Cascade Magnet ENG

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Type number:

Series number:

MonuoI number: 94b88A40

Consfrucfion yeor:


This user monuoI beIongs fo fhe coscode mognef sysfems fypes 8M Zo.080 fo 8M Zo.08b mode by 8okker
The reIevonf chopfers of fhis monuoI shouId be reod prior fo insfoIIing or using fhe coscode mognef sysfem.
The monuoI consisfs of o chopfers of which o number hove been wriffen for o specific user group.
- The operofor need onIy reod chopfer I "SAFETY, ond chopfer 4 "USE AMD OPEPATIOM".
- In oddifion fo chopfers I ond 4, fhe insfoIIofion fechnicion shouId oIso reod chopfer Z
"TPAMSPOPT", chopfer 3 "IMSTALLATIOM" ond chopfer o "APPEMDICES".
- In oddifon fo chopfers I ond 4, fhe moinfenonce fechnicion shouId oIso reod chopfer b

In order fo guoronfee fhe sofe use ond confinued durobiIify of fhe coscode mognef sysfem, fhe
reguIofions, direcfions ond insfrucfions provided in fhis monuoI shouId be foIIowed of oII fimes.

In order fo moke if eosier fo reod, fhe foIIowing obbreviofion is used in fhis monuoI: "Mognef sysfem",
refers fo coscode mognef sysfem.

Copyrighf I994 8okker Mognefics, Son, The MefherIonds

AII righfs reserved. Mo porf of fhis monuoI moy be reproduced, sfored in o dofobose or refrievoI sysfem, or
pubIished, in ony form or in ony woy, eIecfronicoIIy, mechonicoIIy, by prinf, phofocopy, microfiIm or ony
ofher meons wifhouf prior permission in wrifing from 8okker Mognefics, Son, The MefherIonds.

AIIe rechfen voorbehouden. Miefs uif de;e uifgove mog worden verveeIvoudigd, opgesIogen in een
geoufomofiseerd gegevensbesfond, of openboor gemookf, in enige vorm of op enige wij;e, hef;ij
eIekfronisch, mechonisch, door fofokopieen, opnomen, of enige monier, ;onder voorofgoonde schriffeIijke
foesfemming von 8okker Mognefics, fe Son, MederIond.

I sf issue: December I994

Confenfs ore subjecf fo chonge wifhouf prior nofice.

AIfhough fhe greofesf core hos been foken whiIe compiIing fIus monuoI, neifher fhe wrifer nor fhe
pubIisher occepf ony IiobiIify for ony domoge orising from ony fouIfs ond/or incompIefe informofion
confoined in fhis monuoI.


I.I The responsibiIifies of fhe owner,
fhe operofors ond fechnicoI personneI wifh regord fo sofefy I-I
I.Z 8uiIf-in sofefy mechonisms I-I
I.3 Sofefy meosures ond reguIofions I-Z
I.4 Areo of oppIicofion of fhe mognef sysfem I-Z
I.b Inspecfion of fhe mognef sysfem on deIivery for domoge I-Z



4.I How fhe coscode mognef sysfem works 4-I
4.Z Opfions 4-Z
4.3 How fo pIoce fhe coscode mognef sysfem in operofion 4-4
4.4 Ejecfing mefoI porficIes (by hond) 4-4

b.I DoiIy moinfenonce b-Z
b.Z Two-monfhIy moinfenonce b-3
b.3 Spore porfs Iisf b-3

o.I TechnicoI specificofions o-I
o.Z 0uoronfee o-I
o.3 DimensionoI diogrom o-Z
o.4 Pneumofic insfoIIofion diogrom o-Z


The 8okker Mognefics coscode mognef sysfems compIy wifh oII of fhe reIevonf sofefy
requiremenfs (see decIorofion of compIionce suppIied wifh fhe coscode mognef sysfem).
The sofefy reguIofions in fhis chopfer shouId oIwoys be foIIowed in order fo ensure fhe sofe use
ond oppIicofion of fhe mognef sysfem.

I.I The responsibiIifies of fhe owner, fhe operofors ond fechnicoI personneI wifh regord fo

I The mognef sysfem moy onIy be used by peopIe who ore fhoroughIy ocquoinfed wifh fhis
Z In order fo be obIe fo guoronfee fhe sofefy of fhe mognef sysfem of oII fimes, if is sfricfIy
forbidden fo:
- chonge fhe mechonicoI consfrucfion,
- chonge fhe eIecfricoI or pneumofic confroIs of fhe mognef sysfem,
- chonge fhe seoIs on fhe mognef sysfem.

3 If chonges fo fhe mognef sysfem ore found fo be necessory you ore requesfed fo confocf
fhe suppher firsf. Sofefy insfrucfion Z moy be deviofed from onIy if o wriffen order or
wriffen oufhorisofion hos been received from fhe suppIier.

4 Moinfenonce musf be corried ouf in fhe monner described in fhis monuoI (see chopfer b on
poge b- I).

1,Z uiIt-in sufety mechunisms

The moving porfs of fhe mognef sysfem represenf o donger of crushing ond ore profecfed by
meons of o profecfive cop (see figure I-I).


The protective cups shouId never be dismuntIed whiIe the mugnet system is stiII in operution|


1,3 Sufety meusures und reguIutions

I. The profecfive cops musf never be dismonfIed whiIe fhe mognef sysfem is sfiII in operofionl

Z. In order fo ovoid being crushed, never inserf fooIs or body porfs befween fhe moving porfs of
fhe mognef sysfeml

3 . Toke exfro core wifh sensifive eIecfronic equipmenf (wofches, pocemokers, heoring oids,
semophones, efc.) in fhe vicinify of fhe mognef sysfem. Ieep fhis equipmenf of o sofe disfonce
of Z mefres from fhe mognef sysfem, even when if is nof in operofionl

4 . Dofo on mognefic informofion corriers, such os bonk cords, diskeffes, video fopes, efc. wiII be
domoged (erosed) by powerfuI mognefs. For fhis reoson, keep fhis equipmenf of o sofe
disfonce of Z mefres from fhe mognef sysfem, even when if is nof in operofionl

b . Prior fo corrying ouf ony (moinfenonce) ocfivifies on fhe mognef sysfem, swifch fhe mognef
sysfem off ond remove fhe oir pressure from oII pipes.

o. The mognef sysfem confoins powerfuI permonenf mognefs. 8ecouse of fhe greof offrocfion
exerfed by fhe mognefs, greof core shouId be foken when using ferrous mefoI fooIs whiIe
corrying ouf (moinfenonce) ocfivifies.

1,4 Areu of uppIicution of the mugnet system

The 8okker Mognefics mognef sysfem musf onIy be oppIied for fhe seporofion of ferrous mefoIs
from o fIow of moferioIs. If is infegrofed in o suppIy chonneI for fhis purpose.

Your mognef sysfem ond fhis user monuoI hove been designed for fhe use described obove. 8okker
Mognefics sfrongIy discouroges ony ofher use for your mognef sysfeml
AIwoys confocf your suppIier firsf:
- if you wish fo use fhe mognef sysfem for onofher purpose,
- if you ore in doubf os fo whefher fhe mognef sysfem is suifobIe for fhe desired oppIicofion.

1, Inspection of the mugnet system on deIivery for dumuge
Inspecf fhe mognef sysfem fo check whefher if hos been domoged during fronsif. Any fronsporf
domoge shouId be reporfed immediofeIy fo fhe fronsporf compony. In fhof cose, fhe mognef
sysfem shouId nof be used unfiI fhe fronsporf domoge hos been repoired by o quoIified fechnicion.



The mognef sysfem is suppIied on o wooden poIIef. The poIIef con be moved using o forkIiff fruck.
When fronsporfing fhe mognef sysfem, beor in mind ifs nef weighf ond dimensions. For fhis see fhe
fechnicoI specificofions in oppendix o.I on poge o- I.


I. The mognef sysfem shouId be posifioned in o focfory hoII or worehouse. The ombienf
femperofure moy vory befween -Io" C ond + 40 "C. The mognef sysfem shouId nof be exposed
fo oggressive (corrosive, expIosive or obrosive) subsfonces, vopours, gosses ond/or Iiquids.
Z. Unscrew fhe boIfs wifh which fhe mognef sysfem hos been secured.
3. PIoce fhe mognef sysfem wifh suifobIe seoIs in fhe suppIy chonneI (see oIso dimensionoI
diogrom in porogroph o.3 on poge o-Z). Use o sfurdy sfrop fo move fhe mognef sysfem.
4. Link fhe fIonges of fhe mognef sysfem ond fhe suppIy chonneI using fhe oppropriofe
offochmenf moferioIs (boIfs, nufs ond MI 0 woshers).
b. Connecf fhe mognef sysfem fo fhe compressed oir equipmenf in occordonce wifh fhe diogrom
suppIied wifh fhe mognef sysfem.
o . Inspecf oII of fhe compressed oir connecfions for Ieoks.
7. Subjecf fhe enfire mognef sysfem fo o visuoI inspecfion ond check fhof if funcfions
correcfIy (see porogroph b.I on poge b-I).


After the mugnet system hus been operuting for u period of two weeks it shouId be
subgected to u generuI visuuI inspection,
Poy specioI offenfion fo:
- fhe offochmenf of oII beorings, fighfen fhe offochmenf boIfs if necessory,
- fhe offochmenf of fhe pneumofic cyIinders fighfen fhe offochmenf boIfs if necessory,
- Ieoks in fhe compressed oir pipes ond connecfions.



4,1 How the cuscude mugnet system works

The coscode mognef sysfem is infegrofed in o suppIy chonneI. A soIid moferioI fIows fhrough fhe
suppIy chonneI, In fhe suppIy chonneI fhere ore bends (see figure 4- Io). Mognefs ore insfoIIed
ogoinsf fhe inside woII in fhe firsf fhree bends of fhe suppIy chonneI (I). These mognefs puII fhe
ferrous mefoIs ouf of fhe fIow of moferioI ogoinsf fhe inside of fhe chonneI woII. These mefoI
porficIes fhen remoin "sfuck" fo fhe chonneI woII.
Affer o cerfoin omounf of fime o quonfifiy of mefoI porficIes wiII hove coIIecfed ogoinsf fhe woII.
These porficIes con be ejecfed fhrough fhe dischorge chonneI (Z). To do fhis, fhe moferioI fIow
musf firsf be swifched off.
To ejecf fhe mefoI porficIes, fhe mognef sysfem cIoses fhe boffom of fhe suppIy chonneI wifh o
voIve (3) ond of fhe some fime opens fhe dischorge chonneI (see figure 4- I b). The mognef sysfem
fhen swings fhe mognefs owoy from fhe chonneI woII. This oIIows fhe mefoI porficIes fo foII
downword ond fhey Ieove fhe mognef sysfem fhrough fhe dischorge chonneI (see figure 4- Ic).
Meosures musf be foken fo coIIecf fhe mefoI porficIes (confoiner, dischorge chonneI) of fhe poinf
fhof fhey ore dischorged from fhe mognef sysfem.
In order fo ensure fhof fhe mognef sysfem funcfions opfimoIIy, if is necessory for fhe mognefs fo
Iie correcfIy ogoinsf fhe woII of fhe suppIy chonneI. Any moferioI fhof hos occumuIofed befween fhe
mognefs ond fhe suppIy chonneI woII shouId fherefore be removed.


4,Z Options
A number of opfions ore ovoiIobIe for fhe sfondord coscode mognef sysfem. The desired opfions ore
ordered fogefher wifh fhe mognef sysfem ond mounfed by 8okker Mognefics.
The foIIowing porfs con be mounfed on fhe mognef sysfem os on opfion:
- Inspecfion windows
Inspecfion windows ore mounfed on fhe suppIy chonneI woII opposife fhe mognefs. These oIIow you
fo monifor how much ferrous mefoI hos coIIecfed ogoinsf fhe mognefs.
- Mongonese weor pIofes
Mongonese weor pIofes ore mounfed on fhe inside of fhe suppIy chonneI woII of fhe some IeveI os fhe
mognefs. These weor pIofes ore more durobIe fhon fhe chonneI woII ond con be oppIied if fhe chonneI is
used fo conducf fhe fIow of on obrosive moferioI.
- EIecfricoIIy-operofed compressed oir swifch
If is possibIe fo mounf on exfro eIecfricoIIy-operofed compressed oir swifch. This oIIows fhe
confroI of fhe mognef sysfem fo be infegrofed in o Iorger (eIecfricoI) confroI sysfem.
The hond-operofed compressed oir swifch remoin ond con be used for ejecfing mefoI porficIes by hond.
In fhis cose, fhe mognef sysfem wiII hove fo be operofed foIIowing differenf insfrucfions:
^ In order fo be obIe fo monuoIIy ejecf mefoI porficIes from o mognef sysfem wifh on
eIecfricoIIy-operofed compressed oir swifch, foIIow fhe insfrucfions provided in porogroph 4.4.
^ For insfrucfions regording fhe eIecfricoI operofion of fhe mognef sysfem, refer fo fhe
documenfofion provided by fhe suppIier of fhe confroI sysfem.
-Air buffer fonk
The mognef sysfem con be equipped wifh on oir buffer fonk. This oIIows fhe mognef sysfem fo
confinue fo operofe for some fime if fhe compressed oir suppIy foiIs.

A mugnet system with u buffer tunk cun curry out severuI more egection
cycIes ufter the compressed suppIy hus been switched off,
This shouId be borne in mind when corrying ouf (moinfenonce) ocfivifies on fhe mognef sysfem.
Affer swifching off fhe compressed oir suppIy, uIe buffer fonk shouId be venfiIofed by oIIowing
fhe mognef fo corry ouf severoI more ejecfion cycIes.


Ferro-confroI Z000
Ferro-confroI Z000 is o fuIIy-oufomofic confroI sysfem for fhe coscode mognef sysfem.
The confroI sysfem meosures fhe quonfify of ferrous mefoI fhof hos occumuIofed ogoinsf fhe
mognefs. The ferro-confroI Z000 oufomoficoIIy ocfivofes on ejecfion cycIe when fhe sef moximum
quonfify of ferrous mefoI is exceeded. Mognef sysfems wifh Ferro-confroI Z000 con oIso be
operofed by hond. To do so, foIIow fhe insfrucfions provided in porogroph 4.4..

AIwuys eercise etreme cuution in the vicinity of the mugnets und other
moving purts of mugnet systems equipped with Ferro-controI Z000.
8ecouse fhe Ferro-confroI Z000 sysfem is oufomoficoIIy ocfivofed, fhe mognefs con sforf moving of ony
momenf. For fhis reoson, fhe mognef sysfem shouId oIwoys be swifched-off when corrying ouf
(moinfenonce) ocfivifies by removing fhe pIug from fhe pIug sockefl


4,3 How to pIuce the cuscude mugnet system in operution

The coscode mognef sysfem is pIoced in operofion os foIIows:

I. If fhe mognefs hove nof yef been swung owoy, puII ouf fhe compressed oir swifch.
fhe compressed ir swifch is usuoIIy mounfed on one of fhe brockefs of fhe side of fhe
mognef sysfem (see figure b- I).

Z. Check fhof fhe mognefs ore Iying correcfIy ogoinsf fhe suppIy chonneI woII. To check fhis,
Iook fhrough fhe inspecfion hoIes in fhe profecfive cops (see figure I - I).
Pemove ony moferioI fhof hos occumuIofed befween fhe mognefs ond fhe woII.
3. Sforf up fhe moferioI fIow.

A confroI box is mounfed on mognef sysfems wifh Ferro-confroI Z000. The compressed oir swifch
for ejecfing mefoI porficIes monuoIIy is mounfed in fhe door of fhe confroI box.
A mognef sysfem equipped wifh Ferro-confroI Z000 is operofed os foIIows:

I. If fhe mognefs hove nof yef been swung owoy, puII ouf fhe compressed oir swifch.

Z. Check fhof fhe mognefs ore Iying correcfIy ogoinsf fhe suppIy chonneI woII.
Pemove ony moferioI befween fhe mognefs ond fhe woII

3. Sforf up fhe moferioI fIow.

For insfrucfions regording fhe operofion of o mognef sysfem wifh on eIecfricoIIy-operofed
compressed oir swifch, see fhe documenfofion provided by fhe suppIier of fhe confroI sysfem.

4,4 Egecting metuI purticIes {by hund}

To ejecf fhe mefoI porficIes (by hond), foIIow fhe sfeps described beIow:

I. 8ring fhe fIow of moferioI fo o hoIf.

Z. Press in fhe compressed oir swifch (see figure b-I) ond woif unfiI fhe mognefs hove been
swung owoy.

3. Pe-sforf fhe mognef sysfem os described in porogroph 4.3.



In fhe design of fhe coscode mognef sysfem, 8okker Mognefics hos succeeded in Iimifing
fhe required moinfenonce fo minimum. The necessory doiIy ond fwo-monfhIy inspecfions ore
described in porogrophs b.I ond b.Z.

Prior to commencing uny muintenunce uctivities the Ferro-controI Z000 controI
system shouId uIwuys be switched off by removing the pIug from the pIug socket,

The compressed uir equipment shouId uIwuys be switched off und the buffer
tunk ventiIuted {if present} prior to commencing uny muintenunce uctivities,

To do fhis, foIIow fhe direcfions given beIow:
^ The compressed oir reguIofion voIve sifuofed neor fhe compressed oir buffon shouId be
furned unfiI if is cIosed:
^ Press in fhe compressed oir press buffon severoI fimes unfiI fhe mognefs no Ionger
^ Check fhof fhe monomefer on fhe compressed oir reguIofion voIve indicofies 0 Po.


,1 DuiIy muintenunce

Every doy, prior fo pIocing fhe mognef sysfem in operofion, fhe mochine shouId be subjecfed fo
o generoI visuoI inspecfion. Firsf check fhof fhe moferioI fIow is sfofionory ond bring if fo o hoIf
if necessoryl When corrying ouf o visuoI inspecfion, poy porficuIor offenfion fo fhe foIIowing:
- Are fhe mognefs posifioned correcfIy ogoinsf fhe suppIy chonneI woII7 Pemove ony moferioI
fhof hos occumuIofed befween fhe mognefs ond fhe suppIy chonneI woII.
- Hove ony Ieoks orisen in fhe compressed oir piping ond comecfion7
PepIoce fhe Ieoky porfs if necessory.
- Are fhe pisfon rods in fhe compressed oir ciIinders cIeon7 If necessory, cIeon fhe pisfon rods,
- Does fhe mognef sysfem funcfion sofisfocforiIy7

^ The compressed oir swifch shouId firsf be pressed in (see figure b-I)
^ The compressed oir swifch shouId fhen be puIIed ouf.

WhiIe doing fhis, check fhof fhe mognefs swung bock ond forfh correcfIy.


,Z Two-monthIy muintenunce

The foIIowing shouId be corried ouf offer every period of fwo monfhs:
- Corry ouf fhe doiIy visuoI inspecfion (see porogroph o. I),
- Check fhe offochmenf of fhe mognef beorings. Tighfen fhem if necessory.
- Lubricofe fhe hinge poinfs of fhe compressed oir cyIinders wifh severoI drops of mochine oiI.

The mognef beorings ore free of moinfenonce ond do nof require ony Iubricofion.

,3 Spure purts Iist

The foIIowing spore porfs con be ordered from your deoIer. Do nof forgef fo sfofe fhe
monufocfurer, fhe fype ond porficuIors when pIocing your order.

Purt Munufucturer Type Order number
CyIinder voIve chomber Doedijns I3Z0.b0.080
CyIinder mognefs Doedijns I3Z0.o0.Z00
PuII/press buffon Doedijns Z38.bZ.8/Z
b/Z confroI voIve Doedijns 838.bZ.I.9
Mongonese sfeeI weor pIofe 8okker Mognefics 8M Zo.080/SL
8M Zo.080 /SLC
8M Zo.08I /SL
8M Zo.08I /SLC
8M Zo.08Z /SL
8M Zo.08Z /SLC
8M Zo.083 /SL
8M Zo.083 /SLC
8M Zo.084 /SL
8M Zo.084 /SLC
8M Zo.08b /SL
8M Zo.08b /SLC
Mognef beoring IMA PASE Zb
VoIve beoring IOYO UFL 004



,1 TechnicuI specificutions

Mognef dimensions (I x w x h) __________________________________ mm

TofoI weighf __________________________________ kg

TofoI dimensions __________________________________ mm

Compressed oir equipmenf __________________________________ Po

Sound pressure __________________________________ d8(A)

Descripfion of specioI opfions __________________________________

,Z Suuruntee

The oppIicobIe sfondord guoronfee sfipuIofions ore fhose incIuded in fhe 8okker Mognefics
deIivery ferms. 0uoronfee sfipuIofions onIy oppIy fo fhe mochine if used in normoI circumsfonces
ond if fhe direcfions in fhis monuoI hove been foIIowed.
The guoronfee does nof cover weor fo fhe housing ond voIve chomber os o resuIf of fhe obrosive
effecf of fhe moferioIs.


,3 DimensionuI diugrum

,4 Pneumutic instuIIution diugrum
The diogrom of fhe pneumofic insfoIIofion is prinfed on fhe foIIowing poges.


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