Visual Art Forms

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Visual Art Competition

Rules and Regulations
1. Objective
• The objective of the SPLAT! Visual Art Competition is to harness the
inspirational and therapeutic nature of Visual Art to engage the public
into accepting and offering second chances to youths-at-risk and ex-
youth offenders while inspiring community action to support their
rehabilitation and reintegration into society.

2. Criteria
• There is no limit to the number of entries each participant can submit.
• The participant must be a Singapore citizen, permanent resident or
locally-based youth below 25 years of age (as at 01 January 2008).
• The entry must be the original work of the submitting artist.
Copyrighted artwork will not be accepted unless the submitting artist
holds the copyright to the artwork.
• The entry must not have been previously submitted for any art
competition(s), locally and internationally.
• The entry must not contain or reproduce, in whole or in part,
photograph(s), illustration(s) from print or non-print material(s), or
other form(s) of media protected by local and international copy right
• The entry must be appropriate for viewing by the public.
• The entry must be submitted on canvas or paper. For an entry
submitted on canvas, the dimensions must be 700mm x 500mm or
1000mm x 700mm. For an entry submitted on paper, the paper size
must be either A3 size or A2 size.

3. Theme
• The team must use one or a combination of the themes as stated
- A Second Chance At Life
- Embrace
- It’s Not Easy To Be Me
- To Err Is Human
- Young And Not Dangerous

SPLAT! is a public education and fundraising arts competition to engage the public into
accepting and offering second chances to youths-at-risk and ex-youth offenders while
inspiring community action to support their rehabilitation and reintegration into society.
4. Visual Art
• The choice of Visual Art style and medium is open to the participant’s
interpretation of the theme.
• The judging panel reserves the right to disqualify an entry if it is
deemed inappropriate.

5. Judging Criteria
• A panel will be appointed by Catholic Junior College to judge the SPLAT!
Visual Art Competition.
• The panel’s decision is final and no correspondence or enquiry will be
• The judging criteria and points allocation is as stated below.
Relevance to SPLAT! Visual Art Competition Theme 40%
Technique (Aesthetic Appeal, Use of Medium and Rhythm) 30%
Creativity 30%
TOTAL 100%

6. Submission Requirements
• The registration form must be completed in full and returned to
Catholic Junior College, 129 Whitley Road, Singapore 297822 before 15
Jun 2008. It must be addressed to Mr Augustine Chan, Supervising
Tutor, SPLAT! and be accompanied by the entry.
• Photocopies of the registration form are acceptable as submission for
• A participant representing his / her educational institution must seek
approval from his / her principal or teacher(s)-in-charge.
• A participant not representing his / her educational institution must
attach a photocopy of his / her NRIC / EZ-Link Card to his / her
registration form.
• Withdrawal is disallowed after submission of the registration form.

7. Competition Dates
• The SPLAT! Visual Art Competition period is between 12 Nov 2007 and
15 Jun 2008.
• Judging is between 16 Jun 2008 and 21 Jun 2008.
• Results of the competition will be released between 01 Jul 2008 and 07
Jul 2008.
• The SPLAT! Visual Art Exhibition is between 12 Jul 2008 and 19 Jul
2008. The winning entries will be showcased at the Exhibition and
SPLAT! is a public education and fundraising arts competition to engage the public into
accepting and offering second chances to youths-at-risk and ex-youth offenders while
inspiring community action to support their rehabilitation and reintegration into society.
auctioned at a later date to raise funds which will go towards
underwriting educational opportunities and programmes for youths-at-
risk and ex-youth offenders.

8. Registration Form and Enquiries

• The registration form may be downloaded from the SPLAT! website at
• Enquires may be directed to Ms Petrina Tan at or Ms Seah Yi Yan at

SPLAT! is a public education and fundraising arts competition to engage the public into
accepting and offering second chances to youths-at-risk and ex-youth offenders while
inspiring community action to support their rehabilitation and reintegration into society.
SPLAT! Visual Art Competition
Registration Form
This registration form must be completed in full and returned to Catholic
Junior College, 129 Whitley Road, Singapore 297822 before 15 Jun 2008. It
must be addressed to Mr Augustine Chan, Supervising Tutor, SPLAT! and
be accompanied by the entry. A participant not representing his / her
educational institution must return a photocopy of his / her NRIC / EZ-Link
Card in addition to the documents as stated above. Photocopies of this
registration form are acceptable as submission for entries.

1. Tick (√) One.

( ) Representing An Educational Institution
( ) Not Representing An Educational Institution

2. Please Tell Us About Yourself.

Name of Participant

Office Tel: Fax:

Contact Details of
Participant E-mail:

Name of
Institution *
Address of
Institution *
Name of
Office Tel: Fax:
Contact Details of

* Denotes fields which are mandatory for a participant representing his /

her educational institution.

3. Please Tell Us About Your Entry.

Name of Entry

Visual Art Medium Acrylic / Charcoal / Collage / Digital Graphics /

Oil Pastels / Pastels / Pencil / Water Colour*
SPLAT! is a public education and fundraising arts competition to engage the public into
accepting and offering second chances to youths-at-risk and ex-youth offenders while
inspiring community action to support their rehabilitation and reintegration into society.
Please provide a
short write-up
(between 30 words
and 50 words) about
the relevance of the
entry to the SPLAT!
Visual Art
Competition Theme

* Please specify.

4. Declaration by Participant.
I, ______________________________ (Participant’s Name) hereby agree and
represent to Catholic Junior College that the particulars and information
furnished by me herein and in all documents are true and accurate. I
irrevocably and unconditionally agree to be bound by the “Rules and
Regulations” of the SPLAT! Visual Art Competition.

Participant’s Signature / Date

5. Declaration by Teacher-in-Charge.*
I, ______________________________ (Teacher-in-Charge’s Name) and the
participant as stated above hereby agree and represent to Catholic Junior
College that the particulars and information furnished by the participant
as stated above herein and in all documents have been verified by
______________________________ (Educational Institution’s Name) to be true
and accurate. We irrevocably and unconditionally agree to be bound by
the “Rules and Regulations” of the SPLAT! Visual Art Competition.

SPLAT! is a public education and fundraising arts competition to engage the public into
accepting and offering second chances to youths-at-risk and ex-youth offenders while
inspiring community action to support their rehabilitation and reintegration into society.
Teacher-in-Charge’s Signature / Date Educational
Institution’s Stamp
* Denotes a field which is mandatory for a team representing its
educational institution.

SPLAT! is a public education and fundraising arts competition to engage the public into
accepting and offering second chances to youths-at-risk and ex-youth offenders while
inspiring community action to support their rehabilitation and reintegration into society.

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