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(Students: Keep a copy of this syllabus in your class binder.) TEACHER INFORMATION Name: Ms. Katie Mullinax Classes Taught: 6th-Grade Language and 6th-Grade Pre-AP Language Email: School Phone (Front Office): (256) 547-6341

COURSE OVERVIEW Classroom Goals Welcome to language class! I am delighted for you to join the learning community at Gadsden Middle School. This year, we will learn about writing, vocabulary, spelling, grammar, collaborating, public speaking, and information technology to increase your literacy skills. Our goal is to become better communicators within and outside the classroom. By the end of the course, students will be able to: Write clear and coherent arguments, narratives, and informative and explanatory texts Use planning, revising, and editing to enhance writing Use technology for research and collaboration Conduct short research projects using digital and print sources, assessing the credibility of sources Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups, and teacherled) with diverse partners, building on others' ideas and expressing their own clearly Delineate a speaker's argument and specific claims, distinguishing claims that are supported by reasons and evidence from claims that are not Present claims and findings, sequencing ideas logically and using pertinent descriptions, facts, and details to accentuate main ideas or themes; use appropriate eye contact, adequate volume, and clear pronunciation Demonstrate command of the conventions of Standard English grammar, usage, and mechanics when writing or speaking Acquire and use accurately grade-appropriate general academic and domain-specific words and phrases; gather vocabulary knowledge when considering a word or phrase important to comprehension or expression

Goals are based on the 2010 Alabama College and Career Readiness Standards (available at Class Rules In addition to the rules listed below, all rules in the Gadsden Middle School Student Handbook and the Gadsden City Schools Code of Conduct also apply: 1. 2. 3. 4. Be respectful to yourself, your classmates, and your teacher at all times. Be on time, and be prepared for class. Follow directions the first time they are given. Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself, and if its not yours, dont touch it.

Mullinax Syllabus Page 2 of 5 Positive Consequences The following positive consequences may be awarded for especially great effort, ideas, achievements, or citizenship: Positive learning environment Increased learning Stickers on assignments Praise Work displayed inside or outside classroom Achievement slips (A-slips) Parental contact

Constructive Consequences The following constructive consequences will be awarded for behavior that doesnt adhere to class rules and expectations: 1. 2. 3. 4. Sign discipline slip and receive verbal warning Sign discipline slip and phone call to parent/guardian Sign discipline slip and after-school detention Sign discipline slip and referral to administration for o Corporal punishment, o In-school suspension, or o Out-of-school detention

Activities Class time will be highly-interactive, giving students many opportunities to practice their communication skills. Some of the activities we will use include: Lectures Student or guest presentations Class discussion Small-group work Partner work Independent work Tests and quizzes

Grading Our class will follow the traditional ten-point grading scale: A 90-100 B 80-89 C 70-79 D 60-69 F 0-59

Important Notes: Grades will be calculated based on points possible. Grades will be based on homework, class work, tests, writings, and projects.

Mullinax Syllabus Page 3 of 5 Students will have a 100-point homework grade each 9 weeks. If a student does not completely finish a homework assignment, 5 points will be deducted from the homework grade. Students should write down homework assignments every day. Students in regular language classes will get to re-test for test grades below a 70. When re-testing, a 70 is the highest grade that may be earned. For example, a student who initially earns a 40 and then re-tests and earns a 75 will have a 70 recorded in the grade book. Re-testing will occur on Wednesdays after school. Pre-AP students do not get to re-test. o

CLASSROOM PROCEDURES Entering the Classroom When you enter class, have a seat, take out your materials, and start working (quietly) on the bell ringer. Instructions will be on the board. Put your homework on the corner of your desk so I can walk around and check it for effort and completion. Late to Class When you are tardy (excused or unexcused), quietly put your pass on my desk, and then get to work. Turning in Assignments Place your work in the tray on the counter thats labeled with your period. You may turn in work before or after class and during group or solo workbut not during lecture, class discussion, or presentations. Finding out Grade Status Your parent or legal guardian can log on to the InformationNOW website at any time to check your attendance, behavior, and grades. Class Dismissal At the end of the period, dont leave class until I dismiss you. Avoid packing up before the end of class. When a Student Finishes Work Early During Class Early finishers have the following options: Complete any missed work Work on anchor activity Read a library book Start tonights homework (for language class)

Parent/Guardian-Teacher Communication I will regularly update the class website (web address coming soon). Class news will be posted on the home page, and I will also regularly update the calendar page. I will sometimes contact parents/guardians with good news about students, as well as behavioral or academic concerns. In addition, I may send home class newsletters from time-to-time. I have an open-door communication policy for both students and parents. Students may see me in-person or email me with any issues, and parents/guardians may email me or call the front office to set up an appointment. Suggestions for Parents/Guardians My number one priority is teaching your child. I believe this will be accomplished if we work together. Here are some things parents/guardians can do to help their students succeed:

Mullinax Syllabus Page 4 of 5 Always check for homework. Students will usually have homework on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday nights. Homework will usually not be given over the weekend. Assignments are given verbally and written on the board. Students can get free help online from real tutors at www. Look for progress reports to be sent home every four and a half weeks. A report card will be sent home every nine weeks. Encourage your child to read the newspaper, magazines, and books and write in a journal, make grocery lists, etc. to practice literacy skills at home.

Thank you for helping to make this year a success!

CLASSROOM SUPPLIES AND WISH LIST Supply List Coming to class on time and with the right materials helps us start the day off right, so please bring the following materials to language class everyday: Single-subject spiral notebook (for journaling, bell ringers, and exit slips) Hard, 3-ring binder with pockets (not pocket folders) Five tabbed dividers (one each for grammar, vocabulary, writing, anchor activity, and tests) Pencils Four highlighters (yellow, blue, pink, and green) Wide-ruled, loose-leaf paper Index cards Earbud headphones (for the iPad)

Sometimes, I may also ask you to bring your dictionary, thesaurus, colored pencils/crayons, scissors, and/or glue. Students, if you have any issues obtaining these supplies, please see me privately or send me an email. Wish List (Optional) In our class, we do many activities to make learning exciting, engaging, and meaningful. Doing all these great activities takes a lot of supplies. If you could donate any of the following supplies now or at any point during the year, they will be put to good use to enhance your childs learning experience! White copy paper (we go through quite a lot of paper!) Construction paper (any color) Washable markers (any kind) Sticky/Post-It notes (any color/size) Dry erase markers (any color) Hand sanitizer

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(Students: Get this sheet signed, and turn it in ASAP.) Student Name: ________________________________________________________________________ By signing this document below, I confirm that I have reviewed the above 6th-grade language syllabus, and I agree to join in a language education partnership with Ms. Mullinax. Student Signature: _____________________________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature: ______________________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Email Address: __________________________________________________________ Phone Number(s) Where Parent/Guardian Can Be Reached During School Hours:

Phone Number(s) Where Parent/Guardian Can Be Reached After School Hours:

Please use the following lines to write any information that you feel I need to know concerning your child:

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