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Please choose the answer that best describes you. 1. Gender Male 2.

. Age Under 20 years 41-50 years 3. Education College or equivalent Doctoral Degree 4. Employment Status Unemployed Dependent 5. Marital Status Single Government Employee Retired Bachelor Degree

21-30 years 31-40 years 61 years and up

51-60 years

Master Degree


1 Children 4 Children

6. How many children do you have? None 3 Children

2 Children
5 Children & Above

7. How many members are there living in the same household? 1 Person 2 Person 3 Person 4 Person 8. Monthly household income. Less than 100,000 Ks 500,001-700,000 Ks 5 Person

6 Person & Above

300,001-500,000 Ks

100,001-300,000 Ks 700,001-900,000 Ks

Above 900,000 Ks

9. Type of resident House

Twin House


Purchasing Pattern 1. How often do you tell others when you have had a good experience or satisfied service while purchasing furniture? Always



2. How often do you tell others when you have had a bad experience or unsatisfied service while purchasing furniture? Always Sometime


3. Which are the most important factors that you consider when buying furniture? (Please give priority to your strategies) Lifelong Durability Design Price Quality Brand Service & Installation After Sale Service The Personal Care for Customer Fast Service Warranty Color Material Comfort Ease of Maintenance Matching with Other Items Size Suitable for the Place The Location of the store

4. Who has influenced you the most to make a decision of purchasing new furniture? Parents Husband/wife 5. How do you find the price? Right Price Sales Promotional Price Relative Friends


Reasonable Price

Discount Price

6. The cheaper the price of the products, the more the consumer will buy.


7. Buying Expensive and Brand products make me feel as if my living standard becomes higher.

No No

8. I purchase the items because of the other persons recommendation not because of the price. Yes

9. Where did you buy your furniture?

Furniture stores/Retailer Department stores

Furniture fair/Exhibition Other.(Please specify)

10. Shopping at the one-stop Furniture Mart saves my time.



11. When shopping at the showroom rather than furniture mall, I feel as if my living standard becomes higher. Agree

Two stores Five stores

12. How many stores did you look at before you bought furniture? One store Four stores

Three stores
Six stores or more

13. Please describe the form of sale promotion you like best. Discount Lucky Draw Giving free gift Coupon Contents Visiting Celebrities Others

14. When you bought new furniture last time, how long had you been seriously thinking about buying once? Buying new furniture or started looking seriously at furniture advertisements or reading articles about new furniture in magazines or Newspaper. Immediately or 1 day 2 days to one week 8 days to one month 1-2 months 2-4 months

4 months or more

15. What is likely the source where you get the information and ideas about home furnishing products from?(Can choose more than one option) T.V


Exhibition Family/Relative/Friends Other(Please specify)


Visiting Show rooms

16. Concerning the advertisement of the Furniture Shop, describe the media you think as most suitable you like best?(The first priority will be classified as No.1 and the second priority as No.2 and so on) Newspaper Magazine 2 Pamphlet 1 Direct mail Radio T.V Online Billboard Electronic Billboard


17. What is most likely the reason you buy furniture?

Old one was worn

Recently redecorate Furnishing an empty room 18. How often do you buy furniture? Once a year or more often Once every 6-7years often

Recently moved to a new residence Impulse purchase (see it and like it) Planning to buy a new model or style of furniture

Once every 2-3 years

Once every 8-9 years

Once every 4-5 years 10 years or less

Behavioral Intention to Purchase Furniture Sr. Particulars 1 My Family has a crucial influence on my furniture purchase. 2 It bothers me if my friends or my family disapprove of my furniture purchase. 3 If a celebrity who I admire is endorsing a furniture product, I feel like buying that one. 4 A salesperson can influence me to select the furniture. 5 I buy different furniture brands to get some variety. 6 I will buy only my most favorite furniture brand. 7 I always buy the same furniture brands because I am afraid



8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

that the new furniture will not match with the old one. I will buy knock-down furniture, if the store offers furniture assembly service. I will buy furniture, if the store offers delivery service. The store environment encourages me to buy furniture. I will buy furniture in the store that I regularly visit. When buying furniture, I pick one with the lowest price. I am more likely to buy furniture that is on sale. Discount furniture might either remain in stock or obsolete products. I will buy cheaper furniture rather than more expensive one, but the former must meet certain quality requirements. I think that the higher price of furniture, the higher quality. I prefer to buy finished furniture rather than knock-down furniture, even thought the knock-down furniture is cheaper. I think that the knock-down furniture is cheaper and has a shorter product life cycle than finished furniture. When buying furniture, I pay more attention to new models or styles the current ones. I am willing to go shopping for furniture at stores outside the city or far away from my place.

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