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Sistema de Control del Autoclave Fedegari FOF4 2717. Migracin del sistema de control de la Tecnologa S5 a S7 de SIEMENS.

Anexo C. Manual de Usuario Audit Viewer 2005.

Sistema de Control del Autoclave Fedegari FOF4 2717.

Energtica Servicios de Ingeniera S.A. de C.V.; Mxico, Enero de 2007

Purpose of the Application

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Purpose of the Application

The AuditViewer allows the user to view, query, filter, print and export audit trail files from SIMATIC WinCC flexible 2005 and audit trail databases from SIMATIC WinCC 6.x Audit option. It is a stand alone application and can be used from any node in the network. This product is shipped with WinCC flexible version 2005 and WinCC Audit version 6 SP2.

Software requirements for AuditViewer

AuditViewer requires Microsoft Office XP for exporting results to Microsoft Excel. Tested configurations: The AuditViewer was tested with the following configuration: 1. Windows 2000 SP3, Windows XP SP1 2. WinCC 6.0 SP3 3. Microsoft SQL Server 2000 SP3 (WinCC Edition) 4. Internet Explorer 6.0 5. Microsoft Office XP

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Selecting a File to Display

1. From the File Menu, choose 'Select Database'. The dialog below will be displayed. 2. Select the WinCC Flex File button (if not displayed by default). 3. Browse to the desired file, and select it for viewing , and press OK. 4. By repeating these steps, multiple files, or different views of the same file can be opened. 5. Use the Custom Tab to create, save and restore queries using the query builder. The Custom Tab is addressed in detail in the section Common Tools for Viewing Audit Trails Filtering by Custom Query'.



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The Data Validity indicator

Data Validity Indicator: Indicates whether the WinCC flexible audit trail file was modified after it was generated.

Green indicates selected file is intact. Red indicates selected file has been modified or corrupted.

note: This indicator is not shown when WinCC Audit 6.0 databases are selected.



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Audit Viewer Tool Icons

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AuditViewer tool icons

Note: Icon Appearance can be changed under the View menu, options. You can select Office XP, Office 2003 or Whidbey style icons in small, medium or large size.

Allows user to select database.

Run Query.

Clear results pane.

Export current results to Excel XP

Show / Hide Filter criteria and Date range tools.

Print contents of results pane. (requires Internet Explorer 6.0)

Preview contents of results pane. (requires Internet Explorer 6.0)

Other tools:

Date Picker: Selects a from and to date filter for the currently selected results pane.

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Audit Viewer Tool Icons

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Data Validity Indicator: Indicates whether the WinCC flexible audit trail file was modified after it was generated.

Green indicates selected file is intact. Red indicates selected file has been modified or corrupted.

note: This indicator is not shown when WinCC Audit 6.0 databases are selected.

Filtering the results

Once you are viewing your data, you may wish to filter it to narrow the scope of the result set. The Custom Tab on each opened document allows you to build queries to pinpoint data precisely.

WinCC flexible documents use the Custom Tab to filter results.

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Audit Viewer Tool Icons


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WinCC 6.x Audit databases use the Configuration, Runtime, Document Control, and WinCC Audit tabs in addition to the tools on the Custom Tab.

Additionally, you can use the Data Selection filter when not using the Custom Tab to select a data within a specified date range to be displayed on the active document. Filtering by Tab:

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All audits - all available audits. Configuration - all WinCC 6.x configuration audits. Runtime - User Archives, standard and custom operator action audits. Document Control WinCC Audit Document Control activities. WinCC Audit WinCC Audit editor apply and remove audits. Custom Allows user to enter or build a T-SQL query to obtain customized results.

You can use the filter tools to query for specific types of audits as well as enter a date range. Filtering by Custom Query: You can use the Query Builder to create, save and edit your own custom queries for both WinCC 6.x Audit databases and WinCC flexible files. To do this: 1. Select the desired fields in the fields column. 2. Select any fields and enter appropriate operators and values to specify for the filter.

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Audit Viewer Tool Icons

3. Press the 'Update Query' button to update the query text. 4. Press the execute query button to see results.

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Viewing and Managing multiple documents

The AuditViewer allows you to open multiple documents of both WinCC Audit 6.x databases and WinCC flexible audit trail files. To do this , simply select the desired files from the select database toolbar button or file menu. For each selection, a new results set will be open.

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Audit Viewer Tool Icons

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Active result sets will be placed to the foreground as they are opened. From the menu bar, use the Window -> 'Cascade', 'Tile Windows Horizontally' or 'Tile Windows Vertically' to display the result sets as desired.

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Audit Viewer Tool Icons

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Audit Viewer Tool Icons

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Using the Date Time Filter

The Date Time filter on the toolbox bar can be used to filter by date the contents of the active results pane when the Custom Tab is not selected. To use the Date Dime filter: 1. Open the desired file or database. 2. Make sure the custom tab is not selected on the current result set. 3. Enable the From and To Date dropdowns using the button, and use the spinner controls to select the desired values. 4. Press the execute Query button in the toolbar. The data displayed in the results pane will be filtered for the entered values.

Filtering by Custom Query:

You can use the Query Builder to create, save and edit your own custom queries for both WinCC 6.x Audit databases and WinCC flexible audit trail files.

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Audit Viewer Tool Icons

To do this: 1. Select the desired fields in the fields column.

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2. Select any fields and enter appropriate operators and values to specify for the filter. 3. Press the 'Update Query' button to update the query text. 4. Press the execute query button to see results.

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Audit Viewer Tool Icons Previewing and Printing Your Results

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After displaying the desired audit trails, you can print or preview the displayed results by selecting from the Main Menu File option or using the Preview and Print buttons. Print: This button is available on the toolbar. It allows you to print the displayed results on any network printer. Print Preview: This button is available on the toolbar. It allows you to preview how the printed results will appear prior to printing. When you choose to print from the AuditViewer menu, the printed report will contain all data from the active document result set. Printing Tips: It may be necessary to adjust certain settings to obtain the best results. You can use the Print Settings on the print preview menu. 1. For best results, use landscape versus portrait to include all the information on a single page. Set this under File -> 'Page Setup' as shown below in figure 1. 2. Use the font settings to choose a font and size. Set this under Tools -> 'Change Font' as shown below in figure 2. 3. You can also export to Excel XP or Adobe Acrobat if you have these installed on your system. Both of these applications have their own print utilities. For information on exporting results to other applications, please see the help topic Exporting Data figure 1. Setting the page orientation to Landscape.

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Audit Viewer Tool Icons

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figure 2. Setting the font type and size for printing.

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Audit Viewer Tool Icons

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Exporting Data
After displaying the desired audit trails, you can export the displayed results using the Export to Excel toolbar button or from the menu bar under Tools -> 'Export to Excel'.

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Audit Viewer Tool Icons

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Export to Excel: This button is available on the toolbar. It exports the currently displayed result set to an Excel 10 (Office XP) worksheet. Earlier versions of Excel are not currently supported.

Exporting to Acrobat .PDF files This requires that Adobe Acrobat be installed on the PC. To export the data to a .pdf file, simply print the results to the designated system printer that converts files to the .pdf format.

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