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1. The Marist Gentleman is one who is able to appreciate the finer things in
lifeand to live graciously. Artistic training, exposure and immersion are
important for transmission of cultural heritage that defines a society and
civilization as a whole. With Arts forms being varied and rooted in culture,
students’ appreciation of other cultures can be deepened through contact with
the Arts. The Aesthetics department proposes to introduce the “Maris Arts
Explorer” programme on an annual basis. The Maris Arts Explorer
programme is an extension of the Arts Instructional Programme which allows
students to opt for an Arts1 module of their choice and develop basic skills
over a period of time, culminating in a showcase.

2. Maris Stella High School has an obligation to assist each Marist in
realizing his artistic ability to the fullest. In line with our strategic thrust 2,
provision of holistic education for our students, the “Maris Arts Explorer”
can promote the all round development of our students. The programme
aims to nurture our Marists as
• Reflective, risk-taking and creative thinkers
• Appreciative audience of the Arts
• Life-long independent learners that harness technology for creative


a.Identify and nurture the artistic and/or musical talents of some of the most 
gifted and talented Marists

b.Develop a heightened appreciation and enjoyment of Art and Music 
among   the   entire   student   population   in   the   context   of   an   ability­driven 
educational paradigm

c.Encourage   boys   to   experiment   and   express   themselves   through   Art 

and Music using technology

d.Contribute   substantially   to   the   cultivation   and   nurturing   of  an   “Arts 

Culture” in the school

e.Cultivate,  and   preserve   the   sense   of   national   and   cultural   identity   in   our 

The Arts include, Art, Music, Drama & Dance.

boys through study and expression of their personal artistic voice

f.Create   a   platform   for   exchange   of   ideas   amongst   students   and 

consequently to nurture in the boys the desire to support the arts.

Programme Content and Approach

3. The Maris Arts Explorer programme is a four year programme2
which comprises of two components: practice and appreciation. Given the
progammemain aim is to broaden Marists’ exposure to the Arts. A palette
of Arts modules delivered through mainly workshops of approximately 12
hours would be offered to our Marists. These workshops can be
conducted by our identified talented students, internal & external

4. The key considerations in the choice of Arts modules are as follows:

a. Students’ different interests and abilities in the Arts
b. Promotion of the Chinese Arts forms given that Maris Stella High
School is a SAP school
c. Promotion of Multi-cultural Arts forms given that Maris Stella High
School is homogenously Chinese
Examples of these Arts modules are shown in the table below.
Arts Title of Modules
Forms Practice Appreciation
Art • Chinese Ink Painting • Art Exhibition
• Chinese Seal Carving • Sculpture Walk
• Chinese Calligraphy • Local Artist Studio
• Batik Painting
• Photo Essay
• Digital Filmmaking
• Spray Painting
• Oil Painting
• Ceramics
Music • Beat Boxing • Concert Performance
• Basic Drum • Local Musician Studio
• Pop Singing
• Pop Song Writing
• Digital Song Arrangement
• Anklung Ensemble
• Gamelan Ensemble
Theatre • Speech & Drama • Local theatre house :
• The Creative Storyteller The Necessary Stage
• Directing
• Chinese Opera
Dance • Social Dance • Local dance troupe
• Hip Hop

5. Every Secondary One Marist will be given an ‘Arts Passport’. Marists

need to achieve 6 stamps before they receive a certificate of completion.
They would need to complete the following
Students would need to complete the programme by May of their Secondary
4 year.
a. 4 modules across 2 different Arts forms
b. 1 Arts learning journey to an artist/musician studio, exhibition and
c. I showcase via an exhibition or stage performance (lunchtime
concert in Champagnat gallery or assembly)

6. Marists are to document of their learning whichcould be in the form of

reflection or photographs of their processes and/or final work in their
7. Upon the completion of this programme, it is recommended that
their accomplishment be documented via the school cockpit system and
school testimonial. This serves to recognize Marists developing as a
Gentleman and establish the value of Arts education in their lives.

Short-Term & Long Term Goals

8. The following table indicates the long term and short term goals over the
next three years.

1 year 3 year
• Arts modules to include at least • Arts modules to include at least
1 from 2 of the 4 Arts form 1 from every 4 Arts form
• Review and refine programme • Establish activer partnership
for whole school approach in with other schools, clusters,
2009 community and oraganisations
• Increased no. of students • Student perception survey to
interested in ‘O’ Level Art indicate 30% high satisfaction
• 1 exhibition and 1 concert • 1 Public performance & 1
• Student perception survey to Exhibition
indicate 100% satisfaction • Marist as docents at galleries
• Develop 10 Maris Arts Explorer (National Art Gallery)
programme leaders

Measure of success
9. In order to ascertain the level of success of the Maris Arts Explorer
programme, the following would be carried out every year as tools of
• Focus group discussion with students
• Student perception survey
• Analysis of reflection recorded in Passport
• Student contribution to the community

10. Given the scale of the programme and resource (manpower, time &
money) constraint this year, it is proposed that we begin with an “Marist
Arts Explorer” week in 2008 before implementing the programmefull scale
in 2009. Deployment of talented Art & Music Secondary 2 & 3 students to
give the Secondary One students their first stamp on their Arts passport.
This would also give the Secondary 2 & 3 students an opportunity to
develop their leadership skills and make a contribution to the school.

11. A briefing will be conducted to share details with students and for
clarification purpose. Following which students would sing up for their
preferred module. Should the particular workshop be oversubscribed, they
would be channeled to another module. Identified Arts student leaders will
be trained to assist in the organization of the programme. CIP hours would
be awarded to these leaders. It is recommended that for 2008, the Maris
Arts Explorer programme be part of the theyear end post exam activities.
The tentative details of the Maris Arts Explorer Programme 2008 are as

s/no. Modules No. of Instructor

1. Ceramics Basics 40 SMK Pottery assisted
by Secondary 2
2. Oil Painting on canvas 20 Secondary 3 Art
3. Digital Image Manipulation: 40 DMA Vice Chairman
4. Painting with Spray cans 20 Secondary 3 Art
5. Digital Music Arrangement: 40 DMA Vice Chairman
6. Gamelan / Indian Music : A learning 40 Music Teacher
7. Digital Filmmaking / i-stop motion 40 Jermyn
8. Photography 40 Secondary 3 & 2 Art
9. Stomp –Rhythm making 40 External Instructor
10 Chinese Painting 40 External Instructor

12.Upon completion of the first module, all works will be exhibited in the
Champagnat plaza or school hall.

13.In view of achieving the overall goal of developing Marist as
Gentleman, the Aesthetic department recommends the following
a. Commencement of programme in 2008 as a small scale project
b. Identify and develop student Arts leaders
c. Budget of approximately $25 000 (edusave, school fund, arts
grant) to be set aside for this programme on an annual basis
(material, instructors & transport fees)
d. Deployment of necessary manpower to ensure smooth running of
e. Communication to students and parents at the beginning of the

Prepared by : Ms Sylvia Goh

With inputs : Mr Suresh
Date : 1 August 2008


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