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lets celebrate it!

At the end of the unit you will be able to: Interpret oral and written language related to future plans, invitations, requests, expressions of agreement and disagreement. Generate spoken and written sentence-level language by expressing future plans, making, accepting, or declining invitations, making requests and showing agreement or disagreement in order to establish a successful social relationship. Value the importance of planning social, cultural or academic activities in advance.

Unit 4 Lets celebrate it!

Listening Speaking Reading Writing

Grammar Vocabulary Pronunciation

Lesson 1 Invitations

Lesson 2 Review of prepositions of time and place

Lesson 3 Polite requests

Lesson 4 Expressing agreement and disagreement

Lesson 5 Expresing plans for the future

Unit guidelines
In this unit you will be able to talk about future plans, invitations, and requests as well as express agreement or disagreement about different activities or events. You will be able to make formal and informal invitations, both orally and in writing. You will also be able to accept or decline them. Finally, you will be able to plan social or cultural events in advance. As an independent learner, it is recommended that you keep track of your own learning progress.

Introduction: Hands on!

In this unit, you will work on the project called Planning a celebration! This project focuses on different stages or phases you must do in order to plan a family, social, or cultural event in detail. To fulfill this project you will have to keep in mind the exact number of guests that will be invited, the quality and quantity of food and drinks you want to provide, party favors to give out, the number of tables and chairs that will be required, as well as a budget for all of the expenses of this event. By the end of Unit 4, you will be able to plan a celebration properly. Look at and study the following sample template: http://www.celebrationcatering.net/checklist.html

192 English - Eighth Grade

Unit Four

Lesson 1
Would you like to join us?

Getting started!
mo se dicen las celebraciones familiares ms comunes ingls? Cmo se hacen las invitaciones orales o escritas en Ingls? Cmo aceptaras o rechazaras una invitacin? Qu debes de tener en cuenta a la hora de planificar un evento familiar? Achievement indicators
I can make invitations to different events with grammatical accuracy. I can politely accept or decline invitations from others.

I can write original invitation cards using the appropriate vocabulary and expressions.

Which of the following are names of celebrations? 1. birthday 2. presents 3. wedding 4. guests 5. graduation 6. food 7. anniversary

Conversation and more

Listen to and read the following conversation, and identify the type of celebration that is mentioned. Look up any new words in a dictionary.
A: Hi, Liz. How are you? B: Hi, Betty. I am great today. How about you? A: I am fine, thanks. B: You know something, I would like to invite you to A: Oh, thank you so much. Where is it? B: Its at my grandparents house. Its not far A: Can I take my younger sister to the party? B: Of course. No problem. There will be enough A: Thank you very much. You are so kind. B: Here is an invitation card with all of the

my birthday party next weekend.

from here.

Answer the following questions.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

space, food and drinks for everybody.

information for the event. A: Is it a formal event? What should I wear? B: Its a modest family event. You can wear casual clothes. A: Okay. I will be there with my sister. B: I will be more than happy if you arrive!
Glossary: Would like: have a desire for doing something. Enough: sufficient or an adequate amount of.

Who is giving a birthday party? When is the celebration? Where is the party? What should Betty wear for the celebration? Will Betty take her older sister?

Everybody: every invited person or guest. Modest: humble, not luxurious.

Eiighth Grade - English 193

UNIT 4 Enrich your vocabulary

Study the list of common social and cultural events.

Choose the letter of the celebration that best describes each statement.

1. Its a celebration for accomplishing something for 1. carnival 5. barbecue

many years, such as a marriage or work A. anniversary party B. christening C. barbecue

2. Its an outdoor event where people cook on a grill A. party B. barbecue C. family gathering 3. Its a celebration of someones birth A. dinner party B. anniversary party C. birthday party

2.fathers day party

6. bachelors party 4. Its a baptismal celebration A. christening B. barbecue C. family gathering 5.

3. new job party

7. house warming party

Its an occasion during which members of the extended family meet to be with each other A. dinner party B. family gathering C. party

Hands on! 4A
For the first part of the project, make a list of the different kinds of celebrations that you celebrate with your family or friends. Have you ever planned one of these celebrations before? Have you ever helped plan a celebration? Choose one of the celebrations from your list, one that you will like to plan. Start thinking about who and how many people you will invite and what your budget will be.

4. pet birthday party

8. costume party

194 English - Eighth Grade

UNIT 4 Time to read

Read the following passage carefully about types of party invitations. It is taken from an article by Victor Epand. Look up any new words in a dictionary. There are many types of invitations: standard cards and notes, creative floral or craft projects, and even email invitations. No matter what their physical appearance is, all party invitations can be broken down into three categories:
Formal: These invitations follow a prescribed formula for

funeral birthday divorce wedding

Choose the word or phrase that best completes each statement.

graduation first day at school

1. I remember my __. I was pretty scared but excited.

verse, layout, and formatting. Weddings, black-tie galas, and other ritual events frequently use formal invitations. Words such as cordially invited and your presence is requested are typically found on formal notes, and RSVPs are usually required.

Semi-Formal: Less structured than formal notes, semiformal invitations still follow a standard format though the language is less elaborate and the note itself may be more colorful or humorous. Semi-formal notes are appropriate for parties, weddings, and other events where a response is required but hosts want their guests to know the event will be less strict. Casual: Casual invitations may be very simple, and they are often themed and color-coordinated to the event. Less information is usually printed on casual invitations host names, dress codes, etc. are usually not included. Many casual notes are hand-written, and may include events such as birthdays, graduation parties, surprise parties, or showers.

I met Jaime, who is my best friend today, and Mrs. Aguilera - my first teacher. 2. The __ reception was absolutely fantastic. We all danced until the morning. Everybody was happy, especially the groom and the bride. 3. The day of my __ was certainly very emotional. I thanked my parents for their support. Without their help I wouldnt have achieved so much. 4. After few years of unhappy marriage they decided to get a __. 5. People cried at the __. Mr. Alas had many friends and they all came to say goodbye. We are all going to miss him. 6. You are seven years old. Oh, you are a big boy now. Happy__ , Mario!

Choose the letter that best answers each question.

The key to choosing a proper invitation is to find one that matches the tone of the party itself. An extremely formal, traditional invitation is not appropriate for a five-year-olds princess birthday sleepover, and likewise a martini-glass shaped lime green note is not appropriate for a black-tie evening wedding. The invitation is the first hint that guests receive about the tone of the event, and matching the type of invitation to the event itself helps guests gauge what to expect.

1. What are casual party invitations like? A. They follow a prescribed formula for verse, layout, B.

and formatting. They are less structured than formal notes, semiformal invitations still follow a standard format. C. These invitations may be very simple, and they are often themed and color- coordinated to the event. What are semi-formal invitations like? They follow a prescribed formula for verse, layout, and formatting. B. They are less structured than formal notes, semiformal invitations still follow a standard format. C. These invitations may be very simple, and they are often themed and color- coordinated to the event.


3. What are formal party invitations like? A. They follow a prescribed formula for verse, layout, B. They are less structured than formal notes, semiC.

and formatting.

formal invitations still follow a standard format. These invitations may be very simple, and they are often themed and color- coordinated to the event.

Eighth Grade - English 195


Conversation and more

Listen to the following conversation carefully.


Listen to the conversation again, and put the following statements in the correct order. French teacher! I didnt know you were taking French classes. __ Hi, David. Good to see you could make it. Come on in. __ Oh, thats Vicky, my French teacher. __ Oh, which one is she? __ Shes sitting on the sofa over there. __ Uh, and whos the woman sitting next to her? Uh, the woman with the long, black dress? __ Wow, Miguel! Looks like the party is at its high point. __ Yeah. And theyre eating all the food. Id like you to meet my sister, Katherine. Shes visiting for the weekend. __ Yeah. Thats right. Let me introduce you to her. I just know you two will get along well. Youre both so outgoing. __ You mean the woman wearing the red sweater with the long, black hair? __ Yeah, I started about two months ago. Come on. Id like you to meet them.


Choose the letter that best answers each question.

1. Who is visiting Miguel for the weekend? A. his best friend B. his brother Diego C. his sister 2. What is Katherine wearing for the party? A. a red sweater B. a red shirt C. a black blouse 3. What is Katherine like? A. Shes sociable. B. Shes timid. C. Shes very reserved. 4. What is Michelle wearing for the party? A. a long black dress B. a green tie C. blue jeans 5. Miguel knows Michelle because A. they work together in the same office B. he is taking French lessons from her C. they met at a party two months ago


Answers the following questions with your own information.


How would you dress for the following occasions... a birthday party? a wedding party? a graduation party? 2. What types of fashionable clothing can you purchase at local clothing stores for these occasions? 3. What kinds of occasions does your family celebrate?

What for?
If you are invited to a party, be sure to ask what the dress is for the occasion (i.e., formal or informal). You dont want to go overdressed or underdressed for an event.

196 English - Eighth Grade

UNIT 4 Enrich your vocabulary Accepting and declining an invitation

Do you know how to invite someone to your house for dinner or a party? Or do you know what to say in English when someone invites you? Here are some common expressions to use:
Inviting someone to come to your house for Inviting someone to come to your house for dinner dinner (informal) (more formal) Want to come over for dinner tonight? Would you like to come over for dinner tonight? Want to come over for a quick dinner? Would you care to join us for dinner at our house tonight? How about coming over for dinner tonight? I was just wondering if you would like to come over for dinner tonight. Care to come over for dinner tonight? Please come over for dinner tonight. Wed be delighted to have you over for dinner tonight. Accepting an invitation (more formal) Thank you! Id love to. Would you like me to bring anything? Why not? When do you want me to be there? Thank you very much! Id be delighted to. What time should I be there? Sure. When should I be there? Oh, certainly! Thank you. Do I need to bring anything? Yes! Want me to bring something? Id love to. Ill bring dessert. Declining an invitation (informal) Declining an invitation (more formal) I cant. I have to work. Id love to, but Im afraid Im busy tonight. Tonights no good. I have an appointment. Id love to, but I already have plans tonight. Im busy tonight. Can I take a raincheck on that? Accepting an invitation (informal) Sure. What time?



Choose the letter that best answers each question. Which of the following answer is NOT appropriate? A: Want to come over for dinner tonight? B: __ A. Sure. What time? B. Why not? When should I be there? C. Why?

Which of the following answer is NOT appropriate? A: My husband and I were wondering if youd like to come over for dinner this Saturday. B: __ A. Thank you very much! Id be delighted to. B. Id love to, but Im afraid Im busy this Saturday. C. I dont go out on Saturdays.


Which of the following answer is NOT appropriate? A: Want to come over for a quick meal tonight? B: __ A. No. B. Id love to, but I have an appointment. C. Im not that busy tonight. Can I have a raincheck?

Eighth Grade - English 197

UNIT 4 Language in use Making invitations

To make formal invitations you can use the following questions forms:
Auxiliary Subject Would you he she they Verb like like like like Complement to come to the party? to join us? to go to the movies? to come to the wedding reception?

To accept or decline a formal invitation you can use the following forms:
Subject Accept I He Decline I We Auxiliary + verb would like would like would like to would like to Complement to come to the party. to go to the dinner party. but I have to work that day. but we already have a family gathering planned.

Study the following table of the contracted forms of would like to and would love to:
Long forms I would like/love to You would like/love to He would like/love to She would like/love to We would like/love to They would like/love to Contracted forms Id like/love to Youd like/love to Hed like/love to Shed like/love to Wed like/love to Theyd like/love to

Listen to and read each short conversation. Then decide which dialogue asks a formal invitation. Look up any new words in a dictionary.

Conversation 1
A: Would you care to join us for dinner this

Conversation 2
A: Hey, are you doing anything special tonight? B: No, nothing special. A: Want to come over for dinner? B: Sure. Why not? What time? A: Around 6:30 p.m. B: Want me to bring something? A: No, just bring yourself. B: Okay. Ill be there at 6:30.

Saturday evening? B: Oh, Id love to. What time should I be there? A: Great. The dinner will start at 7p.m., so please come around 6:30p.m. B: Certainly! Do I need to bring anything? A: No. Everything has been taken care of. Thank you for asking. B: Okay, then I will be there at 6:30 this Friday. A: Okay. See you then.

198 English - Eighth Grade






Choose the letter that best completes each statement or question.

1. __ to come to my house for dinner? A. Do you like B. Would you like C. Will you like 2. I __ like to see my photos A. wondered if you B. wonder if youd C. wandered if youd 3. I __ if you would like to join me for a pint after work A. was wondering B. was wondered C. am wondering 4. Are you __ on Friday evening? A. occupant B. vacantly C. free 5. I __ if you could come along. A. would very much like it B. would very like it much C. willnt like it very much 6. Shall I bring __? A. a bottle of wine B. some bottle of wine C. some wines

Write corresponding questions or answers to the following statements. I would like to invite you to dinner next Sunday at my home. 2. I was wondering if youd like to come to dinner on Wednesday evening. 3. Would you like to have dinner with us on Saturday? 4. What about dinner tonight? 5. Lets go to our place for dinner. 6. Would you like to come over for dinner tonight? 7. Would you care to join us for dinner at our house tonight? 8. Want to come over for dinner tonight? 9. Want to come over for a quick dinner? 10. How about coming over for dinner tonight?

Lesson core
Conociste diferentes formas de invitar a las personas, ya sea de manera formal o informal en ingls. Adems, practicaste la pronunciacin, escritura y uso de las preguntas que se utilizan para invitar a las personas para que asistan o se unan a una actividad o evento, as como las expresiones que usualmente se emplean para aceptar o rechazar dichas invitaciones. Finalmente, leste algunos temas relacionados con los diferentes tipos de invitaciones que existen y cuales escoger, dependiendo de la clase de evento que hayas organizado, y la posible vestimenta que puedes usar en cada una de estas ocasiones.

What for?
Its important to be polite when you decline an invitation. We normally give a reason why we cant do something and either apologize or use words like actually or really.

Eighth Grade - English 199


Self evaluation

Choose the letter or letters that best answer each question. Which of the following questions are examples of formal invitations? a) Would you like to come over to dinner? b) Want to come over for a quick dinner? c) How about coming over for dinner tonight? d) Would you like to come to my birthday party tonight? Which of the following questions are examples of informal invitations? a) Want to come over for a quick dinner? b) Would you like to come over for dinner tonight? c) Would you care to join us for dinner at our house tonight? d) How about coming over for dinner tonight? 3. b, d 4. c, d

Which of the following sentences are incorrect? a) Id love to go to the party. b) Hes loves to come over to the wedding party. c) Wed love to, but we already have plans. d) Shed loves to, but she is busy that day. Which of the following are not happy celebrations? a) wedding party b) graduation c) divorce d) funeral

A popular term,Dutch Treat, means everyone pays their own way. So you could invite someone to a cocktail reception to celebrate your retirement and then add we would love it if you joined us for a Dutch treat dinner at When you use the word invite it denotes that you will be treating, so avoid that when it comes to the dinner. Ask them to let you know if they will be attending the reception or attending the dinner.

200 English - Eighth Grade


1. a, d

2. a,d

Unit Four

Lesson 2
When and where will it be?

Getting started!
u tipo de informacin debera tener una invitacin formal o informal? Cules son las preposiciones de lugar y tiempo ms comunes en Ingls? Cmo se redactan las tarjetas de invitaciones en Ingls? Cules son los tipos de tarjetas de invitacin que t conoces? Achievement indicators
I can write original invitation cards using the appropriate vocabulary and expressions. I can correctly ask questions about activities and events.

Which of the following words are prepositions? 1. on 2. party 3. in 4. celebration 5. at 6. guests 7. next to 8. address 9. in front of

Choose the letter that best answers each question. 1. When is the party? A. on Friday B. on Saturday
2. What kind of party is it? A. a birthday party B. a dinner party 3. Where will it be? A. at Douglas house B. at Katys house 4. Is it a formal occasion? A. Yes, it is. B. No, it isnt. 5. Does the person need an invitation card? A. yes B. no Shall: used to express a suggestion to do something.

Conversation and more

Listen to and read the following conversation carefully, and then repeat it out loud. Look up any new words in a dictionary.
A: What are you doing on Friday, Katy? B: Im not sure yet, Douglas. I might be going out but A: Okay, well Im going to have a dinner party at my

I dont have any plans. Why?

house, and I would like it very much if you could come. B: Oh, right. Yes, Id love to. Is it a formal occasion? Do I need a special invitation? A: No, its just a few old friends really. Youll youll youll have a good time, youll like the people. Can you come at about nine oclock? B: Thatd be lovely. Shall I bring a bottle? A: Oh I think so! How about red wine? B: Okay then!
Glossary: Might: a possibility to do something. Come: to accompany or attend.

Eighth Grade - English 201

UNIT 4 Enrich your vocabulary

For every kind of celebration or social event, there is an appropriate invitation card. Here is a list of the most common invitation cards for different occasions.

Time to read
Every invitation card must contain necessary details and contact information. Study the following surprise birthday party invitation card with its corresponding details.

1. birthday

6. baby Shower

2. anniversary

7. bachelor party


Answer the following questions about the previous invitation card.

1. When is the celebration? 2. Whose birthday party is it? 3. Where is it? 3. graduation 8. sweet fifteen party 4. What time is it? 5. How old is the person?

4. wedding 9. Christmas party

Answer the following questions with your own information.

1. 2. 3. 4.

5. 5. baptism

How do you invite people to go to a celebration? Do you send invitations for any kinds of events? What kinds of events do you send invitations for? What information do you include in those invitations? Do you create your own invitation cards?

202 English - Eighth Grade

UNIT 4 Time to read

Read the following invitation cards carefully. Look up any new words in a dictionary.

Invitation card 4

Invitation card 1

Invitation card 2

Invitation card 5

Invitation card 3 Activity

Match the text with the corresponding invitation card.
Text 1 Text 2 Text 3 Text 4 Text 5 Christmas party wedding anniversary baptism wedding birthday party

Eighth Grade - English 203


Conversation and more

Listen to and read the following conversation carefully. Look up any new words in a dictionary.
A: Alice, what are you doing on Sunday afternoon? B: Not much, Pedro. What do you have in mind? A: The Fourth Avenue Fair is going on downtown. B: A:


Put the following statements in the correct order to make a conversation. Youre not a little child anymore. You are a young adult. Your teachers expect you to be responsible and mature. __ Thank you. Im happy to finish my elementary school education. Now Ill begin my junior high education. __ I know. Its time for me to stop being childish. I should be serious about studying. __ Congratulations, Irene! I heard that youll graduate from elementary school this week. __ If you study hard and get good grades in junior high school, your parents will be very proud of you.

Would you like to go? Sure, sounds like fun. What is it anyway? Just a bunch of vendors selling food and clothes. There is also a carnival and some street musicians and performers. Its interesting to just walk around and look at the people and the sights. B: Where and what time should we meet? A: The fair starts at 9:00 a.m., but Im busy in the morning. How about 1:00 oclock? B: Ok, and where should I meet you? A: How about if I pick you up at your house? B: Sounds good, see you then.

Answer the following questions.
1. 2. 3.


Choose the letter that best answers each question.

1. Where are they going? A. a fair B. a circus C. a supermarket 2. When are they going? A. on Sunday morning B. on Sunday afternoon C. on Sunday evening 3. What time are they meeting? A. at 9:00 a.m. B. at 1:00 oclock C. at 12:00 oclock 4. Where will they meet? A. at Pedros house B. at Alices house C. at the fair 5. Where is this fair located? A. on Fifth Avenue B. on Fourth Avenue C. on Fourth Street North Glossary: In mind: a plan.

4. 5.

Who will graduate from elementary school? When is the person going to graduate? Will the person continue with a junior high school education? What will happen if this person studies hard and gets good grades? Is this person a child or a young adult now?

Hands on! 4B
For the second part of the project, choose the place or location where the celebration will be. Take into account the number of guests that will be invited. Will space for dancing be necessary? You should also start to think about the design of the invitation cards. These cards must include all of the necessary information to guide your guests to the celebration and call their attention.

Sights: things to see or places of interest. Pick up: to lift up or take.

204 English - Eighth Grade

UNIT 4 Enrich your vocabulary How to make and fill out invitation cards
Invitations should be sent two to four weeks prior to any event or celebration. Always send written invitations for formal events such as business gatherings, formal dinners, and special occasions like showers, weddings or events honoring someone. If guests are not from your local area, include a map of a location for the event. Dont forget to include the following information on any written invitation:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Fill out the following invitation cards with original information. Follow the example below. Be creative.


Type of event: Anniversary party Place: El Mango Place Address: Las Hojas Street, Zacatecaluca Date: Monday, September 23, 2008 Time: at 7 p.m. RSVP: Telephone 2296-5588
1.Type of event:

Names of party hosts or sponsoring organization. Type of event (birthday party, business networking meeting, etc.). Place. Date. Time. RSVP date and phone number. Any special dress requirements, from black-tie to bathing suits. Rain date (if any). Be specific about who is invited, whether addressee only, with guest, or with spouse and children.

Place: Address: Date: Time: RSVP: Place: Address: Date: Time: RSVP: Place: Address: Date: Time: RSVP: Place: Address: Date: Time: RSVP:

2.Type of event:

3.Type of event:

4.Type of event:

Eighth Grade - English 205

UNIT 4 Language in use Review of prepositions of time and place

There is one very simple rule about prepositions. And, unlike most rules, this rule has no exceptions: A preposition is followed by a noun or pronoun. It is never followed by a verb. Noun or pronoun includes: Common noun: dog, money, love, celebration, party Proper noun: El Salvador, Mary, Thanksgiving Day Pronoun: you, him, us, them, her, me Gerund: swimming, dancing, eating, visiting A preposition cannot be followed by a verb. If we want to use a verb after a preposition, we must use the -ing form which is really a gerund or verb in noun form. Study the examples below:
Subject Verb Preposition Noun The party is on Monday. She lives in Santa Ana. The wedding is in December. The card is under the Christmas tree. My birthday is at The Crazy Juice. party They work at the Grand Hotel.

Write five original sentences using prepositions.

10 11


Choose the letter that best completes each statement. 1. Ill leave work __ ten oclock tonight. A.at B.on C.in
2. He used to be a regular visitor __ A.at B.on C.in


Complete the following conversation by using the prepositions given below.

on in


3. Ill call her up and speak to her __ Wednesday morning. A.at B.on C.in 4. Ill see him __ the beginning of September. A.at B.on C.in 5. Ill visit him sometime __ June. A.at B.on C.in 6. Were you at the last meeting A.at B.on C.in

A: When is the meeting? B: Its _(1)_ 10:00 a.m. A: Wheres your office? B: _(2) _ Chinameca, San Miguel. A: Really? What part of Chinameca? B: Its _(3) _ the Main Street, near the A: B:

shopping center. I know that area. Where exactly is it? Its _(4 )_ 155 Main Street, at the end of the street, next to the bookstore.

Dont forget!
Give directions from all of the major highways that your guests might use. Also ask a friend to take your directions for a test drive or do it yourself when giving the address of the place where the event will take place to make sure the directions are clear and easy to understand.

__ July 13th?

206 English - Eighth Grade


1. 2. 3.




Choose the letter that best completes each statement. Everybody sat __ the floor, but Mr. Guzman sat __ a chair __ the corner. A. in - in - on B. about - on - at C. on - in - in The old lady was always __ home __ night. A. at - at B. in - at C. into-inside Andrea used to swim __ the sea and sun bathe __ the sand. A. on - at B. on - in C. in - on During the week I get up early __ the morning and go to bed late __ night. But normally __ weekends I sleep until midday. A. on - at - at B. in - at - on C. in - in - at Pablo lives __ Second Avenue now; but he used to live __ 25th Main Street __ 1980. A. on - at in B. in - at on C. on - at - on She was born __ 8:15 __ the morning __ June 18th, 1928. A. in - on at B. at - in on C. on - on - in Ricky was born __ January 9th __ Ahuachapan. A. in on B. on in C. at - on Hes arriving from Canada __ Wednesday. A. at B. on C. of

Read the following passage about wedding invitations, and then decide whether the statements below are true or false. A new life is knocking at your door, the one that is filled with dreams and a promise of happiness. You are planning a lot and making decisions. Invitations to a wedding can make it even more special. The nature and style of the invitation leave a mark, at times so much that whenever people meet the couple they remember their invitation right down to the smallest detail. Traditional wedding invitations have two flaps. The inner one is smaller, without a sticky strip. The outer envelope is addressed formally, complete with the first name. If children are being invited, then along with the parents names the first names of the children should appear on the outer envelope. The inner envelope should only have the surname of the invitee.
1. Invitations to a wedding make it special. 2. Traditional wedding invitations do not have two flaps. 3. If children are being invited, then along with the


5. 6. 7. 8.

parents names the first names of the children should appear on the outer envelope. 4. The inner envelope should only have the surname of the invitee.

Lesson core
Conociste diferentes tipos de tarjetas de invitaciones para diversos eventos o celebraciones en Ingls Adems, practicaste como se escriben los diferentes textos de cada uno de estos tipos de tarjetas. Tambin, repasaste las preposiciones de tiempo y lugar ms comnmente usadas en ingles. Finalmente, leste acerca de qu tipo de informacin debe de tener cada una de las diferentes tarjetas de invitacin. l.

Eighth Grade - English 207


Self evaluation
Choose the letter or letters that best answer each question or statement.

Which of the following words are not prepositions of time? a) with b) on c) in d) inside

Which of the following questions are incorrect? a) What time the party is? b) Where is the celebration? c) When the dinner party is? d) Who is having a party?

Which of the following words is not a preposition of place? a) on b) at c) of d) in

The students sit __ their desks __ St. Patricks School. a) in, at b) on, in c) in, on d) on, at

The purpose of an invitation is not to create more work for the host or to intimidate the guests but to bring everyone together for a celebration. Providing necessary details and contact information is convenient and polite, regardless of the type of invitation, whether it is a professionally designed and printed card, a fun themed note, or a simple email message. By doing so, you can help friends and foreigners waste no time or get lost locating the place of the event.

208 English - Eighth Grade


1 .a, d


3.a, c


Unit Four

Lesson 3

Getting started!

Do you want me to go to the party?

Cmo se piden favores o peticiones en Ingls?

Cmo se estructuran las peticiones en Ingls? Cmo solicitas un favor en Ingls?

Achievement indicators
I can courteously make requests and successfully recognize vocabulary for invitations and requests in texts. I can recognize vocabulary related to invitations and requests in audio sources.

Which of the following items are used in a party? 1. sodas 2. people 3. tables 4. guests 5. presents 6. family 7. chairs

Conversation and more

Listen to and read the following conversation carefully. Look up any new words in a dictionary.

Hi, Mike. Happy birthday! This is a nice birthday party. B: Hello, Paul. Thanks for coming. Please, enjoy the party! A: Thanks a lot. Wow! Is it all you can eat? B: Yes, it is. Would you like something to eat or drink now? What do you want me to bring you? A: Sorry to bother you, Mike. B: Its okay. You are my best friend. A: By the way, Mike, these presents are from my family. Happy many returns! B: Thank you so much! Can you give me a hand putting them on that table, please? A: Of course, right away! B: Sorry to leave you, but I have other guests to greet. A: Dont worry about it. Well talk later. B: Why dont you ask my sister to dance? Shes standing over there. A: Thats a good idea. Ill go and ask her out.
Glossary: Bother: cause a problem. Give a hand: help or assist.

Answer the following questions.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

What kind of a party is it? Whose party is it? What does Paul bring to the party? Who is Paul going to ask to dance? Where is Paul going to put the gifts?

Happy many returns!: another way to say Happy Birthday.

Eighth Grade - English 209

UNIT 4 Enrich your vocabulary Making requests in English: Part I

There are many different ways to make polite requests in English. Would you? / Could you? / Would you like to? Would you like to? is also a very polite way of suggesting or requesting something. It is more polite than saying Do you want to? Compare the following requests:
Would you please bring the wine on Saturday? Well celebrate Titos arrival. Could you join us on Saturday? Titos back from Spain, and were having a barbecue. Would you like to join us on Saturday? Were having a barbecue in the backyard. Would you care to join us on Saturday? Were celebrating Titos return from Spain. Do you want to join us on Saturday? Were having a party in the backyard.
B. If you want to sound particularly polite or if you think the answer may be negative, you can also use Would you A. If you are asking other people to do things, you would normally use Would you or Could you the infinitive.

mind + verb-ing as the preferred alternative to Could you? Would you mind? literally means: Would you object to? Study the following examples:
A: Would you mind locking the door when you leave? B: No, not at all! A: Could you please lock the door when you leave? B: Yes, certainly! If youre not busy at the moment, would you mind helping me with the barbecue? If youre not busy at the moment, could you give me a hand with the barbecue?

more formal and more polite than can and could, but can and could are usually preferred in normal usage. Compare the following:
A: Can I ask a favor of you? B: Of course you can. A: Could I ask you to pick up Deborah from school tomorrow? B: Of course I can. A: Could I possibly have another cup of coffee? B: I dont think you should. You wont sleep tonight if you do.

C. If you are requesting something for yourself, all of these forms are usable. May and might are considered to be

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Write possible answers for these questions.


Put the following words in the correct order to make questions.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Would you turn on the air conditioner? Could you help me with these boxes? Would you please turn down the music? Could you possibly give me a ride home? Would you mind taking a picture of us? Would you be so kind as to lend me your cell phone?

you/ come/ in/ would/ please/ ? you/ mind/ bringing/ would/ the/ wine/ ? could/ I/ you/ a/ big/ of/ cake/ piece/ get/ ? wait/ for/ the/ to/ dessert/ would/ you/ like/ ? ask/ you/ a/ can/ I/ question/ ?

210 English - Eighth Grade

UNIT 4 Time to read

Read the following passage from the online article entitled How to Politely Decline to Attend a Wedding or Event. Look up any new words in a dictionary. Were you invited to a wedding that you just cant attend... or just dont want to attend? This list of steps will help you politely decline the event or wedding invitation without hurting anyones feelings.
Step One: Most importantly, respond saying that

you cannot attend for personal reasons. There is no need to elaborate. Simply offering that as an explanation is polite. If you really do not want to go, simply say that you wont be able to attend, apologize and wish those who invited you the best of luck. Even if the person or people who invited you dont know why you arent attending, at least they will know that you put forth the effort to wish them the best and apologize that you cannot attend.
Step Four: Remember why you cant attend, or why you

you cannot attend. It sounds obvious, but its easy to procrastinate and forget to send back the card saying that you want to decline the invitation. Forgetting to decline can lead to some confusion and an awkward phone call where you have to apologize and decline the invitation later.

said you cant attend. You dont want to accidentally mix up stories later, even if you were telling the truth. The goal here is to not hurt peoples feelings or to hurt them inadvertently.

Step Two: Explain why you declined. Send a note or an email to the person who invited you. You can also call, but that can be awkward. Send a note politely explaining why you cannot attend and make it clear that you would love to attend but cannot. Step Three: Explain why you cannot attend and be


honest. If it is too expensive to fly to a wedding across the country, let the person who invited you know that. The person should understand that you just cant spend $400 on a plane ticket at the moment. If the wedding is local, apologize and state that you have a prior commitment or

Decide whether the following statements are true or false.


Forgetting to decline can lead to some confusion and an awkward phone call where you have to apologize and decline the invitation later. Do not send a note or email to the person who invited you to explain why you declined. If the wedding is local, apologize and state that you have a prior commitment or you cannot attend for personal reasons if you wish to decline. If you really do not want to go, simply say that you wont be able to attend, apologize and you wish those who invited you the best of luck. The goal is to hurt peoples feelings but not to hurt them inadvertently.





Glossary: Attend: to be present at. Hurt: to upset or harm. Procrastinate: to postpone or put off.

Lead: to guide. Mix up: to combine or confuse. Inadvertently: unintentionally or accidentally.

Eighth Grade - English 211


Conversation and more

Listen to and read the following conversation carefully. Look up any new words in a dictionary.

What for?
If you dont wish to sound rude when speaking English, then you need to know how to make a request in a polite manner. People will be much more willing to help you if you soften your language.

1. 2. A: Myrna, how are you doing? B: Hi, Nelly. Im fine, um Do you have a minute? A: Yeah, sure. B: Im not disturbing you, am I? A: No, no. B: Ok, well, um, I dont know if I told you that Im 3. 4.

Choose the letter that best answers the following questions. Who is leaving next week? A. Myrna B. Nelly C. A and B Is the person going on vacation or business? A. on vacation B. on business C. It doesnt say. What favors is the person asking? A. take care of the house B. take care of the cats C. A and B Where is the person going? A. to San Fernando B. to San Francisco C. to El Salvador

going on vacation next week for a couple of weeks A: Oh, right. Excellent! B: And I was wondering if I could ask you a big favor Would you mind taking a look at my house and feeding the cats while Im away? A: Yeah, thats fine. Sure. But what time do they need to eat? Sometimes I get home a little late. B: Well, generally what I do is leave some dried food out for them in the morning. Then they can eat whenever they want. A: No problem. Ill do that. Would you mind leaving me the key to your house? B: Of course. I can see youre quite busy now, but could you come by the house so I can show you where everything is? Im leaving next Monday, so you could stop by any time before then. A: Yeah thats fine. No problem. B: Ah, thank you so much! A: Where are you going? B: San Francisco! A: No way! Fantastic! B: I cant wait!
Glossary: Told: the past tense form of tell which means say or express. Im away: absent or not here.

Hands on! 4C
For the third part of the project, you will have to consider the possibility of asking family members and friends for help with the celebration. They may want to collaborate either economically by giving money or physically by decorating and preparing the location. Both will be necessary in order to have a good celebration!
Hanging around: going around or spending time. Pop around: a quick or short visit.

212 English - Eighth Grade

UNIT 4 Enrich your vocabulary Making requests in English: Part II

D. Similarly, if we use Do/Would you mind if I? to make a request, we may be anticipating possible objections. Study the following examples:
A: Would you mind if I put off talking to Henry until tomorrow? B: I think thats a mistake. I think you should speak to him today. Note the difference between: Would you mind? and Would you mind me/my?: 1. Would you mind filling the ice trays and putting them in the freezer? (you do it) 2. Would you mind me/my filling the ice trays and putting them in the freezer? ( Ill do it)

Now study the different kinds of polite requests and their corresponding responses.
Accepting invitations, from formal to informal Thanks for your invitation. Id be delighted to go. Thank you. Id love to. Yes, thanks. That would be great/wonderful. Sounds great/like fun. Ok/All right. Refusing invitations, from formal to informal Im awfully/terribly sorry. I have other plans for that night. Id really like to, but I have an appointment that day. Thanks for asking, but Im afraid Im busy. I cant. Ive got a lot of work to do. Sorry. Im already tied up.

Hesitating, from formal to informal Thank you, but Ill have to check my calendar. Do you mind if I tell you on Monday? Im not sure what my plans are. Could I get back to you tomorrow? I might be busy. Ill let you know later.

1 2 3 4 5


Match the questions or statements on the left to their corresponding responses on the right.
Questions/Statements Would you like to come over for dinner tonight? Want to come over for a quick meal? Do I need to bring anything? Can I get you something to drink? Im so glad you could come. A B C D E Responses Glad you invited me. Yes, please. Can I have some mineral water? No, just bring yourself. Sure. Why not? Id be delighted to.


Write one original conversation using requests or invitations. The response may either be accepted or declined

Eighth Grade - English 213

UNIT 4 Language in use Use of object pronouns

Study the following ways to use object pronouns: 1. As the object of the verb Julie invited me to her daughters wedding.(me is the object) Monica lent him her car for the weekend. (him is the object)
Subject Maria Tony Marcus I We Mary and Alan The bartender
2. As the object of a preposition

Verb brought sent invited took bought gave prepared

Object pronoun me you her him it us them

Complement the invitation for the dinner party. the email. to the wedding ceremony. to your birthday party. for the dinner. some red wine. some tropical drinks.

You may send the check to me when you have the money. Between you and me, the groom looks happier than the bride.
Preposition to for with about on for with Object pronoun me you him her it us them Sentences Gaby will send the invitation to me. This present is for you. Ill go to the party with him. I am thinking about her all of the time. That is the table. Put the presents on it. These sodas are for us. Ill go home with them.

4. A: I cant find my glasses! B: You are wearing __! A. them B. they C. it 5. A: Do you like bananas? B: I love __ ! A. hers B. its C. them 6. A: Is that Marys new boyfriend? B: Dont ask me, ask __! A. her B. his C. it

Choose the letter that best completes each statement.

1. A: Is she writing to Miguel again? B: Yes, she is in love with __! A. her B. him C. his 2. A: John is making a lot of noise! B: Ill ask __ to be quiet. A. him B. it C. her

3. A: Please tell Mrs. Delgado to come in. B: Sorry, I dont know __. A. her B. him C. she

214 English - Eighth Grade



Listen to the questions, and then choose the letter that best answers each one.
Question 1 A. Sorry, its not mine. B. Yes, please. C. Yes, I wish you would. Question 2 A. Thats fine. B. I promise to do it. C. No kidding. Question 3 A. Yes. Thanks for offering. B. No way. You still owe me fifteen dollars. C. Im happy for you. Question 4 A. Yes, you may. B. Sure. Go ahead. C. Sorry, I cant today. Question 5 A. Be my guest. B. Sure. Its very nice. C. Yes. Just a minute. Question 6 A. Gee. Id rather you didnt. B. Let me think about it. C. You can do it now. Question 7 A. Im glad you think so. B. You are sure. C. Id be glad to. Question 8 A. Sorry, Ill do it right now. B. Yes. Ill tell him you called. C. You decide. Question 9 A. Yes. You can keep it. B. Yeah. Ill bring it Monday. C. Sure. How much is it? Question 10 A. Okay. What time? B. Yes, you may go. C. No. You can drop it.


Activity Lesson core

Practicaste como solicitar o pedir a otras personas algn tipo de favor cortsmente. Tambin, escribiste, y practicaste las diferentes formas de estructurar esas peticiones, as como las diferentes formas de aceptar o declinar esas peticiones. Adems, tuviste acceso utilizar los object pronouns los cuales pueden ser utilizados como objetos del verbo o de preposiciones en oraciones. Finalmente, conociste las distintas formas para declinar o rechazar amablemente cualquier tipo de invitacin en Ingls.

Complete the following short dialogues by using object pronouns.

1. A: What is the title of that song? B: Im afraid I cant remember __.

2. A: Why is Orlando so happy? B: His friends gave __a guitar for his birthday!

3. A: What are you going to do with those old papers? B: Im going to recycle__. 4. A: How are your parents?

B: I havent seen __ for some time now!

5. A: Do you know Luisa?

B: No, I dont know __.

Eighth Grade - English 215


Self evaluation
Choose the letter or letters that best answer each question. Which of the following questions are not polite requests? a) Do I need to bring anything? b) Can I get you something to drink? c) Would you like something to drink? d) Could you send me the email again?

Which of the following statements include object pronouns? a) I will give your phone number to the new employee. b) Mary will send you an invitation. c) You will go with them to the party. d) They didnt bring their invitations. Which of the following questions are incorrect? a) Would you mind pass me the sodas? b) Would you like anything to drink? c) Can you give he the presents? d) Could you call her to come to the dinner party?

Which of the following questions are polite requests? a) Could you lend me two hundred dollars? b) Can you turn the music down, please? c) Could you please take me to the airport tomorrow morning? d) Can I leave him a message?


When dealing with anyone for the first time or people you dont know very well, its extremely important to speak in a polite way. When asking for help or for a favor, nobody wants to be spoken to in an unkind way. Native speakers of English may give a negative answer simply by saying no. Native English speakers tend to be very direct when speaking. However, some may prefer to give more polite responses by adding an explanation or using polite phrases to show they are saying no.

216 English - Eighth Grade


1.a, b

2.a, c

3.b, c

4.a, c

Unit Four

Lesson 4
Do you agree ?

Getting started!
ules son las diferentes formas de expresar discrepancia? Qu expresiones utilizas cuando ests de acuerdo o en desacuerdo con alguien? Sabes utilizar correctamente cada una de las formas de expresar discrepancia? Qu haces cuando alguien no esta de cuerdo contigo? Achievement indicators

I can pick out key words and expressions of agreement and disagreement from recorded material and authentic oral input.

I can accurately express agreement or disagreement.

Which of the following expressions are used to express agreement? 1. absolutely 2. nonsense 3. definitely 4. no 5. sure 6. negatively 7. certainly

Conversation and more

Listen to and read the following conversation carefully. Look up any new words in a dictionary.
A: Hi, Monica. Is everything ready for the wedding party? B: Hello, Susan. Yes, everything is already planned. A: Wow! You have a lot of things in here. Are those B:

A: Now that you say it, I couldnt agree with

balloons part of the decorations? Yes, they are. And these are the tablecloths that will be used. A: What? Red ones? But this color isnt used with weddings. B: I completely disagree with you. Red means love and passion. And my wedding is all about that. A: Thats quite true, but Okay anyway. What about the color of the flowers? B: They will be yellow. A: What? Yellow, why? That color does not match with the rest of the decorations. B: I agree with you on that, but I really like that color. And Jose always gives me yellow flowers, for any occasion.
Glossary: Balloons: inflatable plastic globes. Be kidding: not being serious.

you more. B: Thanks a lot for your support and understanding. A: And how about the invitation cards? B: Oh. There they are, over there on the desk. A: Are you kidding? They are pink. How come? B: I really agree with you. But theres nothing I can do. They are a gift from my father. A: I am really sorry about that. B: Me too.

Answer the following questions.
1. Who is getting married? 2. What color are the tablecloths? 3. What color will the flowers be? 4. Who gave the invitation cards as a gift? 5. What color are the wedding invitation cards? How come: an informal expression that means why or what is the reason. Me too: to think or feel the same way.

Eighth Grade - English 217

UNIT 4 Enrich your vocabulary Expressing agreement and disagreement: Part I

In a conversation, you may totally agree with what the other person says, or you may partially agree with reservation. On the other hand, you may mildly or even strongly disagree with the other person. What can you say in each of these situations? Some common expressions that you can use in these situations are listed in the table below.
Showing agreement Absolutely. Exactly. Indeed! Thats for sure, youre right. I totally agree with you. I agree with you hundred percent. I couldnt agree with you more. Cant argue with that. Couldnt have said it better. I agree completely (with what you said). Thats just/exactly what I think/believe. In my opinion, you are right/correct. Thats my opinion, too. I couldnt agree more. Theres no doubt about it. You can say that again! You bet! Showing disagreement No. I dont agree. Thats not true. I dont accept that. Im afraid I disagree with you. Im afraid I cant agree with you. I couldnt disagree (with you) more. I disagree completely. Youre dead wrong. I disagree with what youre saying. I dont agree with you. I dont think so. I dont see it that way. I couldnt agree less. I couldnt disagree more. You have to be joking/kidding! You cant really be serious!


Decide whether the people agree or disagree in the following short dialogues.
Dialogue 1 A: In my opinion income taxes are too high. B: I agree with you. Dialogue 2 A: I think alcohol is just as bad as smoking. B: Well, I dont know about that. Dialogue 3 A: The advertisements encourage children to eat junk food. B: I cant go along with you on that point. Dialogue 4 A: Do you agree with my opinion? B: Yes, I do. Dialogue 5 A: Do you think this will work out? B: I doubt it. Dialogue 6 A: I think all we have to do now is cut down on our B: I agree with you.



Write two short dialogues, one expressing agreement and another one expressing disagreement.

218 English - Eighth Grade

UNIT 4 Time to read

Read the following article entitled How to Agree to Disagree carefully. Look up any new words in a dictionary. Discussions about religion, politics, abortion, samesex marriage and other hot button issues can be tricky. Instead of getting heated and arguing until you are blue in the face, keep telling yourself to agree to disagree on certain topics so you can have lively debates without letting them get personal. friendly mind-set. Though some issues may be incredibly important to you, like your religious beliefs, understand that everyone has the right to their own opinion. If everyone believed the same thing, life would get boring.
Step 2: Stay calm in the face of a debate. Agree to disagree with someone who is able to intelligently converse with you about tough subjects. Keep your cool and simply swap ideas with this person instead of letting it get ugly. Step 1: Be a good sport. In an argument or debate, keep a Step 3: Use honesty above all. People will tend to throw up their hands and plead that there is no winning or losing the argument when they have clearly lost. This tends to happen to those who have not fully researched or thought out their opinion on the subject. If you find yourself in a situation like this, simply be honest with the other person and let them know you have to do some research before continuing. Step 4: Respect the other person. In a debate, friendly or otherwise, if the person states that you should just agree to disagree, accept iteven if you think they are saying so to avoid admitting defeat. Step 5: Understand that you cant change a mind that does not want to be changed. Some people will be open to new ways of thinking, and others are steadfast in their beliefs and dont want to change. Dont let this bother you because not everyone is alike.


Decide whether the following statements are true or false.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

In an argument or debate, do not keep a friendly mind-set. Stay calm in the face of a debate. Do not use honesty above all. Respect the other person in a debate. Understand that you can change a mind that does not want to change if you really try.

Hands on! 4D
You should keep in mind that not everybody will agree with you one hundred percent in the planning of the event. So you must listen to and consider some of the opinions that your friends and family suggest. Remember, they just want it to be a successful celebration!

Glossary: Hot button issues: controversial topics. Heated: angry. Tough: hard or difficult. Swap: to exchange or switch.

Plead: to beg or implore. Defeat: to beat or conquer. Steadfast: persistent. Cling: to adhere or stick to.

Eighth Grade - English 219

UNIT 4 Conversation 2

Conversation and more

Listen to and read the following conversations carefully. Look up any new words in a dictionary.

Conversation 1

A: I was thinking of celebrating our annual family

dinner in the mountains. I totally agree with you. I think that would be perfect! A: I was thinking it could take place sometime in December. B: That might be a little too cold for some people, especially our grandparents. A: Yes, you are right. B: What about February? There is good weather in February. It isnt too cold or too hot. A: Yes, that would work out better. B: Maybe we could have a survey to see if everyone likes that idea. A: Great! Well have to get right on it. B: Fine, well, Ill start working on it!

Jennys boyfriend is a very nice person, but her friend Mary is concerned about his age... A: Jenny, I know you like George a lot, but what exactly do you like about him? B: Well, Mary, I dont know. But theres just something special about him. Dont you think so? A: Really? I dont think so. Whats that something? B: Well, hes gentle, patient, successful, and mature. I think hes my Mr. Right! A: Mature is a good word, but dont you think hes a little old for you? Hes almost twice as old as you are! B: Well, age shouldnt be something that comes in the way of a persons marriage. As long as we love each other age is not an issue. A: But what will other people think? B: I dont care what others think about us. I just know I love him and he loves me...and thats all that matters. A: I agree with you a hundred percent on that!

1. 2. 3.


Answer the following questions about conversation 2.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Choose the letter that best answers the following questions about conversation 1. What are they going to celebrate? A. a family birthday B. an anniversary C. a family dinner When will they celebrate it? A. in April B. in December C. in February Where will they celebrate it? A. in the mountains B. in the country C. in their house

Whose boyfriend are they talking about? What is George like? Who is concerned about Georges age? Is George older than his girlfriend? Does Georges girlfriend care about peoples opinions?

220 English - Eighth Grade

UNIT 4 Enrich your vocabulary Expressing agreement and disagreement: Part II

Improving your English vocabulary is not as difficult as you think it might be. You just need to become familiar with useful English words, phrases, and expressions. The following list will help you with telling someone that you agree or disagree with their opinion, at different levels.
Showing total agreement Absolutely. Exactly. Indeed! Thats for sure. Youre right. I totally agree with you. I agree with you a hundred percent. I couldnt agree with you more. Cant argue with that. Couldnt have said it better. We see eye to eye on this. (Meaning: We totally agree on this.) Showing partial agreement You may be right. Well, perhaps (youre right). You might have a point there. You might be right there. I think youve got a point. Thats true, I suppose. I suppose so. That might work. Possibly. Showing mild disagreement It may be so, but ... Im not sure if I agree with you totally there. Showing total disagreement Im afraid I disagree with you. Im afraid I cant agree with you. I couldnt disagree (with you) more. I disagree completely. Youve got that wrong. (informal) Youre dead wrong. (informal) I totally disagree. I cant agree with that. Im afraid I cant agree. Thats absurd! Thats ridiculous! Nonsense!

Dont forget!
If you agree with someone about an opinion, you can simply say I agree. or Youre right.


Read the following conversation, and decide whether there is agreement or disagreement on the topic. I think our new boss is great. No, Im not too happy about her. Shes not very friendly. Thats not true! Shes one of the friendliest people in the office! B: I dont agree with that at all. I think she just pretends to be nice. A: Nonsense! I think shes great.
A: B: A:

Eighth Grade - English 221

UNIT 4 Language in use Rejoinders to express agreement and disagreement in English

A. Either can be used in negative sentences to add


an agreeing thought. It usually comes at the end of the response. When you use either in a short response, place the words in the following order:
Negative verb or auxiliary dont am not cant Rejoinder either. either. either.

Complete the following statements by using the appropriate agreement response. Study the following examples.

Example: I cant speak Spanish, and __. Answer: I cant speak Spanish, and you cant either. Example: I like parties. And __. (she / too) Answer: I like parties. And she does, too.
1. (you / either)

Subject I I She

Study the following examples:

Statement I cannot speak French. I am not studying economics. I dont want to eat anything. She doesnt like the celebration Negative response I cant either. I am not either. I dont either. She doesnt either.

She doesnt eat red meat. And ___. (he / either) 2. The students have many books, and ___.
(the teacher / too)

They dont like this party, and ___. (you / either) 4. James can drive, and ___. (Jimmy / too) 5. You dont like to shop at that store, and ___.
3. (I / either) 6.

The birthday cake doesnt taste good, and ___.

(the food / either)

B. Too is used in positive sentences to add an

agreeing thought. It usually comes at the end of the response. When you use too in a short response, place the words in the following order:
Verb or auxiliary do am can Rejoinder too. too. too.

What for?
To express disagreement in an informal way, you may simply say me neither. For example, Angela said: I dont like pancakes. Adam said: Me neither. To express agreement in an informal way, you may simply say me too. For example, Angela said: I like tomato juice. Adam said: Me too.

Subject I I She

Study the following examples:

Statement I am Salvadoran. I can speak English. He is a good worker. I like to go to birthday parties. She celebrates her birthdays in her favorite restaurant. Positive response I am, too. I can, too. He is, too. I do, too. He does, too.

222 English - Eighth Grade





Classify the following expressions showing agreement or disagreement in the table below. I agree completely (with what you say). Thats just what I think. I couldnt agree more. You cant really be serious! Come off it! In my opinion, you are right. Thats my opinion, too. I couldnt agree more. You bet! I disagree with what youre saying. I dont see it that way. I couldnt disagree more. Youve got to be joking! Theres no doubt about it. You can say that again!
Expresing agreement Expressing disagreement

Write statements that make these expressions true for you.

1. I agree with you a hundred percent. 2. I couldnt agree with you more. 3. Im afraid I disagree with you. 4. Im afraid I cant agree with you. 5. I couldnt disagree with you more. 6. She cant either. 7. We are, too.



Choose the letter that is the best response to each statement.

1. Im tired. A. Either is we. B. We are, too. C. We arent either. 2. I love parties. A. I do, too. B. I dont, too. C. I dont either. 3. I dont like funerals. A. I do, too. B. I dont either. C. Either do I. 4. She likes her birthday party. A. We like either. B. We do, too. C. We dont either.

Lesson core
Practicaste como se expresan acuerdos y desacuerdos en diferentes formas y niveles en ingls. Adems, estudiaste como clasificarlos de acuerdo a su grado intensidad, es decir, si ests parcialmente o totalmente de acuerdo o en desacuerdo. Tambin, el uso de dos palabras que se utilizan para expresar acuerdo, ya sea positivamente o negativamente: Either y too. Finalmente, tuviste acceso a algunos consejos que puedes seguir para saber debatir y exponer tus ideas u opiniones a otras personas.

Eighth Grade - English 223


Self evaluation
Choose the letter or letters that best answer each question.

Which of the following statements express agreement? a) I disagree with what youre saying. b) I agree with you. c) I couldnt agree with you more. d) Youre right.

Which of the following statements are incorrect? a) I dont like the reception either. b) She comes to the party, too. c) I dont eat sandwiches, too. d) I can dance either.

Which of the following statements express disagreement? a) I dont agree. b) I cant argue with that. c) Im afraid I cant agree on that. d) I really agree with you.

Which of the following statements express positive agreement? a) I do, too. b) She does, too. c) I dont either. d) She doesnt either.

Communication is essential in planning a celebration. More than likely not everyone will agree on all of the decisions to be made. You should agree to disagree respectfully. Some things just arent importantenough to argue over. A little bit of cooperation is beneficial for all people involved in the planning process. Discuss financial responsibilities ahead of time. Remember that just because someone is taking on most of the financial responsibility that does not mean that they have the most say or make most of the decisions. On the other hand, be gracious of requests on behalf of those who are investing. Keep three words in mind: communication, respect and compromise.

224 English - Eighth Grade


1.b, d

2.a, c

3.c, d

4.a, b

Unit Four

Lesson 5

What are you going to do this weekend?

Getting started!
mo expresas el tiempo futuro en el idioma Ingls? Qu tipo de celebraciones o eventos planificas durante el ao? Cules son tus planes u objetivos para los prximos aos venideros? Cmo planificas un evento social o familiar?

Achievement indicators
I can correctly ask and answer questions about future plans. I can write original sentences describing future plans with grammatical accuracy. I can pick out key words related to future plans and adverbs of time from recorded material and authentic oral input.

Which of the following are future time expressions? 1. tomorrow 2. yesterday 3.next week 4.last week 5.next weekend 6.last weekend

Conversation and more

Listen to and read the following conversation carefully and identify the time expressions. Look up any new words in a dictionary.
A: Hi, Roberto. Happy New Year! B: Hi, Marcos. Thanks. Happy New Year to you too! A: Do you have any plans for next weekend? B: No? Why? A: Because Im planning to go to the beach next B:

B: Yes, youre right! I will go with you. A: Okay. Were going to meet in front of my house at B:

5 a.m. No problem. I will be more than ready!

Answer the following questions.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Sunday. Would you like to join us? Yeah! That sounds great, and who are you going to go with? A: Well, Im going to go with my two younger sisters. B: Awesome! A: The only little thing I forgot to tell you is that it is a Dutch party. B: Oh, come on Marcos. You know I do not work! A: But I dont work either. You get money from the U.S.
Glossary: Forgot: the past tense of forget which means not remember. Dutch party: each person pays or covers his/her own expenses.

Who are speaking to each other? Who does not have any plans for the weekend? Where are they going to go? Who is Marcos going to go with to the beach? What kind of an invitation is this?

U.S.: an abbreviation for the United States of America.

Eighth Grade - English 225

UNIT 4 Enrich your vocabulary Time expressions

In English we use different kinds of words or phrases to express time. They depend on the tense that is used. Study the expressions in the table below:
Past time expressions yesterday yesterday morning yesterday afternoon last night last Thursday last Thursday morning las week last weekend last month last June last year a day ago two days ago a week ago a week ago today a week ago yesterdar a week ago last Monday the day before last the day before yesterday the week before last the month before last the year before last Future time expressions tomorrow tomorrow morning tomorrow afternoon tomorrow night net Thursday next Tursday morning next week next weekend next month next June next year a day from now two days from now a week from now a week from today a week from tomorrow a week from next Monday the day after next the day after tomorrow the week after next the month after next the year after next


When will you do the following things? Write a future time expression for each phrase.

Examples: go to the stadium: next month

practice a sport: next year get a new job: the month after next

1. go to the beach 2. study English 3. travel to another country 4. celebrate your birthday 5. go to a concert 6. go out on a date

Examples of past time expressions:

He visited his friends last week. I didnt see you two days ago. Jane was in Suchitoto yesterday.

Examples of future time expressions:

Im going to go to a graduation party next week. It will not rain tomorrow. Theyre going to visit San Vicente a week from tomorrow.

226 English - Eighth Grade

UNIT 4 Time to read

Read the following passage from How to Plan for the Future carefully. Look up any new words in a dictionary. The future, or the final frontier, is a big question mark. Some things you might like to have in the future may include money, security, and a family, but you wont make those things happen unless you have a plan to ensure their probability.
Step 1: Set reachable goals for yourself and plan for your immediate future first. Write down the goals that you can reach within the next six months, and then move on from there. By the time you are finished, youll have a clear view of where you wish to be in ten years and how to get there. Step 2: Plan for your financial future. Look at all of your current expenses and your income and find out where you can cut unneeded expenses. You should also look at paying the debts that you currently have. Interest from credit card debt takes a lot out of your pocket, so you should try to pay it off as soon as possible. Step 3: Begin a saving plan that can cover you for six months. It may mean that you live frugally for a while but having a cushion in your monetary accounts gives you security and peace of mind. Step 4: Find the job that is right for you. Whether you are looking for work or looking to get promoted to a better paying job, you need to have a plan of action that can put you where you need to be. This means taking into account what type of courses, certifications or degrees you may need to get the job or position you want. Step 5: Save for your retirement. By using your savings account wisely and properly, you can begin saving for your retirement at any age. With the increasing cost of living and the stock markets ups and downs, saving for your retirement in your twenties is not too soon. Even if you are older, talking to a retirement fund planner can help you get back on track for an enjoyable retirement.

1. 2.



Decide whether the following statements are true or false. Dont set reachable goals for yourself. Interest from credit card debt takes a lot out of your pocket, so you should try to pay it off as soon as possible. Begin a saving plan that covers twelve months of your expenses in case any problem arises. You need to have a plan of action that can put you where you need to be. Dont save for your retirement when you are young.

Answer the following questions with your own information.


3. 4. 5.

Do you have a personal plan for your future? 2. What aspects or elements do you include in this plan? 3. Does your whole family make plans for the future? Why?

Glossary: Frontier: borderline or limit. Ensure: to guarantee. Reachable: accessible.

Unneeded: unnecessary. Cushion: some extra money. Retirement: giving up work or quitting a job because of your age.

Eighth Grade - English 227


Conversation and more

Listen to and read the following conversation between two old friends carefully. Look up any new words in a dictionary.
A: Hi, Juana. What horrible weather we are having

Answer the following questions.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

today. Id love to go out, but I think it will just continue raining. B: Hello, Martha. Oh, I dont know. Perhaps the sun will come out later this afternoon. A: I hope youre right. Listen, Im going to have a party this Saturday evening. Would you like to come? B: Oh, Id love to come. Thanks for inviting me. Whos going to come to the party? A: Relatives and friends. Mauricio and Andres are going to help out with the cooking! B: I would like to help, too! A: Would you? That would be great! B: Ill make chicken sandwiches! A: That sounds delicious! I know you work in an excellent restaurant. Im sure my guests will love them! B: I am just the chef s assistant, but Ill do my best. A: No problem. Everyone likes chicken sandwiches. So Im sure theyll enjoy them. B: Well, if you say so... Is there going to be a theme for the party? A: No, I dont think so. Its just a chance to get together with the family and to have fun. B: Im sure itll be fun. A: Im going to hire a disc jockey! B: A disc jockey? Youre kidding me! A: Ive always wanted to have a band! Im going to have a disc jockey at my own party next month. B: Im sure everyone is going to dance until they drop. A: Thats the plan!

When is the celebration going to be? How is the weather? What are Mauricio and Andres going to do? What does Juana offer to do? Why kind of music does Martha want to have? Is there a motive or theme for the party?


Answer the following questions with your own information.


What are your future plans for work or education? 2. What are your plans for the next vacation time? 3. What kinds of events will you celebrate this year? 4. How much do you spend on celebrations?

Glossary: Comes out: appear or become visible. Theme: a motive or a special occasion.

Hire: contract or employ. Dance until they drop: to dance until they get really tired.

228 English - Eighth Grade

UNIT 4 Enrich your vocabulary Adverbs of time

There are different kinds of adverbs in English. Look at how the following adverbs of time can be used to express the future. Adverbial expressions of time answer the questions: When?, (For) how long?, and How often? These can include prepositions and adverbs of time, as well as expressions of time. Study the following examples: 1. A: When is the meeting? B: In the evening. 2. A: (For) how long will you stay there? B: For a long time. 3. A: How often do you visit your uncle? B: Often.
Adverbs of time tomorrow late on time early never weekly by Adverbs in sentences They will come tomorrow. Im not going to get to the party late. The celebration will start on time. This time the graduation ceremony will start early. We never celebrate our wedding anniversary. This magazine is published weekly. The family gathering will finish by seven thirty.

An adverb may be placed at the beginning, middle or end of a sentence. Read and study the following sentences.
Position of adverbs Beginning Middle End Adverbs in sentences At night, theyll leave for Australia. Tomorrow they will come from Canada. They always go to El Pital. She sometimes dances until she drops. They are going to their hometown tomorrow. He will celebrate his birthday soon.



Identify the adverbs of time in the following sentences.

1. We went to a really good party yesterday. 2. She is getting married tomorrow. 3. Where did you go on the weekend? 4. I visited Oman in 1999. 5. My family always gets together on vacation. 6. He is going to study English soon.

Put the following words in the correct order to make complete statements. Example: La/ Union/ my/ will/ sister/ her/ friends/ in/ visit Answer: My sister will visit her friends in La Union.
1. 2. 3. 4.

dinner/ party/ will/ dance/ at/ I/ the is/ going/ to/ in/ public/ a/ school/ study/ Abby party/ the/ at/ start/ will/ seven to/ are/next/going/Mary/and/John/month/get/ married 5. never/ they/ rock/ concerts/ night/ at/ go/ to

Eighth Grade - English 229

UNIT 4 Language in use Future tense: will and be+going to

There are two basic future tenses used to describe things that happen in the future. A. The first future tense is the future with will. Use the future with will to talk about an event in the future that you have just decided to do, for predictions and for promises. It is used for spontaneous decisions which are made at the moment of speaking.


1. The economy will get better soon. 2. Yes, I will marry you. 3. Jacks hungry. Ill make him a sandwich. 4. Thats difficult! Ill help you with the solution.

Subject I, you, he, she, it, we, they

Positive will study

Negative wont study

Questions Will you study? Will he study? Will they study?

B. The future with be + going to to is used to express events you have already planned in the future and your intentions for the future. It is used for planned decisions, which are decisions, made before the moment of speaking.


Read and study the following table.

Subject I You She We They

1. Shes going to attend university and study to become a doctor. 2. Were going to make the presentation next week. 3. Im going to be a police officer when I grow up. 4. Katherine is going to study English when she goes to university.

Verb (positive) am going to study. are going to study. is going to study. are going to study. are going to study.

Verb (negative) am not going to study. arent going to study. isnt going to study. arent going to study. arent going to study.

Question Am I going to study? Are you going to study? Is she going to study? Are we going to study? Are they going to study?

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Activity Hands on! 4E

For the last part of the project, youll have to keep in mind that planning an event takes time, money and effort. Youll have to plan every stage of the celebration carefully. Remember all aspects of the party: the number of guests, the kind of food and drinks, the decoration, music, location, invitation cards, tables and chairs. Stay within your budget!

Put the following words in the correct order to make statements or questions. Carlos/ see/ to/ going/ are/ we going/ Betty/ you/ are/ to/ meet/ ? San Blas/ go/ to/ I/ to/ am/ going the/ United States/ going/ is/ visit/ Jenny/ to/ ? to/ car/ a/ Mom/ going/ new/ buy/ is Mary/ is/ them/ going/ secret/ to/ her/ tell David/ baseball/ play/ going/ with/ they/ to/ are/ ? Toto/ and/ Veronica/ get/ married/ are/ to/ going John/ her/ going/ is/ to/ visit/ ? Julio/ going/ Silvia/ and/ Ana/ lunch/ eat/ to/are/ with

230 English - Eighth Grade


1. A:




Using the words in parentheses, complete the text below with will or be + going to. Why are you holding a piece of paper? B: I _(write)_ a letter to my friends back home in Texas. 2. A: Im about to fall asleep. I need to wake up! B: I _(get)_ you a cup of coffee. That will wake you up! 3. A: I cant hear the television! B: I _(turn)_ it up so you can hear it. 4. We are so excited about our trip to France next month. We _(visit)_ Paris and Nice. 5. Sarah _(come)_ to the party. Oliver _(be)_ there as well. 6. A: It is so hot in here! B: I _(turn)_ the air conditioner on. 7. I think he _(be)_ the next President of the United States. 8. After I graduate, I _(attend)_ medical school and become a doctor. I have wanted to be a doctor all of my life. 9. A: Excuse me, I need to talk to someone about our hotel room. I am afraid it is simply too small for four people. B: That man at the service counter _(help)_ you. 10. As soon as the weather clears up, we _(walk)_ down to the beach and go swimming.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Write corresponding questions of the following answers. We will go to a bachelors party tomorrow night. She is getting married next month. You are going to take the exam next weekend. We will go to Guatemala next year. My family will get together on vacation. He is going to study English soon. She will come to the celebration on Christmas. You and I are going to understand this activity pretty soon.

Lesson core
Conociste las diferentes palabras o frases que expresan tiempo en Ingls. Adems, estudiaste los adverbios de tiempo que se utilizan en combinacin con el tiempo futuro, utilizando will y be + going to, as mismo practicaste como hacer preguntas y responder en esas formas del futuro simple. Tambin, aprendiste a colocar los adverbios de tiempo correctamente. Finalmente, leste sobre la importancia que tiene el saber planificar apropiadamente todos los proyectos o actividades que planeas desarrollar en un futuro prximo.

What for?
In the future. we often use will and be + going to to make decisions, arrangements and plans even though they differ in their proper usage.

Eighth Grade - English 231


Choose the letter or letters that best answer each question.

Self evaluation

Which of the following is not a time expression? a) tomorrow b) celebration c) in the morning d) next week

Which of the following statements is not correct? a) We will dance all night long. b) They are going to plan a party. c) Gabby will comes to the family reunion. d) I wont buy the presents. Which of the following phrases are not expressing future time? a) last weekend b) in two weeks from now c) the day before yesterday d) the day after tomorrow

Which of the following words is not an adverb of time? a) soon b) never c) late d) slowly

Deciding on a place to go is a very important part of planning a trip. After choosing your travel destination, you should consider the cities, parts of the country, or parts of the region that you will visit. Where will you go first? How do you want to get from one place to another? How much time you will spend in one place? How much money will you spend? These are the important questions to answer ahead of time to help plan a trip. You should not plan to visit too many places in a short period of time. Give yourself enough time to enjoy the trip and relax at the same time.

232 English - Eighth Grade


1. b


3. c

4. a, c

Answer Key
Lesson 1
Activity 1:
1. Liz 2. next weekend 3. at her grandparents house 4. casual clothes 5. no 1. A 2. B 3. C 4. A 5. B 1. first day at school 2. wedding 3. graduation 4. divorce 5. funeral 6. Birthday 1. C 2. B 3. A 1. A 2. A 3. A 4. A 5. B 10, 1, 9, 4, 5, 8, 2, 3, 7, 6 Answers may vary. 1.C 2.A 3.C Conversation 1 1. B 2. B 3. A 4. C 5. A 6. A Answers may vary.

Activity 12: Activity 13:

1. C 2. A 3. C 4. B 5. A 6. B 7. B 8. B 9.C 1. True 2. False 3. True 4. True

Activity 2: Activity 3:

Lesson 3
Activity 1:
1. a birthday party 2. Mike 3. presents from his family 4. Mikes sister 5. on a table Answers may vary. 1. Would you come in please? 2. Would you mind bringing the wine? 3. Could I get you a big piece of cake? 4. Would you like to wait for the dessert? 5. Can I ask you a question? 1. True 2. False 3. True 4. True 5. False 1. A 2. A 3. C 4. B 1. E 2. D 3. C 4. B 5. A Answers may vary. 1. B 2. A 3. B 4. A 5. C 6. A 1. A 2. A 3. B 4. C 5. C 6. B 7. C 8. A 9. C 10. A 1. it 2. him 3. them 4. them 5. her

Activity 4: Activity 5: Activity 6: Activity 7: Activity 8: Activity 9: Activity 10: Activity 11:

Activity 2: Activity 3:

Lesson 2
Activity 1: Activity 2:
1.A 2.B 3.A 4.B 5.B 1.October 15th 2.Miguel 3.El Papaturro Bar 4.at 7:30 p.m. 5.23 years old Answers may vary. 1. birthday 2. wedding 3. baptism 4. wedding anniversary 5. christmas party 1. A 2. B 3. B 4. B 5. B 3, 2, 4, 1, 5 1. Irene 2. this week 3. Yes, he will. 4. his parents will be very proud 5. a young adult Answers will vary. 1. A 2. B 3. B 4. A 5. C 6. B Answers may vary. 1. at 2. in 3. on 4. at

Activity 4: Activity 5: Activity 6: Activity 7: Activity 8: Activity 9:

Activity 10:

Activity 3: Activity 4:

Lesson 4
Activity 1:
1. Monica 2. red 3. yellow 4. Monicas father 5. pink 1. agree 2. disagree 3. disagree 4. agree 5. disagree 6. agree Answers will vary. 1. False 2. True 3. False 4. True 5. False 1. C 2. C 3. A 1. Jennys boyfriend 2. Hes gentle, patient and mature. 3. Mary 4. Yes, he is. 5. No, she doesnt.

Activity 5: Activity 6: Activity7:

Activity 2:

Activity 8: Activity 9: Activity 10: Activity 11:

Activity 3: Activity 4: Activity 5: Activity 6:

Eighth Grade - English 233

Answer Key
Activity 7: Activity 8:
disagree 1. he doesnt either 2. the teacher does, too 3. you dont either 4. Jimmy can, too 5. I dont either 6. the food doesnt either Expressing agreement: I agree completely (with what you say).; Thats just what I think.; In my opinion, you are right.; Thats my opinion, too.; I couldnt agree more.; Theres no doubt about it.; You can say that again!; You bet!; I couldnt agree more. Expressing disagreement: I disagree with what youre saying.; I dont see it that way.; I couldnt disagree more.; Youve got to be joking!;You cant really be serious!; Come off it! 1. B 2. A 3. B 4. B Answers may vary.

Activity 9:

Activity 9:

Activity 10:

Activity 10: Activity 11:

Activity 11:

Lesson 5
Activity 1:
1. Roberto and Marcos 2. Roberto 3.the beach 4. his two younger sisters 5. Dutch party Answers will vary. 1. False 2. True 3. False 4. True 5. False Answers will vary. 1. Saturday evening 2. Its horrible and raining. 3. Theyll help out with the cooking 4. chicken sandwiches 5. a discjockey 6. No, there isnt. Answers will vary. 1. yesterday 2. tomorrow 3. on the weekend 4. in 1999 5. on vacation 6.soon 1. I will dance at the dinner party. 2. Abby is going to study in a public school. 3.The party will start at seven. 4. Mary and John are going to get married next month. 5.They never go

to rock concerts at night. 1. We are going to see Carlos. 2. Are you going to meet Betty? 3. I am going to go to San Blas. 4. Is Jenny going to visit the United States? 5. Mom is going to buy a new car. 6. Mary is going to tell them her secret. 7. Are they going to play baseball with David? 8.Toto and Veronica are going to get married. 9. Is John going to visit her? 10. Silvia and Ana are going to eat lunch with Julio. 1. am going to write 2. will get 3. will turn 4. are going to visit 5. is going to come 6. will turn 7. is going to be 8. I am going to attend 9. will help 10. are going to walk Answers may vary but can include: 1. Where will you go tomorrow night? 2. When is she getting married? 3. What are you going to do next weekend? 4. Where will you go next year? 5. When will your family get together?

Activity 2: Activity 3: Activity 4: Activity 5:

Activity 6: Activity 7:

Activity 8:

234 English - Eighth Grade

Hands on!
Hands on!: Planning a celebration! Purpose
With this project you will be able to make a complete plan of how to organize and prepare any kind of family or social event. You will have to keep track of the different aspects related to planning your special event so that at the end of the unit you can have a useful and practical completed project.

Theory and practice

The different phases of the unit 4 project (from Hands on! 4A to Hands on! 4E) gave you ideas on how to plan a celebration properly. With the different project phases you should have kept track of key elements or concepts to have a clear picture of what planning is like.

You should have noticed that when answering different activities, you were gaining or obtaining the basic concepts or aspects related to planning a celebration for your family or friends. Remember the activities which gave you some good hints to have an idea on which aspects to take into consideration in your project profile: From lesson - 1 activities 2, 3, 4 and 5; from lesson 2- activities 1, 2, 3, 4 and 7; from lesson 3- activities 2 to 6; from lesson 4- activities 2, 3, 4, 7 and 8; from lesson 5- activities 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 9. These activities provided you with some good background, and with this you will be able to perform or do your project efficiently.

Wrap up
You can include aspects such as the approximate number of guests, quality and quantity of food and drinks to be served, souvenirs to be given away, the number of tables and chairs that will be needed, group games to be played or anything else that you can think of. Planning a budget for the expenses of this event is very important. You can ask other people or institutions that are experts in planning and organizing events to help you out. Look at the following URL to help you get started: http://www.pch.gc.ca/special/canada/invittn/102-eng.cfm The following is a sample of the checklist for planning a wedding event.
Check List For Event Planning General Information Date of Event ____________________ Day of Event _____________________ Place of Event ____________________ Your Name ______________________ Brides Name ____________________ Grooms Name ___________________ Names of Others Involved in Planning:

Eighth Grade - English 235

For use of a bilingual dictionary:

For more about invitations:


For more practice with invitation cards and materials:

http://www.dgreetings.com/invitation-cards/ http://cards.123greetings.com/cgi-bin/newcards/main.pl?cat=Invitations

For more practice with making polite requests:

http://eltnotebook.blogspot.com/2007/03/teaching-polite-requests-part-one.html http://www.123teachme.com/learn_spanish/make_polite_requests_1

For the complete article entitled How to Politely Decline to Attend a Wedding or Event:

For more on expressions used to agree and disagree:

http://www.vocabulary.cl/Lists/Opinions.htm http://www.businessenglishebook.com/Business-English-Expressing-Opinions.htm

For the complete article entitled How to Agree to Disagree:


For more about future plans:

http://www.teaching-esl-to-adults.com/future-simple-tenses.html http://esl.about.com/library/courses/aatense_review_future.htm

For the complete article entitled How to Plan for the Future:

For more information contained in the Language in use sections of each lesson, take a look at the following
English grammar books: Basic Grammar Use by Cambridge University Press. Fundamental of English Grammar by Longman.

236 English - Eighth Grade

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