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7/06/2009 Google Translate

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Amway for the candidates to support a cool parents
University of the opening of a King "80 after" make
Wenzhou Network Education Channel 2009-06-07 19:20
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Amway candidates for high-up a cool parents

Editor's Choice
Wenzhou network hearing June 7, 2009 finally started college entrance examination, candidates are p arents at the
school gate waiting nervously. To make friends parents can feel at ease at the school gate waiting, Amway Campus 哈市popular "virgin card" "忽悠card" card
volunteers came 14th in Wenzhou, Wenzhou Vocational secondary schools and the examination room propped up affixed to a variety of恶搞
near a row of sunroofs, brought 70 chairs, and more than prepared me mineral water, but also bring emergency "90 After the" age of sexual intercourse was 12-y ear-
medical kits. old has taste "forbidden fruit" (map)
Amoy gold in Golden Week for the wedding comp any
Wenzhou network hearing at 9:00 on the 7th, in Zhejiang Province in 2009 officially opened the new college
of university students "make the marriage"
entrance examination. Both inside and outside the test, candidates, parents, traffic police, teachers, taxi drivers, all
volunteers ......十二分p laying the spirit of the new entrance to greet the first time in our province. Test to all State school students the four traditional scan (Photo)
secondary schools in Wenzhou, the candidates are filling a smile with each other, but the p aternity test parents can When students cursing teachers together "to die"
feel at ease at the school gate waiting, Amway volunteers came 14th in Wenzhou, Wenzhou Vocational secondary training to get into trouble
schools and the examination room propped up near a row of sunroofs , 70 brought a chair, and prepared a hundred The new minimum length of service of civil servants for
boxes of mineral water, also brought emergency medical kits. five years

It is reported that Amway is a team of volunteers has been established for more than three years, the maturity Open the door for a wrongful act plus 引争议liberal
structure of p ublic service organizations. Amway volunteers since its incep tion, will introduce a series of "green", visa policy under study
"love", "children", "social hot spots" as the theme of the activities of volunteers actively involved in due to the To "their students" paid tutor teachers may "lose their
enthusiasm of the public good, to win the public's widely recognized. Amway volunteers under scorching sun also jobs"
so thoughtful and caring service, which will allow students and parents moved quite a friend. After the students find a teacher for seven y ears to
settle old accounts have been due to teachers stand
Amway volunteers that "high 2009 candidates - Amway volunteers to work harder for you" sp ecial operations
will continue for three day s, students and parents want to give him the most sincere best wishes! (Us press 吴海 2009 analysis of the national civil service posts (Photo)
Campus Arena


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The following is issued on the source: Wenzhou Network Editor: SUN Xiao-qing

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