CDC Installation

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IBM InfoSphere Change Data Capture

Version 6.2

InfoSphere Change Data Capture for z/OS, Version 6.2 End-User Documentation

IBM InfoSphere Change Data Capture

Version 6.2

InfoSphere Change Data Capture for z/OS, Version 6.2 End-User Documentation

Note Before using this information and the product it supports, read the information in Notices on page 667.

First edition, first revision This edition applies to version 6, release 2, fix pack 1 of IBM InfoSphere Change Data Capture (product number 5655-U96) and to all subsequent releases and modifications until otherwise indicated in new editions. Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 2008, 2009. US Government Users Restricted Rights Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.

IBM InfoSphere Change Data Capture installation or upgrade . . . . . . . . 1
InfoSphere CDC overview . . . . . . . . . . 1 Minimum requirements. . . . . . . . . . . 2 Before you install . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 What is on the tape cartridge? . . . . . . . 2 About the InfoSphere CDC program directory . . 3 Customizing your InfoSphere CDC installation . . 3 Evaluating z/OS and DB2 configuration parameters prior to InfoSphere CDC installation . 3 Prerequisite program products . . . . . . . 5 Required storage devices . . . . . . . . . 5 Required SMP/E target and distribution libraries 5 Choosing system or private libraries . . . . . 5 Should you install InfoSphere CDC resident? . . 5 Obtaining up-to-date maintenance during installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Considerations for upgrading from releases prior to InfoSphere CDC for z/OS version 5.4 . . . . 5 Installing InfoSphere CDC . . . . . . . . . . 7 Installing InfoSphere CDC . . . . . . . . . 8 Tape distribution media . . . . . . . . . 8 Internet distribution media . . . . . . . . 8 The initial SMP/E installation jobs . . . . . . 9 Completing the installation using the distributed sample jobs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Introduction to modifying the InfoSphere CDC configuration control data set . . . . . . . . 21 Linking Transformation Server user exits for InfoSphere CDC . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Link editing Transformation Server notification user exits for InfoSphere CDC . . . . . . . 24 Link editing Transformation Server expression user exits for InfoSphere CDC . . . . . . . 25 Link editing Transformation Server table-level user exits and row-level user exits for InfoSphere CDC. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Link editing Transformation Server conflict resolution user exits for InfoSphere CDC . . . 26 Modifying general product configuration control statements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 CONFIG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Modifying communications configuration control statements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 TCP/IP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 Modifying DBMS configuration control statements 49 DB2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 Modifying DB2 LOAD configuration control statements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 DB2LOADER . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 Modifying UCS configuration control statements . . 70 UCS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 CCSIDMAP . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 CONVERSION . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 IANAMAP . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
Copyright IBM Corp. 2008, 2009

Executing InfoSphere CDC . . . . . . . . . Estimating InfoSphere CDCs requirements for hiperspaces and auxiliary storage . . . . . . . Staging resources calculations . . . . . . . BUFTHRESHOLD keyword considerations . . . . Specifying BUFTHRESHOLD . . . . . . . BUFTHRESHOLD value considerations . . . . Installing and running multiple InfoSphere CDC instances . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Reverting to InfoSphere CDC for z/OS version 5.4 Downgrading metadata DB2 tables . . . . . Downgrading with user exits . . . . . . . Downgrading and the product administration log Downgrading configuration parameters . . . .

74 75 76 76 77 77 80 81 82 86 87 87

Upgrading from DB2 version 7.1 to DB2 version 8.1 . . . . . . . . . . . 89

Running Running Running Running the the the the CHCPGRN6 job CHCCRMTD job CHCPGCP6 job CHCBNDPL job . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 90 90 90

InfoSphere CDC commands

. . . . . 91
. 91 . 92 . 92 . 94 . 97 . 98 . 99 102 102 104 106 108 110 110 113 116 116 117 120 122 123 125

System configuration . . . . . . . . . . Communication commands . . . . . . . . SHUTDOWNStop InfoSphere CDC address space . . . . . . . . . . . . . . STARTStart InfoSphere CDC address space . STOPStop InfoSphere CDC address space . STRTSCOMInitialize communications environment . . . . . . . . . . . . STRTSDBMInitialize database management system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Replication commands . . . . . . . . . STRTSMIRStart mirroring . . . . . . ENDTSMIREnd mirroring . . . . . . STRTSRSHStart refresh . . . . . . . ENDTSRSHEnd refresh . . . . . . . Table mapping commands . . . . . . . . SETMIRSTSSet mirroring status . . . . SETRSHSTSSet refresh status . . . . . Other Commands . . . . . . . . . . . COMMANDProcess InfoSphere CDC commands . . . . . . . . . . . . DSPACTDisplay activity . . . . . . . ENDUREnd unit of recovery . . . . . REPORTGenerate report . . . . . . . SETLOGPOSSet log position . . . . . STGMGRStorage Manager . . . . . . STRTSDSCDescribe source tables to subscription . . . . . . . . . . . . TRACETrace InfoSphere CDC tasks . . . TRACEDESTSet trace destination . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. 125 . 127 . 132

Code page conversion services . . . 135 iii

Introduction . . . . . . Unicode Conversion Services Language Environment Code tables . . . . . . . .

. . . . Page . .

. . . . . . . . . . Conversion . . . . .

. 135 . 135 . 136

DB2 performance considerations . . . 137

Static versus dynamic SQL . . . %GETCOL and %SELECT function processing efficiency . . . . . User exits and efficiency. . . . . . calls . . . . . . and . . . . . . . . 137 . 140 . 141

Automatic restart and schema evolution . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143

Automatic restart . . . . . Persistency . . . . . . Direct and indirect requests DB2 unavailability. . . . Schema evolution . . . . . Restarting replication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143 143 144 145 145 145

Bookmark viewer. . . . . . . . . . 147

Submitting the CHCMDPRT batch environment. . . . . . . . Batch job result . . . . . . . Sample bookmark viewer output . job . . . on . . . a . . . target . . . 147 . . . 148 . . . 148

CHCMTAUT Utility . . . . . . . . . 151

Invoking the CHCMTAUT CHCMTAUT commands END . . . . . . HELP . . . . . . LIST . . . . . . LOADER . . . . . PERSISTENCY . . . QUIT . . . . . . REFRESHISOLATION UCASE . . . . . CLEAR . . . . . utility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151 151 152 152 152 153 155 155 156 156 157

Supported DB2 for z/OS data types

Supported data types. Supported mappings . Numeric types . . Character types. . Date and time types DBCS types . . . Row Identifier types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . 159 159 159 160 160 160 160

Management Console tutorial tables


InfoSphere CDC metadata tables . . . 163

Source environment metadata tables. Target environment metadata tables . General metadata tables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163 . 163 . 164

InfoSphere CDC user exits

. . . . . 165

About table-level user exit and row-level user exit programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165

Predefined entry data structures for table-level user exits and row-level user exits . . . . . Load module specification in Management Console . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sample table-level and row-level user exit programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Performance considerations. . . . . . . . Working with table-level and row-level user exit programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Defining and invoking programs at the table-level user exit and row-level user exit points . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Writing table-level user exit programs and row-level user exit programs . . . . . . . Running the DB2 precompiler . . . . . . . Compiling and linking table-level user exit and row-level user exit programs . . . . . . . Binding the Database Request Module (DBRM) Predefined entry data structures (table-level or row-level user exits) . . . . . . . . . . About expression user exits . . . . . . . . The %USER function . . . . . . . . . . Predefined entry data structures for expression user exits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sample expression user exit programs . . . . Performance considerations. . . . . . . . Working with expression user exit programs . . . Defining and invoking user exit programs within an expression . . . . . . . . . . Writing expression user exit programs . . . . Running the DB2 precompiler . . . . . . . Compiling and linking expression user exit programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Binding the Database Request Module (DBRM) Predefined entry data structures . . . . . . About conflict resolution user exits . . . . . . Predefined entry data structures for conflict resolution user exits . . . . . . . . . . Load module specification in Management Console . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Performance considerations for conflict resolution user exits . . . . . . . . . . Working with conflict resolution user exit programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Defining and invoking programs at the conflict resolution user exit points . . . . . . . . Writing conflict resolution user exit programs Running the DB2 precompiler . . . . . . . Compiling and linking conflict resolution user exit programs . . . . . . . . . . . . Binding the Database Request Module (DBRM) Predefined entry data structures . . . . . . Conflict resolution audit table . . . . . . . . Row image format. . . . . . . . . . . Truncated images . . . . . . . . . . . About notifications user exits . . . . . . . . Notifications. . . . . . . . . . . . . Predefined entry data structures for notifications user exits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sample notifications user exit program . . . . Performance considerations. . . . . . . .

165 166 166 166 166

167 167 172 172 173 174 180 180 181 181 182 182 183 183 187 187 189 189 192 192 192 192 193 193 193 197 197 198 199 206 208 208 209 209 209 209 209


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

Working with Notifications user exit programs . Defining and invoking Notifications user exit programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . Writing notifications user exit programs . . Compiling and linking notifications user exit programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . Predefined entry data structures . . . . .

. 210 . 210 . 210 . 213 . 214

SMF Record Layout. . . . . . . . . 219

SMF record header . . . . . . . . . . InfoSphere CDC SMF record header . . . . InfoSphere CDC SMF performance segment header. . . . . . . . . . . . . . InfoSphere CDC SMF performance segments Actual SMF performance records written by InfoSphere CDC . . . . . . . . . . . The system SMF performance record . . . The log cache performance record . . . . The source subscription mirror performance record . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The target subscription mirror performance record . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 219 . 220 . 220 222 . 229 . 229 . 230 . 231 . 231

Event messages reference. . . . . . 233

Introduction to event messages . Message identifier format . . Message descriptions . . . . Event message identifier changes . CHC00 messages . . . . . . CHC0012W . . . . . . . CHC0015I . . . . . . . CHC0023W . . . . . . . CHC0024W . . . . . . . CHC0025W . . . . . . . CHC0026W . . . . . . . CHC0027W . . . . . . . CHC0029E . . . . . . . CHC0030E . . . . . . . CHC0031E . . . . . . . CHC0040I . . . . . . . CHC0044I . . . . . . . CHC0046I . . . . . . . CHC0047I . . . . . . . CHC0050E . . . . . . . CHC0051W . . . . . . . CHC0052W . . . . . . . CHC0055I . . . . . . . CHC0056I . . . . . . . CHC0057I . . . . . . . CHC0058E . . . . . . . CHC0059E . . . . . . . CHC0060I . . . . . . . CHC0061E . . . . . . . CHC0068E . . . . . . . CHC0069E . . . . . . . CHC0071E . . . . . . . CHC0072W . . . . . . . CHC0073W . . . . . . . CHC0075E . . . . . . . CHC0077E . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 233 233 234 235 238 239 239 239 240 240 241 241 241 242 242 243 243 243 244 244 245 246 246 247 248 248 249 249 250 250 251 251 252 252 253 253

CHC0078E . CHC0079E . CHC0080E . CHC0081E . CHC0082I . CHC0083I . CHC0095E . CHC0099I . CHC01 messages CHC0100W . CHC0101I . CHC0102E . CHC0104E . CHC0105E . CHC0107I . CHC0108E . CHC0109E . CHC0110E . CHC0112E . CHC0113E . CHC0115W . CHC0116E . CHC0117W . CHC0118E . CHC0119E . CHC0120I . CHC0121I . CHC0122I . CHC0123I . CHC0129I . CHC0130I . CHC0136I . CHC0137I . CHC0143E . CHC0144E . CHC02 messages CHC0211E . CHC0212E . CHC0213E . CHC0220I . CHC0221I . CHC0222I . CHC0223I . CHC0224W . CHC0225E . CHC0226I . CHC0227I . CHC0228E . CHC0231I . CHC0232E . CHC0233E . CHC0235W . CHC0236E . CHC0237W . CHC0238E . CHC0240E . CHC0244I . CHC0246I . CHC0247E . CHC0248E . CHC0254I .

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254 254 254 255 255 256 256 256 257 257 258 258 258 259 259 260 260 260 261 261 261 262 262 263 263 264 264 264 264 265 265 266 267 267 268 268 269 270 270 270 271 271 272 272 272 273 273 274 274 275 276 276 276 277 277 278 278 279 279 280 281


CHC0255I . CHC0256I . CHC0257I . CHC0263I . CHC0264I . CHC0265I . CHC0266I . CHC0272I . CHC0273I . CHC0274I . CHC0275I . CHC0281I . CHC0282I . CHC0283I . CHC0289I . CHC0290I . CHC0291I . CHC03 messages CHC0300I . CHC0305E . CHC0309E . CHC0310E . CHC0311E . CHC0312E . CHC0313E . CHC0314I . CHC0315I . CHC0316I . CHC0317I . CHC0318I . CHC0319E . CHC0320W . CHC0321W . CHC0322W . CHC0324E . CHC0325E . CHC0326E . CHC0327E . CHC0328I . CHC0330E . CHC0331E . CHC0332E . CHC0333W . CHC0334W . CHC0335I . CHC0336E . CHC0337W . CHC0339I . CHC0340E . CHC0341E . CHC0342E . CHC0344W . CHC0346I . CHC0347E . CHC0348E . CHC0350E . CHC0351I . CHC0352I . CHC0353I . CHC0354I . CHC0355E .

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281 282 282 282 283 283 284 284 285 285 285 286 286 287 287 287 288 289 290 291 291 292 292 292 293 293 294 294 294 295 295 296 296 297 297 298 298 298 299 299 300 300 301 301 302 302 303 304 304 304 305 305 306 306 307 307 308 308 308 309 309

CHC0356E . CHC0357E . CHC0358E . CHC0359E . CHC0360W . CHC0361E . CHC0364E . CHC0365W . CHC0366E . CHC0367E . CHC0368I . CHC0369I . CHC0371W . CHC0374E . CHC0375E . CHC0376W . CHC0377W . CHC0378W . CHC0379W . CHC0380W . CHC0381W . CHC0382W . CHC0383W . CHC0384W . CHC0385I . CHC0386E . CHC0387I . CHC0388E . CHC0389E . CHC0390I . CHC0391I . CHC0392I . CHC0393I . CHC0394I . CHC0395E . CHC0396I . CHC04 messages CHC0401W . CHC0402I . CHC0403W . CHC0404E . CHC0405W . CHC0407E . CHC0408E . CHC0409E . CHC0410W . CHC0411E . CHC0412E . CHC0418W . CHC0419W . CHC0420W . CHC0421W . CHC0422W . CHC0428E . CHC0429E . CHC0430E . CHC0431E . CHC0432E . CHC0495E . CHC0496E . CHC05 messages

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310 310 311 311 312 312 313 313 314 314 315 315 315 316 316 317 317 317 318 318 319 320 320 321 321 322 322 323 323 323 324 324 324 325 325 325 326 326 327 327 328 328 329 329 330 330 331 331 331 332 332 333 333 334 334 335 335 336 336 336 337


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

CHC0502E CHC0503E CHC0511I CHC0512I CHC0513I CHC0514I CHC0515I CHC0516I CHC0517I CHC0518I CHC0519I CHC0529E CHC0530E CHC0531E CHC0532E CHC0533E CHC0535E CHC0536E CHC0537E CHC0538E CHC0539E CHC0540E CHC0541E CHC0543E CHC0545E CHC0546E CHC0547E CHC0548E CHC0549E CHC0550E CHC0551E CHC0552E CHC0553E CHC0554E CHC0555E CHC0556I CHC0557E CHC0558E CHC0560E CHC0561E CHC0562E CHC0564E CHC0565E CHC0566E CHC0567W CHC0568W CHC0569W CHC0570E CHC0571W CHC0572E CHC0573E CHC0574E CHC0575E CHC0576E CHC0577W CHC0579E CHC0580E CHC0581W CHC0582E CHC0583E CHC0584E

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CHC0745I . CHC0746I . CHC0747I . CHC0751I . CHC0752I . CHC0753I . CHC0755I . CHC0761I . CHC0762I . CHC0763I . CHC0764E . CHC0765E . CHC0772I . CHC0779W . CHC0782I . CHC0783I . CHC0788W . CHC0791I . CHC0792I . CHC0793I . CHC0799W . CHC08 messages CHC0800W . CHC0801W . CHC0802W . CHC0803W . CHC0804W . CHC0805W . CHC0811E . CHC0821E . CHC0824E . CHC0825E . CHC0826E . CHC0831E . CHC0839W . CHC0844I . CHC0845I . CHC0846I . CHC0847I . CHC0848I . CHC0859E . CHC10 messages CHC1019E . CHC11 messages CHC1100E . CHC1101E . CHC1102W . CHC1103E . CHC1104E . CHC1106I . CHC1107I . CHC1108I . CHC1109E . CHC1110E . CHC1111E . CHC1113I . CHC1114I . CHC1115I . CHC1116E . CHC1117E . CHC1118W .

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InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

CHC1543I . CHC1544I . CHC1545I . CHC1551I . CHC1552I . CHC1553I . CHC1559W . CHC1560W . CHC16 messages CHC1600I . CHC1602E . CHC1603E . CHC1604E . CHC1605E . CHC1606E . CHC1607E . CHC1608E . CHC1609E . CHC1610E . CHC1611E . CHC1612E . CHC1613E . CHC1614E . CHC1615E . CHC1616E . CHC1617E . CHC1618E . CHC1619E . CHC1620E . CHC1621E . CHC1622E . CHC1623E . CHC1624E . CHC1625E . CHC1626E . CHC1627E . CHC1628E . CHC1629E . CHC1630E . CHC1631E . CHC18 messages CHC1800E . CHC19 messages CHC1902E . CHC1904E . CHC1905E . CHC1906E . CHC1907E . CHC1908E . CHC1909E . CHC1910E . CHC1914E . CHC1915E . CHC1921E . CHC1922E . CHC1923E . CHC1924E . CHC20 messages CHC2000E . CHC2001I . CHC2002I .

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CHC2007I . CHC30 messages CHC3001E . CHC3002E . CHC3004I . CHC3005I . CHC3007E . CHC3008W . CHC3009I . CHC3010W . CHC3011E . CHC3012I . CHC3013I . CHC3014I . CHC3015I . CHC3016I . CHC3101E . CHC3102E . CHC3103E . CHC3104E . CHC3105E . CHC3106E . CHC3107E . CHC3138W . CHC3139W . CHC3140E . CHC3142W . CHC3157W . CHC3174E . CHC3175E . CHC3176E . CHC3177E . CHC3178E . CHC3179E . CHC3180E . CHC3181E . CHC3182E . CHC3183E . CHC3184E . CHC3185E . CHC3186E . CHC50 messages CHC5002I . CHC5003I . CHC5099I . CHC5101I . CHC5102E . CHC5103E . CHC5108E . CHC5109E . CHC5110E . CHC5111E . CHC5112E . CHC5118I . CHC5119I . CHC5120I . CHC5121I . CHC5127E . CHC5128E . CHC5129E . CHC5135E .

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InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

CHC7053E . CHC7054E . CHC7055E . CHC7057E . CHC7058E . CHC7059E . CHC7060E . CHC7061E . CHC7064E . CHC7065E . CHC7069E . CHC7070E . CHC7071E . CHC7072E . CHC7073E . CHC7074E . CHC7075I . CHC7077I . CHC7078I . CHC7079I . CHC7081E . CHC7082E . CHC7083E . CHC7084E . CHC7085E . CHC7086E . CHC7087E . CHC7088E . CHC7089W . CHC7094E . CHC7095I . CHC7099E . CHC90 messages CHC9101I . CHC9102I . CHC9104I . CHC9105I . CHC9106I . CHC9107I . CHC9110T . CHC9155E . CHC9201I . CHC9204W . CHC9205I . CHC9208I . CHC9209I . CHC9210E . CHC9212E . CHC9213E . CHC9214E . CHC9217E . CHC9218E . CHC9219E . CHC9220W . CHC9221W . CHC9222W . CHC9228I . CHC9229I . CHC9230I . CHC9231I . CHC9500E .

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CHC9502W CHC9504E CHC9506E CHC9510W CHC9512I CHC9514W CHC9516W CHC9518W CHC9521I CHC9522I CHC9523I CHC9524I CHC9525I CHC9526I CHC9527I CHC9528I CHC9600I CHC9601I CHC9605I CHC9606W CHC9607I CHC9608I CHC9609I CHC9610I CHC9611I CHC9612I CHC9613I CHC9614I CHC9615I CHC9616W CHC9618W CHC9619W CHC9650E CHC9651E CHC9652E CHC9653E CHC9654E CHC9655E CHC9656I CHC9657I CHC9659E CHC9660W CHC9661I CHC9662I CHC9664I CHC9665I CHC9666E CHC9667E CHC9669E CHC9670W CHC9671W CHC9672I CHC9673E CHC9674E CHC9675E CHC9676W CHC9677W CHC9679W CHC9680W CHC9681I CHC9683W

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CHC9684W CHC9685W CHC9686W CHC9690E CHC9691E CHC9692I CHC9693I CHC9694W CHC9695W CHC9696E CHC9698I CHC9699E CHC9700E CHC9702E CHC9703E CHC9705E CHC9706E CHC9712E CHC9713E CHC9714W CHC9715E CHC9719E CHC9720E CHC9721E CHC9722E CHC9723E CHC9733I CHC9742I CHC9743E CHC9744E CHC9745E CHC9746E CHC9751I CHC9753I CHC9756E CHC9757E CHC9758E CHC9764E CHC9765E CHC9766E CHC9767E CHC9768E CHC9769E CHC9770E CHC9776I CHC9777I CHC9778I CHC9779I CHC9780I

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636 637 638 638 639 639 640 640 641 641 642 643 644 645 646 646 647 647 647 648 648 649 649 650 651 651 652 652 653 654 655 655 656 657 657 658 659 660 661 662 663 664 665 666

Notices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 667
Trademarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 669


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

IBM InfoSphere Change Data Capture installation or upgrade

This section describes how to install IBM InfoSphere Change Data Capture, or simply, InfoSphere CDC, on a z/OS system in a source or target environment. It assumes that you are familiar with z/OS environments and SMP/E. Note: To migrate a Transformation Server for z/OS version 4.x installation to version 5.4, you can contact your IBM representative for information on the migration services that are available to assist you. In this section, you will learn: InfoSphere CDC overview Minimum requirements on page 2 Before you install on page 2 Installing InfoSphere CDC on page 7 Introduction to modifying the InfoSphere CDC configuration control data set on page 21 Linking Transformation Server user exits for InfoSphere CDC on page 23 Modifying Modifying Modifying Modifying Modifying general product configuration control statements on page 27 communications configuration control statements on page 43 DBMS configuration control statements on page 49 DB2 LOAD configuration control statements on page 65 UCS configuration control statements on page 70

Executing InfoSphere CDC on page 74 Estimating InfoSphere CDCs requirements for hiperspaces and auxiliary storage on page 75 BUFTHRESHOLD keyword considerations on page 76 Installing and running multiple InfoSphere CDC instances on page 80 Reverting to InfoSphere CDC for z/OS version 5.4 on page 81

InfoSphere CDC overview

InfoSphere CDC allows you to replicate DB2 data on a z/OS system to supported target databases. In addition, data from supported source databases can be replicated to DB2 on a z/OS system. InfoSphere CDC is intended for organizations that want to replicate DB2 data to or from a z/OS system. More specifically, InfoSphere CDC provides the necessary support to implement data distribution, data sharing, or data transformation. InfoSphere CDCs front-end functionality is provided through Management Console. Management Console allows you to work with tables and databases in source and target environments in order to configure, start, and monitor replication. Management Console communicates with InfoSphere CDC to support the sending and receiving of DB2 table data.

Copyright IBM Corp. 2008, 2009

Minimum requirements
InfoSphere CDC requires a z/OS system with the following minimum configuration: Hardware Requirements v Disk Space40 cylinders of a 3390 DASD device or equivalent for installing and maintaining InfoSphere CDC. Additional space requirements for data sets used during execution are determined by the installer. Software Requirements v Client InterfaceManagement Console version 6.3 or greater. v Operating Systemz/OS Version 1 Release 7 or greater v zSeries or z/Architecture DatabaseDB2 for z/OS Version 8, or DB2 for z/OS Version 9 v SMP/Ez/OS Version 1 Release 7 or greater v LE/390z/OS Version 1 Release 7 or greater v Communications Serverz/OS Version 1 Release 7 or greater

Before you install

This section contains information about the tasks that should be performed prior to installing InfoSphere CDC on your z/OS system. See also: What is on the tape cartridge? About the InfoSphere CDC program directory on page 3 Customizing your InfoSphere CDC installation on page 3 Evaluating z/OS and DB2 configuration parameters prior to InfoSphere CDC installation on page 3 Prerequisite program products on page 5 Required storage devices on page 5 Required SMP/E target and distribution libraries on page 5 Choosing system or private libraries on page 5 Should you install InfoSphere CDC resident? on page 5 Obtaining up-to-date maintenance during installation on page 5 Considerations for upgrading from releases prior to InfoSphere CDC for z/OS version 5.4 on page 5

What is on the tape cartridge?

The usual distribution medium is a tape cartridge. The tape cartridge is written with data sets that contain object text used to create executable code, sample JCL, and additional data sets organized and written in a manner suitable for an installation process using SMP/E. Additionally, InfoSphere CDC is distributed from the Internet. Instructions are included on how to upload the distribution data from the local media to a z/OS system, and how to reformat it so that it can be processed by SMP/E. If the Internet distribution method is used, this documentation still provides necessary information about how to manage the SMP/E installation, how to prepare InfoSphere CDCs metadata DB2 tables, and so on.

InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

About the InfoSphere CDC program directory

Included with the distribution tape cartridge is a Program Directory that completely describes the contents of the distribution medium and provides explicit instructions on how to start the InfoSphere CDC installation.

Customizing your InfoSphere CDC installation

The series of jobs that install InfoSphere CDC are straightforward, and should be run in the sequence documented (there are no customization capabilities available at this time). However, before any of the jobs can be executed, certain installation-dependent values must be specified in the JCL and control statements. These installation values are represented by substitution placeholders. A substitution placeholder is a text string that is usually contained within angle brackets (< and >), contained within single quotes or preceded by a pound sign (#). Not all substitution placeholders will appear in every job. Each job contains a block of comments that lists the substitution placeholders that must be replaced within that job, and describes the values that should be used for each substitution. Additionally, where possible, the substitution placeholders are visually indicated using comments, making it easier to locate all instances of the substitution placeholders that need to be replaced.

Evaluating z/OS and DB2 configuration parameters prior to InfoSphere CDC installation
The following issues need to be considered: ECSA Expanded storage, hiperspaces, and storage above the bar DB2 batch connections and allied threads on page 4 DB2 log buffers on page 4

InfoSphere CDC uses the DB2 Instrumentation Facility Interface (IFI) to obtain copies of the changes made to database tables from the DB2 Log. The IFI requires that the application program (InfoSphere CDC) supply a storage buffer located in the z/OS ECSA with storage key 7. A buffer (approximately 72KB in size or 288KB in size if a DB2 Data Sharing Group is being used) is required for each active IFI connection. InfoSphere CDC will maintain an active IFI connection for each subscription for which it is actively mirroring data. InfoSphere CDC will also maintain one active IFI connection for the Log Cache, if it is configured. This may require a reassessment of the size of ECSA as configured using z/OS IPL parameters, and will require an IPL if the value configured needs to be changed.

Expanded storage, hiperspaces, and storage above the bar

InfoSphere CDC uses hiperspaces for staging data that it has read from the DB2 Log, until it reads a COMMIT DB2 Log record. Hiperspaces are stored in z/OS Central Storage that is above the bar (64-bit addressable storage), and may be paged to z/OS Auxiliary Storage if the page frames in Central Storage are stolen by z/OS on behalf of another address space. Accordingly, the amount of DASD storage assigned to page or swap data sets may need to be increased in order to accommodate the additional requirements from InfoSphere CDC. Above the bar storage used by hiperspaces is exempt from the limit imposed by the STG64LIMIT keyword.

IBM InfoSphere Change Data Capture installation or upgrade

InfoSphere CDC uses storage above the bar (64 bit addressable storage) to cache changes on the target. As the changes are received from the source environment, they are cached and applied to the target tables. When the applied changes are committed, the cached changes are purged. If DB2 backs out the logical unit of work before the changes can be committed (for example, due to a deadlock or timeout condition), then InfoSphere CDC will read the changes from the cache and reapply them. The allocation of storage above the bar is controlled by the MEMLIMIT JCL parameter. The sample JCL used to run InfoSphere CDC specifies a REGION parameter with a value of 0M. This implies a default value for MEMLIMIT of NOLIMIT, meaning that there will be no restriction on the use of storage above the bar. If you change the value specified for the REGION parameter to anything other than 0M, then you must provide an explicit, nonzero value for the MEMLIMIT parameter as well. Failure to do so will cause subscriptions to fail when they cannot acquire any storage above the bar. Above the bar storage used to cache changes received from the source is also subject to the limit imposed by the STG64LIMIT keyword. Related concepts Estimating InfoSphere CDCs requirements for hiperspaces and auxiliary storage on page 75

DB2 batch connections and allied threads

While it is executing, InfoSphere CDC opens several DB2 plans under separate sub-tasks. Each DB2 plan is opened using the DB2 batch Call Attach Facility, and so each opened DB2 plan requires a DB2 batch connection and represents a DB2 user. Running InfoSphere CDC may require an adjustment to the maximum number of batch connections and allied threads (users) that DB2 can support. In order to determine what these adjustments (if any) are, you will need to know the maximum number of open plans that InfoSphere CDC will require. InfoSphere CDC keeps its DB2 plans open only as long as they are required, and closes them as soon as they are no longer needed. Accordingly, you will need to know the maximum number of concurrent replication and support activities that can be ongoing at one time. The following is a set of guidelines to help you determine these numbers: v When InfoSphere CDC starts, it opens three DB2 plans. If the Log Cache is configured, InfoSphere CDC opens one additional DB2 plan. v For each agent that is connected, and for the duration of that connection, InfoSphere CDC opens one DB2 plan. v For each ongoing describe (describes are usually very quick), InfoSphere CDC opens two DB2 plans. The first plan is closed shortly after the second plan is opened. This is true whether InfoSphere CDC is the transmitter or receiver of the described data. v For each source subscription that is refreshing a table, InfoSphere CDC opens two DB2 plans. The first plan is closed shortly after the second plan is opened. v For each source subscription that is mirroring a table, InfoSphere CDC opens three DB2 plans. The first plan is closed shortly after the second plan is opened. v For each target subscription that is receiving table changes from a source environment refresh or mirror activity, InfoSphere CDC opens two plans. The first plan is closed shortly after the second plan is opened, but is briefly reopened each time the source sends a bookmark during mirroring.

DB2 log buffers

InfoSphere CDC uses the DB2 IFI to obtain DB2 Log data when it is mirroring table changes. The DB2 IFI will retrieve and present DB2 Log data from the

InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

archived DB2 Log data sets, from the active DB2 Log data sets, or from the DB2 Log buffers. The DB2 IFI presents data from these sources preferentially, based on the speed with which it can obtain the data. The DB2 Log buffer is the most preferred, and archived DB2 Log data sets are the least preferred. When InfoSphere CDC is mirroring table changes in real time (Continuous Mirroring), it attempts to obtain DB2 Log data as soon as it has been written. If, for any number of reasons, InfoSphere CDC should fall behind, it will eventually catch up to the end of the DB2 Log again (assuming that table changes can be replicated faster than data is being written to the DB2 Log). The larger the number if DB2 Log buffers, the more often DB2 will find the DB2 Log data being requested within the DB2 Log buffers, and the quicker the DB2 IFI will be able to deliver DB2 Log data to InfoSphere CDC. This will improve InfoSphere CDCs ability to catch up to the end of the DB2 Log and maintain a low latency when it is mirroring. It is suggested that you review and possibly increase the number of DB2 Log buffers before running InfoSphere CDC for mirroring.

Prerequisite program products

For more information, see your Program Directory document.

Required storage devices

For more information, see your Program Directory document.

Required SMP/E target and distribution libraries

For more information, see your Program Directory document.

Choosing system or private libraries

No system libraries are required. Only private data sets are used.

Should you install InfoSphere CDC resident?

InfoSphere CDC does not require any of its modules to be loaded into the Link Pack Area.

Obtaining up-to-date maintenance during installation

For more information, see the Program Directory document.

Considerations for upgrading from releases prior to InfoSphere CDC for z/OS version 5.4
If you are planning an upgrade from Transformation Server for z/OS version 5.3 or below, then it is recommended that you upgrade to InfoSphere CDC for z/OS version 5.4 before beginning the upgrade to InfoSphere CDC version 6.2. This section outlines considerations for an upgrade from Transformation Server for z/OS version 5.3 (or below) that are additional to the upgrade from InfoSphere CDC version 5.4. These considerations are the result of a change in the 3-letter product ID code that identified InfoSphere CDC for z/OS when version 5.4 was released. The product-ID prefix change has been carried over to InfoSphere CDC, so you must take these changes into consideration when upgrading to InfoSphere CDC version 6.2.

IBM InfoSphere Change Data Capture installation or upgrade

The product ID is used by InfoSphere CDC as a prefix for almost everything except the DB2 metadata tables. This includes the names of programs, DB2 plans, DD statements, configuration dataset members, and samples provided with the product. See also: JCL changes Configuration statements Messages Security and authorization Operational procedures on page 7 Expressions and journal control fields on page 7 Other considerations on page 7

JCL changes
The sample JCL stored procedure name has changed from that in Transformation Server for z/OS version 5.3 TSDPROC is now CHCPROC. If you are using the sample procedure name to run InfoSphere CDC, then you will have to customize the new procedure to suit the installation requirements (dataset names, for example) and make it available to the Job Entry System by adding it to a dataset in the PROCLIB concatenation. You can also reuse the existing procedure name in order to minimize operational and security changes. If you are reusing the same procedure, then you must change the JCL to accommodate the following product differences: v DD names for files have changed from TSDxxxxx to CHCxxxxx. v Program names have changed from TSDxxxxx to CHCxxxxx. For example, PGM=TSDMIT must be changed to PGM=CHCMIT. If InfoSphere CDC is run as a started task using the z/OS Start command, you can alter the existing procedure or change the name in the supplied sample rather than using the new name. Changing the name of the InfoSphere CDC started task name introduces additional implications for both operational procedures and the assignment of security identifiers (user IDs) to the InfoSphere CDC task. See the appropriate sections below for additional details.

Configuration statements
There are no changes to the configuration statements themselves, but the configuration member names have changed. The existing configuration statements will need to be renamed or copied to new members with the new names. For example, TSDCFGxx is renamed to CHCCFGxx.

The InfoSphere CDC message prefix has changed from TSD to CHC. Any operational procedures, including those performed by automated operations tools, will need to be updated to reflect the new message format. Note that the InfoSphere CDC Notifications feature uses the numeric identifier of the message and is not sensitive to the prefix. No changes are necessary for Notifications configuration.

Security and authorization

Note the following regarding security and authorization in InfoSphere CDC:

InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

v Any security system controls that restrict access to programs based on the name of the program will need to be updated or replaced to reflect the changed program names. v If a changed JCL procedure name is used as a started task, then you may need to define a new security ID. Even if the procedure name is changed, it may be possible to assign the existing user ID to the new task name, which is the preferred approach. v If you are assigning a new user ID to the renamed InfoSphere CDC task, then additional security-related changes are required: In order to satisfy the restriction that the metadata tables must be owned by the InfoSphere CDC user, you must recreate the InfoSphere CDC DB2 metadata tables with the new user ID as the owner. DB2 permissions (as specified in the installation instructions) must be granted to the user ID. Resource and system access rules must be altered to allow the new user id access to the resources (datasets, programs, etcetera). Related concepts JCL changes on page 6 Messages on page 6

Operational procedures
Note the following regarding operational procedures in InfoSphere CDC: v You must review procedures that depend on the recognition of messages issued by InfoSphere CDC. If there is any dependence on recognizing a message ID starting with TSD, then you must update the procedure to account for the fact that message IDs will now start with the characters CHC. v You must review all procedures that control InfoSphere CDC (start, stop, or issue commands to). If the task name of InfoSphere CDC is changed, then you must update these procedures. v z/OS user exits such as IEFUSI that may rely upon program names must be updated to check for the program name CHCMIT instead of TSDMIT.

Expressions and journal control fields

Since the value provided for the &PROGRAM journal control field is the plan name in effect when the change was logged, any processes that depend on the this journal control field may require changes: v During refresh, the plan provided to the target system is the plan name from InfoSphere CDC, so it will appear to the refresh target system as if a different program is performing the update. v In a cascading replication (where a target table is also a source table in a different target), the program performing the cascaded updates will be different.

Other considerations
The DB2 plan names for InfoSphere CDC have changed to begin with CHC. You must update any DB2 access controls (such as permissions to use the plans) or other business processes that depend on recognizing the plan names starting with TSD.

Installing InfoSphere CDC

This section contains the sequence of steps that should be followed to install InfoSphere CDC on your z/OS server.

IBM InfoSphere Change Data Capture installation or upgrade

Note: If you are upgrading InfoSphere CDC to version 6.2 Fix Pack 1, you are also required to upgrade Management Console and Access Server to version 6.3 Fix Pack 2 In this section, you will learn: Installing InfoSphere CDC Tape distribution media Internet distribution media The initial SMP/E installation jobs on page 9 Completing the installation using the distributed sample jobs on page 9

Installing InfoSphere CDC

InfoSphere CDC version 6.2 will delete and supersede any previous installation of InfoSphere CDC for z/OS from the SMP/E CSI database. While this will not remove the software from existing execution libraries, it will result in the inability to install PTFs on that existing version. If you want to install a version of InfoSphere CDC for testing without impacting an existing installation, create a separate SMP/E CSI for the installation.

Tape distribution media

The Program Directory document that accompanies the distribution tape contains an example of JCL that can be used to load a CNTL partitioned data set with samples of the jobs needed to start the installation process. Once similar JCL has been used to load the sample jobs from the distribution tape, the sample jobs can be used to start the InfoSphere CDC installation. These sample jobs can also be used to: v Create an autonomous SMP/E environment and execute the SMP/E utility to RECEIVE the contents of the distribution tape and any cumulative maintenance. v Create SMP/E Target and DLIB Zones and data sets, and APPLY the base Function Sysmod and any cumulative maintenance into the Target Zone and Target data sets.

Internet distribution media

Alternatively, if an Internet download is being used as the distribution medium, then a readme.txt file included in the distribution describes how to transfer the distributed files to data sets on DASD, rather than to tape volumes. In this case, a CNTL partitioned data set will also have been created, containing samples of the jobs needed to start the installation process. These sample jobs can also be used to: v Create an autonomous SMP/E environment and execute the SMP/E utility to RECEIVE the distribution data and any cumulative maintenance as it exists on DASD. v Create SMP/E Target and DLIB Zones and data sets and APPLY the base Function Sysmod and any cumulative maintenance into the Target Zone and Target data sets. The sample jobs are virtually the same jobs obtained from the distribution tape if following the procedure outlined in Tape Distribution Media.

InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

Related concepts Tape distribution media on page 8

The initial SMP/E installation jobs

The Program Directory document contains a description of those sample jobs that can be used to perform the SMP/E-related portion of the installation process. Follow the description in that document to complete the SMP/E portion of the installation, then return to this document to complete the installation process.

Completing the installation using the distributed sample jobs

After the CHCAPPLY job has been successfully used to APPLY the base product Function Sysmod, the maintenance from the CUM tape, and any up-to-date maintenance, the SCHCCNTL data set will contain sample jobs using the most current JCL. These sample jobs can be used to complete the SMP/E portion of the installation process, as well as perform the complete DB2 portion of the installation. Other sample data, such as sample configuration control statements will also be available in other SMP/E Target data sets. As soon as the CHCAPPLY job has been successfully completed, the SCHCCNTL SMP/E Target Library should be used as the source of the remaining installation jobs. Although the installation jobs are accessible in the SCHCCNTL data set, data in this data set should not be modified by any program other than SMP/E. If you make changes to any of the SMP/E Target libraries, they will be lost when future maintenance updates the members of the Target data sets. If a member from any of the SMP/E Target data sets is to be used to produce an installation job, configuration member, and so on, it should be copied from the SMP/E Target data set to a modifiable data set, where it can be adapted as necessary. The following jobs can be found in the SCHCCNTL data set after the CHCAPPLY job has been executed: v CHCALAJCL to define an SMP/E CSI VSAM data set containing a GLOBAL Zone. v CHCALBJCL to allocate general purpose SMP/E data sets and create the Target and DLIB Zones that will be used by InfoSphere CDC. v CHCALLOCJCL to allocate the InfoSphere CDC Target and DLIB library data sets. v CHCDDDEFJCL to create the SMP/E DDDEFs in the Target and DLIB Zones, used for locating the Target and DLIB library data sets. v CHCRECEVJCL to load the distribution tape and cumulative maintenance tape into an SMP/E environment. v CHCAPPLYJCL to execute an SMP/E APPLY CHECK or APPLY process to install InfoSphere CDC into the SMP/E Target libraries. v CHCACCEPJCL to execute an SMP/E ACCEPT CHECK or ACCEPT process to copy the InfoSphere CDC SMPTLIBs into the SMP/E DLIB libraries. v CHCDFPALJCL to define and initialize the InfoSphere CDC product administration log (PAL). v CHCDFMTDJCL to define and initialize the InfoSphere CDC metadata VSAM cluster. v CHCMDCHKJCL to validate metadata that was created by a previous release of InfoSphere CDC for z/OS. v CHCPGMTDJCL to upgrade InfoSphere CDC for z/OS metadata from version 6.2 format to version 6.2 fix pack 1 format.
IBM InfoSphere Change Data Capture installation or upgrade

v CHCPGRN5JCL to rename InfoSphere CDC for z/OS metadata that was created by version 5.4 of InfoSphere CDC for z/OS. v CHCCRMTDJCL to create DB2 tables that will contain the part of InfoSphere CDC version 6.2 metadata that resides in DB2 tables. v CHCPGCP5JCL to copy InfoSphere CDC for z/OS version 5.4 metadata to the InfoSphere CDC for z/OS version 6.2 metadata. v CHCGRNTAJCL to grant DB2 authorities to the security identifier assigned to the InfoSphere CDC address space, and, optionally, to set the DATA CAPTURE CHANGES attribute on certain DB2 Catalogue tables. v CHCBNDPLJCL to bind the DB2 Plans that will be used by InfoSphere CDC to access the DB2 Log, metadata tables, and application data tables that are to be replicated. v CHCCRCCHJCL to create the VSAM data set containing the Level 2 DB2 Log cache and the cache control data set that maintains a summarization of the data in the cache. v CHCPROCJCL to execute the InfoSphere CDC product. This JCL can be stored in a procedure library to be invoked as either a started task or a batch job. v CHCLGANUJCL to execute the InfoSphere CDC for z/OS DB2 Log Analyzer Utility. This JCL need not be executed during the installation process. It can be used any time that analysis of the content of a DB2 Log is required for purposes of configuration and tuning of InfoSphere CDC v CHCMTAUTJCL to configure features of InfoSphere CDC for z/OS that can not be configured using Management Console. v CHCMDPRTJCL to execute the InfoSphere CDC Metadata Print Utility. This JCL need not be executed during the installation process. It is used if a report on the content of the InfoSphere CDC metadata is required for problem analysis or other purposes. v CHCBLTTLJCL to create and load DB2 tables that will contain the InfoSphere CDC tutorial tables. This JCL need not be executed during the installation process. It can be used at a later time if the tutorial is required. v CHCPGRN6JCL to rename existing InfoSphere CDC metadata DB2 tables after changing DB2 version 8.1 to full-function mode from compatibility mode. v CHCPGCP6JCL to copy the data from InfoSphere CDC metadata DB2 tables created in DB2 version 7.1 format to metadata DB2 tables created in the format required to provide full DB2 version 8.1 functionality. v CHCDNGRDJCL to revert to the original InfoSphere CDC for z/OS version 5.4 metadata while preserving the contents of the InfoSphere CDC for z/OS version 6.2 metadata, after having upgraded. To continue the installation process, these jobs must be run in order. For a new installation of InfoSphere CDC for z/OS version 6.2 fix pack 1, you must run CHCDFPAL, CHCDFMTD, CHCCRMTD, CHCGRNTA, CHCBNDPL, and CHCCRCCH. For an upgrade from InfoSphere CDC for z/OS version 5.4 to version 6.2 fix pack 1, you must run CHCMDCHK, CHCPGRN5, CHCCRMTD, CHCBNDPL, CHCPGCP5, CHCPGMTD, and CHCGRNTA. For an upgrade from InfoSphere CDC for z/OS version 6.2 to version 6.2 fix pack 1, you must run CHCPGMTD, CHCBNDPL and CHCGRNTA. Not all the distributed sample jobs need to be run to complete the install. The CHCALA, CHCALB, CHCALLOC, CHCDDDEF, CHCRECEV, CHCAPPLY, CHCACCEP jobs (which will have already been run), the CHCGLANU, CHCMDPRT, CHCBLTTL, CHCPGRN6, CHCPGCP6, and CHCDNGRD jobs (which are not necessary for the installation process) are not needed during either an initial install or an upgrade install.


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

See also: Authorizing the execution load library Initial install of InfoSphere CDC or upgrade to InfoSphere CDC on page 12 Creating the configuration control data set on page 12 Creating the user exit load library on page 13 Preparing DB2 for z/OS version 8 or DB2 for z/OS version 9 for InfoSphere CDC on page 13 Preparing Communications Server for use by InfoSphere CDC on page 20 Related concepts Running the CHCDFPAL job on page 16 Running the CHCDFMTD job on page 16 Running the CHCMDCHK job on page 16 Running the CHCPGRN5 job on page 16 Running the CHCCRMTD job on page 17 Running the CHCPGCP5 job on page 19 Running the CHCPGMTD job on page 19 Running the CHCGRNTA job on page 19 Running the CHCBNDPL job on page 18 Running the CHCCRCCH job on page 20 Executing InfoSphere CDC on page 74 Management Console tutorial tables on page 161

Authorizing the execution load library

After the CHCAPPLY job has successfully completed, the InfoSphere CDC SMP/E Target Library (SCHCLOAD) will contain executable load modules. SCHCLOAD could be used as the load library to execute InfoSphere CDC but this is strongly discouraged. In this scenario, if maintenance is applied while InfoSphere CDC is running, you run the risk of a new version of a load module being loaded from SCHCLOAD that is incompatible with an older load module that had been loaded by InfoSphere CDC before the maintenance was applied. If this happens, results are unpredictable; InfoSphere CDC could terminate abnormally, cause data corruption, or behave in any number of other undesirable ways. It is imperative to allocate a new execution load library data set and copy the contents of SCHCLOAD to this new load library, which will be used as the load library to execute InfoSphere CDC. Future maintenance can then be safely applied to SCHCLOAD. When you are ready to recycle the InfoSphere CDC address space after applying new maintenance, you will shut down InfoSphere CDC, copy the contents of SCHCLOAD to the execution load library, and then restart InfoSphere CDC. The sample JCL provided in the SCHCCNTL data set (CHCPROC member) contains a STEPLIB DD statement that names the execution load library data set as #hlqual.LOAD. Using TSO/ISPF or batch JCL, allocate such a data set (after resolving the #hlqual placeholder) using the same DSNTYPE, DCB attributes and space allocation as the SCHCLOAD data set. Copy the contents of the SCHCLOAD data set to the #hlqual.LOAD data set. InfoSphere CDC must execute in an APF Authorized address space. During the process of installing InfoSphere CDC, the #hlqual.LOAD data set must be set APF Authorized. Setting APF Authorization must occur before any of the load modules are executed.
IBM InfoSphere Change Data Capture installation or upgrade


APF Authorizing the #hlqual.LOAD data set must be performed by personnel authorized to update SYS1.PARMLIB or enter a z/OS SETPROG console command. This must be done for each server that will be used to execute the InfoSphere CDC product. The SCHCCNTL data set does not contain a sample job that can be used to change the APF Authorization of the execution load library.

Initial install of InfoSphere CDC or upgrade to InfoSphere CDC

At this point in the installation process, the tasks to be completed differ, depending on whether or not InfoSphere CDC for z/OS version 5.4 or version 6.2 or neither has already been installed at the site. If a previous release of InfoSphere CDC for z/OS (version 5.x) has already been installed and is being used, then the existing metadata stored in DB2 tables may represent a significant investment of time and effort. Therefore, it should be preserved and used by the new installation of InfoSphere CDC. Configuration changes to Communications Server for the previously version need to be preserved as well for future use. The remaining tasks will upgrade the metadata tables, and InfoSphere CDC for z/OS version 6.2 will be able to employ the facilities and resources that were used by the previously installed release. If InfoSphere CDC for z/OS version 6.2 is the first copy of InfoSphere CDC to be installed at the site, then the remaining tasks will prepare facilities and resources required for InfoSphere CDC to execute successfully. This will include creating new metadata tables in a DB2 table space, and configuring the communications resources for use. In the following sections, references will be made to differences in the procedure, depending of whether an initial installation or an upgrade is being performed. The labels Initial Install, Upgrade, Upgrade from version 5.4 and Upgrade from 6.2 identify different courses of action. Consider and choose the appropriate action when such a distinction is encountered.

Creating the configuration control data set

InfoSphere CDC requires that certain configurable settings be specified prior to its execution, so that they can be read and processed during initialization of the InfoSphere CDC address space. These configurable settings are specified as values of keywords in statements in the InfoSphere CDC Configuration Control data set. The sample JCL provided in the SCHCCNTL data set (CHCPROC member) contains a CHCCNTRL DD statement that names the configuration control data set as #hlqual.DATA. Using TSO/ISPF or batch JCL, allocate such a data set (after resolving the #hlqual placeholder) using the same DCB attributes and space allocation as the SCHCDATA data set. Initial installCopy the CHCCFGxx, CHCCMMxx, CHCDBMxx, CHCLDRxx, and CHCUCSxx members from the SCHCDATA data set to the #hlqual.DATA data set. UpgradeCopy the CHCCFGxx, CHCCMMxx, CHCDBMxx, CHCLDRxx, and CHCUCSxx members from the SCHCDATA data set from version 5.4 or version 6.2, or the TSDCFGxx, TSDCMMxx, TSDDBMxx, TSDLDRxx, and TSDUCSxx members from the STSDDATA data from version 5.3 or earlier, renaming them from TSDcccxx to CHCcccxx. Modify these members as required for version 6.2 fix pack 1.


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

Note: If you wish to be able to revert to the earlier version from version 6.2, it is important that you do not alter the value of the SSID keyword found in the earlier versions CHCDBMxx (or TSDDBMxx) member. Related concepts Introduction to modifying the InfoSphere CDC configuration control data set on page 21

Creating the user exit load library

InfoSphere CDC provides for extension of its capabilities to meet your special requirements by calling your user exits. User exits can be used to modify the Apply process, enhance the processing within expressions and row filtering expressions, or implement additional channels for the Notifications feature. Although InfoSphere CDC executes in an APF Authorized address space, it drives any user exits in an unauthorized environment. This increases the security and stability of InfoSphere CDCs execution. For this reason, user exit load modules must be separated from the authorized InfoSphere CDC load modules. If user exits will be used, then a separate user exits load library must be allocated. This load library should be of similar attributes as the #hlqual.LOAD data set, but it should not be APF Authorized. Provide the name of the user exit load library to InfoSphere CDC by substituting its name for the <UserExitLoadLib> keyword in the CHCPROC sample JCL procedure. Initial installUsing TSO/ISPF or batch JCL, allocate a user exit load library, and replace the <UserExitLoadLib> placeholder in the CHCPROC sample JCL with the name of the data set. Upgrade from version 5.4The user exit interface in InfoSphere CDC version 6.2 fix pack 1 has been updated incompatibly with versions 5.4 and earlier. You can examine your user exits, and rewrite them to process the predefined entry structures that are provided by InfoSphere CDC 6.2 fix pack 1. Even if no logic changes are required, you can recompile the user exit source code to use the InfoSphere CDC predefined entry data structures. As a convenience, InfoSphere CDC provides a mechanism whereby your existing user exits from versions 5.4 and earlier can be used without being recompiled. You will need to link-edit your existing user exits with the InfoSphere CDC provided interface module that will provide this backwardly compatible interface. Performance will be worse with the backward compatible interface than with the native interface. Upgrade from version 6.2User exits that function with InfoSphere CDC version 6.2 will continue to function with version 6.2 fix pack 1. No changes are required. Related concepts Linking Transformation Server user exits for InfoSphere CDC on page 23

Preparing DB2 for z/OS version 8 or DB2 for z/OS version 9 for InfoSphere CDC
An InfoSphere CDC address space uses DB2 for z/OS version 8 and DB2 for z/OS version 9 facilities that require DB2 Authorization. Accordingly, the person performing the installation must ensure that InfoSphere CDC has controlled access to the DB2 subsystem and to the InfoSphere CDC metadata that is kept in the DB2 Subsystem. Controlled access requires the definition of a security identifier for the use of the InfoSphere CDC address space, using whatever security and access control facility (such as RACF, ACF2 or Top Secret) that is installed on the server. This security identifier will then be specified in the CHCCRMTD, CHCGRNTA,
IBM InfoSphere Change Data Capture installation or upgrade


and CHCBNDPL jobs to assign ownership to the InfoSphere CDC metadata tables and DB2 Plans, and to GRANT DB2 authority to the InfoSphere CDC address space. The person performing the installation will need to assign as many security identifiers as there will be InfoSphere CDC address spaces. Only one InfoSphere CDC for z/OS address space can use an assigned security identifier, within the same DB2 Subsystem or Data Sharing Group of DB2 Subsystems. Assigning one or more security identifiers must be performed by the administrator of the access control facility in use at the installation. Once a security identifier has been assigned for a single instance of an address space, it must be substituted for the <CHCUserID> substitution placeholder in the sample jobs. You must use the same name for both the InfoSphere CDC execution security identifier and as the owner qualification of InfoSphere CDCs metadata tables, as specified in the CHCCRMTD sample job. Failure to do so will cause InfoSphere CDCs initialization to fail. An error message will be issued and InfoSphere CDC will terminate prematurely. Note that this requirement supports the %GETCOL column function. %GETCOL provides a mechanism for use in expressions and row filtering expressions to obtain current data from an application table, which is then used in the evaluation of the expression. When processing a %GETCOL function call, InfoSphere CDC prepares and executes SQL to obtain the data specified. Such ad hoc SQL can be very inefficient, depending on the access path that DB2 will use when the SQL is executed. To address this exposure, InfoSphere CDC issues a DB2 EXPLAIN statement against the SQL at the time that the %GETCOL function is entered into or changed in an expression or row filtering expression. DB2 stores the results of the EXPLAIN statement in a PLAN_TABLE, where it is accessed and examined by InfoSphere CDC. If the ad hoc SQL uses an inefficient access path, then an appropriate warning message is issued, which permits you to take steps to improve the access path and therefore improve the efficiency of the %GETCOL function. The requirement arises from DB2s choice of the PLAN_TABLE. DB2 uses the PLAN_TABLE called <SAFUserID>.PLAN_TABLE where <SAFUserID> is the execution security identifier being used by InfoSphere CDC. However, during installation, the CHCCRMTD sample job will have created a <CHCUserID>PLAN_TABLE and it is this PLAN_TABLE that InfoSphere CDC will access in order to assess the SQL statements. To eliminate this problem, InfoSphere CDC requires that <SAFUserID> and <CHCUserID> be the same. Security identifiers that will be creating, administrating or operating source subscriptions will require SELECT access to every table in the subscriptions for which they are responsible. Security identifiers that will be creating, administrating or operating target subscriptions will require INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE access to every table in the subscriptions for which they are responsible. Most often, this access will be controlled by SQL GRANT and REVOKE statements, which will modify the DB2 catalog tables. However, if there exists a DB2 ACM (Access Control Module) Exit, InfoSphere CDC will automatically load and use that exit to determine which security identifiers have access to which tables, just as DB2 itself does. The DB2 ACM Exit is an executable named DSNX@XAC found in the STEPLIB concatenation. If the DB2 ACM Exit is in use, then security identifiers must be given access to the DB2 tables they will need using RACF, ACF2, Top Secret or whatever other facility is employed by the DB2 ACM Exit. If the DB2 ACM Exit indicates that it cannot determine what access a security identifier has to a table, InfoSphere CDC will fall back on the information in the DB2 catalog tables, just as DB2 itself does.


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

Initial installObtain a new security identifier for use by InfoSphere CDC. UpgradeDetermine whether the security identifier already in use by an executing copy of the previous release of InfoSphere CDC for z/OS can be used by the new installation. The CHCCRMTD and CHCGRNTA sample jobs use a program called DSNTIAD. This program is distributed with DB2 for z/OS version 8 and DB2 for z/OS version 9 as a sample program, and will have been generated during the DB2 installation process. If it is no longer accessible, and cannot be regenerated using the JCL created during the installation of DB2, then consult a DB2 Administrator about executing the SQL contained in these jobs using DB2 SPUFI (or some other interactive SQL interface) instead. Due to the nature of the changes that the CHCCRMTD, CHCGRNTA, and CHCBNDPL jobs will make to the DB2 Subsystem, it may be required that a DB2 Administrator run these jobs. During the configuration of replication activities, InfoSphere CDC for z/OS must determine how the DB2 application tables that are the source or target of replication activities are defined. This information is available in the DB2 System Catalogue Tables. InfoSphere CDC for z/OS accesses the DB2 System Catalogue Tables using standard SQL to obtain the definitions of the subject DB2 application tables. In this respect, the DB2 System Catalogue Tables are treated as (read-only) application data by InfoSphere CDC. In particular, access and performance considerations that normally apply to application data tables also apply to the DB2 System Catalogue Tables with respect to the accesses performed by InfoSphere CDC. Some of these considerations are: v The DB2 System Catalogue may require reorganization to ensure that the indexes can be efficiently accessed. The DB2 Administrator should be able to determine if this is the case, and if so, attend to it. v The RUNSTATS utility should be run against the DB2 System Catalogue table spaces to ensure that current statistics are available to the DB2 Optimizer when the InfoSphere CDC for z/OS DB2 Plans are being bound. It should also be run against the table space that contains the InfoSphere CDC metadata, after the metadata tables have been created, and before the InfoSphere CDC DB2 Plans have been bound. From time to time, as the amount of data being stored changes, the RUNSTATS utility should be rerun and the InfoSphere CDC DB2 Plans rebound. This will ensure the most efficient access to the DB2 System Catalogue table spaces and the InfoSphere CDC metadata tables.

Backup and restore considerations

InfoSphere CDC stores most of its metadata in DB2 tables. The installation jobs create a table space that will contain these metadata tables, and this table space should be dedicated to the exclusive use of InfoSphere CDC. Still, from DB2s perspective, the metadata tables and their containing table space are application data. It is the your responsibility to ensure that proper procedures are in place to take regular backups of the table space, and to write and test procedures to restore the contents of the table space, in preparation for any situation where the contents of the table space may be lost or compromised. See also: Running the CHCDFPAL job on page 16 Running the CHCDFMTD job on page 16
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Running Running Running Running Running Running Running Running Running

the the the the the the the the the

CHCMDCHK job CHCPGRN5 job CHCCRMTD job on page 17 DB2 RUNSTATS utility on page 18 CHCBNDPL job on page 18 CHCPGCP5 job on page 19 CHCPGMTD job on page 19 CHCGRNTA job on page 19 CHCCRCCH job on page 20

Running the CHCDFPAL job: Initial installModify the CHCDFPAL job, according to the comment block in its JCL. Run the job, which will use the AMS Utility program to define a Product Administration Log VSAM cluster. This VSAM cluster will contain a log of messages produced during replication activities that can be displayed through Management Console. UpgradeDo not run the CHCDFPAL job. The definition of the Product Administration Log VSAM cluster is unchanged between InfoSphere CDC for z/OS version 5.4, version 6.2 and version 6.2 fix pack 1. Running the CHCDFMTD job: Initial installModify the CHCDFMTD job, according to the comment block in its JCL. Run the job, which will use the AMS Utility program to define a VSAM cluster that will contain the InfoSphere CDC metadata not kept in DB2 tables. The job will use standard IBM utilities to load the metadata cluster with a minimal set of records. UpgradeDo not run the CHCDFMTD job. The InfoSphere CDC for z/OS metadata VSAM cluster can be used without any change. Running the CHCMDCHK job: Initial installDo not run the CHCMDCHK job for an initial installation. The CHCMDCHK job selects rows meeting certain criteria from existing InfoSphere CDC for z/OS metadata DB2 tables . For an initial installation, no such DB2 tables should exist, and so the CHCMDCHK job should not be run. Upgrade from version 5.4Modify the CHCMDCHK job according to the comment block in its JCL. Run the job, which will select any rows from the InfoSphere CDC for z/OS version 5.4 metadata tables that prevent the copying of the data to the version 6.2 metadata DB2 tables in a later step in the upgrade installation process. If any of the SQL SELECT statements completes with a SQLCODE of other than +100, the offending rows will have to be manually updated so that the contents will be acceptable for use. Upgrade from version 6.2Do not run the CHCMDCHK job. Related concepts Running the CHCPGCP5 job on page 19 Running the CHCPGRN5 job: Initial installDo not run the CHCPGRN5 job for an initial installation. The CHCPGRN5 job renames the InfoSphere CDC for z/OS metadata DB2 tables using DB2 ALTER SQL statements. For an initial installation, no such DB2 tables should exist, and so the CHCPGRN5 job should not be run.


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

Upgrade from version 5.4The CHCPGRN5 job renames the InfoSphere CDC for z/OS version 5.4 metadata DB2 tables using DB2 ALTER SQL statements. This is necessary because InfoSphere CDC version 6.2 fix pack 1 requires metadata DB2 tables with the same name and owner as version 5.4, but the table definitions are incompatible with those used by version 6.2 fix pack 1. The version 5.4 metadata tables contain a significant amount of valuable information that is difficult to reproduce if it is lost, so this step preserves the information by allowing the creation of the version 6.2 fix pack 1 metadata tables, which will have the same name as the version 5.4 tables. Upgrade from version 6.2Do not run the CHCPRGRN5 job. Running the CHCCRMTD job: Initial installModify the CHCCRMTD job, as is deemed appropriate for the installations use of DB2. For example, the CHCCRMTD job contains SQL statements that will create a DB2 storage group, a database and a table space. The person performing the installation may decide to use a preexisting storage group, database or table space instead. Edit these SQL statements to make the installation job conform to your DB2 environment. A separate DB2 table space should be dedicated for the InfoSphere CDC metadata DB2 tables only. This will avoid deadlocks that can occur at the table space level when InfoSphere CDC is attempting to update its metadata while replicating data within the same table space. Do not change the CREATE TABLE, CREATE INDEX or the INSERT SQL statements that appear in the CREATE step of the CHCCRMTD job. After values for all the substitution placeholders have been resolved and adjustments to the SQL statements have been made, run the CHCCRMTD job to create and initialize the metadata tables. The CHCCRMTD job may require the DB2 authority of a DB2 Administrator, because of the nature of the resources it is creating. The last step in the CHCCRMTD job, called BLDINDEX, creates an index over a DB2 System Catalogue table. This index is required in order to provide an access path for SQL in InfoSphere CDC. This access path provides efficient access to the SYSIBM.SYSTABAUTH table when InfoSphere CDC is determining which tables will be displayed in Management Console. Without this index, opening the Manage Publications and Assign Destination Table dialog boxes could result in a table space scan of a DB2 System Catalogue table space. This table space scan could have a negative impact in these InfoSphere CDC activities (causing timeouts), as well as creating problems for other processes that are attempting to access the SYSIBM.SYSTABAUTH DB2 Catalogue table. You can execute this SQL to create a new index over the SYSIBM.SYSTABAUTH DB2 Catalogue table. After such an index has been created, it does not need to be created again. For example, the CHCCRMTD job may need to be rerun, perhaps to create another set of InfoSphere CDC metadata DB2 tables for an additional instance of InfoSphere CDC. If such a rerun creates InfoSphere CDC metadata DB2 tables within the same DB2 Catalogue in which the index was created, then the subsequent execution need not include the BLDINDEX step. This is so because multiple InfoSphere CDC address spaces using the same DB2 subsystem (or DB2 Data Sharing Group) can share the same index over the SYSIBM.SYSTABAUTH DB2 Catalogue table. Upgrade from version 5.4The CHCCRMTD job must be run. For an upgrade from InfoSphere CDC version 5.4 to version 6.2 fix pack 1, but only after the

IBM InfoSphere Change Data Capture installation or upgrade


CHCPGRN5 job has been run to rename the version 5.4 metadata DB2 tables. After running the CHCPGRN5 job, follow the instructions for running the CHCCRMTD job for an initial install. Upgrade from version 6.2Do not run the CHCCRMTD job. Related concepts Running the CHCPGCP5 job on page 19 Running the DB2 RUNSTATS utility: Initial installAll statements in this section apply to an initial installation. UpgradeAll statements in this section apply to an upgrade. You can execute the DB2 RUNSTATS utility at this point in the installation process. The execution of RUNSTATS should specify both TABLESPACE and INDEX for each table space that contains DB2 System Catalogue Tables. This will ensure that up-to-date information about the organization of the DB2 System Catalogue Tables is being used by the DB2 Optimizer when it chooses access paths for InfoSphere CDC for z/OSs DB2 Plans. RUNSTATS should also be invoked by specifying TABLESPACE and INDEX for the table space that contains the InfoSphere CDC for z/OS metadata. Again, this ensures that the DB2 Optimizer will be able to choose an efficient access path for the InfoSphere CDC metadata stored in DB2 tables. A job to execute the DB2 RUNSTATS utility is not provided with the other installation jobs in the SCHCCNTL data set. A description of the required JCL control statements can be obtained from the appropriate DB2 documentation. The RUNSTATS utility may require the DB2 authority of a DB2 Administrator to execute successfully. Running the CHCBNDPL job: InfoSphere CDC uses DB2 Plans to access the DB2 Log, InfoSphere CDC metadata that is stored in DB2 tables, and application data tables that are being replicated (refreshed). These DB2 Plans are associated with the InfoSphere CDC metadata. More than one instance of InfoSphere CDC may be communicating with the same DB2 Subsystem. Such sibling InfoSphere CDC address spaces cannot use the same metadata, so separate metadata tables, and hence separate DB2 Plans, are necessary for each InfoSphere CDC address space. Separate DB2 Plans are distinguished by appending a user-supplied suffix to the names of the distributed DB2 DBRMs. This plan suffix must be two characters, consisting of any combination of UPPER CASE alphabetic characters and numbers, chosen according to the requirement of the person performing the installation. This plan suffix is provided to the CHCBNDPL job as the <PlanSuffix> substitution placeholder, to complete the names of the DB2 Plans. The names of the DB2 Plans must be made known to an InfoSphere CDC address space. To accomplish this, the <PlanSuffix> value should be coded as the value of the PLANSUFFIX keyword in the CHCDMBxx member of the Configuration Control data set. Initial installAfter the DB2 RUNSTATS utility has successfully executed against the DB2 System Catalogue Tables table spaces and indices, run the CHCBNDPL job to bind the InfoSphere CDC DB2 Plans. When the CHCBNDPL job has completed successfully, several DB2 Plans will have been created from the distributed DBRMs. These DB2 Plans will enable exclusive access by the InfoSphere CDC address space to the proper metadata that is assigned to the specific security identifier.


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

UpgradeEven when upgrading, the DB2 Plans distributed with InfoSphere CDC must be bound or rebound. Related reference PLANSUFFIX on page 59 Running the CHCPGCP5 job: Initial installDo not run the CHCPGCP5 job for an initial installation. The CHCPGCP5 job copies the contents of the InfoSphere CDC for z/OS metadata DB2 tables into the metadata tables for the new version. For an initial installation, no such InfoSphere CDC for z/OS DB2 tables should exist, and so the CHCPGRN5 job should not be run. Upgrade from version 5.4The CPCPGCP5 job copies the contents of the InfoSphere CDC for z/OS version 5.4 metadata DB2 tables that were renamed by the CHCPGRN5 job into the version 6.2 fix pack 1 metadata DB2 tables created by the CHCCRMTD job. Modify the CHCPGCP5 job, according to the comment block in the JCL. Run the job, which will copy the contents of the InfoSphere CDC for z/OS version 5.4 metadata DB2 tables into the newly defined version 6.2 metadata DB2 tables using INSERT SQL statements, then upgrade the copied contents. In order to ensure that the version 6.2 fix pack 1 metadata DB2 table contents exactly correspond with the information in the version 5.4 metadata tables, the job first deletes the contents of the version 6.2 fix pack 1 metadata tables. The INSERT SQL statements use SELECT clauses against the version 5.4 metadata DB2 tables that were renamed by the CHCPGRN5 job. The final step in the job updates the contents of certain columns of the metadata to account for encoding differences between version 5.4 and version 6.2. Messages will be issued to record the progress of the upgrade processing. Upgrade from version 6.2Do not run the CHCPGCP5 job. Related concepts Running the CHCPGRN5 job on page 16 Running the CHCCRMTD job on page 17 Running the CHCPGMTD job: Initial installDo not run the CHCPGMTD job for an initial install. Upgrade from version 5.4Modify the job according to the comment block in the JCL. Run the job, which will add new columns to the metadata tables. CHCPGCP5 must be run first. Upgrade from version 6.2Modify the job according to the comment block in the JCL. Run the job, which will add new columns to the metadata tables. Running the CHCGRNTA job: Initial installRun the CHCGRNTA job to GRANT the proper DB2 Authority to the security identifiers that will be used by the InfoSphere CDC address spaces and to set the DATA CAPTURE CHANGES attribute on certain DB2 Catalogue tables. This will enable InfoSphere CDC to read but not change some of the DB2 Catalogue Tables, and give InfoSphere CDC the authority to start a DB2 Monitor for DB2 Log activity. It will also allow DB2 Log records to be read. If access to DB2 tables is being controlled by the DB2 ACM Exit, then you must grant appropriate authority to the security identifiers by RACF, ACF2, Top Secret or whatever facility is used by the DB2 ACM Exit.

IBM InfoSphere Change Data Capture installation or upgrade


The CHCGRNTA job may require the DB2 authority of a DB2 Administrator, because of the level of authority (SYSCTRL) that it grants to the security identifier. UpgradeThe CHCGRNTA job does not have to be run unless a different security identifier is being used for InfoSphere CDC than was used by previous versions. Running the CHCCRCCH job: To cache DB2 Log records for performance reasons, you must create a VSAM data set to hold the Level 2 DB2 Log cache. You must also create a cache control data set to maintain a summarization of the data in the cache. You can create both data sets by running the CHCCRCCH job. You must edit the JCL to replace all occurrences of the string <CACHE.QUALIFIER> with the high-level qualifier that you want for the cache data set names. In addition, you can change a setting to increase or decrease the amount of disk space used for the data set holding the Level 2 cache. The size of the data set holding the Level 2 cache must be at least one block larger than the Level 1 cache. If the data set is not at least this large, the DB2 Log Cache will fail to initialize. Initial installTo cache DB2 Log records, you must run the CHCCRCCH job before starting InfoSphere CDC. UpgradeYou do not have to run the CHCCRCCH job as a result of upgrading. If DB2 Log caching was not enabled in the previous InfoSphere CDC for z/OS version and you want to enable it for the new release, run the job any time after upgrading. You can also run the CHCCRCCH job just to increase or decrease the size of the data set holding the Level 2 cache. However, if you run the job for this purpose, you lose any existing DB2 Log data in the Level 2 cache. Related reference CACHEBLOCKSIZE on page 52 CACHELEVEL1SIZE on page 53

Preparing Communications Server for use by InfoSphere CDC

InfoSphere CDC uses TCP/IP to communicate with other InfoSphere CDC for z/OS servers and with Management Console. TCP/IP services are provided by the Communications Server product. Communications Server should have its configuration updated to include knowledge of the TCP/IP resources that will be used by InfoSphere CDC for z/OS. Initial installAn InfoSphere CDC address space must have exclusive assignment of one TCP port number and one UDP port number, which it uses for the services it provides to other InfoSphere CDC servers and to Management Console. These TCP and UDP port numbers are reserved by updating the TCPIP.ETC.SERVICES data set (this data set may not have this specific name, but TCPIP.ETC.SERVICES is the default data set name under z/OS). The TCP/IP network system programmer must select a TCP port and a UDP port, having the same number. These ports can be assigned to unique service names in the TCPIP.ETC.SERVICES data set. The TCP port will be used to accept communications requests from Management Console and from other instances of InfoSphere CDC. The UDP port will be used by the autodiscovery feature (for more information, see your Management Console documentation). The UDP port number must be the same as the TCP port number. The unique TCP service name should then be specified as the value of the SERVICENAME keyword in the CHCCMMxx member of the configuration control


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

data set, so that it is known to the InfoSphere CDC address space. The following table identifies the use and value ranges for the TCP and UDP ports assigned.
Ports TCP PortsPurpose Accepts Management Console Client connections. Accepts source-target connections. UDP Autodiscovery communications with Access Servers . TCP and UDP port numbers must have the same value. Value Range 102465535

InfoSphere CDC for z/OS uses the TCP/IP KEEPALIVE feature to detect the loss of network or remote server resources that support a TCP Socket connection. The KEEPALIVE feature is fully described in the appropriate Communications Server documentation and so will not be described in this document. KEEPALIVE uses an inactivity interval to help detect the inability to communicate with the remote server or application. On most TCP/IP stacks, the inactivity interval is defaulted to 2 hours. This default value is inappropriate for the timely detection of server and network outages, and should be reconsidered. The value chosen will affect all products that employ TCP/IP and activate KEEPALIVE monitoring on their TCP Socket connections. You can set a value that is more suitable than 2 hours for reacting to network and remote server outages. UpgradeInfoSphere CDC version 6.2 fix pack 1 implements a feature called autodiscovery. This feature uses UDP datagrams to exchange configuration data between the datastore (embedded in InfoSphere CDC) and the Access Server. A UDP port number must be reserved for each executing InfoSphere CDC address space. The UDP port number must coincide with the TCP port number chosen for the datastore. If the TCP port numbers from a previous release of InfoSphere CDC for z/OS will be used in version 6.2 fix pack 1, the network system programmer must reserve the UDP port number that corresponds to the TCP port number being used by the datastore, and specified in the TCPIP.ETC.SERVICES data set. The UDP port number should be assigned the udp protocol.

Introduction to modifying the InfoSphere CDC configuration control data set

This section describes the settings that must be configured prior to executing InfoSphere CDC on your z/OS servers. InfoSphere CDC requires that certain configurable settings be specified prior to its execution, so that they can be read and processed during initialization of the InfoSphere CDC address space. These configurable settings are specified as values of keywords in statements in the InfoSphere CDC configuration control data set. Note: Comments are allowed in any statement in the configuration control data set. Comments are indicated by an asterisk (*) in column 1, or by enclosing the entire comment between the /* and */ symbols. Blank lines in statements are ignored. During the installation process, the configuration control data set will have been allocated, and populated with sample configuration control data set members. Each of the sample configuration control data set members has a two-character suffix of xx. These suffixes should be replaced with the value assigned to the
IBM InfoSphere Change Data Capture installation or upgrade


<ConfigSuffix> placeholder. For example, if the <ConfigSuffix> placeholder has been assigned a value of 01, then rename CHCCFGxx, CHCCMMxx, CHCDBMxx, CHCLDRxx, and CHCUCSxx to CHCCFG01, CHCCMM01, CHCDBM01, CHCLDR01, and CHCUCS01, respectively. Although these members may have been renamed through the above example to incorporate the value of the <ConfigSuffix> placeholder into their names, the following sections will continue to refer to them with the original, distributed names. In other words, CHCCFGxx, CHCCMMxx, CHCDBMxx, CHCLDRxx, and CHCUCSxx. Each member provides configuration settings to different components of InfoSphere CDC. The members are: v CHCCFGxxContains general product configuration control statements. v CHCCMMxxContains communications configuration control statements. This member provides InfoSphere CDC with information about how it will employ TCP/IP for communication v CHCDBMxxContains DBMS configuration control statements. This member provides InfoSphere CDC with information about how it will locate and employ the DB2 Subsystem to and from which it will replicate data. v CHCLDRxxContains a DB2LOADER configuration control statement. This member provides InfoSphere CDC with default values for use on a DB2 LOAD Utility control statement that InfoSphere CDC target environment will use when it is internally invoking the DB2 LOAD Utility to load data into a table that is being Refreshed. v CHCUCSxxContains configuration control statements necessary to work with Unicode Conversion Services (UCS). This member provides InfoSphere CDC with information about using Unicode Conversion Services when performing translation of text data from the code page of the source server to the code page of the target server. v CHCCVFxxContains control statements that determine how TCP/IP communications tests are conducted. This member provides InfoSphere CDC with information about TCP/IP communications tests initiated from the local server. Tests are started by invoking the STRTSCVF console command. For information about the command and its associated control statements, contact your IBM representative. If more than one copy of InfoSphere CDC will be executed, then additional copies of the configuration control data set members can be produced, each set distinguished with a different, common suffix. Each distinct set can provide tailored configurable settings to a different copy of InfoSphere CDC that is accessing them. All copies of InfoSphere CDC can access the same configuration control data set, but use a different set of configuration control data set members. The two character suffix (xx) should be changed to the value of the <ConfigSuffix> placeholder. The <ConfigSuffix> placeholder will also appear in the CHCPROC member of the SCHCCNTL data set. Replacing the <ConfigSuffix> placeholder in this member will provide InfoSphere CDC with the information it needs to locate and process the proper CHCCFGxx member of the configuration control data set. If a keyword in a statement is assigned an invalid value, the default value for that keyword is used where applicable.


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

Upgrade from version 5.4InfoSphere CDC version 6.2 fix pack 1 has added a new statement type for UCS configuration. In addition, some keywords may have different default values, or new keywords may have been added to an existing statement. The following table identifies the configuration statement changes in InfoSphere CDC for z/OS version 6.2 fix pack 1, compared to version 5.4.
Member name CHCCFGxx Changed or removed keywords in version 6.2 fix pack 1 HEARTBEATTIMEOUT None SECURITY Added keywords in version 6.2 fix pack 1 STG64LIMIT KEEPALIVETIMEOUT ONSCHEMACHANGE REPLTIMESTAMP CHCUCSxx IANAMAP (New Statement)

Statement CONFIG


Upgrade from version 6.2InfoSphere CDC version 6.2 fix pack 1 has added and removed keywords on the DB2 statement. The following table identifies the configuration statement changes in InfoSphere CDC for z/OS version 6.2 fix pack 1, compared to version 6.2.
Member name CHCDBMxx Changed or removed keywords in version 6.2 fix pack 1 SECURITY Added keywords in version 6.2 fix pack 1 ONSCHEMACHANGE REPLTIMESTAMP

Statement DB2

Related concepts Creating the configuration control data set on page 12

Linking Transformation Server user exits for InfoSphere CDC

Note: This section only applies to an upgrade of InfoSphere CDC version 5.4 or earlier. If you are upgrading from version 6.2 of InfoSphere CDC, your user exits will continue to work as they are. User exits from 5.4 and earlier are referred to as Transformation Server user exit, and will not work without either rewriting them as InfoSphere CDC user exits or re-linking them with the backward compatibility interface. If you have created any user exits to provide special processing in Transformation Server for z/OS, and you choose not to reimplement them to use the InfoSphere CDC provided user exit interface, you can continue to use your existing exits by taking advantage of the backward compatible user exit interface available in InfoSphere CDC. For the most part, the user exit processing in InfoSphere CDC is the same as was provided in Transformation Server for z/OS. The types of exits available, the calling sequence, and return code processing is unchanged. With the exception of notifications user exits, the user exit naming convention is also unchanged.

IBM InfoSphere Change Data Capture installation or upgrade


The principle difference between a Transformation Server for z/OS user exit and an InfoSphere CDC user exit is the content and structure of the defined user exit data structures passed to your exits. With a few exceptions, all the character data passed to an InfoSphere CDC user exit, will be encoded in UTF-8 (a standard representation of Unicode characters). In Transformation Server for z/OS, most data was passed in standard EBCDIC encoding. The backward compatible user exit interface is enabled by binding (link-editing) your user exit module together with the InfoSphere CDC user exit interface backward-compatibility interface module. The interface module will act as a front end to your exit, converting the InfoSphere CDC provided data entry structures, and the encoding scheme of character data to the Transformation Server for z/OS user exit data structure formats. These conversions and translations will allow your existing user exits to continue to function, with the limitation that any identifiers passed to the user exit, such as a subscription name, or table name, must be representable in the EBCDIC (CCSID 1047) code page. Every Transformation Server for z/OS user exit must be link-edited. See also: Link editing Transformation Server notification user exits for InfoSphere CDC Link editing Transformation Server expression user exits for InfoSphere CDC on page 25 Link editing Transformation Server table-level user exits and row-level user exits for InfoSphere CDC on page 26 Link editing Transformation Server conflict resolution user exits for InfoSphere CDC on page 26

Link editing Transformation Server notification user exits for InfoSphere CDC
One of the differences between Transformation Server user exits and InfoSphere CDC user exits is that InfoSphere CDC notifications user exits must use a specific entry point name, where Transformation Server user exits allowed you to choose any entry point name. In order to use a Transformation Server notifications user exit, you must use the z/OS Binder (Linkage Editor) to change your existing entry point name to the defined entry point required by InfoSphere CDC. The following are the link-edit statements necessary to produce a function notifications user exit from a compiled Transformation Server user exit.

Replace: <entryname> with the entry point name of your Transformation Server notifications user exit <objmodule> with the name of the user exit object module produced from by the compiler. If more than one object module is required, insert an additional INCLUDE statement for each object module.


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

<loadmodule> with the name of the load module that is produced from the link-edit and is specified in Management Console. This name must not be the same as any load module provided with InfoSphere CDC. To be certain of this, it is best not to use a load module name that starts with CHC. Note: When link-editing, the RENT (reentrant) and AMODE=31 (31 bit addressing mode) linkage editor options must be specified. The output from the linkage-editor is a load module, which is written to the load library that is allocated to the linkage-editor by the SYSLMOD DD statement. This load library, or a copy of it, must be made accessible to InfoSphere CDC using a CHCUXLIB DD statement in the InfoSphere CDC execution JCL. This load library must not be APF Authorized. User exit programs must be successfully link-edited before proceeding.

Link editing Transformation Server expression user exits for InfoSphere CDC
The following are the link-edit statements necessary to produce a functional InfoSphere CDC expression (%USER) user exit from a compiled Transformation Server user exit:

Replace: v <objmodule> with the name of the user exit object module produced from by the compiler. If more than one object module is required, insert an additional INCLUDE statement for each object module. v <loadmodule> with the name of the load module that is produced from the link-edit and is specified in the %USER function call. This name must not be the same as any load module provided with InfoSphere CDC. To be certain of this, it is best not to use a load module name that starts with CHC. Note: When link-editing, the RENT (reentrant) and AMODE=31 (31 bit addressing mode) linkage editor options must be specified. The output from the linkage-editor is a load module, which is written to the load library that is allocated to the linkage-editor by the SYSLMOD DD statement. This load library, or a copy of it, must be made accessible to InfoSphere CDC using a CHCUXLIB DD statement in InfoSphere CDCs execution JCL. This load library must not be APF Authorized. User exit programs must be successfully link-edited before proceeding.

IBM InfoSphere Change Data Capture installation or upgrade


Link editing Transformation Server table-level user exits and row-level user exits for InfoSphere CDC
The following are the link-edit statements necessary to produce a functional InfoSphere CDC table-level user exit and row-level user exit from a compiled Transformation Server user exit

Replace: <objmodule> with the name of the user exit object module produced from by the compiler. If more than one object module is required, insert an additional INCLUDE statement for each object module. <loadmodule> with the name of the load module that is produced from the link-edit and is specified in the user exit alert handler. This name must not be the same as any load module provided with InfoSphere CDC. To be certain of this, it is best not to use a load module name that starts with CHC. Note: When link-editing, the RENT (reentrant) and AMODE=31 (31 bit addressing mode) linkage editor options must be specified. The output from the linkage-editor is a load module, which is written to the load library that is allocated to the linkage-editor by the SYSLMOD DD statement. This load library, or a copy of it, must be made accessible to InfoSphere CDC using a CHCUXLIB DD statement in InfoSphere CDCs execution JCL. This load library must not be APF Authorized. User exit programs must be successfully link-edited before proceeding.

Link editing Transformation Server conflict resolution user exits for InfoSphere CDC
The following are the link-edit statements necessary to produce a functional InfoSphere CDC conflict resolution user exit from a compiled Transformation Server user exit:

Replace: v <objmodule> with the name of the user exit object module produced from by the compiler. If more than one object module is required, insert an additional INCLUDE statement for each object module. v <loadmodule> with the name of the load module that is produced from the link-edit and is specified in the resolution method using Management Console.


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

This name must not be the same as any load module provided with InfoSphere CDC. To be certain of this, it is best not to use a load module name that starts with CHC Note: When link-editing, the RENT (reentrant) and AMODE=31 (31 bit addressing mode) linkage editor options must be specified. The output from the linkage-editor is a load module, which is written to the load library that is allocated to the linkage-editor by the SYSLMOD DD statement. This load library, or a copy of it, must be made accessible to InfoSphere CDC using a CHCUXLIB DD statement in InfoSphere CDCs execution JCL. This load library must not be APF Authorized. User exit programs must be successfully link-edited before proceeding.

Modifying general product configuration control statements

InfoSphere CDC reads general product configuration control statements when it is being initialized. These statements are read from the CHCCFGxx configuration control data set member. The CHCCFGxx member is the first member of the configuration control data set that InfoSphere CDC reads during initialization. The CONFIG statements in the CHCCFGxx member should be modified for your working environment. In this section, you will learn: CONFIG

The CONFIG statement is optional. The figure below illustrates the general syntax for this statement.

The CONFIG statement is optional, but it must be coded if any of the keyword specifications are provided. If the CONFIG statement does not appear in the configuration control dataset member, no errors will be reported, and the contents of the member will be ignored. Note: Keyword specifications in the CONFIG statement must be separated by commas. The following keywords are supported: ADMININACTTIMEOUT on page 28 AUTODEASSIGN on page 29 AUTORESTARTINTERVAL on page 30 CASCADE on page 30 CODEPAGECONVERSION on page 31 COMMAND on page 31 COMMCONFIG on page 32 DBMSCONFIG on page 32 DEADBANDPERCENT on page 33
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ENDONERROR on page 35 HEARTBEATTIMEOUT on page 36 PALCLEANUPTIME on page 36 PALLIMITS on page 37 PALRETPD on page 37 REPORTPOSITIONINTERVAL on page 38 REPSTATSINTERVAL on page 39 SDUMPLIMIT on page 39 SMFINTERVAL on page 40 SMFTYPE on page 40 SMFSID on page 41 STG64LIMIT on page 41 TRACE on page 42 TRACEDEST on page 42 UCSCONFIG on page 43


Specifies the maximum amount of time, in minutes, a Management Console user connection with a datastore can be inactive before an automatic disconnection is initiated on the zSeries server. An inactive Management Console user connection to a datastore running in an InfoSphere CDC address space prevents that address space from being shut down in a controlled manner. This setting lets you establish a timeout period for inactive connections to a datastore so that an attempt on the server to shut down the address space in a controlled manner will eventually be successful. After the timeout period has expired, InfoSphere CDC ends the datastore connection automatically. InfoSphere CDC replication that was activated before the datastore disconnection continues normally. Note: The timeout period defined by this keyword is not the same as a datastore timeout setting in Management Console. The latter determines the maximum amount of time for an Management Console process to successfully establish a connection with a datastore running on a server. The former, which is an InfoSphere CDC for z/OS setting, determines the maximum amount of time an agent can be inactive after an agent connection has been successfully established. After a timeout period expires, InfoSphere CDC generates a message (CHC0556I) in the product administration log indicating that an automatic disconnection will be performed. ADMININACTTIMEOUT=0 means that no timeout period is established for inactive Management Console user connections with the datastore. This behavior is consistent with previous InfoSphere CDC versions, which means that a single connection can remain inactive for any length of time. Any positive integer


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

assigned to ADMININACTTIMEOUT that is within the acceptable range enables a timeout and specifies the length of the timeout period. Tip: The Management Console user is not likely to be aware that a timeout is about to occur. Therefore, if a timeout period needs to be specified, the timeout should be sufficiently long to accommodate normal pauses and periods of inactivity when working with Management Console to configure and initiate replication. A short timeout period, such as five minutes, could result in frequent disconnections that disrupt the flow of work in Management Console. As a guideline, you may want to set the timeout period to be consistent with the z/OS session timeout defined on your server. This keyword is optional. Default Setting0 minutes Minimum (Non-Zero) Setting5 minutes Maximum Setting1440 minutes (1 day)


Specifies the action that is taken during a describe operation when a source table defined in the metadata is not one of the described tables. Normally, when describing source tables selected for replication, any table that is not described and not mapped to a target table is removed from the target. In certain environments, it is desired that target metadata generated from previous describe operations be removed for tables that are not described regardless of their assignment status. AUTODEASSIGN=NO indicates that existing target metadata is removed for source tables that are not described and not currently mapped to target tables. This is the default product behavior that maintains the replication configuration you have defined for mapped tables. AUTODEASSIGN=YES indicates that existing target metadata is removed for tables that are not described, regardless of whether or not the tables invoked are mapped to a table. In other words, existing metadata for mapped tables is removed. This action dismantles the replication configuration for mapped tables and should be chosen when a universal removal of tables not described is desired. When this keyword is read during initialization, its current value is written to the TSAUDIT SPOOL data set. If AUTODEASSIGN=YES and existing target metadata for mapped source tables is removed during a describe operation, a report containing configuration information for each source table (for example, user exit settings, value translations, and so on) is placed in the CHCREPRT SPOOL data set. In addition, an InfoSphere CDC message (CHC1511I) is generated to indicate that a report has been written. You can use this report to restore the replication configuration in the event that the keyword has been mistakenly set to YES.
IBM InfoSphere Change Data Capture installation or upgrade


This keyword is optional. Default SettingNO


Specifies the amount of time, in minutes, between consecutive attempts to automatically restart continuous mirroring after normal or abnormal termination of communications or target servers in your replication configuration. Attempts to restart continuous mirroring apply only to persistent subscriptions. InfoSphere CDC can automatically restart continuous mirroring for persistent subscriptions after normal or abnormal termination of communications or target servers in your replication configuration. When communications or target server termination causes continuous mirroring for persistent subscriptions to end, InfoSphere CDC attempts to automatically restart continuous mirroring at regular intervals. This keyword lets you define the time period between consecutive attempts. AUTORESTARTINTERVAL=0 means that an automatic restart of continuous mirroring for all persistent subscriptions is disabled. In other words, no attempts are made to restart continuous mirroring. You must manually restart continuous mirroring for these targets. This keyword is optional. Default Setting0 minutes Minimum Setting0 minutes Maximum Setting60 minutes Related concepts Automatic restart and schema evolution on page 143


Specifies the default action when InfoSphere CDC, when installed on the source environment, obtains data for mirroring that was applied to the data repository by itself (the same instance of InfoSphere CDC when installed on the target environment). CASCADE=YES indicates that InfoSphere CDC will mirror such self-applied data to the target servers for which it is publishing the data. CASCADE=NO indicates that


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

InfoSphere CDC ignores such self-applied data, and not mirror the changed data to the target servers for which it is publishing the data. This keyword sets the default action for InfoSphere CDC when it encounters self-applied data. As the default, the setting of the CASCADE keyword can be overridden by the behavior specified for any subscription that mirrors the data in question. These overriding behaviors are specified on a per-subscription basis using Management Console. CASCADE=YES is the required setting to implement a cascaded multilevel replication configuration. CASCADE=NO is the required setting to implement a fully bidirectional replication configuration. This keyword is optional. Default SettingYES


Specifies whether code page conversion of character data is to take place on the source or target system. If CODEPAGECONVERSION=SOURCE, code page conversion of character data will be performed by the source system, if possible. If the source system cannot perform the code page conversion but the target system can, then code page conversion will be performed by the target system despite the setting of this keyword. If CODEPAGECONVERSION=TARGET, code page conversion of character data will be performed by the target system, if possible. If the target system cannot perform the code page conversion but the source system can, then code page conversion will be performed by the source system despite the setting of this keyword. This keyword is optional. Default SettingSOURCE


Specifies the suffixes of the CHCCMDxx members (in the CHCCNTRL data set) containing one or more InfoSphere CDC console commands that are issued after the InfoSphere CDC address space has been fully initialized. Any InfoSphere CDC for z/OS console command (including COMMAND) can be specified in a CHCCMDxx member. Commands specified in a member must omit the MODIFY, F, <procname>, and <identifier> elements.
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This keyword is optional. Default SettingNo console commands are issued after InfoSphere CDC address space initialization. Related concepts InfoSphere CDC commands on page 91


Specifies the suffix that is used to locate the CHCCMMxx member containing the Communications Configuration Control statements. <CommSuffix> must consist of two characters, and can be any combination of UPPERCASE alphabetic characters and numbers. For example, if COMMCONFIG=A1 is specified, then the member named CHCCMMA1 in the configuration control data set is read by InfoSphere CDC to obtain its communications configuration control statements. This keyword is optional. Default SettingThe suffix used for the CHCCFGxx member in the configuration control data set. In other words, the value of the <ConfigSuffix> placeholder resolved in the CHCPROC JCL procedure.


Specifies the suffix that is used to locate the CHCDBMxx member containing the DBMS configuration control statements. <DBMSSuffix> must consist of two characters, and can be any combination of UPPER CASE alphabetic characters and numbers. For example, if DBMSCONFIG=B2 is specified, then the member named CHCDBMB2 in the configuration control data set is read by InfoSphere CDC to obtain its DBMS configuration control statements. This keyword is optional. Default SettingThe suffix used for the CHCCFGxx member in the configuration control data set. In other words, the value of the <ConfigSuffix> placeholder resolved in the CHCPROC JCL procedure.


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation


Identifies the size of the range around each latency threshold setting. Based on latency threshold settings defined in Management Console, InfoSphere CDC generates a latency message when latency rises above or falls below a threshold. InfoSphere CDC calculates latency at every COMMIT. Note: InfoSphere CDC issues a COMMIT when it receives a COMMIT from the source, or when it receives a Report Position Message. You can configure notifications in Management Console in response to a generated latency message. This system parameter, which is expressed as a percentage, lets you pad a threshold equally on both sides to create a range around the threshold. By adjusting this system parameter, you can increase or decrease the range around the threshold, and make the threshold itself larger or smaller. InfoSphere CDC only generates a latency message when latency rises above the upper limit of the range or falls below the lower limit of the range. By changing the value assigned to this system parameter, you can control the number of latency messages placed in the event log. For example, assume that a latency threshold has been set in Management Console for 5 minutes and you have set this system parameter to 10. In this scenario, InfoSphere CDC applies a 10% range around the 5 minute threshold and performs the following calculations to determine the lower and upper limits (in minutes) of the range around the threshold: Padding equals 10% of 5 minutes equals 0.5 minutes (rounded up to 1 minute) Padding is rounded up or down to the nearest whole minute. Upper limit of range equals 5 minutes plus 1 minute (padding) equals 6 minutes Lower limit of range equals 5 minutes minus 1 minute (padding) equals 4 minutes As a result, InfoSphere CDC generates a latency message only when latency rises above 6 minutes or falls below 4 minutes. Latency is calculated every minute over a ten minute duration. Based on these calculations, InfoSphere CDC generates three latency messages. Latency Message Generation10% Setting

IBM InfoSphere Change Data Capture installation or upgrade


Based on the above figure, if you set this system parameter to 0 (the default setting), then InfoSphere CDC does not apply padding to the latency threshold. InfoSphere CDC generates a latency message each time latency crosses over the threshold of 5 minutes. Because latency is calculated every minute in the figure above, InfoSphere CDC generates 5 latency messages when you set this system parameter to 0. Latency Message Generation0% Setting

If the number of latency messages generated over the ten minute period for the 10% (3 latency messages) and 0% (5 latency messages) settings are averages, an additional 288 latency messages are generated each day if this system parameter is not changed from its default setting to 10%. Since there are two latency threshold settings in Management Console (a warning threshold and a problem threshold), two separate ranges are defined when


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

padding is at least one minute. In this case, each range is attached to its threshold, and the two ranges can overlap with no change in behavior. If a value smaller than the minimum setting or larger than the maximum setting is specified, the default setting is used. This keyword is optional. Default Setting0% Minimum Setting0% Maximum Setting100%


Specifies the default action when InfoSphere CDC encounters a nonrecoverable error during replication. This keyword contains three value parameters. The first value parameter represents the default action during refresh operations, the second value parameter represents the default action during mirroring, and the last value represents the default action during auditing when LiveAudit is active (target only). To stop one or more of the InfoSphere CDC operations when a nonrecoverable error is encountered, specify a value of YES in the appropriate positions. To continue one or more of the operations after encountering a nonrecoverable error, specify a value of NO in the appropriate positions. Note: This keyword allows you to specify just the first value parameter (refresh), the first and second value parameters (refresh and mirroring), or all three value parameters (refresh, mirroring, and auditing). A value cannot be specified for refresh and auditing (first and third parameters) without specifying a value for mirroring (second parameter). To set the maximum number of messages that can be generated for nonrecoverable errors, use the MAXSQLERRMSG keyword in the DB2 configuration control statement. This keyword is optional. Default Setting(YES, YES, YES)

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Related reference MAXSQLERRMSG on page 56


Specifies whether or not heartbeat is enabled. If heartbeat is enabled, this keyword also specifies the heartbeat timeout period. When heartbeat is enabled, InfoSphere CDC automatically detects failure between a source environment and target environment and performs a graceful shutdown so that you do not have to terminate replication on the server that did not fail. The source environment and target environment exchange heartbeat request messages. Either the source environment or target environment must respond within a specified timeout period by sending any message (heartbeat or any other type of message). If the source environment or target environment does not receive a message within the specified timeout period, then a communication or server failure is declared, and replication ends in a controlled manner. HEARTBEATTIMEOUT=0 disables heartbeat. Any positive integer assigned to HEARTBEATTIMEOUT that is within the acceptable range enables heartbeat and specifies the heartbeat timeout period in minutes. To automatically detect failure, heartbeat must be enabled on both the source environment and target environment. For non-z/OS servers, consult the appropriate InfoSphere CDC documentation for information about supported heartbeat settings and whether it is necessary to enable heartbeat explicitly. This keyword is optional. Default Setting15 minutes Minimum (Non-Zero) Setting3 minutes Maximum Setting999 minutes


Specifies the time at which InfoSphere CDC will initiate a daily cleanup of the event log. Messages older than the number of days specified using PALRETPD will be deleted. This keyword is optional. Default SettingIf this keyword is not specified, no daily cleanup will be performed.


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

Minimum Setting00:00 Maximum Setting23:59 Related reference PALRETPD


Specifies the maximum number of lines that an InfoSphere CDC task can place in the CHCPRINT, CHCAUDIT, and CHCREPRT data sets, respectively. Use this keyword to establish limits on the amount of information in these data sets for each InfoSphere CDC address space. If the number of lines in a data set has reached the maximum as defined by this keyword, and an attempt is made to write another line, InfoSphere CDC inserts a final line in the data set indicating that the limit has been exceeded. To add more rows to the data set, you must stop and restart the InfoSphere CDC address space. Since three values are assigned to this keyword, a different limit can be established for each data set (CHCPRINT, CHCAUDIT, and CHCREPRT). A value of zero indicates that there is no limit on the number of lines that can be placed in a specific data set. This keyword is optional. Default Setting(0, 0, 0) - No limit is imposed on the number of lines in all data sets.


Specifies the retention period, in days, for messages contained in the InfoSphere CDC Product Administration Log VSAM cluster. These messages are viewed using the Event Log Viewer in Management Console.

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The value of this keyword represents the number of days that messages are retained in the InfoSphere CDC Product Log since the date that they were issued. Messages that exceed this retention period are purged from the Product Administration Log VSAM cluster the next time that InfoSphere CDC is initialized. Purging of messages only occurs during address space initialization. This keyword is optional. Default Setting14 days Minimum Setting1 day Maximum Setting9999 days


Specifies how often, in seconds, the source environment informs the target environment about its position in the DB2 Log during idle periods after starting mirroring. In the target environment, a bookmark is a value that represents the last processed DB2 Log position on the source environment. During idle periods, when there are no log entries to read, the source environment informs the target environment of its current position in the log so that the target environment can advance its bookmarks accordingly. By decreasing the setting for this keyword, the target environment can reflect more accurately how far mirroring has progressed. In addition, regularly synchronizing the bookmarks with the source environment can reduce the number of entries that have to be read again when mirroring is restarted. CAUTION: The value assigned to this keyword affects the information presented in specific messages and in the Monitoring perspective of Management Console. Increasing this setting may result in information that is not up-to-date. This keyword is optional. Default Setting5 seconds Minimum Setting1 second Note: If you specify a value smaller than the minimum setting or larger than the maximum setting, then InfoSphere CDC uses the default value. Maximum Setting300 seconds


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation


Specifies the period of time, in minutes, between consecutive messages that provide status information about DB2 Log scraping activities on the source server. The messages pertaining to DB2 Log scraping allow monitoring of data mirroring on the source server. Messages are placed in the product administration log and can be viewed through the Management Console Event Log Viewer. Note: An overhead is incurred when messages are generated to monitor mirroring activities. The frequency of message generation determines the amount of overhead that is incurred as a whole REPSTATSINTERVAL=0 indicates that you want to disable the generation of DB2 Log scraping messages. If a nonzero value is assigned to REPSTATSINTERVAL, the interval pertains to the specific message that regularly reports the latest DB2 Log scrape (CHC0130I). A nonzero setting does not apply to other relevant messages (CHC0046I, CHC0047I, and CHC0049I) that provide information about the beginning and end of scraping activities as well as the first mirrored change. This keyword is optional. Default Setting0 minutes Minimum (Non-Zero) Setting1 minute Maximum Setting1440 minutes Related reference CHC0130I on page 265 CHC0046I on page 243 CHC0047I on page 244


Specifies the maximum number of SVCDUMPs that an active InfoSphere CDC address space can initiate. InfoSphere CDC requests that an SVCDUMP be generated by the server each time an internal problem is encountered. Use this keyword to limit the number of SVCDUMPs initiated by an active InfoSphere CDC address space. This keyword is optional.

IBM InfoSphere Change Data Capture installation or upgrade


Default Setting3 SVCDUMPs Minimum Setting0 SVCDUMPs Maximum Setting32767 SVCDUMPs


Specifies the interval, in minutes, at which InfoSphere CDC will write SMF performance records. A value of zero (the default) means that InfoSphere CDC will not write SMF performance records. In addition, if the value specified for SMFTYPE is zero, InfoSphere CDC will not write any SMF records. If a value smaller than the minimum setting or larger than the maximum setting is specified, the default setting is used. This keyword is optional. Default Setting0 minutes Minimum (Non-Zero) Setting1 minute Maximum Setting1440 minutes (1 day) Related concepts SMF Record Layout on page 219 Related reference SMFTYPE


Specifies the SMF record type that InfoSphere CDC may use when writing SMF records. All SMF records written by InfoSphere CDC will be of the specified type. A value of zero (the default) means that InfoSphere CDC may not write SMF records. If a value smaller than the minimum setting or larger than the maximum setting is specified, the default setting is used. This keyword is optional. Default Setting0 Minimum (Non-Zero) Setting128


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Maximum Setting255 Related concepts SMF Record Layout on page 219


Specifies the text string that InfoSphere CDC will use to populate the SMFSID field of the SMF record header of all SMF records written by InfoSphere CDC. This must be a text string of 1 to 4 characters in length. If a string longer than this is specified, the default value will be used. This keyword is optional. Default SettingDMTS Related concepts SMF Record Layout on page 219


Specifies the maximum total amount of above the bar (64bit) storage that can be used by all components of InfoSphere CDC for z/OS. The size can be specified in megabytes (M), gigabytes (G) or terabytes (T). A special value of 0 can be specified to indicate no above the bar storage is to be used. If 0 is specified or the maximum is reached, the Storage Manager will allocate storage from below the bar to satisfy requests for storage. Care should be taken to specify a MEMLIMIT value in the InfoSphere CDC JCL large enough to accommodate the amount specified. This keyword is optional. Default Setting2G Minimum Setting50MB Maximum Setting2,147,483,648MB

IBM InfoSphere Change Data Capture installation or upgrade



Specifies the suffixes of the CHCTRCxx members (in the CHCCNTRL data set) containing one or more TRACE commands performed when the InfoSphere CDC address space is initialized. CAUTION: Tracing of InfoSphere CDC tasks through the use of the TRACE command should only be performed when requested by IBM Technical Support. The TRACE command allows you to activate and deactivate specified trace points in InfoSphere CDC tasks for troubleshooting purposes. The command can be defined in CHCTRCxx members or submitted through the console. Activation or deactivation of trace points through TRACE commands is cumulative if the specified task and trace point combinations do not coincide. If the same task and trace point combination is specified in more than one TRACE command, the latest command invocation overrides previous invocations. To determine the trace points that are currently active, use the option provided with the TRACE command that lists active trace points. This keyword is optional. Default SettingTRACE commands in CHCTRCxx members are not performed. Related reference TRACETrace InfoSphere CDC tasks on page 127


Specifies the default destination of InfoSphere CDC tracing information that is produced as a result of using the TRACE command. CAUTION: Tracing of InfoSphere CDC tasks through the use of the TRACE command should only be performed when requested by IBM Technical Support. TRACEDEST=GTF indicates that tracing information is directed to IBMs Generalized Trace Facility (GTF). When InfoSphere CDC tracing information is written to GTF, log records are stamped with a GTF user event identifier (EID) of 300. In order for this tracing information to be accepted by GTF, the GTF TRACE and USR parameters must be set in the following manner: TRACE=USRP


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

USR=(300) Before activating trace types through the TRACE command, the GTF should be configured and activated. If GTF is not activated before invoking the TRACE command, a message is issued to indicate that the gathering of data on trace events begins when GTF is started. For more information about GTF, consult the appropriate IBM documentation. TRACEDEST=SYSOUT indicates that tracing information is directed to a SPOOL data set. To direct tracing information to GTF and a SPOOL data set, specify TRACEDEST=BOTH. This keyword is optional. Default SettingGTF Related reference TRACETrace InfoSphere CDC tasks on page 127


Specifies the suffix that is used to locate the CHCUCSxx member containing the InfoSphere CDC UCS configuration control statement. <UCSSuffix> must consist of two characters, and can be any combination of UPPERCASE alphabetic characters and numbers. For example, if UCSCONFIG=D4 is specified, then the member named CHCUCSD4 in the configuration control data set is read by InfoSphere CDC to obtain its UCS configuration control statements. This keyword is optional. Default SettingThe suffix used for the CHCCFGxx member in the configuration control data set. In other words, the value of the <ConfigSuffix> placeholder resolved in the CHCPROC JCL procedure.

Modifying communications configuration control statements

InfoSphere CDC reads communications configuration control statements when communications are being initialized. These statements are read from the CHCCMMxx configuration control data set member. The sample communications configuration data set member is copied to the configuration control data set during the installation process, and should be modified for your working environment. In this section, you will learn: TCP/IP on page 44

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TCP/IP is used for communications with other servers running InfoSphere CDC for z/OS and client workstations running Management Console applications. The TCP/IP statement must appear in the CHCCMMxx control statement partitioned data set member. If omitted, an error message is issued and InfoSphere CDC does not initialize properly. The TCP/IP statement contains a number of keywords. The syntax for each supported keyword (<Keyword>) in TCP/IP is provided with the keyword description in the following sections. Therefore, to specify the TCP/IP statement correctly, substitute <Keyword> with the syntax diagram for each keyword you want to specify in the statement. Note: Keyword specifications in the TCP/IP statement must be separated by commas. The following keywords are supported: ACCESSSERVERPORT AUTODISCEXCLUDE on page 45 CTRLQUEUESIZE on page 46 DATAQUEUESIZE on page 46 ENCRYPT on page 47 GETHOSTRETRYLIMIT on page 47 KEEPALIVETIMEOUT on page 48 SERVICENAME on page 48 SUBSYSTEM on page 48


Specifies the TCP port numbers used as the target of broadcasts to the Access Servers for autodiscovery. This keyword allows a list of UDP port numbers to be specified. Autodiscovery enables the transparent propagation of configuration information associated with new datastores to existing Access Servers, or the propagation of configuration information associated with existing datastores to new Access Servers. Datastores enabled for autodiscovery broadcast UDP datagrams during initialization over the local subnet to UDP port numbers that are recognized by Access Servers. It is possible that more than one Access Server exists in a network, in which case different UDP port numbers may be used by different Access Servers.


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

When autodiscovery broadcasts are sent, they are sent to all specified Access Server UDP port numbers over each defined (but not excluded) IP interface. This keyword is optional. Default Setting10101 - This is the default UDP port number used when Access Server is installed. For more information, see your InfoSphere CDC Access Manager documentation. Minimum Setting1024 Maximum Setting65535


Specifies the IP interfaces (and associated subnets) that should not be used for autodiscovery broadcasting. It is possible that some IP interfaces should not be used for UDP broadcasting by autodiscovery. For example, an IP interface that connects to the Internet through a firewall may be unsuitable for UDP broadcasting. In this example, Access Servers should not be configured by datastores over the Internet. Such attempts could result in error messages generated from the firewall or information about the configuration of a datastore propagated undesirably across the Internet. Either an IP Interface Name (<IPI/FName>) or an IP Address (<IPAddress>) in dotted quad notation can be used to identify an IP interface that should be excluded from autodiscovery broadcasts. This keyword allows for a list of IP interfaces to be specified. Alternatively, * (asterisk) can be specified as the single value for this keyword, meaning that all IP interfaces are to be excluded from autodiscovery broadcasting. Specifying * effectively disables the autodiscovery feature without having to explicitly exclude every IP interface. If an IP Interface Name is specified, it is matched against the defined IP interfaces. If an IP Address is specified, the dotted quad notation is validated and matched against the defined IP interfaces. If an IP interface is incorrectly specified, an error message is issued. Incorrectly specifying IP interfaces may result in autodiscovery broadcasting over an undesired IP interface. This keyword is optional. Default SettingAutodiscovery broadcasts UDP datagrams over all defined IP interfaces. In other words, over all connected subnets.

IBM InfoSphere Change Data Capture installation or upgrade



Specifies the number of bytes allocated for the queue used by the control communications link. The control communications link is used for message transfers that coordinate the replication of data between servers. Set the size of the queue for this link so that it is not as high as the size of the queue for the data communications link. For this keyword, identify the number of kilobytes (K or k) or megabytes (M or m). This keyword is optional. Default Setting64K Minimum Setting64K Maximum Setting1M Related reference DATAQUEUESIZE


Specifies the number of bytes allocated for the queue used by the data communications link. The data communications link is used for the transmission of replicated data between servers. Since the volume of data replicated by InfoSphere CDC can be significant, set the size of the queue for this link so that it is greater than the size of the queue for the control communications link. For this keyword, identify the number of kilobytes (K or k) or megabytes (M or m). This keyword is optional. Default Setting1M Minimum Setting64K


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Maximum Setting1024M Related reference CTRLQUEUESIZE on page 46


Specifies whether or not to apply lightweight encryption to data replicated by InfoSphere CDC using TCP/IP. To encrypt data, encryption must be enabled on both the source environment and target environment. For non-z/OS servers, contact your IBM representative for information about enabling encryption. ENCRYPT=0 disables encryption, while ENCRYPT=1 enables encryption. This keyword is optional. Default Setting0


Specifies the maximum number of attempts InfoSphere CDC performs to retrieve the host name or IP address during initialization of communications. A failure to retrieve the host name or IP address is indicated when the TCP/IP gethostbyaddr or gethostbyname service returns an error. If the host name or IP address cannot be retrieved after the specified number of attempts, the communication environment in the InfoSphere CDC address space is not initialized correctly. This keyword is optional. Default Setting4 attempts Minimum Setting1 attempt Maximum Setting100 attempts

IBM InfoSphere Change Data Capture installation or upgrade



Specifies the time that InfoSphere CDC will allow a socket to remain idle before sending a pulse message on the socket. This feature is useful for preventing firewalls from closing sockets that have been idle for some time but will still be required in order to InfoSphere CDC to function. If the keyword is not specified, or if an illegal value is specified, the default value is used. This keyword is optional. Default Setting300 seconds Minimum Setting5 seconds Maximum Setting300 seconds


Specifies the name of the TCP/IP service that the InfoSphere CDC address space provides to Management Console and to other InfoSphere CDC servers that require replication services. The value of this keyword identifies the service name for the datastore imbedded in InfoSphere CDC (see your Management Console documentation for more information about datastore), and it is also the service name assigned to the InfoSphere CDC address spaces replication services. Either a symbolic service name that has been defined to Communications Server, or a numeric TCP port number (between 1024 and 65535) that does not conflict with already assigned TCP port numbers can be specified. Additionally, this value specifies the UDP port number that is used by the datastore to accept UDP datagrams (addressed or broadcast) that are necessary to support autodiscovery. Since a single service name is specified, the assigned TCP and UDP port numbers must be numerically the same. This is a required keyword that cannot be omitted from the TCP/IP statement.



InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

Specifies the TCP/IP Subsystem (stack) address space that is used by InfoSphere CDC for communications between itself and other instances of InfoSphere CDC, or between itself and Management Console. It is possible to have more than one TCP/IP Subsystem address space executing concurrently on the same image of z/OS. This is called running multiple stacks. <TCP/IPSubsys> is the name of the z/OS address space in which TCP/IP is executing. If * (asterisk) is specified or defaulted, then the first z/OS address space found in which a TCP/IP stack is executing is used. Since it is unpredictable which of the multiple stacks is found first, it is suggested that you avoid specifying (or defaulting to) * unless there is only one TCP/IP Subsystem address space executing at any time. This keyword is optional. Default Setting* - The first TCP/IP Subsystem address found is used.

Modifying DBMS configuration control statements

InfoSphere CDC reads DBMS configuration control statements when DBMS repositories are being initialized. These statements are read from the CHCDBMxx configuration control data set member. The suffix on the CHCDBMxx member is specified through the DBMSCONFIG keyword in the CHCCFGxx General configuration control statement member. The sample DBMS configuration data set member is copied to the configuration control data set during the installation process, and should be modified for your working environment. In this section, you will learn: DB2 Related reference DBMSCONFIG on page 32

DB2 Statement in CHCDBMxx

The DB2 statement contains a number of keywords. The syntax for each supported keyword (<Keyword>) in DB2 is provided with the keyword description in the following sections. Therefore, to specify the DB2 statement correctly, substitute <Keyword> with the syntax diagram for each keyword you want to specify in the statement. Note: Keyword specifications in the DB2 statement must be separated by commas. The following keywords are supported: ALLOWSQL on page 50 BUFSIZE on page 50 BUFTHRESHOLD on page 51 CACHELEVEL1RESERVED on page 51
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Specifies if a user can enter After Refresh and After Clear SQL statements. If you set the keyword to YES, then InfoSphere CDC enables the Additional SQL feature in Management Console and lets the user define compound and arbitrary SQL statements. InfoSphere CDC executes these statements after a successful refresh or table clear operation on the target table. This keyword is optional. Default SettingNO


Specifies the size, in kilobytes, of the IFC-managed buffer that receives the DB2 trace data.


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

The size assigned to this keyword must be within the acceptable range in 4 KB increments starting from the minimum setting. If you specify a size that is outside of the acceptable range, the closest minimum or maximum is used. This keyword is optional. Default Setting132 KB Minimum Setting8KB Maximum Setting1024 KB


Specifies the percentage of the IFC-managed buffer that must contain data before DB2 informs InfoSphere CDC that the buffer contains DB2 Log data to be processed. The value assigned to this keyword represents a percentage of the value specified through the BUFSIZE keyword. The value assigned (or defaulted) to this keyword can have an impact on server resource utilization and replication latency. This keyword is optional. Default Setting1% of the value specified for BUFSIZE Minimum Setting1% of the value specified for BUFSIZE Maximum Setting99% of the value specified for BUFSIZE Related concepts BUFTHRESHOLD keyword considerations on page 76


Specifies the size, in megabytes, of the reserved portion of the Level 1 DB2 Log cache that maintains records recently placed in the DB2 Log. InfoSphere CDC can use two caches (Level 1 and Level 2) to improve performance when multiple subscriptions are used to replicate multiple streams of data at the same time. The Level 1 cache resides in memory. This cache is used to rapidly retrieve DB2 Log records during replication. The reserved part of this cache maintains records that have recently been placed in the DB2 Log. This keyword determines how
IBM InfoSphere Change Data Capture installation or upgrade


much of the Level 1 cache is used for this purpose. Allocating approximately 80% of the Level 1 cache for the reserved part should be the setting for most working environments. In addition, consider the following when setting the size of the reserved part of the Level 1 cache: v The size of the reserved part must be at least 5 megabytes. If you specify a size between 1 and 4 megabytes inclusively, InfoSphere CDC sets the size of the reserved part to 5 megabytes. v The size of the reserved part must occupy at least one block of the Level 1 cache. Otherwise, InfoSphere CDC sets the size of the reserved part to the default value for the CACHELEVEL1RESERVED keyword. v The size of the reserved part cannot occupy all blocks in the Level 1 cache. In other words, at least one block must be allocated for the other part of the cache. Otherwise, InfoSphere CDC sets the size of the reserved part to the default value for the CACHELEVEL1RESERVED keyword. v The size of the reserved part must be an exact multiple of the cache block size. If necessary, InfoSphere CDC sets the size of the reserved part by rounding down the CACHELEVEL1RESERVED keyword setting to the closest exact multiple of the cache block size. If any of the keywords for defining the Level 1 and Level 2 caches (CACHEBLOCKSIZE, CACHELEVEL1RESERVED, and CACHELEVEL1SIZE) are set to zero, DB2 Log records are not cached. This keyword is optional. Default Setting0 Minimum Setting10 Related concepts Running the CHCCRCCH job on page 20 Related reference CACHEBLOCKSIZE


Specifies the size, in megabytes, of each block in the Level 1 and Level 2 DB2 Log caches. InfoSphere CDC can use two caches (Level 1 and Level 2) to improve performance when multiple subscriptions are used to replicate multiple streams of data at the same time. This setting determines how much data is transferred when a block is moved between the two caches. In addition, the size of the Level 1 and Level 2 caches, as defined by the CACHELEVEL1SIZE keyword, must be an exact multiple of the block size. A block size of 1 or 2 megabytes is sufficient for most working environments.


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

If any of the keywords for defining the Level 1 and Level 2 caches (CACHEBLOCKSIZE, CACHELEVEL1RESERVED, and CACHELEVEL1SIZE) are set to zero, DB2 Log records are not cached. Note: If you change the block size, the records in the Level 2 cache are cleared when you restart the InfoSphere CDC address space. After InfoSphere CDC has been restarted, those records will be read from the DB2 Log. This keyword is optional. Default Setting0 Related concepts Running the CHCCRCCH job on page 20 Related reference CACHELEVEL1SIZE


Specifies the size, in megabytes, of the Level 1 DB2 Log cache. InfoSphere CDC can use two caches (Level 1 and Level 2) to improve performance when multiple subscriptions are used to replicate multiple streams of data at the same time. The Level 1 cache resides in memory. This cache is used to rapidly retrieve DB2 Log records during replication. The size of the Level 1 cache should be set to minimize paging of the cache to disk. A cache size of 1000 megabytes or less should be the setting for most working environments. Do not set the cache size too high so that sufficient memory cannot be allocated. In addition, consider the following when setting the size of the Level 1 cache: v The size of the Level 1 cache must be at least 10 megabytes. If you specify a cache size between 1 and 9 megabytes inclusively, InfoSphere CDC sets the cache size to 10 megabytes v The size of the Level 1 cache must be at least twice the cache block size as defined by the CACHEBLOCKSIZE keyword. Otherwise, InfoSphere CDC sets the cache size to the default value for the CACHELEVEL1SIZE keyword. v The size of the Level 1 cache must be an exact multiple of the cache block size. If necessary, InfoSphere CDC sets the cache size by rounding down the CACHELEVEL1SIZE keyword setting to the closest exact multiple of the cache block size. If any of the keywords for defining the Level 1 and Level 2 caches (CACHEBLOCKSIZE, CACHELEVEL1RESERVED, and CACHELEVEL1SIZE) are set to zero, DB2 Log records are not cached. This keyword is optional. Default Setting0
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Related concepts Running the CHCCRCCH job on page 20 Related reference CACHEBLOCKSIZE on page 52


Specifies the buffer in which the DB2 trace output is recorded. The value specified through this keyword is used in the DB2 START TRACE command that specifies which DB2 Trace Buffer is used for capturing DB2 Log records. Either a specific destination (for example, buffer OP1, OP2, OP3, OP4, OP5, OP6, OP7, or OP8) or a generic destination (OPX) can be assigned using this keyword. If a generic destination is specified, the first free buffer that DB2 allows to be assigned is used. This could be an OP buffer that is currently being used for other purposes (for example, gathering DB2 performance data). Sharing a buffer in this manner could interfere with InfoSphere CDCs ability to obtain Log data from DB2. For this reason, it is suggested that an available, unused OP buffer be selected for use by the InfoSphere CDC address space, and assigned using one of the specific values (OP1 through OP8) of the DEST keyword. Note that all traces to an OPX destination must be stopped before the buffer is considered as being no longer in use. Traces that are started to an OPX buffer overwrite previous traces written to the same buffer. This keyword is optional. Default SettingOPX


Specifies whether or not InfoSphere CDC forces DB2 Log entries to be read when replication is stopped in a controlled manner. If there is very little DB2 Log activity during replication, there may not be enough entries in the log to cause log reads to occur frequently. If replication is stopped in a controlled manner under these conditions, a lengthy delay is incurred before the operation is completed. If FLUSHONSHUTDOWN=YES, InfoSphere CDC forces the DB2 Log to be read when replication is stopped in a controlled manner. Given the conditions as described in


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the previous paragraph, the result is a faster shutdown as compared to when FLUSHONSHUTDOWN=NO. If FLUSHONSHUTDOWN=NO, replication is stopped in a controlled manner, but the amount of time to complete the operation under the same conditions is likely to be longer. If it is necessary to reduce the amount of the time it takes to end replication in a controlled manner in your environment, set this keyword to YES. This keyword is optional. Default SettingYES Related reference SHUTDOWNStop InfoSphere CDC address space on page 92


Specifies the suffix that is used to locate the CHCLDRxx member containing the DB2 LOAD configuration control statement. <LoadSuffix> must consist of two characters, and can be any combination of UPPER CASE alphabetic characters and numbers. For example, if LOADERDEFAULTS=C3 is specified, then the member named CHCLDRC3 in the configuration control data set is read by InfoSphere CDC to obtain its DB2 LOAD configuration control statement. This keyword is optional. Default SettingThe suffix used for the CHCDBMxx member in the configuration control data set.


Note: This keyword only applies when InfoSphere CDC operates in a DB2 Data Sharing Group (DSG) and when a member of the DSG has low DB2 Log activity. It has no purpose if the DB2 subsystem to which InfoSphere CDC is connected is not a member of a DB2 Data Sharing Group. Specifies how frequently the log profiling task performs unprompted reads in a DB2 Data Sharing Group when the local DB2 Log is idle (that is, it is not actively being extended by DB2 activity). The value for this keyword is the number of seconds the local DB2 Log must have been idle before the log profiling task autonomously requests additional DB2 Log data. This keyword is optional.
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Default Setting5 seconds Minimum Setting5 seconds Maximum Setting600 seconds


Specifies the manner in which the InfoSphere CDC log profiling task builds and maintains its profile of the DB2 Log. LOGPROFILE=FULL indicates that the task retrieve and analyze the control information of every record that it receives from the DB2 Log. The task does not need the application data during profiling, and so compressed DB2 Log data is not decompressed. As the task examines each record, it searches for those records that identify the following: v The locations of table space drain activities, which usually occur during REORG utility executions. v Changes to the DB2 user authorization system tables. In terms of server resource consumption, fully profiling the DB2 Log is approximately equivalent to running continuous mirroring on a single subscription. LOGPROFILE=FULL is appropriate in mirroring scenarios that include online reorganization of table spaces containing mirrored tables. When these table spaces are reorganized, subscriptions that are mirroring data do not have to be stopped manually. In other words, online reorganizations can be handled transparently by InfoSphere CDC. LOGPROFILE=NONE indicates that you want to disable the log profiling task. None of the benefits supported under full profiling are provided, and server resource consumption as a result of DB2 Log profiling is nil. This keyword setting ensures behavior is consistent with previous InfoSphere CDC versions. LOGPROFILE should be set to NONE when compressed table spaces containing mirrored tables are reorganized through manually stopping and restarting mirroring. This keyword is optional. Default SettingFULL



InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

Specifies the maximum number of messages that can be generated for nonrecoverable errors during replication (refresh, mirroring, and auditing) for a single subscription. This keyword applies only to implementations where refresh, mirroring, or auditing is allowed to continue after the first nonrecoverable error has occurred. If MAXSQLERRMSG=0, no limit is imposed on the number of messages that can be generated for nonrecoverable errors. This setting effectively disables the limit on the number of messages generated. This keyword is optional. Default Setting25 messages Minimum Setting0 messages Related concepts CONFIG on page 27 Related reference ENDONERROR on page 35


Specifies the maximum size of the staging space that is used to stage replicated changes for commit groups (DB2 Units of Recovery) for a single subscription and the maximum number of completed non-empty commit groups to keep in the staging space at one time. The first value provides a means of limiting the use of z/OSs real storage resources by InfoSphere CDC when it is mirroring tables. The staging space is backed by a z/OS Hiperspace, which is stored in z/OS Central Storage and paged to z/OS Auxiliary Storage. Extremely large commit groups can cause InfoSphere CDC to store large volumes of data in the staging space, consuming corresponding amounts of central storage and auxiliary storage. While it is expected that good application design will limit the size of commit groups, the MAXSUBSCRSTAGESIZE keyword provides a means of stopping InfoSphere CDC from using excessive resources if this is not the case. A staging space is associated with each subscription created in Management Console. If the content of a staging space nears capacity, InfoSphere CDC generates
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a warning message (CHC1532W). If this message is seen, you should consider increasing the maximum size to reduce the risk of reaching the limit. If the content of a staging space reaches the maximum size, InfoSphere CDC generates an error message (CHC1524E), and automatically ends replication for the subscription. When specifying the first value, you identify the maximum number of kilobytes (K or k), megabytes (M or m), gigabytes (G or g), or bytes (the default unit if a recognized letter is not specified) that can be stored in a staging space. The second value indicates the maximum number of completed non-empty commit groups to keep in the staging space at one time. This allows InfoSphere CDC to continue to stage commit groups while simultaneously transmitting a completed commit group. This keyword is optional. Default Setting(2147483632, 10) Minimum Setting (for second value)1 commit group Maximum Setting(2147483632, 255) Related reference CHC1524E on page 442 CHC1532W on page 443


Specifies what action to take when the schema of a source table being mirrored is changed such that changes to the table can no longer be correctly replicated. If ONSCHEMACHANGE=STOP, the subscription ends abnormally. If ONSCHEMACHANGE=IDLE, the table whose schema changes is idled (no longer replicated). Any other tables in the subscription continue to be replicated normally. This can cause transactional integrity to be broken. This keyword is optional. Default SettingSTOP


Specifies the maximum age, in minutes, of the oldest open commit group that can exist in a staging space without a warning message being generated.


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

InfoSphere CDC checks each staging space every 15 minutes to determine the age of the oldest open commit group. If the age exceeds the number of minutes assigned to the OPENCOMMITWARNAGE keyword, a warning message (CHC0051W) is generated. Commit groups in a staging space that have been left open for some period of time may eventually result in a staging space running out of space, and replication being stopped. If CHC0051W is generated, you should investigate the reasons for the open commit groups, and take appropriate actions. If OPENCOMMITWARNAGE=0, warnings about open commit groups in a staging space are not generated. If a value outside the acceptable range is specified, the closest minimum or maximum value is used. This keyword is optional. Default Setting60 minutes Minimum Setting0 minutes Maximum Setting525600 - The total number of minutes in a non-leap year. Related reference CHC0051W on page 245


Specifies the two characters that ensure the names of the DB2 plans are unique. These plans are used to identify the owner of InfoSphere CDC metadata tables. By changing the suffix, you can refer to different metadata tables. The plans must be created by the DB2 BIND process executed by the CHCBNDPL job. This keyword is optional. Default SettingThe suffix of the CHCDBMxx member (the characters represented by xx) that contains this keyword. Related concepts Running the CHCBNDPL job on page 18


Specifies the maximum number of retry attempts after a DBMS recoverable failure (deadlock, timeout or resource unavailable) has prevented an operation from completing successfully.

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If RECOVERYRETRYLIMIT=0, then no attempt is made after encountering a recoverable failure. If all retry attempts are unsuccessful, the recoverable failure is escalated to a nonrecoverable failure and handled according to the ENDONERROR keyword setting. Note: For deadlocks, there is no time delay between consecutive retries. In other words, the value of the TIMEOUTRECOVERYDELAY keyword is not considered. Recovery from deadlocks is more likely when retries are performed consecutively without delay. This keyword is optional. Default Setting0 attempts Minimum Setting0 attempts Maximum Setting65535 attempts Related reference ENDONERROR on page 35


Specifies whether or not InfoSphere CDC metadata tables can be included in a table mapping for replication in Management Console. If REPLMETADATA=NO, metadata tables are not available for mapping in Management Console. If REPLMETADATA=YES, metadata tables are available for mapping and can be replicated by InfoSphere CDC. Replication of the InfoSphere CDC metadata tables requires that the DB2 attribute CHANGE DATA CAPTURE be set for the tables. By default, the metadata DB2 tables are created with this attribute. If for some reason the tables do not have this attribute, then the attribute will have to be set before the tables can be accessed in Management Console. The InfoSphere CDC address space has to be shut down before this attribute can be set. This keyword is optional. Default SettingNO


Specifies how the DB2 log timestamp is to be formatted during replication. The DB2 log timestamp for a change made to a source table records the time at which that change was made to the table.


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

If REPLTIMESTAMP=LOCAL, the DB2 log timestamp is formatted in the source systems local time. If REPLTIMESTAMP=UTC, the DB2 log timestamp is formatted in the UTC (Universal Coordinated Time). This keyword affects the value of the &TIMESTAMP journal control field for both refresh and mirroring. It also affects the timestamps formatted in messages that report on the DB2 log timestamp, such as start and stop mirroring messages and replication status messages. This keyword is optional. Default SettingLOCAL


Specifies the maximum size of the cache used by each target server to store a commit group if the Deadlock/Timeout Retry feature is active. The size can be specified in Megabytes (M) or Gigabytes (G). This keyword is only relevant if the RECOVERYRETRYLIMIT keyword was specified with a value greater than zero. The retry cache is allocated through the Storage Manager. Care should be taken to specify a large enough value on the STG64LIMIT keyword to accommodate the caches used by all target subscriptions. This keyword is optional. Default Setting1G Minimum Setting1M Maximum Setting9999G Related reference RECOVERYRETRYLIMIT on page 59


Specifies whether or not row filtering expressions can be treated as SQL WHERE clauses in SELECT statements that implement data refreshes.

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Treating a row filtering expression as an SQL WHERE clause can improve refresh performance. In particular, significant improvements can occur when a small percentage of the rows in a large table are selected for refresh. If SQLWHEREROWSEL=YES, InfoSphere CDC generates a message (CHC0792I) to indicate whether or not a row filtering expression can be used as an SQL WHERE clause. In order to be used as an SQL WHERE clause, the expression must be a correctly formed as a standard InfoSphere CDC row filtering expression and also a syntactically correct search-condition operand of the WHERE keyword in an SQL WHERE clause. This keyword is optional. Default SettingNO Related reference CHC0792I on page 398


Specifies the DB2 Subsystem or data sharing group containing the metadata and the tables that are the source or target of replicated data. The value assigned to this keyword is the z/OS Subsystem Identifier of the DB2 region or the group attach name of the DB2 data sharing group. When executing on a data sharing group, the group attach name is the preferred value. This keyword is optional. Default SettingThe value specified in the DSNHDECP member of the SDSNEXIT data set.


Specifies the amount of time (expressed in seconds) InfoSphere CDC waits before attempting to retry an operation after a DBMS recoverable failure due to a timeout or resource unavailable has prevented an operation from completing successfully. Note: This setting only applies to timeouts. It does not apply to deadlocks. Recovery from timeouts is more likely when there is a significant time delay between consecutive attempts. This keyword should be set to a value between 75% and 150% of the DB2 lock timeout delay setting.


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

This keyword is optional. Default Setting60 seconds


Specifies how frequently mirrored changes received from the source server will be committed to the subscription database. This keyword is set to a triplet of three mandatory values: v The first value is the number of changes that can be applied to tables before a COMMIT is triggered. v The second value is the number of seconds that must pass since the last COMMIT was applied before a COMMIT is triggered. v The third value is the number of commit groups that must be received from the source since the last COMMIT before a COMMIT is triggered. If commitment control is not in effect, a COMMIT will be performed immediately whenever either of the first two conditions (number of changes or number of seconds) is satisfied. If commitment control is in effect, a COMMIT will be performed when the next complete commit group is received after any of the three conditions is met. There is an exception if commitment control is in effect and the specified number of seconds passes and the last thing received from the source was a complete commit group. In this case, a COMMIT will be performed immediately. When COMMIT is performed, the change counter, timer, and commit group counter are all reset. The COMMITFREQ settings apply to each subscription separately. Changes or commit groups received for one subscription do no affect when COMMIT is performed for any other subscription. Similarly, each subscription has its own commit timer, which is not necessarily synchronized with any other subscriptions commit timer. The higher the settings for the COMMITFREQ keyword, the greater the increase in throughput that will be achieved. However, the increased throughput will be obtained at the cost of increasing the number, level of, and duration of DBMS locks that are acquired when the changes are being applied and an increased cost of handling deadlock/timeout retry situations. For example, if COMMITFREQ=(1000,60,1) and commitment control is not in effect. COMMIT will be performed after 1000 changes are received or 60 seconds pass, whichever occurs first. Since commitment control is not in effect, no commit groups should be received. In another example, if COMMITFREQ=(10000,300,10) and commitment control is in effect. COMMIT will be performed at the end of the next commit group after 10000
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changes are received, at the end of the next commit group after 60 seconds pass, or after 10 complete commit groups are received. In addition, if, after 60 seconds pass, the last thing received was a complete commit group (no partial commit group), COMMIT will be performed. Note: If commitment control is in effect, setting the third value of COMMITFREQ to 1 (the default) ensures that every commit group is committed as it is received. Note the following considerations for this keyword: v Performance improvements are directly proportional to the size of the commit groups that you replicate. v Commit group integrity is never compromised by this feature. v Once commit groups have been grouped to the point that 500 or more changes are being made between commits, no further performance gains are possible. This keyword is optional. Default Setting(200 (records), 30 (seconds), 1 (commit group))


Specifies whether or not DB2 LOAD is employed by InfoSphere CDC to refresh tables. The default behavior (USELOADER=NO) is to use the standard InfoSphere CDC refresh operation. USELOADER determines the use of DB2 LOAD at the system level. By using the CHCMTAUT utility, DB2 LOAD use can be set at the datastore and table levels. In this case, the USELOADER setting is overridden. Note: The following requirements must be met in order to use DB2 LOAD to refresh a target table in an InfoSphere CDC replication configuration: v Use of the DB2 LOAD utility must have been requested. v The mapped target table must be the only one in the table space. v The mapped target table cannot be included in a cascading replication configuration. For general information about cascading replication, see your Management Console documentation. v The total length of all columns in the mapped target table cannot exceed 32,760 bytes minus the number of columns in the table. v If user exit programs have been configured for the mapped target table, the clear table operation cannot be disabled. v A row identifier cannot be defined for the mapped target table. v Auditing of source table changes (LiveAudit) cannot be enabled when configuring the mapped target table. For information about configuring LiveAudit, see your Management Console documentation.


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

If the DB2 LOAD utility has been enabled (through USELOADER or CHCMTAUT), but one or more of these requirements have not been met, an attempt to refresh a table in Management Console generates a warning message and the standard InfoSphere CDC refresh is used instead of DB2 LOAD. This keyword is optional. Default SettingNO Related concepts CHCMTAUT Utility on page 151 InfoSphere CDC user exits on page 165

Modifying DB2 LOAD configuration control statements

InfoSphere CDC reads a DB2 LOAD configuration control statement before starting to refresh tables. This statement is read from the CHCLDRxx configuration control data set member. The suffix on the CHCLDRxx member is specified through the LOADERDEFAULTS keyword in the CHCDBMxx DBMS configuration control statement member. The suffix can also be specified using the CHCMTAUT utility, but it defines a CHCLDRxx member at the datastore or table level. LOADERDEFAULTS is a server-wide setting that can be overridden by appropriate use of the CHCMTAUT utility. A sample DB2 LOAD Configuration data set member is copied to the configuration control data set during the installation process, and should be modified for your working environment. In this section, you will learn: DB2LOADER Related reference LOADERDEFAULTS on page 55


The DB2LOADER statement contains a number of keywords that define server-level settings referenced by the DB2 LOAD utility. Some of the keywords in the statement correspond to keywords in the IBM DB2 utility LOAD DATA statement. For information about the LOAD DATA statement, see the appropriate IBM documentation. DB2LOADER Statement in CHCLDRxx The syntax for each supported keyword (<Keyword>) in DB2LOADER is provided with the keyword description in the following sections. Therefore, to specify the DB2LOADER statement correctly, substitute <Keyword> with the syntax diagram for each keyword you want to specify in the statement.

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Note: Keyword specifications in the DB2LOADER statement must be separated by commas. The following keywords are supported: DISCARDS DSNDEVT DSNHLQ on page 67 ENFORCE on page 67 KEEPDICTIONARY on page 67 LOG on page 68 PREFORMAT on page 68 REUSE on page 68 SORTKEYS on page 69 SORTNUM on page 69 SORTDEVT on page 69 SYSUT1SIZE/SORTOUTSIZE/SYSERRSIZE/SYSMAPSIZE/SYSDISCSIZE on page 70


This keyword corresponds to the DISCARDS keyword supported in the IBM DB2 utility LOAD DATA statement. If it is specified and assigned a positive value, the DISCARDS keyword and its setting are processed by DB2 LOAD. This keyword is optional. Default SettingDISCARDS is not processed by DB2 LOAD.


Specifies the device type to use when allocating DB2 LOAD utility work data sets. Generic or actual device names can be specified. This keyword is optional. Default SettingSYSDA


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation


Specifies the high level qualifier used when allocating the DB2 LOAD utility work data sets. The qualifier cannot exceed 11 characters in length. InfoSphere CDC builds data set names by concatenating the keyword setting, the name of the replication agent, the current date and time, and the default DD name of the data set specified in the DB2 LOAD utility documentation. InfoSphere CDC requires sufficient authority to allocate, write to, read from, and delete these data sets. This keyword is optional. Default SettingThe authorization identifier of the InfoSphere CDC address space.


This keyword corresponds to the ENFORCE keyword supported in the IBM DB2 utility LOAD DATA statement. If it is specified, the ENFORCE keyword and its setting are processed by DB2 LOAD. This keyword is optional. Default SettingCONSTRAINTS


This keyword corresponds to the KEEPDICTIONARY keyword supported in the IBM DB2 utility LOAD DATA statement. If KEEPDICTIONARY=YES, the KEEPDICTIONARY keyword is processed by DB2 LOAD. This keyword is optional. Default SettingNO
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This keyword corresponds to the LOG keyword supported in the IBM DB2 utility LOAD DATA statement. If LOG=YES, the LOG keyword is processed by DB2 LOAD. This keyword is optional. Default SettingYES


This keyword corresponds to the PREFORMAT keyword supported in the IBM DB2 utility LOAD DATA statement. If PREFORMAT=YES, the PREFORMAT keyword is processed by DB2 LOAD. This keyword is optional. Default SettingNO


This keyword corresponds to the REUSE keyword supported in the IBM DB2 utility LOAD DATA statement. If REUSE=YES, the REUSE keyword is processed by DB2 LOAD. This keyword is optional. Default SettingNO


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation


This keyword corresponds to the SORTKEYS keyword supported in the IBM DB2 utility LOAD DATA statement. If it is specified and assigned a positive value, the SORTKEYS keyword and its setting are processed by DB2 LOAD. This keyword is optional. Default SettingSORTKEYS is not processed by DB2 LOAD.


This keyword corresponds to the SORTNUM keyword supported in the IBM DB2 utility LOAD DATA statement. If it is specified with SORTDEVT, the SORTNUM keyword and its setting are not processed by DB2 LOAD. This keyword is optional. Default SettingSORTNUM are not processed by DB2 LOAD. Related reference SORTDEVT


This keyword corresponds to the SORTDEVT keyword supported in the IBM DB2 utility LOAD DATA statement. If it is specified, the SORTDEVT keyword and its setting are processed by DB2 LOAD. This keyword is optional. Default SettingThe SORTDEVT and SORTNUM keywords are not processed by DB2 LOAD, even though SORTNUM may be specified.

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Identifies the sizes (expressed in number of cylinders) of the corresponding DB2 LOAD utility work data sets. Both a primary and secondary allocation can be specified. These keywords are required, but they can be omitted if they have been specified at a higher level. For example, if the server-level CHCLDRxx member specifies SYSUT1SIZE, CHCLDRxx members at the datastore and table levels can omit SYSUT1SIZE. The members at the datastore and table levels inherit the setting from the server-level. If the secondary allocation is omitted for any keyword, the default is zero.

Modifying UCS configuration control statements

InfoSphere CDCs UCS configuration control statements are read when Unicode Conversion Services is being initialized. These statements are read from the CHCUCSxx configuration control data set member. The suffix on the CHCUCSxx member is specified through the UCSCONFIG keyword in the CHCCFGxx General configuration control statement member. The sample UCS Configuration data set member should be copied to the configuration control data set during the installation process and modified for your working environment. In this section, you will learn: UCS on page 71 CCSIDMAP on page 71 CONVERSION on page 72 IANAMAP on page 73


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Related reference UCSCONFIG on page 43


The UCS statement contains one keyword: DDASIZE

Specifies the size, in bytes, of the Dynamic Data Area used by the Unicode Conversion Services. Note: The value of the DDASIZE may have an impact on server performance. Therefore, you should use the default value for this keyword. This keyword is optional. Default Setting4096 bytes


The CCSIDMAP statement specifies a relationship between a Unicode Conversion Services CCSID and a corresponding code set name. This relationship needs to be specified because Unicode Conversion Services can only recognize Coded Character Set Identifiers (CCSIDs), whereas other conversion systems may only recognize code set name text strings. The CCSIDMAP statement contains one keyword. A default set of CCSIDMAP statements is provided in the CHCUCSxx sample member. This member should be copied to the configuration control data set and renamed to contain a valid suffix. You can add, modify, or delete CCSIDMAP statements. You can specify as many CCSIDMAP statements as you want. The following keyword is supported: CODESET

Specifies the relationship between CCSIDs and their code set names. This keyword is set to a pair of mandatory values. The first value specifies the CCSID that is mapped to a code set name. This value must have a numeric data type. CCSIDs are the numbers used by Unicode Conversion Services to represent
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single-byte and double-byte code pages. For example, 1047 is the CCSID for the EBCDIC single-byte code page used on American English z/OS servers. The second value specifies the code set name assigned to the CCSID identified in the first parameter. This parameter must have a character data type and a maximum length of 19 characters. For example, IBM-1047 is the code set name used for CCSID 1047 and is the name that can be exchanged with other non-z/OS servers.


The CONVERSION statement specifies the Coded Character Set Identifier (CCSID) conversions that have been installed on Unicode Conversion Services. The list of installed conversions can be obtained by entering the z/OS console command D UNI,ALL. The information displayed after issuing this command can be used to create the CONVERSION statements required for InfoSphere CDC. InfoSphere CDCs CONVERSION statement is similar to the Unicode Conversion Services CONVERSION statement that is coded when creating a conversion image in Unicode Conversion Services. Unicode Conversion Services does not provide any means of obtaining this information programmatically; this is why the InfoSphere CDCs CONVERSION statements need to be provided. The following keywords are supported: METHOD SRCCCSID TGTCCSID on page 73

Specifies the technique-search-order to be used for the specified CCSIDs in the CONVERSION statement. For more information about technique-search-order values, see the appropriate IBM documentation. Default SettingThe conversion technique is not set.

Specifies a source Coded Character Set Identifier (CCSID) in a conversion pair. Unicode Conversion Services can convert character data from this CCSID to the target CCSID specified in the CONVERSION statement. This is a required keyword that cannot be omitted from the CONVERSION statement.


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

Specifies a target Coded Character Set Identifier (CCSID) in a conversion pair. Unicode Conversion Services can convert character data to this CCSID from the source CCSID specified in the CONVERSION statement. This is a required keyword that cannot be omitted from the CONVERSION statement.


The IANAMAP statement specifies a relationship between a Unicode Conversion Services Coded Character Set Identifier (CCSID) and one or more corresponding IANA code set names. This relationship needs to be specified because Unicode Conversion Services can only recognize CCSIDs, whereas other conversion systems may only recognize IANA code set name text strings. The IANAMAP statement contains two keywords. A default set of IANAMAP statements is provided in the CHCUCSxx sample member. This member should be copied to the configuration control data set and renamed to contain a valid suffix. You can add, modify, or delete IANAMAP statements. You can specify as many IANAMAP statements as you want. The following keywords are supported: CCSID NAME

Specifies the Coded Character Set Identifier (CCSID) to be mapped to an IANA code set name or names. This keyword specifies the CCSID that is mapped to the code set name or names. This value must have a numeric data type. CCSIDs are the numbers used by Unicode Conversion Services to represent single-byte and double-byte code pages. For example, 1047 is the CCSID for the EBCDIC single-byte code page used on American English z/OS servers.

Specifies the IANA code set names that should be associated with the Coded Character Set Identifier (CCSID). This keyword specifies one or more IANA code set names that should be associated with the CCSID specified on the CCSID keyword. If more than one IANA name is specified, they should be separated by commas and enclosed in brackets.

IBM InfoSphere Change Data Capture installation or upgrade


Executing InfoSphere CDC

The member named CHCPROC in the SCHCCNTL data set contains sample JCL for executing InfoSphere CDC. This JCL is in the form of a JCL procedure. After appropriate modifications, it can be catalogued by storing it in a system procedure library, or used as the basis for producing a job that can be submitted for execution in batch mode. If the modified JCL is catalogued in a system procedure library, then it can be called by JCL that is submitted as a batch job, or referenced by a z/OS START command entered on a system console. If it is used to produce a job for submission to batch execution, then it can be used either as an in-stream procedure within the jobs JCL, or stripped down to raw step execution JCL. Whatever the manner in which the CHCPROC sample is used, the main distinction is whether InfoSphere CDC executes as a started task or a batch job. If InfoSphere CDC is executed as a batch job, then the JOB statement must specify the security identifier that has been assigned to the InfoSphere CDC address space, and used to replace the <CHCUserID> substitution placeholder. This security identifier is coded as the value of the USER keyword on the JOB statement. A password (the value of the PASSWORD keyword) may also be required, if the submitter of the job does not have surrogate capability for the security identifier. If InfoSphere CDC is executed as a z/OS started task, then the appropriate steps must be taken to associate the security identifier with the z/OS started task that will execute InfoSphere CDC. These steps can differ, depending on the access control software being used by the installation. InfoSphere CDC uses storage above the bar. As distributed, the CHCPROC sample JCL has a REGION parameter coded with a value of 0M. This causes the MEMLIMIT parameter to use the defaulted value of NOLIMIT. If you change the REGION parameter to anything other than 0M, then the MEMLIMIT default value will no longer be NOLIMIT, and requests for storage above the bar may fail. If the REGION parameter value is changed, be sure to add an explicit MEMLIMIT parameter to the JCL that permits sufficient storage above the bar to be acquired. It is of especial importance to edit the //SYSTCPD DD statement to reference the correct TCP/IP configuration document for your system. If this is not done correctly, InfoSphere CDC will appear to start normally but any attempt to start a subscription to a remote target will fail due to communications errors. This will be due to the fact that the correct DNS (Domain Name Server) is not being referenced, so any attempt to resolve a remote host name will fail. These communications errors are often misinterpreted as software defects in our product or TCP/IP when they are, in fact, simply the result of incorrect configuration. Note: A single placeholder is provided for both the owner of DB2 resources (tables, plans, and so on) and the security identifier of the address space that executes InfoSphere CDC. It is necessary that the same name be used both as the owner of InfoSphere CDCs DB2 resources and as the InfoSphere CDC execution security identifier. Failure to do so will cause InfoSphere CDCs initialization to fail, an error message will be issued, and InfoSphere CDC will terminate prematurely.


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

Estimating InfoSphere CDCs requirements for hiperspaces and auxiliary storage

During ongoing mirroring activity, an active InfoSphere CDC subscription uses the DB2 IFI to access the DB2 Log and obtain the changes for source tables that are being replicated. The subscription collects the changes into commit groups based on the DB2 Unit of Recovery in which the changes occurred. When the subscription obtains an indication of a COMMIT or a ROLLBACK from the DB2 Log, it closes the associated commit group and disposes of it. If a ROLLBACK was detected, then the commit group is discarded. If a COMMIT was detected, then the commit group is transmitted to the target server for application to the mapped tables. Before a commit group is closed, the active subscription must hold the changes in a storage area (stage them) until their method of disposal has been determined. At any point in time, the active subscription could be staging many commit groups concurrently. The staging resource used is a z/OS Hiperspace. Each active subscription acquires a z/OS Hiperspace when it starts and releases it when it ends. As changes for a commit group are being gathered, the subscription writes them into the Hiperspace. As the commit groups are closed and disposed of, the subscription removes the changes from the Hiperspace and makes the storage available for reuse for other commit groups. During ongoing mirroring across multiple subscriptions, each active subscription will have a number of incomplete commit groups, each with different amounts of changes staged. As a subscription continues to process DB2 Log data, the volume of staged changes across all the commit groups will increase until a COMMIT or ROLLBACK indication is received from the DB2 Log and a commit group is closed. Then the changes contained in the commit group that has been closed will be disposed of and the volume of staged data will decrease. This produces a saw tooth behavior for the volume of staged data across all active subscriptions, with the volume rising gradually as data is staged, then dropping sharply when a commit group is disposed of. An estimate of the resource requirements to stage commit groups will need to know the highest potential value the points of the saw tooth can attain. The practical highest resource requirement may be lower than this potential value. In order to estimate InfoSphere CDCs requirement for storage resources, you must be familiar with the contents of the DB2 Log. Specifically, you must be familiar with the profile of DB2 units or recovery that contains changes to tables to be mirrored by InfoSphere CDC. Such tables are called sensitive tables, and the containing DB2 units of recovery are called sensitive units of recovery. You should be able to identify all sensitive units of recovery based on knowledge of the applications that update the sensitive tables. You should also be able to estimate the maximum concurrency of each sensitive unit of recovery, and the maximum number of inserts, updates and deletes against sensitive tables that are contained in the sensitive units of recovery. Once these estimates have been obtained, you can calculate the size of the staging resources required. See also: Staging resources calculations on page 76

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Related concepts Expanded storage, hiperspaces, and storage above the bar on page 3

Staging resources calculations

Assuming that M sensitive units of recovery have been identified, numbered 1 to M, and that N sensitive tables have been identified, numbered 1 to N, the values being used in the calculation are as follows: v URConcurrency_m: The maximum number of concurrently logged (overlapping) copies of sensitive unit of recovery m (ranging from 1 to M). v INSERTs_m_n: The maximum number of inserts into sensitive table n (ranging from 1 to N) that occur in unit of recovery m. This may be 0 for certain combinations of m and n. v DELETEs_m_n: The maximum number of deletes from sensitive table n that occur in unit of recovery m. This may be 0 for certain combinations of m and n. For each value of m, calculate:

where 128 is the control information overhead, and UPDATEs_m_n is doubled to account for before and after images of the updated row. Then calculate

TotalChangeVolume is the outside maximum amount of storage contained in hiperspaces and which potentially can be required of Auxiliary Storage to manage the staging of ongoing mirroring activity. As mentioned earlier, the practical maximum may be lower than TotalChangeVolume. Some of the factors that can produce lower results are: v How well distributed (versus clumped) the commits and rollbacks are in the DB2 Log. v How many changes are discarded by filtering criteria in the source environment. v How variable the estimates of INSERTs_m_n, UPDATEs_m_n, and DELETEs_m_n are (these estimates are of maximum) from the average values for specific m and n. You should consider whether it is practical to reduce the value of TotalChangeVolume in an attempt to reach a practical value. Monitoring resources used by InfoSphere CDC may be useful in this regard.

BUFTHRESHOLD keyword considerations

InfoSphere CDC provides the ability to supply a threshold value on the use of the DB2 OPx buffer that is employed to monitor the extension of the DB2 Log. This section explains how this threshold value can be specified and its associated impact on server performance. During initialization, when InfoSphere CDC for z/OS internally issues the DB2 IFI COMMAND request that activates a DB2 Monitor Trace against a selected OPx


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

buffer, it supplies a threshold value to DB2. This threshold value specifies the minimum number of DB2 Log data bytes that DB2 should store in the OPx buffer before sending notification to InfoSphere CDC. DB2 will not inform InfoSphere CDC (using a z/OS POST service request) that there is DB2 Log data in the OPx buffer to be processed until this minimum number of bytes is available in the OPx buffer. See also: Specifying BUFTHRESHOLD BUFTHRESHOLD value considerations

InfoSphere CDC for z/OS supports the specification of a keyword, named BUFTHRESHOLD, in the CHCDBMxx member of the configuration control data set. The value of this keyword (a number between 1 and 99) is interpreted as the percentage of the OPx buffer that is to be filled with DB2 Log data before DB2 notifies InfoSphere CDC that there is additional data to be processed. Conversion from a percentage to a byte count is handled internally by InfoSphere CDC for z/OS. Related reference BUFTHRESHOLD on page 51

BUFTHRESHOLD value considerations

The following values should be considered: Historical considerations General considerations Latency considerations on page 78 CPU resources considerations on page 78 Conclusion on page 79

Historical considerations
The default setting of 1 (1%) for the BUFTHRESHOLD keyword was chosen for two reasons: v It is consistent with the value used prior to the implementation of the BUFTHRESHOLD keyword, and so there will be no unexpected behavior if the keyword is not specified. v It is the best value to eliminate replication latency during mirroring. This is an issue when InfoSphere CDC is being evaluated, where small groups of changes are being made to tables on the source server, and the target server is being examined for equivalent changes. After an evaluation of InfoSphere CDC for z/OS has been completed, a permanent, more suitable value for BUFTHRESHOLD should be chosen that is higher than 1%.

General considerations
Replication latency and CPU resource consumption are the key issues to be considered when determining a working value for the BUFTHRESHOLD keyword. These two issues conflict with each other. Specifically, replication latency increases and CPU resource consumption decreases as higher values for BUFTHRESHOLD are specified. CPU resource consumption referenced in this section is through the

IBM InfoSphere Change Data Capture installation or upgrade


task that monitors the extension of the DB2 Log, and represents only a small portion of the overall CPU resources consumed by InfoSphere CDC for z/OS during replication.

Latency considerations
When a higher value is specified for BUFTHRESHOLD, that percentage of the OPx buffer must contain DB2 Log data before DB2 notifies InfoSphere CDC for z/OS there is data to be processed. If the default for BUFSIZE used (the optimal value is 132 KB), then a BUFTHRESHOLD value of 50% means that at least 66 KB of DB2 Log data must have been written to the DB2 Log before InfoSphere CDC for z/OS can start to process the new data. This 66KB of data represents the DB2 Log data latency. If the average rate at which the DB2 Log is being extended is known, then a data latency of 66 KB can be converted to a time latency value that can be calculated using the following formulas: TimeLatency = DataLatency DB2LogDataRate or DataLatency = TimeLatency DB2LogDataRate To obtain an acceptable time latency value, use the desired time latency value in the second formula and calculate an appropriate value for the data latency. Then convert the data latency value to a percentage of the value of the BUFSIZE keyword, and use the calculated percentage as the value of the BUFTHRESHOLD keyword. The DB2 Database Administrator should know or be able to determine the DB2 Log average data rate. The maximum and minimum DB2 Log data rates within a cyclical period (for example, a day, a week, month-end peak) may also be a consideration when determining the desired value for BUFTHRESHOLD. A smaller time latency value may be desired when real-time, continuous mirroring of data is being performed. If real-time, continuous mirroring is not being used, then time latency has no significance for determining the value of the BUFTHRESHOLD keyword.

CPU resources considerations

When a lower BUFTHRESHOLD value is specified, DB2 will notify InfoSphere CDC more frequently when there is DB2 Log data to be processed in the OPx buffer. Each notification causes the DB2 Log monitor task (the DAL task) in InfoSphere CDC for z/OS to become active and perform the following steps: 1. Establish a new DB2 Log reading position where it last detected no more DB2 Log data could be read. 2. Acquire DB2 Log data on a one-record-at-a-time basis (a limitation of the DB2 IFI). 3. Detect that there is no more new DB2 Log data to be read. 4. Reestablish that it is ready for another asynchronous notification from DB2 when there is more data to be processed in the OPx buffer. The second step absorbs the same resources no matter what percentage is used for the value of BUFTHRESHOLD. However, the other steps represent a fixed cost of processing a notification from DB2. This cost is expressed in expended CPU processing cycles. The lower the value of BUFTHRESHOLD, these CPU processing cycles will be expended more frequently, and the more the overall CPU utilization will increase. It would seem that setting the value of BUFTHRESHOLD to its


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

maximum value (99%) should achieve the largest reduction in the consumption of CPU resources by the DAL task. Unfortunately, this is not the case. When the DAL task is activated and starts to process the notification from DB2 that the OPx buffer has DB2 Log data that can be processed, it effectively enters a race with DB2. The DAL task is trying to acquire and process all the DB2 Log data records that have been stored in the OPx buffer, and DB2 is storing new DB2 Log data records into the OPx buffer as they are being created. Unless the DAL task succeeds in its attempt to clear the OPx buffer, DB2 will store the new DB2 Log data records in the OPx buffer, until eventually a DB2 Log data record cannot fit. Only if the DAL task is able to win this race and perform the third step can it go back to an inactive state, and DB2 can start to refill the empty OPx buffer. If the DAL task is unable to process the OPx buffers data faster than DB2 continues to fill it, DB2 will soon detect the exhaustion of the OPx buffer and issue the following message: DSNW133I + DSNWVOPX - TRACE DATA LOST, <OPx> NOT ACCESSIBLE RC=08 The <OPx> text in the message indicates the actual OPx buffer to which the DB2 Monitor Trace is being written. This message indicates that the OPx buffer has overflowed and should not be construed as a critical condition. InfoSphere CDC for z/OS will still be able to obtain the DB2 Log data during its normal DB2 Log data capture processing. The DAL task is able to detect that an OPx buffer has overflowed. After detection, the DAL task repositions to the head of the DB2 Log with specific IFI requests, and then resumes at the fourth step. This resynchronization process can use more CPU resources than the more acceptable situation of clearing the OPx buffer, thereby defeating the purpose of setting a high value for the BUFTHRESHOLD keyword. Additionally, the DSNW133I message can be a hindrance to the Operations personnel, or to an Automated Operations product that is sensitive to this message. Obviously, when DB2 is processing at peak periods, the rate of production of DB2 Log data is at its highest, and the likelihood of the OPx buffer being filled is at its greatest.

Based on the previous sections, the following approach is suggested for setting a workable value to the BUFTHRESHOLD keyword: 1. Determine the maximum and minimum DB2 Log data rates during prime processing times within a cyclical period. 2. If real-time continuous mirroring is being used, determine a replication latency that is acceptable for the prime processing period. 3. Use the minimum DB2 Log data rate and the acceptable level of replication latency to calculate a maximum BUFTHRESHOLD value, using the formulae presented earlier. If real-time continuous mirroring is not being used, choose a high initial value for the BUFTHRESHOLD keyword (for example, 80%). 4. Set the BUFTHRESHOLD keyword to a value, and then monitor for message DSNW133I in the JES Log during peak processing periods to determine if BUFTHRESHOLD is set too high. 5. If an unacceptable number of DSNW133I messages are detected, reduce the value of the BUFTHRESHOLD keyword by equal amounts (for example, in decrements of 5%). Then repeat the fourth step.

IBM InfoSphere Change Data Capture installation or upgrade


This approach should minimize CPU resource usage by the DAL task while achieving the desired level of replication latency (if applicable).

Installing and running multiple InfoSphere CDC instances

This section contains important considerations about managing multiple InfoSphere CDC instances on a single image of the mainframe or against a single DB2 subsystem or Data Sharing Group. InfoSphere CDC for z/OS is installed in two stages. The first stage consists of running SMP/E jobs and the second stage consists of running DB2 jobs and configuring various operating system components like TCP/IP and SAF (Security Access Facility). The first stage creates the SMP/E Target Libraries, including two partitioned data sets containing executable code and DB2 DBRMs. Once created, these Target Libraries can be used for as many instances of InfoSphere CDC for z/OS as desired, as long as the number of instances created is within limitations enforced by the operating system and DB2. For this reason, you only have to run the SMP/E jobs once, during the initial install, regardless of how many instances of InfoSphere CDC are to be executed on the server. The second stage creates required VSAM clusters (Product Administration Log and metadata), creates the product metadata tables (in DB2), grants required authority to InfoSphere CDC for z/OS in DB2, and creates the DB2 Plans from the distributed DBRMs. This stage also includes the assignment of a unique identifier to the instance of InfoSphere CDC so that it can be recognized by the SAF. This unique identifier is also used to identify the owner of the metadata tables that are created in this stage. All these actions, which are part of the second stage, must be performed once per instance of InfoSphere CDC that is executed, with some minor allowances. An instance of InfoSphere CDC for z/OS can be identified by its metadata. In other words, the metadata is the instance. To execute a new instance of InfoSphere CDC, new metadata must be created. Since the metadata tables have specific names that cannot be changed, the owner of the metadata tables is used to qualify the table names, making them unique. It is not possible for multiple executing instances of InfoSphere CDC for z/OS to share the same set of metadata tables, as this could lead to the same subscription executing concurrently in two separate instances. To prohibit this from occurring, InfoSphere CDC serializes access to the metadata it is using. If another instance of InfoSphere CDC attempts to use the same metadata tables, it will be suspended until the first instance has terminated its address space. This is true even if the two contending instances are executing in different images of the operating system and attempting to access the single metadata instance within a DB2 Data Sharing Group. Each instance of InfoSphere CDC for z/OS uses VSAM clusters to hold messages (the Product Administration Log or PAL) and some additional metadata. Since these VSAM clusters are written during InfoSphere CDC execution, it is important that they not be shared among multiple instances of InfoSphere CDC. As a result, the SHAREOPTIONS assigned to these VSAM clusters by the installation jobs that defined them do not permit the clusters to be shared. Do not change these SHAREOPTIONS and attempt to use the same VSAM clusters across multiple instances of InfoSphere CDC.


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

When the distributed DBRMs are used to create DB2 Plans, the owner of the metadata tables is supplied in the control statements that specify which DBRMs are used to create the DB2 Plans. Since InfoSphere CDC for z/OS never qualifies a reference to a table with an owner identifier, the identifiers supplied in the control statements are used to determine which instance of the metadata is used by the DB2 Plans produced from the DBRMs. Since multiple distinct sets of metadata are supported, the DB2 plans produced must also be distinct. This is achieved by using a suffix in the DB2 Plan name (the plan suffix). A plan suffix is chosen and set during the second stage of the installation process. It is supplied to the job that creates the DB2 Plans from the DBRMs that are made available by the first stage of the installation process. For each instance of the metadata, a new suffix must be assigned, and only one suffix can be assigned to each instance of the metadata. This ties the plan suffix and the metadata together in a one-to-one relationship, and indirectly ties the plan suffix to the metadata owner and execution SAF identifier assigned to the instance of InfoSphere CDC.

Reverting to InfoSphere CDC for z/OS version 5.4

This section contains instructions for reverting to InfoSphere CDC for z/OS version 5.4, after having upgraded from that release of the predecessor product to InfoSphere CDC version 6.2. Under normal conditions, there should never be a reason to return to using version 5.4 in preference to version 6.2. However, if for operational reasons a decision is made to reinstate use of InfoSphere CDC for z/OS version 5.4 after having used InfoSphere CDC version 6.2, then you will need to take action to ensure that version 5.4 will be able to start replication at the correct point, and function correctly. Note that any use and configuration of features available for the first time in version 6.2, such as specifying character set conversion for source columns, will not be preserved after downgrading to version 5.4 again. Several features of version 6.2 are not backward compatible with version 5.4. However, there is a high degree of backward compatibility, making it possible to reimplement version 5.4 to continue replication activities. For instance, the metadata stored in the version 6.2VSAM cluster is unchanged from version 5.4, and the same file may be used interchangeably between the two products. If you choose to revert to using version 5.4 , you must at least take action to downgrade the Metadata DB2 tables. In addition, if your site makes use of InfoSphere CDC User Exits to provide additional functionality beyond the standard abilities of InfoSphere CDC, then you will need to take steps to provide version 5.4 with User Exits that provide equivalent functionality. There are also optional steps you may take, depending on your operational preferences. Review the following sections to assist you in planning your downgrade process. Once you have determined the actions you will be taking, you will need to stop replication using version 6.2, and perform them all before starting version 5.4. You should plan for sufficient time and resources to complete the required necessary actions, because replication will be unavailable while they are being performed. See also: Downgrading metadata DB2 tables on page 82 Downgrading with user exits on page 86 Downgrading and the product administration log on page 87
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Downgrading configuration parameters on page 87 Related concepts Downgrading with user exits on page 86

Downgrading metadata DB2 tables

You will need to take action to provide Transformation Server for z/OS with usable metadata DB2 tables that contain the updated replication configuration from InfoSphere CDC. The metadata DB2 tables used by InfoSphere CDC are not compatible with Transformation Server for z/OS, and vice versa. For this reason, the upgrade to InfoSphere CDC renamed the existing Transformation Server for z/OS metadata DB2 tables, then copied the required contents to the new InfoSphere CDC metadata DB2 tables. Once InfoSphere CDC is in use, it is possible that changes to replication configuration have been made, such as source or target table mappings. It is almost certain that bookmark and status information will have been updated by replication activities. Failing to migrate this updated information to the Transformation Server for z/OS metadata DB2 tables would result in Transformation Server for z/OS using outdated information, which would likely result in a loss of data integrity. The process of providing current information in the Transformation Server for z/OS metadata DB2 tables consists of several actions that must be performed in sequence. The stages involved can be summarized as follows: Firstly, all bookmark information in the metadata DB2 tables must be confirmed, or set, as being in a format that is compatible with the prior release; Secondly, the content of some columns is adjusted to account for the differences between the EBCDIC encoding used by Transformation Server for z/OS, and the UTF-8 encoding in InfoSphere CDC; Third, the InfoSphere CDC metadata DB2 tables are renamed so that Transformation Server for z/OS metadata DB2 tables can be created with the same names; Next, the Transformation Server for z/OS metadata DB2 tables, which were renamed during the process of installing InfoSphere CDC, are renamed back to their original names; Finally, the (now compatible) contents of the InfoSphere CDC metadata DB2 tables are copied into the empty Transformation Server for z/OS metadata DB2 tables. A sample job has been provided in the SCHCCNTL data set to assist with the above process. The provided job accomplishes all of the above with the exception of reformatting the bookmark information. In order to ensure that the InfoSphere CDC metadata DB2 tables are in a consistent state during the downgrade, all replication activities must be stopped throughout the metadata downgrade process. Although InfoSphere CDC will need to be active (running) to reformat bookmarks, if such reformatting is necessary, it is strongly recommended that you stop InfoSphere CDC in order to take a backup copy of the tablespace) containing the InfoSphere CDC metadata DB2 tables, as well as the renamed Transformation Server for z/OS metadata DB2 tables, before proceeding. Replication activities must not be resumed in InfoSphere CDC at any time after the downgrade process has begun. Once the downgrade process has been successfully completed, replication activities will resume in Transformation Server for z/OS at the same point where they were stopped in InfoSphere CDC. See also: Reformatting saved bookmarks on page 83


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

Manually resetting the bookmark version on page 84 Running the CHCDNGRD job on page 85 Related concepts Completing the installation using the distributed sample jobs on page 9 Reformatting saved bookmarks Running the CHCDNGRD job on page 85

Reformatting saved bookmarks

The bookmark information stored in the metadata DB2 tables records the status of data replication so that the correct position to start reading the DB2 log can be located. This information is updated as replication proceeds, so that changes to the source tables are neither skipped nor replicated more than once. During the maintenance cycle of Transformation Server for z/OS version 5.4, the format of the bookmark information was changed from the older version 0 format to the current, and incompatible, version 1 format. InfoSphere CDC is capable of reading both formats, and any version 0 bookmark encountered will be silently updated to the version 1 format during replication activities. The Transformation Server for z/OS instance that you are reverting to must be able to interpret the bookmark format that is stored in the metadata DB2 tables associated with the release. This means that it must either be capable of dealing with both version 1 and version 0 format bookmarks, or alternatively, all bookmarks that will be copied to the metadata DB2 tables must be in version 0 format. The bookmark format change, and the capability of handling both formats, was first added to Transformation Server for z/OS version 5.4 by PTF CHC0009. The capability may or may not be available in maintenance updates to other releases of Transformation Server for z/OS. Note: Contact IBM support to determine if maintenance is available that will allow the version of Transformation Server for z/OS to which you are reverting to process Version 1 format bookmarks. If such maintenance is available, then you should obtain and apply it to your Transformation Server for z/OS target libraries before beginning the downgrade process. If you are reverting to Transformation Server for z/OS version 5.4, then ensure that PTF CHC0009 is installed on your system and applied to the instance that will be used after downgrading. If you are reverting to an instance of Transformation Server for z/OS that you can confirm is able to process version 1 format bookmark information, then you do not need to take any action to reformat your bookmarks, and you can proceed with the other steps in the downgrade process. If you are unable to confirm that the Transformation Server for z/OS maintenance level you are reverting to is capable of processing version 1 format bookmarks, you will need to use the SETLOGPOS command in InfoSphere CDC to reformat the bookmarks to version 0 format. Even if you are reverting to a Transformation Server that is able to process version 1 format bookmarks, you can still use the SETLOGPOS command to reformat the bookmarks to version 0 format. However, doing so is not recommended unless it is required. Resetting the bookmark format using the command depends on manually entering bookmark log positions for every configured subscription. This provides numerous opportunities for errors that could result in data integrity being compromised.
IBM InfoSphere Change Data Capture installation or upgrade


Note: Do not reset the bookmark manually using the SETLOGPOS command unless it is required because the maintenance level of Transformation Server for z/OS does not support version 1 bookmarks. CAUTION: Failure to ensure that the bookmark information is in a compatible format will result in Transformation Server for z/OS being unable to process the bookmarks. This will prevent mirroring activity from starting, and may result in a loss of data integrity or force you to Refresh all your replicated tables. Related concepts Running the CHCDNGRD job on page 85 Related reference SETLOGPOSSet log position on page 123

Manually resetting the bookmark version

The InfoSphere CDC SETLOGPOS command can be used to set the log positions recorded in the bookmark for a subscription. Additionally, it has an optional parameter that specifies the version of the bookmark format that will contain the specified log position information. The SETLOGPOS command cannot be used to reformat a bookmark without also specifying at least one log position. This means that when you enter the SETLOGPOS command, you will be replacing the log position information stored in the current (version 1) bookmark. In order to ensure data integrity for future replication, it is essential that the same log position be specified for the reformatted bookmark as was stored in the existing bookmark. The only way to be determine the log positions stored in the current bookmark is to use the bookmark viewer utility. In InfoSphere CDC for z/OS, the bookmark information is made available by using the Metadata Print Utility program. The log position stored in the InfoSphere CDC metadata on the source environment must be synchronized with the bookmark information stored in the metadata of the target environment. This will be the case when replication for a subscription is successfully stopped in a controlled manner, without errors. For every subscription configured in InfoSphere CDC, you will need to record the three log positions stored in the current bookmark. These log positions will be used when entering the SETLOGPOS command for the subscription. CAUTION: You must ensure that all replication has ended without error after ending replication before running the bookmark viewer utility. If this is not possible for any reason, then you will need to obtain the bookmark position information from the target system metadata for the source that corresponds to the affected subscription. Consult the appropriate Transformation Server for z/OS or InfoSphere CDC documentation for the target system platform for information on how to use the bookmark viewer to determine the position information. The bookmark viewer will report three positions for each subscription: The Last Committed Position; the Earliest Open Position; and the Last Applied Position. You should retain this output for reference purposes, and record each of these positions for later use in the SETLOGPOS command that will set the log positions in the reformatted bookmark. If, as recommended earlier in these instructions, InfoSphere CDC has been shut down, then it must be started to allow the SETLOGPOS command to be entered.


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

No replication activity should be started, as this will possibly change the bookmark position information recorded from the bookmark viewer reports produced earlier. For each subscription, you must issue the SETLOGPOS command to InfoSphere CDC, specifying the three positions reported by the bookmark viewer for that subscription, and also specifying the keyword VERSION=0. After each command is issued, examine the JESMSGLG for message(s) indicating that the SETLOGPOS command was successfully processed. Tip: v You can enter all the required commands in to a command member of the configuration dataset, and have InfoSphere CDC issue the commands for you internally. This may make it easier to enter and verify the entry of subscription names and bookmark positions before actually issuing the commands to change the bookmark positions and formats. v After you have reset the bookmark for every target configured in InfoSphere CDC, you should run the bookmark viewer again, and compare the position reported in the reformatted bookmark with that recorded from the original bookmark. Once the bookmark has been set for all targets in InfoSphere CDC, you should stop InfoSphere CDC and continue the downgrade process by running the CHCDNGRD job. Related concepts Bookmark viewer on page 147 Related reference SETLOGPOSSet log position on page 123 COMMANDProcess InfoSphere CDC commands on page 116

Running the CHCDNGRD job

The sample JCL job assumes that the original, renamed, Transformation Server for z/OS version 5.4 metadata DB2 tables still exist. Modify the CHCDNGRD job, according to the comment block in its JCL. Run the job, which will use the CHCV6MIG program to prepare the contents of the InfoSphere CDC metadata by converting the encrypted contents of specific columns to be compatible with Transformation Server for z/OS. This downgrade must be performed on the InfoSphere CDC metadata before the contents are copied to the Transformation Server for z/OS metadata, because the utility requires access to columns that do not exist in the Transformation Server for z/OS metadata. CAUTION: The bookmark information stored in the InfoSphere CDC metadata tables must be in a format compatible with the release being downgraded to before running this job. The downgrade step of the CHCGNGRD job will issue messages indicating the status of the downgrade process, and will also set a condition code that is used to control the execution of subsequent steps in the job. If the downgrade step is successful, as indicated by completion with a condition code of zero (0) or four (4), then the job will continue the downgrade process by using the DSNTIAD program (distributed with DB2) to rename the InfoSphere CDC metadata DB2 tables to names that are not used by either product. It then renames the Transformation Server for z/OS metadata tables that were originally renamed during the upgrade install back to the names required by Transformation Server for z/OS version 5.4.
IBM InfoSphere Change Data Capture installation or upgrade


Finally, it deletes the contents of the Transformation Server for z/OS metadata DB2 tables, and copies the required data into them from the newly renamed InfoSphere CDC metadata DB2 tables. Note: If the original Transformation Server for z/OS tables no longer exist, then you can create empty metadata DB2 tables by using the CHCCRMTD job available in the SCHCCNTL data set created when Transformation Server for z/OS version 5.4 was installed. Doing so will require that the InfoSphere CDC metadata tables be renamed first, because the metadata DB2 tables in Transformation Server for z/OS and InfoSphere CDC have the same names. Refer to the Transformation Server for z/OS version 5.4 installation documentation for instructions on running this job. Related concepts Reformatting saved bookmarks on page 83

Downgrading with user exits

If your site makes use of InfoSphere CDC User Exits to provide additional functionality beyond the standard abilities of InfoSphere CDC, then you may need to rewrite these exits to use the incompatible Transformation Server for z/OS user exit data structures. If you wrote your exits for the first time for InfoSphere CDC, then you will have to at least recompile the exits using the header files that map the user exit parameters that were provided for Transformation Server for z/OS. Before recompiling, you will also need to assess whether the logic in your user exits will perform correctly with the back-level interface. The most likely reason that your exit logic would need modification would be the fact that most character identifiers passed to the user exit are provided to InfoSphere CDC user exits encoded in UTF-8, while for Transformation Server for z/OS user exits they are encoded in EBCDIC. If, as is more likely if you are in the situation of reverting to Transformation Server for z/OS from InfoSphere CDC, you have user exits that were originally written for Transformation Server for z/OS, and the original user exit object modules are still available, then you will only need to link the user exits again according to the requirements of Transformation Server for z/OS. Refer to the Transformation Server for z/OS version 5.4 documentation for these requirements. If the original object modules are not available, then you will need to recompile the user exits, after undoing any changes to the source code that were made to make the user exits usable with the InfoSphere CDC interface. The most likely scenario, at least in the early stages of implementing InfoSphere CDC, is that any user exits you had in place for Transformation Server for z/OS were implemented in InfoSphere CDC using the backward compatible user exit interface. If this is the case, then you can restore the user exits to being usable by Transformation Server for z/OS by simply link editing them again using the instructions provided in the Transformation Server for z/OS version 5.4 documentation. Both Transformation Server for z/OS and InfoSphere CDC provide a module called CHCEXIT that is to be link-edited with user exits. The CHCTEXIT provided with Transformation Server for z/OS must be link edited with your user exit in order to be usable with Transformation Server for z/OS.


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

Related concepts Linking Transformation Server user exits for InfoSphere CDC on page 23

Downgrading and the product administration log

The Product Administration Log (PAL) VSAM cluster contains historical events associated with the operation of the product. The format of the PAL cluster is compatible between InfoSphere CDC and Transformation Server for z/OS, but the contents are not. The PAL records the information in logged messages, retrievable by source or target name. The name used to retrieve the contents is encoded in EBCDIC by Transformation Server for z/OS, and in UTF-8 by InfoSphere CDC. This means that, while both products can log messages into the same cluster, one product will not be able to retrieve messages logged by the other. When downgrading to Transformation Server for z/OS, you may either create a new PAL VSAM cluster for Transformation Server for z/OS, or reuse the InfoSphere CDC PAL VSAM cluster. In the first case, most messages logged by InfoSphere CDC will be unavailable to from the Management Console, while in the second case, none of the messages will be available. You should use the same VSAM cluster for Transformation Server for z/OS as was in use by InfoSphere CDC. If you choose to use a different VSAM cluster, use the CHCDFPAL sample JCL from the Transformation Server for z/OS SCHCCTNL dataset to create one with a different name that the cluster used by InfoSphere CDC, and edit the Transformation Server for z/OS CHCPROC JCL to refer to the new name.

Downgrading configuration parameters

You are not required to take any action to downgrade configuration parameters. The only configuration parameter that has been changed in InfoSphere CDC is the addition of the new IANAMAP specification in the CHCUCSxx configuration dataset member. If Transformation Server for z/OS encounters this specification when it starts running, it will report each occurrence as an unrecognized parameter error. However, it will ignore the unrecognized parameter and will continue to initialize successfully. You may choose to remove or comment out the IANAMAP specifications from the Transformation Server for z/OS CHCUCSxx configuration member to prevent the issuing of message CHC9676W when Transformation Server for z/OS starts. Related reference CHC9676W on page 610

IBM InfoSphere Change Data Capture installation or upgrade



InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

Upgrading from DB2 version 7.1 to DB2 version 8.1

Note: Before upgrading DB2 version 7.1 to DB2 version 8.1, you must first successfully upgrade from InfoSphere CDC version 5.4 to version 6.2. This section contains important considerations when upgrading the DB2 instance that InfoSphere CDC is connected to from DB2 version 7.1 to DB2 version 8.1. InfoSphere CDC functions properly on both version of DB2, but there are features and capabilities of DB version 8.1 in full-function mode that require changes to the InfoSphere CDC metadata. DB2 provides a staged upgrade process from version 7.1 to version 8.1. Refer to the appropriate DB2 documentation for details, but put briefly, DB2 version 8.1 can be run in three modes: Compatibility Mode, Enabling New Function Mode, and Full Function Mode. As long as DB2 version 8.1 is running in Compatibility Mode, or Enabling New Function Mode, you do not need to make any changes to your InfoSphere CDC installation. However, once you have upgraded DB2 version 8.1 to Full Function Mode, InfoSphere CDC will be unable to process the longer identifiers available in full function mode, and will not be able to process SQL identifiers that contain Unicode characters that cannot be translated to the DB2 single-byte EBCDIC code page. In order to process all valid SQL identifiers, the InfoSphere CDC metadata DB2 tables need to be modified. One of the differences between the InfoSphere CDC metadata DB2 table definitions from the DB2 version 7.1 compatible format and the DB2 version 8.1 compatible format is that the DB2 version 8.1 compatible metadata tables are defined in a Unicode tablespace, while the DB2 version 7.1 compatible metadata DB2 tables are created in an EBCDIC tablespace. Since it is not possible to alter a tablespace to change the encoding scheme, it is necessary to recreate the metadata DB2 tables in a new tablespace. The new metadata DB2 tables will be created with column lengths sufficient to accommodate the longest SQL identifiers supported by DB2 version 8.1. Sample jobs are provided in the distribution datasets to accomplish this task. Your InfoSphere CDC metadata contains replication configuration information that may represent a significant investment of time and effort. Therefore, it should be preserved and copied to the new Unicode metadata DB2 tables. The distributed sample jobs accomplish the upgrade process in three phases, using three jobs which must be run in order. InfoSphere CDC must be stopped (shut down) during the entire metadata upgrade process. Before you begin the metadata upgrade process, you should ensure that you have a current and complete backup of your metadata DB2 tables using your standard administrative procedures. In this section, you will learn: Running Running Running Running the the the the CHCPGRN6 job on page 90 CHCCRMTD job on page 90 CHCPGCP6 job on page 90 CHCBNDPL job on page 90

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Running the CHCPGRN6 job

JCL to rename the existing EBCDIC InfoSphere CDC metadata DB2 tables. Modify the CHCGPRN6 job according to the comment block in its JCL and run the job.

Running the CHCCRMTD job

JCL to create DB2 tables that will contain the part of InfoSphere CDC for z/OS metadata that resides in DB2 tables. The last step in the CHCCRMTD job will create indexes over some of the DB2 System Catalog tables. For this upgrade process, the indexes should already exist because they will have been created during the initial install of InfoSphere CDC. Delete the BLDINDEX, step from the JCL before running the job. Related concepts Running the CHCCRMTD job on page 17

Running the CHCPGCP6 job

JCL to copy the InfoSphere CDC contents from the renamed EBDIC DB2 metadata tables to the newly created Unicode InfoSphere CDC metadata DB2 tables. Modify the CHCGPRN6 job according to the comment block in its JCL and run the job. This job will copy the contents of the DB2 version 7.1 compatible format metadata tables, which were renamed when the CHCPGRN6 job was run, into the newly created DB2 version 8.1 compatible metadata DB2 tables.

Running the CHCBNDPL job

JCL to bind the DB2 Plans that will be used by InfoSphere CDC to access the DB2 Log, metadata tables, and application data tables that are to be replicated. The InfoSphere CDC plans must be bound again to properly access the redefined metadata DB2 tables. Refer to the instructions for running the CHCBNDPL job for an initial install. Once the CHCBNDPL job has been run to rebind the InfoSphere CDC DB2 plans, you may restart InfoSphere CDC and resume normal operations. There is no sample JCL provided to reverse the changes to the metadata DB2 tables, as is no reason that such an action will be needed. Once DB2 version 8.1 has been converted to Full Function mode, there is no process to revert to less capable functionality. Similarly, once the metadata has been upgraded to support Full Function mode, there is no need to revert to the prior metadata DB2 table definitions. Doing so would only revive the limitations on character sets and lengths of SQL identifiers, to no advantage. Related concepts Running the CHCBNDPL job on page 18


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

InfoSphere CDC commands

This section describes the operator console commands that are supported by any instance of InfoSphere CDC that has been installed on a z/OS system. It assumes that you are familiar with the z/OS environment. This section is intended for console operators and should be consulted after you have installed InfoSphere CDC for z/OS on your z/OS system and Management Console on your workstation. Note: It is not possible to enter the full set of Unicode characters using the z/OS console command interface. This means that it may not be possible to completely specify a name that includes non-English characters in a command. In some cases, such as the SETMIRST command, you can use the predefined value of ALL, or use wildcards to cause the non-English names to be processed by the command. However, it may not always be possible to accomplish what you want using console commands. When this is the case, you must use Management Console. In this section, you will learn: System configuration Communication commands on page 92 Replication commands on page 102 Table mapping commands on page 110 Other Commands on page 116

System configuration
InfoSphere CDC for z/OS is installed on a z/OS source or target system. On a z/OS system, commands are submitted from the operator console, and appropriate messages are returned by InfoSphere CDC to the operator console. This section describes the commands that can be issued from the console in source and target environments. Management Console allows you to specify the tables to replicate and which target servers will receive the replicated data. In addition, you can identify the tables on the target server that will receive replicated data and the type of data transformations that you want to apply to the data. You can also use Management Console to monitor data replication activities. Although it is not shown in the figure below, Management Console can be installed on multiple workstations, and each session can interact with a z/OS system at the same time. To initialize the replication environment on a z/OS system, the START command must be issued through the operator console. This initialization step can also be achieved by submitting a specific JCL batch job through the console or from a user terminal (to submit the job from a user terminal, the user that is logged on to the server must have been granted sufficient privileges). Based on the tables and subscriptions that you have identified in Management Console, data residing on the source server can be replicated to different target

Copyright IBM Corp. 2008, 2009


servers. Appropriate InfoSphere CDC software must be installed on each of these target servers so that replicated data can be directed to target tables and data transformations can be performed. The figure below illustrates the connections between different systems in a replication configuration, and the flow of data from source to target environments.

Related concepts IBM InfoSphere Change Data Capture installation or upgrade on page 1

Communication commands
InfoSphere CDC has several commands that control communication. See also: SHUTDOWNStop InfoSphere CDC address space STARTStart InfoSphere CDC address space on page 94 STOPStop InfoSphere CDC address space on page 97 STRTSCOMInitialize communications environment on page 98 STRTSDBMInitialize database management system on page 99

SHUTDOWNStop InfoSphere CDC address space

This command stops an InfoSphere CDC address space on your z/OS system. If you have created more than one address space using the START command, the identifier you specified to create the address space must be referenced. Tip: From the operator console, you can issue the z/OS command DISPLAY ACTIVE, LIST to list identifiers associated with all active address spaces. Syntax


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

Settings Stopping Method (CNTRLD or IMMED)

Description Indicates the method that you want to use to stop the InfoSphere CDC address space. Depending on your working environment, you may want to stop the address space immediately or after InfoSphere CDC has completely refreshed the current table or mirrored all updates prior to a defined point in the log. One of the following predefined values can be specified: v CNTRLDStops the address space after InfoSphere CDC has completely refreshed the current table or mirrored all updates prior to a defined point in the log. A controlled stop does not force existing Management Console sessions to terminate. v IMMEDStops the address space immediately after the SHUTDOWN command is issued. Data refresh and mirroring stops immediately. This means that a refresh may be stopped before the current table is completely refreshed, and the mirroring of table changes may stop before a defined point in the log. In addition, an immediate stop disconnects all existing Management Console sessions that are interacting with the address space and prevents future sessions from connecting to the address space. Default Setting: CNTRLD The preferred setting is CNTRLD, since it ensures completion of a data refresh and stops mirroring at defined points. It also allows existing Management Console sessions to continue with other work. Use IMMED if you need to stop the address space as quickly as possible. Note: The STOP command is equivalent to the SHUTDOWN command when IMMED is specified. However, any subsequent attempt to issue another command (for example, the DSPACT command) referring to the same InfoSphere CDC address space that was stopped using the SHUTDOWN command may or may not be accepted.


Description Stops the InfoSphere CDC address space that was labeled by the identifier TSAS when it was created by the START command. Stops the InfoSphere CDC address space in a controlled manner (the default setting for the stopping method is CNTRLD). As a result, it ensures completion of a data refresh and stops mirroring at defined points. In addition, existing Management Console sessions are maintained.
InfoSphere CDC commands



Description Stops the InfoSphere CDC address space that was labeled by the identifier TSAS when it was created by the START command. Stops the InfoSphere CDC address space immediately. As a result, data refresh and mirroring processes may be stopped prior to reaching defined points, and all existing Management Console sessions are disconnected from the address space.

STARTStart InfoSphere CDC address space

This command creates an InfoSphere CDC address space on your z/OS system. The command identifier is used to distinguish different address spaces that have been created. The START command allows you to initialize the communication and DBMS environments in the InfoSphere CDC address space. If you decide not to initialize these environments using this command, you must issue the STRTSCOM and STRTSDBM commands to initialize the communications and DBMS environments respectively. Instead of issuing the START command, you can submit a batch job (if you have sufficient authorization) to create an InfoSphere CDC address space. Sample batch jobs that can be customized to your working environment are provided with InfoSphere CDC. However, the preferred approach is to create address spaces by using the START command. Note: The three consecutive commas shown in the syntax diagram must be included in START commands issued from the operator console. Syntax


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

Settings Communication Initialization (NOCOMM or COMM)

Description Indicates whether you want to initialize the communications environment using the START command. One of the following predefined values can be specified: v NOCOMMIndicates that you do not want to initialize the communications environment when the InfoSphere CDC address space is initializing. v COMMIndicates that you want to initialize the communications environment when the InfoSphere CDC address space is initializing. Default Setting: NOCOMM

DBMS Initialization (NODBMS or DBMS)

Indicates whether you want to initialize the DBMS environment using the START command. One of the following predefined values can be specified: v NODBMSIndicates that you do not want to initialize the DBMS environment when the InfoSphere CDC address space is initializing. v DBMSIndicates that you want to initialize the DBMS environment when the InfoSphere CDC address space is initializing. Default Setting: NODBMS

InfoSphere CDC commands


Settings InfoSphere CDC Task Startup (COLDSTART)

Description Indicates which InfoSphere CDC tasks are to perform a cold start. This setting can apply to the DLP task and the DLR task. If the DLP task performs a cold start, it discards any information about the DB2 instance to which InfoSphere CDC was attached in the previous invocation of the InfoSphere CDC address space. Without a cold start, the DLP task tries to rely on stored information describing the DB2 instance used by the previous InfoSphere CDC address space invocation. If the DLR task performs a cold start, the DB2 Log Cache is cleared and rebuilt, starting from the current head of the DB2 Log. Without a cold start, the DLR task leaves the existing DB2 Log Cache intact and continues to cache DB2 Log records from the point in the DB2 log where it left off in the previous InfoSphere CDC address space invocation. One of the following predefined values can be specified: v NONENone of the eligible tasks performs a cold start. v ALLCold starts are performed by all of the DLP and DLR tasks. v DLPOnly the DLP task performs a cold start. v DLROnly the DLR task performs a cold start. Default Setting: NONE CAUTION: Cold starting may take more time to complete as compared to not cold starting at all. Note: This setting can still be specified when NODBMS is specified or defaulted. This setting is established and referenced when the corresponding setting in the STRTSDBM command is inherited.


Description Creates an InfoSphere CDC address space that is labeled by the identifier TSAS. Initializes the DBMS environment, but does not initialize the communications environment.


Creates an InfoSphere CDC address space that is labeled by the identifier TSAS. Initializes both the communication and DBMS environments. The InfoSphere CDC DLR task performs a cold start.


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation


Description Creates an InfoSphere CDC address space that is labeled by the identifier TSAS. Initializes the communications environment, but does not initialize the DBMS environment. Even though the InfoSphere CDC will not perform a cold start when processing this command (see note under Task Startup), the COLDSTART setting of ALL is established and referenced when the corresponding setting in the STRTSDBM command is inherited.

Note: The syntactical requirements for the z/OS MODIFY command and explanations of the <procname> and <identifier> elements can be found in the IBM console commands manual that contains information about operator commands. This command can be issued on source environments and target environments. Related reference STOPStop InfoSphere CDC address space

STOPStop InfoSphere CDC address space

This command stops an InfoSphere CDC address space on your z/OS system. If you have created more than one address space using the START command, the identifier you specified to create the address space must be referenced. The STOP command immediately stops the InfoSphere CDC address space. It is equivalent to issuing the SHUTDOWN command and specifying IMMED as the closing method. Any subsequent attempt to issue another command referring to the same InfoSphere CDC address space that was stopped using the STOP command results in an error being reported. Tip: From the operator console, you can issue the z/OS command DISPLAY ACTIVE, LIST to list identifiers associated with all active address spaces. Syntax

InfoSphere CDC commands


Settings: None.
Examples STOP TSAS Description Stops the InfoSphere CDC address space that was labeled by the identifier TSAS when it was created using the START command. Stops the InfoSphere CDC address space that was labeled by the identifier TSAS when it was created using the START command.


Note: The syntactical requirements for the z/OS MODIFY command and explanations of the <procname> and <identifier> elements can be found in the IBM console commands manual that contains information about operator commands. This command can be issued on source environments and target environments. Related reference STARTStart InfoSphere CDC address space on page 94

STRTSCOMInitialize communications environment

This command initializes the communications environment in the InfoSphere CDC address space. This command must be issued before data can be replicated to target server. If you previously issued the START command and specified COMM, this command should only be used to initialize the communications environment again after it has been stopped. If you specified NOCOMM with the START command, this command is required to initialize the communications environment for the first time. If you have created more than one address space using the START command, the identifier you specified to create the address space must be referenced to initialize a specific communications environment. Tip: From the operator console, issue the z/OS command DISPLAY ACTIVE, LIST to list identifiers associated with all active address spaces. Syntax


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

SettingDescription Communications Environment (ALL or TCP/IP)

Header Indicates the type of communications environment that you want to initialize. One of the following predefined values can be specified: v ALLRefers to all communications interfaces supported by the product. v TCP/IPA TCP/IP communications environment is initialized. Default Setting: ALL Note: In this release, specifying ALL is equivalent to specifying TCP/IP.

Note: The syntactical requirements for the z/OS MODIFY command and explanations of the <procname> and <identifier> elements can be found in the IBM console commands manual that contains information about operator commands. This command can be issued on source environments and target environments.

STRTSDBMInitialize database management system

This command initializes the DBMS environment in the InfoSphere CDC address space. The DBMS environment controls access to the databases that contain the data you intend to replicate. If you previously issued the START command and specified DBMS, you do not have to issue this command. If you specified NODBMS with the START command, this command is required to initialize the DBMS environment. Syntax

InfoSphere CDC commands


Settings DBMS Environment (ALL or DB2)

Description Indicates the type of DBMS environment that you want to initialize. The type of environment is based on the database that contains the data you want to replicate. One of the following predefined values can be specified: v ALLInitializes a DBMS environment to handle data replication from all types of databases that are supported by InfoSphere CDC. v DB2Initializes a DBMS environment that supports data replication from DB2 databases. Default Setting: ALL In this release, specifying ALL is equivalent to specifying DB2 (ALL refers to all database types supported by the product).


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

Settings Task Startup (COLDSTART)

Description Indicates which InfoSphere CDC tasks are to perform a cold start. This setting can apply to the DLP task, and the DLR task. If the DLP task performs a cold start, it discards any information about the DB2 instance to which InfoSphere CDC was attached in the previous invocation of the InfoSphere CDC address space. Without a cold start, the DLP task tries to rely on stored information describing the DB2 instance used by the previous InfoSphere CDC address space invocation. If the DLR task performs a cold start, the DB2 Log Cache is cleared and rebuilt, starting from the current head of the DB2 Log. Without a cold start, the DLR task leaves the existing DB2 Log Cache intact and continues to cache DB2 Log records from the point in the DB2 log where it left off in the previous InfoSphere CDC address space invocation. One of the following predefined values can be specified: v INHERITInherits the corresponding COLDSTART setting specified by the START command or JCL EXEC statement. v NONEExisting profiles from the previous InfoSphere CDC address space invocation are referenced. Neither the DLP nor the DLR task performs a cold start. v ALLCold starts are performed by all tasks. v DLPOnly the DLP task performs a cold start. v DLROnly the DLR task performs a cold start. Default Setting: INHERIT Note: Cold starting may take more time to complete as compared to not cold starting at all.


Description Initializes a DBMS environment that supports data replication from DB2 databases (the default setting for the DBMS environment is ALL). The COLDSTART setting specified by the START command or JCL EXEC statement determines whether or not the InfoSphere CDC DLP or DLR tasks perform a cold start.


Initializes a DBMS environment that supports data replication from DB2 databases. The existing Log Profile and Log Data Cache from the previous address space invocation are used.
InfoSphere CDC commands



Description Initializes a DBMS environment that supports data replication from DB2 databases. The InfoSphere CDC DLR task performs a cold start, causing the Log Data Cache control information to be reset, and log data caching to resume from the extension point of the DB2 Log.

Note: The syntactical requirements for the z/OS MODIFY command and explanations of the <procname> and <identifier> elements can be found in the IBM console commands manual that contains information about operator commands. This command can be issued on source environments and target environments.

Replication commands
InfoSphere CDC has several commands that control replication. See also: STRTSMIRStart mirroring ENDTSMIREnd mirroring on page 104 STRTSRSHStart refresh on page 106 ENDTSRSHEnd refresh on page 108

STRTSMIRStart mirroring
This command starts mirroring updates applied to source tables that have been selected to replicate data to the specified subscription. Each update can be mirrored after it is applied (continuous mirroring) or accumulated updates can be mirrored at a later time (net change mirroring). Note: Mirroring can be started and stopped from the operator console or in Management Console. Therefore, it is important to realize that mirroring to the specified subscriptions can be started at the operator console and then stopped in Management Console. InfoSphere CDC handles conflicting commands that are issued from the operator console and Management Console. Syntax


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

Settings Subscription (SUBSCR)

Description Identifies the subscriptions to receive mirrored data from selected source tables. One or more subscriptions can be specified. In addition, you can specify the wildcard character (*) to reference multiple subscriptions having names that start with the same set of characters. An example is provided below to illustrate how wildcards are used. The following predefined value can be specified: v ALLSpecifies all subscriptions that are defined in the InfoSphere CDC address space.

Mirroring Method (CONTINUOUS or PERIODIC)

Indicates the method that you want to use to mirror data to target environments. One of the following predefined values can be specified: v CONTINUOUSSpecifies continuous mirroring to target environments. v PERIODICSpecifies net change mirroring to target environments. Default Setting: CONTINUOUS


Description Starts mirroring source table updates to all subscriptions defined in the InfoSphere CDC address space. Since the default setting for the mirroring method is CONTINUOUS, updates are mirrored continuously to all defined subscriptions. Starts mirroring source table updates to target SUB1. Accumulated updates are mirrored to target SUB1 at a later time.


InfoSphere CDC commands



Description Starts mirroring source table updates to subscription SUB1 and all subscriptions having a name that starts with SUB2 (for instance, SUB2A, SUB2B, and SUB2C). Updates are mirrored continuously to the specified subscriptions.

Note: The syntactical requirements for the z/OS MODIFY command and explanations of the <procname> and <identifier> elements can be found in the IBM console commands manual that contains information about operator commands. This command can be issued on source environments. Related reference ENDTSMIREnd mirroring

ENDTSMIREnd mirroring
This command stops data mirroring from selected source tables to the specified subscriptions. Mirroring can be stopped immediately or in a controlled manner. Use this command when it is necessary to stop mirroring before starting system maintenance work or prior to scheduled downtimes. Note: Mirroring can be started and stopped from the operator console or in Management Console. Therefore, it is important to realize that mirroring to the specified subscriptions can be started in Management Console and stopped at the operator console. InfoSphere CDC handles conflicting commands that are issued from the operator console and Management Console. Syntax


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

Settings Subscription (SUBSCR)

Description Identifies the subscriptions for which mirroring is stopped. One or more subscriptions can be specified. In addition, you can specify the wildcard character (*) to reference multiple subscriptions having names that start with the same set of characters. An example is provided below to illustrate how wildcards are used. The following predefined value can be specified: v ALLSpecifies all subscriptions that are defined in the InfoSphere CDC address space.

Stopping Method (CNTRLD or IMMED)

Indicates the method that you want to use to stop mirroring. One of the following predefined values can be specified: v CNTRLDStops mirroring in a controlled manner. This means that InfoSphere CDC completes all updates prior to a defined point in the log and then stops any further mirroring. v IMMEDStops mirroring immediately. This means that the mirroring of table updates may stop prior to a defined point in the log. Default Setting: CNTRLD The preferred method is to stop mirroring in a controlled manner (CNTRLD). Stop mirroring immediately (IMMED) if it cannot be stopped in a controlled manner.

InfoSphere CDC commands



Description Stops mirroring source table updates to all subscriptions defined in the InfoSphere CDC address space. Since the default setting for the stopping method is CNTRLD, mirroring is stopped after all current source table updates have been applied.


Stops mirroring source table updates to subscription SUB1. Mirroring is stopped immediately, without waiting for any current work to complete.


Stops mirroring source table updates to subscription SUB1 and all subscriptions having a name that starts with SUB2 (for instance, SUB2A, SUB2B, and SUB2C). Mirroring is stopped after all current source table updates have been applied.

Note: The syntactical requirements for the z/OS MODIFY command and explanations of the <procname> and <identifier> elements can be found in the IBM console commands manual that contains information about operator commands. This command can be issued on source environments. Related reference STRTSMIRStart mirroring on page 102

STRTSRSHStart refresh
This command starts refreshing source tables that have been selected for replication in a table mapping. Use this command to copy entire source tables to target environments. This ensures that source and target tables are synchronized before mirroring is started. Note: A data refresh can be started and stopped from the operator console or in Management Console. Therefore, it is important to realize that refreshing data to the specified subscriptions can be started at the operator console and then stopped in Management Console. InfoSphere CDC handles conflicting commands that are issued from the operator console and Management Console. Syntax


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

Settings Subscription (SUBSCR)

Description Identifies the subscription to receive refreshed data from selected source tables. One or more subscriptions can be specified. In addition, you can specify the wildcard character (*) to reference multiple subscriptions having names that start with the same set of characters. An example is provided below to illustrate how wildcards are used. The following predefined value can be specified: v ALLSpecifies all subscriptions that are defined in the InfoSphere CDC address space.

Tables (TABLES)

Indicates whether to refresh all selected source tables to the specified subscriptions or only those selected source tables that have a refresh status of REFRESH. Refresh statuses for source tables that are refreshed to target environments are set by the SETRSHSTS command. One of the following predefined values can be specified: v FLAGOnly selected source tables that have a refresh status of REFRESH are refreshed to the specified targets. v ALLAll selected source tables are refreshed to the specified subscriptions regardless of the refresh state of the source tables. Default Setting: FLAG


Description Starts refreshing selected source tables to all subscriptions defined in the InfoSphere CDC address space. Since the default setting for the refresh status is FLAG, only selected source tables that have a status of REFRESH are refreshed to all defined targets.

InfoSphere CDC commands



Description Starts refreshing selected source tables to target SUB4. Only selected source tables that have a refresh status of REFRESH are refreshed to target SUB4.


Starts refreshing selected source tables to subscription SUB1 and all subscriptions having a name that starts with SUB2 (for instance, SUB2A, SUB2B, and SUB2C). All selected source tables are refreshed to the specified subscriptions regardless of the refresh state of the source tables.

Note: The syntactical requirements for the z/OS MODIFY command and explanations of the <procname> and <identifier> elements can be found in the IBM console commands manual that contains information about operator commands. This command can be issued on source environments. Related reference ENDTSRSHEnd refresh

ENDTSRSHEnd refresh
This command stops data from being refreshed to the specified targets. A data refresh can be stopped immediately or in a controlled manner. Since a refresh ends after the last row has been replicated, you may want to allow a refresh operation to complete instead of stopping it by using this command. Stopping a refresh may be required if the amount of data to be refreshed and the amount of time it would take to complete the refresh are significant. Note: A data refresh can be started and stopped from the operator console or in Management Console. Therefore, it is important to realize that refreshing data to the specified targets can be started in Management Console and then stopped at the operator console. InfoSphere CDC handles conflicting commands that are issued from the operator console and Management Console.


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

Settings Subscription (SUBSCR) Description Identifies the targets for which data refresh is stopped. One or more targets can be specified. In addition, you can specify the wildcard character (*) to reference multiple targets having names that start with the same set of characters. An example is provided below to illustrate how wildcards are used. The following predefined value can be specified: v ALLSpecifies all targets that are defined in the InfoSphere CDC address space. Stopping Method (CNTRLD or IMMED) Indicates the method that you want to use to stop refreshing data. One of the following predefined values can be specified: v CNTRLDStops refreshing data in a controlled manner. This means that InfoSphere CDC completes refreshing the current source table and then stops any further replication. v IMMEDImmediately stops a data refresh. This means that InfoSphere CDC completes refreshing the current row in the source table and then stops any further replication. Default Setting: CNTRLD The preferred method is to stop refreshing in a controlled manner (CNTRLD). Stop a refresh immediately (IMMED) when it cannot be stopped in a controlled manner.


Description Stops refreshing source tables to all targets defined in the InfoSphere CDC address space. Since the default setting for the stopping method is CNTRLD, InfoSphere CDC stops the refresh after the current source table has been completely refreshed.


Stops refreshing source tables to target SUB4. InfoSphere CDC stops the refresh after the current row in a source table has been completely refreshed.

InfoSphere CDC commands



Description Stops refreshing source tables to target SUB1 and all targets having a name that starts with SUB2 (for instance, SUB2A, SUB2B, and SUB2C). InfoSphere CDC stops the refresh after the current source table has been completely refreshed.

Note: The syntactical requirements for the z/OS MODIFY command and explanations of the <procname> and <identifier> elements can be found in the IBM console commands manual that contains information about operator commands. This command can be issued on source environments. Related reference STRTSRSHStart refresh on page 106

Table mapping commands

InfoSphere CDC has several commands that control table mapping. See also: SETMIRSTSSet mirroring status SETRSHSTSSet refresh status on page 113

SETMIRSTSSet mirroring status

This command allows you to set the mirroring status of source tables that have a replication method of MIRROR. Since the mirroring status applies to a source table and subscription combination, you must identify the source tables and the selected subscriptions that are affected by this command. The mirroring status determines which source tables are mirrored to target environments when the STRTSMIR command is issued. It also dictates whether target tables are refreshed with source table data before mirroring starts. Note: The command will not change the mirroring status of any source tables in subscriptions that are actively mirroring (running) when the command is issued. Syntax


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

Settings Subscription (SUBSCR)

Description Identifies the subscriptions that are selected by the specified source tables. One or more subscriptions can be specified. In addition, you can specify the wildcard character (*) to reference multiple subscriptions having names that start with the same set of characters. An example is provided below to illustrate how wildcards are used. The following predefined value can be specified: v ALLSpecifies all subscriptions that are defined in the InfoSphere CDC address space.

Tables (TABLES)

Identifies the selected source tables that are affected by this command. Only source tables having a replication method of MIRROR are affected by this command. One or more source tables within a database can be specified. In addition, you can specify the wildcard character (*) to reference multiple tables having names that start with the same set of characters. An example is provided below to illustrate how wildcards are used. The following predefined value can be specified: v ALLSpecifies all source tables defined in the InfoSphere CDC address space that has a replication method of MIRROR.
InfoSphere CDC commands


Settings Status (STATUS)

Description Indicates the mirroring status assigned to the source tables identified in this command. The mirroring status determines which source tables are mirrored to target environments when the STRTSMIR command is issued and whether these target tables are initially refreshed with source table data before data mirroring starts. One of the following predefined values must be specified: v IDLEIndicates that the specified source tables are not mirrored to the selected subscription when mirroring is started. v ACTIVEIndicates that the specified source tables are mirrored to the selected subscription when mirroring is started. The target tables are not initially refreshed with source table data before mirroring starts. v REFRESHIndicates that the specified target tables are initially refreshed with source data before mirroring starts.


Description Changes the status of all source tables having a replication method of MIRROR that are selected to any subscription. The status is set to REFRESH to indicate that the mapped target tables are refreshed with source table data before mirroring starts.


Changes the status of all source tables in database DB1 (owned by OWN1) that have names starting with TBL (for instance, TBL1, TBL2, and TBL3) and selected to subscription SUB1. Only those source tables having a replication method of MIRROR are affected by this command. The status is set to IDLE to indicate that these tables are not mirrored to subscription SUB1 when mirroring is started.


Changes the status of source tables TBL1 and TBL2 in database DB1 (owned by OWN1) that are selected to subscription SUB2 and have a source method of MIRROR. The status is set to ACTIVE to indicate that these tables are mirrored to subscription SUB2 when mirroring is started. The target tables mapped to the two source tables are not initially refreshed before mirroring starts


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation


Description Changes the status of all source tables in database DB1 (owned by OWN1) that are selected to subscription SUB1 and all subscriptions having a name that starts with SUB2 (for instance, SUB2A, SUB2B, and SUB2C). Only those source tables having a replication method of MIRROR are affected by this command. The status is set to REFRESH to indicate that the mapped target tables are initially refreshed with source table data before mirroring starts.

Note: The syntactical requirements for the z/OS MODIFY command and explanations of the <procname> and <identifier> elements can be found in the IBM console commands manual that contains information about operator commands. This command can be issued on source environments. Related reference ENDTSRSHEnd refresh on page 108 STRTSRSHStart refresh on page 106

SETRSHSTSSet refresh status

This command allows you to set the refresh status of source tables that have a replication method of REFRESH. Since the refresh status applies to a source table and subscription combination, you must identify the source tables and the selected subscriptions that are affected by this command. The refresh status determines which source tables are refreshed to a target environment when the STRTSRSH command is issued. Note: The command will not change the refresh status of any source tables in subscriptions that are actively refreshing (running) when the command is issued. Syntax

InfoSphere CDC commands


Settings Subscription (SUBSCR)

Description Identifies the subscriptions that are selected by the specified source tables. One or more subscriptions can be specified. In addition, you can specify the wildcard character (*) to reference multiple subscriptions having names that start with the same set of characters. An example is provided below to illustrate how wildcards are used. The following predefined value can be specified: v ALLSpecifies all subscriptions defined in the InfoSphere CDC address space.

Tables (TABLES)

Identifies the selected source tables that are affected by this command. Only source tables that have a replication method of REFRESH are affected by this command. One or more source tables within a database can be specified. In addition, you can specify the wildcard character (*) to reference multiple tables having names that start with the same set of characters. An example is provided below to illustrate how wildcards are used. The following predefined value can be specified: v ALLSpecifies all source tables defined in the InfoSphere CDC address space that has a replication method of REFRESH.


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

Settings Status (STATUS)

Description Indicates the refresh status assigned to the source tables identified in this command. The refresh status determines which source tables are refreshed to target environments when the STRTSRSH command is issued. One of the following predefined values must be specified: v IDLEIndicates that the specified source tables are not refreshed to the selected subscriptions when a data refresh is started. v REFRESHIndicates that the specified source tables are refreshed to the selected subscriptions when a data refresh is started.


Description Changes the status of all source tables having a replication method of REFRESH that are selected to any subscription. The status is set to REFRESH to indicate that these source tables are refreshed to subscriptions when a data refresh is started.


Changes the status of all source tables in database DB1 (owned by OWN1) that have names starting with TBL (for instance, TBL1, TBL2, and TBL3) and selected to subscriptions SUB1. Only those source tables having a replication method of REFRESH are affected by this command. The status is set to IDLE to indicate that these tables are not refreshed to subscription SUB1 when a data refresh is started.


Changes the status of source tables TBL1 and TBL2 in database DB1 (owned by OWN1) that are selected to subscription SUB2 and having a replication method of REFRESH. The status is set to IDLE to indicate that these tables are not refreshed to subscription SUB2 when a data refresh is started.


Changes the status for all source tables in database DB1 (owned by OWN1) that are selected to subscription SUB1 and all subscriptions having a name that starts with SUB2 (for instance, SUB2A, SUB2B, and SUB2C). Only those source tables having a replication method of REFRESH are affected by this command. The status is set to REFRESH to indicate that these source tables are refreshed to the specified subscriptions when a data refresh is started.

InfoSphere CDC commands


Note: The syntactical requirements for the z/OS MODIFY command and explanations of the <procname> and <identifier> elements can be found in the IBM console commands manual that contains information about operator commands. This command can be issued on source environments. Related reference ENDTSRSHEnd refresh on page 108 STRTSRSHStart refresh on page 106

Other Commands
InfoSphere CDC has several commands that control miscellaneous actions. See also: COMMANDProcess InfoSphere CDC commands DSPACTDisplay activity on page 117 ENDUREnd unit of recovery on page 120 REPORTGenerate report on page 122 SETLOGPOSSet log position on page 123 STGMGRStorage Manager on page 125 STRTSDSCDescribe source tables to subscription on page 125 TRACETrace InfoSphere CDC tasks on page 127 TRACEDESTSet trace destination on page 132

COMMANDProcess InfoSphere CDC commands

This command identifies the suffix(es) of the CHCCMDxx members (in the CHCCNTRL data set) containing one or more InfoSphere CDC console commands that are issued when this command is invoked. Any console command (including COMMAND) can be specified in a CHCCMDxx member. Commands specified in a member must omit the MODIFY, F, <procname> and <identifier> elements. Note: A configuration control statement supports a keyword called COMMAND that provides the same function after successful InfoSphere CDC address space initialization. If the COMMAND keyword was specified in the statement, use of the COMMAND command in your environment may be redundant. Syntax


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

Settings Member Suffix (<CommSuffix>)

Description Identifies the suffix of a CHCCMDxx member (in the CHCCNTRL data set) containing one or more InfoSphere CDC console commands that are issued when this command is invoked. You can specify the suffix of a CHCCMDxx member that had its commands invoked after InfoSphere CDC address space initialization. In this case, the same set of commands is invoked again when COMMAND is issued. Multiple suffixes can be specified when you want to invoke console commands in more than one CHCCMDxx member. The order of the suffixes specified in this setting determines the order in which sets of commands are issued. However, one should not assume that the order of the specified suffixes determines the order in which sets of commands complete their execution. In other words, command completions may not necessarily follow the specified suffix order.


Description Invokes the InfoSphere CDC console commands defined in the CHCCMD01 member. Note: If you specify one suffix, the parentheses are not required. However, you can use parentheses in each COMMAND invocation, as they are required when specifying more than one suffix. Invokes the InfoSphere CDC console commands defined in the CHCCMD02 and CHCCMD03 members. The set of commands in CHCCMD02 is issued before the set of commands in CHCCMD03.


Related concepts IBM InfoSphere Change Data Capture installation or upgrade on page 1 Related reference COMMAND on page 31

DSPACTDisplay activity
This command requests that messages conveying information about activity within the InfoSphere CDC address space be directed to the console operator that issued the DSPACT command. The messages are placed in the system log for the console operator, and can be filtered by message type. This command should be used when you require a
InfoSphere CDC commands


snapshot of activity within the InfoSphere CDC address space. The generated messages reveal various statuses and statistics at the time when the command is issued. If you require continuous monitoring of replication activity, use InfoSphere CDC Management Console. Syntax


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

Settings Message Type (ALL , REPLIC, DBMS, or COMM)

Description Indicates the types of messages that are placed in the system log for the console operator. One of the following predefined values can be specified: v ALLReturns messages that convey information about all types of activities within the InfoSphere CDC address space. v REPLICReturns messages that convey information about ongoing replication activities (data refresh and mirroring) to target environments. v DBMSReturns messages that convey information about activities related to the DBMS environment. v COMMReturns messages that convey information about activities related to the communications environment. Default Setting: ALL Specifying ALL is equivalent to issuing this command three times (one invocation for each message type). If you want two types of messages to be returned to the operator console, this command has to be issued twice. The set of messages placed in the system log for each predefined value is as follows: v ALL: CHC9776I, CHC9817I, CHC9789I, CHC9733I, CHC9800I, CHC9830I, CHC9742I, CHC9751I, CHC9753I, CHC9840I, CHC9853I v REPLIC: CHC9751I, CHC9753I, CHC9840I, CHC9853I v DBMS: CHC9835I, CHC9742I v COMM: CHC9776I, CHC9817I, CHC9789I, CHC9733I, CHC800I


Description All types of messages that convey information about the current state of the InfoSphere CDC address space are directed to the console operator through the system log (the default setting for the message type is ALL). Specifically, the following messages are generated in the system log: CHC9676I, CHC9817I, CHC9789I, CHC9733I, CHC9800I, CHC9830I, CHC9742I, CHC9751I, CHC9753I, CHC9840I, and CHC9853I.

InfoSphere CDC commands



Description Messages that convey information about the current state of data replication are directed to the console operator through the system log. Specifically, the following messages are generated in the system log: CHC9751I, CHC9753I, CHC9840I, and CHC9853I.


Messages that convey information about activities related to the DBMS environment are directed to the console operator through the system log. Specifically, the following messages are generated in the system log: CHC9830I, CHC9742I.

Note: The syntactical requirements for the z/OS MODIFY command and explanations of the <procname> and <identifier> elements can be found in the IBM console commands manual that contains information about operator commands. This command can be issued on source environments and target environments. Related reference STRTSDBMInitialize database management system on page 99 CHC9817I on page 648 CHC9676W on page 610 CHC9789I on page 638 CHC9733I on page 626 CHC9753I on page 629 CHC9800I on page 641 CHC9840I CHC9853I CHC9742I CHC9751I CHC9830I on on on on on page page page page page 653 659 626 628 649

ENDUREnd unit of recovery

This command may be issued to instruct InfoSphere CDC for z/OS to dispose of a unit of recovery (transaction) by either queuing it for transmission to the target or discarding it. ENDUR identifies: v the unit of recovery v the subscription that is currently active that is to be acted on v the manner of disposition for the unit of recovery


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

CAUTION: Normally, units of recovery are sent to the target system and applied there in the order in which their COMMIT actions are read from the DB2 Log. Using the ENDUR command to force the disposition of a unit of recovery necessarily will interfere with this order. Changes within a unit of recovery that are subjected to the ENDUR,DISP=COMMIT command may be transmitted to the target side sooner than they would have been, or later than they should have been if they have been delayed somehow. Changes within a unit of recovery that are subjected to the ENDUR,DISP=ROLLBACK command will be discarded when they possibly should have been sent to the target side. All of these scenarios will desynchronize the source and target tables from which the manipulated units of recovery contained changes. These effects must be weighed against the need to use the ENDUR command to force changes from the subscriptions staging space.

Settings Subscription (SUBSCR)

Description Identifies the subscription. Only one subscription can be specified. If the subscription is not actively mirroring, an error message will be issued.

Unit of Recovery Identifier (URID)

Identifies the 6 byte Unit of Recovery identifier. This information can be obtained from the second data column of the staging space report.

Member (MBR)

Specifies the member identifier. The MBR keyword must be specified with a non-zero value if and only if the connected DB2 subsystem is a member of a Data Sharing Group. The MBR keyword should not be specified if the connected DB2 subsystem is not a member of a Data Sharing Group

InfoSphere CDC commands


Settings Disposition (DISP)

Description Indicates the manner of disposition of the unit of recovery. The following predefined values can be specified: v COMMITArtificially ends and queues the unit of recovery for transmission to the target system. v ROLLBACKArtificially ends and discards the unit of recovery.


Description Artificially ends and discards the unit of recovery with an ID of 02DFD6A05A0b for subscription NCTEST02 defined in the InfoSphere CDC address space TSAS.

REPORTGenerate report
This command allows you to generate a report in the CHCREPRT data set. Currently, only a staging space report can be generated. This report provides detailed information about the staging space for a specified subscription or for all active subscriptions. The report can be used to diagnose staging space problems that have occurred or could surface at a later time. You may want to generate such a report when generated InfoSphere CDC messages indicate potential or actual staging space problems. For example, the report could indicate or confirm that the staging space has reached capacity, and as a result, replication to the associated subscription has been stopped. Note: This command may be used to generate other types of reports in future InfoSphere CDC releases. Staging space reports can only be generated when replication to the identified subscription is active.


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

Settings Task (TASK)

Description Identifies the InfoSphere CDC task that generates the report. Currently, only one task (SDT) can generate reports. The only setting is SDT.

Report Type (TYPE)

Identifies the type of report that is generated and placed in the CHCREPRT data set. Currently, only staging space reports can be generated. The only setting is STGSP.

Subscription (SUBSCR)

Identifies the subscription for which the report is generated. This keyword is optional. If no subscription is identified, the report will be generated for all active subscriptions.

Detail (DETAIL)

Includes a detail line in the report for each table that has changes in the unit of recovery. This keyword is optional.


Description Generates a staging space report for subscription SUB1 defined in the InfoSphere CDC address space.

Note: The syntactical requirements for the z/OS MODIFY command and explanations of the <procname> and <identifier> elements can be found in the IBM console commands manual that contains information about operator commands. This command can be issued on source environments and target environments.

SETLOGPOSSet log position

This command allows you to set the position in the log where mirroring will start scraping for a specific subscription the next time mirroring is started. Note that this command does not change the log position for subscriptions which are currently active.

InfoSphere CDC commands


Settings Subscription (SUBSCR)

Description Identifies the subscription that is to have its log position set. Only one subscription can be specified.

Log position (POSITION)

Identifies the position in the log where this subscription should start scraping the next time mirroring is started. You can specify one, two, or three strings of 1 to 16 hexadecimal digits separated by commas and enclosed by parentheses. For a data sharing group, each string will be assumed to be a DB2 log LRSN. For a non-data sharing group, each string will be assumed to be a DB2 log RBA. If only one string is specified, the parentheses may be omitted. The first string is the log position of the last commit record processed by the subscription. The second string is the log position of the earliest open commit group when replication was ended. The third string is the log position of the last applied change processed by the subscription. If only one string is specified, it will also be used as the log position of the earliest open commit group.

Bookmark Version (VERSION)

Note: This is an optional keyword and should only be used when downgrading from version 6.2 to a previous release.Identifies the version of the bookmark. If you do not specify this keyword, the default value of 1 will be assumed. The other valid value for this parameter is 0. Note: Version 1 bookmark is used by version 6.2 of the product. Version 0 bookmark is used by version 5.4 and below of the product.


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation


Description Sets the log position for the specified subscription with a version 1 bookmark. Sets the log position for the specified subscription with a version 0 bookmark. Sets the log position for the specified subscription with a version 1 bookmark. Sets the log position for the specified subscription with a version 1 bookmark.

STGMGRStorage Manager

This command allows you to monitor and manage the storage manager.
Settings Status (STATUS) Description Requests that a report of the status of the storage manager and its users be displayed on the console. Specify the name of a storage manager. If no value is given, the status of all users is displayed. Storage Amount (ADDSTG) Specifies the increase in the amount of above the bar (64bit) storage that the Storage Manager is allowed to use. This increase is on top of the configured amount and will be in effect for this execution of InfoSphere CDC for z/OS only.

Examples f dmc0038s,stgmgr,status f dmc0038s,stgmgr,status,name=alltypes f dmc0038s,stgmgr,addstg=50m

Description Displays the status of the storage manager. Displays the status of the storage manager for a single user. Increases the storage of the storage manager by 50MB.

STRTSDSCDescribe source tables to subscription

This command sends source table descriptions to the specified subscriptions.

InfoSphere CDC commands


Source table descriptions have to be sent to target environments after a change has been made to one or more source table attributes or after it has been selected to a subscription. For example, if you change the replication method for a table, the appropriate source table attributes are updated to reflect these changes. Before data from this source table can be replicated to different subscriptions, a new description of the table has to be sent to each subscription. Only descriptions of selected source tables that have undergone such changes since the last STRTSDSC command was issued are transferred to target environments. Syntax

Settings Subscription (SUBSCR)

Description Identifies the subscriptions to receive descriptions of selected source tables that have been changed since the last STRTSDSC command was issued. One or more subscriptions can be specified. In addition, you can specify the wildcard character (*) to reference multiple subscriptions having names that start with the same set of characters. An example is provided below to illustrate how wildcards are used. The following predefined value can be specified: v ALLSpecifies all subscriptions that are defined in the InfoSphere CDC address space.


Description Descriptions of selected source tables that have been changed since the last STRTSDSC command was issued are sent to all subscriptions defined in the InfoSphere CDC address space. Descriptions of selected source tables that have been changed since the last STRTSDSC command was issued are sent to subscription SUB4.



InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation


Description Descriptions of selected source tables that have been changed since the last STRTSDSC command was issued are sent to subscription SUB1. Descriptions of selected source tables that have been changed since the last STRTSDSC command was issued are also sent to subscriptions having a name that starts with SUB2 (for instance, SUB2A, SUB2B, and SUB2C).

Note: The syntactical requirements for the z/OS MODIFY command and explanations of the <procname> and <identifier> elements can be found in the IBM console commands manual that contains information about operator commands. This command can be issued on source environments.

TRACETrace InfoSphere CDC tasks

This command activates or deactivates specified trace types in InfoSphere CDC tasks. Initially, all trace types are deactivated. Activating trace types must be performed explicitly by using this command. If trace types are activated, replication performance may deteriorate during the trace. CAUTION: Tracing of InfoSphere CDC tasks should only be performed when requested by Technical Support. Syntax

InfoSphere CDC commands



InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

Settings Options (ON, OFF, LIST, or <suffix>)

Description Indicates whether trace types are being activated or deactivated by the command. See Trace Types below for information about trace types. Instead of activating (ON) or deactivating (OFF) trace types, an option (<suffix>) is provided for identifying the member in the CHCCNTRL data set that contains one or more TRACE commands to be executed in sequence. Another option (LIST) is supported for just listing the active trace types in the specified tasks. No trace types are activated or deactivated when LIST is specified. You can use the list option to keep track of activated and deactivated traces in a task, which is especially important before starting replication in a production environment. One of the following values can be specified: v ONSpecified trace types in the tasks are activated. v OFFSpecified trace types in the tasks are deactivated. v LISTLists the active trace types in the specified tasks. The active trace types are listed in InfoSphere CDC message CHC9662I. v <suffix>The two-character suffix identifying the CHCTRC<suffix> member that contains one or more TRACE commands to be performed in sequence. Default Setting: ON

Task Names (TASK)

Identifies the names of the active InfoSphere CDC tasks that are affected by this command. One or more of the following task names can be specified: MIT, OSC, PAL, CIT, PAA, DIT, DSC, DAL, DSL, DDT, DDR, DTC, CCI, CCO, CDI, CDO, CLS, CMO, CVF, DDT, SCT, SDT, TCT Task names are enclosed with parentheses, and separated by commas. If an active instance of a specified task cannot be found, the request to trace the task is not discarded. Instead, the request is placed in a wait queue until the next task becomes active. This setting is required if ON, OFF, or LIST is the selected option. Note: You do not have to be aware of the significance of each InfoSphere CDC task. IBM Technical Support may indicate which task names should be specified.
InfoSphere CDC commands


Settings Trace Types (TYPE)

Description Identifies the trace types in the specified InfoSphere CDC tasks that are affected by this command. Trace types are numbered from 1 to 255 inclusively. Multiple trace types must be enclosed within parentheses, and separated by commas. This setting is required if ON or OFF is the selected option. Note: You do not have to be aware of the significance of each trace type. IBM Technical Support may indicate which trace types should be specified.

Subscription (SUBSCR)

Identifies the subscription that is affected by this command. Only one subscription name can be specified. This setting is optional, and it only applies to active or the next active instance of the DDT, SCT, and SDT tasks (if they are specified - see Task Names, above) for the subscription. If this setting is omitted, this command is applied to the next instance of the specified tasks (across all subscriptions) that are activated.

Source Identifier (PUBLSH)

Identifies the source identifier that is affected by this command. Only one source identifier can be specified. This setting is optional, and it only applies to active or the next active instance of the DDR and DTC tasks (if they are specified, see Task Names) for the source identifier. If this setting is omitted, this command is applied to the next instance of the specified tasks (across all source identifiers) that are activated.

User (USER)

Identifies the security identifier that is affected by this command. Only one security identifier can be specified. This setting is optional, and it only applies to the active or the next active instance of the PAA task (if it is specified, see Task Names, above) for the security identifier. If this setting is omitted, this command is applied to the next instance of the specified task (across all security identifiers) that is activated.


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

Settings Parameter String (PARM)

Description Identifies the parameters that are passed to the specified tasks. This setting is optional. When specified, this setting identifies a 64-character string that can be used to pass parameters to the specified tasks. Note: IBM Technical Support may specify the content of this string.


Descriptions Lists the active trace types for five InfoSphere CDC tasks (MIT, CIT, DDT, DDR, and DTC). Activates three trace types (1, 4, and 22) in the DDT and DTC tasks. Activation applies to the specified trace types in active or the next active instance of the DDT task for subscription SUB1. Activation applies to the specified trace types in the next instance of the DTC task (across all source identifiers) that is activated. A parameter string (TEST1TEST2) is passed to the DDT and DTC tasks.


Activates two trace types (3 and 103) in the DDT, DDR, and PAA tasks. Activation applies to the specified trace types in the active or the next active instance of the DDT task for subscription SUB2. Activation applies to the specified trace types in the active or the next active instance of the DDR task for publisher identifier PUBID2. Activation applies to the specified trace types in the active or the next active instance of the PAA task for security identifier GSMITH. A parameter string (TEST3TEST4) is passed to the DDT, DDR, and PAA tasks.

InfoSphere CDC commands



Descriptions Activates two trace types (54 and 202) in active MIT, OSC, and DDT tasks. Activation applies to the specified trace types in active or the next active instance of the MIT and OSC tasks. Activation applies to the specified trace types in the active or the next active instance of the DDT task for subscription SUB3.


Deactivates three trace types (77, 108, and 209) in active or the next active instance of the MIT, OSC, and PAL tasks. Note: A TRACE command overrides a previous TRACE command if some or all task and trace type combinations are the same. If task and trace type combinations across separate TRACE commands are mutually exclusive, tracing is cumulative. In this case, none of the trace types activated or deactivated in earlier commands are affected by subsequent commands. If necessary, use the LIST option to determine the trace types that are currently active

Note: The syntactical requirements for the z/OS MODIFY command and explanations of the <procname> and <identifier> elements can be found in the IBM console commands manual that contains information about operator commands. This command can be issued on source environments and target environments. Related concepts IBM InfoSphere Change Data Capture installation or upgrade on page 1 Related reference CHC9662I on page 605

TRACEDESTSet trace destination

When the TRACE command is used, this command identifies or sets the destinations of InfoSphere CDC trace information. Trace information can be directed to the IBM Generalized Trace Facility (GTF) or a SPOOL data set. CAUTION: Tracing of InfoSphere CDC tasks should only be performed when requested by IBM Technical Support. Syntax


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

Settings Trace Destination (GTF, SYSOUT, or BOTH)

Description Identifies the destinations where InfoSphere CDC trace information is placed. Trace information can be direct to the IBM Generalized Trace Facility (GTF) or a SPOOL data set. The following predefined values can be specified: v GTFInfoSphere CDC trace information is directed to the GTF. v When InfoSphere CDC tracing information is directed to GTF, log records are stamped with a GTF user event identifier (EID) of 300. For GTF to accept InfoSphere CDC tracing information, the GTF TRACE and USR parameters must be set in the following manner: TRACE = USRP USR = (300) GTF can be configured and activated before running the TRACE command. If GTF is not active when the command is invoked, a message is issued to indicate that gathering of data on trace events begins when GTF is started. For more information about GTF, consult the appropriate IBM publication. v SYSOUTInfoSphere CDC trace information is directed to a SPOOL data set. v BOTHInfoSphere CDC trace information is directed to GTF and a SPOOL data set. If this setting is omitted, the current destinations where trace information is being placed is identified (GTF, SYSOUT, or BOTH).

InfoSphere CDC commands



Description Identifies the current destinations where InfoSphere CDC trace information is being placed. GTF, SYSOUT, or BOTH is returned by this command. Directs InfoSphere CDC trace information to the IBM Generalized Trace Facility (GTF). Directs InfoSphere CDC trace information to the IBM Generalized Trace Facility (GTF) and a SPOOL data set.


Note: The syntactical requirements for the z/OS MODIFY command and explanations of the <procname> and <identifier> elements can be found in the IBM console commands manual that contains information about operator commands. This command can be issued on source environments and target environments.


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

Code page conversion services

This section provides information about configuring InfoSphere CDC for z/OS to use code page conversion service. In this section, you will learn: Introduction Unicode Conversion Services Language Environment Code Page Conversion tables on page 136

One of InfoSphere CDCs replication features is the translation of text data from the code page of the source server to the code page of the target server. You can configure InfoSphere CDC for z/OS to use either Unicode Conversion Services or the Language Environments Code Page Conversion Services to perform text data translation. Either way, InfoSphere CDC must have access to the Language Environments code page conversion tables that are distributed with z/OS. Notes: v For better performance when converting characters between different code pages, you should configure InfoSphere CDC to use Unicode Conversion Services instead of Language Environments Code Page Conversion Services. v By default, InfoSphere CDC attempts to use Unicode Conversion Services to perform translation of text data from one code page to another. If Unicode Conversion Services is not initialized or configured properly, InfoSphere CDC issues warning messages during initialization to indicate that Unicode Conversion Services is not available or conversions between specific code pages are not available. In this case, Language Environments Code Page Conversion Services are used. Related concepts Language Environment Code Page Conversion tables on page 136 Unicode Conversion Services

Unicode Conversion Services

The support for Unicode Conversion Services is provided by the z/OS operating system. If this support is not available, InfoSphere CDC uses Language Environments Code Page Conversion Services instead. Note: For better performance when converting characters between different code pages, you should configure InfoSphere CDC to use Unicode Conversion Services instead of Language Environments Code Page Conversion Services. During initialization, InfoSphere CDC determines if UCS support is provided by z/OS. If UCS is available, UCS configuration statements are read from the CHCUCSxx member of the configuration control data set, where xx is a suffix selected by the installer.
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The suffix of the CHCUCSxx member is specified using the UCSCONFIG keyword in the CONFIG statement. The sample UCS Configuration data set member is copied to the Configuration Control data set during the installation process, and should be modified for your working environment. Related concepts CONVERSION on page 72 Related reference UCSCONFIG on page 43

Language Environment Code Page Conversion tables

InfoSphere CDC for z/OS can use the code page conversion services of Language Environment to perform the text data translation. To do so, InfoSphere CDC for z/OS must have access to the Language Environments code page conversion tables that were distributed with z/OS. Note: Even if you choose Unicode Conversion Services to perform code page conversion of text data, it is important to follow the directions in this section, because problems (related to your working environment) may occur when using Unicode Conversion Services. When such problems occur, InfoSphere CDC reverts to using Language Environments Code Page Conversion Services. The default name of the data set containing the Language Environment code page conversion tables is CEE.SCEEUTBL. However, when z/OS was installed, the default name for this data set may not have been used. The installer has the option of selecting a different high-level qualifier for the Language Environment data set, replacing the CEE with one or more prefixes of their own choice. If the decision was made at installation time to change the high-level qualifier of the Language Environment data set, then InfoSphere CDC for z/OS must be provided with the chosen high-level qualifier so that it can locate the Language Environment code page conversion tables data set. The installer must modify the CHCPROC JCL, adding an environment variable that contains the chosen high-level qualifier. Change the PARM keyword operand on the EXEC statement in the CHCPROC to add the following parameter data:

where <newprefix> is the high-level qualifier that replaces CEE for the Language Environment data set.


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

DB2 performance considerations

This section contains information about performance considerations and techniques when using InfoSphere CDC and DB2. In this section, you will learn: Static versus dynamic SQL %GETCOL and %SELECT function calls and processing efficiency on page 140 User exits and efficiency on page 141

Static versus dynamic SQL

InfoSphere CDC uses Static SQL to access and manage its metadata DB2 tables. InfoSphere CDC for z/OS uses Dynamic SQL when dealing with data in user tables. Dynamic SQL is used for user tables because it is built at execution time, when it is possible to determine how user tables were created. When InfoSphere CDC is installed on the source system, Dynamic SQL is used when obtaining data during a refresh. During mirroring, table data is obtained from the DB2 Log, so no SQL, neither Dynamic nor Static, is used to obtain user data during mirroring. When InfoSphere CDC is installed on the target system, Dynamic SQL is used to apply changes to the user tables. It is known that Dynamic SQL is much less efficient then Static SQL. Still, properly managed Dynamic SQL can be made to be almost as efficient as Static SQL. To explain how this improvement in Dynamic SQL efficiency is possible, consider how Dynamic and Static SQL differ in preparation and execution. Processing of SQL by the DBMS can be broken down into three steps: 1. Syntactic and semantic analysis: verifying that the SQL is coded according to the syntax rules, and determining what it is meant to achieve. 2. Access permission and path analysis: determining if the resources accessed by the SQL are permitted for the requester, and if they are permitted, how that access will be provided (determining the access path). 3. Execution and completion analysis: obtaining or changing the data according to the specification of the SQL and preparing returned status information about the outcome of the request. Step 1 is relatively innocuous and absorbs CPU resources only. Step 2 is very resource intensive, as it requires the DBMS to access multiple tables to resolve the questions of security permissions and available access paths, and then to store the results in other tables as temporary plan. Step 3s efficiency is dependent on the type of processing specified by the SQL, what access path has been chosen, what server resources are available, and so on. In the case of Static SQL, Step 1 occurs during precompilation of the source code containing the Static SQL. Step 2 occurs during the BIND process that occurs after precompilation but before execution. Step 3 occurs at execution time. This is the
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reason that Static SQL is perceived to be efficient. Most of its onetime processing occurs earlier, before the statement needs to be executed. Only Step 3 occurs each time that the Static SQL statement is executed. In the case of Dynamic SQL, the three steps occur at execution time. If a Dynamic SQL statement is simply built and executed, the three steps occur during processing of the EXECUTE request. The next time a similar SQL statement is required, all three steps are performed again. This is the reason that Dynamic SQL is so much less efficient that Static SQL. In this section, this type of Dynamic SQL is identified as naive Dynamic SQL. It is possible with Dynamic SQL, however, to provide some degree of separation between the three steps at execution time. The executing program can build the SQL statement and then prepare it into a buffer. The PREPARE statement encompasses Step 1 and Step 2. Subsequently, the program can execute the prepared SQL statement from the buffer. In this case, the EXECUTE statement performs only Step 3. Furthermore, the SQL statement in the prepared buffer can be executed as many times as it is needed, until a COMMIT is issued. The COMMIT will invalidate the contents of the prepared buffer. In this section, this type of Dynamic SQL is identified as astute Dynamic SQL. The following is a simple comparative analysis of the efficiencies of the three types of SQL. In this analysis, CPU time was measured. I/O activity by the DBMS was not measured, but the elapsed time for completing the SQL requests was measured. The analysis consisted of three separate test runs: 1. 1000 Static SQL INSERT statements. 2. 1000 naive Dynamic SQL INSERT statements (for example, 1000 EXECUTE statements). 3. 1000 astute Dynamic SQL INSERT statements (for example, 1 PREPARE and 1000 EXECUTE statements from the prepared buffer). The results are provided in the following table: Note: The timings presented here are examples, only for the purposes of illustrating the relative performance of dynamic and static SQL. They should not be considered as representative of the actual performance that InfoSphere CDC will achieve in your working environment.
Test (1000 INSERTS) Static SQL EXECUTE only (naive) PREPARE and EXECUTE (astute) CPU Time .95 sec. 14.49 sec. .99 sec. SRB Time .01 sec. .02 sec. .02 sec. Total CPU Time .96 sec. 14.51 sec. 1.01 sec. Elapsed Time .04 min. .30 min. .04 min.

The table above reveals that combining a single PREPARE statement with multiple EXECUTE statements is comparable to Static SQL. The naive Dynamic SQL uses about 15 times more CPU and takes about 7.5 times the elapsed time of Static SQL. The astute Dynamic SQL uses only about 1.052 times more CPU than Static SQL, and has an indistinguishable elapsed time. The additional flexibility of astute Dynamic SQL is worth the slight increase (5.2%) in CPU utilization over the inflexible Static SQL. InfoSphere CDC uses astute Dynamic SQL when it accesses user table data. Recalling that each COMMIT purges the Dynamic SQLs prepared buffer, it can be


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

seen that the efficiency of the astute Dynamic SQL is directly related to the number of times the prepared buffer can be reused before a COMMIT is issued. The rate at which COMMIT statements are issued is not under InfoSphere CDCs control. On the source system, a cursor is opened to access the tables data during a Refresh operation, and each row is fetched individually. A COMMIT is issued (only to release locks) when there are no more rows to be fetched. Therefore, on the source system, for almost any table, astute Dynamic SQL should be virtually the same as Static SQL in its efficiency. On the target system, when the apply process is making changes to user tables, it commits those changes when it receives a COMMIT statement from the source system. The target system does not issue COMMIT statements by itself. The source system sends COMMIT statements to the target system when the source system obtains them from the DBMS Log. Therefore, on the target system, astute Dynamic SQLs efficiency is based on how frequently COMMIT statements are issued by the users application that originally changed the replicated tables on the source system. Large commit groups are applied on the target system almost as efficiently as Static SQL. Small commit groups, such as those generated by online transactions, can be inefficient, approaching the inefficiency of naive Dynamic SQL. The Transaction Grouping feature can be engaged by the customer to cause InfoSphere CDC to collect commit groups received at the target system, and commit them together as a single unit of work, based on customer-provided parameters. This will have a positive effect on performance on the target system, as it will increase the efficiency of the astute Dynamic SQL being used to apply the changes. On the target system, InfoSphere CDC reserves 50 PREPARE buffers for retaining prepared Dynamic SQL for each subscription. For each mapped table in a subscription on the target system that is receiving changes, it is possible that an INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE change can be applied to the table. A subscriptions PREPARE buffer is allocated to a table-and-change combination when the first such change for a specific table is received in the commit group. When there are more than 16 (50 buffers per subscription and 3 change types per table) tables mapped to a subscription, the 50 PREPARE buffers could all be in use. If this should happen, then InfoSphere CDC uses an LRU (Least Recently Used) algorithm to decide which PREPARE buffer is reused for astute Dynamic SQL. This means that, even when commit groups are large, when a subscription has more than 16 tables mapped, the efficiency of the astute Dynamic SQL begins to drop. One way to increase the efficiency of the apply process at the target system is to change user applications so that they contain appreciable numbers of changes in each commit group. This may be possible with batch jobs, but is impractical with commit groups generated by online transactions. With the use of the Transaction Grouping feature, however, it is no longer necessary to modify application programs to increase the efficiency of replication. Still it would increase the efficiency of the application programs themselves. Another way to increase the efficiency of the apply process at the target system is to replace the astute Dynamic SQL that is not efficient with Static SQL coded in a user exit. To summarize, these are the considerations for deciding if InfoSphere CDCs astute Dynamic SQL will become inefficient. v A profile of the DBMS Logs commit groups that contain data to be replicated is required. It is the Database Administrators task to identify those replicated
DB2 performance considerations


tables that are being changed in small commit groups, and to determine how many of these small commit groups will be created in a particular time period. Both the number of changes in commit groups and the numbers of such commit groups need to be considered to assess the efficiency of the apply process. v Subscriptions where there are more than 16 selected tables need to be examined. Is there a restriction on the types of changes (INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE) that are being applied to a particular table? A table may receive a high proportion of UPDATE changes, but very few INSERT and DELETE changes within a subscription. This would tend to require only a single PREPARE buffer for that table in the commit group, increasing the efficiency of the subscriptions astute Dynamic SQL. When the mix of tables combined with the types of changes to the tables exceeds 50, the efficiency begins to decrease, and this trend worsens as the table-and-change mix gets larger. v InfoSphere CDCs Transaction Grouping feature can be engaged at the target to increase the minimum size of the logical units of work being applied. This will increase the efficiency of the astute Dynamic SQL. Related concepts User exits and efficiency on page 141 Related reference COMMITFREQ on page 63

%GETCOL and %SELECT function calls and processing efficiency

%GETCOL or %SELECT function calls can be used in expressions and row filtering expressions. The %GETCOL function provides a mechanism to obtain current data from an application table, which is then used in the evaluation of the expression. %SELECT provides a similar capability to %GETCOL, but is more powerful and natural to use, due to its accepting an SQL SELECT statement to specify the current data to be accessed. When processing a %GETCOL function call, InfoSphere CDC prepares and executes SQL to obtain the data specified. Such ad hoc SQL can be very inefficient, depending on the access path that DB2 uses when the SQL is executed. To address this exposure, InfoSphere CDC issues a DB2 EXPLAIN against the SQL at the time that the %GETCOL function is entered into or changed in an expression or row filtering expression. During installation, the CHCCRMTD sample job will have created a <CHCUserID>.PLAN_TABLE. DB2 stores the results of the EXPLAIN in this PLAN_TABLE, where it is accessed and examined by InfoSphere CDC. If the ad hoc SQL uses an inefficient access path, then an appropriate warning message is issued in Management Console. %GETCOL function call access path warning messages should not be ignored. For example, inefficient %GETCOL function calls used in row filtering expressions could slow data processing by the source environment to the extent that InfoSphere CDC may be slower at obtaining data from the DB2 Log than DB2 is in writing to it, producing ever-increasing replication latency. In addition to the failure to perform, %GETCOL function call access path problems can cause InfoSphere CDC to absorb large amounts of CPU and I/O resources, negatively impacting other jobs running on the same server. Some of the types of inefficiencies that can be indicated in the PLAN_TABLE are non-unique key and partial key accesses, index space scans, and table space scans. Non-unique and partial key accesses may or may not be acceptable, depending on the amount of data accessed by the partial key. Index space and table space scans


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

should never be permitted. Assessment of these types of access path problem types is the normal responsibility of a Database Administrator. The DBA should be able to determine what is required to correct the access path situation. Usually, it can be corrected by building a new index with the required keys to allow a full key access to obtain the data. A different way to improve %GETCOL efficiency may be the use of different key columns or the addition of more key columns to the %GETCOL function call, if this is possible, causing the access path to change. This approach can avoid the building of another index, which would require DB2 buffer resources when it was being accessed. Yet another approach would be to avoid the use of %GETCOL function calls entirely. %SELECT is processed differently from %GETCOL. The SQL SELECT statement framework provided in a %SELECT function is not subjected to an EXPLAIN request, and no information about the efficiency of the SQL SELECT statement is passed back to the user. Of course, the dynamic SQL produced for the %SELECT statement can still employ an inefficient access path. It is the responsibility of the DBA to use the tools available (for example, EXPLAIN(YES) during binding and subsequent analysis of the PLAN_TABLE produced) to determine if the SELECT SQL statement created by the %SELECT statement executes efficiently. Related concepts User exits and efficiency

User exits and efficiency

This section discusses using user exits for the purpose of increasing the efficiency of InfoSphere CDC. It does not present information on how to write user exits. As noted in other parts of this section, user exits can be used to increase InfoSphere CDCs efficiency. This is in addition to the usual reason for using a user exit, the requirement of filtering rows or deriving data that cannot be accomplished using expressions or row filtering expressions. User exits can be employed to increase efficiency by replacing multiple %GETCOL or %SELECT function calls in row filtering expressions at the source environment, or in expressions at either the source environment or the target environment. To replace multiple %GETCOL and %SELECT function calls, the %USER function can be used instead of %GETCOL or %SELECT to invoke Static SQL This approach does not remove the responsibility for ensuring that the SQL coded within the %USER exit is effective and efficient. It is the responsibility of the DBA to use the tools available (for example, EXPLAIN(YES) during binding and subsequent analysis of the PLAN_TABLE produced) to determine if the SELECT SQL statement coded within the %USER exit executes efficiently. Related concepts InfoSphere CDC user exits on page 165

DB2 performance considerations



InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

Automatic restart and schema evolution

This section contains information about the support that is provided to automatically restart subscriptions during InfoSphere CDC address space or DBMS initialization. It also identifies the schema changes that end active InfoSphere CDC replication. In this section, you will learn: Automatic restart Schema evolution on page 145 Restarting replication on page 145

Automatic restart
Previously, you had to manually restart continuous mirroring for a subscription after a normal or abnormal termination. A better approach is to have subscriptions restart automatically so that continuous mirroring can resume without the need for manual intervention. This section introduces the concept of persistency and how it is used to automatically restart continuous mirroring. See also: Persistency Direct and indirect requests on page 144 DB2 unavailability on page 145

Persistency is a subscription attribute that can be enabled or disabled. You must enable this attribute for those subscriptions you want to restart after a normal or abnormal termination. To change the persistency attribute for a subscription, use the CHCMTAUT utility. Continuous mirroring for a persistent subscription can automatically restart in response to a normal or abnormal termination of the following: v InfoSphere CDC address space For persistent subscriptions that were active or inactive when the termination occurred, continuous mirroring automatically restarts when the address space reinitializes. However, persistent subscriptions that were terminated or became inactive as a result of a direct request are not restarted automatically during address space initialization. v DBMS For persistent subscriptions that were active when the termination occurred, continuous mirroring automatically restarts when the DBMS reinitializes. v Communications For persistent subscriptions that were active when the termination occurred, continuous mirroring automatically restarts when communications are reestablished.
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v Target server For persistent subscriptions that were active when the termination occurred, continuous mirroring automatically restarts when the subscription server is restarted. In this case, automatic restart is only supported when InfoSphere CDC or Transformation Server for z/OS version 5.1.7 or higher is running on the target server. When communications or the subscription server terminates, InfoSphere CDC attempts to automatically restart continuous mirroring for persistent subscriptions at regular intervals. Attempts continue until an automatic restart is successful or the persistent subscription or InfoSphere CDC address space is terminated. You can set how often InfoSphere CDC attempts to automatically restart continuous mirroring for all persistent subscriptions by modifying the AUTORESTARTINTERVAL configuration control statement keyword. Persistency is only relevant to subscriptions that are used for continuous mirroring. If a persistent subscription is used for refresh or net change mirroring, this subscription is restarted according to how the same subscription was terminated the last time it was used for continuous mirroring. For nonpersistent subscriptions, you must manually restart continuous mirroring at the correct point in the DB2 Log after normal or abnormal termination. Note: You can now configure subscription persistency in Management Console. Existing processes should be migrated to Management Console since this command will be discontinued in a future release. Related concepts CHCMTAUT Utility on page 151 Direct and indirect requests Related reference AUTORESTARTINTERVAL on page 30

Direct and indirect requests

A direct request is a requested operation where subscription names are fully or partially specified. For example, the following InfoSphere CDC console commands are direct requests: MODIFY <Address_Space_Name>,ENDTSMIR,SUBSCR=(PRODSUB),CNTRLD MODIFY <Address_Space_Name>,ENDTSMIR,SUBSCR==(PR*),IMMED In the first example, the full name of the subscription is specified. In the second example, the wildcard character is used to select all subscriptions that have names starting with the characters PR. An indirect request is a requested operation where subscription names are not fully or partially referenced. For example, the following InfoSphere CDC console command is an indirect request: MODIFY <Address_Space_Name>,ENDTSMIR,SUBSCR=ALL,CNTRLD In the example, a predefined value (ALL) is used to reference all subscriptions defined in the InfoSphere CDC address space regardless of their names.


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

DB2 unavailability
When access to DB2 has been lost (either through scheduled or unscheduled activity), InfoSphere CDC sends a message to the SYSLOG and CHCPRINT SPOOL data set to indicate that DB2 has shut down and that it is waiting for DB2 to become available. This message is also sent to the product administration log. When DB2 can be accessed again, another message is generated and sent to the same destinations. When DB2 shuts down (either through scheduled or unscheduled activity), active InfoSphere CDC mirroring and refresh tasks are terminated. Apply tasks are terminated if they cannot be suspended after a DB2 shut down. When DB2 can be accessed again, previously active InfoSphere CDC mirroring tasks for persistent subscriptions are restarted automatically. You must manually restart InfoSphere CDC refresh tasks. You must also manually restart apply tasks if they were not suspended and then resumed.

Schema evolution
If a schema change is applied to a table during mirroring or before replication is started, InfoSphere CDC detects that change. Based on the type of schema change, replication is stopped or prevented from starting. The following schema changes result in InfoSphere CDC preventing or stopping active replication for the affected table: v The tables DATA CAPTURE CHANGES attribute has been disabled. v The table has been dropped from the database. v The tables DBID, OBID or PSID has been changed. v A column in the table has been inserted, removed or renamed. If a column is added to a table so that it is the last column in the table, active replication continues. Active replication ends when a column is added in any other position in the table. v The data type of a column in the table has been changed. v The scale or length of a column in the table has been changed. For other detected schema changes, InfoSphere CDC starts or continues data replication from the affected table. When mirroring of a source table is stopped as a result of a schema change, active replication of other source tables under the same subscription continues.

Restarting replication
If a schema changes prevents replication from starting or continuing, you must perform one or more of the following operations in Management Console before starting or restarting replication: v Update the source table definitions. v Remap the source table. v Perform a REORG of table space containing the source table. If row updates and deletes are applied to the source table after the schema change and before the definition update or REORG is performed, you must also refresh the source table before restarting mirroring.

Automatic restart and schema evolution


For some schema changes, you do not have to perform all of the listed operations. If you require a specific procedure in response to a schema change, contact your database administrator or IBM representative for assistance. For more information about updating table definitions, mapping and refreshing tables, see your Management Console documentation. For information about table space reorganization, see the appropriate IBM publication.


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

Bookmark viewer
This section contains information about submitting a batch job to display bookmark information on a target environment. In some situations, you may need to view precisely the progress of InfoSphere CDCs scraping and applying activities for a subscription and retrieve exact information about the log position that is being processed on the target environment. Also, in situations of failure, you may need to know the last commit group applied for the subscription so that you can set a log position on the source environment, if need be. In the subscription environment, the last processed log position is indicated by a value that identifies a position or entry in the source environment log. This value is called a bookmark. A batch program submitted on a target environment can display bookmark information. In this section, you will learn: Submitting the CHCMDPRT batch job on a target environment Batch job result on page 148 Sample bookmark viewer output on page 148

Submitting the CHCMDPRT batch job on a target environment

1. Modify the CHCMDPRT member in the SCHCCNTL data set. This member is a JCL shell that you can use to submit the job that displays bookmark information. If you decide to use the shell, a number of placeholders identified by angled brackets (< >) must be substituted with settings specific to your environment. 2. In the member, perform the substitutions as described in the following table:
Substitution Placeholder High-level Qualifier (<CHC.HCHC540>) DB2 DSN Program Load Module (DSNxxx.SDSNLOAD) Metadata Cluster (<MetaDatacluster>) Directions Specify the high-level qualifier used for the InfoSphere CDC execution load library data set. Specify the name of the data set containing the DB2 DSN program load module. Specify the name of the VSAM cluster containing InfoSphere CDC metadata that is not stored in DB2 tables. This VSAM cluster is identified as a data set in the CHCMTDTA DD statement in the CHCPROC JCL for executing InfoSphere CDC. DB2 Subsystem (<DB2Subsys>) Specify the SSID (subsystem identifier) of the DB2 subsystem containing the InfoSphere CDC metadata tables.

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Substitution Placeholder


DB2 Plan Suffix (<PlanSuffix>) Specify the two-character suffix identifying the DB2 plan that was bound to the InfoSphere CDC metadata tables in the DB2 subsystem. The plan suffix was specified during installation. Source ID (<Source>) Specify the source identifier for which you want to view bookmark information. A source identifier lets you determine the source of replicated data. Bookmark information about one or more sources can be displayed. Specify a source identifier or the following value: v *Display bookmark information for all source identifiers defined in the InfoSphere CDC metadata. Bookmark Only Indicator (<Y/N>) Specify whether or not you want to display just bookmark information or a comprehensive report containing bookmark information and other details about the identified source environments. Specify one of the following values: v YDisplay just bookmark information for the identified source environments. v NDisplay bookmark information and other details about the identified source environments in a comprehensive report. For information about other information in the report, see the comments provided in the JCL shell.

Related concepts Customizing your InfoSphere CDC installation on page 3

Batch job result

The batch job returns one of the following results: v 0: The batch job completed successfully. v 4: The batch job completed, but warnings were generated. v 8 or higher: The batch job was unsuccessful. Errors were reported. If a nonzero result is returned, examine output from the job to troubleshoot problems.

Sample bookmark viewer output

In addition to a result value, bookmark information is displayed, by default, on the operator console. Sample output as a result of submitting the CHCMDPRT batch job is shown below. In addition to a result value, bookmark information is displayed to the file allocated to the SYSPRINT Data Definition (DD) statement.
Publication ATLANTA ** No bookmark information available ** Publication BOSTON


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

Bookmarks: Bookmark timestamp 2006-01-23- Bookmark Journal Id TS53INT/DMCJRN Last Committed Position DMCJRN0005TS53INT 00000000000000000021 Earliest Open Position DMCJRN0005TS53INT 00000000000000000021 Last Applied Position DMCJRN0005TS53INT 00000000000000000021 Publication CHICAGO Bookmarks: Bookmark timestamp 2006-02-06- Bookmark Journal Id AD71 Last Committed Position X'00000044ec5b7e0f' Earliest Open Position X'00000044ec243c89' Last Applied Position X'0000000000000000' Publication DALLAS Bookmarks: Bookmark timestamp 2006-01-19- Bookmark Journal Id AD71 Last Committed Position X'0000004309cedb3d' Earliest Open Position X'0000004309ceda0d' Last Applied Position X'0000000000000000' Publication SEATTLE Bookmarks: Bookmark timestamp 2006-02-03- Bookmark Journal Id AD71 Last Committed Position X'00000044e33966dc' Earliest Open Position X'00000044e33869c3' Last Applied Position X'0000000000000000' Total number of publications is 5.

Note: The number of bookmark positions displayed depends on your source environment database. InfoSphere CDC for Oracle (redo log edition) and InfoSphere CDC for IBM i source environments generate three bookmark positions. Other source environments may generate only one bookmark position. The following table identifies and describes the bookmark information that can be returned by the bookmark viewer.
Bookmark Information Bookmark Timestamp Bookmark Journal Id Last Committed Position Description The timestamp of the most recently scraped entry on the source environment. The object on the source environment that contains the entries. The position of the last entry to be applied to the target table that has been confirmed. Confirmation means that the commit group containing the entry has been committed or the entry has been processed. The entry position marking the beginning of the oldest commit group that is still uncommitted or being rolled back. The position of the last entry applied to the target table.

Earliest Open Position Last Applied Position

Bookmark viewer



InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

This section contains information about the utility that you can use to define configuration settings outside of Management Console. Most replication configuration activities require you to work with Management Console after InfoSphere CDC software has been installed on source and target servers. To facilitate configuration activities that are specific to InfoSphere CDC for z/OS and cannot be performed using Management Console, a utility is provided that allows you to perform different operations through a set of commands. CHCMTAUT also allows you to interrogate current source environment and target environment settings so that appropriate updates can be made through the utility. In this section, you will learn: Invoking the CHCMTAUT utility CHCMTAUT commands

Invoking the CHCMTAUT utility

CHCMTAUT can be run in batch or as a TSO foreground application. To invoke CHCMTAUT, adhere to the following format: CHCMTAUT <db2_subsystem> [<plan_name>] The first parameter (<db2_subsystem>), which is mandatory, identifies the name of the DB2 subsystem that contains the InfoSphere CDC metadata. The second parameter (<plan_name>), which is optional, identifies the name of the plan to use when connecting to the subsystem. If the plan name is omitted, the default is CHCMTAUT.

CHCMTAUT commands
After invoking the CHCMTAUT utility, supported commands can be issued. The command syntax may use one or more of the following notations: Square brackets ([ ]): Identifies command parameters that do not have to be specified. Mandatory parameters are not enclosed by square brackets. Vertical bar ( | ): Identifies the list of command parameters or settings from which one must be specified. Brace brackets ({ }): Used to group one or more command parameters. See also: END on page 152 HELP on page 152 LIST on page 152 LOADER on page 153 PERSISTENCY on page 155
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QUIT on page 155 REFRESHISOLATION on page 156 UCASE on page 156 CLEAR on page 157

Syntax Description END Ends the CHCMTAUT utility. After issuing this command, other CHCMTAUT commands that are issued are not processed. This command is the same as the QUIT command. Settings None

Syntax Description Settings HELP Displays help information for the CHCMTAUT utility. None

Syntax Description Settings LIST {PUBLSH(source_id) [TABLE(tbl)] | SUBSCR(sub)} [HELP] Displays the current attributes for a source environment, target environment, or one or more source tables. v PUBLSH( ) The name of the source environment in your replication configuration for which attributes are displayed. The identifier is used in the subscription environment to determine the source of replicated data. v TABLE( ) The name of the source table for which attributes are displayed. Note: This setting can only be specified when you want to display attributes of the source. The owner of the source tables or the library where the tables reside can precede the table name specification. To specify multiple source tables, append the wildcard character (*) to the common part that appears at the beginning of the table names (for example, CUST* references the tables named CUST1, CUST2, and CUST3). Specify this setting multiple times if the table names do not start with the same set of characters. v SUBSCR( ) The name of the target environment in your replication configuration for which attributes are displayed. HELP Examples Displays help information for the LIST command. LIST PUBLSH(HQSYS) TABLE(CUST1) LIST SUBSCR(LA)


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

Syntax Description LOADER PUBLSH(source_id) [TABLE(tbl)] {{USE(use) [PARMS(prm)]} | {[USE(use)] PARMS(prm)}} [HELP] Defines DB2 LOAD utility settings for a source environment or one or more tables. Note that system-level DB2 LOAD settings are defined through the DB2LOADER configuration control statement. These settings are overridden at the source environment and table levels when this command is used.




v PUBLSH( ) The name of the source environment that is affected by this command. Note: If the TABLE setting is also specified, DB2 LOAD settings are defined at the table level. The TABLE setting must be omitted if DB2 LOAD settings are to be applied at the source environment level. The source environment is identified by an identifier, which is used in the target environment to determine the source of replicated data. v TABLE( ) The name of the source table that is affected by this command. Note: If the TABLE setting is specified, DB2 LOAD settings are not also applied at the source environment level. The TABLE setting has to be omitted to apply DB2 LOAD settings at the source environment level. The owner of the source tables or the library where the tables reside can precede the table name specification. To specify multiple source tables, append the wildcard character (*) to the common part that appears at the beginning of the table names (for example, CUST* references the tables named CUST1, CUST2, and CUST3). Separate invocations of this command are required if the table names do not start with the same set of characters. v USE ( ) Enables or disables use of DB2 LOAD to refresh data at the source environment or table level. One of the following predefined values can be specified: SYSTEMReferences the corresponding system or source environment level-setting that determines DB2 LOAD use. The source environment level setting is referenced when the TABLE setting is specified. The system-level setting is referenced when only the PUBLSH setting is specified. Note that the system-level setting is defined through the USELOADER keyword in the DB2 configuration control statement. YESEnables use of DB2 LOAD at the source environment or table level. DB2 LOAD settings identified through this command are applied to the specified source environment or tables. NODisables use of DB2 LOAD at the source environment or table level. The standard InfoSphere CDC refresh is used instead of DB2 LOAD. Even though DB2 LOAD has been disabled, settings identified through this command are applied to the specified source environment or tables. If omitted, the system-level setting or the previous setting for the specified source environment or table is used. v PARMS( ) The two-character suffix of the CHCLDRxx member containing the DB2 LOAD settings that are applied to the specified source environment or tables. Note that a suffix is specified for the CHCLDRxx member that contains the Configuration Control statement defining system-level DB2 LOAD settings. Specifying the same suffix means that the system-level DB2 LOAD settings are also used at the source environment or table level. Specifying a different suffix references a separate CHCLDRxx member. If omitted, the system-level setting or the previous setting for the specified source environment or table is used.


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

HELP Examples


Related concepts DB2LOADER on page 65 Modifying DB2 LOAD configuration control statements on page 65 Related reference USELOADER on page 64

Syntax Description PERSISTENCY SUBSCR(target) [ON | OFF] [HELP] Enables or disables persistency for the specified subscription. A subscription can only be restarted automatically if it is enabled for persistency. Settings v SUBSCR( ) The name of the target environment in your replication configuration for which attributes are displayed. v ON | OFF Indicates whether persistency is enabled or disabled for the specified subscription. One of the following predefined values can be specified: ONEnables persistency for the subscription so that it can be restarted automatically during InfoSphere CDC address space or DBMS initialization. OFFDisables persistency for the subscription. The subscription is not restarted automatically during InfoSphere CDC address space or DBMS initialization. This is the default setting. HELP Examples Displays help information for the PERSISTENCY command. PERSISTENCY SUBSCR(LA) ON

Note: You can now configure subscription persistency in Management Console. Existing processes should be migrated to Management Console since this command will be discontinued in a future release. Related concepts Persistency on page 143

Syntax Description QUIT Ends the CHCMTAUT utility. After issuing this command, other CHCMTAUT commands that are issued are not processed. This command is the same as the END command. Settings None.



Syntax Description REFRESHISOLATION PUBLSH(source_id) TABLE(tbl) ISOLATION(lvl) [HELP] Defines the refresh isolation level for the specified table. The refresh isolation level for a table determines how isolated the InfoSphere CDC data refresh process is from other applications that modify the table. A high degree of isolation may be required to limit or prevent concurrent changes to the refreshed table by other applications. Settings v PUBLSH( ) The identifier for the source environment. The source environment is identified by an identifier, which is used in the target environment to determine the source of replicated data. v TABLE( ) The name of the source table for which the refresh isolation level is defined. Note: You cannot specify the wildcard character (*) to identify multiple source tables. v ISOLATION( ) The refresh isolation level for the specified table. The isolation levels are RR (Repeatable Read), RS (Read Stability), CS (Cursor Stability), and DEFAULT. The first three settings are supported in DB2. For more information about these settings, consult the appropriate DB2 documentation that contains information about isolation levels. If you specify DEFAULT, the refresh isolation level used will be as specified when the CHCDTR DB2 Plan was bound. The control statement for binding this DB2 Plan is contained in the CHCBNDPL job, and, as distributed, is set to CS (Cursor Stability). Changing the ISOLATION keyword in the BIND statement in the CHCBNDPL job changes the refresh isolation level of all tables (subsequent invocations of the REFRESHISOLATION command overrides this change for the specified tables). Note: While it is possible to change the value of the ISOLATION keyword in the BIND statement for the CHCDTR DB2 Plan to UR (Uncommitted Read), you should not set this keyword in the BIND statement to UR. If this default isolation level is changed to UR, IBM cannot provide assistance on data integrity problems with the refreshed data. HELP Example Displays help information for the REFRESHISOLATION command. REFRESHISOLATION PUBLSH(HQSYS) TABLE(CUST3) ISOLATION(CS)

Syntax UCASE


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation


Toggles the treatment of lowercase characters that may be specified in other CHCMTAUT commands. By default, CHCMTAUT treats all command input as uppercase characters. This can lead to problems when lowercase letters are used to specify names of source and target entities. Treating all characters as uppercase can be disabled with odd numbered uses (for example, first use, third use, and so on) of this command. Even numbered uses (for example, second use, fourth use, and so on) of this command reinstates the default behavior as described above.



Syntax Description Settings CLEAR Clears the screen when CHCMTAUT is running under TSO. None




InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

Supported DB2 for z/OS data types

This section identifies the DB2 for z/OS data types that InfoSphere CDC can replicate. It also identifies the supported mappings. In this section, you will learn: Supported data types Supported mappings

Supported data types

The following DB2 for z/OS data types can be replicated by InfoSphere CDC: v BIGINT v CHAR (for BIT, MIXED, SBCS) v DATE v DECIMAL v FLOAT v v v v v GRAPHIC INTEGER ROWID SMALLINT TIME

v TIMESTAMP v VARCHAR (for BIT, MIXED, SBCS) v VARGRAPHIC Note: InfoSphere CDC running on a source or target does not support the replication of large object (LOB) data.

Supported mappings
InfoSphere CDC provides a variety of mappings for supported DB2 for z/OS data types. See also: Numeric types Character types on page 160 Date and time types on page 160 DBCS types on page 160 Row Identifier types on page 160

Numeric types
Published Data Types DECIMAL FLOAT
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Supported Mappings Any numeric, or binary data type Any numeric or binary data type


Published Data Types INTEGER SMALLINT

Supported Mappings Any numeric or binary data type Any numeric or data type

Character types
Published Data Types CHAR (for BIT) CHAR (for MIXED) CHAR (for SBCS) VARCHAR (for BIT) VARCHAR (for MIXED) VARCHAR (for SBCS) Supported Mappings Any character, variable character, or binary data type Any character, variable character, or binary data type Any character, variable character, or binary data type Any character, variable character, or binary data type Any character, variable character, or binary data type Any character, variable character, or binary data type

Date and time types

Published Data Types DATE TIME TIMESTAMP Supported Mappings Any date, time, or timestamp data type Any date, time, or timestamp data type Any date, time, or timestamp data type

DBCS types
Published Data Types GRAPHIC VARGRAPHIC Supported Mappings Any graphic, vargraphic, character or binary data type Any graphic, vargraphic, character or binary data type

Row Identifier types

Published Data Types ROWID Supported Mappings Any ROWID or binary data type


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

Management Console tutorial tables

This section contains information about defining the sample DB2 tables that are referenced in the Management Console tutorial. Note: If you do not intend to work with the sample tables for the Management Console tutorial, you can ignore the following information. To help you become familiar with Management Console, a tutorial has been created that can be used with all supported InfoSphere CDC products. Through this tutorial, important concepts are introduced. In addition, instructions are provided for performing simple replication through Management Console involving sample DB2 tables. InfoSphere CDC provides the underlying support to work with these sample tables. To work with the sample DB2 tables through the tutorial, they must be created and loaded. The distribution medium contains a job and data to accomplish this purpose. Member CHCBLTTL in the SCHCCNTL data set contains a job that creates the sample DB2 tables, and load them from data contained in the SCHCTTL SMP/E Target Library. The CHCBLTTL job has several placeholders to be resolved. Most of the placeholders are the same as those used to modify the jobs required for installing InfoSphere CDC. Two of the placeholders are unique to the CHCBLTTL job, and do not appear in any of the other jobs found in the SCHCCNTL data set. One of these unique placeholders is the <TTLTBLSPC> placeholder. This placeholder appears only in the CHCBLTTL job to allow the installer to build the sample tables in a DB2 table space other than the one containing the InfoSphere CDC metadata tables. It is important that the sample tables are not created in the same DB2 table space that contains the InfoSphere CDC metadata tables. If they occupy the same DB2 table space, then DB2 application deadlocks or failure of replication activities could result. The other unique placeholder is the <TTLOwner> placeholder. This placeholder is used to specify the owner of the sample tables when they are created. The installer chooses the value of this placeholder. A unique placeholder has been supplied so that the owner of the sample tables need not be the same as the owner of the InfoSphere CDC metadata tables. Submit the job in the CHCBLTTL member, and examine the output after the job completes execution. The output should indicate that a DB2 table space and three new tables have been created, with the necessary indices, and loaded with data from the distributed SCHCTTL data set. Related concepts Customizing your InfoSphere CDC installation on page 3

Copyright IBM Corp. 2008, 2009



InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

InfoSphere CDC metadata tables

This section identifies the tables that are being used by InfoSphere CDC for z/OS to maintain metadata representing your current replication configuration on a z/OS system. InfoSphere CDC for z/OS maintains a set of tables containing metadata representing your current replication configuration. For various reasons, you may want to back up these tables. However, you should not modify the contents of these tables unless requested to do so by your IBM representative. In this section, you will learn: Source environment metadata tables Target environment metadata tables General metadata tables on page 164

Source environment metadata tables


Target environment metadata tables



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General metadata tables




InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

InfoSphere CDC user exits

This section is intended for advanced users who are planning to invoke user exit programs to enhance the standard data transformation functionality provided in InfoSphere CDC. Sample user exit programs are provided with InfoSphere CDC. In this section, you will learn: About table-level user exit and row-level user exit programs Working with table-level and row-level user exit programs on page 166 About expression user exits on page 180 Working with expression user exit programs on page 182 About conflict resolution user exits on page 192 Working with conflict resolution user exit programs on page 193 Conflict resolution audit table on page 206 About notifications user exits on page 209 Working with Notifications user exit programs on page 210

About table-level user exit and row-level user exit programs

Table-level user exit and row-level user exit programs allow you to invoke user-written programs to customize the standard database operations that are performed by InfoSphere CDC in the target environment. User exit programs can be invoked before or after a clear table, insert row, delete row, or update row operation. In addition, you can disable these operations and replace them by identifying the user exit programs that are to be invoked when a clear, insert, delete, or update is received from the source environment. See also: Predefined entry data structures for table-level user exits and row-level user exits Load module specification in Management Console on page 166 Sample table-level and row-level user exit programs on page 166 Performance considerations on page 166

Predefined entry data structures for table-level user exits and row-level user exits
When a user exit program is invoked, predefined data structures are passed to the program. These structures are used to pass information associated with the specific table-level or row-level operation that caused the user exit program to be invoked. In addition, the user exit program can return information through the same data structures so that it can be passed in subsequent calls. Therefore, these structures must be defined in each user exit program so that the information can be recognized and processed. Your user exit program can then reference specific items of information in the data structures. A COBOL copy member describing the predefined data structures is contained in the CHCUEXCB member of the SCHCCOB SMP/E target library. A C header file describing the predefined data structures is contained in the CHCUEXC6 member
Copyright IBM Corp. 2008, 2009


of the SCHCH SMP/E target library. An Assembly Language copy member that describes these data structures as DSECTs is contained in the CHCUEXA member of the SCHCMAC SMP/E target library. . Related concepts Predefined entry data structures (table-level or row-level user exits) on page 174

Load module specification in Management Console

For each target table that you can work with in Management Console, you can specify load modules for each user exit point. For more information, see your Management Console documentation.

Sample table-level and row-level user exit programs

Sample user exit programs are provided with InfoSphere CDC. You may want to use a sample program as a base from which you develop your user exit program. For table-level user exits and row-level user exits, three sample user exit programs are provided with InfoSphere CDC, and are contained in the members CHCSAMRL (located in the SCHCCOB SMP/E target library), CHCSAMCX (located in the SCHCC SMP/E target library) and CHCSAMAX (located in the SCHCASM SMP/E target library). The last two programs have been written for data refresh only. For more information about replication methods, see your Management Console documentation. The CHCSAMRL member contains a COBOL program that replaces InfoSphere CDCs standard INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE operations against the tutorial CUSTOMER table during apply processing with similar operations using Static SQL, and provides logic to recover from duplicate key and row-not-found errors. The CHCSAMCX member contains a C program that creates a summary table while a detail table is being refreshed. The CHCSAMAX member contains an assembler program that supports data refresh to a flat (QSAM) file. You can modify these sample user exit programs for your working environment. Note: The sample user exits can be used as starting points to construct your own user exits. IBM is not responsible for any issues or errors caused by the use of the sample user exits and will not modify the user exits in any way to address these issues or errors.

Performance considerations
When you invoke a user-written program at a defined exit point, it is important to realize that a call is issued each time a clear, delete, insert, or update operation is applied to the target table. Therefore, when data replication activity is high, overall performance is affected by the kind of actions that are implemented through the code in the user-written programs. As a result, your programs should be written with performance in mind. They should be optimized as much as possible. In certain situations, you may decide that invoking user-written programs at specific points is not feasible if overall performance is adversely affected.

Working with table-level and row-level user exit programs

See also:


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

Defining and invoking programs at the table-level user exit and row-level user exit points Writing table-level user exit programs and row-level user exit programs Running the DB2 precompiler on page 172 Compiling and linking table-level user exit and row-level user exit programs on page 172 Binding the Database Request Module (DBRM) on page 173 Predefined entry data structures (table-level or row-level user exits) on page 174

Defining and invoking programs at the table-level user exit and row-level user exit points
The process of defining programs so that they can be invoked at table-level user exit and row-level user exit points is separated into the following steps that must be performed in the specified order: 1. Writing table-level user exit and row-level user exit programs. 2. Running the DB2 Precompiler. Note: This step only needs to be performed when table-level user exit and row-level user exit programs contain one or more SQL statements. 3. Compiling and linking table-level user exit and row-level user exit programs. 4. Binding the Database Request Module (DBRM). Note: This step only needs to be performed when table-level user exit and row-level user exit programs contain one or more SQL statements. 5. Specifying table-level user exits and row-level user exits in Management Console. Related concepts Writing table-level user exit programs and row-level user exit programs Running the DB2 precompiler on page 172 Compiling and linking table-level user exit and row-level user exit programs on page 172 Binding the Database Request Module (DBRM) on page 173

Writing table-level user exit programs and row-level user exit programs
Even though the sample user exit programs shipped with the product are written in COBOL, C and Assembly Language, programs can be written in any high-level language that supports reentrant coding techniques and standard OS linkage and uses the z/OS Language Environment. The user exit programs must be compiled and link-edited to use AMODE 31 (31-bit addressing). Table-level user exit and /row-level user exit programs must contain entry points (or external functions) that have the following names, according to their intended use: v BEFCLR (before clear) v AFTCLR (after clear) v BEFINS (before insert) v AFTINS (after insert)
InfoSphere CDC user exits


v v v v v

BEFDEL (before delete) AFTDEL (after delete) BEFUPD (before update) AFTUPD (after update) BEFREF (before refresh)

v AFTREF (after refresh) It is not necessary to create all of these entry points, only those that need to be used should be coded. Note that these are not the names that are specified in Management Console. Before or after a clear, insert, delete, update, or refresh operation is performed, if the corresponding entry point exists, then it is called, and the code that you provided for the called entry point is executed. The entry points you provided are also called during the times that the subscription is starting and stopping, as described below. Before active replication begins during the subscriptions initialization, each entry point that you define in a user exit program is called with the CALLTYPE field of the USRDATA predefined structure set to Initialize (value 2). This allows each entry point to provide code to obtain resources it will require, before any replication activities have started. Such initialization processing could include obtaining virtual storage resources, opening a file, obtaining onetime information from DB2 tables, and so on. After active replication is complete during the subscriptions termination, each entry point that you define in a user exit program is called with the CALLTYPE field of the USRDATA predefined structure set to Terminate (value 3). This allows each entry point to provide code to release resources it required, after all replication activities have ceased. Such termination processing could release obtained virtual storage, close an opened file, etcetera. For CALLTYPE values of Initialize and Terminate (values 2 and 3), no row data (if applicable) is passed to the user exit program in the predefined data structures. While active replication is ongoing, each entry point that you define in a user exit program is called with the CALLTYPE field of the USRDATA predefined structure set to Process (value 1). This indicates that the user exit program is being called for its processing purpose, and that row data (if applicable) is being passed to the user exit program in the predefined data structures. It can be seen from the paragraphs above that each entry point is called at least twice. For instance, if an AFTDEL entry point is defined, it is called twice even if there were no deletes replicated between the times that the subscription was started and stopped. You must provide code in each entry point for detecting and processing the Initialize and Terminate values of the CALLTYPE field of the USRDATA predefined structure, otherwise the result will be unpredictable, and the user exit program could abnormally terminate. When a user exit program entry point completes its processing, it must pass back a return code to InfoSphere CDC. This return code is the value returned by a program/function call. In the COBOL language, the return code is stored in the RETURN-CODE special register before the GOBACK statement for the program is executed. In C language, the return code is provided as the value of a return statement. In Assembly Language, the return code is provided as the value of the RC keyword in the RETURN macro instruction. The return code will cause


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

InfoSphere CDC to produce the defined responses as indicated in the following table:
Return Code Before Exits 0 InfoSphere CDC continues normal processing. Definition/Response After Exits InfoSphere CDC ignores any errors from the SQL statement that applied the change, and replication continues without any error handling by InfoSphere CDC.

Table-level and row-level operations This return code is not valid for are bypassed, corresponding after after entry points. entry points will still be called if they were provided. InfoSphere CDC reports a minor error, and replication activities are stopped if the ENDONERROR keyword has been set to YES for the specific replication activity (Refresh, Mirror, Audit). InfoSphere CDC reports a severe error, and replication activities are stopped regardless of the ENDONERROR setting.


If the SQL apply statement (INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE) for the target table has not been disabled using Management Console, then the SQLCODE value returned by these apply statements are passed to the after user exit programs (AFTINS, AFTUPD and AFTDEL) in the DBRTNCDE field of the USRDATA predefined structure. These after user exit programs can then affect the subsequent processing of an SQL error by InfoSphere CDC when they pass back their return code to InfoSphere CDC. Specifically, a return code of 0 will suppress InfoSphere CDCs SQL error processing, a return code of 8 will allow error processing to proceed normally, and a return code of 12 will fail the subscription unconditionally. User exit programs can also issue DB2 SQL statements themselves. Such SQL statements must be issued through the standard DB2 High-level Language Interface. Programs that contain DB2 SQL statements must be prepared using the DB2 precompiler or the corresponding languages SQL coprocessor (if available). User exit programs cannot issue COMMIT or ROLLBACK SQL statements unless they are called with the CALLTYPE field of the USRDATA predefined structure set to Terminate (value 3). For any other value of CALLTYPE, an SQL COMMIT or ROLLBACK statement issued from a table-level user exit or row-level user exit will be intercepted by InfoSphere CDC and suppressed, and the SQLCODE value received from the SQL COMMIT or ROLLBACK statement will be 0. Table-level user exits and row-level user exits are called from the z/OS task that implements the InfoSphere CDC Apply process. For this reason, any changes made to application data tables using SQL statements issued from within table-level user exits and row-level user exits will be committed or rolled back when InfoSphere CDC issues its SQL COMMIT or ROLLBACK statement for the commit group it was applying when it called the table-level user exits and row-level user exits. Any changes arising from SQL statements issued from within table-level user exits and row-level user exits will be in the same logical unit of work (LUoW) at the target side as the changes that were passed to the user exits when they issued the SQL statements.

InfoSphere CDC user exits


Under certain detected deadlock or timeout conditions, DB2 will internally ROLLBACK a unit of work and indicate this to the issuer of the last SQL statement for the unit of work by setting the SQLCODE to -911 or -913. When SQL statements are issued from table-level user exits and row-level user exits, such an SQLCODE is intercepted by InfoSphere CDC and not presented to the table-level user exits and row-level user exits. Instead, an SQLCODE of 0 is presented. InfoSphere CDC will then recover from the ROLLBACK condition by reissuing all the SQL in the current unit of work. In doing so, InfoSphere CDC will also recall any table-level user exits and row-level user exits for the changes being (re)applied. For this reason, it is not necessary to code logic in the user exit programs to check for SQLCODE values of -911 or -913 being returned from any SQL statements, nor to provide the attendant logic to handle such SQLCODE values. The USERDATA field in the USRDATA predefined structure is meant to be used by the user exits as a common resource field. It is defined in COBOL as a POINTER, in C as a void *, and in Assembly Language as an A-con. Initially, when the subscription starts, this field has all bits reset, which is equivalent to the POINTER value NULL/NULLS in COBOL or the pointer value NULL in C. The content of this field is never accessed or altered by InfoSphere CDC after the subscription has started. The content of this field is passed to all the table-level user exits and row-level user exits for all tables within a subscription. Each table-level user exit and row-level user exit receives the contents of this field as they were when the previously called table-level user exit and row-level user exit returned control to InfoSphere CDC. The first table-level user exit and row-level user exit to receive control for any table within the subscription can initialize the USERDATA field. For example, the first table-level user exit and row-level user exit to receive control can store a pointer to acquired storage in this field, and the acquired storage can be used to convey data and communicate status to subsequent calls of any of the provided table-level user exits and row-level user exits for all tables in the subscription. It is the responsibility of the table-level user exits and row-level user exits to release any resources they acquire before a subscription ends. Because all table-level user exits and row-level user exits are driven by the single task that implements the Apply process for a subscription within InfoSphere CDC, the table-level user exits and row-level user exits will be driven consecutively, and no two table-level user exits and row-level user exits will ever receive control concurrently within the same subscription. This effectively enforces a serialization on the content of the USERDATA field, and any user exit can examine and modify the content of the USERDATA field (or whatever data structure to which it points) without concern for serializing the accesses. Any activity within a table-level user exits and row-level user exit that involves blocking services (for example, issuing a DB2 SQL statement), or suspending execution (for example, issuing an Assembly Language WAIT macro instruction), will suspend the entire Apply process, and delay the subscription. Try to design the table-level user exits and row-level user exits to minimize or eliminate the use of such services. Frequently, it may be desirable for a table-level user exit and row-level user exit to generate a message describing a detected condition before it concludes. For example, a set of before insert, before update and before delete row-level user exits that implement pre-checking for and mitigation of operational errors (row not found and duplicate key) may want to issue a message describing the steps they took to eliminate an operational error. Such a message would be something like:


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

Operational Error avoided, UPDATE for key 1234 of CUSTOMER_ACCOUNT table was changed to an INSERT A message of this nature should be associated with other messages from the subscription in the event log. To achieve this, the USRMSG field of the USRDATA predefined structure can be used. Text for the message should be stored in the USRMSG field. This text must not exceed 512 characters, and the first character must not be a blank character. Only valid graphic display characters that can be entered on a keyboard should be used and the USRMSG field should be blank-padded to the full 512 characters. This text will be used to issue a CHC0335I message with informational severity. This message will appear in the Event Log for the subscription, and in the CHCPRINT spooled data set. The subscription will continue according to the specification of the return code, as described above. table-level user exits and row-level user exits must be coded, compiled and link edited as reentrant programs. This is generally as simple as specifying the RENT option for the compiler and the linkage editor. If an exit is written in Assembly Language, specific design and coding accommodations are required to produce reentrant code. If InfoSphere CDC loads a table-level user exit and row-level user exit and detects that it is not marked as reentrant by the linkage editor, then initialization of the associated subscription will fail and the subscription will terminate. If a table-level user exit and row-level user exit is marked reentrant by the linkage editor but is actually not executing according to the requirements of reentrancy, then unexpected errors can result, including the failure of the table-level user exit and row-level user exit, or corruption of the data being passed to the table-level user exit and row-level user exit. During development and testing, and sometimes during production execution, user-written table-level user exits and row-level user exits may experience error conditions that result in an abnormal termination. For example, a table-level user exit and row-level user exit may attempt to store data into a virtual storage area using a storage reference pointer, but inadvertently, the storage reference pointer contains the NULL pointer value. This will result in an ABEND S0C4 (General Protection Fault). Normally, InfoSphere CDC intercepts all abnormal terminations that arise from within table-level user exits and row-level user exits. InfoSphere CDC then issues an explanatory message to the Event Log and CHCPRINT spooled output data set, and terminates the subscription that called the failing table-level user exit and row-level user exit. Based on the Language Environment options provided to the InfoSphere CDC address space, LE may produce a diagnostic printout of the intercepted error, or permit a dump of the address space at the time of the error to occur. It is also possible to specify Language Environment options that inhibit InfoSphere CDC from intercepting such catastrophic errors. In this case, the catastrophic error is elevated to InfoSphere CDC itself, and the entire InfoSphere CDC address space may fail. It is the your responsibility to locate and fix any errors in their table-level user exits and row-level user exits. Judiciously specified Language Environment options, coupled with diagnostic tests and messages issued from within the table-level user exit and row-level user exit can be helpful in achieving this goal. The Language Environment options that disable the interception of abnormal terminations within the Language Environment enclave should not be used unless for a specific issue and in a controlled environment.

InfoSphere CDC user exits


Related concepts Running the DB2 precompiler Related reference USRDATA structure on page 175 ENDONERROR on page 35 CHC0335I on page 302

Running the DB2 precompiler

Note: This step only needs to be performed when table-level user exit and row-level user exit programs contain one or more SQL statements. If your table-level user exit and row-level user exit programs contain one or more SQL statements, you have to take some measures to have the SQL statements converted to the language of the hosting program. In the past, DB2 provided a program called the DB2 Precompiler that was used for this purpose. Now DB2 also provides compiler extension facilities, called SQL statement coprocessors, which are invoked by the compiler during its execution to handle embedded SQL. SQL statement coprocessors are available for COBOL, C, C++ and PL/I at the time of this writing. If you have access to the DB2 coprocessor for the language you used to write your table-level user exits and row-level user exits and the compiler you will use is able to work with the DB2 coprocessor, then go to the next section. If you must use the DB2 precompiler, then consult the appropriate IBM manual for more information about using the DB2 precompiler.

Compiling and linking table-level user exit and row-level user exit programs
In this step, compile and link-edit the user exit programs. User exits receive control as subordinate functions within InfoSphere CDC. When you compile some languages, it is necessary to direct the compiler to produce a main program or a subprogram (subordinate function), in accordance with how the program will be used. For example, the IBM C compiler has a START/NOSTART option. START is specified if the C program will be called directly through JCL or from TSO, that is, as a main. NOSTART: is specified if the C program will be link-edited into a load module and will only receive control when it is called by some other program within the load module, that is, as a subordinate function. Where the language being used requires it, always direct the compiler to compile any user exits as subordinate functions, not as a main program. Failure to do so could significantly increase the cost of calling the user exit, or cause the user exit to fail when it is called. As seen above, there are several types of table-level user exits and row-level user exits. If more than one of these user exits is required for all table mappings for a single subscription, then, as laid out above, they can be written as separate functions within a single source file. Alternatively, each table-level user exit and row-level user exit can be a single function within its own source file, although there may be little advantage to constructing them this way. In either case, the Link-editing step draws all the user exits for all table mappings in a single subscription into a single load module. The name for the load module is of your choosing, so long as it is unique and does not conflict with any names used by InfoSphere CDC (which all begin with CHC), DB2 (which all begin with DSN) or any z/OS system modules.


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

InfoSphere CDC supplies a module called CHCTEXIT (in the SCHCLOAD SMP/E target library). This module ties the different types of table-level user exits and row-level user exits together into a single unit. It must be link-edited with the output from the compiler, to produce an executable load module. In addition, CHCTEXIT must be defined as the entry point of the load module. Note: The C compiler can be directed to produce an intermediate object text format called XOBJ. This should be passed through the C prelinker to produce old-format OBJ text before link-editing the user exit. Alternatively, direct the C compiler to product Generalized Object File Format output by specifying the GOFF option. The following are the link-edit control statements necessary to produce a functional table-level user exit and row-level user exit:

Replace: v <objmodule> with the name of the object module produced by the compiler. If more than one object module is required, insert an additional INCLUDE statement for each object module. v <loadmodule> with the name of the load module that is produced from the link-edit and is specified in Management Console. This name must not be the same as any load module provided with InfoSphere CDC. To be certain of this, it is best not to use a load module name that starts with CHC. Note: When link-editing, the RENT (reentrant) and AMODE=31 (31 bit addressing mode) linkage editor options must be specified. The output from the linkage-editor is a load module, which is written to the load library that is allocated to the linkage-editor by the SYSLMOD DD statement. This load library, or a copy of it, must be made accessible to InfoSphere CDC using a CHCUXLIB DD statement in InfoSphere CDCs execution JCL. This load library must not be APF Authorized. When compiling and link-editing, respond to any errors or warnings that are reported. If you are working with the sample user exit programs provided with InfoSphere CDC, and you have not modified them, no errors or warnings should be generated. Note: User exit programs must be successfully compiled and link-edited before proceeding.

Binding the Database Request Module (DBRM)

Note: You only need to perform this step when user exit programs contain one or more SQL statements. In this step, bind the user exits DBRM that was created during precompilation with the InfoSphere CDC CHCDTC DB2 plan (CHCDTC is a generic name). It is recommended that any user exit DBRMs be bound into a package using the DB2
InfoSphere CDC user exits


BIND PACKAGE command. Using a package, rather than binding the user exit DBRM directly into the CHCDTC plan, allows the user exit to use its own values for certain BIND parameters such as QUALIFIER and ENCODING. The package created for the user exit can then be included in the BIND for plan CHCDTC using the PKLIST parameter. For BIND statements for all the InfoSphere CDC DB2 plans, refer to the CHCBNDPL member located in the SCHCCNTL SMP/E target library. Related concepts Running the DB2 precompiler on page 172 Running the DB2 precompiler on page 187 Running the DB2 precompiler on page 197

Predefined entry data structures (table-level or row-level user exits)

Each user exit program must provide the necessary support to accept predefined data structures containing information associated with the specific table-level or row-level operation that caused the user exit program to be invoked. Since user exit programs can be written in different languages, a general description of fields in each structure is provided in the following sections: v USRDATA Structure (Table-level and row-level user exits) v Journal Record Header Structure v Table Structure v Column Structure v Key Structure A COBOL copy member describing the predefined data structures is contained in the CHCUEXCB member of the SCHCCOB SMP/E target library. A C header file describing the predefined data structures is contained in the CHCUEXC6 member that is located in the SCHCH SMP/E target library. An Assembly Language copy member that describes the predefined data structures as DSECTs is contained in the CHCUEXA member that is located in the SCHCMAC SMP/E target library. Where the various predefined data structures data fields can be preset with specific, indicative values, the descriptive definitions for the specific languages use symbolic definitions for these values. The CHCUEXCB COBOL copy member contains 88-level symbols that define the indicative values. The CHCUEXC6 C header file contains manifest constants that define the indicative values. The CHCUEXA Assembly Language copy member contains EQU(ate) statements that define the indicative values. It is good programming practice to use these symbolic value representations and not the actual values in any language coding, so that future changes to the assignments of the indicative values will not cause problems with your user exits. See also: USRDATA structure on page 175 Journal record header structure on page 177 Table structure on page 178 Column structure on page 179 Key structure on page 179


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

USRDATA structure
This structure contains different information about the table-level user exit and row-level user exit that caused the user exit program to be invoked. USRDATA contains pointers to other predefined structures. Unless otherwise noted, all character fields in this structure are in UTF-8, blank padded and NOT NULL terminated.
Field Name LABEL Length (bytes) 8 Type Character Description An eye-catcher label for the structure containing the string USRDATA6 in EBCDIC. This field helps you to identify this structure in an address space dump. SRCSYSID EXITNAME 8 8 Character Character The source system identifier. The name of the load module that is specified in Management Console, in EBCDIC. The exit point where the user exit program was invoked. Possible values for a Table/Row level user exit: 1=After clear, 2=Before clear, 3=After delete, 4=Before delete, 5=After insert, 6=Before insert, 7=After update, 8=Before update 11=Derived Expression %User exit CALLTYPE 2 Integer The type of user exit call. Possible values: 1=Process, 2=Initialize, 3=Terminate USERDATA 4 Address Used to return data from the program that can be referenced in subsequent invocations. Data placed in this field is persistent across user exit program invocations. USRMSG RESERVED1 PFILE 512 64 4 Character Character Address Used to return a message that is placed in the Event Log. An area reserved for future expansion. A pointer to the structure containing information about the source and target tables. A pointer to the structure containing information about the journal record (NULL for deletes). The size of the before table record in bytes. A pointer to the before table record (NULL for inserts). The number of NULL fields in the before table record.






4 4 4

Integer Address Integer

InfoSphere CDC user exits


Field Name B4NULLIND

Length (bytes) 4

Type Address

Description A pointer to an array that identifies the NULL fields in the before table record. Possible values (in each array element): 0=Corresponding field is not NULL, 1=Corresponding field is NULL


4 4 4 4

Integer Address Integer Address

The size of the after table record in bytes. A pointer to the after table record (NULL for deletes). The number of NULL fields in after table record. A pointer to an array that identifies the NULL fields in after table record. Possible values (in each array element): 0=Corresponding field is not NULL, 1=Corresponding field is NULL


4 4 4 4

Integer Address Integer Address

The size of the target table record in bytes. A pointer to the target table record (NULL for deletes). The number of NULL fields in the target table record. A pointer to an array that identifies the NULL fields in the target table record. Possible values (in each array element): 0=Corresponding field is not NULL, 1=Corresponding field is NULL


4 4 4

Integer Address Integer

The size of the target table key in bytes. A pointer to the target table key (NULL for inserts). Replication method in effect. Possible values: 0=Mirroring, 1=Refresh, 2=Audit



For after user exit invocations, the SQL return code of the last row update operation. The content of this field is indeterminate for before user exit invocations. The number of NULL fields in the target table key. A pointer to an array that identifies the NULL fields in the target table key. Possible values (in each array element): 0=Corresponding field is not NULL, 1=Corresponding field is NULL


Integer Address


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation


Length (bytes) 64 4

Type Character Address

Description An area reserved for future expansion. An area that is reserved for expression user exits.

Related reference Table structure on page 178 Journal record header structure

Journal record header structure

This structure contains information about the journal record, and is referenced by the B4IMGHDR and IMGHDR fields in the USRDATA structure.
Length (in bytes) 8

Field Name LABEL

Type Character

Description An eye-catcher label for the structure containing the string USRJRNL6 in EBCDIC. This field helps you to identify this structure in an address space dump.


8 8 8 8 1

Unsigned Integer Unsigned Integer Unsigned Integer Unsigned Integer Character

The relative record number of the start transaction record in a commitment block. The relative record number of the source table record. The sequence number of the journal record. The sequence number of the before image journal record on an update. The journal code for the record. Possible values: R=Record type record, U=Refresh type record



The entry type within the journal code. Possible values: PT=Insert, DL=Delete, UP=Update after image, RR=Refresh record



The entry type within the journal code for a before image. Possible values: DL=Delete, UB=Update before image


30 10

Character Character

The name of the job associated with the journal record. The number of the job associated with the journal record.

InfoSphere CDC user exits



Length (in bytes) 30 90 256 10 256 30 30 26 26 30

Type Character Character Character Character Character Character Character Character Character Character

Description The name of the user associated with the journal record. The name of the journal containing the record. The name of the library where the journal is located. The name of the source member. The name of the source table. The name of the program associated with the journal record. The source system identifier. The timestamp associated with the journal record. The timestamp associated with the before image journal record. The user profile associated with the journal record.

Table structure
This structure contains information about the source table (object) and the target table (entity), and is referenced by the PFILE field in the USRDATA structure.
Length (in bytes) Type 8 Character

Field Name LABEL

Description An eye-catcher label for the structure containing the string USRFILE6 in EBCDIC. This field helps you to identify this structure in an address space dump.


256 256 128 128 128 128 4

Character Character Character Character Character Character Address

The name of the source table. The name of the library where the source table is located. The name of the target table. The owner of the target table. The name of the target table index. The owner of the target table index. A pointer to an array of structures containing information about each source and target column mapping. A pointer to an array of structures containing information about target key columns. The number of columns in the target table. The number of target table columns in the key.


4 2 2

Address Integer Integer


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation


Length (in bytes) Type 4 Integer

Description The method of replication to the target table. Possible values: 1=Mirror, 2=Refresh, 3=Audit



The type of the table mapping. Possible values: 2=Standard, 3=Audit, 4=Summarization, 5=One-to-One Consolidation, 6=One-to-Many Consolidation, 7=Adaptive Apply

Related reference USRDATA structure on page 175 Key structure Column structure

Column structure
This structure contains information about a single column in a row image, and is referenced by the PCOLUMN field of the Row Image structure.
Length (in bytes) 4 4


Type Address Integer

Description A pointer to the name of the column An integer containing the length of the data in the column. Will contain negative 1 (-1) if the column value is NULL. An integer containing the number of bytes allocated to hold the column data. May be larger than the length of the actual data value in the column. A pointer to the column data. Usually a NULL terminated character string.





Related reference Table structure on page 178

Key structure
This structure contains information about key columns. The PKEY field in the table structure points to an array that contains one of more instances of the following structure.

InfoSphere CDC user exits


Field Name LABEL

Length (in bytes) 8

Type Character

Description An eye-catcher label for the structure containing the string USRKEY6 in EBCDIC. This field helps you to identify this structure in an address space dump.


2 2

Integer Integer

The sequence number of the column in the key. The index in the column array identifying the structure that contains information about the key column. The column array is addressed by the PATR field in the table structure.



An area reserved for future expansion.

Related reference Table structure on page 178 Column structure on page 179

About expression user exits

When defining an expression in Management Console, the set of column functions that are provided by InfoSphere CDC may not be sufficient to perform certain operations that are required in your working environment. To address this issue, a column function is provided that you can use to invoke a user exit program from within an expression. User exit programs provide a way to define the operations that you want to perform through programming logic. Such programs should return a result, and can also return to InfoSphere CDC a code that indicates whether or not the user exit invocation was successful. Based on the return code, InfoSphere CDC operations continue or end. See also: The %USER function Predefined entry data structures for expression user exits on page 181 Sample expression user exit programs on page 181 Performance considerations on page 182 Related concepts Writing expression user exit programs on page 183

The %USER function

The %USER function allows you to call a user exit program from within an expression. The name of the program you want to call and the input parameters that you want to pass is specified in the %USER function call. Since the %USER function is contained in expressions specified in Management Console, the called user exit program should return a result to the expression. In the user exit program, the first position of a predefined array is reserved for defining the result of the user exit program call that is returned to the expression.


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

In addition, the user exit program can return a code to determine whether or not InfoSphere CDC operations continue after the user exit program call. For more information about the %USER function, see your Management Console documentation. Related concepts Predefined entry data structures for expression user exits

Predefined entry data structures for expression user exits

For each input parameter specified in the %USER invocation, different attributes of the parameter are passed to the named program, along with the actual value of the parameter. In order to receive these attributes in a user exit program, a predefined data structure has been created that identifies the specific attributes that are passed. In the user exit program, the code that you provide must accept an array of up to 21 pointers. The first pointer addresses the data structure that is used to return a result back to the %USER function in Management Console. The other 20 pointers reference the same data structure and are reserved for each input parameter specified in the %USER invocation (a maximum of 20 input parameters can therefore be specified in a %USER function call). When returning a value, it is important to note that the same attributes associated with each input parameter (data type, length, and so on) must also be specified in the user exit program for the returned value (the first pointer in array). A COBOL copy member describing the predefined data structures is contained in the CHCUEXCB member of the SCHCCOB SMP/E target library. A C header file describing the predefined data structures is contained in the CHCUEXC6 member of the SCHCH SMP/E target library. An Assembly Language copy member that describes these data structures as DSECTs is contained in the CHCUEXA member of the SCHCMAC SMP/E target library. Related reference USRDATA structure (Expression user exits) on page 190 XVAR input result parameter structure on page 191

Sample expression user exit programs

Sample user exit programs are provided with InfoSphere CDC. You may want to use a sample program as a base from which your develop your user exit program. For expression user exits, six sample user exit programs are provided with InfoSphere CDC, and are contained in the members CHCSAMUX, CHCSAMHX, CHCSAMTT, CHCSAMTX and CHCSAMGX (located in the SCHCC SMP/E target library), and CHCSAMUB (located in the SCHCCOB SMP/E target library). All members are located in the SMP/E target library SCHCC. The CHCSAMUX member contains a C program that converts an integer to its text equivalent. For example, if a value of 453 is passed to the program, then the program returns four hundred fifty three. The CHCSAMHX member contains a C program that converts data of any type to hexadecimal format and returns the result as a character string. For example, if an integer value of 65535 in a 32-bit fixed point binary field is passed to the program, the result that is returned is 0000FFFF. If an EBCDIC character value of 65535 is passed to the program, then the program returns F6F5F5F3F5.

InfoSphere CDC user exits


The CHCSAMTT member contains a C program that searches a CHAR-type data item for the presence of one or more text strings, and returns an indication of what it found. Where more than one text string is provided, the user exit can be directed to logically AND or OR the presence of the text strings in order to determine if the CHAR-type data passes or fails the examination. The CHCSAMTX member contains a C program that returns the current date, time, or timestamp. Up to two optional offsets (one for days and the other for hours) can be specified to return a date, time, or timestamp relative to the current value. For example, if the date format (*ISODATE) and a single offset of 7 (days) are passed to the program, the date that is returned is the current date plus seven days. If the timestamp format (*ISOTMST) and the offsets 21 (days) and 12 (hours) are passed to the program, then the program returns the current timestamp plus 21 days, and minus 12 hours. The CHCSAMGX member contains a C program that returns the name of a bank branch from the tutorial tables. This sample program illustrates the use of SQL statements in a user exit program. In this case, SQL statements retrieve the name from a table through the use of a foreign key. The CHCSAMUB member contains a COBOL program that accepts a packed decimal key value and uses it to index an existing table in order to return the corresponding value in an integer column. You can modify these sample user exit programs for your working environment. Note: The sample user exits can be used as starting points to construct your own user exits. IBM is not responsible for any issues or errors caused by the use of the sample user exits and will not modify the user exits in any way to address these issues or errors.

Performance considerations
A user exit program can be invoked from within an expression or row filtering expression. If %USER is included in an expression, the user exit program specified in the %USER invocation is called a number of times during refresh and mirroring operations. Therefore, when data replication activity is high, overall performance is affected by the kind of actions that are implemented through the code in the user exit programs. As a result, your programs should be written with performance in mind. They should be optimized as much as possible. In certain situations, you may decide that invoking user exit programs at specific points is not feasible if overall performance is adversely affected.

Working with expression user exit programs

See also: Defining and invoking user exit programs within an expression on page 183 Writing expression user exit programs on page 183 Running the DB2 precompiler on page 187 Compiling and linking expression user exit programs on page 187 Binding the Database Request Module (DBRM) on page 173 Predefined entry data structures on page 189


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

Defining and invoking user exit programs within an expression

The process of defining programs so that they can be invoked from within an expression in Management Console is separated into the following steps that must be performed in the specified order: 1. Writing Expression User Exit Programs. 2. Running the DB2 Precompiler. Note: This step only needs to be performed when expression user exit programs contain one or more SQL statements. 3. Compiling and Linking Expression User Exit Programs. 4. Binding the Database Request Module (DBRM). Note: This step only needs to be performed when expression user exit programs contain one or more SQL statements. 5. Specifying %USER in Management Console. Related concepts Writing expression user exit programs Running the DB2 precompiler on page 187 Binding the Database Request Module (DBRM) on page 173 Related reference Compiling and linking expression user exit programs on page 187

Writing expression user exit programs

User exit programs must be IBM Language Environment compliant, and use reentrant coding techniques and standard OS linkage. The expression user exits must be compiled and link-edited to use AMODE 31 (31-bit addressing). Before active replication begins during the subscriptions initialization, each expression user exit program is called with the CALLTYPE field of the USRDATA predefined structure set to Initialize (value 2). This allows each entry point to provide code to obtain resources it will require, before any replication activities have started. Such initialization processing could include obtaining virtual storage resources, opening a file, obtaining onetime information from DB2 tables, and so on. After active replication is complete during the subscriptions termination, each expression user exit program is called with the CALLTYPE field of the USRDATA predefined structure set to Terminate (value 3). This allows each entry point to provide code to release resources it required, after all replication activities have ceased. Such termination processing could release obtained virtual storage, close an opened file, etcetera. For CALLTYPE values of Initialize and Terminate (values 2 and 3), no user parameters (if applicable) are passed to the user exit program in the XVAR predefined data structures. While active replication is ongoing, each entry point that you define in an expression user exit program is called with the CALLTYPE field of the USRDATA predefined structure set to Process (value 1). This indicates that the expression

InfoSphere CDC user exits


user exit program is being called for its processing purpose, and that user parameters (if applicable) are being passed to the user exit program in the XVAR predefined data structures. It can be seen from the paragraphs above that each entry point is called at least twice. For instance, if an expression user exit is specified in a %USER function of an expression, it is called twice even if there were no changes replicated between the times that the subscription was started and stopped. You must provide code in an expression user exit for detecting and processing the Initialize and Terminate values of the CALLTYPE field of the USRDATA predefined structure, otherwise the result will be unpredictable, and the expression user exit program could abnormally terminate. When an expression user exit completes its processing, in addition to the return value that is returned through the first pointer, the user exit program that you write must pass back a return code to InfoSphere CDC. This return code is the value returned by a program/function call. In the COBOL language, the return code is stored in the RETURN-CODE special register before the GOBACK statement for the program is executed. In C language, the return code is provided as the value of a return statement. In Assembly Language, the return code is provided as the value of the RC keyword in the RETURN macro instruction. InfoSphere CDC recognizes the following return codes and responds as indicated in the following table:
User Exit Program Call Type (CALLTYPE Value) Return Code Process (1) 0

Definition/Response The user exit program processing call was successful. InfoSphere CDC continues normal processing. InfoSphere CDC reports a minor error. If the expression containing the %USER function is processed in the target environment, replication activities are stopped if the ENDONERROR parameter has been set to YES for the specific replication activity (Refresh, Mirror, Audit). If the expression containing the %USER function is processed in the source environment, replication activities are stopped unconditionally.

12 Initialize (2) 0

InfoSphere CDC reports a severe error, and replication activities are stopped. The user exit program initialization call was successful. InfoSphere CDC continues normal processing. An error was encountered during the user exit initialization call. InfoSphere CDC reports the error, and replication activities are not started. The user exit program termination call was successful. InfoSphere CDC continues normal processing. An error was encountered during the user exit termination call. InfoSphere CDC reports the error, but due to the type of call, normal processing continues.

Nonzero value

Terminate (3)

Nonzero value


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

User exit programs can also issue DB2 SQL statements. Such SQL statements must be issued through the standard DB2 High-level Language Interface. Programs that contain DB2 SQL statements must be prepared using the DB2 precompiler or the corresponding languages SQL coprocessor (if available). User exit programs cannot issue COMMIT or ROLLBACK SQL statements unless they are called with the CALLTYPE field of the USRDATA predefined structure set to Terminate (value 3). For any other value of CALLTYPE, an SQL COMMIT or ROLLBACK statement issued from a expression user exit will be intercepted by InfoSphere CDC and suppressed, and the SQLCODE value received from the SQL COMMIT or ROLLBACK statement will be 0. Expression user exits that are coded within row filtering expressions or within source expressions are called from the z/OS task that implements the InfoSphere CDC Logical Scrape process. Since no changes are made to application tables at the source side, there can be no expectation of a COMMIT or ROLLBACK being issued by InfoSphere CDC at the source side, and any SQL statements issued from within expression user exits called on the source side may never be committed. It is improper to code any SQL statements that actually change application data tables in expression user exits called on the source side of a subscription. SQL statements that query application data can be coded. Expression user exits that are coded within an expression on the target side are called from the z/OS task that implements the InfoSphere CDC Apply process. For this reason, any changes made to application data tables using SQL statements issued from within expression user exits will be committed or rolled back when InfoSphere CDC issues its SQL COMMIT or ROLLBACK statement for the commit group it was applying when it called the table-level user exits and row-level user exits. Any changes arising from SQL statements issued from within table-level user exits and row-level user exits will be in the same logical unit of work (LUoW) at the target side as the changes that were passed to the user exits when they issued the SQL statements. Under certain detected deadlock or timeout conditions, DB2 will internally ROLLBACK a unit of work and indicate this to the issuer of the last SQL statement for the unit of work by setting the SQLCODE to -911 or -913. When SQL statements are issued from expression user exits, such an SQLCODE is intercepted by InfoSphere CDC and not presented to the expression user exits. Instead, an SQLCODE of 0 is presented. InfoSphere CDC will then recover from the ROLLBACK condition by reissuing all the SQL in the current unit of work. In doing so, InfoSphere CDC will also recall any expression user exits for the changes being (re)applied. For this reason, it is not necessary to code logic in the user exit programs to check for SQLCODE values of -911 or -913 being returned from any SQL statements, nor to provide the attendant logic to handle such SQLCODE values. The USERDATA field in the USRDATA predefined structure is meant to be used by the user exits as a common resource field. It is defined in COBOL as a POINTER, in C as a void *, and in Assembly Language as an A-con. Initially, when the subscription starts, this field has all bits reset, which is equivalent to the POINTER value NULL/NULLS in COBOL or the pointer value NULL in C. The content of this field is never accessed or altered by InfoSphere CDC after the subscription has started. The content of this field is passed to all the user exits for all tables within a subscription. Each user exit receives the contents of this field as they were when
InfoSphere CDC user exits


the previously called user exit returned control to InfoSphere CDC. The first user exit to receive control for any table within the subscription can initialize the USERDATA field. For example, the first user exit to receive control can store a pointer to acquired storage in this field, and the acquired storage can be used to convey data and communicate status to subsequent calls of any of the provided expression user exits for all tables in the subscription. It is the responsibility of the user exits to release any resources they acquire before a subscription ends. Because all expression user exits are driven by the single task that implements the Scrape or Apply process for a subscription within InfoSphere CDC, the expression user exits will be driven consecutively, and no two expression user exits will ever receive control concurrently within the same subscription. This effectively enforces a serialization on the content of the USERDATA field, and any user exit can examine and modify the content of the USERDATA field (or whatever data structure to which it points) without concern for serializing the accesses. Any activity within an expression user exit that involves blocking services (for example, issuing a DB2 SQL statement), or suspending execution (for example, issuing an Assembly Language WAIT macro instruction), will suspend the entire Scrape or Apply process, and delay the subscription. Try to design the expression user exits to minimize or eliminate the use of such services. Frequently, it may be desirable for a table-level user exit and row-level user exit to generate a message describing a detected condition before it concludes. For example, a set of before insert, before update and before delete row-level user exits that implement prechecking for and mitigation of operational errors (row not found and duplicate key) may want to issue a message describing the steps they took to eliminate an operational error. Such a message would be something like: Operational Error avoided, UPDATE for key 1234 of CUSTOMER_ACCOUNT table was changed to an INSERT A message of this nature should be associated with other messages from the subscription in the event log. To achieve this, the USRMSG field of the USRDATA predefined structure can be used. Text for the message should be stored in the USRMSG field. This text must not exceed 512 characters, and the first character must not be a blank character. Only valid graphic display characters that can be entered on a keyboard should be used and the USRMSG field should be blank-padded to the full 512 characters. This text will be used to issue a CHC0335I message. This message will appear in the Event Log for the subscription, and in the CHCPRINT spooled data set. The subscription will continue according to the specification of the return code, as described above. Expression user exits must be coded, compiled and link-edited as reentrant programs. This is generally as simple as specifying the RENT option for the compiler and the linkage editor. If an exit is written in Assembly Language, specific design and coding accommodations are required to produce reentrant code. If InfoSphere CDC loads a expression user exit and detects that it is not marked as reentrant by the linkage editor, then initialization of the associated subscription will fail and the subscription will terminate. If a expression user exit is marked reentrant by the linkage editor but is actually not executing according to the requirements of reentrancy, then unexpected errors can result, including the failure of the expression user exit, or corruption of the data being passed to the expression user exit.


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

During development and testing, and sometimes during production execution, user-written expression user exits may experience error conditions that result in an abnormal termination. For example, an expression user exit may attempt to store data into a virtual storage area using a storage reference pointer, but inadvertently, the storage reference pointer contains the NULL pointer value. This will result in an ABEND S0C4 (General Protection Fault). Normally, InfoSphere CDC intercepts all abnormal terminations that arise from within expression user exits. InfoSphere CDC then issues an explanatory message to the Event Log and CHCPRINT spooled output data set, and terminates the subscription that called the failing expression user exit. Based on the Language Environment options provided to the InfoSphere CDC address space, LE may produce a diagnostic printout of the intercepted error, or permit a dump of the address space at the time of the error to occur. It is also possible to specify Language Environment options that inhibit InfoSphere CDC from intercepting such catastrophic errors. In this case, the catastrophic error is elevated to InfoSphere CDC itself, and the entire InfoSphere CDC address space may fail. It is the your responsibility to locate and fix any errors in their expression user exits. Judiciously specified Language Environment options, coupled with diagnostic tests and messages issued from within the expression user exit can be helpful in achieving this goal. The Language Environment options that disable the interception of abnormal terminations within the Language Environment enclave should not be used unless for a specific issue and in a controlled environment. Related concepts About expression user exits on page 180 Running the DB2 precompiler Related reference USRDATA structure (Expression user exits) on page 190 CHC0335I on page 302

Running the DB2 precompiler

Note: This step only needs to be performed when expression user exit programs contain one or more SQL statements. If your expression user exit programs contain one or more SQL statements, you have to take some measures to have the SQL statements converted to the language of the hosting program. In the past, DB2 provided a program called the DB2 precompiler that was used for this purpose. Now DB2 also provides compiler extension facilities, called SQL statement coprocessors, which are invoked by the compiler during its execution to handle embedded SQL. SQL statement coprocessors are available for COBOL, C, C++ and PL/I at the time of this writing. If you have access to the DB2 coprocessor for the language you used to write your expression exit and the compiler you will use is able to work with the DB2 coprocessor, then go to the next section. If you must use the DB2 precompiler, then consult the appropriate IBM manual for more information about using the DB2 precompiler.

Compiling and linking expression user exit programs

In this step, compile and link-edit the user exit programs. User exits receive control as subordinate functions within InfoSphere CDC. When you compile some languages, it is necessary to direct the compiler to produce a main program or a subprogram (subordinate function), in accordance with how the
InfoSphere CDC user exits


program will be used. For example, the IBM C compiler has a START/NOSTART option. START is specified if the C program will be called directly through JCL or from TSO ( in other words, as a main). NOSTART: is specified if the C program will be link-edited into a load module and will only receive control when it is called by some other program within the load module (in other words, as a subordinate function). Where the language being used requires it, always direct the compiler to compile any user exits as subordinate functions, not as a main program. Failure to do so could significantly increase the cost of calling the user exit, or cause the user exit to fail when it is called. The name for the load module is of your choosing, so long as it is unique and does not conflict with any names used by InfoSphere CDC (which all begin with CHC), DB2 (which all begin with DSN) or any z/OS system modules. InfoSphere CDC supplies a module called CHCTEXIT (in the SCHCLOAD SMP/E target library). This module ties the different types of expression exit together into a single unit. It must be link-edited with the output from the compiler, to produce an executable load module. In addition, CHCTEXIT must be defined as the entry point of the load module. Note: The C compiler can be directed to produce an intermediate object text format called XOBJ. This should be passed through the C prelinker to produce old-format OBJ text before link-editing the user exit. Alternatively, direct the C compiler to product Generalized Object File Format output by specifying the GOFF option. The following are the link-edit control statements necessary to produce a functional expression user exit:

Replace: v <objmodule> with the name of the object module produced by the compiler. If more than one object module is required, insert an additional INCLUDE statement for each object module. v <loadmodule> with the name of the load module that is produced from the link-edit and is specified in the %USER function call. This name must not be the same as any load module provided with InfoSphere CDC. To be certain of this, it is best not to use a load module name that starts with CHC:. Note: When link-editing, the RENT (reentrant) and AMODE=31 (31 bit addressing mode) linkage editor options must be specified. The output from the linkage-editor is a load module, which is written to the load library that is allocated to the linkage-editor by the SYSLMOD DD statement. This load library, or a copy of it, must be made accessible to InfoSphere CDC using a CHCUXLIB DD statement in InfoSphere CDCs execution JCL. This load library must not be APF Authorized.


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

When compiling and link-editing, respond to any errors or warnings that are reported. If you are working with the sample user exit programs provided with InfoSphere CDC, and you have not modified them, no errors or warnings should be generated. Note: User exit programs must be successfully compiled and link-edited before proceeding.

Binding the Database Request Module (DBRM)

Note: You only need to perform this step when user exit programs contain one or more SQL statements. In this step, bind the user exits DBRM that was created during precompilation with the InfoSphere CDC CHCDTC DB2 plan (CHCDTC is a generic name). It is recommended that any user exit DBRMs be bound into a package using the DB2 BIND PACKAGE command. Using a package, rather than binding the user exit DBRM directly into the CHCDTC plan, allows the user exit to use its own values for certain BIND parameters such as QUALIFIER and ENCODING. The package created for the user exit can then be included in the BIND for plan CHCDTC using the PKLIST parameter. For BIND statements for all the InfoSphere CDC DB2 plans, refer to the CHCBNDPL member located in the SCHCCNTL SMP/E target library. Related concepts Running the DB2 precompiler on page 172 Running the DB2 precompiler on page 187 Running the DB2 precompiler on page 197

Predefined entry data structures

Each user exit program must provide the necessary support to accept predefined data structures containing information about the %USER function call that caused the user exit program to be invoked. Since user exit programs can be written in different languages, a general description of the fields in each structure is provided in the following sections: v USRDATA Structure (Expression User Exits) v XVAR Input/Result Parameter Structure A COBOL copy member describing the predefined data structures is contained in the CHCUEXCB member of the SCHCCOB SMP/E target library. A C header file describing the predefined data structures is contained in the CHCUEXC6 member that is located in the SCHCH SMP/E target library. An Assembly Language copy member that describes the predefined data structures as DSECTs is contained in the CHCUEXA member that is located in the SCHCMAC SMP/E target library. Where the various predefined data structures data fields can be preset with specific, indicative values, the descriptive definitions for the specific languages use symbolic definitions for these values. The CHCUEXCB COBOL copy member contains 88-level symbols that define the indicative values. The CHCUEXC6 C header file contains manifest constants that define the indicative values. The CHCUEXA Assembly Language copy member contains EQU(ate) statements that define the indicative values. It is good programming practice to use these symbolic value representations and not the actual values in any language coding, so that future changes to the assignments of the indicative values will not cause problems with your user exits.
InfoSphere CDC user exits


USRDATA structure (Expression user exits) XVAR input result parameter structure on page 191

USRDATA structure (Expression user exits)

This structure contains different information about the expression user exit that caused the user exit program to be invoked. USRDATA contains a pointer to another predefined structure that is described in the following section. Unless otherwise noted, all character fields in this structure are in UTF-8, blank padded and NOT NULL terminated. Note: The same structure is used for table-level user exits and row-level user exits. For expression user exits, only a subset of the fields in the structure is used. Only the fields that are used are identified and described in the following table. All other fields must also be defined in your programs, but they are initialized to zeroes (integer type fields), blank characters (character type fields) and NULL (address fields).
Length (in bytes) 8

Field Name LABEL

Type Character

Description An eye-catcher label for the structure containing the string USRDATA6, in EBCDIC. This field helps you to identify this structure in an address space dump.



The name of the load module that is specified in Management Console, in EBCDIC. The exit point where the user exit program was invoked. For expression user exits, this field contains 11. Values from 1 to 8 inclusively are used to distinguish the different types of table-level user exits and row-level user exits.





The type of user exit call. Possible values: 1=Process, 2=Initialize, 3=Terminate



Used to return data from the program that can be referenced in subsequent invocations. Data placed in this field is persistent across user exit program invocations.


512 4

Character Address

Used to return a message that is placed in Event Log. A pointer to an array of structures, where each structure contains information about a %USER input or result parameter.


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

Related concepts Writing expression user exit programs on page 183 About expression user exits on page 180 Related reference USRDATA structure on page 175 XVAR input result parameter structure

XVAR input result parameter structure

This structure contains the attributes (data type, length, and so on) of an input parameter that is passed to the user exit program identified through the %USER function. The same structure is used to define the attributes of the result returned from the user exit program. This section introduces and describes each field in the structure.
Length (in bytes) 2

Field Name DATATYP

Type Integer

Description The type of data passed to or returned from the user exit program. Possible values: 1=Character, 2=Date, 3=Double Float, 4=Long Integer, 5=Packed Decimal, 6=Time, 7=Zoned Decimal


2 2 2 2

Integer Integer Integer Integer

The length of the data passed through the parameter (in bytes). The number of digits in numerical data passed through the parameter. The number of decimal places in numerical data passed through the parameter. Indicates whether the data passed though the parameter is NULL. Possible values: 0=Data is not NULL, 1=Data is NULL.



The format of date or time data passed through the parameter. Possible values for times: *USA=HH:MM AM/PM, *HMS=HH MM SS, *ISO=HH.MM.SS, *EUR=HH.MM.SS, *JIS=HH:MM:SS Possible values for dates: *ISO=CCYY/MM/DD, *JIS=CCYY/MM/DD, *USA=MM/DD/CCYY, *EUR=DD/MM/ CCYY, *YMD=YY/MM/DD, *MDY=MM/DD/YY, *DMY=DD/MM/YY, *JUL=YY.DDD

InfoSphere CDC user exits


Field Name DATAVAL

Length (in bytes) 2048

Type Character

Description The data value passed as an input parameter or returned as a result of the user exit program invocation. All input data is converted to character data, and the result of the user exit program invocation is returned as character data, always in UTF-8 encoding.

About conflict resolution user exits

When a conflict is detected, you can resolve the conflict by invoking a customized user exit program. This program allows you to define a conflict resolution strategy that is not covered by one of the standard resolution methods (source wins, target wins, largest value wins, or smallest value wins). The user exit program can resolve the conflict by returning a row that will be applied to the target table. See also: Predefined entry data structures for conflict resolution user exits Load module specification in Management Console on page 166 Performance considerations for conflict resolution user exits

Predefined entry data structures for conflict resolution user exits

When a user exit program is invoked, predefined data structures are passed to the program. These structures are used to pass information associated with the specific operation conflict that caused the user exit program to be invoked. In addition, the user exit program can return information through the same data structures so that it can be passed in subsequent calls. Therefore, these structures must be defined in each user exit program so that the information can be recognized and processed. Your user exit program can then reference specific items of information in the data structures. A COBOL copy member describing the predefined data structures is contained in the CHCUEXCB member of the SCHCCOB SMP/E target library. C header files describing the predefined data structures are contained in the CHCUEXC6 member of the SCHCH SMP/E target library. An Assembly Language copy member that describes these data structures as DSECTs is contained in the CHCUEXA member of the SCHCMAC SMP/E target library.

Load module specification in Management Console

For each target table that you can work with in Management Console, you can specify load modules for each user exit point. For more information, see your Management Console documentation.

Performance considerations for conflict resolution user exits

When you invoke a user-written program at a defined exit point, it is important to realize that a call is issued each time a conflict is detected for the target table.


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

Therefore, when conflicts occur at a high rate, overall performance is affected by the kind of actions that are implemented through the code in the user-written programs. As a result, your programs should be written with performance in mind. They should be optimized as much as possible. In certain situations, you may decide that invoking user-written programs is not feasible if overall performance is adversely affected.

Working with conflict resolution user exit programs

See also: Defining and invoking programs at the conflict resolution user exit points Writing conflict resolution user exit programs Running the DB2 precompiler on page 197 Compiling and linking conflict resolution user exit programs on page 197 Binding the Database Request Module (DBRM) on page 173 Predefined entry data structures on page 199

Defining and invoking programs at the conflict resolution user exit points
The process of defining programs so that they can be invoked at conflict resolution user exit points is separated into the following steps that must be performed in the specified order: 1. Writing conflict resolution user exit programs. 2. Running the DB2 precompiler. Note: This step only needs to be performed when conflict resolution user exit programs contain one or more SQL statements. 3. Compiling and linking conflict resolution user exit programs. 4. Binding the Database Request Module (DBRM). Note: This step only needs to be performed when user exit programs contain one or more SQL statements. 5. Specifying conflict resolution user exits in Management Console. Related concepts Writing conflict resolution user exit programs Running the DB2 precompiler on page 197 Binding the Database Request Module (DBRM) on page 173 Related reference Compiling and linking conflict resolution user exit programs on page 197

Writing conflict resolution user exit programs

Even though the sample user exit programs shipped with the product are written in COBOL, C and Assembly Language, programs can be written in any high-level language that supports reentrant coding techniques and standard OS linkage and uses the z/OS Language Environment. The user exit programs must be compiled and link-edited to use AMODE 31 (31-bit addressing).

InfoSphere CDC user exits


Conflict Resolution user exit programs must contain an entry point (or external function) that has the following name (Note that this is not the name that is specified in Management Console): v CDRXIT The entry point you provided is also called during the times that the subscription is starting and stopping, as described below. Before active replication begins during the subscriptions initialization, the entry point that you define in a user exit program is called with the CALLTYPE field of the CDRDATA predefined structure set to Initialize (value 2). This allows each entry point to provide code to obtain resources it will require, before any replication activities have started. Such initialization processing could include obtaining virtual storage resources, opening a file, obtaining one-time information from DB2 tables, and so on. After active replication is complete during the subscriptions termination, the entry point that you define in a user exit program is called with the CALLTYPE field of the CDRDATA predefined structure set to Terminate (value 3). This allows each entry point to provide code to release resources it required, after all replication activities have ceased. Such termination processing could release obtained virtual storage, close an opened file, etcetera.. For CALLTYPE values of Initialize and Terminate (values 2 and 3), no conflict data is passed to the user exit program in the predefined data structures. While active replication is ongoing, the entry point that you define in your user exit program is called with the CALLTYPE field of the CDRDATA predefined structure set to Process (value 1). This indicates that the user exit program is being called for its processing purpose, and that conflict data is being passed to the user exit program in the predefined data structures. It can be seen from the paragraphs above that each entry point is called at least twice even if there are no conflicts detected between the times that the subscription is started and stopped. You must provide code for detecting and processing the Initialize and Terminate values of the CALLTYPE field of the CDRDATA predefined structure, otherwise the result will be unpredictable, and the user exit program could abnormally terminate. When a user exit program entry point completes its processing, it must pass back a return code to InfoSphere CDC. This return code is the value returned by a program/function call. In the COBOL language, the return code is stored in the RETURN-CODE special register before the GOBACK statement for the program is executed. In C language, the return code is provided as the value of a return statement. In Assembly Language, the return code is provided as the value of the RC keyword in the RETURN macro instruction. The return code will cause InfoSphere CDC to produce the defined responses as indicated in the following table:
Return Code 0 0 Definition/Response InfoSphere CDC continues normal processing. InfoSphere CDC reports a severe error, and replication activities are stopped regardless of the ENDONERROR setting.


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

User exit programs can also issue DB2 SQL statements themselves. Such SQL statements must be issued through the standard DB2 High-level Language Interface. Programs that contain DB2 SQL statements must be prepared using the DB2 precompiler or the corresponding languages SQL coprocessor (if available). User exit programs cannot issue COMMIT or ROLLBACK SQL statements unless they are called with the CALLTYPE field of the CDRDATA predefined structure set to Terminate (value 3). For any other value of CALLTYPE, an SQL COMMIT or ROLLBACK statement issued from a conflict resolution user exit will be intercepted by InfoSphere CDC and suppressed, and the SQLCODE value received from the SQL COMMIT or ROLLBACK statement will be 0. Conflict resolution user exits are called from the z/OS task that implements the InfoSphere CDC Apply process. For this reason, any changes made to application data tables using SQL statements issued from within conflict resolution user exits will be committed or rolled back when InfoSphere CDC issues its SQL COMMIT or ROLLBACK statement for the commit group it was applying when it called the user exit. Any changes arising from SQL statements issued from within conflict resolution user exits will be in the same logical unit of work (LUoW) at the target side as the changes that were passed to the user exits when they issued the SQL statements. Under certain detected deadlock or timeout conditions, DB2 will internally ROLLBACK a unit of work and indicate this to the issuer of the last SQL statement for the unit of work by setting the SQLCODE to -911 or -913. When SQL statements are issued from conflict resolution user exits, such an SQLCODE is intercepted by InfoSphere CDC and not presented to the user exit. Instead, an SQLCODE of 0 is presented. InfoSphere CDC will then recover from the ROLLBACK condition by reissuing all the SQL in the current unit of work. In doing so, InfoSphere CDC will also recall any conflict resolution user exits for the changes being (re)applied. For this reason, it is not necessary to code logic in the user exit programs to check for SQLCODE values of -911 or -913 being returned from any SQL statements, nor to provide the attendant logic to handle such SQLCODE values. The USERDATA field in the CDRDATA predefined structure is meant to be used by the user exits as a common resource field. It is defined in COBOL as a POINTER, in C as a void *, and in Assembly Language as an A-con. Initially, when the subscription starts, this field has all bits reset, which is equivalent to the POINTER value NULL/NULLS in COBOL or the pointer value NULL in C. The content of this field is never accessed or altered by InfoSphere CDC after the subscription has started. The content of this field is passed to all the conflict resolution user exits for all tables within a subscription. Each conflict resolution user exit receives the contents of this field as they were when the previously called conflict resolution user exit returned control to InfoSphere CDC. The first conflict resolution user exit to receive control for any table within the subscription can initialize the USERDATA field. For example, the first conflict resolution user exit to receive control can store a pointer to acquired storage in this field, and the acquired storage can be used to convey data and communicate status to subsequent calls of any of the provided conflict resolution user exits for all tables in the subscription. It is the responsibility of the conflict resolution user exits to release any resources they acquire before a subscription ends. Because all conflict resolution user exits are driven by the single task that implements the Apply process for a subscription within InfoSphere CDC, the conflict resolution user exits will be driven consecutively, and no two conflict
InfoSphere CDC user exits


resolution user exits will ever receive control concurrently within the same subscription. This effectively enforces a serialization on the content of the USERDATA field, and any user exit can examine and modify the content of the USERDATA field (or whatever data structure to which it points) without concern for serializing the accesses. Any activity within a conflict resolution user exit that involves blocking services (for example, issuing a DB2 SQL statement), or suspending execution (for example, issuing an Assembly Language WAIT macro instruction), will suspend the entire Apply process, and delay the subscription. Try to design the conflict resolution user exits to minimize or eliminate the use of such services. Frequently, it may be desirable for a conflict resolution user exit to generate a message describing a detected condition before it concludes. For example, to issue a message describing the steps they taken to resolve the conflict. Such a message might be something like:
Operational Error avoided, UPDATE for key "1234" of CUSTOMER_ACCOUNT table was changed to an INSERT

A message of this nature should be associated with other messages from the subscription in the event log. To achieve this, the USRMSG field of the CDRDATA predefined structure can be used. Text for the message should be stored in the USRMSG field. This text must not exceed 512 characters, and the first character must not be a blank character. Only valid graphic display characters that can be entered on a keyboard should be used and the USRMSG field should be blank-padded to the full 512 characters. This text will be used to issue a CHC0335I message with informational severity. This message will appear in the Event Log for the subscription, and in the CHCPRINT spooled data set. The subscription will continue or terminate according to the specification of the return code, as described above. Conflict resolution user exits must be coded, compiled and link edited as reentrant programs. This is generally as simple as specifying the RENT option for the compiler and the linkage editor. If an exit is written in Assembly Language, specific design and coding accommodations are required to produce reentrant code. If InfoSphere CDC loads a conflict resolution user exit and detects that it is not marked as reentrant by the linkage editor, then initialization of the associated subscription will fail and the subscription will terminate. If a conflict resolution user exit is marked reentrant by the linkage editor but is actually not executing according to the requirements of reentrancy, then unexpected errors can result, including the failure of the conflict resolution user exit, or corruption of the data being passed to the conflict resolution user exit. During development and testing, and sometimes during production execution, user-written conflict resolution user exits may experience error conditions that result in an abnormal termination. For example, a conflict resolution user exit may attempt to store data into a virtual storage area using a storage reference pointer, but inadvertently, the storage reference pointer contains the NULL pointer value. This will result in an ABEND S0C4 (General Protection Fault). Normally, InfoSphere CDC intercepts all abnormal terminations that arise from within conflict resolution user exits. InfoSphere CDC then issues an explanatory message to the Event Log and CHCPRINT spooled output data set, and terminates the subscription that called the failing conflict resolution user exit. Based on the Language Environment options provided to the InfoSphere CDC address space, LE may produce a diagnostic printout of the intercepted error, or permit a dump of the InfoSphere CDC address space at the time of the error to occur. It is also


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

possible to specify Language Environment options that inhibit InfoSphere CDC from intercepting such catastrophic errors. In this case, the catastrophic error is elevated to InfoSphere CDC itself, and the entire InfoSphere CDC address space may fail. It is then your responsibility to locate and fix any errors in their conflict resolution user exits. Judiciously specified Language Environment options, coupled with diagnostic tests and messages issued from within the conflict resolution user exit can be helpful in achieving this goal. The Language Environment options that disable the interception of abnormal terminations within the Language Environment enclave should not be used unless for a specific issue and in a controlled environment. Related reference CDRDATA structure on page 200 CHC0335I on page 302

Running the DB2 precompiler

Note: This step only needs to be performed when conflict resolution user exit programs contain one or more SQL statements. If your conflict resolution user exit programs contain one or more SQL statements, you have to take some measures to have the SQL statements converted to the language of the hosting program. In the past, DB2 provided a program called the DB2 precompiler that was used for this purpose. Now DB2 also provides compiler extension facilities, called SQL statement coprocessors, which are invoked by the compiler during its execution to handle embedded SQL. SQL statement coprocessors are available for COBOL, C, C++ and PL/I at the time of this writing. If you have access to the DB2 coprocessor for the language you used to write your conflict resolution exit and the compiler you will use is able to work with the DB2 coprocessor, then go to the next section. If you must use the DB2 precompiler, then consult the appropriate IBM manual for more information about using the DB2 precompiler.

Compiling and linking conflict resolution user exit programs

In this step, compile and link-edit the user exit programs. User exits receive control as subordinate functions within InfoSphere CDC. When you compile some languages, it is necessary to direct the compiler to produce a main program or a sub-program (subordinate function), in accordance with how the program will be used. For example, the IBM C compiler has a START/NOSTART option. START is specified if the C program will be called directly through JCL or from TSO, that is, as a main. NOSTART: is specified if the C program will be link-edited into a load module and will only receive control when it is called by some other program within the load module, that is, as a subordinate function. Where the language being used requires it, always direct the compiler to compile any user exits as subordinate functions, not as a main program. Failure to do so could significantly increase the cost of calling the user exit, or cause the user exit to fail when it is called. The name for the load module is of your choosing, so long as it is unique and does not conflict with any names used by InfoSphere CDC (which all begin with CHC), DB2 (which all begin with DSN) or any z/OS system modules. InfoSphere CDC supplies a module called CHCTEXIT (in the SCHCLOAD SMP/E target library). This module ties the different types of user exits together into a
InfoSphere CDC user exits


single unit. It must be link-edited with the output from the compiler to produce an executable load module. In addition, CHCTEXIT must be defined as the entry point of the load module. Note: The C compiler can be directed to produce an intermediate object text format called XOBJ. This should be passed through the C prelinker to produce old-format OBJ text before link-editing the user exit. Alternatively, direct the C compiler to product Generalized Object File Format output by specifying the GOFF option. The following are the link-edit control statements necessary to produce a functional expression user exit:

Replace v <objmodule> with the name of the object module produced by the compiler. If more than one object module is required, insert an additional INCLUDE statement for each object module. v <loadmodule> with the name of the load module that is produced from the link-edit and is specified in Management Console. This name must not be the same as any load module provided with InfoSphere CDC. To be certain of this, it is best not to use a load module name that starts with CHC. Note: When link-editing, the RENT (reentrant) and AMODE=31 (31 bit addressing mode) linkage editor options must be specified. The output from the linkage-editor is a load module, which is written to the load library that is allocated to the linkage-editor by the SYSLMOD DD statement. This load library, or a copy of it, must be made accessible to InfoSphere CDC using a CHCUXLIB DD statement in InfoSphere CDCs execution JCL. This load library must not be APF Authorized. When compiling and link-editing, respond to any errors or warnings that are reported. If you are working with the sample user exit programs provided with InfoSphere CDC, and you have not modified them, no errors or warnings should be generated. Note: User exit programs must be successfully compiled and link-edited before proceeding.

Binding the Database Request Module (DBRM)

Note: You only need to perform this step when user exit programs contain one or more SQL statements. In this step, bind the user exits DBRM that was created during precompilation with the InfoSphere CDC CHCDTC DB2 plan (CHCDTC is a generic name). It is recommended that any user exit DBRMs be bound into a package using the DB2 BIND PACKAGE command. Using a package, rather than binding the user exit DBRM directly into the CHCDTC plan, allows the user exit to use its own values


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

for certain BIND parameters such as QUALIFIER and ENCODING. The package created for the user exit can then be included in the BIND for plan CHCDTC using the PKLIST parameter. For BIND statements for all the InfoSphere CDC DB2 plans, refer to the CHCBNDPL member located in the SCHCCNTL SMP/E target library. Related concepts Running the DB2 precompiler on page 172 Running the DB2 precompiler on page 187 Running the DB2 precompiler on page 197

Predefined entry data structures

Each user exit program must provide the necessary support to accept predefined data structures containing information associated with the specific conflict resolution operation that caused the user exit program to be invoked. Since user exit programs can be written in different languages, a general description of fields in each structure is provided in the following sections: v CDRDATA Structure v Conflict Detection Resolution (CDR) Control Structure v Row Image Structure v Column Structure A COBOL copy member describing the predefined data structures is contained in the CHCUEXCB member of the SCHCCOB SMP/E target library. A C header file describing the predefined data structures is contained in the CHCUEXC6 member that is located in the SCHCH SMP/E target library. An Assembly Language copy member that describes the predefined data structures as DSECTs is contained in the CHCUEXA member that is located in the SCHCMAC SMP/E target library. Where the various predefined data structures data fields can be preset with specific, indicative values, the descriptive definitions for the specific languages use symbolic definitions for these values. The CHCUEXCB COBOL copy member contains 88-level symbols that define the indicative values. The CHCUEXC6 C header file contains manifest constants that define the indicative values. The CHCUEXA Assembly Language copy member contains EQU(ate) statements that define the indicative values. It is good programming practice to use these symbolic value representations and not the actual values in any language coding, so that future changes to the assignments of the indicative values will not cause problems with your user exits. CDRDATA structure on page 200 Conflict Detection Resolution (CDR) control structure on page 201 Row Image structure on page 203 Column structure on page 203

InfoSphere CDC user exits


Related concepts Predefined entry data structures for conflict resolution user exits on page 192 Related reference CDRDATA structure Conflict Detection Resolution (CDR) control structure on page 201 Row Image structure on page 203 Column structure on page 203

CDRDATA structure
This structure contains different information about the conflict resolution user exit that caused the user exit program to be invoked. CDRDATA contains pointers to other predefined structures. Unless otherwise noted, all character fields in this structure are in UTF-8, blank padded and NOT NULL terminated.
Length (in bytes) 8

Field Name LABEL

Type Character

Description An eye-catcher label for the structure containing the string CDRDATA6 in EBCDIC. This field helps you to identify this structure in an address space dump.


8 8

Character Character

The source system identifier. The name of the load module that is specified in Management Console, in EBCDIC. The exit point where the user exit program was invoked. Possible values for a Conflict Resolution User Exit: 16=Conflict Resolution exit





The type of user exit call. Possible values: 1=Process, 2=Initialize, 3=Terminate



Used to return data from the program that can be referenced in subsequent invocations. Data placed in this field is persistent across user exit program invocations.


16 512 4 4

Character Character Address Address

An area reserved for future expansion. Used to return a message that is placed in the Event Log. A pointer to the structure containing information about the conflict to be resolved. A pointer to the structure containing information describing the Before image of the row with a detected conflict.


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation


Length (in bytes) 4

Type Address

Description A pointer to the structure containing information describing the After image of the row with a detected conflict. A pointer to the structure containing information describing the Before image of the row with a detected conflict. A pointer to the structure containing information describing the Desired image of the row with a detected conflict. An area reserved for future expansion.








Related concepts Writing conflict resolution user exit programs on page 193 Related reference Row Image structure on page 203

Conflict Detection Resolution (CDR) control structure

This structure contains information about the conflict detected in applying data to the target table. It is referenced by the PCONTROL field in the CDRDATA structure.
Length (in bytes) 4


Type Integer

Description An integer giving the version of the CDR user exit interface. Possible values: 1=Revision 1


4 4 4 4

Address Address Address Address

A pointer to the source schema name. A pointer to the source table name. A pointer to the source member name. A pointer to the timestamp from the source system The referenced timestamp is a character string in the format CCYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss.ffffff


4 4 4 4 4

Address Address Address Address Integer

A pointer to the subscription name. A pointer to the target table schema name. A pointer to the target table name. A pointer to the target member name (expected to be NULL on z/OS). The number of columns in the row image structures.

InfoSphere CDC user exits



Length (in bytes) 1

Type Integer

Description A code indicating the operation on the target table that resulted in the conflict. Possible values: 1=Insert, 2=Update, 3=Delete



A code indicating the conflict type that was detected. Possible values: 1=Row exists, 2=Row missing, 3=Before image different



A code indicating whether the before image was provided to the user exit Possible values: 1=Image exists, 0=Image not available



A code indicating whether the after image was provided to the user exit Possible values: 1=Image exists, 0=Image not available



A code indicating whether the target image was provided to the user exit Possible values: 1=Image exists, 0=Image not available



A code indicating whether the desired image was provided to the user exit Possible values: 1=Image exists, 0=Image not available



A code indicating whether the before image was provided to the user exit Possible values: 1=Image exists, 0=Image not available



An integer to be updated by the user exit to indicate processing success or failure. Possible values: 0=Processing continues, >0=An error occurred. replication activities are stopped regardless of the ENDONERROR setting.


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation


Length (in bytes) 1

Type Integer

Description An integer to be updated by the user exit to indicate whether or not the desired image should be applied to the target table. Possible values: 1=Use desired image, 0=Conflict not resolved. A permanent error will be logged. Replication will continue or stop, according to the ENDONERROR setting.

Related concepts Predefined entry data structures on page 199 Related reference Row Image structure

Row Image structure

This structure contains information about a row image for the conflict. Each of the PBEFOREMG, PAFTERIMG, PTARGETIMG and PDESIREDIMG fields in the CDR Control structure points to an array that contains one of more instances of the following structure.
Length (in bytes) 4

Field Name PCOLUMN

Type Address

Description A pointer to a column structure.

Related reference Conflict Detection Resolution (CDR) control structure on page 201 Column structure

Column structure
This structure contains information about source columns (fields) and target columns (attributes). The PATR field in the table structure points to an array that contains one of more instances of the following structure.
Length (in bytes) Type 8

Field Name LABEL


Character An eye-catcher label for the structure containing the string USRATR6 in EBCDIC. This field helps you to identify this structure in an address space dump.


30 30 20 4

Character The name of the target table column. Character The value mapped to the target table column if ATRDFTYP is set to O. Character Column code page name in EBCDIC. Integer The length (in bytes) of the target table column.

InfoSphere CDC user exits



Length (in bytes) Type 4 2 Integer Integer

Description The column CCSID (Coded Character Set Identifier) The data type of the target table column. Possible values: 2=Character, 4=Date, 6=Packed Decimal, 7=Float, 8=Graphic, 9=Long (4 byte) integer, 10=Rowid, 11=Small (2 byte) integer, 12=Time, 13=Timestamp, 14=Varchar, 15=Graphic, 16=Long Long (8 byte) Integer, 17=Binary, 18=Decfloat, 19=Varbin (variable length binary)



The subtype of the character target table column. Possible values: 0=No subtype, 1=Char for bit, 2=Char for mixed data, 3=Char for SBCS data



The type of mapping for the target table column. Possible values: 1=Constant, 2=Derived expression, 3=Publication table column mapping, 4=Journal control field



The defined value mapped to the target table column. Possible values: 0=No constant, 1=Blank, 2=Current date, time, or timestamp, 3=NULL, 4=Other value, 5=Zero.



An indicator of whether the target table column is NULL-capable. Possible values: 1=NULL-capable, 0=Not NULL-capable


2 2 2 2 2

Integer Integer Integer Integer Integer

The number of digits in a numeric target table column. The number of decimal places in a numeric target table column. The sequence number of the target table column. The sequence number of the target table column in the key. An indicator of whether data translations have been defined for the target table column. Possible values: 0=Data translations have not been defined, 1=Data translations have been defined


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation


Length (in bytes) Type 2 Integer

Description An indicator of the type of summarization to be performed on the target column Possible values: 0=No summarization, 1=Accumulation, 2=Deduction


2 2

Integer Integer

The sequence number of the summarization key for the target column. An indicator of whether Conflict Detection and Resolution has been selected for the target column. Possible values: 1=Conflict detection is to be performed, 0=No conflict detection will be performed



An indicator of whether or not the target column is defined as GENERATE ALWAYS Possible values: 1=Column is GENERATE ALWAYS, 0=Column is not GENERATE ALWAYS



An indicator of whether or not the target column is defined as an identity column Possible values: 1=Column is an identity, 0=Column is not an identity column


2 30 30 20 1 7 4 4 4

Character An area reserved for future expansion. Character The name of the source table column. Character The name of the source table column type. Character Source table column code page name in EBCDIC Character The character that separates elements in dates and times for the source table column. Character An area reserved for future expansion. Integer Integer Integer If applicable, the coded character set identifier for the source table column. The offset of the source table column in the journal record. The length (in bytes) of the source table column.

InfoSphere CDC user exits


Field Name FLDTYP

Length (in bytes) Type 2 Integer

Description The data type of the source table column. Possible values: 2=Character, 4=Date, 6=Packed Decimal, 7=Float, 8=Graphic, 9=Long (4 byte) integer, 10=Rowid, 11=Small (2 byte) integer, 12=Time, 13=Timestamp, 14=Varchar, 15=Graphic, 16=Long Long (8 byte) Integer, 17=Binary, 18=Decfloat,, 19=Varbin (variable length binary)



An indicator of whether the source table column is NULL-capable. Possible values: 1=NULL-capable, 0=Not NULL-capable


2 2 2 64

Integer Integer Integer

The sequence number of the target table column. The number of digits in a numeric source table column. The number of decimal places in a numeric source table column.

Character An area reserved for future expansion.

Conflict resolution audit table

When InfoSphere CDC resolves a conflict between the source and target tables, it records information about the resolution in the DMMD_DMCONFAUD table. InfoSphere CDC creates this table in the target metadata location that is specified during the configuration of InfoSphere CDC. You can use the DMMD_DMCONFAUD table to track how conflict resolution affects your target table. For example, you can query the AFTERIMG column to see when a change was made to the target table. Then you can review the contents of the BEFOREIMG and AFTERIMG columns to see the change on the source table that resulted in the data on the target table. This can help in identifying issues in your conflict resolution strategy. Conflict detection and resolution is configured in Management Console. For more information, see your Management Console documentation. The structure of the DMMD_DMCONFAUD table is as follows:
Column CNFTIME SRCTIME SRCSYSID SRCSCHEMA SRCNAME Description The date and time on the target when the conflict was detected. The time the conflicting data was applied to the source table. The source ID of the subscription. The schema or library name for the source table. The name of the source table.


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation


Description This field is blank. The schema or library for the target table. The name of the target table. This column is only used for the IBM i platform. The row-level operation on the source that caused the conflict. The value is one of: v 1arrow was inserted into the source table. v 2arrow was updated on the source table. v 3arrow was deleted from the source table.


The type of conflict that was detected. The value is one of: v 1arrow was inserted into the source table. The key for that row already exists in the target table. v 2arrow was updated or deleted on the source table. The key for that row does not exist in the target table. v 3arrow was updated or deleted on the source table. The images of the source and target tables do not match. v 4an unexpected conflict was detected.


The conflict resolution method that was used. The value is one of: v 1source wins v 2target wins v 3largest value wins v 4smallest value wins v 5user exit If the resolution method was None, then a row will not be entered into this table. See your InfoSphere CDC documentation for more information on these methods.


Indicates if the conflict was resolved. The value is one of: v Ythe conflict was resolved. v Nthe conflict was not resolved.


Indicates if the before image stored in BEFOREIMG was truncated. The value is one of: v Ythe value was truncated. v Nthe value was not truncated.


A representation of the row in the source table after it was changed. See Row Image Format for more information on the format of this column. Indicates if the after image stored in AFTERIMG was truncated. The value is one of: v Ythe value was truncated. v Nthe value was not truncated.



A representation of the row in the source table after it was changed. See Row Image Format for more information on the format of this column.

InfoSphere CDC user exits



Description A representation of the row in the target table before replication occurred. See Row Image Format for more information on the format of this column. Indicates if the after image stored in TGTIMG was truncated. The value is one of: v Ythe value was truncated. v Nthe value was not truncated.



A representation of the final row in the target table after conflict resolution has occurred. See Row Image Format for more information on the format of this column. Indicates if the image stored in WINIMG was truncated. The value is one of: v Ythe value was truncated. v Nthe value was not truncated.


See also: Row image format Truncated images Related concepts InfoSphere CDC metadata tables on page 163 Related reference Row image format

Row image format

The BEFOREIMG, AFTERIMG, TGTIMG, and WINIMG columns in the audit table show representations of a row in either the source or target table. The images in these columns are limited by the maximum length of VARCHAR data on your target metadata database. The images contain all of the values in the row, except for data in raw, binary, or LOB columns. The data from each column is presented in the following format:

In the format above, value is the data in the column and length is the number of characters used to represent the data. The images display numeric data as character strings and NULL values as (null). The row images match the column order in the source table and the conflict resolution audit table. These images may be truncated if the image is longer than the maximum length of VARCHAR data in the target metadata database. If a tables key column is not the first column in the table, then it may be truncated.

Truncated images
If a row image is longer than the maximum length of a VARCHAR column, then they will be truncated. There is a column in the audit table that indicates if each image column has been truncated. For example, if WINTRNC is Y, then the value of WINIMG was truncated. The format of the truncated column is:


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

In the format above, value is the truncated value and length is the number of characters in the truncated string.

About notifications user exits

In Management Console, you can identify specific InfoSphere CDC events that generate notifications allowing you to respond quickly to certain situations. After notifying one or more message categories, you can specify how you want to be notified. InfoSphere CDC currently supports three different notification methods. One of them is to call a user exit program when a notification is triggered. If this method is selected, information contained in this section is relevant. See also: Notifications Predefined entry data structures for notifications user exits Sample notifications user exit program Performance considerations

For more information about this feature, see your Management Console documentation.

Predefined entry data structures for notifications user exits

When a user exit program is invoked, predefined data structures are passed to the program. These structures are used to pass information about the triggered notification that caused the user exit program to be invoked. In addition, the user exit program can return information through the same data structures so that it can be accessed in subsequent calls. Therefore, these structures must be defined in each user exit program so that the information can be recognized and processed. Your user exit program can then reference specific items of information in the data structures. Related reference Predefined entry data structures on page 214

Sample notifications user exit program

Sample user exit programs are provided with InfoSphere CDC. You may want to use a sample program as a base from which your user exit program is developed. For Notifications exits, a single sample user exit program is provided with the product, and is contained in the CHCSAMLX member (located in the SCHCC SMP/E target library). This program provides a skeleton for alert handling based on the attributes of the notification specified through Management Console. It also provides stubs where code can be added for user exit initialization and termination tasks.

Performance considerations
Notifications are triggered each time an InfoSphere CDC message belonging to a specific functional zone and severity level is generated. If you notify a number of zone and severity level combinations, and select user exit programs as the notification handler in each case, performance is an important consideration in environments that generate a large volume of messages.

InfoSphere CDC user exits


As a result, your programs should be written with performance in mind. They should be optimized as much as possible. In certain situations, you may decide to only invoke user exit programs in critical situations (for instance, only when fatal messages are generated) to minimize the performance impact.

Working with Notifications user exit programs

See also: Defining and invoking Notifications user exit programs Writing notifications user exit programs Compiling and linking notifications user exit programs on page 213 Predefined entry data structures on page 214

Defining and invoking Notifications user exit programs

The process of defining programs so that they can be invoked in response to triggered notifications is separated into the following steps that must be performed in the specified order: 1. Writing notifications user exit programs. 2. Compiling and linking notifications user exit programs. 3. Specifying notifications user exits in Management Console. Related reference Writing notifications user exit programs Compiling and linking notifications user exit programs on page 213

Writing notifications user exit programs

Specifying Notifications user exits in Management Console. Notifications user exit programs must contain the following entry point (or external functions) name: v ALRMXIT Before active replication begins during the subscriptions initialization, each Notifications user exit program is called with the CALLTYPE field of the USRALARM predefined structure set to Initialize (value 2). This allows each entry point to provide code to obtain resources it will require, before any replication activities have started. Such initialization processing could include obtaining virtual storage resources, opening a file, obtaining one-time information from DB2 tables, and so on. After active replication is complete during the subscriptions termination, each Notifications user exit program is called with the CALLTYPE field of the USRALARM predefined structure set to Terminate (value 3). This allows each entry point to provide code to release resources it required, after all replication activities have ceased. Such termination processing could release obtained virtual storage, close an opened file, and so on. For CALLTYPE values of Initialize and Terminate (values 2 and 3), no specific message was issued or passed to the user exit program in the USRALARM and Message predefined data structures.


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

While active replication is ongoing, each Notifications user exit program is called with the CALLTYPE field of the USRALARM predefined structure set to Process (value 1). This indicates that the Notifications user exit program is being called for its processing purpose, and that a message will be issued and is being passed to the user exit program in the USRALARM and Message predefined data structures. It can be seen from the paragraphs above that each exit is called at least twice. For instance, if an Notifications user exit is specified, it is called twice even if there were no messages generated in the alarmed category between the times that the subscription was started and stopped. You must provide code in an Notifications user exit for detecting and processing the Initialize and Terminate values of the CALLTYPE field of the USRALARM predefined structure, otherwise the result will be unpredictable, and the Notifications user exit program could abnormally terminate. When an Notifications user exit completes its processing, in addition to any action taken during processing, the user exit program that you write must pass back a return code to InfoSphere CDC. This return code is the value returned by a program/function call. In the COBOL language, the return code is stored in the RETURN-CODE special register before the GOBACK statement for the program is executed. In C language, the return code is provided as the value of a return statement. In Assembly Language, the return code is provided as the value of the RC keyword in the RETURN macro instruction. InfoSphere CDC recognizes the following return codes and responds as indicated in the following table:
Return Code 0 Definition and Response The user exit program invocation was successful. InfoSphere CDC continues normal processing. An error was encountered during execution of the user exit program. InfoSphere CDC reports a standard processing error, and replication activities are stopped. Note: For this return code, InfoSphere CDC replication activities always terminate. The current setting of the ENDONERROR configuration control statement keyword is not examined to determine whether replication activities should continue or end.

Notifications user exit programs cannot issue any SQL statements. Any attempt to do so will result in the abnormal termination of the user exit program. The USERDATA field in the USRDATA predefined structure (see USRALARM Structure) is meant to be used by the user exits as a common resource field. It is defined in COBOL as a POINTER, in C as a void *, and in Assembly Language as an A-con. Initially, when the subscription starts, this field has all bits reset, which is equivalent to the POINTER value NULL/NULLS in COBOL or the pointer value NULL in C. The content of this field is never accessed or altered by InfoSphere CDC after the subscription has started. The content of this field is passed to all the Notifications user exits within a subscription. Each user exit receives the contents of this field as they were when the previously called user exit returned control to InfoSphere CDC. The first user exit to receive control within the subscription can initialize the USERDATA field. For example, the first user exit to receive control can store a pointer to acquired storage in this field, and the acquired storage can be used to convey data and communicate status to subsequent calls of any of the
InfoSphere CDC user exits


provided Notifications user exits in the subscription. It is the responsibility of the user exits to release any resources they acquire before a subscription ends. Because all Notifications user exits are driven by the single task that implements the Product Administration Log process for a subscription within InfoSphere CDC, the Notifications user exits will be driven consecutively, and no two Notifications user exits will ever receive control concurrently within the same subscription. This effectively enforces a serialization on the content of the USERDATA field, and any user exit can examine and modify the content of the USERDATA field (or whatever data structure to which it points) without concern for serializing the accesses. Any activity within a notifications user exit that involves blocking services or suspending execution (for example, issuing an Assembly Language WAIT macro instruction), will suspend the entire Product Administration Log process, and delay the InfoSphere CDC address space, including all the subscriptions. Try to design the Notifications user exits to minimize or eliminate the use of such services. Notifications user exits must be coded, compiled and link-edited as reentrant programs. This is generally as simple as specifying the RENT option for the compiler and the linkage editor. If an exit is written in Assembly Language, specific design and coding accommodations are required to produce reentrant code. If InfoSphere CDC loads a Notifications user exit and detects that it is not marked as reentrant by the linkage editor, then initialization of the associated subscription will fail and the subscription will terminate. If a Notifications user exit is marked reentrant by the linkage editor but is actually not executing according to the requirements of reentrancy, then unexpected errors can result, including the failure of the Notifications user exit, or corruption of the data being passed to the Notifications user exit. During development and testing, and sometimes during production execution, user-written notifications user exits may experience error conditions that result in an abnormal termination. For example, a Notifications user exit may attempt to store data into a virtual storage area using a storage reference pointer, but inadvertently, the storage reference pointer contains the NULL pointer value. This will result in an ABEND S0C4 (General Protection Fault). Normally, InfoSphere CDC intercepts all abnormal terminations that arise from within Notifications user exits. InfoSphere CDC then issues an explanatory message to the Event Log and CHCPRINT spooled output data set, and terminates the subscription that called the failing Notifications user exit. Based on the Language Environment options provided to the InfoSphere CDC address space, LE may produce a diagnostic printout of the intercepted error, or permit a dump of the address space at the time of the error to occur. It is also possible to specify Language Environment options that inhibit InfoSphere CDC from intercepting such catastrophic errors. In this case, the catastrophic error is elevated to InfoSphere CDC itself, and the entire InfoSphere CDC address space may fail. It is your responsibility to locate and fix any errors in their Notifications user exits. Judiciously specified Language Environment options, coupled with diagnostic tests and messages issued from within the Notifications user exit can be helpful in achieving this goal. The Language Environment options that disable the interception of abnormal terminations within the Language Environment enclave should not be used unless for a specific issue and in a controlled environment.


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

Related reference USRALARM structure on page 214 ENDONERROR on page 35

Compiling and linking notifications user exit programs

In this step, compile and link-edit the user exit programs. User exits receive control as subordinate functions within InfoSphere CDC. When you compile some languages, it is necessary to direct the compiler to produce a main program or a subprogram (subordinate function), in accordance with how the program will be used. For example, the IBM C compiler has a START/NOSTART option. START is specified if the C program will be called directly through JCL or from TSO, that is as a main. NOSTART: is specified if the C program will be link-edited into a load module and will only receive control when it is called by some other program within the load module, that is, as a subordinate function. Where the language being used requires it, always direct the compiler to compile any user exits as subordinate functions, not as a main program. Failure to do so could significantly increase the cost of calling the user exit, or cause the user exit to fail when it is called. The name for the load module is of your choosing, so long as it is unique and does not conflict with any names used by InfoSphere CDC (which all begin with CHC), DB2 (which all begin with DSN) or any z/OS system modules. InfoSphere CDC supplies a module called CHCTEXIT (in the SCHCLOAD SMP/E target library). This module must be link-edited with the output from the compiler, to produce an executable load module. In addition, CHCTEXIT must be defined as the entry point of the load module. Note: The C compiler can be directed to produce an intermediate object text format called XOBJ. This should be passed through the C prelinker to produce old-format OBJ text before link-editing the user exit. Alternatively, direct the C compiler to product Generalized Object File Format output by specifying the GOFF option. The following are the link-edit statements necessary to produce a function notifications user exit:

Replace: v <objmodule> with the name of the object module produced from by the compiler. If more than one object module is required, insert an additional INCLUDE statement for each object module. v <loadmodule> with the name of the load module that is produced from the link-edit and is specified in the user exit alert handler. This name must not be the same as any load module provided with InfoSphere CDC. To be certain of this, it is best not to use a load module name that starts with CHC.

InfoSphere CDC user exits


Note: When link-editing, the RENT (reentrant) and AMODE=31 (31 bit addressing mode) linkage editor options must be specified. The output from the linkage-editor is a load module, which is written to the load library that is allocated to the linkage-editor by the SYSLMOD DD statement. This load library, or a copy of it, must be made accessible to InfoSphere CDC using a CHCUXLIB DD statement in InfoSphere CDCs execution JCL. This load library must not be APF Authorized. When compiling and link-editing, respond to any errors or warnings that are reported. If you are working with the sample user exit program provided with InfoSphere CDC, and you have not modified this program, no errors or warnings should be generated. Note: User exit programs must be successfully compiled and link-edited before proceeding.

Predefined entry data structures

Each user exit program must provide the necessary support to accept predefined data structures containing information associated with the triggered notification that caused the user exit program to be invoked. Since user exit programs can be written in different languages, a general description of fields in each structure is provided in the following sections: v USRALARM Structure (Notifications user exits) v Message Structure A COBOL copy member describing the predefined data structures is contained in the CHCUEXCB member of the SCHCCOB SMP/E target library. A C header file describing the predefined data structures is contained in the CHCUEXC member that is located in the SCHCH SMP/E target library. An Assembly Language copy member that describes the predefined data structures as DSECTs is contained in the CHCUEXA member that is located in the SCHCMAC SMP/E target library. Where the various predefined data structures data fields can be preset with specific, indicative values, the descriptive definitions for the specific languages use symbolic definitions for these values. The CHCUEXCB COBOL copy member contains 88-level symbols that define the indicative values. The CHCUEXC C header file contains manifest constants that define the indicative values. The CHCUEXA Assembly Language copy member contains EQU(ate) statements that define the indicative values. It is good programming practice to use these symbolic value representations and not the actual values in any language coding, so that future changes to the assignments of the indicative values will not cause problems with your user exits. See also: USRALARM structure Message structure on page 217

USRALARM structure
This structure contains the attributes of the triggered notification that caused the user exit program to be invoked through the alert handler. It also contains pointers to a structure that provides information about the InfoSphere CDC message responsible for triggering the notification.


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

Field Name LABEL

Length (in bytes) 8

Type Character

Description An eye-catcher label for the structure containing the string USRALARM6 in EBCDIC. This field helps you to identify this structure in an address space dump.


2 2

Integer Integer

The total number of bytes consumed by this structure. The type of user exit call. Possible values: 1=Process, 2=Initialize, 3=Terminate



The type of server that generated the InfoSphere CDC message triggering the notification. Possible values: 0=Publisher (Source), 1=Subscriber (Target), 2=Generic




The source or target system identifier. This field is blank if ENTTYPE is set to 2.



The functional zone of the InfoSphere CDC message that triggered the notification. Possible values: 1=Describe transmitter, 2=Describe receiver, 3=Refresh, 4=Scrape, 5=Apply, 6=Communications, 7=Environment For more information about functional zones, see your Management Console documentation.



The severity level of the InfoSphere CDC message that triggered the notification. Possible values: 1=Fatal, 2=Error, 3=Informational, 4=Status, 5=Operational For more information about message severity levels, see your Management Console documentation.



The internal functional area that generated the InfoSphere CDC message triggering the notification. You may be asked to provide this number to IBM in a product support call.


2 4

Character Address

An area reserved for future expansion. A pointer to the structure containing the text in the InfoSphere CDC message that triggered the notification.

InfoSphere CDC user exits


Field Name PSRCLIB

Length (in bytes) 4

Type Address

Description A pointer to the structure identifying the source table library or owner associated with the InfoSphere CDC message that triggered the notification. The pointer is NULL if no source library or owner is associated with the message.



A pointer to the structure identifying the source table associated with the InfoSphere CDC message that triggered the notification. The pointer is NULL if no source table is associated with the message.



A pointer to the structure identifying the source table column associated with the InfoSphere CDC message that triggered the notification. The pointer is NULL if no source table column is associated with the message.



A pointer to the structure identifying the target table library or owner associated with the InfoSphere CDC message that triggered the notification. The pointer is NULL if no target library or owner is associated with the message.



A pointer to the structure identifying the target table associated with the InfoSphere CDC message that triggered the notification. The pointer is NULL if no target table is associated with the message.



A pointer to the structure identifying the target table column associated with the InfoSphere CDC message that triggered the notification. The pointer is NULL if no target table column is associated with the message.



Used to return data from the program that can be referenced in target invocations. Data placed in this field is persistent across user exit program invocations.


8 12

Character Character

The name of the InfoSphere CDC address space in EBCDIC. The version of InfoSphere CDC (expressed in the format VxRxMx) installed on the source or target server in EBCDIC. An area reserved for future expansion.





InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

Related reference Message structure

Message structure
This structure contains information about the InfoSphere CDC message that triggered a notification. It is referenced by a number of fields in the USRALARM structure.
Length (in bytes) 2 512


Type Integer Character

Description The total number of bytes consumed by this structure. Information related to the InfoSphere CDC message that triggered the notification.

Related reference USRALARM structure on page 214

InfoSphere CDC user exits



InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

SMF Record Layout

In this section, you will learn: SMF record header Actual SMF performance records written by InfoSphere CDC on page 229

SMF record header

Offset 00(00) Name SMFLEN Length Format 2 binary Description Record length (maximum size of 32,756). This field and the next field (total of four bytes) form the record descriptor word (RDW). The first two bytes (this field) must contain the logical record length including the RDW. The second two bytes (the following field) are used for variable block spanned records. If the record is not spanned, set these two bytes to hexadecimal zeroes. These fields must be filled in before writing the record to the SMF data set. Segment descriptor. Bit Meaning When Set v v v 0-2 Reserved 3 MVS/SP version 4 and above. Bits 3, 4, 5, and 6 are on.* 4 MVS/SP version 3. Bits 4, 5, and 6 are on

02(02) 04(04)


2 1

binary binary

v 5 MVS/SP version 2. Bits 5 and 6 are on. v 6 VS2. Bit 6 is on. v 7 Reserved. *Do not use information located elsewhere in this record to determine the MVS product level. 05(05) 06(06) 10(0A) SMFRTY SMFTME SMFDTE 1 4 4 binary binary packed Record type (hexadecimal values are 00 - FF). Specified by the SMFTYPE keyword. Time since midnight, in hundredths of a second, record was moved into the SMF buffer. Date when the record was moved into the SMF buffer, in the form 0cyydddF (where c is 0 for 19xx and 1 for 20xx, yy is the current yea (0-99), ddd is the current day (1-366), and F is the sign). System identification (from the SMFSID keyword).




See also: InfoSphere CDC SMF record header on page 220 InfoSphere CDC SMF performance segment header on page 220 InfoSphere CDC SMF performance segments on page 222

Copyright IBM Corp. 2008, 2009


InfoSphere CDC SMF record header

Offset 00(00) Name TSRECLEN Length Format 2 binary Description Length of the entire record, including this header, but not including the standard SMF header. Length of this header. Eye catcher. TSSMFREC Version of this SMF record. May differ from the versions of the individual segments. Job name of the InfoSphere CDC address space. Address space ID of the InfoSphere CDC address space. Subsystem ID of the DB2 instance to which InfoSphere CDC is attached. Category of the InfoSphere CDC SMF record: 0Status record (not yet used). 1Performance record. 32(20) TSENTYP 2 binary Type of the entity that created this SMF record: 0Non specific. 1Source subscription. 2Target subscription. 3DB2 Log Cache (single scrape). 34(22) TSENTNM 12 EBCDIC Name of the entity that created this SMF record. SYSTEM for nonspecific entity. Subscription name for source subscription and target subscription. LOG CACHE for DB2 Log Cache. The interval, in seconds, spanned by this SMF record. The number of segments following this header. Reserved for future expansion.

02(02) 04(04) 12(0C) 16(10) 24(18) 26(1A) 30(1E)


2 8 4 8 2 4 2

binary EBCDIC binary EBCDIC binary EBCDIC binary

46(2E) 50(32) 52(34)


4 2 26

binary binary not applicable

InfoSphere CDC SMF performance segment header

Offset 00(00) 02(02) 04(04) Name TSSSEGLN TSSHDRLN TSSVERSN Length 2 2 4 Format binary binary binary Description Length of the entire segment, including this header. Length of this header. Version of this segment. May differ from the version of the overall SMF record and the versions of other segments.


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

Offset 08(08)


Length 4

Format binary

Description Type of the entity that created this segment: 1MIT task. 2OSC task. 3PAL task. 4CIT task. 5PAA tasks. 6DIT task. 7DSC task. 8Reserved value. This value was previously used for the DAA task of Transformation Server for z/OS. InfoSphere CDC does not use this value. 9DAL task. 10DSL task. 11DDT task. 12DDR task. 15DTC task. 16DLP task. 18CMO task. 19CLS task. 20CCI tasks. 21CCO tasks. 22CDI task. 23CDO task. 24SCT task. 25TCT task. 26SDT task. 27CVF tasks. 28DLR task. 29DCW task. 30MAA task.





Name of the entity that created this segment.

SMF Record Layout


Offset 24(18)


Length 4

Format binary

Description Status of the entity that created this segment: 0Undetermined. 1Inactive. 2Starting. 3Active. 4Ending.




Sub-status of the entity that created this segment: X00Undetermined. X01Normal. X02Error. X04Describe. X08Refresh. X10Refresh before mirror. X20Mirror continuous. X40Mirror next change.




not applicable

Reserved for future expansion.

InfoSphere CDC SMF performance segments

All non-instantaneous values (for example, cumulative counts) in SMF Performance Segments are counts for the interval spanned by the SMF record only. See also: InfoSphere CDC SMF performance segment for OSC task on page 223 InfoSphere CDC SMF performance segment for CIT task on page 223 InfoSphere CDC SMF performance segment for PAL task on page 223 InfoSphere CDC SMF performance segment for MAA task on page 223 InfoSphere InfoSphere InfoSphere InfoSphere InfoSphere InfoSphere InfoSphere InfoSphere InfoSphere InfoSphere InfoSphere CDC CDC CDC CDC CDC CDC CDC CDC CDC CDC CDC SMF SMF SMF SMF SMF SMF SMF SMF SMF SMF SMF performance performance performance performance performance performance performance performance performance performance performance segment segment segment segment segment segment segment segment segment segment segment for for for for for for for for for for for CMO task on page 223 CLS task on page 223 CVF task on page 223 DSC task on page 223 DLP task on page 224 DAL task on page 224 PAA task on page 224 CCI task on page 224 CCO task on page 224 DLR task on page 224 DCW task on page 225


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

InfoSphere InfoSphere InfoSphere InfoSphere InfoSphere



performance performance performance performance performance

segment segment segment segment segment

for for for for for

SCT task on page 225 SDT mirror task on page 225 DSL mirror task on page 225 TCT mirror task on page 226 DTC mirror task on page 226

InfoSphere CDC SMF performance segment for CDI task on page 229 InfoSphere CDC SMF performance segment for CDO task on page 229

InfoSphere CDC SMF performance segment for OSC task

Offset 00(00) Name OSCCPU Length 8 Format binary Description Microseconds of CPU consumed by task.

InfoSphere CDC SMF performance segment for CIT task

Offset 00(00) Name CITCPU Length 8 Format binary Description Microseconds of CPU consumed by task.

InfoSphere CDC SMF performance segment for PAL task

Offset 00(00) Name PALCPU Length 8 Format binary Description Microseconds of CPU consumed by task.

InfoSphere CDC SMF performance segment for MAA task

Offset 00(00) Name MAACPU Length 8 Format binary Description Microseconds of CPU consumed by task.

InfoSphere CDC SMF performance segment for CMO task

Offset 00(00) Name CMOCPU Length 8 Format binary Description Microseconds of CPU consumed by task.

InfoSphere CDC SMF performance segment for CLS task

Offset 00(00) Name CLSCPU Length 8 Format binary Description Microseconds of CPU consumed by task.

InfoSphere CDC SMF performance segment for CVF task

Offset 00(00) Name CVFCPU Length 8 Format binary Description Microseconds of CPU consumed by task.

InfoSphere CDC SMF performance segment for DSC task

Offset 00(00) Name DSCCPU Length 8 Format binary Description Microseconds of CPU consumed by task.

SMF Record Layout


InfoSphere CDC SMF performance segment for DLP task

Offset 00(00) Name DLPCPU Length 8 Format binary Description Microseconds of CPU consumed by task.

InfoSphere CDC SMF performance segment for DAL task

Offset 00(00) Name DALCPU Length 8 Format binary Description Microseconds of CPU consumed by task.

InfoSphere CDC SMF performance segment for PAA task

Offset 00(00) Name PAACPU Length 8 Format binary Description Microseconds of CPU consumed by task.

InfoSphere CDC SMF performance segment for CCI task

Offset 00(00) Name CCICPU Length Format 8 binary Description Microseconds of CPU consumed by task.

InfoSphere CDC SMF performance segment for CCO task

Offset 00(00) Name CCOCPU Length Format 8 binary Description Microseconds of CPU consumed by task.

InfoSphere CDC SMF performance segment for DLR task

Offset 00(00) 08(08) 16(10) 24(18) 32(20) 36(24) 40(28) 44(2C) 48(30) 52(34) 56(38) 60(3C) Name DLRCPU DLRHOL DLRLIC DLRHIC DLRWRT DLRRD DLRRDOK DLRRDNOK DLRBLWT1 DLRBLUP1 DLRBLRD1 DLRBLRD2 Length Format 8 8 8 8 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 binary binary binary binary binary binary binary binary binary binary binary binary Description Microseconds of CPU consumed by task. Head of DB2 log. Instantaneous value. Lowest DB2 log position in the DB2 Log Cache. Instantaneous value. Highest DB2 log position in the DB2 Log Cache. Instantaneous value. Requests to write to DB2 Log Cache. Requests to read from DB2 Log Cache. Requests to read from DB2 Log Cache that were fulfilled from the cache. Requests to read from DB2 Log Cache that were not fulfilled from the cache. New blocks written to the Level 1 DB2 Log Cache. Blocks updated in the Level 1 DB2 Log Cache. Blocks read from the Level 1 DB2 Log Cache. Blocks read from the Level 2 DB2 Log Cache.


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

InfoSphere CDC SMF performance segment for DCW task

Offset 00(00) 08(08) Name DCWCPU DCWBLWT2 Length 8 4 Format binary binary Description Microseconds of CPU consumed by task. Blocks written to the Level 2 DB2 Log Cache.

InfoSphere CDC SMF performance segment for SCT task

Offset 00(00) Name CCOCPU Length 8 Format binary Description Microseconds of CPU consumed by task.

InfoSphere CDC SMF performance segment for SDT mirror task

Offset 00(00) 08(08) 16(10) 24(18) 28(1C) 36(24) 40(28) 44(2C) 48(30) 52(34) 56(38) 60(3C) 64(40) 68(44) 76(4C) 80(50) 84(54) 88(58) Name SDTCPU SDTLPLW SDTLPSND SDTSNDS SDTSNDBT SDTINS SDTUPD SDTDEL SDTCMT SDTLRRLW SDTLRISS SDTLRRSS SDTLRSS SDTSZSS SDTCMTSS SDTCRCMT SDTMXCMT Length 8 8 8 4 8 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 8 4 4 4 Format binary binary binary binary binary binary binary binary binary binary binary binary binary binary binary binary binary binary Description Microseconds of CPU consumed by task. Last DB2 log position read from the log window. Instantaneous value. Last DB2 log position sent to the target. Instantaneous value. Number of TCP sends to the target. Number of bytes sent to the target. Insert operations sent to the target. Update operations sent to the target. Delete operations sent to the target. Commits sent to the target. Log records read from the log window. Log records inserted into the Staging Space. Log records removed from the Staging Space. Log records currently in the Staging Space. Instantaneous value. Number of bytes currently in the Staging Space. Instantaneous value. Number of completed commit groups in the Staging Space. Instantaneous value. Size of commit group currently being sent to the target. Instantaneous value. Size of largest commit group sent to date. Instantaneous value. Size of smallest commit group sent to date. Instantaneous value.


InfoSphere CDC SMF performance segment for DSL mirror task

Offset 00(00) 08(08) Name DSLCPU DSLHOL Length 8 8 Format binary binary Description Microseconds of CPU consumed by task. Current head of DB2 log. Instantaneous value.
SMF Record Layout


Offset 16(10) 24(18) 28(1C) 36(24) 44(2C)


Length 8

Format binary binary binary binary binary

Description Current DB2 log position being read. Instantaneous value. Number of InfoSphere CDC log records filtered out. Bytes in InfoSphere CDC log records filtered out. Number of IFI 0306 calls issued. CPU microseconds consumed by IFI 0306 calls.


InfoSphere CDC SMF performance segment for TCT mirror task

Offset 00(00) Name TCTCPU Length 8 Format binary Description Microseconds of CPU consumed by task.

InfoSphere CDC SMF performance segment for DTC mirror task

Offset 00(00) 08(08) 12(0C) 16(10) 24(18) 28(1C) 32(20) 36(24) 40(28) 44(2C) 52(34) 56(38) 60(3C) 64(40) 68(44) Name DTCCPU DTCJRNLS DTCJ0RCV DTCJ0RBT DTCJ0INS DTCJ0UPD DTCJ0DEL DTCJ0CMT DTCJ1RCV DTCJ1RBT DTCJ1INS DTCJ1UPD DTCJ1DEL DTCJ1CMT DTCJ2RCV Length 8 4 4 8 4 4 4 4 4 8 4 4 4 4 4 Format binary binary binary binary binary binary binary binary binary binary binary binary binary binary binary Description Microseconds of CPU consumed by task. Last DB2 log position read from the log window. Instantaneous value. Number of TCP receives accepted from the source for journal 0. Number of bytes received from the source for journal 0. Number of insert operations received from the source for journal 0. Number of update operations received from the source for journal 0 Number of delete operations received from the source for journal 0. Number of commits received from the source for journal 0. Number of TCP receives accepted from the source for journal 1. Number of bytes received from the source for journal 1. Number of insert operations received from the source for journal 1. Number of update operations received from the source for journal 1. Number of delete operations received from the source for journal 1. Number of commits received from the source for journal 1. Number of TCP receives accepted from the source for journal 2.


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

Offset 72(48) 80(50) 84(54) 88(58) 92(5C) 96(60) 100(64) 108(6C) 112(70) 116(74) 120(78) 124(7C) 128(80) 136(88) 140(8C) 144(90) 148(94) 152(98) 156(9C) 164(A4) 168(A8) 172(AC) 176(B0) 180(B4)


Length 8 4 4 4 4 4 8 4 4 4 4 4 8 4 4 4 4 4 8 4 4 4 4 4

Format binary binary binary binary binary binary binary binary binary binary binary binary binary binary binary binary binary binary binary binary binary binary binary binary

Description Number of bytes received from the source for journal 2. Number of insert operations received from the source for journal 2. Number of update operations received from the source for journal 2. Number of delete operations received from the source for journal 2. Number of commits received from the source for journal 2. Number of TCP receives accepted from the source for journal 3. Number of bytes received from the source for journal 3. Number of insert operations received from the source for journal 3. Number of update operations received from the source for journal 3. Number of delete operations received from the source for journal 3. Number of commits received from the source for journal 3. Number of TCP receives accepted from the source for journal 4. Number of bytes received from the source for journal 4. Number of insert operations received from the source for journal 4. Number of update operations received from the source for journal 4. Number of delete operations received from the source for journal 4. Number of commits received from the source for journal 4. Number of TCP receives accepted from the source for journal 5. Number of bytes received from the source for journal 5. Number of insert operations received from the source for journal 5. Number of update operations received from the source for journal 5. Number of delete operations received from the source for journal 5. Number of commits received from the source for journal 5. Number of TCP receives accepted from the source for journal 6.

SMF Record Layout


Offset 184(B8) 192(C0) 196(C4) 200(C8) 204(CC) 208(D0) 212(D4) 220(DC) 224(E0) 228(E4) 232(E8) 236(EC) 240(F0) 248(F8) 252(FC) 256(100) 260(104) 264(108) 268(10C) 276(114) 280(118) 284(11C) 288(120)


Length 8 4 4 4 4 4 8 4 4 4 4 4 8 4 4 4 4 4 8 4 4 4 4

Format binary binary binary binary binary binary binary binary binary binary binary binary binary binary binary binary binary binary binary binary binary binary binary

Description Number of bytes received from the source for journal 6. Number of insert operations received from the source for journal 6. Number of update operations received from the source for journal 6. Number of delete operations received from the source for journal 6. Number of commits received from the source for journal 6. Number of TCP receives accepted from the source for journal 7. Number of bytes received from the source for journal 7. Number of insert operations received from the source for journal 7. Number of update operations received from the source for journal 7. Number of delete operations received from the source for journal 7. Number of commits received from the source for journal 7. Number of TCP receives accepted from the source for journal 8. Number of bytes received from the source for journal 8. Number of insert operations received from the source for journal 8. Number of update operations received from the source for journal 8. Number of delete operations received from the source for journal 8. Number of commits received from the source for journal 8. Number of TCP receives accepted from the source for journal 9. Number of bytes received from the source for journal 9. Number of insert operations received from the source for journal 9. Number of update operations received from the source for journal 9. Number of delete operations received from the source for journal 9. Number of commits received from the source for journal 9.


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

InfoSphere CDC SMF performance segment for CDI task

Offset 00(00) 08(08) 12(0C) 16(10) 24(1C) Name CDICPU CDISND CDIRCV Length Format 8 4 4 binary binary binary binary binary Description Microseconds of CPU consumed by task. TCP sends performed. TCP receives performed. Bytes sent. Bytes received.


InfoSphere CDC SMF performance segment for CDO task

Offset 00(00) 08(08) 12(0C) 16(10) 24(1C) Name CDOCPU CDOSND CDORCV CDOSNDBT CDORCVBT Length 8 4 4 8 8 Format binary binary binary binary binary Description Microseconds of CPU consumed by task. TCP sends performed. TCP receives performed. Bytes sent. Bytes received.

Actual SMF performance records written by InfoSphere CDC

See also: The system SMF performance record The log cache performance record on page 230 The source subscription mirror performance record on page 231 The target subscription mirror performance record on page 231

The system SMF performance record

Offset 00(00) 18(12) 96(60) 160(A0) 168(A8) 232(E8) 240(F0) 304(130) 312(138) 376(178) Name SYSSHDR SYSTHDR SYSOSCH SYSOSC SYSCITH SYSCIT SYSPALH SYSPAL Length 18 78 64 8 64 8 64 8 Format mixed mixed mixed mixed mixed mixed mixed mixed mixed mixed Description Standard SMF Record Header. InfoSphere CDC SMF Record Header. InfoSphere CDC Performance Segment Header. InfoSphere CDC Performance Segment for OSC task. InfoSphere CDC Performance Segment Header. InfoSphere CDC Performance Segment for CIT task. InfoSphere CDC Performance Segment Header. InfoSphere CDC Performance Segment for PAL task. InfoSphere CDC Performance Segment Header. InfoSphere CDC Performance Segment for MAA task.


SMF Record Layout


Offset 384(180) 448(1C0) 456(1C8) 520(208) 528(210) 592(250) 600(258) 664(298) 672(2A0) 736(2E0) 744(2E8) 808(328) 816(330) 880(370) 898(378) 952(3B8) 960(3C0) 1024(400)



Format mixed mixed mixed mixed mixed mixed mixed mixed mixed mixed mixed mixed mixed mixed mixed mixed mixed mixed

Description InfoSphere CDC Performance Segment Header. InfoSphere CDC Performance Segment for CMO task. InfoSphere CDC Performance Segment Header. InfoSphere CDC Performance Segment for CLS task. InfoSphere CDC Performance Segment Header. InfoSphere CDC Performance Segment for CVF task. InfoSphere CDC Performance Segment Header. InfoSphere CDC Performance Segment for DSC task. InfoSphere CDC Performance Segment Header. InfoSphere CDC Performance Segment for DLP task. InfoSphere CDC Performance Segment Header. InfoSphere CDC Performance Segment for DAL task. InfoSphere CDC Performance Segment Header. InfoSphere CDC Performance Segment for PAA tasks. InfoSphere CDC Performance Segment Header. InfoSphere CDC Performance Segment for CCI tasks InfoSphere CDC Performance Segment Header. InfoSphere CDC Performance Segment for CCO tasks


The log cache performance record

Offset 00(00) 18(12) 96(60) 160(A0) Name LCHDR LCTHDR LCDLRH LCDLR Length 18 78 64 64 Format mixed mixed mixed mixed Description Standard SMF Record Header. InfoSphere CDC SMF Record Header. InfoSphere CDC Performance Segment Header. InfoSphere CDC Performance Segment for DLR task.


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

Offset 224(E0) 288(120)

Name LChange Data CaptureWH LChange Data CaptureW

Length 64 12

Format mixed mixed

Description InfoSphere CDC Performance Segment Header. InfoSphere CDC Performance Segment for DCW task.

The source subscription mirror performance record

Offset 00(00) 18(12) 96(60) 160(A0) 168(A8) 232(E8) 324(144) 388(184) 436(1B4) 500(1F4) 532(214) 596(254) Name SRCHDR SRCTHDR SRCSCTH SRCSCT SRCSDTH SRCSDT SRCDSLH SRCDSL48 SRCCDIH SRCCDI SRCCDOH SRCCDO Length 18 78 64 8 64 92 64 48 64 32 64 32 Format mixed mixed mixed mixed mixed mixed mixed mixed mixed mixed mixed mixed Description Standard SMF Record Header. InfoSphere CDC SMF Record Header. InfoSphere CDC Performance Segment Header. InfoSphere CDC Performance Segment for SCT task. InfoSphere CDC Performance Segment Header. InfoSphere CDC Performance Segment for SDT mirror task. InfoSphere CDC Performance Segment Header. InfoSphere CDC Performance Segment for DSL mirror task. InfoSphere CDC Performance Segment Header. InfoSphere CDC Performance Segment for CDI task. InfoSphere CDC Performance Segment Header. InfoSphere CDC Performance Segment for CDO task.

The target subscription mirror performance record

Offset 00(00) 18(12) 96(60) 160(A0) 168(A8) 232(E8) 524(20C) Name TGTHDR TGTTHDR TGTTCTH TGTTCT TGTDTCH TGTDTC TGTCDIH Length 18 78 64 8 64 292 64 Format mixed mixed mixed mixed mixed mixed mixed Description Standard SMF Record Header. InfoSphere CDC SMF Record Header. InfoSphere CDC Performance Segment Header. InfoSphere CDC Performance Segment for TCT task. InfoSphere CDC Performance Segment Header. InfoSphere CDC Performance Segment for DTC mirror task. InfoSphere CDC Performance Segment Header.

SMF Record Layout


Offset 588(24C) 620(26C) 684(2AC)


Length 32 64 32

Format mixed mixed mixed

Description InfoSphere CDC Performance Segment for CDI mirror task. InfoSphere CDC Performance Segment Header. InfoSphere CDC Performance Segment for CDO task.


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

Event messages reference

This section describes the messages that are generated by InfoSphere CDC. It assumes that you are familiar with the z/OS environment. This document is intended primarily for console operators and client administrators. It should be consulted after you have installed InfoSphere CDC on your z/OS system and Management Console on your Windows or UNIX workstations. Introduction to event messages Event message identifier changes on page 235 CHC00 messages on page 238 CHC01 messages on page 257 CHC02 messages on page 268 CHC03 CHC04 CHC05 CHC06 CHC07 messages messages messages messages messages on on on on on page page page page page 289 326 337 366 374

CHC08 messages on page 399 CHC10 messages on page 410 CHC11 messages on page 410 CHC12 messages on page 419 CHC14 messages on page 421 CHC15 messages on page 435 CHC16 messages on page 449 CHC18 CHC19 CHC20 CHC30 CHC50 CHC60 CHC70 messages messages messages messages messages messages messages on on on on on on on page page page page page page page 464 465 471 473 492 502 555

CHC90 messages on page 571

Introduction to event messages

In this section, you will learn: Message identifier format Message descriptions on page 234

Message identifier format

Each message that is generated by InfoSphere CDC has a unique identifier. All message identifiers for InfoSphere CDC are at least eight characters in length and adhere to the following format:
Copyright IBM Corp. 2008, 2009


CHC<message number><severity indicator>(<address space id>) For all messages, the first three characters in the message identifier are CHC. This allows you to identify messages that are generated by InfoSphere CDC. The message number (<message number>) component is four characters in length. It is used to uniquely identify each message that is generated by InfoSphere CDC. The severity indicator (<severity indicator>) is a single letter that conveys the severity level of the messages. Table 1 identifies the severity indicators that are used. They are presented in increasing order of severity. Severity indicators

Severity indicators
Severity Indicators L (Logged Information) Description This type of message conveys information that is not required at the time this message was generated, but is being produced because it may be required at some time in the future, depending on the outcome of InfoSphere CDCs runtime activity. This type of message indicates that a trace point has been reached during InfoSphere CDC processing. Messages of this type would not normally be generated in your working environment. This type of message conveys information about InfoSphere CDC activity that usually does not require any action. Messages of this type are sometimes generated in response to an operator console command. This type of message identifies an exception or unexpected situation that does not currently limit the execution of InfoSphere CDC but may lead to undesirable repercussions as execution continues. This type of message declares the existence or occurrence of a condition that caused a task within InfoSphere CDC to fail. This type of message is issued to provide information about the reason for the abnormal termination of the InfoSphere CDC address space or a task running within the address space.

T (Trace)

I (Informational)

W (Warning)

E (Error) A (Abnormal End)

Since multiple InfoSphere CDC address spaces can be active at one time, an address space identifier (<address space id>) enclosed in parentheses is sometimes appended to the message identifier. This identifier indicates the InfoSphere CDC address space from where the message was generated, and is the same identifier that was used when the address space was created.

Message descriptions
For each message that is described in this section, the following items of information are described: Note: When a message variable is to be replaced with text, such as the name of a column in a DB2 table that is not in U.S. English, it may not always be possible to display the variable text. This is likely the case when messages are routed to the system console or a spool dataset, such as CHCPRINT or CHCAUDIT, which generally can only display single-byte EBCDIC characters. In these cases, the


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

variable text will be translated to EBCDIC for display. If the variable text contains untranslatable characters, then the untranslatable characters will be replaced with a placeholder (*) in the message as it appears on the console or in the sysprint dataset. For logged messages, the full untranslated text is recorded in the Product Administration Log, and can normally be viewed with Management Console. v Message Identifier and TextThe first item of information that is provided is the actual message identifier and text that appears in the system or product administration logs. In some messages, brace brackets in the text identify a finite set of terms (terms are separated by vertical bars). Only one of the terms that are listed actually appears in the message text. If the list of possible terms is long, the message text contains a numeric reference to a list of the terms presented below the message text. v ExplanationExplains the message in more detail and describes the possible causes that led to the message being generated. v Message VariableIdentifies and describes each variable that is part of the message text. Variables are presented in italic text in the message. They are used to focus attention on specific items (for example, a specific table or subscription that needs to be identified). As a result, a variable can have an unlimited number of values (names, numbers, and so on). Note that some messages do not contain variables. v Message DestinationIdentifies where the message is logged. Most messages are routed to either the system or product administration log. System log A z/OS log that InfoSphere CDC uses to convey information about product operations to the console operator. Note that system log messages may or may not be directed to the operator console. Product administration log An InfoSphere CDC log (in the CHCPRINT spool data set) containing messages that you can read in Management Console. Some messages may only be displayed interactively, in a message box, in Management Console and not placed in the product administration log. InfoSphere CDC also maintains a log (in the CHCAUDIT spool data set) that is intended for diagnostic purposes. Some messages are just placed in this log. The destination for these messages is identified as the audit log. v System ActionIf applicable, the action that is performed or not performed by the system in situations that led to the message being generated. v Operator ResponseIf applicable, the actions that should be taken by the console operator in response to the message. When the console operator is required to act, it is usually in response to a message that is placed in the system log. v Client Administrator ResponseIf applicable, the actions that should be taken by the client administrator in response to the message. In this section, the client administrator refers to the person responsible for configuring replication in Management Console. When the client administrator is required to act, it is usually in response to a message that is placed in the product administration log.

Event message identifier changes

As of version 6.2 PTF xxxxx, changes in message identifier numbering have been effected for the following event messages:
Previous Number CHC0041 New Number CHC0082, CHC0083
Event messages reference


Previous Number CHC0045 CHC0048 CHC0049 CHC0074 CHC0111

New Number CHC0120, CHC0121, CHC0122, CHC0123 CHC0129, CHC0130 CHC0136, CHC0137 CHC0143, CHC0144 CHC1122, CHC1123, CHC1124, CHC1125, CHC1126, CHC1127, CHC1128, CHC1129, CHC1130, CHC1131, CHC1132, CHC1133, CHC1134, CHC1135, CHC1136, CHC1137, CHC1138, CHC1139, CHC1140, CHC1141, CHC1142, CHC1143, CHC1144, CHC1145, CHC1147, CHC1148, CHC1149, CHC1150, CHC1151, CHC1152, CHC1153, CHC1154, CHC1155, CHC1156, CHC1157, CHC1158, CHC1159, CHC1160, CHC1161, CHC1162, CHC1163, CHC1164, CHC1165, CHC1166, CHC1167, CHC1168, CHC1169, CHC1170, CHC1171, CHC1172, CHC1173, CHC1174, CHC1175, CHC1176, CHC1177, CHC1178, CHC1179, CHC1180, CHC1181, CHC1182, CHC1183, CHC1184, CHC1185, CHC1186, CHC1187, CHC1188, CHC1189, CHC1190, CHC1191, CHC1192, CHC1193, CHC1194, CHC1195, CHC1196, CHC1197, CHC1198, CHC1199, CHC1200, CHC1201, CHC1202, CHC1203, CHC1204, CHC1205, CHC1206, CHC1207, CHC1208, CHC1209, CHC1210, CHC1211, CHC1212, CHC1213, CHC1214, CHC1215, CHC1216, CHC1217, CHC1218, CHC1219, CHC1220, CHC1221, CHC1222, CHC1224, CHC1225, CHC1226, CHC1227, CHC1228, CHC1229, CHC1230, CHC1231 CHC0247, CHC0248 CHC0254, CHC0255, CHC0256, CHC0257 CHC0263, CHC0264, CHC0265, CHC0266 CHC0272, CHC0273, CHC0274, CHC0275 CHC0281, CHC0282, CHC0283 CHC0289, CHC0290, CHC0291 CHC0379, CHC0380, CHC0381, CHC0382, CHC0383, CHC0384 CHC0390, CHC0391, CHC0392, CHC0393 CHC0411, CHC0412 CHC0418, CHC0419, CHC0420, CHC0421, CHC0422 CHC0428, CHC0429, CHC0430, CHC0431, CHC0432 CHC0495, CHC0496 CHC0502, CHC0503 CHC0511, CHC0512, CHC0513, CHC0514, CHC0515, CHC0516, CHC0517, CHC0518, CHC0519 CHC0583, CHC0584 CHC0662, CHC0663 CHC0669, CHC0670 CHC0676, CHC0677 CHC0683, CHC0684, CHC0685, CHC0686, CHC0687, CHC0688, CHC0689, CHC0690 CHC0742, CHC0743, CHC0744, CHC0745, CHC0746, CHC0747 CHC0764, CHC0765 CHC0792, CHC0793

CHC0229 CHC0230 CHC0234 CHC0239 CHC0241 CHC0242 CHC0245 CHC0301 CHC0304 CHC0323 CHC0329 CHC0338 CHC0349 CHC0345 CHC0362 CHC0363 CHC0370 CHC0400 CHC0510 CHC0559 CHC0563 CHC0597


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

Previous Number CHC0601 CHC0603 CHC0823 CHC0902 CHC1105 CHC1112 CHC1407 CHC1409 CHC1512 CHC1519 CHC1530 CHC1900 CHC1901 CHC1903 CHC3000 CHC5001 CHC5100 CHC5104 CHC5105 CHC5106 CHC5107 CHC9202 CHC9203 CHC9520 CHC9648 CHC9658 CHC9663 CHC9701 CHC9704 CHC9730 CHC9731 CHC9732 CHC9734 CHC9741 CHC9754 CHC9755

New Number CHC0799, CHC0800, CHC0801, CHC0802, CHC0803, CHC0804, CHC0805 CHC0832, CHC0833, CHC0834, CHC0835, CHC0836, CHC0837, CHC0838 CHC0844, CHC0845, CHC0846, CHC0847, CHC0848 CHC0917, CHC0918 CHC1251, CHC1252 CHC1258, CHC1259 CHC1420, CHC1421, CHC1422, CHC1423, CHC1424, CHC1425, CHC1426 CHC1432, CHC1433 CHC1543, CHC1544, CHC1545 CHC1551, CHC1552, CHC1553 CHC1559, CHC1560 CHC1907, CHC1908, CHC1909, CHC1910 CHC1914, CHC1915 CHC1921, CHC1922, CHC1923, CHC1924 CHC3012, CHC3013, CHC3014, CHC3015, CHC3016 CHC5002, CHC5003 CHC5110, CHC5111, CHC5112 CHC5118, CHC5119, CHC5120, CHC5121 CHC5127, CHC5128, CHC5129 CHC5135, CHC5136, CHC5137 CHC5143, CHC5144 CHC9220, CHC9221, CHC9222 CHC9228, CHC9229, CHC9230, CHC9231 CHC9521, CHC9522, CHC9523, CHC9524, CHC9525, CHC9526, CHC9527, CHC9528 CHC9676, CHC9677 CHC9683, CHC9684, CHC9685, CHC9686 CHC9743, CHC9744, CHC9745, CHC9746 CHC9756, CHC9757, CHC9758 CHC9764, CHC9765, CHC9766, CHC9767, CHC9768, CHC9769, CHC9770 CHC9776, CHC9777, CHC9778, CHC9779, CHC9780 CHC9817, CHC9818, CHC9819 CHC9786, CHC9787, CHC9788, CHC9789 CHC9800, CHC9801, CHC9802, CHC9803, CHC9804, CHC9805 CHC9830, CHC9831, CHC9832, CHC9833, CHC9834, CHC9835 CHC9840, CHC9841, CHC9842, CHC9843, CHC9844, CHC9845, CHC9846, CHC9847 CHC9853, CHC9854, CHC9855, CHC9856, CHC9857, CHC9858, CHC9859, CHC9860
Event messages reference


CHC00 messages
See also: CHC0012W on page 239 CHC0015I on page 239 CHC0023W on page 239 CHC0024W on page 240 CHC0025W on page 240 CHC0026W on page 241 CHC0027W on page 241 CHC0029E on page 241 CHC0030E on page 242 CHC0031E on page 242 CHC0040I on page 243 CHC0044I on page 243 CHC0046I on page 243 CHC0047I on page 244 CHC0050E on page 244 CHC0051W on page 245 CHC0052W on page 246 CHC0055I on page 246 CHC0056I on page 247 CHC0057I on page 248 CHC0058E on page 248 CHC0059E on page 249 CHC0060I on page 249 CHC0061E on page 250 CHC0068E on page 250 CHC0069E on page 251 CHC0071E on page 251 CHC0072W on page 252 CHC0073W on page 252 CHC0075E on page 253 CHC0077E on page 253 CHC0078E on page 254 CHC0079E on page 254 CHC0080E on page 254 CHC0081E on page 255 CHC0082I on page 255 CHC0083I on page 256 CHC0095E on page 256 CHC0099I on page 256


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

CHC0012W Replication functions are already running for subscription name. The request has been rejected.

ExplanationA request to start replication was issued to a subscription that was already active. The subscription was active as a result of activity initiated from the operator console or from Management Console. The request is rejected. Message Variables: nameThe subscription name. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionNone Operator ResponseIssue the DSPACT command to determine if the subscription is active. If the subscription is inactive, issue the same request again. Client Administrator ResponseDetermine the status of the subscription in Management Console. Issue the same request again in the event that the subscription is now inactive.

CHC0015I Event log cleanup is complete. read records were read, deleted records were deleted.

ExplanationAn event log cleanup cycle has completed. The event log cleanup is run either at product start up, or a preset time each day, depending on the system parameters. All messages older than the configured number of days will be deleted. Message Variables: readThe number of event messages read. deletedThe number of event messages deleted. Message DestinationSystem log System ActionNone Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseThis is a product issue. For more information, contact IBM Technical Support.

CHC0023W There are no tables to mirror or refresh to subscription. The subscription is ending.

ExplanationAn attempt to start data refresh or mirroring to a subscription has been made even though no tables are selected for replication to the subscription or no tables can be found that satisfy the replication criteria.

Event messages reference


Message VariablesNone Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionReplication to subscription environments is not started. Operator ResponseContact the client administrator. Client Administrator ResponseFor each table that is selected to replicate data to the specified subscriptions, verify the status of the table to ensure that it can be refreshed or mirrored. If no tables are selected for replication to the subscription, select one or more tables before starting replication.

CHC0024W The .User ID does not have sufficient DB2 authority to view subscriptions.

ExplanationThe security identifier specified to access InfoSphere CDC metadata for a datastore does not have sufficient DB2 authority to view existing subscriptions. The security identifier is specified in Access Manager for a specific datastore. Message VariablesNone Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionIn Management Console, no existing subscriptions under the datastore are displayed. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseIf you need to work with existing subscriptions, specify a security identifier that has sufficient DB2 authority to work with existing subscriptions, or change the DB2 authority granted to the current security identifier to a level that allows existing subscriptions to be displayed. If you only need to create new subscriptions under the datastore, this message can be ignored.

CHC0025W The User ID and Password combination is not valid.

ExplanationThe security identifier and password combination specified to access InfoSphere CDC metadata for a datastore is not valid. The security identifier and password combination is specified in Access Manager for a specific datastore. Message VariablesNone Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionThrough Management Console, a connection to the datastore is denied. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseSpecify a valid security identifier and password combination. After making the necessary changes, attempt to connect to the datastore in Management Console.


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

CHC0026W The associated password for the User ID has expired.

ExplanationThe password associated with the security identifier specified to access InfoSphere CDC metadata for a datastore has expired. The security identifier and password combination is specified in Access Manager for a specific datastore. Message VariablesNone Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionThe attempt to connect to the datastore was not prevented as a result of the expired password. An incorrect password (see CHC0025W) would have prevented a connection to the datastore. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseChange the current password associated with the security identifier. Related reference CHC0025W on page 240

CHC0027W The definition of source table owner.table has not been altered. An update of the definition is not required.

ExplanationThe re-add function was applied to a table that has not had its definition changed. The re-add function is issued internally in Management Console, and is required when the definition of a table has changed. Message Variables: ownerThe owner of the table. tableThe name of the table. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionNone Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseRe-adding a table that has not been changed has no negative impact. However, check that the selected table is the one that you want to re-add. If the wrong table was selected in Management Console, apply the re-add function to the desired table.

CHC0029E Unable to retrieve security group information for Authorization ID id.

ExplanationNo RACF user group lists were returned to InfoSphere CDC for the specified security identifier. The security identifier is being used to access an InfoSphere CDC datastore. This message is generated when a connection to an InfoSphere CDC replication agent is attempted in Management Console.
Event messages reference


Message Variables: idThe security identifier that is being used to access an agent in Management Console. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionThe attempt to establish a connection will be denied. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseContact your RACF administrator to indicate that there is a problem associated with the specified security identifier. Note the message number and contact your InfoSphere CDC administrator if you require further assistance.

CHC0030E There was an error accessing the event log. The PAL task returned error code=code (text), reason code= number (reason).

ExplanationA request to retrieve event log messages has failed. Message Variables: codeThe numeric error code returned by the Product Administration Log task. textText describing the error encountered. numberThe numeric reason code returned by the Product Administration Log task. reasonText describing the reason for the error. Message DestinationMessage box in Management Console System ActionThe request for event log messages is denied. Operator ResponseExamine the system log to identify any messages that are related to this problem. Client Administrator ResponseRecord the message number. Contact your InfoSphere CDC administrator or IBM representative for assistance.

CHC0031I An invalid message ID was entered. Message IDs must be numeric, and in the range of low to high.

ExplanationYou have entered an invalid message identifier in the Filter Messages dialog box in Management Console. The message may be invalid because it contains non-numeric characters, or because the number is either too low or too high. Message Variables: lowThe lowest message ID supported for filtering.


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

highThe highest message ID supported for filtering. Message DestinationMessage box in Management Console System ActionThe request to filter messages is denied. Operator ResponseCorrect the message identifiers to be all numeric, within the allowed range. Each message identifier must be entered on a separate line in the dialog box. Client Administrator ResponseThis is a product issue. For more information, contact IBM Technical Support.

CHC0040I Persistent subscription name will be started.

ExplanationInfoSphere CDC issues this message during its initialization. The persistent subscription identified in the message will start because it was active the last time InfoSphere CDC was shut down. Message Variables: nameThe subscription name. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionThe named subscription will be started. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC0044I Mirroring has been initiated for subscription name.

ExplanationInfoSphere CDC has started mirroring data for the specified subscription. Message Variables: nameThe subscription name. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionAs indicated in the message text. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC0046I Scraping begins with data written at time (Log Position position).

Event messages reference


ExplanationIdentifies the timestamp and position in the DB2 Log of the change record that was scraped first after activation of data mirroring to a specific subscription in Management Console. The message does not infer that the change record causing this message to be generated has been sent to the target server. Message Variables: timeThe timestamp of the change record that indicates when it was written to the DB2 Log. The timestamp is based on the system clock. positionThe LRSN or RBA value that indicates the position of the change record in the DB2 Log. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionAs indicated in the message text. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC0047I The first change sent with data was written at time (Log Position position).

ExplanationIdentifies the timestamp and position in the DB2 Log of the change record that was sent first after activation of data mirroring to a specific subscription in Management Console. Due to commitment control and staging, the change record identified in the message text is not necessarily the first one scraped from the DB2 Log. It is the first change record in the first commit group that has met the requirements for transmission to the target server. Message Variables: timeThe timestamp of the change record that indicates when it was written to the DB2 Log. The timestamp is based on the system clock. positionThe LRSN or RBA value that indicates the position of the change record in the DB2 Log. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionAs indicated in the message text. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC0050E Data with an invalid length was received for variable length column name in table table. The received length is received, the maximum length for the column is maximum. Transaction URID is id, record RBA/LRSN is rba.

ExplanationAn invalid length was received for a variable length column. The DB2 Log data length is greater than the maximum length defined for the column.


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

Message Variables: nameThe name of the source column that contains invalid data. tableThe name of the table that contains column name. receivedThe length of the data in the DB2 Log. maximumThe maximum length allowed for the column. idThe DB2 Log Unit of Recovery (Commit Group) ID. This value can be used to locate the commit group in the DB2 Log that contains the invalid data. rbaThe DB2 RBA or LRSN of the log record in error. This value can be used to locate the log record in the DB2 Log that contains the invalid data. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionAn SVC dump will be generated and data mirroring to the subscription environment will end. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseThis message frequently occurs after running the REORG utility on a compressed table space while mirroring is not active. In this case, DB2 is unable to decompress old log data created prior to the REORG execution. The corrective action to be taken is to refresh the table. Otherwise, if this message occurs in the absence of a REORG being performed, or when the table space is not compressed, run the DB2 DSN1LOGP utility to retrieve the commit group. Note the information contained in the message and contact your InfoSphere CDC administrator if you require further assistance.

CHC0051W The oldest open commit group in the staging space for subscription name opened at time has exceeded the open commit group warning age of maximum minutes by exceeds minutes.

ExplanationThe oldest open commit group in the staging space for the subscription identified in the message has an age that is older than the warning period that is set through the OPENCOMMITWARNAGE configuration control statement keyword. This message is generated each time a check is made of the oldest open commit group, and the age of this commit group exceeds the specified warning period. InfoSphere CDC conducts a check of each staging space every 15 minutes. Message Variables: nameThe name of the subscription defined in Management Console associated with the staging space. timeThe date and time (in ISO format) when the commit group was opened. maximumThe maximum age of the oldest open commit group that can exist in a staging space without a warning message being generated, as defined by the OPENCOMMITWARNAGE configuration control statement keyword.
Event messages reference


exceedsThe number of minutes that the oldest open commit group exceeds the maximum age identified in maximum. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionNone Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseOpen commit groups may indicate potential problems that could surface at a later time. If the oldest open commit group is relatively large, or there are a number of other open commit groups in the staging space, the contents of the staging space may reach capacity at a later time. As a result, replication will be interrupted. Investigate the reasons for the open commit groups, and take appropriate actions. Use the InfoSphere CDC REPORT command to generate a staging space report that may provide more information about potential problems.

CHC0052W The staging space for subscription name received a record out of sequence: URID = id, PrevRecRBA = position. The record was discarded.

Explanation A record in a commit group that has a DB2 Log position less than or equal to the log position of the last commit group record in the staging space has been encountered. Message Variables: nameThe name of the subscription defined in Management Console associated with the staging space. idThe DB2 Log unit of recovery (commit group) identifier. This item of information can be used to identify the commit group in the staging space that has received the out-of-sequence record. positionThe position (either RBA (relative byte address) or LRSN (log record sequence number)) in the DB2 Log of the last record for the commit group in the staging space. The record that resulted in this message being generated has a log position less than or equal to position. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionThe out-of-sequence record is discarded, as it is assumed that InfoSphere CDC has already processed this record. Active replication continues. Operator ResponseAlthough replication activity continues, you may want to generate a staging space report that may indicate problems that could surface at a later time. Use the InfoSphere CDC REPORT command to generate a staging space report. Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC0055I Subscription subscription has been queued for restart.


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

ExplanationInfoSphere CDC is able to automatically restart continuous mirroring for a persistent subscription at a later time. Continuous mirroring for the persistent subscription stopped in response to a normal or abnormal termination of server, network, or database components in your replication configuration. InfoSphere CDC is able to automatically restart continuous mirroring for this subscription. . Message Variables: subscriptionThe name of the persistent subscription for which continuous mirroring can be automatically restarted. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionContinuous mirroring for the persistent subscription will automatically restart when server, network, and database components in your replication configuration are operational. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseCHC0056I is generated when continuous mirroring for the persistent subscription will automatically restart. If necessary, contact your system, network, and database administrators to inquire as to when all components in your replication configuration will be operational. Related reference CHC0056I

CHC0056I System host is now available. Subscription name will be restarted.

ExplanationServer, network, and database components in your replication configuration are operational and continuous mirroring will automatically restart for the identified persistent subscription. Continuous mirroring for the persistent subscription stopped in response to a normal or abnormal termination of server, network, or database components in your replication configuration. However, these components are now operational and since a connection to the identified target server has been established, continuous mirroring will automatically restart. Message Variables: hostThe host name of the target server to which a connection has been established. nameThe name of the persistent subscription for which continuous mirroring will be automatically restarted. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionContinuous mirroring for the persistent subscription will automatically restart. Operator ResponseNone

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Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC0057I System host is unavailable. A restart of subscription name will be retried in number minutes.

ExplanationAn attempt to automatically restart continuous mirroring for a persistent subscription was unsuccessful. The next attempt will be made after the specified number of minutes. Continuous mirroring for the persistent subscription stopped in response to a normal or abnormal termination of communications or servers in your replication configuration. While continuous mirroring for this subscription can be automatically restarted, the last attempt to restart was unsuccessful as a connection could not be reestablished with the target server. You can set how often InfoSphere CDC attempts to automatically restart continuous mirroring for all persistent subscriptions by modifying the AUTORESTARTINTERVAL configuration control statement keyword. Message Variables: hostThe host name of the target server to which a connection cannot be reestablished. nameThe name of the persistent subscription for which continuous mirroring can be automatically restarted. numberThe amount of time, in minutes, before the next attempt is made to automatically restart continuous mirroring for the persistent subscription. The number of minutes identified in the message text is the current setting for the AUTORESTARTINTERVAL keyword. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionAnother attempt will be made to automatically restart continuous mirroring after the specified number of minutes. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseCHC0056I is generated when continuous mirroring for the persistent subscription will automatically restart. If necessary, contact your system, network, and database administrators to inquire as to when all components in your replication configuration will be operational. Related reference CHC0056I on page 247

CHC0058E Column name in table table has an unknown data type: type.

ExplanationAn invalid or unsupported data type was encountered for the specified column. Message Variables: nameThe name of the column that has an invalid data type. tableThe name of the table that contains column name.


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

typeThe data type of the column. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionData mirroring to the subscription environment will end. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseInfoSphere CDC cannot replicate the column data. An upgraded or enhanced version of InfoSphere CDC might be available which can handle the column data type.

CHC0059E Unable to map source column srccol of type srctype to destination column tgtcol of type tgttype.

ExplanationA Management Console session attempted to map a source table column to an incompatible target table column. Message Variables: srccolThe name of the source column. srctypeThe numeric network type of the source column. tgtcolThe name of the target column. tgttypeThe DB2 type of the target column. Message DestinationProduct administration log and message box in Management Console System ActionThe mapping was not performed. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseIn Management Console, map the source column to a target column of compatible type. Alternatively, set the source column to be unmapped.

CHC0060I The bookmark pos1, pos2, pos3 for subscription name has been converted from version original to version converted.

ExplanationThe bookmark for the named subscription has been converted from its previous format to a different, probably newer, format. This is normally done to support new functionality in the latest version of DB2. Message Variables: pos1, pos2, pos3Hexadecimal data representing the three log positions that comprise the bookmark. Each position is either an RBA or LRSN value from the DB2 log. nameThe name of the subscription for which the bookmark was converted.
Event messages reference


originalThe numeric version of the original bookmark. convertedThe numeric version of the newly converted bookmark. Message DestinationProduct administration log and message box in Management Console System ActionNormal processing continues. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC0061E An invalid or unsupported bookmark version number has been encountered for subscription name.

ExplanationWhen starting a subscription, it was determined that the version of the subscriptions bookmark is higher than the current version of the product can accept. Message Variables: numberThe numeric version of the subscriptions bookmark. nameThe subscription name. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionThe subscription fails to start. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseIt is likely that the product has previously been upgraded to a newer version and then reverted back to the current version. Record the message number and contact technical support to obtain assistance in reverting the subscriptions bookmark to the previous version.

CHC0068E Table table schema schema has been changed since it was selected for replication.

ExplanationThe specified table was physically changed (for example, a column was added to or deleted from the table) in the database between the time it was selected for replication and when replication was started. Message Variables: tableThe name of the table that was physically changed in the database. schemaThe database where the table is located. The database is expressed in the form <database>.<user> (the <user> component identifies who created the table). Message DestinationProduct administration log


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

System ActionData mirroring to the subscription environment is not started. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseIn Management Console, update the source table definition for the subscription. Verify table mappings in the subscription environment. Start replication again.

CHC0069E Table schema.table does not exist.

ExplanationThe specified table was physically deleted in the database between the time the list of tables was presented in Management Console and when the specified table was selected for replication to a defined subscription. InfoSphere CDC was unable to locate the physical table when it was being selected for replication in Management Console. Message Variables: schemaThe database where the table is located. The database is expressed in the form <database>.<user> (the <user> component identifies who created the table). tableThe name of the table that was physically deleted in the database. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionNone Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseIn Management Console, refresh the list of tables that can be selected for replication. If necessary, select a different table for replication. Tip: In Management Console, refresh the list of tables by using the Refresh function. It may be necessary to disconnect and reconnect to the datastore to see the current list of tables.

CHC0071E Unable to map the Journal Control Field name of type type to destination column column of type target. Journal Control Fields can only be mapped to columns with compatible types.

ExplanationInfoSphere CDC could not map the specified journal control field to the column in the target table. The data type of the column is not compatible with the data type of the journal control field. Message Variables: nameThe journal control field that could not be mapped to the column. type The data type of the journal control field. columnThe column in the target table that could not be mapped to the journal control field.
Event messages reference


targetThe data type of the column in the target table. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionNone Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseModify the mapping so that the data type of the column is compatible with the data type of the journal control field. Tip: In an expression, you can apply one of the conversion column functions to a journal control field to produce a value that is compatible with the data type of the subscription table column.

CHC0072W number error messages have been suppressed during replication.

ExplanationIdentifies the number of error messages that have been suppressed during a replication operation (mirroring or refresh). This message is generated only when more than 25 error messages have been generated, and the operation has been configured to continue after encountering nonrecoverable errors. Message Variables: numberThe number of error messages that were suppressed after the initial 25 messages were generated. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionNone Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC0073W The value in keyword key is incorrect. The default value will be used.

ExplanationA value assigned to the specified keyword defined in a configuration control statement is incorrect. The default value will be used. Message Variables: keyThe name of the keyword in a configuration control statement that has been assigned an incorrect value. Message DestinationProduct administration log and system log System ActionThe default value for the keyword is used. Operator ResponseMake the necessary correction to the statement in the configuration control data set that references the specified keyword and restart the InfoSphere CDC address space. If the default value identified in IBM InfoSphere CDC Installation/Upgrade on page 31 is desired, you can ignore this message.


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC0075E User id does not possess sufficient authority to create tables in database db.

ExplanationThe specified security identifier used to access an InfoSphere CDC replication agent does not possess sufficient authority to create tables in a database. In Management Console, you can create a target table to receive replicated data from an mapped source table. Sufficient authority is required to complete this step in the process of configuring replication. Message Variables: idThe security identifier that is being used to access an agent in Management Console. dbThe database where tables cannot be created. Message DestinationMessage box in Management Console System ActionNone Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseContact your database administrator to grant the z/OS user the authority to create tables in the specified database. Alternatively, select a different database that allows tables to be created by the specified z/OS user.

CHC0077E Index on table owner.table does not exist.

ExplanationThe named index for a target table could not be found. Message Variables: ownerThe owner of the target table index. nameThe name of the target table index. ownerThe owner of the target table. tableThe name of the target table. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionMirroring ends for the subscription containing the table. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseIn Management Console, refresh the list of tables that can be selected for replication.

Event messages reference


Tip: In Management Console, refresh the list of table by using the Refresh function. It may be necessary to disconnect and reconnect to the datastore to see the current list of tables.

CHC0078E Invalid value of value was received for the assignment type.

ExplanationInfoSphere CDC has received an invalid value for the assignment type selected in Management Console. This error may result because the version of InfoSphere CDC is not supported by Management Console. Message Variables: valueThe internal value that InfoSphere CDC has received for the assignment type. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionThe table mapping could not be created. Operator ResponseReport the error to your system administrator. Client Administrator ResponseVerify in your documentation that the versions of InfoSphere CDC and Management Console that you have installed are compatible. If you have installed compatible versions and are still receiving the error, contact IBM Technical Support for assistance.

CHC0079E Invalid value of value was received for the multiple source flag.

ExplanationInfoSphere CDC has received an invalid value for the multiple source flag. This flag indicates if you want to replicate multiple source tables to target tables. This error may result because the version of InfoSphere CDC is not supported by Management Console. Message Variables: valueThe internal value that InfoSphere CDC has received for the multiple source flag. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionThe table mapping could not be created. Operator ResponseReport the error to your system administrator. Client Administrator ResponseVerify in your documentation that the versions of InfoSphere CDC and Management Console that you have installed are compatible. If you have installed compatible versions and are still receiving the error, contact IBM Technical Support for assistance.

CHC0080E Invalid value of value was received for the number of the summarization or consolidation key column in the target table.


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

ExplanationInfoSphere CDC has received an invalid value for the number of the summarization or consolidation key column in the target table. This error may result because the version of InfoSphere CDC is not supported by Management Console. Message Variables: valueThe internal value that InfoSphere CDC has received for the summarization/consolidation key column. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionThe table mapping could not be created. Operator ResponseReport the error to your system administrator. Client Administrator ResponseVerify in your documentation that the versions of InfoSphere CDC and Management Console that you have installed are compatible. If you have installed compatible versions and are still receiving the error, contact IBM Technical Support for assistance.

CHC0081E Summarization or consolidation column name is nullable. Nullable columns are not supported as summarization or consolidation keys.

ExplanationInfoSphere CDC has received a request to designate a nullable column as a summarization/consolidation key. Summarization/consolidation key columns cannot be nullable. Message Variables: nameThe column name specified as summarization/consolidation key. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionThe table mapping could not be created. Operator ResponseIn Management Console, select a summarization/ consolidation column that is not nullable. Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC0082I Persistent subscription name will not be started because it is marked inactive.

ExplanationInfoSphere CDC issues this message during its initialization. The persistent subscription identified in the message will not start because it was either not active the last time InfoSphere CDC was shut down or it failed. Message Variables: nameThe subscription name. Message DestinationProduct administration log
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System ActionNone Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC0083I Persistent subscription name will not be started because it is marked failed.

ExplanationInfoSphere CDC issues this message during its initialization. The persistent subscription identified in the message will not start because it was either not active the last time InfoSphere CDC was shut down or it failed. Message Variables: nameThe subscription name. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionNone Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC0095E Logoff failed with return code code.

ExplanationWhile attempting to terminate a Management Console session, the logoff of the user from the access control facility failed. Message Variables: codeThe return code from the access control facility being used. Message DestinationProduct administration log and message box in Management Console System ActionInfoSphere CDC terminates the Management Console session, but the user may remain signed on to the access control facility. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseLook up the return code in the access control facility documentation and take the necessary corrective action.

CHC0099I SQL Information: text.

ExplanationAn informational SQL code was received. The text field contains the message text associated with the code. Message Variables:


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

textThe text interpretation of the code. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionNone Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC01 messages
See also: CHC0100W CHC0101I on page 258 CHC0102E on page 258 CHC0104E on page 258 CHC0105E on page 259 CHC0107I on page 259 CHC0108E on page 260 CHC0109E on page 260 CHC0110E on page 260 CHC0112E on page 261 CHC0113E on page 261 CHC0115W on page 261 CHC0116E on page 262 CHC0117W on page 262 CHC0118E on page 263 CHC0119E on page 263 CHC0120I on page 264 CHC0121I on page 264 CHC0122I on page 264 CHC0123I on page 264 CHC0129I on page 265 CHC0130I on page 265 CHC0136I on page 266 CHC0137I on page 267 CHC0143E on page 267 CHC0144E on page 268

CHC0100W SQL warning: text.

ExplanationA warning SQL code was received. The text field contains the message text associated with the code. Message Variables: textThe text interpretation of the SQL code.
Event messages reference


Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionNone Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC0101I Failing SQL: text.

ExplanationThis message identifies a failing statement in a user-specified SQL statement for after clear or after refresh processing. Message Variables: textThe user-specified SQL statement. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionReplication continues or ends based on the ENDONERROR keyword setting. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseCheck for previous messages that identify the reason for the error.

CHC0102E SQL error: message.

ExplanationIdentifies a generated SQL error message that is relayed to the product administration log. Message Variables: message A generated SQL error message. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionThe component (Management Console, instance, and so on) that caused the SQL error message to be generated will stop. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNote the SQL message text and contact your database administrator for further assistance.

CHC0104E The DB2 plan for task name requires a re-bind.

ExplanationThe DB2 plan for the identified InfoSphere CDC task is not up-to-date.


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

Message Variables: nameThe InfoSphere CDC task whose plan is not up-to-date. Message DestinationProduct administration log and system log System ActionThe identified InfoSphere CDC task stops running. Operator ResponseRebind the plan for the identified InfoSphere CDC task. The name of the plan to rebind is determined from the name of the task. For example, if the name of the task is DSC, the plan that needs rebinding is named CHCDSCxx, where xx is the plan suffix specified in the PLANSUFFIX configuration control statement keyword. Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC0105E The DB2 plan plan for task task does not exist or access was not granted.

ExplanationThe DB2 plan for the identified InfoSphere CDC task does not exist, or the security identifier assigned to InfoSphere CDC does not have execute access on the plan. Message Variables: planThe name of the DB2 plan associated with the identified task. taskThe name of the InfoSphere CDC task. Message DestinationProduct administration log and system log System ActionThe identified InfoSphere CDC task stops running. Operator ResponseDetermine whether or not the plan exists on the server. If it does not exist, bind the plan server. If it does exist, grant execute access on the plan to the security identifier assigned to InfoSphere CDC. Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC0107I Executing on DB2 V8 with V7 metadata.

ExplanationInfoSphere CDC is running on a server where DB2 version 8.1 has been installed, but the InfoSphere CDC metadata is still at the version 7.1 level. This message is generated when the InfoSphere CDC address space is started. Specific DB2 version 8.1 features and functions supported by InfoSphere CDC are not available when the InfoSphere CDC metadata is at the DB2 version 7.1 level. For example, support for long names in DB2 version 8.1 is not available. Message VariablesNone Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionThe InfoSphere CDC address space is started normally.

Event messages reference


Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseTo use the DB2 version 8.1 features and functions that are supported by InfoSphere CDC, shut down the InfoSphere CDC address space and upgrade the InfoSphere CDC DB2 metadata tables to be compatible with DB2 version 8.1 or above.

CHC0108E Invalid value of value received for the Conflict Resolution method.

ExplanationThe agent received an invalid Conflict Resolution method value. Message Variables: valueThe invalid value received. Message DestinationProduct administration log and Management Console System ActionConflict Detection configuration is halted. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseThis is a product issue. For more information, contact IBM Technical Support.

CHC0109E Invalid value of value received for the Conflict Detection column selection flag.

ExplanationThe agent received an invalid Conflict Detection column selection flag. Message Variables: valueThe invalid value received. Message DestinationProduct administration log and Management Console System ActionConflict Detection configuration is halted. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseThis is a product issue. For more information, contact IBM Technical Support.

CHC0110E Invalid value of value received for the Conflict Resolution user exit type.

ExplanationThe agent received an invalid Conflict Resolution user exit type value. Message Variables: valueThe invalid value received.


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

Message DestinationProduct administration log and Management Console System ActionConflict Detection configuration is halted. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseThis is a product issue. For more information, contact IBM Technical Support.

CHC0112E An internal error occurred while processing request value.

ExplanationThe agent encountered an error while it was processing a request. Message Variables: valueThe request value from the message. Message DestinationProduct administration log and Management Console System ActionThe current action being performed by the agent is halted. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseThis is a product issue. For more information, contact IBM Technical Support.

CHC0113E Request value was not expected in a group request.

ExplanationThe agent was processing a group request message and it encountered an unexpected request. Message Variables: valueThe request value from the message. Message DestinationProduct administration log and Management Console System ActionThe current action being performed by the agent is halted. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseThis is a product issue. For more information, contact IBM Technical Support.

CHC0115W Attribute name in table owner.table has an illegal summarization type type in the metadata.

ExplanationThe InfoSphere CDC detected an illegal summarization type in the metadata. Message Variables:
Event messages reference


nameThe name of the table attribute that has an illegal mapping. ownerThe owner of the target table. tableThe name of the target table. typeThe illegal summarization type that was detected in the metadata. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionAs indicated in the message text. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseThis is a product issue. For more information, contact IBM Technical Support.

CHC0116E Error accessing the metadata. The PAL task returned reason code=code.

ExplanationA request to retrieve or set Notifications has failed. Message Variables: codeThe numeric reason code returned by the Product Administration Log task. Message DestinationProduct administration log and message box in Management Console System ActionThe request to manipulate Notifications is denied. Operator ResponseExamine the system log to identify any messages that are related to this problem. Client Administrator ResponseFurther investigation is required. Record the message number and text, and then contact IBM Technical Support.

CHC0117W The metadata contains an undefined value of value for the describe required attribute of table table in subscription name.

ExplanationThe metadata contains an unexpected value for the flag that indicates whether a describe is required for a given table in a given subscription. Message Variables: valueThe unexpected numeric value of the describe required flag. Expected values are 1 (describe required) and 2 (describe not required). tableThe name of the table. nameThe subscription name. Message DestinationProduct administration log and message box in Management Console


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

System ActionThe unexpected value is treated as a value of 2 (describe not required) and normal processing continues. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseFurther investigation is required to determine how the metadata was corrupted. Contact IBM Technical Support.

CHC0118E Target column name of type type cannot be mapped to the constant name.

ExplanationA Management Console session has attempted to map a target table column to a constant of incompatible type. Most likely, an attempt has been made to map a numeric column to a non-numeric constant. Message Variables: nameThe name of the column. typeThe DB2 type of the column. nameThe constant. Message DestinationProduct administration log and message box in Management Console System ActionThe mapping was not performed. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseIn Management Console, map the column to a constant of compatible type.

CHC0119E A request was received out of sequence.

ExplanationA Management Console session has sent an unexpected request to the InfoSphere CDC agent. Message VariablesNone Message DestinationProduct administration log and message box in Management Console System ActionThe request is disallowed. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseThis is a product issue. For more information, contact IBM Technical Support.

Event messages reference


CHC0120I Mirroring has been ended normally for subscription name.

ExplanationAll mirroring activity for the specified subscription has ended. Message Variables: nameThe subscription name. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionAs indicated in the message text. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC0121I Mirroring has been ended abnormally for subscription name.

ExplanationAll mirroring activity for the specified subscription has ended. Message Variables: nameThe subscription name. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionAs indicated in the message text. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC0045I Mirroring has been ended by the operator for subscription name.

ExplanationAll mirroring activity for the specified subscription has ended. Message Variables: nameThe subscription name. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionAs indicated in the message text. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC0123I Mirroring has been ended immediately by the operator for subscription name.


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

ExplanationAll mirroring activity for the specified subscription has ended. Message Variables: nameThe subscription name. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionAs indicated in the message text. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC0129I The latest scraped data was written at time. number changes were sent. The current Log Position is position.

ExplanationIdentifies the timestamp of the most recent change record scraped from the DB2 Log at the time this message was generated. The message also indicates the number of change records that have been sent to the target server since activation of data mirroring to a specific subscription in Management Console, and the current position in the DB2 Log. If the DB2 Log position identified in the message text is the head of the DB2 Log, the first message that reports this condition contains an indicator. How frequently this message is generated is determined by the REPSTATSINTERVAL configuration keyword. If the timestamp referenced in the message text is constant across a number of generated messages, this could mean that there is no more change records to process. Message Variables: timeThe timestamp of the change record that indicates when it was written to the DB2 Log. The timestamp is based on the system clock. numberThe number of change records that have been sent to the target server since the activation of data mirroring to a specific subscription in Management Console. positionThe LRSN or RBA value that indicates the position of the change record in the DB2 Log. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionAs indicated in the message text. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC0130I The latest scraped data was written at time. number changes were sent. The current Log Position is position *Head of Log*.

ExplanationIdentifies the timestamp of the most recent change record scraped from the DB2 Log at the time this message was generated. The message also
Event messages reference


indicates the number of change records that have been sent to the target server since activation of data mirroring to a specific subscription in Management Console, and the current position in the DB2 Log. If the DB2 Log position identified in the message text is the head of the DB2 Log, the first message that reports this condition contains an indicator. How frequently this message is generated is determined by the REPSTATSINTERVAL configuration keyword. If the timestamp referenced in the message text is constant across a number of generated messages, this could mean that there is no more change records to process. Message Variables: timeThe timestamp of the change record that indicates when it was written to the DB2 Log. The timestamp is based on the system clock. numberThe number of change records that have been sent to the target server since the activation of data mirroring to a specific subscription in Management Console. positionThe LRSN or RBA value that indicates the position of the change record in the DB2 Log. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionAs indicated in the message text. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC0136I Scraping ends with data written at time. number changes were sent. The current Log Position is position.

ExplanationIdentifies the timestamp of the change record in the DB2 Log that was scraped last before data mirroring to a specific subscription in Management Console was stopped. The message also indicates the number of change records that have been sent to the target server between the starting and stopping of data mirroring to a specific subscription in Management Console, and the current position in the DB2 Log. If the DB2 Log position identified in the message text is the head of the DB2 Log, the message indicates this condition. Message Variables: timeThe timestamp of the change record that indicates when it was written to the DB2 Log. The timestamp is based on the system clock. numberThe number of change records that have been sent to the subscription server between the starting and stopping of data mirroring to a specific subscription in Management Console. positionThe LRSN or RBA value that indicates the position of the change record in the DB2 Log. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionAs indicated in the message text.


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC0137I Scraping ends with data written at time. number changes were sent. The current Log Position is position *Head of Log*.

ExplanationIdentifies the timestamp of the change record in the DB2 Log that was scraped last before data mirroring to a specific subscription in Management Console was stopped. The message also indicates the number of change records that have been sent to the target server between the starting and stopping of data mirroring to a specific subscription in Management Console, and the current position in the DB2 Log. If the DB2 Log position identified in the message text is the head of the DB2 Log, the message indicates this condition. Message Variables: timeThe timestamp of the change record that indicates when it was written to the DB2 Log. The timestamp is based on the system clock. numberThe number of change records that have been sent to the target server between the starting and stopping of data mirroring to a specific subscription in Management Console. positionThe LRSN or RBA value that indicates the position of the change record in the DB2 Log. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionAs indicated in the message text. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC0143E User id is not authorized to add table owner.table.

ExplanationThe specified security identifier used to access an InfoSphere CDC datastore does not possess sufficient authority to perform an operation on a table. Message Variables: idThe security identifier that is being used to access an agent in Management Console. ownerThe owner of the table. tableThe name of the table. Message DestinationMessage box in Management Console System ActionNone

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Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseContact your database administrator to grant the z/OS user access to the specified table (SELECT authority for source table access, and INSERT, DELETE, and UPDATE authority for target table access).

CHC0144E User id is not authorized to assign table owner.table.

ExplanationThe specified security identifier used to access an InfoSphere CDC datastore does not possess sufficient authority to perform an operation on a table. Message Variables: idThe security identifier that is being used to access an agent in Management Console. ownerThe owner of the table. tableThe name of the table. Message DestinationMessage box in Management Console System ActionNone Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseContact your database administrator to grant the z/OS user access to the specified table (SELECT authority for source table access, and INSERT, DELETE, and UPDATE authority for target table access).

CHC02 messages
See also: CHC0211E on page 269 CHC0212E on page 270 CHC0213E on page 270 CHC0220I on page 270 CHC0221I on page 271 CHC0222I on page 271 CHC0223I on page 272 CHC0224W on page 272 CHC0225E on page 272 CHC0226I on page 273 CHC0227I on page 273 CHC0228E on page 274 CHC0231I on page 274 CHC0232E on page 275 CHC0233E on page 276 CHC0235W on page 276 CHC0236E on page 276


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CHC0237W on page 277 CHC0238E on page 277 CHC0240E on page 278 CHC0244I on page 278 CHC0246I on page 279 CHC0247E on page 279 CHC0248E on page 280 CHC0254I on page 281 CHC0255I on page 281 CHC0256I on page 282 CHC0257I on page 282 CHC0263I on page 282 CHC0264I CHC0265I CHC0266I CHC0272I CHC0273I CHC0274I on on on on on on page page page page page page 283 283 284 284 285 285

CHC0275I on page 285 CHC0281I on page 286 CHC0282I on page 286 CHC0283I CHC0289I CHC0290I CHC0291I on on on on page page page page 287 287 287 288

CHC0211E Table table, has no columns selected for replication. Table will not be described.

ExplanationNone of the columns in the named table has been selected for replication in Management Console. At least one column in the table must be selected before performing the describe operation. Message Variables: tableThe name of the table that has no column selected for replication. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionThe describe operation continues, but the specified table is not described successfully. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseIn Management Console, select one or more columns for replication in the named table. After selecting at least one column, perform the describe operation again.

Event messages reference


CHC0212E The describe for table table was not successful. Check the target for more details.

ExplanationThe identified source table could not be described successfully as a result of a problem in the target environment. Message Variables: tableThe name of the source table that could not be described successfully. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionThe describe operation continues for other source tables selected for replication to the same subscription, but the describe for the identified table is not successful. This table can only be replicated after it has been described successfully. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseExamine messages generated in the target environment to determine the cause of the problem. Perform the necessary corrective actions, and redescribe the identified table in Management Console.

CHC0213E A request was received for describe of table table. The table was not found.

ExplanationA request was received from the subscription environment to describe the identified source table. However, the table is not currently selected for replication. Message Variables: tableThe name of the source table that is not currently selected for replication. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionThe describe operation continues for other source tables selected for replication to the same subscription, but the describe for the identified table is not successful. Operator ResponseNote the message number and issue the DSPACT=ALL command to obtain information about current InfoSphere CDC activity. After collecting the information, contact your InfoSphere CDC administrator for further assistance. Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC0220I The control task for subscription name is starting.

ExplanationThe InfoSphere CDC control task for the identified subscription identifier is starting. The control task on a server manages activity on a communications link that is used to coordinate data replication for a specific


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

subscription identifier. The task is starting in order to perform the initial communications handshake with another server. Message Variables: nameThe name of the subscription identifier, as defined in Management Console. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionAs indicated in the message text. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC0221I The control task for subscription name is terminating.

ExplanationThe InfoSphere CDC control task for the identified subscription identifier is ending normally. The control task on a server manages activity on a communications link that is used to coordinate data replication for a specific subscription identifier. The task is ending normally, which means that transfers conducted on the communications link are ending as well. Message Variables: nameThe name of the subscription identifier, as defined in Management Console. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionAs indicated in the message text. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC0222I The data task for subscription name is starting.

ExplanationThe InfoSphere CDC data task for the identified subscription identifier is starting. The data task on a server manages activity on a communications link that is used to transmit replicated data for a specific subscription identifier. This task is starting to prepare for data replication after a successful communications handshake with another server. Message Variables: nameThe name of the subscription identifier, as defined in Management Console. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionAs indicated in the message text. Operator ResponseNone

Event messages reference


Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC0223I The data task for subscription name is terminating.

ExplanationThe InfoSphere CDC data task for the identified subscription is ending. The data task on a server manages activity on a communications link that is used to transmit replicated data for a specific subscription identifier. The task is ending normally, which means that data replication conducted on the communications link is ending as well. Message Variables: nameThe name of the subscription identifier, as defined in Management Console. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionAs indicated in the message text. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC0224W Table database.owner.table could not be refreshed to subscription name. The total selected length is too long.

ExplanationThe specified table contains records that exceed a certain length. As a result, the table cannot be refreshed to the specified subscription. Message Variables: databaseThe database where the table is located. ownerThe DB2 owner of the table. tableThe name of the table containing records that cannot be refreshed to the specified subscription. nameThe name of the subscription that cannot receive the specified table due to the length of its records. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionThe specified table is not refreshed to the named subscription. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNote the message number and contact your database administrator for further assistance. The length of specific records in the table has to be reduced before the table can be refreshed by InfoSphere CDC.

CHC0225E No response was received from the remote system.


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

ExplanationThe InfoSphere CDC control task on the local server was unable to establish a conversation with a remote server within the timeout period. The control task manages activity on a communications link that is used to coordinate data replication for a specific subscription. Message VariablesNone Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionThe control task on the local server ends. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseIf the problem persists, contact the system administrator for the remote server to determine if there are problems that are preventing the conversation from being established. After taking necessary corrective actions, repeat the operation performed in Management Console.

CHC0226I Refresh was started to subscription name for table schema.table.

ExplanationA data refresh of the specified table has been started to the named subscription. Message Variables: nameThe name of the subscription, as defined in Management Console. schemaThe database where the table is located. The database is expressed in the form <database>.<user> (the <user> component identifies who created the table). tableThe name of the table that will be refreshed to the specified subscription. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionAs indicated in the message text. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC0227I Refresh was completed to subscription name for table schema.table. Target environment reports received rows were received, applied rows were applied, number rows not applied.

ExplanationA data refresh of the specified table has been completed to the named subscription. The number of rows received and applied in the subscription environment as well as the number of errors encountered are identified in the message text. Message Variables: nameThe name of the subscription, as defined in Management Console.
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schemaThe database where the table is located. The database is expressed in the form <database>.<user> (the <user> component identifies who created the table). tableThe name of the table that was refreshed to the specified subscription. receivedThe number of rows received by the target. appliedThe number of rows applied to the target table. numberThe number of errors encountered by the target. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionAs indicated in the message text. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC0228E Refresh to subscription name for table schema.table ended abnormally.

ExplanationThe refresh task on the source server has ended abnormally. Message Variables: nameThe name of the subscription, as defined in Management Console. schemaThe database where the table is located. The database is expressed in the form <database>.<user> (the <user> component identifies who created the table). tableThe name of the source table that was refreshed to the specified subscription. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionRefresh task on the source server will stop sending replicated data. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseConsult the product administration log for other related messages and perform the necessary corrective actions to resolve the problem. You have to restart the refresh to ensure source and target tables are synchronized.

CHC0231I read records were read and sent records were sent to subscription name for table schema.table.

ExplanationA refresh of the identified source table has completed. The number of rows read from the source table and sent to the subscription environment are identified. This message does not indicate whether or not the refresh completed successfully. It is possible that the refresh completed successfully even though the number of rows sent to the subscription environment is less than the number of


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

rows read from the source table. For example, if a row filtering expression has been defined for the source table, and this expression has prevented at least one row from being refreshed, the refresh operation may have been successful even though the number of records read and sent in the message text are not the same. Message Variables: readThe number of rows read from the identified source table in the refresh operation. sentThe number of rows sent to the target environment in the refresh operation. nameThe name of the subscription for which the refresh was performed. schemaThe database where the table is located. The database is expressed in the form <database>.<user> (the <user> component identifies who created the table). tableThe name of the table that was refreshed to the specified subscription. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionAs indicated in the message text. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseConsult the product administration log for other related messages that provide an indication as to whether or not the refresh was successful. If the refresh was unsuccessful, perform necessary corrective actions based on the other messages that were generated. To properly synchronize source and target tables, a refresh has to be restarted after taking any necessary corrective actions.

CHC0232E Invalid table ID id was received from target environment.

ExplanationAnother message received from the target environment referenced an invalid internal table identifier. Message Variables: idThe invalid internal table identifier. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionReplication ends. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseFurther investigation is required. Record the message number and internal table identifier referenced in the message text, and then contact your InfoSphere CDC administrator or IBM representative for assistance.

Event messages reference


CHC0233E The control task for subscription name has terminated unexpectedly. The data task is terminating.

ExplanationThe InfoSphere CDC control task for the identified subscription identifier has ended unexpectedly. As a result, the InfoSphere CDC data task for the same subscription identifier is stopped. The control task on a server manages activity on a communications link that is used to coordinate data replication for a specific subscription identifier. The data task on a server manages activity on another communications link that is used to transmit replicated data for a specific subscription identifier. Message Variables: nameThe name of the subscription identifier, as defined in Management Console. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionReplication for the subscription identifier ends. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseConsult the product administration log for other messages that provide more details as to why the control task ended unexpectedly. Using the other messages in the log, perform necessary corrective actions.

CHC0235W An error occurred in the row filtering statement for table schema.table.

ExplanationAn error has been detected in the row filtering expression that has been defined for the specified table. This message is generated when an inconsistency has been detected in an expression that is syntactically correct. For instance, a column name in the expression may not exist in the source table. Message Variables: schemaThe database where the table is located. The database is expressed in the form <database>.<user> (the <user> component identifies who created the table). tableThe name of the table associated with the row filtering expression. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionThe row filtering expression is not evaluated. Replication continues, but row filtering based on the expression may produce undesirable results. In other words, rows that should be replicated are not sent, or rows that should not be replicated are sent. Operator ResponseOther relevant messages in the log provide further clarification. Use these messages to correct the row filtering expression. Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC0236E The data task for subscription name has aborted.


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

ExplanationThe InfoSphere CDC data task for the identified subscription (by its name or the corresponding source ID) has unexpectedly ended. As a result, the InfoSphere CDC data task for that subscription stops. The data task on a server manages activity on a communications link that is used to transmit replicated data for a specific subscription. The control task on a server manages activity on another communications link that is used to coordinate data replication for a specific subscription. Message Variables: nameThe name of subscription or the source ID, as defined in Management Console. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionReplication for the affected subscription ends. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseFurther investigation is required. Record the message number and text, and then contact your InfoSphere CDC administrator or IBM representative for assistance.

CHC0237W The refresh of table owner.table to subscription name was ended immediately. The refresh did not complete.

ExplanationDuring data refresh, InfoSphere CDC received an immediate shutdown request, either from an operator, or from the remote system. The refresh did not complete. Message Variables: ownerThe owner of the table. tableThe name of the table. nameThe subscription name. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionReplication ends. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseIf an operator was not responsible for ending the refresh, check for errors on the target. You must restart the refresh to complete replication.

CHC0238E parent task terminated unexpectedly. child task is terminating.

ExplanationThe identified InfoSphere CDC parent task has unexpectedly ended. As a result, its child task is ending as well.

Event messages reference


Message Variables: parentThe three-letter name of the InfoSphere CDC parent task that unexpectedly ended. childThe three-letter name of the InfoSphere CDC child task that is ending as a result of the parent task unexpectedly ending. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionDepending on the tasks referenced in the message text, InfoSphere CDC operations may continue or end. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseFurther investigation is required. Record the message number and text, and then contact your InfoSphere CDC administrator or IBM representative for assistance.

CHC0240E child task has aborted. parent task is terminating.

ExplanationThe identified InfoSphere CDC child task has unexpectedly ended. As a result, its parent task is ending as well. Message Variables: childThe three-letter name of the InfoSphere CDC child task that unexpectedly ended. parentThe three-letter name of the InfoSphere CDC parent task that is ending as a result of the child task unexpectedly ending. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionDepending on the tasks referenced in the message text, InfoSphere CDC operations may continue or end. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseFurther investigation is required. Record the message number and text, and then contact your InfoSphere CDC administrator or IBM representative for assistance.

CHC0244I Cache initialization failed for subscription name; subscription will continue without caching.

ExplanationThe DB2 Log caches (Level 1 and Level 2) could not be initialized for the identified subscription. To improve performance when using multiple subscriptions to replicate multiple streams of data at the same time, DB2 Log records can be retrieved from caches that are managed by InfoSphere CDC. Message Variables:


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

nameThe name of the subscription, as defined in Management Console. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionActive mirroring for the subscription continues. Instead of retrieving records from the caches, records are read from the DB2 Log. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC0246I The Level 2 DB2 Log Cache dataset, name, is size MB. The minimum required size is minimum MB.

ExplanationThe DB2 Log Cache is being initialized. The size of the Level 2 Log Cache dataset is reported. The minimum required size of the dataset, based on the InfoSphere CDC configuration, is also reported. If the dataset is smaller than the minimum required size, the DB2 Log Cache will become inactive. To improve performance when using multiple subscriptions to replicate multiple streams of data at the same time, DB2 Log records can be retrieved from caches that are managed by InfoSphere CDC. Message Variables: nameThe dataset name of the Level 2 DB2 Log Cache dataset. sizeThe size, in megabytes, of the Level 2 DB2 Log Cache dataset. minimumThe minimum required size, in megabytes, of the Level 2 DB2 Log Cache dataset. Message DestinationProduct administration log and InfoSphere CDC audit log System ActionIf the Level 2 DB2 Log Cache dataset is not smaller than the minimum required size, normal processing continues. If the Level 2 DB2 Log Cache dataset is smaller than the minimum required size, the DB2 Log Cache will become inactive. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseIf the Level 2 DB2 Log Cache dataset is smaller than the minimum required size, the problem may be corrected in two ways: Firstly, the Level 2 DB2 Log Cache dataset may be resized so that it meets or exceeds the minimum required size. Secondly, the size of the DB2 Log Cache may be reduced by decreasing the setting for the CACHELEVEL1SIZE configuration control statement keyword. Since the minimum required size of the Level 2 DB2 Log Cache dataset is related to the setting for the CACHELEVEL1SIZE keyword, this will reduce the minimum required size of the Level 2 DB2 Log Cache dataset.

CHC0247E The data type type of column name is not supported for replication.
Event messages reference


ExplanationInfoSphere CDC detected a column in a table that has an unsupported data type. The column cannot be referenced in an expression or row expression, and it cannot be selected for replication. If this message was generated as a result of a refresh, the name of the table containing the column is identified in CHC0228. Message Variables: typeThe data type of the column that is not supported by InfoSphere CDC. nameThe name of the column in a table that has an unsupported data type. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionReplication for the affected subscription ends. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseIf the identified column is referenced in an expression or row filtering expression, change the expression so that it does not refer to the column. If the column is in a table selected for replication, deselect the column so data in that column is not replicated. Restart replication. For expressions and row filtering expressions, you may be able to use conversion column functions to convert data to compatible values. If you are not running the latest version of InfoSphere CDC, contact your InfoSphere CDC administrator or IBM representative to determine if a more recent version supports the identified data type. Related reference CHC0228E on page 274

CHC0248E The data type type of column name is not supported in expressions.

ExplanationInfoSphere CDC detected a column in a table that has an unsupported data type. The column cannot be referenced in an expression or row expression, and it cannot be selected for replication. If this message was generated as a result of a refresh, the name of the table containing the column is identified in CHC0228. Message Variables: typeThe data type of the column that is not supported by InfoSphere CDC. nameThe name of the column in a table that has an unsupported data type. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionReplication for the affected subscription ends. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseIf the identified column is referenced in an expression or row filtering expression, change the expression so that it does not refer to the column. If the column is in a table selected for replication, deselect the column so data in that column is not replicated. Restart replication. For expression and row filtering expressions, you may be able to use conversion column functions


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

to convert data to compatible values. If you are not running the latest version of InfoSphere CDC, contact your InfoSphere CDC administrator or IBM representative to determine if a more recent version supports the identified data type. Related reference CHC0228E on page 274

CHC0254I Subscription name has received a controlled shutdown request.

ExplanationInfoSphere CDC has received a request to shut down refresh or mirroring for the identified subscription (by its name or the corresponding source ID) immediately or in a controlled manner. This request was initiated explicitly by a user. Message Variables: nameThe name of subscription or the source ID, as defined in Management Console. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionInfoSphere CDC shuts down refresh or mirroring for the subscription immediately or in a controlled manner. If a controlled shutdown was requested, all data in the current commit group is processed before the shutdown occurs. If an immediate shutdown was requested, no further data is processed. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC0255I Subscription name has received a quick shutdown request.

ExplanationInfoSphere CDC has received a request to shut down refresh or mirroring for the identified subscription (by its name or the corresponding source ID) immediately or in a controlled manner. This request was initiated explicitly by a user. Message Variables: nameThe name of subscription or the source ID, as defined in Management Console. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionInfoSphere CDC shuts down refresh or mirroring for the subscription immediately or in a controlled manner. If a controlled shutdown was requested, all data in the current commit group is processed before the shutdown occurs. If an immediate shutdown was requested, no further data is processed. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNone

Event messages reference


CHC0256I Subscription name has received an immediate shutdown request.

ExplanationInfoSphere CDC has received a request to shut down refresh or mirroring for the identified subscription (by its name or the corresponding source ID) immediately or in a controlled manner. This request was initiated explicitly by a user. Message Variables: nameThe name of subscription or the source ID, as defined in Management Console. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionInfoSphere CDC shuts down refresh or mirroring for the subscription immediately or in a controlled manner. If a controlled shutdown was requested, all data in the current commit group is processed before the shutdown occurs. If an immediate shutdown was requested, no further data is processed. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC0257I Subscription name has received an abnormal shutdown request.

ExplanationInfoSphere CDC has received a request to shut down refresh or mirroring for the identified subscription (by its name or the corresponding source ID) immediately or in a controlled manner. This request was initiated explicitly by a user. Message Variables: nameThe name of subscription or the source ID, as defined in Management Console. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionInfoSphere CDC shuts down refresh or mirroring for the subscription immediately or in a controlled manner. If a controlled shutdown was requested, all data in the current commit group is processed before the shutdown occurs. If an immediate shutdown was requested, no further data is processed. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC0263I The remote partner has requested a controlled shutdown.

ExplanationIndicates that a message was received from the source or target environment to shut down refresh or mirroring immediately or in a controlled manner.


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

Message VariablesNone Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionInfoSphere CDC shuts down refresh or mirroring for the subscription immediately or in a controlled manner. If a controlled shutdown was requested, all data in the current commit group is processed before the shutdown occurs. If an immediate shutdown was requested, no further data is processed. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseConsult messages generated in the source or target environment that provide more details as to why a request to shut down refresh or mirroring was generated. Using these messages, perform necessary corrective actions.

CHC0264I The remote partner has requested a quick shutdown.

ExplanationIndicates that a message was received from the source or target environment to shut down refresh or mirroring immediately or in a controlled manner. Message VariablesNone Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionInfoSphere CDC shuts down refresh or mirroring for the subscription immediately or in a controlled manner. If a controlled shutdown was requested, all data in the current commit group is processed before the shutdown occurs. If an immediate shutdown was requested, no further data is processed. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseConsult messages generated in the source or target environment that provide more details as to why a request to shut down refresh or mirroring was generated. Using these messages, perform necessary corrective actions.

CHC0234I The remote partner has requested an immediate shutdown.

ExplanationIndicates that a message was received from the source or target environment to shut down refresh or mirroring immediately or in a controlled manner. Message VariablesNone Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionInfoSphere CDC shuts down refresh or mirroring for the subscription immediately or in a controlled manner. If a controlled shutdown was requested, all data in the current commit group is processed before the shutdown occurs. If an immediate shutdown was requested, no further data is processed.

Event messages reference


Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseConsult messages generated in the source or target environment that provide more details as to why a request to shut down refresh or mirroring was generated. Using these messages, perform necessary corrective actions.

CHC0266I The remote partner has requested an abnormal shutdown.

ExplanationIndicates that a message was received from the source or target environment to shut down refresh or mirroring immediately or in a controlled manner. Message VariablesNone Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionInfoSphere CDC shuts down refresh or mirroring for the subscription immediately or in a controlled manner. If a controlled shutdown was requested, all data in the current commit group is processed before the shutdown occurs. If an immediate shutdown was requested, no further data is processed. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseConsult messages generated in the source or target environment that provide more details as to why a request to shut down refresh or mirroring was generated. Using these messages, perform necessary corrective actions.

CHC0272I name task has received a controlled shutdown request.

ExplanationThe identified InfoSphere CDC task has received a request from another task to end immediately or in a controlled manner. This message is typically generated after a normal shutdown of the InfoSphere CDC address space has been requested. ExplanationThe identified InfoSphere CDC task has received a request from another task to end immediately or in a controlled manner. This message is typically generated after a normal shutdown of the InfoSphere CDC address space has been requested. Message Variables: nameThe three-letter name of the InfoSphere CDC task that received a request from another task to end immediately or in a controlled manner. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionAfter the task has terminated, other related tasks or the InfoSphere CDC address space may end as well. Operator ResponseNone


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC0273I name task has received a quick shutdown request.

ExplanationThe identified InfoSphere CDC task has received a request from another task to end immediately or in a controlled manner. This message is typically generated after a normal shutdown of the InfoSphere CDC address space has been requested. Message Variables: nameThe three-letter name of the InfoSphere CDC task that received a request from another task to end immediately or in a controlled manner. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionAfter the task has terminated, other related tasks or the InfoSphere CDC address space may end as well. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC0274I name task has received an immediate shutdown request.

ExplanationThe identified InfoSphere CDC task has received a request from another task to end immediately or in a controlled manner. This message is typically generated after a normal shutdown of the InfoSphere CDC address space has been requested. Message Variables: nameThe three-letter name of the InfoSphere CDC task that received a request from another task to end immediately or in a controlled manner. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionAfter the task has terminated, other related tasks or the InfoSphere CDC address space may end as well. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC0275I name task has received an abnormal shutdown request.

ExplanationThe identified InfoSphere CDC task has received a request from another task to end immediately or in a controlled manner. This message is typically generated after a normal shutdown of the InfoSphere CDC address space has been requested.

Event messages reference


Message Variables: nameThe three-letter name of the InfoSphere CDC task that received a request from another task to end immediately or in a controlled manner. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionAfter the task has terminated, other related tasks or the InfoSphere CDC address space may end as well. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC0281I The DB2 Log Cache is active.

ExplanationThe current status of the DB2 Log caches (Level 1 and Level 2) has changed. The caches are active, inactive, or their contents have been cleared. To improve performance when using multiple subscriptions to replicate multiple streams of data at the same time, DB2 Log records can be retrieved from caches that are managed by InfoSphere CDC. Active caches are being used to cache DB2 Log records for retrieval. Inactive caches are not being used to cache records for retrieval. When the caches are inactive, records must be read from the DB2 Log by each subscription. Message VariablesNone Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionAs indicated in the message text. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC0282I The DB2 Log Cache is inactive.

ExplanationThe current status of the DB2 Log caches (Level 1 and Level 2) has changed. The caches are active, inactive, or their contents have been cleared. To improve performance when using multiple subscriptions to replicate multiple streams of data at the same time, DB2 Log records can be retrieved from caches that are managed by InfoSphere CDC. Active caches are being used to cache DB2 Log records for retrieval. Inactive caches are not being used to cache records for retrieval. When the caches are inactive, records must be read from the DB2 Log by each subscription. Message VariablesNone Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionAs indicated in the message text. Operator ResponseNone


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC0283I The DB2 Log Cache has been cleared.

ExplanationThe current status of the DB2 Log caches (Level 1 and Level 2) has changed. The caches are active, inactive, or their contents have been cleared. To improve performance when using multiple subscriptions to replicate multiple streams of data at the same time, DB2 Log records can be retrieved from caches that are managed by InfoSphere CDC. Active caches are being used to cache DB2 Log records for retrieval. Inactive caches are not being used to cache records for retrieval. When the caches are inactive, records must be read from the DB2 Log by each subscription. Message VariablesNone Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionAs indicated in the message text. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC0242I The DB2 Log Cache is starting with a range of first through last.

ExplanationThe DB2 Log caches (Level 1 and Level 2) are reporting their contents. A range of LRSNs (log record sequence numbers) or RBAs (relative byte addresses) identify the DB2 Log records in the caches at the time of the report which can be when the log caches are started, when the log caches are ended, or during normal operations. To improve performance when using multiple subscriptions to replicate multiple streams of data at the same time, DB2 Log records can be retrieved from caches that are managed by InfoSphere CDC. Message Variables: firstThe LRSN or RBA value identifying the first DB2 Log record in the caches at the time of activation. lastThe LRSN or RBA value identifying the last DB2 Log record in the caches at the time of activation. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionNone Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC0290I The DB2 Log Cache is processing with a range of first through last.

Event messages reference


ExplanationThe DB2 Log caches (Level 1 and Level 2) are reporting their contents. A range of LRSNs (log record sequence numbers) or RBAs (relative byte addresses) identify the DB2 Log records in the caches at the time of the report which can be when the log caches are started, when the log caches are ended, or during normal operations. To improve performance when using multiple subscriptions to replicate multiple streams of data at the same time, DB2 Log records can be retrieved from caches that are managed by InfoSphere CDC. Message Variables: firstThe LRSN or RBA value identifying the first DB2 Log record in the caches at the time of activation. lastThe LRSN or RBA value identifying the last DB2 Log record in the caches at the time of activation. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionNone Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC0291I The DB2 Log Cache is ending with a range of first through last.

ExplanationThe DB2 Log caches (Level 1 and Level 2) are reporting their contents. A range of LRSNs (log record sequence numbers) or RBAs (relative byte addresses) identify the DB2 Log records in the caches at the time of the report which can be when the log caches are started, when the log caches are ended, or during normal operations. To improve performance when using multiple subscriptions to replicate multiple streams of data at the same time, DB2 Log records can be retrieved from caches that are managed by InfoSphere CDC. Message Variables: firstThe LRSN or RBA value identifying the first DB2 Log record in the caches at the time of activation. lastThe LRSN or RBA value identifying the last DB2 Log record in the caches at the time of activation. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionNone Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNone


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CHC03 messages
See also: CHC0300I on page 290 CHC0305E on page 291 CHC0309E on page 291 CHC0310E on page 292 CHC0311E on page 292 CHC0312E on page 292 CHC0313E on page 293 CHC0314I on page 293 CHC0315I on page 294 CHC0316I on page 294 CHC0317I on page 294 CHC0318I on page 295 CHC0319E on page 295 CHC0320W on page 296 CHC0321W on page 296 CHC0322W on page 297 CHC0324E on page 297 CHC0325E on page 298 CHC0326E on page 298 CHC0327E on page 298 CHC0328I on page 299 CHC0330E on page 299 CHC0331E on page 300 CHC0332E on page 300 CHC0333W on page 301 CHC0334W on page 301 CHC0335I on page 302 CHC0336E on page 302 CHC0337W on page 303 CHC0339I on page 304 CHC0340E on page 304 CHC0341E on page 304 CHC0342E on page 305 CHC0344W on page 305 CHC0346I on page 306 CHC0347E on page 306 CHC0348E on page 307 CHC0350E on page 307 CHC0351I on page 308 CHC0352I on page 308 CHC0353I on page 308 CHC0354I on page 309
Event messages reference


CHC0355E CHC0356E CHC0357E CHC0358E CHC0359E

on on on on on

page page page page page

309 310 310 311 311

CHC0360W on page 312 CHC0361E on page 312 CHC0364E on page 313 CHC0365W on page 313 CHC0366E on page 314 CHC0367E on page 314 CHC0368I on page 315 CHC0369I on page 315 CHC0371W on page 315 CHC0374E on page 316 CHC0375E on page 316 CHC0376W on page 317 CHC0377W on page 317 CHC0378W on page 317 CHC0379W on page 318 CHC0380W on page 318 CHC0381W CHC0382W CHC0383W CHC0384W on on on on page page page page 319 320 320 321

CHC0385I on page 321 CHC0386E on page 322 CHC0387I on page 322 CHC0388E on page 323 CHC0389E on page 323 CHC0390I on page 323 CHC0391I on page 324 CHC0392I on page 324 CHC0393I on page 324 CHC0394I on page 325 CHC0395E on page 325 CHC0396I on page 325

CHC0300I The replication update process has started.

ExplanationData replication to the subscription environment is in progress. Message VariablesNone Message DestinationProduct administration log


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

System ActionAs indicated in the message text. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC0305E Table owner.table has no columns.

ExplanationInfoSphere CDC could not locate any columns in the named target table. Message Variables: ownerThe owner of the target table that has no columns. tableThe name of the target table that has no columns. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionThe update task on the subscription server will stop running. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseVerify that the source table has been mapped to a target table.

CHC0309E Column name of table owner.table is mapped to a column which does not exist.

ExplanationThe source table column that is mapped to the named target table column does not exist in the InfoSphere CDC metadata. Message Variables: nameThe name of the target table column. ownerThe owner of the target table. tableThe name of the target table. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionUpdate task on the target will stop running. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseIn this case, repeat the task of describing the source table. Typically, this will define the named column in the InfoSphere CDC metadata in the target environment. If this approach is unsuccessful, contact your InfoSphere CDC administrator for further assistance.

Event messages reference


CHC0310E Column name of table owner.table is not mapped.

ExplanationThe named target table column has not been mapped. Message Variables: nameThe name of the unmapped target table column. ownerThe owner of the target table. tableThe name of the target table. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionUpdate task on the target will stop running. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseRemove the column from the target table or map the column.

CHC0311E An error occurred while editing the expression for column name in table owner.table.

ExplanationThe expression for the named target column has been incorrectly formed. Message Variables: nameThe name of the target column that is associated with the expression. ownerThe owner of the target table containing the column. tableThe name of the target table containing the column. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionUpdate task on the target will stop running. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponsePrevious messages in the product administration log identify the part of the expression that is incorrect. Based on the information that is contained in these messages, perform the necessary modifications.

CHC0312E User exit module name is not marked reentrant.

ExplanationThe specified user exit module is not reentrant. In order to use user exit modules in InfoSphere CDC, they must be written and link-edited to be reentrant. Message Variables:


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

nameThe name of the user exit module that is not marked as being reentrant. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionReplication activities are automatically stopped. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseVerify that the user exit module specified in Management Console is reentrant. Either write and link-edit the module so that it is reentrant or reference a different user exit module that is reentrant.

CHC0313E User exit module name failed in preinitialization. rc=code.

ExplanationThe named user exit program has not been properly link-edited, and is not usable. Message Variables: nameThe name of the user exit program that returned the error indicator. codeThe numeric error code returned by the user exit preinitialization validation. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionInitialization, processing, or termination activities will stop. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseEnsure that the user exit has provided a valid entry point name, and recompile and rebind (link edit) the user exit program.

CHC0314I Table owner.table is receiving changes that occurred during the refresh.

ExplanationUpdates to the source table during a refresh are being received in the target environment prior to the start of mirroring. Message Variables: ownerThe owner of the target table. tableThe name of the target table. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionNone Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNone

Event messages reference


CHC0315I Table owner.table has received all changes.

ExplanationAll updates to the source table during a refresh have been received in the target environment prior to the start of mirroring. Message Variables: ownerThe owner of the target table. tableThe name of the target table. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionNone Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC0316I Refresh was started for table owner.table.

ExplanationA data refresh to the named target table has been started. This message is generated when the first record in the refresh operation is received in the target environment. Message Variables: ownerThe owner of the target table. tableThe name of the target table. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionNone Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC0317I Refresh has ended for table owner.table.

ExplanationA data refresh to the named target table has been completed. Message Variables: ownerThe owner of the target table. tableThe name of the target table. Message DestinationProduct administration log


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

System ActionNone Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC0318I number rows were inserted and value rows were not inserted into table owner.table.

ExplanationIdentifies the number of rows that were inserted and not inserted in the named target table. This message is generated at the end of a data refresh. Message Variables: numberThe number of rows inserted into the target table. valueThe number of rows not inserted into the target table. Additional messages in the product administration log identify the reasons why certain rows were not inserted. ownerThe owner of the target table. tableThe name of the target table. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionNone Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseIf rows could not be inserted into the target table, view the product administration log to identify problems.

CHC0319E An error occurred during refresh of owner.table. The program is terminating.

ExplanationAn error has been encountered during a data refresh to the named target table. Message Variables: ownerThe owner of the target table. tableThe name of the target table. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionThe update task on the target server will stop running. Operator ResponseNone

Event messages reference


Client Administrator ResponsePrevious messages in the product administration log identify the cause of the error. Based on the information that is contained in these messages, perform the necessary modifications.

CHC0320W Column name of table owner.table is not NULL capable.

ExplanationNULL was replicated to the named subscription column that is not capable of accepting NULL. NULL was either received from the source table or produced through a data transformation. Message Variables: nameThe name of the subscription column that is not capable of accepting NULL. ownerThe owner of the target table containing the column. tableThe name of the target table containing the column. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionThe field in the named subscription column is not set to NULL. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseChange the subscription column to accept NULL or modify data transformations so that NULL cannot be generated and placed in a field in the column.

CHC0321W An error occurred while processing the expression for column name in table owner.table.

ExplanationAn error was encountered during the processing or calculation of an expression for the named target column. Message Variables: nameThe name of the subscription column associated with the expression. ownerThe owner of the target table containing the column. tableThe name of the target table containing the column. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionUpdate task on the target will stop running. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponsePrevious messages in the product administration log identify the cause of the error. Based on the information that is contained in these messages, perform the necessary modifications.


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

CHC0322W An invalid data type conversion from type1 to type2 was attempted for column name of table owner.table.

ExplanationA source table column has been mapped to a target table column that has an incompatible data type. Message Variables: nameThe name of the target column that is mapped to an incompatible source column. ownerThe owner of the target table. tableThe name of the target table. type1The internal data type representation used in the attempted conversion. This data type may be requested by your IBM representative during diagnostic analysis. type2The DB2 data type to which the conversion was attempted. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionFields in the target column assume the default value for the data type (for example, blank, zero, and so on). Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseChange one of the columns so that the data types are compatible or map the subscription column to a compatible source column or defined value.

CHC0324E The maximum length of an SQL command was exceeded for table owner.table.

ExplanationThe SQL command created to insert, update, or delete rows exceeds the maximum length of an SQL command. Message Variables: ownerThe owner of the target table. tableThe name of the target table. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionUpdate task on the target will stop running. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseThe length of an SQL command depends on the number of columns in the table and the length of the column names. To address this error, you may have to shorten the column names or reduce the number of

Event messages reference


columns in the table. In this case, you may want to contact your IBM representative to discuss possible strategies.

CHC0325E Unable to update the journal status entry for id.

ExplanationAn error has occurred while updating the journal status metadata entry. Message Variables: idThe identifier of the subscription that is associated with the journal status entry. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionThe update task for the subscription stops running. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponsePrevious messages in the product administration log identify the cause of the error. Based on the information that is contained in these messages, perform the necessary modifications.

CHC0326E Source id has no source tables defined.

ExplanationDuring initialization of the update task on the target, no source table definitions were found in the metadata for the indicated source ID. Either table descriptions have not been sent or no tables were actually included in the describe operation to the target. Message Variables: idThe source ID that is the target of replicated data. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionUpdate task on the target will stop running. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseFurther investigation is required. Record the message number and text, and then contact your InfoSphere CDC administrator or IBM representative for assistance.

CHC0327E Table owner.table has no qualifying index defined.

ExplanationA qualifying index could not be found for the specified target table. A unique index is required on the target table for mirroring data. Message Variables:


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

ownerThe owner of the target table that does not have a unique index. tableThe name of the target table that does not have a unique index. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionUpdate task on the target will stop running. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseDefine a unique index for the table so that data can be mirrored to the target table.

CHC0328I number rows were deleted from owner.table.

ExplanationPrior to a data refresh, a certain number of rows were deleted from the named target table. Message Variables: numberThe number of rows deleted from the target table prior to the data refresh. If all rows are removed from the target table and the number of removed rows cannot be determined, this variable is set to All. ownerThe owner of the target table. tableThe name of the target table. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionNone Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC0330E An internal error was detected in task name, module module, level level, line number, SEQ(sequence).

ExplanationInfoSphere CDC detected an error associated with an internal task. Message Variables: nameThe name of the internal InfoSphere CDC task that failed. moduleThe name of the source module in which the internal task error was detected. levelThe PTF/APAR level of the source module in which the internal task error was detected. numberThe line number in the source module containing the logic that triggered the internal task error.
Event messages reference


sequenceThe sequence number of the diagnostic SDUMP. The sequence number decreases by one for each successive SDUMP. When the sequence number reaches zero, additional SDUMPs are not produced. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionThe task referenced in the message text stops running. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseIf a diagnostic SDUMP is generated, obtain it, note the message number, and contact your InfoSphere CDC administrator for further assistance.

CHC0331E User exit program name was not found.

ExplanationThe specified user exit program could not be located in an accessible load library. Message Variables: nameThe name of the user exit program that cannot be found. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionThe task that refreshes or mirrors data stops. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseVerify that the load module for the user exit program has been stored in an accessible load library, and that the name specified in Management Console is correctly specified.

CHC0332E Source id has no target tables assigned.

ExplanationAfter starting replication, InfoSphere CDC determined that no source tables were mapped to target tables. Message Variables: idThe identifier of the source server. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionThe task that refreshes or mirrors data stops. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseFor the selected subscription, map the source tables to target tables. Restart replication after completing the mappings.


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

CHC0333W An error occurred in user exit name of type type during phase code.

ExplanationA row-level user exit program has returned an error indicator (return code 8) to InfoSphere CDC. Message Variables: nameThe name of the user exit program that returned the error indicator to InfoSphere CDC. typeThe type of the user exit that experienced the error. The type describes where in the processing the user exit is called. codeA numeric code which dictates why the user exit was called. v 1User exit called for normal processing. v 2Called to initialize the user exit. v 3Called to terminate the user exit. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionInitialization, processing, or termination activities will stop. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseAn explanation of the error can be returned through the user exit program. If such an explanation is provided, it appears in the product administration log in message CHC0335I. An examination of this message and associated procedures (if any) should provide the necessary directions as to how to proceed. Related reference CHC0335I on page 302

CHC0334W Task will terminate due to a severe error number in user exit name of type type during phase code.

ExplanationA row-level user exit has returned a severe error indicator (return code 12) to InfoSphere CDC. Message Variables: numberThe numeric error code returned by the user exit. nameThe name of the user exit that experienced the error. typeThe type of the user exit that experienced the error. The type describes where in the processing the user exit is called. codeA numeric code which dictates why the user exit was called. v 1User exit called for normal processing. v 2Called to initialize the user exit. v 3Called to terminate the user exit.
Event messages reference


Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionInitialization, processing, or termination activities will stop. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseAn explanation of the error can be returned through the user exit program. If such an explanation is provided, it appears in the product administration log in message CHC0335I. An examination of this message and associated procedures (if any) should provide the necessary directions as to how to proceed. Related reference CHC0335I

CHC0335I text.

ExplanationA full explanation of the error code that is returned by a row-level user exit program, and identified in message CHC0333WI or CHC0334E.The severity of this message is always I (Informational) even though the message text may indicate a more severe condition. Message Variables: textThe message text returned by the user exit program. The text is defined in the user exit program. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionNone Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseThis message is associated with message CHC0333WI or CHC0334E. Therefore, one of these messages will also be in the product administration log. The text that you return through the user exit program should adequately describe the error so that the appropriate actions can be taken. Related reference CHC0333W on page 301 CHC0334W on page 301

CHC0336E Signal type was intercepted from user exit name.

ExplanationThe specified user exit program (%USER or row-level) caused a hardware program check or software requested failure that was intercepted by InfoSphere CDC. Message Variables: typeThe type of hardware program check or software requested failure that was intercepted by InfoSphere CDC. One of the following strings is inserted in the message text at this point:


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

v v v v v v v v v v


For more information about these signals, see the appropriate IBM C/C++ publications. nameThe name of the user exit program that caused the intercepted hardware program check or software requested failure. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionThe task that refreshes or mirrors data stops. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseReview the user exit program to identify the conditions that caused the failure to occur. Modify the user exit program to address the problem.

CHC0337W An attempt by user exit name to issue a COMMIT or ROLLBACK was suppressed.

ExplanationThe specified row-level user exit program attempted to issue a COMMIT or ROLLBACK statement. Except for termination calls, such a statement cannot be specified in a user exit program. Message Variables: nameThe name of the module containing the user exit program that issued a COMMIT or ROLLBACK statement. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionThe COMMIT or ROLLBACK statement in the named user exit program is not performed. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseInform the person that wrote the user exit program that this message was generated. The program has to be modified so that COMMIT or ROLLBACK statements are not issued unless the type of call is for user exit termination.

Event messages reference


CHC0339I All rows were deleted from owner.table.

ExplanationPrior to a data refresh, all rows were deleted from the target table. Message Variables: ownerThe owner of the target table. tableThe name of the target table. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionNone Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC0340E Stored procedure name has returned error code number.

ExplanationA stored procedure invoked by the %STPROC column function returned an error code. Message Variables: nameThe name of the stored procedure. numberThe numeric error code returned by the stored procedure. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionReplication terminates abnormally. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseCorrect the problem in the stored procedure and restart replication.

CHC0341E LiveAudit, Standard Replication, Adaptive Apply, Summarization, and Consolidation cannot be mixed for the same table within the same subscription.

ExplanationIn Management Console, you have attempted to map the same target table using two different mapping types (LiveAudit and Standard, or LiveAudit and Summarization, and so on). This is not allowed for the same target table within the same subscription. Message VariablesNone Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionReplication ends.


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseDecide which mapping type (LiveAudit, Standard, Summarization, and so on) you want to use for the target table. If you want to audit source table changes and summarize data, for example, you can create two subscriptions and select the same set of tables for each subscription. For one subscription, you can map the source tables to the target tables using LiveAudit. For the other subscription, you can map a different set of target tables using Summarization.

CHC0342E Table owner.table has no keys.

ExplanationMirroring activities involve a target table that has no key columns. Mirroring requires that at least one key column exists in the mapped target tables. Message Variables: ownerThe owner of the target table that does not contain a key column. tableThe name of the target table that does not contain a key column. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionMirroring ends. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseIn DB2, define at least one key column in the specified target table. Alternatively, select another target table for mirroring in Management Console.

CHC0344W Deadlock or timeout retry cache is full. Replication will be temporarily unavailable.

ExplanationThe retry cache reached the maximum size specified and no more records can be cached. If a deadlock or timeout occurs, a retry will not be attempted for this commit group. Message VariablesNone Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionReplication continues without deadlock/timeout retry. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseIf this occurs frequently, you might need to increase the size specified on the STG64LIMIT or RETRYCACHE keywords.

Event messages reference


Related reference STG64LIMIT on page 41 RETRYCACHESIZE on page 61

CHC0346I passed rows were passed, failed rows were not passed to the load utility for table owner.table

ExplanationMessage generated at the end of the transmit phase when DB2 LOAD is used to refresh data to target tables. The message text identifies the number of records passed and not passed to DB2 LOAD for the named table. Message Variables: passedThe number of records in the named table that were passed to DB2 LOAD. failedThe number of records in the named table that were not passed to DB2 LOAD. ownerThe owner of the table containing the rows passed to DB2 LOAD. tableThe name of the table containing the rows passed to DB2 LOAD. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionNone Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseIf the number of rows not passed to DB2 LOAD is unexpected, verify the replication configuration to ensure that row filtering is correctly defined.

CHC0347E The DB2 load utility ended abnormally. Abend code: code

ExplanationAn abend occurred while DB2 LOAD was loading a target table in order to perform a refresh. Message Variables: codeThe abend code returned by DB2 LOAD. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionDB2 LOAD does not refresh the target table it was attempting to load when the abend occurred. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseExamine the output produced by DB2 LOAD to determine the cause behind the abend. Output is placed in the SPOOL data set.


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

CHC0348E Dynamic allocation error. rc=return error code=error. Information code =information.

ExplanationA requested dynamic allocation function failed. Message Variables: returnThe dynamic allocation service return code. errorThe dynamic allocation error return code. informationThe dynamic allocation information return code. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionThe operation that initiated the request is not completed successfully. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseUse the return code to identify the cause of the error. Consult the MVS Authorized Assembler Services Guide or the appropriate IBM publication.

CHC0350E The utility is already active for UTILID id, phase phase, status status.

ExplanationDB2 LOAD cannot be started as InfoSphere CDC has detected an active invocation having the same utility identifier. Each active DB2 LOAD invocation must have a unique utility identifier. This issue is likely caused by a previously unsuccessful attempt to use DB2 LOAD to refresh the same target table. Message Variables: idThe DB2 LOAD utility identifier that is active. phaseThe current DB2 LOAD phase when the same utility identifier was detected. statusThe current DB2 LOAD status when the same utility identifier was detected. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionDB2 LOAD does not refresh any target table. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseTry to restart DB2 LOAD independently from InfoSphere CDC. If this approach is unsuccessful, use the DB2 TERM UTIL command to end the active DB2 LOAD invocation before attempting to refresh the target table again.

Event messages reference


CHC0351I The DB2 load utility return code was not zero. The work datasets will not be deleted.

ExplanationDB2 LOAD abended or ended with a nonzero return code. A nonzero return code indicates that a warning or error has been raised. The work data sets have not been deleted so that you can determine the problem or take the necessary steps to restart DB2 LOAD independently from InfoSphere CDC. Message VariablesNone Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionThe work data sets are maintained for the purpose of problem determination. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseUse the data sets to investigate the nonzero return code. If the entire table was loaded into DB2 LOAD before a failure occurred, it may be possible to restart DB2 LOAD independently from InfoSphere CDC using the data sets created by InfoSphere CDC.

CHC0352I The DB2 load utility name dataset was allocated to dataset.

ExplanationIndicates that the DB2 LOAD data set has been allocated to the identified DD name or data set. Message Variables: nameThe default DB2 LOAD DD name of the data set. datasetThe DD or data set name assigned to the data set. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionNone Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseUse the DB2 LOAD data sets for problem determination and to restart DB2 LOAD in the event of an error.

CHC0353I Processing is being suspended for subscription source .

ExplanationMessage indicating the suspension of processing as a result of DB2 unavailability. As a result, the specified source system is placed in a suspended state until DB2 shuts down or becomes available again. Message Variables: sourceThe identifier of the source system that has been placed in a suspended state.


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionThe source system enters a suspended state. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC0354I Attempting to resume processing for subscription source.

ExplanationThe specified source system is attempting to connect to DB2 in order to resume processing. Message Variables: sourceThe identifier of the source system that is attempting to migrate from a suspended state. Message DestinationProduct administration log Operator ResponseNone Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC0355E The %USER exit program name type call returned error code code.

ExplanationAn error occurred during the initialization (EXITINIT) or termination (EXITTERM) call of a user exit program invoked through the %USER column function. The message text identifies the name of the user exit program and the returned error code. The type of call to the user exit program is identified by EXITINIT or EXITTERM. If EXITINIT is referenced in the message text, the error occurred in the initialization call of the user exit program. If EXITTERM is referenced in the message text, the error occurred in the termination call of the user exit program. The initialization call occurs before the first call that processes data, and the termination call occurs after the last call that processes data. Message Variables: nameThe name of the user exit program where an initialization or termination error occurred. typeThe type of call, either initialization (EXITINIT) or termination (EXITTERM) . codeThe error code returned to InfoSphere CDC by the user exit program. A nonzero return code indicates an error. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionIf EXITINIT appears in the message text, the user exit program invocation is disabled for the subscription, and further user exit activity (data
Event messages reference


processing and termination) is halted. If EXITTERM appears in the message text, the user exit program invocation is disabled for the subscription. Operator ResponseContact the programmer that developed the user exit program in your environment, and provide the information contained in the message text. Knowledge of the program logic along with the error code should guide the programmer to a solution. Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC0356E Table ID id was received for unknown source table owner.table.

ExplanationDuring replication, a target received an internal message from a source system that referenced a table identifier for an unknown source table. Message Variables: idThe table identifier of the unknown source table. ownerThe owner of the unknown source table. tableThe name of the unknown source table. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionReplication for the affected subscription ends. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseDescribe or redescribe the subscription containing the named source table and make sure the table has been successfully described to the target. Check Event Log to determine if the describe operation was successful. After a successful describe, restart replication for the subscription.

CHC0357E Table ID id was received for source table owner.table, which has not been assigned to a target table.

ExplanationDuring replication, a target has received data from a source table that has not been mapped to a target table. In this case, the source table status has been set to enable the replication of data to a target. However, a target table has not been mapped to receive the replicated data. In the product administration log, this message is preceded by CHC0360W, which provided a warning when replication was started that the source table was not mapped. Message Variables: idThe table identifier of the source table that is not mapped to a target table. ownerThe owner of the source table that is not mapped to a target table. tableThe name of the source table that is not mapped to a target table. Message DestinationProduct administration log


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

System ActionReplication for the affected subscription ends. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseMap the source table to a target table or set the source table status to Idle to prevent the replication of data from the table when replication for the subscription is started. Restart replication. . Related reference CHC0360W on page 312

CHC0358E An unsupported column flag value flags was received on message type.

ExplanationDuring replication, a target received an internal message from a source system containing column flags that are invalid or not supported in the subscription environment. A column flag is an internal mechanism that is used to indicate the presence of before and/or after image data sent to a target. In this case, a set of flags received by a target is invalid. Message Variables: flagsThe invalid column flags received by the target. typeThe type of message containing the invalid column flags. One of the following strings is inserted in the message text at this point: v TSM_INSERT v TSM_UPDATE v TSM_DELETE Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionReplication for the affected subscription ends. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseFurther investigation is required. Record the message number and text, and then contact your InfoSphere CDC administrator or IBM representative for assistance.

CHC0359E type. Column name in source table owner.table has an unsupported data type

ExplanationDuring replication, a target detected a source table column that has an unsupported data type. Only source table columns containing data supported by InfoSphere CDC can be replicated. Message Variables: nameThe name of the column in the source table containing data that is not supported by InfoSphere CDC. ownerThe owner of the source table containing the column with an unsupported data type.
Event messages reference


tableThe name of the source table containing the column with an unsupported data type. typeThe data type of the column in the source table that is not supported by InfoSphere CDC. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionReplication for the affected subscription ends. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseIn Management Console, deselect the column so that data from this column is not replicated or define an expression in the source table to convert the data into a supported type before replicating the data to a target. Restart replication for the affected subscription.

CHC0360W Source table owner.table has no target table assigned.

ExplanationWhen replication was started, a target detected a source table that is not mapped to a target table. In this case, the source table status has been set to enable the replication of data to a target. However, a target table has not been mapped to receive any replicated data. In the product administration log, this message may be followed by CHC0357E if data from the source table is sent to the target at a later time. Message Variables: ownerThe owner of the source table that is not mapped to a target table. tableThe name of the source table that is not mapped to a target table. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionReplication for the affected subscription continues. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseIf data from the source table will be sent to the target at a later time, stop replication. Map the source table to a target table or set the source table status to Idle to prevent the replication of data from the table when replication for the subscription is started. Restart replication. These steps will prevent CHC0357E from being generated and having to perform the same steps at a later time.

CHC0361E Invalid journal control field name was specified.

ExplanationA journal control field specified in Management Console could not be recognized. Journal control fields can be referenced in expressions and row expressions. They can also be mapped to target table columns. Message Variables:


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

nameThe journal control field that could not be recognized. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionReplication for the affected subscription ends. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseReview the journal control field references in Management Console and make any necessary corrections. All journal control fields have names that begin with an ampersand (&). In addition, some journal control fields are not supported by InfoSphere CDC.

CHC0364E The table table cannot be processed because its type code of (type) is not supported.

ExplanationIn Management Console, a table could not be added to the tables available for replication because the table has an unsupported type code. Message Variables: tableThe name of the table that could not be added to the tables available for replication. typeThe type code of the table. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionThe table is not added to the tables available for replication in Management Console. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseAdd tables that can be replicated by InfoSphere CDC to the tables available for replication.

CHC0365W Bookmark decoding failed for subscription name. source database is type.

ExplanationInfoSphere CDC has encountered an error while attempting to decode a source bookmark value. Message Variables: nameThe subscription name. typeThe type of the source database from which the bookmark originated. Examples would be SQLServer, Oracle, DB2 z/OS, etc. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionReplication continues. Operator ResponseNone
Event messages reference


Client Administrator ResponseThis is likely an attempt to decode an unsupported bookmark type. To see if an update to the bookmark decoding logic is available, contact IBM Technical Support.

CHC0366E Table owner.table has no SELECT statement prepared.

ExplanationInfoSphere CDC has encountered an error while attempting to retrieve the current row for a table. Message Variables: ownerThe owner of the table. tableThe name of the table. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionReplication ends. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseTo resolve the problem, contact IBM Technical Support.

CHC0367E The retrieval of type column name from source table owner.table failed. The return code is code.

ExplanationInfoSphere CDC has encountered an error while attempting to retrieve the indicated source column. Message Variables: typeThe data type of the source column that could not be retrieved. nameThe name of the source column that could not be retrieved. ownerThe owner of the source table for which the column could not be retrieved. tableThe name of the source table for which the column could not be retrieved. codeThe returned code received by InfoSphere CDC when the error occurred. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionReplication ends. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseTo resolve the problem, contact IBM Technical Support.


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

CHC0368I The replication update process has applied bookmark bmk in log log from source.

ExplanationWhile mirroring data for a subscription, the InfoSphere CDC apply task has applied all data up to the indicated bookmark successfully. Message Variables: bmkThe source bookmark value. logThe source log or journal name. sourceThe source ID for the subscription, as defined in Management Console. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionNone Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC0369I The replication update process has received bookmark received in log log from source. The last data applied was applied

ExplanationDuring mirroring, the InfoSphere CDC apply task has received the indicated bookmark successfully. The last data was applied at the bookmark identified in the message. Message Variables: receivedThe source bookmark value received. logThe source log or journal name. sourceThe source ID for the subscription, as defined in Management Console. appliedThe last bookmark value at which data was applied. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionNone Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC0371W An unexpected event message id was received.

ExplanationInfoSphere CDC received an event notification with which it was not able to cope.

Event messages reference


Message Variables: idThe ID of the event received. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionProcessing continues. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseThis is a product issue. For more information, contact IBM Technical Support.

CHC0374E Source table table is already assigned to a target table in subscription name.

ExplanationA Management Console session has attempted to map a target table to a source table which already has a target table mapped to it. Message Variables: tableThe name of the source table. nameThe subscription name. Message DestinationProduct administration log and message box in Management Console System ActionThe table mapping was not performed. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseThis is a product issue. For more information, contact IBM Technical Support.

CHC0375E Column name does not exist in table table.

ExplanationA Management Console session has attempted to map a source table column to a target table column, but the source table column does not exist. Message Variables: nameThe name of the non-existent column. tableThe name of the source table. Message DestinationProduct administration log and message box in Management Console System ActionThe mapping was not performed. Operator ResponseNone


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

Client Administrator ResponseThis is a product issue. For more information, contact IBM Technical Support.

CHC0376W An error occurred while converting a user exit parameter to a level 0 compatible format for exit name.

ExplanationThe named user exit module has been link-edited as a level 0 (backward compatible) user exit, but the user exit parameter list cannot be successfully converted to the older format. This message will be accompanied by other messages giving details of the error. Message Variables: nameThe name of the back-level user exit load module. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionProcessing continues, however, results may not be as expected. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseDo not use product features that were unavailable in version 5, or else rewrite the user exit to use the current interface.

CHC0377W The character data chars is too long for Level-0 User exits and will be truncated to number bytes.

ExplanationA level zero (backward compatible) user exit is in use, but a character field to be passed to the exit is too long to fit in the older format parameter list. The data is truncated to fit. Message Variables: charsThe character data passed to the user exit interface. numberThe number of these characters that will be copied to the level 0 user exit parameter list. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionProcessing continues. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseThis is likely an attempt to use an older user exit in a subscription with long identifiers. Rewrite the user exit to user the current interface.

CHC0378W Future messages will be suppressed for exit name.

ExplanationThis message is issued following other messages reporting errors in converting a user exit parameter list to the older, level 0, format. The message
Event messages reference


indicates that future conversion error messages will be internally suppressed in order to prevent flooding the product administration log. Message Variables: nameThe name of the backward-compatible user exit program that will have conversion error messages suppressed. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionNone Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseRefer to the prior messages to determine the errors in user exit parameter conversion, and take the action appropriate to those errors.

CHC0379W The Open operation failed for DB2 Log Cache dataset name. The DD statement may be missing or incorrect.

ExplanationThe identified operation could not be applied to the DB2 Log cache data set. To improve performance when using multiple subscriptions to replicate multiple streams of data at the same time, DB2 Log records can be retrieved from caches that are managed by InfoSphere CDC. CHCCACHE is the name of the Level 2 DB2 Log cache data set. CHCCHCTL is the name of the DB2 Log cache control data set. The DD statement for one of these data sets in the CHCPROC JCL is incorrect or missing. Message Variables: nameThe name of the dataset. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionIf this message was generated during InfoSphere CDC initialization, DB2 Log caching is disabled and the caches are placed in an inactive state. If an attempt to read a record from the cache is unsuccessful, the record will be read from the DB2 Log instead. If an attempt to write a record to the cache was unsuccessful, the record is not placed in the cache and it will have to be retrieved from the DB2 Log instead. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseVerify the DD statement in the CHCPROC JCL to ensure it exists and is correct.

CHC0380W The Read operation failed for DB2 Log Cache dataset name. The DD statement may be missing or incorrect.

ExplanationThe identified operation could not be applied to the DB2 Log cache data set. To improve performance when using multiple subscriptions to replicate multiple streams of data at the same time, DB2 Log records can be retrieved from


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

caches that are managed by InfoSphere CDC. CHCCACHE is the name of the Level 2 DB2 Log cache data set. CHCCHCTL is the name of the DB2 Log cache control data set. The DD statement for one of these data sets in the CHCPROC JCL is incorrect or missing. Message Variables: nameThe name of the dataset. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionIf this message was generated during InfoSphere CDC initialization, DB2 Log caching is disabled and the caches are placed in an inactive state. If an attempt to read a record from the cache is unsuccessful, the record will be read from the DB2 Log instead. If an attempt to write a record to the cache was unsuccessful, the record is not placed in the cache and it will have to be retrieved from the DB2 Log instead. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseVerify the DD statement in the CHCPROC JCL to ensure it exists and is correct.

CHC0381W The Write operation failed for DB2 Log Cache dataset name. The DD statement may be missing or incorrect.

ExplanationThe identified operation could not be applied to the DB2 Log cache data set. To improve performance when using multiple subscriptions to replicate multiple streams of data at the same time, DB2 Log records can be retrieved from caches that are managed by InfoSphere CDC. CHCCACHE is the name of the Level 2 DB2 Log cache data set. CHCCHCTL is the name of the DB2 Log cache control data set. The DD statement for one of these data sets in the CHCPROC JCL is incorrect or missing. Message Variables: nameThe name of the dataset. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionIf this message was generated during InfoSphere CDC initialization, DB2 Log caching is disabled and the caches are placed in an inactive state. If an attempt to read a record from the cache is unsuccessful, the record will be read from the DB2 Log instead. If an attempt to write a record to the cache was unsuccessful, the record is not placed in the cache and it will have to be retrieved from the DB2 Log instead. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseThe size of the CHCCACHE data set may not be large enough to accommodate the Level 2 DB2 Log cache. Submit the CHCCRCCH job to allocate a larger data set.

Event messages reference


CHC0382W The Seek operation failed for DB2 Log Cache dataset name. The DD statement may be missing or incorrect.

ExplanationThe identified operation could not be applied to the DB2 Log cache data set. To improve performance when using multiple subscriptions to replicate multiple streams of data at the same time, DB2 Log records can be retrieved from caches that are managed by InfoSphere CDC. CHCCACHE is the name of the Level 2 DB2 Log cache data set. CHCCHCTL is the name of the DB2 Log cache control data set. The DD statement for one of these data sets in the CHCPROC JCL is incorrect or missing. Message Variables: nameThe name of the dataset. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionIf this message was generated during InfoSphere CDC initialization, DB2 Log caching is disabled and the caches are placed in an inactive state. If an attempt to read a record from the cache is unsuccessful, the record will be read from the DB2 Log instead. If an attempt to write a record to the cache was unsuccessful, the record is not placed in the cache and it will have to be retrieved from the DB2 Log instead. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseThe size of the CHCCACHE data set may not be large enough to accommodate the Level 2 DB2 Log cache. Submit the CHCCRCCH job to allocate a larger data set.

CHC0383W The Locate operation failed for DB2 Log Cache dataset name. The DD statement may be missing or incorrect.

ExplanationThe identified operation could not be applied to the DB2 Log cache data set. To improve performance when using multiple subscriptions to replicate multiple streams of data at the same time, DB2 Log records can be retrieved from caches that are managed by InfoSphere CDC. CHCCACHE is the name of the Level 2 DB2 Log cache data set. CHCCHCTL is the name of the DB2 Log cache control data set. The DD statement for one of these data sets in the CHCPROC JCL is incorrect or missing. Message Variables: nameThe name of the dataset. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionIf this message was generated during InfoSphere CDC initialization, DB2 Log caching is disabled and the caches are placed in an inactive state. If an attempt to read a record from the cache is unsuccessful, the record will be read from the DB2 Log instead. If an attempt to write a record to the cache was unsuccessful, the record is not placed in the cache and it will have to be retrieved from the DB2 Log instead.


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseThe size of the CHCCACHE data set may not be large enough to accommodate the Level 2 DB2 Log cache. Submit the CHCCRCCH job to allocate a larger data set.

CHC0384W The Update operation failed for DB2 Log Cache dataset name. The DD statement may be missing or incorrect.

ExplanationThe identified operation could not be applied to the DB2 Log cache data set. To improve performance when using multiple subscriptions to replicate multiple streams of data at the same time, DB2 Log records can be retrieved from caches that are managed by InfoSphere CDC. CHCCACHE is the name of the Level 2 DB2 Log cache data set. CHCCHCTL is the name of the DB2 Log cache control data set. The DD statement for one of these data sets in the CHCPROC JCL is incorrect or missing. Message Variables: nameThe name of the dataset. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionIf this message was generated during InfoSphere CDC initialization, DB2 Log caching is disabled and the caches are placed in an inactive state. If an attempt to read a record from the cache is unsuccessful, the record will be read from the DB2 Log instead. If an attempt to write a record to the cache was unsuccessful, the record is not placed in the cache and it will have to be retrieved from the DB2 Log instead. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseThe size of the CHCCACHE data set may not be large enough to accommodate the Level 2 DB2 Log cache. Submit the CHCCRCCH job to allocate a larger data set.

CHC0385I received records received from source system. read records read from table owner.table. Differences found on target: missing missing records, extra extra records, changed changed records.

ExplanationThis message reports the results of a differential refresh. Message Variables: receivedThe number of records received from the source system. readThe number of records read from the target table. ownerThe owner of the target table. tableThe name of the target table.

Event messages reference


missingThe number of records received from the source that did not exist on the target. extraThe number of records read on the target that were not received from the source. changedThe number of records received from the source that existed on the target, but were different. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionNone Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC0386E Differential refresh is only allowed for standard assignment.

ExplanationA differential refresh was started by the source, but the target determined that the mapping type was incompatible with differential refresh. Message VariablesNone Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionReplication ends. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseDifferential refresh is only supported for standard assignment. Select standard refresh to refresh this table.

CHC0387I Log table created.

ExplanationA differential refresh with the log option was started and the target has created a log table where the discrepancies found during the refresh will be logged. Message Variables: ownerThe owner name of the log table. This will be equal to the metadata owner. nameThe name of the log table. This will be built from the subscription name, the target table name and the date and time. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionNone Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNone


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

CHC0388E Key column column in table must be mapped directly to a source column.

ExplanationA differential refresh was started and the specified key column is not mapped directly to a source column. The Differential refresh cannot proceed. Message Variables: columnThe name of the key column. ownerThe owner name of the log table. This will be equal to the metadata owner. nameThe name of the log table. This will be built from the subscription name, the target table name and the date and time. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionReplication ends. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseA differential refresh cannot be done on this table. Choose standard refresh to refresh this table.

CHC0389E The target system for subscription name does not support differential refresh.

ExplanationA differential refresh was started, but the target system has indicated it does not support differential refresh. Message Variables: nameThe subscription name. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionReplication ends. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseA differential refresh cannot be done to this system. Choose standard refresh to refresh this table.

CHC0390I The replication update process ended normally.

ExplanationData replication to the target environment has ended. Message VariablesNone Message DestinationProduct administration log

Event messages reference


System ActionThe update task on the target server will stop applying replicated data. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseIf the update process stopped abnormally, consult the product administration log for other related messages and perform the necessary corrective actions to resolve the problem.

CHC0391I The replication update process ended abnormally.

ExplanationData replication to the target environment has ended. Message VariablesNone Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionThe update task on the target server will stop applying replicated data. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseIf the update process stopped abnormally, consult the product administration log for other related messages and perform the necessary corrective actions to resolve the problem.

CHC0392I The replication update process was ended by the operator.

ExplanationData replication to the target environment has ended. Message VariablesNone Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionThe update task on the target server will stop applying replicated data. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseIf the update process stopped abnormally, consult the product administration log for other related messages and perform the necessary corrective actions to resolve the problem.

CHC0393I The replication update process was ended immediately by the operator.

ExplanationData replication to the target environment has ended. Message VariablesNone Message DestinationProduct administration log


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

System ActionThe update task on the target server will stop applying replicated data. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseIf the update process stopped abnormally, consult the product administration log for other related messages and perform the necessary corrective actions to resolve the problem.

CHC0394I A deadlock or timeout has occurred on table, attempting to recover.

ExplanationThe database has returned a deadlock or timeout error to the application. Recovery and retry of the operation will be attempted. Message Variables: ownerThe owner name of the table on which the error occurred. nameThe name of the table on which the error occurred. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionThe operation will be retried. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC0395E An error occurred while processing message number.

ExplanationAn unexpected error occurred while the product was processing the specified message. This is likely a product issue. Message Variables: numberThe number of the message being processed. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionReplication ends. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseContact technical support.

CHC0396I A recoverable database error has occurred, a retry will be attempted.

ExplanationThe database has returned a recoverable error to the application. The operation will be retried. Message VariablesNone
Event messages reference


Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionThe operation will be retried. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC04 messages
See also: CHC0401W CHC0402I on page 327 CHC0403W on page 327 CHC0404E on page 328 CHC0405W on page 328 CHC0407E on page 329 CHC0408E on page 329 CHC0409E on page 330 CHC0410W on page 330 CHC0411E on page 331 CHC0412E on page 331 CHC0418W on page 331 CHC0419W on page 332 CHC0420W on page 332 CHC0421W on page 333 CHC0422W on page 333 CHC0428E on page 334 CHC0429E on page 334 CHC0430E on page 335 CHC0431E on page 335 CHC0432E on page 336 CHC0495E on page 336 CHC0496E on page 336

CHC0401W A VSAM request failed for cluster name, return code=return, reason code= reason, RBA=rba, operation=operation (text).

ExplanationA VSAM (Virtual Storage Access Method) request failed in response to a Management Console request, a hardware or software error, or some other error. Message Variables: nameThe name of the cluster. returnThe return code. Consult the appropriate IBM publication for an explanation of this code.


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

reasonThe reason code. Consult the appropriate IBM publication for an explanation of this code. rbaThe RBA (relative byte address) of the record that lead to the message being generated. operationThe code that identifies the operation that was being attempted when the VSAM request failed. textText associated with the code returned through operation Message DestinationSystem log System ActionInfoSphere CDC operations will continue if it is able to recovery from the request failure. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseExamine preceding messages in the system log that addresses this problem. Use the information contained in these messages to perform necessary corrective actions.

CHC0402I Task name has ended abnormally.

ExplanationAn internal InfoSphere CDC task has stopped running and is currently in the specified state. Message Variables: nameThe name of the InfoSphere CDC task that has ended. Message DestinationProduct administration log and system log Depending on which task has ended, this message is sent to the system log or the product administration log. System ActionNone Operator ResponseIf the task ended abnormally, examine preceding messages in the log that addresses this problem. Use the information contained in these messages to perform corrective actions. Note the message number and contact your InfoSphere CDC administrator if you require further assistance. Client Administrator ResponseSee Operator Response for instructions.

CHC0403W The maximum message size was exceeded for message number number.

ExplanationThe identified message could not be added to the product administration log. The message that could not be added exceeds the maximum size of 512 bytes. Messages that exceed the maximum size are placed in the default CHCPRINT spool file that is provided with InfoSphere CDC for z/OS. Message Variables:
Event messages reference


numberThe identification number of the message that exceeds the maximum size stipulated for the product administration log. Message DestinationProduct administration log The message placed in the product administration log is CHC0403W (not the message identified in the message text). System ActionNone Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseTo review the identified message, inspect the CHCPRINT spool file. Note the message number and contact your InfoSphere CDC administrator if you require further assistance.

CHC0404E Dataset name has an invalid file type.

ExplanationInfoSphere CDC cannot work with a data set created during installation. Message Variables: nameThe name of the data set that InfoSphere CDC cannot access. Message DestinationSystem log System ActionInfoSphere CDC initialization is stopped. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseConsult InfoSphere CDC Installation or Upgrade to review the instructions concerning this data set, and make any necessary modifications. Contact your InfoSphere CDC administrator if you require further assistance. Related concepts IBM InfoSphere Change Data Capture installation or upgrade on page 1

CHC0405W Channel (type), zone (zone), category (name) has reported an error. The Notifications channel has been disabled.

ExplanationAn error has been encountered with the named alerts and alarms channel. A channel refers to a supported method of triggering an alert when a message belonging to the named zone and category is generated. For more information about alerts and alarms, see your Management Console documentation. Message Variables: typeThe type of channel where an error was reported. For InfoSphere CDC, one of the following strings is inserted into the message text at this point: v user exit


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

v spool file v system log zoneThe alarmed functional zone that is attached to the named channel. Functional zones identify the possible replication activities that can produce InfoSphere CDC messages. nameThe alarmed category that is attached to the named channel. Categories identify the different severity levels associated with InfoSphere CDC messages. Message DestinationSystem log System ActionInfoSphere CDC continues to run, but the named channel is disabled for all subsequent alarms that activate this kind of channel. Operator ResponseFor the user exit handler, review the user exit programs in your environment to identify any problems in the source code. For the spool file and system log channels, note the message number and contact your InfoSphere CDC administrator if you require further assistance. Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC0407E User exit name has reported an error. The associated alert handler will be disabled.

ExplanationA severe error occurred in a user exit program that was invoked through an alert handler. The alert handler that invoked the user exit program is disabled for all subsequent notifications that activate this handler. Message Variables: nameThe name of the user exit program where the severe error occurred. Message DestinationSystem log System ActionNone Operator ResponseContact the person that developed the user exit program to determine the cause of the problem. If necessary, consult InfoSphere CDC User Exits for information about user exit programs invoked by alert handlers. Client Administrator ResponseNone Related concepts InfoSphere CDC user exits on page 165

CHC0408E Invalid data was passed on request. number items were processed.

ExplanationInfoSphere CDC could not process an update to an alert definition received from Management Console. The message text identifies the number of updates that were successfully processed before the error was reported. Message Variables:
Event messages reference


numberThe number of alert definition updates that were successfully processed by InfoSphere CDC before the error was encountered. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionThe update is not processed, but InfoSphere CDC operations continue. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNote the message number and contact your InfoSphere CDC administrator if you require further assistance.

CHC0409E Dataset name has an invalid key or record length.

ExplanationInfoSphere CDC has detected an invalid key or record length associated with a data set created during installation. Message Variables: nameThe name of the data set having attributes that InfoSphere CDC does not expect. Message DestinationSystem log System ActionInfoSphere CDC initialization is stopped. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseConsult IBM InfoSphere Change Data Capture installation or upgrade on page 1 to review the instructions concerning this data set, and make any necessary modifications. Contact your InfoSphere CDC administrator if you require further assistance.

CHC0410W The maximum error count was exceeded. File ddn was closed.

ExplanationThe maximum number of errors associated with the identified file has been exceeded. As a result, the file has been closed. Message Variables: ddnThe name or DD name of the file that was closed. Message DestinationSystem log System ActionThe identified file is closed. Operator ResponseOther messages in the system log provide information as to why the maximum number of errors was exceeded. Use these messages to identify the cause. InfoSphere CDC has to be restarted before additional data and messages can be written to the file. Client Administrator ResponseNone


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

CHC0411E A message was received for undefined table ID id.

ExplanationDuring replication, a target received an internal message from a source system that referenced an unrecognized table identifier or journal number. Message Variables: idThe table identifier that was not recognized by the target. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionReplication for the affected subscription ends. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseFurther investigation is required. Record the message number and text, and then contact your InfoSphere CDC administrator or IBM representative for assistance.

CHC0412E A message was received for undefined journal number number.

ExplanationDuring replication, a target received an internal message from a source system that referenced an unrecognized table identifier or journal number. Message Variables: numberThe journal number that was not recognized by the target. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionReplication for the affected subscription ends. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseFurther investigation is required. Record the message number and text, and then contact your InfoSphere CDC administrator or IBM representative for assistance.

CHC0418W Invalid decimal data was found for column name of table owner.table.

ExplanationData received from a source table is invalid and cannot be accepted by the named target column. Message Variables: nameThe name of the target column that received the invalid data. ownerThe owner of the target table. tableThe name of the target table.

Event messages reference


Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionFields in the target column assume the default value for the data type (for example, blank, zero, and so on). Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseIdentify the source of the invalid data. If necessary, use the data transformation capabilities of InfoSphere CDC to convert invalid data received from the source.

CHC0419W Invalid floating point was found for column name of table owner.table.

ExplanationData received from a source table is invalid and cannot be accepted by the named target column. Message Variables: nameThe name of the target column that received the invalid data. ownerThe owner of the target table. tableThe name of the target table. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionFields in the target column assume the default value for the data type (for example, blank, zero, and so on). Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseIdentify the source of the invalid data. If necessary, use the data transformation capabilities of InfoSphere CDC to convert invalid data received from the source.

CHC0420W Invalid integer data was found for column name of table owner.table.

ExplanationData received from a source table is invalid and cannot be accepted by the named target column. Message Variables: nameThe name of the target column that received the invalid data. ownerThe owner of the target table. tableThe name of the target table. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionFields in the target column assume the default value for the data type (for example, blank, zero, and so on).


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseIdentify the source of the invalid data. If necessary, use the data transformation capabilities of InfoSphere CDC to convert invalid data received from the source.

CHC0421W Invalid zoned numeric data was found for column name of table owner.table.

ExplanationData received from a source table is invalid and cannot be accepted by the named target column. Message Variables: nameThe name of the target column that received the invalid data. ownerThe owner of the target table. tableThe name of the target table. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionFields in the target column assume the default value for the data type (for example, blank, zero, and so on). Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseIdentify the source of the invalid data. If necessary, use the data transformation capabilities of InfoSphere CDC to convert invalid data received from the source.

CHC0422W Invalid data was found for column name of table owner.table.

ExplanationData received from a source table is invalid and cannot be accepted by the named target column. Message Variables: nameThe name of the target column that received the invalid data. ownerThe owner of the target table. tableThe name of the target table. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionFields in the target column assume the default value for the data type (for example, blank, zero, and so on). Operator ResponseNone

Event messages reference


Client Administrator ResponseIdentify the source of the invalid data. If necessary, use the data transformation capabilities of InfoSphere CDC to convert invalid data received from the source.

CHC0428E An INSERT operation failed. Table name: owner.table, key: col1 = txt1, col2 =txt2, ..., coln =txtn.

ExplanationA row-level operation applied to the named target table was unsuccessful. Message Variables: ownerThe owner of the target table. tableThe name of the target table. col1, ..., colnThe names of the key columns in the target table. txt1, ..., txtnThe corresponding values of the key columns in the target table pertinent to the row-level operation that failed. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionUpdate task on the target will stop running. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponsePrevious messages in the product administration log identify the cause of the error. Based on the information that is contained in these messages, perform the necessary modifications.

CHC0429E An UPDATE operation failed. Table name: owner.table, key: col1 = txt1, col2 =txt2, ..., coln =txtn.

ExplanationA row-level operation applied to the named target table was unsuccessful. Message Variables: ownerThe owner of the target table. tableThe name of the target table. col1, ..., colnThe names of the key columns in the target table. txt1, ..., txtnThe corresponding values of the key columns in the target table pertinent to the row-level operation that failed. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionUpdate task on the target will stop running. Operator ResponseNone


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

Client Administrator ResponsePrevious messages in the product administration log identify the cause of the error. Based on the information that is contained in these messages, perform the necessary modifications.

CHC0430E A DELETE operation failed. Table name: owner.table, key: col1 = txt1, col2 =txt2, ..., coln =txtn

ExplanationA row-level operation applied to the named target table was unsuccessful. Message Variables: ownerThe owner of the target table. tableThe name of the target table. col1, ..., colnThe names of the key columns in the target table. txt1, ..., txtnThe corresponding values of the key columns in the target table pertinent to the row-level operation that failed. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionUpdate task on the target will stop running. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponsePrevious messages in the product administration log identify the cause of the error. Based on the information that is contained in these messages, perform the necessary modifications.

CHC0431E A SELECT operation failed. Table name: owner.table, key: col1 = txt1, col2 =txt2, ..., coln =txtn.

ExplanationA row-level operation applied to the named target table was unsuccessful. Message Variables: ownerThe owner of the target table. tableThe name of the target table. col1, ..., colnThe names of the key columns in the target table. txt1, ..., txtnThe corresponding values of the key columns in the target table pertinent to the row-level operation that failed. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionUpdate task on the target will stop running. Operator ResponseNone
Event messages reference


Client Administrator ResponsePrevious messages in the product administration log identify the cause of the error. Based on the information that is contained in these messages, perform the necessary modifications.

CHC0432E A format operation failed. Table name: owner.table, key: col1 = txt1, col2 =txt2, ..., coln =txtn.

ExplanationA row-level operation applied to the named target table was unsuccessful. Message Variables: ownerThe owner of the target table. tableThe name of the target table. col1, ..., colnThe names of the key columns in the target table. txt1, ..., txtnThe corresponding values of the key columns in the target table pertinent to the row-level operation that failed. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionUpdate task on the target will stop running. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponsePrevious messages in the product administration log identify the cause of the error. Based on the information that is contained in these messages, perform the necessary modifications.

CHC0495E An invalid table ID id was received.

ExplanationDuring replication, a target received an internal message from a source system that referenced a table identifier or journal number that is not within the acceptable range of values. Message Variables: idThe table identifier that is not within the acceptable range of values. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionReplication for the affected subscription ends. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseFurther investigation is required. Record the message number and text, and then contact your InfoSphere CDC administrator or IBM representative for assistance.

CHC0495E An invalid journal number number was received.


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

ExplanationDuring replication, a target received an internal message from a source system that referenced a table identifier or journal number that is not within the acceptable range of values. Message Variables: numberThe journal number that is not within the acceptable range of values. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionReplication for the affected subscription ends. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseFurther investigation is required. Record the message number and text, and then contact your InfoSphere CDC administrator or IBM representative for assistance.

CHC05 messages
See also: CHC0502E on page 338 CHC0503E on page 339 CHC0511I on page 339 CHC0512I on page 339 CHC0513I on page 340 CHC0514I CHC0515I CHC0516I CHC0517I CHC0518I on on on on on page page page page page 340 341 341 341 342

CHC0519I on page 342 CHC0529E on page 343 CHC0530E CHC0531E CHC0532E CHC0533E CHC0535E on on on on on page page page page page 343 344 344 344 345

CHC0536E on page 345 CHC0537E on page 346 CHC0538E CHC0539E CHC0540E CHC0541E CHC0543E on on on on on page page page page page 346 347 347 348 348

CHC0545E on page 348 CHC0546E on page 349 CHC0547E on page 349 CHC0548E on page 349
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CHC0549E CHC0550E CHC0551E CHC0552E CHC0553E

on on on on on

page page page page page

350 350 351 351 351

CHC0554E on page 352 CHC0555E on page 352 CHC0556I on page 353 CHC0557E on page 353 CHC0558E on page 354 CHC0560E on page 354 CHC0561E on page 354 CHC0562E on page 355 CHC0564E on page 355 CHC0565E on page 356 CHC0566E on page 356 CHC0567W on page 356 CHC0568W on page 357 CHC0569W on page 357 CHC0570E on page 358 CHC0571W on page 358 CHC0572E CHC0573E CHC0574E CHC0575E on on on on page page page page 359 359 360 360

CHC0576E on page 361 CHC0577W on page 361 CHC0579E on page 362 CHC0580E on page 362 CHC0581W on page 363 CHC0582E on page 363 CHC0583E on page 363 CHC0584E on page 364 CHC0595I on page 364 CHC0596I on page 365 CHC0598W on page 365 CHC0599W on page 366

CHC0502E An error occurred while allocating file name.

ExplanationA request to allocate the identified file was unsuccessful. Message Variables: nameThe data set or DD name that caused an allocation error.


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionThe operation that initiated the request is not completed successfully. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseIdentify the cause of the error by examining other related messages placed in the product administration log.

CHC0503E An error occurred while deallocating file name.

ExplanationA request to deallocate the identified file was unsuccessful. Message Variables: nameThe data set or DD name that caused an allocation error. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionThe operation that initiated the request is not completed successfully. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseIdentify the cause of the error by examining other related messages placed in the product administration log.

CHC0511I The DB2 load utility was not used. The table is cascaded by the source system.

ExplanationDB2 LOAD cannot be used to refresh target tables. The message text contains information as to why DB2 LOAD could not be used. There are limitations on the use of DB2 LOAD. Message VariablesNone Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionA refresh of the target table by DB2 LOAD is not performed. Instead of DB2 LOAD, the standard InfoSphere CDC refresh will be used to refresh the target table. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseBased on the reason, you may want to modify the replication configuration for one or more tables in Management Console to allow DB2 LOAD to be used. If the replication configuration cannot be modified, use the standard InfoSphere CDC refresh.

CHC0512I The DB2 load utility was not used. The table is not the only one in the tablespace.
Event messages reference


ExplanationDB2 LOAD cannot be used to refresh target tables. The message text contains information as to why DB2 LOAD could not be used. There are limitations on the use of DB2 LOAD. Message VariablesNone Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionA refresh of the target table by DB2 LOAD is not performed. Instead of DB2 LOAD, the standard InfoSphere CDC refresh will be used to refresh the target table. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseBased on the reason, you may want to modify the replication configuration for one or more tables in Management Console to allow DB2 LOAD to be used. If the replication configuration cannot be modified, use the standard InfoSphere CDC refresh.

CHC0513I The DB2 load utility was not used. Live Audit is selected for the table.

ExplanationDB2 LOAD cannot be used to refresh target tables. The message text contains information as to why DB2 LOAD could not be used. There are limitations on the use of DB2 LOAD. Message VariablesNone Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionA refresh of the target table by DB2 LOAD is not performed. Instead of DB2 LOAD, the standard InfoSphere CDC refresh will be used to refresh the target table. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseBased on the reason, you may want to modify the replication configuration for one or more tables in Management Console to allow DB2 LOAD to be used. If the replication configuration cannot be modified, use the standard InfoSphere CDC refresh.

CHC0514I The DB2 load utility was not used. A row ID is specified for the table.

ExplanationDB2 LOAD cannot be used to refresh target tables. The message text contains information as to why DB2 LOAD could not be used. There are limitations on the use of DB2 LOAD. Message VariablesNone Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionA refresh of the subscription table by DB2 LOAD is not performed. Instead of DB2 LOAD, the standard InfoSphere CDC refresh will be used to refresh the target table.


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseBased on the reason, you may want to modify the replication configuration for one or more tables in Management Console to allow DB2 LOAD to be used. If the replication configuration cannot be modified, use the standard InfoSphere CDC refresh.

CHC0515I The DB2 load utility was not used. Standard clear is set to no.

ExplanationDB2 LOAD cannot be used to refresh target tables. The message text contains information as to why DB2 LOAD could not be used. There are limitations on the use of DB2 LOAD. Message VariablesNone Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionA refresh of the target table by DB2 LOAD is not performed. Instead of DB2 LOAD, the standard InfoSphere CDC refresh will be used to refresh the target table. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseBased on the reason, you may want to modify the replication configuration for one or more tables in Management Console to allow DB2 LOAD to be used. If the replication configuration cannot be modified, use the standard InfoSphere CDC refresh.

CHC0516I The DB2 load utility was not used. The table record length is too long.

ExplanationDB2 LOAD cannot be used to refresh target tables. The message text contains information as to why DB2 LOAD could not be used. There are limitations on the use of DB2 LOAD. Message VariablesNone Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionA refresh of the target table by DB2 LOAD is not performed. Instead of DB2 LOAD, the standard InfoSphere CDC refresh will be used to refresh the target table. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseBased on the reason, you may want to modify the replication configuration for one or more tables in Management Console to allow DB2 LOAD to be used. If the replication configuration cannot be modified, use the standard InfoSphere CDC refresh.

CHC0517I The DB2 load utility was not used. The assignment type is Row Consolidation.

Event messages reference


ExplanationDB2 LOAD cannot be used to refresh target tables. The message text contains information as to why DB2 LOAD could not be used. There are limitations on the use of DB2 LOAD. Message VariablesNone Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionA refresh of the target table by DB2 LOAD is not performed. Instead of DB2 LOAD, the standard InfoSphere CDC refresh will be used to refresh the target table. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseBased on the reason, you may want to modify the replication configuration for one or more tables in Management Console to allow DB2 LOAD to be used. If the replication configuration cannot be modified, use the standard InfoSphere CDC refresh.

CHC0518I The DB2 load utility was not used. The assignment type is Summarization.

ExplanationDB2 LOAD cannot be used to refresh target tables. The message text contains information as to why DB2 LOAD could not be used. There are limitations on the use of DB2 LOAD. Message VariablesNone Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionA refresh of the target table by DB2 LOAD is not performed. Instead of DB2 LOAD, the standard InfoSphere CDC refresh will be used to refresh the target table. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseBased on the reason, you may want to modify the replication configuration for one or more tables in Management Console to allow DB2 LOAD to be used. If the replication configuration cannot be modified, use the standard InfoSphere CDC refresh.

CHC0519I The DB2 load utility was not used. Conflict Detection is selected for the table.

ExplanationDB2 LOAD cannot be used to refresh target tables. The message text contains information as to why DB2 LOAD could not be used. There are limitations on the use of DB2 LOAD. Message VariablesNone Message DestinationProduct administration log


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

System ActionA refresh of the target table by DB2 LOAD is not performed. Instead of DB2 LOAD, the standard InfoSphere CDC refresh will be used to refresh the target table. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseBased on the reason, you may want to modify the replication configuration for one or more tables in Management Console to allow DB2 LOAD to be used. If the replication configuration cannot be modified, use the standard InfoSphere CDC refresh.

CHC0529 Table table does not exist in the metadata.

ExplanationA Management Console session has requested that an operation be performed upon a source table, but the table is not in the InfoSphere CDC metadata. Message Variables: tableThe name of the source table. Message DestinationProduct administration log and message box in Management Console System ActionThe requested operation is rejected. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseThis is a product issue. For more information, contact IBM Technical Support.

CHC0530E Table owner.table has already been added to the metadata.

ExplanationAn attempt has been made in Management Console to add the specified DB2 table to metadata that already contains the table. Message Variables: ownerThe owner of the table. tableThe name of the table. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionThe specified table is not added to the metadata. The metadata will contain the same set of tables before the operation was attempted. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseTo add the table to the metadata, remove the existing table and then proceed to add the same table. Alternatively, maintain the existing table in the metadata, and do not attempt to add the table.

Event messages reference


CHC0531E Subscription name has already been defined.

ExplanationAn attempt has been made to define a subscription that already exists. For each agent, each subscription must be assigned a unique name. Message Variables: nameThe name of the subscription, as defined in Management Console, which could not be defined. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionThe specified subscription is not defined. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseChoose a unique name for the subscription that has to be defined.

CHC0532E Unable to load information for table owner.table.

ExplanationA SQL error occurred during the process of retrieving internal information pertaining to the specified table. More information about the SQL error is contained in the product administration log. Message Variables: ownerThe owner of the table for which information cannot be retrieved. tableThe name of the table for which information cannot be retrieved. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionNone Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseUse Management Console to open the product administration log and examine the SQL error that has been logged. Note the message number and contact your InfoSphere CDC administrator if you require further assistance.

CHC0533E Unable to remove table owner.table. It is still selected to subscriptions.

ExplanationAn attempt has been made in Management Console to remove the specified table from the metadata that is currently selected for replication to one or more subscriptions. Before a table can be removed from the metadata, it be must first be deselected from each subscription under a specific datastore. Message Variables:


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

ownerThe owner of the table. tableThe name of the table. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionThe table is not removed from the metadata. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseUnmap the table from each subscription, and then remove the table from the metadata.

CHC0535E Table owner.table is already selected to the subscription.

ExplanationAn attempt has been made to select the specified source table for replication to a subscription that has the table already selected. The same source table cannot be selected for replication to a subscription more than once. Message Variables: ownerThe owner of the source table that is already selected to a subscription. tableThe name of the source table that is already selected to a subscription. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionNone Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseTo select the specified source table to the subscription, deselect the existing table from the subscription and then proceed to select the same table. Alternatively, maintain the existing table under the subscription and do not select the source table to the subscription.

CHC0536E Table owner.table is not selected to the subscription.

ExplanationThe specified table selected to a subscription could not be found in an InfoSphere CDC metadata table. Metadata tables are internally maintained by InfoSphere CDC, and are updated to reflect replication configuration changes. Message Variables: ownerThe owner of the table that cannot be found in a metadata table. tableThe name of the table that cannot be found in a metadata table. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionNone Operator ResponseNone
Event messages reference


Client Administrator ResponseInspect the InfoSphere CDC metadata table DMMD_TARGET_TABLE to verify that the table specified in the message text is not referenced. CAUTION: You should not directly modify InfoSphere CDC metadata tables, as incorrect changes can corrupt your replication configuration. You may want to note the message number and contact your InfoSphere CDC administrator for further assistance.

CHC0537E Column name already exists in table owner.table.

ExplanationAn attempt was made to add the specified derived column to a table that already contains the derived column. The name of the derived column added to a table must be unique. Message Variables: nameThe name of the derived column that cannot be added to the specified table. ownerThe owner of the table to which the specified derived column cannot be added. tableThe name of the table to which the specified derived column cannot be added. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionThe derived column is not added to the table. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseAssign a unique name to the derived column that you want to add. Alternatively, remove the derived column that has the same name from the table, and then add the derived column to the table using the same name.

CHC0538E Unable to update the alias for column name.

ExplanationA SQL error occurred during an attempt to change the alias associated with the specified column. Message Variables: nameThe name of the column associated with the alias that could not be updated due to a SQL error. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionThe column alias is not changed. Operator ResponseNone


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

Client Administrator ResponseUse Management Console to open the product administration log and examine the SQL error that has been logged. Note the message number and contact your InfoSphere CDC administrator if you require further assistance.

CHC0539E Subscription name does not exist.

ExplanationThe specified subscription could not be found in an InfoSphere CDC metadata table. Metadata tables are internally maintained by InfoSphere CDC, and are updated to reflect configuration changes. Message Variables: nameThe name of the subscription, as defined in Management Console. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionNone Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseInspect the InfoSphere CDC metadata table DMMD_TARGET_TABLE to verify that the table specified in the message text is not referenced. CAUTION: You should not directly modify InfoSphere CDC metadata tables, as incorrect changes can corrupt your replication configuration. You may want to note the message number and contact your InfoSphere CDC administrator for further assistance.

CHC0540E Replication is active to subscription name. The selected function is unavailable.

ExplanationAn attempt has been made to start replication or modify the configuration of the specified active subscription. If replication to the specified subscription is in progress, initiating replication to the subscription or modifying its configuration cannot be performed. Message Variables: nameThe name of the active subscription, as defined in Management Console, to which the selected function could not be applied. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionNone Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseBefore applying the selected function, either stop replication activities to the subscription or wait for replication activities (refresh or net change mirroring) to conclude.
Event messages reference


CHC0541E Connection to database is not yet established.

ExplanationAn attempt has been made to issue a Management Console command through an InfoSphere CDC datastore that is not connected to the user database, and the command must manipulate tables in the user database. To successfully issue the given command from a client workstation running Management Console, a connection to the datastore database must first be established. Message VariablesNone Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionNone Operator ResponseExamine the JESMSGLOG log to verify that the InfoSphere CDC instance and datastore processes have been started. If the JESMSGLOG log contains any message referring to the instance or datastore process, note the message number and contact your InfoSphere CDC administrator if you require further assistance. Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC0543E Column name is not nullable.

ExplanationA null-to-value or value-to-null translation was defined for a column that is not nullable. Message Variables: nameThe name of the column that does not support translations to or from NULL. Message DestinationMessage box in Management Console System ActionThe translation is not saved. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseRemove all translations to or from NULL that have been defined for the specified column.

CHC0545E Decimal fractions are not supported in Value Translations.

ExplanationA translation involving numerical data with a decimal point was defined for a column. This kind of translation is not supported even though the column supports decimal, floating point, or a similar numerical representation. Message VariablesNone Message DestinationMessage box in Management Console


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

System ActionThe translation is not performed. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseRemove all translations involving numerical data that contains a decimal point.

CHC0546E CHARACTER translations cannot be set into a numeric field.

ExplanationA translation that produces character data has been defined for a numeric column. For numeric columns, all translations must produce numeric results. Message VariablesNone Message DestinationMessage box in Management Console System ActionThe translation is not saved. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseRemove all translations for a numeric column that produces character results.

CHC0547E An invalid Length for a Derived Column has been entered for column name. The permitted column lengths are: CHAR 1-255, VARCHAR 1-2048, FLOAT 4 or 8, and DECIMAL 1-31.

ExplanationThe length specified for a derived column is not valid for the data type. Derived columns are defined in Management Console. Message Variables: nameThe name of the column. Message DestinationMessage box in Management Console System ActionThe derived column will not be defined. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseIn Management Console, you must set the length of the derived column to a valid value. The message text identifies the supported lengths for common data types that are supported by InfoSphere CDC.

CHC0548E Tablespace name does not exist in Database db.

ExplanationThe table space specified in Management Console when creating a target table does not currently exist in the named database. Message Variables:

Event messages reference


nameThe name of the table space specified in Management Console. dbThe database specified in Management Console that does not currently contain the table space identified in the message text. Message DestinationMessage box in Management Console System ActionThe target table is not created. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseIn Management Console, you must specify the name of an existing table space in the database. If a table space does not exist in the database, create a new table space before creating the target table or select a different database that has a table space.

CHC0549E The INTEGER Value is outside the supported ranges. The range for 4 byte INTEGERS is -2147483648 to 2147483647 the range for 2 byte INTEGERs is -32768 to 32767.

ExplanationA translation for an integer column references a number that is not within the upper and lower limits for a signed long or short integer. In this case, the closest limit is assumed in the translation. Message VariablesNone Message DestinationMessage box in Management Console System ActionThe translation is used, but integer values not within the limits automatically default to the closest limit. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseYou can modify the translation in Management Console so that the limits are not exceeded.

CHC0550E User id has connected to the InfoSphere Change Data Capture datastore.

ExplanationProvides confirmation of a connection operation for an InfoSphere CDC for z/OS datastore. The operation was performed using the specified security identifier. Message Variables: idThe security identifier that is being used to access a datastore in Management Console. Message DestinationAudit log System ActionNone Operator ResponseNone


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC0551E User id has disconnected from the InfoSphere Change Data Capture datastore.

ExplanationProvides confirmation of a disconnection operation for an InfoSphere CDC for z/OS datastore. The operation was performed using the specified security identifier. Message Variables: idThe security identifier that is being used to access a datastore in Management Console. Message DestinationAudit log System ActionNone Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC0552E A maximum of one ROWID column is allowed per table.

ExplanationAn attempt to create a target table with more than one ROWID column was unsuccessful. In DB2 for z/OS, a maximum of one ROWID column can be defined in a single table. Message VariablesNone Message DestinationMessage box in Management Console System ActionThe target table was not created. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseIn Management Console, remove one or more ROWID columns from the target table so that a maximum of one ROWID column remains in the table. After removing ROWID columns, complete the table creation process.

CHC0553E Column name of type ROWID cannot be mapped to blanks, constant values, expressions or journal control fields.

ExplanationIn Management Console, an attempt was made to map a ROWID column to a defined value. ROWID columns can only be mapped to other ROWID columns. Message Variables: nameThe name of the ROWID column in the target table that could not be mapped to a defined value.
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Message DestinationMessage box in Management Console System ActionThe mapping was not performed. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseIn Management Console, map the identified ROWID column in the target table to a ROWID column in the source table. Alternatively, set the ROWID column in the target table to be unmapped.

CHC0554E ROWIDs are not supported in Value Translations.

ExplanationIn Management Console, an attempt was made to define value translations for a ROWID column in a target table. The attributes of a ROWID column prevent value translations from being defined for the column. Message VariablesNone Message DestinationMessage box in Management Console System ActionThe value translations were not defined for the ROWID column. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseIf required, define value translations for other columns in the target table.

CHC0555E Unable to add table table_1 to the metadata due to table table_2 having duplicate DBID, PSID, OBID combination.

ExplanationAn attempt to add a table to the metadata in Management Console was unsuccessful. The table has the same DBID, PSID, and OBID settings as another table already in the metadata. Each physical DB2 table has a unique DBID, PSID, and OBID combination. This message may be generated when a table that has been physically deleted from the database has not been removed from the metadata, and an attempt is subsequently made to add a different table with the same combination to the metadata. In this case, the definition of the physically deleted table remains in the InfoSphere CDC metadata, and therefore prevents any other table with the same combination from being added. Message Variables: table_1The name of the table that cannot be added to the metadata in Management Console. table_2The name of the table that is preventing the table from being added to the metadata. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionThe table is not added to the metadata. Operator ResponseNone


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

Client Administrator ResponseIn Management Console, deselect the table (table_2) that is preventing the addition to the metadata from all subscriptions. Remove the same table (table_2) from the metadata, and then add the other table (table_1) again.

CHC0556I User name is being disconnected by the inactivity time.

ExplanationA connection to an InfoSphere CDC datastore established by a Management Console user will be automatically disconnected as a result of continuous inactivity for a specified period of time. The timeout period is defined by setting the ADMININACTTIMEOUT configuration control statement keyword. A controlled shutdown of the address space cannot be performed if at least one Management Console user is connected to a datastore running in the address space. Establishing a timeout period may be required in your environment so that an inactive connection does not prevent an InfoSphere CDC address space from being shut down in a controlled manner. Message Variables: nameThe Management Console user that has been automatically disconnected from the datastore. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionThe connection to the datastore established by the Management Console user is automatically disconnected. Operator ResponseThe current setting for the ADMININACTTIMEOUT keyword may be too low. If necessary, increase this setting so that active Management Console users are not disconnected from their datastores too quickly. Client Administrator ResponseIf the connection to the datastore must be reestablished, the user must reconnect to the datastore in Management Console.

CHC0557E Connection to metadata is not yet established.

ExplanationAn attempt has been made to issue a Management Console command through an InfoSphere CDC datastore that is not connected to the metadata, and the command must manipulate the metadata. To successfully issue the given command from a client workstation running Management Console, a connection to the metadata must first be established. Message VariablesNone Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionThe command fails. Operator ResponseExamine the JESMSGLOG log to verify that the InfoSphere CDC instance and datastore processes have been started. If the JESMSGLOG log contains any message referring to the instance or datastore process, note the message number and contact your InfoSphere CDC administrator if you require further assistance.
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Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC0558E Subscription name is not active.

ExplanationAn attempt has been made to issue a Management Console command through an InfoSphere CDC datastore, and the command requires that a particular subscription be running, but that subscription is not running. To successfully issue the given command from a client workstation running Management Console, the specified replication must first be started. Message Variables: nameThe name of the subscription that must be running. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionThe command fails. Operator ResponseThis is likely to be a logic error in Management Console. Contact your InfoSphere CDC administrator if you require further assistance. Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC0560E The row filtering expression for table is invalid.

ExplanationAn attempt has been made to issue a Management Console command through an InfoSphere CDC datastore to set the row filtering expression for a table, but the specified row filtering expression is not valid. This is almost certainly a user error. Common errors are specifying a column that is not in the table (misspelling the column name), comparing a column to an invalid data type (comparing a character column to a numeric value), specifying nonexistent journal control fields or column functions (misspelling the name of the journal control field or column function). Message Variables: schema.nameThe schema and name of the table. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionThe command fails. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC0561E The translation metadata for column name in table table is corrupt.

ExplanationA Management Console session has requested the translations for one or more target table columns, and the translation for at least one of those columns has been corrupted.


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

Message Variables: nameThe name of the column. tableThe name of the target table. Message DestinationProduct administration log and message box in Management Console System ActionA null translation for the column is returned to the Management Console session and an error message is also sent to the Management Console session. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseFurther investigation is required to determine how the metadata was corrupted. Contact IBM Technical Support.

CHC0562E The maximum number of columns allowed in a CREATE TABLE SQL statement is number.

ExplanationA Management Console session has requested that a target table be created with more than the allowable number of columns. Message Variables: numberThe maximum number of columns allowed in a table by DB2. Message DestinationProduct administration log and message box in Management Console System ActionThe requested target table is not created. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseIn Management Console, try creating a target table with fewer columns.

CHC0564E The latency alert threshold values can be from 0 to 32767.

ExplanationA Management Console session has requested that a latency alert threshold for a subscription be set to an illegal value. Latency alert thresholds may be set to any integral value from 0 to 32767 minutes. Message VariablesNone Message DestinationProduct administration log and message box in Management Console System ActionThe requested latency alert thresholds are not set. Operator ResponseNone

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Client Administrator ResponseIn Management Console, enter legal values for the latency alert thresholds.

CHC0565E Derived column identifier id in agent request number was not found for table in subscription name.

ExplanationA Management Console session has requested that a derived column of a source table be returned or deleted, and the derived column does not exist. Message Variables: idThe numeric identifier of the derived column. numberThe request number received from the Management Console session. tableThe name of the source table. nameThe subscription name. Message DestinationProduct administration log and message box in Management Console System ActionThe request is rejected. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseThis is a product issue. For more information, contact IBM Technical Support.

CHC0566E Source Row Identifier expression name is not valid.

ExplanationA Management Console session has requested that Row Identifier expression for a source table be validated or set and the Row Identifier expression is not valid. Message Variables: nameThe offending Row Identifier expression. In order to be valid, a Row Identifier expression must be a legal SQL WHERE clause for the table. Message DestinationProduct administration log and message box in Management Console System ActionThe Row Identifier expression is not set for the source table. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseSpecify a valid Row Identifier expression for the source table.

CHC0567W Deleting translation from fromval to toval, configured for column name, which does not exist in table table.


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

ExplanationA Management Console session has requested that a target table be remapped. Since it was originally mapped, the target table has changed such that a column no longer exists and that column had a translation configured. Message Variables: fromvalThe from value for the translation. tovalThe to value for the translation. nameThe name of the column which no longer exists. tableThe name of the target table being remapped. Message DestinationProduct administration log and message box in Management Console System ActionThe translation is deleted and the target table is remapped. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC0568W Deleting expression [name] configured for column column, which does not exist in table table.

ExplanationA Management Console session has requested that a target table be remapped. Since it was originally mapped, the target table has changed such that a column no longer exists and that column was mapped to an expression. Message Variables: nameThe name of the expression. columnThe name of the column which no longer exists. tableThe name of the target table being remapped. Message DestinationProduct administration log and message box in Management Console System ActionThe defined expression is deleted and the target table is remapped. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC0569W Deleting invalid expression [name] configured for column column, in table table.

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ExplanationA Management Console session has requested that a target table be remapped. Since it was originally mapped, the target table has changed such that a column which was mapped to a expression is no longer compatible with the type of the expression. Message Variables: nameThe name of the expression. columnThe name of the column which has changed. tableThe name of the target table being remapped. Message DestinationProduct administration log and message box in Management Console System ActionThe defined expression is deleted and the target table is remapped. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC0570E Summarization or Consolidation key column name cannot be found in target table table.

ExplanationA Management Console session has requested that a target table be remapped. Since it was originally mapped, the target table has changed such that a Summarization or Consolidation key column no longer exists. Message Variables: nameThe name of the column which no longer exists. tableThe name of the target table being remapped. Message DestinationProduct administration log and message box in Management Console System ActionThe target table is not remapped. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseIn Management Console, unmap then remap the table.

CHC0571W Invalid translation is being deleted from fromval to toval, configured for column name, in table table

ExplanationA Management Console session has requested that a target table be remapped. Since it was originally mapped, the target table has changed such that a column which had a translation configured is no longer compatible with the type of that translation.


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

Message Variables: fromvalThe from value for the translation. tovalThe to value for the translation. nameThe name of the column which has changed. tableThe name of the target table being remapped. Message DestinationProduct administration log and message box in Management Console System ActionThe translation is deleted and the target table is remapped. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC0572E Address space is shutting down. The request has been rejected.

ExplanationA Management Console session has requested that a subscription start a refresh or mirror operation, but the InfoSphere CDC address space has initiated a shutdown. Message VariablesNone Message DestinationProduct administration log and message box in Management Console System ActionThe subscription is not started. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseClose the Management Console session and allow the InfoSphere CDC address space to terminate. After the InfoSphere CDC address space is restarted, initiate a new Management Console session and retry the operation.

CHC0573E A resource shortage was encountered. The request has been rejected.

ExplanationA Management Console session has requested that a subscription start a refresh or mirror operation. When attempting to start the operation, InfoSphere CDC address space was unable to obtain a required resource, such as memory. Message VariablesNone Message DestinationProduct administration log and message box in Management Console System ActionThe subscription is not started.

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Operator ResponseExamine the system log for messages which indicate what resource could not be obtained. Client Administrator ResponseTerminate the Transformation Address server address space and make the changes required to make more of the required resource available to InfoSphere CDC. Restart the InfoSphere CDC address space and retry the operation. Alternatively, shut down one or more existing subscriptions and retry the operation.

CHC0574E Column column in table owner.table in subscription name is not of a DB2 type eligible for MBCS translation.

ExplanationThe specified column is not eligible for MBCS translation. Message Variables: columnThe column name. ownerThe owner of the table. tableThe name of the table. nameThe subscription name. Message DestinationProduct administration log and message box in Management Console System ActionMBCS translation is not set for the column. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC0575E Network type network and DB2 type type for column column in table owner.table in subscription name are inconsistent.

ExplanationAn inconsistency in the metadata for the specified column was detected. Message Variables: networkThe network type of the column. typeThe DB2 type of the column. columnThe column name. ownerThe owner of the table. tableThe name of the table. nameThe subscription name.


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

Message DestinationProduct administration log and message box in Management Console Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseUpdate the definition of the table and retry the operation. If this does not eliminate the error message, contact support.

CHC0576E Metadata for column column in table owner.table in subscription name could not be found. Please ensure that the column exists and update the table definition.

ExplanationMetadata for the specified column could not be found. Message Variables: columnThe column name. ownerThe owner of the table. tableThe name of the table. nameThe subscription name. Message DestinationProduct administration log and message box in Management Console Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseUpdate the definition of the table and retry the operation. If this does not eliminate the error message, contact support.

CHC0577W The specified translation for column column in table owner.table in subscription name might fail.

ExplanationThe translation as specified might fail. For example, if the source code page is a multi byte code page and the target code page is single byte code page, some characters will not be convertible. Message Variables: columnThe column name. ownerThe owner of the table. tableThe name of the table. nameThe subscription name. Message DestinationProduct administration log and message box in Management Console System ActionThe MBCS translation is set.
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Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC0579E The specified translation for column column in table owner.table in subscription name is invalid.

ExplanationThe translation as specified is not valid. For example, if the source column is binary and only a target code page is specified, the translation cannot be performed, since the source code page is unknown. Message Variables: columnThe column name. ownerThe owner of the table. tableThe name of the table. nameThe subscription name. Message DestinationProduct administration log and message box in Management Console System ActionThe MBCS translation is not set. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC0580E The byte byte at position position is a malformed UTF-8 character.

ExplanationA character value in an expression contains an invalid UTF-8 character. Expressions, and all character values passed to or generated by expressions, are encoded in UTF-8, which uses a variable-length representation for characters. One of the characters in the expression or value does not have a valid length indication in the first byte of the representation. This message should only appear if a column that contains non-character data is passed as input to a string function, or if the expression itself contains an invalid value specified as decimal integers (using double angle bracket syntax). Message Variables: byteThe hexadecimal value of the byte with the invalid length indication. positionThe byte position of the start of the invalid representation. Message DestinationProduct administration log and message box in Management Console System ActionThe expression evaluation fails. Replication continues or ends based on the ENDONERROR keyword setting.


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseCorrect the expression to specify valid UTF-8 characters, or to not pass the column data to any string manipulation functions.

CHC0581W The MBCS settings to default for column column in table owner.table in subscription name is being reset.

ExplanationThe MBCS translation settings for the specified column were reset to defaults. For example, if a columns data type changed from CHARACTER to INTEGER, the MBCS translation settings would not longer be valid. When a Re-add is performed, the MBCS translation settings would be reset to defaults. Message Variables: columnThe column name. ownerThe owner of the table. tableThe name of the table. nameThe subscription name. Message DestinationProduct administration log and message box in Management Console System ActionAs indicated in the message text. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC0582E Source derived columns of type type may not be created.

ExplanationA user attempted through Management Console to create a source derived column of an unsupported type, such as ROWID. Message Variables: typeThe unsupported column type. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionThe derived column is not created. Operator ResponseChoose a supported column type for the derived column. Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC0583E The View name is not valid as a target table.

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ExplanationIn Management Console, an attempt was made to assign to the identified Materialized Query Table (MQT) on the target. This assignment is not allowed. You cannot perform an assignment that lets you replicate data to an MQT on a target. You can only assign an MQT on a source system to a conventional table on a target. Message Variables: nameThe name of the View on the target that could not be assigned. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionThe assignment is unsuccessful. Active replication continues for other assignments. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseIf you want to include an MQT in your replication configuration, assign an MQT on a source to a conventional table on a target. This is the only supported assignment for an MQT.

CHC0584E The Materialized Query Table name is not valid as a target table.

ExplanationIn Management Console, an attempt was made to assign to the identified Materialized Query Table (MQT) on the target. This assignment is not allowed. You cannot perform an assignment that lets you replicate data to an MQT on a target. You can only assign an MQT on a source system to a conventional table on a target. Message Variables: nameThe name of the MQT on the target that could not be assigned. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionThe assignment is unsuccessful. Active replication continues for other assignments. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseIf you want to include an MQT in your replication configuration, assign an MQT on a source to a conventional table on a target. This is the only supported assignment for an MQT.

CHC0595I Updates are being sent that occurred during the active refresh of table schema.table.

ExplanationA refresh has finished and updates applied to the specified table during the refresh are currently being replicated to the subscription. InfoSphere CDC allows you to refresh a source table to a target environment while updates are being applied to the source table. Message Variables:


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

schemaThe database where the table is located. The database is expressed in the form <database>.<user> (the <user> component identifies who created the table). tableThe name of the table that the updates were applied to during a refresh. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionAs indicated in the message text. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC0596I Updates that occurred during refresh have finished being sent to table schema.table .

ExplanationA refresh has finished and all updates applied to the specified source table during the refresh have been replicated to the target table. InfoSphere CDC allows you to refresh a source table to a target environment while updates are being applied to the source table. Message Variables: schemaThe database where the table is located. The database is expressed in the form <database>.<user> (the <user> component identifies who created the table). table The name of the table that the updates were applied to during a refresh. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionAs indicated in the message text. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC0598W SYSIBM.SYSTABLES does not have DATA CAPTURE CHANGES enabled. On-line schema evolution detection will not be available.

ExplanationInfoSphere CDC has determined that SYSIBM.SYSTABLES does not have DATA CAPTURE CHANGES enabled. The online schema evolution detection feature, which relies on DATA CAPTURE CHANGES being enabled, will not be available. Message VariablesNone Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionProcessing continues. Operator ResponseNone

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Client Administrator ResponseOn-line schema evolution detection can increase up-time for subscriptions and provide early warning for changes to a source table, which impacts InfoSphere CDC operations. If you want to use this feature, alter the DB2 catalog table SYSIBM.SYSTABLES to enable DATA CAPTURE CHANGES.

CHC0599W idle. Table table has been dropped on date at time. The table will be marked

ExplanationThe identified source table was dropped from DB2 while it was being mirrored by InfoSphere CDC. Mirroring immediately ends for the table that is dropped from DB2. The replication status of the source table is automatically set to Idle. Replication continues for all other source tables being replicated for the same subscription. Message Variables: tableThe name of the source table dropped from DB2 while mirroring was active. dateThe date when the source table was dropped from DB2. timeThe time when the source table was dropped from DB2. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionMirroring ends for the dropped table. Replication continues for all other source tables being replicated for the same subscription. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseYou may want to investigate the reason why the source table was dropped from DB2. Dropping the table while mirroring was active may indicate that the table was accidentally dropped from DB2. Under normal circumstances, mirroring of a table is stopped in Management Console before the table is dropped. If you need to recreate the source table and restart mirroring, update the table definition in Management Console after recreating the table. Restart mirroring after successfully updating the table definition.

CHC06 messages
See also: CHC0600I on page 367 CHC0602W on page 367 CHC0604W on page 368 CHC0605E on page 368 CHC0662E on page 369 CHC0663E on page 369 CHC0669W on page 369 CHC0670W on page 370 CHC0676I on page 371 CHC0677I on page 371 CHC0683I on page 371


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CHC0684I CHC0685I CHC0686I CHC0687I CHC0688I

on on on on on

page page page page page

372 372 372 373 373

CHC0689I on page 374 CHC0690I on page 374

CHC0600I No material changes to table name were detected. Replication continues.

ExplanationReplication of the identified source table starts or continues even though the table was altered in DB2. The nature of the alteration applied to the source table in DB2 did not prevent replication of that table from starting or continuing. Message Variables: nameThe name of the source table altered in DB2 during or prior to the start of replication. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionReplication continues for all active source tables under the subscription. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC0602W Table name has been altered on date at time.

ExplanationInfoSphere CDC is in the process of determining whether mirroring of the identified source table can continue in response to the table being altered in DB2. Message Variables: nameThe name of the source table that has been altered in DB2 while mirroring was active. dateThe date when the source table was altered. timeThe time when the source table was altered. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionAfter the required analysis has been completed, CHC0600I is generated if mirroring continues. Otherwise, a message in the range of CHC0832W-CHC0838W is generated if mirroring ends. Operator ResponseNone
Event messages reference


Client Administrator ResponseInspect the product administration log to determine which message has been subsequently generated. If mirroring ends, see the Client Administrator Response to CHC0832W-CHC0838W (as applicable). Related reference CHC0600I on page 367

CHC0604W A column has been added to table table which is in reordered row format. A reorg of the table space and refresh of the table is required.

ExplanationWhile mirroring, InfoSphere CDC detected that a column has been added to a table which is in DB2 version 9.1 Reordered Row Format. InfoSphere CDC cannot continue to mirror this table. Message Variables: tableThe name of the source table. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionReplication ends. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseA REORG of the table spaces which contain the table, followed by a refresh of the table, is required.

CHC0605E Table name has been dropped on date at time. Mirroring will end

ExplanationThe identified source table was dropped from DB2 while it was being mirrored by InfoSphere CDC. Mirroring immediately ends in error for the subscription. Message Variables: nameThe name of the source table dropped from DB2 while mirroring was active. dateThe date when the source table was dropped from DB2. timeThe time when the source table was dropped from DB2. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionMirroring ends in error. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseYou may want to investigate the reason why the source table was dropped from DB2. Dropping the table while mirroring was active may indicate that the table was accidentally dropped from DB2. Under normal circumstances, mirroring of a table is stopped in Management Console before the table is dropped. If you need to recreate the source table and restart mirroring, re-add the table in Management Console after recreating the table.


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

Restart mirroring after successfully re-adding the table. For information about re-adding tables and starting mirroring, see your Management Consoledocumentation.

CHC0662E Mirror cannot be set as a replication method for because it is a View, which is only supported for Refresh.

ExplanationIn Management Console, an attempt was made to set the replication method of the identified Materialized Query Table (MQT) on a source system to Mirror. This is not allowed, as data in MQTs can only be refreshed. Message Variables: schema.nameThe schema and name of the MQT on the source system that could not have its replication method set to Mirror. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionThe replication method is not set to Mirror. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseIn Management Console, set the replication method of the identified MQT to Refresh. For MQTs on a source system, this is the only option for the replication method.

CHC0663E Mirror cannot be set as a replication method for because it is a Materialized Query Table, which is only supported for Refresh.

ExplanationIn Management Console, an attempt was made to set the replication method of the identified Materialized Query Table (MQT) on a source system to Mirror. This is not allowed, as data in MQTs can only be refreshed. Message Variables: schema.nameThe schema and name of the MQT on the source system that could not have its replication method set to Mirror. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionThe replication method is not set to Mirror. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseIn Management Console, set the replication method of the identified MQT to Refresh. For MQTs on a source system, this is the only option for the replication method.

CHC0669W The replication update process failed to format the BEFORE image for operation operation. The bookmark for the entry is bmk from source system source. The target table is owner.table.

Event messages reference


ExplanationInfoSphere CDC was unable to format the record image. Message Variables: operationThe name of the operation. bmkThe source bookmark value. sourceThe name of the source system. ownerThe owner of the table. tableThe name of the table. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionReplication will either continue or shut down based on the severity of the error and the end on error setting. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseThis message should be preceded by other messages which detail the exact nature of the error. Investigate these messages to determine the problem.

CHC0670W Replication update process failed to format the AFTER image for operation operation. The bookmark for the entry is bmk from source system source. The target table is owner.table.

ExplanationInfoSphere CDC was unable to format the record image. Message Variables: operationThe name of the operation. bmkThe source bookmark value. sourceThe name of the source system. ownerThe owner of the table. tableThe name of the target table. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionReplication will either continue or shut down based on the severity of the error and the end on error setting. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseThis message should be preceded by other messages which detail the exact nature of the error. Investigate these messages to determine the problem.


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

CHC0676I CHCPRINT Channel was opened.

ExplanationThe named file was successfully opened in an InfoSphere CDC operation. This message is generated when the CHCPRINT spool data set is opened. The CHCPRINT spool data set, provided with InfoSphere CDC, maintains a copy of all messages in the product administration log. InfoSphere CDC stores these messages in the CHCPRINT spool data set for the duration of the current InfoSphere CDC session, and it clears them from CHCPRINT when restarting. CHCPRINT is also an Notifications channel, so it is possible to disable events from being copied to CHCPRINT. It is not recommended that this be done, as the contents of CHCPRINT are crucial information for diagnosing customer issues. Message VariablesNone Message DestinationCHCPRINT spool data set. System ActionNone Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC0677I The Audit Log was opened.

ExplanationThe named file was successfully opened in an InfoSphere CDC operation. This message is generated when the InfoSphere CDC audit log is opened. The audit log traces certain operations initiated in Management Console or from the operator console, as well as configuration parameters and maintenance levels of the code. Message VariablesNone Message DestinationThe InfoSphere CDC audit log System ActionNone Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC0683I User id has started mirroring to subscription name.

ExplanationReplication activity to the named subscription has been started or stopped by a security identifier. Message Variables: idThe security identifier that started replication activity. nameThe name of the subscription, as defined in Management Console.

Event messages reference


Message DestinationProduct administration log and InfoSphere CDC audit log System ActionNone Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC0684I User id has started refresh to subscription name.

ExplanationReplication activity to the named subscription has been started or stopped by a security identifier. Message Variables: idThe security identifier that started replication activity. nameThe name of the subscription, as defined in Management Console. Message DestinationProduct administration log and InfoSphere CDC audit log System ActionNone Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC0685I User id has started describe to subscription name.

ExplanationReplication activity to the named subscription has been started or stopped by a security identifier. Message Variables: idThe security identifier that started replication activity. nameThe name of the subscription, as defined in Management Console. Message DestinationProduct administration log and InfoSphere CDC audit log System ActionNone Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC0686I User id has started replication to subscription name.

ExplanationReplication activity to the named subscription has been started or stopped by a security identifier.


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

Message Variables: idThe security identifier that started replication activity. nameThe name of the subscription, as defined in Management Console. Message DestinationProduct administration log and InfoSphere CDC audit log System ActionNone Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC0687I User id has stopped mirroring to subscription name.

ExplanationReplication activity to the named subscription has been started or stopped by a security identifier. Message Variables: idThe security identifier that stopped replication activity. nameThe name of the subscription, as defined in Management Console. Message DestinationProduct administration log and InfoSphere CDC audit log System ActionNone Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC068I User id has stopped refresh to subscription name.

ExplanationReplication activity to the named subscription has been started or stopped by a security identifier. Message Variables: idThe security identifier that stopped replication activity. nameThe name of the subscription, as defined in Management Console. Message DestinationProduct administration log and InfoSphere CDC audit log System ActionNone Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNone

Event messages reference


CHC0689I User id has stopped describe to subscription name.

ExplanationReplication activity to the named subscription has been started or stopped by a security identifier. Message Variables: idThe security identifier that stopped replication activity. nameThe name of the subscription, as defined in Management Console. Message DestinationProduct administration log and InfoSphere CDC audit log System ActionNone Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC0690I User id has stopped replication to subscription name.

ExplanationReplication activity to the named subscription has been started or stopped by a security identifier. Message Variables: idThe security identifier that stopped replication activity. nameThe name of the subscription, as defined in Management Console. Message DestinationProduct administration log and InfoSphere CDC audit log System ActionNone Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC07 messages
See also: CHC0701I on page 376 CHC0702I on page 376 CHC0703I on page 376 CHC0704I on page 377 CHC0705I on page 377 CHC0706I CHC0707I CHC0708I CHC0709I on on on on page page page page 378 378 378 379


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CHC0711I on page 379 CHC0712I on page 380 CHC0713I on page 380 CHC0714I on page 380 CHC0715I on page 381 CHC0716I CHC0717I CHC0718I CHC0719I CHC0721I CHC0722I CHC0723I on on on on on on on page page page page page page page 381 382 382 382 383 383 384

CHC0724I on page 384 CHC0725I on page 385 CHC0726I on page 385 CHC0727I on page 385 CHC0728I on page 386 CHC0729E on page 386 CHC0731I on page 387 CHC0732I on page 387 CHC0733I on page 388 CHC0734I on page 388 CHC0735I on page 388 CHC0736E on page 389 CHC0741I on page 389 CHC0742I CHC0743I CHC0744I CHC0745I CHC0746I CHC0747I CHC0751I CHC0752I on on on on on on on on page page page page page page page page 389 390 390 391 391 392 392 393

CHC0753I on page 393 CHC0755I on page 393 CHC0761I on page 394 CHC0762I on page 394 CHC0763I on page 394 CHC0764E on page 395 CHC0765E on page 395 CHC0772I on page 395 CHC0779W on page 396 CHC0782I on page 396 CHC0783I on page 396 CHC0788W on page 397
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CHC0791I on page 397 CHC0792I on page 398 CHC0793I on page 398 CHC0799W on page 399

CHC0701I Unbalanced parentheses exist in an expression.

Explanation An expression defined in Management Console contains left and right parentheses that do not match. For example, the first parenthesis in the expression may be a right parenthesis. In this case, there is a missing left parenthesis. Message VariablesNone Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionThe expression is not evaluated. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseCorrect the expression defined in Management Console so that left and right parentheses match.

CHC0702I The expression is not a valid conditional statement.

ExplanationAn expression defined in Management Console cannot be evaluated due to an incorrectly formed conditional statement. Message VariablesNone Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionThe expression is not evaluated. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseDefine a valid conditional statement in the expression.

CHC0703I An unrecognized token token was found in position position.

ExplanationAn expression defined in Management Console contains a token (field name, operator, and so on) that is unrecognized or does not appear in the expected position. Message Variables: tokenThe token that is not recognized by the InfoSphere CDC parser. positionThe character position in the expression where the unrecognized token is located.


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionThe expression is not evaluated. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseCorrect the expression by placing a recognized token in the specified position.

CHC0704I An invalid comparison operator operator was found in location location.

ExplanationAn expression defined in Management Console contains a comparison operator that is not recognized by InfoSphere CDC. Message Variables: operatorThe comparison operator that is not recognized by the InfoSphere CDC parser. locationThe character position in the expression where the unrecognized comparison operator is located. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionThe expression is not evaluated. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseCorrect the expression by placing a recognized operator in the specified position.

CHC0705I An improperly terminated literal operator was found in location position.

ExplanationAn expression defined in Management Console contains a literal that has not been properly delimited. In most cases, this message indicates that a character string is missing surrounding double quotes. Message Variables: operatorThe comparison operator that is not recognized by the InfoSphere CDC parser. positionThe character position in the expression where the incorrect literal is located. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionThe expression is not evaluated. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseCorrect the expression by placing a terminated literal in the specified position.
Event messages reference


CHC0706I An invalid function name name was found in location position.

ExplanationAn expression defined in Management Console contains a column function name that is not recognized by InfoSphere CDC. Message Variables: nameThe column function name that is not recognized by the InfoSphere CDC parser. positionThe character position in the expression where the unrecognized column function name is located. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionThe expression is not evaluated. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseFor information about using valid function names in expressions, see your Management Console documentation. All documented functions are not supported by InfoSphere CDC for z/OS.

CHC0707I Operator operator is not valid in a conditional statement.

ExplanationAn expression defined in Management Console contains an operator that cannot be used in a conditional statement. Message Variables: operatorThe operator found in the expression that cannot be used in a conditional statement. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionThe expression is not evaluated. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseCorrect the expression by replacing the existing operator with a recognized operator. If necessary, see your Management Console documentation for information about constructing valid expressions.

CHC0708I Operator operator is not valid in an expression.

ExplanationAn expression defined in Management Console contains an operator that cannot be used. Message Variables: operatorThe operator found in the expression that cannot be used.


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionThe expression is not evaluated. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseThe notation for representing a specific operator may differ based on the type of database. For example, the notation for not equal could be <> for certain databases, and != for other databases. Consult the appropriate publication from the database vendor for information about the set of supported operators.

CHC0709I Token token in position position is not valid; an operator was expected.

ExplanationIn an expression defined in Management Console, InfoSphere CDC encountered a token (field name, operand, and so on) when it anticipated an operator in the specified position. Message Variables: tokenThe token that was found in the expression when an operator was expected. positionThe character position in the expression where the unexpected token is located. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionThe expression is not evaluated. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseCorrect the expression by placing an operator in the specified position. If necessary, see your Management Console documentation for information about constructing valid expressions.

CHC0711I Token token in position position is not valid; an operand was expected.

ExplanationIn an expression defined in Management Console, InfoSphere CDC encountered a token (field name, operator, and so on) when it anticipated an operand in the specified position. Message Variables: tokenThe token that was found in the expression when an operand was expected. positionThe character position in the expression where the unexpected token is located. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionThe expression is not evaluated.
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Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseCorrect the expression by placing an operand in the specified position.

CHC0712I A conditional statement is not valid within an expression.

ExplanationAn expression defined in Management Console contains a conditional statement. In InfoSphere CDC, an expression cannot contain a conditional statement. Message VariablesNone Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionThe expression is not evaluated. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseCorrect the expression so it produces a value that can be assigned to the derived column.

CHC0713I Unbalanced parentheses were found in an expression; an error occurred at token token.

ExplanationAn expression defined in Management Console contains left and right parentheses that do not match. For example, the first parenthesis in the expression may be a right parenthesis. In this case, there is a missing left parenthesis. Message Variables: tokenThe token in the expression that was being parsed when the error was encountered. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionThe expression is not evaluated. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseCorrect the expression defined in Management Console so that left and right parentheses match.

CHC0714I The expression starting at token contains non-numeric fields.

ExplanationAn expression defined in Management Console contains a reference to a non-numeric field when a numeric field was expected. Message Variables:


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

tokenThe token in the expression that identifies the position of the nonnumeric field. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionThe expression is not evaluated. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseCorrect the expression by replacing the non-numeric field with a numeric field.

CHC0715I An invalid compare occurred starting at token token; the datatypes are incompatible.

ExplanationAn expression defined in Management Console contains a comparison operation between incompatible data types. Message Variables: tokenThe token in the expression that identifies the comparison operation between incompatible data types. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionThe expression is not evaluated. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseCorrect the expression so that the comparison operation is between compatible data types.

CHC0716I Token token in position position is not valid; an AND or OR operator was expected.

ExplanationAn expression defined in Management Console contains a token (field name, operator, and so on) when an AND or OR operator was anticipated in the specified position. Message Variables: tokenThe token in the expression that was being parsed when an AND or OR operator was expected. positionThe character position in the expression where the unexpected token is located. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionThe expression is not evaluated. Operator ResponseNone

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Client Administrator ResponseCorrect the expression by placing an AND or OR operator in the specified position.

CHC0717I Unexpected end of expression

ExplanationAn expression defined in Management Console is incomplete (for example, the last token in the expression may be an arithmetic operator). InfoSphere CDC expected additional tokens after parsing the entire expression. Message VariablesNone Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionThe expression is not evaluated. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseCorrect the expression by adding the necessary tokens to define a complete expression.

CHC0718I Token token in position position has the wrong datatype.

ExplanationAn expression defined in Management Console contains a token (field name, literal, and so on) that has an incompatible data type. Message Variables: tokenThe token in the expression that has an incompatible data type. positionThe character position in the expression where the incompatible token is located. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionThe expression is not evaluated. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseCorrect the expression by replacing the offending token with one that has the correct data type.

CHC0719I Token token in position position is not valid. An operand was expected.

ExplanationIn an expression defined in Management Console, InfoSphere CDC encountered a token (field name, operator, and so on) when it anticipated an operand in the specified position. Message Variables: tokenThe token that was found in the expression when an operand was expected.


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

positionThe character position in the expression where the unexpected token is located. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionThe expression is not evaluated. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseCorrect the expression by placing an operand in the specified position.

CHC0721I Token token in position position is not valid; an "(" is required.

ExplanationIn an expression defined in Management Console, InfoSphere CDC encountered a token (field name, operator, and so on) when it anticipated a left parenthesis in the specified position. This usually indicates that a right parenthesis was found in the expression before a matching left parenthesis. Message Variables: tokenThe token that was found in the expression when a left parenthesis was expected. positionThe character position in the expression where the unexpected token is located. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionThe expression is not evaluated. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseCorrect the expression by placing a left parenthesis in the specified position.

CHC0722I Token token in position position is not valid; a ")" is required.

ExplanationIn an expression defined in Management Console, InfoSphere CDC encountered a token (field name, operator, and so on) when it anticipated a right parenthesis in the specified position. This usually indicates that another left parenthesis was found in the expression before a matching right parenthesis. Message Variables: tokenThe token that was found in the expression when a right parenthesis was expected. positionThe character position in the expression where the unexpected token is located. Message DestinationProduct administration log

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System ActionThe expression is not evaluated. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseCorrect the expression by placing a right parenthesis in the specified position.

CHC0723I Token token in position position is not valid; a "," is required.

ExplanationIn an expression defined in Management Console, InfoSphere CDC encountered a token (field name, operator, and so on) when it anticipated a comma in the specified position. Commas in expressions are typically used in column functions to separate adjacent parameters. Message Variables: tokenThe token that was found in the expression when a comma was expected. positionThe character position in the expression where the unexpected token is located. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionThe expression is not evaluated. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseCorrect the expression by placing a comma in the specified position.

CHC0724I Token token in position position is not valid; a literal is required.

ExplanationIn an expression defined in Management Console, InfoSphere CDC encountered a token (field name, operator, and so on) when it anticipated a literal in the specified position. Message Variables: tokenThe token that was found in the expression when a literal was expected. positionThe character position in the expression where the unexpected token is located. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionThe expression is not evaluated. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseCorrect the expression by placing a valid literal in the specified position.


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

CHC0725I Token token in position position is not valide; an option is required.

ExplanationIn an expression defined in Management Console, InfoSphere CDC encountered a token (field name, operator, and so on) when it anticipated an option in the specified position. Options are used in certain column functions to allow the user to specify the kind of actions that are performed by the function. Message Variables: tokenThe token that was found in the expression when an option was expected. positionThe character position in the expression where the unexpected token is located. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionThe expression is not evaluated. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseCorrect the expression by placing a recognized option in the specified position.

CHC0726I Token token in position position is not valide; a field name is required.

ExplanationIn an expression defined in Management Console, InfoSphere CDC encountered a token (literal, operator, and so on) when it anticipated a field name in the specified position. Message Variables: tokenThe token that was found in the expression when a field name was expected. positionThe character position in the expression where the unexpected token is located. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionThe expression is not evaluated. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseCorrect the expression by placing a valid field name in the specified position.

CHC0727I Token token in position position was found in a function call. The function expects a variable name in that position.

ExplanationIn an expression defined in Management Console, InfoSphere CDC encountered a token (field name, operator, and so on) when it anticipated a
Event messages reference


variable name in the specified position. Variables are used to support conditional branching in a column function (%IF). They are also referenced in the %VAR function. Message Variables: tokenThe token that was found in the expression when a variable name was expected. positionThe character position in the expression where the unexpected token is located. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionThe expression is not evaluated. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseCorrect the expression by placing a variable name in the specified position.

CHC0728I An error occurred at token token in position position. A required conditional statement was not found in the parameter list where it is expected.

ExplanationIn an expression defined in Management Console, InfoSphere CDC encountered a token (field name, operator, and so on) when it anticipated a conditional statement in the specified position. The first parameter in the %IF column function requires a conditional statement Message Variables: tokenThe token that was found in the expression when a conditional statement was expected. positionThe character position in the expression where the unexpected token is located. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionThe expression is not evaluated. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseCorrect the expression by placing a valid conditional statement in the specified position.

CHC0729E columns. Column name contains datatype ROWID, which is not supported in derived

ExplanationA derived column has been defined in Management Console with a data type that is not supported by InfoSphere CDC. Alternatively, a derived column expression defined in Management Console references a column of this type.


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

Message Variables: nameThe name of the column that has a data type of GRAPHIC, VARG, LONGVARG, or ROWID. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionThe derived column is not replicated. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseIn Management Console, either deselect the derived column so that it is not replicated, or modify the expression to remove the reference to the column with a data type of GRAPHIC, VARG, LONGVARG, or ROWID.

CHC0731I A conditional statement is not valid within a function call.

ExplanationAn expression defined in Management Console contains a column function call with one of the parameters being a conditional statement. A conditional statement cannot be passed to the specified function. Message VariablesNone Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionThe expression is not evaluated. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseCorrect the expression by specifying a parameter value that is accepted by the function.

CHC0732I Invalid option name in parameter 2 of %REPLACE function.

ExplanationIn an expression defined in Management Console, InfoSphere CDC encountered an incorrectly specified parameter in the %REPLACE column function. This parameter, which is the second function parameter, identifies which characters are replaced. Message Variables: nameThe option in the %REPLACE function that was incorrectly specified. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionThe expression is not evaluated. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseCorrect the expression by specifying a recognized option.

Event messages reference


CHC0733I Invalid option name in parameter 2 of %TODATE function.

ExplanationIn an expression defined in Management Console, InfoSphere CDC encountered an incorrectly specified parameter in the %TODATE column function. This parameter, which is the second function parameter, identifies the format in which the date is expressed (for example, YYMMDD, MMDDYY, and so on). Message Variables: nameThe option in the %TODATE function that was incorrectly specified. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionThe expression is not evaluated. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseCorrect the expression by specifying a recognized date format option.

CHC0734I Division by zero is undefined.

ExplanationAn expression defined in Management Console produced a division by zero operation. Message VariablesNone Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionThe expression is not evaluated. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseDefine another expression that avoids the possibility of a division by zero operation. Alternatively, determine whether invalid data is causing the problem.

CHC0735I Column function has too many parameters.

ExplanationAn expression defined in Management Console contains a column function with too many parameters. Message VariablesNone Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionThe expression is not evaluated. Operator ResponseNone


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

Client Administrator ResponseCorrect the expression by removing one or more parameters from the function call.

CHC0736E Expression name failed in validation.

ExplanationA Management Console session has requested an operation that required validation of an expression. The expression failed in validation. Message Variables: nameThe name of the failing expression. Message DestinationProduct administration log and message box in Management Console System ActionThe requested operation fails. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseIn Management Console, enter a valid expression and retry the operation.

CHC0741I Invalid token token found in position position.

ExplanationIn an expression defined in Management Console, InfoSphere CDC encountered an unexpected or incorrectly formed token (field name, operator, and so on) in the specified position. Message Variables: tokenThe offending token that was found in the expression. positionThe character position in the expression where the offending token is located. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionThe expression is not evaluated. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseCorrect the expression by placing a valid token in the specified position.

CHC0742I user. Table in subscription name has been set to status IDLE by

ExplanationThe specified table in the specified subscription has been set to the specified status. Message Variables:
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schema.nameThe schema and name of the table. nameThe subscription name. userThe entity that set the new status for the table. There are three possibilities. If an actual user name is specified, then that user has set the new status of the table using Management Console. If the string MODIFY command appears, then the table status was set in response to a MODIFY command directed from the console to InfoSphere CDC. If the string SYSTEM appears, then InfoSphere CDC has set the table status after successfully refreshing the table as part of normal processing. Message DestinationProduct administration log and InfoSphere CDC audit log System ActionNone Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC0743I Table in subscription subscription has been set to status ACTIVE by user.

ExplanationThe specified table in the specified subscription has been set to the specified status. Message Variables: schema.nameThe schema and name of the table. nameThe subscription name. userThe entity that set the new status for the table. There are three possibilities. If an actual user name is specified, then that user has set the new status of the table using Management Console. If the string MODIFY command appears, then the table status was set in response to a MODIFY command directed from the console to InfoSphere CDC. If the string SYSTEM appears, then InfoSphere CDC has set the table status after successfully refreshing the table as part of normal processing. Message DestinationProduct administration log and InfoSphere CDC audit log System ActionNone Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC0744I Table in subscription subscription has been set to status REFRESH by user.

ExplanationThe specified table in the specified subscription has been set to the specified status.


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

Message Variables: schema.nameThe schema and name of the table. nameThe subscription name. userThe entity that set the new status for the table. There are three possibilities. If an actual user name is specified, then that user has set the new status of the table using Management Console. If the string MODIFY command appears, then the table status was set in response to a MODIFY command directed from the console to InfoSphere CDC. If the string SYSTEM appears, then InfoSphere CDC has set the table status after successfully refreshing the table as part of normal processing. Message DestinationProduct administration log and InfoSphere CDC audit log System ActionNone Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC0745I Table owner.table in subscription name has been set to status IDLE by a MODIFY command.

ExplanationThe specified table in the specified subscription has been set to the specified status. Message Variables: ownerThe owner of the table. tableThe name of the table. nameThe subscription name. Message DestinationProduct administration log and InfoSphere CDC audit log System ActionNone Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC0746I Table owner.table in subscription name has been set to status ACTIVE by a MODIFY command.

ExplanationThe specified table in the specified subscription has been set to the specified status. Message Variables: ownerThe owner of the table.
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tableThe name of the table. nameThe subscription name. Message DestinationProduct administration log and InfoSphere CDC audit log System ActionNone Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC0747I Table owner.table in subscription name has been set to status REFRESH by a MODIFY command.

ExplanationThe specified table in the specified subscription has been set to the specified status. Message Variables: ownerThe owner of the table. tableThe name of the table. nameThe subscription name. Message DestinationProduct administration log and InfoSphere CDC audit log System ActionNone Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC0751I Parameter 1 for %REPLACE function has the wrong datatype.

ExplanationIn an expression defined in Management Console, InfoSphere CDC encountered incompatible data specified through the first parameter in the %REPLACE column function. Only character data can be passed through the first parameter, which identifies the data affected by the function. Message VariablesNone Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionThe expression is not evaluated. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseCorrect the expression by specifying character data for the first parameter.


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

CHC0752I Parameter 3 for %REPLACE function has an invalid datatype or length.

ExplanationIn an expression defined in Management Console, InfoSphere CDC encountered unacceptable data specified through the third parameter in the %REPLACE column function. Only character data less than a certain length can be passed through the third parameter, which identifies the replaced characters. Message VariablesNone Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionThe expression is not evaluated. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseCorrect the expression by specifying character data of the correct length for the third parameter.

CHC0753I Parameter 4 for %REPLACE function has an invalid datatype or length.

ExplanationIn an expression defined in Management Console, InfoSphere CDC encountered unacceptable data specified through the fourth parameter in the %REPLACE column function. Only character data less than a certain length can be passed through the fourth parameter, which identifies the replacement characters. Message VariablesNone Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionThe expression is not evaluated. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseCorrect the expression by specifying character data of the correct length for the fourth parameter.

CHC0755I Parameter 2 for %REPLACE function is an invalid option.

ExplanationIn an expression defined in Management Console, InfoSphere CDC encountered an incorrectly specified parameter in the %REPLACE column function. This parameter, which is the second function parameter, identifies how character replacement will be performed. Message VariablesNone Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionThe expression is not evaluated. Operator ResponseNone

Event messages reference


Client Administrator ResponseCorrect the expression by specifying a recognized parameter.

CHC0761I Parameter 1 for %SUBSTRING function has the wrong datatype.

ExplanationIn an expression defined in Management Console, InfoSphere CDC encountered incompatible data specified through the first parameter in the %SUBSTRING column function. Only character data can be passed through the first parameter, which identifies the data affected by the function. Message VariablesNone Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionThe expression is not evaluated. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseCorrect the expression by specifying character data for the first parameter.

CHC0762I than 0. Parameter 2 for %SUBSTRING must be an INTEGER value that is greater

ExplanationIn an expression defined in Management Console, InfoSphere CDC encountered incompatible data specified in the second parameter in the %SUBSTRING column function. Only integer data can be passed through the second parameter, which identifies the position of the first character extracted by the function. Message VariablesNone Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionThe expression is not evaluated. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseCorrect the expression by specifying integer data for the second parameter.

CHC0763I Parameter 3 for %SUBSTRING function has the wrong datatype.

ExplanationIn an expression defined in Management Console, InfoSphere CDC encountered incompatible data specified through the third parameter in the %SUBSTRING column function. Only integer data can be passed through the third parameter, which identifies the length of the substring extracted by the function. Message VariablesNone Message DestinationProduct administration log


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

System ActionThe expression is not evaluated. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseCorrect the expression by specifying integer data for the third parameter.

CHC0764E User Exit entry point type in the agent request is invalid.

ExplanationA Management Console session has requested that a user exit be set for a type of user exit that is not known to InfoSphere CDC. Message Variables: typeThe numeric type of the user exit in the request. Message DestinationProduct administration log and message box in Management Console System ActionThe requested user exit is not set. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseThis is a product issue. For more information, contact IBM Technical Support.

CHC0765E User Exit entry point type in the agent request is unsupported.

ExplanationA Management Console session has requested that a user exit be set for a type of user exit that is known, but is not supported by InfoSphere CDC for z/OS. Message Variables: typeThe numeric type of the user exit in the request. Message DestinationProduct administration log and message box in Management Console System ActionThe requested user exit is not set. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseThis is a product issue. For more information, contact IBM Technical Support.

CHC0772I Parameter 2 for %TOCHAR function has the wrong datatype.

ExplanationIn an expression defined in Management Console, InfoSphere CDC encountered incompatible data specified through the second parameter in the

Event messages reference


%TOCHAR column function. Only integer data can be passed through the second parameter, which identifies the number of characters returned by the function. Message VariablesNone Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionThe expression is not evaluated. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseCorrect the expression by specifying integer data for the second parameter.

CHC0779W Parameter 2 for %CENTURY function is an invalid option.

ExplanationIn an expression defined in Management Console, InfoSphere CDC encountered an incorrectly specified date parameter in the %CENTURY column function. This parameter, which is the second function parameter, indicates the format of the date (for example, YYMMDD, MMDDYY, and so on). Message VariablesNone Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionThe expression is not evaluated. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseCorrect the expression by specifying a recognized date format parameter.

CHC0782I Parameter 2 for %TODATE function has the wrong datatype.

ExplanationIn an expression defined in Management Console, InfoSphere CDC encountered incompatible data specified through the second parameter in the %TODATE column function. Only character data that specifies a valid date format can be passed in the second parameter. Message VariablesNone Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionThe expression is not evaluated. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseCorrect the expression by specifying valid character data for the second parameter.

CHC0783I Parameter 2 of %TODATE function is an invalid option.


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

ExplanationIn an expression defined in Management Console, InfoSphere CDC encountered an incorrectly specified date option in the %TODATE column function. This option, which is the second function parameter, indicates the format in which the date is expressed (for example, YYMMDD, MMDDYY, and so on). Message VariablesNone Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionThe expression is not evaluated. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseCorrect the expression by specifying a recognized date format option.

CHC0788W Parameter 1 for %CENTURY function has the wrong datatype.

ExplanationIn an expression defined in Management Console, InfoSphere CDC encountered incompatible data specified through the first parameter in the %CENTURY column function. Only numeric or character data can be passed through this parameter, which identifies the date to be converted to the desired format. Message VariablesNone Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionThe expression is not evaluated. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseCorrect the expression by specifying valid numeric or character data for the first parameter.

CHC0791I Parameter 1 for %TONUMBER function has the wrong datatype.

ExplanationIn an expression defined in Management Console, InfoSphere CDC encountered incompatible data specified through the only parameter in the %TONUMBER column function. Only character data can be passed through this parameter, which identifies the data to be converted to numeric data. Message VariablesNone Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionThe expression is not evaluated. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseCorrect the expression by specifying valid character data for this parameter.

Event messages reference


CHC0792I The Row Filtering Expression for table name will be used as a SQL WHERE clause during the Table Refresh.

ExplanationThe row filtering expression defined for the identified source table will be treated as a SQL WHERE clause in the SELECT statement that implements a refresh. If a correctly formed InfoSphere CDC row selection expression is treated as a SQL WHERE clause, refresh performance improves significantly when a small percentage of the rows in a large table are selected for refresh. To realize the possible improvements in refresh performance, the row filtering expression must be a correctly formed standard InfoSphere CDC row filtering expression and also a syntactically correct search-condition operand of the WHERE keyword in an SQL WHERE clause. In addition, the SQLWHEREROWSEL keyword in the DB2 configuration control statement must be set to YES. Message Variables: nameThe name of the source table for which a row filtering expression has been defined. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionNone Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseIf the row filtering expression cannot be treated as a SQL WHERE clause, make sure that the expression is correctly formed, and the SQLWHEREROWSEL keyword is set to YES.

CHC0793I The Row Filtering Expression for table name cannot be used as a SQL WHERE clause during the Table Refresh.

ExplanationThe row filtering expression defined for the identified source table cannot be treated as a SQL WHERE clause in the SELECT statement that implements a refresh. If a correctly formed InfoSphere CDC row filtering expression is treated as a SQL WHERE clause, refresh performance improves significantly when a small percentage of the rows in a large table are selected for refresh. To realize the possible improvements in refresh performance, the row filtering expression must be a correctly formed standard InfoSphere CDC row filtering expression and also a syntactically correct search-condition operand of the WHERE keyword in an SQL WHERE clause. In addition, the SQLWHEREROWSEL keyword in the DB2 configuration control statement must be set to YES. Message Variables: nameThe name of the source table for which a row filtering expression has been defined. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionNone


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseIf the row filtering expression cannot be treated as a SQL WHERE clause, make sure that the expression is correctly formed, and the SQLWHEREROWSEL keyword is set to YES.

CHC0799W Replication ends due to alteration of table name. Reason: DATA CAPTURE CHANGES has been turned off.

ExplanationThe identified source table has been altered in DB2 and as a result, replication of that table cannot be started. The schema change that prevents replication from being started is identified in the message text. This message is generated when refresh or mirroring is started for a subscription. Message Variables: nameThe name of the source table for which a row filtering expression has been defined. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionReplication of all tables (including those tables that are not affected by the alteration) under the subscription is not started. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseBefore you can start to replicate data from the source table, you must perform one or more of the following operations in Management Console: v Update the definition of the source table v Remap the source table v REORG of table space containing the source table If row updates and deletes are applied to the source table after the schema change and before the table definition update or REORG is performed, you must also refresh the source table before starting mirroring. For some schema changes, you do not have to perform all of the listed operations. If you require a specific procedure in response to a schema change, contact your database administrator or IBM representative for assistance.

CHC08 messages
See also: CHC0800W on page 400 CHC0801W on page 400 CHC0802W on page 401 CHC0803W on page 402 CHC0804W on page 402 CHC0805W on page 403 CHC0811E on page 403 CHC0821E on page 404 CHC0824E on page 404
Event messages reference


CHC0825E on page 405 CHC0826E on page 405 CHC0831E on page 406 CHC0839W on page 406 CHC0844I on page 407 CHC0845I on page 407 CHC0846I on page 408 CHC0847I on page 408 CHC0848I on page 409 CHC0859E on page 409

CHC0800I Replication ends due to alteration of table name. Reason: table DBID, OBID or PSID has changed.

ExplanationThe identified source table has been altered in DB2 and as a result, replication of that table cannot be started. The schema change that prevents replication from being started is identified in the message text. This message is generated when refresh or mirroring is started for a subscription. Message Variables: nameThe name of the source table for which a row filtering expression has been defined. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionReplication of all tables (including those tables that are not affected by the alteration) under the subscription is not started. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseBefore you can start to replicate data from the source table, you must perform one or more of the following operations in Management Console: v Update the definition of the source table v Remap the source table v REORG of table space containing the source table If row updates and deletes are applied to the source table after the schema change and before the table definition update or REORG is performed, you must also refresh the source table before starting mirroring. For some schema changes, you do not have to perform all of the listed operations. If you require a specific procedure in response to a schema change, contact your database administrator or IBM representative for assistance.

CHC0801W Replication ends due to alteration of table name. Reason: one or more columns have been removed.

ExplanationThe identified source table has been altered in DB2 and as a result, replication of that table cannot be started. The schema change that prevents


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

replication from being started is identified in the message text. This message is generated when refresh or mirroring is started for a subscription. Message Variables: nameThe name of the source table for which replication cannot be started. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionReplication of all tables (including those tables that are not affected by the alteration) under the subscription is not started. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseBefore you can start to replicate data from the source table, you must perform one or more of the following operations in Management Console: v Update the definition of the source table v Remap the source table v REORG of table space containing the source table If row updates and deletes are applied to the source table after the schema change and before the table definition update or REORG is performed, you must also refresh the source table before starting mirroring. For some schema changes, you do not have to perform all of the listed operations. If you require a specific procedure in response to a schema change, contact your database administrator or IBM representative for assistance.

CHC0802W Replication ends due to alteration of table name. Reason: columns have been renamed, inserted or removed.

ExplanationThe identified source table has been altered in DB2 and as a result, replication of that table cannot be started. The schema change that prevents replication from being started is identified in the message text. This message is generated when refresh or mirroring is started for a subscription. Message Variables: nameThe name of the source table for which replication cannot be started. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionReplication of all tables (including those tables that are not affected by the alteration) under the subscription is not started. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseBefore you can start to replicate data from the source table, you must perform one or more of the following operations in Management Console: v Update the definition of the source table v Remap the source table v REORG of table space containing the source table
Event messages reference


If row updates and deletes are applied to the source table after the schema change and before the table definition update or REORG is performed, you must also refresh the source table before starting mirroring. For some schema changes, you do not have to perform all of the listed operations. If you require a specific procedure in response to a schema change, contact your database administrator or IBM representative for assistance.

CHC0803W Replication ends due to alteration of table name. Reason: the data type of a column has changed.

ExplanationThe identified source table has been altered in DB2 and as a result, replication of that table cannot be started. The schema change that prevents replication from being started is identified in the message text. This message is generated when refresh or mirroring is started for a subscription. Message Variables: nameThe name of the source table for which replication cannot be started. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionReplication of all tables (including those tables that are not affected by the alteration) under the subscription is not started. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseBefore you can start to replicate data from the source table, you must perform one or more of the following operations in Management Console: v Update the definition of the source table v Remap the source table v REORG of table space containing the source table If row updates and deletes are applied to the source table after the schema change and before the table definition update or REORG is performed, you must also refresh the source table before starting mirroring. For some schema changes, you do not have to perform all of the listed operations. If you require a specific procedure in response to a schema change, contact your database administrator or IBM representative for assistance.

CHC0804W Replication ends due to alteration of table name. Reason: the length or scale of a column has changed.

ExplanationThe identified source table has been altered in DB2 and as a result, replication of that table cannot be started. The schema change that prevents replication from being started is identified in the message text. This message is generated when refresh or mirroring is started for a subscription. Message Variables: nameThe name of the source table for which replication cannot be started. Message DestinationProduct administration log


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

System ActionReplication of all tables (including those tables that are not affected by the alteration) under the subscription is not started. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseBefore you can start to replicate data from the source table, you must perform one or more of the following operations in Management Console: v Update the definition of the source table v Remap the source table v REORG of table space containing the source table If row updates and deletes are applied to the source table after the schema change and before the table definition update or REORG is performed, you must also refresh the source table before starting mirroring. For some schema changes, you do not have to perform all of the listed operations. If you require a specific procedure in response to a schema change, contact your database administrator or IBM representative for assistance.

CHC0805W Replication ends due to alteration of table name. Reason: a column was added to a table whose rows are in RRF.

ExplanationThe identified source table has been altered in DB2 and as a result, replication of that table cannot be started. The schema change that prevents replication from being started is identified in the message text. This message is generated when refresh or mirroring is started for a subscription. Message Variables: nameThe name of the source table for which replication cannot be started. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionReplication of all tables (including those tables that are not affected by the alteration) under the subscription is not started. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseBefore you can start to replicate data from the source table, you must perform one or more of the following operations in Management Console: v Update the definition of the source table v Remap the source table v REORG of table space containing the source table If row updates and deletes are applied to the source table after the schema change and before the table definition update or REORG is performed, you must also refresh the source table before starting mirroring. For some schema changes, you do not have to perform all of the listed operations. If you require a specific procedure in response to a schema change, contact your database administrator or IBM representative for assistance.

CHC0811E Parameter parameter of the name function has the wrong data type.
Event messages reference


ExplanationIn an expression defined in Management Console, InfoSphere CDC encountered incompatible data for a parameter in a column function call. The parameter and function name are identified in the message text. In this case, InfoSphere CDC does not support automatic data type conversions. Message Variables: parameterThe parameter in the column function call that has received incompatible data. Parameters are identified by numbers, where 1 is the first parameter in the function call. nameThe name of the column function in the expression that has received incompatible data through one of its parameters. Message DestinationMessage box in Management Console System ActionThe expression is not evaluated. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseSpecify a parameter value of the correct type. Alternatively, modify the expression by including a column function that performs the appropriate data type conversion on the parameter. For example, use %TOCHAR or %TONUMBER to convert the parameter to character or numeric data before passing the value to the function specified in the message text.

CHC0821E Parameter for %TOTIME function has the wrong data type.

ExplanationIn an expression defined in Management Console, InfoSphere CDC encountered incompatible data for the %TOTIME function parameter. In this case, InfoSphere CDC does not support automatic data type conversions. Message VariablesNone Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionThe expression is not evaluated. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseSpecify a parameter value of the correct type. Alternatively, modify the expression by including a column function that performs the appropriate data type conversion on the parameter. For example, use %TOCHAR or %TONUMBER to convert the parameter to character or numeric data before passing the value to the %TOTIME function.

CHC0824E Numeric Overflow occurred during expression evaluation.

ExplanationA numeric overflow occurred during the evaluation of an expression. Numeric overflow may occur during the evaluation of expressions and row filtering expressions. Message VariablesNone


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionThe numeric expression will return the default value of zero. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseAlthough replication may continue after this message has been generated, the result produced by the expression may be incorrect after the default value has been applied. If possible, use a different data type that can accommodate all large, positive numeric values that can be produced by the expression, or rewrite the expression so that numeric overflow never occurs.

CHC0825E Numeric Underflow occurred during expression evaluation.

ExplanationA numeric underflow occurred during the evaluation of an expression. Numeric underflow may occur during the evaluation of expressions and row filtering expressions. Message VariablesNone Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionThe numeric expression will return the default value of zero. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseAlthough replication may continue after this message has been generated, the result produced by the expression may be incorrect after the default value has been applied. If possible, use a different data type that can accommodate all large, negative numeric values that can be produced by the expression, or rewrite the expression so that numeric underflow never occurs.

CHC0826E Invalid Numeric data found during expression evaluation.

ExplanationA row filtering expression or expression contains a sequence of characters that cannot be interpreted as numeric data. Valid numeric data was expected instead of the sequence of characters in the expression. Message VariablesNone Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionAn appropriate default value is used instead of the sequence of characters that could not be interpreted. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseAlthough replication may continue after this message has been generated, the result produced by an expression may be incorrect after the default value has been applied. Review expressions defined in Management Console, and make any necessary corrections to ensure proper results are returned.
Event messages reference


CHC0831E Variable name was not found. A second parameter is required in order to create it.

ExplanationAn attempt was made to reference the value assigned to the named expression variable which had not been defined. Expression variables are defined by the %VAR column function. This function supports two different formats. The first format, which requires two input parameters to be specified, defines a variable and assigns a value to it. The second format, which requires one input parameter to be specified, retrieves the current value assigned to the variable. During replication, the first format must be evaluated for a specific variable before the second format can be evaluated. This message indicates that the order was reversed - the second format was encountered first. Message Variables: nameThe name of the undefined variable referenced in a %VAR function invocation. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionThe expression containing the %VAR function invocation is not evaluated. Replication to the subscription containing the table with the defined expression may end. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseExamine all the expressions defined for a table that reference the variable in a %VAR column function. Make sure that %VAR function in the first defined expression contains two valid input parameters. The first expression is the one defined for the column with the lowest ordinal position in the table.

CHC0839W Table name will be marked idle and mirroring of the table cannot continue. Reason: reason

ExplanationThe identified source table has been altered in DB2 and as a result, mirroring of that table cannot continue. The replication status of the source table is automatically set to Idle. The schema change that prevents mirroring from continuing is identified in the message text. Replication continues for all other source tables being replicated under the same subscription. This message is generated while the table is being mirrored. Message Variables: nameThe name of the source table for which mirroring cannot continue. reasonThe schema change that prevents mirroring of the source table from continuing. One of the following strings is inserted in the message text at this point: v DATA CAPTURE CHANGES has been turned off v table DBID, OBID or PSID has changed v one or more columns have been removed


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

v v v v

columns have been renamed, inserted or removed the data type of a column has changed the length or scale of a column has changed a column was added to a table in DB2 version 9.1 Reordered Row Format

Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionMirroring ends for the altered table. Replication continues for all other source tables being replicated under the same subscription. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseBefore you can restart mirroring data from the source table, you must perform one or more of the following operations in Management Console: v Re-add the source table v Re-describe the source table v Reassign the source table. v REORG of table space containing the source table If row updates and deletes are applied to the source table after the schema change and before the re-add or REORG is performed, you must also refresh the source table before restarting mirroring. For some schema changes, you do not have to perform all of the listed operations. If you require a specific procedure in response to a schema change, contact your database administrator or IBM representative for assistance. For information about re-adding, describing, assigning, and refreshing tables, see your Management Console documentation. For information about table space REORGs, see the appropriate IBM publication.

CHC0844I Compare token in position position has an invalid length.

ExplanationIn an expression defined in Management Console, InfoSphere CDC encountered a token that has an invalid length. Message Variables: positionThe position in the expression string that identifies the start of the invalid token. The first position in the expression string is 1, and the last position is equal to the length of the expression string. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionThe expression is not evaluated. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseCorrect the expression by modifying the token so that it is the proper length.

CHC0845I Constant token in position position has an invalid length.
Event messages reference


ExplanationIn an expression defined in Management Console, InfoSphere CDC encountered a token that has an invalid length. Message Variables: positionThe position in the expression string that identifies the start of the invalid token. The first position in the expression string is 1, and the last position is equal to the length of the expression string. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionThe expression is not evaluated. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseCorrect the expression by modifying the token so that it is the proper length.

CHC0846I FieldName token in position position has an invalid length.

ExplanationIn an expression defined in Management Console, InfoSphere CDC encountered a token that has an invalid length. Message Variables: positionThe position in the expression string that identifies the start of the invalid token. The first position in the expression string is 1, and the last position is equal to the length of the expression string. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionThe expression is not evaluated. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseCorrect the expression by modifying the token so that it is the proper length.

CHC0847I Literal token in position position

ExplanationIn an expression defined in Management Console, InfoSphere CDC encountered a token that has an invalid length. Message Variables: positionThe position in the expression string that identifies the start of the invalid token. The first position in the expression string is 1, and the last position is equal to the length of the expression string. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionThe expression is not evaluated.


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseCorrect the expression by modifying the token so that it is the proper length.

CHC0848I Function token in position position has an invalid length.

ExplanationIn an expression defined in Management Console, InfoSphere CDC encountered a token that has an invalid length. Message Variables: positionThe position in the expression string that identifies the start of the invalid token. The first position in the expression string is 1, and the last position is equal to the length of the expression string. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionThe expression is not evaluated. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseCorrect the expression by modifying the token so that it is the proper length.

CHC0859E Table name has changed and mirroring will end. Reason: reason

ExplanationThe identified source table has been altered in DB2 and as a result, mirroring of that table cannot continue. Mirroring of the subscription will end. The schema change that prevents mirroring from continuing is identified in the message text. This message is generated while the table is being mirrored. Message Variables: nameThe name of the source table for which mirroring cannot continue. reasonThe schema change that prevents mirroring of the source table from continuing. One of the following strings is inserted in the message text at this point: v DATA CAPTURE CHANGES has been turned off v table DBID, OBID or PSID has changed v v v v v one or more columns have been removed columns have been renamed, inserted or removed the data type of a column has changed the length or scale of a column has changed a column was added to a table in DB2 version 9.1 Reordered Row Format

Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionMirroring ends in error.

Event messages reference


Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseBefore you can restart mirroring data from the source table, you must perform one or more of the following operations in Management Console: v Re-add the source table v Re-describe the source table v Reassign the source table. v REORG of table space containing the source table If row updates and deletes are applied to the source table after the schema change and before the re-add or REORG is performed, you must also refresh the source table before restarting mirroring. For some schema changes, you do not have to perform all of the listed operations. If you require a specific procedure in response to a schema change, contact your database administrator or IBM representative for assistance. For information about re-adding, describing, assigning, and refreshing tables, see your Management Console documentation. For information about table space REORGs, see the appropriate IBM publication.

CHC10 messages
See also: CHC1019E

CHC1019E Communications with the remote system have been lost.

ExplanationThe local server has lost communications with a remote server. This message can be logged on either a source or target server. Message VariablesNone Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionThe internal InfoSphere CDC task that issued this message is stopped. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseOn either the source or target server, other messages in the product administration log may identify the cause of the problem. Use these messages to take corrective action.

CHC11 messages
See also: CHC1100E on page 411 CHC1101E on page 411 CHC1102W on page 412 CHC1103E on page 412 CHC1104E on page 413


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CHC1106I on page 413 CHC1107I on page 413 CHC1108I on page 414 CHC1109E on page 414 CHC1110E on page 414 CHC1111E on page 415 CHC1113I on page 415 CHC1114I on page 415 CHC1115I on page 416 CHC1116E on page 417 CHC1117E on page 417 CHC1118W on page 417 CHC1119I on page 418 CHC1120I on page 418 CHC1121E on page 419

CHC1100E The outbound communication queue is full. No more messages can be sent.

ExplanationA internal message could not be accepted as a result of a queue being full. Message VariablesNone Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionReplication ends. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseFurther investigation is required. Record the message number and text, and then contact your InfoSphere CDC administrator or IBM representative for assistance.

CHC1101E A heartbeat timeout has occurred. Replication will shut down.

ExplanationThe InfoSphere CDC control task on the local server has not received any messages from the corresponding task on the remote server during the heartbeat timeout period. A heartbeat failure is declared. The control task manages activity on a communications link that is used to coordinate data replication for a specific subscription. Message VariablesNone Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionReplication ends. Operator ResponseNone

Event messages reference


Client Administrator ResponseA communications or remote server problem has occurred. Consult the other messages in the product administration log for more information about the cause of the problem. Using these messages, perform necessary corrective actions and restart replication in Management Console. Based on communications and server considerations in your working environment, you may want to adjust the heartbeat timeout period. Increasing the timeout period allows more time for communications between local and remote servers to complete.

CHC1102W an unexpected message id received. The message will be ignored.

ExplanationAn InfoSphere CDC control or data task running on a server received an unrecognized internal message from another server running InfoSphere CDC. The data task on a server manages activity on a communications link that is used to transmit replicated data. The control task on a server manages activity on another communications link that is used to coordinate data replication. Message Variables: idThe identifier of the internal message that was not recognized. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionThe unrecognized internal message is ignored. Replication continues. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNo immediate response is required, as InfoSphere CDC discards messages it cannot recognize. However, you may want to inspect other messages in the log to ensure no other errors have occurred close to the time when this message was generated.

CHC1103E The target's bookmark length of maximum is insufficient. A length of number is required.

ExplanationDuring the initial communications handshake between a source system and target, the source system has discovered that the defined maximum length of a bookmark in the target environment is smaller than bookmark lengths in the source environment. In this message, number > maximum. Message Variables: maximumThe defined maximum length of a bookmark in the target environment. numberThe length of bookmarks in the source environment. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionReplication is not started. Operator ResponseNone


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

Client Administrator ResponseRecord the message number. Contact your InfoSphere CDC administrator or IBM representative for assistance.

CHC1104E Invalid commit control level level was received from the remote partner.

ExplanationDuring the initial communications handshake, it has been discovered that the commitment control level communicated from a source system or target is not supported in the other environment. Commitment control settings defined on the source system and target must be compatible. Message Variables: levelThe commitment control level communicated from the source system or target. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionReplication is not started. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseRecord the message number and contact your InfoSphere CDC administrator or IBM representative for assistance.

CHC1106I seconds. The Heartbeat feature is enabled. The timeout has been set to number

ExplanationHeartbeat is enabled, and the heartbeat timeout period is set to the identified number of seconds. This message reports the current heartbeat setting, and is generated during InfoSphere CDC initialization. A configuration control statement keyword called HEARTBEATTIMEOUT is provided to enable Heartbeat and to set the timeout period. Message Variables: numberThe duration, in seconds, of the heartbeat timeout. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionNone Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC1107I The Heartbeat feature is disabled.

ExplanationHeartbeat is disabled. This message is generated during InfoSphere CDC initialization. A configuration control statement keyword called HEARTBEATTIMEOUT is provided to enable Heartbeat. Message VariablesNone
Event messages reference


Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionNone Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC1108I Commitment control is disabled.

ExplanationCommitment control is not supported in the subscription environment. As a result, InfoSphere CDC will not send commit records. Message VariablesNone Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionNone Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC1109E The remote system has reported a handshake failure.

ExplanationA problem occurred during communications handshake with a remote server. Message VariablesNone Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionThe attempt to establish communications with the remote server ends. No data is replicated by InfoSphere CDC. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseConsult the product administration log on the remote server for other messages that provide more information as to why the communications handshake could not be completed. Based on these messages, perform necessary corrective actions.

CHC1110E Code page translation negotiation has failed.

ExplanationCode page translation could not be performed between the code pages on the local and remote servers. Message VariablesNone Message DestinationProduct administration log


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

System ActionReplication ends. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseDetermine whether or not code page translation can be performed given the code pages on the local and remote servers. If translation can be performed, install the correct server code page translation tables, and restart replication.

CHC1111E The remote system has reported a signon failure.

ExplanationAn attempt to access a database on a remote server was unsuccessful. Message VariablesNone Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionReplication ends. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseConsult the product administration log on the local and remote servers for other messages that provide more information as to why database access on a remote server could not be achieved. Based on these messages, perform necessary corrective actions.

CHC1113I Source original will have its name changed by the source system to renamed.

ExplanationA target has been requested to rename a publisher identifier in response to it being renamed in Management Console. This message is generated when replication is started for the associated subscription. Message Variables: originalThe original source identifier. renamedThe source identifier after it has been renamed. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionThe source identifier will be renamed unless another source identifier already exists that is named id2. If a source identifier with the new name already exists, InfoSphere CDC generates CHC9701E. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC1114I Source original has been renamed by the source system to renamed.

Event messages reference


ExplanationA target has renamed a source identifier in response to it being renamed in Management Console. This message is generated after CHC1113I, which indicates that an attempt will be made to rename the source identifier. Message Variables: originalThe original source identifier. renamedThe renamed source identifier. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionAs indicated in the message text. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNone Related reference CHC1113I on page 415

CHC1115I Describe has completed. num1 tables were skipped, num2 tables were described successfully, num3 tables were described unsuccessfully, num4 tables were deleted.

ExplanationA describe operation has completed, and specific information about the operation is presented. The information is received from a target. Message Variables: num1The number of source tables not described. On the target, the metadata for these tables was already up-to-date, and so the describe operation was not applied. num2The number of source tables successfully described. num3The number of source tables unsuccessfully described. If at least one table could not be described successfully, see the Client Administrator Response below. num4The number of source tables for which existing metadata was deleted on the target. Existing target metadata for source tables that were not described in the operation are deleted automatically. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionNone Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseIf one or more sources could not be successfully described, examine the product administration log for other messages that provide more information about the describe operation. In particular, CHC1116E identifies the name of a source table that could not be described successfully. Based on these messages, perform necessary corrective actions.


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

Related reference CHC1116E

CHC1116E The describe for table name was not successful.

ExplanationA source table could not be successfully described. On a target, this message identifies the name of the source table as reported by the source system. Message Variables: nameThe name of the source table that could not be successfully described. Message DestinationProduct administration log and system log System ActionThe describe operation for the identified source table is incomplete. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseRecord the message number. Contact your InfoSphere CDC administrator or IBM representative for assistance. Related reference CHC1115I on page 416

CHC1117E The remote partner's bookmark length of number is too long. A maximum length of maximum is permitted.

ExplanationDuring the initial communications handshake between a source system and target, the target has discovered that the bookmark lengths in the source environment are larger than the defined maximum length of a bookmark in the target environment. In this message, number > maximum. Message Variables: numberThe length of bookmarks in the source environment. maximumThe defined maximum length of a bookmark in the target environment. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionReplication is not started. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseRecord the message number. Contact your InfoSphere CDC administrator or IBM representative for assistance.

CHC1118W The control task for subscription name has lost connection with the Monitor Agent.

Event messages reference


ExplanationWhen the subscription identified in the message (by its name or the corresponding source ID) attempted to send a status message to the Monitor Agent, InfoSphere CDC determined that the connection to the Monitor Agent had been lost, most likely because the Monitor Agent task was terminated. Message Variables: nameThe name of subscription or the source ID, as defined in Management Console. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionReplication continues normally. Monitoring the subscription in Management Console will not be possible. When the Monitor Agent restarts, replication will automatically reconnect and monitoring replication using Management Console will become possible again. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC1119I Sign-on accepted from type system name. Source database type is database. Installation ID is idtext.

ExplanationInfoSphere CDC has accepted a connection request from the source named sysname. Message Variables: typeThe operating system on the source. nameThe host name of the source, to which a connection has been established. databaseThe type of the database installed on the source. idtextA unique name for the InfoSphere CDC installation on the source. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionProcessing continues. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC1120I Replication has more journals than the Monitor Agent supports. The maximum number is number.

ExplanationA subscription was reporting its performance metrics and latency to the Monitor Agent, and doing so, it was determined that the subscription had more journals to report than the Monitor Agent supports. Message Variables:


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

numberThe maximum number of journals per replication that the Monitor Agent can support. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionReplication continues normally. The subscription will report performance metrics and latency only for the maximum number of journals supported by the Monitor Agent. Any additional journals will not be reported, and they will not generate latency messages. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC1121E The code page of the capability exchange could not be determined. Conversation code page is conversation, data code page is data.

ExplanationDuring a control conversation, a capability exchange message could not be processed because the code page of the message could not be determined. Message Variables: conversationThe negotiated conversation code page. dataThe negotiated data code page. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionReplication fails to start. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseThis is most likely an issue with the remote instance. Gather any diagnostic information and contact product support.

CHC12 messages
See also: CHC1232E CHC1251I on page 420 CHC1252I on page 420 CHC1258I on page 420 CHC1259I on page 421

CHC1232E Poorly formatted input was received for request number, detail.

ExplanationWhile processing the specified request, the product encountered invalid or unexpected information in the request. Message Variables: numberThe request number being processed.
Event messages reference


detailThe specific item in error. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionThe operation will be terminated. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseThis is a product issue. For more information, contact IBM Technical Support.

CHC1251I Communications to host server was started on the control channel.

ExplanationCommunications with the identified remote server has been started on the control channel. The control channel is used for message transfers that coordinate the replication of data between servers. Message Variables: serverThe host name of the remote server. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionAs indicated in the message text. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC1252I Communications to host server was started on the data channel.

ExplanationCommunications with the identified remote server has been started on the data channel. The data channel is used for the transmission of replicated data. Message Variables: serverThe host name of the remote server. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionAs indicated in the message text. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC1258I Communications for subscription name was started on the control channel.


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

ExplanationCommunications on the control channel for a subscription identifier have been successfully established with another server. The channel is ready to transmit data. The control channel is used for message transfers that coordinate the replication of data between servers. Message Variables: nameThe name of subscription or the source ID, as defined in Management Console. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionNone Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC1259I Communications for subscription name was started on the data channel.

ExplanationCommunications on the data channel for a subscription identifier have been successfully established with another server. The channel is ready to transmit data. The data channel is used for the transmission of replicated data. Message Variables: nameThe name of subscription or the source ID, as defined in Management Console. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionNone Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC14 messages
See also: CHC1400E on page 422 CHC1401E on page 422 CHC1402E on page 423 CHC1403E on page 423 CHC1404E on page 424 CHC1405E on page 424 CHC1406E on page 425 CHC1408E on page 425 CHC1410W on page 425 CHC1411W on page 426 CHC1412E on page 427
Event messages reference


CHC1413E CHC1414E CHC1415E CHC1416E CHC1417E CHC1418E CHC1419E CHC1420E CHC1421E CHC1422E CHC1423E CHC1424E

on on on on on on on on on on on on

page page page page page page page page page page page page

427 428 428 428 429 429 430 430 431 431 432 432

CHC1425E on page 433 CHC1426E on page 433 CHC1432W on page 434 CHC1433W on page 434

CHC1400E Memory allocation has failed.

ExplanationAn attempt to acquire main storage while processing an expression was unsuccessful. Message VariablesNone Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionReplication ends. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseCheck that there is sufficient main storage in the z/OS address space being used by InfoSphere CDC to support the on-going processing of expressions. If possible, increase the storage in this address space to accommodate expression processing.

CHC1401E Table name referenced in an expression does not exist

ExplanationThe named table that is referenced in an expression does not exist in the database. Message Variables: nameThe name of the table that cannot be found. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionReplication ends. Operator ResponseNone


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

Client Administrator ResponseIn Management Console, modify the table name in the expression to reference an existing table, or else change the expression to remove the table reference.

CHC1402E Column name referenced in an expression does not exist in table table.

ExplanationA column name referenced in an expression does not exist in the named table. Note that the table is also referenced in the expression. In Management Console, expressions are automatically validated after they are defined. However, if you modify a column name in the database after defining the expression, this message is generated if the previous column name is still referenced in the expression. Message Variables: nameThe name of the column referenced in the expression that does not exist in the named table. tableThe name of the table referenced in the expression that does not contain the named column. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionReplication ends. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseIn Management Console, perform the necessary updates to ensure that the expression refers to an existing column name in the table. Restart replication activities that were stopped by this error.

CHC1403E An invalid data conversion from type1 to type2was attempted for column name of table table.

ExplanationInfoSphere CDC could not perform a data type conversion between the two named types. InfoSphere CDC does not support the data type conversion. For instance, this message is generated if a conversion from numeric data into character data is attempted. Message Variables: nameThe name of the column where the data type conversion cannot be performed. tableThe name of the table containing the column where the data type conversion cannot be performed. type1The data type that could not be converted. type2The data type into which the data could not converted. nameThe name of the column.

Event messages reference


Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionReplication ends. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseReview the data type conversion involving the column in the named table. In Management Console, an explicit data type conversion using a column function may have to be added to properly convert the data type. After resolving the data type incompatibility, restart replication activities that were stopped by this error.

CHC1404E The source data type for column name in table table is invalid.

ExplanationInfoSphere CDC does not support the data type of the column in the named source table. Message Variables: nameThe name of the column in the source table that has an unsupported data type. tableThe name of the source table containing the column that has an unsupported data type. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionReplication ends. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseContact your system administrator to ensure that the latest version of InfoSphere CDC is installed on the source server. After upgrading InfoSphere CDC, restart replication activities that were stopped by this error.

CHC1405E Column name has an unsupported data type type.

ExplanationInfoSphere CDC does not support the data type of the named column. Message Variables: nameThe name of the column in a table that has an unsupported data type. typeThe data type of the column that is not supported by InfoSphere CDC. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionReplication ends. Operator ResponseNone


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

Client Administrator ResponseContact your system administrator to ensure that the latest version of InfoSphere CDC is installed on the source server. After upgrading InfoSphere CDC, restart replication activities that were stopped by this error.

CHC1406E SQL generation failed for table table.

ExplanationAn error occurred while processing a %GETCOL function call. The required SQL statements could not be generated from the %GETCOL function call to retrieve a column from a secondary table. Message Variables: tableThe name of the table that contains the expression with the %GETCOL function. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionReplication ends. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseExamine preceding messages in the product administration log (accessible through Management Console) that addresses this problem. Use the information contained in these messages to perform corrective actions, and then restart replication activities that were stopped by this error. Note the message number and contact your InfoSphere CDC administrator if you require further assistance.

CHC1408E Please fix the following SQL error in your additional SQL: error.

ExplanationA Management Console session has requested to set the After Clear and/or After Refresh SQL statement for a table. The supplied SQL statement has errors. Message Variables: errorAn SQL error report. Message DestinationProduct administration log and message box in Management Console System ActionThe SQL statement is not set for the table. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseIn Management Console, refer to the SQL error report, fix the errors in the SQL statement, and retry the request.

CHC1410W %GETCOL statement for table table requires a table space scan. This will severely affect performance.

Event messages reference


ExplanationA %GETCOL function call in an expression defined in Management Console requires a DB2 scan of a table space. A table space scan will likely deteriorate overall performance, and the impact is significant for most tables. Message Variables: tableThe name of the table containing the column that invokes the %GETCOL function using an expression. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionNone Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseIf performance is unacceptable, use different or additional key columns (if they exist in the primary table) to retrieve a secondary table column with the %GETCOL function call. Using different or additional key columns may cause the %GETCOL function to generate SQL statements that circumvent the need for a DB2 table space scan.

CHC1411W An error occurred while assessing the performance impact of the %GETCOL statement for table name. The impact not assessed

ExplanationAn error occurred while InfoSphere CDC was determining the performance impact of a %GETCOL function call in an expression defined in Management Console. Message Variables: nameThe name of the table containing the column that invokes the %GETCOL function through an expression. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionAlthough processing continues, no assessment is made of the performance impact related to the %GETCOL function call. Notifications of a deterioration of performance (CHC1432W and CHC1410W) are not generated as a result of the error. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponsePreceding messages in the product administration log (accessible through Management Console) address this issue. Use the information contained in these messages to perform any corrective actions that are required to enable notification of performance impacts. If this error persists after taking corrective actions, contact your InfoSphere CDC administrator for further assistance.


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

Related reference CHC1432W on page 434 CHC1410W on page 425

CHC1412E The value of %GETCOL key column key in table table is NULL.

ExplanationA value in a key column referenced in a %GETCOL function call is NULL. InfoSphere CDC does not accept a %GETCOL function call when the key column contains a NULL value. Message Variables: keyThe name of the key column referenced in the %GETCOL function that contains a NULL value. name The name of the table containing the nullable key column. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionThe internal InfoSphere CDC task that generated this message is stopped. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseIn Management Console, change the %GETCOL function call in the expression to reference a key column that does not contain a NULL value. If the %GETCOL function call cannot be changed, use a %IF function call to only retrieve data from a secondary table when the value in the key column is not NULL.

CHC1413E The value of name key column key is NULL; NULL key values cannot be processed.

ExplanationA value in a key column passed as an input parameter to the named column function call is NULL. InfoSphere CDC does not perform a column function call when a key column input parameter yields a NULL value. Message Variables: nameThe name of the column function that has been passed a key column with a NULL value. keyThe name of the key column that contains a NULL value. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionReplication to the subscription containing the table with the defined expression or row filtering expression may end. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseMake the necessary modifications to ensure that the named key column does not yield a NULL value during replication.
Event messages reference


Alternatively, use the %IF column function to filter out NULL values before passing key column values to the named column function.

CHC1414E An invalid data conversion from origin to destination was attempted for column name.

ExplanationAn unsupported data type conversion is required for the named column that is referenced in an expression or row filtering expression. Message Variables: nameThe name of the column that cannot be converted. originThe data type of the column in the expression or row filtering expression. destinationThe resulting data type in the required data type conversion. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionReplication to the subscription containing the table with the defined expression or row filtering expression may end. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseEither change the data type of the column, or change the expression or row filtering expression so that the identified data type conversion is not required.

CHC1415E Only a SELECT statement may appear in a %SELECT function.

ExplanationAn attempt has been made to use the %SELECT column function to perform an action other than a SQL SELECT statement. The %SELECT function can only be used to perform a valid SQL SELECT statement during the evaluation of expressions and row filtering expressions. Message VariablesNone Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionReplication to the subscription containing the table with the defined %SELECT function may end. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseModify the %SELECT function invocation so that only a valid SQL SELECT statement is specified for the first function parameter.

CHC1416E Only a single %SELECT function may appear in an expression.

ExplanationA single expression or row filtering expression contains more than one %SELECT column function invocation. An expression or row filtering expression can only contain a single %SELECT function invocation.


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

Message VariablesNone Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionReplication to the subscription containing the table with the defined %SELECT function may end. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseModify the expression or row filtering expression that contains multiple %SELECT function invocations so that only one %SELECT function invocation is used. If possible, spread the %SELECT function invocations across multiple expressions or row filtering expressions.

CHC1417E Insufficient parameters were specified on function name ; At least number parameters are required

ExplanationThe number of input parameters passed to the named column function is fewer than what is required. Message Variables: nameThe name of the column function which has received fewer input parameters than what is required. numberThe minimum or correct number of input parameters that must be passed to the column function. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionReplication to the subscription containing the table with the defined column function may end. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseModify the function invocation so that a valid number of input parameters are specified.

CHC1418E The length of column name exceeds the maximum allowed (size).

ExplanationThe defined length of the named column exceeds the maximum for expressions and row filtering expressions. Message Variables: nameThe name of the column that is too long. sizeThe maximum length (measured in bytes) that the column can be for it to be included in an expression or row filtering expression. Message DestinationProduct administration log

Event messages reference


System ActionReplication to the subscription containing the table with the defined expression or row filtering expression may end. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseIf possible, change the length of the column in the table so that the maximum is not exceeded.

CHC1419E The value value cannot be converted from origin to destination.

ExplanationA value returned by an expression or row filtering expression could not be accepted by the mapped column. The data type of the column is not compatible with the returned value. Message Variables: valueThe value returned by the expression or row filtering expression that is not compatible with the data type of the mapped column. originThe data type of the value returned by the expression or row filtering expression. destinationThe data type of the mapped column. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionReplication to the subscription containing the table with the defined expression or row filtering expression may end. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseEither change the data type of the mapped column, or change the expression or row filtering expression so that it returns a value compatible with the data type of the mapped column.

CHC1420E The default value for column name in table table is incompatible; a literal value is required.

ExplanationA default value is incompatible with the data type of the column in the named table. Although Management Console enforces data type compatibility, this message catches any specified default value that is not the correct type. Message Variables: nameThe name of the column in the table that has been assigned a default value incompatible with the data type of the column. tableThe name of the table that contains the column which has been assigned an incompatible default value. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionReplication ends.


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseUse the information provided in the message text to identify the default value setting in Management Console that caused this message to be generated. Change the default value to the correct data type, and then restart replication activities that were stopped by this error.

CHC1421E The default value for column name in table table is incompatible; a constant value is required.

ExplanationA default value is incompatible with the data type of the column in the named table. Although Management Console enforces data type compatibility, this message catches any specified default value that is not the correct type. Message Variables: nameThe name of the column in the table that has been assigned a default value incompatible with the data type of the column. tableThe name of the table that contains the column which has been assigned an incompatible default value. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionReplication ends. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseUse the information provided in the message text to identify the default value setting in Management Console that caused this message to be generated. Change the default value to the correct data type, and then restart replication activities that were stopped by this error.

CHC1422E The default value for column name in table table is incompatible; the data types are incompatible.

ExplanationA default value is incompatible with the data type of the column in the named table. Although Management Console enforces data type compatibility, this message catches any specified default value that is not the correct type. Message Variables: nameThe name of the column in the table that has been assigned a default value incompatible with the data type of the column. tableThe name of the table that contains the column which has been assigned an incompatible default value. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionReplication ends. Operator ResponseNone
Event messages reference


Client Administrator ResponseUse the information provided in the message text to identify the default value setting in Management Console that caused this message to be generated. Change the default value to the correct data type, and then restart replication activities that were stopped by this error.

CHC1423E The default value for column name in table table is incompatible; the column not nullable.

ExplanationA default value is incompatible with the data type of the column in the named table. Although Management Console enforces data type compatibility, this message catches any specified default value that is not the correct type. Message Variables: nameThe name of the column in the table that has been assigned a default value incompatible with the data type of the column. tableThe name of the table that contains the column which has been assigned an incompatible default value. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionReplication ends. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseUse the information provided in the message text to identify the default value setting in Management Console that caused this message to be generated. Change the default value to the correct data type, and then restart replication activities that were stopped by this error.

CHC1424E The default value for column name in table table is incompatible; the data type is unknown.

ExplanationA default value is incompatible with the data type of the column in the named table. Although Management Console enforces data type compatibility, this message catches any specified default value that is not the correct type. Message Variables: nameThe name of the column in the table that has been assigned a default value incompatible with the data type of the column. tableThe name of the table that contains the column which has been assigned an incompatible default value. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionReplication ends. Operator ResponseNone


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

Client Administrator ResponseUse the information provided in the message text to identify the default value setting in Management Console that caused this message to be generated. Change the default value to the correct data type, and then restart replication activities that were stopped by this error.

CHC1425E The default value for column name in table table is incompatible; the ISO Date is invalid.

ExplanationA default value is incompatible with the data type of the column in the named table. Although Management Console enforces data type compatibility, this message catches any specified default value that is not the correct type. Message Variables: nameThe name of the column in the table that has been assigned a default value incompatible with the data type of the column. tableThe name of the table that contains the column which has been assigned an incompatible default value. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionReplication ends. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseUse the information provided in the message text to identify the default value setting in Management Console that caused this message to be generated. Change the default value to the correct data type, and then restart replication activities that were stopped by this error.

CHC1426E The default value for column name in table table is incompatible; the ISO Time is invalid.

ExplanationA default value is incompatible with the data type of the column in the named table. Although Management Console enforces data type compatibility, this message catches any specified default value that is not the correct type. Message Variables: nameThe name of the column in the table that has been assigned a default value incompatible with the data type of the column. tableThe name of the table that contains the column which has been assigned an incompatible default value. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionReplication ends. Operator ResponseNone

Event messages reference


Client Administrator ResponseUse the information provided in the message text to identify the default value setting in Management Console that caused this message to be generated. Change the default value to the correct data type, and then restart replication activities that were stopped by this error.

CHC1432W %GETCOL statement for table table requires an index scan. This will adversely affect performance.

ExplanationA %GETCOL function call in an expression defined in Management Console requires a DB2 scan of the index for the named table. An index scan is being performed each time a record is updated, and will likely deteriorate overall performance. This deterioration in performance is significant if the table is not small. Message Variables: tableThe name of the table that contains the column that invokes the %GETCOL function through an expression. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionNone Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseIf performance is unacceptable, use different or additional key columns (if they exist in the primary table) to retrieve a secondary table column with the %GETCOL function call. Using different or additional key columns may cause the %GETCOL function to generate SQL statements that circumvent the need for a DB2 index scan.

CHC1433W %GETCOL statement for table table requires a multiple index} scan. This will adversely affect performance.

ExplanationA %GETCOL function call in an expression defined in Management Console requires a DB2 scan of multiple indexes for the named table. An index scan is being performed each time a record is updated, and will likely deteriorate overall performance. This deterioration in performance is significant if the table is not small. Message Variables: tableThe name of the table that contains the column that invokes the %GETCOL function through an expression. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionNone Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseIf performance is unacceptable, use different or additional key columns (if they exist in the primary table) to retrieve a secondary


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

table column with the %GETCOL function call. Using different or additional key columns may cause the %GETCOL function to generate SQL statements that circumvent the need for a DB2 index scan.

CHC15 messages
See also: CHC1501E CHC1502E on page 436 CHC1503E on page 436 CHC1504I on page 437 CHC1505I on page 437 CHC1508W on page 437 CHC1511I on page 438 CHC1514W on page 438 CHC1515W on page 439 CHC1517E on page 439 CHC1518E on page 440 CHC1520E on page 441 CHC1521E on page 441 CHC1522E on page 442 CHC1524E on page 442 CHC1527E on page 443 CHC1531W on page 443 CHC1532W on page 443 CHC1533W on page 444 CHC1539E on page 444 CHC1540E on page 445 CHC1541E on page 445 CHC1542E on page 445 CHC1543I on page 446 CHC1544I on page 446 CHC1545I on page 447 CHC1551I on page 447 CHC1552I on page 448 CHC1553I on page 448 CHC1559W on page 449 CHC1560W on page 449

CHC1501E Table schema.table requires a describe before replication.

ExplanationThe identified source table has to be described before data in the table can be replicated. Source tables must be described before data in those tables can be replicated. Tables can be described in Management Console or by using an InfoSphere CDC console command. Message Variables:
Event messages reference


schemaThe database where the table is located. The database is expressed in the form <database>.<user> (the <user> component identifies who created the table). tableThe name of the source table that has to be described. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionThe attempt to start replication is unsuccessful. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseDescribe the identified source table and then restart replication.

CHC1502E An error occurred in the Describe Task; please see previous messages for more information.

ExplanationInfoSphere CDC detected an error while sending descriptions of source tables to a target environment. Message VariablesNone Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionThe InfoSphere CDC internal task responsible for sending source table descriptions has stopped. This means that the transfer of source table descriptions to the target has stopped. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponsePrevious messages in the product administration log identify why the transfer of the description stopped. Based on the information that is contained in these messages, perform the necessary modifications.

CHC1503E Table schema.table no longer exists.

ExplanationThe identified table cannot be found in the database. Message Variables: schemaThe database where the table is located. The database is expressed in the form <database>.<user> (the <user> component identifies who created the table). tableThe name of the source table that could not be found. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionReplication ends. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseIt is possible that the table was physically deleted from the database, and the replication configuration was not updated to


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

reflect the deletion. Recreate the identified table in the database or remove the table from your replication configuration. Restart replication.

CHC1504I The describe operation has been initiated for subscription name.

ExplanationThe InfoSphere CDC data task for the specified target or source identifier is managing an operation to describe source tables to a target environment. The data task on a server manages activity on a communications link that is used to transmit replicated data for a specific target or source identifier. This task is also used to manage the describe operation, which must be performed before data replication can be started. Message Variables: nameThe name of subscription or the source ID, as defined in Management Console. Message DestinationProduct administration log and system log System ActionAs indicated in the message text. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC1505I The describe operation has been ended for subscription name.

ExplanationSource table descriptions are no longer being sent to the specified subscription. A describe operation completes automatically after all descriptions have been sent. Message Variables: nameThe subscription name. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionAs indicated in the message text. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC1508W The chosen table has no qualifying index. The selected assignment type requires a qualifying index for mirroring. Do you still want to map this table?

ExplanationAn attempt was made to map a source table to a target table that does not have a unique index. In this case, InfoSphere CDC cannot mirror data to the target table. Message VariablesNone
Event messages reference


Message DestinationProduct administration log Operator ResponseNone Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseThe message appears in a Management Console confirmation box. Click the Yes button on the confirmation box to map the tables with the knowledge that you can only refresh data to the target table. Alternatively, click the No button if you do not want to map the tables.

CHC1511I One or more target tables have been unmapped from source source during a describe, a report has been written to CHCREPRT.

ExplanationA describe operation was performed in Management Console with the AUTODEASSIGN configuration keyword set to YES. As a result, InfoSphere CDC unmapped tables and removed relevant metadata. For recovery purposes, a report providing details of the replication configuration for the mapped tables was written to the CHCREPRT spool data set. Message Variables: sourceThe source identifier that identifies the location of the previously mapped source tables. Message DestinationMessage box in Management Console System ActionThe describe operation is completed. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseIn the event that assigned tables were inadvertently unmapped, use the information presented in the generated report to restore the replication configuration involving the source and target tables that have been unmapped.

CHC1514W Language Environment's Code Page Conversion Services will be used.

ExplanationInfoSphere CDC has failed to initialize Unicode Conversion Services. As a result, Language Environments Code Page Conversion Services will be used to perform code page conversions. Message VariablesNone Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionInfoSphere CDC will use Language Environments Code Page Conversion Services used to perform code page conversions. Operator ResponseNone


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

Client Administrator ResponseSee the previous messages in the product administration log to determine why Unicode Conversion Services could not be used. For better performance when converting characters between different code pages, you should configure InfoSphere CDC to use Unicode Conversion Services instead of Language Environments Code Page Conversion Services.

CHC1515W Unicode Conversion Services does not support conversion from code page origin to code page destination. Language Environment's Conversion Services will be used instead.

ExplanationInfoSphere CDC has received a request to convert characters from one code page to another. The request could not be accomplished using Unicode Conversion Services. Message Variables: originThe code page name from which characters are to be converted. destinationThe code page name to which characters are to be converted. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionLanguage Environments Code Page Conversion Services will be used to convert characters between the specified code pages. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseThe warning could be caused by one of the following: v Invalid or missing CCSIDMAP statements for code pages origin and destination in the CHCUCSxx member in the Configuration Control data set. v Invalid or missing CONVERSION statement for code pages origin and destination in the CHCUCSxx member in the Configuration Control data set. v Conversion from code page origin to destination is not supported in your environment under Unicode Conversion Services. To list the supported conversions, enter the following z/OS console command: D UNI,ALL Verify that the CONVERSION statements defined in the CHCUCSxx member in the Configuration Control data set are also displayed in the list of supported conversions. For better performance when converting characters between different code pages, you should configure InfoSphere CDC to use Unicode Conversion Services instead of Language Environments Code Page Conversion Services.

CHC1517E Unicode Conversion Services request(sub-request) request has failed. Return code=return, Reason code=reason.

Event messages reference


ExplanationAn internal error has occurred in the interface between InfoSphere CDC and the CUNLCNV system function that provides support for Unicode Conversion Services. The CUNLCNV request that failed is identified in the message text. Message Variables: requestThe name of the Unicode Conversion Services main request that failed. sub-requestThe name of the Unicode Conversion Services sub-request that failed. Together with the name of the main request, this unambiguously identifies which service request failed. returnThe code returned by the UCS system function. Consult the appropriate IBM publication for an explanation of this code. reasonThe reason code returned by the UCS system function. Consult the appropriate IBM publication for an explanation of this code. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionThe operation that initiated the request is not completed successfully. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator Response Note the UCS function return and reason codes. Consult the appropriate IBM Unicode Conversion Services publication to determine the corrective actions that should be taken. If this message indicates that a CUNLCNV(CONNECT) request failed, contact your system programmer to determine if Unicode Conversion Services can be installed on the server. For better performance when converting characters between different code pages, you should configure InfoSphere CDC to use Unicode Conversion Services instead of Language Environments Code Page Conversion Services.

CHC1518E Initialization of Unicode Conversion Services has failed.

ExplanationUnicode Conversion Services could not be initialized. Previous messages in the product administration log provide further clarification as to what caused the failure. Message VariablesNone Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionLanguage Environments Code Page Conversion Services will be used to perform code page conversions. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseSee the previous messages in the Product Administration log to determine the corrective actions that should be taken.


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

Verify the following: v The Unicode Conversion Services are installed on the server. v The CHCUCSxx member in the Configuration Control data set is present. v No errors have been reported from the CHCUCSxx member in the Configuration Control data set. For better performance when converting characters between different code pages, Unicode Conversion Services should be used instead of Language Environments Code Page Conversion Services.

CHC1520E LE Conversion Services does not support conversion from codepage 'origin' to codepage 'destination'. Conversion cannot be performed.

ExplanationInfoSphere CDC tried to initiate code page conversion from origin to destination and the operating system indicated it could not perform the conversion. Message Variables: originThe name of the from code page. destinationThe name of the to code page. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionProcessing will end. Operator ResponseConfigure the system to use Unicode Conversion Services (UCS) instead of LE Conversion Services. If UCS also cannot perform the conversion, make sure the proper conversion methods are defined. Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC1521E An error occurred reading a log record. Mirroring will terminate.

ExplanationInfoSphere CDC could not read a log record. This is an internal InfoSphere CDC problem. Message VariablesNone Message DestinationSystem log System ActionInfoSphere CDC stops running. Operator ResponseFurther investigation is required. Note the message number and issue the DSPACT=ALL command to obtain information about current InfoSphere CDC activity. In addition, obtain the generated diagnostic SDUMP. After collecting the information, contact your InfoSphere CDC administrator for further assistance. Client Administrator ResponseNone

Event messages reference


CHC1522E An error occurred accessing Hiper Space or a Memory File. Mirroring will terminate.

ExplanationInfoSphere CDC encountered a problem accessing Hiper Space or a memory file. It is generated when mirroring is started to a subscription. InfoSphere CDC activity may have exhausted the available memory space. Message VariablesNone Message DestinationSystem log System ActionInfoSphere CDC stops running. Operator ResponseFurther investigation is required. Note the message number and issue the DSPACT=ALL command to obtain information about current InfoSphere CDC activity. In addition, obtain the generated diagnostic SDUMP. After collecting the information, contact your InfoSphere CDC administrator for further assistance. Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC1524E Staging space size for subscription name has reached 100% of limit. All replication activities have stopped.

ExplanationThe contents of the staging space for the specified subscription has reached its capacity. As a result, all replication activities associated with the subscription have been stopped. The maximum staging space size for all subscriptions is defined by the MAXSUBSCRSTAGESIZE keyword in the DB2 configuration control statement. Message Variables: nameThe name of the subscription that had its staging space exceed capacity. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionAll replication activities associated with the specified subscription end. A staging space report that provides information about the commit groups that caused the staging space to be exhausted is generated automatically. This report is appended to the CHCREPRT spool data set. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseConsult the information provided in the staging space report that has been generated automatically in the CHCREPRT spool data set. From this report, you may be able to develop strategies to avoid the staging space from reaching its limit in the future. Alternatively, set the maximum size of the staging space for all subscriptions so that the upper limit is never reached. This is achieved by setting the MAXSUBSCRSTAGESIZE keyword to a higher memory space value. After taking necessary actions or modifying the value assigned to the keyword, synchronize mapped source and target tables with an initial refresh and then restart mirroring for the subscription.


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

CHC1527E The associated DSL is no longer active.

ExplanationThe InfoSphere CDC task responsible for scraping the DB2 Log during mirroring has ended unexpectedly. Message VariablesNone Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionActive mirroring ends. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponsePrevious messages in the product administration log identify what caused to task to end unexpectedly. Based on the information that is contained in these messages, perform the necessary corrective actions.

CHC1531W CCSID ccsid cannot be resolved to an IANA encoding name.

ExplanationThe specified CCSID could not be converted to an IANA encoding name because an IANAMAP statement was not specified in the CHCUCSxx configuration member for this CCSID. Message Variables: ccsidThe unresolved CCSID. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionReplication continues. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseFurther errors may occur if the product cannot determine the proper IANA name to use by other means.

CHC1532W The staging space size for subscription name has exceeded 90% of limit.

ExplanationThe contents of the staging space for the specified subscription has approached capacity (above 90% of capacity). The maximum staging space size for all subscriptions is defined by the MAXSUBSCRSTAGESIZE keyword in the DB2 configuration control statement. Message Variables: nameThe name of the subscription that had its staging space approach capacity or fall below a safe level. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionNone
Event messages reference


Operator ResponseAlthough replication activities continue, you may want to generate a staging space report to obtain various items of information about the staging space. The report may indicate problems that could surface at a later time. Use the InfoSphere CDC REPORT command to generate a staging space report. Client Administrator ResponseIf the contents of the staging space has approached capacity (exceeded 90%), then increase the maximum size of the staging space for all subscriptions by setting the MAXSUBSCRSTAGESIZE configuration control statement keyword to a higher memory space value. If the contents of a staging space reaches capacity, all replication activities associated with the subscription automatically ends

CHC1533W limit. The staging space size for subscription name has receded below 85% of

ExplanationThe contents of the staging space for the specified subscription has fallen below a certain threshold (below 85% of capacity). The maximum staging space size for all subscriptions is defined by the MAXSUBSCRSTAGESIZE keyword in the DB2 configuration control statement. Message Variables: nameThe name of the subscription that had its staging space approach capacity or fall below a safe level. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionNone Operator ResponseAlthough replication activities continue, you may want to generate a staging space report to obtain various items of information about the staging space. The report may indicate problems that could surface at a later time. Use the InfoSphere CDC REPORT command to generate a staging space report. Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC1539E The FROM value is too long. The maximum length for character value translations is size characters.

ExplanationIn a translation defined in Management Console, a FROM value (the value being converted) exceeds the maximum length, as specified in the message text. Message Variables: sizeThe maximum length of a FROM value in the translation. For characters, up to 26 characters can be specified. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionThe translation is not processed.


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

Operator ResponseSpecify a FROM value whose length does not exceed the limit. Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC1540E The TO value is too long. The maximum length for character value translations is size characters.

ExplanationIn a translation defined in Management Console, a TO value (the value that is produced after the translation) exceeds the maximum length, as specified in the message text. Message Variables: sizeThe maximum length of a TO value in the translation. For characters, up to 26 characters can be specified. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionThe translation is not processed. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseThrough Management Console, either remove the offending translation, or change the TO value so that it is within the maximum number of characters or digits.

CHC1541E The FROM value is too long. The maximum length for numeric value translations is size characters.

ExplanationIn a translation defined in Management Console, a FROM value (the value being converted) exceeds the maximum length, as specified in the message text. Message Variables: sizeThe maximum length of a FROM value in the translation. For numeric values, up to 18 digits can be specified. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionThe translation is not processed. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseThrough Management Console, either remove the offending translation, or change the FROM value so that it is within the maximum number of characters or digits.

CHC1542E The TO value is too long. The maximum length for numeric value translations is size characters.

Event messages reference


ExplanationIn a translation defined in Management Console, a TO value (the value that is produced after the translation) exceeds the maximum length, as specified in the message text. Message Variables: sizeThe maximum length of a TO value in the translation. For numeric values, up to 18 digits can be specified. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionThe translation is not processed. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseThrough Management Console, either remove the offending translation, or change the TO value so that it is within the maximum number of characters or digits.

CHC1543I Conversion from codepage origin to codepage destination using Unicode Conversion Services has been successfully initialized.

ExplanationOne-way character conversion from one code page to another is available and that conversion has been initialized successfully. The message text also indicates the conversion service that will be used to perform the conversion. This message is generated when conversion from origin to destination has been determined as being available. Message Variables: originThe code page name from which characters are to be converted. destinationThe code page name to which characters are to be converted. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionInfoSphere CDC will use the conversion service indicated in the message text to convert characters between the specified code pages. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC1544I Conversion from codepage origin to codepage destination using LE Conversion Services has been successfully initialized.

ExplanationOne-way character conversion from one code page to another is available and that conversion has been initialized successfully. The message text also indicates the conversion service that will be used to perform the conversion. This message is generated when conversion from origin to destination has been determined as being available. Message Variables:


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

originThe code page name from which characters are to be converted. destinationThe code page name to which characters are to be converted. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionInfoSphere CDC will use the conversion service indicated in the message text to convert characters between the specified code pages. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC1545I Conversion from codepage origin to codepage destination using Copy Conversion has been successfully initialized.

ExplanationOne-way character conversion from one code page to another is available and that conversion has been initialized successfully. The message text also indicates the conversion service that will be used to perform the conversion. This message is generated when conversion from origin to destination has been determined as being available. Message Variables: originThe code page name from which characters are to be converted. destinationThe code page name to which characters are to be converted. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionInfoSphere CDC will use the conversion service indicated in the message text to convert characters between the specified code pages. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC1551I Conversion between codepages origin and destination using name has been successfully initialized.

ExplanationFull-trip character conversions between the indicated code pages are available and conversion has been initialized successfully. The message text also indicates the conversion service that will be used to perform the conversions. This message is generated when conversions from origin to destination and vice versa have been determined as being available. Message Variables: originOne of the code pages in the character conversion. destinationOne of the code pages in the character conversion.

Event messages reference


nameThe conversion service name. One of the following strings is inserted in the message text at this point: v Unicode Conversion Services, if Unicode Conversion Services is used to perform the conversion. v LE Conversion Services, if Language Environments Code Page conversion services is used to perform the conversion. v Copy conversion, if copy is used to perform the conversion. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionInfoSphere CDC will use the conversion service indicated in the message text to convert characters between the specified code pages. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC1552I Conversion between codepages origin and destination using LE Conversion Services has been successfully initialized.

ExplanationFull-trip character conversions between the indicated code pages are available and conversion has been initialized successfully. The message text also indicates the conversion service that will be used to perform the conversions. Message Variables: originThe code page name from which characters are to be converted. destinationThe code page name to which characters are to be converted. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionInfoSphere CDC will use the conversion service indicated in the message text to convert characters between the specified code pages. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC1553I Conversion between codepages origin and destination using Copy Conversion has been successfully initialized.

ExplanationFull-trip character conversions between the indicated code pages are available and conversion has been initialized successfully. The message text also indicates the conversion service that will be used to perform the conversions. Message Variables: originThe code page name from which characters are to be converted. destinationThe code page name to which characters are to be converted. Message DestinationProduct administration log


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

System ActionInfoSphere CDC will use the conversion service indicated in the message text to convert characters between the specified code pages. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC1559W Code page name name cannot be resolved to a CCSID.

ExplanationThe specified code page name could not be converted to a CCSID because a CCSIDMAP statement was not specified in the CHCUCSxx configuration member for this code page name. Message Variables: nameThe code page name. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionReplication continues. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseFurther errors may occur if the product cannot determine the proper CCSID to use by other means.

CHC1560W IANA encoding name name cannot be resolved to a CCSID.

ExplanationThe specified IANA code set name could not be converted to a CCSID because a IANAMAP statement was not specified in the CHCUCSxx configuration member for this IANA encoding name. Message Variables: nameThe IANA encoding name. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionReplication continues. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseFurther errors may occur if the product cannot determine the proper CCSID to use by other means.

CHC16 messages
See also: CHC1600I on page 450 CHC1602E on page 451 CHC1603E on page 451 CHC1604E on page 451
Event messages reference


CHC1605E CHC1606E CHC1607E CHC1608E CHC1609E

on on on on on

page page page page page

452 452 453 453 454

CHC1610E on page 454 CHC1611E on page 454 CHC1612E on page 455 CHC1613E on page 455 CHC1614E on page 456 CHC1615E on page 456 CHC1616E on page 457 CHC1617E CHC1618E CHC1619E CHC1620E CHC1621E CHC1622E on on on on on on page page page page page page 457 458 458 459 459 460

CHC1623E on page 460 CHC1624E on page 460 CHC1625E on page 461 CHC1626E CHC1627E CHC1628E CHC1629E on on on on page page page page 461 462 462 463

CHC1630E on page 463 CHC1631E on page 464

CHC1600I The remote system reports the following message: text.

ExplanationThe identified message generated on the remote server has been added to the product administration log on the local server. Message Variables: textThe text of the message generated on the remote server and placed in the product administration log on the local server. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionNone Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseBased on the message that is sent by the remote server (text), you may need to take appropriate actions.


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

CHC1602E DMCMVFY Options: -m -p -M -P -n -s -t -d -D -v

ExplanationA control statement in the CHCCVFxx member (in the CHCCNTRL data set) was specified incorrectly when the STRTSCVF console command was issued. The valid control statement flags are listed in the message text. For information about the STRTSCVF command, contact your IBM representative. Message VariablesNone Message DestinationProduct administration log and system log System ActionThe communications test is not started. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseModify the CHCCVFxx member so that the control statements are specified correctly. The flags are case sensitive, and so make sure that the proper case has been used in the various control statements. After making the necessary changes, issue the STRTSCVF command again. For information about the control statements that are supported by the STRTSCVF command, contact your IBM representative.

CHC1603E DMCMVFY Option "-m <local ip>" specifies the ip address of the local interface we want to use or a name to resolve to it.

ExplanationThe control statements contained in the CHCCVFxx member (in the CHCCNTRL data set) that are used by the STRTSCVF console command produced an error. Proper usage of the -m control statement is described in the message text. For information about the STRTSCVF command, contact your IBM representative. Message VariablesNone Message DestinationProduct administration log and system log System ActionThe communications test is not started. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseVerify that the control statements have been specified correctly in the CHCCVFxx member and they are supported by the STRTSCVF command. Issue the STRTSCVF command again after making the necessary corrections. For information about the control statements that are supported by the STRTSCVF command and how they can be used, contact your IBM representative.

CHC1604E DMCMVFY Option "-M <remote ip>" is a required parameter which specifies the ip address of the target system or the target system name.

ExplanationThe control statements contained in the CHCCVFxx member (in the CHCCNTRL data set) that are used by the STRTSCVF console command produced an error. Proper usage of the -M control statement is described in the message text. For information about the STRTSCVF command, contact your IBM representative.
Event messages reference


Message VariablesNone Message DestinationProduct administration log and system log System ActionThe communications test is not started. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseVerify that the control statements have been specified correctly in the CHCCVFxx member. The -M flag is case sensitive, and so make sure that the proper case has been used. Issue the STRTSCVF command again after making the necessary corrections. For information about the control statements that are supported by the STRTSCVF command and how they can be used, contact your IBM representative.

CHC1605E DMCMVFY Option "-P <remote port>" is a required parameter which specifies the port on which the remote system is listening.

ExplanationThe control statements contained in the CHCCVFxx member (in the CHCCNTRL data set) that are used by the STRTSCVF console command produced an error. Proper usage of the -P control statement is described in the message text. For information about the STRTSCVF command, contact your IBM representative. Message VariablesNone Message DestinationProduct administration log and system log System ActionThe communications test is not started. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseVerify that the control statements have been specified correctly in the CHCCVFxx member. The -P flag is case sensitive, and so make sure that the proper case has been used. Issue the STRTSCVF command again after making the necessary corrections. For information about the control statements that are supported by the STRTSCVF command and how they can be used, contact your IBM representative.

CHC1606E DMCMVFY Option "-p <local port>" specifies the port which the local system will use.

ExplanationThe control statements contained in the CHCCVFxx member (in the CHCCNTRL data set) that are used by the STRTSCVF console command produced an error. Proper usage of the -p control statement is described in the message text.For information about the STRTSCVF command, contact your IBM representative. Message VariablesNone Message DestinationProduct administration log and system log System ActionThe communications test is not started.


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseVerify that the control statements have been specified correctly in the CHCCVFxx member and they are supported by the STRTSCVF command. Issue the STRTSCVF command again after making the necessary corrections. For information about the control statements that are supported by the STRTSCVF command and how they can be used, contact your IBM representative.

CHC1607E DMCMVFY Option "-t <time limit>" specifies the length of time the program will run.

ExplanationThe control statements contained in the CHCCVFxx member (in the CHCCNTRL data set) that are used by the STRTSCVF console command produced an error. Proper usage of the -t control statement is described in the message text. For information about the STRTSCVF command, contact your IBM representative. Message VariablesNone Message DestinationProduct administration log and system log System ActionThe communications test is not started. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseVerify that the control statements have been specified correctly in the CHCCVFxx member. The -t flag is case sensitive, and so make sure that the proper case has been used. Issue the STRTSCVF command again after making the necessary corrections. For information about the control statements that are supported by the STRTSCVF command and how they can be used, contact your IBM representative.

CHC1608E to send. DMCMVFY Option "-s <packet size>" specifies the size of the data packets

ExplanationThe control statements contained in the CHCCVFxx member (in the CHCCNTRL data set) that are used by the STRTSCVF console command produced an error. Proper usage of the -s control statement is described in the message text. For information about the STRTSCVF command, contact your IBM representative. Message VariablesNone Message DestinationProduct administration log and system log System ActionThe communications test is not started. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseVerify that the control statements have been specified correctly in the CHCCVFxx member. The -s flag is case sensitive, and so make sure that the proper case has been used. Issue the STRTSCVF command

Event messages reference


again after making the necessary corrections. For information about the control statements that are supported by the STRTSCVF command and how they can be used, contact your IBM representative.

CHC1609E Option "-d <send delay>" specifies the length of time to wait before sending a message to the remote system.

ExplanationThe control statements contained in the CHCCVFxx member (in the CHCCNTRL data set) that are used by the STRTSCVF console command produced an error. Proper usage of the -d control statement is described in the message text. For information about the STRTSCVF command, contact your IBM representative. Message VariablesNone Message DestinationProduct administration log and system log System ActionThe communications test is not started. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseVerify that the control statements have been specified correctly in the CHCCVFxx member. The -d flag is case sensitive, and so make sure that the proper case has been used. Issue the STRTSCVF command again after making the necessary corrections. For information about the control statements that are supported by the STRTSCVF command and how they can be used, contact your IBM representative.

CHC1610E Option "-D <response delay>" specifies the length of time to wait before sending a response from the remote system.

ExplanationThe control statements contained in the CHCCVFxx member (in the CHCCNTRL data set) that are used by the STRTSCVF console command produced an error. Proper usage of the -D control statement is described in the message text. For information about the STRTSCVF command, contact your IBM representative. Message VariablesNone Message DestinationProduct administration log and system log System ActionThe communications test is not started. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseVerify that the control statements have been specified correctly in the CHCCVFxx member and they are supported by the STRTSCVF command. Issue the STRTSCVF command again after making the necessary corrections. For information about the control statements that are supported by the STRTSCVF command and how they can be used, contact your IBM representative.

CHC1611E DMCMVFY Option "-v <verbosity level>" specifies whether to produce any output. L(low), M(edium), H(igh).


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

ExplanationThe control statements contained in the CHCCVFxx member (in the CHCCNTRL data set) that are used by the STRTSCVF console command produced an error. Proper usage of the -v control statement is described in the message text. For information about the STRTSCVF command, contact your IBM representative. Message VariablesNone Message DestinationProduct administration log and system log System ActionThe communications test is not started. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseVerify that the control statements have been specified correctly in the CHCCVFxx member. The -v flag is case sensitive, and so make sure that the proper case has been used. Issue the STRTSCVF command again after making the necessary corrections. For information about the control statements that are supported by the STRTSCVF command and how they can be used, contact your IBM representative.

CHC1612E DMCMVFY Option "-n <number of packets>" specifies the number of packets to generate.

ExplanationThe control statements contained in the CHCCVFxx member (in the CHCCNTRL data set) that are used by the STRTSCVF console command produced an error. Proper usage of the -n control statement is described in the message text. For information about the STRTSCVF command, contact your IBM representative. Message VariablesNone Message DestinationProduct administration log and system log System ActionThe communications test is not started. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseVerify that the control statements have been specified correctly in the CHCCVFxx member and they are supported by the STRTSCVF command. Issue the STRTSCVF command again after making the necessary corrections.For information about the control statements that are supported by the STRTSCVF command and how they can be used, contact your IBM representative.

CHC1613E dmcmvfy invalid option -flag.

ExplanationThe CHCCVFxx member (in the CHCCNTRL data set) contained a control statement with an invalid flag specification when the STRTSCVF console command was issued. The identified flag was not recognized by InfoSphere CDC. Message Variables: flagThe control statement flag that was not recognized by InfoSphere CDC.

Event messages reference


Message DestinationProduct administration log and system log System ActionThe Communications Verifier is not started. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseRemove the control statement containing the invalid flag from the CHCCVFxx member. Issue the STRTSCVF command again. For information about the control statements that are supported by the STRTSCVF command, contact your IBM representative.

CHC1614E dmcmvfy: option name is required.

ExplanationThe control statement in the CHCCVFxx member (in the CHCCNTRL data set) that identifies the remote server or port number was omitted when the STRTSCVF console command was issued. The -M and -P control statements are mandatory. For information about the STRTSCVF command, contact your IBM representative. Message Variables: nameThe name of the option. Message DestinationProduct administration log and system log System ActionThe communications test is not started. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseIn the CHCCVFxx member, add the -M or -P control statement. Issue the STRTSCVF command again. The -M and -P flags are case sensitive, and so make sure that the proper case has been used in each control statement. For information about the -M and -P control statements, contact your IBM representative.

CHC1615E dmcmvfy: option first conflicts with specified option second.

ExplanationThe specification of a control statement in the CHCCVFxx member (in the CHCCNTRL data set) conflicted with another control statement when the STRTSCVF console command was issued. Specific combinations of control statements in the member are not permitted. For information about the STRTSCVF command, contact your IBM representative. Message Variables: firstIndicates the first of the conflicting options. secondIndicates the second of the conflicting options. Message DestinationProduct administration log and system log System ActionThe communications test is not started.


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseIn the CHCCVFxx member, remove the conflicting control statements or remove the control statements that are not supported by the STRTSCVF command. Issue the STRTSCVF command again after making the necessary corrections. For information about control statements for the STRTSCVF command, contact your IBM representative.

CHC1616E dmcmvfy: option name argument setting exceeds maximum length of size.

ExplanationA setting for a control statement in the CHCCVFxx member (in the CHCCNTRL data set) exceeded the maximum length when the STRTSCVF console command was issued. The setting and maximum length are identified in the message text. For information about the STRTSCVF command, contact your IBM representative. Message Variables: nameThe name of the option. settingThe setting specified in a control statement that is too long. sizeThe maximum length of the setting. Message DestinationProduct administration log and system log System ActionThe communications test is not started. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseIn the CHCCVFxx member, modify the control statement so that the length of the setting is less than or equal to the identified maximum length. Issue the STRTSCVF command again after making the necessary corrections. For information about control statements for the STRTSCVF command, contact your IBM representative.

CHC1617E dmcmvfy: option name argument setting is not within minimum to maximum.

ExplanationA setting for a control statement in the CHCCVFxx member (in the CHCCNTRL data set) was not within the acceptable range of values when the STRTSCVF console command was issued. The setting along with the minimum and maximum values are identified in the message text. For information about the STRTSCVF command, contact your IBM representative. Message Variables: nameThe name of the option. settingThe setting specified in a control statement that is not within the acceptable range of values. minimumThe minimum value that can be assigned to the control statement.

Event messages reference


maximumThe maximum value that can be assigned to the control statement. Message DestinationProduct administration log and system log System ActionThe communications test is not started. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseIn the CHCCVFxx member, modify the control statement so that its value is within the acceptable range of values. Issue the STRTSCVF command again after making the necessary corrections. For information about the range of values for specific control statements, contact your IBM representative.

CHC1618E dmcmvfy: option name was specified twice.

ExplanationA control statement in the CHCCVFxx member (in the CHCCNTRL data set) was specified twice when the STRTSCVF console command was issued. In each member, each control statement can only be specified once. For information about the STRTSCVF command, contact your IBM representative. Message Variables: nameThe duplicate setting specified in a control statement. Message DestinationProduct administration log and system log System ActionThe communications test is not started. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseIn the CHCCVFxx member, remove one of the two control statements. Issue the STRTSCVF command again after making the necessary corrections. For information about control statements for the STRTSCVF command, contact your IBM representative.

CHC1619E dmcmvfy: option name requires an argument.

ExplanationA control statement in the CHCCVFxx member (in the CHCCNTRL data set) was specified without a setting when the STRTSCVF console command was issued. For information about the STRTSCVF command, contact your IBM representative. Message Variables: nameThe control statement setting that is missing a required argument. Message DestinationProduct administration log and system log System ActionThe communications test is not started. Operator ResponseNone


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

Client Administrator ResponseIn the CHCCVFxx member, specify a valid setting for the control statement. Issue the STRTSCVF command again after making the necessary corrections. For information about valid settings for control statements, contact your IBM representative.

CHC1620E dmcmvfy: setting is an invalid argument for option name.

ExplanationA control statement in the CHCCVFxx member (in the CHCCNTRL data set) was specified with an invalid setting when the STRTSCVF console command was issued. For information about the STRTSCVF command, contact your IBM representative. Message Variables: settingThe invalid setting specified for the control statement. nameThe name of the option. Message DestinationProduct administration log and system log System ActionThe communications test is not started. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseIn the CHCCVFxx member, specify a valid setting for the control statement. Issue the STRTSCVF command again after making the necessary corrections. For information about valid settings for control statements, contact your IBM representative.

CHC1621E dmcmvfy: date is an invalid date length.

ExplanationA control statement in the CHCCVFxx member (in the CHCCNTRL data set) was specified with an invalid date when the STRTSCVF console command was issued. The reported issue is that the length of the date specification is incorrect. For information about the STRTSCVF command, contact your IBM representative. Message Variables: dateThe date setting that has an incorrect length Message DestinationProduct administration log and system log System ActionThe communications test is not started. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseA control statement where a date has to be specified is not supported by the STRTSCVF command. In the CHCCVFxx member, specify valid settings for all supported control statements. Issue the STRTSCVF command again after making the necessary corrections. For information about valid settings for supported control statements, contact your IBM representative.
Event messages reference


CHC1622E dmcmvfy: date does not follow the required date format.

ExplanationA control statement in the CHCCVFxx member (in the CHCCNTRL data set) was specified with an invalid date format when the STRTSCVF console command was issued. The reported issue is that dates must be specified in standard ISO format. For information about the STRTSCVF command, contact your IBM representative. Message Variables: dateThe date setting that has an incorrect format. Message DestinationProduct administration log and system log System ActionThe communications test is not started. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseA control statement where a date has to be specified is not supported by the STRTSCVF command. In the CHCCVFxx member, specify valid settings for all supported control statements. Issue the STRTSCVF command again after making the necessary corrections. For information about valid settings for supported control statements, contact your IBM representative.

CHC1623E dmcmvfy: date does not contain a valid month.

ExplanationA control statement in the CHCCVFxx member (in the CHCCNTRL data set) was specified with an invalid month when the STRTSCVF console command was issued. The reported issue is that dates must be specified in standard ISO format. For information about the STRTSCVF command, contact your IBM representative. Message Variables: dateThe date setting that contains an incorrect month specification. Message DestinationProduct administration log and system log System ActionThe communications test is not started. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseA control statement where a month has to be specified is not supported by the STRTSCVF command. In the CHCCVFxx member, specify valid settings for all supported control statements. Issue the STRTSCVF command again after making the necessary corrections. For information about valid settings for supported control statements, contact your IBM representative.

CHC1624E dmcmvfy: date does not contain a valid year.


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

ExplanationA control statement in the CHCCVFxx member (in the CHCCNTRL data set) was specified with an invalid year when the STRTSCVF console command was issued. The reported issue is that dates must be specified in standard ISO format. For information about the STRTSCVF command, contact your IBM representative. Message Variables: dateThe date setting that contains an incorrect year specification. Message DestinationProduct administration log and system log System ActionThe communications test is not started. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseA control statement where a year has to be specified is not supported by the STRTSCVF command. In the CHCCVFxx member, specify valid settings for all supported control statements. Issue the STRTSCVF command again after making the necessary corrections. For information about valid settings for supported control statements, contact your IBM representative.

CHC1625E dmcmvfy: date does not contain a valid day.

ExplanationA control statement in the CHCCVFxx member (in the CHCCNTRL data set) was specified with an invalid day when the STRTSCVF console command was issued. The reported issue is that dates must be specified in standard ISO format. For information about the STRTSCVF command, contact your IBM representative. Message Variables: dateThe date setting that contains an incorrect day specification. Message DestinationProduct administration log and system log System ActionThe communications test is not started. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseA control statement where a day has to be specified is not supported by the STRTSCVF command. In the CHCCVFxx member, specify valid settings for all supported control statements. Issue the STRTSCVF command again after making the necessary corrections. For information about valid settings for supported control statements, contact your IBM representative.

CHC1626E dmcmvfy: time is an invalid time length.

ExplanationA control statement in the CHCCVFxx member (in the CHCCNTRL data set) was specified with an invalid time when the STRTSCVF console

Event messages reference


command was issued. The reported issue is that the length of the time specification is incorrect. For information about the STRTSCVF command, contact your IBM representative. Message Variables: timeThe time setting that has an incorrect length. Message DestinationProduct administration log and system log System ActionThe communications test is not started. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseA control statement where a time has to be specified is not supported by the STRTSCVF command. In the CHCCVFxx member, specify valid settings for all supported control statements. Issue the STRTSCVF command again after making the necessary corrections. For information about valid settings for supported control statements, contact your IBM representative.

CHC1627E dmcmvfy: time does not follow the required time format.

ExplanationA control statement in the CHCCVFxx member (in the CHCCNTRL data set) was specified with an invalid time format when the STRTSCVF console command was issued. The reported issue is that times must be specified in standard ISO format. For information about the STRTSCVF command, contact your IBM representative. Message Variables: timeThe time setting that has an incorrect format. Message DestinationProduct administration log and system log System ActionThe communications test is not started. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseA control statement where a time has to be specified is not supported by the STRTSCVF command. In the CHCCVFxx member, specify valid settings for all supported control statements. Issue the STRTSCVF command again after making the necessary corrections. For information about valid settings for supported control statements, contact your IBM representative.

CHC1628E dmcmvfy: time does not contain a valid hour.

ExplanationA control statement in the CHCCVFxx member (in the CHCCNTRL data set) was specified with an invalid hour when the STRTSCVF console command was issued. The reported issue is that times must be specified in standard ISO format. For information about the STRTSCVF command, contact your IBM representative.


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

Message Variables: timeThe time setting that contains an incorrect hour specification. Message DestinationProduct administration log and system log System ActionThe communications test is not started. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseA control statement where an hour has to be specified is not supported by the STRTSCVF command. In the CHCCVFxx member, specify valid settings for all supported control statements. Issue the STRTSCVF command again after making the necessary corrections. For information about valid settings for supported control statements, contact your IBM representative.

CHC1629E dmcmvfy: time does not contain valid minutes.

ExplanationA control statement in the CHCCVFxx member (in the CHCCNTRL data set) was specified with invalid minutes when the STRTSCVF console command was issued. The reported issue is that times must be specified in standard ISO format. For information about the STRTSCVF command, contact your IBM representative. Message Variables: timeThe time setting that contains an incorrect minutes specification. Message DestinationProduct administration log and system log System ActionThe communications test is not started. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseA control statement where minutes have to be specified is not supported by the STRTSCVF command. In the CHCCVFxx member, specify valid settings for all supported control statements. Issue the STRTSCVF command again are making the necessary corrections. For information about valid settings for supported control statements, contact your IBM representative.

CHC1630E dmcmvfy: time does not contain valid seconds.

ExplanationA control statement in the CHCCVFxx member (in the CHCCNTRL data set) was specified with invalid seconds when the STRTSCVF console command was issued. The reported issue is that times must be specified in standard ISO format. For information about the STRTSCVF command, contact your IBM representative. Message Variables: timeThe time setting that contains an incorrect seconds specification.
Event messages reference


Message DestinationProduct administration log and system log System ActionThe communications test is not started. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseA control statement where seconds have to be specified is not supported by the STRTSCVF command. In the CHCCVFxx member, specify valid settings for all supported control statements. Issue the STRTSCVF command again after making the necessary corrections. For information about valid settings for supported control statements, contact your IBM representative.

CHC1631E An error was encountered while performing low level time conversion. The calendar time cannot be represented. The error was detected in file name at line line.

ExplanationA date or time could not be converted into a time format recognized on the local server. Message Variables: nameThe file that cause the error to be generated. lineThe line in the file that resulted in the error being generated. Message DestinationProduct administration log and system log Operator ResponseNone Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC18 messages
See also: CHC1800E

CHC1800E EPDS API "type" request failed. Return code is code for a value of error.

ExplanationA call to the EPDS API, which is used to collect and report statistics about InfoSphere CDC operations, failed. Message Variables: typeThe EPDS API request type. codeThe name of the return code. errorThe numeric error code. Message DestinationProduct administration log and system log


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

System ActionThe system action in response to this error depends on the type of request that failed. v epdsInitInfoSphere CDC fails to initialize. v epdsAllocateCommunications or replication activity fails to start. v epdsFind, epdsScanSome or all of the data in the generated report is missing. v epdsReleaseCommunications or replication activity will eventually terminate. v epdsTerminateInfoSphere CDC will eventually terminate. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseRecord the message number. Contact your InfoSphere CDC administrator or IBM representative for assistance.

CHC19 messages
See also: CHC1902E CHC1904E on page 466 CHC1905E on page 466 CHC1906E on page 467 CHC1907E on page 467 CHC1908E CHC1909E CHC1910E CHC1914E CHC1915E on on on on on page page page page page 467 468 468 469 469

CHC1921E on page 469 CHC1922E on page 470 CHC1923E on page 470 CHC1924E on page 471

CHC1902E Unable to allocate an ECB block for message queue name.

ExplanationAn attempt to allocate a new block of ECBs was unsuccessful when writing to the identified communications queue. Message Variables: nameThe name of the communications queue. Message DestinationProduct administration log and system log System ActionCommunications or replication activity that relies on the identified communications queue terminates abnormally. Operator ResponseRestart InfoSphere CDC with a larger address space.

Event messages reference


Client Administrator ResponseIf the Operator Response does not resolve the error, further investigation is required. Record the message number and text, and then contact your InfoSphere CDC administrator or IBM representative for assistance.

CHC1904E A list operation for message queue name has failed. Operation: operation, reason: reason.

ExplanationAn attempt to add a communications queue to the queue list, remove a communications queue from the list, or find a communications queue on the list was unsuccessful. The reason behind the unsuccessful attempt is provided in the message text. Message Variables: nameThe name of the communications queue. operationThe name of the operation that failed. reasonThe reason for the operation failure. Message DestinationProduct administration log and system log System ActionThe operation that attempted to modify the queue list ends. Communications and/or replication activity that relies on the queue eventually terminates. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseFurther investigation is required. Record the message number and text, and then contact your InfoSphere CDC administrator or IBM representative for assistance.

CHC1905E An operation for message queue name has failed. Operation code: code, reason code: reason.

ExplanationAn attempt to perform the specified operation on a communications queue was unsuccessful. The reason behind the unsuccessful operation is provided in the message text. Message Variables: nameThe name of the communications queue. codeThe operation code for the failed operation. reasonThe reason code for the failed operation. Message DestinationProduct administration log and system log System ActionCommunications or replication activity that relies on the identified communications queue terminates abnormally.


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseFurther investigation is required. Record the message number and text, and then contact your InfoSphere CDC administrator or IBM representative for assistance.

CHC1906E A queue writer attempted to register its write ECB multiple times with communications queue name.

ExplanationA product component attempted to wait twice on the same communications queue. Message Variables: nameThe name of the communications queue. Message DestinationProduct administration log and system log System ActionThe product component trying to perform a double wait on the queue ends. Communications and/or replication activity that relies on that product component eventually terminates. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseFurther investigation is required. Record the message number and text, and then contact your InfoSphere CDC administrator or IBM representative for assistance.

CHC1907E obtain. A latch operation for message queue name has failed. Operation:

ExplanationAn attempt to obtain the latch (locking mechanism) for a communications queue was unsuccessful. Message Variables: nameThe name of the communications queue. Message DestinationProduct administration log and system log System ActionCommunications or replication activity that relies on the identified communications queue terminates abnormally. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseFurther investigation is required. Record the message number and text, and then contact your InfoSphere CDC administrator or IBM representative for assistance.

CHC1908E release. A latch operation for message queue name has failed. Operation:

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ExplanationAn attempt to release the latch (locking mechanism) for a communications queue was unsuccessful. Message Variables: nameThe name of the communications queue. Message DestinationProduct administration log and system log System ActionCommunications or replication activity that relies on the identified communications queue terminates abnormally. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseFurther investigation is required. Record the message number and text, and then contact your InfoSphere CDC administrator or IBM representative for assistance.

CHC1909E Failed to obtain communications queue list latch.

ExplanationAn attempt to release the latch (locking mechanism) for a communications queue was unsuccessful. Message VariablesNone Message DestinationProduct administration log and system log System ActionCommunications or replication activity that relies on the identified communications queue terminates abnormally. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseFurther investigation is required. Record the message number and text, and then contact your InfoSphere CDC administrator or IBM representative for assistance.

CHC1910E Failed to release communications queue list latch.

ExplanationAn attempt to release the latch (locking mechanism) for a communications queue was unsuccessful. Message VariablesNone Message DestinationProduct administration log and system log System ActionCommunications or replication activity that relies on the identified communications queue terminates abnormally. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseFurther investigation is required. Record the message number and text, and then contact your InfoSphere CDC administrator or IBM representative for assistance.


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

CHC1914E Failed post of an ECB for message queue queue. ECB type: reader, error code: code.

ExplanationAn attempt to post the ECB for a user of the identified communications queue was unsuccessful. Message Variables: nameThe name of the communications queue. codeThe numeric error code. Message DestinationProduct administration log and system log System ActionCommunications or replication activity that relies on the identified communications queue terminates abnormally. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseFurther investigation is required. Record the message number and text, and then contact your InfoSphere CDC administrator or IBM representative for assistance.

CHC1915E Failed post of an ECB for message queue name. ECB type: writer, error code: code

ExplanationAn attempt to post the ECB for a user of the identified communications queue was unsuccessful. Message Variables: nameThe name of the communications queue. codeThe numeric error code. Message DestinationProduct administration log and system log System ActionCommunications or replication activity that relies on the identified communications queue terminates abnormally. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseFurther investigation is required. Record the message number and text, and then contact your InfoSphere CDC administrator or IBM representative for assistance.

CHC1921E A resource operation for message queue name has failed. Operation: increment reference count. Additional information: reader ECB.

ExplanationAn attempt to increment the reference count of a communications queue during queue creation was unsuccessful.

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Message Variables: nameThe name of the communications queue. Message DestinationProduct administration log and system log System ActionIf the operation was to create the communications queue, communications and/or replication activity that relies on the queue does not start. If the operation was to delete the communications queue, communications and/or replication activity that relies on the queue eventually terminates. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseFurther investigation is required. Record the message number and text, and then contact your InfoSphere CDC administrator or IBM representative for assistance.

CHC1922E A resource operation for message queue name has failed. Operation: increment reference count. Additional information: writer ECB.

ExplanationAn attempt to increment the reference count of a communications queue during queue creation was unsuccessful. Message Variables: nameThe name of the communications queue. Message DestinationProduct administration log and system log System ActionIf the operation was to create the communications queue, communications and/or replication activity that relies on the queue does not start. If the operation was to delete the communications queue, communications and/or replication activity that relies on the queue eventually terminates. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseFurther investigation is required. Record the message number and text, and then contact your InfoSphere CDC administrator or IBM representative for assistance.

CHC1923E A resource operation for message queue name has failed. Operation: decrement reference count. Additional information: reader ECB.

ExplanationAn attempt to decrement the reference count of a communications queue during queue deletion was unsuccessful. Message Variables: nameThe name of the communications queue. Message DestinationProduct administration log and system log


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

System ActionIf the operation was to create the communications queue, communications and/or replication activity that relies on the queue does not start. If the operation was to delete the communications queue, communications and/or replication activity that relies on the queue eventually terminates. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseFurther investigation is required. Record the message number and text, and then contact your InfoSphere CDC administrator or IBM representative for assistance.

CHC1924E A resource operation for message queue name has failed. Operation: decrement reference count. Additional information: writer ECB.

ExplanationAn attempt to decrement the reference count of a communications queue during queue deletion was unsuccessful. Message Variables: nameThe name of the communications queue. Message DestinationProduct administration log and system log System ActionIf the operation was to create the communications queue, communications and/or replication activity that relies on the queue does not start. If the operation was to delete the communications queue, communications and/or replication activity that relies on the queue eventually terminates. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseFurther investigation is required. Record the message number and text, and then contact your InfoSphere CDC administrator or IBM representative for assistance.

CHC20 messages
See also: CHC2000E CHC2001I on page 472 CHC2002I on page 472 CHC2007I on page 473

CHC2000E The keyword keyword1 on command name is mutually exclusive with keyword keyword2.

ExplanationA command was entered with two valid but mutually exclusive keywords. Message Variables: keyword1A keyword name.

Event messages reference


nameA command name. keyword2A keyword name. Message DestinationSystem log System ActionThe command is not executed. Operator ResponseConsult the product documentation for the correct command syntax. Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC2001I be used. The value in keyword key for command name is invalid; the default will

ExplanationThe DB2 statement in the PDS (partitioned data set) member containing DBMS configuration control statements has an incorrect keyword value. The default value for the specified keyword will be used. Message Variables: keyThe keyword in the DB2 statement that has been assigned an incorrect value. nameThe statement in the PDS member that contains the incorrect keyword specification. Message DestinationProduct administration log and system log System ActionThe statement is processed with the default value for the keyword. Operator ResponseIf the default value is not acceptable, close InfoSphere CDC and edit the PDS member to specify the desired keyword value. Start InfoSphere CDC after editing the member. Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC2002I Task name is not yet attached. Request has been rejected.

ExplanationAn internal InfoSphere CDC task is not currently running. This message is usually generated when a command issued from the operator console requests services from a task that is not active. The internal InfoSphere CDC task that is not currently running is identified in the message text. Message Variables: nameThe three letter code that identifies the destination task that is not running. Message DestinationSystem log System ActionCommand issued from the operator console is not performed.


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Operator ResponseIt is possible that this message is generated during task initialization. In this case, issue the command again to see if the internal InfoSphere CDC task is now running. If the same message is generated, note the message number and issue the DSPACT=ALL command to obtain information about current InfoSphere CDC activity. Contact your InfoSphere CDC administrator with the information you have collected if you require further assistance. Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC2007I The value of setting is current.

ExplanationThe named InfoSphere CDC for z/OS configuration control statement keyword has been set to the specified value. Message Variables: settingThe name of a configuration setting. currentThe value currently assigned to the named configuration setting. Message DestinationSystem log System ActionNone Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC30 messages
See also: CHC3001E on page 474 CHC3002E on page 474 CHC3004I on page 475 CHC3005I on page 475 CHC3007E on page 475 CHC3008W on page 476 CHC3009I on page 476 CHC3010W on page 477 CHC3011E on page 477 CHC3012I on page 478 CHC3013I on page 478 CHC3014I on page 478 CHC3015I on page 479 CHC3016I on page 479 CHC3101E on page 479 CHC3102E on page 480 CHC3103E on page 481 CHC3104E on page 481
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CHC3105E on page 482 CHC3106E on page 482 CHC3107E on page 483 CHC3138W on page 483 CHC3139W on page 484 CHC3140E on page 484 CHC3142W on page 485 CHC3157W on page 485 CHC3174E on page 486 CHC3175E on page 486 CHC3176E on page 487 CHC3177E on page 487 CHC3178E CHC3179E CHC3180E CHC3181E CHC3182E CHC3183E on on on on on on page page page page page page 488 488 489 490 490 491

CHC3184E on page 491 CHC3185E on page 492 CHC3186E on page 492

CHC3001E Unable to retrieve DB2 Head of Log; the selected function is unavailable.

ExplanationAn attempt to determine the highest log position (RBA/LRSN) using a DB2 IFI request was unsuccessful. The message (CHC9210E) generated before this one indicates the return and reason codes produced by the unsuccessful DB2 IFI request. Message VariablesNone Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionActive mirroring may slow or stop. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNote the DB2 return and reason codes. Consult the appropriate DB2 messages and codes manual to determine the corrective actions that should be taken. Related reference CHC9210E on page 580

CHC3002E down. An unsupported version of DB2 has been detected; the DLP task is shutting


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

ExplanationInfoSphere CDC has detected an unsupported version of DB2 for z/OS during environment initialization. As a result, the InfoSphere CDC DLP task will end. Message VariablesNone Message DestinationSystem log System ActionInfoSphere CDC initialization ends. Initialization is not completed. Operator ResponseMinimum database requirements for InfoSphere CDC must be met. To use InfoSphere CDC, you must first upgrade DB2 for z/OS to a supported version in your environment. Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC3004I The DLP Task initialization was successful.

ExplanationThe InfoSphere CDC DLP task has completed its initialization. Message VariablesNone Message DestinationSystem log System ActionAs indicated in the message text. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC3005I A COLD start has been requested.

ExplanationThe InfoSphere CDC DLP or DLR (or both) tasks will perform cold starts depending on what was specified on the STRTSDBM command. If the DLP Task is cold started, it discards the information collected in the Log Profile and will build the Log Profile anew. If the DLR Task is cold started, it will reset the control information describing the Log Data Cache and will build the Log Data Cache anew. Message VariablesNone Message DestinationSystem log System ActionThe Log Profile, the Log Data Cache or both are discarded and rebuilt anew. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC3007E An error occurred processing a type Log Record. The DLP task is ending abnormally.
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ExplanationAn internal error occurred during the processing of a UR log record (BEGINUR, COMMIT, or DATA). As a result, the InfoSphere CDC DLP task has stopped unexpectedly. Message Variables: typeThe type of the DB2 UR log record that could not be processed. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionAll dependent DB2 tasks and InfoSphere CDC replication tasks end. Operator ResponseObtain dumps that may have been generated, and restart the InfoSphere CDC address space by using the START command. Client Administrator ResponseUse Management Console to restart replication activities that were interrupted as a result of this error.

CHC3008W Tablespace Drain position was encountered before subscription name finished processing the previous drain.

ExplanationInfoSphere CDC has read a DB2 Log record identifying table space drain activity. This record was encountered before completion of the previous table space drain. Message Variables: positionThe RBA (relative byte address) or LRSN (log record sequence number) of the DB2 Log record identifying table space drain activity. nameThe name of the subscription associated with the previous table space drain. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionNone Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNo immediate corrective actions are required. However, at a convenient time, you should end mirroring to the named subscription, refresh source tables selected to the subscription, and restart mirroring in order to prevent the possibility of data corruption.

CHC3009I Tablespace drain at position was processed.

ExplanationThe table space drain identified by a DB2 Log record has been completed. Message Variables: positionThe RBA (relative byte address) or LRSN (log record sequence number) of the DB2 Log record identifying the table space drain that has been completed.


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionNone Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC3010W A deadlock or timeout was encountered on table table while processing a Tablespace Drain. Retrying to access the table.

ExplanationThe named system table could not be accessed during a table space drain due to deadlock or timeout. Access to this table was required by InfoSphere CDC during the table space drain. Message Variables: tableThe name of the system table that could not be accessed due to deadlock or timeout. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionInfoSphere CDC will make subsequent attempts to access the system table. After 10 unsuccessful attempts, CHC3011E is placed in the product administration log. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNone Related reference CHC3011E

CHC3011E The retry limit was exceeded while processing a Tablespace Drain. Table name is unavailable due to a deadlock or timeout.

ExplanationTen unsuccessful attempts have been made to access the named system table during a table space drain. In each attempt, a deadlock or timeout prevented InfoSphere CDC from accessing the table. Message Variables: nameThe name of the system table that could not be accessed after ten attempts due to deadlock or timeout. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionAn abnormal shutdown of InfoSphere CDC is initiated. All replication activities in the InfoSphere CDC address space are ended. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseContact your database administrator to determine the possible causes of the deadlock or timeout on the system table. After
Event messages reference


corrective actions have been taken, restart the InfoSphere CDC address space, perform a refresh to synchronize source and target tables, and restart mirroring.

CHC3012I The DB2 SSID has been altered since the previous execution; the DLP is reinitializing.

ExplanationInfoSphere CDC has detected a new DB2 subsystem identifier since its previous invocation. As a result, the InfoSphere CDC task called DLP will perform a cold start. Message VariablesNone Message DestinationSystem log System ActionInfoSphere CDC redefines its DB2 settings. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC3013I The DB2 Release Identifier has been altered since the previous execution; the DLP is reinitializing.

ExplanationInfoSphere CDC has detected a new DB2 release identifier since its previous invocation. As a result, the InfoSphere CDC task called DLP will perform a cold start. Message VariablesNone Message DestinationSystem log System ActionInfoSphere CDC redefines its DB2 settings. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC3014I The DB2 Data Sharing mode has been altered since the previous execution; the DLP is reinitializing.

ExplanationInfoSphere CDC has detected an alteration to the DB2 Data Sharing mode since its previous invocation. As a result, the InfoSphere CDC task called DLP will perform a cold start. Message VariablesNone Message DestinationSystem log System ActionInfoSphere CDC redefines its DB2 settings. Operator ResponseNone


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC3015I The DB2 Data Sharing group has been altered since the previous execution; the DLP is reinitializing.

ExplanationInfoSphere CDC has detected an alteration to the DB2 Data Sharing Group name since its previous invocation. As a result, the InfoSphere CDC task called DLP will perform a cold start. Message VariablesNone Message DestinationSystem log System ActionInfoSphere CDC redefines its DB2 settings. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC3016I The DB2 Profile Version Number has been altered since the previous execution; the DLP is reinitializing.

ExplanationInfoSphere CDC has detected an alteration to the DB2 Profile Version Number since its previous invocation. As a result, the InfoSphere CDC task called DLP will perform a cold start. Message VariablesNone Message DestinationSystem log System ActionInfoSphere CDC redefines its DB2 settings. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC3101E A numerical data overflow error was encountered while formatting column name in table owner.table. The row is identified by key col1 = txt1, col2 =txt2, ..., coln =txtn. The bookmark for the entry is bmk. The row has not been modified.

ExplanationInfoSphere CDC has encountered a numeric overflow condition during summarization. Message Variables: nameThe name of the target column that InfoSphere CDC was formatting when the error occurred. ownerThe owner of the target table. tableThe name of the target table.

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col1, ..., colnThe names of the key columns in the target table. txt1, ..., txtnThe corresponding values of the key columns in the target table row that InfoSphere CDC was applying when the error occurred. bmkThe value of the bookmark on the source corresponding to the target row that InfoSphere CDC was applying when the error occurred. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionProcessing ends or continues, depending on the ENDONERROR keyword setting. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseIf possible, use a different data type for the target column, so that you can accommodate large, positive numeric values.

CHC3102E A numerical data underflow error was encountered while formatting column name in table owner.table. The row is identified by key col1 = txt1, col2 =txt2, ..., coln =txtn. The bookmark for the entry is bmk. The row has not been modified.

ExplanationInfoSphere CDC has encountered a numeric underflow condition during summarization. Message Variables: nameThe name of the target column that InfoSphere CDC was formatting when the error occurred. ownerThe owner of the target table. tableThe name of the target table. col1, ..., colnThe names of the key columns in the target table. txt1, ..., txtnThe corresponding values of the key columns in the target row that InfoSphere CDC was applying when the error occurred. bmkThe value of the bookmark on the source corresponding to the target row that InfoSphere CDC was applying when the error occurred. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionProcessing ends or continues, depending on the ENDONERROR keyword setting. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseIf possible, use a different data type for the target column, so that you can accommodate large, positive numeric values.


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

CHC3103E An invalid arithmetic operation was encountered while formatting column name in table owner.table.

ExplanationInfoSphere CDC has encountered an invalid operation during summarization. Only addition and subtraction operations are allowed during summarization. Message Variables: nameThe name of the target column that InfoSphere CDC was formatting when the error occurred. ownerThe owner of the target table. tableThe name of the target table. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionProcessing ends or continues, depending on the ENDONERROR keyword setting. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseTo resolve the problem, contact IBM Technical Support.

CHC3104E An invalid data type was encountered while formatting column name in table owner.table.

ExplanationInfoSphere CDC has encountered an invalid or unsupported data type during summarization. Message Variables: nameThe name of the target column that InfoSphere CDC was formatting when the error occurred. ownerThe owner of the target table. tableThe name of the target table. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionProcessing ends or continues, depending on the ENDONERROR keyword setting. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseTo resolve the problem, contact IBM Technical Support.

Event messages reference


CHC3105E An invalid number length was encountered while formatting column name in table owner.table.

ExplanationInfoSphere CDC has encountered an invalid length for a numeric column during summarization. Message Variables: nameThe name of the target column that InfoSphere CDC was formatting when the error occurred. ownerThe owner of the target table. tableThe name of the target table. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionProcessing ends or continues, depending on the ENDONERROR keyword setting. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseTo resolve the problem, contact IBM Technical Support.

CHC3106E Invalid numeric data was encountered while formatting column name in table owner.table. The row is identified by key col1 = txt1, col2 =txt2, ..., coln =txtn. The bookmark for the entry is bmk. The row has not been modified.

ExplanationInfoSphere CDC has encountered invalid numeric data during summarization. Message Variables: nameThe name of the target column that InfoSphere CDC was formatting when the error occurred. ownerThe owner of the target table. tableThe name of the target table. col1, ..., colnThe names of the key columns in the target table. txt1, ..., txtnThe corresponding values of the key columns in the target table row that InfoSphere CDC was applying when the error occurred. bmkThe value of the bookmark on the source corresponding to the target row that InfoSphere CDC was applying when the error occurred. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionProcessing ends or continues, depending on the ENDONERROR keyword setting.


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseTo resolve the problem, contact IBM Technical Support.

CHC3107E An internal arithmetic error was encountered while formatting column name in table owner.table.

ExplanationDuring summarization, InfoSphere CDC has encountered an internal error in the math library. Message Variables: nameThe name of the target column that InfoSphere CDC was formatting when the error occurred. ownerThe owner of the target table. tableThe name of the target table. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionProcessing ends or continues, depending on the ENDONERROR keyword setting. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseTo resolve the problem, contact IBM Technical Support.

CHC3138W Only one row was updated for table owner.table. The duplicate rows are identified by key col1 = txt1, col2 =txt2, ..., coln =txtn. The bookmark for the entry is bmk.

ExplanationDuring consolidation one-to-one processing, InfoSphere CDC has encountered a second row for the specified consolidation key. Message Variables: ownerThe owner of the target table. tableThe name of the target table. col1, ..., colnThe names of the consolidation key columns in the target table. txt1, ..., txtnThe corresponding values of the consolidation key columns for the target row that InfoSphere CDC was applying (the second row) when the problem occurred. bmkThe value of the bookmark on the source corresponding to the target row that InfoSphere CDC was applying (the second row) when the problem occurred. Message DestinationProduct administration log
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System ActionProcessing continues. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseMake sure that the consolidation key is correct. If it is, you must manually merge the duplicate row with the primary row.

CHC3139W A record was not found for delete in table owner.table. The row is identified by key col1 = txt1, col2 =txt2, ..., coln =txtn. The bookmark for the entry is bmk.

ExplanationDuring adaptive apply processing, InfoSphere CDC has attempted to delete a row that could not be found. Message Variables: ownerThe owner of the target table. tableThe name of the target table. col1, ..., colnThe names of the key columns in the target table. txt1, ..., txtnThe corresponding values of the key columns in the target table for the row that InfoSphere CDC was deleting when the problem occurred. bmkThe value of the bookmark on the source corresponding to the target row that InfoSphere CDC was deleting when the problem occurred. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionProcessing continues. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC3140E A Refresh While Active entry was received and not applied for table owner.table. The bookmark for the entry is bmk.

ExplanationWhile summarizing data, InfoSphere CDC has encountered a source entry with the Refresh While Active flag set to ON. Refresh while active entries correspond to insert, update, or delete operations that occur during a refresh. During summarization, these entries are not allowed because they may compromise data consistency. Message Variables: ownerThe owner of the target table. tableThe name of the target table. bmkThe source bookmark value of the row that InfoSphere CDC was applying when the error occurred.


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionProcessing continues. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseEnsure that any refresh operations that occur on the source do not allow changes to the source table during the refresh.

CHC3142W A source row Update operation has been switched into a target. Insert operation for table owner.table. The row is identified by key col1 = txt1, col2 =txt2, ..., coln =txtn. The bookmark for the entry is bmk.

ExplanationWhile applying data under adaptive apply, InfoSphere CDC has converted a source update operation into a target insert operation because the corresponding row could not be found in the target table. Message Variables: ownerThe owner of the target table. tableThe name of the target table. col1, ..., colnThe names of the key columns in the target table. txt1, ..., txtnThe corresponding values of the key columns in the target table for the row that InfoSphere CDC was applying when the problem occurred. bmkThe source bookmark value of the row that InfoSphere CDC was applying when the problem occurred. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionProcessing continues. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC3157W A source row Insert operation has been switched into a target Update operation for table owner.table. The row is identified by key col1 = txt1, col2 =txt2, ..., coln =txtn. The bookmark for the entry is bmk.

ExplanationWhile applying data under adaptive apply, InfoSphere CDC has converted a source insert into a target update because the target row already existed. Message Variables: ownerThe owner of the target table. tableThe name of the target table. col1, ..., colnThe names of the key columns in the target table.
Event messages reference


txt1, ..., txtnThe corresponding values of the key columns in the target table for the row that InfoSphere CDC was applying when the problem occurred. bmkThe source bookmark value of the row that InfoSphere CDC was applying when the problem occurred. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionProcessing continues. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC3174E A conflict was detected while inserting a row into table. A row with the key key already exists. The bookmark for the entry is bmk from source source.

ExplanationInfoSphere CDC detected a conflict while processing an insert operation. A row with the specified key already exists. Message Variables: tableThe name of the target table. keyThe value of the key. bmkThe source bookmark value. sourceThe name of the source system. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionThe row will not be inserted. Processing will continue or end, based on the end on error setting. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseDepending on whether this is considered an error or not, investigate why a row with the specified key already exists on the target system.

CHC3175E A conflict was detected while updating a row in table. A row with the key key does not exist. The bookmark for the entry is bmk from source source.

ExplanationInfoSphere CDC detected a conflict while processing an update operation. A row with the specified key does not exist in the target table. Message Variables: tableThe name of the target table. keyThe value of the key.


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

bmkThe source bookmark value. sourceThe name of the source system. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionNo row will be updated. Processing will continue or end, based on the end on error setting. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseDepending on whether this is considered an error or not, investigate why a row with the specified key does not exist on the target system.

CHC3176E A conflict was detected while deleting a row from table. A row with the key key does not exist. The bookmark for the entry is bmk from source source.

ExplanationInfoSphere CDC detected a conflict while processing a delete operation. A row with the specified key does not exist in the target table. Message Variables: tableThe name of the target table. keyThe value of the key. bmkThe source bookmark value. sourceThe name of the source system. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionNo row will be deleted. Processing will continue or end, based on the end on error setting. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseDepending on whether this is considered an error or not, investigate why a row with the specified key does not exist on the target system.

CHC3177E A conflict was detected while updating a row from table. The row with the key key does not match the before image of the row with the same key on the source table. A conflict was detected in column name but other conflicts may exist. The bookmark for the entry is bmk from source source.

ExplanationInfoSphere CDC detected a conflict while processing an update operation. A row with the specified key key exists in the target table, but the source before image does not match the current target image. A mismatch was detected in the named column, but other columns might also mismatch. Message Variables:
Event messages reference


tableThe name of the target table. keyThe value of the key. nameThe name of the column in which a conflict was detected. bmkThe source bookmark value. sourceThe name of the source system. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionThe row will not be updated. Processing will continue or end, based on the end on error setting. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseDepending on whether this is considered an error or not, investigate why the row with the specified key does not match.

CHC3178E A conflict was detected while deleting a row from table. The row with the key key does not match the before image of the row with the same key on the source table. A conflict was detected in column name but other conflicts may exist. The bookmark for the entry is bmk from source source.

ExplanationInfoSphere CDC detected a conflict while processing a delete operation. A row with the specified key key does not exist in the target table Message Variables: tableThe name of the target table. keyThe value of the key. nameThe name of the column in which a conflict was detected. bmkThe source bookmark value. sourceThe name of the source system. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionThe row will not be deleted. Processing will continue or end, based on the end on error setting. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseDepending on whether this is considered an error or not, investigate why the row with the specified key does not match.

CHC3179E A constraint violation was detected while inserting a row into table. The row with the key key exists but cannot be retrieved. The bookmark for the entry is bmk from source source.


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

ExplanationInfoSphere CDC detected a conflict while processing an insert operation. The row with the specified key could not be inserted into the target table due to a constraint violation. Message Variables: tableThe name of the target table. keyThe value of the key. bmkThe source bookmark value. sourceThe name of the source system. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionThe row will not be inserted. Processing will continue or end, based on the end on error setting. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseThis is most likely due to a duplicate key error on an index other than the one used for mirroring.

CHC3180E An error occurred while applying a resolved row to the target table. InfoSphere Change Data Capture could not resolve this conflict in tab. See the Conflict Resolution Audit Table to see the attempted change. The bookmark for the entry is bmk from source system source.

ExplanationInfoSphere CDC detected a conflict while processing an insert operation. The row with the specified key could not be inserted into the target table due to a constraint violation. Message Variables: tableThe name of the target table. bmkThe source bookmark value. sourceThe name of the source system. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionThe conflict will not be resolved. An audit record will be written to the audit table. Depending on the severity of the error and the end on error setting, replication might continue or end. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseThis message will be accompanied by other messages detailing the error that occurred during conflict resolution. Refer to the description of these messages for more detail.

Event messages reference


CHC3181E An error occurred with a Conflict resolution user. The conflict could not be resolved by calling user exit name.

ExplanationInfoSphere CDC encountered an error while calling the conflict resolution user exit.. Message Variables: nameThe name of the user exit program. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionThe conflict will be not be resolved. An audit record will not be written to the audit table. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseThis message will be accompanied by other messages detailing the error that occurred during conflict resolution. Refer to the description of these messages for more detail.

CHC3182E A conflict was resolved, but an error occurred updating the Conflict Resolution Audit Table. The conflict was detected while performing the operation operation. The bookmark for the entry is bmk from source system source The target table is table.

ExplanationInfoSphere CDC encountered a conflict and resolved it, but an error occurred while it was trying to create the audit entry. Message Variables: operationThe operation performed: INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE. bmkThe source bookmark value. sourceThe name of the source system. tableThe name of the target table. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionThe conflict will be resolved. An audit record will not be written to the audit table. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseThis message will be accompanied by other messages detailing the error that occurred. Refer to the description of these messages for more detail.


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

CHC3183E A conflict was not resolved and an error occurred updating the Conflict Resolution Audit Table. The conflict was detected while performing the operation operation. The bookmark for the entry is bmk from source system source. The target table is table.

ExplanationInfoSphere CDC encountered a conflict and did not resolve it and an error occurred while it was trying to create the audit entry. Message Variables: operationThe operation performed: INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE. bmkThe source bookmark value. sourceThe name of the source system. tableThe name of the target table. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionThe conflict will be not be resolved. An audit record will not be written to the audit table. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseThis message will be accompanied by other messages detailing the error that occurred. Refer to the description of these messages for more detail.

CHC3184E An internal error occurred while performing conflict detection or resolution. Function name line line.

ExplanationInfoSphere CDC encountered an internal error while detecting or resolving a conflict. Message Variables: nameThe name of the function in which the error occurred. lineThe line at which the error occurred. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionThe conflict will be not be resolved. An audit record will be written to the audit table. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseThis is a product issue. For more information, contact IBM Technical Support.

Event messages reference


CHC3185E An error occurred in cdrFormatField on line line while formatting column name.

ExplanationInfoSphere CDC encountered an unexpected error while detecting or resolving a conflict. Message Variables: lineThe line at which the error occurred. nameThe name of the column which could not be formatted. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionThe conflict will be not be resolved. An audit record will not be written to the audit table. Replication will end. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseThis is a product issue. For more information, contact IBM Technical Support.

CHC3185E An error occurred in cdrParseField on line line while formatting column name.

ExplanationInfoSphere CDC encountered an unexpected error while detecting or resolving a conflict. Message Variables: lineThe line at which the error occurred. nameThe name of the column which could not be formatted. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionThe conflict will be not be resolved. An audit record will not be written to the audit table. Replication will end. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseThis is a product issue. For more information, contact IBM Technical Support.

CHC50 messages
See also: CHC5002I on page 493 CHC5003I on page 493 CHC5099I on page 494 CHC5101I on page 494 CHC5102E on page 494


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CHC5103E on page 495 CHC5108E on page 495 CHC5109E on page 496 CHC5110E on page 496 CHC5111E on page 496 CHC5112E on page 497 CHC5118I on page 497 CHC5119I on page 498 CHC5120I on page 498 CHC5121I on page 498 CHC5127E on page 499 CHC5128E on page 499 CHC5129E on page 500 CHC5135E on page 500 CHC5136E on page 500 CHC5137E on page 501 CHC5143I on page 501 CHC5144I on page 501

CHC5002I A DB2 Trace has been started in buffer name.

ExplanationA DB2 trace has been started as a result of an issued command. Message Variables: nameThe OPn buffer that the instance of InfoSphere CDC uses for tracing. Message DestinationSystem log System ActionThe DB2 trace is started by the server. Operator ResponseRecord the message in case an InfoSphere CDC failure at a later time does not automatically stop the trace. In this case, stop the trace manually to release the buffer. Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC5003I A DB2 Trace has been stopped in buffer name.

ExplanationA DB2 trace has been stopped as a result of an issued command. Message Variables: nameThe OPn buffer that the instance of InfoSphere CDC uses for tracing. Message DestinationSystem log System ActionThe DB2 trace is stopped by the server.
Event messages reference


Operator ResponseRecord the message in case an InfoSphere CDC failure at a later time does not automatically stop the trace. In this case, stop the trace manually to release the buffer. Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC5099I name Task was initialized successfully.

ExplanationThis message is generated when the specified InfoSphere CDC task has completed initialization. Message Variables: nameThe name of the InfoSphere CDC task. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionNormal processing continues. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC5101I name Task is terminating.

ExplanationThe specified InfoSphere CDC task is terminating normally. Message Variables: nameThe name of the InfoSphere CDC task that is terminating normally. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionAs indicated in the message text. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC5102E name Task is terminating abnormally.

ExplanationThe named InfoSphere CDC task is terminating abnormally. Message Variables: nameThe name of the InfoSphere CDC task that is terminating abnormally. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionDependent on the task that is terminating abnormally.


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseFurther investigation is required. Record the message number and text, and then contact your InfoSphere CDC administrator or IBM representative for assistance.

CHC5103E The deadband percentage value number is not in the range of 1 to 100

ExplanationThe DEADBANDPERCENT keyword in the CONFIG statement has an invalid value. Message Variables: numberThe invalid value of the DEADBANDPERCENT keyword. Message DestinationProduct administration log and system log System ActionMonitoring latency for subscriptions will not be possible. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseChange the DEADBANDPERCENT keyword to a valid value and restart the InfoSphere CDC address space.

CHC5108E Unable to submit control operation number for replication name.

ExplanationThe Monitor Agent was unable to submit a request to start or end refresh or mirroring for the subscription identified in the message (by its name or the corresponding source ID). Message Variables: numberThe numeric option for the control operation: v v v v v v 1 2 3 4 5 6 = = = = = = *ALL Flagged Continuous Net Change Controlled Immediate

nameThe name of subscription or the source ID, as defined in Management Console. Message DestinationProduct administration log and system log System ActionReplication does not start or end as requested. Operator ResponseNone

Event messages reference


Client Administrator ResponseFurther investigation is required. Record the message number and text, and then contact your InfoSphere CDC administrator or IBM representative for assistance.

CHC5109E A communications error has occurred while sending message number. The return code was code.

ExplanationThe Monitor Agent was unable to send a message to Integration Server due to a communications error. Message Variables: numberThe message number that could not be sent. codeThe numeric return code from the communications API. Message DestinationProduct administration log and system log System ActionThe Management Console instances connected to the Integration Server to which the message could not be sent will not receive the message. The behavior of all Management Console instances connected to this Integration Server will become unpredictable. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseFurther investigation is required. Record the message number and text, and then contact your InfoSphere CDC administrator or IBM representative for assistance.

CHC5110E name task initialization was successful.

ExplanationThis message is generated when the specified InfoSphere CDC task has completed initialization. Message Variables: nameThe task name. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionNormal processing continues. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC5111E name task initialization was aborted.

ExplanationThis message is generated when the specified InfoSphere CDC task has been aborted. Message Variables:


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

nameThe task name. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionDepends on the task name specified in the message. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseFurther investigation is required. Record the message number and text, and then contact your InfoSphere CDC administrator or IBM representative for assistance.

CHC5112E name task initialization has failed

ExplanationThis message is generated when the specified InfoSphere CDC task has failed. Message Variables: nameThe task name. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionDepends on the task name specified in the message. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseFurther investigation is required. Record the message number and text, and then contact your InfoSphere CDC administrator or IBM representative for assistance.

CHC5118I Latency for journal name has crossed above the warning threshold of time minutes.

ExplanationThe latency for the named journal of a subscription has crossed above the specified latency threshold. Message Variables: nameThe name of the journal for which the latency state is being reported. timeThe specified latency threshold, in minutes. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionReplication continues normally. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseInvestigate possible causes of the latency.

Event messages reference


CHC5119I Latency for journal name has crossed above the problem threshold of time minutes.

ExplanationThe latency for the named journal of a subscription has crossed above the specified latency threshold. Message Variables: nameThe name of the journal for which the latency state is being reported. timeThe specified latency threshold, in minutes. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionReplication continues normally. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseInvestigate possible causes of the latency.

CHC5120I Latency for journal name has crossed below the warning threshold of time minutes.

ExplanationThe latency for the named journal of a subscription has crossed below the specified latency threshold. Message Variables: nameThe name of the journal for which the latency state is being reported. timeThe specified latency threshold, in minutes. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionReplication continues normally. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseInvestigate possible causes of the latency.

CHC5121I Latency for journal name has crossed below the problem threshold of time minutes.

ExplanationThe latency for the named journal of a subscription has crossed below the specified latency threshold. Message Variables: nameThe name of the journal for which the latency state is being reported. timeThe specified latency threshold, in minutes.


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionReplication continues normally. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseInvestigate possible causes of the latency.

CHC5127E Integration Server name could not connect to the Monitor Agent because the maximum number of connections has been reached.

ExplanationThe specified entity could not connect to the Monitor Agent because the Monitor Agent already has the maximum number of such entities connected to it. Message Variables: nameThe name of the entity that could not connect. Message DestinationProduct administration log and system log System ActionNo Management Console instance from the associated workstation will be able to connect to InfoSphere CDC. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseFurther investigation is required. Record the message number and text, and then contact your InfoSphere CDC administrator or IBM representative for assistance.

CHC5128E Subscription name could not connect to the Monitor Agent because the maximum number of connections has been reached.

ExplanationThe specified subscription could not connect to the Monitor Agent because the Monitor Agent already has the maximum number of such subscriptions connected to it. Message Variables: nameThe name of the subscription that could not connect. Message DestinationProduct administration log and system log System ActionManagement Console will not be able to monitor the subscriptions. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseFurther investigation is required. Record the message number and text, and then contact your InfoSphere CDC administrator or IBM representative for assistance.

Event messages reference


CHC5129E User name could not connect to the Monitor Agent because the maximum number of connections has been reached.

ExplanationThe specified entity could not connect to the Monitor Agent because the Monitor Agent already has the maximum number of such entities connected to it. Message Variables: nameThe name of the entity that could not connect. Message DestinationProduct administration log and system log System ActionThe user will not be able to connect to InfoSphere CDC from Management Console. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseFurther investigation is required. Record the message number and text, and then contact your InfoSphere CDC administrator or IBM representative for assistance.

CHC5135E Integration Server name could not disconnect from the Monitor Agent.

ExplanationThe specified entity could not disconnect from the Monitor Agent, likely because it has already disconnected. Message Variables: nameThe name of the entity that could not disconnect. Message DestinationProduct administration log and system log System ActionDisconnecting from the Monitor Agent occurs only when the entity is shutting down. The entity continues to shut down normally. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC5136E Subscription name could not disconnect from the Monitor Agent.

ExplanationThe specified subscription could not disconnect from the Monitor Agent, likely because it has already disconnected. Message Variables: nameThe name of the subscription that could not disconnect. Message DestinationProduct administration log and system log


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

System ActionDisconnecting from the Monitor Agent occurs only when the entity is shutting down. The entity continues to shut down normally. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC5137E User name could not disconnect from the Monitor Agent.

ExplanationThe specified entity could not disconnect from the Monitor Agent, likely because it has already disconnected. Message Variables: nameThe name of the entity that could not disconnect. Message DestinationProduct administration log and system log System ActionDisconnecting from the Monitor Agent occurs only when the entity is shutting down. The entity continues to shut down normally. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC5143I Unable to obtain status for replication name.

ExplanationThe Monitor Agent was unable to obtain the status for the subscription identified in the message (by its name or the corresponding source ID). Message Variables: nameThe name of subscription or the source ID, as defined in Management Console. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionNormal processing continues. It is likely that this message is a result of Management Console requesting information about a subscription that has never been active since the InfoSphere CDC address space was started. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC5144I Unable to obtain performance metrics for replication name.

ExplanationThe Monitor Agent was unable to obtain the performance metrics for the subscription identified in the message (by its name or the corresponding source ID).
Event messages reference


Message Variables: nameThe name of subscription or the source ID, as defined in Management Console. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionNormal processing continues. It is likely that this message is a result of Management Console requesting information about a subscription that has never been active since the InfoSphere CDC address space was started. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC60 messages
See also: CHC6104I on page 504 CHC6105I on page 505 CHC6106E on page 505 CHC6107E on page 506 CHC6108E on page 506 CHC6113E CHC6114E CHC6117E CHC6118E CHC6119E on on on on on page page page page page 507 507 508 508 508

CHC6120E on page 509 CHC6121E on page 509 CHC6122E CHC6123E CHC6124E CHC6125E CHC6201E on on on on on page page page page page 510 510 510 511 511

CHC6202E on page 512 CHC6203E on page 512 CHC6204E on page 512 CHC6205E on page 513 CHC6207E on page 513 CHC6208I on page 514 CHC6209I on page 514 CHC6210E on page 514 CHC6301W on page 515 CHC6302E on page 515 CHC6303E on page 516 CHC6304E on page 516 CHC6307E on page 516


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CHC6308E CHC6309E CHC6314E CHC6315E CHC6317E

on on on on on

page page page page page

517 517 518 518 518

CHC6318E on page 519 CHC6320E on page 519 CHC6321E on page 520 CHC6323W on page 520 CHC6402E on page 520 CHC6403E on page 521 CHC6404I on page 521 CHC6405I on page 522 CHC6406I on page 522 CHC6407E on page 523 CHC6408I on page 523 CHC6410I on page 524 CHC6411I on page 524 CHC6412I on page 524 CHC6413I on page 525 CHC6414I on page 525 CHC6415W CHC6416W CHC6417W CHC6418W on on on on page page page page 526 526 527 527

CHC6419E on page 528 CHC6420E on page 528 CHC6421E on page 528 CHC6422I on page 529 CHC6423I on page 529 CHC6424E on page 530 CHC6425I on page 530 CHC6426E on page 530 CHC6429I on page 531 CHC6430W on page 531 CHC6431W CHC6432W CHC6433W CHC6434W CHC6435W CHC6436W CHC6437W on on on on on on on page page page page page page page 532 532 533 533 534 534 534

CHC6438W on page 535 CHC6439E on page 535 CHC6440W on page 536

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CHC6445I on page 536 CHC6446I on page 537 CHC6448W on page 537 CHC6451E on page 538 CHC6452E on page 538 CHC6453W on page 539 CHC6454E on page 539 CHC6455E on page 540 CHC6456E on page 540 CHC6457W on page 541 CHC6458E on page 541 CHC6459E on page 542 CHC6460I on page 542 CHC6465W on page 543 CHC6466E on page 543 CHC6467W on page 544 CHC6468E on page 545 CHC6471I on page 545 CHC6472W on page 546 CHC6473E on page 546 CHC6501I on page 547 CHC6502I on page 547 CHC6503E on page 547 CHC6504E on page 548 CHC6505E on page 548 CHC6506E on page 549 CHC6509W on page 549 CHC6511E on page 550 CHC6512E on page 550 CHC6513E on page 550 CHC6514E on page 551 CHC6515E on page 551 CHC6516I on page 552 CHC6801E on page 552 CHC6802E on page 553 CHC6803E on page 553 CHC6804I on page 554 CHC6903E on page 554 CHC6995E on page 555 CHC6998E on page 555

CHC6104I Task task for target name is starting.

ExplanationThe identified InfoSphere CDC communications I/O task is starting for the specified target.


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

Message Variables: taskThe name of the InfoSphere CDC communications I/O task that is starting. nameThe target for which the task is starting. Message DestinationProduct administration log. To generate this message in the product administration log, trace type 213 must be specified. System ActionAs indicated in the message text. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC6105I Task name for target target is terminating with a reason code of number. The last message processed was type type.

ExplanationThe identified InfoSphere CDC communications I/O task is terminating for the specified target. Message Variables: nameThe name of the InfoSphere CDC communications I/O task that is terminating. targetThe target for which the task is terminating. numberThe numeric reason code. typeThe type of message that was processed last. Message DestinationProduct administration log. To generate this message in the product administration log, trace type 213 must be specified. System ActionAs indicated in the message text. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC6106E A message was too big. The message is size bytes. The maximum size allowed by the message queue is maximum bytes.

ExplanationAn attempt was made to write a message to a communications queue which was larger than the maximum message size allowed by the queue. Message Variables: sizeThe size, in bytes, of the message. maximumThe maximum size, in bytes, of a message that can be written to a communications queue.
Event messages reference


Message DestinationProduct administration log and system log System ActionCommunications and/or replication activity terminates abnormally. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseFurther investigation is required. Record the message number and text, and then contact your InfoSphere CDC administrator or IBM representative for assistance.

CHC6107E The buffer is too small. The buffer size is buffer bytes. The incoming message is size bytes.

ExplanationAn attempt was made to read a message from a communications queue, but the read buffer was too small to accommodate the message. Message Variables: bufferThe size, in bytes, of the read buffer. sizeThe size, in bytes, of the message that could not be accommodated by the read buffer. Message DestinationProduct administration log and system log System ActionCommunications and/or replication activity terminates abnormally. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseFurther investigation is required. Record the message number and text, and then contact your InfoSphere CDC administrator or IBM representative for assistance.

CHC6108E An unexpected message of type message was received during operation of type operation. The expected message type was type.

ExplanationThe remote server transmitted an unexpected message during the process of communications initialization. Message Variables: message The type of communications message that was received from the remote server. operationThe socket operation that received the message. typeThe type of communications message that was expected from the remote server. Message DestinationProduct administration log and system log


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

System ActionCommunications are not established, and replication activity for the subscription that requested communications is not started. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseFurther investigation is required. Record the message number and text, and then contact your InfoSphere CDC administrator or IBM representative for assistance.

CHC6113E Communications task task named name is terminating abnormally.

ExplanationThe named InfoSphere CDC communications task is terminating abnormally. Message Variables: taskThe InfoSphere CDC communications task identifier. nameThe name of the InfoSphere CDC communications task. The name of the communications task is usually the same as the three-letter task identifier indicated in the message text. Message DestinationProduct administration log and system log System ActionIf the identified communications task is CCI, CCO, CDI or CDO, communications terminates abnormally and replication activities that rely on the communications link terminates abnormally as well. If the task is CLS or CMO, InfoSphere CDC terminates abnormally. If the task is CVF, InfoSphere CDC continues to operate normally. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseFurther investigation is required. Record the message number and text, and then contact your InfoSphere CDC administrator or IBM representative for assistance.

CHC6114E Communications monitor task (CMO) has been lost.

ExplanationThe InfoSphere CDC communications monitor task (CMO) is not active. Message VariablesNone Message DestinationProduct administration log and system log System ActionInfoSphere CDC terminates abnormally shortly after the generation of this message. Operator ResponseIf InfoSphere CDC does not terminate shortly after the generation of this message, stop InfoSphere CDC manually.

Event messages reference


Client Administrator ResponseFurther investigation is required. Record the message number and text, and then contact your InfoSphere CDC administrator or IBM representative for assistance.

CHC6117E Unable to allocate memory for session control blocks.

ExplanationSufficient memory for the identified InfoSphere CDC communications task could not be allocated. Message VariablesNone Message DestinationProduct administration log and system log System ActionIf the identified communications task issuing the message is CCI, CCO, CDI or CDO, communications terminates abnormally and replication activities that rely on the communications link terminates abnormally as well. If the task is CLS or CMO, InfoSphere CDC terminates abnormally. Operator ResponseRestart InfoSphere CDC with a larger address space. Client Administrator ResponseFurther investigation is required. Record the message number and text, and then contact your InfoSphere CDC administrator or IBM representative for assistance.

CHC6118E Unable to allocate memory for link control blocks.

ExplanationSufficient memory for the identified InfoSphere CDC communications task could not be allocated. Message VariablesNone Message DestinationProduct administration log and system log System ActionIf the identified communications task issuing the message is CCI, CCO, CDI or CDO, communications terminates abnormally and replication activities that rely on the communications link terminates abnormally as well. If the task is CLS or CMO, InfoSphere CDC terminates abnormally. Operator ResponseRestart InfoSphere CDC with a larger address space. Client Administrator ResponseFurther investigation is required. Record the message number and text, and then contact your InfoSphere CDC administrator or IBM representative for assistance.

CHC6119E Unable to allocate memory for conversation control blocks.

ExplanationSufficient memory for the identified InfoSphere CDC communications task could not be allocated. Message VariablesNone


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

Message DestinationProduct administration log and system log System ActionIf the identified communications task issuing the message is CCI, CCO, CDI or CDO, communications terminates abnormally and replication activities that rely on the communications link terminates abnormally as well. If the task is CLS or CMO, InfoSphere CDC terminates abnormally. Operator ResponseRestart InfoSphere CDC with a larger address space. Client Administrator ResponseFurther investigation is required. Record the message number and text, and then contact your InfoSphere CDC administrator or IBM representative for assistance.

CHC6120E Unable to allocate memory for reference control blocks.

ExplanationSufficient memory for the identified InfoSphere CDC communications task could not be allocated. Message VariablesNone Message DestinationProduct administration log and system log System ActionIf the identified communications task issuing the message is CCI, CCO, CDI or CDO, communications terminates abnormally and replication activities that rely on the communications link terminates abnormally as well. If the task is CLS or CMO, InfoSphere CDC terminates abnormally. Operator ResponseRestart InfoSphere CDC with a larger address space. Client Administrator ResponseFurther investigation is required. Record the message number and text, and then contact your InfoSphere CDC administrator or IBM representative for assistance.

CHC6121E Unable to allocate memory for input buffer.

ExplanationSufficient memory for the identified InfoSphere CDC communications task could not be allocated. Message VariablesNone Message DestinationProduct administration log and system log System ActionIf the identified communications task issuing the message is CCI, CCO, CDI or CDO, communications terminates abnormally and replication activities that rely on the communications link terminates abnormally as well. If the task is CLS or CMO, InfoSphere CDC terminates abnormally. Operator ResponseRestart InfoSphere CDC with a larger address space. Client Administrator ResponseFurther investigation is required. Record the message number and text, and then contact your InfoSphere CDC administrator or IBM representative for assistance.

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CHC6122E Unable to allocate memory for output buffer.

ExplanationSufficient memory for the identified InfoSphere CDC communications task could not be allocated. Message VariablesNone Message DestinationProduct administration log and system log System ActionIf the identified communications task issuing the message is CCI, CCO, CDI or CDO, communications terminates abnormally and replication activities that rely on the communications link terminates abnormally as well. If the task is CLS or CMO, InfoSphere CDC terminates abnormally. Operator ResponseRestart InfoSphere CDC with a larger address space. Client Administrator ResponseFurther investigation is required. Record the message number and text, and then contact your InfoSphere CDC administrator or IBM representative for assistance.

CHC6123E Unable to allocate memory for debug value work area.

ExplanationSufficient memory for the identified InfoSphere CDC communications task could not be allocated. Message VariablesNone Message DestinationProduct administration log and system log System ActionIf the identified communications task issuing the message is CCI, CCO, CDI or CDO, communications terminates abnormally and replication activities that rely on the communications link terminates abnormally as well. If the task is CLS or CMO, InfoSphere CDC terminates abnormally. Operator ResponseRestart InfoSphere CDC with a larger address space. Client Administrator ResponseFurther investigation is required. Record the message number and text, and then contact your InfoSphere CDC administrator or IBM representative for assistance.

CHC6124E Unable to allocate memory for Common Agent global variables.

ExplanationSufficient memory for the identified InfoSphere CDC communications task could not be allocated. Message VariablesNone Message DestinationProduct administration log and system log System ActionIf the identified communications task issuing the message is CCI, CCO, CDI or CDO, communications terminates abnormally and replication


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

activities that rely on the communications link terminates abnormally as well. If the task is CLS or CMO, InfoSphere CDC terminates abnormally. Operator ResponseRestart InfoSphere CDC with a larger address space. Client Administrator ResponseFurther investigation is required. Record the message number and text, and then contact your InfoSphere CDC administrator or IBM representative for assistance.

CHC6125E Unable to allocate memory for Monitor Agent global variables.

ExplanationSufficient memory for the identified InfoSphere CDC communications task could not be allocated. Message VariablesNone Message DestinationProduct administration log and system log System ActionIf the identified communications task issuing the message is CCI, CCO, CDI or CDO, communications terminates abnormally and replication activities that rely on the communications link terminates abnormally as well. If the task is CLS or CMO, InfoSphere CDC terminates abnormally. Operator ResponseRestart InfoSphere CDC with a larger address space. Client Administrator ResponseFurther investigation is required. Record the message number and text, and then contact your InfoSphere CDC administrator or IBM representative for assistance.

CHC6201E Unable to create communications queue name.

ExplanationAn attempt to create the identified communications queue was unsuccessful. Message Variables: nameThe name of the communications queue that could not be created. Message DestinationProduct administration log and system log System ActionIf the queue was to be created for communications, the communications link is not established and replication activities that rely on the link are not started. If the queue was to be created for a subscription, replication activities for the subscription are not started. Operator ResponseIf previous messages in the log indicate insufficient memory, restart InfoSphere CDC with a larger address space. Client Administrator ResponseFurther investigation is required. Record the message number and text, and then contact your InfoSphere CDC administrator or IBM representative for assistance if restarting InfoSphere CDC with a larger address is unsuccessful.

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CHC6202E Unable to locate communications queue name.

ExplanationAn attempt to perform a read or write operation on the identified communications queue was unsuccessful. The queue could not be found. Message Variables: nameThe name of the communications queue that could not be found. Message DestinationProduct administration log and system log System ActionIf communications attempted to write to the queue, the communications link continues normal processing. If communications attempted to read from the queue, the communications link terminates abnormally and replication activities that rely on the link terminate abnormally as well. If a subscription attempted to read from or write to the queue, replication activities for the subscription terminate abnormally. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseFurther investigation is required. Record the message number and text, and then contact your InfoSphere CDC administrator or IBM representative for assistance.

CHC6203E Unable to read from communications queue name.

ExplanationAn attempt to perform a read operation on the identified communications queue was unsuccessful. Message Variables: nameThe name of the communications queue that could not be read. Message DestinationProduct administration log and system log System ActionIf communications attempted to read from the queue, the communications link terminates abnormally and replication activities that rely on the link terminate abnormally as well. If a subscription attempted to read from the queue, replication activities for the subscription terminate abnormally. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseFurther investigation is required. Record the message number and text, and then contact your InfoSphere CDC administrator or IBM representative for assistance.

CHC6204E Unable to write to communications queue name.

ExplanationAn attempt to perform a write operation on the identified communications queue was unsuccessful.


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

Message Variables: nameThe name of the communications queue. Message DestinationProduct administration log and system log System ActionIf communications attempted to write to the queue, the communications link is maintained. If a subscription attempted to write to the queue, replication activities for the subscription terminate abnormally. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseFurther investigation is required. Record the message number and text, and then contact your InfoSphere CDC administrator or IBM representative for assistance.

CHC6205E Unable to delete communications queue name.

ExplanationAn attempt to delete the identified communications queue was unsuccessful during InfoSphere CDC shutdown. Message Variables: nameThe name of the communications queue that could not be deleted. Message DestinationProduct administration log and system log System ActionCommunications and replication activities end normally. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseFurther investigation is required. Record the message number and text, and then contact your InfoSphere CDC administrator or IBM representative for assistance.

CHC6207E Non-blocking write failed to add a message to queue name after time seconds. The message type was type.

ExplanationA write to a communications queue could not be completed in the time allowed. Message Variables: nameThe name of the communications queue that could not be written. timeThe number of seconds that elapsed before the write attempt timed out. typeThe type of communications message that could not be sent. Message DestinationProduct administration log and system log

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System ActionIf communications attempted to write to the queue, the communications link is maintained. If a subscription attempted to write to the queue, replication activities for the subscription terminate abnormally. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseFurther investigation is required. Record the message number and text, and then contact your InfoSphere CDC administrator or IBM representative for assistance.

CHC6208I Communications queue name was created.

ExplanationThe identified communications queue was created. Message Variables: nameThe name of the communications queue that was created. Message DestinationProduct administration log. To generate this message in the product administration log, trace type 213 must be specified. System ActionAs indicated in the message text. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC6209I Communications queue name was deleted.

ExplanationThe identified communications queue was deleted. Message Variables: nameThe name of the communications queue that was deleted. Message DestinationProduct administration log. To generate this message in the product administration log, trace type 213 must be specified. System ActionAs indicated in the message text. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC6210E Unable to obtain a message from a communications queue.

ExplanationAn attempt to obtain a message from a communications queue was unsuccessful. Message VariablesNone


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

Message DestinationProduct administration log and system log System ActionIf communications was unable to obtain a message, the communications link terminates abnormally and all replication activities that rely on the link terminate abnormally as well. If the InfoSphere CDC communications monitor task was unable to obtain a message, InfoSphere CDC terminates abnormally. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseFurther investigation is required. Record the message number and text, and then contact your InfoSphere CDC administrator or IBM representative for assistance.

CHC6301W An unknown message of type type and length size was received. The message was ignored.

ExplanationAn InfoSphere CDC communications task received an unrecognized message. Message Variables: typeThe type of communications message that was not recognized. sizeThe length of the communications message. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionThe message is ignored and normal processing continues. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseRecord the message number. Contact your InfoSphere CDC administrator or IBM representative for assistance.

CHC6302E Invalid startup arguments. The argument string is string.

ExplanationAn InfoSphere CDC communications task was started with an invalid set of arguments. Message Variables: stringThe string containing the invalid startup arguments. Message DestinationProduct administration log and system log System ActionThe communications task is not started. Depending on which module attempted to start the task, replication activities are not started or the InfoSphere CDC address space is not initialized. Operator ResponseNone

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Client Administrator ResponseFurther investigation is required. Record the message number and text, and then contact your InfoSphere CDC administrator or IBM representative for assistance.

CHC6303E Invalid process name argument. The process name is type.

ExplanationThe communications module attempted to start an InfoSphere CDC communications task that is of an unknown type. Message Variables: typeThe unknown type of communication task. Message DestinationProduct administration log and system log System ActionThe communications task is not started. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseFurther investigation is required. Record the message number and text, and then contact your InfoSphere CDC administrator or IBM representative for assistance.

CHC6304E Invalid queue tag argument. The queue tag is tag.

ExplanationThe communications module attempted to start an InfoSphere CDC communications task with an invalid queue tag. Message Variables: tagThe invalid queue tag. Message DestinationProduct administration log and system log System ActionThe communications task is not started. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseFurther investigation is required. Record the message number and text, and then contact your InfoSphere CDC administrator or IBM representative for assistance.

CHC6307E Temporary communications queue name could not be created.

ExplanationAn attempt to create a temporary communications queue in order to establish a connection to the remote server was unsuccessful. Message Variables: nameThe name of the temporary communications queue that could not be created.


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

Message DestinationProduct administration log and system log System ActionReplication activities for a subscription are not started. Operator ResponseIf previous messages in the log indicate insufficient memory, restart InfoSphere CDC with a larger address space. Client Administrator ResponseFurther investigation is required. Record the message number and text, and then contact your InfoSphere CDC administrator or IBM representative for assistance if restarting InfoSphere CDC with a larger address is unsuccessful.

CHC6308E Invalid target application arguments.

ExplanationThe target arguments for an InfoSphere CDC communications task were invalid. Message VariablesNone Message DestinationProduct administration log and system log System ActionThe communications task is not started. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseFurther investigation is required. Record the message number and text, and then contact your InfoSphere CDC administrator or IBM representative for assistance.

CHC6309E Operation of type operation failed for task name with a status of type.

ExplanationA call to the communications API was unsuccessful. Message Variables: operationThe name of the operation that could not be performed. nameThe name of the InfoSphere CDC task that called the communications API. typeA value indicating the status of the operation. Message DestinationProduct administration log and system log System ActionNone Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseFurther investigation is required. Record the message number and text, and then contact your InfoSphere CDC administrator or IBM representative for assistance.

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CHC6314E Operation of type operation was failed by the communications monitor for task name with a status of type.

ExplanationA call to the communications API was rejected by the communications monitor task. Message Variables: operationThe name of the operation that could not be performed. nameThe name of the InfoSphere CDC task that called the communications API. typeA value indicating the status of the operation. Message DestinationProduct administration log and system log System ActionNone Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseFurther investigation is required. Record the message number and text, and then contact your InfoSphere CDC administrator or IBM representative for assistance.

CHC6315E Unable to obtain default communications parameters.

ExplanationAn InfoSphere CDC communications task was unable to access shared memory containing the default configuration parameters. Message VariablesNone Message DestinationProduct administration log and system log System ActionThe communications task terminates abnormally. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseFurther investigation is required. Record the message number and text, and then contact your InfoSphere CDC administrator or IBM representative for assistance.

CHC6317E Unable to create TCP/IP listener queue name.

ExplanationAn attempt by the InfoSphere CDC TCP/IP Listener task (CLS) to create the identified communications queue was unsuccessful. Message Variables: nameThe name of the communications queue that could not be created. Message DestinationProduct administration log and system log


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

System ActionInfoSphere CDC terminates abnormally. Operator ResponseIf previous messages in the log indicate insufficient memory, restart InfoSphere CDC with a larger address space. Client Administrator ResponseFurther investigation is required. Record the message number and text, and then contact your InfoSphere CDC administrator or IBM representative for assistance if restarting InfoSphere CDC with a larger address is unsuccessful.

CHC6318E Unable to obtain key value for key name. The failure code is code.

ExplanationThe communications module was unable to determine a value for the key submitted for the InfoSphere CDC communications task during initialization. Message Variables: nameThe key for the communications task. codeThe returned error code. Message DestinationProduct administration log and system log System ActionThe communications task is not started. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseFurther investigation is required. Record the message number and text, and then contact your InfoSphere CDC administrator or IBM representative for assistance.

CHC6320E Unable to receive a message from a communication link.

ExplanationMessages could not be received from a communications link. Message VariablesNone Message DestinationProduct administration log and system log System ActionThe communications link terminates abnormally. Replication activities that rely on the link terminate abnormally as well. Operator ResponseVerify that TCP/IP communications are active on both the local and remote servers, and verify that physical connections to the network from both the local and remote servers are operational. Client Administrator ResponseNone

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CHC6321E Unable to send a message to a communication link.

ExplanationMessages could not be sent on a communications link. Message VariablesNone Message DestinationProduct administration log and system log System ActionThe communications link terminates abnormally. Replication activities that rely on the link terminate abnormally as well. Operator ResponseVerify that TCP/IP communications are active on both the local and remote servers, and verify that physical connections to the network from both the local and remote servers are operational. Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC6323W Communications monitor encountered an error processing message number number return code was code.

ExplanationThe InfoSphere CDC communications monitor task (CMO) could not process an internal message received from a remote server or another task. Message Variables: numberThe hexadecimal identifier of the internal message that could not be processed. codeThe numeric error code returned as a result of not being able to process the internal message. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionActive replication may unexpectedly end after this message has been generated. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseExamine the system log for other messages that indicate an insufficient amount of memory. If such messages appear in the system log, restart InfoSphere CDC with a larger region.

CHC6402E Unable to locate temporary message queue name while processing message of type type.

ExplanationThe identified temporary communications queue could not be found during the processing of a communications message. The queue was required to respond to the message. Message Variables: nameThe name of the temporary communications queue that could not be found.


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typeThe type of communications message that was being processed. Message DestinationProduct administration log and system log System ActionCommunications and/or replication activity terminates abnormally. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseFurther investigation is required. Record the message number and text, and then contact your InfoSphere CDC administrator or IBM representative for assistance.

CHC6403E Unable to locate process message queue name while processing message of type type.

ExplanationThe identified process communications queue could not be found during the processing of a communications message. The queue was required to respond to the message. Message Variables: nameThe name of the process communications queue that could not be found. typeThe type of communications message that was being processed. Message DestinationProduct administration log and system log System ActionCommunications and/or replication activity terminates abnormally. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseFurther investigation is required. Record the message number and text, and then contact your InfoSphere CDC administrator or IBM representative for assistance.

CHC6404I Communications session open to remote system server in session slot entry.

ExplanationThe InfoSphere CDC communications monitor task has initiated a connection to the identified remote server. The session that has been established is required before communications and replication activities are started with the remote server. Message Variables: serverThe host name of the remote server. entryThe number of the entry in the session slot table allocated for the connection. Message DestinationProduct administration log
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System ActionAs indicated in the message text. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC6405I Communications conversation entry was opened for local task name with remote conversation slot remote.

ExplanationA communications conversation was opened between an InfoSphere CDC task running on the local server and an entity on a remote server. Message Variables: entryThe number of the entry for the conversation that has been allocated in the local conversation table. nameThe name of the InfoSphere CDC task running on the local server. remoteThe number of the entry for the conversation that has been allocated in the remote conversation table. Message DestinationProduct administration log. To generate this message in the product administration log, trace type 213 must be specified. System ActionAs indicated in the message text. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC6406I Communications conversation was allocated in conversation slot number and session slot entry, current number of allocated conversation slots is total.

ExplanationA communications conversation table entry has been allocated in order to start a new conversation. Each active subscription defined in Management Console requires two conversations: a control conversation and a data conversation. Message Variables: numberThe number of the entry for the conversation in the conversation table. entryThe number of the entry for the session that corresponds to the conversation in the session table. totalThe total number of used entries in the conversation table. Message DestinationProduct administration log. To generate this message in the product administration log, trace type 213 must be specified. System ActionAs indicated in the message text.


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Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC6407E Unable to allocate a conversation slot. total conversation slots are currently in use.

ExplanationThe communications module attempted to allocate a conversation table entry in order to start a new conversation, but there were no available entries to allocate. Message Variables: totalThe total number of used entries in the conversation table. Message DestinationProduct administration log and system log System ActionThe conversation does not start. Replication activities that rely on the conversation do not start. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseFurther investigation is required. Record the message number and text, and then contact your InfoSphere CDC administrator or IBM representative for assistance.

CHC6408I Communications session name was allocated in session slot entry on control link link in link slot control.

ExplanationA communications session table entry has been allocated to start a new session. Message Variables: nameThe name of the new session, which is composed of the remote server host name and port number. entryThe number of the session table entry that has been allocated for the new session. linkThe name of the control link that the new session will use, which is composed of the remote server host name and port number. controlThe number of the link table entry used by the control link. Message DestinationProduct administration log. To generate this message in the product administration log, trace type 213 must be specified. System ActionAs indicated in the message text. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNone
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CHC6410I TCP/IP session was allocated in session slot entry from local host local to remote host remote, port number.

ExplanationA communications session table entry has been allocated to start a new TCP/IP session. Message Variables: entryThe number of the session table entry that has been allocated for the new session. localThe host name of the local server. remoteThe host name of the remote server. numberThe port number on the remote server used for TCP/IP communications. Message DestinationProduct administration log. To generate this message in the product administration log, trace type 213 must be specified. System ActionAs indicated in the message text. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC6411I Communications session name in session slot entry has been deallocated.

ExplanationA communications session table entry has been deallocated and is now available for reuse. Message Variables: nameThe name of the session that used the session table entry number. entryThe number of the session table entry that is now available for reuse. Message DestinationProduct administration log. To generate this message in the product administration log, trace type 213 must be specified. System ActionAs indicated in the message text. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC6412I Communications data link named link in link slot number has been allocated to session name in session slot entry.

ExplanationA communications link table entry has been allocated for a new data link.


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

Message Variables: linkThe name of the new data link. numberThe number of the link table entry that has been allocated for the new data link. nameThe name of the session that owns the new data link. entryThe number of the session table entry that has been allocated for the session. Message DestinationProduct administration log. To generate this message in the product administration log, trace type 213 must be specified. System ActionAs indicated in the message text. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC6413I Communications control link link in link slot number and session slot entry has been deallocated.

ExplanationA communications link table entry used by a control link has been deallocated and is available for reuse. Message Variables: linkThe name of the control link. numberThe number of the link table entry that has been deallocated. entryThe number of the session table entry for the session that owned the deallocated data link. Message DestinationProduct administration log. To generate this message in the product administration log, trace type 213 must be specified. System ActionAs indicated in the message text. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC6414I Communications data link link in link slot number and session slot entry has been deallocated.

ExplanationA communications link table entry used by a data link has been deallocated and is available for reuse. Message Variables:

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linkThe name of the data link. numberThe number of the link table entry that has been deallocated. entryThe number of the session table entry for the session that owned the deallocated data link. Message DestinationProduct administration log. To generate this message in the product administration log, trace type 213 must be specified. System ActionAs indicated in the message text. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC6415W Communications monitor received the invalid conversation slot number in a message of type type.

ExplanationThe InfoSphere CDC communications monitor task received a communications message identifying a conversation slot number that did not correspond to an active conversation. Message Variables: numberThe number of the conversation table entry contained in the communications message. typeThe type of communications message. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionThe message is ignored. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseIf related errors occur after this message has been generated, contact your InfoSphere CDC administrator for further assistance.

CHC6416W Communications monitor received the lapsed conversation slot number in a message of type type.

ExplanationThe InfoSphere CDC communications monitor task received a communications message identifying a conversation slot number that has been deallocated and reused since the message was sent. Message Variables: numberThe number of the conversation table entry contained in the communications message. typeThe type of communications message.


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionThe message is ignored. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseIf related errors occur after this message has been generated, contact your InfoSphere CDC administrator for further assistance.

CHC6417W Communications monitor received the invalid session slot number in a message of type type.

ExplanationThe InfoSphere CDC communications monitor task received a communications message identifying a session slot number that did not correspond to an active session. Message Variables: numberThe number of the session table entry contained in the communications message. typeThe type of communications message. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionThe message is ignored. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseIf related errors occur after this message has been generated, contact your InfoSphere CDC administrator for further assistance.

CHC6418W Communications monitor received the lapsed session slot number in a message of type type.

ExplanationThe InfoSphere CDC communications monitor task received a communications message identifying a session slot number that has been deallocated and reused since the message was sent. Message Variables: numberThe number of the session table entry contained in the communications message. typeThe type of communications message. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionThe message is ignored. Operator ResponseNone

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Client Administrator ResponseIf related errors occur after this message has been generated, contact your InfoSphere CDC administrator for further assistance.

CHC6419E Communications monitor was unable to allocate a queue tag for conversation slot number.

ExplanationNo queue tags were available when a communications conversation was started. As a result, one or more communications queues could not be created. Message Variables: numberThe number of the conversation table entry allocated for the conversation. Message DestinationProduct administration log and system log System ActionThe conversation does not start. Replication activities that rely on the conversation do not start. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseFurther investigation is required. Record the message number and text, and then contact your InfoSphere CDC administrator or IBM representative for assistance.

CHC6420E Unable to allocate a conversation-link cxl slot, number cxl slots are currently in use.

ExplanationNo entries were available in the cxl table when a communications conversation was started. Message Variables: numberThe number of cxl table entries that were being used. Message DestinationProduct administration log and system log System ActionThe conversation does not start. Replication activities that rely on the conversation do not start. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseFurther investigation is required. Record the message number and text, and then contact your InfoSphere CDC administrator or IBM representative for assistance.

CHC6421E Unable to allocate a link slot. number link slots are currently in use.

ExplanationNo entries were available in the link table when a communications link was started. Message Variables:


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

numberThe number of link table entries that were being used. Message DestinationProduct administration log and system log System ActionThe link does not start. The conversation that relies on the link does not start, and replication activities that rely on the conversation do not start. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseFurther investigation is required. Record the message number and text, and then contact your InfoSphere CDC administrator or IBM representative for assistance.

CHC6422I Communications conversation in conversation slot number has been deallocated.

ExplanationA communications conversation table entry used by a conversation has been deallocated and is available for reuse. Message Variables: numberThe number of the conversation table entry that has been deallocated. Message DestinationProduct administration log. To generate this message in the product administration log, trace type 213 must be specified. System ActionAs indicated in the message text. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC6423W Communications conversation in conversation slot number was abnormally terminated by communications monitor.

ExplanationA communications conversation with the remote server has terminated abnormally. Message Variables: numberThe number of the conversation table entry for the conversation. Message DestinationProduct administration log and system log System ActionReplication activities that rely on the conversation terminate abnormally. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseIf related errors occur after this message has been generated, contact your InfoSphere CDC administrator for further assistance.

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CHC6424E Conversation for remote target task type named task in local conversation slot local and remote conversation slot remote has been terminated abnormally by the remote system.

ExplanationA communications conversation with the remote server has terminated abnormally. Message Variables: typeThe type of InfoSphere CDC task on the remote server that was affected by the abnormal termination of the conversation. taskThe name of the InfoSphere CDC task on the remote server that was affected by the abnormal termination of the conversation. localThe number of the conversation table entry for the conversation on the local server. remoteThe number of the conversation table entry for the conversation on the remote server. Message DestinationProduct administration log and system log System ActionReplication activities that rely on the conversation terminate abnormally. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseConsult messages generated on the remote server to determine the cause the problem, and take appropriate actions based on those messages.

CHC6425W Conversation in slot number was closed by application before becoming operational.

ExplanationConversation in slot number closed by application before becoming operational. Message Variables: numberThe number of the conversation table entry. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionAs indicated in the message text. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC6426E Unable to allocate a session slot. number link slots are currently in use.


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ExplanationNo entries were available in the session table when a communications session was started. Message Variables: numberThe number of session table entries currently being used. Message DestinationProduct administration log and system log System ActionThe session does not start. The conversation that relies on the session does not start, and replication activities that rely on the conversation do not start. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseFurther investigation is required. Record the message number and text, and then contact your InfoSphere CDC administrator or IBM representative for assistance.

CHC6429I Communications session to name in session slot number has become idle and will terminate.

ExplanationA communications session is not being used for replication. As a result, the session will be terminated. Message Variables: nameThe name of the session. numberThe number of the session table entry that has been allocated for the session. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionThe session terminates. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC6430W The communications session in session slot number has failed to close after time seconds.

ExplanationA communications session could not be closed within an allotted amount of time. Message Variables: numberThe number of the session table entry that has been allocated for the session. timeThe maximum amount of time, in seconds, that has been allotted for the session to close.
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Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionThe session terminates abnormally. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseIf related errors occur after this message has been generated, contact your InfoSphere CDC administrator for further assistance.

CHC6431W The communications session in session slot entry has failed to stop after number seconds.

ExplanationA communications session could not be stopped within an allotted amount of time. Message Variables: numberThe number of the session table entry that has been allocated for the session. numberThe maximum amount of time, in seconds, that has been allotted for the session to stop. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionThe session terminates abnormally. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseIf related errors occur after this message has been generated, contact your InfoSphere CDC administrator for further assistance.

CHC6432W The communications session in session slot entry has failed to open after number seconds.

ExplanationA communications session could not be opened within an allotted amount of time. Message Variables: entryThe number of the session table entry that has been allocated for the session. numberThe maximum amount of time, in seconds, that has been allotted for the session to open. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionThe session does not start. The conversation that relies on the session does not start, and replication activities that rely on the conversation do not start. Operator ResponseNone


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

Client Administrator ResponseIf related errors occur after this message has been generated, contact your InfoSphere CDC administrator for further assistance.

CHC6433W The communications link for session in session slot number has failed to open after time seconds.

ExplanationA communications link could not be opened within an allotted amount of time. Message Variables: numberThe number of the session table entry that has been allocated for the session using the communications link. timeThe maximum amount of time, in seconds, that has been allotted for the communications link to open. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionThe communications link does not start. Communication components and replication activities that rely on the link do not start. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseIf related errors occur after this message has been generated, contact your InfoSphere CDC administrator for further assistance.

CHC6434W The communications session in session slot entry has failed to start after time seconds.

ExplanationA communications session could not be started within an allotted amount of time. Message Variables: entryThe number of the session table entry that has been allocated for the session. timeThe maximum amount of time, in seconds, that has been allotted for the session to start. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionThe session does not start. The conversation that relies on the session does not start, and replication activities that rely on the conversation do not start. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseIf related errors occur after this message has been generated, contact your InfoSphere CDC administrator for further assistance.

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CHC6435W The communications link for session in session slot entry has failed to start after time seconds.

ExplanationA communications link could not be started within an allotted amount of time. Message Variables: numberThe number of the session table entry that has been allocated for the session using the communications link. timeThe maximum amount of time, in seconds, that has been allotted for the communications link to start. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionThe communications link does not start. Communication components and replication activities that rely on the link do not start. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseIf related errors occur after this message has been generated, contact your InfoSphere CDC administrator for further assistance.

CHC6436W Communications session name in session slot number and state state has lost a resource.

ExplanationA communications session has lost one of its communications link tasks. Message Variables: nameThe name of the session. numberThe number of the session table entry that has been allocated for the session. stateThe state of the session when the communications link task was lost. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionThe session terminates abnormally. Replication activities that rely on the session terminate abnormally. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseIf related errors occur after this message has been generated, contact your InfoSphere CDC administrator for further assistance.

CHC6437W Communications link in link slot link lost its session in session slot session. The session state is state.


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

ExplanationA communications link lost its session. Message Variables: linkThe number of the link table entry that has been allocated to the link. numberThe number of the session table entry that has been allocated for the session using the communications link. stateThe state of the session when the communications link lost the session. Message DestinationProduct administration log. To generate this message in the product administration log, trace type 213 must be specified. System ActionThe communications link terminates abnormally. Communication components and replication activities that rely on the link terminate abnormally. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseIf related errors occur after this message has been generated, contact your InfoSphere CDC administrator for further assistance.

CHC6438W The communications link in link slot number has failed to close after time seconds.

ExplanationA communications link could not be closed within the allotted amount of time. Message Variables: numberThe number of the link table entry allocated to the communications link. timeThe amount of time, in seconds, that has been allotted for the communications link to close. Message DestinationProduct administration log. To generate this message in the product administration log, trace type 213 must be specified. System ActionThe communications link terminates abnormally. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseIf related errors occur after this message has been generated, contact your InfoSphere CDC administrator for further assistance.

CHC6439E Communications link in link slot number for communications session name failed to initialize within time seconds and has been terminated.

ExplanationA communications link could not complete initialization within an allotted amount of time. Message Variables:

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numberThe number of the link table entry that has been allocated to the communications link. nameThe name of the session that is using the communications link. timeThe amount of time, in seconds, that has been allotted for the communications link to initialize. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionThe communications link does not start. Communication components and replication activities that rely on the link do not start. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseFurther investigation is required. Record the message number and text, and then contact your InfoSphere CDC administrator or IBM representative for assistance.

CHC6440W The communications link for session in session slot number has failed to open after time seconds.

ExplanationA communications link could not be opened within the allotted amount of time. Message Variables: numberThe number of the session table entry that has been allocated for the session using the communications link. timeThe amount of time, in seconds, that has been allotted for the communications link to open. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionThe communications link does not start. Communication components and replication activities that rely on the link do not start. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseIf related errors occur after this message has been generated, contact your InfoSphere CDC administrator for further assistance.

CHC6445I Communications session to name in session slot number has been closed by the remote communications monitor.

ExplanationA communications session to a remote server has been closed by the InfoSphere CDC communication monitor task on the remote server. Message Variables: nameThe name of the session.


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

numberThe number of the session table entry that has been allocated for the session. Message DestinationProduct administration log. To generate this message in the product administration log, trace type 213 must be specified. System ActionAs indicated in the message text. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC6446I Communications link in link slot number has been closed by the remote communications monitor.

ExplanationA communications link has been closed by the InfoSphere CDC communication monitor task on the remote server. Message Variables: numberThe number of the link table entry that has been allocated to the communications link. Message DestinationProduct administration log. To generate this message in the product administration log, trace type 213 must be specified. System ActionAs indicated in the message text. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC6448W Communications link in link slot number has terminated abnormally.

ExplanationA communications link terminated abnormally. Message Variables: numberThe number of the link table entry that has been allocated to the communications link. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionThe communications link terminates abnormally. Communication components and replication activities that rely on the link terminate abnormally. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseIf related errors occur after this message has been generated, contact your InfoSphere CDC administrator for further assistance.

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CHC6451E Task task in link slot link for session name in session slot number has terminated abnormally with link state state.

ExplanationAn InfoSphere CDC communications I/O task terminated abnormally. Message Variables: taskThe name of the task. linkThe number of the link table entry that has been allocated to the communications link associated with the I/O task. nameThe name of the session that is using the communications link. numberThe number of the session table entry that has been allocated for the session using the communications link. stateThe state of the communications link when the error occurred. Message DestinationProduct administration log and system log System ActionThe communications link terminates abnormally. Communication components and replication activities that rely on the link terminate abnormally. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseFurther investigation is required. Record the message number and text, and then contact your InfoSphere CDC administrator or IBM representative for assistance.

CHC6452E Remote application remote named name paired with local application local in conversation slot number has failed to close a conversation after time seconds.

ExplanationA remote application (replication) could not close a conversation with a local application (replication) within the allotted amount of time. The local application had already terminated and closed the conversation. Message Variables: remoteThe type of the remote application that could not close a conversation. nameThe name of the remote application. localThe type of the local application. numberThe number of the conversation table entry that has been allocated to the conversation. timeThe amount of time, in seconds, that has been allotted for the remote application to close the conversation. Message DestinationProduct administration log


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

System ActionThe communications module deallocates the conversation and normal processing continues. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseFurther investigation is required. Record the message number and text, and then contact your InfoSphere CDC administrator or IBM representative for assistance.

CHC6453W Communications conversation in conversation slot number and state state has lost a resource.

ExplanationA communications conversation has lost one of its links. Message Variables: numberThe number of the conversation table entry that has been allocated to the conversation. stateThe state of the conversation when this message was generated. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionThe conversation terminates abnormally. Replication activities that rely on the conversation terminate abnormally. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseIf related errors occur after this message has been generated, contact your InfoSphere CDC administrator for further assistance.

CHC6454E The communications conversation in conversation slot number has failed to start within the allowed time of time seconds.

ExplanationA communications conversation could not start within the allotted amount of time. Message Variables: numberThe number of the conversation table entry that has been allocated to the conversation. timeThe amount of time, in seconds, that has been allotted for the conversation to start. Message DestinationProduct administration log and system log System ActionThe conversation does not start. Replication activities that rely on the conversation do not start. Operator ResponseNone

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Client Administrator ResponseFurther investigation is required. Record the message number and text, and then contact your InfoSphere CDC administrator or IBM representative for assistance.

CHC6455E The remote start of application type named name for conversation in conversation slot number has failed to start within the allowed time of time seconds.

ExplanationA remote application (replication) for a conversation could not start within the allotted amount of time. Message Variables: typeThe type of the remote application that could not be started. nameThe name of the remote application. numberThe number of the conversation table entry that has been allocated to the conversation. timeThe amount of time, in seconds, that has been allotted for the remote application to start. Message DestinationProduct administration log and system log System ActionThe conversation does not start. Replication activities that rely on the conversation do not start. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseFurther investigation is required. Record the message number and text, and then contact your InfoSphere CDC administrator for the remote server or your IBM representative for assistance.

CHC6456E Local application local paired with remote application remote named name in conversation slot number has failed to close a conversation after time seconds.

ExplanationThe remote application (replication) for a conversation closed a conversation, but the local application (replication) could not close the conversation within the allotted amount of time. The remote application may have terminated without notifying the local application. Message Variables: localThe type of the local application that could not close the conversation. remoteThe type of the remote application that closed the conversation. nameThe name of the remote application. numberThe number of the conversation table entry that has been allocated to conversation.


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

timeThe amount of time, in seconds, that has been allotted for the local application to close. Message DestinationProduct administration log. To generate this message in the product administration log, trace type 213 must be specified. System ActionThe conversation is deallocated. Replication activities that rely on the conversation terminate abnormally. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseFurther investigation is required. Record the message number and text, and then contact your InfoSphere CDC administrator for the remote server or your IBM representative for assistance.

CHC6457W Communications conversation in conversation slot number has failed to initialize.

ExplanationA communications conversation was not initialized. Message Variables: numberThe number of the conversation table entry that has been allocated to the conversation. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionThe conversation does not start. Replication activities that rely on the conversation do not start. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseFurther investigation is required. Record the message number and text, and then contact your InfoSphere CDC administrator for the remote server or your IBM representative for assistance.

CHC6458E Source application type in conversation slot conversation on session name in session slot session has ended abnormally.

ExplanationA source application task (replication or communications verifier) using a conversation has terminated abnormally. Message Variables: typeThe type of source application that terminated abnormally. conversationThe number of the conversation table entry that has been allocated to the conversation. nameThe name of the session that owns the conversation. sessionThe number of the session table entry that has been allocated to the session owning the conversation.
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Message DestinationProduct administration log. To generate this message in the product administration log, trace type 213 must be specified. System ActionThe conversation closes so that the remote server can determine that the source application task terminated. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseFurther investigation is required. Record the message number and text, and then contact your InfoSphere CDC administrator or IBM representative for assistance.

CHC6459E Target application type in conversation slot conversation on session name in session slot session has ended abnormally.

ExplanationA target application task (replication or communications verifier) using a conversation has terminated abnormally. Message Variables: typeThe type of target application that terminated abnormally. conversationThe number of the conversation table entry that has been allocated to the conversation. nameThe name of the session that owns the conversation. sessionThe number of the session table entry that has been allocated to the session owning the conversation. Message DestinationProduct administration log. To generate this message in the product administration log, trace type 213 must be specified. System ActionThe conversation closes so that the remote server can determine that the target application task terminated. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseFurther investigation is required. Record the message number and text, and then contact your InfoSphere CDC administrator or IBM representative for assistance.

CHC6460I Communications link name on session session has timed out after time seconds.

ExplanationThe identified communications link was continuously idle for the duration of the specified timeout period. Message Variables: nameThe name of the communications link. sessionThe name of the session that owns the communications link.


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

timeThe amount of time, in seconds, that the communications link was continuously idle. Message DestinationProduct administration log. To generate this message in the product administration log, trace type 213 must be specified. System ActionThe communications link terminates. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC6465W Session name in session slot number has not received a poll request response in time seconds, has missed missed consecutive replies and missed total replies in total.

ExplanationA communications session did not receive a response to a poll request from the remote server within the specified period of time. Message Variables: nameThe name of the session. numberThe number of the entry in the session table that has been allocated to the session. timeThe maximum amount of time, in seconds, for a response to be received from the remote server. missedThe number of consecutive responses to poll requests that have not been received. totalThe total number of responses to poll requests that have not been received. Message DestinationProduct administration log. To generate this message in the product administration log, trace type 213 must be specified. System ActionNone Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseFurther investigation is required. Record the message number and text, and then contact your InfoSphere CDC administrator for the remote server or your IBM representative for assistance.

CHC6466E Remote system on session name in session slot number has failed to respond to missed consecutive poll requests and total poll requests in all, each with a timeout of time seconds; all communications with the remote system will be terminated.

ExplanationA communications session did not receive a response to a poll request from the remote server within the specified period of time. Message Variables:
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nameThe name of the session. numberThe number of the entry in the session table that has been allocated to the session. missedThe number of consecutive responses to poll requests that have not been received. totalThe total number of responses to poll requests that have not been received. timeThe maximum amount of time, in seconds, for a response to be received from the remote server. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionThe session terminates abnormally. Communication components and replication activities that rely on the session terminate abnormally. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseFurther investigation is required. Record the message number and text, and then contact your InfoSphere CDC administrator for the remote server or your IBM representative for assistance.

CHC6467W Session name in session slot number has received a late response to a poll request in time seconds instead of maximum seconds; there have been late successive late replies and total late replies in total.

ExplanationA communications session received a late response to a poll request from the remote server. Message Variables: nameThe name of the session. numberThe number of the entry in the session table that has been allocated to the session. timeThe amount of time, in seconds, it took for the session to receive a response from the remote server. maximumThe maximum amount of time, in seconds, for a response to be received from the remote server. lateThe number of consecutive responses to poll requests that have been late. totalThe total number of responses to poll requests that have been late. Message DestinationProduct administration log. To generate this message in the product administration log, trace type 213 must be specified. System ActionNone Operator ResponseNone


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

Client Administrator ResponseFurther investigation is required. Record the message number and text, and then contact your InfoSphere CDC administrator for the remote server or your IBM representative for assistance.

CHC6468E Communications session in session slot entry cannot start a session to remote system server. The status is status.

ExplanationA communications session could not establish a session to the identified remote server. Message Variables: entryThe number of the entry in the session table that has been allocated to the session. serverThe host name of the remote server. statusThe status of the session when the message was generated. Message DestinationProduct administration log and system log System ActionThe session does not start. The conversation that relies on the session does not start, and replication activities that rely on the conversation do not start. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseFurther investigation is required. Record the message number and text, and then contact your InfoSphere CDC administrator for the remote server or your IBM representative for assistance.

CHC6471I Communications conversation name allocated in conversation slot entry. The current number of conversations is number.

ExplanationAn entry in the communications conversation table has been allocated to a new conversation. Message Variables: nameThe name of the new conversation. entryThe number of the entry in the conversation table that has been allocated to the new conversation. numberThe number of entries in the conversation table that are currently being used. Message DestinationProduct administration log. To generate this message in the product administration log, trace type 213 must be specified. System ActionAs indicated in the message text. Operator ResponseNone
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Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC6472W Application type named name in conversation slot number has terminated unexpectedly.

ExplanationA local application (replication) was terminated unexpectedly. Message Variables: typeThe type of the local application that terminated unexpectedly. nameThe name of the local application. numberThe number of the entry in the communications conversation table that has been allocated to the application. Message DestinationProduct administration log. To generate this message in the product administration log, trace type 213 must be specified. System ActionThe conversation closes so that the remote server can determine that the local application terminated. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseIf related errors occur after this message has been generated, contact your InfoSphere CDC administrator for further assistance.

CHC6473E The local start of application type named name for conversation in conversation slot number has failed to start within the allowed time of time seconds.

ExplanationThe local application (replication) for a conversation could not start within the allotted amount of time. Message Variables: typeThe type of the local application that could not start within the allotted amount of time. nameThe name of the local application. numberThe number of the conversation table entry that has been allocated to the conversation. timeThe maximum amount of time, in seconds, that has been allotted for the application to start. Message DestinationProduct administration log and system log System ActionThe conversation does not start. Replication activities that rely on the conversation do not start. Operator ResponseNone


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

Client Administrator ResponseFurther investigation is required. Record the message number and text, and then contact your InfoSphere CDC administrator or IBM representative for assistance.

CHC6501I Normal shutdown of link number, process code has been initiated by the remote partner.

ExplanationA communications link I/O task was instructed to shutdown normally by the remote server. Message Variables: numberThe number of the entry in the communications link table that has been allocated to the link. codeA code identifying the terminating process in the link. Message DestinationProduct administration log. To generate this message in the product administration log, trace type 213 must be specified. System ActionAs indicated in the message text. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC6502I Normal shutdown of link number, process code has been initiated by the local monitor.

ExplanationA communications link I/O task was instructed to shutdown normally by the local communications monitor task. Message Variables: numberThe number of the entry in the communications link table that has been allocated to the link. codeA code identifying the terminating process in the link. Message DestinationProduct administration log. To generate this message in the product administration log, trace type 213 must be specified. System ActionAs indicated in the message text. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC6503E Communications link to server abnormally terminated by remote system (link number, process code).

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ExplanationA communications link was terminated abnormally by the remote server. Message Variables: serverThe host name of the remote server. numberThe number of the entry in the communications link table that has been allocated to the link. codeA code identifying the terminating process in the link. Message DestinationProduct administration log and system log System ActionThe identified InfoSphere CDC task stops running. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseFurther investigation is required. Record the message number and text, and then contact your InfoSphere CDC administrator or IBM representative for assistance.

CHC6504E Communications link to server was abnormally terminated by local monitor (link number, process code).

ExplanationA communications was terminated abnormally by the local communications monitor task. Message Variables: serverThe host name of the remote server. numberThe number of the entry in the communications link table that has been allocated to the link. codeA code identifying the terminating process in the link. Message DestinationProduct administration log and system log System ActionThe identified InfoSphere CDC task stops running. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseFurther investigation is required. Record the message number and text, and then contact your InfoSphere CDC administrator or IBM representative for assistance.

CHC6505E Communications monitor message queue name was not found.

ExplanationA communications link could not locate the communications queue for the communications monitor task. Message Variables:


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

nameThe name of the communications queue that could not be found. Message DestinationProduct administration log and system log System ActionThe identified InfoSphere CDC task stops running. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseFurther investigation is required. Record the message number and text, and then contact your InfoSphere CDC administrator or IBM representative for assistance.

CHC6506E Communications process message queue name was not found.

ExplanationA communications link I/O task could not locate its communications queue. Message Variables: nameThe name of the communications queue that could not be found. Message DestinationProduct administration log and system log System ActionThe identified InfoSphere CDC task stops running. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseFurther investigation is required. Record the message number and text, and then contact your InfoSphere CDC administrator or IBM representative for assistance.

CHC6509W Application message queue name was not found.

ExplanationAn InfoSphere CDC communications task cannot locate the communications queue for an application (replication or communications verifier). Message Variables: nameThe name of the communications queue that could not be found. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionThe communications message intended for the missing queue is discarded. Normal processing continues. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseFurther investigation is required. Record the message number and text, and then contact your InfoSphere CDC administrator or IBM representative for assistance.

Event messages reference


CHC6511E Target communications task failed to accept connection from remote partner. The error code is code.

ExplanationA communications link I/O task was unable to accept the connection from its partner task on the remote server. Message Variables: codeThe error code as a result of the connection failure. Message DestinationProduct administration log and system log System ActionThe communications link does not start. The conversation that relies on the link does not start, and replication activities that rely on the conversation do not start. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseFurther investigation is required. Record the message number and text, and then contact your InfoSphere CDC administrator or IBM representative for assistance.

CHC6512E Communications task in state state received an incorrect message of type type.

ExplanationA communications link I/O task received an unexpected message from its partner task on the remote server during initialization. Message Variables: stateThe state of the communications I/O task when this message was generated. typeThe type of the unexpected communications message. Message DestinationProduct administration log and system log System ActionThe communications link does not start. The conversation that relies on the link does not start, and replication activities that rely on the conversation do not start. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseFurther investigation is required. Record the message number and text, and then contact your InfoSphere CDC administrator for the remote server or your IBM representative for assistance.

CHC6513E Communications task started as type typ1 but the remote partner requires it to be of type typ2.


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

ExplanationA communications link I/O task was started as a specific type of task, but its partner task on the remote server requires that the local task be a different type. Message Variables: typ1The actual type of the communications link I/O task. typ2The type of communications link I/O task expected on the remote server. Message DestinationProduct administration log and system log System ActionThe communications link does not start. The conversation that relies on the link does not start, and replication activities that rely on the conversation do not start. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseFurther investigation is required. Record the message number and text, and then contact your InfoSphere CDC administrator for the remote server or your IBM representative for assistance.

CHC6514E Source communications task failed to initiate a connection with the remote partner. The error code is code

ExplanationA communications link I/O task was unable to initiate a connection with its partner task on the remote server. Message Variables: codeThe error code as a result of the connection failure. Message DestinationProduct administration log and system log System ActionThe communications link does not start. The conversation that relies on the link does not start, and replication activities that rely on the conversation do not start. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseFurther investigation is required. Record the message number and text, and then contact your InfoSphere CDC administrator for the remote server or your IBM representative for assistance.

CHC6515E Local and remote communications could not support a compatible version. Local communications requested version ver1 and offered version ver2. Remote communications requested version ver3 and offered version ver4.

ExplanationA communications link I/O task was unable to negotiate a compatible version of the communications protocol with its partner task on the remote server. Message Variables:
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ver1The version of the communications protocol requested by the local server. ver2The version of the communications protocol offered by the local server. ver3The version of the communications protocol requested by the remote server. ver4The version of the communications protocol offered by the remote server. Message DestinationProduct administration log and system log System ActionThe communications link does not start. The conversation that relies on the link does not start, and replication activities that rely on the conversation do not start. Operator ResponseThe version of InfoSphere CDC running on the local server is not compatible with the version of InfoSphere CDC running on the remote server. Install compatible versions on the local and remote servers, and restart replication. Contact your IBM representative for information about version compatibility. Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC6516I Local and remote communications versions differ but compatible version ver1 has been negotiated. Local communications requested version ver2 and offered version ver3. Remote communications requested version ver4 and offered version ver5.

ExplanationA communications link I/O task was able to negotiate a compatible version of the communications protocol with its partner task on the remote server even though different versions are used. Message Variables: ver1The compatible version of the communications protocol that has been negotiated. ver2The version of the communications protocol requested by the local server. ver3The version of the communications protocol offered by the local server. ver4The version of the communications protocol requested by the remote server. ver5The version of the communications protocol offered by the remote server. Message DestinationProduct administration log. To generate this message in the product administration log, trace type 213 must be specified. System ActionAs indicated in the message text. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC6801E TCP/IP Listener failed to initialize.


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

ExplanationThe InfoSphere CDC TCP/IP Listener (CLS) task could not be initialized. Message VariablesNone Message DestinationProduct administration log and system log System ActionThe InfoSphere CDC address space is not initialized. Operator ResponsePrevious messages in the logs provide more information about the problem. Based on the information that is contained in these messages, take appropriate actions and restart the InfoSphere CDC address space. Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC6802E TCP/IP Listener received a connection request from an unknown task type of type.

ExplanationThe InfoSphere CDC TCP/IP Listener (CLS) task received a connection request from a task of an unknown type. The listener task expects to receive connections requests from communications link I/O tasks and Management Console processes running on client workstations. Message Variables: typeThe unknown type of the task. Message DestinationProduct administration log and system log System ActionThe connection request is rejected. Operator ResponseContact your network administrator to verify that network traffic is normal. Client Administrator ResponseIf network traffic is normal, record the message number and contact the InfoSphere CDC administrator for the remote server or your IBM representative for assistance.

CHC6803E TCP/IP Listener was unable to start a task of type type

ExplanationThe InfoSphere CDC TCP/IP Listener (CLS) task accepted a connection request but was unable to start a task to implement the connection. Message Variables: typeThe type of the task that could not be started to implement the connection. Message DestinationProduct administration log and system log System ActionThe communications link does not start. The conversation that relies on the link does not start, and replication activities that rely on the conversation do not start.

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Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseFurther investigation is required. Record the message number and text, and then contact your InfoSphere CDC administrator or IBM representative for assistance.

CHC6804I TCP Listener was initialized on service name name, port number.

ExplanationThe InfoSphere CDC TCP/IP Listener (CLS) task has been initialized successfully and is listening on the identified port. Message Variables: nameThe service name corresponding to the port that is being used to listen for communications. numberThe port number that is being used to listen for communications. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionAs indicated in the message text. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC6903E Unable to allocate storage for an ECB resource.

ExplanationSufficient memory could not be obtained for an ECB resource during initialization of a communications task or a communications API call. Message VariablesNone Message DestinationProduct administration log and system log System ActionDuring initialization of the CMO or CLS task, the task is not initialized and the InfoSphere CDC address space is not initialized. During initialization of a communications link I/O task, the communications link does not start. The conversation that relies on the link does not start and replication activities that rely on the conversation do not start. During initialization of a CVF task, the communications test does not start. During a communications API call, the call is unsuccessful, and replication activities that initiated the API call terminate abnormally. Operator ResponseRestart InfoSphere CDC with a larger address space. Client Administrator ResponseIf the Operator Response does not resolve the error, further investigation is required. Record the message number and text, and then contact your InfoSphere CDC administrator or IBM representative for assistance.


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CHC6995E A communications internal error occurred.

ExplanationA severe internal error occurred as a result of an operation within the communications module. Message VariablesNone Message DestinationProduct administration log and system log System ActionThe current operation within the communications module ends. As a result, other problems may occur. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseFurther investigation is required. Record the message number and text, and then contact your InfoSphere CDC administrator or IBM representative for assistance.

CHC6998E Unable to create or find a communications queue. Reason: text.

ExplanationAn operation within the communications module was unable to create or locate a communications queue. Message Variables: textA brief description explaining why the communications queue could not be created or located. Message DestinationProduct administration log and system log System ActionThe current operation within the communications module ends. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseFurther investigation is required. Record the message number and text, and then contact your InfoSphere CDC administrator or IBM representative for assistance.

CHC70 messages
See also: CHC7052E on page 556 CHC7053E on page 557 CHC7054E on page 557 CHC7055E on page 558 CHC7057E on page 559 CHC7058E CHC7059E CHC7060E CHC7061E on on on on page page page page 559 560 560 561
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CHC7064E CHC7065E CHC7069E CHC7070E CHC7071E

on on on on on

page page page page page

561 561 562 562 563

CHC7072E on page 563 CHC7073E on page 563 CHC7074E on page 564 CHC7075I on page 564 CHC7077I on page 565 CHC7078I on page 565 CHC7079I on page 565 CHC7081E CHC7082E CHC7083E CHC7084E CHC7085E CHC7086E on on on on on on page page page page page page 566 566 567 567 567 568

CHC7087E on page 568 CHC7088E on page 569 CHC7089W on page 569 CHC7094E on page 570 CHC7095I on page 570 CHC7099E on page 571

CHC7052E TCP/IP failure to get remote host information for server. The error code is code.

ExplanationA communications link I/O task was not able to obtain information about the identified remote server. Message Variables: serverThe host name of the remote server. codeThe error code as a result of the inability to obtain information about the remote server. The possible codes and their explanations are as follows: v 1The host name of the remote server was not found in the host table or on the domain name server. v 2The remote server did not receive a response from an authoritative server. An attempt to obtain a response at a later time may succeed. v 3An unrecoverable error occurred. v 4The host name of the remote server is valid, but there is no corresponding IP address. Message DestinationProduct administration log and system log


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

System ActionThe communications link does not start. The conversation that relies on the link does not start, and replication activities that rely on the conversation do not start. Operator ResponseVerify that TCP/IP is active and properly configured. Client Administrator ResponsePerform the actions corresponding to the following error codes (code): v 1Specify the correct host name or update the host table or domain name server to include an entry for the host name. v 2Verify that the local host information is defined in the host table or on the domain name server. If you are using an external domain name server, verify that its IP address is configured correctly and is accessible. v 3Record the message number. Contract your InfoSphere CDC administrator or IBM representative for assistance. v 4Verify that the host name entry on the domain server is correct and complete.

CHC7053E Failure to create TCP/IP socket. The returned errno is text for a value of number.

ExplanationA communications link I/O task could not create a TCP/IP socket. Message Variables: textThe text error code returned as a result of not creating a TCP/IP socket. numberThe numeric error code returned as a result of not creating a TCP/IP socket. Message DestinationProduct administration log and system log System ActionThe communications link does not start. The conversation that relies on the link does not start, and replication activities that rely on the conversation do not start. Operator ResponseVerify that TCP/IP is active and properly configured. Client Administrator ResponseVerify that the InfoSphere CDC address space is configured to use the correct TCP/IP stack by inspecting the SUBSYSTEM TCP/IP configuration control statement keyword.

CHC7054E Failure to get TCP/IP local host name. The returned errno is text for a value of number.

ExplanationA communications link I/O task was not able to resolve the host name. Message Variables: textThe text error code returned as a result of not resolving the host name.

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numberThe numeric error code returned as a result of not resolving the host name. Message DestinationProduct administration log and system log System ActionThe communications link does not start. The conversation that relies on the link does not start, and replication activities that rely on the conversation do not start. Operator ResponseVerify that TCP/IP is active and properly configured. Client Administrator ResponseVerify that the host name is specified correctly in your replication configuration.

CHC7055E TCP/IP failure to get local host information for server. The error code is code.

ExplanationA communications link I/O task was not able to obtain information about the identified local server. Message Variables: serverThe host name of the local server. codeThe error code as a result of the inability to obtain information about the local server. The possible codes and their explanations are as follows: v 1The host name of the local server was not found in the host table or on the domain name server. v 2The local server did not receive a response from an authoritative server. An attempt to obtain a response at a later time may succeed. v 3An unrecoverable error occurred. v 4The host name of the local server is valid, but there is no corresponding IP address. Message DestinationProduct administration log and system log System ActionThe communications link does not start. The conversation that relies on the link does not start, and replication activities that rely on the conversation do not start. Operator ResponseVerify that TCP/IP is active and properly configured. Client Administrator ResponsePerform the actions corresponding to the following error codes (code): v 1Specify the correct host name or update the host table or domain name server to include an entry for the host name. v 2Verify that the local host information is defined in the host table or on the domain name server. If you are using an external domain name server, verify that its IP address is configured correctly and is accessible. v 3Record the message number. Contract your InfoSphere CDC administrator or IBM representative for assistance. v 4Verify that the host name entry on the domain server is correct and complete.


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

CHC7057E TCP/IP failure to connect to remote port number. The returned errno is text for a value of number.

ExplanationA communications link I/O task could not establish a connection to the InfoSphere CDC TCP/IP Listener port on a remote server. Message Variables: numberThe port number on the remote server. textThe text error code returned as a result of not establishing a connection with the remote server. numberThe numeric error code returned as a result of not establishing a connection with the remote server. Message DestinationProduct administration log and system log System ActionThe communications link does not start. The conversation that relies on the link does not start, and replication activities that rely on the conversation do not start. Operator ResponseVerify that TCP/IP is active and properly configured. Client Administrator ResponseVerify that your replication configuration references the correct port number on the remote server, and the InfoSphere CDC TCP/IP Listener is active on the remote server.

CHC7058E Unable to bind TCP/IP socket to port number of host server. The returned errno is text for a value of number.

ExplanationA communications link I/O task could not bind its socket to the identified port on the local server. Message Variables: numberThe port number on the local server serverThe host name of the local server. textThe text error code returned as a result of not being able to bind a socket. numberThe numeric error code returned as a result of not being able to bind a socket. Message DestinationProduct administration log and system log System ActionThe communications link does not start. The conversation that relies on the link does not start, and replication activities that rely on the conversation do not start. Operator ResponseVerify that TCP/IP is active and properly configured.

Event messages reference


Client Administrator ResponseIf the TCP/IP stack is active and properly configured, record the message number. Contact your InfoSphere CDC administrator or IBM representative for assistance.

CHC7059E Failure in TCP/IP listen. The returned errno is text for a value of number.

ExplanationThe InfoSphere CDC TCP/IP Listener (CLS) task could not listen on the configured listening port. Message Variables: textThe text error code returned as a result of not being able to listen on the port. numberThe numeric error code returned as a result of not being able to listen on the port. Message DestinationProduct administration log and system log System ActionThe InfoSphere CDC TCP/IP Listener task is not initialized, and as a result, the InfoSphere CDC address space is not initialized. Operator ResponseVerify that TCP/IP is active and properly configured. Client Administrator ResponseVerify that the service name for the InfoSphere CDC TCP/IP Listener port is configured correctly by inspecting the SERVICENAME TCP/IP configuration control statement keyword.

CHC7060E Failure in TCP/IP accept. The returned errno is number. text for a value of

ExplanationThe InfoSphere CDC TCP/IP Listener (CLS) task or a communications link I/O task could not accept a connection. Message Variables: textThe text error code returned as a result of not accepting a connection. numberThe numeric error code returned as a result of not accepting a connection. Message DestinationProduct administration log and system log System ActionThe communications link does not start. The conversation that relies on the link does not start, and replication activities that rely on the conversation do not start. Operator ResponseVerify that TCP/IP is active and properly configured. Client Administrator ResponseIf the TCP/IP stack is active and properly configured, record the message number. Contact your InfoSphere CDC administrator or IBM representative for assistance.


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

CHC7061E Failure in TCP/IP send. The returned errno is text for a value of number.

ExplanationA communications link I/O task could not send messages on its TCP/IP socket. Message Variables: textThe text error code returned as a result of not sending messages. numberThe numeric error code returned as a result of not sending messages. Message DestinationProduct administration log and system log System ActionThe identified InfoSphere CDC task stops running. Operator ResponseVerify that TCP/IP is active and properly configured. Client Administrator ResponseIf the TCP/IP stack is active and properly configured, record the message number. Contact your InfoSphere CDC administrator or IBM representative for assistance.

CHC7064E Failure in TCP/IP receive. The returned errno is text for a value of number.

ExplanationA communications link I/O task could not receive messages on its TCP/IP socket. Message Variables: textThe text error code returned as a result of not receiving messages. numberThe numeric error code returned as a result of not receiving messages. Message DestinationProduct administration log and system log System ActionThe identified InfoSphere CDC task stops running. Operator ResponseVerify that TCP/IP is active and properly configured. Client Administrator ResponseIf the TCP/IP stack is active and properly configured, record the message number. Contact your InfoSphere CDC administrator or IBM representative for assistance.

CHC7065E Failure in TCP/IP close. The returned errno is text for a value of number.

ExplanationA communications link I/O task was unable to close its TCP/IP socket during termination. Message Variables:

Event messages reference


textThe text error code returned as a result of not closing the socket. numberThe numeric error code returned as a result of not closing the socket. Message DestinationProduct administration log and system log System ActionThe communications link eventually terminates. Operator ResponseVerify that TCP/IP is active and properly configured. Client Administrator ResponseIf the TCP/IP stack is active and properly configured, record the message number. Contact your InfoSphere CDC administrator or IBM representative for assistance.

CHC7069E Overflow in TCP/IP receive. The buffer size is buffer. The incoming data size is size.

ExplanationA communications link I/O task received a message that was larger than the size of the buffer. In this case, size > buffer. Message Variables: bufferThe size, in bytes, of the buffer that receives messages. sizeThe size, in bytes, of the incoming message. Message DestinationProduct administration log and system log System ActionThe identified InfoSphere CDC task stops running. Operator ResponseVerify that TCP/IP is active and properly configured. Client Administrator ResponseIf TCP/IP is active and properly configured, record the message number. Contact the InfoSphere CDC administrator for the remote server or your IBM representative for assistance.

CHC7070E GETIBMOPT call failed. The error is text for a value of number.

ExplanationA GETIBMOPT call to obtain a list of active TCP/IP stacks was unsuccessful during initialization of the TCP/IP InfoSphere CDC Listener (CLS) task. Message Variables: textThe text error code returned as a result of the unsuccessful GETIBMOPT call. numberThe numeric error code returned as a result of the unsuccessful GETIBMOPT call. Message DestinationProduct administration log and system log


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

System ActionThe InfoSphere CDC TCP/IP Listener task is not initialized, and as a result, the InfoSphere CDC address space is not initialized. Operator ResponseVerify that TCP/IP is active and properly configured. Client Administrator ResponseIf TCP/IP is active and properly configured, record the message number. Contact your InfoSphere CDC administrator or IBM representative for assistance.

CHC7071E There are no TCP/IP stacks running.

ExplanationNo active TCP/IP stacks were found during initialization of the InfoSphere CDC TCP/IP Listener (CLS) task. Message VariablesNone Message DestinationProduct administration log and system log System ActionThe InfoSphere CDC TCP/IP Listener task is not initialized, and as a result, the InfoSphere CDC address space is not initialized. Operator ResponseVerify that TCP/IP is active and properly configured. Client Administrator ResponseIf TCP/IP is active and properly configured, record the message number. Contact your InfoSphere CDC administrator or IBM representative for assistance.

CHC7072E The configured TCP/IP stack name was not found.

ExplanationThe configured TCP/IP stack could not be found during initialization of the InfoSphere CDC TCP/IP Listener (CLS) task. Message Variables: nameThe name of the configured TCP/IP stack. Message DestinationProduct administration log and system log System ActionThe InfoSphere CDC TCP/IP Listener task is not initialized, and as a result, the InfoSphere CDC address space is not initialized. Operator ResponseVerify that TCP/IP is active and properly configured. Client Administrator ResponseVerify that InfoSphere CDC is configured to use the correct TCP/IP stack by inspecting the SUBSYSTEM TCP/IP configuration control statement keyword.

CHC7073E The configured TCP/IP stack name was not active.

ExplanationThe configured TCP/IP stack was found but not active during initialization of the InfoSphere CDC TCP/IP Listener (CLS) task.
Event messages reference


Message Variables: nameThe name of the configured TCP/IP stack. Message DestinationProduct administration log and system log System ActionThe InfoSphere CDC TCP/IP Listener task is not initialized, and as a result, the InfoSphere CDC address space is not initialized. Operator ResponseVerify that TCP/IP is active and properly configured. Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC7074E SETIBMOPT call failed. The error is text for a value of number.

ExplanationA SETIBMOPT call to select which TCP/IP stack to use was unsuccessful during initialization of the InfoSphere CDC TCP/IP Listener (CLS) task. Message Variables: textThe text error code returned as a result of the unsuccessful SETIBMOPT call. numberThe numeric error code returned as a result of the unsuccessful SETIBMOPT call. Message DestinationProduct administration log and system log System ActionThe InfoSphere CDC TCP/IP Listener task is not initialized, and as a result, the InfoSphere CDC address space is not initialized. Operator ResponseVerify that TCP/IP is active and properly configured. Client Administrator ResponseIf the TCP/IP stack is active and properly configured, record the message number. Contact your InfoSphere CDC administrator or IBM representative for assistance.

CHC7075I The configured TCP/IP stack name was successfully selected.

ExplanationThe configured TCP/IP stack was selected successfully during initialization of the InfoSphere CDC TCP/IP Listener (CLS) task. The stack will be used for all socket operations. Message Variables: nameThe name of the configured TCP/IP stack. Message DestinationProduct administration log. To generate this message in the product administration log, trace type 213 must be specified. System ActionAs indicated in the message text. Operator ResponseNone


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC7077I Failure to obtain host name via gethostbyaddr. IP address ip will be used.

ExplanationA communications link I/O task could not use an IP address to retrieve a host name. The task will use the IP address instead of the host name. Message Variables: ipThe IP address used by the communications link I/O task. Message DestinationProduct administration log. To generate this message in the product administration log, trace type 213 must be specified. System ActionAs indicated in the message text. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC7078I TCP/IP connection was opened to partner port number, host server.

ExplanationA communications link I/O task opened a connection to its partner task on the remote server. Message Variables: numberThe port number on the remote server used for the connection. serverThe host name of the remote server. Message DestinationProduct administration log. To generate this message in the product administration log, trace type 213 must be specified. System ActionAs indicated in the message text. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC7079I TCP/IP connection was accepted from partner: server.

ExplanationA communications link I/O task accepted a connection from its partner task on the remote server. Message Variables: serverThe host name of the remote server. Message DestinationProduct administration log. To generate this message in the product administration log, trace type 213 must be specified.
Event messages reference


System ActionAs indicated in the message text. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC7081E A TCP/IP Listener child task has failed to complete startup after time seconds.

ExplanationThe InfoSphere CDC TCP/IP Listener (CLS) task could not initialize a communications link I/O task within the allotted amount of time. Message Variables: timeThe maximum amount of time, in seconds, for the communications link I/O task to initialize. Message DestinationProduct administration log and system log System ActionThe communications link does not start. The conversation that relies on the link does not start, and replication activities that rely on the conversation do not start. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseFurther investigation is required. Record the message number and text, and then contact your InfoSphere CDC administrator or IBM representative for assistance.

CHC7082E A TCP/IP Listener child task has failed to take its socket after time seconds.

ExplanationA communications link I/O task started by the InfoSphere CDC TCP/IP Listener (CLS) task could not take its socket from the listener task within the allotted amount of time. Message Variables: timeThe maximum amount of time, in seconds, for the communications link I/O task to take its socket from the listener task. Message DestinationProduct administration log and system log System ActionThe communications link does not start. The conversation that relies on the link does not start, and replication activities that rely on the conversation do not start. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseFurther investigation is required. Record the message number and text, and then contact your InfoSphere CDC administrator or IBM representative for assistance.


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

CHC7083E Failure in TCP/IP takesocket. The error is text for a value of number.

ExplanationA communications link I/O task could not take its socket from the InfoSphere CDC TCP/IP Listener (CLS) task due to a problem calling takesocket. Message Variables: textThe text error code returned as a result of the unsuccessful TCP/IP takesocket call. numberThe numeric error code returned as a result of the unsuccessful TCP/IP takesocket call. Message DestinationProduct administration log and system log System ActionThe communications link does not start. The conversation that relies on the link does not start, and replication activities that rely on the conversation do not start. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseFurther investigation is required. Record the message number and text, and then contact your InfoSphere CDC administrator or IBM representative for assistance.

CHC7084E Failure to close TCP/IP socket. The error is text for a value of number.

ExplanationA communications link I/O task was unable to close its socket. Message Variables: textThe text error code returned as a result of not closing the TCP/IP socket. numberThe numeric error code returned as a result of not closing the TCP/IP socket. Message DestinationProduct administration log and system log System ActionThe communications link eventually terminates. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseFurther investigation is required. Record the message number and text, and then contact your InfoSphere CDC administrator or IBM representative for assistance.

CHC7085E The local host name is of length byte1 which is too large for the internal buffer size of byte2.

ExplanationThe length of the local server host name for a communications link I/O task is too large for a fixed-size internal buffer. In this case, byt1 > byt2.
Event messages reference


Message Variables: byte1The length, in bytes, of the host name for the local server. byte2The size, in bytes, of the internal buffer. Message DestinationProduct administration log and system log System ActionThe communications link does not start. The conversation that relies on the link does not start, and replication activities that rely on the conversation do not start. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseSpecify an alias for the host name in the host table and reference the alias in your replication configuration. Alternatively, reference the IP address instead of the corresponding host name in the replication configuration.

CHC7086E Failure in setsockopt for option name. The returned errno is text for a value of number.

ExplanationA communications link I/O task was unable to set an option on its socket. Message Variables: nameThe option that could not be set. textThe text error code returned as a result of not setting the option. numberThe numeric error code returned as a result of not setting the option. Message DestinationProduct administration log and system log System ActionThe communications link does not start. The conversation that relies on the link does not start, and replication activities that rely on the conversation do not start. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseFurther investigation is required. Record the message number and text, and then contact your InfoSphere CDC administrator or IBM representative for assistance.

CHC7087E Failure in ioctl. Reason: text.

ExplanationA communications link I/O task was unable to use ioctl to manipulate its socket. Message Variables: textA brief description of the operation that was attempted.


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

Message DestinationProduct administration log and system log System ActionThe communications link does not start. The conversation that relies on the link does not start, and replication activities that rely on the conversation do not start. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseFurther investigation is required. Record the message number and text, and then contact your InfoSphere CDC administrator or IBM representative for assistance.

CHC7088E Failure in selectex. The returned errno is text for a value of number.

ExplanationA communications link I/O task encountered a problem when using selectex to wait for activity on its socket. Message Variables: textThe text error code returned as a result of the problem with selectex. numberThe numeric error code returned as a result of the problem with selectex. Message DestinationProduct administration log and system log System ActionThe identified InfoSphere CDC task stops running. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseRecord the message number. Contact your InfoSphere CDC administrator or IBM representative for assistance.

CHC7089W A pending TCP/IP connection has timed out and has been discarded.

ExplanationThe InfoSphere CDC TCP/IP Listener (CLS) task received a connection request but no data was received on the connection within the allotted time of ten seconds. Message VariablesNone Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionThe connection is discarded and normal processing resumes. Operator ResponseContact your network administrator to verify that network traffic is normal. Client Administrator ResponseIf network traffic is normal, record the message number and contact the InfoSphere CDC administrator for the remote server for assistance.

Event messages reference


CHC7094E Communications link has missed one or more inbound messages, expecting message number expected, received message number received of size byte.

ExplanationA communications link I/O task received a message that was not in the correct sequence. All messages sent through communications links contain sequence numbers. Message Variables: expectedThe sequence number of the message that was expected. receivedThe sequence number of the message that was not expected. byteThe size of the message, in bytes, that contained the unexpected sequence number. Message DestinationProduct administration log and system log System ActionThe identified InfoSphere CDC task stops running. Operator ResponseVerify that the network is operational, and test the connection to the remote server to determine whether or not packets have been dropped. Client Administrator ResponseIf the network and remote server connection are working properly, record the message number. Contact your InfoSphere CDC administrator or IBM representative for assistance.

CHC7095I The remote system has reduced the maximum message size from byte1 to byte2.

ExplanationThe communications module on the remote server reduced the maximum size of a communications message during the connection process. The change in the maximum size of a communications message could be caused by different versions of InfoSphere CDC running on the local and remote servers. However, replication between the two servers is supported. Message Variables: byt1The maximum size of a communications message as defined on the local server. byt2The maximum size of a communications message that has been imposed by the remote server on the local server. Message DestinationProduct administration log. To generate this message in the product administration log, trace type 213 must be specified. System ActionAs indicated in the message text. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNone


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

CHC7099E Unsupported communications protocol: protocol.

ExplanationA communications link I/O task was requested to use a protocol other than TCP/IP. TCP/IP is the only communications protocol supported by InfoSphere CDC. Message Variables: protocolThe communications protocol that is not supported by InfoSphere CDC. Message DestinationProduct administration log and system log System ActionThe communications link does not start. The conversation that relies on the link does not start, and replication activities that rely on the conversation do not start. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseAn incompatible version of InfoSphere CDC may be running on the remote server. Record the message number and contact the InfoSphere CDC administrator for the remote server or your IBM representative for assistance.

CHC90 messages
See also: CHC9101I on page 575 CHC9102I on page 576 CHC9104I on page 576 CHC9105I on page 576 CHC9106I on page 577 CHC9107I on page 577 CHC9110T on page 577 CHC9155E on page 578 CHC9201I on page 578 CHC9204W on page 579 CHC9205I on page 579 CHC9208I on page 579 CHC9209I on page 580 CHC9210E on page 580 CHC9212E on page 580 CHC9213E on page 581 CHC9214E on page 581 CHC9217E on page 582 CHC9218E on page 582 CHC9219E on page 582 CHC9220W on page 583 CHC9221W on page 583 CHC9222W on page 584
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CHC9228I on page 584 CHC9229I on page 584 CHC9230I on page 585 CHC9231I on page 585 CHC9500E on page 586 CHC9502W on page 586 CHC9504E on page 587 CHC9506E on page 587 CHC9510W on page 588 CHC9512I on page 588 CHC9514W on page 589 CHC9516W on page 589 CHC9518W on page 589 CHC9521I on page 590 CHC9522I on page 590 CHC9523I on page 591 CHC9524I on page 591 CHC9525I on page 592 CHC9526I on page 592 CHC9527I on page 593 CHC9528I on page 593 CHC9600I on page 594 CHC9601I on page 594 CHC9605I on page 595 CHC9606W on page 595 CHC9607I CHC9608I CHC9609I CHC9610I on on on on page page page page 595 596 596 597

CHC9611I on page 597 CHC9612I on page 597 CHC9613I on page 598 CHC9614I on page 598 CHC9615I on page 598 CHC9616W on page 599 CHC9618W on page 600 CHC9619W on page 600 CHC9650E on page 600 CHC9651E on page 601 CHC9652E on page 601 CHC9653E on page 601 CHC9654E on page 602 CHC9655E on page 602 CHC9656I on page 603 CHC9657I on page 603


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CHC9659E on page 604 CHC9660W on page 604 CHC9661I on page 605 CHC9662I on page 605 CHC9664I on page 605 CHC9665I on page 606 CHC9666E on page 606 CHC9667E on page 606 CHC9669E on page 607 CHC9670W on page 607 CHC9671W on page 608 CHC9672I on page 608 CHC9673E on page 609 CHC9674E on page 609 CHC9675E on page 609 CHC9676W on page 610 CHC9677W on page 610 CHC9679W on page 610 CHC9680W on page 611 CHC9681I on page 612 CHC9683W on page 612 CHC9684W on page 613 CHC9685W on page 613 CHC9686W on page 614 CHC9690E on page 615 CHC9691E on page 615 CHC9692I on page 616 CHC9693I on page 616 CHC9694W on page 616 CHC9695W on page 617 CHC9696E on page 617 CHC9698I on page 618 CHC9699E on page 618 CHC9700E on page 619 CHC9702E on page 619 CHC9703E on page 619 CHC9705E on page 620 CHC9706E on page 621 CHC9712E on page 621 CHC9713E on page 621 CHC9714W on page 622 CHC9715E on page 622 CHC9719E on page 623 CHC9720E on page 624 CHC9721E on page 624
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CHC9722E on page 625 CHC9723E on page 625 CHC9733I on page 626 CHC9742I on page 626 CHC9743E on page 627 CHC9744E on page 627 CHC9745E on page 628 CHC9746E on page 628 CHC9751I on page 628 CHC9753I on page 629 CHC9756E on page 629 CHC9757E on page 630 CHC9758E CHC9764E CHC9765E CHC9766E CHC9767E CHC9768E on on on on on on page page page page page page 630 630 631 631 632 632

CHC9769E on page 632 CHC9770E on page 633 CHC9776I on page 633 CHC9777I CHC9778I CHC9779I CHC9780I CHC9786I CHC9787I CHC9788I CHC9789I on on on on on on on on page page page page page page page page 634 634 635 636 636 637 638 638

CHC9795L on page 639 CHC9796L on page 639 CHC9798E on page 640 CHC9799I on page 640 CHC9800I on page 641 CHC9801I on page 641 CHC9802I on page 642 CHC9803I on page 643 CHC9804I on page 644 CHC9805I on page 645 CHC9812E on page 646 CHC9813E on page 646 CHC9814E on page 647 CHC9815E on page 647 CHC9816E on page 647 CHC9817I on page 648


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

CHC9818I CHC9819I CHC9830I CHC9831I CHC9832I CHC9833I CHC9834I CHC9835I CHC9840I CHC9841I CHC9842I CHC9843I CHC9844I CHC9845I CHC9846I CHC9847I CHC9853I CHC9854I

on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on

page page page page page page page page page page page page page page page page page page

648 649 649 650 651 651 652 652 653 654 655 655 656 657 657 658 659 660

CHC9855I on page 661 CHC9856I on page 662 CHC9857I on page 663 CHC9858I on page 664 CHC9859I on page 665 CHC9860I on page 666

CHC9101I IBM InfoSphere CDC for z/OS VversionRnumberMlevel is initializing.

ExplanationIBM InfoSphere CDC is in the process of initializing. This is the first message issued by IBM InfoSphere CDC after it has been started. Message Variables: versionThe product version number. numberThe product release number. levelThe product modification level. Message DestinationSystem log System ActionAs indicated in the message text. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNone

Event messages reference


CHC9102I IBM InfoSphere Change Data Capture for z/OS initialization is complete.

ExplanationAll necessary subcomponents have been initialized successfully. Message VariablesNone Message DestinationSystem log System ActionAs indicated in the message text. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC9104I IBM InfoSphere Change Data Capture for z/OS maintenance levels:

ExplanationThe product maintenance levels currently in place for the product installation will be listed after this message. Maintenance level information is recorded in the audit log, and may be requested by Technical Support for diagnostic purposes. Message VariablesNone Message DestinationAudit log System ActionNone Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC9105I text.

ExplanationIdentifies product maintenance level information pertaining to the product installation. This information is generated during initialization phases, and is recorded in the audit log. Technical Support may request this information for diagnostic purposes. Message Variables: textA string that contains maintenance level information. Message DestinationAudit log System ActionNone Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNone


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

CHC9106I Configuration settings from member: name.

ExplanationIdentifies configuration control statement keyword settings in the specified member when InfoSphere CDC for z/OS was started. A number of configuration control statement keyword settings are currently supported. Default and explicitly specified keyword settings are placed in the audit log. IBM Technical Support may request this information for diagnostic purposes. Message Variables: nameThe name of the member in the configuration control data set that contains the statement. Message DestinationAudit log System ActionNone Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC9107I Command from console number: command.

ExplanationThe identified InfoSphere CDC command was submitted from the specific console. Message Variables: numberThe console number identifying the origin of the submitted command. commandThe name of the InfoSphere CDC command that was submitted from the identified console. Message DestinationSystem log System ActionNone Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC9110T Trace point was reached by name.

ExplanationThe internal InfoSphere CDC task has reached a trace point. This message is only issued if the product is being executed with external execution tracing activated. It does not require attention from the console operator or the client administrator. Message Variables: nameThe internal InfoSphere CDC task.
Event messages reference


Message DestinationSystem log System ActionNone Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC9155E SAF userid id is not the same as metadata owner owner.

ExplanationAn attempt has been made to start an InfoSphere CDC address space with a Security Access Facility (SAF) security identifier that is not the same as the DB2 owner of the InfoSphere CDC metadata tables. To start an InfoSphere CDC address space, the security identifier and owner must be identical. Message Variables: idThe SAF security identifier that was used to start an InfoSphere CDC address space. ownerThe DB2 owner of the InfoSphere CDC metadata tables. Message DestinationProduct administration log and system log System ActionThe InfoSphere CDC address space will not start. Operator ResponseChange the SAF security identifier or DB2 owner of the metadata tables so that they coincide. Restart the InfoSphere CDC address space. Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC9201I Attempting to reconnect to DB2.

ExplanationInfoSphere CDC will make an attempt to reconnect to DB2. This message is issued after InfoSphere CDC has received confirmation from DB2 that it is stopping. Message VariablesNone Message DestinationSystem log System ActionNone Operator ResponseSee CHC9220W on page 583, CHC9221W on page 583 or CHC9222W on page 584 in the system log for more information about the DB2 shutdown. Client Administrator ResponseNone


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

Related reference CHC9221W on page 583 CHC9222W on page 584 CHC9220W on page 583

CHC9204W DB2 is not available; waiting for it to start.

ExplanationAfter creating an InfoSphere CDC address space, DB2 has not yet completed its initialization procedures. Message VariablesNone Message DestinationSystem log System ActionInfoSphere CDC waits for DB2 to complete its initialization procedures. Operator ResponseMonitor the system log for possible DB2 initialization problems. Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC9205I DB2 is now available.

ExplanationDB2 initialization procedures have been completed. Message VariablesNone Message DestinationSystem log System ActionNone Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC9208I DB2 Log read retry successful. The processing continues.

ExplanationAn attempt to reread data from the DB2 Log after having waited several seconds for it to become available was successful. Message VariablesNone Message DestinationSystem log System ActionInfoSphere CDC operations continue. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNone
Event messages reference


CHC9209I DB2 Log is unavailable; retrying in time seconds.

ExplanationAn attempt to read data from the DB2 Log was unsuccessful, as it was temporarily unavailable. Another attempt to read from the DB2 Log is made after the specified period of time has elapsed. If a subsequent attempt is successful, CHC9208I is generated. Message Variables: timeThe number of seconds before the next attempt is made to read from the DB2 Log. Message DestinationSystem log System ActionInfoSphere CDC waits until the next attempt is made to read from the DB2 Log, as indicated in the message text. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNone Related reference CHC9208I on page 579

CHC9210E DB2 CAF type request has failed. ReturnCode=return, ReasonCode=reason.

ExplanationA CAF request has failed. Message Variables: typeThe CAF requrest type. returnThe DB2 return code. reasonThe DB2 reason code. Message DestinationSystem log System ActionThe database connection is not initialized or started. Operator ResponseNote the DB2 return and reason codes. To determine the corrective actions that should be taken, consult the appropriate DB2 messages and codes manual and look for another message that may be placed in the system log (CHC9217E) for additional information. Retry the request. Client Administrator ResponseNone Related reference CHC9217E on page 582

CHC9212E The metadata owned by id is being used by another region.


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

ExplanationDuring initialization, InfoSphere CDC metadata that should be used by an InfoSphere CDC address space is currently being used by another InfoSphere CDC address space. Message Variables: idThe security identifier that was specified during installation to allow InfoSphere CDC to access the DB2 catalog tables and log. Message DestinationSystem log System ActionInfoSphere CDC waits for the STRTSDBM command to be issued before attempting to access the metadata again. Operator ResponseInvestigate the reasons why the InfoSphere CDC metadata is locked, and take the necessary corrective actions to unlock the metadata. Issue the STRTSDBM command to continue InfoSphere CDC initialization, or issue the SHUTDOWN command to stop InfoSphere CDC. Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC9213E DB2 Trace could not be started; DB2 error messages follow.

ExplanationA DB2 MONITOR TRACE command was not successfully issued. The command was rejected by DB2. Message VariablesNone Message DestinationSystem log System ActionDB2 messages that provide an explanation as to why the command was not successful are directed to the system log. Operator ResponseExamine the DB2 messages directed to the system log to determine the corrective actions that should be taken. Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC9214E DB2 Trace could not be started. All OPx trace buffers are in use.

ExplanationA DB2 MONITOR TRACE command was not successfully issued, since none of the DB2 OPx buffers were available for the trace. Message VariablesNone Message DestinationSystem log System ActionInfoSphere CDC stops DB2 activity. Operator ResponseRelease at least one of the allocated DB2 OPx buffers. Restart InfoSphere CDC using the START command. Client Administrator ResponseNone
Event messages reference


CHC9217E DB2 CAF Message: text.

ExplanationA message that has been generated by the DB2 Call Attach Facility (CAF). The message may provide more information about an unsuccessful DB2 CAF request that is detailed in the CHC9210E message (OPEN, IFI-COMMAND, IFI-READA/IFI-READS, or CONNECT/CLOSE/DISCONNECT/TRANSLATE). Message Variables: textThe text message generated by DB2 CAF. Message DestinationSystem log System ActionNone Operator ResponseIf the DB2 CAF message indicates that an error has occurred, consult the appropriate DB2 messages and codes manual to determine the corrective actions that should be taken. Depending on the message that is generated, the InfoSphere CDC address space may have to be restarted using the START command. Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC9218E name task is unable to initialize environment for READS IFI.

ExplanationThe identified InfoSphere CDC task could not initialize its environment to issue an IFI-READS request. Message Variables: nameThe three-letter name of the InfoSphere CDC task that could not initialize its environment. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionIf DLR is the identified task, DB2 Log caching is also disabled. If DSL is the identified task, records from the DB2 Log cannot be read and as a result, active replication for the subscription associated with the task unexpectedly ends. Operator ResponseRebind the DB2 plan for the task or increase the storage allocated to the ECSA subpool 241. Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC9219E DB2 IFI has returned non-zero status in a Log Record at position, QW0306RC = return, QW0306RS = reason, QW0306DG = code.

ExplanationThe DB2 READS IFI has failed to successfully read a record from the DB2 Log.


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

The most common reason is a failure by the IFI to decompress the log record. This is indicated by these values showing in the message: QW0306RC = X'00000008', QW0306RS = X'00C90063', QW0306DG =X'00C90064' Message Variables: positionThe log position at which the read was attempted from the DB2 Log. This will be either an RBA or LRSN. returnReturn code from the log record. reasonReason code from the log record. codeDiagnostic code from the log record. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionIf the log record was read by a mirroring subscription, the subscription terminates abnormally. If the log record was read by the DB2 Log Cache, the DB2 Log Cache terminates. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseIf the failure is due to a decompression error, the table or tables contained in the tablespace must be refreshed if replication is to be resumed. If other values are shown in the message, contact IBM Technical Support.

CHC9220W DB2 is undergoing a normal shutdown. Ending DB2 dependent tasks.

ExplanationIdentifies the type of DB2 for z/OS shutdown that has occurred. This message is issued after InfoSphere CDC has received confirmation from DB2 that it is stopping. Message VariablesNone Message DestinationSystem log System ActionInfoSphere CDC responds by gracefully ending all source system and target tasks, and disconnecting from DB2. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC9221W DB2 is undergoing a forced shutdown. Ending DB2 dependent tasks.

ExplanationIdentifies the type of DB2 for z/OS shutdown that has occurred. This message is issued after InfoSphere CDC has received confirmation from DB2 that it is stopping. Message VariablesNone

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Message DestinationSystem log System ActionInfoSphere CDC responds by gracefully ending all source system and target tasks, and disconnecting from DB2. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC9222W DB2 is undergoing an abnormal shutdown. Ending DB2 dependent tasks.

ExplanationIdentifies the type of DB2 for z/OS shutdown that has occurred. This message is issued after InfoSphere CDC has received confirmation from DB2 that it is stopping. Message VariablesNone Message DestinationSystem log System ActionInfoSphere CDC responds by gracefully ending all source system and target tasks, and disconnecting from DB2. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNone


ExplanationA diagnostic SDUMP has been requested to collect diagnostic information. Message Variables: numberThe sequence number of the diagnostic SDUMP. The sequence number decreases by one for each successive SDUMP. When the sequence number reaches zero, additional SDUMPs are not produced. Message DestinationSystem log System ActionNone Operator ResponseIf a diagnostic SDUMP is generated, obtain it and contact your InfoSphere CDC administrator if you require further assistance. Client Administrator ResponseNone


ExplanationA diagnostic SDUMP has not been requested because the configured limit on the number of SDUMPS has been reached


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

Message Variables: numberThe sequence number of the diagnostic SDUMP. The sequence number decreases by one for each successive SDUMP. When the sequence number reaches zero, additional SDUMPs are not produced. Message DestinationSystem log System ActionNone Operator ResponseIf a diagnostic SDUMP is generated, obtain it and contact your InfoSphere CDC administrator if you require further assistance. Client Administrator ResponseNone


ExplanationA diagnostic SDUMP request has completed successfully. Message Variables: numberA diagnostic SDUMP request has completed successfully Message DestinationSystem log System ActionNone Operator ResponseIf a diagnostic SDUMP is generated, obtain it and contact your InfoSphere CDC administrator if you require further assistance. Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC9231I SVC DUMP ENDED WITH RC (code), SEQ(number).

ExplanationThe system did not collect a requested diagnostic SDUMP. Message Variables: codeThe code that is returned as a result of an unsuccessful attempt to produce a diagnostic SDUMP. numberThe sequence number of the diagnostic SDUMP. The sequence number decreases by one for each successive SDUMP. When the sequence number reaches zero, additional SDUMPs are not produced. Message DestinationSystem log System ActionNone Operator ResponseIf a diagnostic SDUMP is generated, obtain it and contact your InfoSphere CDC administrator if you require further assistance. Client Administrator ResponseNone
Event messages reference


CHC9500E TCP/IP name(string) service call has failed. The returned errno is text for value of number.

ExplanationDuring execution, InfoSphere CDC issued an unsuccessful TCP/IP service function call. This message identifies the function call that failed and returns an error number that can be used to identify the source of the problem. Message Variables: nameThe name of the service. stringAn optional text string that provides more detail about the intent of the failed service function call. textThe error text interpretation of the error number returned by the failed service function call. This error text may be sufficient to determine the cause of the error. If it is insufficient, then this error text or the error number can be used to diagnose the problem by consulting the appropriate manual. numberThe error number returned by the failed service function call. If the text string has been provided, then it is the text interpretation of this error number. Note the error number and consult the appropriate TCP/IP manual to identify the source of the problem. Message DestinationSystem log System ActionThe external request or internal process that led to the failed service function call being issued is stopped. Operator ResponseBased on the interpretation of the specific TCP/IP service function call, operations or network operations action may be required on the local or remote machine to correct the error. If the error can be corrected, then the terminated external request can be retried. The following error codes indicate issues with the connection to the remote partner: v ECONNRESETThe connection to the remote partner has been closed unexpectedly. This indicates a failure in either the remote partner or the network. InfoSphere CDC for z/OS is functioning correctly. v ECONNREFUSEDThe connection to the remote partner could not be established. This indicates a failure in either the remote partner or the network, or an incorrectly configured subscription. InfoSphere CDC for z/OS is functioning correctly. Check to ensure that the remote Listener is active. Client Administrator ResponseBased on the interpretation of the specific TCP/IP service function call, DBA administrative action may be required on the local or remote machine to correct the error. If the error can be corrected, then the terminated external request can be retried.

CHC9502W No defined TCP/IP Subsystem address spaces are active.

ExplanationDuring initialization, InfoSphere CDC was unable to detect an active TCP/IP subsystem address space.


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

Message VariablesNone Message DestinationSystem log System ActionInfoSphere CDC operations continue without TCP/IP communications. Operator ResponseConvey this message to the system programmer who is responsible for TCP/IP For MVS. After taking corrective actions, the STRTSCOM command should be issued in an attempt to reestablish TCP/IP communications for InfoSphere CDC. Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC9504E Specified TCP/IP Subsystem name is not defined.

ExplanationDuring initialization, InfoSphere CDC was unable to locate a definition of the named TCP/IP subsystem address space specified through the SUBSYSTEM keyword in the TCP/IP statement contained in the CHCCMMxx member. Message Variables: nameThe name of the TCP/IP subsystem address space, as specified through the SUBSYSTEM keyword. Message DestinationSystem log System ActionInfoSphere CDC operations continue without TCP/IP communications. Operator ResponseDetermine the name of the TCP/IP subsystem address space to be used by InfoSphere CDC, and set the value of the SUBSYSTEM keyword to the subsystem name. After taking corrective actions, the STRTSCOM command should be issued in an attempt to reestablish TCP/IP communications for InfoSphere CDC. Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC9506E Specified TCP/IP Subsystem name is not Active.

ExplanationDuring InfoSphere CDC initialization, the named TCP/IP subsystem address space specified through the SUBSYSTEM keyword in the TCP/IP statement contained in the CHCCMMxx member was not active. Message Variables: nameThe name of the inactive TCP/IP subsystem address space, as specified through the SUBSYSTEM keyword. Message DestinationSystem log

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System ActionInfoSphere CDC operations continue without TCP/IP communications. Operator ResponseActivate the TCP/IP subsystem address space or set the value of the SUBSYSTEM keyword to the name of an active address space. After taking corrective actions, the STRTSCOM command should be issued in an attempt to reestablish TCP/IP communications for InfoSphere CDC. Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC9510W TCP/IP maxdesc() service call could only set number socket handles.

ExplanationDuring initialization, InfoSphere CDC issued a TCP/IP maxdesc service function call to set the maximum number of sockets that can be used by InfoSphere CDC. The maximum number of sockets permitted by TCP/IP is lower than the number of sockets that was requested. This message indicates that a diminished number of sockets are available to InfoSphere CDC, as indicated by the TCP/IP maxdesc service function call. Message Variables: numberThe number of sockets that can be used by InfoSphere CDC, as indicated by the TCP/IP maxdesc service function call. Message DestinationSystem log System ActionInfoSphere CDC continues executing, but with a reduced capability to communicate with a large number of subscriptions. Operator ResponseThis message should be conveyed to the system programmer who is responsible for TCP/IP. If the problem is corrected, InfoSphere CDC must be stopped and then restarted again in order to regain the use of all available sockets. Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC9512I Using TCP/IP Subsystem address space name.

ExplanationDuring initialization, the product encountered more than one definition of a TCP/IP subsystem address space. The address space named in the message text was active and being used by the product. The named address space is either the default or specified through the SUBSYSTEM keyword in the TCP/IP statement contained in the CHCCMMxx member. Message Variables: nameThe name of the active TCP/IP subsystem address space that is being used by InfoSphere CDC. Message DestinationSystem log System ActionInfoSphere CDC operations continue by using the named address space.


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC9514W Due to prior noted errors, Auto-Discovery will not be available.

ExplanationDuring initialization, InfoSphere CDC encountered problems while initializing resources required for autodiscovery. For more information about autodiscovery, see your Access Manager documentation. Message VariablesNone Message DestinationSystem log System ActionInfoSphere CDC continues executing, but autodiscovery will not be enabled. Operator ResponseExamine preceding messages in the system log for further information about the inability to enable autodiscovery. Use the information contained in these messages to perform corrective actions. Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC9516W Due to prior noted errors, Auto-Discovery will not be able to use the name IP Interface.

ExplanationDuring initialization, InfoSphere CDC encountered problems while initializing resources for the named IP interface used for autodiscovery broadcasts. For more information about autodiscovery, see your Access Manager documentation. Message Variables: nameThe name of the IP interface that could not be initialized for autodiscovery broadcasts. Message DestinationSystem log System ActionInfoSphere CDC continues executing, but autodiscovery broadcasts will not be conducted through the named IP interface. Operator ResponseExamine preceding messages in the system log for further information about the IP interface used for autodiscovery broadcasts. Use the information contained in these messages to perform corrective actions. Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC9518W IP Interface Name name does not correspond to any detected IP Interface.

ExplanationDuring initialization, InfoSphere CDC was unable to locate the named IP interface specified through the AUTODISCEXCLUDE keyword in the
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TCP/IP statement contained in the CHCCMMxx member. The IP interface is used for autodiscovery broadcasts. For more information about autodiscovery, see your Access Managerdocumentation. Message Variables: nameThe name of the IP interface, as specified through the AUTODISCEXCLUDE keyword. Message DestinationSystem log System ActionInfoSphere CDC continues executing. Operator ResponseAn incorrect IP interface name specified through the AUTODISCEXCLUDE keyword might result in autodiscovery broadcasts being conducted through an IP interface that should not be used for this purpose. Therefore, determine the correct IP interface name that you want to use for autodiscovery broadcasts, and modify the value of the AUTODISCEXCLUDE keyword. The new value assigned to this keyword is established the next time InfoSphere CDC is started. Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC9521I TCP/IP Communication Support is inactive.

ExplanationDuring initialization, termination, or execution, InfoSphere CDC communications has either achieved an intended state, or is already in a requested state. This message may be generated when processing an operator command or during normal initialization, execution or termination processing. It is issued to inform the operator of the current state of communication support within InfoSphere CDC. Inactive indicates the current or achieved state of InfoSphere CDCs communication support, which is currently not available. The STRTSCOM operator command is required before any communication can occur. Message VariablesNone Message DestinationSystem log System ActionInfoSphere CDC continues to run within the limitations of the current state of the communication support. Operator ResponseIf this message is generated as a result of having processed an operator command, use this message to determine the outcome of that command. Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC9522I TCP/IP Communication Support is already inactive.

ExplanationDuring initialization, termination, or execution, InfoSphere CDC communications has either achieved an intended state, or is already in a requested state. This message may be generated when processing an operator command or during normal initialization, execution or termination processing. It is issued to


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

inform the operator of the current state of communication support within InfoSphere CDC. Note that already appears in the message if the operator entered a command requesting that InfoSphere CDCs communication support implementation be changed to a new state, when that state had already been achieved at the time the command was entered. Inactive indicates the current or achieved state of InfoSphere CDCs communication support, which is currently not available. The STRTSCOM operator command is required before any communication can occur. Message VariablesNone Message DestinationSystem log System ActionInfoSphere CDC continues to run within the limitations of the current state of the communication support. Operator ResponseIf this message is generated as a result of having processed an operator command, use this message to determine the outcome of that command. Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC9523I TCP/IP Communication Support is active.

ExplanationDuring initialization, termination, or execution, InfoSphere CDC communications has either achieved an intended state, or is already in a requested state. This message may be generated when processing an operator command or during normal initialization, execution or termination processing. It is issued to inform the operator of the current state of communication support within InfoSphere CDC. Active indicates the current or achieved state of InfoSphere CDCs communication support, which is available. Message VariablesNone Message DestinationSystem log System ActionInfoSphere CDC continues to run within the limitations of the current state of the communication support. Operator ResponseIf this message is generated as a result of having processed an operator command, use this message to determine the outcome of that command. Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC9524I TCP/IP Communication Support is already active.

ExplanationDuring initialization, termination, or execution, InfoSphere CDC communications has either achieved an intended state, or is already in a requested state. This message may be generated when processing an operator command or during normal initialization, execution or termination processing. It is issued to inform the operator of the current state of communication support within InfoSphere CDC. Note that already appears in the message if the operator
Event messages reference


entered a command requesting that InfoSphere CDCs communication support implementation be changed to a new state, when that state had already been achieved at the time the command was entered. Active indicates the current or achieved state of InfoSphere CDCs communication support, which is available. Message VariablesNone Message DestinationSystem log System ActionInfoSphere CDC continues to run within the limitations of the current state of the communication support. Operator ResponseIf this message is generated as a result of having processed an operator command, use this message to determine the outcome of that command. Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC9525I TCP/IP Communication Support is quiescing.

ExplanationDuring initialization, termination, or execution, InfoSphere CDC communications has either achieved an intended state, or is already in a requested state. This message may be generated when processing an operator command or during normal initialization, execution or termination processing. It is issued to inform the operator of the current state of communication support within InfoSphere CDC. Note that already appears in the message if the operator entered a command requesting that InfoSphere CDCs communication support implementation be changed to a new state, when that state had already been achieved at the time the command was entered. Quiescing indicates the current or achieved state of InfoSphere Change Data Captures communication support. Communications support is currently available, but is being gracefully terminated. This state is probably the result of issuing a SHUTDOWN=CNTRLD operator command. Any active communications using the communications medium are allowed to continue, but no new communication connections are allowed to start. When the last active communication connection using the communication medium has terminated, the current state automatically changes to Inactive. Message VariablesNone Message DestinationSystem log System ActionInfoSphere CDC continues to run within the limitations of the current state of the communication support. Operator ResponseIf this message is generated as a result of having processed an operator command, use this message to determine the outcome of that command. Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC9526I TCP/IP Communication Support is already quiescing.


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

ExplanationDuring initialization, termination, or execution, InfoSphere CDC communications has either achieved an intended state, or is already in a requested state. This message may be generated when processing an operator command or during normal initialization, execution or termination processing. It is issued to inform the operator of the current state of communication support within InfoSphere CDC. Note that already appears in the message if the operator entered a command requesting that InfoSphere CDCs communication support implementation be changed to a new state, when that state had already been achieved at the time the command was entered. Quiescing indicates the current or achieved state of InfoSphere Change Data Captures communication support. Communications support is currently available, but is being gracefully terminated. This state is probably the result of issuing a SHUTDOWN=CNTRLD operator command. Any active communications using the communications medium are allowed to continue, but no new communication connections are allowed to start. When the last active communication connection using the communication medium has terminated, the current state automatically changes to Inactive. Message VariablesNone Message DestinationSystem log System ActionInfoSphere CDC continues to run within the limitations of the current state of the communication support. Operator ResponseIf this message is generated as a result of having processed an operator command, use this message to determine the outcome of that command. Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC9527I TCP/IP Communication Support is terminating.

ExplanationDuring termination, InfoSphere CDC communications has either achieved an intended state, or is already in a requested state. This message may be generated when processing an operator command or during normal termination processing. It is issued to inform the operator of the current state of communication support within InfoSphere CDC. Message VariablesNone Message DestinationSystem log System ActionInfoSphere CDC continues to run within the limitations of the current state of the communication support. Operator ResponseIf this message is generated as a result of having processed an operator command, use this message to determine the outcome of that command. Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC9528I TCP/IP Communication Support is already terminating.
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ExplanationDuring termination, InfoSphere CDC communications has either achieved an intended state, or is already in a requested state. This message may be generated when processing an operator command or during normal termination processing. It is issued to inform the operator of the current state of communication support within InfoSphere CDC. Message VariablesNone Message DestinationSystem log System ActionInfoSphere CDC continues to run within the limitations of the current state of the communication support. Operator ResponseIf this message is generated as a result of having processed an operator command, use this message to determine the outcome of that command. Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC9600I name command was accepted.

ExplanationInfoSphere CDC has received the START, MODIFY, or STOP command from the console operator. Message Variables: nameThe name of the command. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionThe command is either performed or rejected if an error is encountered. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseMonitor the product administration log through Management Console to confirm that the command was performed.

CHC9601I An internal shutdown request was received from name task.

ExplanationAn internal request was received from the named InfoSphere CDC task to stop the product address space. Message Variables: nameThe name of the InfoSphere CDC task that submitted the request to stop the product address space. Message DestinationProduct administration log and system log System ActionThe InfoSphere CDC address space stops. All active replication is stopped.


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

Operator ResponseCheck the logs for other messages that provide more information about the shutdown. Restart the InfoSphere CDC address space using the START command. Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC9605I Storage Manager is not active.

ExplanationThe STGMGR command was entered but the Storage Manager is not active. Message VariablesNone Message DestinationSystem log System ActionThe command is not executed. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC9606W User name is not an active Storage Manager user.

ExplanationThe user name specified on a STGMGR, STATUS,NAME=name command is not an active Storage Manager user. Message Variables: nameA user name. Message DestinationSystem log System ActionThe command is not executed. Operator ResponseIssue a STGMGR,STATUS command to get a list of all active users. Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC9607I Storage Manager information:

ExplanationThis message is issued in response to a STGMGR,STATUS command. It is immediately followed by further messages detailing the Storage Manager status. Message VariablesNone Message DestinationSystem log System ActionNone Operator ResponseNone
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Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC9608I configured size: size, used: used (percentage%), free extents: ext, overhead: amount.

ExplanationThis message is issued in response to a STGMGR,STATUS command. It displays the current configured size and usage of the Storage Manager. Message Variables: sizeThe currently configured storage size of the Storage Manager. usedThe amount of storage currently used by the Storage Manager. percentageThe percentage of currently configured storage used by Storage Manager. amountThe amount of storage used by the Storage Manager to manage its functions. Message DestinationSystem log System ActionNone Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC9609I users: count, maximum used: used, 31bit spills: spills

ExplanationThis message is issued in response to a STGMGR,STATUS command. It displays the current number of users and maximum usage of the Storage Manager. Message Variables: countThe current number of users of the Storage Manager. usedThe maximum amount of storage used by Storage Manager for this execution of InfoSphere CDC for z/OS. spillsThe number of times the Storage Manager has had to obtain below the bar storage to service its users for this execution of InfoSphere CDC for z/OS. Message DestinationSystem log System ActionNone Operator ResponseToo many spills to 31bit storage will affect performance. The maximum amount used can be used as guidance to adjust the initial storage space allocated to the Storage Manager. Client Administrator ResponseNone


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

CHC9610I waiting users: users, number of waits: number, average wait time: time sec.

ExplanationThis message is issued in response to a STGMGR,STATUS command. It displays information about Storage Manager user waits. Message Variables: usersThe current number of users waiting for Storage Manager space. numberThe number of times Storage Manager users have had to wait for storage for this execution of InfoSphere CDC for z/OS. timeThe average time Storage Manager users have had to wait for storage for this execution of InfoSphere CDC for z/OS. Message DestinationSystem log System ActionNone Operator ResponseA large amount of waits or waiting users can indicate that too little space has been allocated to the Storage Manager. In this case, consider increasing the amount if space allocated to the Storage Manager. Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC9611I NAME: name - description.

ExplanationThis message is issued in response to a STGMGR,STATUS command. It displays the name and description of a Storage Manager user. Message Variables: nameThe name of the user passed when it connected to the Storage Manager space. descriptionThe description of the user passed when it connected to the Storage Manager. Message DestinationSystem log System ActionNone Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC9612I connected since: connection, waiting since: waiting.

ExplanationThis message is issued in response to a STGMGR,STATUS command. It displays connection and waiting times for a Storage Manager user.
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Message Variables: connectionThe date and time the user connected to the Storage Manager. waitingIf the user is waiting, the data and time it started waiting. Otherwise, it is blank. Message DestinationSystem log System ActionNone Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC9613I Users statistics:

ExplanationThis message is issued in response to a STGMGR,STATUS command. It signified the start of the user statistics display. Message VariablesNone Message DestinationSystem log System ActionNone Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC9614I Name Init Limit Current Max Writes Reads Ext Wait.

ExplanationThis message is issued in response to a STGMGR,STATUS command. It displays the header for the Storage manager users report. It is followed by one or more instances of message CHC9615I. Message VariablesNone Message DestinationSystem log System ActionNone Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC9615I name initial limit current maximum writes reads ext wait.

ExplanationThis message is issued in response to a STGMGR,STATUS command. It displays statistics for a Storage Manager user.


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

Message Variables: nameThe name the user passed when it connected to the Storage Manager. initialThe initial space requested by the user when it connected to the Storage Manager. limitThe maximum space requested by the user passed when it connected to the storage manager. currentThe current space being used by this user. maximumThe maximum space used by this user since it connected to the Storage Manager. writesThe number of Storage Manager writes performed by this user since it connected. readsThe number of Storage Manager reads performed by this user since it connected. extThe number of times the Storage Manager had to obtain storage below the bar for this user since it connected. waitYes will be displayed if this user is currently waiting for Storage Manager space, otherwise No will be displayed. Message DestinationSystem log System ActionNone Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC9616W The Storage Manager could not obtain size megabytes of above the bar storage due to MEMLIMIT constraints. Below the bar storage will be used for the storage cache.

ExplanationThe Storage Manager could not obtain the amount of 64bit storage specified in the STG64LIMIT parameter because the operating system MEMLIMIT prevented it. The Storage Manager will operate with 31bit storage only. Message Variables: sizeThe size specified on the STG64LIMIT configuration parameter. Message DestinationSystem log System ActionNone Operator ResponseEither reduce the amount of space requested on the STG64LIMIT parameter or increase the operating system MEMLIMIT.

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Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC9618W Storage Manager usage has reached number% of capacity.

ExplanationStorage Manager use has reached the specified percentage. Message Variables: numberThe percentage of configured Storage Manager space currently in use. Message DestinationSystem log System ActionNone Operator ResponseWhen usage hits 100%, the Storage Manager will start to obtain 31bit storage to satisfy further requests. If this happens frequently, consider increasing the amount of space allocated by raising the size specified in the STG64LIMIT parameter. Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC9619W Storage Manager usage has fallen below number% of capacity.

ExplanationStorage Manager use has fallen below the specified percentage. Message Variables: numberThe percentage of configured Storage Manager space currently in use. Message DestinationSystem log System ActionNone Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC9650E Invalid Command/Statement Parsing Structure was detected.

ExplanationThe structure that is used to parse commands received from the operator console or PDS (partitioned data set) member has unexpectedly failed. This is an internal InfoSphere CDC problem. Message VariablesNone Message DestinationSystem log System ActionThe command is not performed. Operator ResponseNote the message number and contact your InfoSphere CDC administrator if you require further assistance.


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC9651E Unable to open PDS Member member in the CHCCNTRL data set.

ExplanationA PDS (partitioned data set) member does not exist or the CHCCNTRL data set does not reference the correct member. Message Variables: memberThe PDS member that it is unable to open. Message DestinationSystem log System ActionInfoSphere CDC is in an inoperable state. Operator ResponseStop InfoSphere CDC and resolve the problem by either recreating the PDS member or correcting the reference to the member. Restart InfoSphere CDC after taking the corrective action. Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC9652E Unable to locate the type statement in CHCCNTRL name member.

ExplanationA configuration control statement in a PDS (partitioned data set) member cannot be located. Message Variables: typeThe type of configuration control statement that is missing in the PDS member. nameThe PDS member that has a missing configuration control statement. Message DestinationSystem log System ActionNone Operator ResponseAdd the missing configuration control statement to the PDS member, and then reinitialize the communication and/or DBMS environment. Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC9653E The type statement is missing the required key keyword.

ExplanationA required keyword was omitted from an operator console command or configuration control statement in a PDS (partitioned data set) member. Message Variables:

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typeThe type of configuration control statement or the operator console command that has a missing keyword. keyThe keyword that is missing from the operator console command or configuration control statement. Message DestinationSystem log System ActionThe operator console command is not performed. If the keyword is missing from a configuration control statement, InfoSphere CDC is in an inoperable state. Operator ResponseIssue the operator console command again with the keyword that is required or correct the configuration control statement in the PDS member. Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC9654E The type statement keyword key has a value which is not within the range minimum:maximum.

ExplanationA keyword specified in an operator console command or configuration control statement in a PDS (partitioned data set) member has been assigned a value that is outside of the acceptable range. This message applies to those keywords that can only be set to a value within a limited range. For example, PALRETPD, which can only be set to a value from 1 to 9999 inclusively, and BUFTHRESHOLD, which can only be set to a value from 1 to 99 inclusively. Message Variables: typeThe type of configuration control statement or the operator console command that has a keyword value outside of the allowable range. keyThe keyword in the operator console command or configuration control statement that has a value outside of the allowable range. minimumThe minimum value that can be assigned to the keyword. maximumThe maximum value that can be assigned to the keyword. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionThe value is not assigned to the keyword. The configuration control statement may be processed or the console command may be performed with a default value assigned to the keyword in place of the specified value. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseCorrect the configuration control statement or reissue the console command with a valid keyword value as indicated in the message text.

CHC9655E A corrupted Command/Statement Parsing Structure was detected, Type type Statement name


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

ExplanationAn error was detected during validation of a keyword submitted through a command or statement. The data type of the keyword value is not compatible. Message Variables: typeThe data type of the keyword value specified through the command or statement. nameThe name of the command or statement that contained an incorrect keyword value. Message DestinationSystem log System ActionThe command is not performed. Operator ResponseNote the message number and contact your InfoSphere CDC administrator if you require further assistance. Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC9656I key is not a valid value for the name command.

ExplanationAn incorrect keyword value was detected in the specified command. Message Variables: keyThe keyword that was assigned an incorrect value. nameThe name of the command that contained the incorrect keyword value. Message DestinationSystem log System ActionThe command is not performed. Operator ResponseSubmit the command again with the correct keyword values. Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC9657I An unrecognized keyword key was encountered.

ExplanationA configuration control statement in a PDS (partitioned data set) member contains an unrecognized keyword. Configuration control statements are read during InfoSphere CDC initialization. These statements can be customized to your working environment. Message Variables: keyThe keyword in the configuration control statement that is not recognized by InfoSphere CDC. Message DestinationSystem log

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System ActionThe keyword is ignored. Operator ResponseCorrect the keyword in the statement that cannot be recognized by InfoSphere CDC. If necessary, restart InfoSphere CDC if initialization could not be completed as a result of this error. Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC9659E Unrecognized command name.

ExplanationA submitted console command could not be recognized. IBM Technical Support may refer to this message for diagnostic purposes. Message Variables: nameThe name of the console command that could not be recognized. Message DestinationSystem log System ActionThe command is not performed. Operator ResponseFor information about the console commands that are supported by InfoSphere CDC, see InfoSphere CDC commands. Client Administrator ResponseNone Related concepts InfoSphere CDC commands on page 91

CHC9660W Invalid or unsupported task name: name.

ExplanationA submitted TRACE command invocation contains a reference to an invalid or unsupported task. IBM Technical Support may refer to this message for diagnostic purposes. Message Variables: nameThe name of the invalid or unsupported task specified in the TRACE command. Message DestinationSystem log System ActionThe TRACE command is not applied to the specified task. If a list of tasks is provided, the command is applied to any valid task in the list. Operator ResponseSee the TRACE command to determine the tasks that can be specified. Client Administrator ResponseNone


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

Related reference TRACE on page 42

CHC9661I Trace status was modified for task name.

ExplanationA TRACE command invocation applied to the specified task was successful. IBM Technical Support may refer to this message for diagnostic purposes. Message Variables: nameThe name of the task referenced in the TRACE command. Message DestinationSystem log System ActionNone Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC9662I Active traces for task name: pt1, pt2, pt3,...

ExplanationIdentifies the active trace points for the specified task. This message is generated when the TRACE console command is invoked with the LIST option. IBM Technical Support may refer to this message for diagnostic purposes. Message Variables: nameThe name of the task referenced in the TRACE command. pt1, pt2, pt3,..The active trace points for the task. Message DestinationSystem log System ActionNone Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC9664I A Trace request was queued for delivery to the next qualifying task.

ExplanationThe TRACE command was applied to a specific InfoSphere CDC task in an inactive state. The request was queued, and will wait for the next active task. Message VariablesNone Message DestinationSystem log

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System ActionNone Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC9665I GTF is not active; trace data will not be captured until GTF is started.

ExplanationInfoSphere CDC trace information was sent to an inactive GTF. GTF must be active in order to accept trace information from InfoSphere CDC. Message VariablesNone Message DestinationSystem log System ActionInfoSphere CDC trace information is not captured. Operator ResponseActivate GTF by specifying the appropriate parameters or use the InfoSphere CDC TRACEDEST command to direct trace information to a SPOOL data set. Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC9666E An error occurred processing the name statement.

ExplanationAn error occurred during processing of a configuration control statement. Message Variables: nameThe name of the configuration control statement that was being processed when the error occurred. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionProcessing of the identified configuration control statement is incomplete. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseUse other related messages placed in the product administration log to determine the cause of the error. To ensure that the configuration control statement is processed successfully, inform the operator that the InfoSphere CDC address space must be reinitialized after the problem has been determined and resolved.

CHC9667E The value in keyword key for statement name is invalid.


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

ExplanationA keyword value in the identified configuration control statement has been specified incorrectly. This message applies to those keywords that can only be set to specific values. For example, USELOADER, which can only be set to YES or NO. Message Variables: keyThe name of the keyword in the configuration control statement that was assigned an incorrect value. nameThe name of the configuration control statement that has an incorrect keyword value. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionProcessing of the identified configuration control statement is incomplete. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseTo ensure that the configuration control statement is processed successfully, inform the operator that the InfoSphere CDC address space must be reinitialized after the problem has been determined and resolved. Related concepts Modifying general product configuration control statements on page 27 IBM InfoSphere Change Data Capture installation or upgrade on page 1

CHC9669E The CVF start request could not be completed.

ExplanationAn InfoSphere CDC task for testing communications with a remote server could not be started. A maximum of eight tasks for running communications tests can be active on the local server at the same time. This message is generated when eight tasks are currently running and an attempt is made to start another task for testing communications with a remote server. Communications tests are performed by running the STRTSCVF console command. For information about this command, contact your IBM representative. Message VariablesNone Message DestinationSystem log System ActionThe InfoSphere CDC task for testing communications is not started. Operator ResponseWait until one of the active InfoSphere CDC tasks for testing communications terminates and then issue the STRTSCVF console command again. Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC9670W Task name cannot process the command at this time; try again later.

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ExplanationA MODIFY console command issued a DEBUG, TRACE, or REPORT command to a task within the InfoSphere CDC address space. The task was in a state that did not allow processing of the command. Message Variables: nameThe three-letter task identifier. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionThe command is ignored and normal processing continues. Operator ResponseIssue the command later. Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC9671W The intended recipient of a name command does not exist. The intended recipient is task id.

ExplanationA console command could not be directed to the identified InfoSphere CDC task. The task is not running in the InfoSphere CDC address space. When invoking the REPORT or TRACE command, you must identify the tasks for which information is returned. Message Variables: nameThe name of the command. taskThe name of the task that was not running in the InfoSphere CDC address space when the command was invoked. idThe task identifier. Message DestinationProduct administration log and system log System ActionThe command is not performed. Active replication continues. Operator ResponseReissue the command by identifying tasks that are running in the InfoSphere CDC address space. Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC9672I Command name was processed successfully.

ExplanationThe previously entered console command name was processed successfully. Message Variables: nameThe name of the command. Message DestinationSystem log


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

System ActionNone Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC9673E An error occurred while processing the name command.

ExplanationThe previously entered console command name encountered an error. Message Variables: nameThe name of the command. Message DestinationSystem log System ActionNone Operator ResponseThis message will be accompanied by error messages detailing the exact problem. Check for these messages in the system log and the event log for more information. Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC9674E POSITION should contain 1 to 16 hexadecimal digits.

ExplanationThe SETLOGPOS command was entered with an invalid POSITION value. Message VariablesNone Message DestinationSystem log System ActionNone Operator ResponseReenter the command with the proper POSITION value. Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC9675E A duplicate keyword key was detected for command name.

ExplanationA duplicate keyword was specified on the specified command Message Variables: keyThe name of the duplicate keyword. nameThe name of the command. Message DestinationSystem log

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System ActionNone Operator ResponseReenter the command with the proper syntax. Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC9676W A duplicate name statement was detected in CHCCNTRL's member member.

ExplanationA duplicate statement or a statement that could not be recognized has been detected in a configuration member. Message Variables: nameThe configuration control statement that is either duplicated or unrecognized memberThe member that contains the duplicated or unrecognized statement. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionThe statement is ignored. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC9677W An unrecognized statement statement was detected in CHCCNTRL's name member.

ExplanationA duplicate statement or a statement that could not be recognized has been detected in a configuration member. Message Variables: statementThe configuration control statement that is either duplicated or unrecognized. nameThe member that contains the duplicated or unrecognized statement. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionThe statement is ignored. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC9679W The MBR keyword must be specified with a non-zero value if and only if the connected DB2 subsystem is a member of a Data Sharing Group.



InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

1. The ENDUR command has been issued without the MBR keyword specified, or with it specified with a value of 0000, and the connected DB2 subsystem is a member of a DB2 Data Sharing Group, or 2. The ENDUR command has been issued with the MBR keyword specified and with a value other than 0000, and the connected DB2 subsystem is not a member of a DB2 Data Sharing Group. Message VariablesNone Message DestinationSystem Console that originated the ENDUR command. System ActionThe ENDUR command is ignored. Operator ResponseReissue the ENDUR command with the MBR keyword specified or omitted, as is appropriate for the operational environment of the connected DB2 subsystem. Client Administrator ResponseNone Related reference ENDUREnd unit of recovery on page 120

CHC9680W URID=X'urid' and MBR=X'mbrid' do not identify an incomplete unit of recovery in subscription name

ExplanationWhile processing an ENDUR command, a subscriptions staging space has been examined to locate a Unit of Recovery with the specified URID and Member Identifier, but none was found. Message Variables: uridThe URID of the Unit of Recovery that was specified on the ENDUR command. mbridThe Member Identifier of a DB2 subsystem within a Data Sharing Group that was specified on the ENDUR command. nameThe subscription name that was specified on the ENDUR command. Message DestinationSystem Console that originated the ENDUR command. System ActionThe ENDUR command is ignored. Operator ResponseVerify that the proper URID and Member Identifier were correctly specified, and reissue the ENDUR command with them specified correctly, if they were not. These items of information can be obtained from a Staging Space Report. Client Administrator ResponseNone

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Related reference ENDUREnd unit of recovery on page 120

CHC9681I A SQLstatement has been generated for the incomplete unit of recovery with URID=X'urid' and MBR=X'mbrid' within subscription name

ExplanationProcessing for an ENDUR command has successfully located the specified Unit of Recovery within the specified subscriptions Staging Space, and generated the effective SQL statement that was requested. Message Variables: SQLstatementThe effective SQL statement action, either COMMIT or ROLLBACK that was requested on the ENDUR command. uridThe URID of the Unit of Recovery that was specified on the ENDUR command. mbridThe Member Identifier of a DB2 subsystem within a Data Sharing Group that was specified on the ENDUR command. nameThe subscription name that was specified on the ENDUR command. Message DestinationSystem Console that originated the ENDUR command. System ActionChanges within the Unit of Recovery that are currently in the Staging Space will undergo disposition processing, as requested on the ENDUR command. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNone Related reference ENDUREnd unit of recovery on page 120

CHC9683W value is an incorrectly specified Numeric Data value for the key keyword of the statement statement in the name member.

ExplanationAn incorrect value has been specified for the named keyword in a configuration control statement contained in a PDS (partitioned data set) member. Configuration control statements are read during InfoSphere CDC initialization. These statements can be customized to your working environment. Message Variables: valueThe value assigned to the keyword that is not accepted by InfoSphere CDC. keyThe keyword in the configuration control statement assigned a value that is not accepted by InfoSphere CDC. statementThe configuration control statement that contains the keyword with the incorrect value.


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

nameThe name of the PDS member that contains the keyword with the incorrect value. Message DestinationSystem log System ActionNone Operator ResponseModify the configuration control statement to assign a valid value to the named keyword. If necessary, restart InfoSphere CDC if initialization was not successfully completed as a result of this condition. Note that subsequent messages in the system log will indicate an initialization failure. Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC9684W value is an incorrectly specified Alphanumeric Data value for the key keyword of the statement statement in the name member.

ExplanationAn incorrect value has been specified for the named keyword in a configuration control statement contained in a PDS (partitioned data set) member. Configuration control statements are read during InfoSphere CDC initialization. These statements can be customized to your working environment. Message Variables: valueThe value assigned to the keyword that is not accepted by InfoSphere CDC. keyThe keyword in the configuration control statement assigned a value that is not accepted by InfoSphere CDC. statementThe configuration control statement that contains the keyword with the incorrect value. nameThe name of the PDS member that contains the keyword with the incorrect value. Message DestinationSystem log System ActionNone Operator ResponseModify the configuration control statement to assign a valid value to the named keyword. If necessary, restart InfoSphere CDC if initialization was not successfully completed as a result of this condition. Note that subsequent messages in the system log will indicate an initialization failure. Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC9685W value is an incorrectly specified IP Address value for the key keyword of the statement statement in the name member.

ExplanationAn incorrect value has been specified for the named keyword in a configuration control statement contained in a PDS (partitioned data set) member.

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Configuration control statements are read during InfoSphere CDC initialization. These statements can be customized to your working environment. Message Variables: valueThe value assigned to the keyword that is not accepted by InfoSphere CDC. keyThe keyword in the configuration control statement assigned a value that is not accepted by InfoSphere CDC. statementThe configuration control statement that contains the keyword with the incorrect value. nameThe name of the PDS member that contains the keyword with the incorrect value. Message DestinationSystem log System ActionNone Operator ResponseModify the configuration control statement to assign a valid value to the named keyword. If necessary, restart InfoSphere CDC if initialization was not successfully completed as a result of this condition. Note that subsequent messages in the system log will indicate an initialization failure. Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC9686W value is an incorrectly specified Method Character value for the key keyword of the statement statement in the name member.

ExplanationAn incorrect value has been specified for the named keyword in a configuration control statement contained in a PDS (partitioned data set) member. Configuration control statements are read during InfoSphere CDC initialization. These statements can be customized to your working environment. Message Variables: valueThe value assigned to the keyword that is not accepted by InfoSphere CDC. keyThe keyword in the configuration control statement assigned a value that is not accepted by InfoSphere CDC. statementThe configuration control statement that contains the keyword with the incorrect value. nameThe name of the PDS member that contains the keyword with the incorrect value. Message DestinationSystem log System ActionNone


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

Operator ResponseModify the configuration control statement to assign a valid value to the named keyword. If necessary, restart InfoSphere CDC if initialization was not successfully completed as a result of this condition. Note that subsequent messages in the system log will indicate an initialization failure. Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC9690E An unexpected ICM Request was received by task1 Task, from task2 Task, Class (class), Type(type), Modifier modifier.

ExplanationAn internal InfoSphere CDC task has received an unrecognized ICM request from another task. The message text identifies the tasks that sent and received the request. It also identifies the message type and class. Message Variables: task1The three-letter code that identifies the task that received the unrecognized ICM task2The three-letter code that identifies the task that received the unrecognized ICM classThe first level of message ICM type information. For each type of message in the first level, there is a subset of message types in the second level. typeThe second level of message type information. For each type of message in the first level, there is a subset of message types in the second level. modifierInternal modifier information associated with the message class type. Message DestinationSystem log System ActionThe request is ignored and placed in the system log. Operator ResponseNote the message number and contact your InfoSphere CDC administrator if you require further assistance. Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC9691E An unexpected ICM Reply was received by task Task, Class(class), Type(type), Modifier modifier, Return Code: return, Reason Code: reason

ExplanationAn internal InfoSphere CDC task has received an unrecognized ICM request from another task. The message text identifies the tasks that received the request. It also identifies the message type and class. Message Variables: taskThe three-letter code that identifies the task that sent the unrecognized ICM. classThe first level of message ICM type information. For each type of message in the first level, there is a subset of message types in the second level.

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typeThe second level of message type information. For each type of message in the first level, there is a subset of message types in the second level. modifierThe internal modifier information associated with the message class type. returnThe InfoSphere CDC return code. reasonThe InfoSphere CDC reason code. Message DestinationSystem log System ActionThe reply is placed in the system log. Operator ResponseNote the message number and contact your InfoSphere CDC administrator if you require further assistance. Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC9692I DBMS has not been started; the request was rejected.

ExplanationA request was sent to the DBMS environment after an InfoSphere CDC address space was created without the environment being initialized. Message VariablesNone Message DestinationSystem log System ActionThe request sent to the DBMS environment is rejected. Operator ResponseInitialize the DBMS environment. Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC9693I COMM has not been started; the request was rejected.

ExplanationA request was sent to the communications environment after an InfoSphere CDC address space was created without the environment being initialized. Message VariablesNone Message DestinationSystem log System ActionThe request sent to the communications environment is rejected. Operator ResponseInitialize the communications environment. Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC9694W Communications API name request failed. The return code is code for value of number.


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

ExplanationA communications API request was unsuccessful. Message Variables: nameThe name of the communications API request that was unsuccessful. codeThe text error code returned as a result of the unsuccessful API request. numberThe numeric error code returned as a result of the unsuccessful API request. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionReplication does not start. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseRecord the message number. Contact your InfoSphere CDC administrator or IBM representative for assistance.

CHC9695W CHC "name" Request has failed. The return Code is code.

ExplanationWhile InfoSphere CDC was running, an internal request was issued for the specified native service function call. The native service function call was not successfully completed. The message text identifies the native service function call that failed. Message Variables: nameThe name of the internal service which failed. codeThe numeric code that reveals why the native service function call did not complete successfully. Message DestinationSystem log System ActionThe external request or internal process that caused the native service function call to fail is stopped. Operator ResponseThis message may be preceded or followed by additional messages that provide more information about the failure of the native service function call. Interpretation of this and other messages may help to determine what corrective actions should be performed. However, the failure of a native service function call usually indicates a problem with InfoSphere CDC. Note the message number and contact your InfoSphere CDC administrator if you require further assistance. Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC9696E Data Protocol API name request has failed. The return code is code.

ExplanationAn error occurred as a result of a data protocol API request.

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Message Variables: nameThe name of the data protocol API request. codeThe return code resulting from the data protocol API request. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionReplication ends. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseRecord the message number. Contact your InfoSphere CDC administrator or IBM representative for assistance.

CHC9698I Address space is shutting down. The request was rejected.

ExplanationA console command was not performed. The product address space was in the process of shutting down and could not accept the command. Message VariablesNone Message DestinationProduct administration log and system log System ActionThe console command is ignored. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC9699E An unexpected message of type type was received from the remote partner.

ExplanationA subscription received an unexpected message from the remote system. This most often happens when a subscription is shut down and quickly restarted. The target side of the subscription sometimes fails to completely terminate before the source side restarts. The target side of the subscription, which is in the process of shutting down, is not expecting to receive a request from the source to start the subscription. Message Variables: typeThe type of message that was unexpectedly received from another server. Message DestinationProduct administration log and system log System ActionActive replication terminates abnormally. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseWait five minutes to allow the target side of the subscription to completely terminate, then try to restart the subscription. If the problem persists, record the message number and contact your administrator or Support representative for assistance.


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

CHC9700E LE/370 CEEPIPI "name" Request failed. The return Code is code.

ExplanationWhile InfoSphere CDC was running, a service function call to the Language Environment Pre-Initialization Program Interface was issued. The CEEPIPI service function call was not successfully completed. The function that failed is identified in the message text. Message Variables: nameThe name of the CEEPIPI service that failed. codeThe numeric code that identifies why the CEEPIPI service function call failed. Message DestinationSystem log System ActionAn error executing a CEEPIPI service function call usually means that a severe error has occurred. In this case, InfoSphere CDC stops running. Operator ResponseDiagnostic data should be collected for analysis and resolution. The following diagnostic data should be collected before contacting your InfoSphere CDC administrator: The dump of the InfoSphere CDC address space, if one was created. The system log messages generated up to the point where InfoSphere CDC detected the failed CEEPIPI service function call. After taking the necessary corrective actions, start InfoSphere CDC to continue operations. Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC9702E Invalid content in message field name of message type type was received by the describe receiver.

ExplanationThe identified InfoSphere CDC component received an internal message containing invalid data. Message Variables: nameThe field in the internal message that contains the invalid data. typeThe type of message that contains the field. Message DestinationProduct administration log and system log System ActionReplication terminates abnormally. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseRecord the message number. Contact your InfoSphere CDC administrator or IBM representative for assistance.

CHC9703E DB2 Log Cache DLL "name" request has completed abnormally. The return code is code for value of number.
Event messages reference


ExplanationA call to the DB2 Log cache DLL was unsuccessful. The type of request that could not be completed and the return code are identified. Message Variables: nameThe name of the Log Cache DLL request the completed abnormally. codeThe name of the return code. numberThe numeric return code generated from the unsuccessful call. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionIf the message is issued by a DSL task, the associated subscription ceases to use the DB2 Log Cache. If the message is issued by the DLR task, the DB2 Log Cache is deactivated. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseFurther investigation is required. Record the message number, the type of request that was unsuccessful, and the return code. Contact your InfoSphere CDC administrator or IBM representative for assistance.

CHC9705E LE/370 Enclave for CHC type Task has terminated abnormally. The LE/370 Reason code is code.

ExplanationWhile running InfoSphere CDC, a call_main or call_sub service function call to the Language Environment Pre-Initialization Program Interface was issued, naming an InfoSphere CDC task. This task exists in an enclave, as defined in the Language Environment publications. The tasks enclave was terminated abnormally. The message text identifies the internal InfoSphere CDC task in the enclave that ended abnormally. Message Variables: type The three-letter code identifying the type of the subtask whose enclave was terminated abnormally. code The numeric code that identifies why the program enclave was abnormally terminated. Message DestinationSystem log System ActionAn abnormal termination of a program enclave usually means that a severe error has occurred. The program enclave is part of the programming logic of InfoSphere CDC. In this case, InfoSphere CDC will stop running. Operator ResponseDiagnostic data should be collected for analysis and resolution. The following diagnostic data should be collected before contacting your InfoSphere CDC administrator: The dump of the InfoSphere CDC address space, if one was created. The system log messages generated up to the point where the enclave was abnormally terminated. After taking the necessary corrective actions, start InfoSphere CDC to continue operations. Client Administrator ResponseNone


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

CHC9706E name service call has failed. The return code = code, reason code = reason.

ExplanationA call to the specified system service failed with the specified return code and reason code. Message Variables: nameThe name of the service. codeThe name of the return code. reasonThe reason code. Message DestinationProduct administration log and system log System ActionUnpredictable. Depends on the nature of the failure. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC9712E A fatal error was detected in function name() at line number number.

ExplanationA fatal error has occurred. Message Variables: nameThe name of the function in which the error occurred. numberThe line number where the error occurred. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionDependent on where the error has occurred. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseFurther investigation is required. Record the message number and text, and then contact your InfoSphere CDC administrator or IBM representative for assistance.

CHC9713E C library name(module) function failed. The returned errno is text for value of number.

ExplanationA call to the specified C library service function was unsuccessful. The type of request that could not be completed and the return code are identified. Message Variables: nameThe name of the C-language load module management function that failed.

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moduleThe name of the load module that was not successfully managed. textThe error text interpretation of the error number returned by the failed service function call. This error text may be sufficient to determine the cause of the error. If it is insufficient, then this error text or the error number can be used to diagnose the problem by consulting the appropriate manual. numberThe numeric return code generated from the unsuccessful call. Message DestinationSystem log System ActionThe external request or internal process that caused the function call to fail is stopped. Operator ResponseThis message may be preceded or followed by additional messages that provide more information about the failure of the function call. Interpretation of this and other messages may help to determine what corrective actions should be performed. However, the failure of a function call usually indicates a problem with the programmed logic in InfoSphere CDC. Note the message number and contact your InfoSphere CDC administrator if you require further assistance. Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC9714W Message from name Task => text

ExplanationWhile InfoSphere CDC was running, a C library perror service function call was issued. Normally, Language Environment directs these messages to a SPOOL data set, where they can remain unnoticed for some time. This message is generated to present the content of the message issued by the perror service function to a more readily accessible medium. The internal InfoSphere CDC task under which the perror service function call was issued is identified in the message text. Message Variables: nameThe name of the C library perror service function. textThe message text that the perror service function generated. Message DestinationSystem log System ActionDepends on the message issued by the perror service function. Operator ResponseDepends on the message issued by the perror service function. Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC9715E C Language name(module) request has failed. The returned errno is text for value of number.


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

ExplanationWhile InfoSphere CDC was initializing or terminating a process, a C library service function call to manage an executable module was issued unsuccessfully. The C library service function that was called is identified in the message text. Message Variables: nameThe name of the C-language load module management function that failed. moduleThe name of the load module that was not successfully managed. textThe error text interpretation of the error number returned by the failed service function call. This error text may be sufficient to determine the cause of the error. If it is insufficient, then this error text or the error number can be used to diagnose the problem by consulting the appropriate manual. numberThe error number returned by the failed service function call. If the text string has been provided, then it is the text interpretation of this error number. Note the error number and consult the appropriate C Library Services manual to identify the source of the problem. Message DestinationSystem log System ActionModules are managed during component initialization and termination. When a module management request is unsuccessful, initialization or termination of the affected component fails, and InfoSphere CDC stops prematurely. Operator ResponseThis message may be accompanied by additional messages generated by InfoSphere CDC for z/OS. Inform the system programmer of the failure to manage the module by providing the information from this and any other related messages. Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC9719E VSAM Cluster name is full. Resize the cluster and restart.

ExplanationThe VSAM cluster containing the product metadata that is not stored in DB2 tables is full. Message Variables: nameThe name of the VSAM cluster containing the product metadata. Message DestinationProduct administration log System ActionAll replication activities are stopped. Operator ResponseStop the InfoSphere CDC address space by using the STOP command, and increase the size of the VSAM cluster. Restart the InfoSphere CDC address space by using the START command.

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Client Administrator ResponseAfter the InfoSphere CDC address space has been restarted by the console operator, restart all replication activities that were stopped as a result of the full VSAM cluster.

CHC9720E z/OS "name" Service has failed. The return code is code.

ExplanationWhile InfoSphere CDC was running, an z/OS service function call did not complete successfully. The service function that failed is identified in the message text. Message Variables: nameThe name of the service. codeThe numeric code that identifies why the z/OS service function call did not complete successfully. Message DestinationSystem log System ActionThe external request or internal process that caused the z/OS service function call to fail is stopped. If this message was issued during initialization of InfoSphere CDC, then InfoSphere CDC will stop. Operator ResponseThis message may be accompanied by additional messages generated by InfoSphere CDC for z/OS. Inform the system programmer of the failure to manage the dynamic load library by providing the information from this and any other related messages. Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC9721E Failure of z/OS LOAD request for module name ABEND Code=code, Reason Code= reason.

ExplanationWhile InfoSphere CDC is running, an z/OS LOAD service function call to load a module was issued, but failed to locate or load the module. This message is issued to provide the name of the load module and information about why it failed to load. Message Variables: nameThe name of the load module that was not successfully loaded into the address space. codeThe hexadecimal code that identifies the load module that could not be loaded. reasonThe numeric code that identifies why the load module could not be loaded. Message DestinationSystem log


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

System ActionModules are loaded during component initialization. When a module fails to load, initialization of the affected component fails, and InfoSphere CDC stops. Operator ResponseThis message may be accompanied by additional messages generated by InfoSphere CDC for z/OS. The information provided in this message (the ABEND and reason codes) is documented in the appropriate z/OS publication. Inform the system programmer of the failure to load the module by providing the information from this and any other related message. Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC9722E Failure of z/OS LINK request for module name ABEND Code=code.

ExplanationWhile InfoSphere CDC was running, an z/OS LINK service function call to load and transfer control to a module was issued, but failed to locate or load the module. This message is issued to identify the name of the load module and a code that identifies why the module could not be loaded. Message Variables: nameThe name of the load module that was not successfully loaded into the address space. codeThe hexadecimal code that identifies why the module could not be loaded. Message DestinationSystem log System ActionModules are loaded during component initialization. When a module fails to load, initialization of the affected component fails, and InfoSphere CDC stops. Operator ResponseThis message may be accompanied by additional messages generated by InfoSphere CDC for z/OS. The information provided in this message (the ABEND and reason codes) is documented in the appropriate z/OS publication. Inform the system programmer of the failure to load the module by providing the information from this and any other related message. Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC9723E A delete from VSAM metadata failed for subscription name.

ExplanationInfoSphere CDC failed to delete all notifications metadata that resides in a VSAM metadata cluster. The deletion of the alarms and alerts metadata is a result of deleting the subscription. Message Variables: nameThe name of the target or source identifier, as defined in Management Console. Message DestinationProduct administration log

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System ActionAs indicated in the message text. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC9733I V5 Communications: Connections = number.

ExplanationProvides information about the number of open V5 communications links that are being used by the InfoSphere CDC address space for various purposes. This message is issued in response to a DSPACT=COMM or DSPACT=ALL command issued from the operator console. Message Variables: number: The number of open V5 communications links that are being used by InfoSphere CDC for various purposes. Message DestinationSystem log System ActionNone Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC9742I DBMS: Repository Type = DB2 , ID = id, Log(Monitor/Scraper) = monitor/scraper, Replication(admin/source/apply) = administration/source/apply, HoL type = log

ExplanationA report of a specific DB2 repository that InfoSphere CDC is supporting. This message is issued in response to a DSPACT=DBMS or DSPACT=ALL command issued from the operator console. Message Variables: idThe identifier associated with the repository. The format of the identifier is <DB2 subsystem identifier>.<InfoSphere CDC metadata owner>. monitorThe number of active log monitor tasks. scraperThe number of active log scraper tasks. administrationThe number of active administration tasks. sourceThe number of active source tasks. applyThe number of active apply tasks. typeIndicates if the log value is either the head of log RBA (relative byte address) or LRSN (log record sequence number)


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

logThis is the RBA/LRSN of the last DB2 Log data block that was written at the time that the DSPACT command was processed. This is not necessarily the highest DB2 Log record RBA/LRSN, since the last DB2 Log data block could contain more than one DB2 Log record. Message DestinationSystem log System ActionNone Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC9743E An error occurred while processing CHCCNTRL member name. Error: I/O Error

ExplanationAn error occurred while processing configuration control statements in the specified member contained in the CHCCNTRL data set. Message Variables: nameThe name of the member in the CHCCNTRL data set that was being processed when the error occurred. Message DestinationSystem log System ActionNone Operator ResponseReview the configuration control statements to ensure that they are specified correctly. Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC9744E An error occurred while processing CHCCNTRL member name. Error: Unexpected end of file.

ExplanationAn error occurred while processing configuration control statements in the specified member contained in the CHCCNTRL data set. Message Variables: nameThe name of the member in the CHCCNTRL data set that was being processed when the error occurred. Message DestinationSystem log System ActionNone Operator ResponseReview the configuration control statements to ensure that they are specified correctly. Client Administrator ResponseNone

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CHC9745E An error occurred while processing CHCCNTRL member name. Error: Statement too long.

ExplanationAn error occurred while processing configuration control statements in the specified member contained in the CHCCNTRL data set. Message Variables: nameThe name of the member in the CHCCNTRL data set that was being processed when the error occurred. Message DestinationSystem log System ActionNone Operator ResponseReview the configuration control statements to ensure that they are specified correctly. Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC9746E An error occurred while processing CHCCNTRL member name. Error: error.

ExplanationAn error occurred while processing configuration control statements in the specified member contained in the CHCCNTRL data set. Message Variables: nameThe name of the member in the CHCCNTRL data set that was being processed when the error occurred. errorSpecifies the error that occurred during processing. Message DestinationSystem log System ActionNone Operator ResponseReview the configuration control statements to ensure that they are specified correctly. Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC9751I Replication: Log(Monitor/Scraper) = monitor/scraper, Replication(source/ apply) = source/apply

ExplanationA report of replication activity within the InfoSphere CDC address space. The report is a summary across all supported repository types. This message is issued in response to a DSPACT=REPLIC or DSPACT=ALL command issued from the operator console. Message Variables: monitorThe number of active log monitor tasks.


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

scraperThe number of active log scraper tasks. sourceThe number of active source tasks. applyThe number of active apply tasks. Message DestinationSystem log System ActionNone Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC9753I Replication: number active subscriptions.

ExplanationThe number of subscriptions that are currently involved in replication activity within the InfoSphere CDC address space. This message is issued in response to a DSPACT=REPLIC or DSPACT=ALL command issued from the operator console. Message Variables: numberThe number of subscriptions currently involved in replication activity. Message DestinationSystem log System ActionNone Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC9756E Sign on was rejected for source source, reason: source could not be created.

ExplanationA target received a request to create a source identifier in response to a change in Management Console, but the operation could not be performed. This message is generated when replication is started for the associated subscription. Message Variables: sourceThe source identifier, as defined in Management Console. Message DestinationProduct administration log and system log System ActionThe source identifier is not created and replication is not started. Operator ResponseNone

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Client Administrator ResponseIt is likely that the request could not be performed because a source identifier with the same name already exists. In Management Console, specify a source identifier that is unique on the target, and restart replication.

CHC9757E Sign on rejected for source source, reason: source could not be updated.

ExplanationA target received a request to update a source identifier in response to a change in Management Console, but the operation could not be performed. This message is generated when replication is started for the associated subscription. Message Variables: sourceThe source identifier, as defined in Management Console. Message DestinationProduct administration log and system log System ActionThe source identifier is not updated and replication is not started. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseIt is likely that the request could not be performed because a source identifier with the same name already exists. In Management Console, specify a source identifier that is unique on the target, and restart replication.

CHC9758E Sign on rejected for source source, reason: source could not be renamed.

ExplanationA target received a request to rename a source identifier in response to a change in Management Console, but the operation could not be performed. This message is generated when replication is started for the associated subscription. Message Variables: sourceThe source identifier, as defined in Management Console. Message DestinationProduct administration log and system log System ActionThe source identifier is not renamed and replication is not started. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseIt is likely that the request could not be performed because a source identifier with the same name already exists. In Management Console, specify a source identifier that is unique on the target, and restart replication.

CHC9764E Catalog Services Interface failure. Reason: the dataset name was too long name


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

ExplanationA call to the interface to Catalog Services (IGGCSI00) to process one or more datasets has failed for the specified reason. Message Variables: nameIf present, the dataset name of the dataset for which processing failed. Message DestinationProduct administration log and system log System ActionProcessing of the datasets is unsuccessful. If the dataset is the Level 2 DB2 Log Cache dataset, the DB2 Log Cache becomes inactive. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseContact your InfoSphere CDC administrator if you require further assistance.

CHC9765E Catalog Services Interface failure. Reason: unable to allocate work area name.

ExplanationA call to the interface to Catalog Services (IGGCSI00) to process one or more datasets has failed for the specified reason. Message Variables: nameIf present, the dataset name of the dataset for which processing failed. Message DestinationProduct administration log and system log System ActionProcessing of the datasets is unsuccessful. If the dataset is the Level 2 DB2 Log Cache dataset, the DB2 Log Cache becomes inactive. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseContact your InfoSphere CDC administrator if you require further assistance.

CHC9766E Catalog Services Interface failure. Reason: the work area was too small name

ExplanationA call to the interface to Catalog Services (IGGCSI00) to process one or more datasets has failed for the specified reason. Message Variables: nameIf present, the dataset name of the dataset for which processing failed. Message DestinationProduct administration log and system log System ActionProcessing of the datasets is unsuccessful. If the dataset is the Level 2 DB2 Log Cache dataset, the DB2 Log Cache becomes inactive. Operator ResponseNone
Event messages reference


Client Administrator ResponseContact your InfoSphere CDC administrator if you require further assistance.

CHC9767E Catalog Services Interface failure. Reason: an incorrect number of fields was returned name.

ExplanationA call to the interface to Catalog Services (IGGCSI00) to process one or more datasets has failed for the specified reason. Message Variables: nameIf present, the dataset name of the dataset for which processing failed. Message DestinationProduct administration log and system log System ActionProcessing of the datasets is unsuccessful. If the dataset is the Level 2 DB2 Log Cache dataset, the DB2 Log Cache becomes inactive. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseContact your InfoSphere CDC administrator if you require further assistance.

CHC9768E Catalog Services Interface failure. Reason: an error in the entry for data component for name.

ExplanationA call to the interface to Catalog Services (IGGCSI00) to process one or more datasets has failed for the specified reason. Message Variables: nameIf present, the dataset name of the dataset for which processing failed. Message DestinationProduct administration log and system log System ActionProcessing of the datasets is unsuccessful. If the dataset is the Level 2 DB2 Log Cache dataset, the DB2 Log Cache becomes inactive. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseContact your InfoSphere CDC administrator if you require further assistance.

CHC9769E Catalog Services Interface failure. Reason: a field length error for name

ExplanationA call to the interface to Catalog Services (IGGCSI00) to process one or more datasets has failed for the specified reason. Message Variables: nameIf present, the dataset name of the dataset for which processing failed.


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

Message DestinationProduct administration log and system log System ActionProcessing of the datasets is unsuccessful. If the dataset is the Level 2 DB2 Log Cache dataset, the DB2 Log Cache becomes inactive. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseContact your InfoSphere CDC administrator if you require further assistance.

CHC9770E Catalog Services Interface failure. Reason: unable to fetch high allocated RBA for name.

ExplanationA call to the interface to Catalog Services (IGGCSI00) to process one or more datasets has failed for the specified reason. Message Variables: nameIf present, the dataset name of the dataset for which processing failed. Message DestinationProduct administration log and system log System ActionProcessing of the datasets is unsuccessful. If the dataset is the Level 2 DB2 Log Cache dataset, the DB2 Log Cache becomes inactive. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseContact your InfoSphere CDC administrator if you require further assistance.

CHC9776I Agent Communications: Connections = datastore, Admin(Act/Pnd) = active/pending, State = Started, Shutdown = type

ExplanationA summary of current communications support within the InfoSphere CDC address space. This message is issued in response to a DSPACT=COMM or DSPACT=ALL command issued from the operator console. The State value indicates the current state of communications in the InfoSphere CDC address space; a state of Started indicates that communications support has begun, but has not yet completed initialization. Message Variables: datastoreThe number of InfoSphere CDC datastores that have a communication connection to Management Console currently open. activeThe number of replication agents that are currently engaged in an exchange with remote Management Console sessions. pendingThe number of datastores that are attempting to initiate an exchange with remote Management Console sessions. typeIndicates the manner in which processing is being shut down (CNTRLD, QUICK, and IMMED) within the InfoSphere CDC communications support.
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Note: InfoSphere CDC communications support is not in a Terminating state, and so the manner in which processing is shut down is not applicable. Message DestinationSystem log System ActionNone Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC9777I Agent Communications: Connections = datastore, Admin(Act/Pnd) = active/pending, State = Initialized, Shutdown = type

ExplanationA summary of current communications support within the InfoSphere CDC address space. This message is issued in response to a DSPACT=COMM or DSPACT=ALL command issued from the operator console. The State value indicates the current state of communications in the InfoSphere CDC address space; a state of Initialized indicates that communications support has completed initialization, but all supported communications media are currently not yet activated. Communications media can be activated through the STRTSCOM operator console command. Message Variables: datastoreThe number of InfoSphere CDC datastores that have a communication connection to Management Console currently open. activeThe number of replication agents that are currently engaged in an exchange with remote Management Console sessions. pendingThe number of datastores that are attempting to initiate an exchange with remote Management Console sessions. typeIndicates the manner in which processing is being shut down (CNTRLD, QUICK, and IMMED) within the InfoSphere CDC communications support. Note: InfoSphere CDC communications support is not in a Terminating state, and so the manner in which processing is shut down is not applicable. Message DestinationSystem log System ActionNone Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC9778I Agent Communications: Connections = datastore, Admin(Act/Pnd) = active/pending, State = Processing, Shutdown = type

ExplanationA summary of current communications support within the InfoSphere CDC address space. This message is issued in response to a


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

DSPACT=COMM or DSPACT=ALL command issued from the operator console. The State value indicates the current state of communications in the InfoSphere CDC address space; a state of Processing indicates that communications support has completed initialization and at least one communications medium (only TCP/IP at this time) has been activated. Message Variables: datastoreThe number of InfoSphere CDC datastores that have a communication connection to Management Console currently open. activeThe number of replication agents that are currently engaged in an exchange with remote Management Console sessions. pendingThe number of datastores that are attempting to initiate an exchange with remote Management Console sessions. typeIndicates the manner in which processing is being shut down (CNTRLD, QUICK, and IMMED) within the InfoSphere CDC communications support. Note: InfoSphere CDC communications support is not in a Terminating state, and so the manner in which processing is shut down is not applicable. Message DestinationSystem log System ActionNone Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC9779I Agent Communications: Connections = datastore, Admin(Act/Pnd) = active/pending, State = Terminating, Shutdown = type

ExplanationA summary of current communications support within the InfoSphere CDC address space. This message is issued in response to a DSPACT=COMM or DSPACT=ALL command issued from the operator console. The State value indicates the current state of communications in the InfoSphere CDC address space; a state of Terminating indicates that communications support is being terminated (as a result of a SHUTDOWN command issued from the operator console) but at least one communications medium is not yet inactive. When all communications media have become inactive, this state changes to Terminated. Message Variables: datastoreThe number of InfoSphere CDC datastores that have a communication connection to Management Console currently open. activeThe number of replication agents that are currently engaged in an exchange with remote Management Console sessions. pendingThe number of datastores that are attempting to initiate an exchange with remote Management Console sessions.
Event messages reference


typeIndicates the manner in which processing is being shut down (CNTRLD, QUICK, and IMMED) within the InfoSphere CDC communications support. Note: InfoSphere CDC communications support is not in a Terminating state, and so the manner in which processing is shut down is not applicable. Message DestinationSystem log System ActionNone Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC9780I Agent Communications: Connections = datastore, Admin(Act/Pnd) = active/pending, State = Terminated, Shutdown = type

ExplanationA summary of current communications support within the InfoSphere CDC address space. This message is issued in response to a DSPACT=COMM or DSPACT=ALL command issued from the operator console. The State value indicates the current state of communications in the InfoSphere CDC address space; a state of Terminated indicates that communications support has been terminated (as a result of a SHUTDOWN command issued from the operator console). Communication between the InfoSphere CDC address space and other InfoSphere CDC servers or clients is no longer possible. Message Variables: datastoreThe number of InfoSphere CDC datastores that have a communication connection to Management Console currently open. activeThe number of replication agents that are currently engaged in an exchange with remote Management Console sessions. pendingThe number of datastores that are attempting to initiate an exchange with remote Management Console sessions. typeIndicates the manner in which processing is being shut down (CNTRLD, QUICK, and IMMED) within the InfoSphere CDC communications support. Note: InfoSphere CDC communications support is not in a Terminating state, and so the manner in which processing is shut down is not applicable. Message DestinationSystem log System ActionNone Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC9786I Source name = datastore, Medium = TCP/IP, Paths = path, Sends = send, Recvs = receive


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

ExplanationA report of the communications activity associated with the specified subscription server in the InfoSphere CDC address space. This message is issued in response to a DSPACT=COMM or DSPACT=ALL command issued from the operator console. Message Variables: datastoreThe name of the source datastore defined in the InfoSphere CDC metadata. pathThe number of paths between the specified source system and the current InfoSphere CDC address space. A single path is required to support a single replication event. sendThe number of whole data segments that have been sent to the specified source system. receiveThe number of whole data segments that have been received from the specified source system. Message DestinationSystem log System ActionNone Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC9787I Target name = datastore, Medium = TCP/IP, Paths = path, Sends = send, Recvs = receive

ExplanationA report of the communications activity associated with the specified subscription server in the InfoSphere CDC address space. This message is issued in response to a DSPACT=COMM or DSPACT=ALL command issued from the operator console. Message Variables: datastoreThe name of the target datastore defined in the InfoSphere CDC metadata. pathThe number of paths between the specified target and the current InfoSphere CDC address space. A single path is required to support a single replication event. sendThe number of whole data segments that have been sent to the specified target. receiveThe number of whole data segments that have been received from the specified target. Message DestinationSystem log System ActionNone
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Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC9788I Datastore name = datastore, Medium = TCP/IP, Paths = path, Sends = send, Recvs = receive

ExplanationA report of the communications activity associated with the specified subscription server in the InfoSphere CDC address space. This message is issued in response to a DSPACT=COMM or DSPACT=ALL command issued from the operator console. Message Variables: datastoreThe name of the datastore defined in the InfoSphere CDC metadata. pathThe number of paths between the specified target and the current InfoSphere CDC address space. A single path is required to support a single replication event. sendThe number of whole data segments that have been sent to the specified datastore. receiveThe number of whole data segments that have been received from the specified datastore. Message DestinationSystem log System ActionNone Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC9789I *Undefined* name = datastore, Medium = TCP/IP, Paths = path, Sends = send, Recvs = receive

ExplanationA report of the communications activity associated with the specified subscription server in the InfoSphere CDC address space. This message is issued in response to a DSPACT=COMM or DSPACT=ALL command issued from the operator console. Message Variables: datastoreThe name of the source system, target, or datastore defined in the InfoSphere CDC metadata. pathThe number of paths between the specified target and the current InfoSphere CDC address space. A single path is required to support a single replication event. sendThe number of whole data segments that have been sent to the specified source system or target.


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

receiveThe number of whole data segments that have been received from the specified source system or target. Message DestinationSystem log System ActionNone Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC9795L Obtained z/OS area Storage from Subpool id at address address for a length of size bytes.

ExplanationIdentifies the commonly addressable storage area from which storage has been obtained. This message is issued when InfoSphere CDC requires the use of storage obtained from commonly addressable system storage areas. It is only sent to the system log, and it allows the system programmer to monitor the use of commonly addressable system storage by InfoSphere CDC. Message Variables: areaThe commonly addressable storage area from which storage has been obtained. idThe subpool identifier of the commonly addressable system storage area from which storage has been obtained. addressThe virtual storage address of the commonly addressable system storage area that has been obtained. sizeThe length of the commonly addressable storage that has been obtained. Message DestinationSystem log System ActionAs indicated in the message text. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC9796L Released z/OS area Storage from Subpool id at address address for a length of size bytes.

ExplanationIdentifies the commonly addressable storage area that received the released storage. This message is issued when InfoSphere CDC no longer requires storage that it obtained from a commonly addressable system storage area. This message is only sent to the system log, and it allows the system programmer to monitor the use of commonly addressable system storage by InfoSphere CDC. Message Variables:

Event messages reference


areaThe commonly addressable storage area from which storage has been obtained. idThe subpool identifier of the commonly addressable system storage area that the released storage has been returned to. addressThe virtual storage address of the commonly addressable system storage area that has been released. sizeThe length of the commonly addressable storage that has been released. Message DestinationSystem log System ActionAs indicated in the message text. Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC9798E Not APF Authorized. IBM InfoSphere Change Data Capture for z/OS cannot execute.

ExplanationInfoSphere CDC is not executing in an APF Authorized address space during initialization. APF Authority is required by this product in order to obtain access to the DB2 resources and services that it must use. Message VariablesNone Message DestinationSystem log System ActionInfoSphere CDC is stopped. Operator ResponseNote the message number and contact the system programmer who is responsible for installing and/or maintaining InfoSphere CDC in your working environment. Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC9799I IBM InfoSphere Change Data Capture for z/OS has terminated.

Message Variables: ExplanationInfoSphere CDC is no longer running. This is the last message issued by the product after it has stopped. Message VariablesNone Message DestinationSystem log System ActionNone Operator ResponseNone


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC9800I Target Data name = name, Sends = smg, Send Bytes = sby, Recvs = rmg, Recv Bytes = rby, CPU Used = time

ExplanationProvides information about a single communications link. In the case of Target Data, it is a data channel used by a target to receive replicated data from a source system. It is issued in response to a DSPACT=COMM or DSPACT=ALL command issued from the operator console. The message is issued for each communications link that was active when the DSPACT command was issued. A data channel exists for each replication path between a local and remote server. A single control channel exists between a local and remote server to manage data replication on all defined data channels. The control channel consists of a source and target control pairing (Source Control and Target Control). Message Variables: nameThe name of the communications link. For a data channel, the name of a communications link is the name of a target or source identifier defined in Management Console. For a control channel, the name of a communications link is composed of a remote server host name and port number. For a Monitor Agent channel, the name of the communications link is composed of a remote client host name and port number. smgThe total number of messages sent on the link at the time this message was generated. sbyThe total number of bytes sent on the link at the time this message was generated. rmgThe total number of messages received on the link at the time this message was generated. rbyThe total number of bytes received on the link at the time this message was generated. timeThe number of seconds of CPU time consumed by the link to date. Message DestinationSystem log System ActionNone Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC9801I Source Data name = name, Sends = smg, Send Bytes = sby, Recvs = rmg, Recv Bytes = rby, CPU Used = cpu

ExplanationProvides information about a single communications link. In the case of Source Data, it is a data channel used by a source system to replicate data to a target. It is issued in response to a DSPACT=COMM or DSPACT=ALL command issued
Event messages reference


from the operator console. The message is issued for each communications link that was active when the DSPACT command was issued. In the message text, each communications link is identified as follows: A data channel exists for each replication path between a local and remote server. A single control channel exists between a local and remote server to manage data replication on all defined data channels. The control channel consists of a source and target control pairing (Source Control and Target Control). Message Variables: nameThe name of the communications link. For a data channel, the name of a communications link is the name of a target or source identifier defined in Management Console. For a control channel, the name of a communications link is composed of a remote server host name and port number. For a Monitor Agent channel, the name of the communications link is composed of a remote client host name and port number. smgThe total number of messages sent on the link at the time this message was generated. sbyThe total number of bytes sent on the link at the time this message was generated. rmgThe total number of messages received on the link at the time this message was generated. rbyThe total number of bytes received on the link at the time this message was generated. cpuThe number of seconds of CPU time consumed by the link to date. Message DestinationSystem log System ActionNone Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC9802I Monitor Agent name = namee, Sends = smg, Send Bytes = sby, Recvs = rmg, Recv Bytes = rby, CPU Used = cpu

ExplanationProvides information about a single communications link. In the case of Monitor Agent, it is a data channel used by the Monitor Agent to report the status of replications to Management Console. It is issued in response to a DSPACT=COMM or DSPACT=ALL command issued from the operator console. The message is issued for each communications link that was active when the DSPACT command was issued. In the message text, each communications link is identified as follows: A data channel exists for each replication path between a local and remote server. A single control channel exists between a local and remote server to manage data replication on all defined data channels. The control channel consists of a source and target control pairing (Source Control and Target Control).


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

Message Variables: nameThe name of the communications link. For a data channel, the name of a communications link is the name of a target or source identifier defined in Management Console. For a control channel, the name of a communications link is composed of a remote server host name and port number. For a Monitor Agent channel, the name of the communications link is composed of a remote client host name and port number. smgThe total number of messages sent on the link at the time this message was generated. sbyThe total number of bytes sent on the link at the time this message was generated. rmgThe total number of messages received on the link at the time this message was generated. rbyThe total number of bytes received on the link at the time this message was generated. cpuThe number of seconds of CPU time consumed by the link to date. Message DestinationSystem log System ActionNone Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC9803I Source Control name = name, Sends = smg, Send Bytes = sby, Recvs = rmg, Recv Bytes = rby, CPU Used = cpu

ExplanationProvides information about a single communications link. In the case of Source Control, it is the control channel used by a source system to manage data replication on data channels. It is issued in response to a DSPACT=COMM or DSPACT=ALL command issued from the operator console. The message is issued for each communications link that was active when the DSPACT command was issued. In the message text, each communications link is identified as follows: A data channel exists for each replication path between a local and remote server. A single control channel exists between a local and remote server to manage data replication on all defined data channels. The control channel consists of a source and target control pairing (Source Control and Target Control). Message Variables: nameThe name of the communications link. For a data channel, the name of a communications link is the name of a target or source identifier defined in Management Console. For a control channel, the name of a communications link is composed of a remote server host name and port number. For a Monitor Agent channel, the name of the communications link is composed of a remote client host name and port number.
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smgThe total number of messages sent on the link at the time this message was generated. sbyThe total number of bytes sent on the link at the time this message was generated. rmgThe total number of messages received on the link at the time this message was generated. rbyThe total number of bytes received on the link at the time this message was generated. cpuThe number of seconds of CPU time consumed by the link to date. Message DestinationSystem log System ActionNone Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC9804I Target Control name = name, Sends = smg, Send Bytes = sby, Recvs = rmg, Recv Bytes = rby, CPU Used = cpu

ExplanationProvides information about a single communications link. In the case of Target Control, it is the control channel used by a target to manage data replication on data channels. It is issued in response to a DSPACT=COMM or DSPACT=ALL command issued from the operator console. The message is issued for each communications link that was active when the DSPACT command was issued. In the message text, each communications link is identified as follows: A data channel exists for each replication path between a local and remote server. A single control channel exists between a local and remote server to manage data replication on all defined data channels. The control channel consists of a source and target control pairing (Source Control and Target Control). Message Variables: nameThe name of the communications link. For a data channel, the name of a communications link is the name of a target or source identifier defined in Management Console. For a control channel, the name of a communications link is composed of a remote server host name and port number. For a Monitor Agent channel, the name of the communications link is composed of a remote client host name and port number. smgThe total number of messages sent on the link at the time this message was generated. sbyThe total number of bytes sent on the link at the time this message was generated. rmgThe total number of messages received on the link at the time this message was generated.


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

rbyThe total number of bytes received on the link at the time this message was generated. cpuThe number of seconds of CPU time consumed by the link to date. Message DestinationSystem log System ActionNone Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC9805I *Unknown* name = name, Sends = smg, Send Bytes = sby, Recvs = rmg, Recv Bytes = rby, CPU Used = time

ExplanationProvides information about a single communications link. In the case of *Unknown*, the purpose of the communications link could not be determined. It is issued in response to a DSPACT=COMM or DSPACT=ALL command issued from the operator console. The message is issued for each communications link that was active when the DSPACT command was issued. In the message text, each communications link is identified as follows: A data channel exists for each replication path between a local and remote server. A single control channel exists between a local and remote server to manage data replication on all defined data channels. The control channel consists of a source and target control pairing (Source Control and Target Control). Message Variables: nameThe name of the communications link. For a data channel, the name of a communications link is the name of a target or source identifier defined in Management Console. For a control channel, the name of a communications link is composed of a remote server host name and port number. For a Monitor Agent channel, the name of the communications link is composed of a remote client host name and port number. smgThe total number of messages sent on the link at the time this message was generated. sbyThe total number of bytes sent on the link at the time this message was generated. rmgThe total number of messages received on the link at the time this message was generated. rbyThe total number of bytes received on the link at the time this message was generated. timeThe number of seconds of CPU time consumed by the link to date. Message DestinationSystem log System ActionNone
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Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC9812E Deferred DLL Initialization for DLL name was unsuccessful. The subordinate DLLs failed initialization.

ExplanationThis message summarizes a failure to manage a DLL (Dynamic Link Library) during initialization or termination of an InfoSphere CDC process Message Variables: nameThe name of the dynamic load library module that was not successfully managed. Message DestinationSystem log System ActionModules are managed during component initialization and termination. When a module management request is unsuccessful, initialization or termination of the affected component fails, and InfoSphere CDC stops prematurely. Operator ResponseThis message may be accompanied by additional messages generated by InfoSphere CDC for z/OS. Inform the system programmer of the failure to manage the dynamic load library by providing the information from this and any other related messages. Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC9813E Deferred DLL Initialization for DLL name was unsuccessful. The DLL was already being terminated.

ExplanationThis message summarizes a failure to manage a DLL (Dynamic Link Library) during initialization or termination of an InfoSphere CDC process Message Variables: nameThe name of the dynamic load library module that was not successfully managed. Message DestinationSystem log System ActionModules are managed during component initialization and termination. When a module management request is unsuccessful, initialization or termination of the affected component fails, and InfoSphere CDC stops prematurely. Operator ResponseThis message may be accompanied by additional messages generated by InfoSphere CDC for z/OS. Inform the system programmer of the failure to manage the dynamic load library by providing the information from this and any other related messages. Client Administrator ResponseNone


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

CHC9814E Deferred DLL Initialization for DLL name was unsuccessful. The DLL was not initialized

ExplanationThis message summarizes a failure to manage a DLL (Dynamic Link Library) during initialization or termination of an InfoSphere CDC process Message Variables: nameThe name of the dynamic load library module that was not successfully managed. Message DestinationSystem log System ActionModules are managed during component initialization and termination. When a module management request is unsuccessful, initialization or termination of the affected component fails, and InfoSphere CDC stops prematurely. Operator ResponseThis message may be accompanied by additional messages generated by InfoSphere CDC for z/OS. Inform the system programmer of the failure to manage the dynamic load library by providing the information from this and any other related messages. Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC9815E Deferred DLL Initialization for DLL name was unsuccessful. The DLL was already being initialized.

ExplanationThis message summarizes a failure to manage a DLL (Dynamic Link Library) during initialization or termination of an InfoSphere CDC process Message Variables: nameThe name of the dynamic load library module that was not successfully managed. Message DestinationSystem log System ActionModules are managed during component initialization and termination. When a module management request is unsuccessful, initialization or termination of the affected component fails, and InfoSphere CDC stops prematurely. Operator ResponseThis message may be accompanied by additional messages generated by InfoSphere CDC for z/OS. Inform the system programmer of the failure to manage the dynamic load library by providing the information from this and any other related messages. Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC9816E Deferred DLL Initialization for DLL name was unsuccessful. The subordinate DLLs failed termination.
Event messages reference


ExplanationThis message summarizes a failure to manage a DLL (Dynamic Link Library) during initialization or termination of an InfoSphere CDC process Message Variables: nameThe name of the dynamic load library module that was not successfully managed. Message DestinationSystem log System ActionModules are managed during component initialization and termination. When a module management request is unsuccessful, initialization or termination of the affected component fails, and InfoSphere CDC stops prematurely. Operator ResponseThis message may be accompanied by additional messages generated by InfoSphere CDC for z/OS. Inform the system programmer of the failure to manage the dynamic load library by providing the information from this and any other related messages. Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC9817I Medium = TCP/IP, State = Inactive, Shutdown = type

ExplanationA report of how the TCP/IP medium is being used within the InfoSphere CDC address space. This message is issued in response to a DSPACT=COMM or DSPACT=ALL command issued from the operator console. The State setting indicates the current state of InfoSphere CDCs specified communication support; in the case of Inactive, the specified communications support is currently not available. The STRTSCOM operator command must be issued before communications using the specified communication medium can occur. Message Variables: typeIndicate the manner in which communications supports processing is being shut down. A shut down is initiated by a SHUTDOWN command issued from the operator console. If the communications supports processing is not in a Quiescing state, then the manner in which the communications supports processing is shut down is not applicable. Message DestinationSystem log System ActionNone Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC9818I Medium = TCP/IP, State = Active, Shutdown = type

ExplanationA report of how the TCP/IP medium is being used within the InfoSphere CDC address space. This message is issued in response to a DSPACT=COMM or DSPACT=ALL command issued from the operator console. The State


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

setting indicates the current state of InfoSphere CDCs specified communication support; in the case of Active, the communications support is currently available. Message Variables: typeIndicate the manner in which communications supports processing is being shut down. A shut down is initiated by a SHUTDOWN command issued from the operator console. If the communications supports processing is not in a Quiescing state, then the manner in which the communications supports processing is shut down is not applicable. Message DestinationSystem log System ActionNone Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC9819I Medium = TCP/IP, State = Quiescing, Shutdown = type

ExplanationA report of how the TCP/IP medium is being used within the InfoSphere CDC address space. This message is issued in response to a DSPACT=COMM or DSPACT=ALL command issued from the operator console. The state setting indicates the current state of InfoSphere CDCs specified communication support; in the case of Quiescing, the communications support is currently available but is being gracefully terminated. This state is probably the result of issuing a SHUTDOWN=CNTRLD operator command. Any active communications using the communications medium are allowed to continue, but no new communication connections are allowed to start. When the last active connection has terminated, the current state automatically changes to Inactive. Message Variables: typeIndicate the manner in which communications supports processing is being shut down. A shut down is initiated by a SHUTDOWN command issued from the operator console. If the communications supports processing is not in a Quiescing state, then the manner in which the communications supports processing is shut down is not applicable. Message DestinationSystem log System ActionNone Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC9830I DBMS: Repositories = number, State = Started, Shutdown = type

ExplanationA report of the database management system support in the InfoSphere CDC address space. This message is issued in response to a DSPACT=DBMS or DSPACT=ALL command issued from the operator console. The State
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setting (Started, Processing, or Terminating) indicates the current state of database management system support in the InfoSphere CDC address space; in the case of Started, the Database management system support has begun, but has not yet completed initialization. Message Variables: numberThe number of DB2 repositories that InfoSphere CDC is supporting. typeIndicates the manner in which processing is being shut down. A shut down is initiated by a SHUTDOWN command issued from the operator console. If InfoSphere CDC database management system support is not in a Terminating state, then the manner in which processing is being shut down is not applicable. Message DestinationSystem log System ActionNone Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC9831I DBMS: Repositories = number, State = Initialized, Shutdown = type

ExplanationA report of the database management system support in the InfoSphere CDC address space. This message is issued in response to a DSPACT=DBMS or DSPACT=ALL command issued from the operator console. The State setting indicates the current state of database management system support in the InfoSphere CDC address space. v StartedDatabase management system support has begun, but has not yet completed initialization. v ProcessingDatabase management system support has completed initialization and is currently processing database requests. v TerminatingDatabase management system support is being terminated (as a result of a SHUTDOWN command issued from the operator console). Message Variables: numberThe number of DB2 repositories that InfoSphere CDC is supporting. typeIndicates the manner in which processing is being shut down. A shut down is initiated by a SHUTDOWN command issued from the operator console. If InfoSphere CDC database management system support is not in a Terminating state, then the manner in which processing is being shut down is not applicable. Message DestinationSystem log System ActionNone Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNone


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

CHC9832I DBMS: Repositories = number, State = Processing, Shutdown = type

ExplanationA report of the database management system support in the InfoSphere CDC address space. This message is issued in response to a DSPACT=DBMS or DSPACT=ALL command issued from the operator console. The State setting indicates the current state of database management system support in the InfoSphere CDC address space; in the case of Processing, the Database management system support has completed initialization and is currently processing database requests. v v StartedDatabase management system support has begun, but has not yet completed initialization. v v ProcessingDatabase management system support has completed initialization and is currently processing database requests. v v TerminatingDatabase management system support is being terminated (as a result of a SHUTDOWN command issued from the operator console). Message Variables: numberThe number of DB2 repositories that InfoSphere CDC is supporting. typeIndicates the manner in which processing is being shut down. A shut down is initiated by a SHUTDOWN command issued from the operator console. If InfoSphere CDC database management system support is not in a Terminating state, then the manner in which processing is being shut down is not applicable. Message DestinationSystem log System ActionNone Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC9833I DBMS: Repositories = number, State = Terminating, Shutdown = type

ExplanationA report of the database management system support in the InfoSphere CDC address space. This message is issued in response to a DSPACT=DBMS or DSPACT=ALL command issued from the operator console. The State setting indicates the current state of database management system support in the InfoSphere CDC address space; in the case of Processing, the Database management system support has completed initialization and is currently processing database requests. v v StartedDatabase management system support has begun, but has not yet completed initialization. v v ProcessingDatabase management system support has completed initialization and is currently processing database requests. v v TerminatingDatabase management system support is being terminated (as a result of a SHUTDOWN command issued from the operator console). Message Variables:

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numberThe number of DB2 repositories that InfoSphere CDC is supporting. typeIndicates the manner in which processing is being shut down. A shut down is initiated by a SHUTDOWN command issued from the operator console. If InfoSphere CDC database management system support is not in a Terminating state, then the manner in which processing is being shut down is not applicable. Message DestinationSystem log System ActionNone Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC9834I DBMS: Repositories = number, State = Terminated, Shutdown = type

ExplanationA report of the database management system support in the InfoSphere CDC address space. This message is issued in response to a DSPACT=DBMS or DSPACT=ALL command issued from the operator console. The State setting indicates the current state of database management system support in the InfoSphere CDC address space; in the case of Processing, the Database management system support has completed initialization and is currently processing database requests. v v StartedDatabase management system support has begun, but has not yet completed initialization. v v ProcessingDatabase management system support has completed initialization and is currently processing database requests. v v TerminatingDatabase management system support is being terminated (as a result of a SHUTDOWN command issued from the operator console). Message Variables: numberThe number of DB2 repositories that InfoSphere CDC is supporting. typeIndicates the manner in which processing is being shut down. A shut down is initiated by a SHUTDOWN command issued from the operator console. If InfoSphere CDC database management system support is not in a Terminating state, then the manner in which processing is being shut down is not applicable. Message DestinationSystem log System ActionNone Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC9835I DBMS: Repositories = number, State = Started, Shutdown = type

ExplanationA report of the database management system support in the InfoSphere CDC address space. This message is issued in response to a


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

DSPACT=DBMS or DSPACT=ALL command issued from the operator console. The State setting indicates the current state of database management system support in the InfoSphere CDC address space; in the case of Processing, the Database management system support has completed initialization and is currently processing database requests. v v StartedDatabase management system support has begun, but has not yet completed initialization. v v ProcessingDatabase management system support has completed initialization and is currently processing database requests. v v TerminatingDatabase management system support is being terminated (as a result of a SHUTDOWN command issued from the operator console). Message Variables: numberThe number of DB2 repositories that InfoSphere CDC is supporting. typeIndicates the manner in which processing is being shut down. A shut down is initiated by a SHUTDOWN command issued from the operator console. If InfoSphere CDC database management system support is not in a Terminating state, then the manner in which processing is being shut down is not applicable. Message DestinationSystem log System ActionNone Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC9840I Subscription name = name, Repository type = DB2, Activity = activity, State = Comm. Deallocating, Shutdown = state, Current type = position, Written at = time

ExplanationA report of replication activity to the subscription identified in the message text. This message is issued in response to a DSPACT=REPLIC or DSPACT=ALL command issued from the operator console. Message Variables: nameThe name of the subscription being reported. activityIdentifies the specific replication activity (source table describe, refresh, or mirroring) that has been started to the subscription. stateIdentifies the current state of replication to the subscription. typeThe possible values for type are: RBA (relative byte address) or LRSN (log record sequence number). positionThe current RBA (relative byte address) or LRSN (log record sequence number) for reading DB2 Log data during mirroring activities. This RBA/LRSN will advance as the source server advances through the DB2 Log, collecting data to

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be sent to the target server. If refresh activities are being performed when the DSPACT command is invoked, then *NA* appears in the message text at this point. timeThe timestamp when the current RBA or LRSN identified in the message was written to the DB2 Log. If mirroring is not being performed when the DSPACT command is invoked, then *NA* appears in the message text at this point. Message DestinationSystem log System ActionNone Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC9841I Subscription name = name, Repository type = DB2, Activity = activity, State = Not Connected, Shutdown = state, Current type = position, Written at = time

ExplanationA report of replication activity to the subscription identified in the message text. This message is issued in response to a DSPACT=REPLIC or DSPACT=ALL command issued from the operator console. Message Variables: nameThe name of the subscription being reported. activityIdentifies the specific replication activity (source table describe, refresh, or mirroring) that has been started to the subscription. stateIdentifies the current state of replication to the subscription. typeThe possible values for type are: RBA (relative byte address) or LRSN (log record sequence number). positionThe current RBA (relative byte address) or LRSN (log record sequence number) for reading DB2 Log data during mirroring activities. This RBA/LRSN will advance as the source server advances through the DB2 Log, collecting data to be sent to the target server. If refresh activities are being performed when the DSPACT command is invoked, then *NA* appears in the message text at this point. timeThe timestamp when the current RBA or LRSN identified in the message was written to the DB2 Log. If mirroring is not being performed when the DSPACT command is invoked, then *NA* appears in the message text at this point. Message DestinationSystem log System ActionNone Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNone


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

CHC9842I Subscription name = name, Repository type = DB2, Activity = activity, State = Connecting, Shutdown = state, Current type = position, Written at = time

ExplanationA report of replication activity to the subscription identified in the message text. This message is issued in response to a DSPACT=REPLIC or DSPACT=ALL command issued from the operator console. Message Variables: nameThe name of the subscription being reported. activityIdentifies the specific replication activity (source table describe, refresh, or mirroring) that has been started to the subscription. stateIdentifies the current state of replication to the subscription. typeThe possible values for type are: RBA (relative byte address) or LRSN (log record sequence number). positionThe current RBA (relative byte address) or LRSN (log record sequence number) for reading DB2 Log data during mirroring activities. This RBA/LRSN will advance as the source server advances through the DB2 Log, collecting data to be sent to the target server. If refresh activities are being performed when the DSPACT command is invoked, then *NA* appears in the message text at this point. timeThe timestamp when the current RBA or LRSN identified in the message was written to the DB2 Log. If mirroring is not being performed when the DSPACT command is invoked, then *NA* appears in the message text at this point. Message DestinationSystem log System ActionNone Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC9843I Subscription name = name, Repository type = DB2, Activity = activity, State = Connected, Shutdown = state, Current type = position, Written at = time

ExplanationA report of replication activity to the subscription identified in the message text. This message is issued in response to a DSPACT=REPLIC or DSPACT=ALL command issued from the operator console. Message Variables: nameThe name of the subscription being reported. activityIdentifies the specific replication activity (source table describe, refresh, or mirroring) that has been started to the subscription.

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stateIdentifies the current state of replication to the subscription. typeThe possible values for type are: RBA (relative byte address) or LRSN (log record sequence number). positionThe current RBA (relative byte address) or LRSN (log record sequence number) for reading DB2 Log data during mirroring activities. This RBA/LRSN will advance as the source server advances through the DB2 Log, collecting data to be sent to the target server. If refresh activities are being performed when the DSPACT command is invoked, then *NA* appears in the message text at this point. timeThe timestamp when the current RBA or LRSN identified in the message was written to the DB2 Log. If mirroring is not being performed when the DSPACT command is invoked, then *NA* appears in the message text at this point. Message DestinationSystem log System ActionNone Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC9844I Subscription name = name, Repository type = DB2, Activity = activity, State = Processing, Shutdown = state, Current type = position, Written at = time

ExplanationA report of replication activity to the subscription identified in the message text. This message is issued in response to a DSPACT=REPLIC or DSPACT=ALL command issued from the operator console. Message Variables: nameThe name of the subscription being reported. activityIdentifies the replication method of the subscription. This could be mirroring or a refresh. stateIdentifies the current state of replication to the subscription. typeThe possible values for type are: RBA (relative byte address) or LRSN (log record sequence number). positionThe current RBA (relative byte address) or LRSN (log record sequence number) for reading DB2 Log data during mirroring activities. This RBA/LRSN will advance as the source server advances through the DB2 Log, collecting data to be sent to the target server. If refresh activities are being performed when the DSPACT command is invoked, then *NA* appears in the message text at this point. timeThe timestamp when the current RBA or LRSN identified in the message was written to the DB2 Log. If mirroring is not being performed when the DSPACT command is invoked, then *NA* appears in the message text at this point.


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

Message DestinationSystem log System ActionNone Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC9845I Subscription name = name, Repository type = DB2, Activity = activity, State = Ending, Shutdown = state, Current type = position, Written at = time

ExplanationA report of replication activity to the subscription identified in the message text. This message is issued in response to a DSPACT=REPLIC or DSPACT=ALL command issued from the operator console. Message Variables: nameThe name of the subscription being reported. activityIdentifies the specific replication activity (source table describe, refresh, or mirroring) that has been started to the subscription. stateIdentifies the current state of replication to the subscription. typeThe possible values for type are: RBA (relative byte address) or LRSN (log record sequence number). positionThe current RBA (relative byte address) or LRSN (log record sequence number) for reading DB2 Log data during mirroring activities. This RBA/LRSN will advance as the source server advances through the DB2 Log, collecting data to be sent to the target server. If refresh activities are being performed when the DSPACT command is invoked, then *NA* appears in the message text at this point. timeThe timestamp when the current RBA or LRSN identified in the message was written to the DB2 Log. If mirroring is not being performed when the DSPACT command is invoked, then *NA* appears in the message text at this point. Message DestinationSystem log System ActionNone Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC9846I Subscription name = name, Repository type = DB2, Activity = activity, State = Not Active, Shutdown = state, Current type = position, Written at = time

ExplanationA report of replication activity to the subscription identified in the message text. This message is issued in response to a DSPACT=REPLIC or DSPACT=ALL command issued from the operator console.
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Message Variables: nameThe name of the subscription being reported. activityIdentifies the specific replication activity (source table describe, refresh, or mirroring) that has been started to the subscription. stateIdentifies the current state of replication to the subscription. typeThe possible values for type are: RBA (relative byte address) or LRSN (log record sequence number). positionThe current RBA (relative byte address) or LRSN (log record sequence number) for reading DB2 Log data during mirroring activities. This RBA/LRSN will advance as the source server advances through the DB2 Log, collecting data to be sent to the target server. If refresh activities are being performed when the DSPACT command is invoked, then *NA* appears in the message text at this point. timeThe timestamp when the current RBA or LRSN identified in the message was written to the DB2 Log. If mirroring is not being performed when the DSPACT command is invoked, then *NA* appears in the message text at this point. Message DestinationSystem log System ActionNone Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC9847I Subscription name = name, Repository type = DB2, Activity = activity, State = Unknown, Shutdown = state, Current type = position, Written at = time

ExplanationA report of replication activity to the subscription identified in the message text. This message is issued in response to a DSPACT=REPLIC or DSPACT=ALL command issued from the operator console. Message Variables: nameThe name of the subscription being reported. activityIdentifies the specific replication activity (source table describe, refresh, or mirroring) that has been started to the subscription. stateIdentifies the current state of replication to the subscription. typeThe possible values for type are: RBA (relative byte address) or LRSN (log record sequence number). positionThe current RBA (relative byte address) or LRSN (log record sequence number) for reading DB2 Log data during mirroring activities. This RBA/LRSN will advance as the source server advances through the DB2 Log, collecting data to


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

be sent to the target server. If refresh activities are being performed when the DSPACT command is invoked, then *NA* appears in the message text at this point. timeThe timestamp when the current RBA or LRSN identified in the message was written to the DB2 Log. If mirroring is not being performed when the DSPACT command is invoked, then *NA* appears in the message text at this point. Message DestinationSystem log System ActionNone Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC9853I Source name = source, Activity = activity, State = Comm. Deallocating, Shutdown = setting

ExplanationA report of replication activity from the source system identified in the message text. This message is issued in response to a DSPACT=REPLIC or DSPACT=ALL command issued from the operator console. Message Variables: sourceThe source identifier that identifies the source of replicated data. activityIdentifies the current replication activity being performed on the source system. The possible values are: v Describe_TablesThe identified source system is sending source table descriptions. v Start_MirrorThe identified source system is starting to mirror data. v Start_RefreshThe identified source system is starting a refresh data. v Stop_ReplicationThe replication (mirroring or refresh) of data from the identified source system is ending. settingIndicates the manner in which replication activity from the identified source system is being stopped. The possible values are: v CNTRLDReplication activity with the identified source system is being stopped in a controlled manner. Typically, this is the method you will use to end replication explicitly on the source system. v IMMEDReplication activity with the identified source system is being stopped immediately. v ABNORMALReplication activity with the identified source system has ended unexpectedly as a result of a problem or error. v *N/A*Replication activity is not in a Comm. Deallocating or Ending state, and so the manner in which replication activity is stopped is not applicable. Replication activity is stopped explicitly by running the ENDTSRSH or ENDTSMIR command from the operator console. Message DestinationSystem log
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System ActionNone Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNone

CHC9854I Source name = source, Activity = activity, State = Not Connected, Shutdown = setting

ExplanationA report of replication activity from the source system identified in the message text. This message is issued in response to a DSPACT=REPLIC or DSPACT=ALL command issued from the operator console. Message Variables: sourceThe source identifier that identifies the source of replicated data. activityIdentifies the current replication activity being performed on the source system. The possible values are: v Describe_TablesThe identified source system is sending source table descriptions. v Start_MirrorThe identified source system is starting to mirror data. v Start_RefreshThe identified source system is starting a refresh data. v Stop_ReplicationThe replication (mirroring or refresh) of data from the identified source system is ending. settingIndicates the manner in which replication activity from the identified source system is being stopped. The possible values are: v CNTRLDReplication activity with the identified source system is being stopped in a controlled manner. Typically, this is the method you will use to end replication explicitly on the source system. v IMMEDReplication activity with the identified source system is being stopped immediately. v ABNORMALReplication activity with the identified source system has ended unexpectedly as a result of a problem or error. v *N/A*Replication activity is not in a Comm. Deallocating or Ending state, and so the manner in which replication activity is stopped is not applicable. Replication activity is stopped explicitly by running the ENDTSRSH or ENDTSMIR command from the operator console. Message DestinationSystem log System ActionNone Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNone


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

Related reference ENDTSMIREnd mirroring on page 104 ENDTSRSHEnd refresh on page 108

CHC9855I Source name = source, Activity = activity, State = Connecting, Shutdown = setting

ExplanationA report of replication activity from the source system identified in the message text. This message is issued in response to a DSPACT=REPLIC or DSPACT=ALL command issued from the operator console. Message Variables: sourceThe source identifier that identifies the source of replicated data. activityIdentifies the current replication activity being performed on the source system. The possible values are: v Describe_TablesThe identified source system is sending source table descriptions. v Start_MirrorThe identified source system is starting to mirror data. v Start_RefreshThe identified source system is starting a refresh data. v Stop_ReplicationThe replication (mirroring or refresh) of data from the identified source system is ending. settingIndicates the manner in which replication activity from the identified source system is being stopped. The possible values are: v CNTRLDReplication activity with the identified source system is being stopped in a controlled manner. Typically, this is the method you will use to end replication explicitly on the source system. v IMMEDReplication activity with the identified source system is being stopped immediately. v ABNORMALReplication activity with the identified source system has ended unexpectedly as a result of a problem or error. v *N/A*Replication activity is not in a Comm. Deallocating or Ending state, and so the manner in which replication activity is stopped is not applicable. Replication activity is stopped explicitly by running the ENDTSRSH or ENDTSMIR command from the operator console. Message DestinationSystem log System ActionNone Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNone

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Related reference ENDTSMIREnd mirroring on page 104 ENDTSRSHEnd refresh on page 108

CHC9856I Source name = source, Activity = activity, State = Connected, Shutdown = setting

ExplanationA report of replication activity from the source system identified in the message text. This message is issued in response to a DSPACT=REPLIC or DSPACT=ALL command issued from the operator console. Message Variables: sourceThe source identifier that identifies the source of replicated data. activityIdentifies the current replication activity being performed on the source system. The possible values are: v Describe_TablesThe identified source system is sending source table descriptions. v Start_MirrorThe identified source system is starting to mirror data. v Start_RefreshThe identified source system is starting a refresh data. v Stop_ReplicationThe replication (mirroring or refresh) of data from the identified source system is ending. settingIndicates the manner in which replication activity from the identified source system is being stopped. The possible values are: v CNTRLDReplication activity with the identified source system is being stopped in a controlled manner. Typically, this is the method you will use to end replication explicitly on the source system. v IMMEDReplication activity with the identified source system is being stopped immediately. v ABNORMALReplication activity with the identified source system has ended unexpectedly as a result of a problem or error. v *N/A*Replication activity is not in a Comm. Deallocating or Ending state, and so the manner in which replication activity is stopped is not applicable. Replication activity is stopped explicitly by running the ENDTSRSH or ENDTSMIR command from the operator console. Message DestinationSystem log System ActionNone Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNone


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

Related reference ENDTSMIREnd mirroring on page 104 ENDTSRSHEnd refresh on page 108

CHC9857I Source name = source, Activity = activity, State = Processing, Shutdown = setting

ExplanationA report of replication activity from the source system identified in the message text. This message is issued in response to a DSPACT=REPLIC or DSPACT=ALL command issued from the operator console. Message Variables: sourceThe source identifier that identifies the source of replicated data. activityIdentifies the current replication activity being performed on the source system. The possible values are: v Describe_TablesThe identified source system is sending source table descriptions. v Start_MirrorThe identified source system is starting to mirror data. v Start_RefreshThe identified source system is starting a refresh data. v Stop_ReplicationThe replication (mirroring or refresh) of data from the identified source system is ending. settingIndicates the manner in which replication activity from the identified source system is being stopped. The possible values are: v CNTRLDReplication activity with the identified source system is being stopped in a controlled manner. Typically, this is the method you will use to end replication explicitly on the source system. v IMMEDReplication activity with the identified source system is being stopped immediately. v ABNORMALReplication activity with the identified source system has ended unexpectedly as a result of a problem or error. v *N/A*Replication activity is not in a Comm. Deallocating or Ending state, and so the manner in which replication activity is stopped is not applicable. Replication activity is stopped explicitly by running the ENDTSRSH or ENDTSMIR command from the operator console. Message DestinationSystem log System ActionNone Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNone

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Related reference ENDTSMIREnd mirroring on page 104 ENDTSRSHEnd refresh on page 108

CHC9858I Source name = source, Activity = activity, State = Ending, Shutdown = setting.

ExplanationA report of replication activity from the source system identified in the message text. This message is issued in response to a DSPACT=REPLIC or DSPACT=ALL command issued from the operator console. Message Variables: sourceThe source identifier that identifies the source of replicated data. activityIdentifies the current replication activity being performed on the source system. The possible values are: v Describe_TablesThe identified source system is sending source table descriptions. v Start_MirrorThe identified source system is starting to mirror data. v Start_RefreshThe identified source system is starting a refresh data. v Stop_ReplicationThe replication (mirroring or refresh) of data from the identified source system is ending. settingIndicates the manner in which replication activity from the identified source system is being stopped. The possible values are: v CNTRLDReplication activity with the identified source system is being stopped in a controlled manner. Typically, this is the method you will use to end replication explicitly on the source system. v IMMEDReplication activity with the identified source system is being stopped immediately. v ABNORMALReplication activity with the identified source system has ended unexpectedly as a result of a problem or error. v *N/A*Replication activity is not in a Comm. Deallocating or Ending state, and so the manner in which replication activity is stopped is not applicable. Replication activity is stopped explicitly by running the ENDTSRSH or ENDTSMIR command from the operator console. Message DestinationSystem log System ActionNone Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNone


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

Related reference ENDTSMIREnd mirroring on page 104 ENDTSRSHEnd refresh on page 108

CHC9859I Source name = source, Activity = activity, State = Not Active, Shutdown = setting

ExplanationA report of replication activity from the source system identified in the message text. This message is issued in response to a DSPACT=REPLIC or DSPACT=ALL command issued from the operator console. Message Variables: sourceThe source identifier that identifies the source of replicated data. activityIdentifies the current replication activity being performed on the source system. The possible values are: v Describe_TablesThe identified source system is sending source table descriptions. v Start_MirrorThe identified source system is starting to mirror data. v Start_RefreshThe identified source system is starting a refresh data. v Stop_ReplicationThe replication (mirroring or refresh) of data from the identified source system is ending. settingIndicates the manner in which replication activity from the identified source system is being stopped. The possible values are: v CNTRLDReplication activity with the identified source system is being stopped in a controlled manner. Typically, this is the method you will use to end replication explicitly on the source system. v IMMEDReplication activity with the identified source system is being stopped immediately. v ABNORMALReplication activity with the identified source system has ended unexpectedly as a result of a problem or error. v *N/A*Replication activity is not in a Comm. Deallocating or Ending state, and so the manner in which replication activity is stopped is not applicable. Replication activity is stopped explicitly by running the ENDTSRSH or ENDTSMIR command from the operator console. Message DestinationSystem log System ActionNone Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNone

Event messages reference


Related reference ENDTSMIREnd mirroring on page 104 ENDTSRSHEnd refresh on page 108

CHC9860I Source name = source, Activity = activity, State = Not Active, Shutdown = setting.

ExplanationA report of replication activity from the source system identified in the message text. This message is issued in response to a DSPACT=REPLIC or DSPACT=ALL command issued from the operator console. Message Variables: sourceThe source identifier that identifies the source of replicated data. activityIdentifies the current replication activity being performed on the source system. The possible values are: v Describe_TablesThe identified source system is sending source table descriptions. v Start_MirrorThe identified source system is starting to mirror data. v Start_RefreshThe identified source system is starting a refresh data. v Stop_ReplicationThe replication (mirroring or refresh) of data from the identified source system is ending. settingIndicates the manner in which replication activity from the identified source system is being stopped. The possible values are: v CNTRLDReplication activity with the identified source system is being stopped in a controlled manner. Typically, this is the method you will use to end replication explicitly on the source system. v IMMEDReplication activity with the identified source system is being stopped immediately. v ABNORMALReplication activity with the identified source system has ended unexpectedly as a result of a problem or error. v *N/A*Replication activity is not in a Comm. Deallocating or Ending state, and so the manner in which replication activity is stopped is not applicable. Replication activity is stopped explicitly by running the ENDTSRSH or ENDTSMIR command from the operator console. Message DestinationSystem log System ActionNone Operator ResponseNone Client Administrator ResponseNone Related reference ENDTSMIREnd mirroring on page 104 ENDTSRSHEnd refresh on page 108


InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

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InfoSphere Change Data Capture: End-User Documentation

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