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October 4, 2008

transmital Dr. Corazon C. Obnamia University Research and Development Office Technological University of the Philippines Ayala Boulevard Ermita, Manila Dear Dr. Obnamia: In compliance with the fulfillment of the requirements on the subject Technical Communication, the proponents would like to present the proposal entitled Proposed Mechanical Flash Dryer, in accordance with your instructions. The main purpose of the document is to propose a Mechanical Flash Dryer for small holder farmers. This will help reduce post harvest losses and therefore increase farmers productivity. We hope that this proposal will meet your approval. Very truly yours,

Mechanical Engineer

January 28, 2010

American Bank #3434 Union St. New York City

Mr. Carlo Cameron Account Inspector Quality Assurance Section Hong Kong International Bank #2454 Backdrop Drive, Atlanta City

Subject: Negative Credit of Mr. James Stevenson

Dr. Mr. Cameron,

Mr. James Stevenson has not been cleared by the bank due to records of late payments and negligence of completing contractual obligations. Just last year, he was late paying the monthly mortgage for an average of three weeks. Aside from that, he declared paying with collateral instead of cash.

Our institution has been very lenient in allowing him to have an extension. But it seems he have abused our consideration and ceased contacting us regarding his unpaid debt. We are sending all the records to other banks to bar Mr. James Stevenson from borrowing money and availing credit. His record has shown irresponsible and improper handling of debts and credit responsibilities.

Our managers and lending agents have recommended that Mr. James Stevenson be marked as a liability and unqualified to be admitted at any lending program.

Yours Truly,

Carl Duffman Credit Inspector

Sample Application Letter May 28, 2010

THE HUMAN RESOURCES & ADMINISTRATION HEAD Inara Lightings, Ltd. Abu Dhabi United Arab Emirates

Dear Sir or Madam:

I am writing to explore the possibility of employment as Document Controller in your reputable firm. I am a Computer Science graduate of the University of the Philippines, Diliman, Quezon City. I bring with me several years of experience as information systems analyst of leading companies that include Nissan Motor Philippines, Inc.

My strong computer skills, knowledge of modern word processing software, and project management tools are but some of the things that make me an asset to your company.

Attached is my resume for your perusal. Should you require any further information, I can be reached at 632-5551234 (during regular business hours), or at 632-555-6789 (during regular business hours).

Sincerely, (signed) ANGELA TANAMA

Appointment Sample Letter January 20, 2010

Richard Stark Head, Human Resources Department Red Box Advertising 84 Lafayette Drive, Dallas, Texas e-mail:

Julian Scott 35 Penny Avenue, Boston, Massachusetts

Dear Mr. Scott,


As you know, our company is currently looking for talented, dynamic and motivated individuals to become part of our creative team. After assessing your application for a position in our organization, we are pleased to inform you that we are considering you for the position of copywriter. As part of the initial screening process, we would like you to come to our offices on January 25, 2010 at 2 pm for testing and a preliminary interview. Look for Mr. Sam Richman at Suite 452. Please bring your resume and a portfolio of your past work with you to the interview.

If you cannot make it on the above dates, please call Ms. Sheila Johnson at 050-862-1458 to reschedule the interview.

We look forward to meeting you!

Respectfully yours,

[name] [position]

Engr. Joseph Alva Instructor This College

Dear Engr. Alva:

This is to re-confirm your employment status as Regular-Tenured member of the Faculty of Instruction of this college.

As Regular Employee of the Mechanical Engineering department you are assigned to teach 24 hrs/units per week regular load for a monthly salary of P25,000.00. Loads assigned in excess of this standard loads shall be considered extra loads which shall be paid P250.00 lecture hour and/or P150.00 per laboratory hour which are standard rates for your level as per the latest contract (SY 2007-2008) which consultation services to your students of 2 hours per week.

This re-confirmation shall continue in full force and effect starting this SY 2008-2009 unless amended in writing, or unless terminated under existing policies, regulations and pertinent laws or upon mutual agreement of the parties.

Very truly yours,

Western College

Recommending Approval:

(sign) Dennis Herbert Cabiling College Administrator Approved:

(sign) Imelda Valera President

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