Opening Ving Card Locks

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VingCards These cards are used primarily by hotels, and our quite unique.

The lock is a ma trix of [sort of32 like pins a vax...]. which have Two two ofpossible these are positions special and eacharen't really used in the keying. and driver Theparts, remaining except 30 that are constructed all the drivers out of are standard the same pin length and all the pi ns are the pointing upward same [the length. springs The pin-driver are underneath] combinations in a sort sitof matrix about 1.5 inche s on aball. steel side.The Above entire eachmatrix pin-driver is enclosed combination in a *plastic* sits a assembly, part of which may canbe slide familiar "forward" with the [i.e. keys: awaywhite from plastic the user]. cards Some about of you 3 inches long with a bu nch"clicks" it The of holes lock combination forward in one opens end. is set Pushing the bylocking inserting this mechanism. into a similar the slotcard, untilonly half as long, into the theopening *back* card of the and lock. has part This of card the ishole the matrix same thickness cut A juxtaposition of thi s combination the front closes card the from matrix: the back i.e.and if you the overlay key cardthe from combination and key cards i n their left, *exclusively*: opening configuration, i.e. wherethere thereare is a nohole openon holes the combination card there is complement solid on the of the key proper card, and keyvice cardversa. is theThus combination the card. This is enforced by t he placement the sliders and of top the plate, ballbearings so a workaround and pins in like relation a cardto with all holes cut out or The a solid combination card does card not slides open in thebetween thing. the conical pin ends and the steel ballbe arings The key[and cardis comes thusin harder over the to push balls, in and thanits thethickness key card]. pushes the balls under i ts solid pushed down, regions whendownward. the lock is So open, each pin theassembly same amount, is be it by the key card hitti ng the the actual ballbearing pin downward. or theClarification: combination card Letwedging us define a "1" pin as a hole in the the opening opening card. card Thus andaa"0" hole pin insits the combination under a solid card. portion A 0 pin of opens as follows: S incesteel the the combination ball, the keycard card lets pushes the the pin ball rise [and up against its pin] down to the bottom of the keycard Simple. Here's slot. theThis magic brings -- a 1 that pinpin opens to in itsthe shear following line. fashion: Since the co mbinationon directly card theis combination solid there, card, theand steel theball pin underneath is sitting is *already* at its she ar line. the ball is If pushed a soliddown keycard against portion the combination arrives overcard thisand ball, *pushes the entire area not of only the combination that pin's shear card down lineunder but probably it*, lousing a fewup around it. Although a clever m echanism, this combination card depends to work. on Note the elasticity that as the ofkey thecard is inserted and removed, the randomly combination until card thewill keycard be flexed comes to up rest and down at its opening position. [Correction to All Hmm.] above: thiseach happens pin within really the has confines *three* possible of the sliding positions. *plastic* frame; this part c arriesThe pins. thestationary two cards,part the underneath balls, and this the top contains halvesthe of drivers the and springs. A me tal a gap plate justbolts big enough down on for top the ofkey thecard. sliding If the piece, screws leaving holding this plate were to sit become too high loose, up, the and plate the lock wouldwould rise not up, open. the key All card thewould positioning is done by the of thickness their slots. of the Therefore keys while a piece they of rest thin against cardboard the surfaces will not serve as a duplicat e key.cut sign, We identically found that two andpieces used together, of plastic were "dothick not disturb" enough to position things co rrectly A It rough @ o is oFront Back o hoped and top o o that open view: o @ the o <Q [] || Hdiagram O # lock. > _=housing = =balls keycard comb. slider pins driver/ spring stationary topon plate card asm HHHHHHHHHHHHH the Pin -right, >mechanism: Front QQ# QQ###[]####[]####[]################# QQQQQ||QQQQ||QQQQ||QQQQQQQQQQQQQ QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ ________________________________ QQ with OOOOOOOO [] < its > HHHHHHHHHH [] three < > [] OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO example < > HHHHHH ##Back pins, QQwill ## QQ sho w sufficiently too far, and ifthat two solid if twoplaces holes coincide, coincide the thepin entire willcombination rise card would be pushed downthe underneath by combination the ballbearings. card for There it to is sag sufficient down and space foul the shear line; it i s normally against theheld underside. upward This by the diagram pins' may spring be misleading tension if it is not understood th at the of height balls approximately are actually three larger cards than stacked shown;up i.e. equals the the diameter of the ballbe aring. There keycard and the is combination a thin layercard, of slider whichplastic separates between them and the retains the ballbeari The @'s in the top view are the two magic pins. These prevent the lock from work ngs. ing a are atbit allthicker unless than a combination the othercard pinsis and inserted. do not have Theyballbearing parts. The sli der above pins have nothing the combination to do with card the slot keycard. here is They solid, simply so hold thesethe lock shut if no c ombination with a keycard. card Therefore is installed, if one regardless were to make of what a combination is done card that only pushe d down if one inserts these pins, a solid a solid combination keycard card, would the work. lock Andis already open before you ins ertopen to anything. the door [This with isjust a useful abouthack any tool, that will in case allow you anyone are crashing lots of peop le in amore. making room,Naturally don't have your enough security keys,is and compromised, don't feel but likeonly those who know wha t's slider The going on has will a bracket be ablebolted to geton in.] to it, which reaches down toward the doorknob through and pushes it. This a moveable joins two sleeve sections with aof square a three-section hole split shaft together, whi ch allows knob is "hardwired" the outside toknob the bolt to retract actionthe andbolt. always The opens inside the door. The extra spli t in still will the shaft behave is like so that a regular with the split-shaft card in place, knobset the[and lockdisable opening if the There deadbolt is ais hinged shot]. plastic door on the back [inside] of the lock, which is held s hut with a screwdriver combination card goes, although tab inside this a slot. door exposes This is enough where the to see the entire slide r mechanism must Now, be taken the security [except off evaluation: tofor getits theinner slider I see works; out]. no clear the way entire to "pick" back it. The rear pins are However, hard to this get at lock without wouldtouching be *very* the easy frontmost to defeat, ones. in the following fashion: A t hin tool inch wideabout can cover the thickness one column ofof a ballbearings. keycard and about If this .2 tool is slowly slid stra ight into the encountered asslot it contacts along each each column ball indicates in turn, the whether resistance there is a hole or not un derneath card presses it in upward the combination against thecard. ball more The combination strongly than the pin's spring does, s o this then construct would allow the keycard one to map complement. the combination This process card and wouldn't take very long. I t herefore less thanrecommend high-security. that these Furthermore, locks become considered to think of it, a small hole drilled in easy it the front to frob plate the[which sliderIor doubt split isshaft. hardened] would make

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