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I Homage to Lokevara!

I prostrate to the Unsurpassable Subduer, the One who has Passed Beyond, the Foe Destroyer, the Fully and Perfectly Enlightened Buddha, the one of boundless life and wisdom called the King of Majestic Brilliance. II As prophesied by Buddha Amityus who grants the siddhi of longevity and immortality for the benefit of all those migrating beings inflicted by birth, aging, sickness and death, I too shall say this prayer of aspiration from previous lives: Whichever beings in this world-system hear my name, may they arrive in my field, without turning back for even a single lifetime. III As written in the Sukhvat-stra, through your unsurpassed power and wish to lead beings, I too shall go for refuge to Buddha Amityus. Having discarded my physical body, may I take birth in the Land of Bliss. IV Through the power of completing unlimited prayers, whose qualities like strings of beads are praised by all the Buddhas of the ten directions, may I spontaneously arise in Sukhvat. V May I spontaneously arise in Sukhvat, where Amitbha, the Leader of Men, dwells, Avalokitevara, the powerful one Vajrapi, and many other countless Buddhas and Bodhisattvas. VI May I spontaneously arise in Sukhvat, a precious land as smooth as the palms of our hands, encircled by golden lattices and filled with many marvelous lotuses. VII May I spontaneously arise in Sukhvat, where from the top of each lotus limitless light-rays radiate, emanations of the Buddhas of the ten directions spreading from all places. VIII May I spontaneously arise in Sukhvat, where trees of all varieties are made of seven precious substances appearing colourful and in good form, delightful to behold, pervaded in all directions by pleasant sounds. IX May I spontaneously arise in Sukhvat, where many kinds of flocks of birds are manifestations of the Sugata, producing melodious sounds and praises, recalling the Protector of all beings.


X May I spontaneously arise in Sukhvat, where delightful streams endowed with sweet fragrance sing constant praises of the qualities of the Subduer. XI May I spontaneously arise in Sukhvat, where gods and humans with golden complexion, attired in beautiful clothes and decked with ornaments, enjoy immeasurable bliss in the practice of the dharma. XII May I spontaneously arise in Sukhvat, where nourishment, clothing, bedding, medicine, monastic robes, and jewelled mansions manifest the moment one wishes them. XIII May I spontaneously arise in Sukhvat, where material offerings, such as canopies and banners, and whatever one desires, appear instantly through the power of the aspirations of the Protector. XIV May I spontaneously arise in Sukhvat, where one attains supernormal powers, such as clairvoyance, clairaudience, retrocognition, and superior intelligence. XV May I spontaneously arise in Sukhvat and directly discern, at the moment of death, the prophesy granted by ninety-nine million and a thousand rejoicing Buddhas extending their hands in salutation. XVI May I spontaneously arise in Sukhvat when I and all others are about to die, and Amitbha, the Leader of Beings and King of Dharma, along with hundreds of ordained monks appear lovingly before me and encircle me. XVII Having seen the Protector and his retinue, may there spring to my mind the highest joy, and with no loss of awareness, may I spontaneously arise in Sukhvat. XVIII May these aspirational prayers be fulfilled through the blessings of Avalokitevara, King of the World, through powerful prayers to the source of all phenomena, the great force of Amitbhas blessings, the power of whatever merit has been accumulated by all beings, the blessings of the Mahmudr of Clear Light, and the blessings of the truth of the Three Jewels. No sooner have I discarded this impure body, may I spontaneously arise in Sukhvat, and soon after being born there, may I complete the ten levels and engender emanations in all directions to serve others.

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