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Cyberpunk 2020

Character Generation Walkthrough

CyberPunk - Talsorian Games

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you can play one of 10 roles in basic CyberPunk

Solos Bodyguards and assassins

Special Ability: Combat Sense Bonus on Awareness and Initiative equal to your level in the Combat Sense skill

Rockerboys/girls Musicians
Special Ability: Charismatic Leadership +3 - Nightclub +5/+6 - Concert +9 - Mesmeric ability - can control armies

Nomads - Travellers
Special Ability: Family (INT) +2 - get several of Pack to help +7/+8 - make major pack decisions +10 - Pack leader

Medias - Reporters
Special Ability: Credibility (INT) +3 - Convince most people of minor scandals +5/+6 - convince local officials of military atrocities and other front page stuff +9 - successfully expose a scandal of Watergate proportions

Special Ability: Jury Rig Temporarily repair or alter anything for 1D6 turns per level of skill. Not a permanent repair. After elapsed time, the jury rig will break down.

Special Ability: Authority (COOL) Higher your authority, the more able you are to face down criminals


Corporates Special Ability: Medical Tech Stabilize a patience Medtech + tech + D10 vs points of damage Special Ability: Resources +2 - Access to a company car +6 - use the Company jet or hire a Solo team Fixers - They can 'find' things +9 - access to all levels of the corporation and requision alSpecial Ability: Streetdeal (Cool) most any Company resource +3 - get you contacts for weapons, tools or minor illegal ops
+5 - penetrate the secrets of all but the most powerful crime families +9 - Mafia crimelord

Netrunners - Hackers
Special Ability: Interface

You have 65 points to split between the following stats: No stat can be more than 10 or lower than 2 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Intelligence (INT) Reflexes (REF) Cool (CL) Technical (TECH) Luck (LK) Attract. (ATT) Movement (MA) Empathy (EMP) Body Type (BT)

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There are two types of starting skills: Career Skill Packages and Pickup Skills. Th e Career S k ill P ack ag e - b ased o n y o u r ch aracter' s ro le (so lo , n o mad etc). Y o u h av e 4 0 p o in ts to d iv id e b etw een y o u r career sk ills. No sk ill can b e h ig h er th an 10. S A = S p ecial Ab ility (see P ag e 2 ) SOLO SA: Combat Sense Awareness/Notice Handgun Brawling/Martial Arts Melee Weapons Tech Rifle Athletics Submachinegun Stealth CORPORATE SA: Resources Awareness/Notice Human Perception Education Library Search Social Persuasion Stock Market Wardrobe/Style Personal Grooming MEDIA 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. SA: Credibility Awareness/Notice Composition Education Persuasion Human Perception Social Streetwise Photo/Film Interview NOMAD SA: Family Awareness/Notice Endurance Melee Rifle Drive Basic Tech Brawling Athletics Wilderness Survival

TECHIE SA: Jury Rig Awareness/Notice Basic Tech Cyber Tech Teaching Education Electronics (Any 3 other tech skills Gyro, Aero, Weapons, Security)

COP SA: Authority Awareness/Notice Handgun Human Perception Athletics Education Brawling Melee Interrogation Streetwise NETRUNNER SA: Interface Awareness/Notice Basic Tech Education System Knowledge Cyber Tech Cyberdeck Design Composition Electronics Programming

ROCKERBOY SA: Charismatic Leadership Awareness/Notice Perform Wardrobe/Style Composition Brawling Play Instrument Streetwise Persuasion Seduction

MED TECH SA: Medical Tech Awareness/Notice Basic Tech Diagnose Education Cryotank Ops Library Search Pharmaceuticals Zoology Human Perception

F I X ER S A : S tr eetd eal Awareness/Notice Forgery Handgun Brawling Melee Pick Lock Pick Pocket Intimidate Persuasion

Pickup Skills
Add your REF and INT together. You have this many points to spend on your pickup skills. You cannot add to any skills in your career skill package however! COOL/WILL SKILLS Interrogation Intimidate Oratory Resist To rtu re/Dru g s Streetwise EMPATHY SKILLS Human Perception Interview Leadership Seduction Social Persuasion/Fast Talk Perform ATTRACTIVENESS SKILLS Personal Grooming Wardrobe/Style BODY SKILLS Endurance Strength Feat Swimming

INTELLIGENCE SKILLS Accounting Anthropology Awareness/Notice Biology Botany Chemistry Composition Diagnose Illness Education/Gen. Knowledge Expert Gamble Geology Hide/Evade History Know Language Library Search Math em atics Physics Programming Shadow/Track Stock Market System Knowledge Teaching Wilderness Survival Zoology

REFLEX SKILLS Archery Athletics Brawling Dance Dodge/Escape Driving Fencing Handgun Heavy Weapons Martial Art Melee Motorcycle Operate Hvy Machinery Pilot (Gyro) Pilot (Fixed Wing) Pilot (Dirigible) Pilot (Vector Thrust) Rifle Stealth Submachinegun

TECHNICAL SKILLS Aero Tech AV Tech Basic Tech Cryotank Ops Cyberdeck Design Cyber Tech Demolitions Disguise Electronics Elect. Security First Aid Forgery Gyro Tech Paint/Draw Photo/Film Pharmaceuticals Pick Lock Pick Pocket Play Instrument Weaponsmith Weaponstech

The amount of money available to equip your beginning character is based on the score of your character's special ability

ROLE Rocker Solo Cop


10 12000 12000 9000 12000 10000 8000 10000

1000 1500 2000 5000 8000 2000 3000 4500 7000 9000 1000 1200 3000 5000 7000

Corporate 1500 3000 5000 7000 9000 Media Techie 1000 1200 3000 5000 7000 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000

Netrunner 1000 2000 3000 5000 7000

Medtechie 1600 3000 5000 7000 10000 15000 Nomad 1000 1500 2000 3000 4000 5000

To determine your starting pay, roll 1D6/3 and multiply by monthly salary Any additional money is at the discretion of the GM

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Damage # Shots LIGHT AUTOPISTOLS BudgetArms C-13 Dia Lung Cybermag 15 Federated Arms X-22 MEDIUM AUTOPISTOLS Militech Arms Avenger Dai Lung Streetmaster Federated Arms X-9 HEAVY AUTOPISTOLS BudgetArms Auto 3 Sternmeyer Type 35 VERY HEAVY AUTOPISTOLS Armalite 44 Colt AMT Model 2000 LIGHT SUBMACHINEGUNS Uzi Miniauto 9 H&K MP-2013 Fed. Arms Tech Assault MEDIUM SUBMACHINEGUNS Arasaka Minami 10 H&K MPK-9 HEAVY SUBMACHINEGUNS Sternmeyer SMG 21 H&K MPK-11 Ingram MAC 14 ASSAULT RIFLES Militech Ronin Light Assault AKR-20 Medium Assult FN-RAL Heavy Assault Rifle Kalishnikov A-80 Hvy Rifle 5D6 5D6 6D6+2 6D6+2 35 30 30 35 30 4 30 4 30 4 25 4 00m 00m 00m 00m 450 500 600 550 3D6 4D6+1 4D6+1 30 30 20 15 2 20 2 10 2 00m 00m 00m 500 700 650 2D6+3 2D6+1 40 35 20 2 25 2 00m 00m 500 520 2D6+1 2D6+3 1D6+1 30 35 50 35 1 32 1 25 1 50m 50m 50m 475 450 400 4D6+1 4D6+1 8 8 1 1 50m 50m 450 500 3D6 3D6 8 8 2 2 50m 50m 350 400 2D6+1 2D6+3 2D6+1 10 12 12 2 2 2 50m 50m 50m 250 250 300 1D6 1D6+1 1D6+1 8 10 10 2 2 2 50m 50m 50m 75 50 150 Rate Of Fire Range Price

Damage # Shots
SHOTGUNS Arasaka Rapid Assault Sternmeyer Stakeout HEAVY WEAPONS Barret-Arasaka Light 20mm Scorpion 16 Missile Launcher Militech Arms RPG-A Grenade C-6 Plastic Explosive Mine (all types) KA F-253 Flamethrower EXOTICS Techtronica 15 Microwaver Militech Elect. Laser Cannon Avante P-1135 Needlegun Enertex AKM Power Squirt Nelspot "Wombat" Miltech Electronics Taser EagleTech "Tomcat" C-Bow EagleTech "Stryker" X-Bow MELEE WEAPONS Kendachi Monoknife Kendachi MonoKatana SPM-1 Battleglove Club Knife Sword Axe Nunchaku/Tonfa Naginata Shiriken Switchblade Brass Knuckles Sledgehammer Chainsaw 2D6 4D6 3D6/2D6 1D6 1D6 2D6+2 2D6+3 3D6 3D6 1D6/3 1D6/2 1D6+2 4D6 4D6 2m 200 600 900 Free 20 200 20 15 100 20 15 10 20 80 1D6 15D6 Drugs Drugs Drugs Stun 4D6 3D6+3 10 10 15 50 20 10 12 12 2 22 2 1 2 1 11 1 20m 00m 40m 10m 40m 10m 50m 50m 400 8000 200 15 200 60 150 220 4D10 7D10 6D10 Varies 8D10/kg 4D10 2D10 10 1 1 1 1 1 10 14 1 1 10 1T 1 1 1 50m 1km 00m hrow NA NA 50m 2000 3000 1500 30 100.00/kg 350 1500 4D6 4D6 20 10 10 2 50m 50m 900 450

Rate Of




Arms, Torso, possibly legs




Heavy Leather Kevlar T-Shirt/Vest Steel Helmet Lt. Armor Jacket Md. Armor Jacket Flack Vest Flack Pants Nylon Helmet Hvy Armor Jacket Door Gunner's Vest MetalGear

Arms, Torso, possibly legs Torso Head Torso, Arms Torso, Arms Torso Legs Head Torso, Arms Torso Whole Body 4 10 14 14 18 20 20 20 20 25 25 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 2 3 2 50 90 20 150 200 200 200 100 250 250 600

For every ten points of Humanity Cost, the character LOSES one point of Empathy (unequal values are rounded down). For example, say I add four new cybernetic devices for a total Humanity Cost of 36. I will lose 3 points of Empathy. This can start to cost you. With an Empathy of 3 the character is something of a "cold fish", emotionless and cold. With an Empathy of 2, the character is chilly, forbidding and distinctly unpleasant to others. With an empathy of 1, the character is usually violent, sociopathic and vicious. He must constantly fight to keep from going over the edge and committing irrational, violent acts of murder and mayhem. At an Empathy rating of 0 or less, the character is fully in the grip of cyberpsychosis - the character is taken over by the GMwho plays it as a NPC called a cyberpsycho. Each time you add a cybernetic enhancement, there is a corresponding loss of humanity. But it's not simply, linear or nice. Different people react diffently to the cyborging process. Therefore, your Humanity Cost is based on the throw of a random dice value for each enhancement. This is important because it means that shear bad luck could put you over the edge before you know it! You must track the CUMULATIVE number of points lost

NEURALWARE P r o ces s o r ( R eq ) B o o s t er w ar e S p eed w ar e T act i l e B o o s t O l f act o r y B o o s t P ai n E d i t o r C y b er m o d em L i n k V eh i cl e L i n k Smartgun Link Machine/Tech Link DataTerm Link Interface Plugs Reflex Chips Memory Chips Chipware Socket

P r i ce 1000 500 1600 100 100 200 100 100 100 100 100 200 Varies

HC 1D6 1D6/2D6 1D6/2 2 2 2D6 1 3 2 2 2 1D6/pr 0

CYBEROPTICS Price Basic Eye Module (4 options each) Color Shift Image Enhancement Targeting Scope Marquee Teleoptics Micro-optics Anti Dazzle Low Lite Thermograph Sensor Infrared Ultraviolet MicroVideo Optic (takes 2 options) D i g i t al C am er a (takes 2 options) Dartgun 200 300 300 400 300 150 150 200 200 200 200 200 300 300


CYBERAUDIO Basic Hearing Mod. Amplified

Price HC 500 2D6

500/ea 2D6/ea

0.5 1 2 1 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 1 1 1 0.5

Hearing Radio Link Phone Splice Scrambler Bug Detector Voice Stress Anlz. Sound Editing

200 100 150 100 200 200 150

1 1 1 0.5 0.5 1 0.5 2 0.5 0.5 0.5 1 2 0.5 0.5 0.5

Enhanced Range 150 Wearman Radar Detector Homing Tracer Tight Beam Rad io Radio Scanner MicroRecorder Link Digital Rec. Link Level Damper 100 150 200 200 100 100 100 300

Varies 0 200 1D6/2


CYBERWEAPONS Scratchers Implanted Fangs R ip p er s W o l v er s B ig K n u ck s S l ice N ' D ice C y b er s n ak e Price 100 200 400 600 500 700 1200 HC 2D6 3D6 3D6 3 D 6 +1 3D6 3D6 4D6 CYBERWEAPONS (Built into CyberLimb Grenade Launcher Micro-Missile Lnchr Popup Gun 2 Flame Thrower Weapon Mount/Link 2-Shot Laser HANDS/FEET (Attach to CyberLimb) Standard Hand 2000 2D6 Ripper Hand Hammer Hand 200 200 250 200 1500 300 2 3 2 1 2D6 1 Buzz Hand Tool Hand Grapple Hand Extension Hand Spike Hand Modular Hand S tan d ar d F o o t T alo n F o o t Tool Foot W eb F o o t G r ip F o o t S p ik e H eel F o o t Price HC 500 900 -800 600 100 800 2D6 2D6 2D6 2D6 3 2D6 BUILT-INs (Install in CyberLimb) Cybermodem Digital Recorder Storage Space MiniCam MiniVid Hidden Holster LCD Readout

CYBERARM/CYBERLEG Price HC Arm Replacement (4 options each) Leg Replacement (3 options each) Q u ick C h an g e Mo u n t Hydraulic Rams Thickened Byomar Reinforced Joints A rt. S h o u ld er Mo u n t EMP Shielding Plastic Covering RealS k in n Superchrome Armo r 3000 2D6

Price HC 150 600 600 600 200 350 350 500 600 200 600 300 500 500 500 0 2D6 2D6 2D6 2 3 2 2D6 2 0 2D6 2 2 2 2D6

Price HC 3000 1 300 50 200 400 100 200 1 0.5 2 2 1 1

1-200 1 200 200 200 0 3 0

IMPLANTS Nasal Filters Gills Air Supply Sexual Implant Contraceptive Imp. SubDermal Pocket Motion Detector Digital Recorder A/V Tape Recorder Radar Sensor Sonar Implant Radiation Detector Chemical Analyzer Voice Synth. AudioVox

Price 60 400 300 300 100 200 200 200 300 200 300 200 200 600 700

HC 2 3D6 2D6 2D6 0.5 2D6 2D6 2 2 2 2 2 2 1D6 2D6

BIOWARE Grafted Muscle Muscle/Bone Lace Skin Weave Enhanced Antibodies Toxin Binders Nanosurgeons BODY P LATING Co wl Faceplate To rso P late

PRICE HC 1000 1500 2000 3000 3000 6000 2D6 1D6/2

FASHIONWARE PriceHC Biomonitor Skinwatch Light Tattoo 100 50 1 20 1 200 200 400 1200 2 Price 6000 8000 HC 2D6 2D6 1 1 0.5 0.5 1D6/2 1D6

2D6 Shift-tacts 1 1D6/2 1D6/2 Chemskins Synthskins

1D6/2 Techhair 1 P rice 2 00 4 00 2 000 1000 HC 1D6 4 D6 3D6 4 D6

LINEAR FRAMES Sigma Frame Beta Frame Omega Frame

10000 3D6

Fro nt Optic Mo u nt (5 Optic Optio ns) S enso r Ex tenso rs 50 (Au dio /Optics)



FASHION *Pants *Top *Jacket *Footwear *Jewelry *Mirrorshades *Contact Lenses *Glasses *Multiply base by style: Generic Leisurewear Businesswear High Fasion Urban Flash P ERS O N A L ELECTRO N I CS Holo Generator Video Board Data Chip Logcompass Digital Recorder Digital Camera VideoCam Video/Audio Player VideoTape Pocket TV Digital Chip Player Digital Music Chip Elect. Guitar Elect. Keybd. Drum Synth. Amplifier 500 100/sqft 10 50 300 150 800 40 4 80 150 20 100 - 500 200 - 900 200 - 800 500 - 1000 ENTERTAINMENT Movie VCR/Chip Rental Braindance SURVEILLANCE Binoglasses Binoculars Light Boosters IR Goggles IR Flash 200 20 200 250 50 Live Concert/Event Fast Food Meal *Well Drink *Resturant Meal *Note: Multiply by level of resturant or bar: Fair Good Excellent x1 x2 x3 10 4 20 50.00 5 3 20 COMMUNICATIONS Mastoid Commo Pocket Commo Cellular Phone Mini Cell Phone 100 50 400 800 x1 x2 x3 x4 x2 DATASYSTEMS Laptop Computer P o ck et Co m p u ter Cybermodem Cellular Cybermodem Interface Cables Low Imp. Cables 'Trode Set Keyboard Terminal 900 100 Varies Varies 20 - 30 60 20 100 400 Price 20 15 35 25 10 - 100 May-50 100 50 TOOLS Techscanner Cutting Torch Tech Toolkit B&E Tools Electronics Toolkit Protective Goggles Flashtube Glowstik Flash Paint Flash Tape Rope Breathing Mask Price 600 40 100 120 100 20 2 1 10.00/pt 10.00/ft 2.00/ft 30


20.00/lvl 100.00/lvl 200.00/lvl 200 500 1000 1500 1500 500 500 40 10 1000 50 700 100 5 5 25 25 90 200/ea 100 5000 20 1000 100 GROCERIES Kibble 50/wk 150/wk 200/wk 300/wk MEDICAL Dermal Stapler Spray Skin Slap Patch Cryotank Medkit Surgical Kit First Aid Kit Medscanner Drug Analyzer Airhypo Clinic Visit Day in Hospital Day in Int. Care Clone Limb Rep. VEHICLES Scooter Motorcycle C i t y car Small Subcomp. Medium Sedan Sportscar Luxury Sedan Note: x2 for Cyber controls 500 1500 2000 6000 10000 20000 40000 1000 50 Varies by Drug 100000 50 400 10 300 75 100 200 300 1000 1500

Cardlock Vocolock Line Tap CodeDecryptor VocDecryptor Security Scanner Poison Sniffer Jamming Xmtr Scanner Plate Movement Sensor Passcard Tracking Device Tracer Button Remote Sensors PlasKuffs Stripwire Binders FURNISHINGS Nylon Carrybag Sleeping Bag Inflatable Bed Futon Real Wood Furn. Synth. Furniture Apartment Cube Lamp Cleaning 'Bot Vocal Switch. Sys

LIFESTYLE Cell Phone Service Std Phone Service Pay Phone Call Data Term Use CredChip Account Health Plan Trauma Team Acct Air Mag Lev Chit Taxi AV-Taxi Cable TV Satellite Dish 100 pcm 30 pcm .50/min 1.00/min 20/pcm 1000/pcm 500/pcm 5/pcm .25/statn 3/mile 10/mile 40/pcm 1500

Generic PrePack Good Prepack Fresh Food

HOUSING *Coffin *Hotel Room *Apt/Condo *House *NOTE: Multiply CombatZone x1 Mo d erate Zo n e x 2 Co rp o rate Zo n e x 4 Ex ecu tiv e Zo n e x 6 Utilities 10 0 /p cm 20/night 100/night 200/eoom pcm 50/room pcm base by location:

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