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(E.S.S.G) 2 = 9 I Consecration of the Temple of Khem II Talismanic Elemental Vortex 1. Introduction The Talismanic Elemental vortex is used to invoke and direct the forces of the 28 Enochian Seniors. The Talismanic vortex consists of two parts; the first establishes the base of the Element and the second invokes the Planetary Intelligence. These two structures are brought into fusion through the Gate Trigon and the resulting combination generates the Enochian Senior (which is the combination of one of the seven Planets with one of the four Elements). The quality of the energy of a Talismanic Elemental differs from that of an Elemental in that it has the potency of an Intellectual Ideal combined with an Emotional disposition, therefore allowing the Emotional energy to be perpetuated by continual stimulus from the Ideal. This allows the Elemental energy to be used to set a perpetual charge into an object such as a talisman, amulet or even a statue. Once the energy of the Talisman has been applied to an object, it will remain as long as the individual utilizing it continues to be aware of the conscious context and significance that it contains. This is why an amulet or talisman which is worn on the body of the person using it is the most effective application of this force. The second best usage for this type of force is the charging of a magickal object to be used in a magickal temple context or the direct absorption of the charge directed into the person of the magician. The primary use of the Talismanic Elemental is to promote a harmonious psychic atmosphere. 2. Element Pyramid A. Fire The Celebrant proceeds to the Eastern Watchtower and therein bows, gives salute, he intones: Qedem - The Light of the East! The Celebrant draws the Invoking Pentagram of Fire and intones the letter Shin, projecting a golden energy into the pentagram. The Celebrant then draws above the element pentagram, the Pentagram of Spirit Masculine and fuses it to the element pentagram with an invoking spiral. The Celebrant says: The Eastern quadrant is the abode of the sun of the true spirit, the lord of light and illumination! Let this great spirit be invoked and prepare us for entry into the sacred world of the East. Shin - the divine fire is the power which releases all bonds and removes all
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obstructions. The light causes the truth to be known and all falsehoods to be revealed. Let this mighty force be unleashed so that we may be liberated. The Celebrant proceeds to the Southern Watchtower and therein bows, gives salute, he intones: Darom - The Flowing Warmth of the South! The Celebrant draws the Invoking Pentagram of Fire and intones the letter Resh, projecting a scarlet energy into the pentagram. The Celebrant then draws above the element pentagram, the Pentagram of Spirit Masculine and fuses it to the element pentagram with an invoking spiral. The Celebrant says: The Southern quadrant is the abode of the heat of the desert and the spice of the blessed oasis. However oppressive is the heat and the killing drought, there is the cool refuge from the hot wasteland wherein we seek solace and peace. Resh - the divine fire gives forth knowledge of the spirit in emanations of light. This knowledge is intuitive wisdom which has its origin in the intelligence of the Protenoia. For the first thought was given forth as the I am, and all subsequent manifestation therein followed. Therefore, know thyself. The Celebrant proceeds to the Western Watchtower and therein bows, gives salute, he intones: Ma'arab - The Abode of Darkness of the West! The Celebrant draws the Invoking Pentagram of Fire and intones the letter Beit, projecting a azure energy into the pentagram. The Celebrant then draws above the element pentagram, the Pentagram of Spirit Masculine and fuses it to the element pentagram with an invoking spiral. The Celebrant says: The Western quadrant is the abode of night and the gate to the realms of the dead and the inner worlds of spirit. The sun sets and thus begins its passage through the corridors of the damned and the demonic. Therein, the shield of the name of God is our protection against all harm! Beit - the divine fire is the power which causes transmutation to occur upon ego based consciousness. For the light causes inspiration and illumination; the mind is filled with the visions of super-consciousness. The power of transformation is determined by the joining of the polarities of the self. The Celebrant proceeds to the Northern Watchtower and therein bows, gives salute, he intones: M'zarim- The Scattering Winds of the North! The Celebrant draws the Invoking Pentagram of Fire and intones the letter Lamed, projecting a green energy into the pentagram. The Celebrant then draws above the element pentagram, the Pentagram of Spirit Masculine and fuses it to the element pentagram with an invoking spiral. The Celebrant says:

Order of the Gnostic Star Series - Grimoire


The Northern quadrant is the abode of the winds which winnow and separate the chaff from the seed. Therefore is the power of judgement and discernment which can perceive the truth amidst falsehood. The winds of change mark the process wherein the land is in transformation and the soul encounters its test! Lamed - the divine fire illuminates our inner spiritual purpose and our exterior spiritual vocation. For those who are released and liberated from bondage to the material reality must be the guides and lights to those still struggling in the darkness. For therein we have become the light through its mediation. The Celebrant proceeds to the Center of the Circle and therein bows, and gives salute. The celebrant intones: The Center is the Secret! The Celebrant draws the Invoking Pentagram of Fire to the Infrapoint and intones the word Elohim, projecting a violet energy into the Pentagram. The Celebrant then draws in the Ultra-point the Pentagram of Spirit Masculine and intones the letter Heh, projecting a brilliant energy into it. He fuses the two pentagrams with an invoking spiral, thus creating the central pylon. The Celebrant says: The source and origin of all manifestation exists in the center, the core of the confluence of all realities. The magician as God stands in the center of the universe, contemplating all creation. For the name of the center is the primordial name of all names which in its essence knows no distinctions nor any differences; Elohim. Heh - the divine fire is the power that heals all ills and rectifies all inequalities. In this fashion, the wisdom of the absolute is actively projected into our conscious reality, affecting the places wherein we are weak and making them strong. We are healed and thus become healers as a sign of our spiritual maturity. The Celebrant then proceeds to draw the four watchtowers to the Ultra-point in the order, North, West, South and East, using the sword. He proceeds to the center of the circle and faces South, saying the following: Shin - The Divine Fire Releases the Soul! Resh - The Divine Fire Causes Intuitive Insight! Beit - The Divine Fire Transmutes Through Union! Lamed - The Divine Fire Illuminates the Spiritual Path! Heh - The Divine Fire Heals All Imperfections! The Divine Fire manifests through the grace of the absolute which seeks the evolution of individual consciousness. Therefore is there liberation, wisdom, transmutation and illumination; and these blessings heal the souls of humanity!

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B. Water The Celebrant proceeds to the Eastern Watchtower and therein bows, gives salute, he intones: Qedem - The Light of the East! The Celebrant draws the Invoking Pentagram of Water and intones the letter Dalath, projecting a golden energy into the pentagram. The Celebrant then draws above the element pentagram, the Pentagram of Spirit Feminine and fuses it to the element pentagram with an invoking spiral. The Celebrant says: The Eastern quadrant is the abode of the sun of the true spirit, the lord of light and illumination! Let this great spirit be invoked and prepare us for entry into the sacred world of the East. Dalath - the divine water is the manifestation of the feminine which nurtures and gives life and beauty to all existence. We who are open and receptive shall perceive the potency of this feminine grace as a sacramentation. The Celebrant proceeds to the Southern Watchtower and therein bows, gives salute, he intones: Darom - The Flowing Warmth of the South! The Celebrant draws the Invoking Pentagram of Water and intones the letter Gimmel, projecting a scarlet energy into the pentagram. The Celebrant then draws above the element pentagram, the Pentagram of Spirit Feminine and fuses it to the element pentagram with an invoking spiral. The Celebrant says: The Southern quadrant is the abode of the heat of the desert and the spice of the blessed oasis. However oppressive is the heat and the killing drought, there is the cool refuge from the hot wasteland wherein we seek solace and peace. Gimmel - the divine water emanates as the potency of the transcendental nature of super-consciousness. For the feminine is also that which causes the peaceful integration of our polarized self. It is the action of divine love which makes the will powerless and fills the heart with perfect love and inspiration. The Celebrant proceeds to the Western Watchtower and therein bows, gives salute, he intones: Ma'arab - The Abode of Darkness of the West! The Celebrant draws the Invoking Pentagram of Water and intones the letter Zain, projecting a azure energy into the pentagram. The Celebrant then draws above the element pentagram, the Pentagram of Spirit Feminine and fuses it to the element pentagram with an invoking spiral. The Celebrant says: The Western quadrant is the abode of night and the gate to the realms of the dead and the inner worlds of spirit. The sun sets and thus begins its passage through the corridors of the damned and the demonic. Therein, the shield of the name of God is our protection against all harm!

Order of the Gnostic Star Series - Grimoire


Zain - the divine water gives peace and serenity to the heart that listens. For the joining of man and woman under the care and direction of the feminine spirit mirrors the joining of God and Goddess. Yet in all potential joining there is the choice and the expression of free will that declares, I do. The Celebrant proceeds to the Northern Watchtower and therein bows, gives salute, he intones: M'zarim - The Scattering Winds of the North! The Celebrant draws the Invoking Pentagram of Water and intones the letter Mim, projecting a green energy into the pentagram. The Celebrant then draws above the element pentagram, the Pentagram of Spirit Feminine and fuses it to the element pentagram with an invoking spiral. The Celebrant says: The Northern quadrant is the abode of the winds which winnow and separate the chaff from the seed. Therefore is the power of judgement and discernment which can perceive the truth amidst falsehood. The winds of change mark the process wherein the land is in transformation and the soul encounters its test! Mim - the divine water is the stillness that echoes our thoughts and mirrors our imaginings. This is the time for reflection and quiescence. But in this silence the soul will quiver and quake with all the issues and anxieties until they are controlled or banished. The silence continues, however, onward and forever. The Celebrant proceeds to the Center of the Circle and therein bows, and gives salute. The celebrant intones: The Center is the Secret! The Celebrant draws the Invoking Pentagram of Water to the Infra-point and intones the word Elohim, projecting a violet energy into the Pentagram. The Celebrant then draws in the Ultra-point the Pentagram of Spirit Feminine and intones the letter Thav, projecting a brilliant energy into it. He fuses the two pentagrams with an invoking spiral, thus creating the central pylon. The Celebrant says: The source and origin of all manifestation exists in the center, the core of the confluence of all realities. The magician as God stands in the center of the universe, contemplating all creation. For the name of the center is the primordial name of all names which in its essence knows no distinctions nor any differences; Elohim. Thav - the divine water is the source of all consciousness. It is the well of the souls of all sentience, and it is the gate wherein the darkness manifests as the light. The divine feminine is the womb matrix of creation where the formless. Symbols of conscious being are given form in the tapestry of eternal conscious emanations. The Celebrant then proceeds to draw the four watchtowers to the Ultra-point in the order, North, West, South and East, using the sword. He proceeds to the center of the circle and faces South, saying the following:

Order of the Gnostic Star Series - Grimoire


Daleth - The Divine Water Is the Blessing of the Feminine Spirit! Gimmel - The Divine Water Is the Spirit in Transcendence! Zain - The Divine Water Is the Joining of Polarities! Mim - The Divine Water Is the Reflective Stillness! Thav - The Divine Water Is the Source of Consciousness! The divine water is the primordial source of all consciousness, but it is also the manifestation of the feminine as a blessing. When we partake of this blessing, we are transformed by the joining of our polarities in union with the omnipresence of the eternal dream. C. Air The Celebrant proceeds to the Eastern Watchtower and therein bows, gives salute, he intones: Qedem - The Light of the East! The Celebrant draws the Invoking Pentagram of Air and intones the letter Samek, projecting a golden energy into the pentagram. The Celebrant then draws above the element pentagram, the Pentagram of Spirit Masculine and fuses it to the element pentagram with an invoking spiral. The Celebrant says: The Eastern quadrant is the abode of the sun of the true spirit, the lord of light and illumination! Let this great spirit be invoked and prepare us for entry into the sacred world of the East. Samek - the divine air is the process of communication. Whatever the media which is utilized, the process remains the same. It is the need to create an understanding, to share experiences, to weave the web of meaning, and to know! The Celebrant proceeds to the Southern Watchtower and therein bows, gives salute, he intones: Darom - The Flowing Warmth of the South! The Celebrant draws the Invoking Pentagram of Air and intones the letter Aleph, projecting a scarlet energy into the pentagram. The Celebrant then draws above the element pentagram, the Pentagram of Spirit Masculine and fuses it to the element pentagram with an invoking spiral. The Celebrant says: The Southern quadrant is the abode of the heat of the desert and the spice of the blessed oasis. However oppressive is the heat and the killing drought, there is the cool refuge from the hot wasteland wherein we seek solace and peace. Aleph - the divine air represents the inner search for meaning and truth. Yet the inner knowledge is often illogical but is always relevant to the experiences of our inner psychic being. We live in a cloud of illusion and ignorance regarding our true self. And the yearning to pierce this cloud and to commune with our inner self marks the beginning of our spiritual journey.
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The Celebrant proceeds to the Western Watchtower and therein bows, gives salute, he intones: Ma'arab - The Abode of Darkness of the West! The Celebrant draws the Invoking Pentagram of Air and intones the letter Tzaddi, projecting a azure energy into the pentagram. The Celebrant then draws above the element pentagram, the Pentagram of Spirit Masculine and fuses it to the element pentagram with an invoking spiral. The Celebrant says: The Western quadrant is the abode of night and the gate to the realms of the dead and the inner worlds of spirit. The sun sets and thus begins its passage through the corridors of the damned and the demonic. Therein, the shield of the name of God is our protection against all harm! Tzaddi - the divine air is the medium of the spirit, the holy pneuma which is the breath of being. For to control the breath is to control the mind and the spirit. The utterance of the divine mantra, the name of God, causes through its repetition the displacement of mundane concerns and the refinement of spirit. The Celebrant proceeds to the Northern Watchtower and therein bows, gives salute, he intones: M'zarim - The Scattering Winds of the North! The Celebrant draws the Invoking Pentagram of Air and intones the letter Vav, projecting a green energy into the pentagram. The Celebrant then draws above the element pentagram, the Pentagram of Spirit Masculine and fuses it to the element pentagram with an invoking spiral. The Celebrant says: The Northern quadrant is the abode of the winds which winnow and separate the chaff from the seed. Therefore is the power of judgement and discernment which can perceive the truth amidst falsehood. The winds of change mark the process wherein the land is in transformation and the soul encounters its test! Vav - the divine air is represented by the mutability to traverse the realms of the spirit and the realms of the earth. This flexibility is the key which the adept strives to obtain and utilize. For the wind can blow from any of the four quarters and modulate its intensity in a single moment. The Celebrant proceeds to the Center of the Circle and therein bows, and gives salute. The celebrant intones: The Center is the Secret! The Celebrant draws the Invoking Pentagram of Air to the Infrapoint and intones the word Elohim, projecting a violet energy into the Pentagram. The Celebrant then draws in the Ultra-point the Pentagram of Spirit Masculine and intones the letter Yod, projecting a brilliant energy into it. He fuses the two pentagrams with an invoking spiral, thus creating the central pylon. The Celebrant says: The source and origin of all manifestation exists in the center, the core of the confluence of all realities. The magician as God stands in the center of the universe, contemplating all creation. For the name of the center is the primordial name of all names which in its essence knows no distinctions nor any differences; Elohim.

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Yod - the divine air is the mediator of the boundary between the sacred and the profane. The guardian and the guide of the portal of the inner planes represents two sides of same being. For the mediation of the inner planes is capable of determining the worthy seeker from the unworthy. To the unworthy the face of fear is presented, to the worthy is given the face of acceptance. The Celebrant then proceeds to draw the four watchtowers to the Ultra-point in the order, North, West, South and East, using the sword. He proceeds to the center of the circle and faces South, saying the following: Samek - The Divine Air Is the Expression of the Word! Aleph - The Divine Air Is the Search for Inner Truth! Tzaddi - The Divine Air Is the Breath of Spirit! Vav - The Divine Air Is the Mastery of the Self! Yod - The Divine Air Is the Warden of the Gate! The divine Air is the mediator of consciousness and the means of the generation of meaning. For the word (logos) was uttered by the mouth of the absolute and thus all manifestation proceeded. Therefore, the word is the guardian of the process by which the spiritual seeker may ascend to the ultimate destiny. D. Earth The Celebrant proceeds to the Eastern Watchtower and therein bows, gives salute, he intones: Qedem - The Light of the East! The Celebrant draws the Invoking Pentagram of Earth and intones the letter Kaph, projecting a golden energy into the pentagram. The Celebrant then draws above the element pentagram, the Pentagram of Spirit Feminine and fuses it to the element pentagram with an invoking spiral. The Celebrant says: The Eastern quadrant is the abode of the sun of the true spirit, the lord of light and illumination! Let this great spirit be invoked and prepare us for entry into the sacred world of the East. Kalph - the divine earth is experienced as the trials which temper and test us at each moment of our mundane existence. We must understand the nature and purpose of these tests in order to be made worthy of the ultimate ordeal. The Celebrant proceeds to the Southern Watchtower and therein bows, gives salute, he intones: Darom - The Flowing Warmth of the South! The Celebrant draws the Invoking Pentagram of Earth and intones the letter Tet, projecting a scarlet energy into the pentagram. The Celebrant then draws above the element pentagram, the Pentagram of Spirit Feminine and fuses it to the element pentagram with an invoking spiral. The Celebrant says:

Order of the Gnostic Star Series - Grimoire


The Southern quadrant is the abode of the heat of the desert and the spice of the blessed oasis. However oppressive is the heat and the killing drought, there is the cool refuge from the hot wasteland wherein we seek solace and peace. Tet - the divine earth is the transformation of life through ecstasy. For we are drawn to this experience by our desires and the stimulation of our passions. And therein, we discover the extreme polarization of our being in the joining of the feminine and masculine principles; thus resulting in union and the exultation of self awareness. The Celebrant proceeds to the Western Watchtower and therein bows, gives salute, he intones: Ma'arab - The Abode of Darkness of the West! The Celebrant draws the Invoking Pentagram of Earth and intones the letter Chet, projecting a azure energy into the pentagram. The Celebrant then draws above the element pentagram, the Pentagram of Spirit Feminine and fuses it to the element pentagram with an invoking spiral. The Celebrant says: The Western quadrant is the abode of night and the gate to the realms of the dead and the inner worlds of spirit. The sun sets and thus begins its passage through the corridors of the damned and the demonic. Therein, the shield of the name of God is our protection against all harm! Chet - the divine earth is the mechanism and the method for inducing ecstasy. The seeker who masters this knowledge shall become the liberator of humanity and the instrument in the process of the evolution of consciousness. For the power of ecstasy teaches the reality of physical existence and shatters the illusion of being trapped by life. The Celebrant proceeds to the Northern Watchtower and therein bows, gives salute, he intones: M'zarim - The Scattering Winds of the North! The Celebrant draws the Invoking Pentagram of Earth and intones the letter Nun, projecting a green energy into the pentagram. The Celebrant then draws above the element pentagram, the Pentagram of Spirit Feminine and fuses it to the element pentagram with an invoking spiral. The Celebrant says: The Northern quadrant is the abode of the winds which winnow and separate the chaff from the seed. Therefore is the power of judgement and discernment which can perceive the truth amidst falsehood. The winds of change mark the process wherein the land is in transformation and the soul encounters its test! Nun - the divine earth is the tomb which receives the dead and the living dead. For life has its cycle, and autumn awaits the reaper with hope of the eternal spirit and the end of the pain and suffering. Death is also transformation, for therein is the spectrum of life always changing; being born, living and fading.

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The Celebrant proceeds to the Center of the Circle and therein bows, and gives salute. The celebrant intones: The Center is the Secret! The Celebrant draws the Invoking Pentagram of Earth to the Infra-point and intones the word Elohim, projecting a violet energy into the Pentagram. The Celebrant then draws in the Ultra-point the Pentagram of Spirit Feminine and intones the letter Peh, projecting a brilliant energy into it. He fuses the two pentagrams with an invoking spiral, thus creating the central pylon. The Celebrant says: The source and origin of all manifestation exists in the center, the core of the confluence of all realities. The magician as God stands in the center of the universe, contemplating all creation. For the name of the center is the primordial name of all names which in its essence knows no distinctions nor any differences; Elohim. Peh - the divine earth is the necessity that change shall always occur. The static shall be overcome, the rigid shall crumble to dust. Nothing made by the human hand shall remain forever, for it is our destiny to be but a moment in the endless unveiling of eternity. In time, even the stars and galaxies shall die. Such is the impermanence of material things. The Celebrant then proceeds to draw the four watchtowers to the Ultra-point in the order, North, West, South and East, using the sword. He proceeds to the center of the circle and faces South, saying the following: Kalph - The Divine Earth Is the Trials Which Temper Us! Tet - The Divine Earth Is the Experience of Ecstasy! Chet - The Divine Earth Is the Method of Producing Ecstasy! Nun - The Divine Earth Is the Transformation of Death! Peh - The Divine Earth Is the Impermanence of Material Things! The divine earth is the experience of life and death. This is cycle of existence which is never ending and always changing. Yet this cycle is not a trap, for within the desire to create is the means of liberation as found in the release of ecstasy and the world of the spirit to which it reveals. 3. Invoking Vortex The Celebrant proceeds to the Northeastern Angle and intones the word: Prostasia, The Power of the Graal gives the blessing of Security. The Celebrant draws a Rose Ankh and projects a violet energy into it, sealing it with an invoking spiral. The Celebrant proceeds to the Northwestern Angle and intones the word: Agathos, The Power of the Graal gives the blessing of Grace. The Celebrant draws a Rose Ankh and projects a violet energy into it, sealing it with an invoking spiral.
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The Celebrant proceeds to the Southwestern Angle and intones the word: Agape, The Power of the Graal gives the blessing of Love and Friendship. The Celebrant draws a Rose Ankh and projects a violet energy into it, sealing it with an invoking spiral. The Celebrant proceeds to the Southeastern Angle and intones the word: Therapeuo, The Power of the Graal gives the blessing of Good Health. The Celebrant draws a Rose Ankh and projects a violet energy into it, sealing it with an invoking spiral. The Celebrant proceeds to the center of the circle and intones the word: Gnosis, The Power of the Graal gives the blessing Spiritual Wisdom. The Celebrant draws a Rose Ankh in the Infra Point and projects a violet energy into it, sealing it with an invoking spiral. The Celebrant then proceeds to draw the four Angles to the Infra Point in the order: Northeast, Northwest, Southwest and Southeast. 4. Planetary Septagram The Celebrant then sets out the Seven Enochian Talismans and places them in sequence around the peripheral of the magick circle, so that the point of the resulting septagon is directed to the main altar. These talismans are then charged with an invoking spiral and a violet energy. The Celebrant sets the Septagram Talisman in the center of the circle and charges it with an invoking spiral and a violet energy. The Celebrant traces the appropriate Planetary Angle upon the Septagram Talisman, then sets an invoking spiral upon it. The Celebrant then places the Sigil of the Planetary Intelligence upon the Septagram Talisman and sets a final invoking spiral upon it. The Celebrant then proceeds to intone the proper Invocation to the Planetary Intelligence. A. Sun The Celebrant says the following invocation: I invoke thee, O spiritual intelligence and ray of conscious sentience, thou art Ochiel! I summon the spirit of Ochiel, the intelligence of the Sun by the names of Iao, Abrasax and Protonoia! I call thee to appear, O Ochiel, I summon thy ray of perfected being to come forth and illuminate this work of magick!

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The Celebrant then intones the Enochian Call of the Seven Rays, (Call #2), three times. Then the Celebrant says: I reveal the secret of thy image, O Ochiel! Thou art the power and beauty of the light which blesses us in the dawn and graces us with insight and renewal. Thou art the purity and balance of the mediation of the true spirit. We see in the solar logos the benefactor of the genius of humanity. From you we receive the light of knowledge and the joy of liberation from ignorance. B. Jupiter The Celebrant says the following invocation: I invoke thee, O spiritual intelligence and ray of conscious sentience, thou art Bethoriel! I summon the spirit of Bethoriel, the intelligence of Jupiter by the names of Iao, Abrasax and Protonoia! I call thee to appear, O Bethoriel, I summon thy ray of perfected being to come forth and illuminate this work of magick! The Celebrant then intones the Enochian Call of the Seven Rays, (Call #1), three times. Then the Celebrant says: I reveal the secret of thy image, O Bethoriel! Thou art the grace and beneficence of the Absolute which blesses us with the largesse of compassion and love. Thou art the expansion of growth and prosperity and the abundance which good always gives to the blessed! Thou art the father who watches over us and cares for us. The giving of thy bounty is endless for you draw from the in exhaustive source of all manifestation! C. Mercury The Celebrant says the following invocation: I invoke thee, O spiritual intelligence and ray of conscious sentience, thou art Ophiel! I summon the spirit of Ophiel, the intelligence of Mercury by the names of Iao, Abrasax and Protonoia!

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I call thee to appear, O Ophiel, I summon thy ray of perfected being to come forth and illuminate this work of magick! The Celebrant then intones the Enochian Call of the Seven Rays, (Call #4), three times. Then the Celebrant says: I reveal the secret of thy image, O Ophiel! Thou art the communicator, master of all commerce and the guide of the dead. Thou art nimble and crafty, and you are the means by which all things are known; being the creator of writing and language. Thou art also the patron of technology and medicine. Thou art like the current of electricity which connects all our dwellings, invisible yet omnipresent and infinitely useful. D. Saturn The Celebrant says the following invocation: I invoke thee, O spiritual intelligence and ray of conscious sentience, thou art Aratron! I summon the spirit of Aratron, the intelligence of Saturn by the names of Iao, Abrasax and Protonoia! I call thee to appear, O Aratron, I summon thy ray of perfected being to come forth and illuminate this work of magick! The Celebrant then intones the Enochian Call of the Seven Rays, (Call #5), three times. Then the Celebrant says: I reveal the secret of thy image, O Aratron! Thou art the law giver and the arbitrator of karma. For whatever is out of balance shall, by thy forces, be put to rights. And thou also administers justice and retribution upon those worthy of punishment. Thou art also the time keeper and the one who determines the allotment of life and its termination. However, thou art not so cold and uncompassionate, for spiritual laws are applied to the individual, and there is always the possibility of appeal.

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E. Venus The Celebrant says the following invocation: I invoke thee, O spiritual intelligence and ray of conscious sentience, thou art Hagithiel! I summon the spirit of Hagithiel, the intelligence of Venus by the names of Iao, Abrasax and Protonoia! I call thee to appear, O Hagithiel, I summon thy ray of perfected being to come forth and illuminate this work of magick! The Celebrant then intones the Enochian Call of the Seven Rays, (Call #6), three times. Then the Celebrant says: I reveal the secret of thy image, O Hagithiel! Thou art the inspiration of love and the fulfillment of desire. Beauty is your veil and delight is the experience of that unveiling. Thou art the matron of the arts and the critical eye of perfection which appraises them. Also, things of beauty in nature reflect thy ever present influence. Yet in the embrace of love, thou art also jealousy and the fear of hurt. But we know through your arts that all is theater and we must always perform our part with alacrity. F. Mars The Celebrant says the following invocation: I invoke thee, O spiritual intelligence and ray of conscious sentience, thou art Phalegiel! I summon the spirit of Phalegiel, the intelligence of Mars by the names of Iao, Abrasax and Protonoia! I call thee to appear, O Phalegiel, I summon thy ray of perfected being to come forth and illuminate this work of magick! The Celebrant then intones the Enochian Call of the Seven Rays, (Call #3), three times. Then the Celebrant says:

Order of the Gnostic Star Series - Grimoire


I reveal the secret of thy image, O Phalegiel! Thou art the power of aggression and use of force. Thou art the soldier who knows that only discipline can control the desire to kill and destroy, thus differing the army from the mob. Yet thou art also the enforcement of laws and the defense of property and home. The sword and the helmet are your symbols; but also the engaging in competitive sports and the desire to explore and to seek adventure are avenues which your zeal shall pursue. G. Moon The Celebrant says the following invocation: I invoke thee, O spiritual intelligence and ray of conscious sentience, thou art Phulathiel! I summon the spirit of Phulathiel, the intelligence of the Moon by the names of Iao, Abrasax and Protonoia! I call thee to appear, O Phulathiel, I summon thy ray of perfected being to come forth and illuminate this work of magick! The Celebrant then intones the Enochian Call of the Seven Rays, (Call #7), three times. Then the Celebrant says: I reveal the secret of thy image, O Phulathiel! Thou art subtle powers of growth and gestation, the powers that pull the tides and mark the beginning and ending of fertility. Thou art the matron of all psychic phenomenon and the powers that cause shape changing and transformation. Thou art also the cause of dreams and visions, and also nightmares and madness. Yet thou art the healer and the consoler of women in childbirth, and the benefactress of life. O silver light of devotion, reveal thy mysteries! 5. Penetrating the Gate Threshold The Celebrant meditates in silence awhile, then he/she sets the three talismanic gate keys; one in the Southeast Angle (The Hermit IX), one in the Western Watchtower (The Aion XX), and one in the Northeast Angle (The Sun XIX), with the appropriate Tarot trumps placed on each. The Celebrant draws an invoking spiral in the Southeast, charging the gate key therein and says:

Order of the Gnostic Star Series - Grimoire


(Atu IX) The gate to the great unknown opens wide to give us access and to measure our suitability. For unto the unworthy, the gate gives fear, and unto the worthy the gate gives guidance and entrance to the realms of the ordeal. The Celebrant draws an invoking spiral in the Western Watchtower, charging the gate key therein and says: (Atu XX) The eternal destiny of the magician is to explore the inner planes. This represents our internal awakening where we begin to learn not only the secrets of own soul but also the secrets of our culture and the means to redemption. The Celebrant draws an invoking spiral in the Northeast, charging the gate key therein and says: (Atu XIX) The secret to redemption is the method of liberating the spirit from the bondage of material existence. Yet our first task is to discover the means of gaining harmony and also the means to apply it to our mundane existence. For harmony is the foundation wherein we shall build our spiritual fortress, and the planetary intelligences are the building blocks used for laying that foundation. The Celebrant makes the sign of the parting of the threshold in the center of the circle and advances through this threshold and stands in the gate, drawing the Infra point and Ultra point into union within his/her body. The Celebrant then stands, facing the East, pausing for a moment of brief meditation. 6. Invocation of the Talismanic Elemental The Celebrant emerges from the center of the circle and proceeds to the altar wherein is placed the sigil of the Talismanic Elemental. The Celebrant picks up the sigil and proceeds to the center of the circle and places it there. The Celebrant then charges the sigil with an invoking spiral and a violet energy. The Celebrant then intones the proper invocation of the Talismanic Elemental as found in Appendix A. The Celebrant then goes into a deep trance in order to make contact with the Talismanic Elemental. When this is accomplished, the Celebrant may continue, or simply commune with the idealized energy of the Talismanic Elemental. The Celebrant then may charge an object or him/herself by utilizing the Inverted Pentagram Pylon Ritual as found in Appendix B.
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7. Conclusion of the Ritual When the application of the Talismanic Elemental is ended, the Celebrant emerges from out of the center of the circle and performs the Closing Threshold gesture. The Celebrant then seals the three gate nodes and thus closes the gate. The Celebrant seals the four Watchtowers and Angles, the Infra Point and the Ultra Point. The Ritual is ended.

Order of the Gnostic Star Series - Grimoire


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