PPITT 032113 Meeting Minutes

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Pikes Peak Interagency Transition Team Meeting Minutes March 21, 2013

Theresa Felton, D2 called the meeting to order at 1:00pm Sign in sheet was passed around. Theresa Felton read the mission statement for the PPIAT Presenters included: Anne McKenzie/Special Kids,Special Families, Felicia Barnhart /Therapeutic Recreation Program (TRP), Tim Thompson/author Adam & Eve, Deborah Sorat/Club of Arts Presentations: Anne McKenzie/Special Kids Special Families shared information about their 3 locations in Colorado Springs. Programs include: Zachs Place is a respite center for children ages 5 to 21 with disabilities, Therapeutic Foster Family Care for Youth ages 0-21years old, Foster Family Respite Care, Adult Host Home Care serves 32 individuals, Trentons Friends is respite care for all ages in El Paso County, I-CAN Integrated Community Accessibility and Networking provides services to adults ages 18-65 with developmental disabilities, Joeys Place is an adult non-integrated activity services program. Felicia Barnhart/Therapeutic Rec shared information about their programs for age 6 years to seniors. It is a goal oriented program which helps people increase their independence. We watched a video which covered 5 core program areas: Arts and Culture, Sports, Fitness and Aquatics, Social Enrichment, Community Integration/Leisure Education and Outdoor Activities. Fitness passport is a new program to get individuals involved in healthy living. She shared that there has recently been a conflict with their dances being on the same day at the ARCs dances. A representative from the ARC acknowledged the conflicts saying there were pros and cons with one of the pros being that at the last ARC dance there was 400 people and TRs dance had 100 people, so it was good some people were at the other dance or it the ARCs would have had to many people. Tim Thompson/Author and client of Special Kids Special Families, shared information about his book entitled Adam & Eve. It is a fiction story about the first man and first woman in the bible. He would like to have a table at the resource fair and the book will be sale for $24.95. Deborah Sorat/Club of Arts shared information about classes they offer, special programs they can do with school districts and transition field trips they can do. They primarily serve adults and are a day program thru TRE. This is new, previously they were a membership club. Classes are $9.00 per hour. A Relationship and Self-Care class for women is taking place on Thursday afternoons. Announcements: The ARC announced a Pikes Peak Region film festival on 3-28 with showtimes being 1:00, 3:30 and 7:00pm at the Stargazers Theatre, 10 S Parkside Drive I, CS. 2 of the films feature CO families of individuals with disabilities and 1 film is Governor Hickenlooper addressing people with disabilities. The

films are 1 hr long and cookies and punch will be served afterward. Seating is for 400 people. For more information call the ARC at 471-4800. The Independence Center announced that their Independent Living Skills classes would be starting the first week of April. Call Meghan Hess (471-8181) to sign up. The CP Association announced that they have pins/ribbons available for a small donation. Marsha Unruh, TRE handed out the February/March editions of the Compass. Agency Resource Fair: Theresa Felton requested that individuals sign up for how many copies they could make of the Resource Directory. An electronic copy will be emailed and the front/back should be in card stock. Any color is fine. April 12th is the final date for agencies to get into the resource directory. Sonja Teigen, Boces announced that 68 agencies have signed up for tables at the resource fair. She will be sending out a 3rd and final email to vendors who have not yet responded. She read off the list of vendors who havent responded and individuals with a personal connection to each vendor volunteered to contact them and find out if they are interested in having a table at the resource fair. Cost is $15.oo per table. Marketing Group has not met since Randi Van Ness has not been able to participate. They planned to meet after the meeting to schedule a date. Advertising to date has been done in the Compass for March/April, and it is possible that there was an ad placed in the Gazette although no one claimed to do this. Marsha Unruh sent it out to all TRE families and in her newslette, school districts have sent information out. For further advertising, it was agreed to buy a banner with Interagency Resource Fair on it. Angie Brown to check if Citizen Service Center would approve hanging it outside. It was agreed to place an ad in the Independent for $625 for 6x5 size with no color. SLN donated $160.00 to add advertisement on banner of paper. Wendy Sawtell, D20 agreed to do this. Angie Brown, D8 will advertise on ESPN radio. Che Frey, Our House will distribute 200 flyers in the community. Julie OBrien, D11 and Sonia Teigen will each get him 100 copies. A sign-up sheet for set up at 3:00pm was passed around. Vendors will be coming in at 4pm. Julie OBrien will order pizza for the vendors. Last year people came in early while vendors were setting up, we need to keep doors closed this year to avoid that. There will be a meeting in the front room until 4pm so set up will start in area by Aspen Pointe Caf. Angie Brown will speak to contact about table arrangement and set up. Grant Langdon, GW will do the table signs. School for the Deaf and the Blind will do braille table signs. We will not have door prizes although vendors may give things away. Sonia Teigen will do an exit survey and distribute for copies. These will be on tables by the exit door for people to complete when leaving. Cindy Powell/Carmel Community Living proposed having money from the budget pay for the interpreters for the deaf. Last year, SLN, GW and College Living Experience donated money to pay for 5 interpreters. It was agreed that this would come out of the budget.

Next meeting to take place April 18th at Citizen Service Center at 1pm. Cindy Powell will get room reserved. SLN will be presenting. Grant Langdon will facilitate and Anne McKenzie will be note taker.

Kim Van Valkenburg, D20

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