Excel VBA Create A Worksheet List Box

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Excel VBA Create a Worksheet List Box

Create a List Box on the Worksheet

In an Excel worksheet, you can create lists by using the List Box control. In this example, the worksheet has a List Box control that allows multiple items to be selected, and there is a check box at the left of each item.

This ListBox shows the entries from a named range -- DaysList, that lists the five weekdays.

To create the ListBox on the worksheet, follow these steps: 1. On the Excel Ribbon, click the Developer tab 2. Click Insert, then click the ListBox control tool

3. On the worksheet, draw a rectangle with the List Box tool, to create the List Box. 4. With the List Box selected on teh worksheet, click the Properties command on the Ribbon's Developer tab. The Properties window will open.

5. In the Properties window, for the ListFillRange setting, enter DaysList -- the named range with the weekdays. 6. Click in the MultiSelect property, and from the drop down list, select 1fmMultiSelectMulti

7. Click in the ListStyle property, and from the drop down list, select 1fmListStyleOption. This adds check boxes to the left of the list items.

8. Close the Properties window. 9. On the Ribbon's Developer tab, click the Design Mode setting, to turn it off. 10. In the List Box, click one or more weekdays, to select them.

Extract the Selected List Box Items

If items have been selected in a List Box, you can use Excel VBA code to extract the selected items, and copy them to cells in the workbook. In the following example, Volunteer information is being collected. The name and city for each user is entered on the worksheet. In the List Box, the weekdays that the volunteer is available are checked.

To add the new information to the volunteer database, click the Add button

The volunteer's Name and City are copied to the database sheet, and the current date and user name are entered in columns A and B. The days selected in the List Box are entered in the same row, starting in column E.

Excel VBA Code to Extract List Box Items

Here's the completed Excel VBA code for the Volunteer Registration data entry form. It copies the data to the database sheet, then clears the data entry cells, and the List Box.
Sub AddLogRecord() Dim historyWks As Worksheet Dim inputWks As Worksheet Dim nextRow As Long Dim oCol As Long Dim myCopy As Range Dim myTest As Range Dim LB As MSForms.ListBox Dim lCount As Long Set inputWks = Worksheets("DataEntry") Set historyWks = Worksheets("VolunteerList")

Set LB = inputWks.OLEObjects("LB_Days").Object 'cells to copy from Input sheet Set myCopy = inputWks.Range("VolInfo") oCol = 3 'starting column where copied data is pasted With historyWks nextRow = .Cells(.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0).Row End With With inputWks If Application.CountA(myCopy) <> myCopy.Cells.Count Then MsgBox "Please fill in all the cells!" Exit Sub End If End With With historyWks With .Cells(nextRow, "A") .Value = Now .NumberFormat = "mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss" End With .Cells(nextRow, "B").Value = Application.UserName myCopy.Copy .Cells(nextRow, oCol).PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Transpose:=True Application.CutCopyMode = False End With oCol = oCol + myCopy.Cells.Count '-----------'get list data With LB For lCount = 0 To .ListCount - 1 If .Selected(lCount) Then historyWks.Cells(nextRow, oCol).Value = .List(lCount) oCol = oCol + 1 End If Next End With '-----------'clear input cells With myCopy .Cells.ClearContents .Cells(1).Select End With 'clear Days list DayListClear End Sub '================================== Sub DayListClear() Dim ws As Worksheet

Dim LB As MSForms.ListBox Dim lCount As Long Set ws = ActiveSheet Set LB = ws.OLEObjects("LB_Days").Object With LB For lCount = 0 To .ListCount - 1 .Selected(lCount) = False Next End With End Sub

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