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Issue 11, 15th August 2013 Issue 6, 16 May 2013

From the Principal Fun Run Despite all the controversy surrounding this years Fun Run, the kids had great fun at the run yesterday, as did the parents who attended to cheer them on. Thank you to the P&C, particularly Shani for your organisation, Pip, Claire, Lowana and Alibhe for the coffee and cake and the boys at Fitness Results for taking the kids for a warm up before their event and presenting the medals.

UPCOMING EVENTS Fun Run Money due back to teacher by 21st August please Musica Viva -1:30pm Thursday 22nd Aug Fathers Day Breakfast Wednesday 28th Aug Sports Carnival Wednesday 11th Sept Tucksop Hosted by Year 1 Thursday 19th Sept TERM DATES 2013

The Fun Run is an excellent and easy to organise fund raising event, it has however created much debate on the verandah, at the P&C meeting and at the School council with respect to the values being taught by personal rewards (the toys offered as incentives) for fund raising. As a result of this healthy debate we have decided that next year we will run our own Fun Run without the corporate incentive program. Im confident, with enough volunteers we can make this event as successful as the last two years have been. Dogs at school and school events As much as I agree that all of your various muttlies are adorable and (mostly) very well behaved, unfortunately they are not allowed on the school grounds or at school events. Could you please tie your dog up under the trees on Turton Avenue before entering the school at drop off and pick up time and leave them at home for events such as our up and coming Faction Athletics Carnival. Thanks for your support.

Term 3 Tuesday 23rd July to Friday 27th September Term 4 Wednesday 16th Oct Thursday 19th Dec School Development Days 2013 - (Pupil Free) Term 4 Monday 14th October Tuesday 15th October

Our Vision For all students at North Fremantle Primary School to experience learning that is purposeful, engaging and empowers them to become life long learners. Our Mission Through partnerships with parents and the local community, we will provide an inclusive environment in which our students can develop the knowledge skills, understandings and confidence to reach their potential. Email the school administration: Email Teachers direct: Room? (Please insert which room # your child is in)

Room 1 - Lisa Miller What a busy two weeks we have had! Last Wednesday we had our first whole school assembly which was so much fun! Thanks to the parents for getting all our little ones to school earlier than usual. It was much appreciated and allowed us to get up to the Music room with plenty of time. Afterwards we had a visit from Steve from the RSPCA. He talked to us about the right ways to care for our pets through food, exercise, water, grooming and of course love. It was fantastic and we really learnt a lot.

Room 2 - Liz Smith. It is genuinely difficult to keep track of the wonderful things we are lucky to be a part of at our school and the exciting partnerships we are involved in. Last week, in addition to incursions from the RSPCA and the Amanda Young foundation, there was an informative m-technology session with senior lecturers from Notre Dame. Attendees learnt some clever tricks when using their mobile devises as well suggestions for apps that are both fun and educational. This Wednesday was another non-stop day for us. After the excitement of the Adidas Fun Run we welcomed Pip Sivwright into our class as our very own CSIRO Scientist. Pip demonstrated to the children camouflage in action which led to an interesting scientific debate for the class. We further celebrated National Science Week throughout the week with a range of fun hands-on activities. In the afternoon, it was the turn of Linda Thorne. Linda is one of the childrens librarians at Fremantle Library and she came to share some the Better Beginnings resources with the students in Kindy and Pre-primary. Although some of you will remind me that I swore to leave papier mache alone for a while, the Preprimary students have begun to make the newspaper structures for their own 3D animal models. Once they are complete I will create a display area for them as they are already looking so good.

Room 3 - Bev Lane Well done to all our class for their hard work to prepare for our assembly and for the Fun Run. Everyone kept going and everyone tried very hard. In class we are practising adding up and taking away, making sure we form letters correctly (especially the letter b which sometimes mixes itself up with d), learning about non-fiction books and learning to tell the time. Telling the time is a good maths topic to practise incidentally at home. Dont forget to check your childrens bags for their home readers, especially on Friday. This photo is of Harry with a great sentence and picture about a crocodile - a very rare rainbow crocodile.

Room 4 - Rochelle Reeves

Room 4 has been doing some interesting work involving the water cycle. We have been cementing our knowledge through making art works of the water cycle. Last week we were lucky enough to have Bec Maddern come in and talk to us about the book she is writing and publishing with Alton Walley. We learnt about the process of producing and editing a book and we were inspired to start writing our own books. The Fun Run was a big success and our practice came in handy, even if we got a little muddy most days. We have our winter sports practice coming up and we are looking forward to morning fitness time to learn some new games and activities.

Room 5 - Chris John The last fortnight in Room 5 has seen us looking into cost, revenue and profit systems to better understand everyday businesses while still building up our money manipulation skills such as giving change from different amounts and budgeting weeks ahead. In Science the students completed the experiment that saw them placing different materials in boxes to protect their precious eggs when dropped onto concrete. Congratulations to the team of Amalie, Amelia and Kaliha whose egg, brilliantly named Yolko, outlasted the competition at 1.4m. Honourable mention to Josh and Tinos underdog entrant, The Little Egg That Could that placed second. The winning egg was honoured with a ceremonious drop off the balcony.

Room 7 - Monica Parkes/Brent Snook We have had another busy couple of weeks in Room 7. In Maths we have been learning about equivalent fractions and we made a fraction wall with a partner to help us determine which fractions are equivalent. We are focussing on literary elements this term and have been looking at how we can infer the traits of the character, such as how they speak, their physical description, how they behave and how other characters react to them. This week we began looking at setting and have noticed how different settings in a text can affect the feelings and behaviours of characters. The students discussed and then illustrated places in their lives that they feel comfortable in and how other places may change the way they feel and behave. We related this information back to the novels we are reading for Four Roles of the Reader to understand the characters are affected by setting.

Music - Kelly Branch Just a little note to let parents and friends know that next Thursday the 22nd of August at 1.50pm there will be a performance for the students of North Fremantle Primary by a trio of musicians called Fiddlesticks. With repertoire spanning tango, fandango (a lively Spanish dance in triple time) contemporary and familiar classics, this performance will showcase the versatility of the violin, cello and classical guitar. We would be delighted if you could come along to the performance too. There is no charge for parents/guardians and community members. Finally we would like to thank the wonderful sponsorship provided by the Fremantle Ports who provided extra funding to assist with the cost of this incursion and help make it possible.

Parent Library please come and borrow a book.

With the support of the P&C we have established a parent resource library. We currently have a wide range of current books on topics ranging from teenage friendships to achieving home life harmony. These books are for borrowing. A display of the titles available is located on the pinup board in the upstairs corridor but please feel free to come and spend some time browsing through the titles, the collection is located in the meeting room at the front of the administration.
How do you protect your children if you dont know where they are? Few parents would let their children wander the streets at all hours or meet with strangers, but kids do that more and more often on the internet without even leaving their bedrooms. Do you know the people your daughter chats with online every nights? Is your son being cyber bullied? Have you seen the videos your kids are downloading? Michael Carr-Gregg urges parents to venture into the online world inhibited by their children and get in touch with their day to day lives. He explains what kids get up to, provides guidelines for family internet safety and advises how to minimise the risks without limiting your childrens freedom to learn, explore and communicate online. The internet has changed parenting forever. Carr-Gregg provides an essential guide to the online world of todays real wired children from toddlers to teenagers.

Cricket Registration this weekend

Enrol at East Fremantle Junior Cricket Club this Saturday (17th August) from 11.00am1pm at Henry Jeffery Oval, (Cnr Preston Point Rd and Wauhop Rd). For more details visit: or phone Natalie on 0487 541 611

Councillors Report The weather is still a little cold in the mornings so we will be selling milo at recess every Friday for term 3 beginning this week, the 16th of August. The cost for a cup of nice warm milo is $1.00 and will go towards fundraising for our end of year camp. Thank you for the continued support of our camp fundraising!

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