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the iFC POwer wOmeN tOP 100




The IFC Power women Top 100

The IFC Power Women 100 is an A-Z list of influencers and professionals working around the financial services industry in International Financial Centres. The list has been compiled from a number of sources. Part of the research was generated by the 2013 edition of the Citywealth Leaders List. This was combined with recommendations from leading figures in the financial services industry to widen the list to include women of influence in the major IFCs. We would like to thank those who contributed to the research. The list focuses on influencers as well as professionals and celebrates powerful women from diverse backgrounds in government, private wealth, private client advisory and philanthropy across the international financial centres. It recognises women of achievement who are opinion formers, helping to promote business excellence in their home jurisdiction and consolidating the reputations of the financial services industry globally

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Monique Adams Head of Private Client Aliya Allen CEO Gillian Arthur Director, Philanthropy

Harneys Bahamas Financial Services Board The Sanne Philanthropic Foundation

BVI Bahamas Jersey

Farrah Ballands Appleby Trust (Jersey) Limited Jersey Group Head Fiduciary & Admininstration Services. High degree of professionalism, insight and leadership skills. Kecia Barkawi Managing Partner ValueworKS AG Switzerland Singapore Cayman Islands

Grace Barki rBC wealth Management Managing Director and Head of South East Asia Fiona Barrie ogier Director, Head of Private Wealth, Cayman Islands

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8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Heather Bestwick Deputy CEO

Jersey Finance

Jersey Cayman Islands Cayman Islands Jersey Switzerland Jersey Jersey Bermuda Bahamas

Monique Bhullar walkers Global Senior Counsel, Global Trusts Group Deanna Bidwell Head of Wealth, Caribbean Cora Binchey Head of Fiduciary rBC wealth Management Stonehage Trust Holdings

olga Boltenko withers Partner. "The personication of professionalism." Louise Bracken Smith Director Carola Breusch Director Angela Burchall Senior Trust Ocer Maria-Carmen Butler Managing Director Fairway Trust Vistra HSBC JP Morgan Trust Company (Bahamas)

Micheline Calmy rey Swiss Government Switzerland Former President of the Switzerland Confederation and member of the Council of Women World Leaders Maria Canals de Cediel Quilvest Head Wealth Advisory, Managing Director, Switzerland Prudence Charles-Phillip AMS Director, Trust & Corporate Services Stacy Choong JP Morgan Executive Director. "High yer and technical genious." Shauna Clapham Director Swoers Switzerland BVI Singapore Guernsey Cayman Islands Switzerland Switzerland Cayman Islands

Tamara Corbin rawlinson & Hunter Partner, Charities, Trusts, Foundations Ann Daverino Executive Director Emma Dantec Managing Director Zoe Day Director Banque Heritage Saery Champness (Suisse) Citco Trustees

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26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42


Isle of Man Switzerland Switzerland BVI Jersey Cayman Islands Jersey Jersey Malta Cyprus Cayman Isands Switzerland Cayman Islands Guernsey Jersey Jersey Guernsey

Sheila Dean Equiom Trust Managing Director. ...hands on and innovative. Diane de Galard Director Caroline Deletra Counsel Saga Investments Lenz & Staehelin

Elise Donovan BVI International Finance Centre Executive Director. "Boldly defended the reputation of the BVI." Elizabeth Dulake Minerva Trust Director, Group Head of Client Services Andrea Dunsby Partner Lee Mc George Durrell Ph D Honorary Director Sally Edwards Partner Sue Elliott MVo, MBE EU Political/Economic Aairs Turner & roulstone Durrell wildlife Conservation Trust ogier British High Commission Malta

Amalia Erotokritos TP Law Partner. "Cannot recommend highly enough." Lana Farrington Director Barclays Private Bank & Trust

Belinda Ferr Bank Sarasin & Co Ltd Executive Director, External Trusts & Service Providers Team Leticia Frederick Deputy Head Fiduciary Services Helen Green Director Sarah Hanna Executive Trust Director Saron Harrop Managing Director Cayman Islands Islands Monetary Authority Saery Champness Kleinwort Benson JTC Group

Lesley Hodgson Northern Trust Managing Director, Global Family & Private Investment Oces, Guernsey

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43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 Zillah Howard Partner Debra C Humphreys Risk & Compliance

Bedell Cristin Cayman Islands National Corporation

Jersey Cayman Islands Switzerland Singapore Jersey BVI Hong Kong Bahamas

Stephanie Jarrett Baker & McKenzie Partner, Head of Wealth Management Group wong Kai Yun Co-Managing Partner Sarajane Kempster Private Client Director Vanessa King Partner Chia wong LLP rBC wealth Management o'Neal webster

Thelma Kwan Barclays Head of Wealth Advisory, Asia Pacic Pamela Klonaris Partner Klonaris and Co

Karen Le Cras Carey olsen Guernsey Partner. "Great ambassador for the jurisdiction and extremely competent trusts lawyer." Michelle Le Herissier Barclays wealth Trustees (Singapore) Ltd Singapore Director, Head of Barclays Wealth Trustees (Singapore). Precise and accurate.. always well informed... Lee Syin Long walkers Global Head of Trusts, Asia. Very bright. Denitely a thinker. Linda Longworth Managing Director Fiona Le Poidevin CEO Liz Le Poidevin Private Client Director Liza Loucaides-Theofanous Advocate Justine Markovitz Managing Director, Geneva rosemary Marr Director, Head of Trusts Hamilton Trust Company Guernsey Finance rBC wealth Management L Loucaides-Theofanous withers Nedgroup Trust Singapore Bermuda Guernsey Jersey Cyprus Switzerland Jersey

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60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 Glenys Hanna Martin Minister of Transport

Government of the Bahamas

Bahamas Bahamas Jersey Bermuda Cayman Islands Luxembourg Malta Cyprus Malta Switzerland Jersey Malta

The Hon Allyson Maynard Gibson Government of the Bahamas Attorney General, Minister Legal Aairs Alicia McGinney Head of Private Family Oce Pearline McIntosh VP, Deputy MD Trust Services Morven McMillan Partner Claude Medernach Counsel Dr Annalise Micallef Partner Natasha Michaelides Owner Manager Priscilla Mifsud-Parker Partner Stella Mitchell Voisin Managing Director Helen Munns Managing Director Geraldine Noel Managing Partner MP Family oce Buttereld Trust Bermuda Mourant ozannes Arendt & Medernach Micallef Notaries Thanos Hotels Chetcuti Cauchi Advocates Summit Trust International STM Fiduciare Acumum Legal Group

Alison Parry Legis Group Ltd Guernsey Managing Director. "Energetic and motivational manager with true passion about her work." Brita Pster Head of Wealth Planning Asia Kathryn Purkis Partner, Head of Fiduciary Simone retter Managing Partner Naomi rive Partner, Practice Group Head rothschild Trust Collas Crill retter Attorneys Appleby Singapore Jersey Luxembourg Jersey

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77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 Emma Santiago Senior Manager Vanessa Schrum Head Private Client & Trusts Haide Stephens Managing Director Diane Stirling Senior Trust Ocer Jackie E Stirling Senior Resident Ocer

rawlinson & Hunter Appleby Louvre Fiduciary Group Limited HSBC Private Bank Bessemer Trust Co Cayman Islands

Guernsey Cayman Islands Bermuda Guernsey Bermuda Cayman Islands

Emma roberts rothschild Trust Managing Director. "Dynamic woman."

Ban Su Mei Khattar wong & Partners Singapore Partner. "a very understated but highly professional approach. Extremely reliable." Catriona Syed Charles russell Partner. A very understated but highly professional approach. willa Tavernier Partner Liz Taylor Private Client Director Tracy Tepper CEO & President Heather Thompson Partner Sanchia Thompson Asst Managing Director Sheena Thompson Regional Head of Operations Heather Tibbo Director o'Neal webster rBC wealth Management Geneva/London BVI Jersey

Lombard odier Darier Hentsch Trust (Bermuda) Limited Bermuda Higgs & Johnson ATU General Trust BVI Ltd rBC wealth Management Crestbridge Bahamas BVI Cayman Islands Jersey Guernsey

Lisa Vizia Saery Champness Director. ...professional, unappable..

Sanna-Liisa Valtanen Asset risk Consulting Guernsey Director, Head of Investment Consulting. "One of the foremost women in the nancial playing eld."

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94 95 96 Eveline widmer-Schlumpf Lawyer, Politician

Swiss Federal Council

Jersey Switzerland

Julia warrander Anity Private wealth Director. "Her knowledge of the bond markets is extraordinary."

Frances woo Appleby Hong Kong Group Chairman, Managing Partner, Hong Kong: CommentHas established a strong reputation through her long-standing presence in the market. Michelle wolfe Meritus Managing Director. "Excellent with clients." Tina wstemann Partner ruth Yates Senior Analyst Br & Karrer Cayman Islands Islands Monetary Authority Harneys Bermuda Switzerland Cayman Islands Cyprus

97 98 99

100 Emily Yiolitis Managing Partner

Citywealth supports women in private wealth and private client advisory through its Citywealth women in wealth group which meets once a quarter in London to discuss business and management issues. The third Citywealth International Financial Centre Awards will be held in London on 23rd January 2014 to recognise the leading organisations across the international nancial centres. online voting for the 2013/14 shortlist is open. Visit:

Citywealth is holding its inaugural lunch for power women in private wealth and private client on 23 January 2013 at The Grange, St Pauls Hotel. The lunch will be an opportunity for senior women to network and to hear key speakers on women and business issues. There will also be three awards to recognise outstanding individuals. Tickets 195 + vat. Early bird discount of 10% for bookings received by September 2013. The Grange, St Pauls Hotel has a negotiated room rate available for Citywealth clients.

For any information on Citywealth, contact Joe Bell, Managing Director, Citywealth (Jones Publishing Ltd) Tel: +44 (0) 1483 526445

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