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PGDM Trimester I, 2013

Learning Objectives
System concepts Components of an information system Recognizing information systems Information Systems vs IT Roles of IS in business Trends in information systems

IT applications in Management, 2013

What is a System?
Definition: A group of interrelated components, working together toward a common goal by accepting inputs and producing outputs in an organized transformation process.

IT applications in Management, 2013

System Components
Input capturing and assembling elements that enter the system to be processed Processing transformation steps that convert input into output Output transferring elements that have been produced by a transformation process to their ultimate destination

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Cybernetic Systems
Definition: a self-monitoring, self-regulating system.
Feedback data about the performance of a system Control monitoring and evaluating feedback to determine whether a system is moving toward the achievement of its goal

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A Business Organization

IT applications in Management, 2013

What is an Information System?

Any organized combination of people, procedure, hardware, software, communications networks, and data resources that collect, stores, transforms, and disseminates information in an organization.

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Information System Model

Resources & Activities

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Information System Resources

People end users and IS specialists Hardware physical devices and materials used in information processing including computer systems, peripherals, and media

Software sets of information processing instructions including system software, application software and procedures
Data facts or observations about physical phenomena or business transactions Network communications media and network infrastructure
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People in Organizations

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Information Systems Activities

Input of Data Resources Processing of Data into Information Output of Information Products Storage of Data Resources Control of System Performance

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System Effectiveness and Efficiency

Effectiveness: is the degree to which the right goals are achieved. Efficiency: is a measure of the use of inputs (resources) to achieve the results Doing the thing right Doing the right thing

IT applications in Management, 2013


Recognizing Information Systems

Identify: Fundamental Components of IS: People, hardware, software, data and network resources used
Types of information products produced Input, processing, output, storage and control activities performed

IT applications in Management, 2013


Information systems vs Information Technology

Information Systems (IS) all components and resources necessary to deliver information and information processing functions to the organization Information Technology (IT) any technology that helps to produce, manipulate, store, communicate, and/or disseminate information or in other words necessary for the information system to operate

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Computer science and information systems relationships in the business world

IT applications in Management, 2013


Types of Information Technologies

Computer Hardware Technologies
including microcomputers, midsize servers, and large mainframe systems, and the input, output, and storage devices that support them

Computer Software Technologies

including operating system software, Web browsers, software productivity suites, and software for business applications like customer relationship management and supply chain management

IT applications in Management, 2013


Types of Information Technologies

Telecommunications Network Technologies
including the telecommunications media, processors, and software needed to provide wire-based and wireless access and support for the Internet ,Intranet and extranet.

Data Resource Management Technologies

including database management system software for the development, access, and maintenance of the databases of an organization

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Roles of IS in Business

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Trends in Information Systems

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Role of e-Business?
Definition: The use of Internet technologies to work and empower business processes, electronic commerce, and enterprise collaboration within a company and with its customers, suppliers, and other business stakeholders. An online exchange of value.

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E-Business IT Infrastructure

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E-Business IT Infrastructure

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Enterprise Collaboration Systems

Definition: Involve the use of software tools to support communication, coordination, and collaboration among the members of networked teams and workgroups.

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What is E-Commerce?
Definition: The buying and selling, and marketing and servicing of products, services, and information over a variety of computer networks.

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Information System is an organized combination of people, procedure, hardware, software, communications networks, and data resources that collect, stores, transforms, and disseminates information in an organization. Information System Resources Information System Activities Types of IT
Hardware Software, Networking Data resource
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People, Hardware, Software, Data and Network

Input, Processing, Output, Storage and Control

End of Session 2

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