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The Nice Guy (WIP) By Aidan H

OPENING SCENE COMPUTER SCREEN - FACEBOOK EVENTS A Facebook invitation reading One Last Hurrah Bitchez! Get together at Jamisons ;) 5/14/13. The mouse enters from bottom right to click an ACCEPT button. FACEBOOK NEWS FEED The screen pans down the news feed, showing that every Facebook status is about the party. "Gonna be a sick one at Jamisons tonight" - Devin Snyder "Im so glad we got all that first aid training in health, this party is gonna be killer" - Christian Lonner comments: Penny Hughes - If your jokes are going to be that good tonight, Im staying home... JK See you there? <3 SLIDE SHOW Pictures of graduation, students driving off in red convertible (top down and waving), DEREK LEE surrounded by girls holding red solo cups. Final shot is birds eye shot from second floor of Jamisons house. The camera is at the top of the stair case looking down upon the entrance of the house/living room where there are people crammed all together. DEREK (V.O) It was supposed to be the biggest party of the year. Finals were over: we graduated. We fucking earned it. Jamison always threw the best parties. Tons of booze, tons of chicks. His parents had the sickest place too. Theres like this balcony thing above the staircase, yknow. You can see everyone from up top. People coming in, people going to the side rooms. Jamison always threw the best parties. DISSOLVE EXACT SAME SHOT - EVIDENCE PICTURE, POLICE TAPE AND OFFICERS.


MCHALE INTERVIEW 1 MEDIUM CLOSE UP: OFFICER MCHALE OFFICER BRADY MCHALE policeman in East Greenwich, RI. Sitting in office, pictures of past police captains on wall behind him. OFFICER MCHALE We get uh calls about these parties all year round. Sure we head over there, tell the kids to quiet down and whatnot. The complaints are for noise and raucousness so yknow thats what we go and check out. No need to check whats in their cups. (Chuckles but then coughs and returns to straight face) PARENT INTERVIEW 1 MEDIUM CLOSE UP: MR. AND MRS. JAMISON The parents of Eric and Mitch Jamison, HENRY JAMISON and CATHERINE JAMISON, are in their living room. Catherine sits on the couch, her hands stroking a framed photo of Eric playing basketball at the State Championship. Henry stands to the left, picking up another photo of Mitch and Eric. HENRY (placing the photo back onto the coffee table and sitting next to Catherine on the couch) They grew up well together. They were both great kids, no trouble. Sure Mitch has had a little rough patch now, but they always loved each other and were just good boys. CATHERINE (interrupting) Eric just got accepted on an am-azing scholarship to Boston University! Hes going to play basketball for them. Hell be going, we know it. Once this nonsense is squared away. Catherine pats the photo, giving a smile to the camera that is both hopeful and tearful.

3. INTERVIEW WITH MITCH MID SHOT: MITCH JAMISON The scene takes place in the garage of the Jamisons home. Mitch seems to be taking a break from maintaining his dirt bike, a rusted brown Yamaha. Mitch is sweaty but drinking from an unmarked beer bottle. MITCH Yeah sure, I bought booze for my little brother a couple times. Hed have little get togethers when Henry and Catherine went up to the Cape or into Boston for the weekend. Shit, I probably did that fifty odd times. Its not really a big deal, if I didnt buy it for him someone else would. People did it for me when I was throwing those little high school parties. If you want alcohol, someone will get it for you. Thats just the way things go. FADE TO BLACK LIQUOR STORE FOOTAGE POV OF SECURITY CAMERA: The shot shows the insides of a liquor store. The camera must have been positioned on top of the door, with the register directly in front of it, three rows of shelves with bottled alcohols, and the walls lined with refrigerators. The footage is grainy black and white and the entire store is monitored from this camera. A slight mechanical hissing can be heard over the silence of the store. The jingling bells on the door announce Mitchs entrance. After selecting a grocery cart, he moves to the back of the store to browse. The following conversation takes place via text messages, which appear on the screen a la BBC Sherlock. MITCH So wat am i getting u? Just the regular cheap crap? ERIC Yeah, please. A shit ton of beer and cheap vodka will do. Get some premium stuff for me and Derek though. (CONTINUED)

CONTINUED: MITCH lol k. why need the premium if ur just gonna get smashed? and u better just be getting smashed not doing the smashing. that kid looked fucked up INTERVIEW WITH MITCH CONT. MID SHOT: MITCH JAMISON


This takes place in the same garage, Mitch is drinking the same beer. MITCH Erics a nice guy, always getting recognized for this or that, helping people out here and there. But what not many people know, is that hes got a little temper. When he was little, hed smash shit up, like when he lost a video game. He definitely chilled out, but every now and again, when hes drunk, that anger comes back. Get this, so this one time this dude at one of the parties is playing football. Theyre tossing it around, and the dude runs into Eric trying to catch it. Eric has had like seven beers and god knows what else by this point, so when this guy runs into him and knocks his sticky ass rum and coke all over his clothes, Eric gets pissed. He just goes in. Jumps on the guy and hes going WAM WAM WAM (imitating punches). The guy ended up needing stitches to fix up his face. ERICS VLOG INT - CLOSE UP: ERIC DESK This video is framed within a YouTube channel. The other video titles visible in on the right have titles such as "Jamison clinchs State Championship for EGHS", "So about last night...", and "RECRUITED TO BU!". Eric sits at his desk, in front of his computer. Resolution is grainy, captured with webcam. Dressed in a maroon and white letterman, he looks off screen, as if spacing out. (CONTINUED)



ERIC (irritated) What is a nice guy supposed to do? All girls just want to date stupid douchebags, but leave the nice guys, who actually care, in the dirt. Cause who gives a shit about the guy who gives you rides and holds parties for you and corrects your fucking Grapes of Wrath paper, cough, Elise. It was terrible by the way. I dont know. (sighs and looks off camera for five seconds before speaking up aggresively) I do everything for these girls man, and I cant even get it in? Thats some bullshit. Bull. Shit. Well I guess thats just how it goes, huh? Nice guys finish last. Shit, nice guys dont finish at all. Eric reaches towards the camera and shuts the computer. PARENT INTERVIEW Mr. and Mrs. Jamison sit on their couch, Catherine clutching Henrys thigh. HENRY I knew Eric would have his little parties when we went out of town. I didnt really mind. Kids are kids. They drink, they party. We understand that. I did it when I was younger, and its not like it turns you into some type of animal. STRAIGHT CUT PARTY FOOTAGE Loud dubstep plays as TOMMY BARNES, a high school student, shakes his face, screeching "OH MY GOD" into the camera, in unison with Skrillexs "Scary Monsters and Nice Sprites". The camera, previously held by someone unseen, is then yanked by Tommy. Running like a child after a ball, Tommy takes off through the party. The shot is highly unstable and shaky, yet the setting of a party is apparent. This is Eric Jamisons final party. The Skrillex song continues in the background, while Tommy showcases the party. Countless youth (CONTINUED)



are dancing and drinking, with multiple kegs stationed strategically throughout the house. Red solo cups occupy most peoples hands and every surface. As Tommy keeps running, the shot goes into slow motion. The image being highlighted by this decrease in tempo is a circle of three people. All three people are holding solo cups and cell phones. In the same style as the texts between the Jamison brothers, tweets show up, hovering around their heads. @THEREALBRIANKING Jamison banger - on point as usual. @COCOBITZ @lucidlarry SO RIGHT. WILLS GF IS A STRIPPER. #CantCompete #NotStoppinMe #BootyPoppin @BILLIARDSANDBLUNTS DAMN. BITCHEZ BE TWERKINNNN #WhereDoesThisGirlWorkAgain #FinnaThrowSomeOnes @SMOOTHSAMMY She on loan from the gentlemans club or is this just some new marketing ploy? #DoesntMatter;SawStrippers After ample time to read the tweets passes, the tempo returns to normal time. Tommy brings the camera to focus on a table that has been arranged in the middle of the makeshift dance floor. This is the same room that Derek refers to earlier, which can be seen from the second floor. Upon the table dances CLARA REILLY (21). This beautiful college girl is grinning as the high school boys stare up at her in awe, mesmerized by the way her body moved. The camera freezes over Clara dancing on the table. DISSOLVE CLARAS FACEBOOK The picture of Clara dancing on the table dissolves into her profile picture, which presents her kissing a puppy. Her adjacent cover photo has Clara standing in a row with four sorority sisters. The newsfeed slowly pans down as HANNAH CUMMINGS (21) narrates. The shot transitions from newsfeed to: MEDIUM CLOSE UP: HANNAH CUMMINGS (CONTINUED)



Hannah, an average sized blonde woman, stands in front of an apartment building that is laballed TRAFALGAR APARTMENTS. HANNAH Hannah has been my best friend ever since she came to BU. We both rushed Beta Tau Beta, got in of course, and have been roomies and sisters since. She had some trouble with money, she was paying for everything herself, and suddenly her money problem disappeared. Nobody really paid much attention, but after one night of partying she spilled that she got a job stripping. Apparently it was fun, safe, and she made ridiculous money. Like $2,500 a weekend. I mean, I get it. She had this perfect body, she played varsity volleyball for a couple years and definitely maintained that body. MITCH INTERVIEW MEDIUM CLOSE UP: MITCH IN GARAGE MITCH I normally dont really go to Erics parties, but I was recently let go from my job at the autoshop over on route 2, so I just wanted to get trashed and dance around a bit. So I called some of my buddies in. For high schoolers, Eric and his pals went pretty hard. But they werent ready for the likes of Clara. She (pauses to smile)... she could dance. Her boyfriend Will was a lucky guy. But yeah, Will, Clara, Jane, and I decided to go to the party and try and enjoy that. NEWS FOOTAGE MEDIUM: NEWSCASTER OUTSIDE OF HIGH SCHOOL DIEDRA ORLANDO (25), a newscaster with the local channel 2 news, stands in front of East Greenwich High School, where the Jamison boys went.




DIEDRA This past Friday night, at a seemingly innocent house party, local basketball star and college bound student, Eric Jamison, falls victim to accusations of alleged rape. Accused by an unnamed stripper, Eric has been a leader of the East Greenwich High School Basketball team and a strong member of the community. These reports have had little evidence brought forward. Im Diedra Orlando, and well have more on this story at the top of the hour. MITCH INTERVIEW MEDIUM CLOSE UP: MITCH IN GARAGE MITCH Clara had been around the house before and Eric always had a little crush on her. He would remember her birthday and bring her presents and try and talk to her about her personal life. She thought of him as like a kid brother. I guess he had more in mind. NEIGHBORHOOD INTERVIEWS MEDIUM:WOMAN STANDING ON DOORSTEP OF HOME This is Mrs. LAURA HILL (61). A long time resident of the East Greenwich area, she is active within the community and a large supporter of high school sports. LAURA This is despicable. Despicable. How can this young lady come in here and try to ruin our Erics life? When you work in some sleezy, sticky, place like that, what do you expect? And then you take your life mistakes, and ruin our Erics? Despicable.


TOMMY INTERVIEW MEDIUM: EXT. GAS STATION - DAY TIME Tommy stands in front of a Shell Gas Station, brushing his long, greasy, hair behind his ear. He is wearing a Shell jump suit, the grey canvas is contrasted by his electric blue eyes. TOMMY That girl Clara, man she was SMOKING. She was pretty toasted and started to get up on the table. After that, man, she was always dancing up on him, flirting, feeling his muscles and shit. Who does that, without wanting it? But yknow Erics a classy dude. He thought this was his chance so he went for it. (pauses to scratch head, turns head away briefly with second hand embarassment) So...I guess Eric, keep in mind that he is trashed by this point, comes up to her later with this pearl necklace or something. Completely not her style but still like hella fancy. She gets all awkward, laughs it off, and tells him to go have fun at his party. Bad call. Bad call man.

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