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IASC Cluster Approach

Cluster1 Lead agency2 Participants Objectives

Camp Coordination and UNHCR – conflict-related IDPS OCHA Unlike in other clusters, the
Management UNICEF working group had to define and
IOM – natural disaster related IDPs NRC refine the concept of Camp
IRC Coordination first, thereby looking
at the scope and purpose of this
crosscutting cluster, and
considering the generic roles of
national governments, the
international community and
nongovernmental partners. The
working group aims to map Camp
Coordination capacities worldwide
and to set the foundations for a
viable and sustainable response
mechanism. For that to happen, the
Camp Coordination Cluster aims to
broaden its membership and bring
together major players that enhance
competence, experience, and
capacities in the cluster. It will be
working on standard setting,
including the development of
guiding principles, and, the
mobilization of resources to
effectively manage the cluster at a
global level (including stand-by
capacities) and to respond to new
emergencies as well as existing
Internally Displaced Persons

Source: Update on Humanitarian Reform, United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), March 2006;$FILE/Update%20of%20humanitarian%20response%20review.pdf?OpenElement .
OCHA in 2006, Activities and Extra-budgetary Funding Requirements;
A list of acronyms is found at the end of the document.

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IASC Cluster Approach

Early Recovery UNDP [UN Development [18 humanitarian and development “Early Recovery” has been defined
Programme] agencies, not specified] as a multidimensional process –
including the reintegration of
displaced people- that aims at
stabilizing human security in its
economic, livelihoods, governance,
social and security dimensions and
at laying the basic foundation of a
transformation process that
integrates risk reduction at the very
early stages of humanitarian action.
The objective of this cluster is to
improve the predictability,
timeliness, effectiveness, and
efficiency of humanitarian and
development-related action from
the early phases of the
humanitarian response to a crisis.
Its priority areas of focus are to
strategically plan recovery from
very early stages of a crisis and to
develop joint programming in key
priority sectors where the impact of
development programmes needs to
be accelerated. The cluster, while
requiring dedicated attention and
strengthening in its own right, will
also make every effort to integrate
and mainstream early recovery
across all the clusters and sectors.
Emergency Shelter UNHCR – complex emergencies IFRC The cluster working group aims to
IFRC – natural disasters IOM improve effectiveness and
NRC predictability of service provision
DRC by
Care International – ICVA rep (a) strengthening of stockpiles

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IASC Cluster Approach

CARE – SCHR rep of shelter and related non-food

CRS – InterAction rep items,
ICRC (b) developing an emergency
shelter strategy, guidelines and
tools for assessments,
intervention and monitoring,
(c) increasing the number of
qualified professionals available
for rapid deployment.
Emergency Telecommunications OCHA – process owner UNDPKO The Emergency
UNICEF – common data services UNHCR Telecommunications Cluster aims
WFP [World Food Programme] – UNOSAT to provide clearly defined services
common security WHO to ensure timely, predictable, and
telecommunications services ICRC effective inter-agency
IFRC telecommunications to support
NetHope humanitarian operations in
TSF emergencies. This includes
interagency telecommunications
infrastructure and services,
covering both data and security
communications, which are
essential for the efficient and
effective operations; standard,
interoperable Information and
Communication Technology (ICT)
platforms and procedures to avoid
duplication and ensure cost
effective services; and transition to
the post-emergency reconstruction.
Health WHO FAO The priorities of the Health Cluster
OCHA are set out in the twenty-point Joint
UNICEF Initiative to Improve Humanitarian
UNDP Health Outcomes. There are, in
UNFPA addition, some relatively neglected
UNHCR sub-sectoral areas especially in
WFP relation to mental health and

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IASC Cluster Approach

ICRC psycho-social support, Sexual and

IFRC Gender-Based Violence (SGBV),
ICVA HIV/AIDS, women's health and
InterAction mass casualty management. Health
IOM Cluster partners are addressing
SCHR these areas.
SRSG of HR on IDPs
International Emergency and
Refugee Health Branch
Terre des Hommes
Logistics WFP IOM The Cluster Working Group aims
WHO to improve surge capacity, speed
UNHCR and effectiveness of humanitarian
UNICEF response ensuring better logistics
OCHA preparedness and response, and
UNJLC facilitating improved inter-agency
UNFPA interoperability through the pooling
ICRC of resources.
Nutrition UNICEF WHO The Cluster working group aims to
UNHCR improve the predictability,

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IASC Cluster Approach

WFP effectiveness and accountability of

FAO humanitarian action in Nutrition. It
UNICEF has developed its work plan around
UNFPA key gaps it has identified in the area
OCHA of Nutrition such as Coordination,
IFRC Emergency Preparedness and
ICRC Response Triggers, Assessment,
ACF monitoring and surveillance,
SC Capacity Building, and Supply.
Protection UNHCR OCHA The Working Group has identified
UNICEF nine key areas where protection
OHCHR gaps have existed in humanitarian
WFP response, and has determined focal
UNMAS point responsibilities among
UNDPKO participants to ensure predictability
SRSG on HR of IDPs in future protection responses. The
ICVA framework established by the
SCHR Working Group is designed to be
InterAction flexible and easily adapted for
ICRC implementation at the country
IRC level, while also taking a proactive
NRC approach to ensure inclusion of all
Terre des Hommes "protection actors", including
DRC international and national NGOs.
Women’s Commission

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IASC Cluster Approach

Water, Sanitation & Hygiene UNICEF ACF Its implementation plan has eight
InterAction strategic outcomes focusing on
ICRC assessment of sector capacities,
IFRC strengthening surge capacity,
IRC training and orientation,
MSF strengthening coordination,
RedR developing supply assistance,
UNHCR standard setting and performance
WFP indicators, monitoring and
WHO advocacy and resource
Education UNICEF Providing education to children in
the affected populations.

List of Acronyms

ACF Action contra la Faim

AHA Africa Humanitarian
AMOA Association of Medical Doctors Of Asia
CDC Center for Disease Control
CRS Catholic Relief Services
DRC Danish Refugee Council
FAO UN Food and Agricultural Organization
IOM International Organization for Migration
ICMH International Center for Migration and Health
ICRC International Committee of the Red Cross
ICVA International Council of Volunteer Agencies
IFRC International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies
IMC International Medical Corps
IRC International Rescue Committee
JRS Jesuit Refugee Service
MSF Médecins sans Frontières
Merlin Medical Emergency Relief International

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NCEH National Center for Environmental Health

NRC Norwegian Refugee Council
OCHA UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
OHCHR Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights
RedR Registered Engineers for Disaster Relief
SC Save the Children
SCHR Steering Committee for Humanitarian Response
SRSG of HR on IDPs
UN Special Representative of the Secretary General on the Human Rights of Internally Displaced Persons
TSF Telecommunications sans Frontières
UN DPKO UN Dept. of Peacekeeping Operations
UNDP UN Development Programme
UNFPA UN Population Fund
UNHCR UN High Commissioner for Refugees
UNICEF UN Children’s Fund
UNJLC UN Joint Logistics Centre
UNMAS UN Mine Action Service
UNOSAT UN Office for Satellite Technology
WHO World Health Organization
WVI World Vision International

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