they behaved as if
I knew that it was the say thanks to the Commenius project and all
we had always been friends. I won’t forget
best idea. the people, teachers, boys, girls, etc. from
them, and I will see them again…I hope!
Now the new school is Bulgaria, Germany and Lithuania.
built. It´s a bit bigger So, thank you Ilka, Jana, Djeni, Martin,
Nothing would have been possible
than the old one, is has Emil, Sara, Rafeika, Vaska, Davidas, Martin’s
without my teachers’ and schoolmates’ help,
5.114 m2 and it has space friends, Djeni’s friends…
for 450 pupils. It has so, thank you for that. Then, I think about the
five classes of infant foreign teachers. They taught me a lot of things
school, eight of primary about their cultures, things about their
school, a library, a by Jorge Gámez
traditional lives, their language, their songs…
dinning hall and grocery
things that I didn’t know they existed. So,
The population of the
village is very happy with
the building but they
think that it´s very
expensive , exactly 4,5
million euros, maybe so
many facilities aren´t
necessary but it´s just
by Cristina Saenz


Frankfurt Airport biggest hub in people from here to there but also goods

Europe and post.
Because of the rising demand the
Last year about 53.5 million
airport has to be extended so in 2020 the
passengers left and arrived at Frankfurt
flight movements should rise from
airport, the 2nd biggest airport of Europe
460,000 to 700,000 every year, but there
(after London Heathrow). And I was one
are also opponents to the extension. The
of them. With its 1.940 ha it is one of the
noise and the 400 hectare of the forest
hugest airports in the world. So as a
which will be cut down are two of their
passenger you can easily feel lost at the
reasons to be against it. So there is also a
two terminals and soon the airport will be
special party - the Greens - that fought
even more complicated, because there is
against this extension.
a 3rd one planned. But wherever you look
The situation now is that the airport
you see signposts or monitors and if you
will get a third terminal, so the parties
still don’t have the faintest idea where you
who fought against it didn’t win the fight.
are supposed to go you can ask one of
The airport is one of the most
the 68,500 employees.
modern ones we have ever seen. It has a
The airport of Frankfurt was opened
wide range of restaurants, shops and
on 8th May 1936 by Fraport AG which is
cafes. With exceptions they are opened
the operator. The area, which also
24 hours a day. Compared to other
includes a railway station, has its own
airports it is very clean.
part of Frankfurt City. The airport is
So no matter if the airport gets a
international; it means you cannot only fly
fourth runway or not, it won’t stop
from Frankfurt to Berlin but also to Miami,
growing, because millions of people want
for example. There is a link to the
to travel. And the aim of all staff is to
motorway, too. Fifteen airlines are based
make the journey safe and comfortable.
in Frankfurt airport, of which Lufthansa is
By Geraldine, Anna S., Laura and
the biggest. They do not only transport

Taking off – the

skyline of Frankfurt
in the background

Frankfurt - Transport
The situation now is that
the airport will get a
third terminal, so the
parties who fought against
it didn’t win the fight.
The airport is one of the
most modern ones we have
ever seen. It has a wide
range of restaurants,
shops and cafes. With
exceptions they are opened
24 hours a day. Compared
to other airports it is
very clean.

My Trıp A week in Germany
In my opinion travelling to Germany was a wonderful idea. I love I was ready to know a different place, where I’d be able to improve
travelling, I think everybody loves it. And I think it’s a good way to learn my English, to meet new people and to live for seven days in a foreign
languages, know new cultures and places, make friends… country with its own language and lifestyle. But I never thought that
I always wanted to travel to Germany and my dream came true travelling would be so wonderful!
because of the Commenious project. I’m very pleased. I spent When I arrived at the airport and saw my host family for the first
wonderful days there, it was a great experience. time I got very nervous...because I didn’t know what I could say and do
Most of the German people were so funny and nice. And when we in that moment. However, soon I started to talk and to tell them about
went to visit some places, we learnt lots of things and new stories, new my flight, my family, school, friends,hobbies...and I felt I was at home.
words we didn’t know before… and of course we spent a really good They were really, really friendly with me and Ilka (the German girl who
time with our Spanish and also German, Bulgarian and Lithuanian was my host) and I became real friends.
mates. Now we keep in touch on the internet, we usually write e-mails, I visited many places while I was there with my host family like
talk by messenger, etc… going to Opel zoo, going shopping near Kriftel (the village where I
I would like to keep on travelling because it’s stayed) and visiting the beautiful castle of Heidelberg the last day iI
fantastic! But I would also like other people to come was in Germany.
to Spain and stay in our homes, or something like I also had to get up at 6 a.m. every morning to go to the high
that. I’d love we show the German people that Germany school where I met Ilka’s teachers and class mates, all of them
come here lots of places in Logroño and we would were great!
go shopping together… They were so nice. I hope I We made a workshop and we had a tour of the Museum of
could repeat that again! school history there and then we went back home to have lunch.
by Alba García Arroyo After that, we had different day trips to the cities and villages near
Kriftel: we went to the Opel factory, the town hall of the place I was
living in, we had a trip to the river Rhine, we visited very interesting
museums in Rüdesheim, too. But what I liked most was Frankfurt. That
day was one of the most important for me in my travel to Germany and,
of course, the nights in the park with all my German, Lithuanian and
Bulgarian new friends.
In addition, my English got better, I could talk and understand
easily what I heard...
It was a real pity to come back and leave all these fantastic people
who received me with their doors open.
by Alba Beltrán

Last October some students from La
Laboral, in Spain, travelled to Germany. We
had to do something to take part in this trip.
Finally, we were 5 students with our two
English teachers. We felt like going so when
the day came we were really excited. For some
students it was their first travel by plane.
Firstly, they were a bit scared but then, they
liked it.
When we arrived in Frankfurt, our host
families were waiting for us in the airport.
After taking the luggage, we went to our
host house.
During the week, we visited an Opel
factory where we could see how the cars are
made, and some old cars. We liked it but it
was a bit noisy.
We also visited some villages and some
museums. The villages were small but so
warm. There were houses instead of flats, and
the houses were old and made of stones and
A few days, we went to school. It was a
bit different from Spain. They had double
lessons (Two lessons of the same subject in a
ro w ) ; t h e i r m u s i c c l a s s e s h a d m a n y
instruments and the marks are also different
(the best mark is 1 and the worst is 6).
One day we went to Frankfurt. It’s a big
Last year, some German and Bulgarian students came to
city with high rise buildings, but it’s very Spain. We stayed with German students and we went to
crowded and a bit noisy. We went to a big Logroño with them. We showed them Logroño and, in my
building and at the top of this, we saw the opinion, they enjoyed themselves.
This year, five of us went to Germany,
entire city.
with two English teachers. Our host
We had a very good time in Germany and
family came to the airport and took
our host families were very nice. us home.
It was one of the best trips that I’ve ever We visited the Opel's Opel’s factory
done. factory and we saw old
by Marina Sierra cars; we went to Kriftel's
town hall because the
Comenius project made an
meeting with prizes included. We
went also to visit the Rhin and
some towns near Kriftel. There
were more houses than flats. We
visited some museums, we went to
Frankfurt and we saw high-rise
buildings, we went shopping...
We went to some classes, too,
with our German hosts. The
school is different from Spain:
the classrooms, the marks...The
school had a museum, too.
I enjoyed very much this trip organised by the Comenius
project and I want to repeat this experience. We knew
other cultures, cities and people. We made new friends and
we keep in touch by e-mails and messages.
by Elena Deaconu

Enero 2009
Europe, a global village
Weingarten Schule, Kriftel
Marijampole "Ryto" Secondary
School (Lithuania)
St Kyril and Metodi, Satovcha
IES La Laboral, Lardero (Spain)

a man who
wrote history


Have you heard about this fact? had 36.000 inhabitants, most of them were
Goethe, a famous writer and poet, who manual workers and traders. The people
was born 1749 in Frankfurt/Main, am Großen enjoyed a high standard of living. Goethe’s
Hirschgraben and who died in 1832 and got parents were rich people. Goethe had a good
his title in 1782, had his inspiration for his relationship to his only sister Cornelia Goethe.
popular drama ‘Faust’ from a real life Goethe’s father taught his children on his
experience. It was the character ‘Gretchen’. own or took private teachers for them. He was
Especially the process against the child an educated and interesting man. He had a
murderer Susanna Magaretha Brandt in 1772 library at home. When Goethe turned 16, his
in Frankfurt inspired Goethe to write his most parents decided that he should go to university
famous piece. to Leipzig, to study law from 1765-1768.
But how can we compare the ‘Gretchen- Not surprisingly, young Goethe fell in love.
tragedy’ to the Magaretha Brandt process, He described his strong love for Frederike
In Weimar there was the duke’s mother
who was charged for child murder? Brion in rhymes. At this time Goethe was a
Anna Amalie who had an artistic circle which
The action of ‘Faust’ consists of the bet poet of ‘Sturm und Drang’.
Goethe joined soon. Surely, Weimar was the
between the devil Mephistopheles and God. But you have to know about Goethe’s
cultural capital for many artists like Goethe and
Mephistopheles is dissatisfied with the world most famous novel of letters ‘The sufferings of
also Schiller, who was friendly with Goethe.
and the humans. He bets that he will corrupt young Werther’. This novel of an unhappy love,
Schiller was the man, who wanted Goethe to
the doctor Faust and make him a bad human. which ends with the self-pity and suicide of
continue his work on Faust. In Weimar Goethe
On Faust’s way Mephistopheles gives him a Werther, created a real ‘Werther-Hype’, which
got to know Christiane Vulpius, a lowly girl,
magic potion. That’s the reason for Faust’s love made Goethe popular around the world. He
with whom Goethe had a son, Julius August
to Gretchen. also wrote this in relation to his love to
Walther (17-89-1830). But Goethe’s son died
Gretchen is jointly responsible for her Charlotte Buff. So you see that poets always
because of the unhappy marriage, which made
mother’s and brother’s death and she kills her have a relation to real life.
him an alcoholic. That made Goethe really sad
baby, too, like Magaretha Brandt. But still she But Weimar is the most important town in
and he became ill and died in 1832. But
goes to heaven. Goethe’s life, who was invited by the duke Karl
Goethe died as a man, as a poet of character.
But if you look at Goethe’s childhood you August to come to Weimar, where Goethe took
By Ilka, Mandy and Tamara
have to see Frankfurt in his life time. The old high state offices.
fair town at the crossroads of 16 trading roads

But if you think that he is just a street-
AZAD- From a refugee to a
and hardcore-rapper, you are wrong.
He has very sensitive lyrics, as well,
Azad, the most famous rapper because he is a family man. But he has
from Frankfurt, releases his new album not only this soft side, (“Look my angel,
“AZphalt Inferno” on Friday, 30th of you are everything for me!” – from the
January. His name means “Freedom” song “Was hab ich dir angetan!”), but a
in Persian and Kurdish. very hard side, too; he proved it in
Azad Azadpour alias “The BoZZ” 2004 when he had a skirmish with
was born on 1st January 1974 in Iran. another rapper from Berlin.
He came to Germany in his youth as a In 2007 he reached gold status
Kurdish refugee. He had a hard with his single “Ich glaub an dich”, the
childhood in the ghettos of Frankfurt. German soundtrack for the series
His first contact with hip hop was “Prison Break”. SERRAT, OUR FAVOURITE GUEST
break-dance and graffiti. Since 1988 he “AZphalt Inferno” is Azad’s first Viana is a town in the north of Spain
has been in the German hip hop street-album about ghetto life. with a lot of stories in its streets.
business; he founded the group Because of its location and
If you want to get an impression importance, many people have been here
“Asiatic Warriors” with some of his of this new album, you can go on this since the beginning of its history;
friends. They became famous in 1994. Lords, Kings, dealers, foreigners… and
website and listen to some of his
But this group didn’t exist long also old and new celebrities.
songs: Nowadays, there is a celebrity that
and Azad signed on with the label usually comes to visit us. I´m talking
Pelham Power Productions as a solo- about a famous singer-songwriter, poet
azadbozzmusic and musician called Joan Manuel
artist. Serrat.
by Marco, Luca, Karsten,
From this point onwards his He has born in Barcelona in 1943. Many
Philipp, Tim and Alexander times he has said that he was born to
career began to take off – he released be musician; he used to sing with his
one top 100 hit after the other. Also he mother when he was younger.
Before, singing was only a hobby, but
cooperates with many different after the sucess of “Cançó de
German rappers, e.g. Bushido, like on matinada” in 1967, the first Catalan
song #1 in all the Spanish charts, he
his new album. decided to work as a singer-
This album “AZphalt Inferno” also songwriter.
He started singing with a group of
represents his typical rap technique, friends at the university, and
his minimal beats and his explicit and afterwards he started his solo career.
He was always very proud of his
direct word choice (“Kneel down, hometown, so he used to sing in
salute and stand straight! – The BoZZ Symbol of Azad Catalan (his hometown language).
In times of the Spanish dictatorship,
is back! – from the song “Der Bozz”). he couldn´t appear on TV, because he
sang in Catalan. He also turned down
the possibility of going to the
Eurovison Song Contest in 1968,
because the government didn´t allow
him to sing in Catalan.
His relationship with Viana started in
his youth, when he came here on
holiday to visit a friend of his
family. He made some friends in Viana,
and he lived some of his favourite
Today he comes here in summer, because
he loves our summer festivals. The
thing he likes most is watching the
bulls running through the streets.
In Viana he is not a celebrity, he is
an ordinary citizen.Only pligrims of
St James ´ Way, that pass through
Viana, are amazed when they see him.
Since 2005, he has been an “Adopted
AZAD- From child” in Viana. Not long ago he
a refugee to a bought a house in the Main street.
He really loves this town, and he
rap-star usually says that the most curious
thing of this place,is not the history
or the monuments, but its people. And
it´s because of the people that he
always returns on holiday.

noticed that people there like us and our music
City and Village People Attitude‘s

much more than in Lithuania. They clapped
Change into POP Music performers
during all songs, screamed that they love us. It
in Lithuania was wonderful.
What first comes into your head while How would you describe Lithuanian city
talking about cities and villages? You would and village?
probably answer, that cities mean shops, clubs Big cities remind crowded streets, noise
and noisy streets, hundreds of people around and polluted environment. Villages associate
and no privacy at all. Villages, on the contrary, with heartiness, spacious view and fresh air.
is a place of nature and silence. Years ago What shows our culture better: city life or
people noticed that it is much more exciting to traditions of our old village?
spend their free time in a peaceful scenery of a Our village life shows the culture of
village and to rest for a while. Well known Lithuania better, as all the traditions originated
celebrities also notice the differences of these from them.
two places and people living in a city or a Where would you like to live: in a noisy
village. I would like to ask my classmates, city or a peaceful village?
singers of a popular group in Lithuania All of us would like to live in a village,
“Mokinukės” some questions about that. because there aren’t traffic jams and noise. We
First, tell something about your group. like to rest.
Hello. We are POP group called Have you noticed, that village people
”Mokinukės” (in English we are “Schoolgirls”). become more modern and eventually forget
There are four members in our group: Ineta, about the old traditions of our nation?
Irūna, Rūta and Kristina. We are 17 – 18 years Yes, it really seems that village people
old. Our group has been singing for five years become modern and not all of them are
and we have already produced four music concerned about saving the old traditions. It is
albums. Lithuanian people like us very much, quite sad as you think, because the history, our
so we are one of the most popular groups in language and the old traditions are the things
Lithuania. that make us unique and original.
You have many concerts. Where are they
arranged more often: in a city or a village?
We have many concerts in various cities Ruta
and villages in Lithuania. Usually more often in
big cities than in villages, because
tickets to our concerts cost more Iruna
than people can afford. Also city
people organize much more events
than village people.
Have you noticed any
differences between the audience of
a city and a village?
Yes, we have seen some
differences.. Village people are
merrier and more honest. They prefer
POP Music performers in pop-music and love it. City people
like exclusive style of music as well
as stylish clothes, they look a bit
Yes, it really seems that
village people become
City people sometimes make
modern and not all of
them are concerned about fun of village people. What do you
saving the old traditions. think about that?
It is quite sad as you We were, are and will be against
think, because the discrimination of people.
history, our language and
Have you ever had concerts
the old traditions are the
things that make us unique abroad? Were they different from the
and original. concerts you had in Lithuania?
We had some concerts in
Poland, in the town called Seinai. We

COMPOSITION FOR Comenius Project

I think that this project
is very important,
because the cultural
exchange is much more

PROJECT intense if you

connect with
the people of
I would a village,
than if you
like people to go to a big
think about city.

Composition for the Comenius Project

My name is Sara, Sara Botella. I´m almost sixteen and I live in I would like people to think about this, and it is not to make sure
Murillo, a village near Logroño. One thing I´ve got to say is that that you are going to have my participation in good consideration, is to
travelling goes into my blood; for instance, I´m not even from Murillo. I make sure that the people that will go to the next, and last exchange,
was born in a little village in Alicante, called Benirabeig. Bur I don´t are going to take advantage of it for their own profit.
consider myself from there, I think I´m more from Orense, where I And finally I would like to thank all the people who make this
stayed for 6 years, or from Seville where I left most of my friends…so if project a fact.
somebody asks about it I say I´m just Spanish, because it´s a bit hard to Yours sincerely
explain, I don´t even know where I´m really from. Sara Botella
My parents are Spanish, and they also love traveling. My mother
was born in Buenos Aires, but she has Spanish nationality, and she
speaks English, French ,German, and of course English . They have
shown me how important it is to look for yourself in the spaces that you Comenius Project
know and the ones you don´t know, being helped by all the people that The Commenius project has been for me a way
have something to teach us. I know I´m finding what I´m looking for of meeting new people and countries, not
when I travel
just our host country, Germany, but other
I´ve been to France last summer, but it was a bit strange, because
the lady of the house, friend of my mother, was Malay. I didn´t know her countries like Lithuania and Bulgaria we
before, and she didn´t speak Spanish, just English, French or Malaysian. don't know as well as Germany.
My French is not good at all, (don´t speak about my Malaysian…) so I Anyway, what I want to say is that this
had to speak English the whole summer. It was amazing. I was learning project opens your mind in the way of
Chinese medicine, cooking and painting, and everything was in English! visiting foreign cultures and new people
I also was to Bulgaria last year with this project. It was such a makes you more tolerant, and it's because of
good experience for me, I learned a lot, not just improving my English, this I think this kind of trips must be done
and the teaching was from everyone, the students, the teachers and all frequently, because you learn a lot from
the fantastic people that knew how to make the best of the trip. other cultures and languages and, above all,
What I´m trying to say is that there are a lot of things to learn, so
because you do new friendships, friendships
many places with so many people waiting to give us some of their
knowledge, and it´s not just that: everyone has something to show, and I hope I'll never lose.
I´m feeling like the whole world is waiting for me. Finally, I want to say how grateful I am
I think that this project is very important, because the cultural because of our trip to Germany, the friends
exchange is much more intense if you connect with the people of a I left there (I hope we'll see each other
village, than if you go to a big city. And there are also other reasons, like soon) and how much I learnt. Since I left
the fact that the people from villages don´t have the same possibilities Germany (and I think I'm speaking in the
as the students who go to schools situated in capitals. name of all of us) I am looking forward to
If you know how to take advantage of this opportunity, whose key the moment we'll be together again.
is English, you take automatically the learning, because when you are See you later!
living something important, especially when you are enjoying it, all you
Gonzalo Idoate
could learn comes deeper that if you are in a normal situation. That´s
why these exchanges, are so good for students that are interested, that
are going to take the best, and give the best.

Hello I´m Hassan; I was born in or you can get
Madrid (the capital of Spain), but now I robbed. In the
live in La Rioja (in the north of Spain), in a village things like
village. I´m 17 years old. I came to La that can´t happen
Rioja when I was 14, the change was so so I think that
I want to go
strong because as you can imagine everyone should
to Lithuania
Madrid is a big city: there are a lot of travel because
people, you can do a lot of different when you go to
things, but in a village people are used to another country
do always the same things, and it is you learn a lot of things, and if you don´t that prefer the village. It depends on the
small, but, most of the people like their travel, how do you know that you want to persons, but the persons should try to
life as it is they want to be always in the live in the same country all your life if you visit different places
same place, they don´t want to see the didn´t see the other countries? I want to go to Lithuania
world. Some of them are closed minded All the cities because I know that it´s a very nice
and I´m not saying that this kind of people
have a story and you can learn a lot opportunity to travel to a place where I
are mad, I mean that I don´t understand
making tourism or you can go to different know that I’m not going to travel in my
these things because I love traveling and I
restaurants like Japanese food or Italian future. I love so much seeing different
love seeing different things and different
food or whatever, but I think that in the countries, different buildings and to see
cities it is harder to live because there are the differences between all the countries
When I talk to the people a lot of people and a lot of pollution. The that I have been to in all my life. I´ll go
of my village about going to another people who live in cities, when they have with some friends from my school so I
country, they look at me as if I´m crazy or holidays, usually go to relaxing places like think that we are going to have a great
something and I don´t understand this villages or to the beach or somewhere time there, I’m very nervous too but I
attitude. I feel strange, and very confused that you can relax. know that is going to be a great
because in Madrid when I talked about For me big cities are great, but this experience that I will remember all my life.
going somewhere the people always said is because I live in a village and when I go And the best thing is that I didn´t know
that I was very lucky, and yes I´m very to Madrid for example I have a wonderful that I could go there, seriously I’m very
lucky. The bad thing about this depends time but I know that I can´t live in a city lucky.
on the neighborhood, there are good for all this things that I talked before but I can´t wait to get there, thank you
neighborhoods and bad neighborhood yet for short visits I think it is great, but ,I very much for this big opportunity in my
but at night time some people of different think that this is because know I’m used life.
neighborhoods go to parties and it´s quite to life in a village and now I’m used to it. By Hassan Pastor
dangerous. People get drunk or There are people for everything:
something worse, and you can get killed people who prefer the cities and people
had happened. They didn´t recieve more I will never forget the hug I gave them
11th September information but everybody was very scared when they finally came back home.
People think that dangerous events never
and they didn´t know what to do. by Raquel Sáenz
happen to us, but I´m going to tell you a
I remember when I was watching tv and I
story that happened to my family.
watched the news. I couldn´t believe it! we
It was 11th September and my aunt, uncle
didn´t know if my family was ok because it
and cousins where on holiday in New York.
was impossible call them. A few hours later
Two days before they had visited the twin
the phone rang and it was them. They said
towers. That morning they were in the
that they didn´t have their suitcases with
plane to come back to Spain, when
them and they had to spend some days in
suddenly flight asistants ordered them to
a sportscentre until the situation was
leave the plane because a terrorist attack


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