Vedic Theism

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Vedic Theism (1500 BC)

(Protestant Christian Biblical Conservative) Theism believes and profess (“God is One
Person with Three Natures–God the Creator, God the Incarnate Jesus and God the Holy
Ghost”, simile-matter, water; three states – solid, liquid and gas) that there are in Vedic
era those who were against Vedic Polytheism and Sindhu (Hindu) Pantheism (Platoism),
worshippers of Parameshwaran, waiting for Paramavataram and thus possessed with
Parasudhatman. Adopting three dimensional perspective circumstantial evidence and
experimental validation provided to prove. Theism or Theology is Godism not godism
Philosophy Views
Aristotle (384 BC - 322 BC) devotes special attention to the Platonic theory, according to
which ideas are the ultimate principles of ‘Being’. That theory, he contends, introduced to
explain how things are, and how things known; in both respects, it is inadequate. To
postulate the existence of ideas apart from things is merely to complicate the problem.
Unless the ideas have some definite contact with things, they cannot explain how things
came to be, or how they came to known by us. Plato (428/427 BC – 348/347 BC) does not
maintain in a definite, scientific way a contact between ideas and phenomena - he merely
takes refuge in expressions, such as participation, imitation, which, if they are anything
more than empty metaphors, imply a contradiction. In a word, Aristotle believes that
Plato, by constituting ideas in a world separate from the world of phenomena, precluded
the possibility of solving by means of ideas the problem of the ultimate nature of reality.1.
There is no second God, nor a third, nor is even a fourth spoken of.
There is no fifth God or a sixth nor is even a seventh mentioned.
There is no eighth God, nor a ninth. Nothing is spoken about a tenth even.
This unique power is in Himself. That Lord is only one, the only omnipresent. He is one
and the only one. Atharva 13.4[2]19-20
Friends! Do not praise and worship anything else, do not be doomed, praise and worship
only the benevolent God Almighty,
unitedly in this world, sing his glory, again and again. Atharva 20.85.1
Among all the men and women, there is only One. Who is worthy of adoration, and worthy
of worship too. Atharva 2.2.1
Oh God! There is nobody like You either in this world or the world beyond. No body equal
to You is born as yet nor will be born ever in future also. Yajur Veda 27.36
The real God is one, the enlightened ones, speak of Him in several ways, God is divine, the
supreme protector and graceful sentient, the universal soul. They call Him the Almighty
(Indra), the universal friend [mitra]. The most acceptable and obliterator of sins (varuna),
they describe Him as the Supreme guide of the Universe (agnim), the Controller of the
Universe (yaman), and the Life of all lives (matarishvanam). Rig Veda 1.64.46

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(Metaphors: - Indra – Genesis 17:1, Exodus 6:3, 20:3-7, mitra - Exodus 33:11, John 15:1-
27, varuna – John 3:1-36, agnim - Exodus 24:17, Isaiah 29:6, 30:27,30, yaman – Isaiah
13:6, Revelation 19:6, matarishvanam – John 11:1-57, 14:6)
All these several worlds, find ultimate refuge, in that curiosity-provoking, thought –
arousing Lord who is our father and creator, who is , the maker of sacred injunctions and
Knows all the abodes and worlds and finally who is only one assuming the names of
different divinities. Rig Veda 10.82.3
The Lord of the entire universe is one and one only. Rig Veda 6.36.4
“I am born in sin, doer of sin, and a sinful self; I am the worst of all sinners, Lord save me
from all sin.” Rig Veda 7.86.3
“I know the mighty Purush of truth (enlightenment) beyond darkness. Only in knowing
Him does one pass over death. There is no other path leading to eternal life.”
Yajur Veda 31:18
A Son will be born to a virgin in this world, take ye hold that (Son) is who is Superior
(than everyone). Atharva Veda 13:3-4
. . . ‘born in a cattle shed' Rig Veda 355-1
The sacrificial victim is to be crowned with a crown made of thorny vines. Rig Veda X: 90:15
His hands and legs are to be bound to a yoopa causing bloodshed.Ithareya Brahmanam 2:6
None of His bones must be broken. Yajur Veda XXXI
Before death He should be given a drink of somarasa. Ithareya Brahmanam
Those who meditate and attain this Man, believe in heart and chant with their lips get
liberated in this world itself and there is no other way to salvation. Rig Veda X: 90:16
Vedic Astrology

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Was Jesus in Vedas? 2
What is Sindhu (Hindu) Pantheism (Platoism)?
The ninth chapter of the Taittiriya Upanishad says:
He who knows the Bliss of Brahman (divine consciousness)..does not distress
himself with the thought "why did I not do what is good? why did I do what is evil?".
Whoever knows this (bliss) regards both of these as Atman (self, soul), indeed he
cherishes both as Atman. Such, indeed, is the Upanishad, the secret knowledge of
The key phrase of the Upanishads (1 BC), to Advaita Vedanta, is "Tat Tvam Asi" (That
thou art). Pantheist believe that in the end, the ultimate, formless, inconceivable Brahman
is the same as our soul, Atman. We only have to realize this through discrimination.
Verses 6, 7 & 8 of Isha Upanishad:
Whoever sees all beings in the soul and the soul in all beings...
What delusion or sorrow is there for one who sees unity?
It has filled all. It is radiant, incorporeal, invulnerable...Wise, intelligent,
encompassing, self-existent, It organizes objects throughout eternity.
The Upanishads also contain the first and most definitive explications of the divine
syllable Aum or OM, the cosmic vibration that underlies all existence. The mantra "Aum
Shanti Shanti Shanti" (the soundless sound, peace, peace, peace)is often found in the
Geographical Facts
Who is a Sindhu (Hindu)? Where is Sindustan (Hindustan)? What is Sindutva (Hindutva)?
The actual term “Hindu” first appeared as an Old Persian geographical term (derived from
the river Sindhu), to identify the people who lived beyond the River Indus. In the world
history “Hindu” was also used by all Mughal Empires and towards the end of the
eighteenth century by the British to refer to the people of “Hindustan”, the area of
northern and adjoining northwestern India - erstwhile Pakistan. When and how the word
'Hindu’ was coined is not precisely established. It is absent in early sacred literature of
Indian origin. It was used for the people inhabiting the lands of river Sindhu. One of the
accepted views is that “ism” was added to “Hindu” around 1830 to denote the culture and
religion of the high-caste Brahmans (Sindhus) in contrast to other religions.4
Hindutva (a word coined by Vinayak Damodar Savarkar in his 1923 pamphlet entitled
Hindutva: Who is a Hindu? ) is the term used to describe movements advocating Hindu
nationalism. An atheist, Savarkar regards Hinduism as an ethnic, cultural and political
identity. Hindus, according to Savarkar, are patriotic inhabitants of Bharatavarsha, those
who consider India (Bharat) to be their fatherland (pitribhumi) as well as their "holyland"
(punyabhumi). Savarkar thus extends the concept of Hindu beyond religious adherence to
a term of ethnic nationalism and irredentism, identifying Hindus with the inheritors of a

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postulated Aryan race "indigenous" to Greater India ( “Hindustan”, the area of northern
and adjoining northwestern India - erstwhile Pakistan).5
Theology Views
Simplicity nurtures perfection, complexity instigates perplexing. Go by the essence rather
than the appearance. Knowledge is like ocean but Universe is because of Wisdom (God).
Only with Wisdom vests, the supreme might to use and apply ken properly. Wisdom is the
essence of God; God is the appearance of Wisdom. The essence of a person is the soul; the
body is just the appearance. (Psalms 33:6, 107:20; Proverb 8:22-30; Isaiah 55:11;
Jeremiah 23:29; John 1:1-5; 1 Corinthians 1:23-24, 30)
Ghosts whether Almighty or mighty cannot be termed as just adamant attitude/s
(spirit/s) or passion/s but personalities who need a human body to be possessed with to
accomplish supernatural task in natural way, which is termed by science exclusively and
inclusively as metaphysics. It’s obvious that those who freely surrender to the Almighty
are perpetually victorious and are at peace with God, oneself and others, rather those
damned enslaved to demonic. Intercourse can be experienced and enjoyed with (opposite
gender) spouse or harlot/s, and then are both the same. How can Polytheist and Pantheist
profess that God the Holy Ghost and other gods (include self-soul) are the same? (Genesis
1-50, Exodus 1-40, Hosea 1-14)
Discerning God is discovering self-instinctive uniqueness, distinction and innovations. It
is vital to recognize – Who is God? What He has? What He can do? To know the purpose of
life – Who am I? What do I have? What can I do? If not anyone, does anything for a person
will that do any in return? If a person works for God, will He do for Him in His will
provided reverence and sanctity maintained perpetually (Exodus 20; Leviticus 18; Genesis
4:3-14; 2 Samuel 11,12; Luke 10:27,4:16; Psalms 119). Unfortunately, God is not a
wishes satisfying entity (machine) (Genesis 28:20, 21; Daniel 3:14-20; Matthew 6:19-34,
7:12-29, 10:28; Acts 6-8).
God is an Ideal Perfect Gentleman (Genesis 1:31; Exodus 3:13-14, 20:3-7), who has no
boundaries yet knows and maintains His limits, otherwise what would happen to His
personal integrity and universal validity (Genesis 3:3-5, 6:3, 18:23-33; Numbers 14:11-
45). Hence, He abides by His Torah and does not reveal Himself in carnal and adulterous
sense (Hosea 1-14; Romans 1-2), as expected by humans. Hitherto He does not suffer
though experiencing and confronting it. As He is concerned and cares only His work,
trusts nobody.
God ‘Creatio Ex Nihilo’ Universe as a talented person cannot be idle and lethargic. The
existence of Universe proves that God exists for He is the cause of it. The whole of creation
prostrates before the Almighty but non-Theist exalt themselves above God. It is a fact that
if God beseeches a non-theist to sit on His throne, seems conquered immediately. Wonder

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how they will confront Him tomorrow. (Isaiah 14:12-24; John19:10-11; Acts 12:1-23;
Revelation 20)
God exists and is because only He cans ‘Creatio Ex Nihilo’. This did Jesus alone to His
disciples reveal. God transformed into a human fetus in the womb of a virgin surrogate
carrier (without the union of any male sperm and female ovum) to be born Holy Jesus
(Isaiah 7:14-17; Luke 1:26-56). (In modern medical sciences, test tube babies and
surrogate servants have become reality). Who crucified Himself willfully, rose again from
death, as it cannot rule on God the Incarnate, and will come back, as the time
predestined. He did so because the woman’s womb is the entrance to this world and death
exit. Death ended His human nature and resurrection made Him glorified. Jesus is the
complete split personality of God hence, much doubt His Deity and Divinity. (Isaiah 53;
Luke 11:23; John 6:48-71; Deuteronomy 6:4; John 10, 17; Luke 22:66-71; Matthew
12:22-50, 22:41-46)
Howbeit God made the human body by transforming silicon into carbon; these elements
are of Group XIV. Artificial Transmutation (conversion of a stable element into another
stable element) is possible within the same group. He embedded the soul into it by
‘Creatio Ex Nihilo’. Other living things are just natural robots. (Genesis 2:7, 9, 19, 22)
The official government (military) degrees, orders, records and literature of the Romans
and the Jews6, who are the core involved in and about the life of Jesus – pre-prophecy,
virgin birth, reverence and sanctity, celibacy, miracles particularly healing born blind,
lame, mute, deaf and raising the dead, authoritative preaching, unjust trial, crucifixion,
resurrection and accession are primary, vital and undisputable. The main strategy behind
the crucifixion of Jesus as conferred by the then Jewish High Priest Caiaphas that it is
better One man be sacrificed for the nation rather the whole suffer for Him (John 11-49-
57). Torah came through Moses and fulfilled in Jesus. Hence, the work of Jesus proves
that He is indeed the most contradictable and controversial yet the Ultimate Man in the
human race forever. Thus, Jesus is verily God the Incarnation – who was, who is and who
is to come (Isaiah 53, Matthew 1-28, John 1-21). What others later adulterate and profess
is secondary, blasphemy and thus discarded.
If a person wants to have extraordinary capability and ability (talents – Matthew 25:1-46),
should be possessed with God the Holy Ghost surrendering, obeying and being faithful to
Him perpetually. Otherwise to be damned to Hell (Sun7) for minimum 120 years later the
soul to be transferred to an ideal planet of another star to have and live a transformed
soul in human birth, life and death not rebirth (Revelation 20-22).
Polytheist and Pantheist adopt demonic and carnal might to amass (Acts 16:16-39, 19:13-
41) by taking advantage of others protocol, diplomacy, limitations and weakness. Their
idolatry (harlotry), plagiarism, religion and bloody terrorism cannot go covered. Thus, non-

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Theists do not know what is right and even if they know enforce and compel that God and
Theist are completely wrong. ‘Truth Triumphs Always’
If science breaks at a point (big bang) or if it cannot prove does it mean God does not
exists. Nevertheless, active perpetual faith in a Theist God bestows such psychological
capability and ability that makes that person excel over fellow beings. That Godly
enhancement is Wisdom (God). God is finite in non-Theist’s life but infinite in that of
Theist. (John 1:12-13, 6:44-47; I Corinthians 2:12, 6:17; James 1:17; Hebrew 12:6-8)
Atheist (“There is no God, I am God”); Pantheist (“God is All-All is God, My soul is God”),
Polytheist ("Believe in many gods - forget God"), Panentheist ("All-in-God") believed and
professed that dark energy is God as by but it is nothing which God uses to do infinite
things. Those who believe exclusively and inclusively in illusion (maya) are verily to be
damned to Hell (Sun7).

Hell(Sun7) - Matthew 5:22, 8:12, 18:8-9, 22:13; Mark 9:43-49; Luke 16:19-31; Romans 2:7-9; 2
Thessalonians 1:9; Hebrews 10:27; 2 Peter 3:7; Jude 7,13; Revelation 19:20, 20:10,14,15, 21:8.
Poojaries do not have any base, credibility and liability. To confine in, trust and depend on
them is burning alive those who do so (Matthew 7:6). Poojaries are restraining and
fighting against God the Holy Ghost and Theists who possess Him for the sake of,
possessed by and inspired by demons. Poojaries expected God the Incarnation to be born
in Sindustan (Hindustan). Therefore, if Jesus was born at Bethlehem-Judea, Israel it does
not mean He is not Paramavataram. It is God’s plan to select any place in the world not
Poojaries (humans) decisions and interventions. Thus, because of their religious egoism,
antagonism, jeopardy and jealously they are willing to be damned to Hell (Sun7) rather
than be inspired to Theist Regeneration, instead of illumination to religious conversion.
Those who believe in ‘Ahum Brahmosmi’ will make their ‘Ahum Yagnosmi’ - Hell
(Sun7).Unfortunately, the author is an eshwaran not Parameshwaran. Then will the

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Poojaries worship, adore and venerate him after the commercial aspects finalized (Exodus
32:1-35, Acts 19:1-41).
What others (who are unfortunately Theist) consider and contemplate about a person, a
sect and a society is vital than that thinks about self. Those who are not with Theist are
against God and His (Matthew 12:30). Religion or terrorism is compulsive business.
Bestow Democracy (Freedom) to enjoy and practice Godliness not humanism or
demonism. A person should believe and struggle to transform oneself (Matthew 7:3) for
even God will not change the world obviously to destroy and create a new one (Revelation
21, 22). Un-Godly insane brainwashed Poojaries just hope in killing the body (rebirths)
but Theist Godly Radicals (Zealots) keep faith in transforming heart, mind, soul and
strength (Matthew 10:28-42). Those who do not allow Theist will make their psycho waver
between life and death.
When conservative approach does not work then nuthatch way adopted, the last option
may turn out to be bloody. It is a curse if someone kills for personal reasons, if done so for
the nation it will shower blessings. Many Hindu Businesspersons are financing terrorist
Hindutva8 to compel and enforce ‘an ethnic, cultural and political Sindu (Hindu -
Pakistani) identity’ on the whole of India (the Almighty’s land) - ‘Panjaba Sindh Gujarata
Maratha Dravida Utkala Vanga Vindhya Himachala Yamuna Ganga’, under the patronage
of the Poojaries. The unity in India is unity in diversity not unity in aristocratic Sindhu
(Hindu - Pakistani) commonness. Maintain the diversity of India to sustain her integrity,
peace and sovereignty.
This paper is not against the Hindus for even they are the author’s kin. Nevertheless, to
acquaint, rebuke and warn them to be faithful to their motherland and become Theist
forgoing Pagan Polytheism and Pantheism. Not become traitors by enslavement to the
Clergy (Poojary) surrendered to demons in whose hands are the cords of bloody Hindutva8.
In office, the status of a Clergy is lower than that of a Theologian. Remember treachery
against one’s nation is fornication against the Almighty.

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About the author
Mahaveer Janapala is a Structural Engineer and Interface Manager in an EPC Company.
Licensed to He is a postgraduate in Structural Engineering and
a graduate in Civil Engineering from Osmania University ( He has a
post graduation in Biblical Counseling from ‘CARE’ Counseling Institute
( affiliated to ‘TOPIC’ ( He was born
(1977), brought up, educated, working and residing in Hyderabad, India.

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