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A Unique Educational Opportunity Dear Friend of the Bhaktivedanta College, Please accept my humble obeisances.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada. We stand at a unique juncture in ISKCON's development. Cooperating globally, many Vaishnavas are founding innovative Krishna conscious schools, looking to galvanize, sustain, and enrich our communities. While stimulating their students both academically and spiritually, these schools will provide many exciting career and service opportunities. The main challenge facing these initiatives, however, is meeting the demand for effective and professionally trained Krishna conscious teachers and leaders. The Bhaktivedanta College in Radhadesh, Belgium, offers opportunities that will help meet these challenges by training a variety of educators through two UK-accredited Bachelor degrees in: Education Studies, Theology and Religion (ETR) Theology and Religious Studies (TRS), now available online for those unable to move to Radhadesh As the educational jewel of the beautiful and well-established Radhadesh community, the College prepares students to fulfill their academic, vocational, and spiritual potentials. Experienced Vaisnavas and excellent teachers work closely with each student to ensure that he or she enters a stable and fulfilling educational or devotional career, often within a Krishna conscious institution, like one of the Krishna Avanti Schools. Imagine: You--or someone close to you-- could help establish an educational heritage of lasting social, cultural, and spiritual benefit within our local, national, and international communities. Please join us and Srila Prabhupada in our mission to provide a Krishna conscious, professional, and practically useful education to countless children and young people worldwide. For more information: (1) go to, or (2) write to There are only a few places left for 2013-14 courses. Enrollment for 201415 starts this September, though you may immediately add your name to the waiting list. If you are qualified but face financial challenges, the College can now help arrange student loans; opportunities are limited so apply soon! We look forward to your continuing interest and involvement in the Bhaktivedanta College. Our graduates take up a variety of leadership positions, either inside ISKCON communities or as independent grhasthas. Yours in service to Srila Prabhupada, Yadunandana Swami Principal, Bhaktivedanta College

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