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Name: ____BorisVukonić_________________

Position:___dekan _______

Name of institution: “Utilus”_Visoka poslovna škola ________

Year of establishment: ______2004___________

Location: _______Zagreb, Ivana Trnskog 3 _________________

Please provide short answers to the following questions:

1. How is the work of your private higher education institution financed?

(e.g. tuition fees, private donations, public funds, etc.)

Tuition Fees

2. Is your institution a for-profit or non-profit institution?


3. How much does tuition per academic year cost at your institution? (eg. 500 –
1000 EUR)

3.500.-EUR per year

4. Do you receive any subsidies from the state? Do students from your
institutions receive scholarships or grants for studying from the Government?


5. Who is responsible for the ensuring quality or quality control in your


Administration – Dean – Expert Council

6. Is your institution fully accredited? If not, when do you expect that your
institution will be fully accredited?

Fully accredited

7. What do you think about the accreditation process and the work of the
Accreditation Board in general?

Slow, unfair in assessment, do not follow regulations, all are not subject to
the same criteria.

8. What is the mission of your institution?

The Mission of Utilus is to create appropriate expert, technical and
accommodation conditions that will enable a quality education of people for
the requirements of the tourist and hotel management industry. For that
purpose, the school will utilize all available domestic and foreign sources of
knowledge and expertise and offer its students a basis for understanding the
tourist industry in general, but also offer them knowledge from specific areas
of tourist and hotel management. The mission of Utilus is not only creating
high-profile experts and managers but also ethical people who will represent
role models in their social and professional environments.

With the study programs, selection of academic staff, research projects and
publishing of our scientific magazine Acta turistica nova, until now we have
fulfilled the majority of the tasks set in the mission of Utilus. Of course, the
fulfillment of the mission will be further influenced by the obtaining of the
permit for conducting studies at the postgraduate level, because that will
finalize the idea for offering postgraduate studies in accordance to Bologna
cycles. In order to specify the tasks emanating from the mission it is
necessary to strengthen the organization of appropriate seminars and other
forms of events for enhancing the of the future professionals in the fields of
tourism and hotel management.

9. What is the societal role of your higher education institution?

10.What is the role of your higher education institution in the economy of your
country and in the overall higher education system of your country?

We are one of the institutions that educate personnel for tourism and hotel
industry at a higher education level. The opinion of many is that we do it very
well and up to a high standard and the level of European experiences.

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