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Lecture 2:Corporate Strategy:- Expansion, Integration, Diversification

A) Arauco Ltd Forward integration or Horizontal expansion? In early 2004, Mr. Perez, the president of the Chilean forestry company: Arauco ltd. was about to present his recommendations to the board of directors on a $ 1b investment in a modern pulp plant. The plant will increase the firms capacity by 800,000 tons to 3.2 MT, thus making it the largest pulp producer in Latin America. Two years back the board approved about US $ 150m investment in the current plant, increasing the firms capacity to current 2.4 MT. The current current(2400)+800 = 3200 plant has a life of about 30 years. The major sales pitch for Perez was the downward trend in pulp prices for last three years, which worked in advantage for Arauco, as cheaper pulp prices meant that integrated makers now may start outsourcing. In addition Arauco was a major wood products manufacturer, such as plywood and fiber wood panels, for which pulp was a raw material. So far the % Capacity utilization factor (CUF) for Arauco was 100%. Roughly 50% of the firms revenue came from pulp sales to paper making firms, the other 50% went into two products: plywood, fiber boards. 90% of global pulp production as at 2004 came from wood, the other 10% from alternative raw materials like straw bamboo, bagasse, flax, hemp and cotton. However of late concerns of global warming resulted in stiff opposition from environmentalists on cutting down forests for pulp making and alternative greener sources were gradually becoming popular, although they were not that cost effective like wood based pulp. However in future, better technologies may make pulp making from alternate sources more viable and that day was not very far away. Given European Unions commitment to generating 20% of its energy requirements from green sources by 2020 and replacing the current internal combustion engine with fuel cell/battery powered vehicles, the idea of a green planet with low carbon emissions was gaining ground in USA, CANADA and in Latin America and the opposition to cutting down forests was rising day by day. Perezs toughest challenge was to convince the board about his commitment to increase capacity by another 800,000 tons to become the largest producer of pulp in Latin America and one of the largest in the world. The board, given the green concerns and declining margins was more in favor of a strong willed forward integration into paper manufacturing. Thus the strategic choices for a billion dollar investment were two:a) Move up the value chain to become an integrated paper manufacturer with a captive pulp plant like most of the current paper firms and invest in green technologies and alternate

materials. However this choice was fraught with unknown financial consequences, as the paper market was highly fragmented and given the highly segmented demand for a very large variety of paper products, economies of scale was difficult to achieve. Also the payback period for investing in green technologies was not known, although everyone in the back of their minds knew that the future lies there. b) Horizontally expand into pulp production to obtain further economies of scale, thus become the Worlds cheapest and one of the largest manufacturers of wood based pulp. Here the major concern was declining pulp prices in the global market, due to industry saturation and rising capacities. However Arauco was already the cheapest pulp producer in the world and the increase in capacity will make it even cheaper, thus making it tough for competitors. Although the major paper makers like Kimberly Clerk were integrated manufacturers, there were numerous small, nonintegrated paper makers in USA and Latin America, as well as in Asia, who were Araucos main customers for 50% production. The global pulp and paper industry The industry can be segmented into five major activities along the value chain. The first was forestry, followed by pulp, paper and paperboard production came next, followed by distribution and conversion of basic paper into glossy material for packaging. The last stage had the highest profit margins, as it was a highly creative task and customers like FMCG firms paid high prices for creative paper designs. Most of the industry players were involved in two or more activities in the value chain. The industry saw a number of acquisitions and mergers in 1990s, as most of the paper and pulp makers struggled with rising costs. The overall global demand for paper depended on economic activity and China and India were slated to be one of the largest consumers of paper in coming years. There was a rising opposition to paper consumption in EU, in tandem with global warming issues and all EU members were actively campaigning against increasing paper consumption. The trend was to have paperless offices and truly move into the digital age. In USA, almost all the major newspaper agencies were losing market to the digital medium and they themselves were moving online gradually. However Asia still continued to consume more and more paper. The emphasis was more on paper recycling and in USA alone 42% of the paper came from recycled paper. However, there is a limit to which paper can be recycled, typically ! times. After which the fiber in the paper becomes too short for recycling and costs rise significantly with each recycling. The industry analysts were divided in their opinion on future of paper usage. One camp felt that the whole world will be one giant and interconnected paperless workplace by 2020. The other camp felt that such utopian visions are far from realistic and paper consumption will increase, although not like past and the double digit growth rates of past will not be witnessed again. The global paper market in 2004 was 330 MT, with an annual growth rate of 4%. As at 2004, 183 MT of pulp was produced. Out of which 142 MT was produced by integrated paper makers like Kimberly Clerk, which was the 4th largest paper producer in the world then.

The largest being International paper Co, which was also a US based firm. The rest 41 MT was produced for small and nonintegrated paper makers, by firms like Arauco which operated in open pulp market for 50% of its pulp production. At that point of time Arauco was producing 2.4 MT and was proposing to increase its capacity to 3.2 MT. the global open pulp market was growing at the rate of 4% per annum, an identical growth rate with paper market. The global pulp prices touched a peak of 710 US $/ton in 2000, and fell to 400 by 2002, to recover to the present 510 as of 2004. A brief word on Araucos internal strengths:The firms gross margin rose from 41% to 43% between 2000 and 2004, although the pulp prices in this period went down and then recovered. In 2000, the gross margin was 41%, in 2002 the firm maintained the gross margin rate, with good cost control and efficient production, although the pulp prices fell drastically during this period. Many of the competitors retrenched people, but Perez desisted such drastic moves and retained all his employees in 2002. In 2004, the gross margin rose to 48% with increase in pulp prices. Good employee relations were one of the major strengths of the firm. The NPBT in 2004 was 30% and PBDIT was 44%. Strategic issues:a) The declining prices works to the advantage of the firm, as integrated paper makers may start outsourcing from Arauco, the cheapest pulp producer in the world. However the declining pulp prices also reduces operating margins. As at 2004, the general outlook was a stable pulp price in the global market for next five years. b) As of now, Arauco is not dependent on integrated manufacturers for its income. 50% of its revenue comes from the 41 MT global markets, and the other 50% from value added wood products. If pulp prices fall drastically in future, and then integrated paper makers may start outsourcing from Arauco in large scale, thus Arauco may become a B2B firm from its current B2C business model, which may not bode well for its long term future. On the other hand if prices remain stable, then Arauco may continue to enjoy the excellent financial performance. c) Increasing environmental concerns may work against wood based pulp makers in future and then Araucos large and new 800,000 ton plant will be a major target for environmentalists. As of now, green and alternate technologies for pulp production have not gained ground, due to higher costs of production, but no one knows the future! A disruptive technology in another five to seven years may surface, thus not giving Arauco the time to recover its billion dollar investment, the estimated payback for which is around 10 years at current pulp prices. d) On the other hand, a move into becoming an integrated paper manufacturer (when the entire global opinion is moving against paper consumption) is also fraught with risks, as this market is highly fragmented and varied. There are five to six different types of paper consumption, the basic being newspaper, followed by books, office stationery, legal

documents, packaging material and pamphlets. The last two are the most lucrative segments. The first three categories are already under onslaught from digital media and environmentalists. Thus moving up the value chain represents a stiff task and above all developing a NEW CORE COMPETENCE. The alternative is to develop technological competence for green pulp manufacturing, the payback for which is once again uncertain.

HENCE THE BILLION DOLLAR QUESTION WHERE TO INVEST THE SUM AND HOW? Theoretical lens to examine the case From Economies of scale and scope to Economies of collaboration and information.

Arauco should move to horizontal expansion. The aim behind a horizontal expansion is to grow its market share for a Pulp because they have a cost advantage. Company needs a growth in a sector that is presently functioning. Arauco is one of the worlds premier forestry enterprises in terms of plantation areas and yields.Through horizontal expansion Arouco would become a market leader, it has also a low costadvantage which other havent. The market seems to be moving in its favor for now, at least. Asthe result of a horizontal merger company will acheive economies of scale. They have youngforest. One of the worlds lowest cost producers. When they become a market leader, they canadjust prices. They can control demand and supply of the market of pulp. The group would prefer to remain a market pulp producer. Pulp is Araucos main industrial activity, generating upto 52% of EBITDA High yielding forest resources increase Araucos competitive advantages.They will make Competitive positioning in fast growth Asian markets.Pupl production is the core competency of the Arauco, where they have the cost advantage.They need to increase their production capacity. When they will increase their capacity, costwill decrease over the time. Nueva Aldea Complex is the start-up process which will increase itscapacity. Arauco has a leading position in the volatile market pulp industry due to its low cost production capabilities. They have resources and capabilities which create core competency, sothey have sustainable competitive advantage over others and due to this they are creatingsuperior value. They have high potential for sustained growth and protability. Arauco hasconsistently increased its pulp production in previous years and becoming one of the top global producers of market pulp while consolidating its position as a low cost producer.Arauco will strength its core business of pulp because they are the low cost pulp producer. Costwill also decrease when they increased their capacity. They will become a market leader after increasing capacity and after that they can control demand and supply and prices of Pulp.

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