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Content/ Topic: Inference & Foreshadowing Teacher: SOL objective(s) with number and words 8.

Subject/Grade: English 8 Week of: August 26-31

b) Make inferences and draw conclusions based on explicit and implied information using evidence from text as support. c) Explain how authors use characters, conflict, point of view, voice, and tone to create meaning. d) Understand the authors use of conventional elements and characteristics within a variety of genres. j) Identify an authors organizational pattern using textual clues, such as transitional words and phrases.

Review or Warm Up Activity & Exit Questions

See attachment of bell ringer/journal question/exit clip slides

Direct Instruction of Content by Teacher:
1. Teacher will begin the lesson with the Inference Prezi presentation. 2. Teacher will have students write down what they thing each of the occupations of the individuals in the poems are. Then ask for volunteers to identify them. 3. Teacher will ask students how they know that because they poems never say Im a doctor 4. Teacher will explain that they used clues and inference skills to figure that out 5. Teacher will continue through the prezi in much the same fashion. 6. After the Prezi teacher will hand out copies of The House and hand students Character Cards 7. Teacher will tell students that as he/ reads the story he/she would like for the students to write down what they would notice SPECIFICALLY about the house if they were their character (ie. A thief would notice the golden chandeliers and the electronics, while a child would notice the banisters to slide down) 8. Teacher would then have students try to guess the characters of each other from their clues and inference skills. 9. Next Teacher would introduce Learn from my fail 10. In this activity students are to guess what mistake or fail the person made. (These are taken from the popular Learn from my fail websites that students LOVE! 11. Teacher will then move on to literature with Theyre Made out of Meat 12. In this story two beings are talking to each other about something they are observing. Using our inference skills we learn that these two beings are aliens observing humans. 13. Teacher will direct students to fill out their inference chart as he/she reads the story and then discuss as a group. 14. Next, teacher will introduce Ordeal by Cheque this is a story written entirely in checks 15. Students will be asked to infer the story by writing one sentence per check.

Student Activities to Achieve Objectives:

Prezi Presentation: 1. Students will be expected to enter into the class discussion at least twice during the interactive Prezi Presentation and one student will be chosen to switch the Prezi from transition to transition. 2. Students will make inferences about poems, 7 video clips, and 6 paragraphs while watching the Prezi Inferences in Literature: 1. Students will read the short stories round robin style

2. Students will complete the inference chart in their packet as well as volunteer their answers on the board and for class discussion. 3. Students will be expected to write their own version of Ordeal by Cheque

Direct Instruction of Content by Teacher:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Teacher will begin the lesson by introducing the foreshadowing prezi presentation Teacher will have students write down what they believe the video clips foreshadow Teacher will ask for volunteers to give their predictions After watching the clips the class will discuss what clues they saw, or should have seen Teacher will move on to Foreshadowing in songs Teacher will play the songs then ask students to go back and find the lines that foreshadowed the end of the songs and discuss will the class 7. Class will then read Death by Scrabble and find instances of foreshadowing within 8. Teacher will show Death by Scrabble clip: 9. Class will then read The Veldt and find instances of foreshadowing within 10. Class will then read The Land Lady and find instances of foreshadowing within 11. Teacher will show The Land Lady clip:

Student Activities to Achieve Objectives:

Prezi Presentation: 1. Students will be expected to enter into the class discussion at least twice during the interactive Prezi Presentation and one student will be chosen to switch the Prezi from transition to transition. 2. Students will make predictions on their own sheet of paper Foreshadowing in Songs: 3. Students will underline instances of foreshadowing found in popular songs 4. Students will also be expected to go to the board at least once to share their answers with the class. Foreshadowing in Literature: 5. Students will read the short stories and poems round robin style 6. Students will underline and complete the foreshadowing chart in their packet as well as volunteer their answers on the board and for class discussion. 7. Students will be expected to find more instances of foreshadowing than are provided for them for extra credit!

Monday/Wednesday/Friday RPS (Root, Prefix, Suffix) routines

Monday: TTW: 1. Provide students with RPS list of the week. 2. Present a PowerPoint that contains visual representations of the weeks Latin and Greek Roots and Prefixes. TSW: Fill out RPS list week and study words throughout the week for quiz on Friday Wednesday: TTW: 1. Read RPS nonfiction article of the week with students 2. Go over article and answers with students

TSW: 1. Determine the text structure of the non fiction article 2. Determine the meaning of words that contain Latin and Greek roots within article 3. Answer comprehension and analytical questions about article Friday: TTW: 1. Administer 15 question RPS quiz TSW: 1. Complete 15 question RPS quiz

Inference: 20 question multiple choice test Foreshadowing: Students will read A Secret for Two and identify instances of foreshadowing within for a quiz grade RPS: Friday Quizzes

2. Students have a standing weekly homework in which they are assigned a textbook story to read throughout the week. 3. They are to fill out either a short story form or a nonfiction form based on the content of the piece that week 4. Teacher goes over homework answers every Friday

See attached handout on differentiated questioning for Foreshadowing and Inference Assessment of Assessment for Resources: Text and Differentiation Learning: Learning: Technology Strategies: (Formal) (Informal) Textbook Stations Check and Observation Manipulative: Centers Correct Walk Around __________________ Partner/ Peer Homework Signaling Instructional Software Manipulatives Student Drill Choral Response Internet Varied Grouping Quiz Class Work Overhead Adjusting Test Oral Questioning TV/VCR Questions Presentation Discussion PowerPoint Choice of Project Self-Evaluation Prezi assignment Written Report Conferencing iPod Use of Rubrics Individual Promethean Board Conference Music Other: Supplemental materials

Power Strategies Research Based (Marzano): Setting Objectives and Providing

Recommendations for Future Use:

Feedback Questions, Cues and Advance Organizers Identifying Similarities and Differences Cooperative Learning Nonlinguistic Representation Notetaking and Summarizing Reinforcing Effort and Providing Recognition Homework and Practice Generating and Testing Hypothesis

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