Droid Flashing

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7) Open up CDMA Workshop 2.

7 8) Under COM Settings (AT Mode) select the COM port you setup from the tutorial and then click the connect button. If it successfully connected it will say Connected to COM15 port successfully. on the bottom (may not say COM15, thats just the port I used.) 9) Go to the Security tab and under SPC there will be an empty box. Enter 000000 then click the SPC button and Send. It will then popup saying SPC is correct. Phone unlocked. 10) Now go to the Other tab. Under PRL click Write and browse to where you put that PRL from earlier. 11) Go to the NAM tab and in the MIN and MDN(Dir_Number) boxes enter in the info you got from cricKet customer service and click write. 12) Now go to the Memory tab. Under NV Items click Write. Browse and select the NV Item file you generated earlier. Once its done it will say 12 NV Items were successfully written to the phone. 13) Go to the Main tab. Click Mode>Reset 14) Your phone should have reset. Once it boots backup make sure to get your COM port back up and running. 15) You may now close CDMA Workshop 2.7 and open QPST 16) Open QPST Service Programming 17) You should see your phone listed in the list. Select it, click Start Clients>Service Programming. When it opens select your phone and click OK in the Service Programming screen. 18) On the bottom left click a button labeled Read from Phone, a box will popup, there should be 000000 already typed in, click OK. this may take a few minutes. There will be a blue progress bar on the top. Go smoke a cigg. 19) Go to the M.IP tab. Click on the entry in the User Profile box and click Edit. Make sure that NAI and Tethered NAI both read xxxxxxxxxx@mycricket.com (replace the x's with your 10 digit phone number). If they don't, type it in. Also make sure Home Address, Primary HA Address and Secondary HA Address read if they don't, change them. Click OK 20) While still on the M.IP tab make sure Mobile IP Behavior is set to Mob + Simp f/back. And make sure Active User says 0. 21) Go to the PPP Config tab. Click UM button. In the PPP Authentication section make sure Tethered NAI and User ID reads xxxxxxxxxx@mycricket.com (replace the x's with your 10 digit phone number) and Req PW enc is checked and type cricket in for the password. 22) While still in the PPP Config tab click the AN button. In the PPP Authentication section make sure User ID reads xxxxxxxxxx@mycricket.com (replace the x's with your 10 digit phone number) and Req PW enc is checked and type cricket in for the password. Tethered NAI should be blank. 23) Now on the bottom click Write to Phone. May take a few minutes and your phone may restart. 24) Open up Any Cut and click New shortcut. Select Activity>APNs click it and click OK on the popup. This will create an APNs shortcut on your home screen. 25) MMS

Update: 10/13/11 Try the Universal MMS APK located at: http://www.cricketusers.com/flashing...-wireless.html

Alternative methods:
Open the APNs shortcut from your homescreen and edit the verizon entry to match the following: Name: Cricket APN: internet Proxy: wap.mycricket.com (not needed if on the 55 Android plan) Port: 8080 (not needed if on the 55 Android plan)

Username: xxxxxxxxxx@mycricket.com (replace x's with your 10 digit phone number) Password: cricket Server: wap.mycricket.com MMSC: http://mms.mycricket.com/servlets/mms

MMS Proxy: wap.mycricket.com (if MMS doesn't work try removing this line) MMS Port: 8080 MCC: 310 MNC: 004 Authentication Type: PAP or CHAP APN type: default,mms Read more: http://www.cricketusers.com/verizon-motorola-droid-x/5373-%5Btutorial%5D-flashmotorola-droid-x-cricket-2-2-froyo-talk-text-mms-internet.html#ixzz2bMpu9fPH

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