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HOME trends


inspiration THE BIRTH

of colour
chocolate avocado cupcakes




you will


Florida Vacation Home

DISPLAY UNTIL APRIL 17, 2013 WINTER 2013 $5.50


paint 10

handbag into a pillow luggage into a table

PM 41438018

Vol. 9 Issue 1 Winter 2013

Editor-in-Chief Marc Atiyolil Art Director B. McCann Production Assistant V. Falk Contributors F. Antonoglou, H. Segreti, J. Alcorn, K. Sealy, C. Labate, E. Marshall , S. Smith, G. Prince, L. Stein, E. Gelman, S. Kirsch, E. Eshun, N. Fisher, L. Armstrong, K. Penuita, M. Stanciu, P. Barcelo-Jackson, S. Weatherley, K. Tarr, E. Lazer, T. M. Singh, J. Summers, H. Cook, A. Merritt, J. Abrahams, G. Truyens, A. Ghassemi, R. MacDonald, B. Cirovic, S. Gadsby and J.D. Edison National Design Contributor Glen Peloso Style Editor M. MacLaren Copy Chief L. Jolicoeur Copy Editor B. Barkman Photographer L. Arnal Director of Marketing G. Atiyolil Online Media C. Williams

MEDIA SALES INQUIRIES: Canadian Sales Office: Ph: 1-866-984-0940
Production and Design Marc Atiyolil Media Inc. Published by: Marc Atiyolil Media Inc Box 7, 20 Centre Ave, Blumenort, MB R0A 0C0 1-866-984-0940 FAX 204-346-9099 Email

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Publications Mail Agreement No. 41438018 Return Undeliverable Canadian Addresses to: Canadian Home Trends Magazine Box 7, Blumenort, MB R0A 0C0

A stunning living space by Designer John David Edison

Photography Kim Sargent

ON THE COVER Vacation Retreat 81

John DaviD EDison specialized in Interior Design while enrolled in the Environmental Design Program at his alma mater, the Ontario College of Art, where he received the Governer Generals Academic gold medal for scholastic excellence. He is also an alumnus of the Faculty of Architecture - University of Manitoba and Trinity College - University of Toronto. After spending over a decade working in the design industry he launched John David Edison Interior Design Inc. in 1990. John David Edison Interior Design Inc. is a full service Interior Design firm located in Toronto with an international reputation specializing in Luxury Hotels, Luxury Residential, Condominiums and Golf Clubs. TIP Best design advice he ever received: The building always tells you what to do and your job is to hear it.

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editors notes

l a n o i t o m E s n o i t c e Conn
On a cold winter day, we experienced a small miracle. Khloe was seven pounds, three ounces. This little bundle of joy is my niece. When we first met the new addition to our family, everyone was excited. There was a twinkle in Grandmas eyes. Isnt it funny how a baby can bring new life and energy to a family? Now, how does the birth of a child change our lives? (See the Birth of Colour Trends on Page 54) Its simple. The childs abundance of energy and carefree joy creates a ripple eect. It changes our outlook on life. As we become aware how our surroundings aect our emotions, its safe to say that colour and design found in our homes can also alter our emotions. The mixture of vibrant hues and passionate colours work together to create a unified look, just as each piece in an orchestra works together to create a masterpiece. It is then that we realize the important role that each hue in a colour scheme plays in our daily lives. (See The Power of Colour on Page 41) How can we live with so many stimulating colours without feeling overwhelmed? (See The Art of Layering Colour on Page 60) I think the key is to layer colours. We do so in fashion when we wear a wide array of vibrant colours therefore why is it hard for us to use vibrant colours in design? (See the stunning dining room in A Touch of Personality on Page 33) Perhaps the answer lies in our lack of knowledge on how to properly utilize vibrant hues to build a successful colour scheme. The editorial team here at Canadian Home Trends Magazine has been working hard searching the country for the best techniques to welcome colour into our homes. (See Our Design Contributors Favourite 2013 Trends on Page 52) Weve compiled our favourite tips, tricks and designer wisdom to ensure we now feel comfortable with the idea of adding vibrancy to our taupe monochromatic households.
Marc Atiyolil Winter 2013

Celebrity Designer GLEn PELoso, Principal of Glen Peloso Interiors, has successfully designed over 300 residential and commercial projects around the world in the last two decades. Glen makes regular guest appearances on various television and radio shows across Canada and is a regular guest speaker at home shows. Glen is Canadian Home Trends Magazines National Design Contributor, as well as a design columnist for The Toronto Stars Saturday New in Homes section. TIP Advice I received - If you fail to plan, you plan to fail. Advice I give - The three most important things about design are plan, plan, plan!

EvELYn EshUn Interior Designer Evelyn Eshun, a graduate from Ryerson University, has been involved with design over the past 14 years, collaborating with Clients on their residential projects. Evelyn has been a regular design host for many years on several design shows like Take This House & Sell It on W Channel and prior appeared on The Decorating Challenge among other various on air appearances. Evelyn dissects all aspects of the design process in order to create interiors which ultimately provide her clients with the best quality of life and personal expression. TIP Do not do anything just because, have a reason for the placement of every item. LaURa sTEin Principal and CEO of Laura Stein Interiors, an award-winning firm specializing in custom interior decorating and design for residential clients. Dedicated to creating exceptional, distinctive, and uniquely personal interiors for her clients, Lauras focus is on fresh, lifestyle-based design infused with comfort and understated luxury. TIP Always think about scale. The biggest mistake people make is buying furniture that is too big. Scale isnt just the physical dimensions, but also how something feels visually. How do you get the right scale? Start with a plan!

ERiCa GELMan, Principal of Erica Gelman House Of Design specializes in both large and small scale residential design projects. Known for enhancing and creating new possibilities in every space of your home. TIP Purchase the best of what you can aord and if an item speaks to you, make it work.

hEaThER sEGRETi An accomplished Interior Designer for over 20 years, her background in both commercial and residential design complement each other bringing innovative ideas to each project. Heathers formal design background and accredited training have shaped her refined Design aesthetic. Segreti Design is a full service Interior Design Firm with a current focus on large scale residential projects from concept to completion. TIP Never look at the price. First look to see if you like the item. Price is something that is negotiable. You can always find something comparable if the price is over budget. If you are indecisive, it is not the right time to buy. Step back and wait a few days. All the pieces fall in place when you execute a project with patience and perspective. KaREn sEaLY owner of Sealy Design Inc., is an award winning designer who is equally at ease in a hard hat or heels. With formal training in interior design and a degree in business and psychology, she is well prepared to create fabulous spaces that meet emotional and functional needs, look and feel great, and stay on track and on budget. Karen is a regular dcor expert on CityLine and Host/ Designer of HGTVs Summer Home. TIP Dont ever go overboard with a single trend because if you do your entire home will look the same, which can be boring and costly to change when the trend dies out and you grow tired of the look.

EiLEEn MaRshaLL, owner of Eileen Marshall Design a company that oers a full range of services; specializing in renovations and custom homes. Eileens philosophy is to create elegant and inviting interiors whilst promoting a healthy and comfortable home for each and every family member. TIP Use your intuition and rely on your gut instincts. However, if you have wavering doubts, always take small steps before you commit to large investments. For example, if you are colour scheming your home, always colour test. If you are purchasing furniture, take time to plan your purchases to the scale of the room. A little groundwork will avoid major mistakes. When in doubt, hire a professional.

Jo aLCoRn, Design Specialist and owner of whitewash & co. has designed an eco friendly furniture line W&C found online and recently a lighting line that can be purchased in stores across Canada and the U.S. Jo is no stranger to the design TV world, she is also an environmental advocate and teacher to future designers. TIP There are no rules. Design is art and a true artist cannot live within guidelines and regulations when creating a masterpiece.

Designer shelley kirsch takes us on a tour of the sound palace.

New Year, New Look 47

The Birth of Colour Trends

A behind the scene look at what is shaping up to be a colourful year.

Discover canadas largest one-stop-shop home improvement centre.

54 Improve Canada 70

step-by-step Diy projects showing readers how to turn old items from Drab 2 fab.

DIY - From Drab 2 Fab


Dcor Galore

An in-depth look at how to achieve a desired design style with the use of room settings and product examples.

52 58
54 56

home trends design contributors and editors search from coast to coast for unique pieces that showcase the latest trends.

Trend Finds

our editors pick their favourite products for your next design project.

Editors Picks


Words of wisdom and useful techniques from Designers and industry professionals.

Design Advice

home trends editors select their favourite showrooms.

Trend Destination

homes, condos and hotels from around the world are featured offering inspiration and real life design examples.

Designer Spaces

indulge in a mix of gourmet and everyday recipes.




Dont Miss...

Watch Editor-in-Chief, Marc atiyolil on Jan 31st, 2013






watch us



see you at...

international Home & Garden show February 21 - 24, 2013 International Centre, Toronto For more information, please visit Markham spring Home show 13 March 1 - 3 2013 For more information, please visit National Home show March 15 - 24, 2013 Direct energy Centre Exhibition Place, Toronto

our CONTRIBUTORS continued

Designer shELLEY KiRsCh, of Shelley Kirsch Interior Design and Decoration, studied at the New York School of Interior Design and has been involved in the redesign of urban and country properties for the last 29 years. TIP The best design tip I can oer is to consult with a design professional in order to save money spent on renovation errors. In the long run, the fee to the professional gives back in spades.

ELiZaBETh METCaLFE is a highly respected residential designer specializing in creating award-winning interiors. Her projects range from luxury condos on Torontos Lakefront to executive residences in the GTA West and Estate Homes in the Hills of Caledon. Elizabeth Metcalfe Interiors was selected as one of The Top Twenty Fine Interior Design Firms in Toronto You Should Know About. She firmly believes that good design makes a dierence in the quality of your life. Its not enough to make a room beautiful, its also important to make it welcoming, relaxing and speak to the clients sense of personal style. Elizabeth has been fortunate to design award-winning projects with creative freedom that reect the clients personal style, resulting in homes with the highest level of quality design. If you want quality in your life, you deserve it in your home. Luxury is not about style or trends - its about surrounding yourself with a home that expresses who you are and what you value. TIP When it comes to colour, use it in unexpected ways and layer it in the space.

lets talk pillows over

Produced Marc Atiyolil

WE hAvE comE up With thE ultimAtE coffEE tAblE AnD AccEnt pilloW proJEcts to hElp turn your living room from DrAb to fAb.


Create your own visual style...let it be unique for yourself and yet identifiable for others.
Orson Welles


floWEr throW pilloW

i personally like to use fashion accessories to beautify accent pillows. i recently took apart one of my wifes handbags and used its decorative flower to outfit the front of a black pillow. i then used a faux leather belt to create two rosettes to complement the floral pattern.

blAck pilloW covEr hAnDbAg With lArgE DEcorAtivE floWEr nEEDlE AnD thrEAD tWo strings of bEADs gluE gun With gluE sticks scissors


Unzip the pillow cover and remove the pillow. cut out the decorative flower from the handbag and stitch it to the centre of the pillow. Run a stitch through the edge of the belt and gently pull the thread to make it gather into a circular rosette. stitch the ends together. Glue a string of beads into a ball. Adhere the ball to the centre of the rosette. stitch one rosette on each side of the decorative pillow. Place the pillow on an accent chair and proudly display your new fabulous pillow.

hAnDbAg pilloW
im a firm believer that one persons unused accessory can be another persons treasured designer find. therefore with a little determination, i set out to repurpose an old handbag into a pillow for a seating area.


Choose a handbag that has great potential for a pillow. square and rectangular bags with a zippered top are best as they allow you to skip the alteration steps. Cut the straps off the handbag. In this case, the bag needs to be altered in shape to create a perfect rectangle. to do so, cut the lining of the bag and remove the thread from the area that requires alteration. Marcs tip: remove any cardboard holding the bottom of the handbag in place. Sew the opening using a slip stitch technique. this involves sewing from the outside of the bag in a straight line with the incisions being an eighth of an inch apart. Repeat the previous steps for the opposing end of the bag. For a more creative approach, stencil a design on the bag using a krylon silver leafing pen. Fill the bag with batting and zip it up. Your handbag has been transformed into a designer pillow and is now ready to showcase on your sofa.

squArE or rEctAngulAr cloth hAnDbAg With zippEr scissors nEEDlE AnD thrEAD (if hAnDbAg nEEDs AltErAtions or DoEsnt hAvE A zippEr) pilloW bAtting krylon silvEr lEAfing pEn Winter 2013


trunk coffEE tAblE

i believe antiques have a special place in our homes, just as family memorabilia have a place in our hearts. they make great accents, and trunks specifically make fabulous coffee tables. they are sturdy and offer a hard surface for our favourite magazines and books. in a few simple steps, well transform your trunk into a trendy, industrial-looking coffee table.

trunk four lArgE cAstEr WhEEls nuts, bolts AnD WAshErs sEt of WrEnchEs Drill With AppropriAtE Drill bit


Flip the trunk upside down and drill holes in each corresponding corner to allow the bolts to hold the caster wheels in place. Align the caster wheels with the holes and pass the bolts through the holes and secure with a washer and nut. Flip the trunk on its wheels and place it in your living room. place a few select accessories on its surface and proudly display it for everyone to see.

suitcAsE coffEE tAblE

that does not mean that one has to forgo the usage old luggage altogether. these vintage keepsakes are ultra trendy as furniture in our homes. they make great coffee tables and what better way to remember twenty-five years of traveling than having it proudly displayed in your living room!

there is nothing worse than carrying your luggage through an entire airport, check your baggages only to claim them in your destination city and drag them across another airport. luggage sporting wheels are a persons best friend on a long voyage.

luggAgE With A flAt hArDtop furniturE lEgs With built in bolts nuts Drill With AppropriAtE bit

Open the luggage and remove its lining. Flip the luggage upside down and drill one hole for each corresponding leg. install the leg and secure it with a large washer and nut. Flip your new table so that the luggage rests on its legs and there you have it, a vintage inspired coffee table!

drastic makeover

drab fab home edition

Text Marc Atiyolil | Photography Brad McCann

20 Winter 2013


n a cold autumn day, I walked through the doors of 787 Beach St. My first impression of the dark, poorly lit space was terrifying. The main living area was composed of a living and dining room and was dark, depressing and cluttered. At first glance, I could see a dark narrow stairway leading up to what seemed to be the second floor. To an optimist designer, it was a diamond in the rough. The time line was six weeks. The budget was tight and the list of renovation tasks were endless. The entire main floor needed a heavy dose of TLC. The floors had to be outfitted with new coverings, walls had to be opened, repaired and painted, a second bedroom added and the kitchen had to be gutted. The upstairs was no different. A poorly laid out bathroom set the landscape for a renovation disaster! It looked like the previous owners had the intention of renovating their abode, but lacked the persistence to see the project through. As they say, If you want to test the strength of your relationship, renovate. The master bedrooms view overlooking the neighbouring treed passage gave me inspiration to turn this house from Drab to Fab. Winter 2013


I started the project with a simple colour scheme. Building a successful colour scheme lies in the layering method. To achieve this look, start with a neutral wall colour such as Akamina from General Paints Grace and Elegance collection (CLW1013W) and complement it with a creamy white trim colour such as Syntax (CLC1255W) from their Classic Living collection. You can then add pops of colour in your accents. The living/dining room was my favourite space to work with in this house. First impressions make or break a home, therefore I wanted to create an inviting atmosphere. When working with two adjoining rooms located within one single space, be sure to install only one type of floor covering. A common mistake, and one that was done by the previous owner, was to use a different floor covering in the living and dining room. The use of two types of flooring in a single area visually breaks up the rooms, thus giving us the illusion that each space is smaller. As we wanted to create a vast sense of space, we used a beautiful dark stained hardwood floor and laid it throughout both areas. We also added a few architectural details to give the room character. These elements can be seen in the columns surrounding the doors and the pillar at the foot of the stairs. The wall going up the stairs and the partial wall beside the door were also opened to allow natural light from the rooms three large windows to come through and illuminate the walkway. This in turn created a beautiful light and airy space. Once the nitty gritty renovations were complete, we started working on the integration of the design concept. During a trip to IKEA, I noticed a beautiful white table (LIATORP Dining Table in White) with four white chairs with chocolate brown undertones. They were a perfect fit for the dining room area! We hung a simple chrome chandelier above the table to finish this chic and subtle look. As we wanted the furnishings in both rooms to mimic in style and colour, I chose the matching LIATORP coffee and side tables to complement the existing dining room pieces. I placed these pieces around a beautiful condo-sized chocolate brown sofa. I then outfitted the side tables with two different lamps to create a sense of informality. Hard cover books were used as a pedestal for the smaller lamp to balance the difference in visual height. Simple green plants in clear glass vessels were placed on a wooden tray atop the coffee table.
Get the Trend DesiGn by Marc Atiyolil Media Inc. Wall PainT Akamina CLW 1013W Trim Syntax CLC1255W sofa IN DECOR DraPes JYSK larGe accenT PilloWs on sofa HomeSense Table LIATORP Dining table, white siDe Table LIATORP Side table, white, glass coffee Table LIATORP Coffee table, white, glass ofelia Throw, white THroW eiVor Throw, black/white cUsHions EIVOR Cushion, white/black DininG room cHairs HENRIKISDAL chair white/Linneryd natural rUG MORUM Rug, flatwoven, beige italian chair Chair Source

Notice how everything in the room is placed in odd numbers, e.g. the three glass vessels on the coffee table. The lamp, plant and chrome box pairings are both great examples how one can easily follow the rule of threes in an effective manner. The rule of threes, for those who are assuming it was a big coincidence, dictates that objects must be paired in odd numbers to keep the eye moving forward and discovering other areas in the room. 787 Beach may have started out as a diamond in the rough, but I think youll agree that with a little pressure and the use of a good chisel, it has been shaped into a beautiful home.

22 Winter 2013

marc atiyolil - as seen in...

HOME trends



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FAMILY Find these and other great, fun and easy Drab to Fab DIY projects online.

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Masculine Bedside Table

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Repurposed Wine Crate

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Marc Atiyolil, the Editor-in-Chief of Home Trends Magazine and an internationally syndicated newspaper columnist, provides simple yet trendy tips and tricks for the everyday homeowner in a short and sweet format. The show provides viewers with ways to tie design into their everyday lives while discussing relevant topics such as home dcor, food, entertainment, celebrities and lifestyle interests. Catch it every Thursday at 2pm on

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Blog Authors Crystal Williams, Glen Peloso, Evelyn Eshun, Gwen Prince, Heather Segreti, Laura Stein and Yanic Simard

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Colour White Experimental Refined Rustic Global


Weve bookmarked examples of these 2013 trends.

Trends in Real Life

to look for in 2013

Jonathan adler collection Kravet

Text Laura Stein Winter 2013


Photo courtesy of Restoration Hardware

WHiTe Using white as a backdrop is the perfect way to balance colour and let it shine. Whether you choose a cool crisp white or something warm and creamy, white is always clean and elegant. Keep your whites from looking flat by incorporating a variety of materials and lots of texture.

If you could choose one city

in the world to find the latest trends in design and dcor, it would be la Ville Lumire. Paris the City of Light, the centre of fashion, and the home of Maison & Objet, one of the worlds largest design and dcor shows. This fall, thousands of designers, artisans and manufacturers from around the globe descended on Paris to display their wares and peruse the latest trends in home dcor. I was lucky enough to be among them.

Undoubtedly, not every global design craze I discovered will make it to our shores, but I found five standout 2013 trends that we will surely adore.


a rioT of coloUr

Violet, apple green, cobalt blue, popsicle orange and lemon yellow will be seen in design this year. After years of subdued neutrals, we are craving colour. It started in 2012 with tempered subtle shades, but in 2013 well be in full colour swing with a rainbow of strong primaries, bright hues, colour blocking and multi-coloured graphic prints. Many of the hues are straight from the 1980s, reinforcing that eras influence on this years fashion and dcor. Look for the colour craze everywhere from upholstery to appliances.

Jonathan adler collection Kravet

A daring mix of bright colours and bold prints with white accents found in these fabrics from the new Jonathan Adler collection for Kravet are right on trend.

self-aWare soPHisTicaTion anD exPerimenTaTion Youve seen it in fashion magazines, and now interior designers are embracing the trend. Its the spirit of the 80s the energy, the freshness, the experimentation, and it is a welcome change from last decades low-key subtle design. Some of the most unusual yet sophisticated furniture and lighting pieces that scream, Hey, look at me! Youll never see anything else like this! are being designed and manufactured by innovative designers and artisans all over the world. Look for interesting and unexpected shapes and unusual materials.

Crafted in Europe, the Burlesque console by Koket features black embossed cobra velvet and polished brass. The unique shape and luxurious materials make it a real statement piece. Available in Canada through designers.

burlesque console Koket

Photos courtesy of Restoration Hardware

refineD rUsTic The trend is part Scandinavian, old-world European, country, industrial, retro, and reclaimed, and there are literally hundreds of manufacturers producing this look. It is casual, comfortable and eclectic, and because of that, this trend offers something for everyone. When shopping, look for pieces that have an interesting history or a story to tell. Not only do they make good dinner conversation, they also add extra personality to your home.

Global VillaGe masH-UP

Italian-style furniture with Indian patterning and detail. Art Deco upholstery done in tribal fabric. An antique table next to an ultra modern chair. What was once specific and unique to one culture, time or place is no more. In this digital age where cultural boundaries are crossed and comingled, the integration of one culture into the next is the new norm. Just about anything is fair game for anyone anywhere, as long as the look works. Gone are the old school rules of decorating according to a specific style or era. Its much more interesting to mix and match, and come up with a unique look thats all about your own style. Winter 2013


How to use shades of white as a backdrop.

Trends in Real Life


ATouch of

[Trend Tip]
The ivory walls add a restful backdrop in this colourful space.

Text Elizabeth Metcalfe | Photography Mike Chajecki

[Trend Tip]
Create interest by mixing and matching various white textures.

Design 101

Mirrors give the illusion that a space is larger.

Style 101

Use books as pedestals to give accessories visual height.

ts always our goal to design a home that reflects the homeowners personality. In this case, we wanted to create a home that reflected the homeowners positive and out-going attitude. The living rooms colour scheme was yellow, green and pink with thick oak crown moulding which looked dark and heavy. The rose patterned chintz on the sofa dated the room. We started with a quiet ivory colour for the walls and trim and added bold coloured accents. It was a difficult decision for the homeowners to paint the oak trims, but they could see how it would completely change the overall feel of the room. We visually lightened this windowless room with a custom panel moulding design with inset mirrors on the walls behind the sofas. We incorporated coral, turquoise and chartreuse in the cushions, tufted ottomans and accessory pieces, including a feather headdress over the mantle. The previous fireplace surround was too small in scale for the room. By beefing up the mouldings, we were able to give it a stronger presence and the appropriate scale that it required. The furniture arrangement was centered around the fireplace, the natural focal point of the room. The French gray painted show-wood framed sofas and occasional chairs are sophisticated and classic in design. Brass drink tables and sconces relate back to the existing chandelier. A beautiful soft gray blue custom area rug with ivory silk branches was the finishing touch to this elegant living room. before

36 Winter 2013

Design 101

Transition colours from one room to the next for consistency.


The adjoining dining room was no longer used. The homeowners wanted a comfortable, beautiful space for dinner parties and family gatherings, without it being too formal. To visually connect this room to the living room, we used coral as a wall colour and fabric accent. Panel mouldings were added to the top section of the walls and below the existing chair rail. To keep the dining room from becoming consumed by the strong coral colour, we opted to paint the bottom portion of the walls and all the trim the same colour as the living room. A variety of textures silk, damask, linen, wool, and cut velvets added warmth and dimension to the dining room. The integration of large scaled patterns on the back of the chairs added interest. Winter 2013


Trends in Real Life

How a bold colour can bring new life to a dining room.

[Trend Tip]
Bold colours add drama and are to a room. Use them wisely to make the proper statemtent.

Design 101
The unique shape of the custom area rug accommodates the swing of the French Doors located between the living and dining areas and introduced an interesting shape to the design concept. The black band on the rug is echoed in the black trim on the lampshades on the credenza. The antique mirrored credenza and the ivory lacquered dining table keep the colour palette light and beautiful. The antique brass chandelier marries well with the new crystal cubed wall sconces. We are always looking for ways to make a room special and unique. Adding a beautiful wall covering on the ceiling definitely makes a statement. The large scaled ivory motif outlined with tiny crystals makes this dining room truly memorable. When adding personal touches in your home, remember to take inventory of the functionality and aesthetics of the room. Make a plan and work your way towards your goals.

Apply a wall covering to a ceiling for a bold statement.

The layout
Get the Trend Designed by Elizabeth Metcalfe Design Photography by Mike Chajecki

40 Winter 2013

Trends in Real Life

Pulling colour inspiration from artwork.

Design 101

Create a dynamic look by layering a black and white photo in front of an art piece.

Style 101

Add colour with fresh orals.

The P ower of colour

Designer eileen marshall giVes us a walK-through of her home anD shows us how to use colour anD artworK to enhance the aesthetics of a room
Text Eileen Marshall Photography Averill Lehan

Colour is great!

It is an amazing design tool, and when used effectively, it has the unsurpassable ability to recreate a space. It can make the insipid inspiring and the boring bold! There are so many ways to inject colour in our homes. Theres more to it than just painting walls or a ceiling; it can be introduced with wallpaper, fabrics, furniture and accessories. It is not unusual to create a colour scheme for a room or entire home based on items collected over the years. I have created colour schemes, for homeowners, founded on many fascinating items: a pair of antique vases, a bone china plate collection, a silk tapestry, a Japanese Kimono and even a floral arrangement. I have also designed a number of homes using pieces of artwork as a starting point. I find extracting colours from artwork is a wonderful way of integrating them in a dcor - and it allows me to have so much creative scope. In my home, I have used art as a starting point to design a few spaces and I have also used it as a finishing touch in other areas of the house. The diptych was the inspiration for my hallway colour scheme. It serves as a welcoming and noticeable focal point upon entry into my home and it brightens up the upper hallway with its rich and powerful hues. Repeating colour throughout a space is one of the best ways to create continuity or a decorating connection. I incorporated a pop of orange in the draperies to add some pizazz and a dash of fuchsia, for fun, as an accent cushion. The armchair also has colours reflected from the diptych but in a more subtle approach. My dining room and master bedroom are perfect examples of introducing a shot of colour after a colour scheme is already in place. The dining room exudes soft and relaxing colours contrasted with the darker hardwood floors and furniture. This monochromatic colour scheme needed a little shake up and introducing this art piece created a little jolt without being too overwhelming. I applied the same theory to the master bedroom and couldnt resist adding a throw. It really picks up the colours from the artwork giving the room a little bit of excitement. It feels good to play with colour and have fun with it. After all it has so much to offer!
Get the Trend Side Table with Art Artwork Marc Poissant. Hallway Artwork Marie Catherine Peloquin Draperies & Cushion Q. Design Chair Elte Upholstered in Kravet Couture Dining Room Artwork Marc Poissant. Chairs Barbara Barry Draperies Q. Design Area Rug Elte Master Bedroom Artwork Marc Poissant. Draperies Q. Design Throw Elte Designed by Eileen Marshall Photography by Averill Lehan

Style 101
42 Winter 2013

Reinforce the colour palette by adding a colourful throw.

Creat ing Comfort

in a world of colour

Trends in Real Life

Restoring a home using vibrant colours.

this Piece of hollywooD history, tucKeD away at the enD of a cul-De-sac, is where Designer to the stars, martyn lawrence-bullarD calls home.

t is only fitting that Martyn Lawrence-Bullard, a world famous designer whose inspiration is derived from travel, whose dedication to the pursuit of the finer things, and passion for bringing beauty and serenity into the lives of the rich and famous, would have a Hollywood home with a vibrant history. Originally built in 1924 for a German silent movie director, its first inhabitant was actually the illustrious Rudolph Valentino. Following Valentinos stay at this Whitley

Heights oasis, Gloria Swanson made it her home twice; once in the early 1930s and then again when she was filming Sunset Boulevard. Subsequent to Swanson, William Faulkner, playwright extraordinaire and writer, lived in the house utilizing it as a writing pavilion. It was on Lawrence-Bullards balcony that Faulkner wrote the award winning screenplay for the film All About Eve. Winter 2013


Martyn, an artist in his own right who is a former model and a classically trained actor, understood the drama, romance, and mystique that this jewel of a property held. Lawrence-Bullard came to find Villa Swanson while working with world renowned photographer Tim Street-Porter, who at the time was shooting Bullards work at the Pepsi-Cola Ranch in Sante Fe. The home felt enchanted, tucked neatly away in a cul-de-sac in Whitley Heights and possessed an aura of old Hollywood romance that struck a chord with Lawrence-Bullard. Purchased in 2003, it was clear to Lawrence-Bullard that the home needed a complete restoration. He began with replacing the damaged wood floors with exquisite reclaimed antique wood from an old barn in Idaho. Antique French limestone and terracotta were chosen for the magnificent lush patio floors and in a surprising turn of events an original 19th century tile floor was uncovered in the kitchen. The four tiered gardens, hidden nooks, and seamless indoor/outdoor space consistently serve as an idyllic backdrop for wildly fantastic themed soires as well as intimate gatherings with celebrities such as Cher, Elton John, Ozzie Osbourne, Christian Louboutin, Tamara Mellon, and Christina Aguilera. For the interior, Lawrence-Bullard felt strongly about allowing the architectural style of the house to act as his guide. Every inch of the space is covered in exotic luxurious objects although the emphasis of the dcor is on 18th century Spanish, Portuguese, and Italian furniture. Lawrence-Bullard meticulously selected each and every item, purchasing pieces from auction houses all over the U.S. as well

[Trend Tip]
Dont be afraid to mix and match colours to create a unique look.

A great example of mixing different design styles.

Trends in Real Life

as in Europe. However, the colour red serves as a unifying element in the space and was important to keeping an authentic Spanish Mediterranean flavour along with an array of colourful fabrics from his personal line. Tobacco-hued carved woods, sexy vibrant fabrics, and shimmering details of crystal and silver all work in harmony to deliver an enigmatic grounded sensuality that is the hallmark of Lawrence-Bullards work. An unusual concept to some, everyone ought to adopt Lawrence-Bullards philosophy of living which is There should not be anything in your house that you cant use, drink from, sit on, or eat out of. For Lawrence-Bullard, comfort is the key to the enjoyment of ones home.

Shop Till You Drop

Text Betty Barkman Photography Leslie Goodwin

Trends in Real Life

Treasure hunting for unique finds.

we are taKen on a guiDeD tour of bramPtons new boutiQue-styleD showroom, carousel home

Ready for a Tea Party or a night out?

Why not? If you are anywhere nearby, youll have to check this out. As a destination spot in north Brampton, you will be welcomed as a friend. Someone will be ready to help you look, and find that special piece for yourself, your home or as a gift; something that you couldnt have found just anywhere. And while youre there you will notice that Carousel Home loves to host evening events. If the tea party idea resonates with you, go for it but there are other options too. They might showcase one of their artists or host a trunk show relating to one of the unique lines of jewelry they carry. So what is Carousel Home really all about? Carousel Home is a new boutique-styled showroom at 110 Van Kirk Drive in Brampton, Ontario. Products are displayed in vignettes specially aligned arrangements so you can visualize how things might look in your home. The store provides access to a unique and sometimes eclectic array of home accessories, original art and wall dcor, furniture, gifts, bath and spa and seasonal products. Inventory is constantly rotating and growing. Owner Sue Gadsby says, We work hard at bringing in the very best products and at keeping the prices competitive. She, as well as her staff seem to have a passion for the store, the products, attention to detail, and a desire to awe the customer. The stores carefully selected and time-enduring pieces come from around the world, each piece adding interest and impact to a space. Most of the products have a limited production quantity that means theyre frequently one-of-a-kind, and many have an artisan quality or story behind them. They range in style from luxury to rustic, reclaimed/recycled woods to finely crafted and are suitable for many tastes whether modern, transitional or vintage.

You can expect to be able to select a product from the store on your very first visit and take it home with you. However that is only the beginning. Should you be unable to find the item of your dreams they will source and custom-order pieces to meet your every need. Then there are other amazing services they offer; in-store, in-home dcor and colour consultations along with home staging to suit a variety of styles, tastes and budgets. You will also be delighted when you see them gift-bag your purchase as a bonus. You will know that what they have is truly special and youll look forward to returning soon to see what unique item you might find in the store next time around. Sue says, Carousel Home is a place to come to, to stay for a bit and simply enjoy, and shes figured out why. Its because we offer a reflection of the way you live or the way you truly wish you lived.

Designer shelley Kirsch taKes us on a tour of the sounD Palace anD shows us how to aDD items of self eXPression in our homes.
Text Shelley Kirsch Photography Andrew Filarski

new Year newLook

Design 101

Trends in Real Life

Think outside the box and experiment.

[Trend Tip]
Paint a shelving areas back wall a di erent colour to accentuate your accessories.

When grouping items, do so using the rule of threes. Three of a kind keeps the eye moving forward to the next object, thus creating a more pleasing aesthetic.

that the best home should not only be pleasing to the eyes but also to the ears. When he contacted me in regards to updating his home, he made sure to introduce me to his sound consultant who would influence various design decisions along the way. What Lewis wanted was a warm, textural environment enhanced by precision sound and image in every room. The main floor had a good foundation, due to some furniture updates I had done several years ago. The sectional sofa, coffee table, lounge chairs and custom area carpet had held up beautifully. Given their timeless design, these pieces did not have to be changed. However, what needed attention was the dual

David Lewis rmly believes

fireplaces, the lack of display and storage opportunities, lighting with varied mood accents, and a new and airy look for the main floor in general. We started the project by cladding the fireplaces in a warm grey sheet steel with a unique nut and bolt detail. Storage and display shelves were created on the side of each fireplace to display a collection of glass and ceramics and to house all the accoutrements necessary for a fully stocked dry bar. As well, custom forged brackets were made to collar the trio of tall branches indigenous to a species of tree native to South Africa, Davids country of origin. Winter 2013


The pale oak kitchen had a wall of stone added to its north face which created texture and dimension, an excellent foil to the cement island. Natural walnut, sporting a rich wood grain, was used for a number of accents on the main floor. From the vestibule walls, the cabinet fronts flanking the fireplaces, to the boxes covering the radiators, this wood added lustre to its surroundings. The wood tone was highlighted by the glow of the Mercury chandelier. In the master bedroom, a wall of cumbersome and narrow closets was renovated to provide a wide array of storage options. Centred on the dark walnut installation is a wide bank of drawers clad in a stainless steel facing. The fireplace was reclad in natural walnut and stainless steel with display shelves and a closed cabinet helping to further define the fireplace wall as a customized millwork installation. The second floor den was designed for relaxing, listening to music, and watching television. An oversized sectional sofa and coffee table promote gracious lounging and entertaining with easy access to a beverage fridge built into the walnut cabinetry. For the home office, I designed a height adjustable table, which, when not being used for small business meetings, gets put into service as a coffee table for more informal chats. The clean lined desk and storage pieces help to keep this work environment uncluttered and airy. This home for an audiophile doubles as party central with its novel and comfortable spaces. It has been dubbed a Sound Palace which, with its double meaning, speaks volumes to its good design on all levels.
Get the Trend Area Rug Creative Matters Chandelier and Island Pendants Mille Luce Den and Office Overhead Lights Mille Luce Office Table Shelley Kirsch Interior Design and Decoration Designed by Shelley Kirsch Interior Design and Decoration

Design 101

Height adjustable tables are wonderful additions to multi-funtional spaces.

get the trenD

Tolomeo - Suspension Artemide Jimi Bedding ELTE Flexform Groundpiece Sectional Italinteriors Rosetta Chair Italinteriors

Mercury - Suspension Artemide

Simon Florian Coffee Table Italinteriors

Flexform Vito Coffee Table Italinteriors Cassina Cab Chair Italinteriors Flexform Margaret Side Table Italinteriors

Cassina La Rotonda Dining Table Italinteriors

A beautiful example of how to achieve the rustic look.

Trends in Real Life

Building a Rustic Dream

a DetaileD looK at the construction of a rustic home PercheD on a hilltoP.
Text Betty Barkman Photography Sandy Mackay

he Weathered Woods project is not a project anymore; it has become a home a well-loved home to one very real family.

But who would have guessed that? When Ray King of Discovery Dream Homes picked out this brilliant hilltop site and began developing the model home, he only had a vision. He had experience of course; Discovery has built a lot of fabulous dream homes for happy families, specializing in timber frame and log homes. He knew there was a growing trend, a growing appreciation, for using large timber in full time homes, even condominiums, not just lakeside cottages. Yet even he could not have predicted that this home would win him the coveted title of Best Manufactured Home of over twenty-two hundred square feet in the Peterborough (and Kawarthas) area in 2011. When Al OReilly and Candace Graham first came to have a look, it quickly developed into love at first sight. So much so in fact, they said, We

made an impulsive decision to buy. Yet unlike some impulse decisions this one has caused them no regrets. They love the place. So do their two teenage daughters and the familys two large dogs. The place itself is magical, as is the rustic setting. From the hilltop breezes, weather watching, listening to frogs in spring, to snowshoeing the eighteen acres in winter they enjoy it all. Yet it is the home itself, in the Oak Ridges Moraine near Pontypool that you want to take a closer look at. Even at first glance you take note of the natural beauty: the structure of the six by twelve pine logs, the vaulted ceilings, the four covered porches and the balcony off the media room upstairs. Then you walk around again and see all those amazing details. Discovery of course did not do it alone. But they were responsible for the attractive, energy-efficient windows, the knotty pine doors, the solid pine stairways and the roofing.

Jeff of Chandler Homes took charge of the finishing and acted as general contractor for excavation, electrical work, trim, mouldings. And do those trims and mouldings ever come alive. The exposed wooden beams add warmth to the soaring cathedral ceiling in the great room. Other areas have pine ceilings. The girls bedrooms are in the loft above; they open to another sitting area overlooking the great room and share a full bathroom. All the baths by the way, have unique rock sinks. The great room with its cultured stone fireplace and its south-facing floor-to-ceiling windows, leads you right into the kitchen which may well be the couples favourite spot. They love to cook and to entertain. It is not at all unusual for them to have twelve people sit down around their long solid maple table. The Delray Granite countertops in the kitchen gleam under the special lighting effects. The natural look of the grey-stained pine and cultured stone exterior blends into the hillside, making the home look almost like a natural phenomenon. So, wasnt that an amazing tour? Lets take our hats off on three counts. One for Ray and his masterful dream achieved. Two for the family who loves it and three for the emerging trend. Its natural, green and its gorgeous.

Architect/Builder Discovery Dream Homes General Contractor Chandler Homes Little Britain, ON Rock Sinks Benson Plumbing (705) 324-3650 English Hickory Floors Lindsay Floor Covering Kitchen Appliances Berts Appliances Kitchen Countertops Delray Granite Special Lighting Effects Mariposa Electric (705) 878-3717

Our Design Contributors Favourite 2013 Trends

the trend forecasts are in and you have read all about them. still not sure how to recreate the look in your home? our panel of design experts have put together a selection of design ideas and sico paint colours using the newest design trends.

Heather Segreti Segreti Design

Simone Collection 6 Light Single Tier Chandelier Living Lighting
Discreet Brown 6084-41 SICO

Jo Alcorn whitewash & co.

Adding the soothing colour of blue to any room can bring a touch of fun and calmness to the space. When it comes to using the colour as an accent, add it within your textiles (rug or curtain panels etc). Pillows are always a fun way to introduce a colour, especially using different tones and shades of blue together. An accent wall with a striking pattern in either wallpaper or painted stripes of multiple blue tones is an excellent way to bring a modern style to your room. Also dont forget about your artwork. If you have neutral walls you can nd some enjoyable furniture pieces in interesting blue patterns to really create a conversational design approach. With so many different shades out there you are bound to nd a hue of blue just for you!

This design concept is created with comfort in mind. A large sectional allows for comfortable seating, that is relaxed and very informal for a night of movie watching while eating popcorn on the sofa, or just relaxing and catching up with friends! The colourful arrangement of fabrics, carpet and accessories tie the room together brilliantly, not to mention the colourful palette with patterning will indeed hide any unexpected spills on this furniture piece. Good hide factor is always a plus in a family or great room. The colour palette is very stimulating and vibrant. The trend is to keep it colourful in the most unexpected ways. I love to infuse colour using glass accessories or accent furniture pieces. In this case there is an overload of colour and I have balanced the colour impact with a neutral backdrop that opens the space. The unique wall storage cabinet gives a nice geometric touch to the space: very uniform and structured in design. This space is all about colourful contemporary comfort. If you enjoyed this design then try this concept out in your home!

Swing 6019-31 SICO

Slight Hope 6217-21 SICO

Soft Nostalgia 6174-63 SICO

Trafalgar Suite 22 Interiors

Little Flag Suite 22 Interiors

Artwork Bouclair Home

Piccola Papilio B&B Italia

Table Lamp Bouclair Home

Everett Chair - Patchwork West Elm

Blue Wave 6003-63 SICO Light of Hope 6217-11 SICO

Kebriti - Rug Weavers Art

Isabelle Glinka LUX Design


Karen Sealy Sealy Design Inc.

Our Interior Design forecast for 2013 is a new twist on rustic. For the rst time, we will begin to see furniture pieces and design elements that incorporate both rustic and glamorous styles. We are also seeing lighter tones all around, lots of off-whites, light warm neutrals and naturally inspired nishes and fabrics. In this design concept, the natural linen on the sofa and distressed wool area rug utilize traditional rustic textiles in a more rened and contemporary application. The coffee and side tables feature rustic cast iron and walnut wood on furniture pieces with a modern prole. We chose the lamp as a statement piece as it is slightly more literal rustic with its shape mimicking a natural tree trunk, but painted a soft white with matching lamp shade for a softer look.

Think: the roaring Twenties, vintage Hollywood and glamorous garden parties. All of your senses were gratied with lush greenery, water fountains and luxurious fabrics and textures. This room should be whimsical and glamourous, inspired by vintage parasols, ostrich feather pendants and crystal glassware and lighting. Art Deco inspired and luxurious materials are used such as antique mirror, crystal, brass, leather, sequins, wool. Furniture, textiles and accents will reect the graphic patterns of the era. Attention to detail will be placed on inlay tile oors and embroidered accents.
Great Gatsby Line Korhani 6640 Firelight Table Lamp Currey & Company

Galley 6171-41 SICO

Very Pale Grey 6198-21 SICO

Drakkar 6171-31 SICO

Vincent Floor Lamp South Hill Home

Zia Chevron Pillow Tonic Living Cozy Textures & Bedding Sealy Design 2010 Dream Home

Freud Croc Embossed Leather And Brass Table Arteriors Home

Kensington Sofa Restoration Hardware

Distressed Wool Rug Restoration Hardware

Custom Cabinetry Sealy Design 2010 Dream Home

Draper Chair Elte

Chelsey Natural Limed Oak Bar Arteriors Home

Silviano Cast Iron Coffee Table Crate and Barrel

Almond Butter 6115-11 SICO

Truman New Ravenna Mosaics

trend nds | 2013 colour trends

Get The Trend CONTEST
Give your home a fresh new look for 2013 with a $500 gift card from General Paint!
Enter online at

The Birth of

Colour Trends
colour eXPert gwen Prince giVes us a behinD the scene looK at what is shaPing uP to be a colourful year.
Text Gwen Prince

IC Rebirth 190 General Paint

IC Rebirth 196 General Paint

IC Rebirth 194 General Paint

re you wondering what direction colour is going to take in 2013?

As a colour stylist, I keep an eye on influences that affect colour. You might be surprised as to what those influences may be. Things such as politics, the environment, the economy, social issues and cultural diversity all influence colour direction. To be able to interpret these influences, we collaborate with various industries. I am privileged to be part of two excellent panel meetings. First is the Color Marketing Group; this group is made up of several hundred colourful individuals from several industries. Representatives from the fashion, automobile, small appliance, paint, textile and furniture industries gather together, not to talk about their product, but only to talk about colour. It can be a very loud discussion. The second panel is a smaller, more intimate group of designers, artists and architects from around the world who are invited to a central location where they share thoughts and ideas about future trends, colours and materials. I help host this discussion and I am always amazed by the outcome of this collaboration. Colour this year is about the celebration of life, being spontaneous and realizing that beauty is not perfection. It is about a clean slate that whispers a quiet optimism of well being, happiness and comfort and a reawaking of our senses as the tropical colours from the depths of the rainforest stimulate us.

Rebirth The joy of being alive: spontaneous pops of yellow and orange herald a new energy full of optimism.

54 Winter 2013

IC Renew 206 General Paint

IC Renew 203 General Paint

IC Renew 200 General Paint

Renew Imperfection is beautiful. Sun bleached dusty colours, heavy woodgrain and beaten metal nishes cause a nostalgic charm to emerge in this trend.

Re ne A clean slate. These are colours that whisper elegant beauty, inner balance and freedom. Pearl and translucent layers mix with the perfect light for a soothing environment.

IC Refine 207 General Paint

IC Refine 208 General Paint

IC Refine 212 General Paint

IC Revive 217 General Paint

IC Revive 224 General Paint

IC Revive 218 General Paint

Revive Awaken your senses with bright tropical colours that blend well with earthy greens. Inspiration for this trend came from the depth of the rainforest.

Emeral Necklace 6130-63 SICO

Escala Living Lighting Cosmos Mirror Living Lighting

Emerald Green is said to be the new black. It is a rich jewel tone and the perfect way to infuse life and energy in your home. Pops of this classy hue is sure to make an appearance in stores this year.

2 0Colour 1 of the 3 ear

Togo Ligne Roset

Cinco Nani Marquina

Exotic Emerald Green

When Pantone announced the colour of the year, Emerald Green, we were inspired by the peacock feather to create a design board. Emerald Green paired with bold blues and stunning gold accents create this exotic colour scheme. This look can be achieved with the use of luxurious fabrics such as silk and satin with gold accents.
Available at retail, grocery and drug stores across Canada

Argyle SW 6747 Sherwin-Williams

Linux Vase Urban Barn

Arcade Mirror Living Lighting

Santa Maria Ball Urban Barn

Z-Lite Jazz Collection Mini Pendant Lowes Santa Maria Vase Urban Barn Emu Re-Trouve Pouf Coalesse

Hot Find

Learn how to design a space around this rug on page 64.

Bachelors Chest Bassett Furniture Overdye Tribal Green Blue Weaver & Loom

Green Leaf Glass Vessel Sink Eden Bath

The Art of Layering


Paula Velez, of luX Design, giVes us a few simPle tiPs on how we can effectiVely create a colourful anD Vibrant sPace.
Text Christine Labate Photography Lisa Petrole

60 Winter 2013

olour can evoke many emotions and can be a wonderful way to express oneself, yet, many people tend to shy away from using colour in their spaces. It is common for people to attempt to apply colour in their interiors, but they become overwhelmed by the potential statement it makes in a space. This hesitation results in selecting a safe neutral colour with little self expression. In this condo, one of LUX Designs top Condo Quickie Designers, Paula Velez, was able to break the mold and bring to life the condo owners desire for a colourful beach-inspired interior. Thoughts of a beach-like lifestyle, easy-going atmosphere with a hint of sophisticated chic, were all ideas that were tossed around during the initial development of the design concept. By keeping the overall palette soft and bright, a base was created for the overall design. Pale blue walls infuse the condo with soft colour, reflecting the desire for a bright interior. Accents of dark woods throughout the living room furniture and warm bronze tones in the area rug and accent mirror bring through the natural outdoor

tones. With the use of proportional furniture and glass surfaces, we were able to create an open and airy feeling in the living and dining rooms. Once the basic colour palette was put in place, Velez began to layer colour in the space with hits of citrus green and aqua blue in throw cushions and accessories. These accents provide enough colour to make a statement without overpowering the look of the space. A common mistake that people can make is to paint entire walls in a bold colour which can overwhelm the eye. In this condo, Velez took advantage of an interesting bulkhead in the den area and was able to turn it into a feature by painting the bulkhead and a small portion of the wall a fresh and bold aqua blue. When working with colour, it is important to remain consistent, either through tone, material or concept. The desire in this suite was to create a soft, inviting coastal feeling when entering the space, and this was achieved by starting with a neutral base palette, and selecting key areas to add pops of bright colour. Winter 2013


Get the Trend Sofa Through Designers Blue Table Lamp West Elm Designed by LUX Design Photography by Lisa Petrole

Dining Light Union Lighting

geT The TrenD

Cushions Homesense

Glamour Bench in Teal Sunpan

Vase & Flowers West Elm

Absolute Shag Rug Urban Barn

design advice | home staging

12ThingsYou Need to Know About Home Staging

home sTagIng professIonals from across The counTry share TheIr experTIse on The ImporTance of sTagIng your home before puTTIng IT on The marKeT.

Each job holds a unique creative challenge to maximize untapped equity while working within a strict budget. Suggesting workable tweaks from the wide variety of design options available inspires me, and makes the planning of each and every staging project fresh and exciting. ~ Leah Armstrong, House to Home Redesigns, Port Moody


I love it when we stage an occupied home and use most of the homeowners pieces. Just by re-arranging what they already have and borrowing things from other rooms we are able to put our creativity to work and deliver great transformations.




Hiring a Home Stager is Important. I enjoy every step of the process, planning, prep and execution; but the best part is the reveal: when the homeowner returns after the transformation is complete and they are thrilled with the outcome! My favorite thing to hear is I love it! I dont want to move now! ~ Kelly Penuita, DecoChic Interiors,


~ Monica Stanciu, Staged 2 Sell Solutions Inc, Markham

Design changes over the years, just like fashion does, so you need to stay on top of the new trends! You may not use all the latest trends when staging a property but it certainly wont hurt to be selective and to keep your palettes simple, fresh and up-to-date.
~ Kym Tarr, Prep This House, Kelowna

I love how one can make every home unique, even with the same oor plans and sometimes the same furniture. Trying a new colour/texture combination is fun and exciting. One persons junk is anothers treasure and things can be repurposed to look incredible. ~ Peg Barcelo-Jackson, Flu My
House Home Staging, Edmonton


One of the biggest things I have learned is how to be creative in order to transform a space when you dont necessarily have the components you need. Im referring to occupied homes, where the homeowner doesnt have the budget to move out all of their furniture, and bring in a full house of furniture rentals. Sometimes, you just have to be creative. Thats denitely the most challenging aspect, and it can be very rewarding when the homeowner is thrilled with the way things turned out because they had never considered trying the design tricks implemented.


The biggest thing I have learned about design as a Home Stager is that when staging a home you have to target the masses. It is best to stay as neutral as possible and researching the potential buyer demographics before staging. ~ Tina Marie Singh,
Lionsgate Design, Mississauga

The design elements and principles learned in Interior Design are key when staging a home to sell. Above all, a design needs to be appealing to the homebuyer. Also, the design needs to emotionally draw the buyer in so that the homebuyer connects on an emotional level with the home. ~ Sally Weatherley, Exit Stage


Right, North Vancouver


Home Staging sets you apart from the other houses for sale in your area. It will help your home sell faster and get you a better price.
~ Jillian Summers, UPStaging Homes, London


~ Erin Lazer, SpaceStyle Home Staging & Organizing, Thornhill

A professional Home Stager highlights your homes selling features and will leave a lasting impression with potential buyers. The result is more buyers will fall in love with your property, and therefore give you a quicker sale, for top dollar. ~ Heather Cook & Alana
Merritt, Rooms In Bloom, Kitchener


Home Stagers can be compared to copy editors. Authors pour their hearts and souls into their books but they understand the value of editors who ne tune what they have written so that each book speaks to its target reader. Just like editors who add, eliminate or rearrange text, professionally trained Home Stagers ne tune a homeowners property to appeal to its target buyer.
~ Joanne Abrahams, Rave Re:view Home Staging & Design, Halifax


Many savvy home sellers realize how powerful staging is as a marketing tool and dont want to gamble with what may be their largest nancial investment. More and more homeowners prefer to entrust this job to a professional, who not only oers an objective view point, but expertise and experience. Statistically, professionally staged homes sell faster and for more money than their non-staged competitor.
~Ginny Truyens, Feels Like Home 2 Me, Georgetown Winter 2013


dcor galore | area rugs

Text Betty Barkman

Do I select one first or last?

Area Rugs
ary waited till everything else was done. Now shed have time to look for the perfect rug. Thats when her frustration mushroomed. Nothing matched or fitted her dreams. One example of the beautiful choices they offer is the Suzani line whose brilliantly coloured designs are the perfect jumping off point for the entire room. These rugs are knotted with yarn hand spun with a spinning wheel; its wool and mohair, the sheen is unique, the soft pile exceptional. Everything in their repertoire is strictly handmade; that means hand-knotted, which is what gives the rug its longevity. When you are prepared to spend your hard earned money on a quality rug, it pays to decide on one you like first, and then plan your dcor around it.

She hadnt learned one very important lesson. And shed never met Ali, owner and creative director of Weaver and Loom, who could have explained it to her. Finding a wonderful area rug can be a daunting task. You want high quality and something that suits you, knowing that every aspect will make a difference in the feel of your space. But Ali Ghassemi says its very doable if you follow a few simple tips. He knows what hes talking about. He and his family have been developing a high quality rug business for years. His father started in the 80s, eventually branching into manufacturing and wholesale and expanding to other countries. In 2010 Ali and his brother were ready to go ahead full throttle. Thats when the Weaver and Loom brand was birthed and all that accumulated expertise got channelled into high-end handmade area rugs. Did you know that just buying one piece of quality rug takes your dcor up one great big step? Or that even a lower-priced handmade area rug will outlast the highest quality machine made one by approximately ten times? There are things Ali is excited about. For one, he sees Canada emerging as a trend-setter in this field, not a trail behind or even the copycat. As Canadians we have the talent, the creativity and the know-how to lead. So why shouldnt we? Another is that we need to learn a basic lesson. Start with the area rug. We need to look at it as a foundational piece, something that will be with us for generations to come. He says thats for three reasons. (1) The price its a substantial investment. (2) Its the longest lasting item any room will have. (3) It contains the textures, prints and colours that make it a great jump-off piece to build on, as we make the other related decisions. Sofas and drapes need to go with the rug, not the other way around. As a client we need to find something that resonates with us. The colour, the mood, formal or casual or child-friendly? And Ali loves to go all out to help us find that. When a customer comes in with a special request he will create a design just for that client, even if its something that couldnt be found anywhere else. Once it works out, he will produce more of the same for others. This is how they improve their selection, adding new designs. People have been asking for silk lately; they want the sheen, then are disappointed about the high price tag and high maintenance. A new technique that Weaver and Loom is working on is creating polished wool from mountain sheep and actually polishing it with stone, giving it a high sheen just like silk but without the higher cost and maintenance.

Suzani Emerald Sapphire on Ivory Weaver & Loom

Overdye Tribal Green Blue Weaver & Loom

64 Winter 2013

Merakish Weaver & Loom

Oshak Weaver & Loom

Modular Home Additions

Text Betty Barkman

ole Cirovic of Modular Home Additions says the company has been around for twelve years and now has more than nine hundred successful projects under its belt with a lot of happy customers to vouch for that. In its early days they had to overcome the stigma that said modular means looking like a shed or a box. They worked hard to change that image and theres nothing like that now. They learned just how important street appeal is. Nobody wants to settle for something too simple, definitely not ugly. So, to figure out how to make modular more beautiful even though its pre-fab, they have paid more attention to detail, and taken more pride in their projects large or small, whether five hundred square feet or five thousand. Every design is now custom-made, keeping your every wish in mind. They do a variety of homes and styles, but Bole says they specialize in adding a second floor to an existing bungalow. They began that once upon a time realizing the potential of thousands of East York bungalows that needed a lift. It worked and they have developed quite a strategy that now works anywhere. Phase one happens in three days. Day One: Demolish and remove the existing roof. Day Two: Install second floor, walls and roof Day Three: Shingles and basic clean up. Of course they have to slot that into rain-free days. But you dont even need to move out of your house. Phase two could take from two to four months, depending. They either do all the finishing or hire sub trades or let you plan a combination of whatever you want. Many homeowners finish with phase three where they now want an extended reno to their existing home perhaps opening it up, taking down small room walls, re-doing things, even raising the ceiling. So where does this leave you? You can look at it this way. Your home is the centre of your life. But what do you do when your life outgrows your home? You could move or you could grow your home with Modular Home Additions. The simple affordable solution is to add to your bungalow the Modular way. Modular does it quickly and efficiently. You can double your above ground living space in little time and for much less, hard-earned-money. Moving can be inconvenient and expensive. For example, purchasing a $600,000 home can cost approximately $30,000 in real estate fees, $17,000 in legal fees, land transfer tax and $2,200 in moving expenses. Thats $49,200 spent just for the privilege of moving. That is enough for a full size kitchen with granite counters, all appliances and all bathrooms! The biggest problem with purchasing an existing or even a newly built house is that there is always something that you would like to change. With Modular Home Additions, you can make the space and details exactly as you wanted them, for much less than you would pay for a new house of the same size. And their recent partnership with Zoran Kitchen and Bath has greatly expanded their opportunity to offer you great choices in their One Stop Reno Shop. Bole gives you a take-home thought for the day, Grow your home in three days, he says, with no mess and no stress. That is their goal. And remember, modular can be beautiful!



design advice | upgrading your windows

When its Time, its Time

The experTs aT all WeaTher WInDoWs Teach us When ITs TIme To replace our olD WInDoWs anD WhaT our opTIons are When We Do.
Text Betty Barkman

66 Winter 2013

y son is in the middle of replacing his windows. I asked him, How did you know it was time? He looked at me and said, A good window does at least four things. Keeps draft and bad weather out. Keeps you comfortable inside. Is an attractive asset in the appearance of your home. Is cost effective and energy efficient. Once my windows failed in all of these tests, I knew the time had come. It was only a matter of doing the research and finding the money. Ah yes, those old windows were leaky and drafty and beginning to look unfriendly, and no wonder they were thirty-two years old. It was time alright. But then the research begins and we run into a thousand questions. What is essential to know before I begin? What are the available options when it comes to quality and style and budget? What is the real meaning of all these fancy words like eco-friendly and V-weld technology and multi-point locks? And how much difference do such things make? Let me introduce you to Rainey Reed of All Weather Windows. All Weather Windows is a large, high-quality window manufacturer/distributor/installer that has served every part of Canada for years now. Their creativity toward ever-improving technology and quality is amazing and Rainey is one of their experts. He could answer all your questions and probably some you hadnt even thought of yet. Windows add beauty and style while helping create a more comfortable home by reducing draft and improving energy efficiency, right? Until now no window was ever considered completely air and water proof. Now, theres All Weather Windows Apex Alloy newest series with revolutionary V-weld technology that virtually eliminates air and water leakage. The structural integrity, durability, style and colour and glass choices, riveted hardware and more all add up to an ultimately perfect choice. Their WeatherGard1500 Series, Rainey says, is also an amazing line. Casements and awnings are the most energy efficient windows because of the tight seal they offer when closed. Awning windows open from the bottom to provide good ventilation while shielding from the rain. The thick sash is built to accommodate optional triple glazed sealed units for improved energy efficiency; the multi-point locking system standard with WeatherGard, for added security. Once you have figured out your basic choices as far as structure and style goes you are ready to

fine-tune the smaller details. Like size. Unless you have reason to change like putting in a patio window where there was none, you want to stay as close as possible to the original size. Thatll help you keep within your budget. Or like colour. The range is almost unbelievable. Rainey says some of their lines are available in all the aluminum clad colours and up to fifty two premium exterior finishes. I like the grilles they offer too. Perhaps thats because I remember back to a time when such things were not possible. Rainey says they carry six different designs in about four thicknesses.

The half grille is my favourite. Then theres the SDLs (Simulated Divided Lites) installed to simulate the look of divided panes without reducing energy efficiency or increasing maintenance that is created by actual multi seams and joints. Or you could add a brickmould a decorative border that encases the entire window, visible from the outside. The list goes on. Without a doubt experts like Rainey could guide you through the whole process. Once you decide that the time is right, he or someone like him can help you figure out all the details. Winter 2013


Interstone Marble and Granite

trend destination

WanT To begIn your search over an espresso? are you all seT To go anD fInD some amazIng pIeces of beauTy WrITTen In sTone?
Text Betty Barkman

t Interstone Marble and Granite you get to do both - at once. Each client who steps into Interstones gleaming gallery is offered an espresso. While youre sipping, start browsing. Get inspired! Some things are immediately quite certain. You will be inspired every visitor to Interstones beautiful new showroom leaves with a big burst of inspiration. Our friendly staff will listen to your project ideas and be more than happy to show you what Interstone has to offer to meet your needs. The owner, Mr. Vince Virgilio, is often in the showroom and is pleased to share his extensive knowledge and experience with customers.

68 Winter 2013

Interstone Marble and Granites newly renovated showroom will not only inspire, it will bring you a big step forward in creating your dream space, bringing to life your own vision. Their highly knowledgeable staff is right there with you, offering their hands-on experience. The showroom is truly fabulous and yet its practical too. There is a vast selection to choose from, with a large variety of textures, (polished, honed, leathered, brushed, waxed finish, etc.) and colours to keep you interested. At the moment there is a trend toward the grey tones but it is entirely up to personal taste. As you walk into the showroom, there is a natural flow from Mosaics to Natural Stone Tiles to Travertines to Porcelain and more. Interstones own material is incorporated into the showroom so you can see exactly what the product looks like in real-life applications. For example, there are slabs on the floor in one section, large twenty four by twenty eight inches porcelain tiles in another, textured tiles, slabs and mosaics on the walls, desk and countertops made from granite, quartzite and engineered stone. From the showroom you can view the extensive slab warehouse through large glass doors and a staff member will be pleased to walk you through the slabs to make your selection. At Interstone they strive continuously to keep the prices fair while they provide you with great products and second-to-none service. If you are looking for beauty, style, elegance and timelessness, Interstone Marble and Granite is the place to be. Their bottom line is, Our customers must always know as soon as they walk through the doors this is the place where they get nothing but the best. Winter 2013


A Canadian Home Trends Advertising Feature

Improve Canada
Text Betty Barkman


MPROVE is big, I mean big. You measure it, not in feet, but in acres. You get service from, not one or two or three companies but hundreds, all under one roof.

Meet Oleg Chekhter, one of its founders. He is excited about whats happening. Thats not without reason and hes ready to show you why. Improve is not only going to be Canadas largest home improvement centre but the only one that offers every single company in every possible category, that you could ever need for your project, whether youre building new, doing a reno or looking for design and dcor, all under one roof. The concept, Oleg says, is based on three already successful models. One is a mall. No more fighting the weather or driving yourself ragged looking all over the city for just the right place to shop. Two is healthy competition. Thats like the car dealership idea where similar businesses stick together to generate high traffic. Three is a year-round home show. No need to wait for a twice-a-year show which doesnt coincide with your plans.

As a client you will walk through at your own speed, compare ideas and prices, and choose from a huge variety of collections. As you consider things, you can stop at one of the restaurants in the mall and decide which option best matches your taste and budget. So why didnt someone think of this before? Well the truth is, somebody did. The concept has proven itself greatly successful in both Europe and Asia. Then why not give Canada a chance? Is it practical to think that this concept will fly? Oleg believes it is. Its not just optimism, he says; its based on solid statistics. Did you realize that at any given time there are about 2.5 million residents in the GTA alone actively renovating? Thats a lot of potential clientele. And the strategic location will be a big drawing card. Instead of saying all roads lead to Rome you might well coin a new slogan all roads lead to IMPROVE. Its that close to the neighbouring cities, only minutes from the major highways and will even offer a shuttle bus from York University Subway! Winter 2013

IMPROVE will be a healthy combination of a construction mall and a year-round home show. The team members are the very top people in their respective fields in the whole gamut of trades and merchants. If you as a business owner are considering this venture, you may need to hurry. The condo units are selling fast. Theyre geared for real companies, not investors and what they offer is attractive. Its your chance to improve your overhead, your visibility and advertising support, while greatly enlarging your traffic flow. It wont take you long to discover that you were at the right place at the right time and that this rare opportunity to buy and own part of Canadas largest home improvement centre was just way too big to miss out on. It wont be a fly-by-night kind of fad thing either; itll be permanent, good for the long haul. You may well agree with what one of the new owners said, I already have six stores elsewhere but I will save my best salesmen for IMPROVE. I am just so convinced...the reasons to invest are so compelling. So why not cash in while you can and not take a chance youll be left out in the cold? If you see yourself as a client even a tentative one, you wont want to bypass this new trend either. No matter which language you speak, what part of the city you live in or the size of your budget, this place, so totally convenient and complete, will intrigue you. Not only that, it will greatly extend your opportunity to do healthy comparison shopping in record time. No more spending weekend after weekend driving around to browse and select whatever it is you need. Oleg says it all started with a dream but it wont be staying there. It is fast becoming reality. For more information, contact

A Canadian Home Trends Advertising Feature

designer spaces | transitional kitchen

marana KITchens share TheIr experTIse on hoW We can creaTe a TransITIonal KITchen
Photography Francis Fougere

[Trend Tip]
Use crisp whites in various textures to mimic this look.

The Layout

What do transitional design and fusion cuisine have in common?

A mix of culinary purism and avant-garde cooking techniques can produce delectable new ideas, but too much of the new and you may have an unsightly mess on your hands. It walks a kitchen knifes edge between the clean shapes and contours of contemporary design and the traditional design features perfected by craftsmen. Although we can always find tradition in transitional spaces. Contemporary accents, if applied with the right touch, can bring new life to the transitional look that many homeowners crave.

An elegant transitional style is among the most subtle looks to achieve. In this kitchen, notice how traditional mullions have been embedded in the door frames. Simplified crown and door mouldings and recessed panel doors draw the eye to the refined details of the space while maintaining an overall look and feel that remains calm, simple and uncluttered. Antique mirrors punctuate the ornate mullion frames, paying homage to the traditional elements on the opposite corners of the dining room table. Further pairings point to a kitchen in transition. Bar stools and table chairs combine modern patterns and fabrics with a traditional dark wood stain. The deep square sink paired with a traditional faucet is another delicate mix of old and new. And all of the lighting, including a sophisticated candle chandelier presiding over the kitchen table is hung and plated in sleek silvery rectangles and cylinders. There are still subtle combinations that make this a transitional space. Modern roman window treatment squared off with traditional ribbon detail filters light

into the kitchen through the dining area. Smooth, rounded crystal knobs, as opposed to diamond cut crystal knobs, are fitted to drawers and cupboards throughout the space; a gentle contrast to the traditional diamond tufted benchrest. Although, a few pieces break from tradition altogether. Quartz countertops anchor modern simplicity in heavy granite; the kitchen canopy exudes elegance without the usual ornamentation; and all drawers and cupboards open with ease thanks to built-in contemporary drawer track and organizational systems. In terms of its response to the users touch, there is indeed nothing traditional about this kitchen design. And therein lies the beauty of the transitional style: Whatever your tastes, a well-executed transition will achieve harmony between otherwise contradictory approaches to the living space. In design and cuisine alike, combinations can surprise and excite the senses; or overwhelm them, if you are not careful.

Get the Trend Pendant Lights Elte Faucet and Sink Taps Backsplash Ciot Cabinet Hardware Summerhill Hardware Antique Mirror Adanac Glass Chandelier Universal Lighting Dining Chairs and Bar Stools Sarah Richardson Design Banquette Robert Custom Upholstery Designed by Marana Kitchens Photography by Francis Fougere Winter 2013


Formal yet Friendly

evelyn eshun DesIgneD ThIs KITchen To be boTh beauTIful anD funcTIonal, WhIle maInTaInIng ITs famIly frIenDlIness
Text Evelyn Eshun Photography Amanda Calaberese

76 Winter 2013

reating a formal yet friendly custom kitchen is no easy feat, the goal in this project was to do just that and make it family friendly as well. I always encourage homeowners to create a wish list which outlines their ultimate goals for their dream kitchen. What is important to you? The functionality, the look? The style? The cost? The answers to these questions will give you a guideline toward your goal. Our challenge in this home was an enviable one. We had to make this large space inviting and functional to fit the homeowners needs. Entertaining, China storage and a desk area were all on their wish list. I love bright kitchens, and this one is no exception. The gorgeous maple walnut stained island, covered in a stunning slab of Stattuarrio Marble, adds a sense of formality and class to this space. We used quartz on the perimeter area of the counter where it has to work a little harder to prove its durability. We always try to create an island in our kitchen designs. It is the best way to squeeze in useful storage and working surface. I like to have a functional element in the island, either a sink or a stove. In this case, we had a secondary sink with lots of space for prep and sitting. Remember that your island is usually thirty six inches and your bar will be forty two inches. A bar area like the one in this kitchen, disguises a messy counter. When designing an island I also like to use barstools with low backs. These standard twenty-four inch barstools offer a low profile back that doesnt obscure the view of the kitchen.

Incorporating a dining table brings family and warmth to any kitchen. We designed and manufactured a table with a quartz tabletop and a solid wood base. We hung a handsome dining room chandelier over the table and it instantly brought pizzazz to the room. As a Designer, I love the process of solving various challenges and creating a functional and aesthetically pleasing space. No matter what your challenges are, whether it may be budget, architectural restrictions or product availability, kitchens are a place where you can express yourself and raise the value of your home. My best advice is to plan, plan, and plan some more before you begin your project and hire a qualified team to help you execute your investment.

geT The TrenD

Decorators White CC-20 Benjamin Moore

Use two di erent counter surfaces for added interest. Invest in a quiet dishwasher, you wont have to escape the space every time you do dishes. Consider an induction stove for safe and easy cleaning. Buy a hood vent which has at least an eight hundred and fty CFM capability, you will appreciate the ventilation when you are cooking. Natural materials for countertops will always have the risk of staining, if you are concerned with this, stick to quartz and other manufactured materials which are much more durable. Spend as much as you can on a quality faucet, as you will turn it on and o around ve thousand times a year.

Get the Trend Countertops Ceasarstone Col. Raven Calcutta Marble Polished Marble Plus Barstools Swaim available at Import Temptations Flooring Vanilla Creame Marble 24 x 24 Marble Planet Designed by Evelyn Eshun Photography Amanda Calaberese Silver Lining CL 3171W Benjamin Moore

Ventana Single Tier Chandelier Robert Abbey

Kitchen Table - Custom Made with Ceasarstone And Wood Emanuele Furniture Design (905) 669-6268

MMXSM07 - Stainless Brick Pattern Saltillo

78 Winter 2013

A Deluxe Downsize
Text Glen Peloso Photography Larry Arnal

Keeping an area darker and out of focus by highlighting the area you are using, creates the illusion of more space...

hen we started working with this couple, it was clear this kitchen would be a drastic change now that they were downsizing. Essentially our job was to figure out how we were going to squeeze a large four bedroom house into this newly built town house. The first place to start was a good purge of all elements that were no longer useful. Like all small spaces, one of the biggest issues is storage. Here, we decided that extending the kitchen into the dining room made good sense as the dining room might seat ten but the kitchen didnt have enough space to be able to plate a meal for ten people. We had the cabinets for the dining room made in the same detail and finish as the kitchen in order to pull the two rooms together. This gives the illusion that both rooms are larger, as we visually attribute some of the kitchen to the dining room and vice versa. With the cabinets extended into the dining room, we were still able to get a round table suitable for four to six people. As well, with the added seats at the bar, the space can now accommodate a larger group. One of the mistakes that people make with smaller spaces is planning for those few occasions when the seating capacity for groups is going to be larger than normal. As a general rule, if you are creating a seating arrangement where you will need more seats less than five to ten percent of the overall days in the year, then design for regular seating capacity and make slight alterations for those special occasions. This is your home, and it should be designed with your needs top of mind.

The next challenge was a full wall that visually broke up the two rooms at the end of the counter top dividing the dining room and kitchen. While that wall was useful to contain some of the electrical wires to feed the lights in the room and running upstairs, those could easily be diverted to the opposite wall which allowed us to remove that wall completely and open up the space. With that wall gone, the view of the kitchen improved and the overall space seemed larger. The other advantage was being able to extend the countertop over what would have been a wall and increase the useable countertop space in the kitchen. The homeowner likes to bake and having the extra countertop to roll out dough was a huge advantage to the previously cramped space next to the sink. When it came to lighting the space, we decided not to hang pendants over the kitchen island as not to compete with the fantastic dining fixture. Because the kitchen would be used for preparing meals and the more precise alchemy of baking, we needed to ensure that there was adequate pot lighting. In the living room we used pot lights to illumine the built-in cabinets on either side of the fireplace. The combination of lighting fixtures used, which are naturally placed on dimmers, provided a suitable amount of light for the whole space. As a side note: dimmers allow you to create zones in smaller areas. Keeping an area darker and out of focus by highlighting the area you are using creates the illusion of more space, simply because its hard to see the parameters clearly. Perhaps once the meal is prepared and is being served, you can bring the lights down on the living space and the kitchen and focus the attention on the dining area. The other thing to note is that low lighting can do wonders to make people look fantastic which is perhaps the biggest reason I advocate for dimmers! When it came to the living room, we wanted to provide storage and display for the space. We created a floor to ceiling, dark stained, wallto-wall cabinet, closed at the bottom and shelved in various sizes at the top. We chose a dark stain so that there was distinction between the three rooms. To further emphasize the differences we created shelves of varying sizes which stood in stronger contrast to the more traditional kitchen. We painted the front of the fireplace in a dark chocolate brown to have the wall fade and the elements of art, accessories and books on the shelves be our feature as opposed to the wall colour. In the dining room, we painted the same chocolate brown colour behind the large beveled edge mirror placed in the centre of the cabinets. The mirror provides the dining room with a sense of formality while making the space appear larger. The reflection in the mirror also showcases the living room and the mimicked paint colour pulls the two sides of the room together and creates cohesion. What we were finally left with, was a functional space that worked well for our newly downsized couple.

Get the Trend Dining/Kitchen Area Dining Room Table Sears Dining Chairs Structube Art Customers Own Countertop Mondial Wall Letters Customers Own Mirror Aspects Art & Mirror 647-988-4597 Bar Stools Structube Kitchen Backsplash Weston Tile Chandelier Prima Lighting Living Room Sofa Crate and Barrel Arm Chairs Crate and Barrel Rug, Art, Accessories Customers Own Coffee Tables Crate and Barrel Paint Benjamin Moore Designed by Glen Peloso Interiors Photography by Larry Arnal

80 Winter 2013

Vacation Retreat
Text John David Edison Photography Kim Sargent

om, a stockbroker, and his wife Nancy, have wintered in Vero Beach Florida for the last fifteen years. They purchased a plot of land on the inter-coastal waterway near the exclusive St Johns Island community, where they have now decided to build their own winter home. Winter 2013


I knew Tom and Nancy, through a family connection. They knew of my work here in Canada and abroad, and asked me to help them with the design of their new house said Edison. The seventy-two hundred square ft. residence is a one and a half story structure with an H style plan that complements in scale and size the neighboring residences. The wings of the H contain the three bedrooms, open kitchen and family room progressing out to the lanai on one side, and the master bedroom room suite, study and nanny suite on the other. The connection between is the great room containing the dining and living room areas of the house with expansive views overlooking the bay, which joins the inter-coastal. I love clients, continues Edison, who have lots of input. Tom and Nancy were very specific about what they wanted functionally, while allowing me the creativity into how the final residence was shaped. The interior approach was derived from the homes strong architectural details. Each room has a strong cornice line that is consistent thoroughout the residence. Above this line the ceilings in each room soar as dictated by the function of the room. The ceiling of the great room, for example, is twenty feet high, having above the cornice a painted wood shiplap tray ceiling, punctuated by dormers to give the room an abundance of natural light. The design intent was to take the reverse approach of traditional Florida homes. Most residences in that area have colourfully painted walls and neutral furniture and fabrics. In this residence, the opposite approach was taken with the walls and floors being neutral and the furniture brightly coloured in tones of fuschia, orange, teal and spring green. The majority of the trims were contrasted in dark espresso brown, but in the bedrooms the trims became coloured accents. The floors are large Botticino Fioritto marble slabs, bordered with contrasting marble bands of Stauario white and oakwood brown, which act as stone floating carpets.

The progression of spaces is very key in how the interior layout of the house was approached. Edison wanted strong contrast in light between connecting spaces to highlight the progression from one space to another. For example, one enters the home through the dark paneled, espresso brown stained foyer, dominated by a large chromatic painting by Canadian artist Joseph Drapell. Entering the great room, which is painted in the signature candle wax coloured white with pale grey accented ceiling panels, you then move again from the great room into the wings, where the transitional space is again paneled out in the espresso brown before finally entering the adjacent rooms. Dark-Light-DarkLight became the rhyme of the house. Tom and Nancy have both collected modern art, mostly from Canadian sources, and Nancy has a large collection of natural coral. So the placement of these elements became a major design statement in organizing the wall treatments and colours. For example, in the family room the signature espresso brown custom paneling contains some of Nancys key coral pieces which cross to the material behind the TV - mother of pearl wall tiles from Maya Rominoff. When all is said and done, Edison noted, The collaboration between educated and interested homeowners, combined with the controlling hand of an experienced designer, ended with a project that surpassed the expectations of both.

Get the Trend Architect Gregory Anderson Designed by John David Edison Photography Kim Sargent

Family Living
Text Erica Gelman Photography Larry Arnal

ften when we meet homeowners with young children, they always seem to describe their living spaces as taken over by their kids, they go on to proclaim how much they desire to live in a stylish home with grown-up dcor but cant accomplish the look with toys scattered around the house. Weve heard the statement far too many times to ignore it. Which brings the question, why do young parents believe they cant live in a tastefully decorated home? As a designer, I know its possible to overcome the challenges of toys, video games, bikes and Barbies, and I can show you how with a few great tips. When we first met the homeowners, a young couple with an adorable two year old daughter, they too, like most parents felt their home was strictly catered to children rather than a grown up environment. They lived in an open concept home that allows you to see the kitchen, family room and dining room all in one area. Open concept living is an appealing design feature; however it can also be a decorating challenge for most. The main objective in open concept design is to plan for visual barriers that will break up the space and distinguish each area for its function.

designer spaces | family living

Like most families with young children, books and toys typically find themselves sprinkled around the floor, so naturally, we decided to design a large wall-to-wall built-in unit with vertical and horizontal storage. Built-ins not only give families the opportunity to hide the essentials but it also allows children to have their own storage compartments. If you keep cabinetry low enough for the kids to get in and out of, they can easily reach for their belongings on their own. It also worked perfectly with the homeowners elongated walls. If you have an oversized room, we recommend filling the space with a few large furniture pieces, rather than multiple smaller ones, this will make the space feel spacious. In addition to proportion, we also suggest furniture to work double duty. We designed a large custom ottoman which could easily act as supplementary seating or the perfect foot stool. We also integrated a chaise in the space; it acts as a comfortable read with your kids but also sits multiple people for adult entertaining. In the dining room, the homeowners went from a bistro table with four stools to a large custom banquette, easily accommodating up to eight adults but also an ideal spot for family meals. The banquette seats and chairs were

both upholstered in a durable, high performance vinyl for effortless clean up and worry-free mess. When dealing with fabrics used essentially for young children be mindful of the durability and maintenance - how easy it is to get stains out because lets face it, spills are inevitable. We set out to find ways to maximize space, increase seating and turn this family house into a home. The homeowners were adamant about the idea of a lived-in space, nothing that looked untouchable or too formal. They really wanted to project family living in a place of serenity. We kept the tones light, bright and consistent and although we didnt repeat any patterns we incorporated the same character throughout the space. If you are thinking of redesigning your home, start with the way you want it to feel rather than how its going to look. Its possible to merge both young family living with well-designed spaces, it just takes planning and careful consideration to detail.
Get the Trend Sofa, Ottoman, Dining Chairs Custom Designed by Erica Gelman Sofa, Ottoman, Slipper Chairs Fabric Joanne Fabrics Banquette Fabric Vinyl Seats- Robert Allen Seat Back Designer Fabrics Lighting & Side Tables Union Lighting Accessories Crate & Barrel Designed by Erica Gelman House of Design Photography by Larry Arnal


JASPER Joanne Fabrics PAT Joanne Fabrics

PEMA LEAVES 8x10, Wool & Silk Area Rug ELTE

DRAMA Joanne Fabrics

Cole Slipper Chair Van Gogh Designs

Circlet Stands Crate & Barrel 12 3 Light Mini Sphere Pendant Union Lighting and Furnishings Colleen Chaise Van Gogh Designs

86 Winter 2013 Like us on Facebook!

Decorators and Stagers across Canada are here to help with your selling and decorating dilemmas. Below you will find members of the Real Estate Staging Association who are dedicated to give you resultsBeautifully designed to live, or strategically designed to sell, they are here for you!

Kelowna, B.C.

Kitchener-Waterloo, ON

Halifax, NS

Vancouver, B.C.

Winnipeg, MB

London, ON

Mississauga, ON

Markham, ON

Georgetown, ON

Vancouver, B.C.

Edmonton, AB

Toronto, ON

Smoked Salmon-Wrapped Scallops

Tender, juicy ScallopS Wrapped in Smoked Salmon and grilled To perfecTion. Makes 12; serves 6 Thin slices of smoked salmon (about 1/2 lb., 225 g) Fresh (or frozen, thawed) large sea scallops, patted dry Wooden 8 inch (20 cm) skewers, soaked in water for 10 minutes White wine vinegar Basil pesto Granulated sugar 24 24 12 3 Tbsp 2 Tbsp 2 tsp 24 24 12 45 mL 30 mL 10 mL Wrap 1 piece of salmon around each scallop. Thread 2 wrapped scallops, from edge to edge through diameter, onto each skewer. Combine vinegar, pesto and sugar in a small bowl. Brush onto scallops. Preheat gas barbecue to medium (see Note). Cook scallops on greased grill for about 2 minutes per side, brushing with pesto mixture, until scallops are opaque. Discard any remaining mixture. Serve warm or cold. 1 skewer: 70 Calories; 2.5 g Total Fat (0 g Mono, 0 g Poly, 0 g Sat); 20 mg Cholesterol; 2 g Carbohydrate; 0 g Fibre; 10 g Protein; 230 mg Sodium Note: If you dont want to barbecue, preheat broiler and broil the pestobrushed scallop skewers on a greased baking sheet for 2 minutes on each side until opaque in the middle.

Winter 2013
A listing of HoME AnD DEsign sHoWs, proDuct lAuncHEs AnD Art AnD crAft fAirs Across cAnADA



Glen Pelosos Bedding Collection

my new collection was created with you in mind. The reality of life is that you spend a huge part of it in bed and i have always believed that great sheets are as important as a great outfit. They help you to get a fantastic nights sleep and wake up refreshed and renewed. To that end i bring you a truly great quality product at a reasonable price. i have selected one of the finest products produced in portugal and have created 12 classic, timeless looks. To ensure that you will find the right look for every bedroom and quality that will last a very long time, i searched for a company with a long history of excellent quality and im very pleased to be working with St pierre. i know that you are going to be as excited about this product as i was bringing it to you. now when i bid you a good night i know that you will have just that! ~Glen Peloso

Retro Design & Antiques Fair, 3250 Commercial Drive 16th Avenue Vancouver, BC December 2, 2012, February 17, 2013, June 23, 2013, October 20, 2013, December 1, 2013 On Sunday, February 17, 2013, the Retro Design & Antiques Fair - winter edition! - returns to Vancouvers Commercial Drive, considered one of Canadas hippest & most colourful neighbourhoods. The 175 different vendors participating in this fun one-day fair are what make it unique to the city, and what guarantees the huge variety and sheer volume of antiques, memorabilia, and funky retro collectibles, all in one place at one time. Expect a great selection of vintage & estate jewelry, mid-century Modernist decor, linens & textiles, old kitchen collectibles, period lighting & fixtures, retro glam accessories, collector dolls & toys, pop culture classics, boho & shabby chic design, country stuff, advertising & memorabilia, holiday collectibles, decorative pottery & glass, sterling silver, and much, much more... Show hours are 10:00 am - 3:00 pm, general admission is $5 at the door, and parking is free. For more information, please contact 21st Century Promotions at 604 980 3159 or Kerrisdale Antiques Fair, Vancouver, BC, April 13 & 14, 2013, August 31 & September 1, 2013 For more information, please contact 21st Century Promotions at 604 980 3159 or 21st Century Flea Market, Vancouver, BC, November 18, 2012, January 20, 2013, March 17, 2013, May 26, 2013, July 21, 2013, September 22, 2013, November 17, 2013 For more information, please contact 21st Century Promotions at 604 980 3159 or

To see the collection please visit

International Home & Garden Show February 21 - 24, 2013 International Centre, Toronto For more information, please visit National Home Show March 15 - 24, 2013 Direct energy Centre Exhibition Place, Toronto Salmon Arm Home & Leisure Show March 1 - 3, 2013 Shaw Centre, 2600 T.C. Hwy N.E. Salmon Arm, BC, V1E 2S8 Home related products, services, decorating, renovations, gardening, leisure and much more. For more information, please visit West Kelowna Home & Leisure Show March 8 - 10, 2013 Royal LePage Place 2760 Cameron Road, West Kelowna BC, V1Z 2T6 Home related products, services, decorating, renovations, gardening, leisure and much more. For more information, please visit Merritt Home & Leisure Show March 15 - 16, 2013 Merritt Civic Centre 1950 Mamette Ave Merritt, BC V1K 1B8 Home related products, services, decorating, renovations, gardening, leisure and much more. For more information, please visit Greater Moncton Home Show, Moncton, NB March 22 - 24, 2013 Number of Attendees: 12,000+ Contact Denise Charron or Vernon Home & Leisure Show April 5 - 7, 2013 Vernon Curling Club 3310 - 39 Avenue Vernon, BC V1T 2Y5 Home related products, services, decorating, renovations, gardening, leisure and much more. For more information, please visit Markham Spring Home Show 13 March 1 - 3 2013 For more information, please visit The Calgary Womans Show April 20 - 21, 2013 BMO Centre, Stampede Park



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Adanac Glass

Joanne Fabrics Jonathan Adler John David Edison

Segreti Design Shelley Kirsch SICO South Hill Home Structube Suite 22 Interiors Summerhill Hardware

Aspects Art & Mirror 647-988-4597 Averill Lehan

Barbara Barry BedfordBrooks Design BedfordBrooks Design Benjamin Moore Blvd Interiors Bouclair Home

Kelly Hoppen Koket Kravet

Larry Arnal Leslie Goodwin Lisa Petrole LUX Design

Taps Tasco Tonic Living

Cera Gres Ciot Crate & Barrel Creative Matters

U Union Lighting

Marana Kitchens Marble Planet Marble Plus Marc Poissant. Marie Catherine Peloquin Mike Chajecki Mille Luce Mondial Unique Woodworking Universal Lighting Urban Barn

Designer Fabrics Diamante Granite and Marble Inc

Home Staging For Dummies By Christine Rae and Jan Saunders Maresh Published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Do you want to have homebuyers knocking down your door? Home Staging For Dummies delivers all the secrets to making your home stand out, sell faster and bring in more money! It shows you how to make improvements room by room and generate a higher profit in the most cost and time effective way. Featuring eight full-colour pages of instructive before-and-after photos, this completely practical guide demonstrates how and why to eliminate clutter, make repairs, arrange furnishings and pave the way for buyers to make an emotional connection to your house. Youll get a handle on what buyers want and how to show it to them, find plenty of do-it-yourself tasks that add real value to your home, and get tips on producing photos of your home that will have buyers craving to see more! Discover how to: See your home as prospective buyers will see it Know what needs doing and what doesnt Master the three-step home staging process Add real value to your home without breaking the bank Decide whether to DIY or call in the pros Create curb appeal Make a great first impression with a beautiful entryway Spruce up your kitchen, bathroom, living, and dining rooms Turn your bedrooms into a buyers dream Whip your mechanicals into top shape Avoid staging nightmares Get top dollar for your home all you need is a little help from Home Staging For Dummies!
Reprinted with permission by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Van Gogh Designs

Eileen Marshall Elizabeth Metcalfe Design Elte Emanuele Furniture Design (905) 669-6268 Evelyn Eshun

West Elm Weston Tile Whitewash & co.

Pier 1 Imports Prima Lighting

General Paint Gingers Glen Peloso Interiors


Q. Design

Restoration Hardware Robert Allen Robert Custom Upholstery

Home Sense House of Design

I Import Temptations Italinteriors Ikea

Saltillo Sarah Richardson Design Sealy Design Inc. Sears

96 Winter 2013

daikon and kabocha Squash in Broth

pairing daikon radiSH WiTH SQuaSH makeS for an inTereSTing and impreSSiVe preSenTaTion! Serves 6 Daikon radish slices (1 1/2 inches, 3.8 cm, thick) Water Light soy sauce Granulated sugar Instant dashi granules Piece of ginger root (1/4 inch, 6 mm, length) Small kabocha squash, decoratively cut into 1 x 2 inch (2.5 x 5 cm) pieces (see Tip) 6 4 cups 1/4 cup 2 tsp. 1 tsp. 1 1 6 1L 60 mL 10 mL 5 mL 1 1 Put daikon into small saucepan. Cover with water. Bring to a boil. Reduce heat to medium. Boil gently for about 50 minutes until daikon is translucent. Drain. Combine next 5 ingredients in large frying pan. Bring to a boil. Reduce heat to medium. Add daikon. Simmer, uncovered, for 10 minutes. Add squash. Simmer for 10 minutes. Turn squash and daikon over. Simmer for another 10 minutes until broth is reduced by half and squash is tender. Transfer daikon and squash to serving bowl. Strain cooking liquid through fine sieve. Discard solids. Add a little cooking liquid to serving bowl. 1 serving: 9 Calories; trace Total Fat (0 g Mono, trace Poly, trace Sat); 0 mg Cholesterol; 2 g Carbohydrate; trace Fibre; trace Protein; 737 mg Sodium Tip: To cut squash creatively, use a small cookie cutter to cut through the peel of the kabocha pieces. Carefully trim the bordering peel away from the cut edges.

chocolate avocado cupcakes

green icing WiTHouT THe food colouring! a one-BoWl cupcake WiTH a one-of-a-kind aVocado lime icing. Makes 15 cupcakes. All-purpose flour Granulated sugar Cocoa, sifted if lumpy Baking powder Baking soda Ground cinnamon Cayenne pepper Salt Hot strong prepared coffee Butter (or hard margarine), melted Large eggs, fork-beaten AVOCADO LIME ICING Medium ripe avocado Icing (confectioners) sugar Lime juice Grated lime zest (see Tip) 1 1/2 cups 1 cup 1/2 cup 1 tsp. 1 tsp. 1/2 tsp. 1/4 tsp. 1/4 tsp. 1 cup 1/2 cup 2 1 2 1/2 cups 2 3 tsp. 1/2 tsp. 375 mL 250 mL 125 mL 5 mL 5 mL 2 mL 1 mL 1 mL 250 mL 125 mL 2 1 625 mL 10 15 mL 2 mL Combine first 8 ingredients in large bowl. Make a well in centre. Add coffee and butter to well. Stir until just combined. Add eggs. Beat until smooth. Fill 15 greased muffin cups 3/4 full. Bake in 350F (175C) oven for about 20 minutes until wooden pick inserted in centre comes out clean. Let stand in pan for 10 minutes before removing to wire racks to cool completely. Avocado Lime Icing: Beat avocado in medium bowl until almost smooth. Add icing sugar. Beat until smooth. Add lime juice and zest. Beat until creamy. Spread over cupcakes. 1 cupcake: 250 Calories; 9 g Total Fat (3.5 g Mono, 0.5 g Poly, 4.5 g Sat); 35 mg Cholesterol; 42 g Carbohydrate; 2 g Fibre; 3 g Protein; 160 mg Sodium Zest rst; juice second: When a recipe calls for grated zest and juice, its easier to grate the fruit first, then juice it. Be careful not to grate down to the pith (white part of the peel), which is bitter and best avoided.

All recipes reprinted with permission from Companys Coming Publishing Limited

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