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What follows is an attempt to formulate a political system free of the issues that plague all existing forms of
government. From democracy to communism, from monarchies to dictatorships, all tried and tested political
and economic systems fail at what they set out to do. A government should provide a stable community, with
laws that are obeyed and an economy that relies on more than just the psychology of the shareholders.

The system presented here is known as Sineocracy. This term [pronounced “si-nee-AWK-ruh-see”] comes
from the Latin sine, meaning “without”, and the Greek suffix –ocracy, meaning “government”. To this end,
sineocracy describes a political system devoid of any formal government, rather distributing positions of
authority among members of the population. This political form was devised over a period of about two
months by myself and a friend. That friend – some guy by the name of Timothy Ruggles – and I believe we
have come up with a system as flawless as any mere mortal will ever achieve, though that may just be our egos
talking. Either way, this document presents the Sineocratic Constitution in its entirety, as well as our plan for
implementation of the system, and the treaty associated with its implementation. The treaty (tentatively called
the Treaty of Eunomia) is provided mainly for its entertainment value, though it is an integral part of the

If you happen to be a world leader with three billion dollars to spare (or if you’re Oprah – in which case, I
know you have three billion dollars to spare), consider sparing it on this. It will solve all of the world’s
problems. Satisfaction guaranteed.
Constitution of the Sineocratic State
 Sineocracy is a form of political self-rule that attempts to make the public solely responsible for itself and its actions
 Certain governmental functions (such as the Cabinet) are indispensable, and structures analogous to them are present,
but they are run entirely by the free, unaffiliated public
Each region is duly represented within those structures
 A group of citizens called the Circle oversees the monetary affairs of the public
 The public, as a whole, is responsible for just punishment of crimes
The punishment for major crimes is severe in an effort to quell such acts
 A group of citizens called the Ædile holds the responsibilities typically allotted to a governmental Cabinet
 The same citizens that form the Ædile also comprise the Ecclesia, which filters proposed legislation (which, if approved
initially, is ultimately voted on by the general public)
 All currency is virtual (computer-based), and there is a maximum amount of money that a person is allowed to possess
There is also a maximum amount of money that a company is allowed to possess, and that amount is based on the
company's multinational scope
 In the form of a personal, miniature ATM, each individual with a monetary account is given a handheld device called
an ælius, and access to each device is meticulously safeguarded
 The state and its populous is defended by a public-run military, which is backed by a smaller state-run force
 All forms of post-secondary education are either free or almost-free services, and are highly encouraged
 The collective of nearly all monetary accounts is the CORE, which is protected through numerous exhaustive security
measures; the Defense Account is located in a separate facility called the Vault

 The Circle is an assembly of 360 citizens randomly chosen every 6 months from a database of registered eligible
constituents; typically, no one person can hold a seat in the Circle more than once, and, to be qualified to serve as a
member of the Circle, each prospective member must have had at least four years of post-secondary education
 Each member of the Circle is paid a set monthly salary of CA$14,000; their return to their previous job at their previous
salary is assured following their 6-month term, and defiance of this by an employer is indictable
 The Circle oversees the distribution of income
 The monetary exchanges and individual account holdings of each region are managed by representatives in the Circle;
the number of representatives (out of 360) is determined by the relative population of each region
The following chart outlines the distribution of representatives based on the most recent population reports:

Region Representatives
Alberta 44
British Columbia 49
Manitoba 38
New Brunswick 22
Newfoundland 16
Nova Scotia 27
Ontario 60
Prince Edward Island 11
Quebec 55
Saskatchewan 33
The Territories 5*
* 5 representatives are allotted to oversee the fiscal affairs of all three territories as a whole

 All members receive accommodations and sufficient work space at the national Circle Headquarters (CHQ)
 ISSUE OF INTEGRITY: Any one member has the ability to promote, and state the case for, the eviction of another
member; the action is voted on, with a 250-vote majority being required to make the motion final, and, once the motion
is affirmed, there is no chance for appeal
If a member is voted out, they are immediately replaced, and the replacement holds the position for the rest of the term;
if the replacement only needs to serve for 3 months or less, they are still eligible to hold a seat in the Circle in the future
 Laws are imposed through traditional law enforcement officials, dubbed Prætorians
 In any circumstance, it is the responsibility of the public to protest and indict anyone or any group for unfair treatment
 Any individual who breaks one or more laws is subject to being punished based on the severity of the crime(s)
 Formal conviction, and sentencing if the accused is found guilty, must be done within a fair trial-by-jury; once a verdict
is reached, there is no chance for appeal, however a case can be reopened if new evidence comes to light
 Two Criminal Eviction Sites (CES) – one for men and one for women – exist either for criminals deemed threatening
enough to need such security measures or for those who commit crimes severe enough to warrant such punishment
 Criminal indictments are assigned to one of four levels; this ranking, as per the Constitution, stands as follows:

Level 1 Temporary (1-month to 5-year) removal to a penitentiary, as decided by the jury

Level 2 Temporary (1-year to 10-year) removal to CES, as decided by the jury
Level 3 Temporary (1-year to 10-year) removal to CES, as decided by the jury, followed by national exile
Level 4 Permanent removal to CES

 Unless a restriction is specified, Level 4 indictments are either indefinite (4a; possibility of parole after 25 years at CES,
with parole being granted in the case of a vote with no less than 500,000 respondents and, in those, 75% support) or
definite (4b; no possibility of parole)
 The classes of felonies and their respective levels, as defined by the Constitution, stand as follows:

Felony Level(s)
Arson 2
Assault 1-2 (as decided by jury)
Blackmail 2
Child Sexual Abuse 4
CORE infiltration 4b
Drug Possession 1
Drug Trafficking 2, 4 (see Drug/Alcohol Policy)
Espionage 2 (first offense); 4a (second offense)
Extortion/Embezzlement 4a
Forgery 2
Fraud/Deception offences 1-2 (as decided by jury)
Homicide (with intent) 4
Identity Theft 2
Illegal Gambling 1
Inchoate offenses 1
Kidnapping 2
Larceny/Theft 1
Manslaughter (no intent) 2
Medical Malpractice 2 (not causing fatality); 4 (causing fatality)
Perjury 2
Piracy/Property Theft 2
Plagiarism 1
Rape 4
Sexual Assault 2
Smuggling 2
Stalking (injunction violation) 1
Terrorist Threat 2
Terrorist Act 4 (internal source); 3 (foreign source)
High Treason 4b
Trespassing 1 (in extreme cases)
Vandalism 1-2 (as decided by jury)
Weapon Possession 1-2 (as decided by jury)

 To be qualified to serve, a prospective juror must be at least 18 years of age, be a citizen of the county, be physically and
mentally capable of serving, not be under indictment, and have at least four years of post-secondary education
 Juries consist of a set 67 people who are chosen randomly by the Ædile Justice facility
Each jury sits alone, with all deciding power vested in it, and is not presided over by a judge
 While individual income is still determined by the employer, wages are both overseen and distributed by the Circle to
ensure impartiality
 All citizens may own Citizen Accounts, which are the only financial basis and have capital ceilings of CA$320,000.00
 Verifiable disability and job shortage exempt an individual from having to work to have their revenue upheld;
otherwise, job-based income is terminated during any state of unemployment
Income allotted to unemployed citizens with a verified exemption is standardized at CA$17.00 per hour
This is also the minimum wage rate (and any attempt by an employer to set an individual's wages less than this will be
dealt with by the Circle)
 Monetary accounts are available to all citizens, no matter what age, although there are account ceilings specific to age
 Money can also be exchanged from one account to another at the will of the source-account owner, just as physical
currency could in a cash-based society
 From age 18 to 22, individual accounts have a maximum ceiling of CA$64,000.00
Individual ceilings for this age range are determined by the collective capital of the individual's parents (or legal
guardians) through the following formula, relating the ceiling value (R, in CA$) to parental wealth (W, in CA$):

R = 64,000.00 − W (until W exceeds CA$64,000.00)

 All accounts are consolidated within the Center of Operations for Revenue Exchange (the CORE)
 Any revenue earned by an individual in excess of their CA$320,000 account ceiling is ignored by the CORE and
disregarded as worthless overflow
 Businesses own accounts through which all fiscal exchanges are directed; these generally have a capital ceiling of CA$2.618 billion
 The following table summarizes the maximum capital values for specified age ranges:

Age Max. Capital

0 - 17 CA$2,000.00

18-22 CA$64,000.00

23 - 64 CA$320,000.00

65+ CA$320,000.00

 Companies own Business Accounts within the CORE through which all fiscal exchanges are directed
The accounts of purely Canadian companies have capital ceilings of CA$2.618 billion
 Multinational corporations may operate within Canada only if a minimum of 90% of all employees within the national
branch have Canadian citizenship
The revenue ceiling for the account of such a business is determined through the following formula, relating the ceiling
value (C, in millions of CA$) to the number of nations, including Canada, in which the multinational operates (N):

C = 2,618/N
 Any revenue earned by a business in excess of its respective account ceiling is ignored by the CORE and disregarded as
worthless overflow
 The treatment of all Canadian employees must meet condition and salary guidelines delineated within the Constitution,
and it is the right of the people to indict any industry that does not meet those standards
 ISSUE OF MONOPOLY: With a ceiling on the amount of money a business is allowed to possess, there is less incentive
for one business to buy-out others and establish a monopoly
This also ultimately diminishes the general concern over corporate takeovers

 All currency is virtual, only existing within the computer-based Center of Operations for Revenue Exchange (CORE)
 The Circle, alone, has the authority to generate funds within the CORE in order to assist areas deemed in need of
monetary aid
 Virtual currency removes the need for any form of taxation (sales tax, income tax, corporate tax, capital gains tax, toll
tax, property tax, net worth tax, etc.)
 Citizens own individual monetary accounts within the CORE, which are accessed only with a registered handheld ælius
If an individual's ælius is lost or destroyed, a number of verifications of the loss of the device and the citizen's identity
must be made before a replacement ælius can be given
 All trade partners hold Trade-Credit Accounts within the CORE; these accounts accumulate revenue in direct
proportion to the value of the commodities (goods and services) brought in from each respective nation (as imports)
The revenue within each account can then be used by their proprietor nations to purchase commodities (as exports)

 The Ædile is an assembly of 143 citizens chosen from a database of registered eligible constituents; its members are
selected every 6 months, and no one person can hold a seat in the Ædile more than once
To be qualified to serve as a member of the Ædile, the prospective member must have had at least seven years of post-
secondary education, a Masters degree, in the area(s) of interest
 The Ædile oversees the administration of public services; 11 members hold the responsibilities of each jurisdiction, and,
of the 143 members, each of the 11 regions must be represented by a specific number of people
 The 13 jurisdictions and their respective liabilities, as outlined within the Constitution, stand as follows (and any
alterations need to be approved by 2/3 of the voting population):

State Oversees internal affairs, as well as security and law enforcement

Defense Oversees national defense (internal and external terrorist threats and
threats posed by other entities); oversees the Vault mainframe
Justice Oversees the treatment of civil trials by the people
Foreign Affairs Oversees the relationship between Canada and foreign states
Health and Human Services Oversees issues of the population's health and physical/emotional welfare
Agriculture Oversees issues of land and food, as well as government-owned property
Commerce Oversees non-monetary issues of business and industry
Labour Oversees the work force; ensures that all citizens have suitable jobs
Housing and Development Oversees housing and shelter availability, as well as the development of
both urban and rural areas; ensures that all citizens have suitable housing
Energy and Natural Resources Oversees the consumption and accessibility of energy and natural resources
Infrastructure Oversees all education, communication, and transportation systems
Citizen Equality Oversees the equality of all citizens, both majority and minority factions
Environment Oversees issues dealing with the welfare of the environment and climate,
both nationally and internationally

 Official members of the Ædile may choose to hire subordinates to assist their efforts; any such assistants must be
qualified, and must be approved by the 143 formal Ædile members with a two-thirds majority vote (at least 96/143)
 There may be no more than a total of 195 members (including subordinates) hired within the Ædile
 Each formal member of the Ædile is paid a set monthly salary of CA$14,000; their return to their previous job at their
previous salary is assured following their 6-month term, and defiance of this by an employer is indictable; subordinates
are given monthly salaries between CA$12,000 and CA$13,000, as decided by their superiors, based on the work level

 Censors are responsible for the national triennial census and are chosen every 3 years from a database of registered
eligible constituents; there are 44 Censors, with divisions of 4 being accountable for one region
The Censors act in accordance with six Ædile jurisdictions (Health and Human Services, Commerce, Labour, Housing
and Development, Infrastructure, and Citizen Equality)
 The national census provides information on all vital aspects of Canadian life

 For security reasons, the Vault is a mainframe separate from the CORE; it is the source of funding for the Canadian
Civil Forces
 Any attempt to infiltrate the Vault is an indictable (Level 4b) offense
 The Vault is accessible only by one of the 11 official Ædile Defense facility members, with the expressed approval of the
other ten, from Ædile Headquarters
 The routine worth of the Vault account is upheld by the Circle with funds from the CORE State Account; during a state
of war or other military emergency, the value of the funds within the Vault is frozen (i.e., funds can still be extracted at
will while the value of the funds held within the Vault account is kept constant)
 The Vault Defense Account consists of a single 65-bit byte (8.125 bytes worth of typical 8-bit bytes), allowing the
account to hold a substantial maximum value of CA$184,467,440,737,095,516.15 while using very little computing power
 Tourism is conducted in the current manner of currency exchange, as the main difference between cash or change and
virtual currency is the virtual currency's existence within a computerized database; considering this relatively subtle
difference, currency exchanges only need to become more prevalent rather than eliminated
When a tourist enters Canada, a given amount of their cash is exchanged for virtual currency within a provisional
individual CORE account (and the reverse occurs when the tourist leaves Canada with whatever value of virtual
currency they have left); when a Canadian tourist enters another country, a given amount of their virtual currency is
exchanged for cash (and the reverse occurs when the tourist leaves the foreign nation with whatever cash they have left)

 To become a citizen of Canada, an individual must send an application of citizenship to the Case Processing Centre in
Sidney; typically, after 12-15 months, the application is approved and the individual is given preliminary citizenship
The individual is indirectly monitored for 12 months, during which time any criminal behaviour may cause their
citizenship to be revoked; after 12 months, the individual is given full citizenship

 Post-secondary education is a guaranteed right for all citizens; all forms of higher learning (community college, college,
university, etc.) are equally encouraged
 Individual post-secondary institutions may charge a per-year-per-student tuition of no more than CA$250

 Family is defined to be whatever those concerned feel it should be; any attempt by individuals or groups to impose
domestic ideals on others is unconstitutional
 All children under the age of 18 within a household are obligated to have either one or two legally recognized
guardians, and it is the lawful responsibility of the people to assure that that right is upheld
Legal guardians (as separate from parents) may be no younger than 23 years of age

 A State Account within the CORE holds all funds required for national expenses and debt
The account also holds the national surplus, and has a full capacity of CA$1,441,151,880,758,558.71
 The State Account can only be accessed by the Magister of the Circle, and his/her access to the account (or any other
component of the CORE) has to be approved by the Circle

 Citizens may request a monetary loan from the CORE, and the Circle holds exclusive authority over all approvals; loans
must be repaid within a specified period of time, determined by the size of the loan through the following equation,
relating the time allotted for repayment (t, in days) to the loan value (V, in CA$):

t = √2V
 Loans may not value an individual's account at more than CA$320,000.00
 A citizen may not request further loans (and no loan requests will be approved by the Circle) while a previous loan is
still outstanding
 Any loan that is not repaid within the given time gains 3% in per-hebdomad interest (compounded biweekly) on
whatever value is left unpaid
The following chart outlines five select examples for overdue periods up to 1 year:

Amount owed… A = P(1.03) n

…at expiry of CA$10.00 CA$100.00 CA$1,000.00 CA$10,000.00 CA$100,000.00
repayment interval
…after 2 weeks CA$10.61 CA$106.09 CA$1,060.90 CA$10,609.00 CA$106,090.00

…after 12 weeks CA$14.26 CA$142.58 CA$1,425.76 CA$14,257.61 CA$142,576.09

…after 22 weeks CA$19.16 CA$191.61 CA$1,916.10 CA$19,161.03 CA$191,610.34

…after 32 weeks CA$25.75 CA$257.51 CA$2,575.08 CA$25,750.83 CA$257,508.28

…after 42 weeks CA$34.61 CA$346.07 CA$3,460.70 CA$34,606.96 CA$346,069.59

...after 52 weeks CA$46.51 CA$465.09 CA$4,650.89 CA$46,508.86 CA$465,088.59

 The one and only legislative assembly is the Ecclesia, comprised of 143 regional representatives
The members of the Ecclesia are those of the Ædile, and are only convened when the need arises
 The Ecclesia acts only as an ambassadorial buffer between proposed legislation and the deciding public
 Each of the 11 regions must be represented by a specific number of people; these numbers, based on the most recent
population reports, stand as follows:

Region Representatives
Alberta 17
British Columbia 20
Manitoba 15
New Brunswick 9
Newfoundland 7
Nova Scotia 11
Ontario 23
Prince Edward Island 4
Quebec 22
Saskatchewan 13
The Territories 2

 Proposed legislation is passed on from its source to the Ecclesia, where it must receive at least a 72-vote majority
The legislation is then passed on to the public and they vote on whether or not a bill is passed into law; when such a
vote occurs, all citizens with CORE accounts are eligible (because voting is done through the handheld æliuses), and a bill
must receive at least a 4/5 majority to be ratified

 All voting is done through the handheld æliuses
 Votes are channeled to the relevant division of the Chamber (a mainframe at Ædile Headquarters which holds and
automatically tallies all votes)

 For all positions, the election of successors is done at noon approximately 30 days before the end of each term and is
initiated by the existing members
 Each election is done randomly from a pool of eligible constituents

 The terms and election dates for each of the 3 major departments are as follows:

Department Terms Election Days

January 1 (12:00:00 AM AST) – July 2 (11:59:59 AM ADT) or
January 1 (12:00:00 AM AST) – July 1 (11:59:59 PM ADT) in leap years June 1
Circle and and
July 2 (12:00:00 PM ADT) – December 31 (11:59:59 PM AST) or December 1
July 2 (12:00:00 AM ADT) – December 31 (11:59:59 PM AST) in leap years
January 1 (12:00:00 AM AST) – July 2 (11:59:59 AM ADT) or
January 1 (12:00:00 AM AST) – July 1 (11:59:59 PM ADT) in leap years June 1
Ecclesia and and
July 2 (12:00:00 PM ADT) – December 31 (11:59:59 PM AST) or December 1
July 2 (12:00:00 AM ADT) – December 31 (11:59:59 PM AST) in leap years
January 1 (12:00:00 AM AST) – July 2 (11:59:59 AM ADT) or
January 1 (12:00:00 AM AST) – July 1 (11:59:59 PM ADT) in leap years June 1
Ædile and and
July 2 (12:00:00 PM ADT) – December 31 (11:59:59 PM AST) or December 1
July 2 (12:00:00 AM ADT) – December 31 (11:59:59 PM AST) in leap years

 The Ecclesia and the Ædile consist of the same elected individuals, requiring only one election between them
 Censors are elected every 3 years on December 1 and serve from January 1 (12:00:00 AM) to December 31 (11:59:59 PM)
 Alcohol is legal for all citizens aged nineteen and older; the sale of alcohol to a minor is an indictable (Level 1) offense;
 Drugs are divided into ten groups, each group being handled separately
Cannabis: all forms of cannabis (marijuana, tetrahydrocannabinol, hashish, and hashish oil) are illegal to possess under
the age of twenty-one; the sale of cannabis to a minor is an indictable (Level 2) offense
Marijuana may be used, under doctoral management, for medical purposes
Inhalants: the use of inhalants (nitrous oxide, amyl nitrite, butyl nitrite, hydrocarbons, and chlorohydrocarbons) is a
dangerous, and potentially deadly, form of drugging, though no laws exist (nor can any realistically be put into
existence) to prevent their use
Cocaine: the forms of cocaine (cocaine and crack cocaine) are illegal to possess
Stimulants: all stimulants (amphetamine and methamphetamine, as well as Ritalin, Cylert, Preludin, Didrex, Pre-State,
Voranil, Sandrex, and Plegine) are illegal to possess
Depressants: all forms of depressants (barbiturates, methaqualone, and tranquilizers) are illegal to possess
Hallucinogens: all hallucinogens (phencyclidine, lysergic acid diethylamide, mescaline, peyote, and psilocybin) are
illegal to possess
Narcotics: all narcotics (heroin, codeine, morphine, opium, and meperidine, as well as Percocet, Percodan, Tussionex,
Fentanyl, Darvon, Talwin, and Lomotil) are illegal to possess
Analogs: all analogs, or designer drugs, are illegal to possess
Steroids: anabolic steroids are illegal to use for professional performance-enhancement purposes
Tobacco: all tobacco products are illegal to possess under the age of nineteen; the sale of tobacco/tobacco products to a
minor is an indictable (Level 2) offense
 In all cases, possession is a Level 1 offense and trafficking is a Level 2 offense
Any deaths related to the sale of any of the above substances are treated as homicide with intent (a Level 4 offense)
 Driving a motor vehicle while under the influence of one or more of the above substances is an indictable (Level 2)
offense; any deaths resulting from such an act are treated as homicide with intent (a Level 4 offense)
 No active effort to prevent drug trafficking exists in an attempt to reduce the prevalence of underground peddling

 The people, as a whole, are solely responsible for the conservation of the environment; the Ædile Environment facility
exists to advise the people, but without direct interference
 Recycling may be maintained by communities (or districts) wishing to do so, but no laws exist to make such practices
It is the responsibility of each community (or district) to maintain garbage/waste pick-up and disposal; landfills must
be approved by the Ædile Environment facility
 Other environmental issues, made the responsibility of all people, include climate change, species conservation,
intensive farming, nuclear management, ozone depletion, pollution, and resource depletion


 Criminal Eviction Sites are established in an effort to properly punish crimes deemed excessive, such as murder, and
those deemed intolerable, such as infiltration of the CORE
 Each Criminal Eviction Site (or CES, pronounced SES) is a walled island installation patrolled by Prætorian officers,
designed as a modern penal colony
Two sites exist: one for men (CES-A) and one for women (CES-B)
 It is the responsibility of the Ædile Defense facility to actively ensure that the living and working conditions at both
sites meet humane standards

 The operation of each trial is overseen, in real-time, by the Ædile Justice facility
 Trials within the main courts of law (criminal trials) are presided over, and judged, by 67 jurors; only lower courts (for
civil trials), such as divorce and small-claims, retain the singular position of judge
 Criminal courts involve the People (as a prosecuting entity) versus the accused; the People are represented by an
Attorney of the Prosecution, and the accused is represented by a Defense Attorney of their choosing
Both attorneys are given a default period of 15 days to assemble their arguments, but more or less time may be granted,
with the maximum being set at 90 days; evidence may also continue being collected during the trial, and a former case
may be reopened if new evidence comes to light
 For a verdict to be carried, a 60-vote majority must be reached
 With respect to small-claims, further lawsuits may be launched by the Ædile if the ruling of the court is not obeyed
 The notion of Medicare is an all-inclusive right of the people; health care is a free service accessible to all citizens
 The Ædile Health and Human Services facility oversees the operation of hospitals and medical centers, and any
negligence on the part of a service provider is indictable by the people as medical malpractice

 Canada is divided into 308 census divisions; these also act as local administrative zones, termed Estates, which are
overseen by participating members of their individual populations (called Panels)
 The Panel of each Estate holds the following responsibilities:
waste collection
public transit
land use planning
emergency services
animal control
local economic development

 It is the responsibility of the public to create and maintain a military force as sizeable as the people see fit
 The following table summarizes the predefined ranks of each of the four Canadian Civil Forces:

Classis Acis Æris Celis

(Navy) (Army) (Air Force) (Marine Corps)
Magister of the Forces
Cogerent Cogerent Cogerent Cogerent
Vicegerent Vicegerent Vicegerent Vicegerent
Centurion Centurion Centurion Centurion
Officer Officer Officer Officer Immortals
Sub-Officer Sub-Officer Sub-Officer Sub-Officer
Reserve Officer Reserve Officer Reserve Officer Reserve Officer

 Once a citizen becomes an active member of the Civil Forces, they gain the rank of Sub-Officer (with an annual salary of
CA$35,000); after 3 years of active duty, the subordinate grades to the rank of Officer (with an annual salary of CA$40,000)

The Centurion (with an annual salary of CA$45,000) is the senior Officer of a hundred-strong contingent; when a
Centurion dies or leaves the command for whatever reason, he or she is replaced by the next senior Officer
When a Cogerent dies or leaves the post for whatever reason, he or she is replaced by the senior Vicegerent, who, in
turn, elects an Officer to succeed them as Vicegerent (with an annual salary of CA$50,000)
When the Magister of the Forces dies or leaves the post, the public votes in one of the four Cogerents
 All Officers and Sub-Officers are known collectively as Legionnaires (bold in the above table)
 The Magister of the Forces (with an annual salary of CA$60,000) oversees the operation of all four branches of the CCF
 Each Cogerent (with an annual salary of CA$55,000) oversees the operations of their respective branches
 3 Vicegerents serve as aides to each Cogerent, by whom they are elected from the Officer rank
 The Centurions command contingents of 100 Legionnaires (one Century)
 All active troops (Sub-Officers, Officers, and Centurions) are collectively dubbed the Immortals
 The computer mainframe that holds the finances for the Canadian Civil Forces is, for security reasons, separate from the
CORE, and is dubbed the Vault
The routine worth of the Vault account is upheld by the Circle with funds from the CORE State Account; during a state
of war or other military emergency, the value of the funds within the Vault is frozen (i.e., funds can still be extracted at
will while the value of the funds held within the Vault account is kept constant)
 Troops (or households of troops) who serve in active duty for a minimum of 9 years or who serve during a state of war
for at least 3 years are automatically given a monthly pension of between CA$1,000.00 and CA$1,500.00 when they retire
 Immortals may serve as such from 17 until the age of 45
 In response to an external threat (i.e., a threat from outside the nation), it is the right and the responsibility of the people
to declare war so long as such an act is deemed absolutely necessary and is supported by the population
Support from the general public, through a national vote, is required in order for a state of war to be lawfully declared;
at least half of the eligible voting population must respond and, of them, more than 75% must express support in order
for a status of war to be affirmed
 Internal threats are handled by the Prætorian force unless support from the military is needed
 The nation also has a responsibility to all allies; with popular support (more than 75% of at least half of the population),
the Civil Forces may mobilize to back allied nations with or without a request for assistance
 A state of war may be conducted in whatever manner the Magister of the Forces and Cogerents feel is required
 The following table summarizes key forms of war and their legality statuses:

Form Legality
Aggressive Unconstitutional
Colonial Unconstitutional
Self-Liberation &
National Security
Religious Unconstitutional
Dynastic Unconstitutional
Trade Unconstitutional
Guerrilla Unconstitutional
Civil Unconstitutional


 The CORE mainframe is divided into 4 main sectors (one for each account grouping): Citizen Accounts, Business Accounts,
Trade-Credit Accounts, and the State Account; each sector holds and handles the exchanges of its respective accounts
Space if also allotted for other features, such as security and processing
 To keep both total capacity and costs low, each account is represented by a single binary byte comprised of a sector-
specific number of bits (as summarized in Table 4 on the following page), although, to contrast with other operating
systems, the total hard drive space within the CORE mainframe is described in terms of typical 8-bit bytes
The following table summarizes the number of bits per byte for each sector and the estimated hard disk drive (HDD)
space required for each CORE sector in terms of 8-bit bytes:

Sector Bits/Byte HDD Capacity

Citizen Accounts 26 154.9720764 Megabytes
Business Accounts 39 23.24581146 Megabytes
Trade-Credit Accounts 50 0.001192093 Megabytes
State Account 58 0.000006914 Megabytes
×3 for facsimile data
ALL ACCOUNTS 534.657206 Megabytes

To keep the system as simplistic and efficient as possible, the CORE stores monetary values in whole cents rather than
dollar units with fractional components (i.e., 1,234,567¢ rather than $12,345.67)
As an example, each 1-byte Citizen Account is 26 bits; these 26 bits form a binary standard to represent the decimal
value of the amount of money in the account, just as typical values are stored in computer or calculator memory, and
even accounts for a negative net worth (a high improbability, but something that needs to be accounted for nonetheless)
For instance, if a person owns the maximum amount of money a Citizen Account will hold, this value, in cents
(32,000,000¢), appears in the binary system as

224 + 223 + 222 + 221 + 219 + 214 + 211 = 16,777,216 + 8,388,608 + 4,194,304 + 2,097,152 + 524,288 + 16,384 + 2,048 = 32,000,000
If a business owns the maximum amount of money a Business Account will hold, this value, in cents (261,800,000,000¢),
appears in the binary system as 011110011110100011111101111101000000000; again, the left-most 0 is the sign (±) bit
Each Trade-Credit Account has a maximum worth of CA$5,629,499,534,213.11
The State Account has a maximum worth of CA$1,441,151,880,758,558.71
 All citizens are guaranteed the freedoms of speech and expression so far as they do not aggressively demean or infringe
on the rights of others
 All citizens are guaranteed the freedom of religion and the freedom to hold individual doctrine without prejudice
 All citizens are guaranteed the freedom (and, indeed, hold the responsibility) to peacefully protest or petition unfair
treatment, such as the violation of one of more of these rights and freedoms
 The Constitution guarantees the freedom of the presses to provide the public with free and impartial news services;
administrative information that is deemed sensitive by its holder may be classified from public knowledge, but must be
relinquished at such time as when safeguarding of the given information is no longer required
 All citizens are guaranteed the right to privacy; law enforcement officers may search suspect property only under the
order of a well-founded warrant issued by a District Attorney
 The definition of certain rights may not be construed to contradict other rights retained by the people

 The CORE holds all Citizen Accounts, all Business Accounts, all Trade-Credit Accounts, and the State Account
The CORE also regulates the transfer of funds, oversees and records all transactions, controls account ceilings,
incorporates new accounts, deletes (and distributes the funds within) "dead fish" accounts, diverts account overflow,
records loans and handles loan interest, generates funds, centrally oversees and handles account linking, quarantines
compromised accounts, and validates all actions through numerous security measures
 Only the Magister of the Circle is allowed explicit access to the CORE; the Magister is randomly chosen when needed
out of the 360 members of the Circle (and no one person can be Magister more than once)
 For normal day-to-day operations, the CORE's functions are only supervised and not directly influenced
When access to the CORE is required, all members must input their support of this, and a Magister is chosen at random
by the CORE system; the chosen member must then be recognized by the CORE with a validating retina and thumb
print scan before access is granted
Any unauthorized access of the CORE by a Circle member is an indictable (Level 2) offense if found to be intentional
 Direct access to the CORE is only possible from Circle Headquarters, and is only allowed in cases where such action is
absolutely necessary
All Circle members must also verify the destination account(s) if a direct transaction is to be performed by the Magister
 The entrance to the CORE mainframe is guarded by automated laser systems
 Each citizen with an account has a wireless, handheld ælius to access that account
For an individual's ælius to connect to their CORE account, the ælius must first recognize the individual's unique retina
and thumb print scans and passkey; only after all three have been recognized will access to the account be granted
 To combine a wireless system with one of efficiency, each household has a sensor which detects signals from the
æliuses that have been registered with it from that household; again, the sensor, itself, verifies each ælius' unique retina
and thumb print scan and passkey
As each ælius is verified, it is routed to the CORE through direct fibre optic lines
 Æliuses contain dual sensory/tracking chips; if a device is broken into, the second automatically sends information on
the owner's identification and real-time location to the nearest Prætorian department
As well, the owner's account is quarantined until the issue can be resolved
 The CORE recognizes accounts with identical retina and/or thumb print scans
Any attempt by one citizen to obtain more than one individual account is an indictable (Level 1-2) offense
 Any attempt to infiltrate the CORE is an indictable (Level 4b) offense
 Accounts that go inactive for more than 12 months (dubbed dead fish accounts) are automatically deleted by the CORE;
any funds within deleted accounts are evenly distributed to specified recipients
 Each individual account has an owner-specific identity comprised of the citizen's name and date/place of birth, as well
as the date the account was created and a unique 17-byte, alphanumerical watermark
Each company account has a proprietor-specific identity comprised of the company's name, the date the account was
created, and a unique 14-byte, alphanumerical watermark
 The CORE mainframe is located 50 meters beneath Circle Headquarters to protect it against a moderate-size nuclear
detonation or any other form of attack
The mainframe contains the central processing unit of all accounts and account information, as well as three
background processors holding facsimile data
 The CORE's power supply is reinforced by four backup generators (for each of the CORE's four account divisions);
however, as with most electricity-based information storage services, if all power supplies are cut off, only access is
interrupted (temporarily, until power supply is restored) and no information is lost
 Access to Circle Headquarters and the Circle Forum is granted only after a validated front-door retina scan
CHQ is also guarded by Prætorian officers, and a Prætorian department is located nearby

 The period of implementation is divided into three focal points: Construction, Currency Exchange, and Civil Reform
 The following table summarizes estimated key expenses:

Structure Est. Cost

Circle Headquarters CA$320,000,000

CORE Mainframe CA$55,000

Ælius Network CA$3,000,000,000

Ædile Headquarters CA$7,000,000

TOTAL CA$3,327,055,000

 The following table summarizes the five-year implementation process, given an example start date of 01/01/2010:

Period Event(s)
Construction of Circle and Ædile Headquarters, the Chamber, the
January 1, 2010 – December 31, 2012
CORE, and the fibre optic ælius network
September 1, 2013 – April 30, 2013 System checks and any required debugging
May 1, 2013 – December 31, 2013 Distribution of æliuses
January 1, 2014 (4:00:00 AM AST) Complete conversion to virtual currency
January 1, 2014 – December 31, 2014 Institution of all other civil reforms
January 1, 2015 (4:00:00 AM AST) Dissolution of the government and governmental rule

 The following table summarizes the maximum number of accounts within each CORE sector:

Sector Accounts
Citizen Accounts 50,000,000
Business Accounts 5,000,000
Trade-Credit Accounts 200
State Account 1
ALL ACCOUNTS 55,000,201

 The following table summarizes the civil reforms instituted during the final year of the implementation period:

Chief Civil Reforms

Introduction of restructured law and criminal processes
Establishment of the civil military force
Elimination of fees on post-secondary education
Elimination of taxes
Dissolution of all unnecessary groups, companies, individual institutional organs etc…*
Establishment all new required groups, companies, etc…
* It is the responsibility of the Ædile Labour facility to assure that citizens who lose their jobs receive new and
appropriate placement as soon a possible

 At the point of transition, all debts owed to the government are absolved
 ACCOUNT CEILINGS: individual citizens who own more than CA$320,000 are permitted to keep the full value of their
wealth; account ceilings take precedence as those citizens close their respective accounts, die, or fall below the
CA$320,000 constraint, making the transformation gradual, natural, and, consequently, easier on the public
Treaty of Eunomia
Of the Sineocratic Dominion of Canada

With respect to the Union of Sineocratic States (hereafter referred to as the Union);
Nations in accord with this Treaty, represented here by their signatories, and including the nation of Canada, agree to
adhere to the following terms:
i. nations declaring to be Sineocratic while not being a Member of the Union will not be recognized by the Canadian
ii. Members of the Union not adhering to the terms of this treaty will not be recognized by the Canadian Ædile
iii. Canada may not interfere in the operations of Members of the Union unless such an action is requested by the
Member in question
iv. Members of the Union are regarded as allies, and are expected to act, and react, as such
v. Members of the Union are regarded as Canadian territories (external regions within Canadian authority), and fall
under the definition of Sineocratic Dominion of Canada
vi. Members of the Union retain their own identities as individual States of Canada
vii. Members of the Union retain their defined national borders, as well as all internal administrative divisions
viii. with approval from two-thirds of the Member's population, a Member of the Union may revise the Canadian
Sineocratic structure to conform to its individual needs; any revision deemed beyond the definition of Sineocratic
is to be rejected by the Canadian Ædile, and may result in removal of the Member from the Union
ix. any action taken by any Canadian institution(s) against a Member of the Union must be the expressed will of at
least a two-thirds majority of the Canadian population, except in those cases stated in the above terms
x. The one, and only recognized, source of currency is the Center of Operations for Revenue Exchange (CORE),
located in Central Grove, Nova Scotia, Canada; each nation retains its own currency, as a virtual unit, within its
respective division of the CORE's Citizen Accounts sector

To delineate the nature of the sovereignty of each Member:

 each Member is a territory of, and is included within the definition and the borders of, the Sineocratic Dominion
of Canada
 each Member is termed a State within the Sineocratic Dominion of Canada, and a State of the nation of Canada
 the operation of each Member is overseen by the nation of Canada
 the nation of Canada may exercise no undue authority over any Member

To define Sineocratic:
 the goal of Sineocracy is to make the public solely responsible for itself and its actions
 institutions analogous to the Circle, the Ædile, and the Ecclesia must exist and be functional
 all aspects relating to public referendum must remain unchanged
 there may exist no position giving one person power over one or more governing institutions
 the public must be given the responsibility of protesting, petitioning, or non-aggressively revolting against
anything deemed unfair or outside the bounds of the above definition

To define Sineocratic Dominion of Canada:

 the Sineocratic Dominion of Canada is defined to be the sovereign nation of Canada and its States (the Members
of the Union)
 the Members of the Union are defined to be those nations adhering to this Treaty
 the Union of Sineocratic States is defined to be those nations adhering to this Treaty, excluding the nation of
Canada (i.e., its States)

 the only recognized absolute authorities on the structure of the Sineocratic system, for the full term of the
system's existence, are, and will be, Christopher Prime and Timothy Ruggles, its creators

The signatories affirm that they, representing their respective nations, consent to the terms stated above:

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