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LESSON PLAN (WRITING) Date Day Time Class Number of Pupils Subject Theme/topic Subtopic Learning Outcomes simple

: : : : : : : : : 8 April 2013 Monday 8.50 a.m 9.20 a.m. (30 minutes) Year 6 25 pupils (average students) English Language World of Knowledge Save Our Ecosystem 2.8 Express thoughts and feelings and give opinions on things, read, seen, heard and viewed in language. 3.8 Read and understand simple factual texts for main ideas, supporting details, sequence and cause and effect relationship. 4.3 Construct simple and compound sentences with guidance and independently 4.6 Write simple factual description of things, events, scenes and what one saw and did. Focused Skill Integration of Skills Educational Emphases : : : Writing Reading and speaking Multiple Intelligences (bodily kinaesthetic, interpersonal and linguistic), thinking skills, learning how to learn skills, values and citizenship, preparation Moral Values Behavioural Objectives : : for the real world and ICT integration. Love and Appreciate our precious green environment. At the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:

1) Identify conjunctions and separate the conjunctions from the article to form simple sentences correctly.

2) Identify and write down the main ideas, cause and effects and solution from the article accurately. 3) Construct more than 2 simple and compound sentences to form news script independently. Sentence Patterns Grammar Focus Word lists Teaching Aids Previous Knowledge : : : : : Simple and compound sentences Conjunction ( and, but, or, because, so) Ecosystem, balance, pollutions, deforestation, illegal hunting, recycle, hybrid car Reading texts (article), video ( Earth Song), power point presentation ,task sheets, green magic bowl, Pupils have learnt this topic in their Moral education and Science lessons. Step Set induction (2 minutes) Content Teaching & Learning Activities 1. Teacher plays The Earth Song to introduce the topic. 2. Teacher asks pupils to talk about what they see in the video. 3. Teacher asks what they know about their ecosystem and also about other environment issues. Presentation Educational (5 minutes) emphases - Multiple intelligencesinterpersonal and linguistic - Thinking skills 1. Teacher introduces the topic about the Save our Ecosystem. 2. Teacher explains about the issues by using power point presentation. 3. Teacher interact with the 2 Power point presentation Values/Teaching aids

- learning how to learn skills -values and citizenship. - ICT integration Grammar focus: Conjunctions because). Wordlists: ecosystem, pollutions, illegal hunting, hybrid cars, recycle Practice Educational - Multiple intelligencesinterpersonal and linguistic - Thinking skills

pupils while presenting. 4. Teacher explains about conjunctions. 5. Teacher drills the pupils about the sample of sentences that contains conjunctions. 6. Teacher asks volunteers to compound sentences by using the correct conjunctions.

(and, so, but, or, create some samples of

1. Teacher divides pupils into 5 groups and provides them with the article entitle Our Green World 2. Pupils are asked to read the article in group and they need to circle conjunctions that they can find in the article. 3. The next task, teacher distribute new task sheet that consists of compound sentences from the article. 4. Pupils next to break the sentences from the


(10 minutes) emphases

Task sheets

conjunction to form the simple sentences. 5. Teacher asks volunteer from any group that want to present. Production Educational - Thinking skills - Multiple Intelligences: interpersonal and linguistic - preparation for the real world. 1. Teacher distributes new tasks to each group that consists four sets of different situations on the Environmental issues. 3. Each group takes one different issue. For example, the first group takes the issue of Water pollution 4. They are only allowed to present their news broadcast for 5 minutes. 5. Pupils need to write their own news script to express about the issues given. 8. Each group presents their news broadcast. Closure (3 minutes) Reflection session 1. Teacher highlights their moral value in preparing the classroom project. 2. Teacher summarizes the important point of the environmental issues. 3. Pupils sing the song as a closure. 4 Cooperation task sheets

(10 minutes) emphases

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