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Dismantling the Matrix

Serenity for the Surveilled Vol. 1

baz moreno CreateSpace

Copyright 2010 by Keith Moreno First printing October 22, 2010 Second printing December 1, 2011 All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without written permission of the author. ISBN 9781453838112 Disclaimer

Dismantling the Matrix is for informational purposes only and nothing herein is to be considered legal or professional advice. The author, preface author and publisher disclaim any and all responsibility for liability or loss incurred as a consequence of the use of direct or indirect application of any information presented herein.

Table of Contents
Foreword by Dr. Umar Abdullah Johnson Introduction The Reason for the Book Chapter 1 Born Into Prison Chapter 2 Greater Indoctrination Chapter 3 To Conspire or Theorize Chapter 4 Disappearing Act Chapter 5 Lips Move, Lips Lie Chapter 6 Its the System, Man! Chapter 7 Vernacular of the Streets Chapter 8 The Behavior of Loot Chapter 9The Counterfeit Roads of Goals Chapter 10 What We Aint DoinRight? Chapter 11 Cleaning Up Amerika Chapter 12 Layering Chapter 13 Handcuffed Life of Magic Chapter 14 Standing on the Square Chapter 15 Detention or Docility Chapter 16 Talk That Talk Chapter 17 The Appeal of Being Caged Chapter 18 The Skies Arent So Friendly Chapter 19 Cool,

Calm, Untouchable Chapter 20 Traditional Mail Chapter 21 Call Me Chapter 22 Eeny Meeny Mainee Mo Chapter 23 Concern for a Black Agenda Chapter 24 Sovereignty in Amerika? Chapter 25 Look Within Chapter 26 Make Your Own Moves Chapter 27 Contributions to the Development of Ones True Potential Chapter 28 Minimizing the Void Chapter 29 Last Word Chapter 30 *A Question of Sovereignty Chapter 31 *Confessions of an Economic Strawman Chapter 32 *The Awakening to "Consciousness" Chapter 33 *Religion or Recourse About the Author *Free Bonus Material from New Authors

The Americanized-African male continues to be the most marginalized and oppressed denizen on U.S. soil. Feared because of his genetic prowess, hated because of his skin and ostracized because of the continuous threat that he poses to the domestic social order, he has been left to be used as the essential capital upon which a multi-billion dollar megaincarceration cartel has been established. Unfortunately, the greatest ally that this system has for its protection is not the American racist but rather the Negro accommodationist. All too often, Americanized-Africans are willing to play defense attorney for their oppressors; offering some of the best erroneous logic that the legal world has even seen, and failing to grasp the essential fact that by assuming the victim is the perpetrator they have become accomplice to the number crime in twentyfirst century America, the extermination of the Black man. In the war between the races there can be no bystanders. In simple mathematical terms,

any variable that is generally left unanswered, untallied or uncomputed is automatically added to the list of errors and counted against the test taker. If this be the case in the world of numerical science then why should it be any different in the world racial science. Extermination, to many, would appear too harsh of a word in describing the current system of denigration being used against Black men. However, when we consider alternate language there is no adjective or noun in the English language that can more accurately describe our current state of affairs. The concept of oppression is not sufficient as it merely implies the subjugation of a people but not necessarily their elimination. The word disenfranchisement is altogether unworthy of usage as a replacement for it generally implies political oppression, in a purely electoral sense, as it relates to stealing from the Black man his vote. Alienation is also unfit for the purposes of description, separation treatment and handling of Black men even after the

separation has taken place. Without question, the concept of extermination is the best possible term to describe the present day set of circumstances in which all Black men find themselves. For none of the above mentioned concepts incorporates death and destruction as the central underlying tenet of its etymological intent. Yes, the Black man in American is in the process of being exterminated. He is being removed from society at a rate quicker than any dictator even sought to remove an unwanted population. United States intelligence considers the Black man a greater threat to the domestic social order than any foreign country; more than any disease; and more than any communist. Thusly, to deal with the presence of an unwanted population of approximately 40 million Americanized-Africans, they have sought to use incarceration and violent extermination as the chief means of birth control. Relying on Black women to use contraception was considered too nonchalant of an approach. Therefore, in more proactive fashion, it has been

decided that removal of the Black man from society, by way of prison and homicidal altercation is far more effective because it reduces the available population of men who are able to re-impregnate their women. Although this strategy has not halted Black birth altogether; when used cooperatively with a program of police terrorism and murder has generally slowed the population growth of Blacks in America compared to other groups. As long as more Black boys are killed than the amount of those born, sooner or later, by a process of attrition, the cartel with reach its goal. The Umar R. Abdullah-Johnson Model of Black Male Extermination (MBME Cycle) posits a fivestep cycle that encompasses the entire life cycle of the Black male from birth to death. It is farreaching and comprehensive in scope. It is the job of every Black man, woman, and organization to prevent our boys from entering this cycle altogether; for those who enter rarely exit until realization of the fifth stage - death. The five cyclical steps include: 1) Miseducation - the

deliberate at least in this case, as is merely implies the of groups but does deal effectively with the socialization of the Black man against himself and his community. Beginning at the age of 3-5 years, Black boys are initiated into the American social order through a program of misinformation and racial alienation. 2) Psycho-Medicalization Through the usage of disruptive behavior disorder diagnoses (ADHD, CD, ODD, DBD-NOS) Black boys are being drugged with toxic substances in the name of discipline and self-control. Propagated by Eugenicists, the current Tuskegee-Type experiment is going to see records number of Black boys with brain and reproductive damage as they grow older, as most of these drugs are not safe for usage with childhood populations, and are only being used to create chemically induced social control in the Black community. 3) Mass Incarceration The prelude to any extermination is massive round up of its victims. Before exterminating the European Jews, Adolf Hitler first

had to remove them from the society through a process of mass incarceration. Once incarcerated, Black men are kept as long as possible even for marginal propaganda of so-called hostility punishment, Black men are released from prison and promptly returned through a sinister program of opportunity eradication which leaves many Black men at the mercy of the C.I.A. financed drug operation in the Black community. The irony of this situation is that the American social order creates many of the same problems it so voraciously complains about in the Black community. With nearly 2,000,000 Black men in prison our communities are without husbands, fathers, protectors, and providers. The absence of able-bodied Black men is ripe breeding ground for out-of-control youth, teenage pregnancy, lesbianism/homosexuality, over-stressed mothers, poverty and its many ailments, as well as recordbreaking homicide rates which are nothing more than the behavioral manifestation of a hopeless people. Most interesting, is that the

break-down of the Black family is being spearheaded by these mass-incarceration strategies which leave Black boys without mentors and fathers which predisposes them to lead the exact same lifestyle as their fathers. In other words, the prison-industrial complex is creating the exact same problems that it claims to be preventing. 4) offenses. To protect the towards cruel and usual Mass Frustration Too often the homicidal tendencies of Black men are discussed without their concomitant causes. Suicide, which is rarely discussed, because it helps further the agenda of The Order, has the exact same cause as homicide - frustration. When a people begin to feel hopeless and frustrated, life becomes death. When life becomes death, and pain erases all memory of pleasure, the negative energy of stress seeks an outlet so as to prevent the furtherance of ones own debilitating quality of life. When this process occurs, the need to effect pain upon ones victimizers becomes a top priority. However, when the consequences of such

an act are extreme and when access to ones victimizer is rare, the victim settles for the most convenient target available his brother. Predisposed to hate as a result of 2.5 Centuries of subhuman identity and treatment during American Slavery, extermination of each other becomes imminently conclusive. However, not all victims choose to externalize their aggression; many seek to internalize it, which can then lead to lives wrecked with drug addiction, self-pitying behaviors, depression and suicide. Once the Black mans life has reached Stage Four, which is the stage of emergency, only one more stage remains to complete the eugenicidal design. 5) Extermination Whether at the hands of his brother, a police officer, or himself the taking of life is the final stage of existence for the Black man in America, after which he graduates to the cemetery. This is a quick synopsis of the cyclical nature of Black male extermination but one that I am sure you, as a reader can grasp, and will grasp more

readily, as you take a journey with Dr. Moreno through this book. I am psychologist, educator and political theorist who has not yet entered Stage Three - Mass Incarceration. Although I speak at prisons regularly, Dr. Moreno has actually experienced the evils of mass incarceration. I can give you the objective political nature of the Five Stages, but Dr. Moreno has actually lived them. Just as a non-African can never fully accentuate our experience in this country, no one but the formerly incarcerated can fully provide you with an inside analysis of this evil which is threatened for each and every one of us. Reminiscent of Soledad Brother: The Prison Letters of George Jackson; Dr. Moreno articulates the trials, tribulations and tyrannical opposition one faces as a Black man attempting to right the wrongs of ones life in the face of a system whose sole aim to convince you to capitulate and reenter the Five Stages. I ask that you read with an open, but analytical, mind as Dr. Moreno acts as both tour guide and interpretive historian of the reality of being a Black man in America and what we all can

do about it. A Man And God Are A Majority Against The World! Frederick Augustus Washington Bailey (Douglass) Sincerely, Umar R. Abdullah Johnson, President National Movement to Save Black Boys Nationally Certified School Psychologist Kinsman to Frederick Douglass

The summer of 1999 was extremely hot. I passed the days forcing myself to sweat while wearing two pair of boxer underwear and praying for the arrival of nightfall so that I could become lifeless against the coolness of the sheets. The open fronts of the CDC-issued, poorly washed, thinning undergarments and the fluctuation of my weight caused me to turn one pair of boxers around to serve as makeshift shorts and create a sense of

privacy. After all, I was in prison with men whod become overwhelmed by old habits and desires and female guards that assumed that incarcerated men had no desire for women. I left nothing to chance. Rightfully so - inmates had broken out the windows into the tight, hot holding area for the purpose of inviting a much needed breeze and of course, simultaneously allow prayers to escape the darkness of oppression. The fanning of flies was mandatory. And no meal was consumed without one tasting the pungent stench of dairy cows with every swallow. An occasional bird chanced the jagged edges of the remaining window panes and found a way inside to quickly discover that it was in the wrong place. My pain and hatred grew with each moment. It was not uncommon to hear someone saying, Niggas and flies, I do despise. The more I see niggas, the more I love flies. I had become so accustomed to the older version of the poem that I would write it

in letters and whisper it periodically. Looking back - it may not have been proper, but under such circumstances it was appropriate. In Sycamore Hall, I depended on those who looked like me - not to attack me. So, I rarely complained about my differences or differed with the complaints of my so-called comrades. Their wars were my battles. Undoubtedly, it would have been easier to depend on those who thought like me, but I was in California, in prison, in hell, in the dry, desert heat. A conversation that didnt mention food, sex, drugs, religion, partying like there is no tomorrow or committing a crime was rare. After all, Chino was known as Gladiator School and intellectual growth wasnt exactly a priority in a place where fear and death were visible. I was losing my ability to communicate effectively as I morphed from Regardless of distinguished look that attested to my differences. I was finding balance. I was becoming a warrior scholar.

Wassup, homey? The long braids and the big, hard body suggested that this particular dude was comfortable or at least, confident in said environment. After exchanging pleasantries in the hostile environment and getting a feel for each other - I relaxed a bit. The trial and the notion that he would spend his remaining days on earth, in prison, seemed to humble him. Just what could he tell me? I had more knowledge than the average dude and what I didnt learn in the streets I was learning in prison. I was degreed or what the people call educated. I could read and write. I wasnt afraid of mathematics and I was intrigued by science. My hatred for my caged Black males showed me how interconnected we really were. I guess, in actuality, I hated a part of myself. Everybody had a story to tell. And no two stories were alike. Even if one had stolen his story from another dude, it could only be delivered with the vibrations of the carrier who was delivering it. Everybody cant write. And everybody cant tell a story with pictures.

When we got around to discussing the changes in the world, I was attentive. For nine weeks I had lived without television, radio, newspapers or magazines. I had received very little mail. All I had, to entertain my sanity, were urban stories from the mouths of strangers, with whom I was, now, connected. Fortunately, I had pieces of books which the porters pilfered and transferred when conveniently possible. Reading an entire book was often impossible. You know JFK is dead. His tone was nonchalant. He spoke as if I had agreed to pay for this information to update me to world events. a nerd to a more battle-ready individual. how strong I appeared, I maintained a Cmon, dude! I havent been here that long. My hair was long. My beard was unkempt. The gray hairs fought hard to present themselves amongst the naturally black, strong hairs. Nah, homey! What I mean is JFK, Jr. is dead.

His plane crashed. He laughed at my disconnection with society, while pulling at one of two braids and simultaneously checking his biceps. Unbelievable! I thought. I was collected. I searched his face for more news without showing too much interest. Oh! There is a new movie out, too. I missed going to watch movies with my family. I wanted to know what Id missed in terms of entertainment. Man, this movie... bad! Its called The Matrix. He stood shaking his head. I imagine that he was picturing what he had seen on the big screen. His smirk was subtle. He wasnt very emotional about what he told me. So, I paid close attention. No demonstrations or exaggerations; just broken English positioning itself to hide his hurt and the destruction of any dreams hed ever shared or denied his family. Homey! Aint none of this shit real. You gotta see the movie. I looked around. The putrid odors concocted and trumped the diluted bleach making the funk a little more tolerable. Once you see it -

all of this will make sense. Dont trip! Just wait and see that joint and Im tellin ya this shit, here, will make sense to you. I wasnt sure when I would see the movie and I surely didnt think that it would have the effect on me that it had on him. Besides, I had to, first, survive the bid in Californias penal system. This particular system had quickly snatched my attention similar to the method in which I was taught nursery rhymes. But death and violence didnt require repeats with me. And begging and alliances didnt matter much in a place where bad was good. I needed very badly to get good or Id be devoured by some of the baddest bastards in the system. About five months prior to hearing about The Matrix I had encountered a strange brotha on the transport bus, between Needles and Rancho Cucamonga (CA), who told me that this experience and the handcuffs annoying my wrists werent real. He even told me that I could break the chains once I realized that they were an illusion. I wanted so badly for his words to be instantaneously true. My little, pudgy body wasnt ready for nothing

physical. I was deteriorating by the minute and visualizing how to act based on all the previous examples Id had in life and on the big screen. I thought of Carter G. Woodsons The MisEducation of the Negro and the mental chains weighing us down as a people and preserving our place as slaves based on our oppressors history. The stranger advised me to use my time in prison to study and to give the system pure hell once I paroled. I had plenty of time to ponder his words and yet, only an inkling of an idea as to how I would do what he suggested. From the plantation of opportunity to prison and back to the plantation of illusions, with a scarlet letter against black skin, amongst slaves - was going to be tricky, especially when I understood that few people know that they are fictitious entities, chattel or slaves of a corporation called the United States. That, alone, made me stronger and smarter. I could have used the wisdom of the Mother of the Matrix before I embarked on this journey, but the real Oracles words and the demands of my Ancestors would move me at a time when I most needed them.

Despite what I had learned in the past, I had to go inside of a prisons prison to discover that something was seriously wrong with the world. Politics, religion and hope offered no contest to the wimpy geeks behind the aluminum curtain controlling the world and gaining joy from making the masses miraculously miserable and the works of nature and the Creator minute. From Hollywood to the Federal Reserve, it was becoming more evident that numbers made more numbers and compassionate cooperation with oppressive forces only made sense to the meek.

Chapter 1Born Into Prison

Citizenship in Amerika, as shared through the focus of the camera, makes the appeal of wisdom and the necessity for courage unattractive. Being a punk is chic; whereas, being too Black and too strong could result in death. This fact, alone, robs the Afrikan Diaspora of males who routinely opt-out when called upon to be men, leaders or warriors.

They avoid presenting any fight or dissension without ever envisioning a world without injustice, disorder, disharmony, avarice, tension and slavery. The hope for self-love is expunged by a chaotic confusion concepts dominant beings with the civil liberties of persons privileged to practice nonholistic, unnatural and unfair acts due to a status granted by the notion of what is or isnt Amerikan. In Amerika, art (media) which traditionally carries filtered images captured by a filthy lens has the people so perplexed that they dare not to study the producers. Instead, the people superficially imitate actors that have no idea of how to live a holistic life. The persons whom recognize the truth are afraid to accept it once they realize that knowing will not allow them to ever embrace ignorance, again, without dire consequences. Perhaps, this notion makes religion and politics more viable despite the numerous failures which have cherished said dogmas. Something rather selfish makes you think that you know something that those which journeyed before you did not know. Really,

you are no different from those who have failed because they, too, once thought as you do. And sadly, to learn vicariously means nothing to you. Of all the choices you are led to believe that you have, you prefer to follow your programmed ego and attempt to succeed where better examples have failed. And truthfully, perseverance has its time and place; some things that are pursued lose value during the pursuit. Therefore, your potential should enable you to unlearn the behaviors and strategies that have disabled you that envelops and binds which overshadow the Afrikan constructs with autonomy of melanin or made you to feel helpless. And too, your indwelling intelligence should destroy your fears and cleanse you of excuses. So, here we are another day to improve upon a journey with a collection of useless intangibles that weigh on our souls and transform us into incomplete mortals that the elite refer to as useless eaters.

Youre here because you know something. Morpheus says with confidence while holding both blue and red pills. What you know you cant explain, but you feel it. Youve felt it your entire life; that theres something wrong with the world. You dont know what it is but its there. Like a splinter in your mind. Driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me. Do you know what Im talking about? The Matrix? Neo isnt sure if his question is the answer or if his answer is the question. Perhaps, the very way that you feel as you read and observe. Regardless, Morpheus remains poised and emotionless. Do you want to know what it is? The Matrix is everywhere. It is all around us. Even in this very room. You can see it when you look out your window or when you turn on your television. You can feel it when you go to work, when you go to church, when you pay your taxes. It is the world that has been pulled over your eyes to blind you

from the truth. Neo and his assumed innocence are perfect for this mission. He asks, What truth? Morpheus, the warrior scholar, obliges him. That you are a slave, Neo like everyone else. You were born into bondage born into a prison that you cannot smell or taste or touch. A prison for your mind. Unfortunately, no one can be told what the Matrix is. You have to experience it for yourself. For the average Amerikan - the movie ends here with the consumption of the blue pill. And the controlling elite of the world know this to be true without assuming. Somehow, those of us who are committed by birth, legacy or by ingesting the red pill are portrayed as the minority determined to save the masses that purchase the illusions accompanying anything doused in blue - at an inflated price. Early in life we are taught to like the color blue. Blue is supposed to be calming, steadfast, light, friendly and strong. And certainly, the little Black boy grows up pursuing the pasty

face white girl with blue eyes after being told that she is a prize possession. Despite having been raised by a wide-hipped, Black woman with enough talent to make a meal of flour and water and enough chicken for one Amerikan male, we are programmed to adore a melanin recessive prototype with no regards for our welfare. No doubt, most people will take the blue pill, for they are convinced that it is safe because it is pretty, popular and government-approved. In some circles, such as psych wards and prisons, blue is believed to make the time go faster; make one sleep more easily; bring peace and keep the bad spirits away. By now, you should understand the efficacy associated with the color of blue. Your roots could prove it to be feminine, but your adopted culture has convinced you that it is masculine. Think! No government can force you to contract with it, but the trappings are alluring. Temptation and seduction by way of corporations and government agencies have caused us to contract away our liberties and human rights. Yeah! Our

erosion of rights and loss of liberty havent disappeared due to law but rather through contract. The matrix of matrices is trickier than you may imagine. It is sad that negroes in Amerika have no idea as to who they are and it is even sadder that the people, powers and systems that negroes adore are the very entities preventing negroes from experiencing self-actualization. Truth isthe government needs the people more than the people need governing. The government gives the people benefits, privileges and more taxes. And the people gladly give the government their consent to be enslaved, robbed, monitored and tracked. Yesterday the government was a friend. The government talked, dined, laughed and pretended to love. Once elected the government is nameless, rarely available and is ready to f*ck the people without foreplay, a kiss, no fondling or protection. We unknowingly enter the Matrix just hours after birth because our parents were forgiving, forgetful, compassionate and submissive. To no surprise, our parents are hit with an adhesion contract from the

Social Security Administration before they can decide on a name. No time to study the child, consult the Ancestors or even pray. Naming ceremonies are not considered; no culture is greater than that of Amerika-ism in the pockets of Amerika. The government demands a name; and quick like! Ironically, a many people are given names that make no sense, but will certainly make the elite much richer. And negroes find excuses in phonetics, but dismiss any ties with the knowledge of their Ancestors. Such negroes, and negroes who benefit from the misery and ignorance of melanin dominant people, are the same negroes which the Honorable Marcus Garvey envisioned, attempted to educate and sacrificed his well-being for. Time is ticking and negroes are benefitting, but far more melanin dominant people are in need of provisions than prayers. We are placed into a cycle of economic slavery in order to participate in a system offering education, taxes, twisted rules, sickness, war and labor. We acquiesce because we see no harm in it. Hell! We run to the bank and immediately use the fresh SSN

to open a savings account for our childs college tuition without a second thought. Harmless, huh? After all, this is what oxygen-deprived, nonthinking people who consume the pretty blue pill do. Nevertheless, if all goes bad, we can budget $600 - $850 per month and be glad that were egotistical, monolingual, loyal Amerikans. Is it really horrible that the elite want us to be mentally or academically handicapped? It has to be viewed as such because we arent hearing the words, understanding the meanings or catching the signs. Something is missing! The Matrix is a system, Neo. And that system is our enemy. When you are inside, you look around. What do you see? Businessmen, teachers, lawyers, carpenters - the very minds we are trying to save. Until we do, these people are part of that system and that makes them our enemies. You have to understand that most of these people are not ready to go unplugged and many are so hopelessly dependent on the system, theyll fight to protect it. Morpheus used the very verbiage that would have been spoken by Carter G.

Woodson seven decades earlier. Yet, reviewing the movie is not as entertaining as it is tragically coincidental. Negroes fight any Black being willing to challenge the system without a title of ordainment or government sanctioning - with light skin, pretty hair and pretty eyes. The messenger had better love the oppressor or resemble the oppressor, if self-hating negroes are to listen and follow. And if the candidate for leadership doesnt have a white woman by his side, hed better have a Black woman who has worn a perm since high school, a library of Charles Dickens books and diet that frowns on foods eaten with ones fingers. Amazingly, the government has convinced Amerikans, thought to be the people, to give up more of our dwindling rights by having us believe that we are being threatened by terrorism. Again, the tyrant describes and defines the terrorist. The government justifiably increases its practices of surveilling the people. Is this what we asked for? We fund our own enslavement because we believe that terrorists were (and are) attempting to abbreviate our prosperity, liberty and pursuit of

happiness. Convincing the people that we can find freedom within our limited rights has been easier than illustrating and closing the distance between our Creator-given rights and second-class citizenship; slavery.

Chapter 2 Greater Indoctrination

After dining with three wonderful ladies interested in the good life, I made it my business to give the fascinating, Columbian honey - of the group - my undivided attention. After all, shed flipped the script and brought me flowers. She was feeling me and I wanted to feel her. Two of the three women lived their lives in fear; knowing that a random police stop could have them deported back to a life of meager earnings, simple foods, cheap clothes and macho attitudes. The thought of opportunity made their desperation more obvious and theyd soon see that meager earnings, simple foods, cheap clothes and misogyny were just as prevalent in Amerika. Something about staying in Amerika

appealed to these chicks more than the idea of coming to the land of opportunity, alone. They were here. So, what now? What made a declining economy worth risking ones life for? And though, they werent Black, they werent exactly Scandinavian white, either. Yet, these Latin girls were in for a surprise. I definitely needed to know what the lure was because I had learned that a felony easily nullifies ones chance of using degrees to secure a job whereas, being in Amerika illegally would grant you an opportunity for employment. Degrees are easily negated; a waste of money! The brown babes were only different in the aspect that they could adopt a white profile, lose their accents, distance themselves from Blacks and hope to be mistaken as white girls. Other than that, they would be subjected to some lower echelon, menial-type jobs or twirling around some pole in a dimly lit room. Granted - stilettos, skimpy clothing, body sprays and a garter are capable of summoning monies intended for savings of some sort.

Something about yoni and sex makes hidden monies available. Besides, Atlanta, like any other US metropolis, isnt short on strip clubs or strip malls, for that matter. No college or university is advising the people about the possible negation of their mis-education because they practice greed and undoubtedly, the schools are driven by greed. Is a formal education really the route to go? Education or not, success is not a guarantee. I know too many girls with degrees, good jobs, nice cars, misbehaving children and a bed too damn big for their inevitable weight-gain. To most people, said women might be successful. So again, how in the hell does anyone earn a degree, relocate and not be able to use the information they paid to learn? The miseducational system and unlivable wages ascertain the availability of the misfortunate or more appropriately - slaves. Besides, despite the word slave being synonymous with Blacks in Amerika, an Afrikan cannot be a slave and a slave cannot be Afrikan. A choice must be made. No

Afrikan will submit to slavery - even if they are enslaved. Today, change is the signature message that appears to be the message of every pulpit and podium, but few are up to it. Change is inevitably one of the few constants. And again, the people seeking change are trusting change to politicians in favor of greed and self-interest. We expect things to be other than black and white, but when they are they are somewhat delusional. Persons that are empowered by the people have been running a con on the masses since criminals came to this country, from Britain, with the inception of freedom. Ironically, any person who discovers the con-game chances being categorized, by the government, as a troublemaker instead of a visionary. Regardless of the change spoken of by the media or politicians, change is necessary for anyone desiring to live, remain mobile and prosper. Of course, this is difficult when the con tells us that personal sacrifices will get us to heaven when we tire of enduring hell. Despite the size of the entity, every

entity seeks persons willing to be subordinate, subservient and unselfish. In the U.S., individualism is no comparison to teamwork because group values are sugar-coated and pushed harder than prescription drugs. Anarchy is strongly discouraged. As expected it doesnt recognize democracy. Such discouragement has contributed to the suppression of talented thinkers in this country of dreams. The average man and woman is a follower unwilling to think or do for themselves. They gladly seek out gurus, counselors and leaders to tell them how to think or behave. The idea of having someone make decisions for them is as attractive as identifying with a group and expecting to be defined and protected by said group. And then, the idea of self-confidence being diminished for a greater respect of authority becomes an issue. It would be easier to give a child an identity, culture, and a sense of heightened intelligence to determine the direction in which s/he travels than to abandon the child to a system that consumes and acculturates it. Somehow, the accessibility to

foreign information is viewed as having the power to transform a people and offer a life of fairness, opportunity and the Anglos idea of will. Of course, the described will is not free because one debases self in order to accept responsibility for actions taken by ones enemy and exalts an author of a pathological propaganda designed to encapsulate the emotional intelligence and indwelling intelligence of compassionate beings. Regardless of what one does or does not do, a result will be produced. Clearly, Blacks have been, and continue to be, indoctrinated with data that leads to self-hatred and consequently, selfdestruction. This is one of the various reasons that so few of us achieve what we truly want, once we know what we want; we never direct our focus because our life has been filled with doing what the Anglo does. We want their success to define our growth and development. We are rarely able to concentrate our power and move forward. A large percentage of Blacks jive their way through life without mastering anything in particular. Education, of all levels, has most people thinking

they know what they want. And for those claiming to know what they want, few are actually able to do what they know. Black communities are inundated with degrees and their knowledge proves to be of little knowing in terms of improving the conditions of Afrikans throughout the Diaspora. Something has to be done; action has to be taken. Black scholars cannot continue to imitate white ideas and expect positive results. Besides, whites appear to be more successful because Blacks dump their hard earnings into anything associated with whiteness. You are probably wishing that youd gone to college immediately after high school, but you were tired of school. You couldnt make a correlation between what you were learning in penitentiary-style classrooms and real life situations. You probably hated math despite your love of money. You were unable to see how readin, ritin and rithmetic would help you in world counting on regurgitating whiteness.

you reading, remembering and Someone should have told you reading, reading and more reading and you would have possibly developed an appreciation for mathematics, sciences and learning, in general. Perhaps, the oversight of perceptual development or needed interaction between parent and child is to blame for the progress of the Black child and community. It is our responsibility to raise the melanin dominant child and modify the behavior as we guard as against the potential dangers of Anglo influence and control. Considering a degree to advance your career may be necessary for some fields. Like most folks, you are convinced that a higher degree means more money in your lifetime. You can still see that poster that once hang in your language class suggesting that you were capable of having all the fun you desired as long as you studied and got good grades. And despite statistics, an extended education, organizational ties and promises of

success, the American elite consists of fewer degrees. Schooling (education) is evidently overrated because the aforesaid persons, with few worries, are controlling the masses and the money. So, control of the future and/or laws is irrelevant. Therefore, prayers should not be for politicians. I have never been a fan of traditional education. My choice would be auto-didacticism and apprenticeship because these methods require that you think, utilize creativity, reach within and apply your enhancements or translations via study when not under the tutelage of an elder. It would be better to decide what you wish to do with your life, now at this moment. Decide what it is that you like doing. Perhaps, you will need a certificate or a two year degree. Maybe you already know enough to do what it is that brings you joy, if you have found your niche and can create a want. Do not try to serve a need. Now, is the time to discover your weaknesses and strengths! Dont wait until you get to campus;

college is no longer a place to discover who you are. Besides, education has become a market and most jobs discriminate against persons with degrees beyond a bachelors. Yet, a large number of degree holders do not wish to work for the salaries offered for unfilled positions. In addition, Amerika is not lacking in degrees or intellect despite her need for intelligence. People have effed up the definition of success and made education a part of the process and confused the masses with imported material possessions. Those in pursuit of such success leave college tens of thousands of dollars or more - in debt. With mounting debt, it becomes tough to commit to your original intent. You have very few choices that arent affected by others. Yet, self-employment is an option that doesnt require an education, a rich family, good looks, super intelligence or talent. It is possible to do a number of businesses from home with very low start-up costs, if you are willing to chance your privacy. Again, meditate on what you are

good at and too, what you like doing. Early commute time, gas prices, supervisors are reasons to turn off the television and read; become a bit selfish. It is time that you come up with a game plan. Of course, a plan will require some discipline or else God will get a chance to laugh at you and your plan. mornings clothing, or late nights, traffic, fast food and inferior Courage to Start Save the money you need to kick off your dream. If you can avoid obtaining a small loan, do so. Work a minimum wage job or continue your current gig for a few months as you plan and save the money necessary to finance your vision. Avoid the expenses of fast-food and impulsive purchases at convenience stores. Make sacrifices. Plan healthy meals by using organic or locally grown foods. Prepare your lunches. Once you have the required funds to start your business, communicate with a wholesaler. The internet will allow you to span the globe for suppliers, if you cannot find what you

need locally or nationally. Of course, calculate the shipping when you ponder the costs. Goals Decide how much money you need to live comfortably, maintain supplies, cover miscellaneous expenses (i.e. gas, business cards, flyers, internet, website, etc.) and feel good about your intentions. Strategize and plan for marketing, expansion/duplication, and savings. Position your money to work just as hard as you do. The possibility of having invisible and impotent goals become visible and mobilized is keen once the stereotypes that have labeled you are disempowered. Constant Improvement Even if you create a want that people actually desire, do not become so confident that you blindly mistreat your customers. Remember, the consumer is buying a piece of you. They may not want your product. They may buy it to simply support you or to get to know you. Therefore, continue to analyze

your presentation, style, dress, mannerisms, speech, tone, etiquette and verbal responses. Someone is always watching or listening. Find your niche and set the standard. Be sure that your website opens quickly and has a clean presentation. Do not be afraid to show a picture of yourself. Many non-whites hide behind photos of Anglos to improve their chance of business. I do not agree with this technique. Surely, losses can be suffered either way. However, I want you to know what you should expect and too, that I am just as competitive and capable as the melanin recessive beings wishing to have all the fun. Certainly, this is a judgment call because not everyone likes surprises. And more importantly, you shouldnt start your business with a lie. Communicating Know your business and know what your potential customers want. If you attract a customer with an interest in your product, have that particular product available. Once you sell out of an item,

make your customers aware of it with a message or sign. If you advertise your phone, email or fax, be sure to respond to messages. Consider the time you may be away from your computer and upgrade your cell phone to receive emails and texts. Certainly, you know someone with a phone and nice, professional voice that is capable of answering your calls and forwarding messages to you. If so, this will give your business more of a professional touch and prevent you from having to answer so many calls. And too, it will allow someone else to have a business and income. Discipline The ability to remain disciplined, save money, be respectful and strategize is important. As you begin to make money do not get comfortable. Learn to save. It is imperative that you put money aside each week. Treat your savings as if it were a mandatory bill. Twenty-five cents from each dollar

profited is ideal. Do not be moved by shiftless, jealous friends. Allow your sacrifices to reward you. Plan a weekend trip once every three months or a trip overseas during the winter months. Learn to enjoy living. Reward yourself for your sacrifices and efforts. Find a spot that lets you get away from stressful living, traffic, technology and haste. Learn to be silent; breathe. Doing Your Own Thang! Working alone is good. You have the choice of being self-employed or building a home-based business. Of course, the home-based business can be sold if it is formed properly. Mind you, if you form a partnership, avoid doing business with a family member. If you need help due to an increase of business, try to subcontract or hire someone on a day-to-day need basis. Independent contractors are good for such situations. Hiring more people will require that you make more money to cover their wages. In addition, employees, insurance, benefits and unproductive hours can become expensive.

Enjoy your time alone. Get into your work. In The Prophet Khalil Gibran states, When you work you are a flute through whose heart the whispering of the hours turns to music. So many of us have been taught to hate work; especially manual labor. Amazingly, jobs that used to be worked by the disenfranchised are now sought after by Anglos who refuse to be discounted. Khalil Gibran further wrote, But I say to you that when you work you fulfil a part of earths furthest dream, assigned to you when that dream was born, And in truth loving life, And to love life through labour is to be intimate with lifes inmost secret. If you are afraid to work alone, be creative and do something that puts you around people or requires that you interact with others. Sacrifice or Supplicate Discipline and sacrifice are related. If you can do without something, by all means, do without it.

When you decide to buy an item, be sure that you need it. Spending money because you can is no reason to spend money. Learning to sacrifice and save will save you from becoming a beggar, impoverished or uncomfortable. And it should keep you from depending on a government with intentions of enslaving the masses. Stand Firm It may be questionable to say that the younger you are, the less garbage youve collected. Your vision should be clear and you must be willing to persevere. Be persistent. Listen to the universe. Do not be afraid of simplicity. And do not waste time avoiding lessons and obstacles. The lessons will be taught. You neednt always be the student, but you should always be attentive. All things appearing good are not good and all things appearing bad are not bad. Some obstacles will strengthen and improve you. So, find your passion and enjoy what you do. If you fall, you are not a failure. If you stay down, then you have failed and others will see you as a failure. Persistence is the

key to success. Again, I am not advocating stubbornness. There will come a time when you have to make adjustments, if your goals seem unreachable. Lastly, talk to your parents, spouse, an elder or professional about your intentions. Give thought to the idea of someone coaching or advising you. Keep in mind that family members - with reason will deter you, but dream on. There is no proof that you will be any more successful from attending college than you would be by simply applying yourself and practicing discipline.

Chapter 3 To Conspire or Theorize

Why anyone, other than the paparazzi or a groupie, would want to target rappers and other entertainers is confusing when a large percentage of those targeted are simply within the boundaries of what the government actually wants or expects. Yet, the Hip-Hop police have been proven to exist for

incomes community, the thought of Black men being textbook models is neither absolutely good nor clearly bad because the government wishes for the entertainers and others to remain controllable or, at worst, out of control to justify removing them from society. And the idea of a Black boy learning to become powerful without making noise is frightening to the Anglo. Knowing this, it is obvious that most negro entertainers will do very little to change the conditions of Afrikan people in Amerika and anything to sabotage the will of Black boys wishing to see improvements for their family for fear that conscious Blacks will jeopardize their freedom or life with the enforcement of revolution or change. I wish that my father had made me read Sam Greenlees The Spook Who Sat by the Door as I was maturing in an effort to embed ideas of how I should deal with the rulingclass hypocrisy and the negros willingness to remain oppressed. It was as easy for my parents to subject me to recommended mercury fillings while in kindergarten as it has

been for Amerikans to overlook food additives, fluoridated water, chemtrails or vaccines tainted with thimerosol. We forget that durational suicide is equivalent to death just not as immediate. There are a number of entertainers that mean well and do what they can with regards to their restrictions. There are people who watch television and instantly believe what they see. Then, there are others who refuse to believe anything that they see. And lets not forget the individuals that frown on purposes of monitoring individuals with disposable and semi-conscious followings. For the Black anything spoken, suggested and written by Black men because they believe no good can come from blackness. I am not opposed to attacking religion, but I assert in this situation that the very society that insinuates population control through birth control, racial hygiene, famine or war is raising a society on toxins that have been proven to affect brain functions.

It has always been suggested that I study Caucasians, if I wished to succeed at anything. The conscious, ethnoconscious and struggling, alike, seem to feel that anything associated with Anglos or Euros is superior to anything offered by Nature, Afrika or the Creative Forces. In most minds, it is impossible to separate or distinguish the Anglo from God. This has happened by design opposed to accident or invisible assistance. So, in keeping with the tradition, I enjoin the reader to become a temporary student of white intellect in order to decipher the systems of influence, propaganda and control. Because the producers of news programs and television shows have set the norms for political opinion and societal behavior with thoughtless entertainment, lots of sports and the need for law enforcement programs or anything that challenges slick, overt mind-control is seen as a conspiracy theory. People have been conditioned to eat genetically modified foods and drink recycled water with caffeine, codeine, antibiotics, lead, chlorine, and other chemicals without demanding that the government clean up its act and

give the people what they are paying for. The people know that they are in danger, but they will dismiss knowledge of contaminants and poisons as conspiracy theories opposed to conspiracies proven by facts. Conspiracy theories give us an alternative perspective on events. Granted, some theories have no evidence or are based on misinterpretation of evidence. The problem that most conspiracy theories have is that they cannot be proven. Yet, this, alone, does not disprove the conspiracies that occur in religious communities, politics, organized crime syndicates, and corporate boardrooms and so forth. Maybe just maybe we do not understand what a conspiracy theory is because conspiracies range from being possible to plausible interpretations of events to being silly, nonsensical events in an alternative reality. Conspiracies do happen. Conspiracies are happening. Whether we get our information from mainstream, alternative or non-traditional sources, conspiracies can be proven with evidence or facts.

Primarily, a conspiracy is defined as an agreement by two or more persons to commit an unlawful act. The word conspire means to engage in a conspiracy. Of course, this makes the participants conspirators. Whereas, a theory is the analysis of a set of facts in their relation to one another: an ideal or hypothetical set of facts, principles or circumstances. As planning would have it, we unknowingly give the elite, the system and Anglos too much power. Yes, there is an element of negroes and other colorful lapdogs in the mix. And for this reason, it becomes difficult for our youth to differentiate a plight of a people from the ability to enjoy a concert with an Anglo associate. The Boul must be proud because the singin has increased and the swingin has decreased as our youth unite for recreational purposes and chance our story and legacy to premeditated, designed lusts. Testing Conspiracy Theories It was said, so many times, that the government was responsible for bringing drugs into this

country. A number of people felt this was the case and articulated it as the problem gained momentum. Of course, few people thought that the government would do such a nefarious thing despite its involvement in slavery and Jim Crowism which has ushered in Jamie Crowism. Yes, Amerika is guilty due to indirect involvement and/or silence. Yet, today a man can be imprisoned for neglecting to feed a horse or for fighting dogs. Perhaps the non-taxable gambling on the fights has the government upset or some Anglo considers the dog to be more valuable than the Black man. Maybe the government is hedging on the stream of wars it sells to the people. Maybe Amerikas drug involvement was direct because no government can prosper without labor or money; slavery provided both. The upside for Amerika is that the labor was free. The downside is that her funky butt still owes reparations. This is what we learned. The CIA was responsible for assuring the delivery of drugs into Amerika for distribution in order to raise capital for the

financing of the Contras after the Sandinistas defeated the U.S. trained Army under Nicaraguan dictator Anastacio Somoza and CIA Director, William Caseys proposal for 19 million dollars was approved by President Reagan and then stopped by the U.S. House of Representatives with the Boland Amendment. The CIA had to find another way to fund its FDN (Nicaraguan Democratic Forces). Certainly, Black gangs of Los Angeles were the avenue to bring this idea into fruition. No one would have voiced that the Reagan Administration and the CIA were assisting a revolutionary movement involved in trafficking cocaine. Aint no conspiracy theory! Lets look at another conspiracy theory. As a child I heard of the Black Messiah program. The thought that I could be mistaken for Jesus scared me. I may have been programmed to dumb down sooner than later. Besides, I couldnt separate the Messiah from Jesus and that meant that any possibilities of me being categorized as a messiah-type meant that I would transform into a white boy. Negroes were

quick to say that there was no such thing because Black folks werent buying into a black Jesus when I was a kid. The idea was to keep your mouth shut and be on your best behavior. Again, all things good and valuable had to be white. In addition, there was no internet. Black men with concerns for the community, a level playing field, Black empowerment (not just politically) and fair treatment were viewed as threats. The Cointelpro (Counterintelligence Program) was designed to misdirect, discredit, expose, disrupt, and neutralize the efforts of Black Nationalist groups and organizations thought to be hateful due to their unwillingness to be white. For maximum effectiveness of the Counterintelligence Program, and to prevent wasted effort, long range goals were set. 1. Prevent the coalition of militant black nationalist groups. In unity there is strength; a truism that is no less valid for all its triteness. An effective

coalition of black nationalist groups might be the first step toward a real Mau Mau in America, the beginning of a true black revolution. 2. Prevent the rise of a messiah who could unify, and electrify, the militant black nationalist movement. Malcolm X might have been such a messiah; he is the martyr of the movement today. Martin Luther King, Stokely Carmichael and Elijah Muhammed is less of a threat because of his age. King could be a very real contender for this position should he abandon his supposed obedience to white, liberal doctrines (nonviolence) and embrace black nationalism. Carmichael has the necessary charisma to be a real threat in this way. 3. Prevent violence on the part of black nationalist groups. This is of primary importance, and is, of course, a goal of our investigative activity; it should also be a goal of the Counterintelligence Program. Through counterintelligence it should be possible to pinpoint potential trouble makers and

neutralize them before they exercise their potential for violence. 4. Prevent militant black nationalist groups and leaders from gaining respectability, by discrediting them to three separate segments of the community. The goal of discrediting black nationalist must be handled tactically in three ways. You must discredit these groups and individuals to, first, the responsible Negro community. Second, they must be discredited to the white community, both the responsible community and to liberals who have vestiges of sympathy for militant black nationalists simply because they are Negroes. Third, these groups must be discredited in the eyes of Negro radicals, the followers of the movement. This last area requires entirely different tactics from Publicity about violent tendencies the first two. and radical statements merely enhances black nationalists to the last group; it adds respectability in a different way.

5. A final goal should be to prevent the long-range growth of militant black nationalist organizations, especially among youth. Specific tactics to prevent these groups from converting young people must be developed. (Sent by Director to Field Offices on March 4, 1968) The need to control Black empowerment is germane to those in fear of anglo genetic annihilation. The post-racial Amerika continues to haunt the Black family as it sanctions the hunt of the Black male. Sure, we have the opportunity to go school, college, sacrifice our talents on a job and become productive citizens. Any talk of the system stopping us from achieving anything we want is assumed to be crazy. The thought of god, government or anglos doing us harm is farfetched in the minds of most Blacks because they cannot imagine anyone appearing as god to do them harm. However, white youth are more likely to use drugs than Black youth, but Black youth are more likely to go to jail for drugs. Research and statistics show that white people are more likely to break the law

than Blacks, but the pattern of biased drug law enforcement suggests that Blacks are out of control. Only a negro would argue that the disproportionality is irrelevant. Someone is conspiring and the system is participating. This is not a conspiracy theory. It is only natural for Blacks to adopt the theory that everything which is wrong with us and about us is our fault. We continue being the subject of blame while other parties easily pass the blame. Somehow, we get that blame as well. So we take the blame, but it is not enough in a situation that is not ecologically sound and certain to suspend the possibility of progress. We have not abandoned slavery because we aid a heartless government that promotes the idea of corporations owning and controlling everything. The government-franchised fictions are pimping the people. We may think that there is no other way. We fall behind the rank and file and march like everyone before us. This meanswe willingly eat the oppressors fabricated foods, drink their fluoridated water,

pollute our environment with their chemicals and destroy our bodies with their synthetic drugs because we feel that our selected leadership is more godly, intelligent and considerate than any programming offered by our Ancestors. Too many Amerikans are taking toxins via prescriptions, the streets and grocery stores which render them mentally unstable. As the people become less than mediocre, the government gains more control. The people do not believe that the collection of international lawbreakers can govern with evil intentions while appeasing the masses with acts of benevolence. It is clearly evident that the people are not thinking clearly. However, as the organized criminals gain control of our actions and thoughts we blindly facilitate the various governments, murdering the masses service of modified bootleg freedom. The existence of secret societies is no longer a secret. Therefore, said establishments and organizations deserve little attention and less

admiration. They exist, but what they are capable of doing is based on the fear, loyalty, and silence of incurable people. However, the so-called secret, all-knowing, all-powerful, all-seeing group of elitists no longer have to operate covertly because the masses entertaining distractions. Granted, there fanatical types who make a living out are occupied with are the extremist, of scaring people, suggesting solutions and providing just what the people will not need. And there are people who underestimate the obvious and ignore tell-tale signs. Amerikan greed, above all greed, breeds conspiracies. in agreement to rule collectively, in and attacking poor nations for the

Chapter 4 Disappearing Act

Today was a good day! You made about $7k for the day

- opposed to $70 - and the activities of the streets are beginning to slow down to a pace that allows you to visualize what the movement of people kept you from seeing. Fewer cars are moving and you only see a bus every 22 minutes opposed to every 12 minutes. Tonight, you notice that the street light above your car has a glitch that you have ignored during your previous nights of commerce. However, your new-found, heightened level ofobs ervation depicts your growth. Earlier today, you mentioned just how beautiful the day was. You have obviously been in the streets too long. Your phone continues to vibrate. The numerical requests motivate you, but your gut tells you to call it a night; go home. Besides, you cant readily kick the image from your mind of the babe with the perfect breasts, shapely hips, tight waistline, dimples, jet black hair, cute smile and that sexy accent. Youre not sure if she was from Brazil, Dominican Republic, Belize, Senegal, Ethiopia or the governmentbut she was fine. A smile creases your face as you think of having

survived another day. You imagine the young woman twirling around your bedpost in one of the lingerie sets that you keep on hand. The sound of jazz reminds you that the streets will soon dispose of you. You should know that the young jits are ready to replace you the moment you are robbed, imprisoned or murdered. Mind you, you will not be a memory very long in spite of the good things you claim to have done. Your bed, car and lover (who swore to always love you without mentioning that she would not endure any bad times with you) will be warmed and used by some undeserving soul. Actually, you have done well to last this long! Your neighbors know just enough about you to say that they know you. Nothing more! Youre wellmannered, drive an Amerikanmade truck, keep your foreign car at a parking garage, dress simple and speak intelligently. The strange hours, your physique, mystique and cool strut pass you off as a firefighter or an artist of some sort. Perhaps, youre a drummer in some band. You can never

reveal that you are not the man they see you as because the day will come when you will have to disappear or hope that they make great character witnesses. Vulnerabilities to Consider If you havent been cautious in your doings and dealings, you have probably created a paper trail. You have jeopardized your life and freedom to build perfect credit and a profile that says you are All-Amerikan. You have become the typical straw man. The pleasures that you have come to enjoy are the very vulnerabilities that have enslaved you with privileges. You may have your car in your mothers name, an apartment in your babys mamas name and your money stashed at some older broads crib. You may be a model citizen in the eyes of your church. But if your church is labeled as controversial due to political views or sexual allegations, you are already exposed. Exposure is not difficult unless youre marketing something useful. Whether you admitted to being a

permanent resident or a U.S. citizen - you have exposed yourself. Maybe you purchased a house or land with cash, put utilities in your name and registered an automobile in your name to the same address in which you reside. If so, you have exposed yourself. It is not hard to leave a trace behind in the age of computers and nosey people who do as the government commands. You could have applied for a passport in order to take a trip after your girlfriend spoke of visiting Asilah (Morocco) to give you what she wasnt currently giving you in the bedroom. She probably told you shed wear something sexy, if you would allow her to splurge a little. She takes your credit card, along with a few of her conniving girlfriends, and spends the day spending so much money that the bank calls you because they are not accustomed to you being so thoughtless. Besides, you are one of their valued customers. You (are) paid! On the other side of the game you may not have

been so fortunate. You have possibly applied for governmental assistance or given the idea of government subsidies some consideration and commenced the process of application like so many un-needy Amerikans wishing to take advantage of entitlements offered by the government. You can do this! After all, you have worked for wages when you werent in the hospital, college, mental institution or jail. When you needed a job as a front because you wanted your grandmother, church and the police to believe that you worked, you entered into the workforce. You have a social security number, drivers license and maybe a passport. You receive magazines, games, and other mail at your residence. Hell, everything about you says citizen. And of course, you have most of your assets in this country because you havent been anywhere outside the U.S. or the state in which you live in. You are in trouble! Unknowingly, you have exposed your well-being to a manipulative monster which is anything but

your Big Brother and more like a step-mother on birth control who vowed to never have children. Your chance of discontinuing the opportunities of entities invading your privacy has been greatly decreased without invisibility tactics to dematerialize your person. Besides, free stuff is expensive in spite of how tempting it may be. If you did not secure a location in the suburbs or a rural area - which no one knows of - with no internet, no cable, no utilities and no magazine subscriptions in your name, your attempts to hide may be futile. Amerika has convinced her children that they have nothing to hide from the government and therefore, privacy is not important. The government has found ways to get closer to us than our jugular vein and eliminate our need for privacy. Privacy is a buffer between Government was formed as government is statutes and avaricious servants who have forgotten to serve the people and oppression and freedom. a servile institution. Yet,

limiting our Creator-given rights with codes, policies manufactured by inconsiderate, opted to serve their own self-interests while assembly of individuals who are being eventually debilitated. worshipping an discovered and The so-called transparent government knows too much about the people. And the people are to blame for the government becoming incontrovertible. The people must sense that they will have handcuffed themselves to total control or totalitarianism without a key, if they let the government continue to seize and manipulate their rights. Granted, most people do not care if their privacy is jeopardized by corporations and government. Most people think that Big Brother automatically knows of everything that they do. Nothing is sacred. Our travel destinations, desires, obsessions, income and spending habits are

categorized and filed for reference. What the government does not readily know, we unconsciously give away on Facebook, MySpace, Twitter and YouTube. It shouldnt be so easy for the government. You have to learn to make the information gatherers work to get information which will be used against you. Remember if you use your full name, SSN, date of birth, age or last known addresses of less than seven years, you are leaving paper trails and a seasoned investigator will easily find you. There has to be balance with privacy. Such balance can bring about serenity. Paranoia will only exacerbate your situation and make you more vulnerable. If you have something to hide, you have to hide it as if you are not trying to hide it. After all, you will not find serenity with total privacy because total privacy is impossible for the sane person. For the insane that seek it, there is little happiness, if any. One of my associates spent years earning a living

as a drug dealer. When the heat came, I assisted him in hiding for about a year. Before he got brand new and parted ways to employ my techniques, he shared with me his desire to live a more transparent life. His intentions were to look the part of a drug dealer. This would entail cars, clothes, women and parties. He wouldnt conceal anything, if he got another chance in the streets. Sadly, he would do, again, the same things that got him unnecessary attention and thereafter, incarceration. The people are conditioned to respect authority. Such respect necessitates fear. As programming increases and the people are rocked to sleep, the Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism Act will gain momentum and rob the people of more and more liberties, if what liberties remain can be used by the people for liberation. In 25 years my associate would have been policed by his numbers and he would have realized that Amerika openly admits that she is

nothing more than a prison with a trade style name of Big Plantation doing business as a whore with a slide-rule based on status and color. Privacy has no room for stupidity. Once you know what your purpose in life is live. Live and love. If you find yourself homeless, single, incarcerated, depressed or useless - continue to live. Every day counts. Where you do the day does not disqualify the day. Make use of your days. Do not live in fear. Privacy Enhancements Much of what I know about privacy is drawn from personal experiences, research or the failures of others. And too, an associate of my company keeps me wired behind the wall lest I should forget my journey through the bowels of Amerika and chance a return to 24/7 oppression. For some, the idea of blending in is feasible. For others, the extremes of privacy appear necessary. Whether one chooses to disappear, use extreme privacy methods, become camouflaged or a

perpetual traveler, it will not work if one is motivated by paranoia. The level or degree of privacy you wish to achieve can be expensive. Again, the more you do, the more likely you are to slip up and expose yourself in either direction. Too much cooperation or too much paranoia demanding privacy can hurt you. Some privacy tactics are illegal. Do your research before you are forced to disappear. I have had the opportunity of only dealing with one individual capable of disappearing (without or with recourse). Of course, offshore accounts and proper planning were utilized. Others that I know were careful and functioned below the radar until they seemingly dropped off the grid. Like any fugitive or hermit, they soon resurfaced. Besides, living in the woods and coming into town for an occasional meal or grocery shopping is ineffective. At this point in my life I would not endorse any illegal activity. However, I would advise any man

to act lawfully when protecting and providing for their family. In terms of simplifying the issue of privacy one could start by using online anonymous proxies, prepaid cellular phones, anonymous offshore encrypted email, money orders, cash, digital gold currency, anonymous debit cards, rural living, mail drops, befriend a veterinarian for medical supplies and grow organic vegetables, fruits and herbs. By all means, limit your use of suggested search engines, popular email providers, Windows, credit cards, aged and warehoused foods, air travel (when driving is possible), living in the city and receiving mail at your home. If you are serious about your privacy, resign from organizations that require extensive information about you. Understand that the price of privacy will be inconveniencing. As a professor in Mexico City reminds me the price of freedom in Amerika is slavery. Well, the cost of privacy is hermitage because paranoia will not permit you to trust anyone. Sadly, no one wants or deserves to die alone.

Further actions to take are as follows; let your drivers license expire, find a dwelling with utilities in a remote place, accept cash for work, sell any property that you have and safeguard the cash, terminate professional affiliations, avoid filing taxes and convert your vehicles into cash. If you find that you want privacy at this level with all the amenities of fine living, you must prepare to pay an agency that specializes in these methods. It is important that you remain sharp and aware of your surroundings and activities that could affect you. When in public - act like you are a part of the public.

Chapter 5 Lips Move, Lips Lie

It was the beginning of 2004 small rural town in South Georgia. To a many people, the town smelled of roses. And to a number - it smelled of funky rose water and a combination of trash. No solution could have deodorized the pungent odor

that had gone unattended for so many years. And despite the inmates level of professionalism, he wasnt too particular about over-extending himself for the prison industrial complex. The special operations fire team consisting of 10 inmates, that he belonged to, was as prepared as any other fire rescue squad. Theyd gotten a headsup that theyd be called to a mock emergency drill in order to be evaluated on response time and level of preparedness. Easy! The inmates had been welltrained by a meticulous officer who believed in training and of course, second chances. After all, the fire cares nothing about status of the occupants or firefighters. Sadly, racism is so powerful that it will make an appearance even as a house is burning to the ground. The special operations officer grew to believe in the guys as much as he did himself. He never let the convicts believe that they were not special. Hell, it took a special kind of person to run into a burning house. There are people that you will fight

fire with and there are some whom you never enter a burning structure with. Your intelligence, instinct, response to pressure and training shows the moment you drop to your knees to enter a structure engulfed in flames and witness the cleverness of fire. As destructive as fire is, it is still beneficial and beautiful. As the day matured, the guys became anxious, confused; they began to doubt. They had learned that failure was not an option. Their fears boiled and some surrendered to the idea of returning to the prison. After all, some civilians were stupid enough to be particular about who saved their burning homes. The call for the mock drill never came. However, civilian firefighters were called. And much of their preparation had come by way of training with the same inmates that they despised. Remember, some states use prison labor. And sadly, some men and women have better jobs, more responsibility and a better chance of employment while confined.

Surely, the jobs dont pay well. And ironically, the experience doesnt transfer to society (the biggest plantation) so well. As the civilian firefighters made an assessment of the scene they noticed a prison transport bus. Of course, the lives of prisoners wouldnt be perceived as more important than the lives of civilians because Amerika has taught the populous to see the accused, convicted and sentenced as irreparable, incorrigible and therefore, the punishment and scrutiny is neverending. So, the idea was to make sure that the convicted persons were alive and confined. Theyre just prisoners. Theyre hardly a threat. The firefighter had no idea of what to look for on a prison transport bus. Theyd received no more training in profiling prisoners than police officers had in profiling people they wish to send to prison. The evaluator instructed him to seek out a manifest: see if any key individuals were hiding amongst the prisoners. Such an act would require

real desperation. The evaluator was suggesting that someone was hiding in prison, or amongst prisoners, that was capable of hurting Amerika. Cmon! Yet, this is Amerika and prisons are being built in Amerika. And the bodies will be made available for purposes of occupation, maintenance and finance. The bodies may be headless, but they will be warm and endless because Amerika rears prisoners as easily as it grows corn, favors football, polices the world and cherishes junkfood. Systematically, the cops perceive young Black males to be menaces to society, without regard for occupation, level of education or intentions, to meet quotas and feign concern for the white woman. And Anglos are horrible at differentiating one Black from another. In their eyes, negroes all look alike. So, cross-racial profiling becomes a foreign term. Were wastin time. Aint no way a smart guy would be in prison.

Yep! Really! I cant picture a smart guy amongst the bunch of em. The firefighters had no idea of who and/or what was being housed in the belly of Amerika. And they felt too white and too privileged to be in prison, themselves. Well - you wrong, The evaluator said, This guy, here, has a PhD in chemistry. Interesting! What was a handcuffed chemist to do on a transport bus? I have met professionals that were only professional in title. Degrees in the sciences and mathematics are of little use to an individual supervising a deli or running a gas station. Sadly, Amerika imports most of her intellectuals. She fears homegrown intellectuals and is always vigilant for the emergence of Black intelligence. Unfortunately, the inmate firefighters werent allowed to be at the mock training because G.E.M.A/F.E.M.A. (under Homeland Security) needed to make a point without offending any inmates that might be poorly misrepresented as an example of intelligence that had slipped through

the cracks because intelligence is perceived as a threat. Chances are any individual worth his or her weight will learn more from the so-called filth, which Amerika hides throughout this country, than any course from any educational institution approved by the government. The idea of dealing with racism, unemployment, racial profiling and second class citizenship is hardly an issue for Black males at the present. This doesnt mean that the aforesaid arent happening. But a many people of color are in serious denial about the continuance of obstacles in the presence of a Black president and Black attorney general Eric Holder (who has clearly made fewer public statements and changes to date than Ashcroft or Reno made in a quarter). The agenda and color of the president no longer matters; now that a black face has been made to share blame in the crumbling of an already corrupt and crumbling country. The Amerikan people are starting to take a stand. It took the selection (not election) of a Black man to the top office in order for Anglos to grow tired of a de facto government and decide to act up

and speak out. Obama had nothing to do with Amerika becoming homeless or bankrupt. The planned economic collapse was inevitable before anyone imagined a Black man winning the presidency. Obama became the perfect excuse for Anglos to exercise their 2nd amendment right. But white folk have always carried guns because violence is second nature to Caucasians. Therefore, the increase in gun purchases is nothing new. Besides, with the Obama administration crime decreased in major cities around the country and the trend perplexed criminologists. If there were crimes to be committed, Amerikans were ready to fight back. This notion suggested that more crimes would be committed against Blacks and therefore, go unreported because Blacks were committing crimes where they dwelled and this meant less accountability for Blacks and less concern for Amerikans. The Patriot Act has changed the fabric of Amerika and threatened the civil liberties of the people while undermining the concept of democracy. On

the flip side, The Homeland Security Act commissioned the rise of the Amerikan police state and removed existing distinctions between foreign and domestic and defined terrorism as follows: any activity thatinvolves an act that is dangerous to human life or potentially destructive of critical infrastructure or key resources; and is a violation of the criminal laws of the United States or of any State or other subdivision of the United States; and appears to be intended to intimidate or coerce a civilian population; to influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion; or to affect the conduct of a government by mass destruction, assassination, or kidnapping. Amerika has made the act of living more laborious than breathing with a pile of dead bodies atop of you. The future of Amerika hasnt been cemented, yet. The Citizens of this Amerika can still save Amerika. However, some serious overhauling of

government officials, bad laws, and slick codes must take place. In addition, Amerikans must acknowledge the economic predicament of Amerikas preference of marginalized people and realize that their fate is linked to other citizens in Amerika. The people dont need permission to save Amerika. Legally, one may not be permitted to bear arms without a license, but lawfully speaking one can protect his or her sentient/sapient being and loved ones. Bearing Arms, Sharing Blame It is obvious that men are not expected to be men when the government decides to steal the women and children. And there is no easier way to take a mans home, family and country disarmed. Of course, effective ways to steal the family as well. Consequently, the government has promised to protect the people, but instead serve the corporations. Somehow, a many have been tricked into believing that guns kill and the use of guns is wicked. Once again, self-defense is a right that no law can rob you of. How you protect yourself

becomes a moot issue when you are forced to be mute. than when he has been peacefully sending men to war and prison are Simple tactics of protection: Gun - Get a gun and tell no one. Get more than one! Maintain proof that the gun is yours. Keep record of your weapon, e.g. serial number. If you have more than one gun, make another list. Do not store all weapons together. Keep accessible what you need for a burglar. If you have a concealed carry weapon permit, you have been fingerprinted and pay an annual fee. This is your choice. Other states may honor the CCW from the issuing state, but verify the states before traveling. If you are mature enough to carry a gun in a non-open-carry state without a permit, you will avoid the master list. Study the gun laws. Learn how to use your weapons. Visit the gun range, but dont join. Lock weapons in trunk when traveling from home to range and back. If you live in a state that is not the

traditional open carry state, e.g., Georgia you will find that it feasible to do so with a permit. For more information on carrying guns, visit, and know where gun carry is permissible. Dog I highly recommend a professionally trained, intelligent guard dog bred for the purpose of protection. Lets be clear - watch dogs alert, but guard dogs alert and protect. I prefer the Doberman, but I think most Mastiffs, the Cane Corso, Belgian Shepherds, German Shepherds, the Dogo Argentino and Rottweilers are great alternatives or additions for protection. Taser The C2 Taser is equipped with two darts that reach 15 feet and incapacitates the neuromuscular system. Other electronic control devices are available. Pepper Sprays, knives, batons, flare guns, etc. are good to keep on ones person as well. Check Stun Gun Laws/Restrictions to determine whether it is legal to carry the device in your state. Some states require a legal handgun

permit to carry the taser. Self-Defense It is important that you get into a martial arts system that teaches contact and not sport. Tournament styled arts focusing on history, saluting flags and worshipping past masters will be of little benefit. Avoid the belt systems and get dirty or prepared to be soiled by a rogue government and generations of dysfunctional youth. Systems that encourage fearinduced stress in order to test complex motor skills may prepare you for life/death situations. You will appreciate the training and the confidence you gain. I highly recommend the Egbe Ogun/Wrestling (Society of Warriors), Fannul Harb Combat Martial Arts Systems and Shackled Hands. Jui Jitsu, Krav Maga and Aikido are also suitable for hand to hand combat and intense urban situations. Life without Law I do not frown on spirituality or spiritual wars. I recognize that as it is above so it is below.

Throughout this human experience, I must prepare myself for the physical entities that shun my heritage, existence, needs and rights as I accept the wisdom of my Ancestors. Therefore, I will not ask others to understand my right to protect myself. And I will not ask the Creator to enable me to protect myself and then, I not make preparations to protect myself. A many Amerikans - due to gun appreciation and accumulation - believe they are ready for the extremes of socialism, if not, totalitarianism. Anarchy remains questionable with the Anglo because other political ideologies have captured their theories and concerns of wealth, control and the continuation of privilege via whiteness. Yet, it is difficult to see how anarchy would benefit the Anglo when the Anglo has used law to his advantage and the Greek word signifies without government. Anarchy implies the opposite of tyranny. There is no rule, but the essence of rule is there. This would be similar to driving a long stretch of highway, at night, with a speed limit of

65 mph and signage of deer and elk, in an area with no patrol. Its up to you to be safe. And if you wreck, you are on your own. The Black man would have to consider anarchy after exercising his sovereignty because it parallels individual freedom and thereafter, implement a council of elders - not impressed with Europeanism - to assist in meeting the efforts and needs of each community. Anarchism is believed to be a theory suggesting that all forms of government are oppressive and undesirable and should be abolished. It appears to be the most viable form of cohabitation allowing the people to govern themselves without the benefit of a constituted authority. Capitalism and communism would have no voice amongst Afrikans because equality, liberty and solidarity would exist with the interest of individuality opposed to individualism accompanied by self-centeredness and therefore, silence chaos. Naturally, individuals would work and own their work. Such labor would provide for ones family and afford one the opportunity to buy

land. Said land would be owned by the human entity making the purchase. This would eliminate real estate ownership by corporations and clones. The state of autonomy for the Afrikan is necessary if Blacks wish to see serviceability protracted and utilized for the betterment of Afrikan people. We should cultivate land and grow our own; make our own clothes and shoes; ascertain that people are comfortably housed and fed; and institute shorter work days with everyone contributing in some fashion. It is possible for a community to be based on harmony, reciprocity, order, peace, balance, justice and propriety opposed to influence, domination and hierarchy.

Chapter 6 Its the System, Man !

Its rare that one indulges in a heated conversation in which the system isnt blamed for the hardship of Black men. If it aint the man, its the system! Actually, the two words are

interchangeable. Having an African-American president hasnt necessarily changed ones thoughts of either word. Besides, Obama made it clear from the door that, Things are going to get worse before they get better. For the listening audience his words were not prophetic, but rather foreboding. His pitch and tone caused most to miss the meaning of what he was saying. Yet, the 44th president has made it clear that the homosexual agenda is far more important than any Black issue. Now - either homosexuals are viewed as being more politically and financially powerful or the president simply views negroes as punks and believes that socially boosting homosexuals is the only way that he can help the disenfranchised. Blacks are supposed to decode and justify the intentions of the most desired candidate ever voted into the Whitehouse. And though negroes have an undying affinity for Bill Clinton, we should pray that Obama does not follow suit by ignoring the infamous Crime Bill that increased the construction of prisons and employed more law

enforcement to aim for young, misguided Black youth for drug mandatory minimums after telling everyone to show personal responsibility. As complicated as it is to have negroes admit that Clinton is not Black, it is more disturbing to recognize the damage he did to the Black community with the prison industrial complex and his welfare elimination administration. Sure, he set an example by eating fried foods (no good), playing the saxophone (it wasnt really jazz), cheating on his wife (cultural) and running to the church (not for refuge just negro entertainment). Granted there will be a percentage of Black males and females, of alternative lifestyles, that benefit from the Commander-inChiefs willingness to assist on the battlefield or in the office. Still, he has made it clear that he is with the homosexual agenda. But he has made no blatant moves to stop discrimination, of any kind, towards Blacks. It is sad that Amerika would have him ignore over-due Black issues to prove that he is Amerikan. It is even sadder that he would ignore issues of a people, without whose prayers and votes, who

sacrificed their own needs through silence. Black males are unequally unemployed in Amerika. It wouldnt be Amerikan or acceptable for Anglos to be unemployed at a rate four to five times the national average. Yet, Blacks are expected to appreciate second class citizenship and practice humility, while depreciating in misery. This gives the Black male no excuse to imperil what few liberties they have. Besides, men of color are easily the target and each law passed makes living lawlessly that much more difficult. Stating that you know your rights once the handcuffs have been slapped on is too late. And depending on someone in jail to advise you of the law is as silly as expecting to be taught calculus in the G.E.D. program or asking the system to rehabilitate you. Besides, there are too many checkers, Bibles and cards in the jails for the incarcerated population to concern themselves with the illusion of freedom. We are at war! And still, we are not prepared to

do battle. The war is no more secretive than the ingredients in a pouch of kiddie fruit juice. And nothing is working as we assume. We are left to question whether or not the dudes considered to be the signatories of the Constitution, and their beneficiaries, are the only parties to the particular trust. More importantly, is the Black man of the beneficiary status or commercial jurisdiction with no rights? Granted, negroes in the Whitehouse havent improved conditions of the Afrikan in this British colony called Amerika. The people have been conned by criminals and entangled in the two United States and a matrix of knockoff laws and fear. Quashing of the Bill of Rights with the Patriots Act Amendment I: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

Freedom of association: To assist terror investigation, the government may monitor religious and political institutions without suspecting criminal activity. Amendment I : Congress shall make no law ... abridging the freedom of speech ... Freedom of speech: The government may prosecute librarians or keepers of any other records if they tell anyone the government subpoenaed information related to a terror investigation. Amendment IV : The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized. Freedom from unreasonable searches : The

government may search and seize Americans' papers and effects without probable cause to assist terror investigation. Amendment VI : ... to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the assistance of counsel for his defense. Right to legal representation: The government may monitor conversations between attorneys and clients in federal prisons and deny lawyers to Americans accused of crimes. Amendment VI : ... to be confronted with the witnesses against him ... Right to liberty: Americans may be jailed without being charged or being able to confront witnesses against them. US citizens (labeled " unlawful combatants") have been held incommunicado and refused attorneys. Amendment VI : In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and

public trial, by an impartial jury of the state and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the assistance of counsel for his defense. Right to a speedy and public trial: The government may jail Americans indefinitely without a trial. Things are changing so fast that the people are the money. Yes the people are the money! The laborthe bodythe ignoranceare all valuable. The government pretends that its purpose is to provide services, promote values, maintain order and resolve conflict. Comprehending government and learning the law is necessary whether you intend to do right or break an unknown law. But learning the Bill of Rights (the first 10

Amendments of the Constitution), alone, may be a waste of time, if the people refuse to exercise their unalienable rights. Yes, un-Ah-LIEN-ah-ble! Not inalienable. Try to imagine the Creator not endowing man with God-given rights. Try to imagine the word inalienable. Yeah! In-Alienable! What the? Besides, the writers of the Declaration of Independence used words like Indian Savages, inestimable, sufferance, compleat, unwarrantable and rectitude. In 1776, the word inalienable had not been invented. Moreover, the writers wished to convey that a lien may not be placed against the rights of the people. According to Miranda v. Arizona, 384 US 436, 491 these rights cannot be nabbed by act of the law or with the creation, extinction, or transfer of a right by the operation of the law itself, without any consent on the part of the persons concerned. The aforementioned case is the reason you should be mirandized when arrested. However, the cops sometimes intentionally avoid reading you your Miranda rights. The Miranda Warning states

You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be provided for you. Do you understand the rights I have just read to you? At this point there should be a verbal or written acknowledgement that you understand what you have been read. With these rights in mind, do you wish to speak to me? Again, there should be a verbal or written acknowledgement that you understand. However, you must take advantage of the opportunity to exercise your rights. You shouldnt give up your rights by waiving your first 10 amendments of the Constitution. Learn and understand the 4th, 5th and 6th amendments. And most of all, do not talk to the cops. If they suspect you, they will not believe you. Once in custody, be cool. Neither your questions nor statements will improve your chances of release. Remember cops are not beyond fabricating stories, making assumptions, suggesting scenarios or lying. More importantly, it is the prosecutor who decides the charges to be brought

against you. Points of Emphasis You are not required to respond to questions posed to you by the police because you have the right to remain silent. Any comments made to police will likely be misquoted and poorly documented. State courts are not obligated to the decisions of federal courts. Police can avoid reading you your rights, if you are apprehended in the commission of a crime. You will not automatically be exonerated just because an officer forgets or avoids informing you of your rights. A cop may arrest you without reading the Miranda warning, but must read them before interrogating you. If you initially cooperate with the cops and later decide that you wish to invoke your right to an attorney or to remain silent, you can do so.

Spontaneous leading to court. Your right to remain silent cannot be used against you in court. However, if you are quiet prior to being read your Miranda warning and express no disbelief or offer no alibi, the silence may be used against you in court. When arrested, inform the cops that you will not answer any questions without the presence of your attorney. In this way, your pre-Miranda silence cannot be used against you in court. The police will think that you are guilty if you do not talk or request an attorney. Still, you should keep quiet; Pleading the Fifth is not a crime. Your power lies in your request for an attorney. Police will fabricate reports without your participation or statement to entice you to talk. Do not sign any statements. If you are forced to do so, add Threat, Duress and Coercion and place your signature over it or write it after your signature so that it is clear that you refused to sign. The good cop is no more your friend than the bad cop. statements and voluntary statements additional evidence may be admissible in

The system is not improving the chances of a Black boy maturing into manhood and the man is no more sensitive to the needs of melanin dominant people today than he was in the days of Jim Crowism. The idea of traveling on roads designed by foreign minds, for persons with no concern for humanity or particularly, Blacks, suggests that you elude the traps of Black self-destruction as designed and implemented by selfish and avaricious enemies.

Chapter 7 Vernacular of the Streets

It isnt unusual to hear conversations detailing the injuries or death of some innocent soul caused by some thoughtless, government-raised product of confusion. The local news habitually flashes the most effective images of Black folks to arouse sympathy or convey cruelty. The depictions are not as heart-wrenching or embarrassing to the newer generations of culturally cleansed, desensitized Blacks. The Willie Lynch letter couldnt have been

read by so many negroes because negroes dont like reading. Neither could the letter have been ingrained in so many Anglos because Anglos automatically expect ease. Yet, it is obvious that someone misinterpreted the writing on the wall after trusting their oppressor and deciding to share poor examples of living as paper bag color versions of Caucasians. Confusion and loyalty to the wrong entities have us, as a people, unable to protect and police our own. There should be no questions to entertain or silence to maintain when our women and children are the recipients of nefarious acts. Hurting Black folk should not be an option and it certainly shouldnt be easy. If loving white folks is easy, loving Blacks should be natural. As an individual matures, the individual should become more analytical. The streets aint forever! The streets have a pulse of their own. The streets are sensitive due to an ecosystem that can dispose of you or feed on you - on a whim. Survival in the streets demand that any individual chancing the

streets live differently than those frightened into obeying unjust laws. The possibility of you getting into trouble is likely with the numerous codes that are slipped in without your direct approval or knowledge. The laws are designed to assist the government in its manipulation of the people. So, whether you spit in the wrong area, walk in the wrong direction, accompany the wrong person, speak the wrong language, join the wrong club, say the wrong things, attend the wrong church/mosque or decide to do the right thing at the right time the government could opt to target you with good reason or an unrighteous law which was written or approved by someone which you knew so little about. The criminal justice system is the mal-functioning digestive system of Amerika. You neednt bother trying to differentiate between a growl of the stomach, a burp or the passing of gas because with each sound a life or liberty has been lost and intended freedom has been further smothered. Amerika thinks that she is the shit. So, when you

smell anything foul, it is Amerika with her mouth open. If she isnt wrecking someones house abroad, she can be found mistreating anyone who lives on her shores. If you remember nothing else, you must be elusive, silent, reserved and capable of wearing a variety of masks. There is no guarantee that you will avoid your greatest fear because your thought drifts are attracting experiences that could easily cause you grief or bring you discomfort. Be Familiar with the Law Civics and law should have been taught in grade school, but such an education would have been equivalent to teaching slaves to escape slavery. Civics is no longer emphasized because there is no longer a relationship between the people and the machine called government. There cant be! In addition, said government is not civil and it certainly doesnt want to acknowledge your rights, but will definitely make you aware of your duties. Do not wait until you are in trouble with the law to

study the law. And by no means should you assume that an attorney has your best interest at heart. The hourly fees are usually the motivating factor, but the allegiance is not to you. If you are in a predicament that requires the testimony of the police, do not expect the truth to be found in the discovery sheet that may never become available. Be observant. You will need to recall names of officers, witnesses and badge numbers. If you are involved in a warranted search, count the persons present and remember any relevant information. Under stress, this may seem impossible. However, your freedom could depend on it. Regardless of the nature of your business, know the federal and state laws pertaining to your particular field of interest. Dodge the Glitter It is imperative that you not attract attention to yourself. Of course, youd like the brownstone in the club that you have been trying to get to notice you to give you some attention. You buy drinks for

her group of friends and allow the bartender to run a tab. Youre even willing to disclose that the club is yours or speak loudly about what youre driving. And when visiting strip clubs, you make it rain. You need the fellows to know that you got it goin on: and the girls to know that you are foolish enough to part with your money. Shiny cars with fancy rims and loud music are ideal for you. In addition, gas prices dont affect your stash. You even boast of how good you got it, while waiting for your friend to pump gas. In your mind, the cops would have to drop out of the sky to catch you. You are brilliant and bold; possibly, smarter than anyone preceding you and an example for those coming behind you. You dont need or want advice. Eventually, you will have a cellie or several roommates to share your story with. Of course, they will want to share their story as well. Because in prison, you can be anything you wish to be. No doubt, the flashy approach can get you more attention than pootin in a yoga class, but being

paranoid or too cautious, to the point that it makes others suspicious, can be just as bad. Too Much Information Everybody that wants to know - doesnt have a need to know. There is certainly a time to talk, but if you are a nontraditional provider, in a capitalistic environment, you must be disciplined. There are times when talking will be to your disadvantage. Talking while traveling, visiting the doctors office, waiting to pay a bill, at the movies, or a concert - could come to haunt you. If you are not a reader, you may not have much to talk about that will keep you from bragging about yourself. I cannot over-emphasize avoiding conversations with government officials. If ever questioned by an officer or employee, be cautious. This is the time to be Socratic or rather learn to answer a question with a question in the manner that Imhotep taught. Nice questions and frivolous chatter could be used against you. If you have to talk to the cops,

remember to use a cover story that cant be refuted with a little checking. You should also be wary of phone surveys that require opinions or explanations. Such questions provide adequate voiceprints in which an electronic or mathematical picture is analyzed by a sound spectrograph. Worse case scenario your words can always be edited or pieced together to say what you will have to prove that you did not say. I am careful to avoid revealing too much information on Facebook, Myspace and other social network sites. Facebook, alone, collects enough information to compromise your identity. On a daily basis, people offer email, date of birth, addresses, phone numbers, income, hometown, personal interests, sexual orientation, job, marital status, schools attended, number of children, favorite movies and music, political affiliations, religion and photos. Facebook doesnt stop there. Facebook gathers more information from other

sources based on the information that you provide and the agreement made with the terms of service. Furthermore, Facebook shares your information with third parties. More terrifying is the fact that established ties lie between Facebook and the Information Awareness Office. The IAO was designed to get information to monitor and track terrorists, but instead got a green light to collect and store medical records, credit card records, emails, phone calls, texts and photos in biggerthan-life computer data bases on harmless, sexstarved, sexually driven, chemically over-loaded people. Dont Be So Gullible Most Amerikans feel the government should have access to anyones life. To the gullible and inconsiderate, there is no such thing as privacy. However, if you do wish to protect your privacy, do not consent to the search of your person, belongings, vehicle or dwelling without the presentation of a search warrant signed by a judge. Do not give the threatening officers reason to make

an arrest in order to justify a search without a warrant. If they have a warrant, they will do what they do. If you have visitors, delivery persons, maintenance or repair persons in your dwelling, know what is in your dwelling prior to the visit and inspect the area visited after said persons depart your premises. A many persons assume that cops can do as they please. This explains the rapes, murders, domestic violence, illicit business; bribes, gambling and bullying committed under the color of state law. You have every reason to be concerned if a cop asks you to come with them without an arrest warrant. If they insist in you coming with them, insist that they present an arrest warrant or prepare for them to arrest you. After you have answered their questions with the minimum information ask to be released, if you are not under arrest. The people must empower the people and dismantle the entities which they have enabled to terrorize the people.

Chapter 8 The Behavior of Loot

As things are today, not everyone is privy to a job. Competition is grand and the list of disqualifiers is even bigger than the idea of one being of color. Jobs that the uneducated, disenfranchised, newly graduated, indocumentados and inexperienced once took for survival, despite their complaints, are now reserved and upgraded for the ungrateful Amerikans, turned appreciative, who have been forced from the dwindling ranks of the middle class. The expansion of the lower class has caused people of color to suffer as whites top off the working class and continue living privileged lives. Once one finds a job, the pay is low; the hours fluctuate with the market; the benefits are minimal, at best; and youre surely to be over-worked. What is the incentive for working in a bad economy? No doubt, it remains to be money. Money motivates the world. Few work for the love of working or just to work. The cost of living requires that we work to meet the financial requirements for the

most basic needs. Today, debt is what we are using as money and it has eroded the standard of living, empowered the government and enriched the elite. It should be clear that this money is functioning as credit. Yes, we are using credit as money. However, it is written in Article 1, Section 8, Paragraph 5 of the Constitution of the United States that only Congress reserves the right: To coin money, regulate the value thereof, and of foreign coins, and the standard of weights and measures. However, in December of 1913, while most congressmen were away, the Federal Reserve Act was passed. This decision took away the power of Congress to create money and made the government a crony of the Federal Reserve and the people became slaves for any debts the government would incur. Moreover, in 12 U.S.C. 152 and Article 1, Section 10 of the Constitution lawful money is referred to as gold and silver coin. Today, legal tender is defined by 31 U.S.C. 5103 as follows United States coins and currency (including Federal

reserve notes and circulating notes of Federal reserve banks and national banks) are legal tender for all debts, public charges, taxes and dues. Foreign gold or silver coins are not legal tender for debts. Previously, gold and silver were prized as the medium of exchange as the founding fathers viewed it as a medium of exchange that assured payment of debts in all trade and commerce. In previous centuries, the peoples desire for gold and silver and its use as commodities established the precious metals as money. By no means was it perfect because the accumulation of coins was bulky, heavy and difficult to transport. Furthermore, the coins could be melted and mixed with other metals. The idea of counterfeiting coins diminished its intrinsic value. And too, gold and silver eventually became scarce as the demand exceeded the supply. We know that gold and silver are not perfect monies. In addition, there are other mistruths about

money that must be dispelled. The demand for money is destroying families and governing relationships. One should question how a creation of man destroys the working man. Weve heard so many things about money that none of us are quite sure of what it is. A large portion of the population is under the impression that banks are a part of the government; checkbook money is created by currency deposits; all banks are the same; the government reduces the value of money by printing too much currency; banks are powerful enough to do as they please in terms of fixing interest rates; credit cards are a new form of money; and the Federal Reserve controls the amount of currency in circulation. Lies and the assumption of power have distracted the people. Ironically, the government uses lawful money and legal tender while banks use legal tender and nonlegal tender. Meaning the bank uses money issued by the government and bank credits and deposits which are monies that the banks actually owe. It is amazing that we know so little about

money in spite of our time, talent, energy, sacrifice and education. Most of our life is spent earning money to live. Few of us really enjoy living. At best, we get the weekend to relax and start the hustle all over. When the pressure becomes overwhelming, we turn to the fashioners of our misery for assistance. We have grown accustomed to the banks granting loans, but we do not realize that a new checkbook is created and new money is deposited. The banks are really exchangers of security interests or promissory notes into Federal Reserve Notes or what you have been taught to be money. Of course, promissory notes are the money that the banks accept as money and deposit to create a new asset and liability. In all actuality, the promissory note is counterfeit. In addition, it can be exchanged for cash or check. The promissory note is equivalent to cash. But understand, the promissory note is newly created bank money and the cash is legal tender. The slick part of this process is that the bank has got your money or promissory note at no charge and too, created new money when it deposited your money and

simultaneously violated generally accepted accounting principles (the matching principle) when they refused to credit your account with the money they got. More importantly, they failed to make you aware of the new deposit and liability that they owe you. In simple terms, the bank got money on your signature and shifted your wealth to the bank. Mind you, your labor, house, car, talent, labor or anything that is without a lien or mortgage is your wealth. Lets face it, the banks are stealing your earnings and loaning it back to you at an inflated price. Your labor means nothing to the bank because the bank can get your labor for nothing. Laws are being broken and the Constitution is being ignored. There is no money, but banks are pretending to give loans on money that doesnt exist and forces you to repay the loan. And rightfully, if you borrow from someone you should repay them. However, when the bank acted as the money changer with your promissory note (money) and exchanged it for bank tokens (checkbook

money) which are then transferred to checks, your promissory note gave validity and value to the bank tokens and the bank tokens were presented to you as a loan. The average person never notices this sleight of hand. A token is nothing more than an IOU. Consequently, checkbook money (bank liability) is an IOU as well. However, an IOU is unlike a promissory note in that it is not a negotiable instrument. Furthermore, receipt of tokens from the bank is no different than tokens from a casino or arcade. Your promissory note gets you equal value so you shouldnt have to pay extra or suffer a loss. Besides, an exchange is not a loan. Lower Echelon Financial Dealings Money doesnt have to be in the form of paper, coin or digital entries. People are still capable of bartering with anything of value. Nonetheless, anything with a unit of measure and the ability to store value can be substituted for items or services that could be bartered and/or traded long distance.

As you conduct business, you will have to decide which form of currency you will use. Cash is preferable because it leaves no paper trail. Records are created with credit cards, debit cards and checks. However, the value of money does fluctuate. Cash is good for any common purchases that could return to haunt you due to the numerous persons committing crimes with common items when a name is required. In addition, you should purchase - with cash - airline, bus or train tickets, auto parts, magazines, guns, tires, oil changes, shoes and pet supplies or any items that you might need to return for refund. Money orders are a good way of doing transactions, if cash is not readily available. Yes, a paper trail exists, but it is not by the purchasers name. For this reason, you can alter the name used for business or transaction. When using money orders, be sure that you do not keep the receipts in your wallet or vehicle. If you pay a service that is address-related, your address will be discovered. Privacy is not convenient and it requires that you

be sharper than the average citizen. Prepaid debit cards are a safe bet for persons needing to do simple transactions or internet transactions. The prepaid debit card may not allow you to rent a car or do what cards linked to a personal bank account allow. If you wish to establish a relationship with a bank, the reloadable prepaid debit card is an option. The Customer Identification Program procedures require that the bank verifies your name, address, SSN, and drivers license or passport to open a card account. The nonreloadable debit card offers more privacy, but is normally registered online and records your IP address. Avoid prepaid debit cards asking for your SSN, if possible. Make sure that you choose a card that can be used worldwide. If privacy appearing as paranoia is a problem for you, set up an LLC for the purpose of doing business. This will allow you to use an EIN and silence your SSN.

Chapter9 Counterfeit Roads of Goals

As art duplicates life, we find that a large percentage of people are eager to imitate art and complicate life. Reality TV is profitable, predictable and pretentious despite the rare and realistic currencies created by desperation. Yet, it is exactly what the masses want. It requires no thinking and its solely for entertainment. The public has been primed for such simplicity through the inundation of rote learning. Ones memory is crammed with useless nursery rhymes and thereafter, gossip riddled with over-used emotions to sedate ones analytical skills and starve one of creativity, rhythm, logic and culture at an early age. It is germane that we grasp the extent of the detriment that weve invited into our lives. We learn piles of garbage before unnecessarily learning our social security number or its significance and thereafter, we begin to hate math

and anything associated with numbers. Really, we shouldnt need the numerical identifier, but it is required to enter any matrix. However, learning the aforementioned garbage makes memorizing ones date of birth and state slave number - that much easier. After all - its all about numbers. Either we learn the language of arithmetical value or we commit to learning by the numbers until our number is up or we have someone elses number. This is the muck that introduces control our physical fictitious, digital person. Consequently, we function in two worlds. The world of pertinence is the natural world and the other - the digital world. Thoughts drift through our mind and we have no way of arranging the thoughts because the presence of thoughts does not guarantee the ability to think and we lack knowledge on slowing the thought process without paralyzing it. Combined with cognitive bias we discover additional problems because us to the innumerable matrices that body through the machination of a we have the

tendency to believe things just because other people believe the same. The idea of Anglos having colder ice and white girls not needing to wear weave are examples of our inappropriate behavior and profound belief that whites are superior. A portion of Blacks are immobilized by fear because highfalutin, highly polluted negroes have convinced the majority that we cant win for losing. So, we learn to avoid any losses rather than chance any gains. This act suggests that our success is not as important as the success of our oppressors. Thinking is no longer a requirement to live. Nevertheless, it is of our nature to think. The act of analyzing, assessing or reconstructing a thought is as foreign as self-actualization. Most Blacks have no idea that the Anglo thinks in terms of survival of the fittest. It appears to the untrained eye that the Anglo is harmless, but violence is as common to the Anglo as Chinese food and incest. Thinktanks are hard at work to assist us in deciding what to eat, what to believe, where to shop, what to

wear, who to love, who to hate, whats healthy, whats safe, who to listen to, who to follow and who to cherish. We are easily persuaded to be non-thinkers and consumers while being seduced subliminally. Little thought is given to challenging psychological warfare because the threat of war isnt viewed as being destructive. Some egotistical, privileged entity actually designs movies, commercials and songs which influence the subconscious of the simple-minded. And any person telling you differently is guilty of aiding the marketers that strategically target Nubians with garbage. Clearly, they are benefitting from miseducated Black/Brown consumers; or they are not of the Afrikan persuasion and cannot understand what blackness attracts and feels. The elite overtly play and transmit messages before our faces as we sit comfortably with no indication of an existing matrix and dare not to challenge the fact that our life belongs to an unseen entity that has been empowered by our fear, complacency and ignorance. The elite are not

untouchable once they have been identified. We have given the same respect to elitists that we have given to the Anglos concept of god. And even if we dont buy into the existence of vindictive committees plotting to destroy a percentage of the world namely Black folk we have empowered an entity who has yet to make a return or show us any concern as a people. How can we ever forget that Mary had a little lamb? We see depictions of her son in most homes and churches. Such pictures remind us that his fleece was white as snow. The damage has been done, but it is not irreversible. I am not bothered by him being perceived as a Caucasian, for he has served their cause. It would be better for individuals wishing to make Jesus black to just relax because the cultural and educational systems have embedded the image into our minds to the point that it is, now, a part of our DNA. Nice is okay, but Afrikan-Amerikans are too forgiving, compassionate and gentle when dealing with oppressive systems. However, hallucinogenic

negroes are harsh, unforgiving and stubborn when dealing with Blacks anywhere in the Diaspora. We have learnt some bad lessons very well. We easily forget slavery, colonialism and Jim Crowism, but can hardly forget anything done to us by people who look like us. As the government finds ways to dissolve the liberties of the people, more severe restrictions are placed on Blacks as it becomes more difficult to vote, to sit on a jury, testify and be believed, carry a weapon in public or earn a living on a job. The government makes mistakes, but it is no mistake that the government wishes to apprehend as many Black males as possible in order to arrest the development of Blacks as a nation. The choices we have as Black males in Amerika include: imprisonment, probation, parole, military services, some form of public service or utter reverence to the Anglo. Very little has changed. Self-sufficiency is still discouraged despite the push to have our children work to learn on plantations of higher indoctrination with no regards for improving our communities.

Unfortunately, a economists, theologians, mediaraised pundits have fashioned illusions and broadcasted them as facts. And the masses have grown to consider such liars to be viable sources of information. Our own experiences are now meaningless despite our belief that experience is the best teacher. Even in these times of hardship, charismatic persons would have the people believe that the economy is improving. Poor people find comfort in seeing the middle class number of politicians, scientists, technologists, psychologists and merge into their ranks while the rich and comfortable isolate themselves and ignore the realities of a dwindling dollar. Before there was cable, we used an antenna to find television channels. Year after year, I knew what to expect from the television without the weekly TV Guide. Each season brought something additional to the old schedule. November or December would bring The Wizard of Oz. And

even though the Munchkins scared me, I loved the movie. Yet, in 1978 The Wiz made the story more entertaining without acknowledging the moderate expansion and persistent inflation of the economy. Hell! Gas prices were terrible and California really felt it. Undoubtedly, Black people do it big; even when not doing it black! The Wiz had a better soundtrack; something to groove to. Listening to the lyrics of The Wiz would have one think that somebody understood what L. Frank Baum had allegorically or inadvertently written in the 1930s about the bankruptcy of the United States government. Life, liberty and property are gifts of the Creator we are told. Of course, life doesnt seem all that great when someone is on your back and you happen to be Black. And liberty is rarely freedom and freedom is never free. Personal (individual), civil, religious, and political liberties are victims of tyranny. And too, natural liberty or the power to act as one wishes, without any restraint or control, unless by nature - is being made ineffective. As for

property, it includes all of a persons legal rights. This presents a problem because a right is viewed as that which is proper under law, morality, or ethics. Those who have it good would never view things from the same perspective as those struggling. For this reason, those passing themselves as above the law will surrender their rights on paper because said laws arent intended to apply to them. The Amerikan people are the injured party of larceny. This larceny is by trick and deception, fraud and deception, extortion, and/or trick and device. However, the Black man, the Nubian, the New Afrikan, the Afrikan in Amerika is the easy mark of complicated, aggravated, compound, constructive, and grand larceny. Religious dogma has been instrumental in the people accepting insensible mistruths on faith and fear. Amerikans, today, have the opportunity to be more knowledgeable than the founding fathers of this country, but would rather ignore the significance of life, liberty and property. The

masses suffer thinking that the government is a source of liberty, but the governments aim is to enslave minds and cripple bodies. The people unknowingly assist the government in being successful. A dependence on protection, privilege and/or provisions has propelled the people into deepening their dependency through the use of social security, unemployment, subsidized housing, welfare, government grants, food stamps, medicare, public schooling, licenses, and consumer protection laws. The government has created this fictitious person known as the straw man and subjected said entity to government rule, codes, statutes, ordinances, and regulations because he is weak and flawed. Despite the argument for the elimination of television (and taxes) this particular movie is worth studying. The state of Kansas was considered the heartland of Amerika at the time of filming. Still, Amerikas heart didnt bleed for Afrikans in Amerika because Amerika took care of Amerikans first. Watch the movie. Dorothy, a little

white girl and her dog, Toto, are taken into an artificial dimension or federal territory called KS under the color of law. In the movie we see the changes from black & white to color; obvious change. Enter the straw man! All names or representations are written in all capital letters, e.g. STRAW MAN. At this point, the Amerikan sovereign was cloned and freedom was sold. Remember, the Straw Man had no brains, but in The Wiz the scarecrow, that could not think for himself, could dance to the music regardless of who provided the beat. Seeing the scarecrow dance made marching to the beat of tyranny a bit easier for anyone considering the act of eluding Big Brother. As the colorful scarecrow sang, he had no thought of future citizens being free someday. He made it clear that, You cant winYou cant break even. And you cant get out of the game. People keep sayin things are gonna change, but they look just like theyre staying the same. You get in way over your head and youve only got yourself to

blame. Like most citizens he accepted the dominance of slavery. The legal and political mysteries lose mystique once the individual is awakened and the clone is slaughtered. In the original soundtrack the scarecrow sang, Id unravel every riddle for every individle (individual) in trouble or in pain. Again, we are speaking of a brainless, artificial person considered an entity - such as a corporation - that is recognized by law as having the rights and duties of a human being. The scarecrow was foretelling that our eventual discovery of the straw man would permit us to recognize our straw man for what it is, give it our brain and protect ourselves from legalities. By no means was this movie coincidental because the information was more than enough. The Tin Man reinforced the disappearance of our rights. The Tin Man was T-I-N or what we call the taxpayer identification number. This dude had no heart. He was a hollow vessel or vehicle made of

metal. Mind you, tin is also defined as false; worthless; counterfeit. Furthermore, the Tin Man represented the mechanical aspect of commercial law. Besides, this is all about the control of money, if not, the money, itself. It aint personal! Its just business. Calvin Coolidge reminded us that the business of Amerika is business. And we are learning that the U.S. is a corporation. Maybe, it is time that we make business personal. The Tin Man carried an emblem all too familiar to the U.S. Tax Court the ax. And Amerika stood by as big business axed our rights in a fascist fashion. Like the Tin Man, Amerika has proven to be a heartless woman whether she hides behind a corporation or not. Lets not forget the King of Beasts or the Cowardly Lion because the fearless Amerikans, when fighting abroad, have lost courage on the homeland. This is to be expected when dealing with the IRS which operates under the laws of commerce coupled with persons who received two

years of civics - at best, while being told to conduct their lives civilly. Therefore, the people have been conditioned to accept their positions as chattel or property. The Wizard of Oz wasnt meant to be taken seriously. The details are minimized in the writing as moviemakers put clues in our face and control us with imitations of life that we eventually dismiss as drama. The powers that be laugh as the people are conditioned to believe that movies are supposed to be enjoyed. To the simple-minded, the movies are nothing more than entertainment. Be it the Wiz or Professor Marvel or the conniving minds behind the manipulation of the masses, we soon learn that the unseen hand belongs to a frightened mortal with a hellified con game. The Wizard was a traveling mystic with a sign stating Acclaimed by the Crowned Heads of Europe Past, Present and Future. Therefore, the people had this information before the banksters stole Amerikas loot. And of course, the Professor

was a Wizard because he controlled Oz or at least, all the ounces of gold in the governments possession. Between 1916 and 1933 gold was collected for the Federal Reserve to ship to England and Germany under the doctrine of the Emergency War Power Act of 1917. In addition, the knowledgeable Wizard lectured Dorothy about Egypt, Isis and Osiris. The mentioning of an Afrikan country (without identifying Afrika) could be viewed as Freemasonry or the oppressors attempt to establish a bloodline between the cradle of civilization (Afrika) and the stolen legacy utilized by elitist europeans to justify their wrongdoings against Afrikans and Afrika or their improper stations in history, in an elegant method. Blood red slippers represented the blood flesh, living woman and man known as a non-corporation or a natural person. Initially, the slippers were silver. And the yellow brick road leading to the Wizard was symbolic of the gold stolen from the people. Follow the gold or follow the money and youll learn who owns Amerika. The US

government traded all of the peoples gold for Federal Reserve Notes. There is no money! And there is no need for fiat money. The people are the currency. The greedy elite are nothing without the sweat and blood of the masses. A many patriot-forprofit gurus claim that the red serial number on the back of the social security card is used for a private account and trade purposes. All efforts to verify this fact have failed to date. The lies are longer than the yellow brick road and the greed of the oligarchy combined. But those appearing to help the impoverished and enslaved are employing the same tactics as elected individuals who swore to help the people. Gold and silver served as money until the introduction of fiat money in the 20th century. Amerika segued from the land of opportunity to the land of opportunists without informing the people. Maybe the Wicked Witchs tactic of covering the countryside with poppy flowers was effective. Only the artificial persons were able to avoid the narcotic affects of the beautiful plants. Moreover,

Amerika has always kept the people drugged on nicotine, heroin, cocaine, sugar, caffeine, aspartame, high fructose corn syrup, salt, saccharin, sucralose, sex, television or anything that makes the people feel good while distracting them from real issues. Amerika has perfected the art of teasing and/or lulling the people to sleep. Only an artificial person would not be concerned with the state of unconsciousness. However, a sapient, sentient being would know better. The people should demand to know where the money is and why bank cartels have so much power. The banks seek bailouts without lobbying or soliciting and the government pretends that the gamble to help the banks was to save the people. The media made us think the banks needed assistance when Amerika had simply rewarded the banksters for illegal mismanagement. Regardless, the public requests were met, the people were hoodwinked and the banksters ignored the needs of the people. Yet, the real bills doctrine suggests that loans be granted for short durations and

productive purposes. In addition, the aforesaid doctrine supports the notion that adequately backed money does not cause inflation. The noninflationary method of the real bills doctrine uses marketgenerated bills of exchange to finance production and distribution, naturally. As the economy grows, so does the money supply. Undoubtedly, the banks become more avaricious and lend more money using the fractional reserve banking system. The people do not panic or concern themselves because they are convinced that purchasing power and credit can only be managed through fiat money and governmental control. Amerika has a problem and it goes beyond her sex addiction. Yes, Amerika is freaky! And the economy has not stabilized. The pundits and czars advising the president evidently are not clear on the position of a gold and silver monetary standard. Amerika should declare her sovereignty and let go of Britains hand; do her own thing - do

the right thing. And thereafter, Amerika should issue her own stable money. Money should not be seen as evidence of debt owed by a society: be it, commodity, fractional, receipt or fractional money. The yellow brick road is really paved with blood, deceit, lies and goals beyond the demands of the people. In the Wizard of Oz the Wicked Witch of the West was dressed in all black. She represented the judges, lawyers, attorneys, counselors or so-called friends of the court. In her counterpart she was Elmira Gulch, the owner of half the county, who was allegedly bitten by Dorothys dog - Toto. She went to the farm to demand that Toto be handed over to her. Besides, to withhold Toto, as derived from the phrase in toto (todo, all or everything), would be against the law. Dorothys refusal to relinquish Toto caused Elmira Gulch to threaten her with a lawsuit. It is no secret that attorneys have assisted in pilfering Amerika from the people and delivering her to the bank cartels.

Amazingly, the Wizard of Oz still holds true. The movie had a message and/or purpose - as do the worst of movies. The people have been given notice in various forms, but entertainment calls for skepticism. The Wiz is a clever, skilled person and of course, Oz is an abbreviation for the unit of measurement used to weigh gold, silver, other precious metals and street level portions of cocaine. Yeah, the wizards import, export and outsource what they wish, as they please, while circumventing laws by encoding statutory laws to befuddle the populous. They then wonder why anyone would want to restore Amerika. They should never act surprised, but the people should be ashamed of the countless acts of sleight-ofhand. If you are ever determined to find the wizard(s), look for prosperity and the weak, effeminate, egotistical punks with muscular lapdogs, in reach, drooling over the money and feeding their masters.

Chapter10 What We Aint Doin

Right ?
I have always taken pride in what I do and my appearance. Yet, something about wearing the oppressors clothing has made me hate the choices of clothing which being a consumer lets me choose from. I no longer expect clothing to make me look or feel any particular way. In actuality, the choices of clothing that are made available in stores are not really choices. In the days when I was convinced that I had to dress the part in order to be successful, I recall my grandmother asking me, What do you call a monkey in a suit, baby? I was scared to answer. Really, I had no idea as to how to answer. Old, unorthodox folks will make you doubt yourself - even when youre right. Hell, Black folks get compared to monkeys so often that it is a good thing that I didnt answer at the time. Today, it would be different because not long ago I was a monk amongst monkeys. We buy into Darwins Theory of Evolution when amongst negroes who value Anglo logic and intellect. And

we habitually and theologically accept the idea of woman coming from Adams rib. We do this without reasoning. Its automatic! Were afraid to analyze what we fear and believe. And then we compound the situation by forcing the love of an entity that we cannot relate to. Truthfully, negroes are hardwired to love and fear that which they cannot see or have not had their master challenge or explain. And if that something does not love the negro, the negro courageously attempts to dissolve that somethings hate by loving it more than it can love itself. Blacks have hurt one another by helping each other at the wrong time with information that doesnt necessarily work for us as a people. We offer help based on our fears, failures, individualism and conditioning. Sure it seems that we are lookin out for each other but we are only extending selfcenteredness. Selfishness smothers any hope of togetherness, unity, solidarity or oneness that could better serve the Black community. Surprisingly, animal analogies and analyses clarify a many

mysteries that we endure. Actually, the similarity of monkeys is a message that serves as an explanation for the position that negroes disseminate throughout our global communities. It roughly states the results of an experiment with monkeys. It reads as such start with a cage of five monkeys. Hang a banana from a string and place a set of stairs beneath the banana. Eventually, a monkey will decide to go for it. As soon as a monkey touches the stairs all the monkeys are sprayed with cold water. Eventually, another monkey will try for the banana. And again, all the monkeys are sprayed with cold water. Soon, they all get the message and the cold water is shut off. If a monkey attempts to procure the banana, the other quickly conditioned monkeys attack. One monkey is removed from the cage and replaced with a new monkey. Once the new monkey sees the banana, it goes for it. Of course, the other monkeys attack it to prevent it from getting to the stairs. Nevertheless, the monkey doesnt lose hope - it tries again. And the monkeys attack it, again. The monkey, now, knows that it will be attacked if it

pursues the banana. Surprisingly, this happens as another of the original five monkeys is removed from the cage and replaced with another monkey. Undoubtedly, the new monkey always goes for the banana and, as expected, the other monkeys attack it. Even after the original five monkeys have been replaced none of the monkeys (which never experienced the cold water) are allowed to touch the stairs. It is pathetic that none of the monkeys know why. How is this possible? Blacks have been conditioned to stay in their place. As for the answer to my grandmothers supposedly rhetorical question a monkey with, or without, a suit is still a monkey. Black folks are tasked with learning to love themselves as much as they love their enemies. Once love of blackness is learnt, the significance of melanin is unquestionable. However, this process can be difficult due to conditioning and an unspoken rule that suggests that negroes treat others better than others treat negroes. Black folks are

hard on one another. Blackness is not highly regarded until other ethnicities, which are taught to appreciate who they are, show appreciation for the uniqueness of Blacks. Without shame, AfricanAmericans set a standard of beauty that closely resembles that of the European. Negroes are simply chocolate-dipped euros in white thought and black shame. Typically, Blacks have a problem being Black or loving blackness. Granted, not every Black person will adopt pan-Afrikanism, but the commonality of blackness creates an extension of love that exceeds blood. It doesnt matter whether we speak Kreyl, Patois, French, Dutch, Akan, Yoruba or la idioma de espaol. Still, we are a gifted, magical and beautiful people. We are fashioned to be compassionate despite the adversities that we have endured. Something keeps us God-fearing, God-loving and forgiving. It seems that our overexposure to psychopathic behavior has desensitized us and made us susceptible to avarice and inconsideration, without concern, in the same manner that a many of us accept and expect

hardship. We simply swallow the bitter with artificial sweetness! Some of us get it! And some of us have no idea as to what is going on. We dont really want change because change requires effort. We dont perceive change that isnt easy because we associate all change with pain or inconvenience that can be equated to pain. Change can knock, but we are comfortable where we are. Meanwhile, the people - whom we aim to ape strategically mimic what we have perfected in order to continue defining our so-called place. Our desire to be accepted trumps our willingness to exist as the beings our Ancestors expect us to be. Cheering for the Competitor It seems like a decade ago Caucasians were struggling with aerobics and basic martial arts systems. Well things have changed. Either their DNA is revealing some silent truths about the origin of man and the significance of melanin; or we are slipping; or we are being hindered by our environments. Perhaps, we can establish our marks in mathematics and the sciences since we have

grown complacent with our physical abilities that prove that mathematics is just as much in our DNA as post-traumatic slave syndrome which is used as an excuse. Furthermore, we can let the white folks have the gospel competitions; marchin and beggin campaigns; step-shows; talent shows; Rhythm & Blues; rap and any other contests that havent given us a foundation to compete in a capitalistic country. Somehow, weve let white folk make themselves the Higher Infinite Power Healing Our People. This cannot be because this is not the order of nature. Neither should we trust a people that have been genetically coded to be selfish, destructive and avaricious. It wouldnt bother me if any current position normally held by Blacks was compromised or lost to an Anglo as long as the survival of Blacks didnt depend on the loss. As a matter of fact, it is now common to see more Anglos that sound Black and more snow bunnies that talk, walk and act like stereotypical sistas. I concede I give up! We are not new beings and neither is the oppressors interest and study of chemical soul. Regardless, melanin is a

gift that cannot be duplicated or cloned even if negroes sacrifice their time, blood and bodies. And it obviously isnt a panacea to problems that blackness attracts. So, negroes can offer their souls to the oppressor, but there remains an element of Kemetic beings that will not subject their mental or submit their soul, while maintaining focus on the black dot. Any problems that Blacks have with any people neednt translate as violence or finger pointing despite the murders, rapes and colonization of Blacks in Amerika and throughout the world... according to the minds and hearts of negroes. True, the past is the past, but the beneficiaries of racism proceed to prosper and ignore that race encompasses financial, political and social currencies. Sadly, negroes continue to erroneously and blindly acknowledge the Greeks, who got their knowledge from Ancient Kemet and Ethiopia, as the founders of civilization and the originators of knowledge. Negroes contribute to the stored power and wealth of whites and render themselves

powerless and non-competitive. I suggest that one bag the distractions and throw them back in the laps of their rightful owners. I care not if the Anglo proves that he is a better nigger than people designed to elevate into godhood and never meant to be identified as niggas. At this point, it would be more impressive to meet a Black male capable of cooking a meal, fixing a car, loving his family, cultivating land, harvesting crops, manufacturing products for the people, protecting his community, educating the children, reclaiming his woman and starving the systems designed to keep us distracted and in our place. Our women can complain about our men being boys as soon as our women realize that a negro male impersonating an Anglo is not acting naturally. However, the embittered Black woman must take the good with the bad when upholding and enforcing unrealistic expectations, for her encouraged admiration of the Anglo is not without flaws or the ability to disappoint.

What we aint doing right is evident anytime we dismiss the notions of our Ancestors and consider the oppressors methods to be more effective. Blacks shouldnt be afraid to promote blackness or self-interest. The majority of other groups and nationalities naturally avoid Black issues and routinely deny the inclusion of Blacks when contemplating the advancement of their group or race. Such disregard sends a message to pompous negroes that makes it easy for them to turn their backs to issues concerning the melanin dominant disenfranchised when the issues do not include other minorities wishing to benefit from the sacrifices of Blacks. As Anglos and Hispanics study, duplicate and prepare to replace negroes, Blacks must assemble institutions, thinktanks, and scholars for purposes of political and economic empowerment. Again, this neednt be exercised for means of being recognized as an equal by the Anglo but to substantiate our presence and profit from our contributions. And too, this practice should be

instituted on various levels throughout the Black community. Furthermore, if we are to utilize politics to uplift our communities, we should demand that politicians do for us what we do for them. If a verbal contract cannot be agreed upon and carried out, we should never lend our support to a candidate or elected official. It is time that we honor our Ancestors. As the Sankofa bird looks back while moving forward it suggests that we never fear going back to get what we forgot. However, symbolically it is expressed as a mythic bird that flies forward with an egg, which symbolizes the future, in its mouth. So, our future is to be determined by us and not patterns of destruction.

Chapter 11Cleaning Up Amerika

As our purchase of the night club was finalized, I realized that I had materialized my brothers dream of promoting hiphop and comedy shows. Profits for his company were marginal, at best, due to

selfish club owners in need of talent, which they couldnt afford, to attract customers. Surprisingly, they wanted crowd pleasers, a big crowd, a percentage of the door and the entire bar. The accomplishment of purchasing the club prevented me from containing my excitement or waiting hours for my flight that had been postponed. I had no idea that even more excitement was in wait for me. My negotiation skills had talked me into a debt that would require my people skills and my willingness to improve as a risk taker, to be above board. I cancelled my ticket and rented a car. I wanted to enjoy some time alone, brainstorm and bounce ideas off the people I trusted. One call after another -my enthusiasm increased. I called my wife, accountant, advisor, constitutional counselor and attorney to share the good news. I was certain that the procurement of the popular dance club on Okaloosa Island would get me a quick return, quiet investors and justification for having more money than the national average income thought appropriate for a Black male. And just to make sure that I wasnt dreaming, I called to the

Bahamas to check an offshore account and initiate a letter of credit. The thought of someone listening to my conversations or recording my calls rarely registered with me - in those times. My movements were deliberately time consuming and strategic to deter anyone from following me or having an interest in my activities. I treated my doings as business: there was no space for game. When I noticed corporate slip ups or caught signs of governmental sloppiness, I made the necessary changes and corrections. I eventually learned that I only had one time to not react properly. experience. I Enforcement Network (FinCEN), a bureau of the U.S. Department of the Treasury, exists to gather information on all aspects of drug trafficking and banking transactions. Any collected data is then used to find demonstrative trends in hopes of finding new targets like terrorist financiers. Currently, the digital currency technology deliberately generates audit trails. In these times, you cant be too careful; according to

old wisdom. Somehow, this information suggests that one not attempt to outwit or match technology with a government that depends on technology to make it omnipresent and omnipotent in the eyes of many. The wise thing to do is to go low-key or low-tech and decide how you wish to fight the fight. Amidst all the secrets that banks keep is the amount of information maneuver laundering regulations. The Bank Secrecy Act and the USA PATRIOT Act, along with other rules, require bankers to report customer activities to an assortment of agencies. The requirement for bankers to spy on their source of income is disloyal, contradictory and too, an opportunity for bankers to get a higher education in criminal activity. Meanwhile, government agencies widen their authority to control banking activities and confiscate the funds of citizens on the notion of suspicion of money laundering or the involvement in drugs. The war on drugs, like any other war, makes making money so much easier for entities that play unfairly and

convert everything into spoils of the war while giving nerds a tough mentality. The avaricious nerds turned banksters break the rules and cause the government to come with harsher rules and an abundance of scrutiny. The citizen suffers and the government gains more control over the money. My wife never thought that having an old deacon as a CPA was a good idea. His visits with me were no different than him counting money from the offering plates at church. I still dont know why I needed him. When I was pressured, he I had been lucky despite my training and had no idea that the Financial Crimes they cleverly tell. Banks in the U.S. have to within the confinements of a list of anti-money refused to stand by his work in court. He was just like the Anglo patriots that I was acquainted with; a ghost. If I could have gotten an in camera statement, I would have felt better about his fear to testify in court. He never knew much about my business, but the more business I conducted, the more money he

wanted to not know my business. My involvement in narco-capitalism related activities didnt have to pique when it did. However, my ability to listen to the streets hadnt developed at the rate of my ego. The streets require as much discipline as running a corporation. The ability to make executive and survival decisions under pressure and the allseeing eye requires talent that could be transferred to another genre. For this reason, there is no reason to not have a plan for a legitimate business and/or an exodus. Knowing when enough is enough requires that one envisions a concept and executes it under a strict time/discipline restraint while retaining the fact that the restraint of trade is utilized by other ethnicities to prevent Blacks from competing. This message is prevalent in the boardrooms and the streets. Mind you, this is not the case with a percentage of Blacks who have conceded to the notion of Anglos being superior and therefore, the deciding factor in the direction that Blacks move.

So, the pressure is on the envy of the world the Black man. Along with a business plan comes the necessity to save, conceal and grow ones money. The Anglo is privileged and therefore, allowed to outsource, bank offshore, acquire insider trading secrets, manipulate the books and embezzle money. Of course, negroes can continue to duplicate the duplicitous doings of the very people who never wanted their sleight of hand to become visible. However, such stupidity comes at a costly price. Having large sums of money in ones possession is risky, but the idea of the government knowingly allowing cocaine tainted money to circulate is deceitful. Currencycounting machines, snorting of coke through rolled bills and handling money after touching cocaine are ways in which 90 percent of todays money carries trace amounts of the controlled substance. It is believed that no harm is caused by the presence of cocaine, but it has been proven that bank tellers getting the dust into their system tested positive for cocaine. Attempts are made daily to hide illicit funds or

keep below the radar the funds that one would rather avoid having taxed. What seems, initially, to be an act of generating profits to feed and clothe oneself or fulfill a dream becomes complicated in the procedure of disguising the illegal origin. Money laundering is the modus operandi of critical importance because the whopping sums of money generated have to be legitimized. This means that the true ownership and source of the money must be hidden. Laundering money is a waste if other parties know who owns the money after it has been washed. In addition, the owner of the money must have total control over the money if he does not wish for it to be stolen by institutions and persons involved with the process. The cleaning of money has three germane stages: 1. Remove the illegal money from any direct association capable of linking the money to the illegal activity. To be specific, the earnings from drug trafficking, prostitution rings, illegal arms sales, human trafficking, computer fraud schemes, bribery, antiques trade, lawn services, car washes,

laundry houses, video rentals, dollar stores, beauty salons, restaurants and corporate espionage are immersed into the financial system. Large amounts of cash are reduced into smaller amounts; the bulk is reduced. Money orders, travelers checks, bank accounts, foreign exchange accounts and other negotiable instruments are used to channel money into the banking system. 2. Hide the trail of the funds. Obscuring the trail is important due to the need to shake any observers and prevent audits or robberies. This is the stage where layering or heavy soaping takes place. The launderer wires monies throughout the world from account to account using trusts, IBCs (International Banking Company), ready made companies, S.A. (Sociedad Anonima) and dummy corporations to obtain the cooperation of anti-money laundering jurisdictions. In actuality, the launderer has to rely on attorney-client privilege and banking secrecy (which Obama threatened in word) to protect his identity. It is not uncommon for the launderer to make money transfers appear as purchases of

products or services to improve the appearance of legitimacy. Meanwhile, a trail of twists and turns produce a web of confusion and minimize an audit trail. 3. Integrate the funds into the legitimate economy. This is the stage of repatriation or the spin dry. Simply put, the washed funds are reentered into society for the purpose of purchasing real estate and business ventures. An individual desiring to launder smaller amounts of money can simply divide the total amount of money and purchase international money orders and travelers checks from banks and post offices. The instruments can then be deposited into offshore accounts. Launderers are always seeking new methods to scrub their funds. Money laundering is the alternate economy as launderers seek new routes. Consequently, the International Monetary Fund figures that the aggregate size of money laundering in the world to be roughly two to five percent of the worlds gross domestic product.

Annually, a whopping 1.5 trillion dollars is easily scrubbed. The more one is entangled in the countless matrices, the more it appears that the U.S. corporation, referred to as government, respects businesses more than it does individuals. And though politicians are elected, they quickly begin to view the people as slaves. Businesses are capable of creating jobs and generating revenue. It seems rational that governments would entice businesses with the idea of low corporate tax rates for the purpose of more jobs and economic growth. If this isnt feasible, the Amerikan people will continue to suffer and no-tax, low-tax jurisdictions will get more of Amerikas talent and money. Besides, Amerika needs bodies with signatures and blindfolds. Such logic explains why criminals labor to clean money, avoid attention, familiarize themselves with asset forfeiture laws and invest in illegal and lawful enterprises. Crime continues to pay criminalized descendants of a criminalminded people.

Despite the restrictions and constant pressure by controlling governments, some countries continue to permit the more liberal and unregulated financial transactions. Poorly stabilized countries are better situated to hide the flow of money derived from an illegal or questionable source. Nevertheless, the Hiring Incentives to Restore Employment Act (HIRE) offers tax incentives for businesses hiring unemployed workers and imposing new penalties and additional requirements for Amerikans doing business or banking offshore. However, the HIRE act is not to be interpreted as capital control despite Amerikas craving for cash and need to trap cash within the borders. As the financial markets are globalized more and they interconnect, the laundering will become more difficult to detect. This is not what the puppeteers want. Therefore, if a launderer can avoid becoming greedy, flashy and arrogant, he can evade scrutiny and arrest. Do not assume that possession of money is not a crime when banking or handling cash. The United

States Bank Secrecy Act of 1970 would prefer that financial institutions report any cash transaction over $1,000, but past experiences have proven that the inundation of forms was too much for an understaffed IRS. However, the act now requires that non-financial institutions comply as well. This means that car dealers, credit unions, check cashing stores, insurance agencies, travel agencies, money wire services and even retail stores selling money orders must comply and report activities. The government gives an operating ceiling of $10,000 but banks are obligated to maintain records of transactions exceeding $3,000 using a Cash Transaction Report (CTR). In addition, banks may file a CTR on aggregate deposits, if the bank becomes suspicious of a series of small deposits that would normally be invisible. What the banks do not tell you is that a CTR can be filed on $50 if the bank finds the deposit odd. Today, the laws complicate business and make providing for ones family painful. Time must be invested in knowing your business. And if you are earning money, you

had better know that the walls, your mother, or babys momma is not a front for the money you earn. The 1990 Depository Institution Money Laundering Amendment Act which threatens the bank and facilitates its decision to report someone. The RICO statutes are designed to seize monies and confiscate properties purchased with monies earned by corrupt organizations. There was no statute making corrupt organizations illegal before this act. This act empowers the prosecutor to seize all of a defendants assets before trial. Actually, the government is using its power to raise revenue. The peculiar thing about the RICO act is the fact that racketeering is not defined and yet millions of businesses and persons are corrupt organizations or racketeers under the broad definition. In addition, it is not required that a defendant be convicted of the predicate offense. The idea that the defendant could be indicted is enough. A pattern of predicated offenses or the proceeds of said offenses to invest in, control, or conduct the affairs of any interstate enterprise is unlawful.

RICO predicate crimes range from bribery, counterfeiting, mail fraud, wire fraud, racketeering and sports bribery to obstruction of justice, dealing in obscene matter, white slave traffic, embezzlement, illegal gambling businesses, trafficking in contraband cigarettes, etc. The standard operating procedures for prosecutions sanction the local US Attorney to indict, subpoena and plea bargain with the Attorney Generals permission. Yet, when the death penalty is chargeable or the case pertains to racketeering, espionage or money laundering the crime earns a boost of prestige. Things are not improving for wrongdoers as more Anglos bathe their pains with pharmaceuticals; street, prescription and OTC. It doesnt matter because someone has to pay for the privileged to get well. So, Amerika talks tough in Black communities when her children ache. The asset forfeiture law allows police officers to act on suspicions of assets assumed to have derived from drugs and too, makes it an offense to retain or make

use of drug-related assets. Asset forfeiture robs the accused of any profits earned by way of the crime. The government deprives the accused of any illicit gains and then seeks to mete out a harsher punishment. Because the asset forfeiture laws are written in generic terms, it is possible for anything the accused has to be attached to drug proceeds. The aim is to strip the accused of any economic power. The risks certainly outweigh the gains.

Chapter 12 Layering
The term layering is normally used in financial arenas, but it is necessary, in this case, for anyone wishing to have a layer of protection while in public. This information stands alone. Read it carefully because the in public environment is a free-for-all where anything goes. People have access to your personal property and personal information. Privacy has to be practiced consistently. You will want to be prepared for bogus arrests or shakedowns. Preparation is your

only advantage because when you find yourself in a situation, you may not be able to respond properly or quickly enough. For this reason, you will need to have a plan in place. Be aware of any responsibilities that may inconvenience you; traffic tickets, Right-to-Travel plates, parking tickets, child support or even warrants. Dont allow these to escalate. You dont need the attention or interaction with law enforcement. It is important that you learn to appearing to be the average, definitely keep your status clean, clear and free. Ascertain that you have the necessary documents in your possession. If anyone knows what you are doing, it is you. Bail money or a bondsman, person to contact in case of emergency, coins for phone calls, pre-paid cell phone for emergencies, an attorney contact, micro digital voice recorder, copy of paid traffic tickets and a door key hidden on the exterior of your vehicle are items that you should have immediate access to. Any other

sensitive items or incriminating materials should be locked in a combination/key locked briefcase or preferably, the trunk. Do not help criminals or cops in determining your habits, associations or worth. Much of the paperwork and notes that you may carry can be placed on a live under the radar while normal citizen. You should smartphone or PDA. Of course, you should password protect your device with a strong password. If traveling, keep your personal effects in a small, lockable carry bag or briefcase. Make sure that you can quickly enclose your items if being pulled over by the cops. The cops will not have probable cause to open or unlock the locked bag or briefcase. If you drive a vehicle with no trunk, you will need to have a strongbox bolted and welded into your vehicle so that the entire interior is not subject to search. Be sure that the lock and hasp have a steel guard over it and the nuts securing the bolts are

inside the box to prevent being loosened beneath the vehicle. Once you have your strongbox secured, be sure to take photos of it and its location in the vehicle. If you are arrested, you will have proof that the police broke into the box without your authorization. You should not consent to a search. Remember, a bad situation doesnt have to be totally bad. Hopefully, the cops will do enough damage to have the search labeled as unreasonable and your chances of a lawsuit will improve tremendously. You should also consider purchasing an old trunk lock and key from a salvage yard or used parts shop. Hide the trunk key inside your car. Do not keep it on your person. A magnetic lock box or combination lock gas cap is another way to hide a key. For further clarity you will lock your doors after you exit your vehicle. Keys are an issue of concern. If you have keys that easily identify your vehicle, you must get a copy of the original made without the company logo. A

generic key also prevents your car from being detected if you are stopped while walking and searched by a cop. I cannot overemphasize that you should not do anything to cause the cops to stop you. Make sure that your vehicle is in proper order, interior is clean and you appear to do everything to the letter of the law. Be mindful that at any time, a cop could perform a pretextual traffic stop due to his suspicion of a traffic violation. Of course, the courts will back the cop.

Chapter 13 Handcuffed Life of Magic

Meeting the Christian woman at the spot with overpriced Wi-Fi, expensive coffee that always has a burnt taste, fattening goodies with inflated prices and people who are silly enough to sit in such an artificial environment was a precursor that I shouldve never ignored. It should have been clear, after several conversations, that she would come with expectations which required the average man

to commit a crime, live a lie or question his masculinity. I watched the delightful woman as she walked towards me. I had never seen her, but I took a chance and went to the door to grab her umbrella, shake the rain from it, and introduce myself; she was impressed. Her persona matched her phone voice. She was ambitious, professional and wasted no time in choosing a more comfortable and appropriate area to talk than what I had selected. Good she wanted to spend some time with me. We ordered, exchanged small-talk and pierced one anothers shield. She was gorgeous when she wasnt attempting to have me declare my love for some man that couldnt mediate, on my behalf, for entrance or exit anywhere. For years I had dated women that seemed certain of what they wanted. Some wanted sex without strings, others wanted to casually date, and for the majority the idea of marriage loomed in their mind. Such an idea was bold and necessary when considering that 70% of Black children are born to

single women. I wasnt ready to have a woman carry my child, but I invited the notion of fathering a child due to my previous failure by absence. Besides, my need for a woman was due to my sentiments of incompleteness encouraged by the baggage that we cherish and justify as adults. I wanted to move beyond my fears. I was familiar with marriage. I had been married twice. I was no stranger to commitment and/or marriage, but I couldnt pattern my life after the standards of a people that I was never meant to impersonate. I met a variety of women and a great number of them were in love with the idea of marriage, alone. Unfortunately, the women with behavior disorders kept me on alert and slowed my pace. Still, my attraction to women wasnt diminished and my appreciation for the Black woman improved. I began to imagine how she, the Black woman, felt until I could no longer separate her pains from my own. Having been happily married before my abduction,

I wasnt opposed to the institution of marriage. But - I wasnt comfortable with the idea of pretending that I could be the man that other men had failed at being and in the process made more difficult for me to be. Sadly, I undervalued my worth because I only meditated on the things that I did not have and could not offer - opposed to giving freely of myself. As a man, I knew my duties. If a woman could edify me, I would have no qualms about educating, protecting, sharing and providing for said woman (with or without child). It is common for guys to marry while in prison or immediately after returning to society. And of course, there are a number of homosexuals who marry the opposite sex to conceal their sexual deviance. Then, there are the guys who find a woman to mother or keep them for purposes of continuing their boyish ways. There are a number of reasons that people marry, but citizens concurring with the concept of marriage rarely opt for holy matrimony. And if the Creator is joining man and woman, what is the significance of State

(government)? Truly, the Black community relationships and the preservation, process of selecting mates/spouses has to be addressed. As a matter of fact, we need complements. A many women argue they do not need a man to complete them and this is understood from an anti-family, Eurocentric view. And though Anglos set the standard in the minds of most negroes, the U.S. ranks amongst the highest of divorce rates in the world. And naturally, samesex marriages will cause this percentage to increase because the concept of marriage has been poorly is in need of healthy thereof. Therefore, the defined and demonstrated. Sure, Blacks and other ethnicities contribute to Amerikas divorce rate as well; Blacks count in these situations. However, cohabitation and/or more than a month of mating could diminish the number of divorces and single parent homes. The idea of meeting someone and expecting them to change is presumptuous. In addition, selecting a complement based on hair, eyes, complexion, weight, dimples, height, job,

title, salary, alma mater, level of education, religion and number of children is shallow. Furthermore, romance cannot be a determining factor in relationships of Afrikan people because complementarity determines the matching of a dominant male energy with a dominant female energy without jeopardizing masculinity or femininity. After all, we are at war! Surprisingly, the more qualified women set unfair, premature demands and unreachable expectations without swallowing their Eurocentric intentions to make over the men they meet and seduce with antiquated, culturally bleached, inappropriate concepts. Initially, I was afraid to love. I knew that love could make a difference, but my comfort with hatred didnt register my concern for the science of family. The benefits of marriage werent my concern. However, at this point, I could never overemphasize the need for one to be in a longterm relationship or union. Truthfully, a Black man

shouldnt bed a woman without first contemplating the possibility of impregnating the woman with his child or his wisdom or the idea of partnering his dreams/visions. Certainly, she should be mentally, spiritually, and emotionally compatible. If she is not worthy of your all, she is not worthy of being devalued and victimized, for one moment, by ones carnal desires. Again, I am an advocate of relationships. The Black man and Black woman are equally responsible for the Black family. The chance of the family being fortified without the presence and participation of both impossible. Moreover, ceremonies solemnization for purpose of marriage certificates and dispelling any speculation of deception or man and woman is with emphasis of licenses or marriage secrecy should be the least of our concerns until we learn to love, trust and celebrate ourselves, again. Will a Marriage License Improve the Conditions

of the Black Family? The underlying purpose of the so-called civil contract of marriage is taxation, conquest and jurisdiction. The government uses this process as a binding contract. Of course, the contract is an agreement between two (man & woman) or more parties (the government) creating obligations that are enforceable or otherwise recognizable at law. It appears that a marriage contract is an adhesion contract because man and woman could easily agree and commit without governmental intervention via the preparation of a standard-form to be signed by the weaker party, in pursuit of love, with very little choice. Marriage is the legal union of a man and woman as husband and wife according Blacks Law Dictionary 7th Edition. However, the Christian doctrine wavers from (1) the couple being married in the eyes of God when a physical union is consummated through sexual intercourse to (2) the couple is married in the eyes of God when the

couple is legally married or (3) even the couple is married in the eyes of God after they have participated in a formal religious wedding ceremony. The Bible does not give specific details in defining a marriage or a marriage ceremony. Marriage is mentioned several times in the Bible and Quraan. It becomes evident that man is not to be alone when Eve is fashioned from a rib of Adam - according to popular translations and teachings. Regardless, the scriptures attempt to demonstrate that marriage is a holy and divinely established covenant. It is also clear that the people have an obligation according to Christian dogma to honor and obey the laws of would-be divinely established authorities called earthly governments. Therefore, it is only fair that we know what the mother church, the Matrix Ecclesia, thinks of marriage. In Cyclopaedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature Volume 5 by John McClintock/James Strong it states the following in Marriage is a Sacrament unbiblical:

Section (2) That marriage is no sacrament of the Gospel, speaking of such an institution in its proper scriptural acceptation, may be proved by the following arguments: (1) Matrimony was instituted in Paradise long before sin had entered, therefore it cannot be a sacrament of the Gospel; marriage is observed among infidels and wicked persons, who are incapable of receiving worthily the sacraments of the Church. So, it is safe to assume that marriage is a thing of the State government and matrimony belongs to God. The marriage license allows the corporate State to be the third party to your union, with no regard for God, and the power to oversee your offspring and confiscate your property. By definition, a license demands that we not obtain a license to marry because according to Black's Law Dictionary a "license" is, "A revocable permission to commit some act that would otherwise be unlawful; the permission by competent authority to do an act which without such permission, would be illegal." The people should demand to

know why marriage is illegal without the States permission and whether or not, marriage is an institution sanctioned by the Creator. And with the low success rate of marriage, the people shouldnt bother begging the government for permission to wed. The State has the power to prohibit the license because by definition the license confers a right. However, as a Creatorgiven right the State cannot grant a marriage. Our agreement to apply for and purchase a license shows that we are willing participants in the game. We grant the State jurisdiction over our marriage and place ourselves under the jurisdiction of the Family Court. Consequently, the marriage license is an ongoing contractual relationship with the State. This particular license allows the married couple to contract with third parties for home mortgages, car loans and other debts. Obviously, the marriage license is a privileged business enterprise. And should divorce occur with the couple, it is nothing more than a contractual dissolution that permits the

State to continue its contract because you are still married to the State. No doubt, the union of man and woman is a natural relationship. So, the State no longer needs to have jurisdiction over the marriage process if the previous reasons were for cases of divorce and adultery or bigamy. Besides, one doesnt need much of an excuse to divorce and adultery is hardly recognized as a crime in an immoral society. And the ministers know this! Yet, they marry their parishioners or members in order to be in compliance with the State and to get tax breaks. The church doesnt mind giving the State what it wants and God understands that Amerikans do what they must (and wish to do) when in Amerika. The laws of Nature are inflexible opposed to the unending succession of consequences associated with laws designed by immoral mortals. The government has handcuffed you more than your spouse ever could. What leads us to cooperate with the government, when we claim to follow

tenets that would easily outweigh any laws written by men, if the scribe of the tenets would recognize the disrespect and injustice in order to stop tyrants from testing the people? It is not too late to revoke the power from the tyrannical powers or persons elected to serve the people. As the government and Big Business continue to trick us into contracting, you will find that more information is being collected on you while the elite merge databases, plant their RFID chips, track your movements and monitor your purchases. Big Brother will continue to rob the people of their rights because the people still have a chance to minimize control of the elite. As for a marriage improving the conditions of the Black Family such a contract is no more likely to improve the conditions of Blacks than any other dogma, system, contract or practice that has failed an unappreciated, dislocated people in the past centuries. Black men and Black women should consider seeing each other through Kemetic eyes and dismiss the opinions of those aiming to dismantle the Black family and make a debacle of

its male figure. Nonetheless, the Black woman should realize that it is her responsibility to uplift her man if possible just as it is the Black license and marriage certificate mans responsibility to be supportive and appreciative of his woman. The union (marriage or matrimony) makes the couple a unit. Therefore, the man must know who he is and the woman has to know who she is. Of course, they must know each other and love each other even when tested by trying situations. Outside of doing as the government and society suggests in terms of marriage - a couple wishing to unite and make an incontrovertible record should consider composing a marriage contract and having it notarized. Thereafter, have a ceremony with witnesses and have three witnesses sign a marriage certificate. Of course, commemorate the occasion with photos. Despite how you see it or call it, oppression has done a job on Black men and as a result

desensitized the Black woman and destabilized Black children. It is my position to strengthen the union of the Black family; have men take responsibility for their family and/or children with the blessings of his complement; and diminish the governments ability to influence the development of the Black child or determine the growth of Black union. Granted, marriage is a sacred institution to Afrikans, but Amerika has found another way to plug you into her numerous matrices. Unplugging and manning up is the issue because the agreement is between the man and the woman with respect to the Ancestors and the Creator and the legacy of the joining communities or families.

Chapter 14 Standing on the Square

You have had the fortune of being sun-kissed. This is a good thing! You wear a belt so that your pants dont sag. You walk erectly with a swagger. You avoid putting your hands in your pockets in the

presence of Anglos. You refuse to cross the street to convenience a nonBlack woman with a tightly clutched purse. You exude masculinity despite the Anglos efforts to effeminize you or the antiquated negros intentions to emasculate you. And you have no problem articulating your thoughts with a raspy voice. This - too, is a good thing, but you might be viewed as a threat. Nonetheless, it is possible to blend in with the people, wherever you are, without compromising your manhood. The wearing of masks or acting for purposes of survival does not encourage and/or condone practices of effeminization. Understandably, there will be times when retreating is the only viable option. Prepare, improve and strengthen for the next encounter it is definitely coming. Moreover, understand that you will not always be lucky. Eventually, you will be tried - tested. So, when you are stopped by a group of Anglos or the cops, dont pee your pants. Man up, stay cool and be prepared for anything to happen. Besides, blackness in Amerika is accompanied by stress.

Too Late to be Scared! When an officer approaches and identifies himself, ask to see his credentials. Of course this isnt necessary in a traffic stop situation. Otherwise, do not let the officer flash his badge; you need to read the badge. You will want to record his information into your PDA or write down the information. You may never have to use the information, but it is clear that you are not about to play with your life and freedom. Wassup? Quickly ask if you are being detained, arrested or just contacted. Remember your rights: you have rights without anyone giving them to you. Remember to stand firm. Do not answer any questions directly. Answer a question with a question. Your freedom is being interrupted. So, ask if you are under arrest. If not, ask if you are being detained. If not, the officer is making a contact and hoping that you slip up. It would be better to dismiss yourself. If the officer decides to detain you, ask him to articulate his reasonable

suspicion. He may come at you with some smart, irrelevant response. Stay focused. Again, ask, What is your reasonable suspicion? If the officer has reasonable suspicion, you will be detained up to 30 minutes. Do not attempt to leave because the officer can physically restrain you as well. Of course, the officer is attempting to make an arrestable probable cause out of reasonable suspicion. This means the officer will flood you with questions. Understand that you will not be mirandized at this time. More importantly, you do not have to incriminate yourself. The only information you have to give is your name. If the questions continue, ask for your lawyer. The Bluff Lets say the officer detains you. Ask if you are free to go. He may say no and decide to pat you down. Cool! The officer cannot search any locked containers, your pockets (if there is no sign of a weapon) or wallet. Make the officer aware that you have nothing to say without your attorney and

ask if you are free to go. Stick to this message. This is all the officer should hear. His clock is running and he cannot justify a lengthy detainment without you giving him reason or permission. Good to Go! You get your wish and youre free to go. This is now considered a contact. Do not hang around. Move out. Remain silent. Call your attorney and exit the building. If you are followed, use a taxi. Do not leave in your own vehicle. If contact is made by traffic stop, leave as soon as it is determined that you are not under arrest; you have signed citation; or have been warned. Be Cool Keep your eyes and ears open. If you are quiet, this will be simple. Dont make a scene. Remain wellmannered and stay alert. If you are arrested, firmly insist to know who is in charge and make note of badge number and names. Cops are taught to be suspicious. So, you need to know what they know.

If offered something to drink or asked to hold something, refuse fingerprints. Do not share your background. It is too late to impress the authorities with your degrees, friends, good grammar or hobbies. Stay quiet! Think! And continue refusing to speak without your attorney. It is imperative that you not depend on an attorney to save you. Avoid attention. If you can afford to retain an attorney, it will be to your advantage as a businessman. As an individual, you must overstand that an attorneys first duty is to the courts and public; not to the client. Furthermore, wherever the duties to his client conflict with the interests of the courts s/he must remember that his allegiance is to the courts. A client, to an attorney, is one who applies to the counselor or lawyer for advice or direction in dealing with the law, prosecuting a claim or defending against a suit in a court of justice. In actuality, you become a ward of the court when you hire an attorney. Meaning you are considered

an infant or person of unsound mind placed, by the court, under the care of the guardian. It Aint Mine Cops get their game from experience in the streets, snitches and theft. Sure, they study the perpetrators and learn learned behavior. Without provoking fear by imposing threats and the popularity of snitching, cops would be clueless. In addition, they watch TV and mimic what they see. Do not assume that any cop is cool. The tricks are coming. If asked if something belongs to you, refuse to answer. If you get scared and feel that you must cooperate a bit, you could claim possessory interest. However, silence is your best defense. Possessory interest is the present right to control property, including the right to exclude others, by a person who is not necessarily the owner. In other words, you had temporary control or responsibility of an item, but you know nothing about the contents or nature of the item. Familiarization with the English language and legalese (law talk) is mandatory.

Chapter 15 Detention or Docility

Whether you are living right or doing wrong, a slip-up can occur if you lose focus, get too comfortable or become too emotional. At this point, legal and illegal matters can catapult or demote your status. You are likely to find yourself in the custody of the gatekeepers of the corporatocracy. Surely, you should avoid being detained or arrested, if you can do so without bargaining your integrity or compromising the freedom of other individuals. It is important that you overstand that the difference detained and arrested. Detention involves custody. It can also include confinement or compulsory delay. For example, if you are stopped by a police officer for speeding and he takes your license and registration, you are being detained. Ironically, if a cop takes you in (police station) for questioning because they are looking for evidence and you cannot leave, you have been detained. In the detainee status, you neednt expect

to have the rights that youd have if arrested. So, you should expect to have no rights despite having done nothing wrong. An arrest is a seizure or forcible restraint. In addition, an arrest is known as the taking or keeping of a person in custody by legal authority, especially in response to a criminal charge. This being the case, there technically is no difference between detention and arrest other than one being more costly and inconveniencing if escalated to charges and thereafter, a conviction. Therefore, a cops decision to restrain you is an arrest whether he actually means to arrest you or not. However, the cops actions shouldnt be unwarranted or without exigent circumstances or a situation that demands immediate action which justify the cop circumventing usual procedures. This is perfect for the perception of the cop and his need for probable cause. When probable cause is not present, the cop may be liable for false arrest or false imprisonment and the evidence between being

being held in gathered against you may be inadmissible, in court, according to the exclusionary rule. Probable Cause Anyone carrying a gun and badge is going to get an inkling of respect whether he deserves it or not. The people have been conditioned to respect the uniform, if not, the badge. A gun will surely get your attention! However, the recipient of said respect is not always an intelligent or fair being. For this reason, a cop may see an act that is harmless as an act of sufficient means to warrant the belief that a crime has been committed. Not all cops are reasonable and yet they are expected to decide what reasonable suspicion is. Understand cops deal with reasonable probabilities because he isnt held to the standard of proof beyond a reasonable doubt in order to make an arrest. Cops may decide probable cause based on evidence seen in plain view. This theory can include what is heard, smelled or touched as well.

The cop just needs his senses to tell him that something isnt right and he has probable cause. Consequently, the cop must know the factual situations involved or else it is hearsay according to the general standard. Be it known, hearsay from an informant can establish probable cause but, again, the general standard expects the cop to explain how he knows that the informant speaks from personal knowledge; what findings he has to confirm the informants claims; and why the informant is considered a reliable person. After all, criminals occasionally use the authorities to eliminate competition and/or enemies. Noncriminals (persons who havent been caught or charged with a crime for whatever reason) are highly favored and therefore, perceived as good, truthful citizens. Sadly, this group also consists of mad, selfish, patriotic citizens, victims of crimes, family of victims and people who offer information at a price. A cop needs probable cause to arrest in a nonpublic place such as your home or a hotel room. In

public, with probable cause, a cop does not need a warrant. And as the people become more docile, the probability of the disappearance of warrants will increase because the people will have been conditioned to believe that police do not lie, harass anyone, harbor personal agendas, racially profile, or just target individuals; making the actions of the police reasonable and the people to believe that a crime has been, is being, or will be committed. Truthfully, the government believes the people cannot be reasonable and therefore, are not reasonable unless they do what the government desires of them.

Chapter16 Talk That Talk

Chances are you will naturally need to move from one point to another. You cant be stagnant. Whether walking, bicycling or using a motor vehicle, you will be subjected to scrutiny and the possibility of being profiled or stopped. If you are stopped, you must understand that you are in

charge. How you handle the situation will determine the outcome. You are the most important variable in the equation; not the cop. You neednt be afraid. Do your best to not make the stop personal. Remain reasonable. Do not give the cop reason to arrest you simply because you piss him off. An arrest should only result in the officer finding evidence of a crime. At this point, you must be cool and remain silent. Create doubt in the cops mind. If it is obvious that you are going to be arrested, you should stop talking. Before You Shutdown The Supreme Court has succeeded in making changes to the Miranda v. Arizona decision which held that prosecutors couldnt use statements given by a detainee during interrogation unless the cops had fully informed the accused of their right to invoke constitutional privilege against selfincrimination. With the ruling of Berghuis v. Thompkins (2010) the act of remaining silent is not sufficient. The detainee must make it clear that he refuses to answer any questions and/or that he

desires an attorney. Therefore, it is now easier for cops to lie and for prosecutors to offer any utterances or confessions into evidence. Lets be clearyou must break silence to inform the arresting officers that you understand your right to remain silent and that regardless of questions asked or time detained, you will not answer any questions and you request an attorney. Other things to ponder 1. Do not talk to the police. Talking can hurt you and nothing you say will help you change the officers mind. Nor will what you say help you in trial due to Federal Rule of Evidence 801(d)(2)(A)hearsay. Again, talking will not exculpate you of blame or guilt. Talking can only be used against you.

2. Even if you are guilty and feeling the need to settle with your Lord, do not talk because you may admit your guilt with no benefit in return. Your confession is good enough to get you a ticket to prison. Besides, 90% of inmates are known to plead guilty and take a deal without a trial. 3. Despite your innocence, you can talk too much and tell a little lie that will ruin your chances of freedom. 4. Even if you think you are innocent and willingly tell the truth, you will more than likely give the police information that will be used against you. 5. If you decide to tell the truth and the cop mistakes or improperly records your testimony because he misunderstood it and cannot recall it with accuracy, you have a problem. 6. If you are innocent and your statement is videotaped, your answers can get you convicted because cops make mistakes. And cops are not

beyond fabricating stories or testilying. 7. Do not shake or nod your head to yes/no type questions. Do not answer yes/no questions or true/false questions with yes/no or true/false responses when being interrogated or dealing with government employees. Understand - attorneys see their clients as dumb children; wards of the court. You automatically become a second class citizen and you concede to the jurisdiction of the court hearing your case. Once an attorney has been retained, you cannot challenge jurisdiction. Constitution of the United States - Bill of Rights I. Freedom of Speech, Press, Religion and Petition II. Right to keep and bear arms III. Conditions for quarters of soldiers IV. Right of search and seizure regulated V. Provisions concerning prosecution VI. Right to a speedy trial, witnesses, etc. VII. Right to a trial by jury

VIII. Excessive bail, cruel punishment IX. Rule of construction of Constitution X. Rights of the State under Constitution It is important that you know and exercise your rights. Memorize them before it becomes illegal to write, print or recite them. The 4th, 5th and 6th amendments should not be waived. You may be inconvenienced for some time, but it is imperative that you not talk to the cops after articulating your wishes and intentions. Talking could get you in a place with numerous childlike narrators using poor English and playing checkers. Yeah! People refer to the place as prison.

Chapter 17 The Appeal of Being Caged

In Amerika, anyone can catch a beef and get rolled up. After smelling adrenaline and hearing sob stories about overpopulated dorms with more tiers than your apartment complex, you pray that you

only get a bullet while sitting in county lockup. You are sure that you can handle a year until youre stripped of your clothing, dignity and find yourself in G.P. with guys who expect their heart beat to reach 175 beats per minute - a minimum of twice each day. You pray more than you ever have and at this moment, you want to be in SHU. After about three months, an ordinary person - with a cross and Bible - can be motivated to carry a shank on the yard. At least, until they get tipped up or yolked enough to stop slipping kites to the C/O for transfer to P.C. You are not sure what you will do. You once frowned at ink, but now your survival requires that get a few tats, drink pruno and find a reason to get a chrono just to keep from looking square. Day after day, you pray less and imagine being gated out more because losing your mind or your life is opportunity that Amerika has made readily available. Law is force intended to prevent harm, but it does considerable harm. The masses may see the

concept as being positive, but it is an unfair instrument of tyranny. The laws are written to keep control of anyone the government feels cannot rule themselves, but laws arent necessarily designed to imprison just anybody. And for the unfortunate persons who are introduced to the penal system, not everyone can leave prison with their sanity. Now - is the time in your life when you must become silent, observant and begin to analyze your present situation and your future. Your life will not get any easier. There are a number of schools that allow inmate attendance via independent study at a reasonable price. Certainly, the monies spent monthly on canteen products or frivolous commercialized products could pay for a college education or a trip to the library, but truthfully speaking the college degree will be of very little benefit, if you are simply seeking employment. The degree will not make you anymore accepted or appreciated because the prejudices of Amerika are evident by the neglect, abandonment and growing number of have-nots created by the unjust penal system.

The level of self-preservation, amongst New Afrikans, has to increase if we are to compete in a race of competitive racists with the intelligence to disguise their true feelings. The habit-training designed to prevent the natural genius of our children deters intellectual development and suppresses critical thinking. No doubt, we are conditioned to be obedient citizens and when we feel horrible we simply spend our wages to fill a void that begs to make us like the Anglo. The idea of the haves and have-nots disposing of racism is asinine. True, classism will exist, but it is embedded in the mental make-up of whites to do for whites. Their survival instinct will kick in and youll have poor white folk looking out for poor white folk because the inbred practice naturally exists and it cannot be deleted with the public erasure of institutionalized racism because Blacks didnt initiate, institute or define racism. Society has programmed the people to believe that no one with money or education can go or should go to prison. This means that smart, rich people

dont go to prison. So, the masses are motivated to get rich and are led to believe that the more education they have the more money they will make. And the more money they make the more laws they can break. This theory is exemplified by egotistical athletes, manipulative politicians and sick, troubled entertainers suggesting that having status gives them exemption from prosecution while the public mistake gives them more credibility for marketability. Freedom comes with a sacrifice or price. Consequently, the same people dont expect any prisoner to come home any smarter and rightfully so. Prisoners just become better criminals and the people unknowingly become better prisoners due to fear of being imprisoned. Television has assisted in convincing the populous that crooks are dumber than cops. Go figure! Truth isthere would be fewer inmates without informants and too, the peoples familiarity of codes and laws. And of course, there would be fewer snitches, if the use of threat, duress and coercion were not

available to law enforcement agents who no longer protect the people before serving the wealthy elite. Therefore, cops are courting weak snitches and corroborating lies to create profits by way of imprisonment of the downtrodden, misinformed and uninformed. Look! The most misleading claim is that the higher the degree you have, the more money you will make. Well, it is possible that you will more than likely spend more of your life working for someone other than yourself because you are considered more employable. And the diplomas are impressive on the wall, at a step show, or in boujee-type conversations. Degrees are no guarantee that you will earn more income. And in some instances the degree may render you overqualified. More importantly, attending institutions of higher learning are by no means an indication of heightened intelligence, an improved memory or a more employable person. In addition, the melanin dominant man with an education (degree) is viewed as a threat unless he is effeminate and

subservient. Our experiences determine how we perceive life and react to situations. Stress, in the streets, may be derived from envy, lies, fear of being robbed, and avoiding bad cops to being killed by thugs or bad cops. In prison the aforementioned stresses are intensified with anger, constant light, noise pollution, confinement, poor diet, restrictions of liberties and increased tensions. Various stresses are experienced in college by way of sexual assaults, clinical depression and suicide. In addition, the chance of college grads finding employment in their field of study is rare. And paying off the student loans can be timely and frustrating. A degree could do wonders to your esteem, but understand that the world has plenty of talented individuals who will never be successful. And despite the world seeing an inmate as being stupid, you now have the opportunity to exercise sound right judgment and common sense. Whether you are

behind bars or living in Amerika, you are in prison or enslaved in some sense. Surely, the idea of doing what you want, when you desire, makes you think that you are free. You have access to the internet; TVs in every room (including the bathroom); you can eat anything you like; and wear trends established by sell-outs preferring to feed themselves and please their masters. This is what college prepares us for. College exposes the average citizen to rape, drugs, alcohol, depression, sexually transmitted diseases, pretentious ambitions and greed. However, a person who comes from nothing and survives by eating noodles, cold pizza and day old fried chicken; and avoids partying to become the familys first college graduate, has drive and determination unlike the kid spoiled by a legacy of lies and routine. Such lies could be viewed as a cycle of poverty, nepotism or expectations. Plus, the idea of joining the corporate world is ideal. Nice clothes, a cozy condo, a foreign car and more sex than a little.

Let it be clearwe are designed to attract problems that teach us lessons. So, whether we go to college, the military or decide to do nothing with our lives, we will encounter some issues that money may solve or exacerbate. I am in agreement with continued education. I recommend that one reads a variety of subjects as often as possible. Sources of education are available online and via television programming, but they are not comparable to reading. And though much can be read by computer, a many of us watch videos or listen to material due to poor management of time. Our lives are flooded with constant eating, caffeine, sugar; artificial sweeteners, cigarettes and late night television viewing which contribute to disruptions in our sleep patterns and health. The lighting from TV, alone, is an electromagnetic stress that the brain easily interprets as sunlight and causes an increase of cortisol levels and results in adrenal fatigue. Our fast paced lives, adrenal fatigue and a bombardment of advertisements accompany the

very experience that dims ethno-consciousness and fades ones perceptiveness. Reality TV and social site videos have become the newest advisors on acceptable behavior. There is little that can be considered extreme negativity in a country with a poor economy, people starving for fame and people willing to get it at any cost. Be it, institutions or matricesthey are definitely lasting systems consisting of planted social rules that structure our social reactions. Money, manners, language and organizations are institutions that constrain and/or enable our behavior. Although said institutions are not human, they are arrogant and confident enough to predict or determine how people react. And though, these institutions depend on the thoughts of the people, the institutions impose consistencies on human activities after endowing them with actions and expectations. These same institutions have the ability to change or loan aspirations and strengthen their characteristics, simultaneously.

College, prison or workplace do we really want people of authority educating us in controlled environments? Opposed to a rise in mathematicians and scientists, we rear more athletes and conniving persons who are cultivated in authoritarian climates. Exposure to subpar instructional goals, select favoritism, extended periods of useless information and the teachers inability to recognize or meet a students learning ability are contributors to the various misbehaviors that minimize trust, empathy and charity. Unemployed or Self-employed The term self-employment insinuates that an individual desiring to do for ones self is highly skilled in a trade. More often, the individual has a product or service. And with the availability of the internet, the accessibility of intellectual properties has increased. There seems to be more ideas of how to make money for sale than there are tangible products to sell. Once you realize that you are imprisoned you must

entertain the idea of finding a way to provide for yourself once you are paroled, released or liberated. Options in your path may range from washing cars to cutting grass, if you dont become creative and decide what you can offer amongst the competition. The simplest of ideas could be extremely profitable. Prepare postcards, business cards and a website, if your budget permits it or a sacrifice can be made. Make the necessary sacrifices to save and build your business. If you can do without something, do without it until you can afford it. Do not spend pointlessly to fulfill a void or make yourself feel better. Blue collar jobs seem to be the highest paying and most available jobs emerging. For this reason, a focus should be placed on the return of apprenticeship programs to supplement the academic curriculum in home schools and/or Afrikan centered schools that have the advantage of designing effective vocational programs that include science, mathematics and finances in order to prepare the children for Black-owned

businesses or self-sufficiency. Teach now - the applicability of misunderstood subjects coupled with working and living - and the children will not fear thinking. The need to justify becoming impoverished or inert will be removed from their psyche as well. In terms of technology, using social networks is not enough for the social advancement of Blacks. We must prepare more minds to produce technology and in turn, produce economic opportunities for our own. Know You Discover your talent or what it is that you are good at. If you are driven by money, alone, you may easily find your niche or a temporary fix. However, if you can feed desire or create a want, you can avoid poverty and frustration while serving a need. If you have a tight budget, a job or incoming funds, continue to save and build your business.

Understand - you are your business. Make a good lasting impression. You will have few second chances. Envision what you wish to achieve and dont be afraid to make improvements with yourself. Make sure your style of dress matches your business and your business name is easy to remember. Study the advertisements of other companies. Look for ideas to use without spending too much money. Word of mouth is fantastic, but you will have to use the World Wide Web to reach some customers. Be sure that your website is not too congested. Do not assume that everyone searching the web is intelligent. Keep it simple. Believe in yourself. Do not assume that you need a celebrity to endorse you. The celebrity did not make you, study with you, sweat with you or starve with you. And remember that humility is as common, in the Black community, as talent. What Counselors and Employers Wont Tell You You will encounter barriers that will limit

your possibilities of employment or earning by means of a job. Most people maintain prejudice about prisoners and ex-offenders. Employers and civilians will assume that your work experience, cognitive skills and education are limited. In addition, drug abuse and mental health issues are factors that prevent employment. Consequently, Afrikan-Amerikan men are the least likely job applicants to receive job offers. Truthfully, Black men without criminal records have difficulty finding employment as well. The population of exoffenders in relation to the local labor force determines the need for background checks. Information Resource Service Company and other databanks provide arrest information whether you were convicted, placed on probation or received time served. Employers have several excuses for denying employment. Regardless, unaccounted breaks in work history may be used by employers to statistically discriminate as well. Sure, employers will consider ex-offenders for menial jobs. However, statistics show that other

disadvantaged groups are favored over persons with criminal records. Employers also look for meaningful work experience or the nature of the crime committed. For aforesaid reasons, it is necessary that you get a trade that allows you to moonlight or operate your own business. Matrix or Not Income Needed There really is no set length of time for a person to develop a habit. However, the time spent in prison is noticeable with those who would like for others to notice it. Prison is a negative environment despite the faith-based programs and penitentiary worshippers. So, some habits are formed for purposes of defense. Analyze yourself and shake anything about you that others find annoying. After all, you will need a job to avoid recidivism and as normal as you are, you are no longer a part of the norm. This could be a good thing! As things are, most employers will use your criminal record to disqualify you. Legally speaking, the application is nothing more than a

disclosure form. Tell a lie and you give the employer grounds to fire you. If an employer discovers that you falsified or failed to disclose information about your criminal history, schools attended or work experience, you can be terminated. Unfortunately, your humility, honesty and the application may be the only factors that prevent you from getting a job because those applying for the same job have obviously not been sentenced for a crime, yet. Even if you do get passed the interviewer there is a background check. A many employers use this method to intimidate rehabilitated taxpayers or ex-offenders. But if you are serious about improving somebodys business, you will find a job. The want-ads, craigslist, newspapers and various internet job search sites may not suffice for the effort you will need to put forward to find a job. Your mind should be prepared to put in as many hours finding a job as you will actually work per

week when you find a job. Look! You are the product and you have to convince businesses or employers to buy your product. This means that you have to have some marketing sense. You need to know what skills you have and the quality of your work ethic minus desperation because desperation will only complicate your intentions. Be sure to have your rsum, a pen, birth certificate, drivers license or state ID, Social Security card or Visa available. In addition, some states require that employers use EVerify to determine the eligibility of their employees to work in the U.S. E-verify allows your SSN to be checked immediately. The U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services has redesigned the Permanent Resident Card (form I551) or what many refer to as the Green Card to enhance the security features. This will not stop border-crossings or deter the individuals that

fabricate the documents for those desperate to live a life of slavery. An ex-offender may have better luck applying for such a card and then seeking employment. Decide what you can do and make a list of the skills and any tools used in the process. And when you get a job, dont expect to earn wages that will support a family. However, your income should supplement that of your significant other. A job out of prison should allow you to develop a strong work history, work ethic, new skills and professional references. And as much as you may hate the security, hotel or food industry, it may be the best place to start. In terms of where to look, it may be better to ask your parole officer, friends, or family for job leads. You will come into contact with people daily and you will definitely want to make them aware of your search for employment. Remember, employment is your business until you can unplug from the matrix and do your own thing. Therefore,

whether you have a business card or not, you are going to need to talk to people. It is not about asking for a job, but more about finding the job leads. Personal contacts are not the only method of finding a job. There are several options for seeking a job. Whether using the mail or email, send a cover letter with your rsum. You may employ the direct approach and go to an employer and ask for an application or contact the human resources department. It is also possible for you to use the yellow pages, internet and of course, the job search sites. Some temp agencies welcome uneducated, exoffenders. Be prepared to take a test to prove computer proficiency skills. Familiarize yourself with Excel and 10 key typing - if you do nothing else. Read the application carefully and avoid volunteering information. And though, applications

are used to disqualify individuals, it is suggested that you be honest when signing the Certification/Release Statement or Authorization that enables the employer to access information provided by educational institutions, past or present employers and law enforcement agencies. When admitting to having been convicted of a crime, add that you Will Explain at Interview; Can Be Bonded. You do have the option of omitting this information until questioned: like the submission of the application, it is a gamble. Understand that locks, braids, cornrows, beards, ethnicexpression or religious dress may allow employers to discriminate. It is important that you know your rsum, the employer, job and the needs of the employer. Be prepared to answer questions about yourself; where you plan to be in five years; what you know about the company; your weaknesses; your strengths; why you left your last job and why you wish to work for the company in which you are applying.

Prepare answers for questions that inquire about your prison time, hobbies, relaxing activities and why you think youd be an asset to the company. You may be asked how youd handle a rough situation or asked about your worst job. You should know how much money you expect to make as well. When given the opportunity to ask the interviewer questions, ask questions that will give the impression that you want the job. Look! You have been to prison and you have more going against you than for you - in the eyes of citizens. A nice smile, straight posture, good verbal skills, strong eye contact and a decent handshake may help. It will be necessary for you to shine during your interview. Remember not to be late, talk too much, dress inappropriately, wear strong fragrances, volunteer information not asked or use slang and profanity. The above methods will improve your efforts to get employment. Once you get a job you should plan, budget, save and make something happen for

yourself. When possible, move beyond your fear of failure and seek some form of pleasure or achievement. Regardless of the type of prison that has enveloped your capabilities, you have the opportunity to activate your will. If you are willing to succeed, you will step it up and do what is necessary to make your visions materialize. Education, background or ethnicity cannot stop everybody. You should be of the percentage that makes pleasure more appealing than pain, rejection or the idea of not getting what you want.

Chapter 18 The Skies Arent So Friendly

The idea of turning an airplane into a missile doesnt sit easily with me when there are missiles designed to do more damage. And too, using a missile to shoot down a plane, in flight, seems more plausible. We have been given so many theories about situations that warrant the governments decisions to rob the person of civil

liberties that we become suspicious of anyone who questions the doings of a government that went rogue long before it was established. Yet, the people are convinced that safer airways mean safer land and waterways as well. No one is really safe. No one is really free. Everyone is profiling and being profiled. And advice is abundant until one is under pressure or in need of information that has been tested. Not much information weathers the scrutiny of the streets or the government. Not every bad guy will be busted and not every guy who gets busted is bad. For this reason, those deserving a chance need to know how to conduct themselves in order to conduct business. Lets assume that you are seasoned at what you do. If so, you have a retainer with a nationwide bail bondsman and too, you have an attorney who understands you and your business. You know not to sleep and work in the same place. More importantly, you should never attempt to impress women or that which motivates you with your business. If you do find yourself being talkative, be

cautious of live phones and avoid talking near windows or in areas where others may be listening. Moreover, do not discuss sensitive information around phones of any type. Make it a habit to have your associate power off his or her phone, if you do not wish to risk your freedom. I make no attempt to improve the criminally influenced, but rather to convince the confused individual with potential that there is an easier way to live aside from violating another individual. If it is possible for you to avoid hurting, robbing or influencing the devastation of others and you are up to task, you will have no problem incorporating this information. However, you should decide whether you are doing what you do for prosperity or purpose. If you have a purpose, envision it, plan and execute for a predetermined time. If you are simply seeking prosperity or you are just after the money, I suggest that you study your business, friends and family. And dont forget to pray and/or meditate!

Due to the majority of persons traveling and waiving their Creator-given liberties just because they sense that there is no evil to be delivered from; those aware of the infringement of our rights are in trouble. However, you neednt become an extremist or some type of fanatic to make a statement. Amazingly, the Black man in Amerika is easily effeminized to survive the scrutiny of the system and its sycophants. I make no excuses for anyone who concedes to an entity that was created by the people, for the people. The minimization of the middle class and the growth of a mutated government have created an umbrella of oppression over an already snoozing nation. Sadly, the acquiescent majority accepts what is and learns to live with it. Should anyone awake from the sheep-like slumber to challenge the discomfort pushed by fascist, socialistic type capitalists, the immediate reaction of the meek is to resist the incoming change which they silently prayed for. The more words the more confusion. In simplest terms, no corporation should control you without establishing jurisdiction or dominion, without a

challenge. Traveling You do not want to be profiled on the interstates of the U.S. If you are non-white, this will be an issue. It is not always a problem, but it is something that you must be concerned with and prepared for. An associate of mine became financially comfortable by using an Anglo girl to transport his merchandise throughout the country. She was the typical blonde. One look at his photo album and you would have thought that he had good taste in women. However, 90% of the photos were of the same girl. She would dye her hair for flights and use various identifications. It was nothing for her to be Italian, strawberry blonde, Romanian, Anglosaxon, Latina, auburn, brunette, Gothic, dirty blonde, businesswoman, college girl or a beach babe. She was impressive. He was creative. Persons with prescriptions, yet choosing to carry more controlled substances than allowed, must

take into account that pre-packaging is not to their advantage. Any substance wrapped will eventually begin to permeate through the material in which it is encased and make it detectable by dogs. Dogs arent capable of smelling through anything. If you encounter a K-9 unit, understand that an uncouth, over-zealous handler can easily prompt the dog to alert with a voice command: there are no false alerts. The cop is looking for jerk movements. Some dogs are trained to smell for items that most traffickers use to mask controlled substances. If the cop wants to arrest you, he can have the dog misread because it is known that dogs sometimes miss controlled substances. Besides, the dog is trained by ball drive. So, it will alert to get its ball or toy. When traveling with sensitive items, a ferret or a small dog in heat are suggested companions to distract the dog. Once you have prepared for travel, wash your hands, clean work area and make a final wrap. Wash hands and be certain that exterior of car is clean. Check door handles and trunk for any residues.

Improve Your Chances of Arrival Dont drive too carefully, but dont speed. If stopped by the cops, the video camera is recording. When in the presence of officers, dont avoid eye contact. If you lie, keep your same lie. Dont give the palms up as I give up when talking to officer. Avoid paper license plate tags. Avoid Jesus bumper stickers or stickers supporting police organizations. Make sure everything works on your vehicle because the officer will lie. City, county and state cops need a traffic violation to initiate stop. If cop says he is not writing you a citation, leave immediately. Do not consent to search.

If you are traveling with passengers and they are asked to step out of the vehicle or make hands visible, the cop has been alerted. If asked questions, make eye contact with the cop while speaking. I prefer driving when I can. Yet, the bus and train are viable options. Despite the method of travel, you must remain cognizant of the bookish, nerdy look or the business approach. Travel during heavy traffic and rainy weather are highly recommended. Of course, you will have to fly for purposes of distance, convenience and time. When Flying Throughout the U.S. Make arrangements to fly during the busiest hours. Avoid unkempt locks or attention grabbing hairstyles. When you purchase a round-trip ticket, do not

schedule a return for the same day. Remember one-way tickets gather attention. So, purchase it weeks in advance via online or travel agency. Do not accept a flight itinerary with long layovers in a drug source city. If this happens, wait in a different location than the airport. Avoid connecting flights in airports with habitual delays. Do not pay for your ticket with cash at the ticket counter. Do not change your flight schedule or destination after departure. Do not ask questions as to how your luggage is tagged. Do not be overly talkative to the ticket agent. They get informant commissions for confirmed suspicions

that lead to asset forfeiture. If you must visit the bar while in the airport, do not drink alcohol. When paying for items, do not pull out wads of cash. Keep your receipts for time stamp, purchase and business records. Be as proper and professional as possible. Do not act as if you do not belong; believe that you are privileged. Stay alert. Minimize phone calls. Constantly erase incoming/outgoing calls and texts. Do not scan the airport as if you are looking for security. Keep a book or magazine in your hands. Do not discuss business in the airport or by phone. If you sense you are being surveilled, have your cover story prepared. Know the weather and dress accordingly. Do not wear the same clothing both directions of

travel. Avoid tight clothing, baggy clothing or age inappropriate clothing. Be sure that your clothing coincides with your cover story. Look! If you are making money non-traditionally (Afrikan perspective), be wise. It is imperative that you think. For example, it would be wise to arrange transportation or take a bus to a non-drug source city. If you can have someone of the opposite sex or someone of interest to pose as a love interest to accompany you, do so to keep from traveling alone. Carrying a carry-on luggage or briefcase is paramount. Know your destination and have the appropriate clothing in an unlocked suitcase with a tag with someones name, address and number. This could easily be a safety call to an untraceable phone, which blocks private or blocked calls, should you be apprehended. Again, you must be cool. But not so cool that you act like you are up to some type of mischief. The stuff you have learned and incorporated into your life from TV is polluted and brain numbing. Stay

focused and relaxed. If you are accompanying someone, talk. If you are alone, find someone to walk and talk with (if you have observed and conversed with them prior to deplaning) as you walk towards baggage claim. If you must talk by phone, use an earpiece; keep one hand free. Be cool, but dont waste time. Try not to look too cautious or nervous. Neither should you appear to be in a rush. Blend in with the people. Whether you are dirty or not, it should be obvious that you are not interested in anyone in the airport. Traveling Abroad With the increase in global terrorism you can anticipate some inconvenience. Do your research before traveling. Make sure that your passport is current. Pack light but appropriately. If you have travel restrictions, e.g., parole. Be sure to present plans to your parole officer and visit to get the necessary travel documentation for admittance into a questionable

country. State your purpose of travel, i.e., business, tourism, or work permit. Make sightseeing schedule or business details. Register your trip with the State Department, if your parole officer questions your return or purpose of travel. Do not fly from the U.S. to a drug source country. Avoid flying into the U.S. from a drug source country. Do not make short trips. Do not carry large amounts of cash. Rely on travelers checks and debit cards. Mail important documents to a mail drop before returning to the U.S. Keep sensitive items on your person. Do not become indignant or overly passive with the Customs Agent. Do not talk too much. Answer questions that you are asked. Do not volunteer any information.

If you are pulled aside in the airport, ask the individuals to identify themselves. Make note of their names, agency and badge numbers. Lock and shut off your phone. Attempt to walk away after refusing to accompany the agents. They will detain or arrest you, if necessary. Cooperate by offering the minimum of information and ask if you are under arrest. If so, ask for an attorney and remain silent. If you are not under arrest, ask to be dismissed.

Chapter 19 Cool, Calm, Untouchable

The thought of an attorney visiting me immediately conjures thoughts of money, which I dont have, being vacuumed out of my account. Had I not earned money in the past, I could not have afforded the visits - that I so often got in prison - for the purpose of justifying what attorneys never tell you: they already know what they will not do. However, there were days when I depended on

hope. And seeing people who assumingly fought for my freedom gave me hope. It never failed some white guy would sit across from me and tell me things that would make the right person a better criminal. I figured that Id been taught well. I had degrees and the constant tutoring of the streets. So, maintaining my silence was easy. As the attorneys canvassed my neighborhood to find answers about my behavior, they learned that I was quiet, wellmannered, professional, a good provider and consistent despite my mystique and unpredictability. Neighbors recalled me being well-dressed; walking with a briefcase to my car or apartment; and opening my trunk to place or remove the briefcase. What they did not know was that I was registering all movement and any unfamiliar changes. As I listened to the attorneys, I always thought that any changes I made would be to improve my practices and character. I was responsible for creating envy, curiosity and suspicion in my neighbors. This was a mistake. All

that I had learned was not practical or acceptable. Yet, my practice of silence had its advantages. It took more than 45 minutes for the cops to get me to talk; after they threatened to inconvenience my family. As if separating a Black man from his family isnt enough, they automatically choose to forfeit and seize assets considered to be ill-gotten and implement mandatory minimum sentences to ascertain that ample time is received to destroy the foundation of family. As we process our feelings, it becomes obvious that pain is preventing us from applying the knowledge that we have. The concept of knowledge being power is nullified anytime we find ourselves facing the oppressor or challenging the system. Blacks, after centuries of programming, associate anything not approved by Europeans as being too painful. The act of getting what we want and deserve is not as great as the fear, love, respect or loyalty that we have for people who have no interest in Black folks that doesnt involve cheap labor or the need for a scapegoat. Instead of

designing our lives as we desire, from the center of our own intelligence, we choose to avoid the pain and abandon our dreams while seeking solutions that apply European intellect. Pleasure is nothing compared to pain, if you are not getting what you want and you are not going to get what you want as long as you are being controlled by things that you associate with pain. The matrices do exist, but you can live without them. And if you decide to live with them, understand that you empower any particular matrix that you enter with the information, humility and honesty that you feed it due to fear. Even if we do acknowledge Black success versus what Europeans see as success, we shouldnt continue to let yesterday define tomorrow. Our familiarization with failure, as a nation, is a guarantee for success that we have never defined, appreciated, taken advantage of and moved on. Your Life Could Change within Seconds For years you have hidden the fact that you work as a janitor at night and attend community college

during the day. You have had the motivation of seeing your oldest cousin go to college, become a physician, get addicted to drugs and lose his career. Sure, this was unfortunate for your cousin, but it could prove to be a valuable lesson for you. On the other hand, your best friend who suffered in school, and eventually dropped out, is now as quiet as it is kept - one of the biggest drug dealers in the community. His math and reading skills are subpar, but he is living the good life as the media would have you perceive it. It becomes clear guarantee success. that intellect and capability do not It should become apparent that knowledge is merely unrealized power because the various PhDs, master degrees, business owners, psychologists and sociologists have not found a way to effectively assist Black people without being concerned with how the improvement of the negro mentality would affect their income. When the weekend arrives you hang with the fellas and take joy in still being their boy from the hood despite your plan to do some big things. The day

arrives when they ask you to take a known drug dealers vehicle to the store to pick up some goodies. After all, you are the only one avoiding heavy alcohol consumption. And though you are sober, you arent really thinking. Besides, you see no harm in driving the vehicle. You have never driven a Range Rover. You feel good! The fellas contribute to the kitty and you drive away with more money than you make bi-weekly. The thought of anyone doing anything illegal in their primary vehicle never crosses your mind. You have no idea as to how the streets and law operate. Maybe you dont believe that your friend is involved in any illicit activity. You are not doing anything wrong: your drivers license is in order. The sound from the speakers is breathtaking. As you look ahead, you see that someone is walking into the street; flagging you down. You slow the vehicle and lower the window. The guy leans into the window and apologizes for assuming you were the owner of the car. You dont notice his hands or the fact that something was dropped

into the vehicle. You think nothing of the strangers curiosity. You drive off and proceed to feel the bass of the music thumping your chest. After purchasing the beer, chips and other goodies that your homeys requested, you rush to the vehicle and phone your girl. You are fascinated with the smoothness of your high school buddys ride. For a moment you imagine yourself making fast money. You know that you are a cautious driver, but the unmarked sedan has been following you for the last two blocks. Yet, you have done nothing wrong. Your ID is legit. You end your call with your girl, despite her pleas to continue talking. You drive as if taking a driving exam as you concentrate on returning to the fellas and doing everything that makes you a textbook driver. Suddenly, your worst fear materializes the blue lights flash. You study the police as they walk towards you: and then they make contact. Youre scared! You think aloud that you may not make it to work or school on Monday. Even worse your church will find out during the Sunday service announcements that youve been

arrested. You sense that your life is rapidly changing. You begin to panic before you are handcuffed, booked into custody or officially charged. Clmate! As you replay the minutes, you remember the laughter, exchange of money, keys, adjusting the seat, lowering the window for the stranger, phone call, sedan and school. You are anxious to tell anything that you know. Breathe! Some Pointers Be well-mannered when dealing with the cops. No need to be nasty. Stay quiet because there is no way of talking your way out of the situation. Innocent or not, you could inadvertently incriminate yourself. If given forms to sign and you sign it, your signature implies that you agree to what you have signed whether

you read it or not. So, read everything put before you and do not sign anything. Be leery of nice officers; accept no favors. The dumbest cop thinks that he can read you. Persons you encounter in holding cells can easily be plants. Avoid sharing your situation with anyone. If you are a talker, prepare to hear your story repeated in court. Be cautious when speaking by phone from jail and/or prison. The phones are monitored and the calls are randomly recorded. If you have a message service, you can prevent revealing any phone attached to your dwelling. And too, the recipient of this call will inform significant persons of your arrest. During the interrogation (and you are sure to be interrogated) do not answer questions.

demand an attorney. The police may Continue to continue to question you after you request an attorney. Say nothing! Without your words, the cop has an incomplete case. If they dont question you, chances are you have already said enough or they have information that should concern you. The cop may continue with routine questions, i.e., your name, occupation, address, etc. He is studying you as if he is a true behavioral scientist. Make strong eye contact. Do not let your eyes wander. Do not rub your head, slap your forehead, fold your arms or clasp your hands. Practice your poker face. Be prepared to stand your ground, demand an attorney and keep quiet. The cop will have you believe that he wants to help you or that he just has a few routine questions or that you may feel better if you talk

about what you are accused of. Listen carefully to the officer and do not become shocked if he turns into a tough guy. Cops lie! Cops lie in public, at home, during interrogations, at church, in alleys, behind hotel rooms and under oath. Make the cop aware of your right to an attorney and that you have nothing to say. Create an air or image of believability. Liars occasionally tell the truth and honest folk periodically speak lies. However, the latter has a better chance of being believed than the liar. Still, silence would be better. Speak with clarity and confidence. Do not speak without thinking of what you wish to say. Dont hesitate and/or break your cadence with uhm; ah; see;

you know what I mean? or you know what um sayin? Avoid crying. Control your idiosyncrasies such as tapping the table with fingers or pencil, tapping your feet or shaking your leg. Once the detective starts to speak, show visible disagreement with facial language and the shaking of your head. Make the interrogator give you more information than he gets from you. Silence cannot be over-emphasized. It is imperative that you do not talk, but simultaneously display a noncombative demeanor. Do not be so calm that you offend the officer. However, you should not talk to placate the officer. Laws, tactics and liberties seem to change daily. So, understand that you are positioned on battle

grounds despite the formalities, giggles, smiles and other misperceived pleasantries. Remember, you are money! So, the government would prefer that you be labeled as civilly dead in order to collect. If you are absent in society, you will not earn any money and your family may suffer from your selfishness. Of course, the system will then earn money from your presence. Chances in court The basics there are three branches of government; legislative, executive and judicial. Each branch has its own type of court. Legislative Congress is made of Senate (100 members) and House of Representatives (435 members). Their job is to make the laws (which they are above). Executive this branch makes sure the laws are obeyed. Mind you, the government doesnt police

itself. This means that they only enforce the laws on you. The president is in charge of this branch so he gets assistance from the vice president, cabinet members (department czars) and the heads of other agencies with no regard for the welfare of the people. Crime means money. Furthermore, this branch contains the armed forces and therefore, all martial law courts and military courts are under direct control of the president. Judicial this branch is made of the court system. The Supreme Court is the highest court in the U.S. This court decides the application of laws, the meaning of laws and whether the laws break the rules of the Constitution. However, it is confusing to find the Supreme Court in the judicial branch when Supreme Court Rule 45.1 states thatAll process of this Court issues in the name of the President of the United States. Once you know the type of court you are entering and whether or not they truly have jurisdiction over you, you can assert your rights. If you are in a

martial law court, i.e., city, county, state, federal court, you will not have any rights without an expensive argument and prolonged process. You should avoid contact with law enforcement personnel and the criminal courts, especially if you are afraid to fight for your freedom or know that you are not litigious. And never go to court alone. Once you commence to a legal fight and use codes of the U.S., you are conceding to the jurisdiction of said court. Of course, with an attorney - you make yourself a ward to the state by admitting your ignorance and inability to speak for yourself. Its decision time! The group of people deciding what should be laws - after assuming the dictatorial authority of law - intend to maintain control of any potential threats. People of color capable of thinking and doing differently than conformists are always suspects. And the trusted elected officials have become dictators and "passed" for themselves the doctrine of "Absolute Immunity". Prosecutors and judges are absolutely immune, by their own mandate, from any liability for their socalled judicial acts. Their interpretation of

jurisdiction is what they say it is because paramilitary personnel motivated by the need for finances are obedient to the individuals in keeping with the composers of the Constitution and its awareness of color. Obviously, police are protecting the policies and commands of their corporate masters. Ironically, most officers are incapable of reading the very Constitution which they assumingly swore an oath to uphold. Besides, cops have a greater allegiance to the mythical, monopolized demands of the self-declared-immune judiciary and their accommodating interpretations of jurisdiction. I previously had a problem with Amerika not seeing me or those whom resemble me. Yeah! I felt that I was the invisible type. Of course, I didnt see how invisibility could be to my advantage. I have matured - considerably. I no longer desire the attention of Amerika. Actually, I wish that she would not stare so hard or flirt with my type when her lapdogs assume that they are her equal. I am strong enough to go home and I neednt wait until I

am told that I am no longer welcome here. And I refuse to let her blame me for her problems. I prefer to remain cool as I collect my thoughts and plan my exodus.

Chapter 20 Traditional Mail

Not only did I agree to a divorce, but I had unknowingly agreed to the possibility of never reconciling my relationship with the woman who birthed, educated and reared my children. She had studied me so well that she easily implemented my techniques. I had no way of contacting her without having her surveilled, but the idea was unbecoming of my nature. She provided an address that would take me farther from her home than her hatred for my disrespect for our vows had taken her from my life. It is frightening to have someone show up at your house unannounced or uninvited. Yet, it happens. You will want to pay for a mail drop or arrange

for an associate, relative or friend in a remote area to receive your mail and allow you to use their mailing location. In addition, you should request that persons mailing to you omit the use of their return address and by all means, avoid receiving mail at your home. If you can create an address that cant be disputed with a phone and yet, leads to nowhere, you will create a layer of protection. This is necessary, if you sense that an investigator or adversary is searching for you. General Delivery is a service which the post office provides at no cost. Mail must be picked up during lobby hours. And though, this is a way to shield your privacy, it requires that you interact with the postal workers, claim no permanent residence and expect delivery and arrival of mail to be slow. P.O. boxes are an option and require identification and a local address. The private mail box is similar to the USPS box in that it requires an application for delivery of mail through agent. However, location and company can make a

difference in how you create a buffer of concealment. If you are not in need of a mail box due to travels or limited correspondence, mail forwarding is a choice that I recommend. The price varies, but it can start with postage plus one dollar per envelope mailed. The same prices apply for receiving mail from a forwarding address. The times in which you retrieve your mail should vary. Do not sign for registered mail that arrives unexpectedly or without your arrangement. Do not report or re-mail any mail not belonging to you. If you sense that you or your mailbox is being watched, let your mail sit for an extended period or have someone pick it up. If you notice any strange occurrences with your mail such as missing mail, delays or unusual patterns, you should consider an alternative method.

Chapter 21 Call Me

Internet activities, followed by the telephone, are potentially the most compromising instruments to your privacy. Voices have features that are as unique as fingerprints. A phone is necessary - if for nothing but to avoid looking suspicious. People want to believe that they have a way to connect with or contact you. But you must control when you talk, to whom you talk, and what you talk about. Someone is listening. Digital technology has made tracing a call as instant as coffee and grits. The Stored Communications Act, 18 U.S.C. has provided that the government merely demonstrates articulable facts as to why such records are relevant to an ongoing investigation. The government has made it easier for lies and deceit to wreck the lives of the people. The trickiness of any government articulating something deemed as articulable is the fact that it is less than probable cause and more than likely resembles reasonable suspicion. Articulable is not clear or specific, but it is an excuse for over-zealous cops to do what a badge and gun, accompanied by hatred and fear, permit them to do. Furthermore, the convenient

caller ID is a commercially available trace. And any calls made to the police, operator, government officials or toll-free numbers displays your number; unless you know how to trick the system. Technology has truly changed the game. And if youre still using a landline telephone, your address and number are accessible. The idea is to be cautious. Even when using a telephone service provider of any kind, you should avoid using your home address to register the monthly bill. Once the concept of privacy becomes second nature, you will consider that the use of your cell phone - at your home pinpoints your location. If it is turned on, it is a homing beacon. Cell phone companies triangulate your position with the use of three cell towers or use a GPS (Global Positioning System) to come within feet of your location. Powering your phone off is not sufficient to prevent tracking: you must remove the battery. Remember that a call list is made of all incoming

and outgoing calls and texts. The latest technology allows civilians and law enforcement to spy on cell phones, Bluetooth enabled devices and computers. And of course, an online phone trap can be used by the feds without a hassle of multiple warrants from multiple jurisdictions. The digital divide has affected us all. Whether you concern yourself with technology or not, you have been separated further from your rights. More and more information is collected, shared and stored than you may imagine. Digital technology has made the world smaller. However, there are ways to remain unnoticed. You should consider purchasing phones, calling cards and non-reloadable debit cards periodically. Do not use a credit card or debit card attached to your name, home or SSN. Calling cards must be tested because some reveal the number of the phone being used opposed to the actual card. It may be more economical to pay more for a calling card that does not charge a surcharge or connection fee. Remember, privacy is not a recyclable project.

Purchase essential items with cash or a nonreloadable debit card. If you prefer a phone with several gadgets, encrypt your sensitive information and use a password for access and messages. This should prevent thieves or pigs from going through stored information on your lost, stolen or confiscated phone. If you are practicing privacy, know where you are speaking and be cognizant of any peculiar sounds or background noises that might assist someone in locating you. Calls from airports, train or bus stations make announcements that could reveal your whereabouts and derail your plans.

Chapter 22 Eeny Meeny Mainee Mo

I watched the poorly-built, bad-body, Latina woman study me as I walked into the room. I moved as if nothing could stop me or deny me. She circled her table without losing site of me as if I

might snatch her purse. She sat and continued the observation. Something about my walk - in my mind - stated that my kind didnt belong in her life. Yet, my confidence suggested that I could be anywhere that I wished. My vibrations were strong, but I foolishly ignored them. I let my pride and needs guide me. Actually, I wasnt supposed to be there, but past laws that sanctioned stupid, racist cops to arbitrarily and unilaterally pick off people of my description changed my future. I sat patiently; waiting to be motivated by misery, discomfort and someones attempt to save money by rushing work that others had failed to do. As the other workers assembled into the room and greeted her, I discovered that she was feared. Most would call this respect. Moments later we spoke for the first and last time. It was clear that I didnt care for her anymore than she disliked me. And just two days later she was asked about the whereabouts of a Cuban male of Afrikan descent. The insinuation that she and the Black man was an item bothered her and she held no reservations about making it

known. I no like Black man. No, no, noooo! I like espawn-nic man. The negroes in her presence giggled and made remarks that approved of her comments. One young male agreed that the man in question wasnt Black. It was obvious that the kid knew nothing about life outside the southern states of Amerika or more specifically, his neighborhood. Convincing him that the Spaniards took thousands of Afrikans to Cuba for the purpose of slavery would have been as effective as mentioning Santeria, Mambo, Salsa, frijoles negros or the numerous influences made by Afrikans, in Cuba, Latin Amerika and globally. I wondered how the mestiza or indgena had adopted a criolla superiority complex as my frown became more pronounced. Look! The man is black. I couldnt hold my silence any longer. And despite the commonality of language, the Mexican female refused to see the Black, Spanish speaking male, whom she called

her friend, under the Hispanic umbrella. Cuba has people who originated from Afrika. Language does not determine race or ethnicity, but nationality can suggest language. This should be clear to each of you. You all live here, in Amerika, and youre hardly Amerikan. As for her she aint all that Hispanic. Sure, she speaks Spanish and thinks she is a Spaniard. She can rightfully claim to be an Indian. Yeah! She can claim to be of the Aztecs, Mixtecs, Mayans, Incans or one of the many other tribes, but she is not a Spaniard. I avoided looking at the woman despite my desire to have her challenge me. I didnt care if she was the definition of Hispanic, but I did care that she used the word to connote that she was superior to the black faces admiring her accent and Amerikan Initiation speech. In the days to follow, I learned that regardless of how hard negroes worked, Amerika was no longer impressed with the people which she owes reparations. The debt of reparations, alone, has accumulated enough interest to create trans-generational wealth for any Black not in denial about his or her heritage. The proper

education, solidarity and the willingness to spend with Black-owned businesses would be the foundation for Blacks to become racists despite the negros undying love for oppressive Anglos; fueled by fear and need to be inferior. Occasionally, the less fortunate Anglos complain about immigrants taking advantage of government funded programs and menial jobs, but the more affluent Anglos and fortunate negroes gladly hire anyone coming across the southern borders to do what Blacks and overlooked, poor whites had already been doing. The efficacy of the media has negroes believing that the work taken by undocumented workers is work that no other people will do. For this reason, those taking the work believe that those who refused the work are lazy. And individuals in need of jobs accuse the employed of stealing jobs. And amazingly, the same people believe that they are superior to those that the media would have them believe to be lazy. Generally speaking, the enslaved Afrikan-turnednegro never saw himself as being superior to his

master or Afrikan people not doing slave work. Such a notion is supported by the fact that the honorable Harriet Tubman would not have caught hell convincing negroes that they were, unjustly and unnaturally, in captivity. I have learned not to see the impressionably unfading word nigga as a term of endearment and realize that there is no way to appreciate its use. No matter the stature of the person deciding to glamorize or diminish the efficacy of a word that has encapsulated the progress of a people and minimized their worth, the word serves no purpose in terms of upliftment. However, I do find pleasure in using negro as a term of reproach. And yet, I recognize that these are still my people. Then too, not to be contradictive, I have had to justify the use of the N-word. I would never even use N-word because nigga is etched in my mind. And despite the dissemination of the word through the popularity of rap music (not Hip-Hop), comedians and social networking, the word continues to be used as a poor identifier for Afrikans throughout

the Diaspora and a word for mock adoration to others. Yet, it is up to Afrikans in Amerika to abolish a word created by Anglos to psychologically destroy, devastate, demonize and debase negroes. Regardless, we know that Amerika doesnt love any particular people for too long. Amerika can select any people, at any particular time, to serve as her nigga, guinea pig or pawn. She does this by dehumanizing the human, first. Truth be told, Amerika is not as attractive as she used to be. She is no longer the Lady of Liberty but rather the Lady of Tyranny. Amerika isnt appealing to businesses as before and therefore, she doesnt have enough jobs for those willing to work. But the government has its hand up Amerikas dress and its not to make her talk. Instead, the government makes do by providing hushhush tax breaks and sanctioning cheap labor for those who havent already outsourced or abandoned the shores. The U.S. cant raise taxes because businesses mean jobs and the loss of jobs mean less money to be earned and spent. As for the problem of uninvited visitors - the U.S. has no

intentions of halting illegal immigration. Sure, the borders will be manned by individuals of mixed emotions and bad days, but it wont stop a people, who are evidently acquainted with Amerika, from coming home. Imagine yourself on vacation. After having fun, you return home and find someone in your house, with keys, a deed and other documents that prove that they own the house. You are going to question this or at least, try and find your belongings. Mexico is still a part of North Amerika and its residents believe that California, Utah, New Mexico, Nevada, Texas, Colorado and Arizona are any parts of the U.S. in which they settle. Nevertheless, the economic state of the Black community should not be held against Hispanics, alone. Blacks have to become more acquainted with the histories of the persons in which they choose to ally with. This includes keeping tabs on Black leaders that are hand-picked by elitist negro types and the government because a percentage of them will enjoy a good meal, learn a few words of

a language, dance to music they werent meant to like, sample some freaky sex and make a decision, behind the scenes, to sell-out and justify said decision while convincing gullible negroes that there can be no other way of doing what needs to be done. Sedation of a Nation I could never dismiss who I am at heart. Appreciating my ancestry is not enough when I consider the addiction of europeanism and the practice of individualism. Negroes take on some of the worst attributes of Caucasians and act as if Black success depends on the approval of white folk. A large portion of Blacks overlook the common denominator of blackness and choose to prove that having concerns for blackness is not as important as being recognized as a human being. After all, the notion of a post-racial Amerika cannot go beyond the comfort of Anglos. Negroes may wish to close the racial gap and become equivalent to Anglos, but an Amerika beyond racism is not feasible. Blacks will not benefit from

the declaration to terminate racism because whites refuse to be silenced or denied white racial privilege. Narco-capitalism remains a significant problem for the U.S. despite the fact that the import of cocaine has supposedly decreased. The borders have been reinforced with pawns to seemingly prevent others from attempting to improve their lives or pursue happiness. It is not clear whether the intentions of the U.S. are to provide a curtain of xenophobia or justify biased drug laws. Either way persons gaining entrance into the U.S. through Mexico (not all Mexicans) face chances of being villainized by a troubled government in denial over its mismanagement of the trust of Blacks and too, dereliction of duty. People are still getting high and the Black family continues to deteriorate. Trickery is employed when referring to drugrelated crimes and statistics. A percentage of the crimes have nothing to do with controlled substances but more so with comestible

substances. True, it is considered a crime to possess, use, manufacture or distribute drugs which have been classified as having a potential to cause abuse, but rarely is attention given to the nutrients that trigger certain amino acids contributing to the production of emotional neurotransmitters or minerals that have an effect on the brain. Amerika doesnt contemplate crimes committed for basic needs when she decides that a drug has influenced the commission of a crime through the effects they have on the users behavior. The government is duping the people with the thought of crime being driven by the demand of drugs that have been laced with levamisole - an antihelminthic drug used to rid animals and humans of parasites. The systems of the body are already dealing with coca leaves, lime, ammonia, diesel fuel and sulfuric acid amongst other chemicals and foodstuffs. Nevertheless, individuals using cocaine for the past seven years have been intoxicated by an inferior product that causes sores in the mouth,

rectum and vagina; fever, swollen glands, chills and weakness. It also causes the immune system to malfunction. Persons selling cocaine in Black/Brown communities have resorted to adding additional substances for purposes of making a profit, due to the poor quality and inflated prices, while confiscations proving to be cocaine, only in part, have not mitigated arrests, convictions or heartless sentencing. As usual, the government continues with its profits because it continues to target men of color to justify filling prison beds in order to guarantee incomes and a false stability to remote areas that are not affected in the same manner as urban areas. So many times, I had tried convincing myself that, The game is behind me. It was more of a reminder to keep from returning to an industry in which the only rule seemed to be to halt the progression of any man of color with the potential for nothing more than governmental servitude and

incremental suicide. However, the economy has changed, my years devoted to an education have been wasted, my marriage is over and my children harbor a conditional love for me. Everything about my new life suggests that things would be better for me, if I had money. And despite the crushing impact that prison, asset forfeiture, familial/friendly seizures, and thieving attorneys have had on my life and finances, I still lose focus and let my thoughts drift to the things I once had. Such thoughts of previous earnings make watching people that enjoy spending money rather difficult for me. As I begin to comprehend my losses and time behind the wall, I can only value the experience. To this day, I remain innocent. I should have never been sentenced. I cannot deny that I got a rush from handling white girl. Between making money and putting my hands all over girl I am sure that I had an addiction. The smell, texture and marketability excited me. People say the stuff sells itself. Unfortunately, I disagree. I have encountered white

girl that was as ugly as the game; rightfully, she could not be sold. And undoubtedly, Ive met dealers that had no sense of business, but the demand for product assisted in their profits. As for pimps the majority could never contend with a panderer capable of speaking any language; cocaine is multilingual. There may be no language it cannot learn and no culture that it cannot infiltrate. White girl jeopardized the art of manipulation in the 80s - some people just never got the memo. Not all white girl is/are equal. Point of origin, travels and handlers determine her desirability and value. I have never loved white girl enough to press my nose against her and inhale, but I have allowed her to place her essence against my tongue to ascertain that she was pure or street ready. I have never succumbed to having her so close that she entered my lungs or coursed my veins. Besides, her presence usually stressed me to the extent that I was advised to consume milk - despite how poisonous - to calm my nerves. Her absence

always brought me a type of reality that one might call serenity. No looking over my shoulder. No increase of heart rate when I saw flashing lights or heard sirens. No paranoia when the electric company cuts limbs near my house or the telephone man sat suspiciously in one spot for too long. Today, when I see the police, I dont trip. Life without white girl is a life worth living, if you can apply the same concepts to another discipline. As the supply of cocaine is controlled and manipulated by the government, people are avoiding poor quality cocaine and chasing heroin highs. Coke is making a comeback but meth is constant. The media overlooked the idea of illegal drugs, in a capitalist system, saving a crumbling economy. Narcocapitalism has not promised the residual pay offered by unjust arrests of residents of color accompanied by questionable convictions and lengthy sentences. Columbia provides 80% of the worlds cocaine. In Columbia, a gram of cocaine only costs $2. In Amerika, that same gram ranges from $40 to $100. In Amerika, the more the

product is cut, the less it costs. Farmers in Columbia could grow sugarcane, cassava, plantains or corn, but coca is 15% more profitable than any other legally cultivated crop. The government attempted to subsidize the cultivation of legal crops, but the farmers continued cultivating coca when the government didnt deliver on the plan. A farmer can expect to sell a kilo of cocaine for $700 to $1000. The farmer is lucky, if he covers the cost of the expensive materials which are likely procured by credit. The cost of a kilo in Amerika is enough for any dealer to know that he is being pimped. The citizens have approved of the government doing as it pleases. The Hegelian Dialectic is still the vernacular preferred by the people because limited thinking produced by public schooling and stimulated by faulty mediums keeps the people from thinking out of the box and sometimes in the box. Georg W.F. Hegels theory of the dialectic is a preference for people that allow domestic terrorism and a predetermined solution. The

Hegelian Dialectic shapes the Amerikan peoples perception so that Amerikans can attack Amerikans in accordance with the governments theory of home-based extremists referred to as sovereign citizens, freemen or militia men - with ideologies of freedom. The government needs the masses to believe that Amerikan Nationals and/or Sovereigns are antigovernment extremists who erroneously believe that they are not under the jurisdiction of the United States, even though they live in Amerika. The U.S. lawmakers have concocted conflicting ideas and made laws for those they were to protect. The people arent reading and the people evidently dont care because the people believe they can be obedient without knowing they may be jeopardized at any time. I remember when the idea of someone being a patriot brought about admiration. Maybe, soldiers for others fortune cheapened the concept and/or the elite decided that the people were not worthy

of a republic that pretended to be a democracy. Nonetheless, authorities would have the populous believe that sovereigns think that they can ignore any government authority. Regardless of the claims, the government has never proved that taxes have to be paid; or that a drivers license is necessary for non-commercial means. There is no law until the people contract. And the people habitually contract with no knowledge that their action makes the law feasible and then their inability to follow the law breaks the law. We have been made into nonthinking entities and corporations. The government refuses to alert or alarm the masses, so it pretends that lawsuits from Sovereigns and/or persons with no allegiance to the crown are frivolous. Not every action can be wrong. The governments refusal to acknowledge the law is not an excuse to dismiss the law. Amerika should have been ashamed of herself when she used the gifts of Afrika to compensating Afrika disenfranchised. Amerika forced Afrikans to serve as sub-humans and eventually, second

class citizens. Amerika made certain that she let the nastiest, most criminal minded Europeans improve their status as people while further enslaving the Black man in Amerika and making him the nigger of any potential niggas. Amerika embarrassed herself and let indocumentados replace the citizen of permanent second-class citizenship until her children lost root in the class struggle and fell from supposedly secured stations of opportunity and finance. Hispanics have taken advantage of the unwritten moniker and quickly established themselves as the new nigga. They would prefer to be the new white or off-Anglo, but this isnt ideal to Anglos who have unearned white privilege. The political and social advancement of Hispanics has increased the social isolation of the impoverished, jobless, urban poor or what is referred to as the underclass. Once we step out of the dialectic it is possible to dismantle the matrix (which consists of many matrices) because we, the people, can put a halt to the invasion of our privacy and the disappearance

of our civil liberties or more importantly, our Creator-given rights. Look! The government has taken enough from the people. What is happening is truly simplistic in terms of happiness. Lets say you have happiness and I have happiness, but we cant agree on who should be happier. So, we decide that no one can be happy until we all experience misery. This is the formula that the U.S. government employs against the people. It is this method that has allowed the minute elite to become powerful. The elite have bottled misery and sold enough bottles of the concoction to the people to afford giving a few bottles away. The peoples dependence on the unseen hand makes practicing belief systems, flourish and prosper without appreciating or or the individuals that were enslaved and attaching to distractions and conceding to tyranny a necessity. The government has followed the book to the letter in terms of introducing socialism, tyranny, oligarchy and hegemony to the people without them realizing the death of democracy and

no intent to resuscitate the Republic. Amerika is playing with the people and promoting classism. Canada is north of the tracks and not a problem. Mexico is south of the tracks and made to be a problem. If Mexico legalizes drugs, Amerikas borders will become equivalent to a woman at the beach with a seethrough wrap around skirt and Amerikas problem with niggas will become a civil rights issue, anew.

Chapter 23 Concern for a Black Agenda

The change of income and maturity level causes many folks to give attention to crime and other factors showing deterioration of our communities. Our youth rarely learn of this concept because the idea of extended family and neighbors is no longer recognized. Our potential power has been deleted with the emergence of the hood and a greater demand for integration. Our children have no concern for our story. Their ability to develop a

sense of psychic self-defense for propaganda, racism, xenophobia or classism because they deniably take cues of self-preservation from tired, forgiving negroes that become oblivious of history the moment they can golf, dine and sleep with people that earn their wealth from the labor, intellect, stupidity and poor programming of complacent negroes whom gladly dote anyone that speaks of upward mobility and apologizes with easier labor; even if the jobs dont produce livable wages. The thought of President Obama doing anything to suggest that he is Black is frightening to negroes conditioned to be on their best behavior in the presence of Anglos. No doubt, some negroes ignore this message and go straight to eff that black stuff - all together. I am constantly cautioned to remember that Amerika isnt a Black country and that Obama is not the president of Blacks only. For me, it is difficult to not see just how white Amerika really is. When I hear Amerika, I think of whiteness. It is no

different than hearing the word, Jesus; I imagine a mythological being with a big key, around his neck, to some restricted utopia, in which my Black self may never be permitted. As for the president lets do the math! No doubt, negroes have an affinity for him despite him tricking negroes into believing that he had an itinerary for improving the conditions of needy negroes by parading the beautiful, shapely and intelligent Black woman, his wife, before us. Blacks should have demanded an agenda and rightfully, the charismatic brotha should have made his position known. No real Black man can pretend that Black people arent suffering. And no melanin dominant being should ask anyone if they need anything when they have witnessed their house burn. President Obama knows what Black people need and it was at one time a motivating factor for him. Persons attempting the same methods of ignoring the concerns of Blacks since the election of Obama have learned that the potential exists for Blacks to eventually awaken to the concept of

group accountability. Besides, Blacks do make up roughly 13% of the population. And too, previous presidents unapologetically designed programs for negroes because doing for their own people was automatic, if not, systematic. Besides, the Anglo knows that there is something in wait for him. Anglos take pride in their choices and advantage of their whiteness, naturally. With past presidents, Blacks just got the leftovers of programs and thought the president had contributed to their wellbeing. And true it is that Blacks stood in long lines and unpredictable weather to vote for Obama. Yet, Obama never made the Black Agenda a part of his docket. Still, a many negroes granted this decision by whispering behind closed doors and remaining quiet before the media as if some negro wasnt already spilling his guts. Instead of concerning himself or his campaign with issues pertaining to Blacks, he strategically denounced any Black figure of prominence as commanded, and sent a message to any controversial figure interested in endorsing him: their adoration and

support was not needed. And the message forwarded to those most in need step up and take responsibility for self. Even the president forgot that most Blacks in a bad place hadnt voluntarily come to Amerika as welleducated immigrants. Most Blacks had made Amerika worth coming to and exhausted themselves in the process while waiting for compensation. Just a peek over the shoulders of the Talented Tenth, privileged negroes who adore and assist the oppressor, you find the survivors of forced slavery, Jim Crowism and pseudo postracial Jamie Crowism veiled as Anglo conservatism. Things are more than bad for Blacks. Of course, new age negroes, persuaded by Anglos, that gladly compartmentalize, proselytize and sell compunction will swear that the conditions that Blacks endure have been attracted. Racism is more rampant than a Black president can openly admit. Issues of the 14th Amendment coupled with

immigration has heightened the welfare of Hispanics, swept Black concerns aside and justified the Anglos renewed desire to display animosity and violence. In addition, the Black womans opinion of her man is challenged and inspired by the Anglos opinion and designed perception of the decreased, the numbers of According to the Federal Bureau of Investigation statistics, whites lead in arrests for violent crimes at a rate of almost three times that of Blacks. However, Blacks are six times more likely to be imprisoned than whites. Talk of Blacks having been kings and queens is useless when unemployment lines are made up of carpenters, masons and constructors of pyramids. Things are horrific when the war on drugs and the war on terrorism have warranted war on Blacks without excluding the women and children. It has become common for Black women to be attacked in restaurants, parking lots, jobs, homes; en route to work, home or school. If what we attract individually is supposed to be a lesson, then the

human experience as a melanin dominant individual is intended to attract hell. Therefore, if a negro concedes to the oppressor and accepts oppression as a blessing from God, without a struggle, then said negro and dogmas teaching docility deserve to be cursed by their people. Elected officials have embraced whiteness and learned to ignore the needs of Blacks. However, it is okay for the president to give homosexuals and those with alternative lifestyles special protections not provided other classes of citizens or particularly, heterosexual Blacks. Maybe just maybe - the women opting to abandon the idea of unions with Black men and adopt the dominant attitude of a hyena and risk raising Black children, alone, or with the aid of her preferred example are examples of the influence of the oppressor. It is no longer unnatural to meet Black women whom desire white men. They use their need for financial security as an excuse to succumb to their inhibitions to act on desires which enslave the Black woman with the Anglos poor perception of

blackness, womanhood and motherhood. Of course, she subjects herself to the Anglos sexual whims and childhood fantasies which she construes as love simply because he has the privilege of whiteness that allows him to be a provider. Surely, love has no boundaries until one is expected to adore something black. Certainly, a Black Agenda is needed, but asking anyone with allegiance to the government to correct ills fashioned by the Black man. And though crime has incarcerated Blacks remain unfair. government is wasteful. As the disparities between Blacks and Anglos continue in education, wealth and healthcare, it becomes evident that government cannot address the troubles of the Black community. Black elected officials have only contributed to classism and the already unnecessary, neglectful bourgeoisie who frown on the masses of Blacks incapable of grabbing the rope of white hope and maintaining a grip.

If a Black Agenda includes more education or schooling under an oppressive system, it will only solidify the cyclical conditions which are prevalently grounded in Black communities throughout the Afrikan Diaspora. The idea of one aspiring to hold political positions cannot compare to the wisdom of individuals living in and serving the communities in need. I remain a proponent of councils composed of established, proven, sagacious Kemetic-centered elders to advise those affected by Europeanism. Of course, schooling would need to be minimized and a Kemeticcentered curriculum designed to educate our children and ready them to compete in the fields of science, mathematics, technology and become economically and politically empowered. Our children cannot expect educational achievement via the oppressor to obliterate structural racism and put Blacks on level ground with contenders who depend on an unfair advantage. It is imperative that Black children learn their history and know who they are so that they are not confused by the medias designs to select bi-racial

kids, which would prefer to be recognized as Caucasians, to lead Black people to plantations with greener grass. Slavery is slavery whether the negro in the house, hiding from the sun, says it aint all that bad or the negro bouncing spoons off his knees to entertain negroes who love a good shindig with free chitlins and grits says, it could be worseslavery is still slavery. No book, deity, man, dogma or government should attempt to justify free will while condoning slavery. We have risen from the ashes - as a people. We survived forced slavery and exist as descendants of enslaved beings. We learned a funky language under forced illiteracy. We were strong despite foreign foods and a wicked diet. We have the option to be temporarily mad, happy or indifferent, but we cant be comfortable. Weve been made to ignore our Ancestors while celebrating a foreign deity that will never return. This we could be pissed about, but it would only waste more time. Weve learned to frown on anything that we do as long as the man doesnt approve of it. The notion

of Blacks in Amerika adopting some get right would topple any matrices and uncooperative negroes, alone. And you wonder why youve been taught to be afraid! Any Nubian refusing freedom should, at least, prepare to fight for reparations because collectively we remain powerless and impoverished. This, too, can change. We deserve reparations due to our contributions that ranged from intellectual properties to labor and sacrifice. Other groups have been compensated but Blacks continue to be overlooked and ignored. Neither we nor our agenda are taken seriously. Loyal negroes would have the majority of Blacks be humble, soft and accept the neglect of Amerika. The good negro is supposed to be pleased with programs and monies that the privileged in the pecking order doesnt use up and reluctantly allows to drizzle off the chins of ungrateful Anglos that demand government subsidies, down to those of us at the lower rungs of a economic ladder with a pierced bulletproof ceiling and a sign reading, This Way

to Heaven. Blacks need control of their own power resources, but it wont happen by asking the group that snatched the power and the resources, and manipulated their history by stealing our story, while declaring that the contest to profit from the spoils of Afrika was on and the race had started. Such people cannot be expected to help us. Cmon! Its time to wake up! Obama cant help you and he will not improve your status or show you the streets paved of gold. So, it is evident that a negro with a bleached mentality and an Anglo puppeteer does not have an interest in Black Amerika or a Black agenda. It is easier for the gays, lesbians, Hispanics, Asians, Indians, Planned Parenthood, conforming nonBlack women and the disabled to get aid, attention and funding than it is to distribute overdue wealth to Blacks so that we can make our own decisions and exercise Black independence. Once we dismiss the dreams, we can focus on our visions. When this happens the oppressor wont sleep!

Chapter 24 Sovereignty in Amerika ?

Precious years had managed to vaporize from my life like carefully placed images of burning Black men swinging from Oak trees while kicking away the remainder of their life. The beauty of Billie Holidays voice periodically reminded me of the seriousness of Strange Fruit adorning trees while typical, estranged Amerikans stood posing with pride. Surely, the black and white photos recorded by my eyes should have never eluded me. Ironically, I remembered TV jingles and theme songs from popular TV shows, but that which would make me over was forgotten. The media had me thinking that television characters were real and the true nature of Anglos was uncharacteristic of most melanin recessive people. I eventually learned that the only difference between Anglos and euros was the way in which they eat. The Anglo dines with one hand visibly above the table while hiding the other hand. No doubt, the euro

keeps a weapon, ready and visible, in both hands. The time in captivity had gone too fast for me to determine whether or not my experiences had been a reality. Yet, the time had been too slow for me not to wish that it was all a dream. What I knew about Amerikans could not be so easily washed from my mind because more time had been spent etching the impressions into my brain. The thought of sleeping in prison meant that I had to wake up in prison. I hated falling asleep under my oppressors watch. I was accustomed to awakening abruptly due to nightmares. I had wished that I would wake up with my wife touching me; hear my children laughing; find my wealth in tact; and never have the thought of pasty, conniving Anglos become an issue. Of course, this would make my only concernto survive another day as a Black man without thinking about blackness. This was a silly wish. Ironically, the youth of today think nothing of racism and know even less about the history or psyche of the Anglo.

It is wonderful to love blackness because blackness conveys beauty, strength and wisdom. But my love for self was initiated as a defense mechanism. Previously, I had no idea that I was a threat of any kind to anybody. Without mention, the thought of anyone watching my every move seemed unrealistic. But understanding the reason that the majority of Black males avoid being men became more apparent. However, I would learn that being a felon complicated the science of family and perplexed the art of manhood. Something about black made matters more intense than my mother could have ever imagined. There was so much that she did not know to tell me. There was nothing simple or nice about any word following black; to include Christian, Muslim, cop, Jew, teacher, doctor, husband or Amerikan. I would have to play the game of recapturing my elusive freedom. No matter how the wind blew, I remained on my path. Peace or war I was up to task. There could be no question about my position

or presence; even when I stood naked, oiled and blindfolded so to speak. Hell, I could smell the lard. And I hated it! Of course, the thought of pigs exacerbated my existence. The presence of pigs meant the absence of peace. Regardless of my bitterness, I sought employment; avoided illegal activities; and reported to my parole officer. Each day became increasingly more difficult as I admitted that I longed for the life that I once enjoyed. My addiction to Europeanism and fundraising tugged at my heart. I wanted to be in the streets; getting at the money. I wrote letters to former professional acquaintances. I answered calls from my debtors. Yeah, I entertained the thought of returning to the field that I denied being intimately involved in. This was the very oficio that I lived for and loved from afar. I knew it and it knew me. Sadly, I lost everything that I had loved to the undeliverable promises of narcocapitalism. It would have been easier to be a junkie because cocaine minimizes pain and increases pleasure. I needed something to relieve me of my aches, worries and stuff that I was told I

could do nothing about. The Serenity Prayer had made me average, complacent and gutless. Amerika makes the pursuit of happiness seem so achievable. You can go after it, but you had better understand the people defining happiness because they are dangerous. Like any war in this country, the war on drugs is a scam. This particular war allows the government to supply drugs and too, covertly do war against the poor. This is definitely a play on words because no action is being taken against poverty. It is obvious how persons on drugs concern people in the community, but it is incomprehensible as to how a war on drugs will keep Amerika from terrorizing the people and invading other countries without the peoples consent and understanding while maintaining that drugs aid terrorist acts. Unless - I am to understand that illegal arrests, based on the possession of drugs, create a profit margin that employs more criminal minded sycophants and allows ethnic cleansing. New drugs are coming soon. Government control and interference will only

make a people treated as juvenile delinquents to act criminally. Meth has a place in Amerika, but heroin is on the comeback. Amerika is fighting to save her own from an addiction which was intended to replace cocaine due to melanin dominant peoples ability to profit from a game intended for Anglos. Although drug money has seemingly slowed down in Black communities, it continues opportunists. The thought criminals gives thought to the idea of narco-capitalism being Amerikas only immediate solution to emerge out of a troublesome recession before a doped-up nation experiences a depression. The idea of legalizing and/or decriminalizing drugs is an idyllic concept to a system which feeds on fear, violence and mischief. Jail is profitable and rehabilitation is an ideal notion that disguises the perpetuation of a designed cycle. Amerika will never be drug-free because capitalism is fueled by the labor of the poor and the poor working class and poor, unemployed sometimes turn to drugs to escape the bitterness of

poverty. Amerikans are gonna get high! There is no way around it good or bad economy; they will put their illusions and frustrations up in smoke and later describe success, happiness and the concept of god. Cocaine distribution assisted Amerikas economy for years. The people complained and the government intervened to slow the import of cocaine, while continuing arrests, allowing the production of homemade meth and increasing the number of Black men sentenced to lengthy convictions. Methamphetamine is a longer high than cocaine. Fewer persons of color are interested in the high preferred by Anglos, but some dabble in it for financial reasons. Amerika has yet to show the prejudice towards meth as she has for cocaina because providing therapy for addicted Anglos is equivalent to hard-housing minorities. The to influence the avaricious, inconsiderate of prisons detaining mostly non-violent government

places meth and cocaine on a schedule II, but cocaine is believed to have a very high potential for abuse and addiction. Lesser grams of crack cocaine will certainly give you more time in prison than heroin, meth or marijuana. The Black man may never escape the intentions of the 1914 Harrison Narcotics Tax Act. And regardless of drug of choice or availability, the Anglo woman will find a way to inhale masculine blackness whether she has drugs, excuses or a narrow window of opportunity. The prison population increased by 73% under the presidency of Bill Clinton and created jobs in depressed, rural areas. Cooperative negroes and red necks were perfect candidates for employment with the privatization of prisons which reduced the cost of warehousing inmates and increased profitability. In areas lacking the manpower to work for pennies, inmates are shuffled out to labor under the verbiage of the 13th Amendment. Imprisonment makes slavery permissible.

Whenever I spoke of my desire to re-enter narcocapitalism, my Ancestors made certain that nothing went my way. I wouldnt be permitted to let a period of intense lessons be forgotten. Nothing about prison appealed to me, but nothing about poverty was worth embellishing, either. Being sentenced and incarcerated would ruin my life. I was one of the 90% of Amerikans conditioned and convinced to plead guilty despite ones innocence, Anglo attorneys (in ethnicity and theory) and inflated legal expenses. I was tricked into pleading guilty for nothing more than due process. Degrees, finances and status couldnt negate the obvious. I had to eventually succumb to blackness, but I didnt have to let society define blackness or determine my destiny. Applications and job interviews proved that what I had learned, prior to conceding to criminalized justice and the criminal systems, should have been implemented and trusted. I had been taught methods of personal freedom, sovereignty and financial privacy. Like a jack-leg mechanic, I had repaired

and facilitated the lives of others without effectively handling my own affairs. I admit - I had become dependent upon Amerika. Despite my travels, I seemed to readily return to Amerika without taking a chance at living abroad. I should have liquidated my assets, layered my capital and left the shores of Amerika with my family; like the majority of the businesses that had once employed the people of this country. Instead, I chose to believe in Amerika and continue pursuing the Amerikan dream. What is Sovereignty? Often I hear individuals speak of freedom as the ability to do as they please. They act as if the laws of the land can be disobeyed due to color of ones skin, form of dress, a flag, a peculiar hat, Christian beliefs, association with a treaty or some foreign reason. Sovereignty is hardly plausible in Amerika with government issued smear campaigns in full effect. Perhaps, the idea of sovereignty only belonging to governments or being defined as supreme power or authority is the problem. Yet,

Julliard v. Greenman, 110 U.S. 421 (1884) makes it clear: There is no such thing as a power of inherent sovereignty in the government of the United StatesIn this country sovereignty resides in the people, and Congress can exercise no power which they have not, by their Constitution entrusted to it. All else is withheld. Again, I cant help but think white when I hear or read the word Amerika. It is almost like saying the word elephant - a picture quickly comes to mind. However, the continued administration of Bush, with a morphed image of Amerikas first approval of a melanin dominant being, states loudly, One Big Ass Mistake, Amerika. Is this accurate or fair? It is your presentation of facts that will disprove or prove this belief. Actually, Black Amerika would catch hell trying to refute such a statement without appearing bias for the sake of history or color. I have yet to see any policies made or changed for the betterment of Blacks. I would offer that Obama has resuscitated men whod lost hope and given inspiration to the Black and Brown youth whom

will not have to settle with suggestions of aspiring to only be misused college athletes or undervalued garbage men. Neither will they have to see their greatest efforts directed at professional sports, the rap industry nor drug dealing. Obama has given the world another positive image of Afrikan males; particularly, in Amerika. Yet, he has detached himself from any unspoken expectations or community; said obligations Amerika would eventually recognize amongst his or her whitest friends. Sovereign or citizen, the Black man has to be concerned with his status in this country and not assume that the current contracts with the government automatically give him citizenship. It is obvious that white citizens are afforded advantages that non-whites cannot easily obtain. Sovereignty is about being debtless and citizenship is about being obligations that exist with the Black that any Black person growing up in chattel. The upper echelon of negroes would prefer citizenship

and the perks of deeper enslavement dressed as privilege. Corporatocracies are being nourished by our negativity, inability to think, and our unwillingness to deprogram ourselves from the idea that we are free. Dismissing the fears associated with creating our own reality would be the commencement of materializing the consequences accompanying true freedom or sovereignty. One would think that sovereignty is the so-called Black mans route to freedom. And no doubt, it is time that new Afrikans, with a panAfrikanistic view, mandate sovereignty for the Blacks in Amerika. However, Dred Scott v. Sanford places doubt on the status of Afrikans in Amerika. Roger B. Taney opposed the idea of negroes of Afrikan descent or descendants of slaves being granted citizenship under Articles III and IV. Can the negro be anything other than chattel? We should question why presidents in the last three decades have appointed individuals on the Supreme Court that overlook Perry v. U.S., 294 U.S. 330 (1935): In

the United States, sovereignty resides in the peoplethe Congress cannot invoke sovereign power of the People to override their will as thus declared. For years, the patriot community reserved the idea of sovereignty for white Christians only. Any Black disagreeing is mentally challenged. The attraction of money motivated change; bodies translate into money. After all, Blacks contract with the government as well. This reason, linked with taxes and societal contributions, would bring one to believe that Blacks are certainly citizens. Sadly, the pains of citizenship are used to substantiate ones status because few people really acknowledge its true purpose. Very little has changed with the average Anglos thoughts on Black citizenship. Most still consider sovereignty, like the benefits of racism, to be only applicable to white Christian males. Of course, the Anglo woman comes before non-whites, but her best interest is not an interest of individuals who

saw the original man as three-fifths of a human (Article 1, Section 2, Paragraph 3). This concept and/or the exclusive club of sovereignty for Anglos remains ideal whether Anglos have read any state Constitution or just figured that Amerikan means white. However, I have encountered numerous negroes who argue without the ability to substantiate their claim that negroes can be sovereign without permission from an Anglo willing to be a patriot-forprofit. No doubt, bad laws grouped with the enslavement and dislocation of Afrikans makes sovereignty for persons of Afrikan descent a human right without question or contest. However, the government has made the dissociation almost impossible by promising an easier life with opportunities and amenities that are only sprinkled in Black communities. Truthfully, Amerika is guilty of dehumanizing Blacks to justify the governments mistreatment and annihilation of the very people whose intellectual contributions and labor stabilized this country. If citizenship can be denied,

it cannot be forced. Again, no one can be forced to contract. The people are being ruled and fooled by words. As for the Constitution we must ask if we, the people, are really parties to this particular compact. The so-called freedom of movement, choice of bad foods, availability of restricted drugs and the best entertainment has the people thinking that we are a free nation. We refer to a once confederate government as the federal government and believe that the Constitution has not allowed the entrance of an oppressive and corrupt oligarchy capable of concealing its intentions of a national government by giving the people a small amount of tyranny at a time. Perhaps the Constitution has only given us an incomplete national government and decimated State sovereignty. Still, the people hold on to what the government would have them believe about the Constitution. The genius of the Constitution and the inconsideration of the forefathers of Amerika proved that it was possible to gradually transform any political reality without

the knowledge or consent of the people; sneak in a national government; and annihilate the individual States without notice. The Black man in Amerika has remedies without exercising the sovereignty practices popularized by Anglos. In addition, few freedom fighters visualize the need to disavow any allegiance they may have, be it coerced by deception or induced by means of trickery or threat via the corporate United States. Such acknowledgement would solidify the sometimes ineffective notices that would-be-sovereigns use to expatriate from the status of citizen of the U.S. And this is feasible according to the 40th Congress Session II Chapter 249 which approved July 27, 1868 An Act Concerning the Rights of American Citizens in Foreign States. So, there is a way out of the numerous contracts. It reads as follows: Whereas the right of expatriation is a natural and inherent right of all people, indispensable to the

enjoyment of the rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness; and whereas in the recognition of this principle this government has freely received emigrants from all nations, an invested them with the rights of citizenship; and whereas it is claimed that such American citizens, with their descendents, are subjects of foreign states, owing allegiance to the governments thereof; and whereas it is necessary to the maintenance of public peace that this claim of foreign allegiance should be promptly and finally disavowed: Therefore, Be it enacted by the Senate and Representatives of the United States of America in Congress Assembled, That any declaration, instruction, opinion, order, or decision of any officers of this government which denies, restricts, impairs, or questions the right of expatriation, is hereby declared inconsistent with the fundamental principles of this government. Sec.2. And it is further enacted, That all

naturalized citizens of the United States, while in foreign states, shall be entitled to, and shall receive from this government, the same protection of persons and property that is accorded to nativeborn citizens in like situations and circumstances Sec.3. And it is further enacted, That whenever it shall be made known to the President that any citizen of the United States has been unjustly deprived of his liberty by or under the authority of any foreign government, it shall be the duty of the President forthwith to demand of that government the reasons for such imprisonment, and if it appears to be wrongful and in violation of the rights of American citizenship, the President shall forthwith demand the release of such citizen, and if the release so demanded is unreasonably delayed or refused, it shall be the duty of the President to use such means, not amounting to acts of war, as he may think necessary and proper to obtain or effectuate such release, and all the facts and proceedings relative thereto shall as soon as practicable be communicated by the President to

Congress. It should now be clear that the government is not authorized to prevent any citizen from expatriating. Furthermore, the enforcement of laws that prevent anyone from expatriating is not in keeping with the fundamental principles of the government. Therefore, freedom is feasible. And any person suggesting that an oppressed or disenfranchised people cooperate with an agency limiting ones rights, regardless of how benign it appears, should be recognized as an agent of oppression and an enemy to the progression of Black people. The founding fathers of this nation sympathized with the slaveholder and therefore ratified the Constitution in order to give the shareholders a monopoly on Black labor. The value of the southern states relied on Black labor while the northern states ignored Black labor and silenced any chances of competition for white labor. And though I am an advocate of self-sufficiency, I am unable to foresee all persons desiring to be

responsible for themselves. Education and schooling has failed to prepare the social majority for aspects of living that require self-actualization. Negroes have accepted conditioning that frowns on the freedom of speech accompanied by facts because the truth habitually unsettles lies even when falsehood doesnt completely perish. After the emancipation of Blacks, the southern states legislated codes Black codes that increased the monopoly on Black labor and control of the economic systems, land, education and government. The Anglo strategically maintained a collusive monopoly until enough negro elitists were programmed to justify the positions of the oppressor and the oppressed, while suggesting that the negro miraculously rise with the wear and tear and overlooked weight of the oppressor on his back, and the monopoly no longer required justification or concealment. Yeah! Sovereignty is feasible and necessary, but I dont think the abrasive style of Anglos and sophisticated Blacks in denial about negroness is

as necessary and feasible as the establishment of Afrikan centered education; deprogramming of europeanism; reAfrikanization; the appreciation of blackness; and the idea of repatriation. Besides, Blacks continue to fail miserably at the aping of whites at the encouragement of negroes who work harder to enslave Blacks than the European or Arab ever have. And so-called conscious Blacks running with limited information in regards to personal freedom or financial privacy, without doing their due diligence, is just as dangerous as negroes that think we are free. Amerika would not be so great without the gifts of Afrika and she knows this. Sadly, Afrikans afraid to identify with Afrika do not realize their beauty, intelligence and/or the worlds dependency on Afrika. As hard as I have fought to survive in Amerika, I dont need Amerika to tell me that I am privileged, lucky or better off as I am. Nor do I need negroes that are fascinated with economic possibilities to convince me to remain where I am not wanted; to fabricate official documents; to drive a vehicle without a tag or license; or avoid

obligations or financial agreements. It may be easier for the melanin dominant individual to move about and perform beneath the radar with a sense of autonomy opposed to arguing with the government about how he is free. My experiences as a sovereign proved that this assumed system of freedom and no outside control was not designed for Blacks despite all the Anglos that participated in my education of sovereignty. I dont need the governments permission to be a man or evolve as a god. I recognize the need to meditate as an expatriate in need of some motherly cooking and wisdom or a repatriate prepared to return home as the prodigal son. There are several sources available for me to validate my concerns and opinions. However, a many of us are conditioned to accept oppression. We really believe that Amerika can rebound after she completes her fall. In addition, we are so certain that we are a part of her plan. Amerika has allowed crimes to be committed on her occupants and too, perpetrated fraud on the people with civil

laws disguised as criminal laws. When will the people learn to question authority? The Rules of Procedure used by Local, State and Federal Court are Civil Rules. Such rules are not Criminal! Yet, court officials substitute the word criminal for civil and we prepare to plead for mercy or hire an attorney who never bothers to tell us this fact. Rule 1 of the Rules of Civil Procedure Reads: There shall be but one unknown author give credibility to my research. How did We the People become so helpless and hopeless? We continue to believe in a system that serves its form of action, a civil action. If my interpretation is correct, this suggests that the criminal laws published and enforced by our corporate governments and police are all civil and are certainly being fraudulently enforced against our corporate fictions as criminal. Cmon! This means that when any of us go to jail, it is for a civil infraction of our oppressors will. And that means that the prisons and jails are nothing more than debtors prison because it all adds up to being about commerce. We are taught to forgive our debtors, but our

redemptive debts guarantee financial ease for the very people that we love, elect and praise. The pictures of our loved ones could never hang as high as the gods weve established with our ignorant loyalty and displaced sycophancy.

Chapter 25 Look Within

You are the creator of your own reality. Period! This is difficult to conceive because you have depended on others to tell you what to do, when to do it, how to do it or that you couldnt do it. At the moment that you were introduced to learning you were simultaneously being set up to be stripped of your freedom to create. Regardless of what your message is or how you wish to convey it, you will encounter obstacles. However, it is imperative that you not become disillusioned or discouraged. Becoming a writer, or developing into a sesh, has been arduous but liberating for me. As a sesh - I volitionally offer

ethno-conscious writings that challenge racists, apologetic negroes, anti-Afrikans and entities opposing or denying the genius of the non-white approach. Based on the oppressors manipulation of history and perception, we are led to believe that those who compose books are more intelligent than those who read books. However, I am led to believe that anyone can become an author, but not everyone can effectively write or articulate a thought. Consequently, persons who earn a living by speaking to the misinformed for money are functioning in the toughest market that Ive ever encountered. Therefore, writing and lecturing require similar efforts as do the various forms of entertainment. It is mandatory that you awaken your true nature and allow it to flow through you. It is time that you abandon the persona that religion, schooling or the media forced on you. Your hustle and knowledge of your field will assist in compensating for your lack of funding. As you market yourself, understand that decision makers capable of making communal

wisdom available are bargaining harder than ever to make money for themselves. Top speakers are forced to reduce their fees and therefore, compete with you, the newcomer, for the gigs you pursue for survival. You neednt give up; dont give in. What to do! Circumvent your competition. Few persons (active) in your field will willingly and openly assist you. Dont expect or demand that veterans or established personalities help you. Rethink you, your purpose in life and your chosen field. Rebrand you. If you have never branded yourself, do so at this time. You must know your message. Be able to express your intended message in two minutes. This is your mission statement. Reveal yourself as an individual capable of providing results unlike your competition. 1. Do in-depth research like youve never done before. You will have to study or practice throughout the duration of time that you intend to market your talent.

2. Dress as you think. If you are not a suit and tie guy or a working girl, put the business attire away. Package yourself in gear that conveys your intentions to produce results. 3. Dont sell speeches, workshops or debut sessions. Instead, you should market outcomes or productive results. 4. When contacting key persons capable of meeting your appearance/service fees, be sure to research their industry. Visualize what you can offer to your audience and how you can assist your targeted audience to improve. Study your targets competitors as well. 5. Ask for access to senior officers of the companies or organizations you wish to reach. After all, you are doing research to improve your wisdom and marketability. In Amerika, egos are prevalent. Everyone you confront for assistance may not want to help you, but most people will help you, if they sense that there is something in it

for them. 6. You already know enough about you and your field. You do what you do! Utilize a popular method to express your thoughts such as blog, videos, reports, etc. Reveal your opinion of the challenges faced by your targets. Forward your articles to blogs, magazines, and newsletters read by your targets. 7. Reinvent, revamp, reconstruct or transform yourself into a brand that expresses distinction and expresses your commitment to your talent, field or target. Actually, you are fighting a fight with no rules or referees. A poor economy is every reason for you to be creative and motivated. 8. Be assertive. Some will perceive you as arrogant. Regardless, offer your best. Contribute to the manifestation of outcomes that you professed to offer. 9. Shake-off perceived limitations and focus on

creating lifealtering experiences for your clients. Give your clients something to rave about. Make everyone you encounter a word-of-mouth fan. 10. Do you know who you are? Every person whom you idolize was once nobody with no name and a tiny budget. Now, it is your turn to excite the people and shine. Work and prove your claim. Make bold, sagacious statements based on facts. Entertain responsibility as you attract peoples attention. Stop asking for permission to shine; let your inner light radiate. Be the being that your Ancestors have willingly, unknowingly or indirectly sacrificed for you to have the opportunity to be. Be the being that the Creative Forces designed. Be outrageous. Be strong. Be audacious. Understand that meekness may introduce you to poverty and/or make you a captor of slavery and inferiority. Harness the power within because you have a better chance of activating this power than you do of having someone empower you.

Waiting for anyone to lift you up may prove to be a waste of time and the dilapidation of your talent. Dont be stubborn and ignore the wisdom of elders, failures or persons in your field. Channel their experiences and embrace change. Accept the lessons of living and the challenges that accompany breathing. Challenge the authorities, definitions and energies that have confined your current status and jeopardized your future. Challenge societal pressures and perceptions as you discover who you are and your purpose. Find your niche. Brand yourself. Continue developing in order to do what you wish to do!

Chapter 26 Make Your Own Moves

Of all the monies that are earned with illicit activities, there should be more Black businesses in Black and Brown communities that prefer to be anything other than a community. Individuals deciding to rape functional communities and disturb the souls of melanin dominant people

should consider reinvesting in the very communities and people by creating jobs, if the relocation of devastating businesses is not feasible. In addition, an unwritten rule should exist, between employer and employee, that requires 75% of monies to be spent with Black businesses. Moreover, business owners and employees should live in said community. As is, less than three percent of Black Amerikas disposable income is spent with Black businesses in Black communities. No doubt, roughly three percent is spent with non-Black businesses in Black communities. Yet, the majority of the monies spent by Blacks are spent with businesses and people, in other communities, with no intentions of improving the impoverished neighborhoods of confused consumers. For this reason, it is apparent that the employment of Blacks could improve the conditions of Amerika. Social intergration and Anglo-imitation have done nothing to ascertain the progression of negroes. It has, in theory, caused a many Blacks to hate Blacks

and simultaneously develop a pseudoidentification with oppressor groups because conditioning fuels the attraction to the familiarity of Amerikan culture, satisfaction of belonging and a sense of security that could only exist due to the resemblance between oppressor and his god. Things to Ponder for Business When Privacy Matters Avoid allowing public access to your residence. Dont get a bank account. Dont operate as a DBA. Avoid using an EIN. Work without a business license. Dont advertise. Avoid business phone (if possible). Dont charge taxes. Avoid lawsuits. Learn to handle complaints without exacerbating the situation. Dont accept checks or credit cards. Dont discuss your business matters.

Avoid saying that you are involved in a trade or business. Avoid giving receipts when not requested. It is imperative that you insist that your patrons pay with cash or postal money order. You should also become familiar with bartering. You will have to operate under your name and offer the best service. If you use a subcontractor or independent contractor, pay them in cash. As you grow your business, practice moderation and conceal your success. And be sure to separate business mail and voicemail from your personal forms of contact. Despite the path that you take to financial freedom and privacy, you may find it to be difficult to do business as a secured party creditor or a sovereign. For this reason, the anarchist or autonomist will find the following information to be useful. Getting Started with Business

A. Decide what you wish to name your company and verify whether or not the name is available. Check with your secretary of state to check the availability. The next step is to set up the corporation or LLC (Limited Liability Corporation) in your name or in the name of someone you can trust. Your need for privacy and intentions will determine the route you choose. B. Your secretary of State should advise you of when to expect the corporation to be filed. Afterwards, go online to secretary of state site for your state and check for Active or Good Standing status. Make sure the physical address is correct as well. C. Apply online at or call (800) 829-4933 to obtain an Employer Identification Number. If you misplaced your EIN, you can speak to an agent and verify your information. However, if you change names or refuse to use a trade-style name, a new EIN is recommended.

D. Request a DUNS number. Dun & Bradstreet is the major credit bureau for business credit and calculating your Paydex score. Your issued D-UN-S number will track your business credit. E. You will want to build your credit profile. So, do not use the same information from a previous company, if you had bad business credit because Dun & Bradstreet will merge the files. F. Get a bank account in your or your confidantes name. You can be added to the account or signature card, if you do not want to deal with the bank. The EIN, articles of incorporation (or articles of organization LLC) and a deposit of $50-$100 will usually get an account. Some banks will ask for a corporate resolution. G. Vendors are important. You need at least three Net 30 accounts in order to establish your business credit. When you open an account with a vendor do not pay immediately. Ask for 30 days to pay the item. Some vendors refer to the account as Net 10

as well. Wait 30 days and pay the bill. The vendor will use your business name and address to report to D&B. Remember to use the address listed with the secretary of state when applying for credit. Business credit is tracked daily opposed to monthly like consumer credit. Business credit must be paid on time or it will negatively affect your business credit. The Paydex score will show whether you pay your bills in a timely manner. Unlike the FICO, the score ranges from 1 to 100. The higher the score the better the payment performance. If you can score 80, your business credit is perfect and an indication that you are not even one day late. Most business applications require a score of 75. However, some applications require a score of only 65. Of course, paying your bills early could get you a score beyond 80. Understand that pre-paid orders will not be reported to the D&B. H. A telephone is very important. Confirm that you are listed in 411 by dialing your area code plus 555-1212. They will need the name and location of

your business. They should give you your phone number, if you are listed. If not, get listed by buying a landline and updating your records with Dun & Bradstreet. Another option is Do not use Skype, AT&T Broadband or Vonage because said VoIP phones are not automatically registered. However, Magic Jack, cell phones and VoIP phones can be listed with directory assistance. The inexpensive way to list your phone is to visit and Services can be upgraded to improve your exposure or you can determine which telephone company book covers the area of your business listing. Call 411 and ask the operator for the white pages and regular customer service. Call both and ask for foreign listing. The monthly fee ranges from $1.00 to $4.00 per month. Some companies require an annual fee. I. Local Business License will have to be researched. Google, contact City Hall or go to J. Once you have had three Net 30 accounts for 45

days, apply with other creditors. The 45 days are necessary to assure that creditors have time to report your payments to D&B. If vendors ask for trade references, give your established accounts. Potential Creditors for Establishing Credit,,,,,, Macys, Big Apple Outlet, Cabellas, 4imprint, Seton, Rapid Forms, Conoco Phillips, Sycom, Tech Depot, Marathon Petroleum, Pitney Bowes and Bags n Bowes are other companies that you should consider to for trade lines and exposure to the big three Dunn & Bradstreet, Equifax Business and Experian Business.,, In times of a poor economy, business credit appears to be the route to take. Maintain your receipts and books (expenses, profits, etc.). Know

the difference between projected, gross and net income. As the months go by, the idea is to add more vendors or creditors to your list. As you show good standings with vendors, your credit will increase to amounts that the common creditor could only imagine. If you become frustrated or impatient, consider programs offered by D&B in order to expedite your business status. If you acquire an education that does not teach you to think, make you self-sufficient or capable of functioning without fear, you are simply wasting your money. Seek out a jegna (or mentor) in the field of your choice. Study their successes and note their failures. Ask questions. Plan a business and employ at least one person with the heart to learn, spend Black and become self-employed. Lets end the idea that only our oppressors can provide the best services and products.

Chapter 27 Contributions to the Development of Ones True

The machination of busing Blacks to white schools, providing damaging foodstuffs, and guiding our memory and perceptions comes with ease to a government that systematically offers methods that are conveniently hyped in order to engage the emotions of the very people who rarely recognize that the government has bequeathed the corporate U.S. with rightness that shares its corroboration using every cooperative medium. If we are ever to exercise anything remotely centered on Kemetic constructs we should develop a resistance to the emasculating, deAfrikanized, denatured accoutrements affecting our decisions. Big government has had the assistance of wellindoctrinated puppets to realize a mission that would gradually starve a nation of brilliance, intelligence and creativity. Sunday school, television and public education snatched our most important assets as if they were poisonous and took our desire to believe in self. Of course, these

notions have made self-love, self-sufficiency and self-actualization more difficult to conceive, perceive or achieve. Today, parents continue the tradition of disallowing the transcendence of self by discouraging the higher use of the imagination to harmonize with the conscience or acknowledge the energies of our Ancestors. And sadly, seemingly good westernized Black men stand by, doing nothing, while negativity conquers the indwelling intelligence of our children. 1. Reprogram Yourself - We all have ideas of accomplishing what many Amerikans believe to be unrealistic. As we age, these dreams no longer seem possible. Trash the programmed beliefs about what is possible. Prepare to do what others fear doing. And dismiss the antiquated notions of age. 2. Meditate On Your Ideas About Your Talents and Capabilities Society assisted in forming the

greater part of your beliefs about your chances of success. At this point, you must identify beliefs that have arrested your progress. Dont allow these beliefs to control you or your capabilities. Employ new convictions that prevent beliefs from easily imposing limits on your talents. Use the power in your subconscious mind. Constantly see (meditate/visualize) what you wish to materialize in the most holistic way. 3. Recognize Your Gift - Your brain is a living apparatus. Appreciate it, feed it and exercise it. Coupled with soul a healthy brain is more valuable than any computer. Reduce the consumption of products suggesting low selfesteem and minimize your absorption of TV, social networks, radio and mind-numbing devices. 4. Dream Bigger Than You Expect To Achieve! - The people who achieve the most in their lives are those who have big plans and learn to block the negativity of other people. Attract people that edify you. Eventually, you should not care about what

others think of you as you cause your dreams and visions to materialize. Become studious and value the thoughts of others opposed to mimicking the actions of others. 5. Focus On Your True Abilities - People fail because they have been programmed to identify with negativity. Change your thinking, embrace positivity and work the part of your plans, dreams or visions that are possible. 6. Guard Yourself From Negativity If you are in a negative environment, you should get out! If you have negative friends, separate from them once your growth has ceased. They have fulfilled their mission to you. Once you are comfortable with your mental development, you should protect it. It is imperative that you learn some selfishness. 7. Dont Forget Where You Came From Visualize where you want to go. Make sure your journey has an identifiable destination. Remember to pay attention and take notes as you travel.

8. Be Grateful For What You Attract - Even if you feel like a situation is negative, do not immediately rule it as bad. Be grateful for your mistakes and learn from the experience. By all means, be prepared to accept some blame for what you have rightfully attracted, but do not be so gullible that you allow strategically designed, collusive systems to distract, deter or make you culpable for the fear and envy of others. 9. Enjoy the Now! - Do not focus on the past or future. Embrace the current moment. Put out positivity, but do not confuse this with compassion, conformity or docility. No longer should you deny yourself anything - when youve been conditioned to give your all to the advancement of others. 10. Constantly Give Yourself Positive Messages and Support Study self-help material, Afrikan centered/Global Black studies and associate with positive people. Learn to study others without the mindset of admiration, imitation, superiority or inferiority. Use positive quotes, photos, music and

mantras at work, home and when travelling. Become more astute by listening with your eyes and seeing with your ears. No longer can Black boys depend on elitist negroes to give them direction or hope in a society that has every intention of destroying them. No system should be trusted without suspicion and study. It is important that your ability to benefit from a system cause you to think that you are safe. Complaints about our so-called Black leadership is as useless as a Black man claiming to be free and yet, shops at the grocery store and cant live without the oppressor. If we have ever needed to look back and listen, that time is now. The need for Black leadership is important, but it is currently absent. And too, a many Blacks showing pride in negroness and/or actions based on Anglo doings do not wish to have leadership that opposes anything that the oppressor does not approve of. If our women and children are ever to respect the Black man again, we must become courageous enough to pass our courage to our children and the

generations to follow. What do we have to lose, if our male child is the primary selection for special education, in-school detention, jail, unemployment and prison? One-third of children and adolescents (under 18) are people of color and of course, Black juveniles are arrested in numbers out of proportion to their representation in the general population. While our boys make up around 15% of the population, more than 25% of them are arrested. It is crystal clear that race is critical in decisions made by the juvenile justice system and the penal system. Factors such as socio-economic status, family lifestyle, environment, education and societal expectations become excuses to derail our legacy, our potential and the futures of our boys. For this reason, it is imperative that we teach our children why commitment to the betterment of Afrikan people is an ethno-conscious decision that requires consistency and creativity unlike the characteristics taught by Anglos and accommodating negroes.

Chapter 28 Minimizing the Void

With the strategized selection of Barack Obama as the first African-American president, the average negro would assume that God works in mysterious ways. Oh! God showed out this time! He really delivered. A Black President? However, the conditions of the people coupled with the state of the country - caused by a failing economy - a result of corporate greed and neglect has the people dismissing the concept of God by looking to a model of the proactive entity which created the God in question. The confusion is augmented by clergymen who encourage the people to be gullible. Of course, the church has an obligation to the IRS (which is not an agency of the U.S. Government) due to the threat of having their tax exemption status revoked. Political and religious behavior must be righteous (as defined by the engineers of the matrix) or the church experiences a wrath that neither God nor the Constitution can prevent.

Should we gaze beyond the shores of Amerika, we will find that pestilence; war, greed, fear, famine, dehydration, prostitution, rape, murder and other atrocities are common and prevalent. Amerika has her share of problems as well. Homelessness, hunger, drug addiction, unjust laws, unchallenged policies, over-populated prisons, racial profiling, predatory lending, pandering preachers and other ills have created a blanket of discomfort. Children are subjected to molestation, autism, dwarfism, toxic vaccines, sub-standard education, fabricated foodstuffs and abbreviated childhoods. Is it so easy for us to blame man for the state of the world, but too far-fetched for us to recognize God as a creation of the same wickedness? When do we make God responsible for some of this dis-ease? I was told that the word Bible derived from the Latin word biblia meaning book- was an acronym for Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth. Mind you, God had no idea there would be an additional meaning for his holy words or that they needed further explanation or justification I

am sure. I was simultaneously confused and too, touched by the ingenuity because the scriptures teach nothing about survival. I couldnt fathom what one could actually gain for the hereafter. More importantly, could one retain the information collected from ones physical experiences on earth to use in a celestial setting? It would be impossible to talk about the concept of God or religion in Amerika without acknowledging Jesus. Most persons use the two words interchangeably. Jesus is god and the son. Jesus is unquestionably the salvation for the majority of Nubians in Amerika and other places that crusaders have influenced with lies, guilt and unavoidable greed. Regardless of what one believes as a Black person, they are expected to believe in Jesus or God or that Jesus is God. No exceptions! This tenet alone makes control much easier. Most women seek a god-loving, godfearing, church-going man. Ya gotta love da lawd! It appears that we lend more credibility to the story of Jesus than the facts of our own distinguished

existence as a people. Of course, the emergence of confused Afrikans visiting Amerika or confused Afrikans hosting Nubians on the continent of Afrika does little to dismiss the prevalent ignorance of our people. As we return to the motherland we underestimate the power of colonization and assume that anything associated with Afrika is legitimate. We have run along with the story while never questioning Jesus flight from harm. The theologians would have one think that Jesus was destined to die at the majestical age of 33. However, Jesus did all that he could to avoid persecution or namely, crucifixion. This is odd considering that he was scheduled to die for our sins. God sent his only begotten son (John 1:18, 24; 3:16) and then had his son question him (Matthew 27:46). God didnt bother coming himself. He was willing to sacrifice his only son to prove that he loved the world. Why didnt he come and save us all from the chaos we endure? Such questioning may explain the current confusion, for

no other way can one explain how Jesus is God the father, and God - the son, and eventually, God the holy ghost. Initially, Jesus was supposed to be a son of God (Matthew 16:28). I have made more than forty trips around the sun and yet there is little clarity on Jesus. Still, people await his return. The storytellers managed to transform Jesus from the son to the father and of course, the father was God. Yeah - Jesus became God. And this should be no more confusing than Matthew, Mark or Lukes account of Jesus or how to receive salvation. Faith, works, baptism, obedience nor prayers seem sufficient for salvation, when one contemplates the perplexities of religion supported by the numerous denominations. After all is said and done it appears that only God can decide who he saves. Moreover, Jesuss primary concern was to save himself by hiding, disguising himself and being baptized. Cmon! He behaved and reacted as a human but I am supposed to overlook that and recognize him as God. I am supposed to suspend

belief in my own essence and focus on poorly written stories about a character with no existing bloodline. I am supposed to negate the story of Gabriel, a well-made man, coming to Mary, the mother of Jesus, to inform her that she was pregnant. And I am supposed to believe that, in his angelic intentions, he did not touch her. I am supposed to believe that Jesus was conceived by Immaculate Conception and thereafter, he spent his days avoiding pure hell. Why would God subject his only son to so much turmoil? Could it be to justify not protecting and providing for his creations? How have myths determined what we will or will not do? Nowadays, tragedy is as banal as the appearance of the sun. The Anglo has given the world a distraction in the form of a mythological image and misinformation. God has become grander than ever by the use of the devil. God evidently knew that he could not live in our hearts and minds without a nemesis of comparison. Along came the diabolical being that would make the little that God did, and

did not do, seem miraculous at best - or at worst, our fault. And when God ignored us, he had an excuse, which was our doing as well. Whether we take 10 steps or 100 steps toward God, we never get any closer. God is illusive, sensitive and temperamental. Yet, we continue to love him. We have been conditioned to love him without questioning his assumed love for us. We automatically think that God is love. We cant fathom god hurting, neglecting or abandoning us. And when we do imagine such fears, we turn to his personification for the aid that he did not offer or deliver. 42 Declarations of Innocence The 42 Negative Confessions were referred to by the Kamitic Initiates as 42 Declarations of Innocence. They were used by the Initiates to weigh their hearts and their deeds against the 11 Laws of God which represent the truths governing the Self and the Spirit and their interaction with each other to produce what we see as life. These

declarations were reflective of the negative conditions that the initiates were working to overcome in their lives. In other words, they had the opportunity to judge their own deeds and words by the 11 Laws at the end of each day. This gave them a means of tracking their efforts and spiritual progress in becoming a divine being on Earth. The Initiates did not wait until death to be judged because then they would not be able to remove a known sin or negative behavior. Therefore, they would respond by acknowledging a misdeed by stating "I did" or acknowledge living truth(s) by stating that "I have not done so and so. It should come as no surprise that all of Afrika was not living in the highest ideals of Mat prior to colonization. Although, it is evident in any Afrikan centered system that Ancestral wisdom is constructed on the grounds of Mat. Of course, like any other people, Afrika consisted of a gamut of behaviors and ethics. Nevertheless, Afrikan culture cultivated virtues, integrity, and morality and founded sound subsistence, governance and

persistence of the people. As one endures the intensity of numerous tests, the rewards of Mat await. Mat is organic opposed to being static. Neither nature nor humanity could find balance without her. Any being that portrays purity or perfection is a reflection of the nature of Mat because Mat is a sustaining force of principle that impels us to know agreeableness and disagreeableness. Mat is necessary for those of us on the road of redemption or what our Ancestors refer to as Sankofa. It is imperative that we habitually speak the truth and exercise justice in all situations. It is Mat that is our restoring power. Without Mat we seemingly lack the ability to recognize who we are, our spiritual power or the significance of Afrika. Our indwelling intelligence aches to be free of the European constructs taught as sin, estranged worship and salvation. Such foreign constructs have caused us to intellectualize our existence rather than actualize our Ancestral

spiritual relationships. Such poor reasoning has prevented us from minimizing the void that causes us to crave religious dogmas that make servitude and adversity appealing and justifiable. The following confessions are inspired by the inscriptions found in the Papyrus of Ani, The Book of Coming Forth by Day or The Book of the Dead. Mat must be based in spiritual consciousness, if one wishes to practice it effectively. Our focus should be on ethical and moral living as a result of spiritual discipline and our realization of our connection to every vibrating entity, our Ancestors and the Creative Forces, if we wish to have success in reclaiming our Afrikan heritage. 1. I have not done wrong. 2. I have not robbed. 3. I have not acted with violence. 4. I have not killed. 5. I have not been unjust. 6. I have not caused pain. 7. I have not desecrated holy places.

8. I have not told lies or withheld the truth. 9. I have not wasted food. 10. I have not spoken evil. 11. I have not committed sodomy. 12. I have not caused the shedding of tears. 13. I have not pretended to be that which I am not. 14. I have not been an aggressor. 15. I have not acted deceitfully. 16. I have not undermined my brothers work. 17. I have not entered into a conspiracy. 18. I did not bear false witness. 19. I have not been wrathful and angry except for a just cause. 20. I have not had intercourse with a married person. 21. I have not wrongly copulated. 22. I have not polluted myself. 23. I have not caused terror. 24. I have not polluted the Earth. 25. I have not been disrespectful to the nature of the Most High. 26. I have not avoided wisdom or righteousness. 27. I have not uttered curses except against evil.

28. I have not initiated a quarrel. 29. I have not sought resolution through conflict. 30. I have not practiced prejudiced behavior. 31. I have not listened to or participated in conversations in which I was not invited. 32. I have not spoken too much. 33. I have not committed treason against my Ancestors. 34. I have not wasted water. 35. I have not been loud or raised my voice in anger. 36. I have not been arrogant. 37. I have not been boastful or glorified myself. 38. I have not committed fraud. 39. I have not given dishonestly or beyond my means. 40. I have not defiled the resting places of our Ancestors. 41. I have not mistreated children. 42. I have not mistreated animals. The Virtues of Mat There are seven cardinal virtues of Mat. The

following seven virtues are conceived as the keys to human perfectibility and unlock the dormant power of the spirit. As we experience the virtues of Mat, we shouldnt allow circumstances to determine our actions. The virtues of Mat are not about what is right or wrong because through active participation of the virtues we are tested and wisdom is gained. 1. Truth- the nature of a thing as it is and not what we believe it to be. 2. Justice - our capacity to exercise discernment of just from unjust or real from unreal. 3. Propriety- respecting oneself in relation to others and respecting others in relation to self. 4. Harmony- our connection to all life is evident, as Afrikans, as we envision communal, cooperative and collective spiritual development. 5. Balance - as we relate to others we learn to control actions, emotions and words through moderation. 6. Reciprocity- receiving and giving must be equivalent.

7. Order- we must know our life purpose and anticipate growth and progress. The Ten Principles of Mat (Ancient Precepts of Initiatic Education) 1. Control of Thought Eurocentric thought has deliberately redirected our thinking away from our innate cultural awareness. We must have control of our own mentality. The media and educational system ascertains that white supremacy is socially acceptable while programming melanin dominant beings with thoughts and standards that are less than Afrikan. It is important that we understand the content of our thoughts amidst the plethora of confusion. We must know our thoughts to determine the direction in which our lives will be focused. 2. Control of Action self evaluation, observation of our behavior

and our reaction to others reflects our ability to control our actions. As we learn to confront our childhood conditioning, we are better prepared to alter the destructive behaviors that restrict us from considering the importance of our peoples welfare over our own personal benefits. 3. Devotion To Ones Purpose once we know what our life purpose is, we have no reason to doubt what it is that we want or how we should go about getting it. We should remain disciplined and focused as we fulfill and remember our purpose. 4. Faith in the Masters Ability to Teach the Truth as people of color, we tend to trust the ways and teachings of melanin recessive persons more than we do our own Elders, Ancestors, teachings or scholars. We quickly mistrust teachings and

wisdom gifted to us by our Ancestors and barricade the given paths to knowledge. 5. Faith in Ones Ability to Assimilate the Truth we should be concerned with our aptitude to learn from our teachers just as we should be concerned with our spiritual and cultural education. It is recommended that we look within and trust in our ability to meet challenges presented to us by our teachers and circumstances. 6. Faith in Oneself to Wield the Truth most times we let our talents die without having shared or trusted them. We figure that we are not ready or that we are in need of more knowledge before we attempt anything. Yet, our learning process never ceases. We should stay focused and fulfill our lifes mission. 7. Freedom from Resentment Under Persecution mastering our emotions, bodies, desires and mind through self discipline is no

longer a choice. Knowing who we are and our purpose allows us to be secured in who we are and not feel resentment due to someones adverse actions or sentiments towards us. 8. Freedom from Resentment Under Wrong we are tasked with controlling our reactions and emotions when wronged. This seems difficult minus the realization of conditioning by our oppressor, but it is seemingly the road most travelled. However, having control gives us the ability to be more effective in preventing the recurrence of any wrongs. At this point, we must learn to act instead of reacting. 9. Ability to Distinguish Right from Wrong this refers to essential behaviors that strengthen or weaken a person. In Amerika, doing the right thing is difficult when you factor in that

most are motivated by their needs and make decisions based on material gains. We must look beyond the superficial and envision the ethical truth. 10. Ability to Distinguish the Real from the Unreal discipline and time gives us the spiritual experience that is necessary for spiritual discernment and perception of reality and utilization of the capabilities to see people as they really are. The majority of religions are based on belief or faith and rarely, knowledge. Therefore, it is understandable why our youth experience a disconnect when it comes to identifying with systems which fail us as a people and handicap us as a nation. Patiently, we wait for the return of another mans god, while empowering said god with our beliefs, prayers, love and hope - just to be disappointed when our blatant needs are ignored

or our prayers go unanswered. Amazingly, the script is flipped and we are made responsible for our lack, thereof. If religions taught knowledge, we would not devote as much time to well-dressed, effeminate males or buildings that hold more secular secrets than do most whorehouses. There is an ancient Egyptian proverb that states, Salvation is accomplished through the efforts of the individual. There is no mediator between man and his/her salvation. Yet, we believe that faith, belief and the continuance of practices that have demeaned, oppressed and impeded any hopes of self-sufficiency will teach us how to get to a god that we didnt create and who obviously didnt create us. Religion has taught us to ignore the obstacles or distractions and do without the amenities available to others. This shouldnt be! If we can be theologically brainwashed to accept that we wont live long and prosper, we can be deprogrammed, culturally corrected and taught to trust ourselves. What are we waiting for? It is no more wrong to

believe in ourselves than it is to be assertive or confident. Right there is nothing wrong with assertiveness or confidence. Get To Know Yourself Start your day with deep breathing. The flow of energy brought about through proper breathing prevents the consciousness from being grounded to physical realities and therefore, lets the mind and body function with lightness. The idea of abdominal breathing is encouraged because it massages the internal organs and improves the flow of energy. One may sit or lie down on ones back. Relax - but do not fall asleep. Breathe in and push the stomach (abdominal area) out. Breathe out and pull the stomach in. After breathing for five to 10 minutes, devote at least 10 minutes to exercising (Yoga, QiGong or calisthenics) before studying. Schedule a time each morning for 30 minutes of reading and 30 minutes of complete silence or meditation. If your situation

does not give you complete silence, avoid talking for 30 minutes. Another recommended exercise is Action Meditation. This meditative procedure has been instrumental in bringing me balance. After years of controlling my emotions, I had to learn to emote myself. I was as confused on my mission to do the right thing as I had been in being promiscuous. I spent about two years battling bouts of depression. I was poised as a strong, intelligent, witty, sarcastic, analytical, experienced Nubian and yet, I was ill-prepared to accept my mental state being characterized by a pessimistic sense of inadequacy and a despondent lack of activity. As I embraced my illness, the felony and apparent blackness didnt improve my chance with a long-term economic state characterized by unemployment, high prices and low levels of trade and investment. Things got worse. Instead of controlling my emotions, I should have ignored them. Surely, this would have allowed me to experience my true self and develop my indwelling intelligence.

As we find ourselves in situations we should recall that we have choices even in the most difficult situation. It takes longer for some choices to be recognized as applicable. And when we do contemplate the predicament or visualize it, we see that our selfishness disguised as fear or desperation can keep us from making the wisest decision. Be it addictions, spontaneous decisions or cravings - we have choices. Action meditation teaches you to ignore the sensations, thoughts or emotions that cause you to give energy to feelings, or react in opposition to what the truth of a predicament calls for. The Action Meditation is not the typical trance inducing, lotus style meditation. This meditation teaches us to ignore thoughts of insecurity, inferiority or negativity and make a solid effort to act in an opposing manner because you will likely experience feelings of guilt for entertaining negative thoughts when confronted with discomfort. In addition, you will learn to ignore the feelings that emerge from your reactions or non-actions. The idea of evading the sensations or ridding yourself of them is not necessary

because you will learn to embrace their presence. Eventually, the emotions will not find residence with you. However, you will need to continue this meditation throughout the day because it is practiced to give us expertise in managing our emotions and thoughts. The Action Meditation is designed to express that there is never a reason for an emotional reaction. Some will argue that you should release. Sadly, releasing our inhibitions could jeopardize a relationship, a life or someones freedom. At birth we are free of conditioned emotional reflexes. And with time we are influenced by sensual and emotional conditioning. If we learn to ignore negativity and cravings, we can avoid suppressing our feelings and how our indwelling intelligence has programmed the spirit to react in threatening situations. Again, the act of ignoring ones emotions cannot be over-emphasized. Emotions have a way of presenting tension in our breathing and causing us to believe that we must follow the suggested behavior that is thought to

justify our action. We see ourselves all wrong and easily allow emotions to guide us because it is easier to express what we feel opposed to doing what we do not feel. Once you identify with the indwelling intelligence and minimize your ego, you can no longer justify your actions or reactions with your emotions. Remember that our indwelling intelligence is not programmed, despite patterns savored by indwelling intelligence is often hindered by the paralysis of actions that were motivated by poor emotions. Such poor emotions and desires limit our ability to achieve goals. We recite mantras and pretend to think positively but continue to identify with the ego or person that we believe ourselves to be instead of our indwelling intelligence. We limit our capabilities. This is far from spookism. Actually, all conditioned behavioral patterns or physical functions are governed by a matrix, if not matrices, comprised of energy or matter. It is this sub-atomic matter or energy that is the foundation of our thoughts. Thoughts carry shape, odor and color.

These very thoughts are engineered into images that are used to manipulate our behavior, social enactments and environment. However, we must not entertain every thought. Some thoughts must be ignored even if we cannot clear our mind. We waste years honing our skills in hope that one day we will be ready to present ourselves or skills to others. Once we have visualized what we want, it is possible for us to achieve that which we want. We neednt wait until we have been convinced of our success or had our confidence lifted to transform our visualizations, meditations or prayers into the physical realm. Contemplate lending yourself to some type of selfless service. Reflect on your day and make improvements where you sense that you are weak. Sermons and ethnically foreign therapies are not the solutions to minimizing the void you are experiencing. Simply put, you need to maximize the god within. Allow your true self to transcend the limited person you are made to believe you are. Visualize what you want and rehearse it. Meditate on it. The spirit will

have no problems doing what the physical being wants to achieve because it is the spirit that executes the action. the collection of the average being. programmed behavioral The effectiveness of our

Last Word
This book has been presented to assist the individual termed a thug intellectual or deemed incorrigible or possibly confused about life to make some serious changes. Too many young males and females of color are being imprisoned by a system which for decades mostly targeted Black males. Boys, girls and punks are, now, susceptible to the fears and greed of a system utilizing negative eugenics as a justification to depopulate the world. Outside of the Afrikancentered community, few efforts are made to properly prepare younger generations for

tomorrow without selling the idea that Angloacculturation and selfdefamation are the avenues to success. Blacks have had to merge into Amerikan culture to the point that there are only remnants of any Afrikan appreciation and countless acts of treason against our Ancestors. Public education has simply primed little black boys to become dupes for a country which capitalized from slavery and today, utilizes the same concepts to profit by the imprisonment of lost souls. Amerika doesnt mind conditioning consumers, but rarely is there an education that teaches the man of color how to become totally prepared, selfsufficient or even - a Perpetual Traveler. The concepts within this book are advanced considering that this information is rarely accessible to the average Black male and more importantly, there is very little margin for error. No one does crime as well as the government and crime pays the government extremely well. This

information is effective whether you have decided to put distance between you and the system or someone wants you dead. If you owe more money than you have or you have grown tired due to your privacy being invaded, you have the information to build a foundation of freedom. We are all being tagged, tracked, categorized, labeled, profiled, monitored, underestimated, undervalued and even marginalized. If you have no criminal record, you should start improving your life immediately. The best option would be to find a better place to live. If you are on parole or probation, you must do what is possible, within the confines of the law, to make enslaving you ever again - an impossibility. You cannot contemplate stomaching another bid. You must not recidivate. Regardless of your situation, these techniques will bullet-proof your privacy. I am not advocating that anyone breaks the codes or statutes of the biased lawmakers making decisions based on their own selfishness and

greed. It should be clear that to achieve such a level of anonymity as explained within these pages can be steep and in some cases considered illegal. However, for a man who is normally invisible until Amerika needs a mark for the news, some corporation or the failing of a countrys economy, invisibility should be warranted and immediately pursued. The War on Terrorism has ushered in enough laws to make committing any crime an expensive or stupid mistake. And with the assumption that the global war on terror being officially over, the war on drugs could regain momentum. Of course, this would mean that the large seizures would have to be sanctioned for entrance into the country and distribution throughout impoverished communities known as the hood to ascertain the increase in the number of Afrikans addicted, incarcerated or killed due to drugs or related activities. There is a better way to prosper. What you gain

from violating and destroying others through selfish acts will not compare to what you do to your loved ones; the time you lose; the lives compromised and imprisoned; or the deterioration of your health due to bad foods and stress. We must cease expecting our oppressor to rehabilitate us and give us enslavement and limitations in the name of jobs as we labor to prove that we are harmless, willing, reformed taxpayers. Cells and think-tanks should be formed to create businesses and jobs for individuals returning to society with a renewed commitment to improve their lives and the lives of loved ones and associates. Oppression and captivity should improve our organizational skills opposed to fortifying our complacency. Envision what you want in life. Decide how you wish to get there and whether you want to do it alone or with companionship. Invest in yourself. Plan a trip, take notes, study, read, breathe, laugh, and enrich your soul. Take action and refuse to share your intentions with the wrong persons. Avoid the people with a cornucopia of esoteric

knowledge and the inability to materialize any good or productivity in their own life. And regardless of what happens, see the positivity in it and move forward without forgetting what you have experienced or survived. There is a world of opportunity awaiting you. I am the harsh and constant reminder of the Creator. Had those persons, that have wronged my people, changed their ways, my Ancestors would not have ascertained my arrival and allowed me to become uncomfortable while here.

A Question of Sovereignty
by Ruwack Naziyr Zadaq The concept of sovereignty is intriguing to many people and is just as misunderstood. I would deduce that the reasoning for the growing interest in the concept of sovereignty is due to an ever tightening grip of governmental regulations and intrusion into the lives of people that just want to

be left alone. In such case, sovereignty is not the question; the question becomes a matter of jurisdictional immunity. Now honestly, an entire course could be put together on the concept and meaning of sovereignty and jurisdictional immunity, but in this work I am going to condense the subject and attempt to get straight to the heart of the desires of those seeking to understand the notion of sovereignty for the purposes of this essay. As I stated, I am convinced that most people misuse the term sovereign and do so because of a lack of understanding and education on the matter. Therefore, in order to understand the various concepts of sovereignty, we must first establish the meaning of the term and then realize the necessary elements in order to fulfill that role of being sovereign. Once we master the definition of sovereign then we will be able to break down the concept into supplementary sections that are required to establish so that sovereignty may exist. In order to do this, let us present the accepted

definitions by way of authorities commonly accepted in this society. Blacks Law Dictionary, 7th edition: Sovereign n. 1. A person, body, or state vested with independent and supreme authority. 2. The ruler of an independent state. Sovereign People The political body consisting of the collective number of citizens and qualified electors who possess the powers of sovereignty and exercise them through their chosen representatives. Sovereign Power The power to make and enforce laws. Sovereignty 1. Supreme dominion, authority, or rule. 2. The supreme political authority of an independent state itself. Autonomy 1. The right of self-government. 2. Self governing state. Liberty 1: Freedom from arbitrary or undue external restraint, esp. by government <give me liberty or give me death>. 2: A right, privilege, or immunity enjoyed by prescription or by grant; the

absence of a legal duty imposed on a person <the liberties protected by the constitution> (emphasis mine) Blacks Law Dictionary, 8th edition: Sovereign - adj. (Of a state) characteristic of or endowed with supreme authority <sovereign nation> <sovereign immunity>. Sovereign People The political body consisting of the collective number of citizens and qualified electors who possess the powers of sovereignty and exercise them through their chosen representatives. Sovereign Political Power - sovereign political power. See POLITICAL POWER. Sovereign Power - The power to make and enforce laws. See sovereign political power under POLITICAL POWER. Sovereign Right - A unique right possessed by a state or its agencies that enables it to carry out its official functions for the public benefit, as distinguished from certain proprietary rights that it may possess like any other private person. [Cases:

States 21. C.J.S. States 3637.] Webster Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary: Sovereign 1 a: One possessing or held to possess sovereignty; b: One that exercises supreme authority within a limited sphere; c: An acknowledged leader Autonomous 1: Of, relating to, or marked by autonomy 2 a: having the right or power of self government; b: undertaken or carried on without outside control: self contained <an ~ school system> 3 a: existing or capable of existing independently; b: responding, reacting, or developing independently of the whole. Autonomy the quality or state of being self governing; esp : the right of self government; 2: a self-governing state; 3: self directing freedom and esp. moral independence. Liberty 1: the quality or state of being free, a: the power to do as one pleases, b: Freedom from physical restraint c: freedom from arbitrary or despotic control d: the positive enjoyment of social, political, or economic rights and privileges, e: the power of choice.

Be - 2: to have an objective existence: have reality or actuality: LIVE. (The use of specific dictionaries is not to establish more authority of one source over another, but is used to show differences in the various concepts of definitions, i.e. legal language and common language). Note that I included various renditions of the term sovereign and included autonomy as well. There is a reason for this that I will reveal very soon. For now, the above definitions are based from the Blacks Law 7th & 8theditions. It is important to understand that Blacks Law and similar legal dictionaries are filled with words that support a language that is used by government personnel to interpret and translate the language that is used for their official business. That language is called legalese. This is part of the reason that we now have lawyers to represent us in court to interpret and translate the language being used before and against us. This difference in terms and dictionaries clearly exposes another problem with government. We do not speak the same language as government officials. Look up a

word in Blacks Law and then compare that definition of the word to that of an old Websters dictionary or other dictionary of colloquial/common English terms and you will begin to recognize the sleight of hand. Americans must realize why this dynamic of distinct languages of government and the common language of people have come about. I suggest that it has been intentionally integrated into the American system because of the very concept of sovereignty itself; due to Americans inability or unwillingness to understand and master such. For example, when former president of the United States Franklin Roosevelt issued executive order 6102 forbidding the hoarding of gold coin, gold bullion and gold certificates by U.S. Citizens; how many of the sovereign people stood by their sovereign authority and rejected this order as invalid and ultra vires? Executive orders are issued by Presidents (or other authorized officials of the executive branch of governments) and have authority based on Acts of Congress. All of which may have been challenged by the people as invalid

and even ultra vires to their Constitutional directive. So anyway, most Americans that held gold at the time turned their gold in, and most without challenge. Was this order valid? A Sovereign would know because he/she did or did not authorize it. Because most Americans do not comprehend sovereignty and the role of government, this executive order affected the events and direction of these united States of America; possibly unnecessarily. It affected the States so much that none are acting in their dejure capacity today; and neither are the people. Not by the act itself, but now allow me to elaborate on one thing; The people and commonly people are not the same thing in the view of todays government. By todays government people are now viewed as persons. Some believe that the government is relating to us as corporations, or corporate members. As many have recently learned, person means individual, corporation, agency, association, trust, etc. People have been programmed to believe that individual and even

natural person(s) refers to them. But even further, we have been programmed to choose convenience and dependency over logic and reason. For example, by studying and researching I learned of a concept called Noscitur a sociis, which means that a word that has multiple meanings is defined by the association of words around it. Noscitur a sociis latin: it is known by its associates. The meaning of a word is known from the accompanying words. This was the downfall of the sovereign in America. Instead of knowing the law and controlling government, attorneys began introducing bills of fictitious law and the people allowed it. Such as, practicing law without a license, which programmed us to essentially begin relying on attorneys. The dependency on attorneys in matters of law enabled the people to become reliant upon someone else for their sovereignty. Sovereignty is based on knowledge. There are other elements that are necessary that will be discussed later. Americans, in part, by way of the public school

system and factory efficiency systems, compartmentalize most everything and have become experts at our own demise. A way to measure this is to look at your job; most workers perform one type of duty and someone else performs another type of duty; now count the experts and realize how much we rely upon them. I am not saying that is not an efficient way for a business to run; it is merely an example of our society. We have stopped looking at the big picture and instead view everything compartmentally. By way of the common concept, whether it is law, language, a sense of being as opposed to expert concept, people within this society have been duped by those that control our government through our educational system, nutrition. Expert means somebody with a great deal of knowledge about, or skill, training, or experience in, a particular field or activity. Experts have their place but the sovereign must see the big picture and not just a compartment of that picture. Without the big picture you only see the hand in front of your face and essentially walk

through a darkness that is beyond that point of our perception. This means that you dont know that the edge to the cliff is there until you run upon it. This is where the herd runs into its own demise. People of the American society generally tend to possess, and make decisions based on, a herd mentality. Many call it a status quo. Unfortunately, this form of behavior does not promote self identity, self determination and nor does it promote honesty. So, as we are preoccupied with keeping up with the Joneses we are enticed to behave by the status quo, or herd mentality, and therefore sacrifice our own autonomy and are now persuaded to make decisions based on a limited perspective. The problem with this is that people do not recognize where society is headed as a whole and do not have the foresight to detour from coming manufactured disasters; such as depressions, historic home-loss, or defaulting on a nation debt that is built into the current monetary system. For example, imagine a herd running together and when the frontrunners of this herd (society) realizes that they are coming upon a cliff, it is too late to stop in

time because now the herd of cattle behind them is now pushing them forward and over the edge because they can only see the person in front of them. So, now society has (maybe) been led to a particular desires event (catastrophe) because the herd will not see beyond the view of their own matters to assess where society (herd) is going. In order to be considered sovereign it is absolutely essential that one possesses autonomy. Autonomy is a word that is not understood enough. We have all been blessed, or cursed, with free will. This means that we all make choices for ourselves. Even children make their own decisions. We merely motivate them to make the decisions that we want as parents. Regardless, we all make our own decisions; that decision could be to give the authority to someone else to make the decision for us. Free will is another word for autonomy and/or liberty. No man or document ever gave man, in its entirety, any rights. Man can only recognize what already exists, not recreate it. The phrase give me liberty or give me death is a clear indication that one shall not live without the gift that was naturally

provided them by divine source or merely mental awareness. As for knowledge - in order to win any situation, you must be prepared with the following, at minimum: know who you are; know who your adversary is; and know the relationship that binds you. Those seem simple enough, but youd be surprised. Do you hold a social security card? If so, turn it over and read the back of the card. If I allow you to wear my shirt, we agree that you will care for it and return it to me as you received it. You are now entrusted with my property. I am the one granting you the trust to keep my shirt and you are trusted as trustee to return it. Now, a SSN card is the property of the Social Security Administration (SSA) and therefore you are entrusted with the property of the SSA. Now, everything that you do with that card is done for the trust. Everything that you buy belongs to the trust. It is not your Social Security card; you are a trustee. Did you obtain a loan on your house by using a SSN? Can you say, property taxes? If you dont believe me, call the SSA and ask them who

the card belongs to and then ask them if you can be issued the number without the card. Then ask them, to whom would the number belong to? But I suggest that they will not issue a SSN with a social security card. Another example - to who do the roads belong? Who paid for them? Honestly we are insane for even entertaining the question. There is no such thing as government or even corporations. There is no McDonalds. There are people that work in a building under a sign that says McDonalds; but that is a place along with the document that recorded the act of agreement to provide labor under the McDonald label. So, what am I getting at? I stated earlier that you must know who you are and who your opponent is. I bet that in most, if not all (most being 51% or higher), proceedings in America concerning traffic tickets, that there are not legitimate cases at all. In order for a case to exist, there must be a sufferer, an injury, and a perpetrator, or in other words, a complainant, a complaint and a defendant to the complaint. Do all of these elements exist in a case? Not in the traffic

proceedings in the various municipal courts across America. Knowledge - tickets are not complaints and are not synonymous with such. Also, look at the top of the document provided to you and check the complainant against you. Who is it? Is it the People of the State of Whatever or just State of Whatever. By way of knowledge learn that State of Washington is an entity to itself separate from the republic of Washington that was allegedly allowed into the union in 1889. How did the State of Washington come into existence? Was it by way of an act of congress? So where does State of Washington exist? If it exists in a document, should I challenge jurisdiction? At least, territorial, if not also subject matter. If there is no complaint should I motion and move the court to dismiss for lack of (verified) complaint? Also, if there is no plaintiff, then the court should be moved to dismiss the matter because a fraud upon the court has been committed. A fictitious plaintiff is one that has no interest in the matter that has not been injured, but has attempted to claim injury and

interest when there is none. Does the State of Whatever have a compelling interest in you obtaining a license in order for you to use the public roads? Are you a resident of the State of Georgia, State of California or any other so called state of this union? When you see signs in your neighborhood that say, Residential Street or Residential Speed Limits do you ever wonder what resident means. Can one contradict, or be repugnant to oneself? In other words, can one oppose oneself and be both a master and slave in the same instance? If the answer is no; then how can someone be a resident and sovereign, or autonomous. Have you not noticed that new words are being used to describe an Americans status in modern times, which were not previously used in American history? Please allow me to show you something from the book entitled, The Law of Nations. Residents, as distinguished from citizens, are aliens who are permitted to take up a permanent abode in the country. Being bound to the society by reason of the dwelling in it, they are subject to

its laws so long as they remain there, and, being protected by it, they must defend it, although they did not enjoy all the rights of the citizens. They all have certain privileges which the law, or custom, gives them. Permanent residents are those who have been given the right of perpetual residence. They are sort citizens of a less privileged character, and are subject to the society without enjoying all of its advantages. Their children succeed to their status for the right of perpetual residence given them by the state passes to their children. The term resident formerly referred merely to the fact that Minister remained permanently in the country, and history presents instances in which ambassadors ordinary were designated by the simple title of residents. But since the practice of appointing various grades of ministers has become generally established, the name of resident has been applied to ministers of a third grade, whose character has come to be generally regarded as attended with a lesser degree of honor. The resident does not represent

the sovereign as regards the royal dignity, but merely as regards the business to be transacted. In reality, he represents the sovereign in the same way in which the envoy represents him; so that the resident is often called a minister of the second grade, as is the envoy, thus distinguishing only two grades of public ministers, namely, ambassadors, who bear the representative character preeminently, and all other ministers who were not invested in the character. This is the most necessary distinction, and the only essential. People will note that this essay is thin with case citation(s) references. I did this intentionally because those in their sovereign capacity do not require authority from men. Sovereignty begins and ends on the interior, your spirit, your will. A sovereign is responsible for everything that happens in his life. A sovereign makes agreements with other people to fulfill whatever needs or desires that the sovereign wills to experience. But as I said earlier, I suspect people are actually

seeking immunity. Sovereignty does not make you exempt from the law just because you are the author. I know, I know, in Yick Wo v. Hopkins the judges stated that the sovereign is the author of law and not subject to it. That is correct! So, be careful what laws you allow - author, authorizer. If I am the quarterback for the Atlanta Falcons, I dont need to announce to the crowd that I am the quarterback. They will know that when the center snaps the ball to me. If I am the cashier for McDonalds, I dont need to announce to you that I am the cashier because I just asked to take your order. In other words your actions determine who you are. Immunity, just as sovereignty, requires knowledge. If three armed men come up to you and demand your wallet you neednt consider your options. Unless you have skin of steel or are as fast as Flash. So, what if you know who the men are? Can you correct the matter later when the advantage is yours? So, we have corporate police officers who confiscate peoples property, if the driver or car is

not licensed with the State. Knowledge tells me if that the confiscation of my car by an officer was done so without a warrant or corpus delecti crime (a victim and crime), then the officer has just committed a violation of his authority and oath of office by committing what is defined as an In Rem action. These types of actions are authorized exclusively to congress and not the States. This is for uniformity in the commercial realm. Regardless, by law they have to return your property due to ultra vires. If the one whose actions were ultra vires (beyond authority) has caused you any type of injury then you have direct access to civil remedy against him. By civil remedy I mean to initiate a civil action against him directly. Do so in small claims court and he will be compelled to answer directly and not be able to hide behind an attorney in most cases. Knowledge tells me to update the land patent on my property and notice the county of that declaration and update, along with a copy of the

state enabling act. Then if I choose to, I will not pay any more property taxes. Knowledge tells me to understand this, if someone damages a mail box and must be brought up on federal charges, then how in Sams hill am I saying that I live in State territory, when I give my mailing address? Is the address to the house or the mailbox? Common sense will help a lot. Be as children observe and ask questions. Knowledge tells me to read the Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act of 1945 and once I read that act, it is revealed to me that the officials of the country have been acting as International Officials since that moment in time. Then it begins to make sense why America has not participated in a lawful war since World War II. By lawful I mean by the procedures set up by the prime directive of the group of people ordering, causing to have orders and participating in war activities. Not once since WWII has congress declared war. Authorizing an action is not a declaration of war. Sovereigns keep their eyes and the minds open so that they can see

whats going on and have the mental fortitude to know what to do about it. Sovereignty also requires will. If someone challenges your autonomy/sovereignty, how do you respond? Do you respond? Believe me; in order to freely direct your own life experience, you will be challenged. Be it by friends and family, employers, government, a law, etc. You will be challenged when attempting to leave the herd. You must be able to stand up for yourself with the least amount of doubt as to who you are. When you know who you are - no one else can tell you any different. When you dont know, you wander around lost, caught up in seemingly random currents. The will encompasses responsibility as well. Sovereigns must have the will to remain responsible for their own life and those, if any, that they have enabled to depend on them. While I have your attention, please allow me to reveal some pertinent things to you. Involvement in commercial activities waives sovereignty, 28

U.S.C. 1605(a)(1) (starts out like this) No immunity where there is an express or implied waiver. Check this one out; (a)(2)(b) Conduct within the lawsuit: Filing a responsive pleading without raising an immunity defense. See, e.g., Drexel Burnham Lambert v. Committee of Receivers, 12 F.3d 317 (2d Cir. 1993). NOTE: It did not state sovereign defense; it stated an immunity defense You should read the whole chapter of 1605 and then ask yourself, Should I involve myself in any actions dealing with Commercial Remedies or other commercial activities? Knowledge is more valuable than rubies and gold. Without knowledge, will, and responsibility, you will not be free. You will not be autonomous and therefore, you will not be sovereign. The intent (purpose) of your being is determined by your

behavior. If by your behavior you show that you are not responsible for yourself then you are not autonomous and therefore, not sovereign as well. Autonomous people interact by agreement. They support one another because they have what is called an ascending urge. When you know better, you must be better. This is one of the things that Americans have learned over the years. The problem is that while America was at grievance in their heart by their actions, they were duped at the fork of the road to take a left rather than the right way. You see American sovereignty was created for European males, more specifically, those that owned land. The truth is that the indenture that established the power of those in public official capacities was an understanding of men at the time; which include all of the fallacies of their understanding, or maybe more appropriately, intent. It was declared that the European male was the sovereign and that the rest depended upon the relationship with that European male. For example, if you were the wife of the male then you fell under his protection in law. If you were considered

property of the male then your rights were not recognized. Note that I did not say that they didnt exist. Just that those other men did not recognize them, more appropriately, they ignored them. So to go into a court, chamber, administrative hearing provides for the appearance of insanity. You are attempting to make claim to an American concept of sovereignty that the administrator knows was not established for you. But who cares about that. Politicians have made the mistake of addicting the nation to commerce. What I mean by this is that everything is about buying and selling insomuch as that fraud is rampant in order to fit the square into the circle. By establishing a debt based system, the people that run the government are required to continue the influx of funds by way of open and concealed taxes, fines and fees. The people running the government are now operating as commercial entities in that they are all corporations and all have tax identification numbers. The activities performed in the name of the government are

primarily focused on how to maintain a debt based system that was established by way of an impossible contract. Therefore, by knowing who I am, first and foremost, I will have won half the battle. Knowing the relationship and the other party will allow me to find my remedy in any controversy involving an act of congress. My will to my responsibility does not allow failure to be who I am, an option. Since I shall not be anything other than who I am, then most of their arguments do not pertain to me. I tell them that by way of challenging the very foundation of their issue. This is who I am. This is who you are. Here is our relationship. Now, in this issue there is no authority or jurisdiction to deal with this specific matter. This is set up Admissions, Motions, and Interrogatories. success and ignorance is the key to failure. Failure is not an option. But if you do fall; fall as Denzel Washington stated in his address to the by Discovery, Knowledge is Request for the key to graduating class of University of Penn and fall forward then get back up and keep moving.

Before I conclude this essay I must share this once people find out that I do not possess such things as a drivers license, a social security card, that I dont pay traffic fines and I use the Record of Live Birth document for my children rather than a birth certificate, that I do not register to vote and enter administrative chambers only to challenge the jurisdiction of the plaintiff and the court, I usually get the questions on how to live sovereign. Look! There is no silver bullet; no single document that you can file or notice someone on. You must deal with each situation that comes before and even use that instance to deter any corporate officers from attempting to create any new issues with you. Knowledge truly is the key. But knowledge must be supported by will and responsibility. If it is not, then find the strength to enjoin them. Knowledge also influences perception. When you actually know right, your view of this journey will change with that knowledge. There is wisdom that goes much deeper than realized from the phrase, For thou shalt worship no other god...: Most people (that is all of those that do not study the languages

that the works are translated from) possess only a partial idea of the meaning of this phrase because they do not understand that worship is synonymous with honor and reverence, and is equated to recognition of power. Worship is translated from shachah (pronounced shaw-khaw) which literally means to depress. This means to lower ones self below something or someone. The word god is translated from el pronounced ale and means strength; mighty; (any deity)which is purported to come from the word ayil with the same meaning (strength). According to Websters New Ninth Collegiate Dictionary, deity is defined as 1 a: the rank of or essential nature of god: DIVINITY b cap: GOD 1, SUPREME BEING 2: a god or goddess 3: one exalted or revered as supremely good or powerful. So, my perception of this phrase has evolved into the concept of not bowing to any other power

whatsoever. In other words, I do not ask for permission to do as what I will. I also do not violate the rights of any other man/woman. I seek the strength of no government, corporation or any other false entity and I do not answer to false entities and neither does any sovereign. But look, if there is a real party that has issue with me then I am an adult and will handle that issue without the interference from a court. The truth is that the breath of life, in fact, was the awareness of being and therefore, the realization of existence. This also enables man to realize the desires of his heart and intent of his spirit (essence of behavior) rather than just being satisfied with acquiring the necessities of, and living strictly by instinct through, life. By way of awareness we are being and thus recognize that we have an ascending urge. By being aware, we want better. By being aware, we do better. Merely sit down, be quiet and listen and the resonance of your being; and then be as you will. This is the beginning of sovereignty of your journey. Now, in America, to

live as sovereign you must have land, to live autonomous you must have the will and knowledge to do so and last, but not least, you must have the courage to be responsible for your being. Jurisdiction is the key to immunity; which is the door that leads to sovereignty. This is the essence of Liberty. But this is only my opinion; you must have your own.

Confessions of an Economic Strawman

by Heru-Amon Hotep! I am that I am! Some call me - Heru. I will attempt to clarify this issue of the Straw-man. I imagine the brainless scarecrow singing in the 1939 version of the Wizard of Oz. Perfect song! You may ask, What authority do you have to write on such a matter? The responsibility of a sentient being, with God Given Rights, is to exercise ones duties upon this land known as planet Earth, by

serving the Supreme Creator and helping to spread the awareness of the power that is stored in each being upon this planet - nothing else. Also, as you walk with me along my journey, please dont believe a word that I write. Look it up, research it and then get back at me - if you have any questions or concerns. I am always willing to sit down and discuss issues that I may have misinformed you on. Therefore, there have been language barriers around the world with communications that have not been translated in a universal form so that everyone can relate and overstand what is being said. When it comes to law, there is a language known as legalese. This language - we fail to learn and/or comprehend due to structural systems which keep the majority of the population deaf, dumb and blind to what is really going on in this delusion. We claim this ownership each and every day; ownership of an illusion and a fictitious label. I was told that a name is better than gold. We tend to

believe this to be true - to some extent. But when one starts to expose the truth about what governs us, like law and order, we start to journey into another world. At this point, I am obligated to explain how the straw-man was created and the developed; how your participation and consent maintains the straw-man; and solutions to solving the problems relating to the straw-man. How the Straw-man was Created! Straw-man straw-man or party. A front; a person who is put up in name only to take part in a deal. Nominal party to a transaction; one who acts as an agent for another for the purpose of taking title of real property and executing whatever documents and instruments the principal may direct respecting the property, person who purchases property for another to conceal identity or real purchaser. -Blacks Law Dictionary pg. 1274, 5th Edition, 1979 There is so much research on the Straw-man. What, who, and how things work - but like I stated

before I would like to clarify why the Strawman was created for the benefit of the US corporate structure and not the American People. As you read the meaning of the Strawman, you must study the terms that are embedded inside the meaning. For example, nominal party, real property, front, agent and other terms you will have to look up to see how it relates to the Straw-man. You are thinking, It doesnt make any sense how all these terms can be related to the Straw-man. However, these concerns will be answered as you read further into this article. Let me enlighten you with this concept known as commerce and how we use this tool or phrase each and every day in our lives. Lets look up the word commerce: Commerce Defined commerce-exchange of goods, productions or property of any kind; the buying, selling and exchanging of articles The term commerce means trade, traffic, commerce, transportation, or communication among the several States, or between the District of Columbia or any Territory of the United States and any State or any other Territory, or between

any foreign country and with the District of Columbia or any -Blacks Law Dictionary pg. 244, 5th Edition, 1979 Commerce the buying and selling of goods, especially one large scale, as between cities or nations; business; trade. 2. Intellectual exchange or social intercourse. 3. Sexual intercourse -New College Edition the American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language Pg. 267 Edition 1980 Our mission each day is to not conduct ourselves in commerce. Even though, this is the makeup of this society without question. Even when you study the terms and definitions of commerce there are familiar terms that you hear each day as of selling of goods, buying and sexual intercourse. These specific terms were made to govern the representatives that work for the federal government not for every man and woman. Pay attention to the geographical fictitious areas legalese function under, Territory, District of

Columbia, United States and foreign states, all of these terms are subjects of corporations, businesses and fictitious entities nothing in the definition talks about the living flesh in blood abiding by these rules. Thoughts are things. If this is true, why are you not questioning your values, morals and traditions of your name, religion, culture, schools, etc? And why do you just submit to whomever you think has authority without question? This is a monetary credit & debt based money system that will never ever be able to pay off the debt thats owed. Read Money Modern Mechanics and Two Faces of Debt. It all starts at birth (berth) of the child (vessel) in Maritime/Admiralty Law. This law has stolen your God Given Rights at birth with a birth certificate given to your mother during your birth. This document creates you as a business or fictitious entity so that the federal US Corporation can use you as a commodity for the National debt of the Federal United States Corporation. What is the Straw-man in the legalese format?

Person defined in 26 USC 7701(a)(1), 26 USC 6671(b), 26 USC 7343 US Person defined in 26 USC 7701(a)(30) Individual defined in 26 CFR 1.1441.1(c)(3) US Citizen defined in 26 USC 1401 or 26 CFR 1.1-1(c) Resident defined in 26 USC 7701(b)(1)(A) Taxpayer defined in 26 USC 7701(a)(14) and 1313 Agency Public Office Holder These are some of the connections to the Strawman that keeps your loyalty to the U.S. Corporation. Now, is this what you want to claim? To be in debt to a system that youre not responsible for. The National debt is the Federal debt, not the American Peoples debt. Before the subversion of information and disillusion and before the Civil War (1860s) - privileged white males were sovereigns as a nation until they created this known label of Straw-man that creates

all of those into a corporation or fictitious entity lowering the status of all men to slave standards today known as US Citizen or 14th Amendment Citizen. Let it be known that the Europeans came to steal, kill and destroy those true stewards of this land known, today, as America. The so-called Native Indian & the people of so-called African decent were the original sovereigns of this land. Meaning when the Europeans came here to America they saw my Indian and African brothers and took and claimed the ownership as English ownership. Three Amendments that were introduced to this constitution known as The Constitution for the United States were usurped in the 1790s, 1860s, and 1871s. The 13th 14th and 15th Amendments focused on creating the chattel for United States Corporation. 1913-1930s was a turning point as well for the socalled US Citizen due to money not being backed by gold and silver. Creation of Federal Reserve System, HJR-192, Emergency Banking Act, and

other stated issues introduced SocialSecurityAct,etc. 1940s the development and introduction of the League of Nations, now known as, United Nations, today that has really usurped all rights from America and those around the world, i.e. Economic hitman, democracy revolution and military control governments, etc.. 1960s the Civil Rights Movement and the circumvention of more rights from the American people. Key people, Martin Luther King, Malcolm X, John F. Kennedy, Bobby Kennedy, et al. along with Castro and the Cuban Revolution. As stated before, the Straw-man was created and developed for the benefit of the US Corporation to use in connection to other elements via land, property, and as collateral for the federal debt bankruptcy, which was owed to King George, on January 1, 1788. In 1790, sovereign states were abolished when they incorporated Article 1 of the

Statutes at Large which changed all the sovereign states into federal districts and gave the federal government lawful jurisdiction all over the so-called individual union states. Even though, the Enabling Acts of the union state compelled the federal government to form a Republic form of government. How the Straw-man was Developed! One must know the source of fear to conquer the fear. We must open our eyes to comprehend the Wizard of Oz just as Toto pulled the curtain to expose the men and women behind the scenes. You and I must play the role of Toto. We must be Toto in heart, soul and mind. The development of the Straw-man has been a progression over the years. Here are some of the methods that have been developed: Birth Certificate Circa. 1850s Social Security Number Circa. 1930s Driver License Circa. 1920s Marriage License Circa. 1800s

IDs plus any and all licenseswith your consent. These progressions have been a big part of the United States Citizens make-up and experience. They have created greed, commercial drive, and egotistical, consumption getting, selfish mentalities that thrive on lust and prideall in the master plan of the Rothschilds, the Illuminati, Jekyll Island and many other elite secret societies that have taken all Inalienable Rights of the American People. But we cant blame these secret societies, the fault lies on us. Its our duty to keep the politicians and servants to their duties and oaths. Therefore, they do what they are told and by what the people demand. The Constitution was made for the government, not for the sovereign People or the Electors, but to keep checks and balances of all branches of the federal government. Did the so-called Forefathers of this country highjack this country and then give it back to those who theyd high-jacked it from? Is this the real truth

about what the Constitution and Declaration of Independence agreement was really all about? So, why do we stay so committed to the United States Corporation in the status of the Strawman? We have been bamboozled, hoodwinked and duped into thinking that this country, the United States of America, is free and has liberty and justice for all. When we have over 600 thousand laws or more, we cannot be relevant with these new laws and all these statutes. So why do we not know whats going on? Its all in the program, the systems that have been governing us are strategically structured to brainwash and keep us submissive to a system that has no interest in you as a flesh & blood sentient being that is respected as a man or woman but has created you as corporation. So, they figure they can do what they please with you. Your Participation and Consent Maintains the Straw-man! In the 1930s, the all-capital letterswritten STRAWMAN (see Straw-man), newly created artificial aspect of the former American

Sovereigns, had no brain and Americans were too confused and distracted by all the commotion to figure out that they even had a Straw-man. The scarecrow identified his Straw-man personally for Dorothy. Some people without brains do an awful lot of talking. Of course, Im not bright, about doing things. -by Robert Kelly copied from July/August issue of The American Bulletin Some people in this movement believe that the capital letters in the name means that youre the Straw-man, but your mark could be written in all caps or what if you could not write and put an x on your paperwork to make your mark? Does that still state that you are the Straw-man? We tend to listen to theories and dont look any further, but stop where we shouldnt like Alice in Wonderland. The rabbit hole goes deeper and deeper. So we cant stop at certain ideologies and thoughts of others

without exploring on our own. As I sit here in front of Starbucks gazing at folks rolling by in their government registered cars, wondering why no one ever questions why they do what they do - even the thought of why I carry around a driver license or register a car which I paid for to a government agency that has no interest in me. And those responsibilities are limited to District of Columbias jurisdiction of rules and laws. The key word is responsibility. Think about how the media tells us when, where, what and how to do whatever. We are considered employees of the agency of United States Corporation. Who are you? Are you a public office? Are you an employee of the federal government known as U.S. Corporation? "Give me control of a nation's money and I care not who makes the laws." -Mayer Amschel Rothschild I would like to challenge you on why you give up your God Given Rights for privileges and benefits. Federal Reserve is not a Federal Government Agency. They are two Private Corporations. I tend

to study people and learn their habits and responses to such actions. For example, when a police officer is driving behind people, their speech changes and they are more aware of making sure that they are traveling according to the rules of the road. People are creatures of habit. We tend to not change anything until we have been through a real tragedy. That sometimes works, but it could work the opposite and you continue to do the same actions over and over. We fail to realize that when we sign job applications, register forms and check that box saying that we are US Citizens, we put ourselves in this fictitious jurisdiction that only exist in a world of the matrix. Federal government has created STATUS benefits and privileges for you so that you cannot do things on your own, but have the assistance of a middleman to control and mediate the situation or action you want to do. Many of us are willing to do anything to benefit our Straw-man, even if we have to kill someone; literately speaking. From the minute you were born, they, the people behind the government, had

your life planned for you. Statutes and laws were created to control certain people and have them obey any instructions given. As it was said STATUS was created to keep you and yours in categories and separate you from being flesh and blood living man or woman. This subject should be questioned and analyzed more and more by you. Look at the status. Please check; White, Caucasian, Black, African American, Native American, Latino American, income status and so forth. All statuses are designed to keep you in a system of control. Solutions to Solving the Problems Relating to the Straw-man! Solutions are ideas put into action. I will pose some thoughts and things that I have done to get rid of my social security number and Straw-man faade. Its not about owning anything, but it is about controlling it. Now this has some truth to it, we are souls not corporations. We must take the necessary actions to control our souls. Therefore, the body will follow to take the responsibility of our own actions and be accountable to who we really are. Its not about

owning anything, it is about controlling it. Once one discovers that his Straw-man exists, all political and legal mysteries complexities, and confusions are resolved-and once on takes title to his Straw-man, he can protect himself from any legal trouble or legal damage. -The American Bulletin The Straw-man has been broken down to a simple concept, in this presentation, which delivers an outcome of what this Straw-man front is all about. Without forms of social security numbers and IDs there would not be any Identity Theft. The idea of stealing someones identity is so crazy. Think about all the job applications and background checks that you have signed with your SSN on the form and then you do not get the job. And you wonder why identity theft is so big! This federal government has created a system to keep those in submission to the small, elite, wealthy families around the world; not just here in North America. Now, here are some of the methods I have tested and that I am still testing. I

may warn those who will attempt these methods to be very aware, cautious and prepared to stand on your square. This is not about having your paperwork together, but knowing it in your heart as well to be able to communicate your thoughts in an organized format. 1. Know yourself. Starts in the heart. Who are you? Self-empowerment. 2. Network with other like-minded people in your community or online. 3. Live the life of Autonomy by getting rid of all contracts that keep you under their rules of jurisdiction, etc. Respect all people and life. 4. Write a Declaration of Claim reclaiming your God Given Rights and explaining the laws you abide by. Give IDs and licenses back to whoever issued them to you. 5. We must organize and unite as one. Put all religion and political views aside and come together as one. Youre wondering how and why you would do

something like this. These are just some of your first steps to going forward with action. You must be able to stand up to the beast, no more fear. If we have many more people standing for their God Given Rights we will stop having these societal problems and it would not be people standing against you for doing the right things. Switch roles of teaching your children to be free thinkers, open your mind to the opposite of what is being taught. Start to challenge these institutions and corporations as a collective of people and stop trying to do it by yourself. All that stands in your way is another man or woman who has a front called a corporation or a business building in your way. In my conclusion of Confessions of an Economic Straw-man, I ask that you let this be a guideline for you to start you in the direction of questioning those who claim that they have jurisdiction and control over you. If you have not learned anything from this article, please give me your thoughts at and continue to

challenge this system known as the federal Government and yourself. Thank you.

The Awakening to Consciousness

by Prof. Saadat Yaprii Muhammad-El As the world awaits judgment, as weve been anticipating, there is many of us whove followed an inner voice. To be curious of whom and what we are is a quest for identity. A selfexamination; selfdiscovery, self-realization and to self-forgive must be the protocol. There are a few codes of ethics involving the experience of these selfhelp dynamics. First, lets define self: an individual, same, autonomy, own individual considered personality; own identity, sameness, the one. The knowledge of self has been breached because of social science being induced repetitiously as a means of Education, Philosophy, Psychology, ideology and theologically.

The power to rule comes in the form of destroying selfgovernship. The disciplines in the paragraphs above, pushes a concept of what were facing in the awakening. Now, to get people to look to themselves as a means of relief to discomfort can be difficult. It does start with our own family structure and dynamic, which might be the major foundation to self-esteem. To be confident to whom you are and where you come from can inhibit or advance personal evolution. Life lessons come from real living and navigating everyday experiences by trial and error. You must learn, comprehend, retain and apply critical thinking. Knowledge is the key. Our learning arena is also a part of your open-ness to information. Lets look at education. Where does it come from? Who decides what is taught? Whats the curriculum? How is it presented? And is it truthbased knowledge? What if we were born to manifest? To consciously create the reality that we

are at this very moment in time and space. The first thing that needs to be overstood is vibrations with the frequencies and tones of pye (3.14) and that the constant pulse of our universe is thorough. Inner G is (The inner-G-d) in us all! This InnerG has three ways of resonance: physical, mental, and spiritual. It takes most of us 33 years to mature to even acknowledge a quest for identity. Many trials and tribulations have been experienced by us. Now, in order to even look to seek real wisdom, you must have a drive to gain the knowledge of self. Lets build this concept and navigate a way to enlightenment. Physically, you must develop a means of eating to live and movement to gain and burn adrenaline, while keeping the body alkaline with an optimized hydrate base. Food has to be consumed at a minimum and it should be quality. You are what you eat! So, waste management, in digestion, has to be consistent. So, all cellular activity must move to a natural paradigm for preserving our souls. In

movement, circulation, respiration, flexibility and strength keeps a living soul on the planet vital and functioning. Now exposure, experience, and participation in an activity supporting this concept is whats missing in some of our lives. So the goal of setting up a regime to orientate this discipline to those willing to move accordingly is where we should be. Some examples to get the most out of healthy exercise routines are as follows: sports, weightlifting, jogging, cycling, swimming and martial arts. All of these with the balance of eating to live will enhance any life. To preserve life in real time, we should seek to develop an ageless body, timeless mind as suggested by Deepak Chopra. This first level of resonance starts the task of self-preservation which enhances success in all levels of Inner-G remember there are three levels of resonance. Now, in moving to next level, optimizing an alkaline based physicality we evolve effectively. Create a schedule with the development of exercise as a way of life. Put aside time for you! This is your conscious experience on earth. If you havent thought of it this way, try the

change. Its no coincidence that youre reading this powerful affirmation of G-D and the Universe is coming through as you read. Ok, get it in. Prepare for a new way of staying alive. In this present moment, make a determination to live and know thyself. Now, the next phase is mental; from the cerebral vortex we ponder our mode of thought. What is mental? How do our minds work when consciously or subconsciously gathering information? Ok, how much of this wonderful brain do we really use? Some scholars, scientists and reseachers pontificate one side is used and a differentiation is determined by gender. Male uses left side and female uses right. Youve heard that before, right? Well, traditional education and assimilated formats have dumbed many of us down to believing trends, fads, rituals and traditions are a real way of life. What a fabricated illusion. Following anyone rather than yourself, will find you being led and exploited. You have to establish self-control. A peaceful experience in life is chosen; not

necessarily granted. A way to succeed in this procedure of fusing all the Inner-Gs is stopping mind chatter. Yes, the mind will out-think itself and you, if you let it! Havent you experienced dialog with it even when you dont want it? The mind wants you to control it! The work it takes alone in sustaining sanity is exhausting. Find you a place where you can hear your inner self and voice. Have this dialog with your being, your own spirit. Listen to the thunder of silence inside you. Quiet the conversations in your head. Tell your mind what to do. Dont let it tell you what to do. As you cleanse from all the subliminal, subconscious recorded thoughts of the days, months and years it can be overwhelming. Many who finally have chosen to be still and find peace often have anxiety attacks. A personal rebellion if you will. Epiphany after epiphany. The inner world in us is waiting to surrender the whole aspect of living to the human being. Train the mind. Give it inspiration, knowledge and wisdom. Read real evidence of mans ability to

think for himself. Whats real is we are all connected to the universal mind. As you find a consistent method of settling your thoughts, with a somewhat awareness of your brains perception, interpretation and concept of how you view things, you soon will be open to other opinions. Analysis always enhances how you view differentiation. Read his-story, find works in literature and actual facts. Find self acknowledgement of yourself. Listen to lectures of people who you know are smarter and more intelligent than you. Get real with who you are by exploring you and discovering you and what impact you want to make in your world. It comes from within. By the way, thats a real actual fact. Listen to tones and frequencies. The pye constant of vibration that emits your Inner-G as resonance everyday youre living. Know thyself. When your eyes open, you will think for yourself and help others. As an adept, when you enhance the house of G-D (brain) Bethlehemhigher consciousness will result. Find that time and space to meditate and pray to

your inner world as well as the outer world. Yin and yang, heaven and earth, G-d and Universe all create transformation. Change your thoughts and mind will follow: Focus on ascended dynamics. Look to Divinity as a means of obedience to the Creator. We are heaven sent; not earthbound! After obtaining a real sense of you being a true example of the Creation, spirit moves from mind to heart. Jerusalem! Tap into this integrated construct of life and find yourself! This is a Quest for Identity; the knowledge of self. Now, phase 3 of this journey is use of all that has brought us here to the awakening. Spirituality: There are so many stories and distractions in the question of soul and spirit. The main one is that as a direct descendent of G-d, I have to suffer in my journey of experiencing consciousness on the Earth, in the physical plane. Who said so? And why do I feel as though rituals, traditions, and habits define me? Outside myself, regretfully looking in. Being in a position of laziness because fads and trends of outside stimuli tells me so. After

taking a stroll through my mind, shall I see or sense my soul acknowledging self> Do I dare call the Creator, Father? Of course, I do. After covering the two initial dynamics of Inner-G, Im empowered to. My quest for identity will raise another level of consciousness to all me to see divinity and grace all around me. Therefore, establishing peace in my immediate space and dimensional realm. I know its the third where lower frequencies and tones cause discomfort. We can shift polarity in these dynamics by thoughts. Speaking to them in space and time gives words called upon energy and power. When we come as we truly are, no other power on the earth can sustain itself in our presence. You are the creation, all is subservient to you. As a child of the Most High, look to the heavens and inside you for resolution and redemption. All answers are there. A record of all thought is beholding to us. Seek and ye shall find. Ask and thou shall receive. The real truth shall set you free! It starts with you. Nothing is holding you

back or keeping you from whatever you desire or need or want. You are in spirit on this earth as our Fathers representative. As well as all the prophets and suns/sons of G-d. See it? When you find self-worth, self-interest, self-love and know thyself, a wealth bank of freedom comes to bare. Truth will set you free. Seek it, grasp it, ponder it and discern it! So, where are we? Exploration of our own autonomy is where were going, right? Many secrets have been used as obstacles in the journey to truth and light. Most of them unreal, false and despicable. Theyre in place to allow rulership with ignorance to create false power. You are the one, as we dismantle the attachment to us called a matrix. You shall see and no longer be blind to your surroundings. Inner or outer world, freedom comes as clarity in information. I have shared all my suggestions on an introduction level to give an indication of your majesty. You on the concept of body, mind and spirit can be a

reflection of the Creator. In the future, as you challenge yourself and gain knowledge and wisdom. The divinity and G-d in you shall prevail in any breach of the quest for identity. Prayer is obligatory. Meditation is mandatory. Peace is inevitable. As a seeker of truth and facts, time is no more. Value is in learning how to navigate living. Your soul houses spirit. That Inner-G has no boundaries and it doesnt ever dissipate. The key to all Im saying is at this point what do you do for self? Often, we are looking outside our own well-being to be accepted. Once youve challenged truth and righteous peace, you gain strength in autonomous preservation. No one knows self better than self. You bring love, peace, justice, divinity and grace to principal with knowledge at this level of thought. Thought becomes things, words have energy and power. Watch what you think and say in these times. We are in the reality of consciously co-creating this time of transformation. A transition is going to happen, it cant be stopped. Preparation, practice

and devotion will assist you. Now, so I havent wasted my counsel or time. Youre on your way! Look at the solutions that help you. No one knows where you need to go in this journey except you. Remember, you are the one. Take a stroll through your mind; youll be surprised at what you find! This is dismantling the matrix.

Religion or Recourse
by Willie J. Kush Bryant, Jr. What is Religion? According to Websters Riverside Dictionary, religion is belief in a reverence for a supernatural power accepted as the creator and governor of the universe. Well, we cannot argue that this is a good description of the word, but it is not the proper definition. We all know of people who profess faith in and devotion to the Creator and proclaim that they feel the presence of God, yet continue to promote disunity.

I make this a point because if we analyze the word religion we come to find that its made up of the Latin prefix re meaning again, back plus ligare meaning to tie, bind or fasten man back to something with which we were originally one. What were we originally one with? Our ancient Nubian ancestors looked within themselves as the Deitiesas the Supreme Being. They became scientists, alchemists and mathematicians they took responsibility for themselves. The Supreme Being we look for in heaven they looked for within themselves. Yet, their (Ancient Nubians) way of life is called mythology by this western society. This is the palemans attempt to make us forget our ancestors and erase our former greatness from his storybooks. He calls it ancestor worship and puts a guilt trip on us for recognizing them while he (paleman) hangs a picture of his great grandparents on the walls as if everything is alright. This is double standard thinking and hypocrisy that we will not allow to go unnoticed any longer. What were we once united with? We were one with

ourselves, our fellowman, and the world around us. In regards to the scriptures we have been made to believe that these are divinely inspired and that they are a phenomenon limited to only a few chosen ones, overlooking the fact that the same divine source of wisdom which they tapped into, we have lying dormant within us. Revered men such as Moses, Jesus, and Muhammad taught the same principle. Moses was said to be a god to pharaoh in Exodus 7:1, Jesus said that he and the father was one in John 10:30, and the Quran states that Muhammad was Khulugin Aziym created supreme (Al Quran 68:4). One of the main topics among most religious circles revolves around the issue of mans salvation from a powerful evil one. So we come to believe that both salvation and the power of evil is separate from us (i.e., not a part of ourselves). In

essence we take no credit for anything. For when we do something good we say, God did it. And when we do something bad, we blame it on the devil. When do we begin to take responsibility for ourselves? Religion as perceived today limits us from tapping into our divine potentials because we look for the answers to our problems in something unseen instead of ourselves. Religion makes us lazy believing wholeheartedly that God will provide rather than providing for ourselves. And now that there are so many different religions it is a tool used to keep Nubians divided, never to unite. Instead of instilling moral values and developing strong minds, the very leaders of these religions are involved in deceit, over-indulgence, and scandals. Thus, religions of today are breeding confused and misguided people. Is not the source to all of our problems the failure to control the lower part of our nature (e.g. likes, dislikes, pleasures and repulsions)? Is it too hard

to exercise restraint, moderation, and discipline to improve our character? Can we not put away the myths, irresponsibility, sluggardness, and deal with the facts; look at life realistically and strive to draw from our divine potentials? Thereby, achieving a higher consciousness and a more positive mentality.

About the Author

baz moreno is a sesh and medical researcher. He is the author of Exodus from Enlightenment: Recognition of Blackness & War; Extracting the Warrior: An Anthology of Prison Letters; and The Disappearing Need for Doctors: How to Practice Holistic Health Counseling Legally. His focus lies in educating the element of the nation that is overlooked or regarded as property for the convenience and advancement of selfish elitists. The author earned professional and doctoral degrees in Alternative Medicine and Holistic

Health for the purpose of practicing ethnomedicine. After years of experience as an intelligence analyst, studies of Sufism and Islam and enduring survival in the belly of the beast, he is now speaking up. The author lives in Mexico City and is available for lectures, interviews and workshops. Request a press kit or contact The Moreno Group at .

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