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13 P.O.BOX: 79 Lome-Togo Tel. +228 907 66 63

John Baptist Mission of Togo, Africa

MJB Mission Jean Baptiste (MJB) –
Branch of the United Kingdom
Branch of Germany
Andreas Klamm, Journalist, broadcast
journalist, author, nurse (R.N., RGN),
missionary and director of the United
Kingdom and German Branch of MJB

Schillerstr. 31
D 67141 Neuhofen
Tel. 0049 6236 416 802
Tel. 0049 62 36 48 90 44
Tel. 0044 703 59 24 865
Fax 001 503 2126883

THANKSGIVING – Mr. Mohammed Sbaih has been released from prison in


Dear readers !
Dear viewers !
Dear listners !

John Baptist Mission of Togo, the Branch of the United Kingdom and the Branch of
Germany is very happy and THANKFUL to learn that Mr. Mohammed Sbaih has
been released on Friday, December 12, 2008 from prison.

He used only some of the elementary and fundamental rights related to the

Before I have left for my flight to Sweden to work and gather the news related to the
Right Livelihood Award in Sweden I have been troubled and very much concerned
about the things ongoing in Germany.

All I have been able to do was to publish and share the news and information about
the arrest and the planned deportation of a refugee.

Those which know that I am myself a refugee and seeking asylum in the United
States of America and living with the hope to be allowed as soon as possible to
travel, live and work in New York City are able to imagine what it means to me than I
do have to report about fellow refugees which are mistreat in harmful

Notre mission, réssuscité les nations mortes comme l’a fait Jean Baptiste envers Israël
Some observers do know, that observers from Canada have even called me a victim
of torture, which is by the way a part of the truth.

And therefore it makes me happy to learn that something good has happened.

By GRACE I have been able to write and publish my articles. It was GRACE to learn
that IBS Independent Broadcasting Service Liberty, Radio IBS Liberty and IBS
Television Liberty has viewers, readers and listeners from 41 countries in this world,
including the country of Jordan.

Thanks to all of these precious people which have been involved in the aid efforts
that Mr. Mohammed Sbaih, which might be a believers of the Muslim household of
faith has been released from prison for refugees in Germany.

As director of the United Kingdom Branch and the German Branch of John Baptist
Mission of Togo, international service, a little and international Jewish – Christian
mission, I give also highly THANKS to the LORD our GOD, the HOLY G-D of ISRAEL
and the LORD Yeshua.

As some people are able to imagine I left it not with writing and publishing articles
throughout the world but I have prayed for this man and other people.

The Lord our God was this good and merciful to answer a prayer request after I have
returned from Sweden about 7 days letter, Mr. Mohammed Sbaih has been released
on Friday, December 12, 2008 from prison.

You should know that as I am working under HIGH COMMAND I have to take this
time to give thanks and on the other side I have to inform you that this is not only the
story about one refugee, but the story of about 2 million refugees which have fled
from terror, war and violence and are suffering a lot, while I am writing this letter.

There is a time and need to GIVE THANKS unto all these precious people which
have been CO-OPERATING for SOMETHING GOOD and to GIVE THANKS unto the

However there is not one minute left to rest, because there are many people and I
am one of them, which need help as refugee, looking for peace, liberty, justice and

We have to continue to labor hard and it would be great if more people will realize
how important it is to co-operate for something good.

The United Kingdom Branch and the German Branch of John Baptist Mis gives also
THANKS that the excellent journalist, broadcasting journalist and author Amy
Goodman from Democracy NOW! has been not only released from prison but she
has got honored with the RIGHT LIVELIHOOD AWARD as known as the alternative
NOBEL PRIZE on December 8, 2008 in Sweden on the side of three other precious
women, Dr. Monika Hauser, Krishnammal Jagannathan and Asha Hagi.

Notre mission, réssuscité les nations mortes comme l’a fait Jean Baptiste envers Israël
We give thanks unto Mr. Jakob von Uexkuell, the jury and unto the MOST HIGH, the
LORD our GOD that some people have been able to see a little part of the bigger
picture and that four women which are doing a very important work have been
awarded and honored.

It required a lot of “knee work” or “work on our knees” to see these things going to
happen and I can assure you that I am very THANKFUL !

However there are many more tasks to fulfill and even if some of our Muslim, Jewish
and Christian brothers and sister will be even not able to see and understand, me
and others have to continue to work hard in many different places.

It is also important to me and others, that I will be allowed to travel next year to New
York City in the United States of America and even other place.

Recommendation: If you have a chance to buy the book “Standing up to the

madness – Extraordninary heroes in extraordninary times” written by Amy Goodman
and David Goodman than PLEASE do so. More information you will get on

If you have a chance to buy one of my books which have recently published in 2008
such as Liberty and Peace NOW! Human Rights Reporters than PLEASE do also !
More information you will get on, and .

It happened certainly not by accident that since 1986 when I became the founder of
IBS Independent Broadcasting Service Liberty, Radio IBS Liberty and IBS Television
Liberty I am laboring and working hard for international understanding. This is a
very difficult, hard and important work and my hope is that soon even American
journalists and others will realize we have to co-operate for SOMETHING GOOD.
This is very important !

IBS Independent Broadcasting Service Liberty, Radio IBS Liberty and IBS Television
Liberty is a little but very international media network and we are in the need of a TV
camera (Mini DV, Betcam Digi, Betcam SP), computer (notebook, Apple for LIVE
BROADCASTS – as some of you know that usually I do prefer LIVE
BROADCASTS !!!) 3 microphones and light equipment.

The stuff might be used but it should work well. If anyone know where the support
might come from, please let us know on email: and email: .

Notre mission, réssuscité les nations mortes comme l’a fait Jean Baptiste envers Israël
As some of you know, we are operating under NO- und LOW-Budget conditions and
we have to continue our works because of THE FREEDOM OF THE PRESS should
be not dependent upon the riches of journalists. If only the rich and millionaires are
allowed to practice THE FREEDOM OF THE PRESS it actually would lead to the
right conclusion that there is no FREEDOM of THE PRESS.

Certainly all of us know, money used wisely can have a great impact in this world but
not all things should be fully dependent upon money, only.

Certainly I do not want to forget to give thanks for support our latest special mission
in Sweden and have paid for the airline tickets. However I had to spend one night at
the airport without a room or bed where to stay but the LORD our God has used this
experience to deliver me some other stories which will be published in spring next

For those which are a little bit confused about the situation that I had no chance for
almost 20 months to see a medical doctors or even a dentist I do have some hope to
see a good doctor in New York City next year with a good Jewish hospital. Somehow
I have to trust that it will going to happen that the funds for traveling to New York City
and the funds for medical care in New York City will be provided.

PLEASE be aware of the fact that I have not this much time to spend in hospital. I will
let you know what the doctors might have to tell me... However this will not hinder me
to continue to work as this is more important than to spend too much time in a

It is sad that I have been hindered several times since 2006 to travel back to New
York City. However for some reason I am already THANKFUL that the wishes of a
NEW YORK fire fighter after I have fulfilled with him together some special duty will
be heard that as he has said: “I wish you that you will soon become an American
citizen.” This is a 100 percent match and I am thankful for this New York Fire Fighter
and it was a privilege to help him a little and he wont forget this as I am not able to
forget what we have experienced in 2001 / 2002.

My supervisor from the American Red Cross was first a little confused but after a
conversation during a ride of about 45 minutes through the streets of New York City
he was able to understand that I had to go with the fire fight although it was not the
official duty as a volunteer of the American Red Cross.

It was perhaps not easy to understand even to other observers that a French –
German journalist, broadcast journalist and author, nurse (R.N.), paramedic, security
guard is traveling about 5000 miles to help a little a fire fighter in the midst of New
York City.

Notre mission, réssuscité les nations mortes comme l’a fait Jean Baptiste envers Israël
Sometimes or very often we do see only a very little frame of the bigger picture and
certainly I have not to explain now all things. Some people may understand and
some other people will be understand a little while later.

My supervisor have been able to understand that it was my official duty to do so

because I have received the order to help a fire fighter from the HIGH COMMAND
from above meaning from the Lord our God.

Some people even do not understand why a Jewish – Christian international mission
is going to help brothers and sisters from the Muslim household of faith.

Are we now going against the Lord our GOD? G-D forbid. No way ! There is a bigger
picture and I will leave it now unto the LORD our GOD if some of you will understand
and if some of you will be able to understand a little while later.

By the way: I am looking for an assistance director of the German Branch of John
Baptist Mission of Togo, international service. My intention is to make the
assistance director in the future soon the director (he or she) of the German
Branch as I do have the given authority to do so, as soon as possible.

If you dare to work in Germany and in international mission your letter to will be very much appreciated. All of those which are
interested should be aware of the fact that this is a volunteer position and it is
a difficult mission in the midst of Germany, which includes many tasks of many
different kind. Anyone which wants to join international missions for
international understanding, social and peace missions is welcome to join an
international team.

As you may already have been able to understand we are not working for
money only as there are things which can not be even bought with all the
money or gold available on the entire planet earth.

People which are willing to work as assistance director of the German Branch
of John Baptist Mission of Togo should be able not only to love their friends,
brothers and sisters but should be able even to love the enemies, as some
people might call other people.

You should be aware of the FACT, that John the Baptist was not a Christian

People which are interested to get this position should be able to co-operate
with people with many different backgrounds, even with people which call
themselves Hindhu, Buddhist, Moslems, Atheists, believers, non-believers,
Christian, Jewish and what so ever kind of faith.

The position is open to all people regardless of what your nationality might be.
The knowledge of the English language is required and no doubt, some
German, French and even the Spanish language could help also, but is not

Notre mission, réssuscité les nations mortes comme l’a fait Jean Baptiste envers Israël
The position will require that you do dare if required under special
circumstances to confess that there is a Lord GOD of all people, the Holy G-D
of Israel and the Lord Yeshua.

Faith will be required to fulfill sometimes even very dangerous tasks.

People which might be interested in this position should know that some other
people might hate you very much, simply for using your elementary and fundamental
right according to ARTICLE 18 and ARTICLE 19 of the UNIVERSAL DECLARATION

Sometimes it can be possible that you are going to receive threats including death

People which might be interested to work and to participate an important work should
be aware of the FACT that there is a lot of work which needs to be done.

You should expect that sometimes in other cases you are going to become a witness
of many difficult things and on the other side you should expect to become a witness
of miracles in the midst of a storm.

The ability to love those people which are in trouble is important and required.

Sometimes our mission requires even to dare to visit people in hospitals or in other
cases to visit them in prison as I did on my birthday, which is February 6.

You should be able to communicate with the very poor people which suffer in many
cases beyond description and you should be able to communicate even with super
rich people which can be called millionaires.

Anyone which is interested in this position should support the FREEDOM of the
PRESS, liberty, fundamental and elementary rights according to the constitution of
the United States of America, the Universal Declaration of the Human Rights
proclaimed by the United Nations (U.N.) and even the basic law which still applies in
the country of Germany.

Some knowledge about the new European constitution will help. If you have no
knowledge about the European constitution you will receive a FREE TRAINING in
the English or German language, dependent upon which language you will prefer.

In order to be able to communicate with German politicians and authorities some

knowledge of the German language will be helpful. Applicants which are not able to
speak the German language yet, could receive some FREE training.

Candidates which want to fill the position should be always willing to learn and to
study things which is important for understanding.

Notre mission, réssuscité les nations mortes comme l’a fait Jean Baptiste envers Israël
Candidates should be aware of the fact that we do not support war but peace

The mission requires sometimes even to go to places where even German Police
Officers do not dare to go anymore. This will require a lot of faith.

I give highly THANKS unto all of those which have been partaking in a very important
work not only for refugees (no matter what they might believe and no matter where
they might do come from) and I give highly THANKS unto the LORD our G-D for HE
is merciful and good and worthy of all praises and THANKSGIVING.


Shalom !

With kind regards

Andreas Klamm, Journalist, broadcast

journnalist, author,
nurse (R.N., RGN), missionary, director of
John Baptist Mission of Togo, Africa
Branch of Germany / Branch of the United
Founder and president:
Reverend Yawovi Nyonato
John Baptist Mission of Togo, Africa

Notre mission, réssuscité les nations mortes comme l’a fait Jean Baptiste envers Israël

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