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A Some or any? Underline the correct word and cross out the wrong one.
1. 2. 3. 4. Hello Im back from work, is there somebody/anybody at home? I have something/anything important to tell you. There were some/any people in the supermarket. Can I have some/any more cookies? Take whatever you like, you are my guest. 5. The problem is really urgent, you can call me at some/any time, even during the night. 6. There wasnt something/anything to eat at home so I went shopping. 7. I would like some/any cheese, some/any ham, and do you have some/any olives? 8. What a boring place, there isnt something/anything to do. Is somebody/ anybody alive here? 9. Can I have some/any more tea, mum? Of course, its over there on the small table. 10. Excuse me, do you have some/any Garfield T-shirts?

B Put in some, something, somebody

a. She met ____________ of her old friends. b. He asked her _________________ . c. There was ______________ in her room. d. There are _____________ very good shops in this town. e. Fred has taken ____________ of my crayons.

C Write the negations of the sentences in exercise B D Change the sentences of exercise B into questions E Fill in any, anybody, some, something
a. b. c. d. e. ________________ English customs are very old. Did you speak to ___________________ ? I said _________________ about it to Fred. You do want _______________ oranges, dont you? Vienna is larger than _____________ other town in Austria. 1

Prof. Mag. Karin Steppan HLW Linz-Auhof

f. He could not answer _____________ of these questions.

F Complete the sentences with some or any

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. We didnt buy ______________ flowers. This evening Im going out with ________________ friends of mine. Have you seen ________________ good films recently? - No, I havent been to the cinema for ages. I didnt have _______________ money, so I had to borrow ____________. Can I have ____________ milk for my coffee, please? I was too tired to do ____________ work. You can cash these travellers cheques at _________________ bank. Can you give me _______________ information about places of interest in the town? With the special tourist train ticket, you can travel on _________ train you like. If there are ________________ words you dont understand, use a dictionary.

G Complete the sentences with some- or any- + -body/ -thing/ -where

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. I was too surprised to say ___________________. Theres ________________ at the door. Can you go and see who it is? Does __________________ mind if I open the window? I didnt feel hungry, so I didnt eat ___________________ . You must be hungry. Would you like ______________ to eat? Quick, lets go! Theres ______________ coming and I dont want _________ to see us. 7. Sally was upset about ________________and refused to talk to __________. 8. This machine is very easy to use. _______________ can learn to use it in a very short time. 9. There was hardly ____________________ on the beach. It was almost deserted. 10. Do you live ______________ near Jim? No, he lives in another part of town. 11. We slept in a park because we didnt have ______________ to stay. 12. Where shall we go on holiday? Lets go ______________ warm and sunny. 13. They stay at home all the time. They never seem to go ________________. 14. Im going out now. If ______________ phones while Im out, can you tell them Ill be back at 11:30? 15. Why are you looking under the bed? Have you lost ___________________? 16. ____________________ who saw the accident should contact the police. 17. Sue is very secretive. She never tells ________________________ (2 words).

Prof. Mag. Karin Steppan HLW Linz-Auhof

Solutions see page 3 !

H Complete the sentences with any (+ noun) or anybody / anything / anywhere

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Which bus do I have to catch? - _____________ . They all go to the centre. Which day shall I come? I dont mind __________________. What do you want to eat? - _____________ I dont mind. Whatever you have. Where shall I sit? Its up to you. You can sit _________________ you like. What sort of job are you looking for? - ________________ . It doesnt matter. What time shall I phone tomorrow? - ______________. Ill be in all day. Who shall I invite to the party? I dont mind. _________________ you like. Which newspaper shall I buy? - _________________ Whatever they have in the shop.

A) 1. anybody 2. something 3. some 4. some 5. any 6. anything 7. some, some, any 8. anything, anybody 9. some 10. any B) a)some b) something c) somebody d) some e) some C) a) She didnt meet any of her old friends. b) He didnt ask her anything. c) There wasnt anybody in the room. d)There arent any good shops in this town. e) Fred hasnt taken any of my crayons. D) a) Did she meet any of her old friends? b) Did he ask her anything? c) Was there anybody in the room? d) Are there any very good shops in this town? e) Has Fred taken any of my crayons? E) a) Some b) anybody c) something d) some e) any f) any F) 1 any 2 some 3 any 4 any some 5 some 6 any 7 any 8 some 9 any 10 any (some is also possible) G) 1 anything 2 somebody/someone 3 anybody/anyone 4 anything 5 something 6 somebody/someone anybody/ anyone 7 something . anybody/anyone 8 Anybody/Anyone 9 anybody/anyone 10 anywhere 11anywhere 12 somewhere 13 anywhere 14 anybody/anyone 15 something 16 Anybody/Anyone 17 She never tells anybocy anything or anyone anything H) 1 Any bus 2 Any day 3 Anything 4 anywhere 5 Anything 6 Any time 7 Anybody/Anyone 8 Any newspaper/ Any one

Prof. Mag. Karin Steppan HLW Linz-Auhof

Prof. Mag. Karin Steppan HLW Linz-Auhof

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