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Math 2380: Partial Solutions to Excercises 98 and 99

Properties and rules that have been given or proved in examples and exercises previous to exercise 98: Multiplication is Associative Addition is Associative Multiplication is Commutatitive Addition is Commutatitive Denition of a Multiplicative Identity Denition of a Additive Identity Denition of a Multiplicative Inverse Denition of an Additive Inverse For x = 0 y = 0, (xy )1 = y 1 x1 1 For x = 0, x1 = x y For x = 0, x = yx1 The Distributive Law: X*(A+B)=X*A + X*B Excercise 98. (i) Suppose that 0 and Z are both additive identities. Show that 0 = Z . (ie. Show that the additive identity is unique) Proof. Suppose that 0 is an additive identity and that Z is an additive identity. Then, by the denition of the additive identity, the following equations hold for all X : 0 + X = X, X + 0 = X Z + X = X, X + Z = X Let X = 0. Then Z + 0 = 0 since Z + X = X . Let X = Z . Then Z + 0 = Z since X + 0 = X . Therefore 0 = Z + 0 = Z . So 0 = Z . (ii) Suppose that 1 and U are both multiplicative identities. Show that 1 = U . (ie. Show that the multiplicative identity is unique) Proof. Suppose that 1 is an multiplicative identity and that U is an multiplicative identity. Then, by the denition of the multiplicative identity, the following equations hold for all X : 1 X = X, X 1 = X U X = X, X U = X Let X = 1. Then U 1 = 1 since U X = X . Let X = U . Then U 1 = U since X 1 = X . Therefore 1 = U 1 = U . So 1 = U .

(iii) Show that if x and x are both additive inverses of the same number, say y , then x = x . (ie. Show that the additive inverse of y is unique) Proof. Suppose that x and x are both additive inverses of y . Then, by denition of the additive inverse, the following equations hold: x + y = 0, y + x = 0 x + y = 0, y + x = 0 Therefore x+y =0 x+y+x =0+x x+y+x =x x + (y + x ) = x x + (0) = x x=x denition of x the additive inverse of y add x to both sides additive identity addition is associative denition of x the additive inverse of y additive identity

(iv) = is reexive, symmetric and transitive (see endnote 336 in book). (v) Show that if x and x are both multiplicative inverses of the same number, say w, then x = x . (ie. Show that the multiplicative inverse of y is unique) Proof. Suppose that x and x are both multiplicative inverses of w. Then, by denition of the mulitplicative inverse, the following equations hold: x w = 1, w x = 1 x w = 1, w x = 1 Therefore xw =1 xwx =1x xwx =x x (w x ) = x x (1) = x x=x denition of x the multiplicative inverse of w multiply x by both sides multiplitive identity multiplication is associative denition of x the multiplicative inverse of w multiplicative identity

(vi) Show (x) = x Proof. [Note that we know the additive inverse of x is (x).]. (x) + (x) = 0 (x) + (x) + (x) = (x) + 0 (x) + (x) + (x) = (x) [(x) + (x)] + (x) = (x) 0 + x = (x) x = (x) 2 denition of additive inverses add (x) to both sides additive identity addition is associative denition of x the additive inverse of (x) additive identity

Alternatively, since the additive inverse of x is (x) and the additive inverse of x is x, we have x and (x) are bothe the additive inverse of x. So by the uniqueness of the additive inverse, ex98(iii), x = (x). (vii) Show that 0x = 0 for all x. Proof. (As suggested by the hint, consider 0 x + 1 x) 0 x + 1 x = (0 + 1)x 0 x + 1 x = (1)x 0x+x=x (0 x + x) + (x) = x + (x) 0 x + (x + (x)) = x + (x) 0x+0=0 0x=0 distributive law additive identity multiplicative identity add x to both sides addition is associative additive inverse additive identity

(viii) Show x = (1)x (We know that the additive inverse of x is x. Therefore it suces to show that (1)x is also the additive inverse of x, since by problem 89(iii) the additive inverse of x is unique.) Proof. (1)x + x = (1)x + (1)x = (1 + 1)x = 0x =0 multiplicative identity distributive law 1 and 1 are additive inverses 0x = 0excercise 89(vii)

Thus (1)x + x = 0. Since addition is commutative we also have x + (1)x = 0. So by denition, (1)x is the additive inverse of x. We also know that x is the additive inverse of x. By uniqueness of the additive inverse (exercise 89(iii)), we have x = (1)x. (ix) Show (1)(1) = 1 (We know that the additive inverse of 1 is 1. Therefore it suces to show that (1)(1) is also the additive inverse of 1, since by problem 89(iii) the additive inverse of 1 is unique.) Proof. (1)(1) + (1) = (1)(1) + (1)(1) = (1 + 1)(1) = 0(1) =0 multiplicative identity distributive law 1 and 1 are additive inverses 0x = 0excercise 89(vii)

Thus (1)(1) + (1) = 0. Since addition is commutative we also have (1) + (1)(1) = 0. So by denition, (1)(1) is the additive inverse of 1. We also know that 1 is the additive inverse of 1. By uniqueness of the additive inverse (exercise 89(iii)), we have 1 = (1)(1).

(x) Show (x)(y ) = xy Proof. (x)(y ) = (1)(x)(1)(y ) = (1)(1)xy = (1)xy = xy x = (1)x exercise 89(viii) multiplication is commutative (1)(1) = 1 excercise 89(ix) multiplicative identity

The proof that (x)y = (xy ) is similar. (xi) Justify the given equalities in the problem (xii) Show xy = 0 if x = 0 and y = 0 Proof. Since x = 0 and y = 0, x and y have multiplicative inverses x1 and y 1 respectively. Now 1 = (1)(1) = (xx1 )(yy 1 ) = xyy
1 1

multiplicative identity multiplicative inverses multiplication is commutative (xy )1 = y 1 x1

= (xy )(xy )1

Therefore (xy )1 is a number which multiplies xy . We can similarly show 1 = (xy )1 (xy ). So by denition, (xy )1 is the multiplicative inverse of xy . Since xy has a multiplicative inverse, it follows that xy = 0. Excercise 99. (i) Justify each step of the given proof (ii) Suppose b = 0 and d = 0. Show a b + Proof. c a + = ab1 + cd1 b d = (1)ab1 + (1)cd1 = (d1 d)ab1 + (b1 b)cd1 = (ad)(d1 b1 ) + (bc)(d1 b1 ) = (ad)(bd)
1 1

c d

ad+bc bd

by mimicking the proof in (i).

rule xy 1 =

x y multiplicative identity multiplicative inverses multiplication is commutative (xy )1 = y 1 x1 distributive law x xy 1 = y

+ (bc)(bd)

= (ad + bc)(bd)1 ad + bc = bd

(iii) Show a b = Proof.

a b

a b ,

for b = 0.

a a + = ab1 + ab1 b b = (1)ab1 + ab1 = (1)ab1 + (1)(ab1 ) = (1 + 1)ab1 = (0)ab =0 Therefore a b + [We now show
a b 1

x y by ex 89 (viii) (1)x = x rule xy 1 = multiplicative identity distributive law additive inverses by ex89(vii) 0x = 0
a b

= 0. Since addition is commutative we also have

a b.

+ ( a b ) = 0. So by the denition of
a b

the additive inverse, a b is the additive inverse of

a b

is the additive inverse of

a b.

Then, by uniqueness of the additive inverse, x y by ex 89 (viii) (1)x = x rule xy 1 = multiplication is commutative x xy 1 = y (1)x = x additive inverse

= a b]

a a + = ab1 + (a)b1 b b = ab1 + [(1)a]b1 = ab1 + (1)(ab1 ) a a = + (1) b b a a = + ( ) b b =0 A similar proof shows a b = (iv) Show (x1 )1 = x. Proof. See excercise 91(viii)
1 = (v) Show ( a b) b a a b .

a b

Proof. ab = ab1 ba1 ba = b1 baa1 =1 Therefore

a b b a

x y multiplication is commutative rule xy 1 = multiplicative inverses

b a a b

= 1. Since multiplication is commutative we also have

b a

= 1. So by the denition of

multiplicative inverses,

is the inverse of

a b.

a a 1 ( ) = ab1 (ab1 )1 b b = ab1 a1 (b1 )1 = ab1 a1 b = bb1 a1 a =1

rule xy 1 = (xy )1

x y = y 1 x1 y 1 and multiplication is commutative

ex.90(iv) (x1 )1 = x multiplication is commutative multiplicative inverses


a a 1 b(b)

1 a = 1. Since multiplication is commutative we also have ( a b) b = 1. So by the denition 1

a b

a 1 b 1 of multiplicative inverses, ( a is the inverse of a =a . b) b . By uniqueness of the multiplicative inverse, ( b )

A similar proof shows

b =a .

(vi) Show Proof.

a b

c d

adbc bd

a c a c = + ( ) b d b d a c = + b d ad + b(c) = bd ad + b(1)c = bd ad + (1)bc = bd ad + (bc) = bd ad bc = bd

ex95(i) ex99(iii) ex.99(ii) rule x = (1)x multiplication is commutative x = (1)x ex95(i)

(vii) Show Proof.

ac b d

ac bd .

ac = ab1 cd1 bd = acb1 d1 = ac(db)1 = ac(bd)1 ac = bd A similar proof shows

a b c d

rule xy 1 =

x y multiplication is commutative (xy )1 = y 1 x1

multiplication is commutative x xy 1 = y

ad bc .

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