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PeKA Science Form

EXPERIMENT PLANNING SHEET 1 Name: Class: 28 April 2008 C13-3 Group members:

Date: 1.0 Title: Stages in the germination of seeds 2.0 Aim: To study the conditions needed for seed germination 12a 3.0 The hypothesis I am testing: 12b A seed will germinate only if there is water, air and suitable temperature The scientific knowledge/theory I am using: A seed germinate when it starts to grow radicle first and then the plumule. Three important conditions required for seed germination. All the variables that could affect my investigation: -Conditions for seed germination - i)presence of air & water only/ ii) presence of air &warmth only/ iii) presence of water & warmth only - type of seed - total length of radicle/ germination of seed. [Students work in station to study each manipulated variable. Then combine results] 4.0 a) Variables I decide to change ( Manipulated variable): 12c Conditions for seed germination - presence of air & water only b) The variable that will change as a result ( responding variable): Total length of radicle / seed germination c) The Variable that I will keep the same(controlled/ fixed): Type of seed 5.0 Equipment I will need to use: Materials: green peas ,cotton, cooled boiled water, labeling paper12e


PeKA Science Form

Apparatus: test tubes, refrigerator, test tube rack, thread , ruler


6.0 Brief outline of how I will carry out the experiment: Diagram: 12g

Procedure /Method: 12f 1. Four test tubes are prepared, labeled A, B, C & D, with their contents as shown in diagram 2. Test tubes A, B & C are placed in the laboratory. Test tube D is placed in the refrigerator 3. The seeds are observed/ measured for three days.


7.0 Results/Observation: 7.1 Quantitative- /plot graph

14(i, ii, iv)

Time in days Total length of tube A in cm Total length of tube B in cm Total length of tube C in cm Total length of tube D in cm radicle in test radicle in test radicle in test radicle in test 0 0 0 0 0 1 0.5 0 0 0 2 1.3 0 0 0 3 2.7 0 0 0

Length of radicle in test tube / cm

Time/ days

PeKA Science Form

14(iii) Take 3 readings and then calculate average Or 7.2 Qualitative draw germinated seed 14(i)

Test Presence Germinatio tube Water Air Warmth n of seeds


/ / / /

/ / X / No

Germinat e No No


/ X

7.3 Stages in seed germination [test tube A] 14(ii)


Radicle grows 14(iii)

8.0 What my results mean( Analysing/Interpreting Data): 8.1 State relationship between manipulated variable and variable observed/ measured[ hypothesis]: Radicle will grow in length/ seed will germinate when there are water, air and suitable temperature 15a 8.2 Explain consequence if one of the variables is absent.


If water is absent, the seed will not germinate (because all three conditions are required for seed to germinate.)15b 9.0 Conclusion:


PeKA Science Form

9.1 How well do my results support my original hypothesis? The hypothesis is accepted



16b 9.2 A seed will germinate only if water, air and suitable temperature are present.


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