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Name: Venera Krliu

Position: Vice-president

Name of institution: University American College Skopje

Location: Skopje, Macedonia

Please provide short answers to the following questions:

1. How is the work of your private higher education institution financed?

(e.g. tuition fees, private donations, public funds, etc.)

Tuition fees

2. Is your institution a for-profit or non-profit institution?

Non-profit institution

3. How much does tuition per academic year cost at your institution? (eg. 500 –
1000 EUR)

Studies in Macedonian language 2000 Euros per year

Studies in English language 2600 Euros per year

4. Do you receive any subsidies from the state? Do students from your
institutions receive scholarships or grants for studying from the Government?


5. Who is responsible for the ensuring quality or quality control in your

Commission for US accreditation

Evaluation committee of UACS

6. Is your institution fully accredited? If not, when do you expect that your
institution will be fully accredited? Yes, since October 2005.

6. What do you think about the accreditation process and the work of the
Accreditation Board in general?

They are improving every year but a lot of work needs to be done. The law is well defined.

7. What is the mission of your institution?

The UACS founding assumption is that all people are enriched by education. Consequently, it is
our institutional mission:
• To provide excellence in higher education and in all areas of its activity by combining the
best of European and American educational standards and practices and by including
European and American contents in all its curricula.

8. What is the societal role of your higher education institution?

• To develop and implement a privileged relationship with the private sector and NGO
communities, serving as an educational and training resource for them and preparing students
to enter the working world with appropriate skills.
• To foster leadership, service and international understanding in local, regional and global

communities through joint academic programs and joint degrees.
• To build students’ abilities in communication and public speaking, analysis, problem solving,
ethics, social interaction, effective citizenship, aesthetic engagement and physical culture.
• To participate in the new European Higher Education Area (EHEA) and the European Research
Area (ERA)

9. What is the role of your higher education institution in the economy of your
country and in the overall higher education system of your country?

• To develop as a research and applied research facility.

• To offer education in English language and in Macedonian in selected schools at all levels,
undergraduate and graduate, for local and foreign students, preparing those students for work
in governments, international and European organizations, business and industry.

Questionnaire prepared by: Zarko Dragsic

Answered by: Venera Krliu

Skopje, April 3rd 2008

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