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Efosa Aigbe

February 23, 2006

Part I - Content

Basics Basic Building Blocks of an RF System RF Parameters and RF Measurement Equipment Support / getting started

Basic Building Blocks of an RF System

dBm to Watt
About dBm and W
Voltage Ratio aV = 20 log (P2/P1) [aV] = dB
Power Ratio aP = 10 log (P2/P1) [aP] = dB Voltage Level V = 20 log (V/1V) [V] = dBV Power Level P = 10 log (P/1mW) [P] = dBm e.g. 25mW max. allowed radiated power in the EU SRD band >> P = 10 log (25mW/1mW) = 10 * 1,39794 dBm >> 14 dBm

See For Nigerias Spectrum allocation.

RF Communication Systems Simplex RF System * A radio technology that allows only one-way communication from a transmitter to a receiver * Examples: FM radio, Pagers, TV, One-way AMR systems

Half-duplex RF Systems Operation mode of a radio communication system in which each end can transmit and receive, but not simultaneously. Note: The communication is bidirectional over the same frequency, but unidirectional for the duration of a message. The devices need to be transceivers. Applies to most TDD and TDMA systems. Examples: Walkie-talkie, wireless keyboard mouse

Full-duplex RF Systems
Radio systems in which each end can transmit and receive simultaneously Typically two frequencies are used to set up the communication channel. Each frequency is used solely for either transmitting or receiving. Applies to Frequency Division Duplex (FDD) systems. Example: Cellular phones, satellite communication

Wireless Communication Systems

Modulation and Demodulation

Modulation Methods
Starting point: we have a low frequency signal and want to send it at a high frequency Modulation: The process of superimposing a low frequency signal onto a high frequency signal Three modulation schemes available: 1. Amplitude Modulation (AM): the amplitude of the carrier varies in accordance to the information signal 2. Frequency Modulation (FM): the frequency of the carrier varies in accordance to the information signal 3. Phase Modulation (PM): the phase of the carrier varies in accordance to the information signal.
Digital Modulation Modulation of digital signals is known as Shift Keying Amplitude Shift Keying (ASK): Pros: simple Cons: susceptible to noise Example: Many legacy wireless systems, e.g. AMR

Digital Modulation
Frequency Shift Keying (FSK): Pros: less susceptible to noise Cons: theoretically requires larger bandwidth/bit than ASK Popular in modern systems Gaussian FSK (GFSK), e.g. used in Bluetooth, has better spectral density than 2-FSK modulation, i.e. more bandwidth efficient Phase Shift Keying (PSK): Pros: Less susceptible to noise Bandwidth efficient Cons: Require synchronization in frequency and phase: complicates receivers and transmitter Example: IEEE 802.15.4 / ZigBee

Basic Building Blocks of an RF System

Extending the Range of an RF System

RF Parameters and RF Measurement Equipment

Part 2

RF Planning and Optimization

Radio Network Optimization

Radio network optimization indicates the activities that you collect and analyze the data of the running network or the network to be put in to operation, and to check the causes for affecting the network operation quality. Radio network optimization pursues Cost-effective use of network resources Improves the quality of service (QoS) to an utmost extent Accumulates the basis and experience for the future network expansion.

Points to Note in RNO

Start Conditions of Network Optimization Input and Output of Network Optimization Process of Network Optimization Process of Radio Network Optimization

Start Conditions of Network Optimization

Radio network optimization can be started in the following conditions:
After the network is put into operation or after the network is expanded. - monitor the overall performance of the network -Supplement and modify the aspects necessary to improve network. When the radio network quality is deteriorated.

Input and Output of Network Optimization

Before starting radio network optimization, make the following documents ready: Radio network planning report Engineering parameter table Cell parameter table Other information about the existing network (traffic statistics, alarms, subscriberbcomplaints, and historical optimization records)

Input and Output of Network Optimization

After radio network optimization, write out the following documents. Radio network acceptance report Radio network optimization report Engineering parameter table and engineering parameter optimization record Cell parameter table and cell parameter optimization record

Process of Network Optimization

The overall network optimization process consists
Preparations for network optimization Single site verification RF optimization Service optimization Network acceptance

Process of Network Optimization

Process of Network Optimization

Process of Radio Network Optimization

Network optimization is performed based on A clear objective In the guideline of specific process to collect and analyze current network data And to give corresponding optimization solutions.

Process of Radio Network Optimization

Process of Radio Network Optimization

The following data is collected as the basis for radio network optimization
System parameters Traffic statistics data Network simulation result Alarms on the maintenance console Subscriber complaint records Signaling data DT data

What do we do?
Modify the parameters and use other physical methods, to ensure that the network performance and resources are optimized and we provide appropriate suggestions for future network maintenance and planning.

What is our Focus?

We focus on these Key Performance Index (KPIs) Accessibility Retainability Mobility Traffic

Texas Instruments

Thank You !

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