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Internal assessment resource Economics 1.

5A v2 for Achievement Standard 90987 PAGE FOR TEACHER USE

NZQA Approved

Internal Assessment Resource Economics Level 1

This resource supports assessment against:

Achievement Standard 90987 Demonstrate understanding of a government choice where affected groups have different viewpoints Resource title: John McGlashan College Sports Funding 4 credits
This resource: Clarifies the requirements of the standard Supports good assessment practice Should be subjected to the schools usual assessment quality assurance process Should be modified to make the context relevant to students in their school environment and ensure that submitted evidence is authentic

Date version published by Ministry of Education Quality assurance status

November 2012 Version 2 To support internal assessment from 2013 These materials have been quality assured by NZQA. NZQA Approved number A-A-11-2012-90987-01-4194

Authenticity of evidence

Teachers must manage authenticity for any assessment from a public source, because students may have access to the assessment schedule or student exemplar material. Using this assessment resource without modification may mean that students work is not authentic. The teacher may need to change figures, measurements or data sources or set a different context or topic to be investigated or a different text to read or perform.

This resource is copyright Crown 2012

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Internal Assessment Resource

Economics Achievement Standard 90987: Demonstrate understanding of a government choice where affected groups have different viewpoints Resource reference: Economics 1.5Av2 Resource title: John McGlashan College Sports Funding Credits: 4
Demonstrate understanding of a government choice where affected groups have different viewpoints.

Achievement with Merit

Demonstrate in-depth understanding of a government choice where affected groups have different viewpoints.

Achievement with Excellence

Demonstrate comprehensive understanding of a government choice where affected groups have different viewpoints.

Student instructions Introduction

This assessment activity requires you to demonstrate your understanding of a government economic choice where affected groups have different viewpoints. The school has received an unrestricted donation of $10,000 and the Board of Trustees is thinking about how to spend the money. The following ideas/options have been put forward by the following groups. The ideas provided so far are: Hockey Re-turfing of the tennis courts plus painted hockey circle and goal Rugby Pre-season Fitness conditioning programme Basketball New Uniforms Hire a Head-Coach/Development Officer Football/Soccer Specialised professional coaching Sports Council (Option 1) - A mini bus to transport sports teams Sports Council (Option 2) - Electronic scoreboard for the sports field Sports Council (Option 3) - Weights machine(s) & free-weights for the Davies Sports Centre.

The Board of Trustees has asked our class to carry out an investigation to find the best way to use the $10,000. You will collect relevant information from the affected groups. You then collate your results and present them as a summary in a written report that needs to look like a report that would be tabled at a BOT meeting.

Due Date(s): You need to have created your own online survey by Tuesday 20 August. Data needs to be collected no later than Tuesday 27 August this allows you time to finalise your write-up. Your original submission need to be submitted by Friday 30 August. All students will have the opportunity for re-submission. The re-submission deadline (if you chose to take the opportunity) is Wednesday 11 September. Please note that this is the day before Mock Exams begin.


You will be assessed on your individual contribution to gathering relevant information and on how well you understand the government choice, as demonstrated in your written report.

Gather information
Part A: As part of the class group, you will: a. Identify the limited means and/or scarce resources in this situation. b. Describe the economic decision the Board of Trustees must make, and explain how the economic decision is affected by limited means and/or scarce resources. c. Collect information about how the $10,000 could be spent from groups with differing viewpoints affected by the decision.

Process and collate the information

Part B: Work by yourself to complete this work. Refer to the information your group collected. a. Identify the options that different groups with different viewpoints have put forward and the compromises that they are prepared to make. b. Identify and explain the compromises made by affected individuals and/or groups and how each group feels about them. c. Identify the main factors (student benefit, value for money, meeting BOT goals, student voice, wider community view) you will consider when evaluating each option, and consider the weightings for these factors. d. Do a cost/benefit analysis (positive and negative) of all your options, by measuring them against your chosen factors. e. Rank the options based on the factors and their weightings. f. Recommend a decision in a written report to the Board. Justify your recommendation by explaining the weightings you gave to the different costs and benefits. Refer to the idea that some costs and benefits are more significant than others.

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