Online Resources On Trafficking and Prostitution

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Online Resources On Child Trafficking and Prostitution

Aghatise, Esohe. 2002. Trafficking for Prostitution in Italy: Concept Paper. Presented on Expert Group Meeting on Trafficking in Women and Girls, 18-22 November 2002, Glen Cove, New York. 26 pages. Aghatise, Esohe. 2004. Trafficking for Prostitution in Italy: Possibe Effects of Government Proposals for Legalization of Brothels. In Violence against Women, Vol. 10 No. 10, October 2004. Pp. 1126-1155. Available online at Amarisinghe, Sarath W. 2002. Sri Lanka: The Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children, A Rapid Assessment. ILO-IPEC: Geneva. 117 pages. Amorim, Anita, Una Murray & John Bland (Eds). 2004. Girl Child Labour in Agriculture, Domestic Work and Sexual Exploitation. Girl child labour studies volume No 1. 381 pages. ILO: Geneva df Anderson, Bridget and Davidson, Julia OConnell. 2003. Is Trafficking in Human Beings Demand Driven? A Multi-Country Pilot Study. International Organization for Migration: Geneva. 54 pages. %5F15%5F2003.pdf Anti Slavery International. 2002. International Action against Child Labour: Guide to Monitoring and Complaints Procedures. 28 pages. Anti Slavery International. 2003. The Migration-Trafficking Nexus. 28 pages. Anti Slavery. 2003. Annual Report 2003. 20 pages. Anti Trafficking in Person Act 2003. 10 pages. Anti Trafficking Program. 2002. Combatting Trafficking in Persons: A Directory of Organizations. London: Change. 238 pages. Available online at Baker, Lisa. 2001. Control and the Dalkon Shield. In Violence against Women, Vol. 7 No. 11, November 2001. Pp. 1303-1317. Available online at


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Baker, Rachel. 2001. The Sexual Exploitation of Working Children: Guidelines for Action to Eliminate the Worst Forms of Child Labour. DFID: UK. 59 pages. Barnitz, Laura A. 2000. Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children: Youth Involved in Prostitution, Pornography & Sex Trafficking. Youth Advocate Program International. 51 pages. Bellamy, Carol. 1997. The State of the Worlds Children 1997. United Nations Childrens Fund (UNICEF). 109 pages. Bellamy, Carol. 2002. The State of the Worlds Children 2003. United Nations Childrens Fund (UNICEF). 136 pages. Bellamy, Carol. 2003. The State of the Worlds Children 2004. United Nations Childrens Fund (UNICEF). 156 pages. Bindman, Jo. 1997. Redefining Prostitution as Sex Work on the International Agenda. 130 pages. Black, Maggie. 2002. A Handbook on Advocacy, Child Domestic Workers: Finding a Voice. Anti Slavery International. 77 pages. %20Documents/ADVOCACYHANDBOOK~Child%20Domestic %20Workers.pdf Black, Maggie.1997. Child Domestic Workers: A Handbook for Research and Action. Anti Slavery International. 68 pages. Boonpala, Padduda & Kane, June. 2001. Trafficking of Children: The Problem and Responses Worldwide. ILO. 77 pages. Brandt, Don (Ed). 2003. Violence Against Women: From Silence to Empowerment. World Vision International: California. 105 pages. 2e788256d1c008206ca/$FILE/Women_empower.pdf Brown, Drusilla K., Deardorff, Alan V., and Stern, Robert M. 2002. The Determinants of Child Labor: Theory and Evidence. Paper presented in Research Seminar in International Economics, Michigan. 83 pages. CATW. 2002. Coalition Report 2001. Massachusetts: CATW International. 14 pages. CATW. 2003. Coalition Report 2002. Massachusetts: CATW International. 16 pages.


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CIDA. 1997. Approaches to Child Labor. 10 pages Coleman, Maria Natalia. 2002. Economic Affects of Child Labor and Policy Implications. 50 pages. Commercial Sexual Exploitation: International Instruments and Resources. 4 pages Commission on Human Rights. 1999. Report of the Special Rapporteur on violence against women, its causes and consequences, Ms. Radhika Coomaraswamy, submitted in accordance with Commission on Human Rights resolution 1995/85. U.N. Economic and Social Council. 31 pages. Commission on Human Rights. 1999. Report of the Special Rapporteur on the sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography. 23 pages. U.N. Economic and Social Council. Council of Europe. 2000. Trafficking in Human Beings for the Purpose of Sexual Exploitation. 34 pages. CRC and Protocol on Sexual Trafficking. 9 pages. CRIN. Follow up action on the second World Congress Against Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children: Dynamism thorough Regional Commitments. 4 Pages. CWASU. 2002. Information on Trafficking in Women and Children for Sexual Exploitation. 6 pages. Dalla, Rochelle L., Yan Xia and Heather Kennedy. 2003. You Just Give Them What They Want and Pray They Dont Kill You: Street-level Sex Workers Reports of Victimization, Personal Resources, and Coping Strategies. In Violence against Women, No. 9 Vol. 11, November 2003. Pp. 1367-1394. Available online at DAndrea, Laura Agustin. 2002. The (Crying) Need for Different Kinds of Research. In Research for Sex Work, Vol. 5, June 2002, pages 30-32. DCunha, Jean. 2002. Trafficking in Persons: A Gender Rights Perspective. Paper presented at Expert Group Meetings on Trafficking in Women and Girls 18-22 November 2002, Glen Cove, New York. 37 pages. deMause, Lloyd. 1998. The History of Child Abuse. The Journal of Psychohistory, vol. 25 (3) Winter 1998. 15 pages Dessy, Sylvain and Knowles, John. 2001. Why is Child Labor Illegal? 50 pages.


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Dessy, Sylvain E. and Pallage, Stephane. 2003. A Theory of the Worst Forms of Child Labor. 24 pages. Dessy, Sylvain E. and Pallage, Stephane. 2003. The Economics of Child Trafficking. 18 pages. Department for International Development (DFID). 1999. Helping not Hurting Children: An Alternative Approach to Child Labour. 12 pages. Doepke, Matthias and Zilibotti, Fabrizio. 2002. Who Gains from Child Labor? A Politico-Economic Investigation. 50 pages. Doezema, Jo. 2000. Loose Women or Lost Women. Gender Issues, Vol. 18, no. 1, Winter 2000, pp. 23-50. Doezema, Jo. 2002. Who Gets to Choose? Coercion, Consent and the UN Trafficking Protocol. In Gender and Development, Vol. 10 no 1, March 2002. Dorning, Karl. 2002. Crying Out: Children and Communities Speak Out on Abuse and Neglect. World Vision International. Dottridge, Mike. 2004. Kids As Commodities? Child Trafficking and What to Do about It. International Federation Terre des Hommes. 98 pages. idgeStudy_en.pdf Doyle, Kevin. 2002. Child Sex Slaves. 8 pages. ECPAT. 1999. A Step Forward. (The third report on the implementation of the Agenda for Action adopted at World Congress against Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children held in Stockholm, Sweden, August 1996). 71 pages. 3rd_a4a_1999.pdf ECPAT. 2000. Looking Back, Thinking Forward (The fourth report on the implementation of the Agenda for Action adopted at World Congress against Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children held in Stockholm, Sweden, August 1996). 123 pages. 4th_a4a_2000.pdf ECPAT. 2001. Five Years After Stockholm. (The fifth report on the implementation of the Agenda for Action adopted at World Congress against Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children held in Stockholm, Sweden, August 1996. 188 pages. _5th_a4a_2001_full.pdf


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ECPAT. 2003. ECPAT International Annual Report July 2002-June 2003. Bangkok: ECPAT International. 137 pages. ECPAT. 2004. ECPAT Report on the Implementation of the Agenda for Action against the Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children. 152 pages. Editorial. 2003. Guest Editors Introduction. In Violence against Women, Vol. 9 No. 6, June 2003. Pp 623-629. Also available at Editorial. 2004. Guest Editors Introduction. In Violence against Women, Vol. 10 No. 10, October 2004. Pp. 1083-1086. Available online at Ekberg, Gunilla. 2004. The Swedish Law That Prohibits the Purchase of Sexual Services: Best Practices for Prevention of Prostitution and Trafficking in Human Beings. In Violence against Women, Vol. 10 No. 10, October 2004. Pp. 11871218. Available online at Ennew, Judith Undated. Children and Prostitution, How Can We Measure and Monitor the Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children? Second Edition. European Union. International Instruments. Farley, Melissa, 1998. Prostitution in Five Countries: Violence and PostTraumatic Stress Disorder. Feminism and Psychology, vol. 8 (4): 405-426 Farley, Melissa. 1998. Prostitution, Violence Against Women, and Posttraumatic Disorder. Women and Health, vol. 27 (3): 37-49 Farley, Melissa. 2000. Prostitution: Factsheet on Human Rights Violation. 11 pages. Farley, Melissa. 2004. Bad for the Body, Bad for the Heart: Prostitution Harms Women Even if Legalized or Decriminalized. In Violence against Women, Vol. 10 No. 10, October 2004. Pp. 1087-1125. Available online at Florida Coalition against Domestic Violence. Undated. Handbook on Human Trafficking. 24 pages. Focus Child Labor. Consisting of concept and references. 4 pages. Follow up action on the second world congress against CSEC. 4 pages Fulbright, Leslie. 2000. Poverty Linked to Exploitation of Women and Children. 3 pages. Giobbe, Evelina. A Comparison of Pimps and Batterers. 5 pages.

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Girl Child Exploitation: the Bitter Truth. 4 pages. Gow, Melanie (Ed.). 2001. A Safe World for Children: Ending Abuse, Violence and Exploitation. World Vision International. 61 pages. Grant, Anna. 1999. The Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children. Paper presented at the Children and Crime: Victims and Offenders Conference convened by the Australian Institute of Criminology, Brisbane, 17-18 June 1999. 11 pages. Haspels, Nelien & Suriyasarn, Busakorn. 2003. Promotion of Gender Equality in Action against Child Labor and Trafficking: A Practical Guide for Organizations. Geneva: ILO IPEC. 55 pages. htm Hughes, Donna M. 1999. The Factbook on Global Sexual Exploitation. Coalition Against Trafficking in Women. Hughes, Donna M. 2000. The Natasha Trade: The Transnational Shadow Market of Trafficking in Women. In Journal of International Affairs, Vol. 53, Spring 2000, pp. 625-651. Hughes, Donna M. 2002. The Use of New Communications and Information Technologies for Sexual Exploitation of Women and Children. Hastings Womens Law Journal, vol 13:1, 2002. 20 pages Hughes, Donna M. 2002. Trafficking for Sexual Exploitation: the Case of the Russian Federation. IOM Migration Research Series, No 7. 72 pages. Hughes, Donna M. 2002. Trafficking of Children for Prostitution: Protecting Our Children-Working Together to End Child Prostitution. 3 pages. Hughes, Donna M. 2003. Aiding and Abetting the Slave Trade. The Wall Street Journal Online, February 27, 2003. 2 pages. Hughes, Donna M. 2003. Humanitarian Sexploitation: The Worlds sex slaves need liberation, not condoms. The Weekly Standard, Vol 008, issue 23, February 24, 2003. 2 pages Hughes, Donna M. 2003. Nyet to Trafficking. National Review Online, June 18, 2003. 2 pages. Hughes, Donna M. 2003. Trafficking of Women and Children in East Asia and Beyond: A Review of U.S. Policy. 4 pages.


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Hughes, Donna M. 2003. Trafficking of Women and Children in East Asia and Beyond: A Review of U.S. Policy. Paper Submitted to Subcommittee of East Asian and Pacific Affairs Senate Foreign Relations Committee. 5 pages. Hughes, Donna M. 2004. Children in Chain. National Review Online, February 02, 2004. 2 pages. Hughes, Donna M. 2004. Sex Slave Jihad., January 27, 2004. 2 pages. ICFTU. Undated. Forced Labour in the 21st Century. 24 pages. ILO IPEC. Yokohama Congress and the ILO. 2 pages. ILO IPEC. 2001. Action against Trafficking and Sexual Exploitation of Children. 72 pages. greport.pdf ILO IPEC. 2001. Trafficking and Sexual Exploitation of Children: An Evaluation of ILOIPEC Programmes in Thailand, Philippines, Colombia, Costa Rica and Nicaragua. Geneva: ILO IPEC. 72 pages. t.pdf ILO IPEC. 2002. Unbearable to the Human Heart, Child Trafficking and Action to Eliminate It. Geneva: IlO IPEC. 97 pages. ILO IPEC. 2004. Investing in Every Child: An Economic Study of the Costs and Benefits of Eliminating Child Labour. Geneva: ILO IPEC. 147 pages. ngchild.pdf ILO IPEC. 2004. IPEC Action against Child Labor 2002-2003: Progress and Future Priorities. Geneva: ILO IPEC. 121 pages. 2003_en.pdf ILO IPEC. 2004. Trafficking in Children for Labour and Sexual Exploitation in the Balkans and Ukraine: Manual for Rapid Assessment. 40 pages. 2004.pdf ILO. Child Labor and Education An IPEC Perspective. 5 pages. n.pdf ILO. 2002. Eliminating Child Labor What does it mean? 8 pages.


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International Labor Office. 2003. Facts on Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children. International Program on The Elimination of Child Labor. 2 pages. ualexploit_0303.pdf International Labor Office. 2003. Facts on IPECs Strategy to Eliminate Child Labor. International Program on The Elimination of Child Labor. 2 pages. cstrategy_0303.pdf International Labor Office. 2003. Facts on Trafficking of Children. International Program on The Elimination of Child Labor. 2 pages. ficking_0303.pdf International Rescue Committee. 2004. Trafficking Watch No. 5, Summer 2004. IOM. 1997a. Trafficking from South Asia: The Key to a Dream or Nightmare? Trafficking in Migrants Quarterly Bulletin, no 13, March 1997. International Organization for Migration: Geneva. 6 pages. IOM. 1997b. Prostitution in Asia Increasingly Involves Trafficking. Trafficking in Migrants Quarterly Bulletin, no 15, June 1997. International Organization for Migration: Geneva. 6 pages. IOM. 1997c. Trafficking in Children: Prevention before Victimization. Trafficking in Migrants Quarterly Bulletin, no 17, December 1997-January 1998. International Organization for Migration: Geneva. 6 pages. IOM. 2000. "There Are Ways to Curb the Worldwide Traffic in Migrants. In Trafficking in Migrants Quarterly Bulletin, No. 21 Summer 2000. 6 pages.

IOM. 2002. International Comparative Study of Migration Legislation and Practice. 128 pages. IOM. 2003. Trafficking and Smuggling Protocols Enter into Force. In Trafficking in Migrants Quarterly Bulletin, No. 28 December 2003. 6 pages.

IPEC Sudamerica. 2002. Unbearable to the Human Heart: Trafficking in Children and Action to Combat It. 83 pages. Irving, Michael. Child Prostitution and Child Sex Rings. 12 pages. Jordans, Mark J.D. 2002. Specialized Training Manual on Psychosocial Counseling for Trafficked Youth. ILO IPEC. 69 pages. _en.pdf


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Joshi, Aiko. 2002. The Face of Human Trafficking. In Hasting Womens Law Journal, vol. 13: 1, 2002, pp. 18-40 Kane, June. 2002. Sharing and Learning: Workshops at the 2nd World Congress against Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children, Yokohama, Japan, 17-20 December 2001. 112 pages Kelly, Liz and Regan, Linda. 2000. Stopping Traffic: Exploring the extent of, and responses to, trafficking in women and children in the UK. Police Research Series, paper 125. 62 pages. Klain, Eva J. 1999. Prostitution of Children and Child-Sex Tourism. Virginia: National Center for Missing & Exploited Children. 118 pages. Lagerlof, Nils-Petter. 2002. The Roads To and From Serfdom. Paper presented at UTS Seminar, Sydney, November 1, 2002. 43 pages. Leidholdt, Dorchen. 1998. Prostitution: A Contemporary Form of Slavery CATW Presentation to the UN Working Group on Contemporary Form of Slavery. 5 pages. Leidholdt, Dorchen. 2003. Demand and the Debate. The Coalition against Trafficking in Women. 11 pages. Leuchtag, Alice. 2003. Human Right Sex Trafficking and Prostitution. 8 pages. Limanowska, Barbara. 2002. Trafficking in Human Beings in Southeastern Europe. 270 pages. UNICEF. Available online at Link and Resources on Sex Traffick. MacKlnnon, Catharine A. 1993. Prostitution and Civil Rights. Michigan Journal of Gender and Law, vol. 1: 13-31. Matar, Mohamed. Y. 2003. A Comparative Analysis of the Anti-Trafficking Legislation in Foreign Countries: Towards a Comprehensive and Effective Legal Response to Combating Trafficking in Persons. 17 pages. Matz, Peter. 2002. Cost and Benefits of Education to Replace Child Labor. Geneva: ILO IPEC. 70 pages. 3_en.pdf Miko, Francis T and Park, Grace (Jea-Hyun). 2002. Trafficking in Women and Children: The US and International Response. CRS Report for Congress. 21 pages. Mirkinson, Judith. 1994. Red Light, Green Light: The Global Trafficking of Women. 7 pages.

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Modern Day Slavery. On The Line Voice of America, November 29, 2002. 7 pages. Monto, Martin A. 2004. Female Prostitution, Customers, and Violence. In Violence against Women, Vol. 10 No. 2, February 2004. Pp. 160-188. Available online at Mosalvy & IOM. Undated. Return and Reintegration of Trafficked and Other Vulnerable Children and Women. 6 pages. Murray, Una. 2004. A Comparative Analysis: Girl Child Labour in Agriculture, Domestic Work and Sexual Exploitation, the Cases of Ghana, Ecuador and the Philippines. Girl child labour studies, volume No 2. 193 pages. df Nan Education Office. Study on the Situation of Child Prostitution. 3 pages. Nelson, Vednita. 1993. Prostitution: Where Racism and Sexism Intersect*. Michigan Journal of Gender & Law, Volume 1: 81-89 New IOM Figures on the Global Scale of Trafficking. Trafficking in Migrants Quarterly Bulletin, no 23, April 2001. International Organization for Migration: Geneva. 6 pages. NGO Group for the CRC Sub-Group on Child Labour. 2002. The Impact of Discrimination on Working Children and on the Phenomenon of Child Labour. 6 pages. NGO Group for the CRC. Undated. Prevention and Psycho-social Rehabilitation of Child Victims of Commercial Sexual Exploitation. 18 pages. me_papers/Theme%20paper%20Rehabilitation%201996_EN.pdf Nixon, Kendra, 2002. The Everyday Occurrence: Violence in the Lives of Girls Exploited through Prostitution. In Violence against Women, Vol. 8 No. 9, September 2002. Pp. 1016-1043. Also available online at Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights. 1991. Contemporary Forms of Slavery. Fact Sheet No. 14. 13 pages. Orhant, Melanie. 2004. Trafficking in Persons: Myths, Methods, and Human Rights. 6 pages. Section=PRB&template=/ContentManagement/ContentDisplay.cfm&ContentID= 5261


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OSCE. 2004. National Referral Mechanism Joining Efforts to Protect the Rights of Trafficked Persons: A Practical Handbook. 117 pages. Papers Presented at Seminar on the Effects of Legalization of Prostitution Activities, Stockholm, 5-6 November 2002. 65 pages. Parker, Joe. 1998. How Prostitution Works. 10 pages. Petit, Juan Miguel. 2004. United Nations Report of the current Special Rapporteur on the sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography to the Commission on Human Rights. 27 pages. Protecting the Rights of the Child. 8 pages. Raymond, Janice G. 2002 A Comparative Study of Women Trafficked in the Migration Process. 245 pages. Comparative Study 2002.pdf Raymond, Janice G. 2003. 10 Reasons for Not Legalizing Prostitution. Coalition Against Trafficking in Women International (CATW) Raymond, Janice G. 2004. Prostitution on Demand: Legalizing the Buyers as Sexual Consumers. In Violence against Women, Vol. 10 No. 10, October 2004. Pp. 1156-1186. Available online at Raymond, Janice. Undated. Legitimating Prostitution as Sex Work: UN Labor Organization (ILO) Calls for Recognition of the Sex Industry (Part One). 8 pages. sh_itm=74a83456040edbd5bb2c9450e7e66161 Richard, Amy ONeil. 1999. International Trafficking in Women to the United States: A Contemporary Manifestation of Slavery and Organized Crime. An Intelligent Monograph: DCI Exceptional Intelligence Analyst Program. 80 pages. Roffman, Rachel M. The Forced Prostitution of Girls into The Child Sex Tourism Industry. 19 pages Rogers, Carol Ann and Swinnerton, Kenneth A. 2001. Inequality, Productivity and Child Labor: Theory and Evidence. 41 pages. Rogers, Carol Ann and Swinnerton, Kenneth A. 2002. A Theory of Exploitative Child Labor. US Department of Labor. 28 pages. Rosenberg, Ruth. (Ed). Undated. Trafficking of Women and Children in Indonesia. U.S Agency for International Development. 308 pages.


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RWG-CL. 2003. Handbook for Action-Oriented Research on The Worst Forms of Child Labor, Including Trafficking. Bangkok: Regional Working Group on Child Labor in Asia (RWG-CL). 207 pages. Saunders, Penelope. 1998. Sexual Trafficking and Forced Prostitution of Children. Presentation at a Journalists' Seminar. New York City, Thursday, October 29, 1998. 11 pages Saunders, Penelope. 2000. Migration, Sex Work and Trafficking in Persons. 5 pages. Schissel, Bernard. 2000. Boys against Girls: Structural and Interpersonal Dimensions of Violent Patriarchal Culture in the Lives of Young Men. In Violence against Women, Vol. 6 No. 9, September 2000. Pp. 960-986. Available online at Scholenhadrt, Andreas. 1999. Organized Crime and The Business of Migrant Trafficking. Paper presented in AIC Occasional Seminar, Canberra, 10 November 1999. 25 pages. Second World Congress Against Sexual Exploitation of Children, December 17-20 2001, Yokohama. 5 pages. Spangenberg, Mia. 2001. Prostituted Youth in New York City: An Overview. ECPATUSA. 11 pages. Status of Women Canada. 2000. Trafficking in Women, Including Thai Migrant Sex Workers, in Canada. Research Report. 76 pages Stockholm Congress Panel Report: Prevention and Psycho-social Rehabilitation. 6 pages. Sullivan, Mary & Jeffreys, Sheila. 2001. Legalizing Prostitution is not the Answer: the Example of Victoria, Australia. 13 pages. Coalition Against Trafficking in Women (Australia). www. Tear Fund & NSPCC. 2003. Setting the Standard: A Common Approach to Child Protection for International NGOs. 13 pages. $FILE/Setting_the_Standard.pdf Terre Des Hommes. 2001. Child Trafficking Information File. 6 pages. The Asia Foundation. 2004. Combating Trafficking of Women and Children. 4 pages. The Council of Europe. 2000. Trafficking in Human Beings for the Purpose of Sexual Exploitation. 34 pages. gs/Rec(2000)11E.pdf The Use of Internet for Global Sexual Exploitation of Children. 10 pages.


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UNESCAP 2001. Asia Pacific Answers: Good Practices in Combating Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children and Youth. 82 pages. UNESCAP. 2002. HRD Course on Psychosocial and Medical Services for Sexually Abused and Sexually Exploited Children and Youth. UNESCAP. 2004. A Manual for Evaluating the Impact of Targeted Poverty Reduction Programmes. Revised Edition. 87 pages. UNHCHR. 2002. Recommended Principles and Guidelines on Human Rights and Human Trafficking. 16 pages. 1a003/$FILE/N0240168.doc UNHCR. 2004. Status of Ratifications of the Principal International Human Rights Treaties as of 09 June 2004. UNICEF EAPRO. 2003. Toward A Region Fit for Children: An Atlas for the Sixth East Asia and Pacific Ministerial Consultation. Thailand: Keen Publishing Co., Ltd. UNICEF East Asia and Pacific Region. Questionnaire on Projects/ Activities on Trafficking in Women and Children in ESCAP. 10 pages. UNICEF Innocenti Insight. 2002. Child Trafficking in West Africa: Policy Response.Unicef Innocenti Research Center. 36 pages. UNICEF Press Release. 12 December 2001. Unicef Calls for Eradication of Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children. 2 pages. UNICEF UK. 2003. Stop the traffic! London: UNICEF UK. 40 pages. Available online at UNICEF UK. 2003. Faces of Exploitation. London: UNICEF UK. 36 pages. UNICEF. 2001. Poverty and Children: Lessons from the 90s Least Developed Countries. 32 pages. UNICEF. 2001. Profiting from Abuse: An Investigation into the Sexual Exploitation of Children. 44 pages. UNICEF. 2002. 2002 UNICEF Annual Report. 56 pages. UNICEF. 2002. UNICEFs Priorities for Children 2002-2005. New York: the United Nations Childrens Fund (UNICEF). 32 pages.


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UNICEF. 2003. Stop the Traffic. UNICEF UK. 40 pages. UNICEF. Undated. Children on the Edge: Protecting Children from Sexual Exploitation and Trafficking in East Asia and the Pacific. 39 pages. UNICEF. 2003. What Regigious Leaders Can Do about HIV/AIDS, Action for Children and Young People. 60 pages. UNICEF. 2003. Education as a Preventive Strategy against Child Labor: Evaluation of the Cornerstone Programme of UNICEFs Global Child Labour Programme. 217 pages. UNICEF. 2004. Medium-Term Strategic Plan 2002-2005: Child Protection, Progress Analysis and Achievements in 2003. 18 pages. UNIFEM Bangkok Gender Issues Fact Sheet No. 3 , CEDAW: Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women UNIFEM. CEDAW Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, East and Southeast Asia. UNIFEM Bangkok Gender Issues Fact Sheet No 3. 35 pages. UNIFEM. Trafficking in Women and Children. Unifem Fender Fact Sheet, no 2. 11 pages UNIFEM. Trafficking in Women and Children. UNIFEM Gender Issues Fact Sheet No. 2.12 pages. United Nation Economic and Social Commission for Asia and Pacific (UNESCAP). 1999. Sexually Abused and Sexually Exploited Children and Youth in South Asian: A qualitative assessment of their health needs and available services. New York: United Nations. 47 pages. United Nation Economic and Social Commission for Asia and Pacific (UNESCAP). 2001. Sexually Abused and Sexually Exploited Children and Youth in Pakistan: A qualitative assessment of their health needs and available services. New York: United Nations. 41 pages. United Nation Economic and Social Commission for Asia and Pacific (UNESCAP). 2002. Evaluation Report: Implementation of ESCAP resolution 53/4 on the elimination of sexual abuse and sexual exploitation of children and youth in Asia and the Pacific. United Nations. 74 pages United Nation General Assembly. 2000. Sale of Children, Child Prostitution and Child Pornography. 18 pages. %5F55%5F297.pdf


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United Nation General Assembly. 2003. Trafficking in Women and Children. 7 pages. United Nations. 2000. Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons, Especially Women and Children, Supplementing the United Nations Convention Against Transnational Organized Crime. ntion_%20traff_eng.pdf United States Agency for International Development. 2002. Trafficking in Persons: USAIDs Response. 20 pages. United States Agency for International Development. 2003. Trafficking in Persons: The USAID Strategy for Response. 16 pages. United States Agency for International Development. 2004. Trafficking in Persons: The USAID Strategy for Response. 16 pages. df United States Department of Labor. 1996. Forced Labor: the Prostitution of Children. Washington DC: Bureau of International Labor Affairs. 169 pages. %20Labor%20ILAB/ChildLaborForcedLaborProstitution.pdf.pdf United States Department of Labor. 2002. The Department of Labors 2002 Findings on the Worst Forms of Child Labor: Trade and Development Act of 2000. 400 pages. United States Department of Labor. 2003. The Department of Labors 2002 Findings on the Worst Forms of Child Labor: Trade and Development Act of 2000. 519 pages. United States Department of Labor. 2004. The Department of Labors 2003 Findings on the Worst Forms of Child Labor. 502 pages. United States Department of State Publication. 2001. Victims of Trafficking and Violence Protection Act of 2000, Trafficking in Person Report. United States Department of State Publication. 2002. Victims of Trafficking and Violence Protection Act of 2000, Trafficking in Person Report. 112 pages. United States Department of State Publication. 2003. Trafficking in Person Report. 177 pages. United States Department of State Publication. 2004. Trafficking in Person Report. 274 pages.


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United States Agency for International Development. 2001. Trafficking in Persons: USAIDs Response. 16 pages. Van Gaalen, A.M.J. 2003. Review of Initiatives to Combat Child Trafficking by Members of the Save the Children Alliance. 88 pages. king.pdf Weissbrodt, David and Dottridge, Michael. 2002. Abolishing Slavery and Its Contemporary Forms. New York: United Nations. 62 pages. %20edition%202003.pdf Wennerholm, Carolina J. 1999. Crossing Borders against Trafficking in Women and Girls in Baltic Sea Regions. 5 pages. Willis, Brian M & Barry S Levy. n.d. Child Prostitution: Global Health Burden, Research Needs, and Interventions. 6 pages. Wilson, Onnie. 2000. Globalized Female Slavery. 4 pages. Wolffers, Ivan. 2002. Editorial. In Research for Sex Work, vol.5, 2002. 4 pages. World Congress against Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children, Stockholm Sweden, August 27-31 1996. Draft Declaration and Agenda for Action. 9 pages World Vision. 2002. No Child of Mine, Opening the Worlds Eyes to the Sexual Exploitation of Children. 13 pages. Yoon, Youngik. International Sexual Slavery. 14 pages.


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Southeast Asia
Abueva, Amihan. Undated. Combating Child Trafficking in Southeast Asia. 10 pages. va.pdf Anh, Hoang Tu, 2002. Assessing the Vietnam Situation: HIV/AIDS Communication in Context. 53 pages. Archavanitkul, Kritaya. 1998. Combating the Trafficking of Children and Their Exploitation in Prostitution and Other Intolerable Forms of Child Labor in Mekong Basin Countries. ILO Bangkok. Ashayagachat, Achara. 2002. Legalize It? Bangkok Post, Tuesday, September 3, 2002. Biddulph, Sarah. 1999. Kidnapping and Selling Women and Children: The States Construction and Response. In Violence against Women, Vol. 5 No. 12, December 1999. Pp. 1437-1458. Available online at Bui, Hoan N & Merry Morash. 1999. Domestic Violence in the Vietnamese Immigrant Community: An Exploratory Study. In Violence against Women, Vol. 5 No. 7, July 1999. Pp. 769-795. Available online at Caouette, Theresa M. Undated. Small Dreams Beyond Reach: The Lifes of Migrant Children and Youth along the Borders of China, Myanmar and Thailand. 145 pages. pdf Caram Asia. 2003. The Annual Consultation with the United Nations Special Rapporteur on Human Rights of Migrants. 83 pages. Chan, Raymond K.H., Moha Asri Abdullah and Zikri Muhammad. 2003. Labour Relations and Regulation in Malaysia: Theory and Practice. In Working Paper Series, No. 40, March 2003. 73 pages. Chuensiri, Kulvadee. 2001. Comparative Study of the Legal Provisions of the Six Countries in the Mekong Sub-region With Respect to Trafficking in Women and Children. Bangkok: International Save the Children Alliance. Cotteril, Colin & Thompstone, Guy. Undated. Prevention Programme for Children and Families at Risk. Bangkok: EAPAT International. 23 pages. _prevention_strategy.pdf

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Database of Organizations Working on the Prevention of Sexual Exploitation of Children within the Asean Region. 20 pages. pdf Davidson, Julia O'Connell and Taylor, Jacqueline Sanchez. 1994. Child Prostitution and Sex Tourism, Thailand. Bangkok: ECPAT. 21 pages. _sex_tourism_thailand.pdf Delaney, Stephanie & Cotterill, Colin. Undated. The Psychosocial Rehabilitation of Children Who Have Been Commercially Sexually Exploited: A Training Guide. Bangkok: ECPAT International. 102 pages. _training_manual.pdf Derks, Annuska. 1997. Trafficking of Cambodian Women and Children to Thailand. IOM & CAS. 57 pages. Derks, Annuska. 1998a. Trafficking of Vietnamese Women and Children to Cambodia. Phnom Penh: CAS Cambodia. 53 pages. Derks, Annuska. 2000. Combating Trafficking in South-East Asia: A Review of Policy and Programme Responses. IOM Migration Research Series, No 2. 88 pages. Dinan, Kinsey Alden. 2002. Migrant Thai Women Subjected to Slavery-like Abuses in Japan. In Violence against Women, Vol. 8 No. 9, September 2002. Pp. 11131139. Available online at Duong, Le Bach. 2002. Vietnam, Children in Prostitution in Hanoi, Hai Phong, Ho Chi Minh City and Can Tho: A Rapid Assessment. ILO Geneva. 109 pages. Edmonds, Eric and Pavcnik, Nina. 2002. Does Globalization Increase Child Labor? Evidence from Vietnam. NBER Working Paper Series. 51 pages. http// Flamm, Mikel. 2003 Exploited, Not Educated: Trafficking of Women and Children in Southeast Asia. 4 pages. Gallina, Andrea and Masina, Pietro. 2002. Street Children in Vietnam: An Inquiry into the Roots of Poverty and Survival Livelihood Strategies. In Federico Caffe Centre Research Report n. 3/2002. 64 pages. Good Practices in Combating CSEC-index. Gray, Laurence. 2003. Children at Risk: Practical Approaches to Addressing Child Protection Issues in Cambodia, Indonesia, the Philippines, Sri Lanka and


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